What Did Jesus Feed The 5000 With?

What can we learn from Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000?

Answer to the question With the exception of the resurrection, the tale of Jesus feeding the 5,000 people is the only miracle that has been recounted in all four Gospels.The Gospel authors, without a doubt, regarded this to be a noteworthy miracle.When Christ proceeded to feed the multitudes on that day, He had just ″five barley loaves and two fish,″ which He had taken from a boy’s lunch (John 6:9).Even if it is miraculous to feed 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish, the Greek phrase employed in Matthew 14:21 denotes males, and Matthew underlines the notion further by adding, ″including women and children.″ Many Bible scholars estimate that the actual number of persons fed on that day might have been between 15,000 and 20,000.Because it was getting dark and they were in a distant location, Jesus’ followers sought to send the crowds away as quickly as possible (Matthew 14:15).They were well aware that the people needed to reach nearby settlements as quickly as possible in order to purchase food, locate shelter, and other necessities, or they would likely go hungry (Mark 6:36).

  • Christ, on the other hand, had a better idea: ″You offer them some food″ (Matthew 14:16).
  • The disciples should have been able to recollect all of the miracles that they had witnessed Jesus do at this time.
  • Perhaps some of them did, but Andrew was perplexed as to why there were so many.
  • (See also John 6:9).

″It would cost more than half a year’s earnings to purchase enough bread for each one of them to enjoy a mouthful!″ Philip screamed.(See verse 7 for further information).Jesus requested that the loaves of food and fish be brought to Him (Matthew 14:18).He then expressed gratitude for the meal, broke the bread, and distributed it to His followers for distribution to the throng.Amazingly, the modest dinner provided enough nourishment for the whole crowd.In John 6:11, Jesus says that he gave them ″as much as they desired,″ and that ″they all ate and were pleased″ (Matthew 14:20).

  • In addition to meeting their needs, Christ showered them with so much food that there were ″twelve baskets full of broken pieces and of the fish″ left behind after they finished eating (Mark 6:43).
  • God will demolish the pint-sized aspirations of His followers as to what they can accomplish if they will learn to bring Him what they have already been blessed with.
  • ″When God is involved, a little is a lot.″ The Bible says that when Christians are prepared to sacrifice their life sacrificially, abandoning their grasp on whatever God has given them in the form of time, money, skills or other resources, God will utilize these ordinary resources to produce exceptional things in their lives.
  1. Christians must never assume that their resources are insufficient to fulfill their responsibilities to God.
  2. Taking a modest, apparently inconsequential individual and using him or her for His glory is something God enjoys doing (see 1 Corinthians 1:27).
  3. The expense of the project was the first thing that sprang to Philip’s thoughts.
  4. He estimated how many man-hours it would take to feed all of those individuals in a matter of seconds; he considered the task unachievable since he treated it as if everything hinged on his own performance.
  5. Jesus, on the other hand, took a different strategy.
  6. Jesus overcame all human effort and accomplished the seemingly impossible.
  1. ″’Neither by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ declares the LORD Almighty″ (Zechariah 4:6).
  2. It is important to highlight that Jesus provided food for the people via the efforts of His followers.
  3. In fact, He could have easily snapped His fingers and ordered everyone in the room to eat, but He chose not to do so.
  4. ″I handed…
  5. to his disciples, and they distributed it to the masses,″ he said (Mark 6:41).
  • So the disciples were forced to place their faith in the Lord for whatever they distributed.
  • They could only give in proportion to what they received.
  • Philip, Andrew, and the rest of the group were placed in a position of complete reliance on the Lord for their food source.
  • God continues to utilize people in the same manner today.
  • Christians should also be reminded that their difficulties (the ″many″ in John 6:9) are never too enormous (or too numerous) for God to bear.
  • It’s likely that Andrew was thinking to himself, ″What good are we going to do with only five loaves and two fish?″ Of course, Christians understand that God has the ability to multiply anything He desires in order to feed as many people as He desires—after all, He is God.

When we are confronted with the practical application of the theory, we have a tendency to distrust God’s willingness to satisfy our needs.In the life of Elisha, recorded in 2 Kings, there is a foreshadowing of the miracle performed by Christ.Elisha instructed his servant to feed the throngs of people who had assembled, despite the fact that there was insufficient food to satisfy the hundred men.

  • ″How am I supposed to put this in front of a hundred men?″ one of the men wondered.
  • (See 2 Kings 4:42–43 for further information.) But in the end, the men not only had enough food, but they also ″ate and had some left over,″ as the saying goes (2 Kings 4:44).
  • Isn’t that similar to God’s character?

He promises to do more than just provide for His people; He promises to offer them an abundance (Psalm 132:15).Christianity requires Christians to submit their life to God in a spirit of obedience and sacrifice, regardless of how little they believe their abilities or talents to be (Romans 12:1).When you do this, expect God to go above and beyond what you can fathom (Ephesians 3:20).In addition, Christians should have faith that God not only want to provide for the necessities of His children, but He also desires to lavish His children with spiritual benefits, even to the point of overflowing plenty (Psalm 23:5).Return to the previous page: Questions regarding Jesus Christ What lessons can we take away from Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000 people?

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Miracles of Jesus: Feeding the 5,000

The miracle of the ″feeding of the 5,000″ is described in detail in all four Gospel books of the Bible, in which Jesus Christ multiplied a small amount of food – five pieces of barley bread and two small fish – that a boy offered from his lunch into enough food to feed a large crowd of people, according to the Bible. The following is the narrative, with commentary:

Hungry People

After following Jesus and his followers to a mountaintop, the throng hoped to learn from him and possibly witness one of the miracles for which he was becoming well-known.However, Jesus recognized that the audience was starving for both physical nourishment and spiritual truth, so he planned to execute a miracle that would satisfy both needs at the same time.In a later occurrence, the Bible says that Jesus did a similar miracle for a different hungry throng, which is not recorded in the Bible.The miracle of ″feeding the 4,000″ is so named because around 4,000 men, as well as a large number of women and children, were assembled at the time.Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6:30-44, and Luke 9:10-17 all contain references to this renowned miracle, which has come to be known as ″feeding the 5,000,″ but it is the biblical narrative in John 6:1-15 that has the most specific information.The following is how the scene is described in verses 1 through 7: ″It was some time after this that Jesus crossed over to the far shore (that is, the Sea of Tiberias), and a large crowd followed him because they had witnessed the miracles he had performed by healing the sick.

  • It was at this point that he was arrested.
  • Afterwards, Jesus walked up a mountainside with his followers and sat down with them.
  • The Jewish festival of Passover was approaching.
  • In response to seeing a large throng approaching him, Jesus asked his disciple Philip, ″Where shall we get bread for these people to eat?″ (Matthew 26:26-27).

He merely asked this as a test, since he already had a plan in mind for what he was going to do.’It would cost more than half a year’s earnings to buy enough bread for each of them to eat a mouthful,’ Philip responded.″ While Philip (one of Jesus’ followers) was plainly concerned about how he would be able to supply enough food for the large number of people who had assembled, Jesus had previously prepared what he would do to resolve the situation.A miracle had in planned for Jesus to do, but he wanted to put Philip’s faith to the test first before putting the miracle into motion.

Giving What He Had

″Another of his followers, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, came up and said, ‘Here is a child with five tiny barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?’″ the Bible says in verses 8 and 9.It was a youngster who had the faith to bring his lunch to Jesus and share it with him.Five loaves of bread and two fish weren’t quite enough to feed hundreds of hungry people for lunch, but it was a start in the right direction.As an alternative to worrying about how the situation would end out or simply standing by and watching without doing anything to help, the little boy decided to offer all he had to Jesus, trusting that Jesus would use it in some way to assist in feeding the many hungry people present.

Miraculous Multiplication

In verses 10 through 13, the gospel writer explains Jesus’ miracle in a straightforward manner: ″’Have the people take their seats,’ Jesus said.In that area, there was lots of grass to sit on, so they did just that (about 5,000 men were there).After that, Jesus took the loaves and broke them, giving thanks, and distributing them to those who were seated as much as they desired.He followed the same procedure with the fish.″ ″He instructed his followers to gather the scraps of food that had been left over after they had finished their meals.Make sure that nothing goes to waste.’ After gathering them, they filled 12 baskets with the parts of five barley loaves that had been left over by those who had already eaten them.″ Because John only counted the males who mysteriously ate whatever they wanted that day, the total number of individuals who miraculously ate everything they wanted that day may have been as high as 20,000 people.Many women and children were also present.

  • Everyone in the audience assembled that day saw Jesus demonstrate that they could always rely on him to give what they required, no matter what the circumstances were.

The Bread of Life

The multitudes of people who witnessed this miracle, on the other hand, did not completely comprehend Jesus’ motivation for doing it, as he explained afterwards.″When the people witnessed the sign Jesus did, they started to declare, ‘Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world,’″ according to verses 14 and 15.Jesus fled to a mountain by himself once more, this time knowing that they meant to come and compel him to become king by force.But the people did not grasp the fact that Jesus was not interested in impressing them so that he might one day rule over them and topple the ancient Roman authority under which they were living.The disciples did, however, begin to comprehend Jesus’ ability to fulfill both their bodily and spiritual hunger.According to the Gospel of John, many of those who had consumed the food that Jesus had miraculously multiplied sought Jesus the following day, and Jesus advised them to look beyond their physical needs to their spiritual needs: ″Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed, but because you ate the loaves and had your fill.″ You should not be working for food that will spoil, but rather for food that will last until eternal life, which the Son of Man will provide for you.

  • Because God the Father has set his mark of approval on him,″ the Bible says (John 6:26-27).
  • Following this, Jesus engages in a conversation with the people in the throng, identifying himself as the spiritual food that they require.
  • ″For the bread of God is the food that comes down from heaven and gives life to the earth,″ Jesus says in John 6:33, according to the Bible.
  • In verse 34, they react as follows: It was always ″’Sir,’″ they remarked, ″who would give us this bread.″ In verse 35, Jesus responds, ″It is written, ‘It is written,’″ he says.

‘″I am the source of all nourishment.No one will ever go hungry or thirsty if they come to me, and no one will ever be thirsty if they trust in me.″

See How Jesus Fed 5,000 With Only 5 Loaves and 2 Fish

All four Gospels mention an occurrence in which Jesus Christ feeds 5,000 people with only a few loaves and fish, according to the author of Matthew. It is through this miraculous supply of sustenance that the Lord shows himself as the source of life, or ″bread of life,″ for both Jews and Gentiles.

Questions for Reflection

Instead of focusing on God, Jesus’ followers were preoccupied with the dilemma of how to feed a large number of people.Do we recall that ″nothing is impossible with God″ (Luke 1:37, New International Version) when we are presented with an intractable problem?Jesus had done several miracles before Philip and Andrew, but they seemed to have forgotten them.Do you think about how God has helped you in the past when you are facing a difficult situation in your life?

Scripture References

The tale of Jesus feeding the 5,000 may be found in Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17, and John 6:1-15, to name a few biblical references.

Jesus Feeds 5000 Story Summary

When Jesus Christ was in the midst of his ministry, he received some devastating news.Herod Antipas, the king of Galilee and Perea, had executed John the Baptist, his friend and kinsman, as well as the prophet who had declared him to be the Messiah.The twelve disciples of Jesus had just returned from a missionary expedition that he had assigned to them.Having heard what they had done and taught him, Jesus took them on a boat trip on the Sea of Galilee to a quiet location where they were able to get some rest and pray.When the news spread that Jesus was close by, large throngs of people gathered.They rushed to visit him, bringing their ailing friends and family members with them.

  • When the boat touched down, Jesus looked around and saw all the men, women, and children and felt compassion for them all.
  • He shared his knowledge of the Kingdom of God with them and cured those who were sick.
  • ″Where shall we get food for these people to eat?″ Jesus inquired of his disciple Philip as they stood in the midst of the crowd, which totaled around 5,000 men (not including women and children).
  • (John 6:5, New International Version) Jesus was well aware of what he was about to do, yet he begged Philip to put him to the test.
See also:  How To Follow Jesus Christ

According to Philip, even eight months’ income would not be sufficient to provide each individual with even a single mouthful of bread.Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, had a stronger trust in Jesus than his brother.He called a young child forward, who had five small loaves of barley bread and two small fish in his possession.Andrew was perplexed as to how this might be of assistance.The multitude was instructed to sit in groups of fifty people, as instructed by Jesus.He took the five loaves in his hands, lifted his eyes to the heavens, and expressed gratitude to God his Father before passing them to his followers to be distributed.

  • He followed the same procedure with the other two fish.
  • Everyone ate as much as they want, including men, women, and children.
  • The loaves and fishes were miraculously doubled, resulting in more than enough food for everyone.
  1. Then Jesus instructed his disciples to collect any leftovers to ensure that nothing went to waste.
  2. They were able to collect enough to fill twelve baskets.
  3. The multitude was so awestruck by this miracle that they came to believe that Jesus was the prophet whom the prophets had predicted.
  4. Jesus fled from them because he was aware that they would attempt to compel him to become their king.

Themes and Lessons

When Jesus Christ was in the midst of his ministry, he received some shocking news.Herod Antipas, king of Galilee and Perea, had executed John the Baptist, his friend and kinsman, as well as the prophet who had declared him to be the Christ.Following a missionary tour that Jesus had sent them on, Jesus’ 12 disciples came home.They were taken to an isolated location on the Sea of Galilee by boat, where they rested and prayed after informing him of what they had done and taught.When word spread that Jesus was close by, large crowds gathered.When they arrived, they brought their ailing friends and family members along with them to meet him.

  • When the boat touched down, Jesus looked around and saw all the men, women, and children and felt compassion for them..
  • Then Jesus instructed them on what the Kingdom of God was all about and cured those who were sick.
  • ″Where shall we get food for these people to eat?″ Jesus inquired of his disciple Philip after surveying the gathering, which totaled around 5,000 men (not including women and children).
  • In the New International Version, John 6:5 says, Despite the fact that Jesus knew exactly what he was about to do, he begged Philip to put him to the test.

According to Philip, even eight months’ income would not be enough to provide each individual with even a single slice of toast.Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, had a stronger trust in Jesus than his brother Simon Peter did.He called a little lad forward, who had five small loaves of barley bread and two small fish in his possession..In spite of this, Andrew was perplexed as to how it might be of assistance.The multitude was instructed to sit in groups of fifty people, as instructed by Christ.His disciples were to divide the loaves and fish after he had taken the five loaves and given thanks to God his Father in heaven.

  • In the case of the two fish, he followed the same procedure as before.
  • There was no limit to how much someone could eat: men, women, and children alike.
  • There was more than enough food since Jesus performed a miracle by multiplying the loaves and fishes.
  1. When he finished, he instructed his disciples to collect any leftovers to ensure that nothing went to waste.
  2. A total of 12 baskets were collected by the group.
  3. Astonished by Jesus’ miracle, the multitude realized he was the prophesied prophet, and they worshipped him accordingly.
  4. Jesus ran from them because he anticipated that they would attempt to compel him to become their king.

Points of Interest

  • This miracle, in which Jesus feeds 5000 people, is the only one that is recounted in all four Gospels, with only minor changes in the specifics between the accounts in each Gospel. In this account, just the males were tallied, which is a different episode from the feeding of the 4,000. It is estimated that the throng totaled 10,000 to 20,000 when women and children were included
  • the people were as ″lost″ as their forefathers who wandered in the desert during the Exodus, when God sent manna to nourish them. It is possible that the 12 baskets of leftovers represent the 12 tribes of Israel, demonstrating that Jesus was better to Moses in that he not only gave physical food but also spiritual sustenance, as the ″bread of life.″ God is also described as being a generous giver with a limitless supply of resources, according to the prophets.
  • Another indication that Jesus was the Messiah came in the form of the miracle feeding of the crowd. Although the people recognized him as a spiritual leader, they were determined to compel him to serve as a military commander in order to topple the Romans, which he refused. This is one of the reasons Jesus escaped from his enemies.

What Fish Did Jesus Feed The 5000 With?

The warm, pure waters of the Sea of Galilee also provide a good environment for the growth of Tilapia. In the Sea of Galilee, it is said that St. Peter caught Tilapia and served it to the residents of Tabgha, a historic town on the north-west coast of Israel.

What Type Of Fish Did Jesus Eat?

Tilapia was the type of fish that Jesus ate.

What Did Jesus Feed 5000 With?

Because, according to the Gospel of John, Jesus only needed five loaves of bread and two fish to feed a crowd, this event is also known as the ″Miracle of the 5,000 Loaves and Two Fish.″

What Kind Of Fish Does The Bible Say We Can Eat?

Fish is expressly mentioned as a food source in Leviticus 11:10. According to this part of the Bible, eating anything with fins or scales is permissible under certain conditions. The Jewish people have maintained their adherence to the Law given to Moses by the Lord. In Jewish tradition and religion, kosher food is the only type of food that is deemed permitted.

What Kind Of Fish Is St Peter’s Fish?

In the Gospel of St. Matthew (17:24–27), the apostle Peter discovers a fish with a coin in its mouth, and he is instructed to use the coin to pay the temple tax. The term ″Peter’s fish″ derives from this chapter in the gospel. It was presumed to be a tilapia, a freshwater fish that dwells in the Sea of Galilee, despite the fact that it had not been specifically identified as such.

Did Jesus Eat Tilapia?

The Sea of Galilee was the location where Jesus ate his first meal as a human being. Many freshwater fish bones, including carp and St. Peter’s fish (tilapia), have been discovered in nearby digs, as well as bones from saltwater species. Barley bread was distributed to the crowd because Jesus referred to himself as ″The Bread of Life,″ as recorded in the Bible.

Who Was The Boy With 5 Loaves And 2 Fish?

″There’s a small child here who has five barley loaves and two fish,″ Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said. A gathering of this size, however, will not be satisfied with just that. ″Get the people to sit down,″ Jesus instructed. This region was beautifully landscaped with lush green grass.

What Is The Meaning Of 153 Fish In The Bible?

The 153 huge fishes are a reference to not just the 153000 people that worked on the construction of the first temple, but also to ″a very great unknown number.″ Furthermore, this is compatible with the first time one of the apostles saw the net, when he noticed that it contained a large number of fish.

What Type Of Food Did Jesus Eat?

The Bible and historical documents suggest that Jesus followed a Mediterranean diet that included foods such as kale, pine nuts, dates, extra virgin olive oil, lentils, and baked fish, among other things.

How Many Fishes Did Jesus Have?

In addition, it is referred to as the ″miracle of the five loaves and two fish″ since Jesus only needed five loaves and two fish to feed 5,000 people; the Gospel of John claims that Jesus only needed five loaves and two fish.

Who Helped Jesus Feed 5000?

Andrew, Simon Peter’s younger brother, had a more favorable attitude toward Jesus than Simon Peter did. One of the children was brought forward, holding five little loaves of barley bread and two small fish in his hands. Andrew was nevertheless intrigued by the prospect of how it may work. Jesus instructed the crowd to form groups of fifty people and sit in their groupings.

What Did Jesus Do To Feed The Hungry?

The food was delivered to Jesus by God, who asked that it be blessed before it was eaten.In the process of tearing the loaves into pieces, He distributed the bread and fish to the hungry multitude, allowing them to fill up on what they were missing.It was possible to feed every member of the family with five loaves of bread and two fish.From this miracle, Christians may take away a variety of valuable teachings and applications.

Does The Bible Consider Fish Meat?

Despite the fact that Jesus felt that all foods were safe to consume, different denominations read the Bible differently, and the Bible makes no distinction between fish and creatures with fins and scales (such as reptiles).

What Animals Can You Eat According To The Bible?

It is possible to consume the cloven hooves and chews of any animal without ill effects.Despite the fact that they are not aquatic, it is conceivable to consume aquatic animals with fins and scales that are not aquatic.It is necessary for flying insects to have joined legs above their feet in order for them to be allowed to fly.Aside from the animals that did not fit within these categories, other creatures were deemed unclean as well.

Is St Peter’s Fish The Same As Tilapia?

The Egyptians thought that Til Tila represented the possibility of rebirth, and they referred to it as St Peter’s Fish. It has been discovered that the fish originated in Africa and portions of the Middle East thanks to the discovery of many fossils in Lake Victoria that date back 18 million years.

Why Is It Called St Peter’s Fish?

According to the Book of Matthew, St. Peter caught a tilapia, which was thereafter named after him (17:27).

What Type Of Fish Did They Eat In The Bible?

The Sea of Galilee was the location where Jesus ate his first meal as a human being. Many freshwater fish bones, including carp and St. Peter’s fish (tilapia), have been discovered in nearby digs, as well as bones from saltwater species.

How Big Are St Peter’s Fish?

A high back, huge jaws, and sharp, long fins distinguish the body of St. Peter’s fish. The body of the fish is laterally compressed. A pair of greyish-yellow stains appear on either side of the body, which are fuzzy and varying in intensity. The greatest size of a centimeter is 50 centimeters, with the average being 25 to 30 centimeters.

The Deeper Meaning of the Feeding of the 5,000

″Jesus took the five loaves and two fish from the table and blessed them by lifting his eyes to the heavens.Then, breaking the loaves into pieces, he continued to give the bread and fish to the disciples, allowing them to distribute it to the rest of the people in the crowd.″ Luke 9:16 (KJV) The account in Luke 9:12-17 is commonly referred to as ″The Feeding of the 5,000,″ yet the total number of persons served was significantly greater than 5,000, because the figure 5,000 refers to the number of men who were there.The plot of the story is straightforward.Thousands of people had gathered in a ″distant spot″ where Jesus was teaching and curing them while they listened.After five loaves of bread and two fish were consumed at the evening meal, there was nothing left for the folks to eat.Jesus, on the other hand, was able to gather enough food to feed the entire throng from these.

  • He performed a miracle by multiplying the amount of food available, ensuring that everyone was properly nourished and that there were twelve baskets of leftovers.
  • In the same way that Jesus’ healing miracles demonstrate his concern for human beings and their needs, his feeding of the throng demonstrates his compassion for those in need.
  • Jesus cared for the people who were suffering from everyday hunger and showed them how to be gracious hosts.
  • The miracle of food, like the healings, revealed the presence of the kingdom of God, but it did it in a different way.

It was reminiscent of the well-known tale of God supplying manna for the children of Israel as they walked through the desert of the Old Testament (Exod.16:1-36).And it began to bring about the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, such as those recorded in the book of Isaiah: The LORD of Heaven’s Armies will prepare a magnificent banquet in Jerusalem for all of the peoples of the earth to enjoy.At this feast, which will include clear, well-aged wine and prime meat, he will lift the cloud of darkness and cast away the shadow of death that has descended upon the planet.Death will be swallowed up by him for all time!All tears shall be wiped away by the Sovereign LORD.

  • (See Isa.
  • 25:6-8 for further information.) Yes, the Sovereign LORD is about to take control of the world.
  • He will be able to rule with a strong arm.
  1. As you can see, he carries his prize with him when he arrives.
  2. He will tend to his flock in the manner of a shepherd.
  3. In his arms, he will carry the lambs, holding them near to his heart as he does so.
  4. He will gently bring the mother sheep and her lambs to their new home.
  5. (See Isa.
  6. 40:10-11 for further information.) In this way, providing food for the hungry is both a compassionate gesture and a testimony of the presence of God’s kingdom.
  1. Christian missionaries have followed in the footsteps of Jesus by attempting to feed the hungry, particularly those who have limited access to food.
  2. We are making greater efforts to assist the poor, not just by feeding them, but also by assisting them in developing the means to feed themselves in the future.
  3. Luke 9:12-17 is a source of encouragement for individuals who work in food-related sectors, including farmers, truckers, people in the supermarket and restaurant industries, among many others.
  4. This text might also serve as an encouragement for individuals who prepare meals for their family and friends at home.
  5. We are able to engage in the kingdom mission of Jesus via our efforts to care for those in need and to extend hospitality to those who come to us for help.
  • QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION INCLUDE: What part of the narrative of The Feeding of the 5,000 struck you the most?
  • Do you consider the food you consume to be a gift from God when you sit down to eat?
  • What methods do you contribute to the feeding of the hungry?
  • Do you consider yourself to be participating in the work of God’s kingdom in this way?
  • What effects do you think this perspective will have on your feelings and actions?
  • PRAYER: Lord Jesus, first and foremost, I express my gratitude for attending to my basic human needs.
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Thank you for providing me my ″daily bread.″ I’d also like to express my gratitude to you for the presence of your kingdom today.Despite the fact that the totality of your rule has not yet arrived, we have the opportunity to begin to experience life under your loving dominion.I present before you, Lord, the entire group of those who give food for the needy.

  • In particular, I want to express my gratitude to those who farm the food I consume, as well as to those who transport and sell it, and to those who prepare it (particularly my wife!).
  • Please accept my thanks on behalf of those individuals and organizations that work to feed the hungry and assist the destitute in developing the means to generate food.
  • Finally, I offer up a prayer for those who are suffering from hunger today.

May you be able to provide for them.It is my hope that you would inspire your people to feed the needy, just as you did in the wilderness.It is my hope that individuals, nonprofit groups, corporations, and governments would work together to ensure that everyone has access to enough food to sustain their lives.And may all of this serve to bring you honor!Amen.

What lessons can we learn from Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000?

Matthew 14:13–21; Mark 6:30–44; Luke 9:10–17; and John 6:1–14 are all passages in which Jesus is depicted executing a major miracle for His disciples, which is commonly referred to as the feeding of the 5,000.As Jesus journeyed across the country healing the sick, a big audience started to gather around Him.This particular event had Jesus and the disciples withdrawing, but the masses followed them, and when Jesus saw them, he ″had mercy on them and cured their ill,″ according to the Bible (Matthew 14:14).At night, the disciples wanted to get the people out of the path so that they could make it to the nearby towns before it became too dark and buy food (Matthew 14:15).They didn’t have to go because Jesus told them, ‘You give them something to eat.’″ (Matthew 14:16; Mark 10:16).One of the disciples came across a lad who was in possession of five loaves of barley bread and two fish (John 6:9).

  • Certainly, this would not be sufficient for such a huge gathering!
  • However, Jesus praised God for the food, and each and every person who had gathered to see Him was provided with a meal.
  • John 6:11–13 describes how the bread and fish were multiplied until everyone had eaten their fill, and there was even food left over.
  • This is remarkable because the Bible records that 5,000 men, as well as women and children, were in attendance (Matthew 14:21).

A throng of between 15,000 and 20,000 individuals, according to some experts, may have gathered for the event.God proves via Christ’s miracle of feeding the 5,000 that He is large enough to break all of our finite expectations and supply abundantly for our needs.His goodness far transcends our wildest expectations.Christ multiplied the little food that were brought to Him, and God multiplies our gifts, money, and skills when we offer them to Him in the same way.Our goods and attributes are never too insignificant to be used in God’s service.He delights in rewarding and surprise us, and Scripture repeatedly demonstrates that He utilizes our insignificance and frailty to bring His splendor into view (1 Corinthians 1:27).

  • We might also learn from this miracle that Jesus employs His disciples as His arms and hands in order to accomplish His mission.
  • In Mark 6:41, Jesus blesses the gathering by having His followers hand out the food to all in attendance.
  • Rather of placing food in the hands of each individual in the throng, Jesus preferred to use the food that the child had contributed and to enlist the help of His followers to distribute the lunch.
  1. By feeding the multitudes via the agency of His disciples, we see how we, too, might be God’s arms and hands in our own lives and communities.
  2. Our participation in God’s work is a gracious gift.
  3. We also learn about the importance of trust.
  4. The disciples had to put their faith in Jesus to supply the resources to feed the large multitude, and they could only give what they had received in exchange.
  5. As a result, the disciples, as well as Christ’s contemporary followers, play an important role in God’s intention to benefit others.
  6. The same way that we discover that Jesus’ followers were only able to offer what they had received, we also learn that nothing came to them as a result of their efforts.
  1. When Jesus asked His followers how they would feed the masses, Phillip relied on his own rationale and logic to come up with a solution (John 6:7).
  2. The efforts of Jesus’ followers were, of course, not the method by which he decided to feed the throng.
  3. Any amount of human effort could not have provided enough food for the multitudes.
  4. To demonstrate that all good things come from God and not from man’s effort (Zechariah 4:6), Jesus disregarded human effort in order to demonstrate that God is the one who enables us to do the task (Zechariah 4:6).
  5. This miracle serves as a powerful reminder that nothing we confront on this planet is too difficult for God to handle.
  • Even though they were in the presence of the King of kings, Christ’s followers were concerned that millions of people would go hungry (John 6:9).
  • Whatever we encounter, we must remember that God is far greater than anything we can imagine.
  • It is noteworthy to notice that God had previously accomplished a miracle that was comparable to this one.
  • In the book of 2 Kings, Elisha orders his servant to feed a large group of people who had collected around them.
  • There appears to be little food to feed the hundred men, prompting one of Elisha’s slaves to dispute the authority of Elisha’s instruction, asking, ″How can I lay this before a hundred men?″ (See 2 Kings 4:43.) Just as with Jesus’ miracle, the multitude ate to their hearts’ content and even had some food left over.
  • God delights in lavishly bestowing blessings (2 Kings 4:42–44; Psalm 132:15).

Christians must put their faith in God, knowing that He will provide for their necessities while also multiplying their sacrifices to bless others.We are aware that God is far greater than we can comprehend, and that He takes pleasure in providing for and rewarding His children (Psalm 23:5).Truth related to this question: What were the defining moments in Jesus’ life?

  • What was the reason for Jesus’ frequent use of parables?
  • What is the relevance of Jesus’ humanity in relation to his divinity?
  • What is Christian discipleship and how does it work?

Why should I put my faith in God, and how can I learn to put my faith in God?Return to the page: The Truth About Jesus Christ.

Feeding the multitude – Wikipedia

The feeding of the multitude is considered to be two independent miracles performed by Jesus as recorded in the Gospels.With the exception of Jesus’ resurrection, the first miracle, known as the ″Feeding of the 5,000,″ is the only miracle that is reported in all four gospels (Matthew 14-Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6-Mark 6:31-44; Luke 9-Luke 9:12-17; John 6-John 6:1-14).The second miracle, the ″Feeding of the 4,000,″ which was accomplished with only seven loaves of bread and a few tiny fish, is recorded in Matthew 15 (Matthew 15:32-39) and Mark 8 (Mark 8:1-9), but not in Luke or John’s gospels.

The feeding of the 5,000 people

In the Gospel of John, Jesus is reported to have used five loaves and two fish, which were provided by a child, to feed a large crowd.This miracle is also known as the ″miracle of the five loaves and two fish″ because he fed a large number of people with just five loaves and two fish.In Matthew’s narrative, after Jesus learned that John the Baptist had been slain, he fled by boat to a remote location in order to be alone with God.Luke specifies that the location was in the vicinity of Bethsaida.The people followed Jesus on foot as he made his way through the towns.When Jesus arrived on the scene and noticed a big throng, he was moved by compassion and healed their ill.

  • As the evening drew near, the disciples approached him and said, ″It’s already late in the evening because we’re in a secluded location.
  • Send the throngs gone so that they can go to the villages and get some food for their families.″ It was Jesus who stated that they were not need to go, and as a result, the disciples were to provide them with a meal.
  • When they told Jesus that they only had five loaves and two fish, he demanded that they be delivered to him right away.
  • The people were instructed to sit in groups on the grass, as ordered by Jesus.

The multitude sat in groups of 50 and 100 in Mark’s Gospel, while in Luke’s Gospel, Jesus’ orders were to seat the audience in groups of 50, meaning that there were a total of 100 groups of this size.He took the five loaves and two fish and, lifting his eyes to the heavens, he expressed gratitude and broke them.Then he handed them up to the disciples, who in turn handed them over to the general public.They had all finished their meals and were pleased, so the disciples went about collecting twelve baskets full of broken bits that had been left over.In addition to women and children, the number of males who ate amounted to around five thousand.In John’s Gospel, the throng has gathered around Jesus as a result of the healing acts he has performed, and the feeding of the multitude is seen as yet further indication that Jesus is the Messiah.

The feeding of the 4,000

Despite the fact that this tale exists only in the Gospels of Mark and Matthew, it is sometimes referred to as the miracle of the seven loaves and fish because the Gospel of Matthew refers to seven loaves and a few tiny fish that were used by Jesus to feed a large crowd.According to the Gospels, a big group of people had collected and was following behind Jesus.When Jesus called his followers to him, he said, ″Come, follow me.″ ″I feel sorry for these people, who have already been with me for three days and have nothing to eat.I have sympathy for them.I don’t want to send them out hungry, since if I do, they could pass out on the way.″ His disciples said, ″Where could we possibly get enough bread in such a remote location to serve such a large crowd?″ ″Can you tell me how many loaves you have?″ Jesus was the one who inquired.″Seven,″ they said, ″along with a couple of little fish.″ Jesus instructed the multitude to take a seat on the ground.

  • Later, after thanking God for them, Jesus divided them between the disciples and distributed them to the crowds as a result of their generosity.
  • They had all finished their meals and were satisfied.
  • Following that, the disciples collected seven baskets full of shattered pieces that had been left behind.
  • In addition to women and children, there were a total of four thousand males who participated in the meal.

As soon as Jesus had dispatched the mob, he boarded the boat and headed for the neighborhood of Magadan (or Magdala).


Providing food for a large number of people.Manuscript written in Armenian.The Gospel of Daniel of Uranc was written around 1433.As an example, Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer points out that there were differences between the accounts in some details as a way of emphasizing that there were two distinct miracles: for example, the baskets used for collecting the food that remained were twelve v (hand baskets) in Mark 6:43, but seven v (large baskets) in Mark 8:8.Cornelius a Lapide said that a ‘big basket,’ also known as a ‘large basket,’ was twice the size of a’small basket.’ When the apostle Paul was allowed to escape from an apartment building via a breach in the Damascus city wall within one, it was an indicator of the magnitude of a.This was done in order to prevent a conspiracy to assassinate him from being carried out (Acts 9:25).

  • The feeding of the crowd, according to Meyer, ″is interpreted as a further evidence (Biblical Greek: ) that Jesus is the Messiah, the prophet who (according to the promise made in the Book of Deuteronomy (Deuteronomy 18:15) is about to come into the world″ (John 6:14).

See also

  • The chronology of Jesus’ life
  • Jesus’ life as depicted in the New Testament
  • Jesus’ ministry
  • Elisha feeding a hundred men



  • Brown, Raymond E., et al (1997). An overview of the New Testament’s main themes and ideas. Kilgallen, John J., The HarperCollins Bible Commentary (2000), ISBN 0-385-24767-2
  • Doubleday, ISBN 0-385-24767-2
  • HarperCollins Bible Commentary (2000), ISBN 0-385-24767-2
  • Kilgallen, John J., The HarperCollins Bible Commentary (2000), ISBN 0-385-24767-2
  • Kilgallen, John J., The HarperCollins Bible Commentary (2000), (1989). A Concise Commentary on the Gospel According to Mark. Published by Paulist Press, ISBN 0-8091-3059-9.

External links

At Wikimedia Commons, you may find images and videos related to Feeding the multitude.

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 14:13-21 – New International Version

New International Version(NIV) Version

Jesus Feeds the Five ThousandA)″>(A)B)″>(B)

13 When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed him on foot from the towns. 14 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on themC)″>(C) and healed their sick.D)″>(D) 15 As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.” 16 Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” 17 “We have here only five loavesE)″>(E) of bread and two fish,” they answered. 18 “Bring them here to me,” he said. 19 And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves.F)″>(F) Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. 20 They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. 21 The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children. Read full chapter dropdown New International Version (NIV)Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.NIV Reverse Interlinear Bible: English to Hebrew and English to Greek. Copyright © 2019 by Zondervan.

4. Jesus Feeds 5,000 People (Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-15)

The main point of the presentation is that with God, anything is possible. All things are possible with God, according to the verse. – Mark 10:27b (Bible) 10 bread loaves (or buns); 2 fish; 12 baskets of steamed vegetables (Optional: bread for each child; The Gospel of John DVD)


Say, for example, that the last time I traveled, I traveled.List your ideas (you may be as creative as you want with your list).What do you bring with you when you go on a trip?Keep an ear out for responses.After Jesus summoned His disciples and they elected to follow Him, they embarked on a journey that took them all across the region.Jesus instructed His followers not to bring anything with them on their journey!

  • What makes you believe that is the case?
  • He wished for them to put their faith in God to provide all of their needs.
  • When the disciples witnessed Jesus cure people and heard His teachings, they were astonished.
  • They were present when Jesus announced that the kingdom of God had arrived.
See also:  The Woman Who Washed Jesus Feet With Her Hair?

A number of miracles were accomplished by Jesus as evidence that he had the authority to inform people about God and His kingdom.He was able to treat persons who were suffering from horrific ailments and injuries.He was able to make blind people sight and handicapped people walk again.After spending some time with them, Jesus even sent the disciples out on their own to teach and cure in His name, after which they returned to Him.Listen to what Jesus said as He sent the guys on their way: ″Don’t bring anything for the travel,″ he instructed them.You should not bring a walking stick or a bag.

  • – Luke 9:3 Do not bring any bread, money, or extra garments with you.

The Fish And The Bread

In the meantime, John the Baptist continued to speak out in a strong manner about God’s ideal way of life for humanity.Some of them who were living in sin grew quite enraged with John as a result.King Herod was committing heinous crimes against humanity.He didn’t appreciate hearing John tell him that his actions were bad (Matthew 14:3-4).King Herod ordered the assassination of John the Baptist (Mark 6:14-29).This was a nightmare!

  • This caused Jesus and His followers to be extremely depressed.
  • Using a boat, Jesus transported His followers to a peaceful location where they could relax and have something to eat.
  • There were throngs of people following Jesus everywhere he went.
  • As soon as the public learned that Jesus and his followers had gone out to be by themselves, they expressed an interest in joining them.

As a result, they sprinted from every town in the vicinity and arrived before Jesus and His companions.They wished to hear Jesus preach, as well as to witness more miracles, signs, and wonders performed by him.It was possible for Jesus to decline to educate the throng.After all, He and his followers had boarded the boat in order to get away from the crowds and relax for a time.Nevertheless, read Mark 6:34 again: ″When Jesus arrived on the coast, He noticed a big multitude.″ He had a strong sense of worry for them.They were like herds of sheep without a herd leader.

  • As a result, He began teaching them a variety of subjects.″ Jesus had a special affection for each and every person in that audience.
  • Moreover, He was well aware that there was still much concerning the kingdom of God that they did not comprehend.
  • So, despite the fact that He needed repose, He placed the needs of the audience ahead of his own and began teaching them.
  1. They were like sheep without a shepherd, according to the Bible, which indicates they were befuddled and lost in their lives, according to the Bible.
  2. By instructing them, Jesus demonstrated that he was a compassionate and caring Shepherd who looked after them.
  3. Application: Jesus is referred to as the Good Shepherd in the Bible.
  4. ″I know my sheep, and my sheep know who I am,″ he explained.
  5. They are familiar with Me, just as the Father is familiar with Me and I am familiar with the Father.
  6. And I’m willing to offer My life for the sake of the sheep.″ (See also John 10:14-15.) Isn’t it comforting to know that Jesus cares about us in this way?
  1. Isn’t it remarkable that He cared enough about us to sacrifice His life for our sins?
  2. Our Good Shepherd will gently guide us where we need to go and teach us what we need to know if we ever get disoriented and befuddled, as the throng was on that particular day.
  3. As an example, it was late in the day at that point.
  4. In response to Philip’s question, Jesus gazed out over the vast throng and said, ″Where can we buy food for these people to eat?″ (See also John 6:5).
  5. Because Philip was born and raised in this neighborhood, this may have been a straightforward inquiry about where the businesses were located (John 1:44).
  • However, Jesus actually did ask Philip this question in order to put him to the test.
  • Throughout the Bible, we observe that God raises questions in order to put men to the test (Genesis 3:9, 4:9, Job 38).
  • The question ″where″ was posed by Jesus, and Philip can only conceive in terms of ″how.″ Because Jesus alludes to ″purchasing″ food, this is a particularly tough test to pass.
  • One possible correct response would have been something along the lines of ″Lord, You know.″ Alternatively, Philip might have recalled another miracle that Jesus had performed, when He transformed water into wine.
  • He may have said something like, ″Lord, You are able to supply.″ Philip, on the other hand, was not concerned about Jesus’ skill.
  • ″Eight months’ wages would not be enough to buy enough bread for each of us to take one mouthful!″ Philip said.

(See also John 6:7) The disciples begged Jesus to send everyone away as it was growing dark outside so that the people may go to their own communities and get something to eat.However, Jesus stated that they were not required to leave.″You provide them with something to eat,″ Jesus instructed.

  • (See Matthew 14:15-16.) Philip and the other disciples were being shown by Jesus that they would be unable to fix the situation on their own.
  • There was no store near enough to purchase this amount of food on the way.
  • Moreover, even if there had been, it would have required far more money than the disciples possessed!

Jesus desired for the disciples to put their faith in Him, to recognize that He was the only one who could supply their needs.Application: God wants you to put your confidence in Him and know that He will take care of you!God may allow a circumstance in your life that you are unable to resolve on your own.This is an excellent time to put your trust in Him.(Teachers, please feel free to share a personal experience of a time when God permitted you to be in this type of position.) Have faith that the Lord is able and willing to provide for all of your need.

  1. Let’s say that at this time a second disciple, Andrew, stepped up and announced, ″Here is a lad with five little barley loaves and two small fish.″ Inquire as to what they have.
  2. Lunch for a young child, nothing more.
  3. For example, in that society, children were not considered extremely significant.
  4. They weren’t even included in the total of 5,000.
  5. God intended to achieve a miracle via the use of someone who had previously gone unnoticed by the rest of the world.

God employs a diverse range of individuals in His operation.He frequently employs persons who are perceived to be the weakest or least significant by other people.Question: Do you enjoy sharing your meals with others?What do you do when you’re extremely, truly hungry?Say this: This little child was prepared to surrender everything he had to Jesus in exchange for his salvation.The disciples were instructed by Jesus to bring the 5 loaves of food and 2 fish to Him.

Then Jesus instructed the disciples to instruct the crowd to take a seat.Jesus expressed gratitude for the food.Application: We should always express our gratitude to God for providing us with nourishment.God has given us food as a gift.The following is a teaching idea for younger children: Say this: What occurred next was nothing short of a miracle.

  • The bread was broken by Jesus.
  • (Put your bread on a plate and tear it.) He entrusted it to His followers, who were to distribute it to the entire population.
  • Imagine having to feed that many people at the same time.
  • The disciples undoubtedly thought to themselves, ″My basket is going to run out extremely fast with all of these hungry people to feed.″ Amazingly, they never ran out of supplies!
  • The disciples returned to Jesus several times in order to obtain fish and bread in order to feed the large multitude.
  • Consider the following question: When do you believe the disciples knew that Jesus was performing a miracle?
  • God is really gracious!
  • He never withholds any of His blessings.
  • According to the Bible, God will freely give whatever you require.
  • Then you’ll always have plenty for yourself and plenty left over to give to others as well.

– 2 Corinthians 9:8 New Living Translation Let us say that everyone received as much food as they want, that everyone had plenty to eat, and that there were twelve baskets full of food left over (John 6:11-13).Jesus instructed His followers to collect up what was remained of the loot.Isn’t it incredible that after everyone had eaten until they were stuffed, there were still 12 baskets full of food left over?It was Jesus who instructed the disciples not to let anything go to waste.Say this: Each of the 12 disciples, who must have been agonizing about the scarcity of food and the sheer quantity of the gathering they were tasked with feeding, went away with a basket stuffed with additional provisions.

They arrived at this location dejected and hungry, wanting to be alone and away from the crowds.God, on the other hand, had a different plan.He came to fill their emptiness with Himself, not with anything else!God provides for all of our needs, and then some.Application: Nothing is too insignificant for God to use – not even a tiny boy’s lunchbox, for example.The disciples were baffled as to how the child’s meal could be of assistance, but God’s ability to be strong in the midst of our weakness is emblematic of the way God provides (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).

POWERPOINT VERSE All things are possible with God, according to the verse.- Mark 10:27b (Bible) The main point is that with God, anything is possible.Verse for Powerpoint Suggestions for Teaching Younger Children: To the tune of ″Happy Birthday,″ teach the following song and motions: One lad had two fish (raise your index and middle fingers) and five loaves of bread in his possession (hold up 5 fingers) He gave them to Jesus and told him about them (hold hand out; palms up) A large number of individuals were fed (wiggle fingers to show lots of people) 2007 BibleLessons4Kidz.com (Bible Lessons for Kids) All rights are retained around the world.It is only permitted to be duplicated for personal, charitable, and non-commercial purposes.Unless otherwise specified, the Scriptures are derived from the Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version (NIrV®), and the New Testament of the Christian Bible.

Copyright / 1995, 1996, and 1998 by the International Bible Society / Used with permission of the International Bible Society-STL.All rights are retained around the world.Thank you to John R.Cross, author of The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, and GoodSeed International for their assistance.

Jesus Feeding the 5000 in Scripture

In the Bible, one of the most well-known accounts of Jesus executing a major miracle is the Feeding of the Five Thousand, which can be found in a number of books, including Matthew 14:13-21, which states, ″When Jesus learned what had happened, he went by boat to a secluded spot.″ As soon as they heard this, the throng began to pursue him on foot from the towns.When Jesus arrived on the scene and noticed a big throng, he felt sympathy for them and cured their illnesses.As the evening drew, the disciples approached him and said, ″This is a secluded location, and it is now late in the evening.″ Send the throngs gone so that they can go to the villages and get some food for their families.″ ″They don’t have to go,″ Jesus responded emphatically.You should provide them with something to eat.″ ″We only have five loaves of bread and two fish on hand,″ they said in response.″Bring them over here,″ he instructed.After that, he instructed everyone to take a seat on the lawn.

  • He took the five loaves and two fish and, lifting his eyes to the heavens, he expressed gratitude and broke the loaves.
  • Then he handed them up to the disciples, who in turn handed them over to the general public.
  • They had all finished their meals and were pleased, so the disciples went about collecting twelve baskets full of broken bits that had been left over.
  • In addition to women and children, there were around 5,000 males who participated in the meal.

It is the identical description of this miracle that is found in Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17, and John 6:1-14, among other places.

4 Lessons from Jesus Feeding the 5000

When Jesus fed the five thousand, it was considered to be one of the most inspiring stories in the Bible, and it is frequently used to inspire brethren to trust in God’s mighty power and kindness.So, what does this miracle have to say about Jesus, exactly?What can we glean from this paragraph in terms of lessons?Let us look at this miracle in depth so that we may better grasp it and apply it to our everyday lives as we continue to follow Jesus’ teachings.

1. Jesus’ Compassion

The feeding of the five thousand, performed by Jesus, serves as a reminder of His compassion for His people.When it is indicated that Jesus was traveling while also curing the sick in the first half of the verse, we may infer that he was doing both things at the same time.At the conclusion of the day, the disciples requested that the multitude disperse because it was growing dark outside.When Jesus saw them, he told them to leave the people alone and instead to provide them with food.It is in this section of the chapter that Jesus’ character is demonstrated.Despite the fact that He had traveled a long distance, cured the sick, and performed several other miracles, His first and foremost concern was for the audience that had gathered around Him (John 3:16).

  • This scenario of Jesus feeding 5,000 people lends more credibility to the notion that Jesus is the Lord who rescues His Church.
  • His compassion for His offspring, who are, by the way, sinners, is so great that He devoted His life in order to save them.

2. Jesus Uses Other People to Bless Others

Another lesson we may take away from Jesus’ Feeding of the Five Thousand is that he uses other people to bless other people, as we can see in the story of the five thousand.An example of this is when Jesus instructed his followers to go in search of food and they discovered a child who had five loaves of bread and two fish.At this precise time, Jesus decided to use the child in order to perform His miracle and transform the five loaves of bread and two fish into something that would benefit and feed the entire multitude.A little child has five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they be able to travel amid so many others?″ (See also John 6:9).Two things may be learned from this event concerning Jesus’ methods.The first is that He enlists the assistance of others, in this example, His followers, in order to provide benefits to those in need.

  • He instructs them to locate food, which they successfully achieved by locating the youngster.
  • The second is that Jesus employs His

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