How Many Questions Did Jesus Ask In The New Testament

Jesus Is the Question: The 307 Questions Jesus Asked and the 3 He Answered: Copenhaver, Martin B.: 9781426755149: Books

A brief excerpt of the content is visible; double tap to read the full excerpt. Double tap to read the brief content if the full content is not visible. Martin B. Copenhaver is the President of Andover Newton Theological School-the oldest graduate school of any kind in America-located in Newton Centre, Massachusetts. Martin previously served as Senior Pastor of Wellesley Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, in Wellesley, Massachusetts, where he held that position for more than two decades.

He is married and has two children.

Martin is the author of seven books, which are as follows: Living Faith While Holding Doubts; To Begin at the Beginning: An Introduction to the Christian Faith; Good News in Exile (co-authored with Anthony B.

Robinson); This Odd and Wondrous Calling:The Public and Private Lives of Two Ministers (Co-authored with Lillian Daniel); Jesus Is the Question: The 307 Questions Jesus Asked and the 3 He Answered;and, most recently, Room to Grow:Meditations on Trying to Live as a Christian.

Why did Jesus ask so many questions?

Create a Favorites List| byBob Tiede Whether you are a disciple of Jesus or not, we would all benefit from learning more about the “communication habits” of the guy who many consider to be the greatest communicator in all of human history: Jesus Christ. Jesus’ communication approach was centered on two things: first, he wanted people to know who he was and second, he wanted them to believe in him. He told fantastic tales and posed excellent questions! I’m not sure about you, but I ask a lot of questions since I don’t know the answers to most of them.

He knew all of the answers, yet he spent a disproportionate amount of his time interacting with others by asking them questions.

What do you suppose he was thinking when he asked so many questions?

  • Interaction
  • Questions helped to build relationships
  • He forced individuals he interacted with to think about what they were saying
  • Conversations were started
  • His listeners were more inclined to come to their own opinions as a result of his presentation. He occasionally responded to queries by posing new ones of his own. He would occasionally offer a few warm-up questions to get the conversation going.

There are several types of inquiries. Jesus questioned his disciples on a range of topics. Here are a few illustrations. Questions to ask in order to establish a human connection: When a Samaritan woman came to fetch water, Jesus asked her whether she would mind giving him a sip of her water. “You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan lady,” the Samaritan woman stated to him in response. “How are you going to ask me for a drink?” (Because Jews do not mingle with Samaritans, this is true.) Revelation 4:7-9 Questions that prompted contemplation included: “If you love those who love you, what credit do you think you deserve for that?

  • In addition, if you do well to people who have done good to you, what credit does it provide you in return?
  • And what kind of credit do you give yourself if you lend to someone from whom you anticipate repayment?
  • However, you should love your adversaries, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting anything in exchange.
  • Be merciful, as your heavenly Father is compassionate to you.
  • Take a look at the birds of the air; they don’t sow or reap or store up in barns, but your heavenly Father provides for them with a plentiful diet.
  • Is it possible for any of you to add even a single hour to your life by worrying?” And why are you so concerned about your clothes?
  • They are not engaged in manual work or spinning.
  • If that is how God dresses the grass of the field, which is here today and gone tomorrow, would he not much more clothe you—you of little faith—in his righteousness?
  • Is it possible to tell your brother, “Please allow me to remove the speck from your eye,” while you have a plank in your own eye all of the time?

Questions to consider when putting up an argument: Then Jesus questioned them, “Which is permissible on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?” They replied, “To do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill.” Mark 3:4 is a biblical passage that teaches that a person’s life is a reflection of his or her character.

Matthew 18:12b (Bible) Questions to get you started: As they continued their journey, Jesus and his followers arrived at the towns around Caesarea Philippi.

“Some believe it is John the Baptist, some believe it is Elijah, and yet others believe it is one of the prophets,” they responded.

In general, individuals enjoy talking about other people and will nearly always react promptly when asked about other people.

“Can you tell me who you think I am?” When asked who he was, Peter said, “You are the Messiah.” Mark 8:29 (NIV) Inadequacies were revealed by the following questions: His disciples said, “Where could we possibly get enough bread in such a remote location to serve such a large crowd?” “Can you tell me how many loaves you have?” Jesus was the one who inquired.

  • They inquired as to whether it was legal for a guy to divorce his wife for any and all reasons.
  • Matthew 19:3–5 is a biblical passage.
  • Matthew 18:12 is a biblical passage.
  • “Teacher, what do I have to do in order to obtain eternal life?” he inquired.
  • “Can you tell me how you read it?” “Love the Lord your God with all of your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your strength and with all of your intellect,” he said, “and love your neighbor as yourself.” “You have provided an accurate response,” Jesus said.
  • Questions that allowed users to express their own requirements included: When Jesus and his followers were about to leave Jericho, a big mob trailed after them.
  • They cried out, “Lord, Son of David, have pity on us!” When the audience reprimanded them and begged them to be quiet, the protesters screamed even louder, “Lord, Son of David, take pity on us!” Jesus came to a halt and summoned them.

It was those who said, “Lord, we want our sight.” Jesus felt sympathy for them and placed his hands on their eyes.

Matthew 20:29-34 is a biblical passage.

You’re on your feet!

“Can you tell me what you want me to do for you?” Jesus had inquired about him.

“Go,” Jesus said, noting that “your faith has cured you.” He immediately received his sight and proceeded to follow Jesus along the highway.

Was it ethical to pay the imperial tax to Caesar or was it wrong?

” “And who wrote the inscription?” They responded with “Caesar’s.” When they refused, Jesus told them, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and give back to God what is God’s.” They were taken aback when they learned this.

Matthew 22:17-22 is a passage from the Bible.

It was inquired as to “with what authorization are you carrying out these actions.” “And who granted you the authorization to carry out this mission?” In response, Jesus said, “I’d want to ask you a question.

Was John’s baptism a gift from God, or was it the result of human effort?

“However, if we say, ‘of human origin,’.” (They were afraid of the people because everyone believed that John was a genuine prophet.) Therefore, they said to Jesus, “We don’t know.” “I will not tell you by what authority I am doing these miracles,” Jesus stated.

“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who went into the hands of robbers?” he questioned his audience in one of his parables.

Luke 10:36-37 (KJV) For the very reason that we have no ill will against Samaritans in our culture, it is easy for us to overlook the true genius of this question.

The lengthy path to Jerusalem would be chosen by those who live in northern Israel merely to avoid having to pass through Samaria.

As a result, Jesus might have finished his account by saying, “Therefore the Samaritan was a nice neighbor.” Instead, Jesus put the issue to a legal scholar, knowing how potentially important the response would be in his life and the lives of others who listened in on his conversation.

For if you start a project and are unable to complete it, everyone who sees it will laugh at you, saying, “This person started a project and was unable to complete it.” Consider the scenario in which a king is going to declare war on another monarch.

He will send a delegation when the opposing side is still quite a distance away and will request terms of peace if he is unable to do so.

“You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve.

You have the words of eternal life.

Bob TiedeBob Tiede’s “benevolent dictator” recovery began in 2006 after he stumbled upon a book that helped him understand the benefits of leading with questions rather than telling with kindness. He soon discovered, “A leader who leads with questions will often be 10 times more effective than a leader who only leadsby telling!”Today, Bob helps leaders everywhere move fromtellingtoasking. He has been on the staff of Cru for 48 years and on the U.S. Leadership Development Team for 16 years. His blog, is followed by leaders in over 190 countries. Bob has written three eBooks available for free download,Great Leaders ASK Questions, 339 Questions Jesus AskedandNow That’s a Great Question.Learn More »

Communication and social media are discussed in greater depth.

  • Is your church a victim of infobesity due to an excess of data? (Written by Charles Stone) By Mark MacDonald, he explains how to reach your community through appealing communication. 5 ways that an SEO emphasis phrase may help your church communicate more effectively (by Mark MacDonald)
  • Outstanding leaders ask four questions regarding communication (as posed by Christian Muntean)

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So, how many questions did Jesus respond to in total? Do you have any idea? Do you give a damn? What was the total number of questions Jesus asked? What was the total number of questions the disciples posed? What number did Jesus inquire of the disciples? Is it even relevant at this point? How many questions did Jesus answer, and what does it imply to you now, is something I ask once again. In this piece, I’ll take you over a lot of the answers to these questions one by one. Nonetheless, I could never predict every query you could have, and so I advocate gathering the data and asking it the questions you actually want to know the answers to.

  1. (However, no matter how many units are sold, they will never be enough to cover my raw costs in Starbucks while conducting all of this study!
  2. As an example, how many questions did Peter pose?
  3. Describe your encounters with ladies, including how they were structured in terms of questions and replies.
  4. Which questions were hostile ones posed to Jesus, and yet He decided to respond to them anyway?
  5. To accomplish all of that and more, all you really need is the whole data set to play with and experiment with.
  6. After receiving so many requests for this data and my in-depth comments on it, I decided to develop an e-book that includes all of the questions and answers in simple to use downloadable Excel and Access Database forms for everyone’s convenience.
  7. (This is a bargain given I’ve been putting this material together for more than four years.) You may purchase my booklet alone, as well as the pivot table and the Access data, both of which are available at

In the same way that we should answer to Christ with our inquiries in an acceptable manner regardless of whether they are antagonistic, friendly, perplexed, or whatever.

Questions Access Database – I have also prepared an Access database that will allow you to query, sort, and rip apart the questions in any way that you see fit.

Do you want to see all of the questions that Jesus answered that were only posed by the disciples?

Do you want to discover which unfriendly questions Jesus responded to?

Heck, even if you’re interested in knowing the questions that Jesus posed and the answers that He provided Himself, that information is there as well.

See also:  What Did Jesus Say On The Cross Just Before He Died

The Access Database is the most ideal resource for answering these kind of issues.

There was nothing particularly dramatic or terrible, mind you – simply the polar opposite of a pleasant day.

It would also be wonderful if I could directly ask God any questions.

– Wait.

And talked to a variety of folks.

What questions did people have for Jesus?

In a podcasted sermon I was listening to, a Pastor stated that Jesus only responded to questions brought to him on a few of occasions (I’m not sure whether it was the same day, it has been a while, I can’t recall for sure).

Even exaggerated, in my opinion.

In the end, I turned to Google for help and discovered my solution in the first result!

I went on a search.

And then there was searching.

I just couldn’t seem to track down what I was looking for.

The thumbscrews on this dataset have been tightened over time (six years to be exact) in order to make sure that it is the most accurate dataset that is physically achievable.

Would you, for example, include a question from the disciples in which the mother of Zebedee’s sons speaks on their behalf, as part of your presentation?

It’s just that it can be a little difficult at times.

I know – who would do such a thing?

So, yes, I went through the Gospels and counted all of the questions.

The first effort I attempted consisted of taking the Gospels and programmatically stripping any sentence that did not contain a question mark from the text.

It’s simply that simple.

The total was staggering!

There were hundreds and hundreds of duplicate questions in the pile of questions that had been left over from the previous session.

There are, without a doubt, distinctions and subtleties.

So, yes, the majority of the questions were repeated over and over and over again.

And ultimately, after months of attempting to decipher the data, I gave up on that endeavor and decided to begin again.

So, for example, if a question was posed during the feeding of the 5,000 that was mentioned in both Matthew and Luke, I would only include the question once in this section.

For the record, I am not a theologian, therefore please disregard the information I shall provide below with this disclaimer: I am not a theologian.

But I did my best to apply common sense wherever possible, and I did make a few rash decisions here and there in an attempt to make sense of the overwhelming amount of information.

These results should be within a margin of error of around 98 percent. However, I’m certain that they are not without flaws.


As a result, the gospels recount 113 questions that Jesus answered during his stay on planet Earth. That’s a long cry from the “handful” of responses that were expected. So what this indicates is that Christ was asked a question on over a hundred different occasions, each time to which he responded with a unique response. Now, it’s possible that this isn’t the response the person was searching for, but He is God, and He has the right to do anything He wants. Jesus alone asked 52 questions out of the total of 113 questions that were posed to him.

  1. I get what you’re saying.
  2. That amounts to more than a third of all the queries he posed being answered by him.
  3. Even if Jesus were here today and were to ask me a question – even if it were only one question – I’d much prefer it if He answered it than than my attempting to answer it myself.
  4. Taylor: “How about an X-Box?” No, no, no – I’ve got this covered!
  5. Isn’t it scorching?
  6. Nonetheless, attempting to answer any of the questions that Jesus asked the disciples would be beyond my comprehension at this point in my life.
  7. There were a total of 37 separate instances that this happened.

Taylor: “All right, I’ll be honest with you here, Jesus.

That’s crazy wicked great.

You still have holes in your hands, just to remind you.

In a grave, to be precise.

I recognized how much better His replies would be than anybody else’s when I realized how much better they would be.


Using this formula, Jesus responded to 113 questions, 52 of which were His own. how many questions did He respond to from other people? There are 61 of those, which you may have estimated if you are fast on the math uptick in the beginning. And you’d be absolutely correct. This was the one that I had been yearning to get my hands on for a long time. How many other individuals were bold enough to approach Jesus with questions, and how many of those questions were really answered by Jesus? The solution is number 61.

Specifically, this is where the meat of the encounters between Jesus and the Pharisees and High Priests may be found.

Surely there must be a large number of them, don’t you think? The vast majority of queries humans ask are ridiculous. So, wouldn’t He just choose not to respond to a large number of them? I had a feeling it was the case.


Then how many questions did Jesus answer from other people if He answered 113 questions total, 52 of which were His own queries? There are 61 of those, which you may have predicted if you are fast on the math upswing in the first place! You’d be absolutely correct. This was the one that I had my heart set on getting my hands on. Other individuals dared to approach Jesus with inquiries, and how many of their questions were answered by Jesus? The correct answer is number 61 (sixteen). Among the numerous notable conversations between Nicodemus and Jesus, the repeating question and answer between Peter and Jesus, as well as the famed inquiry by the Rich Young Ruler, are all included in this collection of questions and responses.

In contrast, how many questions did Christ choose not to answer, given that He answered 61 of them?

Humans are notorious for asking stupid questions.

That’s what I figured.


In other words, out of the 61 questions that Jesus was asked, I can confidently assert that the Disciples (when they were referred to as “The Disciples”) asked nineteen of those questions. If you add all of the specified individual questions that the disciples asked (which were posed by Phillip, Thomas, Peter, and Judas Iscariat), the total number of questions increases to a whopping 25. The discussions between Christ and his disciples were some of the most private Christ ever had throughout his earthly sojourn.

  • “Do you love me more than these, Simon son of John?” “Do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord, you are well aware that I phileo you.” “Feed my lambs,” says the narrator.
  • “Yes, Lord, you are well aware that I phileo you.” “Please look after my livestock.” “Do you phileo me, Simon son of John?” said the narrator.
  • Should we make a payment?
  • Whatever the case, in order to avoid offending anybody, go catch a fish and then give them the money that you find in the fish’s stomach.
  • The question; 2.
  • The Miraculous The disciples sat in one of the most desired seats in all of human history when it came to the Last Supper.

Each and every day, they had no less than direct contact with the God Man. Knowing all they talked about would be precious, utterly priceless, to know. Despite this, we have 25 crucial questions that Jesus addressed right in front of us – right here for the taking notes and studying.


On the other hand, if you are interested in all of the questions Jesus asked the Disciples, I was interested in them too. Jesus addressed twelve questions to “The Disciples.” If you count the individual disciples who were individually mentioned, the total number of disciples rises to 22. (The names of the two persons to whom Jesus addressed specific inquiries were Nathan and Peter.)


Only four questions were asked by women out of the total of 72 questions that Jesus answered. That accounts for approximately 7% of all questions. Although it may not seem like much to you, it is a significant amount of money. Obviously, the actual number of questions was significantly higher than this, but the fact that there were only four recorded questions is significant in and of itself. As an example, I think of Jesus’ encounter with the Canaanite woman at the well who he should not have even looked at, let alone engaged in a full-blown conversation about who she is sleeping with.

  • Obviously, I could go on and on like this for days and days and days.
  • (hint, a lot.) What about the other 14 questions Jesus posed to the crowds?
  • What about the ten different questions he posed to the Pharisees and Sadducees?
  • What exactly was the point of that?
  • What was the purpose of Jesus asking 52 questions, all of which He chose to answer Himself?
  • There are so many interesting details in this data that I could talk about for months and months.
  • I have created a zip file of my Questions Access database.
  • Inside the database I have also created views into the data for some of the most obvious sorts of the data.
  • And to find out more, just head on over
  • Take a second to support Taylor Holmes on Patreon!

Book Review-The 307 Questions Jesus Asked and the 3 He Answered

There are 307 questions that Jesus asked, and only three of them were answered by Jesus. Martin B. Copenhaver is an American businessman and author. Emotional Reaction – 5 points Response from a Scholarly Perspective -5 On most days, I am quite grateful that my faith is not a simple yes-or-no faith. I don’t think that if a certain event occurs, I am obligated to perform b. For example, when something like a occurs in my life, I reflect and pray about the right response, I consult with my religious community, and I read the Scriptures to decide which of the three options is the best course of action.

  1. I have been invited to participate in the process of collaborating with God and my spiritual community in order to discover where God is guiding me.
  2. These aren’t going to endure forever.
  3. “Easy solutions might provide us with a feeling of closure.
  4. As a conclusion, it is possible to provide answers.
  5. Generally speaking, responses are closed and inquiries are open” (20).
  6. In the Gospels, Jesus asks a total of 307 distinct questions.
  7. For the record, I’m grateful that someone else did the math for us and discovered that Jesus asked nearly double the number of questions that he was asked.

Her kid, who has just turned four, is beginning to question everything.

Perhaps Jesus is urging us to channel our inner four-year-old and ask even more questions than we have been.

Jesus’ preferred modes of communication are questions and parables, both of which he uses frequently.

They are inviting the listener to take part in the process of understanding that is taking place.

The purpose is not to obtain information.

Longing, compassion, identity, faith, uncertainty, concern, the reach of love, and healing are some of the questions Jesus asks.

In Chapter 9, we learn about the questions that Jesus is asked and how he responds.

The eight responses that follow are responses that Jesus provided, however they do not always explicitly answer the issue that was posed to him.

Who exactly is Jesus?

Who do you think I am, exactly?

The first option necessitates no commitment on your part.

A Question from the Cross is an excellent examination of what it means to have a Savior who questioned, “My God, My God, why have you left me?” The subject of Chapter 11 is the question, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” Question and answer section of Chapter 12 concludes with questions from the risen Christ.

Reading them out of context or without considering the context is recommended by the author.

I was given this book on the recommendation of a great friend.

After reading the book, I’d want to try my hand at the same thing.

I would strongly suggest this book to anyone who want to deepen their understanding of their faith. I’d recommend it as a standalone read or as part of a book study, depending on your preferences. This is a book that you should read!

How many questions are in the New Testament?

Asked in the following category: General The most recent update was made on May 22nd, 2020. The New Testament is a collection of writings that were written during the years of ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad The Bible is the answer to trivia questions. There are 782 questions and answers on this subject. The most recent update was made on March 14, 2020. In the Gospels, Jesus asks far more questions than he is able to provide satisfactory answers.

See also:  What Were The Last Words Of Jesus On The Cross?

He is asked 183 questions, to which he only provides three responses.

As a result, the question is: what are the three questions that Jesus answered?

Matthew 24:3 (KJV)

  • When are these events going to take place
  • What will be the harbinger of your arrival
  • What will be the first indicator that the world is coming to an end

What is included in the New Testament as a result of this? Καιv? Translated as “translation,” For this reason, the New Testament is composed of 27 books in almost all Christian traditions today. These books are divided into four canonical gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), the Acts of the Apostles (which contains the Acts of the Apostles), Paul’s fourteen epistles, the seven catholic epistles (which includes the Book of Revelation), and the Book of Revelation (which contains the Book of Revelation).

The New Testament is a collection of writings that were written during the years of ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad It contains 27 works, all of which were originally published in the Greek language.

They were written around 40 years after the earliest recorded Christian texts, the letters of Paul, which are known as the Epistles.


Monday Morning Review published on May 14, 2010 Recently, Pastor Morris Sheats (one of my ministry idols and mentors) provided information on a sermon series on the questions Jesus posed that he was currently working on. This thought piqued my interest, and I decided to go headfirst into research on the subject. I have been astounded by how expertly our Lord use questions to convey crucial spiritual truths to his children. Because Jesus never needed to know the answer to a question, he never asked one.

A list of the questions that Jesus posed has been compiled here.

My mind is blown away by the ability of these inquiries to go deep into my soul. I’d love to know which question pops out at you the most as you read today and left you scratching your head in confusion.

  1. What kind of reward will you receive if you love people who love you? (Matthew 5:46) If you just welcome your brothers, what are you doing that is greater than the rest of the world? (Matthew 5:47) Who among you, by fretting, can add even a single hour to his or her own life? (Matthew 6:27) Why are you so concerned about your clothes? In Matthew 6:28, Jesus asks, “Why do you fix your gaze on the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye while paying no heed to the plank in your own?” How many people pluck grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles according to Matthew 7:3? Why are you so afraid? (Matthew 7:16) Why are you so afraid? Why do you entertain wicked thoughts in your hearts, according to Matthew 8:26? (Matthew 9:4)
  2. Which is simpler to say: ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or ‘Get up and walk,’ according to Matthew 9:4? When the bridegroom is there, how can the guests of the wedding party be sad? (Matthew 9:5) Do you think that I am capable of accomplishing this? (Matthew 9:15) (Matthew 9:28) What were you hoping to see when you went out into the desert? (Matthew 11:7)
  3. To what generation do I want to compare this one? According to Matthew 11:16, if any of you own sheep, and your sheep falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold of it and hoist it out? Unless he first ties up the strong man, how can anybody enter his house and take away his goods? (Matthew 12:11)
  4. How can anyone enter a strong man’s house and take away his possessions without first tying up the strong man? (Matthew 12:29) How can you, a brood of vipers, speak anything nice when you are evil? (Matthew 12:29) Who is my mother, and who are my brothers, according to Matthew 12:34? (Matthew 12:48) Why were you so hesitant? Jesus asks, “Why are you breaking God’s mandate for the sake of your tradition?” (Matthew 14:31). How many loaves do you have, according to Matthew 15:3? (Matthew 15:34) Do you still have a hard time grasping what I’m saying? (Matthew 16:9)
  5. Who is the Son of Man, according to popular belief? Jesus asks, “Who do you claim I am?” (Matthew 16:13). In the words of Jesus in Matthew 16:15, “What good will it be for a man if he gets the entire world but loses his soul?” Or, rather, what can a man provide in return for his soul? How long do you want me to stay with you? (Matthew 16:26) How much longer do you think I’ll put up with you? (17:17)
  6. From whom do the earth’s rulers collect duty and taxes–from their own sons or from others? (Matthew 17:17)
  7. (Matthew 17:25) What are your thoughts on this? In the event that a guy owns a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the other ninety-nine on the hills and go in search of the sheep that walked away? In Matthew 18:12, Jesus says, “Why do you inquire of me concerning what is good?” What is it that you desire? (Matthew 19:17) (Matthew 20:21) Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink? So, what exactly do you want me to assist you with? (Matthew 20:22) The source of John’s baptism (Matthew 20:32)
  8. Where did it originate from? Was it a message from God, or was it a message from men? (Matthew 21:25) What are your thoughts on this? (Matthew 21:28) Have you never read anything from the Bible before? (Matthew 21:42) Why are you attempting to catch me off guard? What are your thoughts about the Christ, according to Matthew 22:18? Whose son is he, exactly? The gold or the temple that makes the gold sacred, according to Matthew 22:42, is the higher value. Which is more important: the gift itself or the shrine that elevates the gift to a spiritual level? (Matthew 23:17-19
  9. Mark 10:17-19)
  10. How are you going to avoid being sentenced to hell? Why are you troubling this woman? (Matthew 23:33) What are you doing here? In Matthew 26:10, Jesus asks, “Couldn’t you guys maintain watch with me for an hour?” (Matthew 26:40) Do you believe that I shall not be able to call on my Father and have him immediately dispatch more than twelve legions of angels to my assistance? Matthew 26:53
  11. But how, therefore, would the Scriptures be fulfilled, which state that it must take place in the manner described? (Matthew 26:54) Is it because I am leading a revolt that you have gone out with swords and clubs to apprehend and imprison me? (Matthew 26:55) My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? (Matthew 26:55) (Matthew 27:46) What are you thinking about? (Matthew 27:46) In accordance with Mark 2:8, do you bring an oil light and place it beneath a bowl or a bed? Why don’t you just place it on its stand instead? In light of Mark 4:21, how should we explain the kingdom of God, or what parable should we employ in order to express it? (Mark 4:30) What gives you such a bad feeling? Do you still have doubts about God? What is your name, according to Mark 4:40? Who was it who touched my clothes? (Mark 5:9) (Mark 5:30) What is the source of all this noise and wailing? (Matthew 5:39) Why are you so drab? Are you not aware that nothing that enters a man’s body from the outside may render him ‘unclean’? (Mark 7:18) (Mark 7:18) What is the reason for this generation’s request for a miracle? I’ll tell you the truth: there will be no indication of its presence. (Mark 8:12) What are you talking about when you say you have no bread? Are you still unable to see or comprehend? Is it possible that your hearts have become hardened? Do you have eyes but can’t see, and ears but can’t hear? Do you have both eyes and ears but can’t hear? And don’t you recall what I said? You picked up how many basketfuls of fragments from the ground when I broke the five loaves for the five thousand people (Mark 8:17-18). According to Mark 8:19, how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up when I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand people? (Matthew 8:20) Do you still have trouble understanding? See if you can spot anything (Mark 8:21). As a result, why is it said that the Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected? (Mark 8:23) What were you talking over on the highway, according to Mark 9:12? The Bible says that salt is excellent, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? (Mark 9:33) ‘What did Moses command you,’ says Jesus (Mark 9:50). (Matthew 10:3)
  12. Why do you refer to me as good? So, what exactly do you want me to accomplish for you? (Matthew 10:18) ‘Why are you attempting to trap me?’ says Jesus in Mark 10:51. (Mark 12:15) Do you see all of these magnificent structures? ‘Are you sleeping?’ says Jesus in Mark 13:2. (Mark 14:37) Couldn’t you maintain a one-hour watch on the clock? (Mark 14:37) What were you looking for while you were looking for me? Didn’t you know I had to be at my Father’s house? (Luke 2:49) Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house? Why are you thinking these thoughts in your hearts, according to Luke 2:49? (Luke 5:22) Which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk,’ when someone has fallen down? (Luke 5:23) Why do you address me as ‘Lord, Lord,’ but do not follow my instructions? Where has your confidence gone? (Luke 6:46) What is your name, according to Luke 8:25? ‘Who has touched me?’ says Luke 8:30. Will you be raised to the heights of the heavens? (Luke 8:45) What is written in the Law, according to Luke 10:15? What method do you use to read it? (Luke 10:26) Which of these three people do you believe was a neighbor to the guy who was robbed and murdered? Luke 10:36
  13. Did not the one who created the exterior also create the inside? (Luke 10:36) Is it true that I was designated as a judge or arbitrator between you? (Luke 11:40) In the words of Jesus (Luke 12:14-15), “Who among you, by fretting, can add a single hour to his life?” (Luke 12:25) Why don’t you make your own decisions about what is good and wrong? Consider the following scenario: a king is going to declare war on another monarch. (Luke 12:57) Will he not first sit down and examine if he is capable of opposing the one who is coming against him with twenty thousand troops with ten thousand men? The Bible says that salt is beneficial, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be restored to its saltiness? (Luke 14:31) (Luke 14:34) Consider the following scenario: one of you has a hundred sheep and one of them is lost. Why doesn’t he abandon the ninety-nine in the open land and pursue the lost sheep until he locates it? (See also Luke 15:4) Consider the case of a lady who possesses 10 silver coins and loses one of them. If not, why doesn’t she just turn on a bright light, sweep the home, and search diligently for it? So, if you haven’t proven yourself trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will put their trust in you when it comes to true riches? (Luke 15:8) Did not all ten of the apostles receive cleansing? (Luke 16:11) What happened to the other nine? (See Luke 17:17.) And won’t God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night, if they keep pleading with him? Is he going to keep putting them off? (See Luke 18:7) Will the Son of Man, on the other hand, find faith on the earth when he returns? After all, who is more important: the one who sits at the table or the one who serves? (Luke 18:8) What are you doing sleeping? (Luke 22:27) In other words, if men do these things while the tree is still green, what will happen after the tree is dry? (Luke 22:46) What are you talking about while you stroll down the street, according to Luke 23:31? What things are they? (Luke 24:17) (Luke 24:19) Didn’t the Christ have to go through all of this before he could enter into his glory? In the words of Jesus (Luke 24:26), “Why are you concerned, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?” (Luke 24:38) Do you happen to have anything to eat here? What are you looking for? (Luke 24:41) (John 1:38) Why are you bringing me into this? ‘You are Israel’s teacher, and yet you do not comprehend these things,’ says Jesus in John 2:14. (John 3:10)
  14. I have talked to you about worldly things, yet you have not believed
  15. How will you believe if I speak to you about heavenly things? (John 3:10)
  16. Will you please give me a drink? (John 3:12) Do you want to be healed? (John 4:7) Do you want to be healed? When you accept praise from one another, but make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only God, how can you be believed in? (John 5:6). (John 5:44) If you don’t trust Moses’ writings, how can you possibly believe me? (John 5:45) In the book of John, verse 47, it says, “Where shall we get food for these people to eat?” Does this annoy you in any way? (John 6:5) What if you witness the Son of Man ascend to the place where he was before? (John 6:61) (John 6:62) You don’t want to be the one who has to leave, do you? Have I not chosen you? (John 6:67) Have I not chosen you? Isn’t Moses the one who gave you the law? (John 6:70) ‘Why are you attempting to kill me?’ says Jesus in John 7:19. (John 7:19) Why are you so upset with me because I healed the whole man on the Sabbath day? Where have they gone? (John 7:23) Is it true that no one has condemned you? (John 8:10)
  17. Why don’t you understand what I’m trying to say? (John 8:43) Is it possible for any of you to establish that I am guilty of sin? (John 8:46) Why don’t you believe me if I am telling the truth? (John 8:46) In light of this, why do you accuse me of blasphemy because I stated, “I am God’s Son?” (John 8:46)? (John 10:36) Isn’t there a whole twelve hours of daylight each day? Do you believe this? (John 11:9) Do you believe this? ‘Where have you buried him,’ says John 11:26. ‘Do you realize what I have done for you,’ Jesus asks in John 11:33. (John 13:12) Why don’t you recognize me, despite the fact that I have been among you for such a long time? (John 14:9)
  18. Who exactly are you looking for? ‘Shall I refuse to drink the cup that the Father has given me?’ (John 18:4,7) Is that something you came up with on your own, or did someone else tell you about me? (John 18:11) Why are you questioning me? (John 18:34) ‘If I told the truth, why did you hit me?’ (John 18:21). Why are you crying? (John 18:23)
  19. What is the matter with you? You’re seeking for someone, but who is it? (John 20:15) Friends, where have you gotten your fish? Do you love me? (John 21:5)
  20. Do you love me? What does that mean to you? (John 21:17) (See also John 21:22.)
See also:  I Don'T Know What Jesus Is To You Lyrics
All Scripture quoted from The Holy Bible: New International Version. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996, c1984.

Written by Morris Sheats and posted inBible,Christianity,Devotional,God,Jesus,Personal Growth| Tagged “Asked,” “Bible Study,” “Christianity”, “Gospels,” “Jesus,” “Morris Sheats,” “Questions,” “Morris Sheats”

Engaging Through Asking: 5 Ways Jesus Asked Questions

Engaging by Inquiring: 5 Ways Jesus Inquired into His Followers Jesus is known as the “Master of Questioning.” He is a specialist at delving deep into reality in order to bring about self- and God-awareness in others. If we are to be on mission with Him, we must learn to be cautious and discerning in asking good questions of ourselves and our society as well as of others. A new video from Gravity Leadership’s Rev. Matt Tebbe discusses five important characteristics of the questions Jesus posed in the Gospels—and what we can learn from them.

Karl Marx is credited as stating that “ the opium of the people.” Despite the fact that we may disagree with Marx’s notions of authentic Christian spirituality, Marx actually has a prophetic edge in this regard: Many people continue to utilize their spiritual lives as an escape from reality; to numb their sorrow and remain unconnected from their suffering.

  • It is a deeper rootedness in the world, as Jesus himself prays for us in the Gospel of John (John 17.15).
  • The encounter between Jesus and the woman at the well in John 4 is a magnificent illustration of God meeting us where we are at our most vulnerable.
  • When a woman comes to terms with who she truly is and accepts who she truly has become, we can see God for who he truly is in this passage, which is concise and clear.
  • Inquiries: How Does Jesus Dig Deeper Into Reality?

In 1530, John Calvin stated, “Our nearly completely composed of two parts: the knowledge of God and the knowledge of ourselves.” However, because they are linked together by several linkages, it is difficult to tell which of the two came first and gave birth to the other.” Self-awareness and God-awareness are inextricably linked.

When it came to getting to the core of people, Jesus was brutal.

Here are a few powerful illustrations: “Can you tell me why you think I’m good?” (See Luke 18.19.) “Can you tell me what you want me to do for you?

(Matthew 10.35-38; Luke 10.35-38) “Can you tell me what you want me to do for you?” (Luke 18.35-41) (Luke 18.35-41) “Can you tell me what you want?” (See also John 1.35-37.) “Would you mind getting me a drink?” (See John 4.7.) “Do you really want to become better?” (See John 5.6.) The Distinction Between Our Questions and the Questions of Jesus In the Gospels, Jesus asks a total of 307 questions.

  • If we want to become more like Jesus and accomplish what He did, we must learn to be cautious and intelligent in our questioning and in asking the right questions.
  • Unlike us, Jesus asks questions to induce transformation rather than knowledge.
  • Jesus asks questions in order to bring the listener face to face with his or her own thought process, preconceptions, assumptions, and beliefs, among other things.
  • As you recall, Jesus is looking for repentance (see Mark 1.15).
  • In order to do this, we must be honest with ourselves about what we really believe!

5 Characteristics of Jesus’ Inquiries When I look at Jesus’ interactions with others, I detect a pattern. There are five traits in his inquiries that allow him to engage with reality in a transforming way:

  1. Detailed – Jesus asked many “what” and “why” inquiries throughout the course of his ministry. He had little sympathy for religious discussions that were abstract in nature (see Matt 22.23-34, for instance). If he still had a blog now, his comment area would very certainly be “closed,” as it was then. Jesus delves into the nuances, the specifications, the minutiae of his teaching. He prefers to engage with the granularities of real life rather than abstractions. The more exact, thorough, and comprehensive we can be with our queries, the better off we will be. Connection– Jesus was probed by the religious authorities, who asked him a series of questions. It wasn’t that their queries were serious
  2. Rather, they were traps established in order to gain authority and favor from others. Jesus, on the other hand, asked questions in order to connect with people. For him, answering questions is a personal meeting. His inquiries express through his body language, voice, eye contact, and touch that he is there, as well as with and for the person with whom he is conversing and listening. Jesus did this a lot, as evidenced by the following: The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter in Luke 22.61, and “Jesus gazed at him and loved him” (Mark 10.21) is an example of direct eye contact. • Jesus would separate people from crowds in order to interact with them and touch them individually while they were being healed. In certain instances, Jesus used first names to indicate closeness (e.g., “Martha” – Luke 10.38-42) or questioned women in public, a show of familiarity that was outside the norms of Jewish tradition. (John 4.7
  3. 8.10)– And Peter and John did an excellent job of imitating him. See Acts 3.3-7 for more information on compassion. Compassion– Connection is an element of compassionate listening, but compassion goes beyond in that we add some soft kindness to whatever someone is sharing. Jesus possessed amazing presence, able to bear with another person in whatever they were going through so that they may feel the grace of the Father in their situation (see John 21.15-17 for this sort of compassionate questioning). It is the compassion of the Lord that causes us to turn from our sins (see Romans 2.1-4
  4. Matt 7.1-5). Many people find it difficult to inquire and listen compassionately because we are unable to accept another’s suffering or concern without wanting to solve or repair it for them. We’re better at being a judge and an accuser than we are at being an advocate and a friend. Curiosity– Jesus exemplifies curiosity by asking open-ended inquiries in order for people to find the Kingdom of God right in their own backyard. It is through this real curiosity that we may create a secure place for exploration and meet God in our depths in a vulnerable and true way. This is not something we are used to seeing: most of us have a variety of strategies for avoiding being vulnerable. Alternatively, we might transform questioning into an interrogation in which people are compelled to adopt defensive and justifying postures. Last but not least, it needs bravery to ask questions like Jesus does. Looking at ourselves through the eyes of God may be a frightening experience (see Job 42.6
  5. Isaiah 6.5
  6. Luke 5.8). Why, therefore, is “Do not be scared!” the most frequently uttered word from God to humans? We’d rather prefer to ignore, justify, rationalize, avoid, or medicate the truth about ourselves than face it head on and confront it. We have a legitimate reason for making these evasive maneuvers (Gen 3.8-13), but they have never been effective for us. Courage is required to come before God in our current state and say what is truly there

Of all, learning to ask effective questions is simply the beginning of the process. However, we will not be able to know God until we come to terms with where we actually are. And Jesus asked probing inquiries to assist individuals in determining where they were actually at. With pastors being expected to be expert consultants and to “tell it like it is,” we have a greater need now than ever to learn from Jesus how to ask transformative questions that help people be at ease with who they are (truly) so that they might meet God precisely where they are.

With the help of Matt and his colleagues at Gravity Leadership, the Telos Collective is able to provide coaching for Anglican leaders in all aspects of engaging culture.

In addition to his work as a youth pastor, Matt has experience as a bi-vocational church planter and as part of a team at a big church that is transitioning from a Sunday-centric worship service to a discipleship and mission paradigm.

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