Which Disciple Did Jesus Give His Mother To

Why did Jesus entrust Mary to the apostle John instead of to His brothers?

Answer When Jesus was hanging on the cross, both the apostle John and Mary, Jesus’ mother, were nearby to see. John 19:26–27 tells us that when Jesus saw his mother there, as well as his beloved disciple who was standing close, he addressed her as “Woman, here is your son,” and addressed the disciple as “Here is your mother.” It was from that point on that this disciple welcomed her into his house.” Following a straightforward reading of the scripture, it is evident that Jesus instructed John to care for Mary after His death.

Mary was unquestionably a widow at this stage in her life, as well as a middle-aged or older lady.


Jesus’ brothers were also not present at His crucifixion, which further proves that they were absent.

  1. In His role as the oldest son in His family, Jesus had a cultural obligation to care for His mother, and He delegated that responsibility to one of His close companions.
  2. Mary was most likely one of the ladies in the upper chamber, and she was present when the church was organized in Jerusalem (Acts 1:12–14), which indicates that she was a member of the group.
  3. However, it is not until much later in John’s life that his writings and church history show that he departed Jerusalem and began ministering elsewhere.
  4. As of this period (possibly one or two years after the resurrection), John was still in town, and he remained there for another three years following Paul’s conversion to Christianity (Galatians 2:9).
  5. In reality, Catholic theology can only look to early church leaders as evidence that Jesus intended to establish Mary’s “motherhood” to all believers in Christ, or that Mary was a cooperative partner in redemption, rather than to Jesus himself.
  6. There is no statement in the Bible that “from that time on, Mary was recognized as the mother of all believers.” The tenderness with which Jesus cared for His mother, as well as the tenderness with which John cared for her, is expressed in John 19:26–27.
  7. This type of caring for widows would subsequently be referred to as “pure religion” by James, Jesus’ half-brother.

Questions about John (return to top of page) What was the reason for Jesus entrusting Mary to the apostle John rather than to His brothers?

Why Jesus Entrusted Mary to Disciple John Instead of to His Brothers

Rev. Margaret Minnicks is a Bible teacher who has been ordained. She publishes a lot of articles that are Bible lessons in disguise. Image courtesy of Commons.wikimedia.org: Jesus on the crucifixion, conversing to Mary, His mother, and John, His devoted disciple Unless people are familiar with the historical context of Jesus’ life and mission, they will find it unusual that, when He was dying on the cross, Jesus committed His mother to His disciple John rather than to His own family. As well as His pupil, He entrusted Him to His mother.

As recorded in John 19:26–27, “When Jesus saw his mother there, as well as the disciple whom he adored standing close, he said to her, ‘Woman, here is your son,’ and to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother,'” It was from that point on that this disciple welcomed her into his house.”

Jesus’ Family

Both Jesus’ devoted disciple John and His mother Mary were crucified with Him. On the day of Jesus’ crucifixion, no other members of his family were present at the cross. Joseph, Jesus’ biological father, had already passed away by the time Jesus died at the age of 33, according to the Bible. As a result, Mary was a widow who was also fairly old. As a result, she required the services of a dependable caregiver. Even when Jesus was still alive and preaching the gospel, His own relatives turned their backs on him.

Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, his family eventually came to see Him as the savior of the universe.

Mary’s Other Children

James, Joseph (Joses), Judas (Jude), and Simon were Jesus’ brothers, and an unknown number of sisters were also related to him (Matthew 12:46;13:55,56,Luke 8:19,andMark 3:31). Jesus also had sisters, who are not mentioned or numbered in the Bible, but who were close to him (Matthew 13:56). Because of the plural word, we know there were at least two sisters in the family. Jesus’ brothers were not Christians, and they did not recognize Jesus as the Messiah while He was still on the earth. That is one of the primary reasons Jesus did not pick any of them to care for His mother after His death was announced.

According to Galatians 1:19, they are depicted as praying with the disciples.

What they were missing out on when they might have been playing basketball with Jesus, who never missed a shot throughout his life!

What a treat it would have been if they had been swimming when Jesus rose to his feet and walked on water.

Reason John Was Selected

There were various reasons why Jesus handed Mary to John. John, on the other hand, was a believer, although his brothers and sisters were not. First and foremost, John had walked and worked beside Jesus for three years, but Jesus’ family had not. Jesus was well aware of who John was and what he held to be true. Jesus’ brothers and sisters did not have the same kind of relationship with Him as He had. Third, when Jesus glanced down from the cross, he saw His mother standing by John, which was the final straw.

Because Jesus was the eldest of Mary’s children, he was the one who was in charge of looking for her needs.

Jesus picked John, and the disciple welcomed Mary into his house to care for her in accordance with Jesus’ instructions.

As a result, Jesus could put his faith in him since He was aware of what He had taught John.

He had not imparted any knowledge to His brothers and sisters since they did not spend enough time with Him. They were unfamiliar with the earthly Jesus. After His resurrection, they were able to get to know Him better.

How Long Did Mary Stay with John?

On the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1–4), it is reported that Mary was one of the one hundred and twenty people (Acts 1:15) who were baptized in the Holy Spirit. That was the last time Mary was mentioned in the Bible, despite the fact that she most likely continued to live with John in Jerusalem until her death, which occurred within two years after the resurrection. In accordance with Galatians 2:9, John remained in Jerusalem for a period of three years following Paul’s conversion. After that, John departed Jerusalem and went on to serve in various places across the world.

  • The apocryphal Book of Revelation was also written by the disciple.
  • James is a comprehensive epistle consisting of merely five powerful chapters that provide practical instruction for believers in a variety of situations.
  • As a matter of fact, Jesus encourages them to “count it all joy” (James1:2-3).
  • Within the confines of that one chapter, Jude exhorts believers to “contend firmly for the faith which was once for all entrusted to the saints” (Jude 3).

Why did Jesus leave Mary in John’s care?

In addition to her husband, it is thought that Mary had sons and daughters. So why did Jesus leave her in the care of John, telling him that “she is your mother?” According to John 19:26-27, “When Jesus saw his mother there, as well as the disciple whom He loved standing close, He said to her, “Woman, here is your son,” and He said to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” “From that point on, this disciple welcomed her into his house.”

John will take care of Mary

At that point in time, it’s likely that none of Jesus’ brothers believed in Him, which is why he put his mother in the care of John rather than one of his siblings. In later years, his brothers James (Galatians 1:19) and Jude (Jude 1:1) would come to recognize Him as Savior, and it is likely that his other brothers would do the same (1 Corinthians 9:5). However, it is likely that John was the guy who was spiritually closest to Jesus and Mary at the time of Jesus’ crucifixion. John was the disciple whom Jesus admired and adored (John 13:23; 20:2; 21:7; 21:20).

The aunt of Jesus

Having said that, it is quite likely that Jesus and John were distant cousins. As a result, Jesus continued to entrust his mother to a relative, although one who was less close to him than his own siblings. At the time when Jesus was hanging on the cross, numerous ladies were present. Mary Magdalene, another Mary, and a lady named Salome are all mentioned in Mark 15:40. John 19:25 tells the story of a woman who was Jesus’ mother’s sister, and therefore Jesus’ aunt, who stood by the crucifixion.

As a result, this Salome appears to have been an aunt of Jesus’ and the mother of John and James, who were Zebedee’s sons, according to the evidence (Matthew 4:21).

It is a noteworthy detail that the ladies who stood at the cross, including John’s mother Salome, are recorded in John 19:25. One verse later, in the presence of John’s mother and Jesus’ aunt, Jesus handed his mother to John’s care, marking the beginning of the end of the story.

John’s spiritual maturity

Given the fact that he had been (largely) unemployed for the previous three years, John had to have been in dire financial straits. After all, he had been following in the footsteps of Christ. Nonetheless, he must have had sufficient resources to provide for Mary. Jesus must have placed a higher value on John’s spiritual growth than he did on his temporal wealth. In this instance, Jesus’ gesture of surrendering his mother to John’s care provides us with further insight into his tremendous love and concern for others, even when He was suffering in excruciating torment.

Thank you toGospelImages for creating the artwork.

Behold Your Mother

I don’t usually answer questions directly on my website, but because this one is related to the issue of the crucifixion, which I have been writing about this week, I thought I’d share it with everyone. When Jesus was hanging on the cross, why did He “gift” his mother to John? Answer: You’ve asked a really valid question. The scripture in the book of John that is pertinent to your inquiry may be found here. Now there stood beside the crucifixion of Jesus His mother, His mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene, all of whom had come to pay their respects to Jesus.

  • (See John 19:25-27 for further information.) The evidence suggests that Joseph, Mary’s husband, died before this period, despite the fact that it is not directly stated in the Bible.
  • It appears that Joseph died somewhere between the ages of 12 and 33, when Jesus was a little child.
  • In light of the fact that He would die, Jesus fulfilled the fifth commandment by providing for His mother.
  • As previously stated, the Bible does not state exactly why Jesus instructed John to provide for Mary.
  • The number of children Mary and Joseph had after Jesus is unknown, however we do know that they had a number of children.
  • James, one of Jesus’ brothers, went on to become a prominent role in the early church, serving as the pastor of the church in Jerusalem for a while.
  • So why didn’t Jesus urge James to take care of their mother when he could have?
  • “Because even His brothers did not trust in Him,” says the author of verse 5.
  • We know that Jesus appeared to James since the Bible states in 1 Corinthians 15:7, “After that, He was perceived by James.” It is likely that this experience was the catalyst for James’s decision to accept his brother as the Son of God after years of doubt.
  • It only seems sense that He would enlist the assistance of one of His disciples to look after His mother.
  • We may presume that if James had placed his faith in Jesus at this time, he would have been given this obligation.

Please keep in mind that the Catholic Church believes that Jesus did not have any siblings due of Mary’s everlasting virginity. I’m not sure what the Catholic Church’s response to this question will be.

Why did Jesus give his mother to John?

I don’t usually answer questions directly on my website, but because this one is relevant to the issue of the crucifixion, which I have been writing about this week, I thought I’d share it with everyone. The question is, why did Jesus “gift” his mother to John when He was hanging on the cross. An excellent question, to which I have an excellent answer: It is the book of John that has the paragraph that answers your query. Now there stood beside the crucifixion of Jesus His mother, His mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene, all of whom had come to pay their respects to the Savior.

  1. 7 “Look, here’s your mother!” He said to the disciple.
  2. (See John 19:25-27 for further information).
  3. Joseph was last heard from when Jesus was twelve years old, which is when the Bible says he died (see Luke 2: 41-50).
  4. The role of home leader would have fallen to Jesus, who was the eldest son and hence the most responsible.
  5. Consider the following question: Why did Jesus not entrust the care of His mother to His brothers as He had done with His sisters?
  6. Although the evidence does not support a logical conclusion, it does support a logical conclusion The number of children Mary and Joseph had after Jesus is unknown, but we do know that they had a number of them.
  7. Jesus’ brother James went on to become a prominent figure in the early church, and he served as pastor of the church in Jerusalem for a number of years.
  8. So, why didn’t Jesus tell James to take care of their mother when they were younger?
  9. For even His brothers did not believe in Him, as stated in verse 5.
  10. It is known that Jesus appeared to James because the Bible states in 1 Corinthians 15:7 that “After that, He was seen by James.” Possibly, this event was the catalyst for James’s decision to accept his brother as the Son of God after years of doubt.
  11. Thus, it stands to reason that He would enlist the assistance of one of His disciples to care for His mother.

NOTE: According to Catholic tradition, Jesus did not have any siblings because Mary was a perpetual virgin. In this case, I’m not sure what the Catholic Church would say.

In effect, Jesus told his mother, “Go and live with John for the rest of your life.” He instructed John to care for her financially and emotionally for the remainder of her life, just as he would for his own mother had he been her son. According to the Gospel of John, this arrangement took place. Because Mary had additional children, four boys and a number of daughters, who are collectively referred to as the family of Jesus in scripture, this is a mystery, and some Catholics find it difficult to comprehend – yet it is ‘there,’ in black and white.

See also:  Why Didnt Jesus Get Married

In a later historical record, the family of Jesus is mentioned together with the property they owned: this was a family that had a straight line of lineage from King David, according to the book.

Mary would have been at least forty-five years old when she died on the Cross.

She may have been closer to fifty years old than Jesus, who was thirty-three.

Her willingness, or even half-willingness, to stand with the younger brothers of Jesus at the outset of his career is recorded in St John’s Gospel as “does not believe in Him.” At one time, Mary and her companions went to try to persuade Jesus to give up His ministry and return with them to Nazareth, claiming that he was ‘out of his mind,’ i.e.

  1. Jesus rebuked them, claiming that his true mother and brothers were the ones who carried out God’s purpose.
  2. John was a compassionate Apostle who was always willing to help others.
  3. His Epistles demonstrate that he was extremely courteous to women, beginning letters with terms that were exceptionally warm at the time, such as ‘Beloved Lady,’ and so on.
  4. He and his brother James, who was also one of the Twelve, were known as the emotional’sons of thunder,’ which was a loving, imaginative, and somewhat critical term given to them by Jesus, who referred to them as such.
  5. In addition to Mary the wife of Clopas, Salome, his mother was still alive and present at the Cross along with her sister, Mariamne.
  6. Jesus was speaking to his mother at the time “I’d like you to move in with your sister Salome and her son John, who is my devoted disciple, for whom I’ll provide and who will care for you.
  7. It was different back then than it is now, when the nuclear family is important to everyone.

Several scholars believe that Jesus was with Salome and John, i.e., his immediate extended family, when he went missing on the way back from Jerusalem when he was twelve years old.

He also had an unknown number of sisters who were almost probably married at the time, as everyone, with the exception of him, was married at the time.

Clearly, Mary was extremely close to her sister, Salome, as well as to John, who was the only Apostle, as far as we know, who was loyal at the Cross, and who was most likely present as a male blood related on the official side of things.

Jesus was aware of the whole history of his family, including the past, present, and future.

The idea that he was a trained priest has been floated about (I’m not sure where it came from).

They were both devout Christians with a demonstrated track record of bravery, and they were completely devoted to Jesus and Mary.

Another school of thought holds that she traveled to Ephesus, where she died, along with John the Baptist.

The reality is that “no one knows.” It is obvious that Jesus made Mary feel absolutely protected, cared for, and regarded as the ‘highly favoured and blessed’ lady she was by making sure she felt completely safe and cared for.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,” he wrote.

Mary may have had a long life as well, but given that she was born in 16 BC, it is possible that she was already in Heaven at that point.

In the ancient world, people’s lives were often substantially shorter. It was during this time when nearly all of the remaining Apostles had died, many of them brutally and at a young age.

Why did Jesus choose John over James to take care of His mother Mary?

Regarding John 19:26-27, where John takes on the burden of caring for Jesus’ mother rather than James (as one might assume, given that James was also Mary’s son), I have a question. Is it possible that this has something to do with James’ spiritual state at the period in question? Response:According to the notes for the NIV study Bible on this passage, it is likely that none of Jesus’ brothers had accepted Him as the Messiah at this point, although as your question suggests, James would do so later, as would Jude (cf.


1) As the eldest brother, Jesus was responsible for the upbringing of His lone remaining father, Joseph.

Due to the fact that none of the twelve truly “got it” before Jesus was crucified and resurrected, it would not have been prudent for our Lord to entrust this responsibility to John before the cross, any more than it would have been reasonable to expect the charge and responsibility to fully register before John saw Jesus hanging there on the cross.

  • We may like to have certain matters settled ahead of time, but if we are cautious and wise, we will wait patiently for the correct moment, just as our Lord has done since the beginning of the world.
  • In such circumstances, some of us might prioritize our families first on our own personal priority lists (the principle of “blood being thicker than water”).
  • Because John had been unemployed in the worldly sense for the last three years, he was no doubt poorer than Jesus’ brothers (as evidenced by the fact that he had been living off contributions alongside Jesus and the other twelve for the previous three years: see Lk.8:3).
  • In fact, our Lord was anxious that His mother continue to live in a faith-filled atmosphere, with heredity and spiritual progress being even more important to Him than her physical life and financial stability.

For even if we see to it that they are happy, healthy, and have no financial need, if they are suffering spiritually as a result of our preoccupation with these other issues – which are far more important in God’s eyes than maintaining a healthy faith, growing in the truth, and drawing closer to Him and His Son – then we have made a very poor bargain indeed with them.

  • also Jn.13:23; 20:2; 21:7; 21:20).
  • And the characteristics that drew our Lord’s attention to John must have been essentially spiritual in nature.
  • And, of course, John lived the longest of all the apostles, writing the final book of the Bible, the book of Revelation, allegedly right before his death in the year 64-68 A.D., which is the earliest known date for his death.
  • Please have a look at the following links as well: Mary, Joseph, and the town of Nazareth.
  • Jesus’Siblings.

Putting our trust in our Lord, our loving Savior Jesus Christ, who always knows when the proper moment is for all of our deliverances. Bob L. Ichthys’s Residence

Why did Jesus entrust His mother Mary to John’s care?

Q.Does the fact that Jesus was dying and gave his mother to John imply that Joseph was no longer alive? Mary is entrusted to the care of John by Jesus. Chapel Nosso Senhor dos Passos of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia in Porto Alegre, Brazil, dedicated to Our Lord of the Passos. Yes, most interpreters assume that Joseph had died and that Jesus, as the eldest son in the family, had been responsible for caring for his mother and was now asking John to take on this obligation. There are two things we may learn from this: (1) Even in the midst of his greatest agony, Jesus was concerned about others rather than himself.

  • Jesus had at least four brothers who he might have asked to take on this job, but he chose to delegate it to a “brother” in the kingdom instead of his own.
  • B: Pilate denies the Jewish leaders’ request to change the inscription on the cross.
  • D: Jesus entrusts Mary into the care of John.
  • B: Pilate grants the Jewish leaders’ request to break the legs of the crucified prisoners.
  • A: Jesus is escorted away from the site of his execution.
  • The fact that a story of the crucifixion does not place Jesus’ real death at its heart, however, strikes me as odd, as well.
  • It’s possible that he’s concentrating his attention on the consequences of Jesus’ death.
See also:  Where Did Jesus Die City

Because of Jesus’ death, believers in him become members of a new family, which they recognize as their actual family.” Following that, I pose the following question in the guide: “Are there any other followers of Jesus who are ‘just like family’ to you?” “What is it that brings you two together?” What are your thoughts?


Smith is an ordained clergyman, author, and biblical scholar who lives in the United States.

He worked as a consulting editor for the International Bible Society (now Biblica) on The Books of the Bible, an edition of the New International Version (NIV) that presents the biblical books according to their natural literary outlines, rather than chapters and verses, as opposed to the traditional chapter and verse format.

He also worked as a consultant for Tyndale House on the Immerse Bible, a version of the New Living Translation (NLT) that presents the Scriptures in their natural literary forms, without the use of chapters and verses or section titles, as well as other projects.

He received his Ph.D. in the History of Christian Life and Thought, with a minor concentration in Biblical Studies, from Boston College, which is affiliated with Andover Newton Theological School. View all of Christopher R Smith’s blog entries.

Why does Jesus give his mother to the beloved disciple on the cross?

In the time of Jesus, a widow who did not have a close male relative to care for her was in a vulnerable position financially. With the entrusting of Mary to the “beloved disciple” (usually thought to be John), Jesus demonstrated his love and concern for his mother, assuring her that she would be safe and well taken care of after his death. Furthermore, the Catholic Church has always seen this as a watershed point in the development of Mary’s role in the Church. The lines “Woman, behold, your son” and “Behold, your mother” are used by the Church to explain that Mary became the mother of all Christians, not only of John.

This is in conformity with God’s eternal design, as shown by words of Tradition, which claim that Mary’s’motherhood’ of the Church is a reflection and extension of her motherhood of the Christ.” As a result, when Catholics speak to Mary as “our mother,” they are referring to this specific point in Scripture.

Note from the editor: The word “beloved disciple” was employed by the author of John’s Gospel as a literary technique, not to allude to a specific individual, but rather, to each and every reader of the gospel, according to some scripture experts.

Why did Jesus ask John to take care of Mary at his crucifixion instead of his siblings?

John 19:27ESV – John 19:27ESV – 27 Then he turned to the disciple and said, “Look, here’s your mother!” That same hour, the disciple picked her up and carried her to his own house. Question posed on March 16, 2014: ClarifyShareReport Reynaldo Giron, Sr. is a retired businessman. The responses from the community are arranged according to how many people voted for them. The greater the number of votes, the higher the position of an answer on the list. Personally, I try to avoid making wild guesses or making assumptions.

  • I disagree.
  • As a result, I advocate sticking with what we already know about Scripture.
  • According to the Bible, Jesus handed Mary to John.
  • John was one of Jesus’ closest buddies.
  • Scripture shows that there is an even closer bond between John and Jesus than Jesus and the other disciples.
  • As for the why, it’s not really relevant, and we might assume a hundred various explanations.
  • Maybe they were there but Jesus didn’t have faith in them.

Maybe John struggled with having Mary around and Jesus was actually using this as a teaching opportunity for John.

The wrong thing to do is use Jesus’ choice of John as some evidence for a theological belief in regards to whether or not Jesus had siblings or what the nature of his relationship with them was.

The day of The Jews feast of tabernacles had come and his brethren encouraged him to go into Judea so his disciples could see his miracles.

Would it not stand to reason his brethren/siblings were aware of the threat to Christ’s life?


They may have been trying to get rid of the “perfect” brother that never sinned, never did anything wrong, their mother’s favorite son?

6 “Then Jesus said unto them, My time is not yet come: but your time is alway ready.” Christ often referred to “my time” as the day of his crucifixion, his glorification.

The Lord stated in Matthew 10:34 “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” v.

36 “And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.” The Lord’s own brethren could have very well been his foes.

The Lord entrusted his dear mother into the hands of John knowing that she would be respected and well cared for.

Although the Bible is inspired of the Holy Spirit, just think of the wealth of information Mary shared with John.

We know that the these younger siblings who previously did not believe joined Christ’s followers after the resurrection (Acts 1:14).

James became a leader in the church at Jerusalem (Acts 12:17;15:13;21:18; Galatians 1:19; 2:9,12 and the epistle of James) (Acts 12:17;15:13;21:18; Galatians 1:19; 2:9,12 and the epistle of James) March 17 20140 responses Vote UpShareReport jamie zavala I believe that, yes Jesus had other brothers, it states that clearly in the Bible.

  • So since his earthly brothers were not believing, John was.
  • As the eldest, he was responsible for his mother after Joseph died, but he could not leave her under the care of a non-Christian.
  • so he asked the apostle present and probably his beloved friend to do it.
  • By this time everyone else had deserted Him, including His siblings.

If you could also remember when the LORD was in the synagogue teaching, His mother, brothers and sisters were standing out, and when they brought word to Him of them, He said “Who is My mother and who are My brothers?” And He stretched out His hand toward His disciples and said, “Here are My mother and My brothers!

  • GOD uses those who are available, if we are available GOD will use us.
  • Learn More”> Supporter Skeptic turned believer, Catholic, father of 3 The obvious fact is that Mary had no other children.
  • John 19:26-27 When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, “Woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.
  • Here John, in one of many examples, acting as representative of all Christ’s followers, receives a new relationship with Mary.
  • – As for Jesus’s other siblings, the Eastern Orthodox belief is that Joseph had a first wife named Salome, holds that Joseph was a widower and merely betrothed, but never married, to Mary, and that references to Jesus’ “brothers” are to children of Joseph and Salome.

Therefore Jesus primary concern was for his mother’s spiritual well being, so he intrusted her to his most intimate and closest Apostle John March 21 20140 responses Vote UpShareReport Martha Coleman Seems to me this indicates that Mary was widowed and that her parents were also deceased and that she had no surviving brothers for these would have customarily be one to care for her as her other children may have been minors at the time.

June 03 20150 responses Vote UpShareReport

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Why Did Jesus Tell His Mother, “Behold Your Son”?

JOHN 19:25-2725 (JOHN 19:25-2725) Now there stood alongside the crucifixion of JesusHis mother, His mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene, all of whom had come to witness the death of Jesus. 26 Jesus, on the other hand, when he saw His mother and the disciple whom He adored standing by Him said to His mother: “Woman, look at your son.” 27 When He was finished, He turned to the disciple and said, “Behold your mother.” And it was at that point that the disciple took her to his own house for the first time.

  1. “”The disciple whom Jesus loved,” which is John the gospel writer, who was standing beside her, is mentioned in John 19:26.
  2. It so happened that his mother was John’s aunt and that John was His mother’s nephew.
  3. What evidence do we have to support this?
  4. Following this, the women who were present at the cross are mentioned in the same context as in John 19, but with somewhat different information: “among whom were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee’s sons.” (Matthew 27.) (Matthew 27:56).

In Matthew 27:56, the two other women are referred to as (A)”Mary the mother of James and Joses” and (B)”mother of Zebedee’s sons,” while in John 19:25, they are referred to as (1)”His mother’s sister” and (2)”Mary the wife of Clopas.” When someone refers to her as the “Mother of Zebedee’s boys,” she is referring to her as the wife of Zebedee, which implies she cannot be referred to as “the wife of Clopas.” This indicates that (1) “his mother’s sister” was not (2) “the mother of Zebedee’s sons,” and (2) “the mother of Zebedee” was not (1) “his mother’s sister.” It’s possible that this is why she felt free to approach Jesus and ask for particular favors: “As a result, the mother of Zebedee’s boys approached Him with her sons, kneeling before Him and pleading with Him for anything.

  1. And He asked her, “What do you wish?” He replied.
  2. So, what was Jesus getting at when He ordered John to “behold your mother” (John 19:27), exactly?
  3. What type of physical condition must Mary have been in at this point in time?
  4. What exactly did John do after that?
  5. “And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home,” according to the Bible.

Why would Jesus send her to John’s house if she already had boys of her own? As a result of Mary’s decision to remain in the company of John after His resurrection, her sorrow will be transformed into joy much sooner than she would otherwise have been.

Jesus Cares for His Mother and the Beloved Disciple (19:25-27) – IVP New Testament Commentary Series

New International Version (NIV) International Version of the Pronunciation (IVP) Series of New Testament Commentaries – Jesus is concerned about His Mother as well as the Beloved Disciple (19:25-27) Jesus is concerned about His Mother as well as the Beloved Disciple (19:25-27) Another different group at the cross (men. de,vv. 24-25), namely those who are there out of love for Jesus, is now brought to the attention of John the apostle. It was not uncommon for friends and family to be present beside the one who was crucified, or for opponents to gather to jeer at his or her execution (cf.t.

  • Gittin7; 48c; 39;b.
  • Mark informs us that there were a large number of ladies present (15:41), whereas John only mentions a small group of women near the cross.
  • Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses, and Salome are three of the women named by Mark as being present: “Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses, and Salome” (15:40).
  • Salome, in turn, is further associated with the mother of Zebedee’s sons, as described in Matthew’s narrative of the life of Zebedee (27:56).
  • As Raymond Brown (1994:2:1017) notes, this identification is “dubious,” and the texts themselves confess that they cannot be positive because, as Mark points out, there were a large number of women there.
  • The fact that neither Jesus’ mother nor his aunt are mentioned is also noteworthy; this is a quality they share with the Beloved Disciple as well (cf.
  • Jesus concentrates on his mother and the Beloved Disciple with the presence of these supporters beside him (vv.
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In his address to his mother, Jesus says, “Woman, behold your son,” and in his address to the Beloved Disciple, Jesus adds, “Behold your mother.” An analogous phrase was employed in conjunction with betrothal (Tobit 7:12), and this appears to imply a shift in the nature of the relationship.


As a result, through altering their interpersonal relationships, Jesus brings the creation of the community that has formed around him to a close—a community that has gathered around him precisely because he is on the cross (C.

The new community is now seen as a new family by its members (cf.

This text has been the subject of a considerable deal of discussion.

Brown 1970:923-27).

It is a further expansion of John’s own focus, which is on the new family created among the disciples of Jesus, with the Beloved Disciple, who is the most outstanding testimony to Jesus, as the one who is exercising care for the others in the family (cf.

The new community is symbolized by the mother and the Beloved Disciple working together.


1 Jn 3:16).

Having finished the construction of this community, at least for the time being, he is now preparing them for the coming of the Spirit and his own residence among them in a different fashion.

The divine life is marked by love, and as a result, it necessitates the formation of a community in order to manifest itself.

It is both a revelation of God’s love and an example of such self-giving love that Jesus’ death serves as a model.

The generosity of InterVarsity Press allows us to make the IVP New Testament Commentaries available to you.

Why Did Jesus Say “Woman, Behold Your Son”?

“Near the crucifixion of Jesus were his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene, all of whom were mourning for him. After seeing his mother and the disciple whom he adored standing nearby, Jesus addressed her as “Woman, here is your son,” and the disciple as “Dear disciple, here is your mother.” She was welcomed into the family of this disciple from that point on.” -John 19:25-27 (New International Version) As He is about to die, Jesus gently cares for his mother, Mary.

What would happen to her now that He was no longer alive?

And in order to do so, He restored the previously broken bond that existed between his adoring mother and His adoring disciple In his words to her, “Woman, see your son, for whom, from this day forward, you must have a motherly attachment,” and in his words to John, “Behold your mother, to whom you must perform a sonly duty,” As a result, from that hour on, an hour that will never be forgotten, that disciple brought her to his own residence.

  • Take note of the tenderness with which Christ treated His beloved mother.
  • It’s possible that his mother was preoccupied with his sufferings that she didn’t consider what would happen to her, but He did.
  • He refers to her as woman rather than mother, not out of any disdain for her, but because the term mother would have been a cutting phrase to her, who was already grieving severely.
  • This was a great award bestowed upon John, and it served as a testament to both his foresight and his loyalty.
  • Having the privilege of working for Christ and being entrusted with any of His interests across the world is a tremendous honor.
  • In Nicephoras’ Ecclesiastical History (book 2, chapter 3), Mary stayed with John in Jerusalem for eleven years before passing away.
  • The following is an adaptation of Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible (John 19).

Why Is John the “Disciple Whom Jesus Loved”?

There appear to be several instances of nicknames and name changes in both the Old and New Testaments. The “Sons of Thunder” include Simon and Peter, Esau and Edom, and others. Almost everyone who follows Jesus appears to be given a loving nickname, which is occasionally given by Jesus himself. However, in the fourth Gospel, we come upon something quite different. ‘The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved,’ says the author of the Gospel of John, referring to himself by an unusual moniker. The “Beloved Disciple” is a title used by John in different translations to refer to himself.

“Did John actually believe that?” In my situation, as is often the case, subsequent research later in life invalidated my primary school frame of reference.

Throughout this essay, we’ll look at the nickname given by the disciple John to himself, what it means, the significance of nicknames in Scripture, and why all of this is important to us today as Christians.

What Does John’s Nickname Mean?

With his self-given label, “the disciple whom Jesus loved,” it appears that John is attempting to boost his ego by associating himself with the Savior. As previously stated, Jesus had an inner circle of three disciples to whom he demonstrated his transfiguration (Matthew 17), with John being one of them. In fact, Jesus instructs John to look after his mother while Jesus is being crucified with him. So, did John use this name as a flex in order to get what he wanted? Scholars, on the other hand, disagree.

  1. The title was more than likely a magnificent title with a connotation that did not translate into our own society, as William Barclay explains in this passage from his book.
  2. More information about this will be provided in the next section.
  3. After all, on the night that he was deceived, he bathed the feet of everyone in the house.
  4. As indicated in the Answers in Genesis page, it’s possible that John uses this name to remind readers of the immense love that they, too, have experienced.
  5. Because John does not offer an explanation for the name, we are unable to determine its true significance.
  6. The image is courtesy of Getty Images/Javier Art Photography.

Why Did John Call Himself “The Disciple Who Jesus Loved”?

As we discussed in the preceding section, we don’t know the specific reasons for which John would choose to bequest himself such a name. After all, he isn’t referred to by this name in any other Gospel story. This suggests that John solely used this as a way to refer to himself. We can rule out egotism because John did not choose this name in order to bring attention to himself. Instead, it appears that the inverse is more likely. John wanted to remain nameless for his own reasons. Those who read the Gospel and were eyewitnesses to the events would have recognized John’s identity based on a number of crucial facts that he highlights.

However, John appears to be attempting to deflect attention away from himself in the tale by eliminating his name and substituting a nickname for it, which is a characteristic: someone who is loved by Jesus.

He discovers truth, his own identity, and his own purpose as a result of God’s love.

There aren’t many alternative explanations for why John chose this nickname for himself, according to the academic community. John presumably doesn’t provide much of an explanation because he would prefer that the attention be focused on Jesus rather than on him.

The Importance of Nicknames in the Bible

Nowadays, we may refer to our spouse, individuals with whom we participate in sports leagues, and even coworkers by their nicknames. However, throughout the period of the Old and New Testaments, nicknames had a considerably more profound significance to them. According toVincent Ketchie’s essay, names and nicknames in the Bible frequently reflect a person’s purpose or identity via their use. People who changed someone’s name or gave them a nickname held a certain level of power and influence over the individual who had changed his or her name.

As a result, when someone adopts a new name or nickname (such as Paul or John), they are emphasizing a crucial aspect of their mission.

such as changing his surname to Paul.

Why Should We Care About This?

After all, why should it matter what John refers to himself as in his Gospel account? Indeed, didn’t he come up with the moniker on purpose in order to avoid calling attention to himself? There are a variety of reasons why we should be concerned about nicknames, and this one in particular. First and foremost, John reminds us of the transformational power of God’s love in our lives. We may all identify with the disciple whom Jesus adored and refer to ourselves as such. Because he has a job. He cares for us in an extraordinary and unwavering way.

Second, we should be aware of the immense power that names possess.

The number of names for God is endless: Elohim, El Shaddai, Yahweh, and so on.

If someone is given a nickname or another name in the Bible, they typically gain a new function, a new instrumental component of their character, in the same and lesser fashion.

What a difference a nickname can make in our understanding of a person.

This also demonstrates how important it is to consider the context of texts.

However, by putting the emphasis on Jesus rather than himself, he demonstrates remarkable humility.

In addition to being a multi-published author, Bolinger is also a graduate of the professional writing program at Taylor University.

As a writer and editor, she has worked for a number of different publishing companies as well as magazines, newspapers, and literary agencies, and she has worked with authors such as Jerry B.

Her modern-day Daniel trilogy, published by IlluminateYA, is now available.

She is also a co-author of the Dear Heroduology, which was published by INtense Publications and is available for purchase online. And her inspirational adult romancePicture Imperfectreleases in November of 2021. Find out more about heron her website.

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