3. In What Ways Does The Textbook Say That Jesus Is Similar To Moses And David

CWV Study Guide 4 Flashcards

Describe the route Jesus’ life went in Philippians 2:5-8. Jesus recognized that he was a human being like everyone else, and thus humbled himself. What other well-known chapter in the Bible does this remind you of? John 1:1-3 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,” according to Genesis 1. What aspects of Jesus’ character do the authors of the textbook compare him to Moses and David? Moses, like Jesus, was a great leader, and David, like Jesus, was a king who empowered Israel so that they could build the Temple in order to worship and honor God.

Everyone is aware of the phrase.

Another group of people hears the message and grows on excellent soil, accepts it, and produces more.

It is possible to bake food out of stones, to leap from a cliff and have angels catch him, to worship Satan and receive all the kingdoms of riches in the world, and many other things.

  • As God’s power and wisdom, and as the Word was with God and the Word was God, so was the Word with us.
  • One God exists in three people: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit; three persons who are the same essence as one God; and Jesus, a man who was entirely God.
  • Describe the kingdom of God in your own words.
  • God established a kingdom for his people so that they may live in harmony, justice, and truth with one another.
  • Read John 10:1-18 and write a description of how Jesus looks for His flock.
  • During his travels, a man was beaten and robbed, and then left to die.
  • What is the atonement, and where in the Old Testament is it mentioned in prophecy seven times, and how does it work?
  • It is found in the book of Exodus in the Old Testament.
  • This refers to the event in which the outward Son of God became joined with the human Jesus Christ.
  • God manifested himself in the person of Jesus Christ in order to demonstrate God’s image to us, to provide Christians with a model to follow, and to atone for our sins.

This belief asserts that God is incapable of folly or weakness, and that even at his lowest, he is still far more powerful than men

The Three Temptations Of Moses And Jesus – 814 Words

1.Read Philippians 2:5-8 and provide a concise summary of the course that Jesus’ life took. It was in the spirit of humility that Jesus lived out his life, to the point that he took on the appearance of a human person, despite the fact that he was in the form of God (Philippians 2:5-8, Common English Bible). 2.Read John 1:1-3 in its entirety. What other well-known passage in the Bible does this remind you of, and why? It is quite similar to Genesis 1 in that both are tellings of the tale of creation, and both have the objective of affirming Christ’s authority as the creator of the universe (Merrick, 2015).

  1. The Hebrew Bible describes Jesus in the same way that Moses and David were described: as a great leader and deliverer, qualities that were also important traits of both Moses and David (Merrick, 2015).
  2. In this story, a sower plants a seed that falls on a route, which is rough, and amid the thorns, all of which are places where there has been minimal development.
  3. 5.Make a brief summary of the three temptations that Jesus faced in Matthew 4.
  4. 6.How does Jesus appear to be depicted in 1 Corinthians 1:24 and John 1:35-36?

7 Places We Find Jesus in the Old Testament

The Bible, from beginning to end, depicts the magnificence of Jesus Christ. However, for many Bible readers, it is not so straightforward. While we recognize that Jesus is the culmination of the Jewish story and desire a greater understanding of the relationship between the two Testaments, we are frequently perplexed as to how the Bible’s various stories, people, and events connect to one another—particularly in relation to Jesus. It is tempting for some people to try to fit the Bible’s various pieces together, making superficial jumps from the Hebrew Scriptures to the account of Jesus.

If that’s the case, where does Jesus appear in the Old Testament?

Answering these questions and showing how every part of Scripture fits together to reveal the glory of Christ Jesus—from Genesis to Malachi, Matthew to Revelation—Christ from Beginning to End will assist Christians in better understanding how to read the Bible as a story and seeing how every part of Scripture fits together to reveal the glory of Christ Jesus “The pieces of the Bible.do fit together,” write writers Trent Hunter and Stephen Wellum, comparing the Bible to a jigsaw.

They also expect that “you will get a clear comprehension of the Bible’s unity and fundamental message” (28, 29), which includes the various ways in which Jesus may be found throughout the Old Testament. Here are seven different approaches.

1) Jesus is the Last Adam

Throughout the entire account of Scripture, the complete grandeur of Christ is revealed—even from the beginning with Adam. Hunter and Wellum remind us that Adam was “not merely the first man in God’s tale,” but also the first man in the world. He is the representative of mankind as well as the creator’s supreme being” (80). God also assigned him tasks and functions that would eventually be represented in Israel:

  • “God spoke directly to Adam, and Adam (in his apropheticrole) was responsible for mediating God’s message by believing in, keeping, and teaching it to his wife and offspring,” according to the Bible. “Adam (in apriestlyrole) was responsible for mediating God’s presence to the world by universally expanding Eden’s borders, filling it with image-bearers, and ruling over creation” (81)
  • “Adam (in akinglyrole) was given dominion over the world as a servant king, who was to act as God’s image, his representative, and son” (81)
  • “Adam (in akinglyrole) was given domin

Even though he did not have any formal titles or positions of authority, Adam performed the functions of a prophet, priest, and monarch. As the Bible’s tale proceeds, these titles are used to designate other persons who carry on the responsibilities that were originally assigned to them—tasks that all pointed to a larger office holder: the Lord Jesus Christ. According to Hunter and Wellum, these positions represent the deeper function that God intended for people from the beginning. That function was created in Adam, but it is only Jesus, the final Adam and God the Son, who properly fulfills it in the fullest sense.


2) Jesus is testified to by ‘the Law and the Prophets’

As far as the Old Testament is concerned, Paul is unambiguous regarding Christ’s whereabouts: “But now apart from the law, the righteousness of God has been made known, to which both the Law and the Prophets bear witness” (Romans 3:21). “‘The Law and the Prophets’ is a slang term for the Old Testament,” Hunter and Wellum explain, “which Paul claims prophesies or bears witness to the redemption that would be brought about by Christ later in time” (100). As a result, Jesus is prominently featured throughout the whole Torah, as well as the Major and Minor prophetic writings of the Old Testament.

As we witness God’s wonderful plan of redemption in Christ and how he faithfully fulfills all of his promises, we grow to trust, love, and follow him more and more each day.

See also:  How Many Prophecies Are In The Old Testament About Jesus?

It prepares us to recognize and accept Jesus as the one and only answer to our dilemma and the one and only Savior from sin.

Through the course of their book, Hunter and Wellum painstakingly demonstrate how God’s promises made in Genesis 3:15 are fulfilled in Messiah Jesus, as well as how the Old Testament’s people, events, and stories all point to Jesus as the promised Messiah.

3) Noah: a Foretaste of judgment and salvation through Christ

If Jesus is the final Adam, Noah was intended to be the first Adam. Two themes emerge from his story: judgment and salvation—both of which serve as foreshadowings of Jesus’ appearance in the Old Testament. We are confronted with the stark reality of what mankind deserves for its sin and rejection of God as we reflect on Noah’s deluge. For better or worse, the flood offers a foretaste of what is to come in terms of judgment, a preview of what mankind will face” (108–109). Throughout their book, Hunter and Wellumexplain how Jesus parallels his return and the coming judgment to Noah’s deluge as described in the Old Testament.

However, the final judgment will be considerably worse: “There is no respite in the last judgment, and in this manner Noah’s flood becomes a reminder to us of a bigger judgment to come, which we should take carefully” (109).

This is addressed in Isaiah 54:9–10.

Hunter and Wellum emphasize that, just as Noah was able to safely pass through the floods of God’s judgment, men and women will be able to pass through the bigger rain of God’s anger as well.

What do you mean?. The judgment of God will be avoided by us because Jesus will bear the burden of that judgment. (110)

4) Isaac: Jesus is the “seed” of Abraham and true substitute

In Genesis 12:3, God promised Abraham that “all peoples on earth will be blessed through you,” and then God reaffirmed the promise: “Through your children, all nations on earth will be blessed” (Genesis 22:18). Through the tale of Abraham’s son, Isaac, Hunter and Wellum make a significant point about the fulfillment of this promise: In fact, God’s salvation will be brought to the entire world through Isaac, the promised seed. God, on the other hand, is demonstrating that Isaac is insufficient.

  1. God’s promise will be fulfilled via Isaac, yet Isaac will not be able to save the world.
  2. The significance of the ram that God supplies is as follows.
  3. (117–118) Of course, Christ is ultimately the means through which that substitution is provided.
  4. God presented Isaac with a replacement to die in his place, and Isaac was grateful.
  5. “There is someone else who can take his position.” However, while the Father and Son are walking to Calvary, there is no voice telling them to stop.

5) Jesus is greater than the Law-covenant

The gospel of Christ and the covenant he established are far superior! Hunter and Wellum make their declarations. “This is precisely what the Law-covenant was given to us in order to help us understand.” Furthermore, “well constructed constraints” were incorporated into the Law-Covenant from the beginning “that pointed in the direction of something better In other words, according to Hebrews 9:8, “the Holy Spirit was demonstrating through this that the entrance into the Most Holy Place had not yet been revealed so long as the first tabernacle was still in use.” When God deals with Israel via Moses and the Law-covenant, various divine patterns emerge that show previous limits and direct us to Christ in a beautiful way.

Christ from Beginning to End is a comprehensive study of the life of Jesus Christ from the beginning to the end.

  • A Greater Exodus is taking place. It was more than a one-time incident when Israel was driven out of Egypt. It “became the model for all of God’s redemptive actions to come” (143), culminating in the ultimate emancipation and redemption from sins for those who accept it. It has been said that “in Christ, an even greater exodus from slavery has occurred” (144)
  • A Greater Rest. “Come to me, all you who are tired and burdened,” Jesus replied, “and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). As a result of the Law-Covenant “”God designed foretastes of ultimate rest into the lives of the people of Israel” (144). However, because it was unable to cope with sin, the people were unable to enjoy genuine rest
  • Jesus, on the other hand, provides the rest that the Law-Covenant expected. There is a greater Prophet. “Moses was a wonderful prophet, but Jesus is a far better prophet than Moses” (146). In Deuteronomy 18:15, Moses himself directed his attention to him: “I believe that the Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from among your fellow Israelites, just as he did for me. “You must pay attention to what he has to say.” When Jesus came, the people were still hoping for this prophet, who would bring them a greater Tabernacle. When Israel returned from the Exodus, the Lord directed them to build a tabernacle for him to live among them. This tabernacle would be “a copy and shadow of what is in heaven” (Heb. 8:5). As the tabernacle reflected God’s greater presence in heaven, so the priesthood and sacrifices of the tabernacle indicated God’s greater salvation to come (149). While “tabernacling among us in his life” and while “tabernacling among us as he hung on the cross,” Jesus was this greater redemption and tabernacle, according to the author (149).

6) Jesus is a greater future King David

All of God’s promises, from Noah to Abraham to Moses, come together in the person of King David. Nonetheless, like with all other chapters of the Old Testament, the Davidic tales look forward to a greater future monarch, who is yet to be revealed. When it comes to Jesus, Psalm 72 shows how he is found in this section of the Old Testament, which “allows us to look ahead to an even greater David, who will reign as king in the future” (163–164).

According to Hunter and Wellum, there are four dimensions to this coming king, Jesus Christ, who is revealed in Psalm 72: He is:

  1. Psalm 72:1–4: Royalty in the Land of Righteousness “This is the monarch our planet has been waiting for. Because of sin, even our finest leaders may be harmful if we give them too much authority. Our world begs for justice. God’s righteous monarch will reign over a really virtuous realm.” (164)
  2. Psalm 72:5–7, “As Long as the Sun Rises” (as long as the sun rises). “Despite the disobedience of David’s sons, God’s promise of an eternal monarch via David is still on track to be fulfilled.” “The Lord will take care of it.” The Psalm 72:8–11 passage A King for Everyone and Everywhere is a good example of this. A image of complete and utter rule over the entire earth. The authority of this monarch will bring about the global law that God originally intended for humanity.” (167). Moreover, “Scripture instructs us to look forward to the arrival of the Davidic son/king who will fully establish God’s authority across the entire globe,” in light of these Davidic promises. (167)
  3. Psalm 72:12–19, “A Heart of Compassion” (A Heart of Compassion). “The rule of David’s future son would not follow the patterns of the world’s rulers,” says the prophet. He would never take anything away from his people. “If only he would give!” He will suffer on his route to exaltation, as King David did, but it will not be without a price. ‘He will bring about enormous reversals for others with the impetus of his own big reversal.’ (168)
See also:  What Was Jesus' First Miracle?

7) A vivid portrait of our suffering servant

“Salvation comes from the Lord,” as the prophet Jonah tells us (Jonah 2:9). The tale of salvation continues to develop as the Lord takes the initiative to save people all the way through God’s narrative. It is the prophets that continue to spread this word and carry it forward” (180). What method do they use to show that salvation will be achieved? ‘The Lord’s salvation is made possible through a sinless sufferer,’ according to Hunter and Wellum (183), a concept that is tied to the traditional concept of substitute — “one who was cast in terms of the previous patterns, but who has now, in himself, completely and permanently solved the problem of sin” (183).

The prophet Isaiah talks specifically of this future servant, describing him as “one who is from Israel, but who is also apart from Israel.” He is Israel’s king, and he is Israel’s son, and as such, he is the servant who symbolizes Israel” (185).

How this will be accomplished is revealed by the prophet Isaiah: “The Lord will execute a substitutionary sacrifice for sin.” He intends to do this via the pain of his devoted servant.

Hunter and Wellum argue that the Messiah-Servant, Jesus Christ, will accomplish two things by his substitutionary death: “First, he will take what is ours—our sins; and second, he will take what is his—his righteousness.” Then there’s the fact that he’ll give us what is rightfully ours: his righteousness.

A striking portrayal of Messiah Jesus, our Suffering Servant, is painted by the prophet Isaiah.

Despite the fact that this essay just touches the surface of the book, which is 270 pages long and investigates where Jesus appears in both the Old and New Testaments, This book will assist you in identifying the overarching plot that runs across the whole Bible.

Learn more about the complete story of Scripture and how it displays the full majesty of Christ by reading it for yourself.

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What Did Jesus Really Look Like? New Study Redraws Holy Image

Following new study by Joan Taylor, it has been suggested that Jesus was of normal height, with short black hair and brown eyes, as well as olive-brown complexion. (Image credit: Painting by Cathy Fisher, depicting Jesus with shorter garments and hair in conformity with the latest results.) Quickly searching for “Jesus” on Google will provide a range of photos depicting a tall, white person with long, blondish hair and a beard, with a beard. But what didJesus look like in his natural state? According to a recent book by a professor, Jesus most likely did not look anything like the image we have today.

in Bethlehem and spent a brief period of time in Egypt as a kid before settling in Nazareth with his family.

(T T Clark et al., 2018) “It’s very interesting how little is made of it, and what he looked like,” Taylor said in an interview with Live Science.

Additionally, Taylor writes in her book that the oldest creative portrayals of Jesus date back at least two centuries after he died, and that they give little trustworthy information about what Jesus may have looked like.

She also looked at beautiful images on coins as well as Egyptian mummy paintings for more inspiration.

Average, short-haired guy

According to Taylor’s study, rather than towering over his contemporaries in Judea, Jesus was around 5 foot 5 inches (1.7 meters) tall, which corresponds to the typical height observed in skeletal remains of males from the region at the time of his death. As evidenced by the presence of archaeological remains, historical writings, and portrayals of individuals in Egyptian mummy pictures, Taylor asserts that people in Judea and Egypt tended to be of dark complexion with brown eyes, black hair, and olive-brown skin, among other characteristics.

  • Taylor discovered that because Jews in Judea and Egypt preferred to marry among themselves at the period, Jesus’ complexion, eyes, and hair were most likely similar to the skin, eyes, and hair of the majority of the people in Judea and Egypt.
  • According to Taylor, historical records also revealed that individuals in Judea tended to maintain their hair (and beards) moderately short and well-combed, most likely in order to keep lice out, which was a major problem at the period.
  • In order to cut his hair and beard, he might have used a knife, according to Taylor, who pointed out that individuals in the ancient past were generally more competent with knives than people are today.
  • This busy lifestyle, combined with a lack of regular eating, resulted in his being likely lean but slightly muscular, according to Taylor.
  • In any case, he shouldn’t be portrayed as someone who was content with his lot in life; unfortunately, that’s the type of picture we sometimes receive.” Taylor stated that other elements of Jesus’ face, such as his lips and cheeks, are a mystery at this time.
  • She expressed skepticism about representations of Jesus in which he is shown to be particularly attractive.

Jesus’ tunic

A few suggestions regarding Jesus’ attire may be found in the gospels, as well as in archaeological remnants that have been discovered. He was most likely dressed in a woolen, undyed tunic that exposed his lower legs; a loincloth; and a “mantle,” or outer cloak, to keep warm. His shoes would have looked like modern-day sandals, and because clothing was so expensive at the time, it is probable that Jesus performed a lot of repairing. Furthermore, unless someone gave him with new clothing, the clothes he was wearing would get increasingly damaged with time.

Taylor’s book received generally excellent reviews from biblical experts who have studied it, including Helen Bond, a professor of theology at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, and Jim West, an adjunct professor of biblical studies at Ming Hua Theological College in Hong Kong.

Aside from that, she expressed excitement at the prospect of seeing additional artists attempt to rebuild depictions of Jesus in light of her results.

The original version of this article appeared on Live Science.

A bachelor of arts degree from the University of Toronto and a journalism degree from Ryerson University are among Owen’s qualifications. He loves learning about fresh research and is always on the lookout for an interesting historical story.

The Jesus Movement

How Jesus’ followers reacted in the days following his death was a sobering experience. Professor of Classics and Director of the Religious Studies Program at the University of Texas in Austin, L. Michael White is a scholar who specializes in religious studies. THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD The death of Jesus must have been a terrible blow to the movement that had sprung up around him. More to the point, nothing happened, rather than that a Messiah could not die. Unlike what they might have imagined, the kingdom did not arrive immediately.

  • They appear to have dispersed, but it does not appear that they took long to come to the conclusion that something had happened to warrant their attention.
  • It is yet unclear what transpired during the resurrection.
  • He was the crucified and rising Lord of the universe.
  • Whether or not he considered himself to be a prophet or a messenger of God, his perspective alters when he himself is raised from the dead by God.
  • As though he were the Messiah himself.
  • It’s likely that it’s during these early days following Jesus’ death that the movement begins to rebuild itself around his memory.
  • Although it appears to have spread swiftly among his followers, the oldest version of the movement is still considered to be a sect within Judaism in its current form.
See also:  What Happened After Jesus Died?

They are adherents of a Jewish apocalyptic tradition, which they follow.

It is a Jewish movement, to be sure.

At least one of these appears to be based in Jerusalem, but it’s possible that there are more scattered around the surrounding region.

It is therefore necessary to view the initial years of this movement as little pockets of sectarian activity that were all focused on the identify of Jesus as Messiah.

It’s difficult to say in all circumstances.

At Jerusalem, it appears that James, Jesus’ brother, was the group’s leader for the next generation, according to the evidence available to us.

There’s a woman by the name of Mary who comes to mind.

CHARISMATICS ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS One of the first evidence of the Jesus movement is what we like to refer to as “wandering charismatics,” or itinerant preachers and prophets, who continue to proclaim that the kingdom of heaven is at hand, presumably carrying on the tradition of Jesus’ own teaching.

So, they are meant to perform miracles and treat the ill for free, but it appears like they were begging for food instead of doing so.

Even in Paul’s day, we learn that he comes across individuals who are traveling from Judea and bringing a different sort of gospel message, and it appears that these are the same kind of roaming charismatics that we hear about in the early phases of the movement following Jesus’ death and resurrection.

  1. What is the behavior of sects?
  2. A sect always emerges within a society with whom it shares a fundamental set of ideas, but it must find a method to distinguish itself from the rest of the group in order to survive.
  3. That tension manifests itself in a multitude of ways, including disagreements over doctrine and practice, as well as differing conceptions of purity and piety.
  4. Wayne A.
  5. THE INTRODUCTION TO THE JESUS MOVEMENT Where did the first followers of Jesus, the cults, if you will, share characteristics with other cults in the pagan world and where did they diverge in a very significant way?
  6. One of a number of sects that we are aware of that originated around the same time period.
  7. However, it is precisely this that remains a mystery and continues to pique the interest of historians.

They didn’t leave a mark on history, so what made this one different?

EXPLAINING THE TERMINOLOGY “KING OF THE JEWS” Were the followers of Jesus making an extraordinary claim about him, or were they just making it up?

In a sense, the story of Jesus’ followers begins with something Pilate said about Jesus, which was ironic given the circumstances.

What is the most likely interpretation of this?

And he wants to send a sarcastic message.

It’s a shaming, and that wants to put a certain spin on what’s happening to the public who see it.

have to deal with that fundamental question, – what does this mean that the one that we had all of these expectations about has been crucified?

And, the amazing thing is, they said, “Hey, Pilate’s right – he was the King of the Jews, and moreover, God has vindicated this claim, that he is the King of the Jews, by raising him from the dead.” Now, this is where the Jesus movement properly understood, which is to become Christianity, begins, with trying to explain that hard fact.

  1. That’s the very beginning of it all.
  2. It obviously does not mean, “King of the Jews,” in the way that a generation later, Bar Kochba would try to be King of Israel and restore the political kingdom of Israel, liberated from the Romans.
  3. And so the early Christians, as proper Jews, they begin to search the scriptures,what clues are hidden here which no one has noticed before.
  4. So, this is where it all begins, with this kind of interpretive process, which of course goes in many different directions.
  5. Morison Professor of New Testament Studies and Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History Harvard Divinity School EARLY CHRISTIANS USE HEBREW SCRIPTURES What is the Gospel of Peter and what is significant about it?
  6. Outside of the New Testament canon, we have only one more extensive narrative of Jesus’ suffering and death, and that has appeared in the Gospel of Peter.
  7. Eusebiusof Caesarea, the earliest church historian at the beginning of the 4th century, tells about the fact that there was a Gospel of Peter which was used by some communities in Syria.
  8. But it is told in such a way that one can assume that it was not dependent upon the canonical gospels that we have.

What is interesting in this Gospel of Peter is that it shows in some instances more clearly the direct dependence of the passion narrative upon the prophecy and psalms and suffering servant stories of the Hebrew Bible, and therefore gives us an insight in the development of the passion narrative.

We know that in the Jewish synagogue scriptural text would be read and would be interpreted.

So it’s not like someone who attempts to go back today and says, “let’s find the proper text or scripture that would match.” But it’s rather that out of the deep involvement in a religious tradition that was anchored in the worship life of Jewish communities, these stories about Jesus arise that now use the same words, the same language, the same images, in order to describe Jesus’ suffering., the question of the suffering servant is very closely connected with Isaiah 53.

In addition, Isaiah 53 is often the chapter from the Old Testament that is read on Good Friday as a prefiguration of Jesus’ death in most Christian churches, according to a recent survey.

Do you believe that it is the prophet who portrays himself as the suffering servant?

A distinct element of Moses’ tale is told, not as the leader who leads the people out of Egypt, but as the one who dies ultimately and who is not able to visit the Holy Land, and as the Moses who, according to the book of Deuteronomy, was not even buried in the land of Israel.

How can it be comprehended that the upright in this world have to endure such hardship?

It was the tale of the suffering servant of Isaiah 53 that provided the solution to this question. And it is to this account, it appears, that the Christians turned very early in their development in order to gain an understanding of what Jesus’ suffering and death meant and symbolized.

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