Why Did Jesus Go To Caesarea Philippi?

Why did Jesus go to Caesarea Philippi? – A Carpenter’s View

At His crucifixion, just as Jesus Christ’s words, deeds, and movements precisely punctuated the Levitical spring feasts, so too did His words, deeds, and motions have a planned purpose.As a God of order, Jesus did not walk aimlessly or randomly across the wilderness.As a result, there is a predetermined understanding of why He reached Caesarea Philippi, which has added spiritual significance as a result of this.What really occurred at Caesarea Philippi?

This was the cause for which the Son of God appeared: to demolish the works of the devil.(3:8; 1 John 3:8) Caesarea Philippi, located north of the Galilee region and near the southwestern foot of Mount Hermon, was formerly known as ″Paneas″ until Herod the Great’s son Philip renamed the city in honor of Julius Caesar in the first century AD.Today, as can be seen in the photo above, it is known as Banias, and it contains the place that was formerly dedicated to the Greek goat deity Pan, known as the ″Grotto of Pan″ or ″cave of Pan,″ where human sacrifices were previously offered to the god of goats.A Greek sign that read ″gates of Hades″ was carved onto the walls of the grotto (cave) and could be seen inside.Remember that at the time of Christ, Caesarea Philippi was widely acknowledged throughout Israel as the location of the physical ″gates of hell.″ It is vital to remember that.It was at this point that Jesus inquired, ″Who do you claim that I am?″ Jesus responded appropriately.

Peter confessed Him to be the Christ, the Son of the living God, and He received the authority to do so.’And Jesus responded and said unto him, ‘Blessed are you, Simon Barjonah, for flesh and blood have not revealed it unto thee, but my Father who is in heaven hath.’″ In addition, I declare to thee that thou are Peter, and that upon this rock I will build my church,″ and that the gates of hell will not prevail against it.″ (Matthew 16:17-18, King James Version) It is clear that Jesus was making a message that reached well beyond His immediate audience of followers; He was making a statement in the spiritual realm, as well as to Satan and his demonic minions.And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whomsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.″ In the following verse, He promises to empower the Church through His authority: ″And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be loosed in heaven.″ In verse 19, the author says, In no way is it a coincidence that the very next event to occur in the gospel accounts was the Transfiguration on the Mount of Olives, where, after announcing Himself to be the Christ, Jesus was seen in His glory by Peter, James, and John, providing further evidence that He was indeed the divine Son of God and not a mere human being.The voice of God, which the disciples heard, provided further proof of Jesus’ calling and Sonship, which they had already suspected.And where exactly did all of this take place?Mount Hermon, with a height of 9,200 feet, rises directly over the city of Caesarea Philippi.

According to Matthew 17:1, Jesus brought Peter, James, and John to the top of a ″high mountain.″ The peak, Mount Tabor, is believed to have been the scene of Jesus’ Transfiguration, however it is barely 1,900 feet in elevation and has never been referred to as a ″high mountain.″ The majority of theologians think that this event took place on Mount Hermon, however the Bible does not specify where it took place.Is it possible that Mount Hermon has a deeper meaning than only its physical appearance?Ancient Canaanites revered Mount Hermon as a ″holy mountain,″ and it was considered a sacred site.They referred to it as ″El’s Holy Mountain,″ after the Canaanite deity who lived there.According to legend, El presided over a court on Mount Hermon with his spouse Asherah and the ″seventy sons of El,″ as they were known.Despite the fact that ″El″ was a term that was used to describe Yahweh in the Hebrew language (Elohim, El Shaddai, El Elyon, and so on), the ″El″ of the Canaanites was in no way related to Yahweh, the God of Israel.

  1. In reality, the deity El of Canaan was only a ceremonial figurehead, with true authority resting in the hands of Ba’al, their ″king of gods.″ According to the apocryphal texts of Enoch and Jubilees, another horrible catastrophe occurred on Mount Hermon a long time ago, and is still remembered today.
  2. Despite the fact that these writings are not regarded canon, it is noteworthy that Jesus referenced from the book of Enoch on a number of different occasions.
  3. Today, they are read more for historical reference and context than anything else.
  4. Mount Hermon is where Enoch and Jubilees claim that the fallen angels of Genesis 6 began breeding with human women, producing the ″Nephilim″ (‘bene Elohim’ in Hebrew), or giants, who wreaked havoc on God’s creation and were finally destroyed in Noah’s Flood, according to their accounts.

According to Peter (2nd Peter 2:4) and Jude (1:6), these fallen angels are imprisoned until they are judged by God.Several scholars think that it was at this location that the Lord was transfigured, and that ″his face shone like the sun, and his raiment shone white like the light.″ (Matthew 17:1; Luke 17:2) Not only was the Transfiguration an unmistakable demonstration of Jesus’ identity as the Son of God, but if Mount Hermon was indeed the site of the event, it would have served notice to the powers of evil that His kingdom and authority would triumph, serving notice on the very site where great evil had previously occurred.Despite the fact that it is only mentioned in Luke’s narrative, we learn that following the Transfiguration, Jesus dispatched 70 disciples into the countryside in groups of two to heal the sick, cast out demons, and announce that ″the kingdom of heaven is at hand.″ (Luke 10) ″Even the devils (demons) are subject unto us by thy name,″ they said to Jesus upon their return, which was accompanied by tales of considerable excitement.

(See also Luke 10:17.) Historically, the ″sending forth of the 70″ is a model and proof of what the Church was to do as part of its core mission: to demolish the works of the devil under the authority of Jesus Christ, which was to be one of its principal missions.″In the same way that the Father has sent me, so I send you.″ (See also John 20:21) As a result, Jesus disarmed the powers and authorities and created a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them through the cross.The Bible says in Colossians 2:15 that It is the definitive victory of Jesus on the cross that usurps the power of the kingdom of evil and brings it under His control.“ ″I saw Satan fall from the sky like lightning,″ he said in response.Nobody or nothing will be capable of harming you because I have given you control over snakes and scorpions, as well as over all of the enemy’s strength.However, instead of celebrating the fact that the spirits have submitted to you, celebrate the fact that your names have been inscribed in heaven.″ (See also Luke 10:18-20)

Gates of Hell

The City of Pagans is located in the city of Pagans.Located near the foot of Mount Hermon, the city of Caesarea Philippi was known for its immoral activities and pagan worship.It was a thriving commercial center.Caesarea Philippi was approximately twenty-five miles away from the holy settlements of Galilee, making it a convenient stopover.

The religious customs of the city, on the other hand, were drastically different from those of the adjacent Jewish villages.During the period of the Old Testament, the northeastern region of Israel developed into a hub for Baal worship.The Israelite king Jeroboam constructed a high place in the adjacent city of Dan, which enraged God and eventually caused the Israelites to worship false gods, according to the Bible.At some point, the worship of the baals was phased out and replaced with the worship of Greek fertility gods.Located near the foot of Mount Hermon, the city of Caesarea Philippi grew to become a sacred site dedicated to the deity Pan, who was worshipped there.In his honor, the Greeks established the city of Panias.

The city was rebuilt and named after Herod Philip after the Romans captured the region a few years after the first construction.Caesarea Philippi, on the other hand, maintained to place emphasis on the worship of Greek gods.A shrine and a temple dedicated to Pan were constructed on the cliff above the city by the inhabitants.Jesus opted to give a type of ″graduate address″ to his followers in Caesarea Philippi, which was an interesting choice..In that pagan environment, Jesus exhorted his disciples to establish a church that would be able to defeat the greatest of evils.The Hellish Entrances In the minds of the ancient Greeks, the cave at Caesarea Philippi served as a portal to the underworld, where fertility gods resided during the winter months.

As a result of their devotion to these false gods, they performed despicable crimes.In particular, the location of Caesarea Philippi was distinctive in that it was situated at the base of a cliff where spring water gushed.The water used to flow directly from the entrance of a cave built into the cliff’s base at one point.The pagans of Jesus’ day had the belief that their fertility gods spent the winter months in the underworld and returned to land in the springtime.It was believed that caves served as a representation of the underworld, and that their gods went to and from the underworld through them.The cave and spring water at Caesarea Philippi, in turn, served as a portal to the underworld in the minds of the pagans.

  1. Because of this, they thought that their city was actually at the entrance of the underworld percent u2014the entrance to Hell.
  2. Throughout the year, the residents of Caesarea Philippi indulged in heinous acts like as prostitution and sexual intercourse between humans and goats in order to attract the return of their deity Pan.
  3. Surely, people must have been taken aback when Jesus led his followers to the location.
  4. The city of Caesarea Philippi was considered by them to be similar to a red-light district, and faithful Jews would have avoided any contact with the terrible deeds performed there.

A throng of individuals were enthusiastically banging on the gates of hell.’ The Lord’s Testimony With his statements in Caesarea Philippi, Jesus issued a direct challenge to his followers: he did not want them to hide from evil; rather, he urged them to assault the gates of hell.Taking a position near the pagan temples of Caesarea Philippi, Jesus inquired of his followers, ″Who do you claim that I am?″ ″You are the Son of the living God,″ Peter declared with confidence.The contrast between Jesus, the genuine and living God, and the false hopes of the pagans, who placed their faith in ″dead″ gods, was most likely what roused the disciples’ emotions.

″You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not be able to prevail against it,″ Jesus said (see Matt.16:13-20).Despite the fact that Christian traditions disagree on the theological significance of such statements, it becomes obvious that Jesus’ comments also had a symbolic significance.It was decided that his church would be constructed on the ″rock″ of Caesarea Philippi percentu2014 Ungodly ideals predominated on this rock, which was practically crammed with niches for pagan idols.Historically, gates served as defense fortifications across the ancient world.The statement made by Jesus, ″The gates of hell will not prevail against me,″ implied that those gates were about to be assailed.

The disciples may have felt intimidated by Jesus’ challenge since they were standing before an actual ″Gate of Hades.″ The three of them had been studying under their rabbi for several years when he announced that he was appointing them to a monumental task: to combat evil and to develop the church in the exact regions where moral depravity was most prevalent.With his statements in Caesarea Philippi, Jesus issued a direct challenge to his listeners: The last thing he wanted was for his disciples to be hiding from evil; instead, he wanted them to storm the gates of hell.I’m not ashamed of myself.It is impossible for Jesus’ followers to adequately oppose evil if we are ashamed of our religious beliefs.Jesus’ warning about storming the gates of hell came after he had spoken to his followers about storming the gates of hell: ″If anybody is embarrassed of me and my teachings, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory″ (Luke 9:26).

When Jesus and his disciples attempted to tackle evil, he foresaw that they would be ridiculed and resented.And his remarks came as a stern challenge: no matter how severe the opposition, his disciples should never hide their belief in God from anybody.It is possible that Jesus taught with passion, even when spectators believed he was a fool.He also challenged everyone in the audience at Caesarea Philippi with the question: ″What is it worth a man to obtain the whole world while simultaneously losing or forfeiting his very soul?″ (See also v.25.) Jesus challenged his people to make a commitment to the one true God in the midst of a city awash in false deities.False gods promised riches and happiness, but they were unable to deliver on their promises in the end.

Jesus did not guarantee an easy life, but he did deliver on the promise of redemption, which is the only type of prosperity that matters in the long run.Christians today must pay attention to the teachings of our Rabbi, especially when we are tempted to conceal our beliefs out of shame or fear of others.Our world is full of people who have ″gained the world″ but have lost their souls in the process.If we keep our religion hidden, it is possible that they will never discover the salvation they require.’ In the offensive stance As we listen to Jesus’ message today, we as Christians should ask ourselves an essential question: Are we on the defensive or on the offensive when it comes to the war against evil?

In a culture that celebrates individuality, it is disrespectful to claim that there are universal truths that apply to all people everywhere.In today’s society, calling attention to sin is unpopular, and many Christians are branded as ″intolerant″ for refusing to tolerate certain actions and attitudes.A skewed version of Christianity, which attempts to be ″politically acceptable,″ has unfortunately gained popularity among many people.Instead of addressing sin, they choose to tolerate it rather than confronting those who have wronged them.

Their ″love″ ultimately comes out as hollow since they allow sins that cause people’s lives to be ruined.Other Christians just strive to stay away from wicked society as much as possible.In order to protect themselves, they have been instructed to hide in their churches, schools and houses and to close the door on the pernicious forces of culture.

However, Jesus instructed his disciples to go on the offensive 100 percent of the time u2014to preach the truth without fear of being condemned.Our schools and churches should be used as staging grounds rather than fortresses; they should be locations where God’s people may be equipped to confront a sinful world rather than retreat from it.Jesus is well aware that the pagan world would oppose his mission, yet he dares us to go regardless and to establish his church in the exact locations where moral deterioration is most severe.The essential question for us as Christians to consider today is whether or not we are on defense or offensive when we listen to Jesus’ challenge.

Jesus at Caesarea Philippi

Courtesy of Google Images Following his defusing of the imminent Messianic dreams of the people at Capernaum, Jesus may have departed the authority of Herod Antipas once more, this time traveling to Caesarea Philippi, a province administered by Herod Philip.This move may have been important (Luke 9:18; cf.Mark 8:27).To what extent one may understand why Jesus picked Caesarea Philippi as a destination for the Apostles at this juncture is up for debate.

Personally, I believe Jesus had a purpose, and that purpose appears to have had something to do with the fact that he was about to begin telling his followers about his impending sufferings and eventual crucifixion, which seemed to be a concern for him (cf.Luke 9:22).Caesarea Philippi was a city founded by Herod Philip to commemorate the death of Tiberius Caesar.The same way that Herod the Great, Philip’s father, had constructed Caesarea on the Mediterranean coast in honor of Caesar Augustus, Philip behaved in the same manner in order to honor the next Caesar, Tiberius.Caesarea Philippi was located near the spring of the Jordan River, and there were various temples dedicated to the deity Pan constructed in the vicinity of the spring.This location was a pagan temple, and it is possible that it was the only one of its sort that Jesus and his followers visited on their journey.

Numerous Bible students have assumed that the cave found at the former location of a temple devoted to Pan is the entrance to hell.This assumption has been proven incorrect.While it is unclear if this was true in Jesus’ day or not, it was clear that the country had a very terrible and horrible history by that time.It was in the cave where the spring for the Jordan River emerged that human sacrifice, including child sacrifice, took place.Indeed, the cave had to have signified death to those Jews who were familiar with its past….When Jesus talked about the gates of hell, we may reasonably presume that he was familiar with their history (or Hades).

As a matter of fact, the Septuagint employs the identical term to describe the dwelling of the dead (also known as Hades) in Job 38:17 and Isaiah 38:10.Knowing this, Jesus took the disciples to a city whose name commemorated Caesar, the ruler of the world, and it was at this location that Peter said Jesus was the Messiah, the ruler of the kings and princes of this world, and the disciples believed him (cf.Psalm 2).Furthermore, Jesus led his disciples to a location (which the Jews interpreted as representing the gates of Hades) where pagan worship had flourished, and it was in this same location where pagan worship had evidently flourished that Jesus declared to his disciples that he would build his Church, and that the gates of Hades (death) would not prevail against him and his Church.The Church would never be entirely extinguished, even if it may have appeared to be so at various points during our history.Despite this, Jesus’ promise has proven to be true.

  1. Here, Jesus first inquired of the Apostles as to the nature of the reports circulating about him (Luke 9:18).
  2. They informed him that some people believed he was one of the prophets who had risen from the dead, while others felt he was Elijah or even John the Baptist, who had risen from the grave, among other things (Luke 9:7-8, 19).
  3. Following that, Jesus inquired as to whom they, the Apostles, believed he was, and Peter responded on behalf of the group, proclaiming Jesus to be the Messiah, the Son of the Living God (Luke 9:20; cf.
  4. Matthew 16:16 and Psalm 2:6-7).
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It was Jesus who instructed the Apostles not to tell anyone else what they had informed him (Luke 9:21), because the thought that he was the Messiah was a politically combustible concept at the time (cf.Luke 9:9).Furthermore, Jesus had begun to tell his disciples about his impending suffering and eventual crucifixion at this point (Luke 9:22), and he didn’t want to push the already volatile atmosphere into a political quagmire that would result in a misunderstanding of the significance of his public ministry.

It is impossible to know how long Jesus stayed under Herod Philip’s supervision.A few days, several weeks or even up to about two months might have elapsed.There is no mention of Jesus’ activities following his visit to Caesarea Philippi in the Gospel accounts; however, the fourth Gospel does mention that he spent time in Galilee rather than Judea (John 7:1).Between Jesus’ feeding of the 5000 in Bethsaida near the time of the Passover in 29 AD (John 6:4) and his visit to Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles in the same year (cf.John 7:2-5, 10), the only specific event they record is his visit to Caesarea Philippi, and Luke’s language in Luke 9:23 indicates that he was in Jerusalem rather than near Mount Hermon at the time of his Transfiguration.Most likely, Jesus’s stay at Gaulanitis lasted little more than a week or two at the most.

Herod had already come dangerously close to inciting a popular uprising when he assassinated John the Baptist.Herod’s best interests were served by permitting Jesus to remain unmolested if he did not appear to be plotting a revolution.When John was assassinated, there was cause to assume that the people might follow through with their rebellious ideas if another religious person was killed in the course of their daily lives.When we get to the third year of Jesus’ public ministry, I’ll go into more detail about this.

What is the significance of Caesarea Philippi in the Bible?

Answer to the question It was a city in the time of Christ, located in the foothills of Mount Hermon, some fifteen miles north of the Sea Of Galilee.It is now known as Caesarea Philippi.The Jordan River receives its most significant source from a natural spring in Caesarea Philippi.It is only in the New Testament gospels of Matthew and Mark that the city of Caesarea Philippi is mentioned, and both of these gospels relate the identical episode.

Jesus’ famous declaration to Peter, ″On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not be able to conquer it,″ took place in one of the communities in the vicinity of Caesarea Philippi (Matthew 16:18).This section contains the very first mention of the word ″church″ in the New Testament, which was written by the apostle Paul.Before making this speech, Jesus asks the disciples, ″Who do people claim that I am?″ in both Matthew 16:13 and Mark 8:27, according to the Bible.They responded with a range of replies, including John, Elijah, and one of the prophets, to which Jesus pressed them further by asking, ″Who do you claim I am?″ ″You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God,″ Peter said emphatically (Matthew 16:16).That declaration of truth would go on to serve as the cornerstone for Jesus’ church.And it all began in the city of Caesarea Philippi.

Caesarea Philippi was given its name by Herod Philip, whose father, Herod the Great, had constructed a temple in the region.Philip took a particular interest in the settlement and helped to expand it, adding his name to that of Caesar in the process.The name Philip gave the town also served to distinguish it from another town named Caesarea, which was also named after Philip (Acts 10:1).When compared to Caesarea, which was located in Judea, near the Mediterranean Sea, Caesarea Philippi was located in Galilee, within the land that had been allocated to the tribe of Naphtali.The gospels only mention Jesus travelling to Caesarea Philippi once, presumably because it was a thinly inhabited place on the northernmost frontier of His journeys and hence difficult to reach.The reason Jesus came to Caesarea Philippi is unclear; He spent the most of His time speaking to great audiences in larger towns, which leaves us to guess.

It was a beautiful setting, ideal for retreats, and it’s possible that Jesus intended to spend some quality time with His followers in a setting that provided some peace and quiet.Furthermore, Jesus’ mission led Him ″throughout all of Galilee″ (Matthew 4:23, ESV), since He taught in ″all the cities and villages″ in that region during His time there (Matthew 9:35).He couldn’t afford to ignore Caesarea Philippi.The visit of our Lord to Caesarea Philippi serves as a reminder that Jesus is acutely sensitive to the plight of the poor, the disadvantaged, and the neglected (Matthew 11:28).It was to a group of opportunistic shepherds that His birth was revealed for the first time (Luke 2:8–12), and one of His greatest world-changing announcements was given to a group of unexpected disciples in a town named Caesarea Philippi.Paul said in 1 Corinthians 1:27–29, ″God selected the stupid things of this world to embarrass those who are clever; God chose the weak things of this world to shame those who are strong.″ Jesus’ life and teachings showed the truth of Paul’s words over and over again.

  1. God chose the humble things of this world and the despised things—as well as the things that aren’t—in order to invalidate the things that are, so that no one may take pride in themselves in front of him.″ Caesarea Philippi had no everlasting significance until the Son of God picked it as the location where He announced the beginning of His church, at which point it gained eternal significance.
  2. Return to: Questions on Biblical Places and Symbols What is the significance of the city of Caesarea Philippi in biblical times?

Why did Jesus go to Caesarea Philippi?

Jesus had a motive for everything He did, yet the fact that He traveled to a heathen city may not be immediately apparent to the modern understanding.We must examine the story through the eyes of a 1st century Jew in order to comprehend what took on at Caesera-Philippi; otherwise, we will be unable to comprehend the scope of what took place.Matthew 13:13-19: Here, Jesus asks the Apostles the question, ‘Who do people think the Son of Man is?’ and they respond with a variety of responses.To the contrary, Peter declares emphatically, ″You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.″ He was responded to by Jesus, who said to him, ‘Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah.

Because it was not my flesh and blood that revealed this to you, but rather my heavenly Father.In this case, I declare you Kepha (rock), upon which I will build my church, and upon which the gates of Hades will not prevail.I will hand over the keys to the kingdom of heaven to you as a gift.’Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you free on world will be loosed in heaven,’ says the Bible.There is a massive rock formation near Caesarea-Philippi, and on top of it, King Herod had constructed a temple dedicated to the ‘Divine Caesar,’ and it was also here that the pagan deity was worshipped.It is interesting to note that Pan was the Pagan god of shepherds, and that his religion was one of fertility, with orgies being held to commemorate his feast days!

Christ the ‘Good Shepherd’ stands in antithesis to the false deity Pan, as shown in this illustration.At Caesarea Philippi, there were also niches chiseled out of the rock for sculptures of Pan and other pagans gods to be displayed.There is an aperture at the foot of this rock structure that leads to a natural well that was not only known as the bottomless well, but was also utilized by the local pagans to perform live sacrifices.The victim was thrown down this deep well, and the presence of blood downstream was seen as a sign that the gods had accepted the sacrifice as acceptable.It was once known as the gates of the Underworld (Hell), but today it is referred to as Banias, which is an Arabic variation of the word Paneas, which means ″the gates of the Underworld.″ We can now see why Jesus and the Apostles came to this location, because it was here that He declared that He would build ‘His church,’ and the Apostles could not have missed the contrast He was drawing between this and the pagan church that had been built on top of the rock of Caesarea-Philippi at the time.Jesus, the Good Shepherd, would create His church, and the gates of the underworld would never be able to prevail against it.

Jesus appoints Kephas (Peter) as its Chief Steward by handing him (Peter) the ‘Keys’ to the kingdom of heaven and earth.Only Peter was handed the keys to the kingdom, despite the fact that all of the apostles were given the ability to bind and loose.Take a look at this (Isaiah 22:19-22).The keys represented God’s power over his people, the family of God.A house’s top steward, sometimes known as the Prime Minister, was the person in charge of keeping the keys.When Christ handed over the keys to Peter, He was designating him as the head steward of the Church, which is the earthly manifestation of the kingdom of heaven.

  1. Aside from that, Peter’s keys represent the use of dynastic succession, as in (Isaiah 22:19-22).
  2. (keys pass from Shebna to Eliakim).
  3. Since Peter was selected by Jesus to serve as the main steward of the new Davidic kingdom, these keys have passed through 263 different hands throughout the course of two thousand years.
  4. The Greek term for rock is ″petra,″ which means ″rock.″ Simon was referred to as ″Kepha″ by Jesus, which is an Aramaic word that meaning ″big rock″ or ″giant rock formation.″ When the Gospel of John was translated into Greek, the scribes changed the name Kepha to Petros to avoid confusion (not petra as this was a feminine noun).

This was done in order to masculinize Peter’s given name, which is Petros.Given that the word petra in Greek may refer to a little rock, and that the Greek word for Peter is translated as Petros, Protestants claim that Jesus was referring to Peter as a small rock in order to reduce Peter’s significance.However, if Jesus had intended to refer to Peter as a little rock, the Greek word ″lithos″ (which means small pebble) would have been used instead of ″Petros.″ Although Jesus stated Kepha (not ″evna,″ which means little pebble), the connection between Petra and Petros (which actually doesn’t exist in Greek anyhow) is meaningless, and the entire mistranslation is a later Protestant creation.

Bible Gateway Matthew 16: NIV

Matthew 161 (Matthew 161 is a number that refers to the number 161 in the Bible).In response, the Pharisees and Sadducees approached Jesus and put him to the test by demanding him to show them a sign from heaven.2 He responded by saying, ″You declare in the evening that ″It will be fine weather because the sky is red,″3 and in the morning that ″Today it will be stormy because the sky is red and overcast,″3 respectively.You are able to decipher the look of the sky, but you are unable to decipher the indications of the times around you.The corrupt and adulterous age seeks a miraculous sign, but none will be given to them save the sign of Jonah, which will be delivered to them by God.″ After that, Jesus left them and disappeared.

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5 When they were crossing the lake, the disciples failed to bring bread with themselves.6 ″Take care,″ Jesus cautioned the disciples.″Be on your alert against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees,″ Jesus warns his followers.″It’s because we didn’t bring any bread,″ they concluded after discussing the situation among themselves.

8 Jesus, who was aware of their conversation, inquired, ″Why are you, people of little faith, joking about about not having enough food to feed yourselves?9 Do you still have a problem understanding?Don’t you remember the five loaves you baked for the five thousand people, and how many basketfuls you gathered to feed them all?

  1. 10 Or the seven loaves for the four thousand people, and how many basketfuls of food did you collect in total?
  2. 11 How is it that you are unable to comprehend that I was not speaking to you regarding bread?
  3. However, be on the lookout for the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.″ 12 At that point, they realized that he was not advising them to be cautious around the yeast used in bread, but rather to be cautious around the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

Thirteenth, when Jesus arrived in the neighborhood of Caesarea Philippi and inquired of his followers, ″Who do people claim to be the Son of Man?″ 14 They said, ″Some believe it is John the Baptist, some believe it is Elijah, and yet others believe it is Jeremiah or one of the prophets.″ 15 ″But what about you?″ he said, referring to himself.″Can you tell me who you think I am?″ The response came from Simon Peter who said, ″You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.″ 17 Jesus said, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written,″ ″Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, since this information was not given to you by a human being, but rather by my heavenly Father.I declare that you are Peter, and that I will build my church on this rock, and that the gates of Hades will not be able to stand in its way.19 I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you release on earth will be loosed in heaven; everything you bind on earth will be loosed in heaven.″ 20 Then he issued a warning to his disciples, telling them not to tell anybody that he was the Messiah.21, 22 Starting from that point on, Jesus began explaining to his followers that he would have to go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests, and teachers of the law, and that he would be murdered and resurrected to life on the third day as a result of his suffering.

  • 22 Peter drew him aside and began to reprimand him verbally.
  • ″Never, Lord!″ he said emphatically.
  • ″This will never happen to you!″ says the author.

23 Then Jesus turned to face Peter and shouted, ″Satan, get out of my way!You are a stumbling block for me because you are preoccupied with things that are not of God, but are rather of man.″ 24 Then Jesus addressed his followers, saying, ″If anybody wishes to follow me, he or she must deny themselves, take up their cross, and walk the path set before them.25 For whomever wishes to save his or her life will lose it, but whoever wishes to lose his or her life for me will get it.26 When a guy acquires the whole world, but loses his soul, what is the point of having everything?

Or, rather, what can a man provide in return for his soul?27 Because the Son of Man is coming in his Father’s glory, accompanied by his angels, and he will repay each individual according to what he has accomplished.28 I tell you the truth, some of those who are standing here will not die until they see the Son of Man appear in his kingdom, and I believe this is true.″

  1. Some early versions do not have the remainder of verse 2 or the entirety of verse 3.
  2. Alternatively, Messiah
  3. also in verse 20.
  4. Peter is referring to rock, or hell, or the inability to show oneself stronger than it.
  5. Or have been
  6. or have been
  7. or have been
  8. The Greek word translated as ″life″ or ″soul″ appears in verses 26 and 27.

Lesson 19: Matthew 16

Lesson 19: Matthew 16previousnext“Lesson 19: Matthew 16,” New Testament Seminary Teacher Manual (2016) “Lesson 19,” New Testament Seminary Teacher Manual Lesson 19


The Pharisees and Sadducees, who were seeking a demonstration of His divinity, were reprimanded by Jesus Christ. Peter testified that Jesus is the Christ and was promised the keys to the kingdom as a result of his witness. In order to follow Jesus, His disciples were instructed to take up their cross and follow Him.

Suggestions for Teaching

Matthew 16:1–12

  • The Pharisees and Sadducees are on the lookout for a sign from the Savior. Make a chalkboard and put the following words on it before class: Start by asking students to select a phrase from the list on the board that best reflects how they would want to receive a witness of the gospel. To begin, ask a few pupils to tell whatever phrase they picked and to explain why they chose that particular phrase. While studying Matthew 16, encourage students to seek for realities about how the Lord assists us in receiving and strengthening our testimonies of the gospel. Invite a student to read Matthew 16:1 aloud in front of the class. Instruct pupils to follow along, keeping an eye out for what the Pharisees and Sadducees were hoping for from Jesus. So, what exactly did the Pharisees and Sadducees expect from Jesus?
  • Do you believe that the Pharisees and Sadducees were ″tempting″ Jesus by asking for a sign, and what do you think that means? (One meaning of the word tempt is to experiment with or put to the test.)

Invite several students to take turns reading aloud from Matthew 16:2–4 in a large group setting. Instruct the students to pay attention to the text and search for the Savior’s response to the Pharisees and Sadducees. What was the sign that the Lord promised to provide?

  • Explain that Jesus was alluding to the Old Testament prophet Jonah, who had been swallowed by a ″great fish″ in the previous verse (Jonah 1:17). The ″burial″ of Jonah in the belly of the fish and his subsequent resurrection from the belly of the fish after three days represented the death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb on the third day. So, what did the Savior do following His condemnation of the Pharisees and Sadducees?
  • Can we draw any conclusions about the correct approach to search for spiritual truth from this experience? It is OK for students to use other terminology, as long as they recognize the following reality: We do not obtain spiritual knowledge by looking for signs.

Summarize Matthew 16:5–12 by explaining that the Savior informed His disciples of the Pharisees’ and Sadducees’ incorrect beliefs. (Note: This event will be explored in greater depth in the class on Mark 8.)

Matthew 16:13–20

  • Peter bears witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ and is granted the keys to the kingdom. As a result of Jesus’ condemnation of the Pharisees and Sadducees for seeking a sign, He instructed His disciples on how to obtain a testimony of the truth from others. Invite a student to read Matthew 16:13–14 aloud in front of the class. Toss a question to the class and invite them to follow along, searching for the inquiry Jesus posed and the response His followers offered in response. What was it that the Savior inquired of His disciples? What was their response? If you need to explain that Elias and Jeremias are the Old Testament prophets Elijah and Jeremiah, you can do so here.
  • Is there anything we can learn from their reaction about how well people grasped who Jesus was at this stage in His ministry?
  • To begin, ask a student to read Matthew 16:15–17 out loud to you. Toss the class into a listening mode and ask them to listen for the second question the Savior posed. What was the second question the Savior posed to the disciples? What was Peter’s retaliation?
  • If you believe what Peter says in verse 17, how did he know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? (Make a point of pointing out that Heavenly Father had communicated this truth to him by the Holy Ghost.)
  • Was there any truth in these verses concerning how we might gain a witness for Jesus Christ? What can we take away from them? Why do you believe it is vital for us to get a witness of Jesus Christ by revelation from the Holy Ghost rather than any other means? (Students’ responses should reflect the reality that we gain a testimony of Jesus Christ through revelation from the Holy Ghost.)
  • Invite a student to read aloud the following statement by President Joseph Fielding Smith to help students better understand the role of the Holy Ghost in assisting us in gaining a testimony of the Savior: ″The Spirit of God speaking to the spirit of man has the power to impart truth with greater effect and understanding than the truth can be imparted by personal contact with heavenly beings.″ ″Truth is woven into the very fibre and sinews of the body such that it cannot be forgotten,″ according to Joseph Fielding Smith in Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Fielding Smith, 183–84. • What are some things we may do in order to better prepare ourselves for receiving revelation from the Holy Spirit?
  • I’m curious how you came to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He is your Savior. So, what did you do to prepare yourself to accept that witness from the Holy Spirit?

Inviting students to examine their own testimony of the Savior is a good idea.Motivate them to make notes in their class notebooks or scripture study diaries on how they might improve their testimonies or what they might need to do in order to get a witness from the Holy Ghost.Invite two students to come to the front of the classroom and take part in a role-playing exercise with the class.Assign one student to represent himself or herself, and the other student to portray a friend who is not a member of the Church in this situation.Provide the student who will be representing the nonmember buddy with a piece of paper that has the two questions listed above.

Invite the student to read the questions aloud one at a time, and then invite the other student to respond to what they have just read.(You might want to urge the class to come up with ideas for possible replies that the student answering the questions might provide.)

  1. According to what I’ve heard, your church claims to be the one and only real church of Jesus Christ. Is that your point of view?
  2. I believe in Jesus Christ, as does my church, so what makes you believe that your church is the only one that is true?

Encourage students to return to their seats after thanking them for participating in the activity.As they continue their study of Matthew 16, encourage them to search for facts that will assist us in understanding and explaining to others what separates The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as the Lord’s Church on the earth, as they do so.Bring up the fact that when Jesus asked His followers the questions regarding His identity, they were in a territory known as Caesarea Philippi to remind them of this (see Matthew 16:13).If at all feasible, include a photograph of Caesarea Philippi (see Bible Photographs, no.26, ″Caesarea Philippi″) in your presentation.

In this photo, have pupils try to figure out what is hiding behind the river and trees.Explain how the enormous rock structure at Caesarea Philippi would have provided a relevant backdrop for the Savior’s conversation with His disciples as He completed His discourse with them.Invite a student to read Matthew 16:18–20 aloud in front of the class.Make a point of having the students listen closely for any instances in which the Savior utilized the metaphor of a rock to illustrate the foundation of His Church.

Which of the following do you believe the Savior was referring to when He stated He would establish His Church ″upon this rock″?(verse 18).

  • Invite a student to read aloud the following remarks made by the Prophet Joseph Smith to assist students better grasp this phrase: ″Jesus says in His teachings, ‘Upon this rock I will build my Church.’″ What kind of rock is it? Revelation” Joseph Smith’s Teachings of Presidents of the Church (Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 195). ″According to the Scriptures (Amos 3:7 and Acts 1:2), the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was formed upon direct revelation, just as the genuine Church of God has always been.″ (See Teachings of Joseph Smith, 195.) Could you give a brief summary of the Savior’s teaching regarding His Church, which is described in verse 18? (Students should be able to identify something that is related to the following principle: Jesus Christ’s Church is established on revelation from the Almighty.) ) Make a note of this fact on the board.
  • Knowing that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is founded on revelation from God might help you to enhance your testimony of the gospel.
  • Specifically, what did the Savior promise to give Peter according to verse 19?
  • In light of the promise the Savior made to Peter, what teaching can we draw from it? (Confirm with students that the following fact is true: Jesus Christ entrusts the keys of His kingdom to His chosen prophets and apostles).
  • What are the keys to the kingdom, and how do you get them? This term refers to the guiding power, right, and authority required to rule over the kingdom of God on earth, or the Church of Jesus Christ.

Invite a student to read aloud the following statement by Elder Dallin H.Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to help students better understand what priesthood keys are: ″’Priesthood keys are the authority God has given to priesthood to direct, control, and govern the use of His priesthood on earth.’″ According to the Book of Mormon, ″Every act or ordinance performed in the Church is done under the direct or indirect permission of one who has the keys to that duty″ (The Keys and Authority of the Priesthood, Ensign or Liahona, May 2014, 49).What did Jesus promise Peter that he would be able to accomplish as a result of the keys he would receive?

Explain that the keys of the sealing power were among the keys the Savior promised to Peter when he appeared before him.This authority enables the ordinances performed under the authority of Church leaders to be recognized as authentic in the presence of God.It is also used to link families together for all of eternity through marriage.The sealing authority is currently held by the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in our day and age.In your opinion, what is the most important reason why the Lord distributes priestly keys to His prophets and apostles?

In order to administer the Lord’s Church on earth, students should recognize a truth comparable to the following: Priesthood keys are required.)

Demonstrate that the keys of sealing power were included among the keys that the Savior had promised to Peter.Ordinances carried out under the authority of Church leaders are recognized as lawful in heaven because of this authority.As well as that, it is utilized to link families together for all time.These days, the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles are the only ones who have the authority to seal a document.In your opinion, what is the most important reason why the Lord grants priestly keys to His prophets and apostles?

See also:  What Era Was Jesus Born In?

In order to administer the Lord’s Church on earth, priesthood keys are required.(Students should come up with a reality that is comparable to this:

Matthew 16:21–28

Jesus demonstrates what it takes to be His disciple. Explain that Jesus talked of His atoning sacrifice in Matthew 16:21–28 by summarizing the passage. Furthermore, He taught His followers that in order to joyfully follow Him, they must be ready to renounce their natural selves (see Mosiah 3:19), to be obedient, and to make sacrifices.

Scripture Mastery—Matthew 16:15–19

Encourage students to talk about what they learned from Matthew 16 with their families after class. Think about selecting a piece of Matthew 16:15–19 to remember as a class over the next several days. In the appendix of this guidebook, you will discover suggestions for memorizing activities.

Caesarea Philippi: The Gates of Hades

On the third day of my Israel vacation, our tour group proceeded to the Golan Heights, which is located 25 miles northeast of the Sea of Galilee.Caesarea Philippi, an old Roman city that is now nearly completely deserted, is located in that region, in the slopes of Mount Hermon in the southwestern part of the country.It’s a very remarkable archaeological location.Caesarea Philippi, located on a terrace 1,150 feet above sea level and overlooking a verdant agricultural valley, is without a doubt one of the most beautiful sites in Israel, in my opinion.My attention was drawn to the lush agricultural fields and abundant orchards in the horizon.

One of the four primary headwaters of the Jordan River (and the river’s easternmost source) is located here, and it produces dazzling, spring-fed water that is turquoise in color.This city was previously known as Panias (sometimes spelled Paneas) during the Hellenistic period (323 to 31 B.C.) because of its strong affiliation with the Greco-Roman deity Pan.The contemporary name, Banias, is a corruption of the Arabic word for the creature.During the reign of Herod the Great’s son Philip, the city was renamed Caesarea in honor of Emperor Augustus, who reigned at the time.

Caesarea Philippi was given this name in order to distinguish it from the port city of Caesarea Maritima (on the Mediterranean), where it was originally located.According to legend, a cave directly to the north of Caesarea Philippi served as Pan/birthplace.Faunus’s Pan/Faunus was a Greek-Roman deity of nature who was associated with fields, woods, mountains, flocks, and shepherds.

  1. There was a shrine dedicated to Pan constructed there.
  2. It was at the mouth of the cave that the pagan worshipers would offer sacrifices to Pan/Faunus.
  3. In the minds of the ancient Greeks, the cave at Caesarea Philippi served as a gateway to the underworld (Hades), where the fertility gods resided during the winter months.

In order to worship these false gods, people committed heinous crimes against humanity.In particular, the location of Caesarea Philippi was distinctive in that it was situated at the base of a cliff where spring water gushed.The water used to flow directly from the entrance of a cave built into the cliff’s base at one point.There was once a splendid temple of white marble dedicated to the godhead of Caesar at Caesarea Philippi, which was erected by Herod the Great.The city was most likely destroyed by an earthquake in 363 C.E.

  • This region is referred to in the Old Testament by the name Baal-gad (literally ″Master Luck,″ the name of a god of fortune who may later have been identified with Pan), and it is described as being ″in the Valley of Lebanon below Mount Hermon″ in Joshua’s northernmost conquest, which takes place during the time of the conquest of the Promised Land (Josh.
  • 11:17; 12:7; 13:5; also see: Judges 3:3; 1 Chron.
  • 5:23).

These geographical boundaries were used to designate the northernmost extent of Jesus’ ministry in the New Testament.Because it was beyond the territory of Herod Antipas, the ruler of Galilee, and inside the jurisdiction of Philip the Tetrarch, our Lord and his followers were able to enjoy some solitude in this non-Jewish region with their companions.Christ questioned his twelve disciples, ″Who do you claim that I am?″ as he approached the region of Caesarea Philippi, just before his final journey to Jerusalem, where he would be crucified, just before entering the district of Caesarea Philippi.(See Matthew 16:15.) It is noteworthy that Jesus picked this particular location to pose such a profound question, because there were few places on the face of the earth with more religious significance than this one.

This was an area that was densely packed with temples dedicated to the ancient Syrian god Baal.At least 14 similar temples have been identified by historians.As a result, it was a location under the protection of ancient gods.

  • Consider the following scenario: ‘Jesus was standing on a road in a region littered with temples dedicated to the Syrian gods, a location from which the Greek gods looked down, a location where the most important river in Judaism sprang to life, a location where the white marble splendor of the temple dedicated to Caesar-worship loomed over the landscape.
  • And here, of all places, He takes a position and inquires of the guys as to who they think Him to be.″ The contrast between Jesus and the world’s faiths, in all their brilliance and majesty, and his request to be compared to them almost appears to be purposeful on his part.
  • ″You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,″ Peter declares with confidence in response to Jesus’ tremendous statement (Matt.
  • 16:16, ESV).
  • That is an incredible act of faith, to say the least.

It marked a watershed moment in the lives of the disciples.″Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah!″ says Jesus in response (Matt.16:17-18, ESV): ″ For it was not my flesh and blood who revealed this to you, but rather my Father who is in the heavens.You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not be able to stand against it,″ Jesus says.Take note of Christ’s reference to the cave!Even the most respected gods of the Syrians, Greeks, and Romans could not compare to the Christ in terms of power and glory.

His divinity, power, and authority were genuine, everlasting, and unassailable, and he could do no wrong.And Jesus remains the supreme ruler of heaven and earth!Licensed clinical pastoral therapist Dr.Ryan Fraser is an assistant professor of clinical mental health counseling at Freed-Hardeman University as well as the preacher for the Bethel Springs Church of Christ in Bethel Springs, Tennessee.

  1. His website address is: image-set=″bestCrop,4:3,3:4,16:9″ image-alt=″The foothills of Mount Hermon, where the city of Caesarea Philippi is located.″ Ryan Fraser provided the photo for this article.
  2. caption=″The foothills of Mount Hermon, where the ancient city of Caesarea Philippi is located.″ orientation=″horizontal″ util-module-path=″elements/media″>

What Happened in Caesarea in the Bible?

Caesarea is one of the most distinctive and historically significant locations in the world (also called Caesarea Maritime, to differentiate from Caesarea Philippi in the Golan Heights).It is located approximately midway between Tel Aviv and Haifa on the Mediterranean Sea.But what happened in Caesarea to make it so important, and why is it important?The beauty of Caesarea was on display throughout the time of Jesus, who lived during the height of the Roman Empire and performed his ministry there.During this ancient period, Israel existed within the backdrop of this massive empire, which spread across the whole known globe.

In this way, the Empire served as a link between Israel and the rest of the Mediterranean and Near East.Several centuries later, we learn that God utilized the historical momentum of the Roman Empire to spread the Gospel throughout the Mediterranean region, Asia Minor, and the rest of the world.And the little town of Caesarea had an important role in the development of this narrative.Add this to your Inbox as a reminder.

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Before the Life of Jesus

The city was once known as Straton’s Tower because it served as a Phoenician trading harbor.Emperor Augustus bestowed it upon Herod the Great as a gift.The city was called Caesarea in honor of Augustus Caesar at that point.Despite the fact that it is far from its former glory, the city nonetheless demonstrates the magnificence of the classical world as well as Herod the Great’s architectural and artistic sense.It is possible to explore Herod’s deep sea harbor, aqueducts, hippodrome, and amphitheater, which were all built in the Greco-Roman style.

Herod even built an indoor freshwater pool that was the size of an Olympic pool in his palace, which you can still see vestiges of today.As early as the 6th century CE, Roman Emperor Constantine established Caesarea as the capital of his province of Judea, as well as the headquarters of the 10th Roman Legion.Thus, the city’s population became half Jewish and half gentile, allowing it to accommodate the Roman officials and soldiers who arrived with their families to live in the city.The most infamous tenant was Pontius Pilate, whose name was discovered carved onto the stones of the theater during excavations.

It is one of the few physical pieces of evidence that Pilate existed outside of the Bible, and it may be found on his tombstone.

The New Era

Furthermore, Caesarea was the location for a number of crucial events that are described in the New Testament.More precisely, the events at Caesarea dealt with the inclusion of gentiles as well as the promise that the Gospel offers to all people.A Roman centurion named Cornelius is introduced to the Apostle Peter at this location and goes on to become one of the first gentile Christians.Cornelius was not only the first gentile to accept Christ, but he was also the first to be baptized by Peter, along with his two servants.When it comes to faith, Cornelius might be compared to the Roman centurion described in the Gospels, who was convinced that Jesus would heal his servant (Matthew 8:5-13).

In that verse, Jesus talks of the multitude of nations that would bear disciples of Him as He continues to preach.″I declare to you that many will come from the east and the west to sit at Abraham’s table and with Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven…″ As part of the drama surrounding God’s revelation to Cornelius via a dream, the Lord also communicates to Peter through a vision less than 24 hours after Cornelius had his revelation.As a result of this vision, Peter sees an enormous sheet of unclean animals, reptiles, and birds of the air being descended from heaven onto him.In response to a Voice, Peter is instructed to kill and consume the animals.

Peter, on the other hand, is outraged since it is in violation of the law of Moses.″What God has cleaned, no longer deem impure,″ says the voice in the vision to Peter.In the midst of Peter’s deliberations about what this might possible imply, a guy sent by Cornelius arrived at Peter’s apartment and was now hammering on the door.

  1. Assuring Peter that these (gentile) guests had indeed come from the Lord, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to him.
  2. With no qualms or reservations, Peter was to accompany them all the way back to Caesarea.
  3. (See Acts 10:19-20 for more.) In the absence of the vision of the Lord at those key times, Peter may have questioned and turned away these people.

In the prevalent Jewish perspective, associating with gentiles, eating at their tables, and being guests in their houses were all considered immoral activities.

Scandalous Enmity

Fear, distrust, and animosity are some of the terms that may be used to describe the interaction between Jews and gentiles throughout the period of the New Testament.It was forbidden for the Jewish people to interact with idolaters for fear of becoming idolaters themselves.It was said that they were not even to render assistance to gentiles or save them from harm in the most fanatical interpretations.According to Edersheim, (91), ″They and theirs were defiled; their houses were unclean, because they contained idols and things dedicated to them; their feasts, their joyous occasions, their very contact, was polluted by idolatry; and there was no security, if a heathen were left alone in a room, that he might not, in wantonness or carelessness, defile the wine or meat on the table, or the tablecloth.″ According to 19th century New Testament scholar Alfred Edersheim, the common It follows that everything that has been turned dirty must be recognized as such.″ The gentiles, on the other hand, did not hold the Jewish people in high regard, considering their refusal to submit to Roman religion to be intransigence.It was considered obsessive and superstitious that they insisted on worshipping an invisible God, in contrast to all the other gods in the world.

The educated Roman regarded the Jew with ″a mixture of contempt and anger,″ writes Edersheim, ″the keener because, in his conceptions, the Jew had, since his subjection to Rome, no longer a right to his religion; the bitterer because, do what he might, that despised race confronted him everywhere, with a religion so uncompromising as to form a wall of separation, and with rites so exclusive as to make them not only strangers, but enemies.″ Within this context, the Messiah’s work is rendered even more amazing than it really is.With His flesh, He was able to tear down the barrier of separation.It is said in Ephesians 2:14 that ″For He Himself is our peace, who has reconciled us to Himself by His body, and has broken down in His flesh the dividing wall of enmity.″

Jew and Gentile in Caesarea

When Peter arrived at Cornelius’ house, he shared his vision with him and immediately began preaching the gospel to Cornelius and the rest of the people who had gathered there.While Peter was teaching, the Lord’s Spirit descended upon them and enveloped them.The Jewish believers present in Peter’s company were taken aback by the fact that God had poured out the Holy Spirit on the Gentile believers.They were worshipping God and expressing themselves in tongues!(10:44-46) (Acts 10:44-46) When Peter testified to God’s activity among the gentiles before the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15, he was explaining God’s miraculous work among the Jews.

It was important to him to underline that there was no different between them since God had cleansed their hearts through faith.(See Acts 15:7-9 for further information.) The events at Caesarea, as well as God’s actions among the gentiles, demonstrate the vastness of God’s might.It bears witness to His grace, which restored peace to those who were formerly at odds with one another.It is even stated in the Bible, that Yeshua (Jesus) himself is our source of comfort.

He accomplished this by dying on the cross, breaking down the wall of animosity between people.And what is the connection between this and what occurred at Caesarea?Caesarea remained a significant location for the Apostles for the rest of their lives.

  1. They frequently stayed with Philip the evangelist and his daughters, who were prophesying at the time (Acts 21: 8-10).<

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