What Would Black Jesus Do?

Was Jesus black?

The claims of certain current organizations that Jesus was a black or African Hebrew are unfounded.Is there any evidence to support this point of view?Was Jesus of Nazareth a black man?

  • A plain examination of the history of Jesus’ life as recorded in the Gospels makes the following observations: The son of a Hebrew lady from the town of Nazareth in the modern-day nation of Israel, he was born as a virgin to his mother.
  • Given that he was descended from Jews, it is likely that Jesus was born with a Jewish complexion, which is often comprised of an olive or light brown skin tone.
  • Additionally, the fact that Jesus was well-suited to His local Jewish culture and was widely recognized as being from Nazareth and a Galilean lends credibility to this claim (Matthew 26:69).
  • Many people consider the concept that Jesus was Jewish to be irrelevant and discard it as such.

Although Jesus was born into a Jewish family, his physical heritage is significant for a variety of reasons.First and foremost, Jesus arrived as the long-awaited Jewish Messiah.This would need Him being physically Jewish, with bodily characteristics that people would identify as being Jewish.The Jewish ethnicity of Jesus is plainly stated in the very first verse of the New Testament: ″The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham″ (the book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham) (Matthew 1:1).Second, the messianic predictions could not be realized in Jesus unless He was born into a Jewish family in his bodily appearance.It was necessary to have Jewish ancestors in order to be from the tribe of Judah.

From texts such as Hebrews 7:14, which reads, ″For it is apparent that our Lord was descended from Judah,″ it is clear that Jesus belonged to the Jewish ethnic group.Third, if Jesus was not Jewish, He could only be rejected and suffer as the Jewish Messiah, which would result in His death.In the event that Jesus had come from a different background, the fulfillment of Isaiah 53, in which Jesus is described as the suffering servant of the Jewish people, would not have been possible.

  1. The Bible states that he grew up before him like a young plant and like a root growing out of dry ground; he had no shape or grandeur that we should see, and no beauty that we should want him, as stated in verse 2.
  2. This prophesy made it plain that the Messiah’s physical appearance was not the primary focus; rather, it was His job that was of the biggest importance.
  3. Fourth, John 4:22 expresses Jesus’ Jewishness from His own point of view: ″You worship what you do not understand; we worship what we understand, for redemption comes from the Jews.″ When it was all said and done, Jesus was nailing himself on the cross with a sign that said, ″King of the Jews.″ In the eyes of both Jews and Gentiles, Jesus was perceived as a Jewish man who claimed to be the King of the universe.
  4. Despite the fact that He was rejected, His resurrection demonstrated that He was the promised Messiah.
  5. The data strongly supports the hypothesis that Jesus was an ethnic Jew of Jewish ancestry with a Jewish skin tone.
  6. This Jewish Messiah is the One who invites people from all walks of life to come to Him for redemption (Acts 4:12), and who promises eternal life to those who trust in Him (John 3:16).
  1. Truths that are related: What was Jesus’ physical appearance like?
  2. Was Jesus a Jew or a non-Jew?
  3. What is the significance of the name ″Jesus of Nazareth″?
  4. What was the language that Jesus spoke?

What were the most significant events in Jesus’ life?Return to the page: The Truth About Jesus Christ.


Tv Season Info

  • Comedy
  • Cartoon Network
  • premiere date: August 7, 2014
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Network: Cartoon Network


Critic Reviews for Black Jesus: Season 1

Audience Reviews for Black Jesus: Season 1

  • The ninth of March in the year 2021 Racist to the extreme.
  • Dec 09, 2015 No overkill jokes
  • Dec 09, 2015 Offensive in every aspect, and a shame to my religion. Just plain and simple amusing.
  • September 8, 2015 Aaron McGruder’s follow-up to The Boondocks falls short of the satirical wit that fans have come to anticipate from the author. However, it is a good-natured, light-hearted look at religion, the inner city, and what it means to be a decent person in spite of this. Everything comes together as a result of a spectacular performance by Gerald ‘Slink’ Johnson on November 7, 2014. Black Jesus, the first season (and presumably the premiere season) of Adult Swim’s satire/semi-stoner comedy, is a smart, well-written, and immensely amusing satire/semi-stoner comedy. Johnson provides a tremendous amount of energy and atmosphere to his portrayal as Jesus, leading the majority of the audience to think he may be the genuine deal, even if some of the characters don’t believe it. This show’s writing, which is done by MacGruder, who is also recognized for his great work on The Boondocks, continues to demonstrate his abilities. The supporting cast is also really well-chosen, with Witherspoon demonstrating yet again that he can play practically any character well, and Murphy adding his humorous attitude to Vick the landlord, who is played by Murphy. In my pantheon, the Black Jesus is the son of Shrek, and he is fully accepted as such.
  • Oct 07, 2014 fuck ye dam nice work in the ghetto baby Although the concept is intriguing, the execution is poor. Take a look at (with Spoilers) With Aaron McGruder, the creator of The Boondocks, being fired from his own show and it appearing that Black Jesus was going to be his return, I must admit that I had high expectations. Since his Jesus had a wig that I’m sure cost no more than $20-30 and included straight hair that didn’t appear woolly, I reasoned that if Black Jesus was anything like MLK Jr. on The Boondocks, it may have been amusing. I was right. Black Jesus was amusing. I was completely mistaken. Characters and the underlying story In the first episode, we skip past Jesus reviving, let alone making his journey to Compton, and instead are presented to a Jesus who speaks in Ebonics and curses like there is no tomorrow (Gerald ″Slink″ Johnson). Someone who appears to be exceedingly selfish and a little self-centered, but who is constantly eager to share the word of God, according to his interpretation, with others. Throughout the episode, it appears as though his would-be apostles, Boonie (Corey Holcomb), Jason (Antonio Tanner), Fish (Andra Fuller), and Maggie (Kali Hawk) are possibly smoking some of the dankest weed available, given that the biblical Jesus and the real negro Jesus are diametrically opposed to one another in almost every way. However, when he demonstrates his capacity to do selfish miracles and his knowledge of individuals that exceeds the National Security Agency, he demonstrates that he may be the true Christ. However, given that he is the driver for a drug trade, that he refers to people as mofos, and that cannabis is only second to his love of God, it is difficult to determine what has occurred to Jesus following his resurrection that has caused him to behave in this manner. Praise When you first view the program, it is unusual to see a Jesus who is more than six feet tall strolling about. Especially when he alternates from criticizing people one minute and praising altered scripture the next minute. And, in total, I managed to get approximately 5 chuckles out of it. The most of the credit goes to Boonie’s mother, Ms. Tudi (Angela Elayne Gibbs). Criticism But, let me add this: despite the fact that I am not a Christian, I believe that this program has squandered several possibilities by presenting Black Jesus. For starters, the fact that he had straightened hair, which appears like a god terrible wig, seems like a missed chance to at the very least depict Jesus in a manner akin to the biblical portrayal from the beginning. Then, in terms of both commentary and parody, the show just fails to make any meaningful observations on anything of significance. Jesus is essentially viewed as if he were an obnoxious magician who happens to live in the neighborhood. Because there isn’t much study of Jesus as a church figure, there isn’t much critique of how religion has changed after his crucifixion, and the show’s first episode just feels so superficial, I’m wondering if McGruder can be regarded a one-hit wonder after all. For if this is his next major endeavor, I suppose there was a good reason why he wasn’t cast in the last season of The Boondocks, which ended last year. The reason for this is that the powers that be felt they could damage the program more quickly than he could possible do. Overall: It’s best to avoid it. If you were hoping to see the spirit of The Boondock converted into live action, you should prepare to be dissatisfied with the results. For all its potential, Black Jesus is a misguided premise that will most likely never deliver on your hopes and expectations for the program. It is not Jesus who is acting in the manner of Martin Luther King Jr. in the episode ″Return of the King″ of The Boondocks. No, this program is attempting to profit off the controversy surrounding the portrayal of a Black, stupid Jesus, and is testing the waters to see how long they can keep it going before being cancelled. Because the criticism revolves more about how duped you feel after viewing this than it does about anything Jesus says, I don’t see this getting renewed. To be completely honest with you, I’m not sure why this was approved in the first place.
  • August 8th, 2014 A lot of people will be irritated by this film, which has heart and is full of chuckles
  • it is a must-see.
  • August 8th, 2014 The Black Jesus pilot, directed by Aaron McGruder, doesn’t quite live up to the anticipation, but it is unquestionably amusing and good-natured. It’s a traditional pilot, with the introduction of main characters and a glimpse into their personal lives and difficulties. It is my opinion that the show might benefit more from a 45-minute to an hour-and-twenty-minute time period. Although the presentation was 22 minutes long, I found it to be a touch hurried, but I expect I will become accustomed to it with time. Even while some people may object to the stereotypes depicted in this film, none of them are absolutely unrealistic, ″cartoonish,″ or even disrespectful in their nature. There is no doubt that the program has good intentions and does not even attempt to be disrespectful to its ″source material,″ if such a term can be used. In addition to his searing tongue, Black Jesus also has a wicked sense of humour, which is one of the show’s numerous appeals. I am confident in saying that this program is in good hands since I have seen McGruder’s previous work, and I expect nothing but brilliance by the conclusion of the first season.

What if Jesus was Black?

″What if Jesus was a black man?″ says one.″What if all of our images of Jesus were of an African Jesus rather than a European Jesus?″ says the author.That query was posed as a social media status by a friend of mine.The retaliation was swift and ferocious.People flocked to his Facebook page, accusing him of being rude just for posing the question.’Well, Christ was obviously not of the color white,’ my companion responded.

These individuals were aware of the untruth that has been repeated over thousands of years of depictions of White Jesus.The experts, on the other hand, believe that ″we should not replace one error with another.″ I thought their reactions to be rather amusing.As it turned out, the objective of my friend’s inquiry had not been to campaign for the placing of images of Black Jesus in churches, publications, and Bibles throughout the world, but rather to learn more about him.

His questions were meant to elicit thought, such as: what if people had grown up seeing pictures and stained glass windows and Bible illustrations of a brown-skinned Jesus with curly, coily hair instead of a white-skinned, red-headed, straight-haired Jesus with blue eyes, how might societal attitudes have changed?What if people had grown up seeing pictures and stained glass windows and Bible illustrations of a brown-skinned Jesus with curly, coily hair instead What kind of impact would the portrayal of a Black Savior have on White people’s sentiments about Black people and themselves, particularly among White people?Even among White people who are not racists in the traditional sense, there is a distinct attitude that develops as a result of seeing one’s own image mirrored everywhere — especially in the face of God.In addition, it would surely have an influence on those White individuals who carry hate against those who are Black or Brown, or who are otherwise different from themselves in any way.After all, it’s impossible to assert racial supremacy over someone who resembles the One you worship when they appear to be of a different race.

Of fact, no one has a clear picture of what God appears to look like.However, we can be certain that neither the Spirit of God nor God Incarnate appear to be the same as the normal visual recreations.A long, flowing white beard and an aged, wrinkled White guy with a long, flowing white beard do not represent the Creator.

  1. In addition to this, Jesus of Nazareth was most definitely not a Jared Leto clone.
  2. Nonetheless, when asked about their rapid objections to my friend’s article, all of those who had jumped on the bandwagon stated that they had never expressed their displeasure with the representations of White Jesus that saturate our society at every turn.
  3. How come they felt the need to descend so fast to dismiss his questions, but they had felt no such urge to do so in the instance of an erroneous White Jesus, was a mystery to me.
  4. Nobody wants to accept it, but our culture has been socialized to see Whiteness as the default and everything else as ″other.″ This propensity has even made its way into the Christian faith.
  5. This is a long way behind the figure of White Jesus.
  6. 1.

The religion of the West.The Ancient Middle East is not considered to be part of ″the Western World″ in any geopolitical arrangement.Moreover, despite the fact that Christ’s birthplace is located in the very same location from whence many ″Eastern Religions″ originated, Christianity is still viewed as a Western religion in many circles.Those who oppose it have gone so far as to label it a ″White Religion.″ Not only was Christ not of European descent, but we are taught in Scripture that many of the early followers of Christianity were of African descent.African persons that are particularly referenced in the Bible include Simon of Cyrene and the Ethiopian servant to Queen Candace, to name a few of examples.

It was apparent that Candace’s official had been reading Scripture even before Philip arrived, indicating that the Word was well-known among his people.Not to mention the numerous references to African ethnic groups and kingdoms throughout the Old Testament who were familiar with Yahweh.The notion that the very first time the Word was spread in Africa was after Europeans arrived is just incorrect in terms of history.2.Music is a must-have.This issue has been a source of contention within Adventism for decades, and it has been a source of contention in the broader Christian community for much longer.

  1. Many preachers have stated that sounds produced from Afrocentric rhythms are linked to heathenism and demon worship, and this is not without foundation.
  2. For ages, this erroneous notion has been passed down through the generations by uninformed missionaries.
  3. In the name of religious decorum, thousands of people have been forced to sit through bland, dry, and rhythmless church services as a result of these erroneous allegations.
  4. It is racism at its most basic level, despite the fact that this specific kind of prejudice is frequently hidden behind a layer of worries about syncopation and percussion.
  5. Many of the fallacies surrounding these ″warnings″ have been disproved by actual musicologists numerous times over the years.
See also:  Jesus Is Every Where

Despite this, they continue to exist.3.Misogyny is a form of discrimination against women.One would suppose that sexism and racism are two very different things.Moreover, it is true that they are separately different entities that are subject to discrimination.Nonetheless, if there is one, there is almost always another hiding close.

  • And in the church, these two types of disenfranchisement were planted next to one other, side by side.
  • South America and Africa have been accused of obstructing the advancement of Adventist women in ministry, although African history has a long history of egalitarian values, with the contributions of women being highlighted and recognized even among Christians on the continent.
  • However, along with the European portrayals of the Messiah, missionaries from Europe carried their beliefs about sex (which is where the phrase ″missionary position″ comes from) and gender roles with them to the New Testament.
  • Similarly, when White interpretations of Christianity expanded and superseded the existing styles of religious expression, attitudes toward subjection and sexism came to supplant equality and collaboration between men and women.
  • 4.
  • Social Justice is important.

As a result of the present political context, the significance of actively pursuing justice for others has received some attention in the Christian community.The Historical Black Church, on the other hand, is not a newcomer to this topic.Historically, this has been a guiding philosophy of the Civil Rights Movement, which explains why some major leaders of that era were ministers, pastors, or members of Christian organizations.Even outside of the Historical Black Church, there were other Christian groups, such as the Quakers, who actively tried to ensure that justice was served for all people.Nonetheless, we witness Christianity’s emphasis on Heaven being exploited as an excuse to ignore the need to solve injustice on Earth much too frequently.

  • Although it is imperative that articles, sermons, and seminars be written and delivered to convince groups of Christians that it is not only acceptable, but also vital, to get active in social justice issues, it is essential that we do so as the Children of God in the year 2020.
  • (Isaiah 58).
  • 5.
  • A sense of patriotism.
  • On the surface, it may appear that this is an issue that just affects Christians in the United States.
  • On the contrary, the origins of this concept may be traced back to European ideals.
  • The concept that God bestows particular favor on the conquered area is repeated in the mottos, anthems, and songs of nations all around Europe, including the United Kingdom.
  • The doctrines of Divine Right, Manifest Destiny, and the White Man’s Burden are all fruits of the same poisoned theological tree that holds that the groups that demonstrate the ability to conquer by force are the groups that have been appointed by God to rule over others, and that they must do so as a matter of course as part of their lot as the Chosen.
  • They are the ones who must take responsibility.
  • It was this same Spirit that inspired the Crusades, which sought to ″evangelize″ by means of physical violence.
  • These ideas have been passed down down the ages in a variety of ways.
  • It just so happens that American patriotism is one of the most prominent manifestations of the trait.
  • This is not to mean that one should be ashamed of one’s heritage.
  • However, it is true that certain governments go to great lengths to enforce their laws.

I have lived in a number of different nations across the world, but the United States has been my home for the most bulk of my adult life.As a result, although the United States is not alone in this, I am most familiar with the issue as it manifests itself in the American church.The concept of ″American exceptionalism″ is intertwined with the practice of the church.It can also present itself as xenophobia, which is concerned with preserving some idealized mental picture of a nation, when taken to its extremes.Establishing or maintaining a nation’s alignment with a favored golden dream is typically associated with rejecting pressures from those who would undermine the existing quo of imagined ″greatness″ (read: ″Whiteness″).

  1. There is a subtle but pervasive relationship between these principles and Christian doctrine.
  2. Because of this, several individuals who identified as Christian were able to draft the Constitution without seeing any contradiction in writing ″all men are created equal,″ despite the fact that it applied only to White men (which is part of the reason why, in the twenty-first century, saying ″All Lives Matter″ is not only offensive and misses the point, but it ignores the historical reality that marginalized communities have been purposefully excluded from the nation’s definitions of ″all″ from the beginning of time).
  3. The Constitution was drafted As a result, it is evident that it is necessary to state explicitly that ″Black″ people are included in the lives that matter.
  4. Because of this attitude, the KKK may proudly proclaim itself to be a Christian organization without irony.
  • Thus, early White immigrants in the United States had no qualms about committing genocide and enslaving human beings while claiming to be followers of Christ.
  • And it is for this reason why sentiments of racism and xenophobia are stronger among Christians than among other groups – including atheists and agnostics – today.
  • This is what happens when we continually promote the message that certain groups are superior to others based on their level of power and privilege in the world: discrimination.
  • And if you’ve only ever lived in a place where it’s totally usual to put the nation’s flag on the pulpit and to pledge allegiance to it during a church session, it might be difficult to grasp exactly how disturbing it is to be in another country.

6.The Gospel of Prosperity.Following on from the previous concept, this is a logical progression.Despite the fact that it is diametrically opposed to Christ’s teachings in Matthew 5 (among other places), there is still a widespread idea that wealth is synonymous with Divine favor.The greater your wealth, the greater God’s love for you.

  1. It is the very same thinking that leads countries to believe that their authority carries the imprimatur of the Almighty.
  2. The prosperity gospel carries this notion down to the level of the person.
  3. Being able to accumulate significant amounts of financial prosperity is considered to be a proof of the Lord’s presence in your life.
  4. As a result, many Christians believe that capitalism and Christianity are mutually incompatible terms.

All of the world’s economic systems have flaws, including the United States.According to Scripture, there is no single current economic system that must be followed.As a result, while many Christians are comfortable criticizing other systems, they instinctively shudder at the prospect of doing so about capitalism.They see criticism of capitalism as an attack on the Bible and Christianity itself.

  1. If you still don’t believe me, just try it for yourself.
  2. Broach a discussion about evaluating capitalism.
  3. Not as an endorsement of any other economic system, just as an evaluation of capitalism as practiced today.
  4. Without fail, instead of engaging with the real problematic ways in which capitalistic philosophies impact our society, the inevitable shift occurs where people argue against other systems and how flawed they are.
  5. The deflection is like a reflex.
  1. When criticizing others, a classic barb of some Christians is to point out that if they don’t fullthroatedly embrace capitalism, it is a problematic stance.
  2. I’ve known Christians that have stated their sincere belief  that subscribing to any other economic system will ultimately lead to atheism.
  3. It is intellectually dishonest and spiritually manipulative for Christians to use capitalism as a stand-in for Christianity, or to use other systems as theological boogeymen.
  4. Even pastors have been known to defend capitalism as if it was handed down from on high, inscribed by the Finger of God on stone tablets.
  • This singular economic system is upheld by some people as if it is mandated in Scripture.
  • It is not.
  • In fact, several principles of capitalism – particularly as practiced in America – are distinctly antithetical to Christian principles.

Chattel slavery and usury are two bedrock foundations of American capitalism.Yet and still, it’s almost as if Christians (especially in America) are allergic to confronting the flaws in Capitalism.7.Saviorism.Much like the European missionaries believing that they brought light to a “dark continent,” our mission and evangelism perspective is often steeped in condescension.Of course we desire to be faithful to the Great Commission in Matthew 28.

But instead of having a fervor born from a love for our brothers and sisters (1 John) we are often motivated by paternalism and pity.There is a difference.And it shows.There is humility in the former approach and arrogance in the latter.Many times we don’t approach people as equals, but as those deigning to interact with people occupying an inferior station.While this attitude is most frequently associated with folks who participate in foreign missions, it can be seen in local evangelistic approaches as well.

Even in our speech we often fail to acknowledge that other people besides Adventists know who Jesus is.We are so insulated in our own subculture that we don’t even bother to familiarize ourselves with what others believe before proclaiming to them that, whatever they subscribe to, they ought to abandon it for our faith instead.This approach is directly descended from that of the colonizers who imposed their will on others in the name of the Gospel.I firmly believe that these concepts that have been embedded in modern Christianity would not be present – nor would they be so difficult to extricate – if the portraits of Jesus we were exposed to weren’t European (I personally think we would be far better off if we took the second commandment seriously and avoided visual representations of God altogether) (I personally think we would be far better off if we took the second commandment seriously and avoided visual representations of God altogether).Unfortunately you can’t un-ring a bell.And the damage done by this small but effective reinforcement of White Jesus has impacted the Church Universal in profound ways.

The work of decolonizing Christianity will be arduous.But difficulty notwithstanding, decolonization is a necessary moral imperative.Courtney Ray, MDiv, PhD is an ordained minister of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and President of the Society for Black Neuropsychology.

Previous Spectrum columns by Courtney Ray can be found at: Image Credit: Unsplash.com We invite you to join our community through conversation by commenting below.We ask that you engage in courteous and respectful discourse.You can view our full commenting policy by clicking here.

Should Christians boycott ‘Black Jesus,’ or try to learn from it?

Following the widespread condemnation of Adult Swim’s new show ″Black Jesus,″ which resulted in a number of Change.org petitions, some religious leaders are attempting to decipher the show’s deeper meaning.This is exactly what it sounds like: Jesus is alive and well in Compton, according to the show’s creator, Aaron McGruder, who previously worked on Adult Swim’s ″The Boondocks.″ And he’s black.As the show’s creators told Vice recently, the show is a loose satire of Jesus’ life, and Judea, as they put it, was most definitely ″the hood.″ As producer Robert Eric Wise explained to Vice, ″Judea was such a hood that Rome dispatched Pontius Pilate, the most powerful thug in the empire, to manage it.″ ″The real biblical and historical Jesus was born and raised in the hood.” Few in the faith community are accepting the satire explanation Wise offered.Most don’t object to the portrayal of Jesus as black, but because the show is disrespectful.″The show mocks Christianity and Jesus Christ.People’s religions should not be blasphemed on television,″ said James Jones of Woodbridge, Va., who authored one of the petitions to yank the show.

Others pointed out that a show mocking other religious figures would not have been tolerated.″It was horrible, disgusting and completely offensive.Down to a person, everyone in the youth group was offended.

It just shows where we are as a nation.… We have no respect for God,″ Kerry Burkey, senior pastor at the 300-member Rockledge Church of Christ, told USA Today.″Today, faith is perceived as a myth.There is a lack of respect for the authority of God, although I will tell you that if Hollywood had produced a program called ‘Black Muhammad,’ or whatever, there would be an outrage.″ Media outlets are having a more mixed reaction to the show.Time shrugged the show off with a simple “We have other things to boycott,” but where media reaction is concerned, the show is something of a triple threat, provoking reactions over race, faith and class in one fell swoop.

The Daily Beast proferred that the show itself is racist.″What is most striking about Black Jesus is the casualness with which its primary characters are formed out of race-based stereotypes — among others, there are three angry and needlessly violent black and Latino women, a lazy mama’s boy, an ex-con who can’t help his criminality, and two cruel, daft Mexican gangbangers,″ Rawiya Kameir wrote.″Is subversion on the horizon?

  1. Only God knows.″ Or, as the Washington Post suggested, maybe the show isn’t about Jesus at all, but is instead about a ″crazy, homeless guy″ who thinks he’s the son of God.
  2. ″Which seems about right, considering that we see Black Jesus skipping through Compton cursing, handing out 40 ounces and smoking up everybody’s weed,″ Soraya Nadia McDonald wrote.
  3. But minister Christopher House took a different tact entirely on The Huffington Post, saying the show was an opportunity for Christian reflection.
  4. ″Identification precedes personal, spiritual and social salvation,″ House wrote.
  5. ″Rather than simply dismissing the show as being blasphemous, maybe we should continue to watch with an awareness of contemporary issues and a strong sense of irony.
  6. To do so would ask us to consider what then does it mean to have a black Jesus living and moving in impoverished black spaces?″ Email: [email protected] Twitter: ChandraMJohnson
See also:  How To Make Jesus Happy?

Black Jesus: ‘Have some f—ing faith bruh!’

It’s doubtful that Aaron McGruder cares about your views about the new show ″Black Jesus,″ given that he couldn’t even be bothered to get the man’s hair correct in the first place.Likewise, it’s doubtful that he cares about the show being criticized by Christian organizations who term it ″blasphemous.″ It was decided by McGruder that rather than giving the Adult Swim audience a woolly-haired Jewfro Jesus, he would offer them a conk instead.The Black Jesus, played by Gerald ″Slink″ Johnson, has a head of unusually smooth and highlighted locks, which makes him look even more menacing.Nonetheless, if you really want to get down to Jesus’s follicular specifics, you may do so with a wig – albeit a cheap one.This is only a minor infraction in the eyes of enraged Christians, according to them.It is their primary worry that the real Jesus is being slandered in the name of television advertising, and they want Adult Swim to cancel the episode before it airs on August 7.

There are now at least four Change.org petitions requesting Adult Swim to cancel the program, all of which have been signed.The most popular petition, sponsored by Christian Network, has garnered more than 3,000 signatures.″Blasphemy″ and a ″insult to all believers in Jesus Christ,″ according to the statement.

This television show has taken the words of our Lord and twisted them in order to make a mockery of him, and it cannot be accepted.It is also discriminatory and demeaning to the black community,″ says the author.It turns out that Black Jesus is not truly represented as the messiah — at least not in a way that is certain to be the case.Vic, played by Charlie Murphy, makes the observation that ″he ain’t Jesus Christ.″ ″He’s simply some insane person who believes he’s Jesus,″ says the other.Given that we observe Black Jesus running around Compton, California, cursing and throwing out 40 ounces of marijuana while also smoking up everyone’s pot, it appears to be a reasonable assumption.

It’s hard to argue that the line, ″Hi, I’m Jesus, the person who died for your sins 2,000-plus years ago,″ is at the very least an interesting one in the world of grifts.Adult Swim and McGruder’s reputation as pot-stirrers will only be enhanced as a result of this reaction, which is hardly surprising and, if anything, should be welcomed.Almost every time a ludicrous portrayal of Jesus appears in popular culture, there is an outpouring of criticism.

  1. Christian organizations were outraged in 2008 when the trailer for ″Hamlet 2″ featured the song ″Rock Me Sexy Jesus″ from the film — and there were demands to boycott the film as a result.
  2. McGruder, who is also the creator of the television series ″The Boondocks,″ is accustomed to such reactions:

Cristo Negro (Portobelo) – Wikipedia

Cristo Negro (Black Christ; also known as ″Nazareno″; nicknames ″Naza,″ ″el Negro,″ ″el Negrito,″ ″el Cristo,″ and ″el Santo″) is a wooden statue of Jesus Christ that can be found in Iglesia de San Felipe, a Roman Catholic parish church in Portobelo, Panama.The statue is dedicated to St.Felipe, who is the patron saint of Panama.The statue was discovered on the sands of the town’s harbor.It is life-size, and it is dressed with a robe that is changed twice a year, once during the Festival of the Black Christ and once during the week before Palm Sunday.It is customary to revere Black Christ throughout the year, but on October 21st, the Festival of the Black Christ is the most significant.

In Quiapo, Manila, the Philippines, a similar picture known as The Black Nazarene is worshiped by locals.


The statue’s origins are a mystery at this time.The wooden figure of Christ washed up on the shores of Portobelo and was discovered by fisherman.It was first kept in a modest church and was revered by the community.The monument was moved to its current location after the construction of the Iglesia de San Felipe.According to one narrative, the statue was allegedly transported to Spain.There is no specific date for when it was transported to the New World, although it was probably somewhere around the 17th century (an exact date has not been determined).

The ship was forced to port in Portobelo as a result of a severe storm.During the time the ship was due to depart, a violent storm blew in and prevented the ship from setting sail; this happened on many occasions.The superstitious seamen attributed this phenomena to the statue, and as a result, they dumped the box carrying the statue into the water, and the storm stopped and the ship continued its journey.

The statue is life-size and bears a crucifix on its shoulders.Heavy cocobolo (Dalbergia retusa) wood has been used to carve the picture, which is a dark brown color.The picture conveys an emotional state of distress.It is deified in the church on a platform to the left of the altar, which is dedicated to the Virgin.The statue is adorned with a gold plate depicting elements associated with Christ’s crucifixion, such as nails, a crown of thorns, and dice similar to those used by the Roman troops.

The statue is clad in a robe at various points during the day.The robes worn for the Black Christ Festival, which takes place on October 21, are crimson or burgundy in color.During Holy Week, it is a deep purple in color.

  1. The robes are supplied by devotees, generally anonymously, and after they have been changed, they are no longer utilized.
  2. They are sometimes constructed of plain cloth, and other times of more expensive fabric that has intricate designs and gold borders around the edges.
  3. It is now possible to see all of the garments that have been worn by the statue, which are changed twice a year, at the Museo del Cristo Negro (Black Christ Museum), which is housed in the Church of San Juan de Dios, a 17th-century church that can be found behind the Iglesia de San Felipe.
  4. Previously, the museum building had used as a medical facility.
  5. As of 2010, the museum possessed 60 garments that had originally been worn by the Black Christ figure, which was on display.
  6. They are a symbol of an individual devotee’s professed worship of the Black Christ as well as their penance in the hope of atoning for their wrongdoing.


People from all across Panama come to pay their respects to the monument.A number of miracles have been credited to Cristo Negro, and as a result, it is also known as ″El Nazareno″ (the Nazarene).Villagers make it a point to visit the church on their annual trip.Some pilgrims trek 53 miles (85 kilometers) from Panama City, while others walk 22 miles (35 kilometers) from Sabanitas, and a few crawl the final mile on their hands and knees in order to get blessings at the temple.Throughout the journey, pilgrims dress in purple robes (which reflect the garments worn by Jesus when Roman soldiers made fun of him for claiming kingship), which are comparable to the costumes worn by Cristo Negro during the celebration.Those who have committed crimes may also undertake the pilgrimage to atone for their actions.

There are several accounts about criminals partaking in the celebration on the day in question, which has led to the Black Christ being referred to as the ″patron saint of criminals″ by some.Some fervent worshipers wear gold ornaments on their clothing as emblems of their religion, while others do not.When pilgrims arrive at the church’s front door at midnight, they remove their robes and enter the sanctuary.

Art Works

In addition to the numerous artworks that the Cristo Negro has influenced, two audiovisual items stand out in particular.The massive procession of the Cristo Negro was captured majestically by Panamanian photographer Sandra Eleta for her slide-show ″Portobelo,″ and Cuban-American filmmaker Alfredo Alvarez Calderón produced a comprehensive documentary on the cult, pilgrimage, and procession in 1996, titled ″El Cristo Negro de Portobelo.″ Rogelio Pretto, a painter from Panama, and other Panamanian artists have also created a large number of works with the figure of Cristo Negro.


  1. The following are some examples: Kronegger & Tymieniecka 2013, page 233.
  2. a b Friar 2013, page 175.
  3. a b Stallings 2012, page 213.


  • Affiliation of the American Home Economics Association (1964). William Friar’s Family Vacations Throughout the World (9 July 2013). Panama City and the Panama Canal are illuminated by the moon. Susan M. Hassig and Lynette Quek are the authors of Avalon Travel (ISBN 978-1-59880-877-3). (2007). Panama. Marshall Cavendish (ISBN 978-0-7614-2028-6) and Patricia Katzman (ISBN 978-0-7614-2028-6) (1 November 2005). Panama. Author(s): Kronegger, M.
  • Tymieniecka, Anna-Teresa ISBN 978-1-58843-529-3 Publisher: Hunter Publishing, Inc. (14 March 2013). In the Fine Arts, the Aesthetics of Enchantment is explored. Springer Science & Business Media, ISBN 978-94-017-3234-5
  • Melton, J. Gordon, Springer Science & Business Media, ISBN 978-94-017-3234-5 (13 September 2011). Celebrations of Religious Observances: An Encyclopedia of Holidays, Festivals, Solemn Observances, and Spiritual Commemorations (Religious Celebrations) ABC-CLIO, ISBN 978-1-59884-205-0
  • Soley, La Verne M. Seales, ABC-CLIO, ISBN 978-1-59884-205-0 (30 December 2008). Panamanian culture and customs are covered in this section. Stallings, Doug (ABC-CLIO, ISBN 978-0-313-05636-9)
  • ABC-CLIO (15 October 2012). Ports of Call in the Caribbean, according to Fodor’s. Fodor’s Travel Guide, p. 213, ISBN 978-0-307-92940-2

External links

At Wikimedia Commons, you may find images and videos connected to Cristo Negro (Portobelo).

REVIEW: Black Jesus Laughs With, More Than At, Its Son of God

  • ″Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed,″ Jesus says in John 20:29. ″Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.″ This was a problem with Doubting Thomas, but it is not a problem with Black Jesus (which premieres on Thursday, August 7). The Adult Swim sitcom from Boondocks creator Aaron McGruder, like many other series with contentious topics, has no shortage of naysayers who have not yet seen it but still feel it is blasphemy against the Christian faith. To be fair, Adult Swim has already provided them with material in the shape of advertisements and trailers. Furthermore, the bullet-point highlights of the first two episodes are unlikely to be enough to quell the outrage from Christian organizations who claim that the show mocks their messiah and their faith in general. Throughout the program, the Son of God is shown as a modern-day Compton resident who swears, associates with drug dealers, turns bottled water into cognac, and puffs on blunts. Black Jesus is hardly the first comedy to spoof Jesus Christ for laughs
  • Monty Python’s Life of Brian did it, as did Saturday Night Live with its ″Djesus Uncrossed″ routine last year, among other things. It is hardly the first fiction to picture Jesus coming
  • South Park, for example, has done so since the beginning of the series. (This was also true of Dostoevsky’s ″The Grand Inquisitor″ in The Brothers Karamazov, but with fewer humor.) It’s not even the first television show to include a ″Black Jesus″: Family Guy was the first to do so some years ago. (Although, strangely enough, a pot-smoking Jesus was already featured by a Seattle restaurant advertisement last spring.) Offense is subjective–I can’t tell someone whether or not they should be offended by Black Jesus, and as a nonbeliever, it would be hypocritical of me to attempt to do so. There is a school of thought that holds that the fact that someone produces a religious parody while aware that believers may be upset is de facto disrespectful to those people. Furthermore, Christian author Jay Parini argues that, like Black Jesus, the Biblical Jesus was also chastised for associating with sinners, partygoers, and prostitutes, a point that is supported by historical evidence (not to mention tax collectors). In any case, there is a distinction between parody of Jesus and mockery with Jesus, and Black Jesus is ultimately concerned with the latter of the two. It is frequently amusing, although it is not without flaws. A large portion of the first episode plays out like a sketch-show segment that drags on for much too long, plays on big clichés, and resorts to simple ″Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Jesus did″ jokes. The Hallelujah Chorus plays while Black Jesus (Gerald ″Slink″ Johnson) goes down the street, has his van fined, and gets into a fight with a homeless man who wants the Son of God to reveal him the day’s Lotto numbers, which the Son of God refuses to do. (″You smell like ass and crackers!″ he exclaims after first offering the man some ″kindness, compassion, and love for all people″ instead of a verbal reprimand. Although you might expect McGruder to be out for sharp religious satire, considering his Boondocks past, Black Jesus is actually more of a stoner hangout comedy with a heart. At one point in the pilot, Jesus is hanging out with some of his good-hearted friends, who call him out on his drug use and ask him to lend them money for a business deal (which also involves marijuana). They also ask him to perform ″a miracle, just in case we need it–which we won’t!″ at the end of the episode. People who reject the current version of Jesus’ message, however, are the target of the joke here, rather than Jesus himself, as the central character. ″I still love your bitch ass!,″ says Jesus, despite his Sunday-School pageant attire. ″I still love your bitch ass!″ says Johnson, who plays Jesus as an enormous, wide-armed fountain of love. ″By default, as well!″ It is the nonbelievers who are ridiculed, such as Vic (Charlie Murphy), a cynical landlord who believes Jesus is a hustler and a phony. In addition, it is very evident from the series that Jesus is the real deal–at the very least, we witness him read minds and cure by touch, despite his insistence that ″I ain’t in control of miracles.″) That’s Pops for you!″) Despite the fact that Black Jesus is crass and disrespectful, it is mainly concerned with criticizing a society in which Jesus’ message is continually rejected. Despite some of the same shortcomings (including some poorly caricatured Latino gang-bangers), the second episode establishes a running plot that is truly New Testament-ish in the show’s own strange manner, which is a welcome development. Black Jesus rallies his supporters to seize an empty site and turn it into a communal garden (with the enticement that they can grow marijuana tucked in with the onions and tomatoes). A series of disputes ensues, the hilarious targets of which are not the church or Jesus–Black or otherwise–but the crooks and self-dealers who are more concerned with their small community of one than with the larger community. To summarize, the following is true: The image depicts Jesus with a group of followers, spreading a message of community in the face of cynics and skeptics.. in the middle of a garden There are at least two possible paths for Black Jesus to go from here. Perhaps a boisterous, amusing, even compelling reworking of the love-thy-neighbor message–truly, a parable – is in the works. Alternatively, it might consist of a series of ″Son of God N the Hood″ jokes. When it comes to converting naysayers, McGruder may just need to keep Black Jesus from succumbing to temptation. More TIME Magazine’s Must-Read Stories This is the story of how Volodymyr Zelensky defended Ukraine while also uniting the world.
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See also:  How Did Jesus Teach

To get in touch with us, call Black The Son of God laughs with, rather than at, its own Son of God&body= target=″ self″ rel=″noopener noreferrer″>&body= target=″ self″ rel=″noopener noreferrer″> [email protected].

Black Jesus (TV series) – Wikipedia

  • Black JesusGenreSitcom Created byAaron McGruder Mike Clattenburg Starring Gerald ″Slink″ Johnson
  • \s Charlie Murphy
  • \s John Witherspoon
  • \s Kali Hawk
  • \s Corey Holcomb
  • \s Andra Fuller
  • \s Andrew Bachelor
  • \s Angela E. Gibbs
  • \s Antwon Tanner
  • \s Valenzia Algarin
  • \s Dominique
  • Jonathan ″Jon″ Jackson is a composer. Identifying the country of origin The United States of America Language of origin: EnglishNumber of seasons: 3 The number of episodes is 31. (list of episodes) Production Aaron McGruder, Mike Clattenburg (seasons 1–2), Rusty Cundieff (season 3), Robert Wise, Meghann Collins Robertson, Norm Aladjem, John Bravakis, Stu Schreiberg (seasons 1–2), Keith Crofford, Walter Newman, and others served as executive producers.
  • Season 1–2 producers Mark Costa and Debbie Hayn Cas, Season 3 producers Kyle Clark and Slink Johnson. Season 3 producers Kyle Clark and Slink Johnson.
  • Jean Crupper is the editor of this publication (season 3) 20 minutes is the whole running time. Production firms 5 Mutts, Triage Entertainment, Mainstay Entertainment (season 3), and Williams Street are among those involved in the project.
Distributor Warner Bros. Television Distribution
Original network Adult Swim
Picture format 16:9 HDTV
Original release August 7, 2014 –November 30, 2019
External links

In the United States, Black Jesus is a sitcom developed by Aaron McGruder (creator of The Boondocks) and Mike Clattenburg that airs on Adult Swim.Gerald ″Slink″ Johnson, Charlie Murphy, Corey Holcomb, Kali Hawk, King Bach, Andra Fuller, and John Witherspoon are among the cast members of the series.The first episode of the series aired on August 7, 2014.The sitcom was renewed for a second season on December 10, 2014, and the season began on September 18, 2015, according to the network.Its third and last season aired on September 21, 2019, marking the show’s final season.


As Jesus Christ, he lives in the modern-day city of Compton, California, and is on a mission to preach love and charity across the area with his tiny group of disciples, according to the written live-action comedy.

Series overview


  • Seasons 1–2 featured Gerald ″Slink″ Johnson portraying Jesus Christ, Charlie Murphy portraying Victor ″Vic″ Hargrove (seasons 1–2), John Witherspoon portraying Lloyd Hamilton, Kali Hawk portraying Maggie (seasons 1–2), Corey Holcomb portraying Boonie, Andra Fuller portraying Fish (seasons 1–2), Andrew Bachelor portraying Trayvon (seasons 1–2), and Angela E. Gibbs portraying Ms. Tudi
  • Among those who have appeared in the show include Antwon Tanner as Jason (seasons 1–2
  • recurring season 3)
  • Valenzia Algarin as Dianne (seasons 1–2
  • recurring season 3)
  • Dominique as Shalinka (seasons 1–2
  • recurring season 3)
  • and others.

International broadcast

The sitcom began on The Comedy Channel in Australia on June 8, 2015, and on Adult Swim in Canada on April 1, 2019, both of which were first shown in the country.


Based on five reviews, the first season has an average score of 73 on Metacritic, which provides a normalized rating out of 100 to reviews from critics.This means that the season garnered ″generally good reviews.″ ″Black Jesus is amusing in part because it dives so gleefully into regions most producers and networks, worn down by years of demands for sponsor boycotts and negative press, have simply decided it’s simpler to ignore,″ wrote Brian Lowry of Variety in his positive assessment of the series.″I’m not saying it’s particularly deep, and it is filled with language that cannot be reproduced in this newspaper, but it is good-natured, and, compared to a lot of what’s on television, the comedy is gentle and hopeful,″ wrote Robert Lloyd of the Los Angeles Times in his positive review of the series.According to Soraya Nadia McDonald of The Washington Post, ″Black Jesus, like his earthly predecessors, does not have a faultless track record, but he understands the basic principles and sets an example by leading by example.Since anything, it appears like McGruder is attempting to communicate to his audience that if Jesus is similar to us, it may not be such a leap for us to be similar to him as well.″ ″You may think McGruder, given his Boondocks past, to be out for incisive theological satire, but Black Jesus is actually more of a stoner hangout comedy with a heart,″ wrote James Poniewozik for Time magazine.


  1. ″Shows A-Z – black jesus on adult swim″ is an example of a show. The Futon Critic is a fictional character created by the Futon Critic. On the 27th of August, 2021, Michael O’Connell was able to get a hold of me (10 December 2014). It was reported in the press that ″Adult Swim has renewed ″Black Jesus,″ ″Mike Tyson,″ and ″Mr. Pickles.″ 12 December 2014, The Hollywood Reporter, retrieved from the internet. B.G. Henne is a fictional character created by British author B.G. Henne. In the third day, Black Jesus awoke with its season two trailer, which was released on the third day. Avclub.com. 2015-09-10
  2. retrieved 2015-09-10
  3. Brian Steinberg is a writer who lives in New York City (12 May 2016). Samurai Jack is revived on Adult Swim as the network court linear and online viewers, according to a press release.
  4. retrieved 23rd of March, 2018. Lesley Goldberg is the author of this piece (10 March 2014). Exclusive: The ‘Boondocks’ creator brings his new show, ‘Black Jesus,’ to Adult Swim. According to The Hollywood Reporter. Lynne Segall is a writer and actress. ″Foxtel in June: 200+ new series including Orange Is the New Black, True Detective, Suits, PLL, Wimbledon, and more″ was published on June 9, 2014.
  5. ″Orange Is the New Black, True Detective, Suits, PLL, Wimbledon, and more″ was published on June 9, 2014. The Green Room is a place where you may relax and unwind. Foxtel, first shown on June 1, 2015. On June 4, 2015, the following article was published: ″Canadian Adult Swim Channel launch lineup revealed, app is cancelled.″ ″Black Jesus – Season 1 Reviews″ was published on March 22, 2019. Metacritic. Brian Lowry’s blog was accessed on September 7, 2014. (2014-08-06). On Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim, ″Black Jesus″ gets a television review. ″Review: ‘Black Jesus’ on Adult Swim has good-natured stoner humor,″ Variety (August 15, 2014)
  6. ″Review: ‘Black Jesus’ on Adult Swim has good-natured stoner fun,″ Variety (August 15, 2014). The Los Angeles Times (2014-08-08)
  7. retrieved 2014-08-15
  8. Nadia and Soraya are sisters (2014-08-08). ″’Black Jesus’ may indulge in vices like as drinking, smoking, and cursing, yet he retains Messiah-like characteristics.″ The Washington Post, retrieved on the 15th of August, 2014.
  9. Poniewozik, James Poniewozik (2014-08-07). ″A review of the Adult Swim show Black Jesus.″ TIME, retrieved on the 15th of August, 2014.


  1. Crofford and Newman serve as executive producers for Williams Street
  2. Costa serves as producer for Williams Street
  3. and Slink Johnson is recognized as a co-producer for Williams Street.

External links

  • Black Jesus at IMDb

Color of the Cross – Wikipedia

The color scheme for the CrossTheatrical theatrical release poster Jean-Claude La Marre is in charge of the direction.Jean-Claude La Marre is the author of this piece.Ken Halsband was in charge of the production.Jessie Levostre is a model and actress.Cecil L.Murray is an American author and businessman.

Starring Jean-Claude La Marre is a French actor and director.Debbi Morgan is a television personality.Elya Baskin is a Russian actress.

David Gianopoulos is a well-known author and public speaker.Ananda Lewis is a model and actress.Caspar Poyck is a well-known composer.Stephen Wozniak is a computer scientist.Flexx composed the music.

Jean-Claude La Marre is a French actor and director.The film is distributed by 20th Century Fox.The film will be released on October 27th, 2006.

Running time 88 minutes
Country United States
Language English
Box office $85,802

The Color of the Cross is a 2006 religious film written and directed by Jean-Claude La Marre, and it stars La Marre himself. The film is one of the few that presents Christ as a black man, and it depicts Jesus’ persecution as a result of racism, which is one of the film’s main themes.


When Jesus of Nazareth (Jean-Claude La Marre), a Black man, takes a group of 12 followers to the historical city of Arimathea to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Passover, it is the first of what would eventually be known as his final 48 hours on earth.Governed by the Jewish Sanhedrin, which is an elite group of Jews operating within the governmental control of the Roman Empire, the city of Arimathea persecutes and discriminates against its Jewish inhabitants.The Sanhedrin, becoming more dissatisfied with the growing popularity of Jesus, a Jew who claims to be the messiah, want to convene an emergency conference to examine his growing authority and influence.Some members of the Sanhedrin, despite the fact that he is Jewish, find it difficult to comprehend that a black guy might in reality be the messiah.The members seek to devise a strategy for apprehending and interrogating Jesus in connection with his alleged blasphemy.As a result, with the assistance of his disciple John (Akiva David), Jesus locates a secure place in Arimathea to dine during the Passover holiday, away from the vigilant patrol of Roman soldiers who are also seeking to subjugate him because of his notoriety.

As a result, Mary (Debbi Morgan), the mother of Jesus, starts to feel that her son is being picked out for special treatment because of his race-based inclinations.Romans not only persecute Jewish people as a whole, but they also see Jewish people who are black in skin tone as having more serious ramifications than simply plain white Jews.In the province of Judea, Jesus and his companions make their way to the town of Arimathea after a long journey through the wilderness.

As part of the Passover meal, which is being held in a secret location within a Jewish guest home, Jesus shares with his disciples the vision that he had received from God, which depicts a member of his discipleship betraying Jesus and handing him over to the Romans as a blasphemy criminal against the Empire.Even after hearing about the so-called miracles that Jesus did, such as the healing of a blind man and the resuscitation of a dead person, Caiphas (Elya Baskin), the chief of the Sanhedrin, remained doubtful of Jesus’ abilities.Sanhedrin believes that Jesus, like previous Jewish prophets in the past, may perhaps be the Messiah, but does not think that he is the Messiah.One of Jesus’ followers, Judas Iscariot (Johann John Jean), later betrays him in exchange for 30 pieces of silver by disclosing to Caiphas where Jesus has been hiding from the Romans for the last year.Caiphas, against the views of his other members who prefer not to involve the Romans in the situation, organizes a troop of Roman soldiers commanded by Horatius (David Gianopoulos) to arrest Jesus and bring him before the council.

Earlier, Jesus and his followers had left the Jewish guest house in order to seek refuge in the Garden of Gethsemane, which was located among the Judean highlands.Following Jesus’ capture with the assistance of Judas, Horatius transports him away to Rome, where he is expected to stand trial before the Romans.Later, Jesus is condemned to death and killed on the cross.

Post production


The Color of the Cross 2: The Resurrection, the sequel to the film, was released on DVD on March 5, 2008, and features a performance by Sebastian Siegel as Judas Iscariot in the title role. An adaptation of the script for the novel Color of the Cross was written by writer/singer/actress Ayvee Verzonilla, who also stars in the film.


Critical response

The film had a largely bad reception as a result of its cheap budget and poor production quality.The New York Times’ Jeannette Catsoulis said in one of her reviews that ″Color of the Cross, a low-budget re-imagining of Christ’s dying days, makes a great deal out of the quite modest idea that Jesus was black.″ The Variety’s Todd McCarthy expressed his strong agreement, writing, ″Lacking the drama of Jesus’ trial and agony, as well as the content of his teachings, (actor Jean Claude) LaMarre’s turgid version has very nothing to offer, either dramatically or inspirationally.″

Box office

The film was exhibited in 29 theaters during its widest distribution in the United States, grossing $25,868 in its first weekend of release. Over the course of its four-week theatrical run, the picture earned a total of $85,802 in ticket sales.

Home media

The Region 1 Code widescreen edition of the film was released on DVD in the United States on January 9, 2007. The film was released in the United Kingdom on the same day. At this time, there is no confirmed release date for the film’s Blu-ray Disc release in the near future.


External links

  • Various sources: AllMovie
  • IMDb
  • Rotten Tomatoes
  • Metacritic
  • Box Office Mojo
  • Color of the Cross at AllMovie
  • Color of the Cross at IMDb
  • Color of the Cross at Rotten Tomatoes
  • Color of the Cross at Metacritic
  • Color of the Cross at Box Office Mojo

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