How To Talk To Jesus

Faith Steps: 8 Tips to Talking About Jesus

Hope Forrester is a successful entrepreneur. Mariska Nel has only recently begun learning how to share the gospel with others from Russell and Emilee Hill. In order for her to continue to take faith-based steps into spiritual discourse, she is learning to keep eight important factors in mind:

1. Start with prayer

Because of her readiness to communicate about God with people, Mariska has discovered that it is pointless to do so unless she first asks God’s blessing on her interactions. According to Mariska, “pray for each discussion you have to ensure that it is God-centered.” “It’s that which will give you the courage.”

2. Deepen your own faith

Because of her readiness to communicate about God with people, Mariska has discovered that it is pointless to do so unless she first seeks God’s blessing on her discussions. As Mariska suggests, “pray for each discussion you have to ensure that it is God-centered.” This is what will give you the strength to face your fears.

3. Ask questions and let spiritual conversations flow from there

When Mariska and Russell were first getting to know one other, Russell and Emilee would regularly invite her over for coffee or supper. They interacted with Mariska, asked her questions, and actually listened to her answers when she gave them. According to Mariska, the chats were “God-centered.” “They probed me with probing questions, but they never told me how I should behave.” Russell and Emilee encouraged Mariska to start having similar dialogues with individuals in her life, such as coworkers, roommates, and friends, as a result of their chats.

Some nice questions to get her started are as follows:

  • Does God exist? Why do you believe (or not believe) in God? How do you feel about it all? Do you believe in God?

“Ask individuals what is most important to them, and attempt to figure out how God fits into that circumstance in their lives,” Mariska advises. “Can you tell me how they view God? “Do they even notice that He is there?” These inquiries compel individuals to consider what they believe and why they believe it, and they frequently result in intriguing spiritual dialogues, according to Mariska.

4. Focus on their feelings

During a talk with her roommate, Mariska learned about the importance of asking others about their views regarding their religious beliefs. Mariska began by asking her roommate what she believed and why she believed it. Because she would rather believe in nothing than something she was unsure was true, her roommate informed her that she was an atheist, according to the woman. When Mariska inquired as to how her roommate felt about this, her roommate responded by saying that she admired Mariska’s ability to place her trust in God.

If you want to connect with someone in a way that is meaningful to them, you must use emotion.”

5. For outreach events or evangelism with strangers, take advantage of Cru’s resources

When it comes to establishing spiritual dialogues with individuals you don’t know, Mariska has discovered that simple questionnaires or photo surveys are incredibly helpful.

These surveys help to break down communication barriers, give simple conversational material, and are frequently used as a gateway into the gospel.

6. Don’t overpower

Mariska advises that you should listen more than you speak. Allow the other person the freedom to express their emotions, even if they are filled with rage against God. According to her, the instant you attempt to tell someone how they should feel is the moment the conversation will come to an end.

7. Be confident

According to Mariska, “Christianity is not anything to be embarrassed of, despite the fact that so many people are.” Mariska is able to proclaim the gospel with confidence because she is reminded of how Jesus has changed her life and how He desires to change the lives of others.

8. End the conversation well

According to Mariska, “Christianity is not anything to be embarrassed of, despite the fact that so many people do.” Mariska is able to proclaim the gospel with confidence because she remembers how Jesus has transformed her life and how He desires to change the lives of others.

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How to Talk to God: What Does the Bible Say about Prayer?

As the Bible says, “This is the assurance we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he will listen to us.” – 1 John 5:14 (NIV) Human beings are social creatures. Our Father, who created us in his image (Genesis 1:27), wishes to have a personal connection with us (John 3:16). A personal relationship with the all-encompassing, omnipotently sovereign God (Isaiah 46:9) is a must. The Holy Spirit is aware of, present in, and lovingly involved in every aspect of our lives (Psalm 18:30;116:5).

  1. He is present.
  2. In 1 John 5:14, the Bible says He faithfully upholds His pledge to be near to the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18), as well as His vow to love us without ceasing (John 3:16).
  3. Communication with God is something that God seeks from us.
  4. People today claim to get messages from God through their dreams.
  5. Despite this, His presence is no less apparent as a result of Jesus’ sacrifice.
  6. Through the power of prayer Because of Christ’s death on the cross, we have the ability to communicate with God and receive responses from Him.

Is Talking to God the Same as Praying?

As the Bible says, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he will hear us.” The Bible states in 1 John 5:14 that Human beings are social beings who form connections with one another. Our Father, who created us in his image (Genesis 1:27), longs for a personal connection with us (John 3:16). A personal relationship with the all-encompassing, omnipotently sovereign God (Isaiah 46:9) is possible. He is aware of, present with, and lovingly involved in every element of who we are and how we live our lives” (Psalm 18:30;116:5).

  1. The Lord is here.
  2. The Bible says in 1 John 5:14 that We may trust that He will keep His word that He will be near to the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18) and that He will unconditionally love us (John 3:16).
  3. Communication with God is what God wishes.
  4. In the modern era, some people assert that they get messages from God through their dreams.
  5. His presence is no less tangible, however, as a result of Jesus’ sacrifice.

The question is, how can we begin a dialogue with our omnipotent Creator? Prayer is the most effective way to achieve this goal. Our ability to communicate with God is made possible through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. When we pray, we learn how.

What Does the Bible Say about Speaking to God?

The Bible is replete with scriptures regarding prayer, as well as texts that educate us on how to pray. Matthew 6:9-13 contains the most important lesson we can learn about prayer from Jesus himself. An ancient prayer that has been said in the English tongue for more than five hundred years. In that case, pray in the following manner: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, says the Lord. Give us our daily bread today, and forgive us our debts, just as we have forgiven our debtors, as we have done for them.

‘I know who you are,’ the devil says to Jesus, according to Piper.

The crucifixion was in front of Jesus, and He pleaded for God to take it away — but he then sealed His heart’s intents with the words, “but your will be done.” According to the Book of Proverbs, which was penned by the renowned and intelligent King Solomon, the fear of the Lord is the source of all knowledge.

Genuine prayer begins with a heart that is humbly dedicated to the Almighty.

Genuine prayer is fostered when we regularly irrigate our hearts with God’s Word.

3 Ways to Communicate with God

1. Communicating with God through prayer There are several ways and acronyms that may be used to lead us through the process of praying, with one of the most common being Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication are abbreviations for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. Adoration purifies our hearts by praising God for who He is and what He has done for us. Confession is a way of expressing what Christ has done for us. Our admitted sins are forgiven as a result of our redemption (1 John 1:9).

  • Supplication is a prayer request that includes prayers for assistance, healing, blessing, and other things.
  • Click here for more information.
  • Journaling as a means of communicating with God When writing to God, A.C.T.S.
  • Make a special place for yourself where you may spend peaceful time with God.
  • In fact, I keep a piece of paper next to my diary so that I may scribble down any thoughts that come to me that might divert me.
  • Combine prayer writing with daily devotional readings from the Bible to bring the dialogue to a conclusion.
  • Sometimes it happens right away, and other times it happens over time.
  • 3.

‘We need spontaneous prayer because we are completely reliant on the Lord at all times, and we are all completely reliant on him as a group.’ Praying about anything in the present time serves to remind us of our utter reliance on God.” In the Bible, we are encouraged to “pray for everything” (Philippians 4:6-7).

Despite the fact that it is vital to spend a portion of our day to the Lord in prayer, it is beneficial to continue our dialogue with Him throughout the day. Click here for a prayer to help you get started in your prayer life.

Can God Speak to My Dreams?

“I will pour out my Spirit on all people in the final days, according to God,” Jesus declares. It is your boys and daughters who will prophesy, your young men who will have visions, and your elderly men who will dream.” -Acts 2:17 (NLT) Yes, God can communicate with us via our dreams. He is capable of everything! We owe our existence to him since he is our Creator, our Father, and our almighty and sovereign God. We know it’s possible because of first-person testimonies that have been passed down through the generations, as well as biblical stories that demonstrate the power of God’s action in our dreams.

Take the infant and his mother and flee to safety from Egypt,’ he commanded them.

“Dreams are nothing more than night glimpses.

33:14-18; Job 33:14-18 Please see this link for additional dream-related poetry.

How to Hear from GodHow to Listen to God

  • Is it possible for God to talk to us directly? Yes. We shall receive direct communication from God if we are willing and humble enough to listen. We may not hear God’s voice or receive a communication from him in a dream, but God’s presence is always visible in creation, His Word, answered prayers, and seen miracles, among other things.
  • God communicates with us in a variety of ways. God communicates with us through our experiences. In order to hear God, we must be tuned into the correct frequency, which corresponds to the proper state of our heart. In seeking Him everyday via His Word, our hearts become consecrated in His presence.
  • The manner in which God communicates with us is a mystery. We hear God’s voice via the events of our life. In order to hear God, we must be tuned into the correct frequency, which corresponds to the proper state of our heart. As we seek Him everyday in His Word, our souls grow sanctified before Him.
  • What is the best way to recognize God’s voice? In the Bible, it states that if we seek Him with all of our hearts, we shall find Him. When the prophet Jeremiah delivered the verse in chapter 29:13, he was reaching out to a people who were far away from God and running even more away. He cried for His people and pleaded with them to pay attention, but they ignored his warnings and God’s truth, leading to their ultimate catastrophe. When we seek God in His Word, we begin to thirst for more than just what we want to hear
  • We begin to hunger for more than just what we want to hear.
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6 Bible Verses about Talking to God and Hearing from God

In order for you to understand the hope to which he has called and the richness of his beautiful inheritance in his holy people, I beg that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened (Ephesians 1:18). In your prayers to him, he will hear you, and in your deeds, you will fulfill your pledges” (Job 22:27). “Thus, whatever it is that you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours,” says Jesus (Mark 11:24). Then I reach out to you, my God, trusting that you would hear my plea; turn your attention to me and hear my petition” (Psalm 17:6).

  • “Then you’ll come to me and pray to me, and I’ll listen to you” (Jeremiah 29:12).
  • Prayer is a wonderful gift.
  • Jesus’ obedience to God’s will in dying on the cross secured for all time our ability to establish a personal connection with God via the acceptance of His sacrifice on the cross.
  • Examples of salvation prayers can be found by clicking here.
  • You have earned our adoration today for your sovereignty, your omnipotence, and your unfailing love.
  • Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ, to walk among us on this world and experience what we are going through.
  • His death on the cross was his choice in order to save us.

Father, please forgive me for my sins.

Refine my mind, body, and soul so that they are in harmony with Your will and purpose in my life.

I have faith in You.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Make contact with a pastor, church, or other group of Christians in your area.

God’s Blessings on You.

“Megs” is a fictional character who writes on ordinary living inside the love of Christ.

“Friends with Everyone” is Meg’s debut novel, which she also wrote as a freelance writer.

Meg lives in Northern Ohio with her husband, two children, and a Godlen-Doodle named Godfrey. All of them are die-hard Cleveland Browns supporters. Photograph courtesy of Thinkstock/BrianAJackson

What’s the Best Way to Talk with Jesus?

The following question was recently brought to me by one of our readers, Mr. Tom Bailey, and it is one that I’m sure many of us have had on our thoughts at some point: During a conversation with Sr. Faustina and other heavenly souls, Jesus indicates that we should talk to Him. What do you believe He’s trying to say? Is it possible to have a structured prayer? Do you believe in praise and glory worship? Or does he mean just conversing with Him as if He were a dear friend of yours? He thinks we should behave like children, because children speak simply and frankly, expressing their emotions without hiding their sentiments.

  1. Tom, you’ve asked an excellent question.
  2. What an honor it is to bring everything before God in prayer!
  3. We often suffer needlessly because of this.
  4. Exactly what he advised St.

In her diary, entries 1485-1490, you will find the most vivid example of this: Faustina records her conversations with Jesus in various states of her soul: sometimes sinful, sometimes despairing, sometimes in great suffering or striving for perfection, and even at times attaining perfect love for Him.

  • I make the initial move in order to get to you because I know that you are unable to elevate yourself to Me on your own own.
  • By entrusting Me with all of your worries and anxieties, you will bring Me great joy.
  • Tell Me everything, My child, and don’t hold anything back from Me for My loving Heart, the Heart of your Best Friend, is listening to what you have to say (1486).
  • I feel sorry for you.
  • Despite the fact that your sufferings have been quite severe, do not lose heart or succumb to despair.
  • Tell Me everything, be honest with Me in your dealings with Me, and confess all of the scars in your heart to Me.
  • Now, we might wonder why Jesus asks us to “disclose” all of our troubles to Him in the first place.
  • Isn’t He able to see everything and comprehend my heart’s pains even better than I am able to grasp them myself?
  • In the same manner, when you go to the doctor, it is possible that he has already seen your x-rays before you ever walk through the door.
  • In the same manner, Jesus, the Beloved Physician of our hearts, understands exactly what we require even before we express our desire for His assistance.
  • As soon as we do that, He interprets it as our permission to do everything He can to heal and sanctify us.

Faustina, when she ventured to begin to believe in His mercy during a period of profound discouragement: “You have a specific claim on My kindness.” Allow it to work in your wretched soul; allow the rays of grace to penetrate your spirit; they will bring light, warmth, and life with them (1486).

  • During His prayers to His Father, Jesus expressed entire candor – and at times, harsh honesty – in the following ways: “Daddy, all things are possible for You; please remove this cup from my hands.
  • The Psalms, like the rest of the Bible, are full of this type of candor before God: Pay attention to my petition, O God, and do not conceal yourself from my cries for help.
  • My ears are ringing because of the enemy’s cacophony, and my spirit is shattered because of the wicked’s persecution.
  • My heart is in misery within me, and the terrors of death have descended upon me like a plague.
  • At the same time, Jesus and the Psalmist are continually leading us through these dark nights of the soul to a fresh dawn in their teachings.

As Jesus hung on the cross, he cried, “Father, into Your hands I commit my spirit,” and the Psalmist comforted us with the words: “I wait for the Lord; my soul waits; and in His word I hope; My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the dawn, more than watchmen for the morning.” O Israel, put your trust in the Lord!

  1. Furthermore, He will rescue Israel from all of his sins (Isaiah 61:3).
  2. As a result, we are urged to engage in prayer with Jesus and our heavenly Father at any time of day or night using our own simple, spontaneous words.
  3. At the same time, Jesus advised St.
  4. Examples include the lovely litany of praises to The Divine Mercy (seeDiary, 948-949) and a special cycle of prayers called the Novena to The Divine Mercy (seeDiary, 949-950).
  5. Numerous people have found these prayers to be beneficial during times of meditation and spiritual renewal.
  6. The Daily Office is an invitation from the Church, and the Liturgy of the Eucharist itself is a community prayer with a specific time and place.

Lewis, the great Christian apologist, explained to a friend in his very last book that he wrote before he died why he always felt it was best to mix in formal, set prayers with his times of more natural, spontaneous talking to God: “I believe that it is best to mix in formal, set prayers with my times of more natural, spontaneous talking to God.” The ready-made modicum is useful in several situations.

In the first place, it helps me stay on track with “sound doctrine.” If one is left to one’s own devices, it is easy to drift away from “the faith originally given” and into a phantom known as “my religion.” Second, it serves as a reminder of “what questions I should be asking” (perhaps especially when I am praying for other people).

  1. What is the danger of our great, permanent, objective necessities – which are often more important – being overshadowed by other, less important, things?
  2. That, in your opinion, is exactly what we don’t want.
  3. As far as I can tell, using ready-made prayers would be equivalent to “making love to your own wife out of Petrarch or Donne” (incidentally, may you not recite them – to such a literary wife as Betty?) I get what you’re saying.
  4. That the relationship between God and a man is more private and intimate than any other imaginable interaction between two fellow beings is something I wholeheartedly agree with.
  5. We are getting closer.
  6. You make things far too comfortable and confiding for your own good.
  7. They are responsible for keeping one side of the paradox alive.

Better not to be reverent at all than to resort to a reverence that excludes the possibility of closeness to the object of worship.

2 in the series.) “Reverence” before God does not imply that we should approach God with servile fear, as if we were in doubt of His mercy and goodness, as Lewis suggests.

“And so, with all the choirs of angels in heaven, we proclaim your glory and join in their never-ending hymn of praise, “Holy, holy, holy Lord,” according to the Scriptures.

That, too, should be a part of our relationship with God, even in our personal prayers, and using set prayers as part of our daily prayer times with God can sometimes be beneficial in this regard.

Hymn lyrics are excellent for this purpose: In his song, “Amazing Grace,” the singer sings, “How sweet the sound,” about how God saved a wretch like him.

For a final point, our daily set prayers can frequently serve as “launching pads” for our spontaneous prayers and meditations.

We are free to employ any of these methods during our personal prayer periods, depending on how the Spirit moves us and what our spiritual directors may urge us to do.

Director of the John Paul II Institute of Divine Mercy is Dr. Robert Stackpole, who holds a doctorate in science. Do you have a question? Questions can be sent to him via e-mail at [email protected].

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How to Talk About Jesus Without Being Awkward

In the past year, I have had more talks about Jesus with individuals who are not Christians than I have had in any previous year since I graduated from college. Over late-night study sessions and late-night munchies during my undergraduate years, discussions were free to flow. My new life stage as a mother of two elementary school kids provides me with a natural community in which to spend my life. And, because I work for InterVarsity and my husband is a pastor, spiritual issues inevitably arise with other parents on the playground, at birthday parties, and at sports practices, among other places.

This is why I strive to live a genuine life of faith in the middle of my friendships, with all of the spiritual conversations and interactions that come with it.

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If you only master one life talent, make it the ability to listen attentively. It’s not something I’m particularly gifted at, yet it appears to be the secret to any successful relationship. Make certain that you are paying attention at least 50% of the time. More would be preferable.

Seize the opportunity to ask good questions.

I just recently recognized that my buddy had no interest in Christianity at all, but I had never thought to approach her about it. I now wish I had. It occurred to me that all I needed was the proper icebreaker question and a natural chance to strike up a conversation. It occurred to me one day when she was discussing her husband’s spiritual history that it would be a good opportunity to inquire about her own spiritual past. After that chat, I had a lot better understanding of where she was coming from spiritually speaking.

Avoid clichés.

For those who are not Christians, hearing that you have been “washed in the blood of the Lamb” or “saved” or that you are “having Jesus time” might be quite perplexing. They have no idea what it means to say that you had “very nice fellowship” or that you “felt compelled to speak with another.” If you employ these terminology and expressions outside of Christian groups, you will be perceived as strange. Instead, learn to express yourself in straightforward terms, such as “My religion is vital to me,” “I believe Jesus’ teachings are real and worthy of following,” or “I give God the credit for the positive things that have happened in my life.”

Be honest and authentic.

You should be honest in your discussion about Jesus about what you don’t know and what has been difficult for you as a follower of the Lord. You should never put your doubts, your pain, your disappointment, or your rage into a talk with a friend about Jesus. Friends should be aware that a connection with God is comparable to a friendship with anybody else in that it might be difficult to discern the differences. Your friends may find your humility and genuineness refreshing, and it may open the door for them to believe that they, too, may have an imperfect faith in the same way.

Recently, a buddy who had previously expressed misgivings told me, “I’m so delighted you admitted you had them. The fact that I was hesitant to confess it was due to the fact that everyone else’s faith at church appeared to be so firm.”

Do not have an agenda for your friends.

Your friend’s life is in the hands of the Almighty, according to Scripture. When you impose an agenda on someone rather than accompanying them on a trip, they get uncomfortable with the situation. If you are attempting to bring someone to Jesus just for the satisfaction of your own self-satisfaction, you are making it far too much about you. This will be picked up on by your pal. Simply be yourself and share Jesus with others. Don’t be overbearing. When I was in seminary, one of my professors reminded me that individuals must advance in the direction of God, but that this may not always seem like what we expect.

Let Jesus surprise you.

The pleasure of putting these suggestions into practice is that Jesus continues to surprise me. It turns out that I’m not the only one in my group of friends who is actively pursuing this goal. In the past year, we’ve had several chats about Jesus and saw a couple of our friends begin to attend church for the first time. There have also been some unexpected stories of people finding new religion. Are there any of us who have shared in an embarrassing manner along the way? I’m confident that we have.

As long as you can manage your internal tension and find that sweet spot where you can share the most important portion of your life, discussing Jesus will not be awkward at all.

For more help on having authentic spiritual conversations with friends, check out these resources:

In this article, we will show you “How NOT to Speak Christianese.” “Care, Questions, and Creativity: Evangelism from the Perspective of an Alumnus” Faith Is Like Skydiving: And Other Memorable Images for Dialogue with Seekers and Skeptics (and other images for dialogue with seekers and skeptics) Talking About God in Everyday Life: A Guide to Having a Holy Conversation

How to Talk to God Through Prayer

Article in PDF format Article in PDF format You may communicate with Jesus because He is always delighted to hear from His loyal followers. It is important to remember that you are helpless and that you cannot save yourself, but that you can be rescued by Christ when you are praying. God is omniscient, which means that He can be found anywhere. He is constantly present, ready to love and care for everyone of His children. He is the only one who can do this. Jesus, the son of God, takes up residence in your heart once you accept Him as your Saviour, drawing you closer to Him.

  1. 1Consider what you want to pray about and begin brainstorming ideas. Consider Jesus to be a friend, your best friend, who does not pass judgment on you. He will never make fun of you in the same way that someone else who you trusted did. As you converse with Jesus, you might preserve a mental image or a painting of Him in your mind
  2. 2 Talk to God about the problem that is bothering you the most. First and foremost, you may welcome someone with a grin. It is necessary to calm your thoughts in order to avoid seeming concerned when speaking with Jesus. Jesus is a physician and a healer. When speaking with the Almighty, it is not a good idea to be anxious. Make an effort to refrain from worrying or becoming distracted by other things in order to demonstrate your trust and dependability.
  • Talk to God about your shortcomings and ask Him to assist you in seeing and understanding. Pray that He would bless you in accordance with your needs and abilities
  1. Advertisement
  2. s3 Be honest because God himself is sincere and sincerely concerned about your well-being. Talk about everything and anything that is bothering you. Expect Jesus to reply in some way. Whether or not you are ready to hear what Jesus has to say, he sends an answer your way. Depending on your dedication, you may receive a second or third repetition of this response. 4Apologize for current and past wrongdoings and transgressions in order to be better prepared for your next step in these perplexing times. Read the parables in the Bible that educate and provide insight into what to do and how not to think in these perplexing times. Apologisedaily. Whatever your traumas and grievances, God will always hear you. Make an effort to communicate every night before bed when the environment is more tranquil. 5Thank Jesus for all you’ve experienced, including your greatest struggles and mistakes. Take time to be thankful for the things you do have, as well as for the moments when God may have intervened and miraculously spared your life. Thank you, God, for the benefits you have received on this day. Thankfulness expressed in prayer opens the door to new possibilities in your life. “Thank you for _,” you should say. Thanking has an impact because it allows you to recognize that you have received something and that you have shown gratitude to Jesus for it. Advertisement

Advertisement;s3 Because God himself is honest and deeply concerned about you, you must be sincere in your response as well. You should express all of your concerns. We should be expecting an answer from Jesus. Whether or not you are ready to hear what Jesus has to say, he delivers a message to you anyhow. This response may be repeated for you several times, depending on your dedication. Learn from the parables in the Bible that educate us by providing insight into what to do and what not to do in difficult circumstances; 4Express regret for current and past wrongdoings and misdeeds; 5Apologize for past and present wrongdoings and misdeeds.

Whatever your traumas and grievances, God will always hear them.

Describe your innermost concerns and faults to Jesus; 5thank Jesus for everything.

Gratitude is expressed to God for the bounties bestowed on us on this day.

“Thank you very much for _,” you should express gratitude. Gratitude has a powerful influence because it allows you to recognize that you have received something and that you have shown gratitude to Jesus as a result of that receiving. Advertisement;

  1. Advertisement
  2. s3 Because God himself is honest and deeply concerned about you, you should be sincere as well. Discuss everything and anything that is bothering you. Expect a response from Jesus. Regardless of whether or not you are ready to listen, Jesus gives you a message. Depending on your attentiveness, you may receive a second or third instance of this response. Read the parables in the Bible that enlighten, providing insight into what to do and how not to think
  3. 4Apologize for current and past wrongdoings and sins in order to be better prepared for your next step in confusing times. Apologisedaily. God will constantly pay attention to your traumas and grievances. Try to chat every night before going to bed when the environment is more relaxed. 5Thank Jesus for all of your deepest concerns and errors that you have shared with him. Take time to be appreciative for the things you do have, as well as the moments when God may have intervened and miraculously spared your life. Thank you, God, for the benefits you have received today. When you express gratitude in prayer, doors of opportunity open up in your life. “Thank you very much for _,” you should say. Thanking has an impact because it allows you to record that you have received something and that you have shown gratitude to Jesus for it. Advertisement

Create a new question

  • Question Will my prayer to Jesus and God, in which I ask that no one be unkind and that everyone be loved, be effective? It’s possible. Keep in mind that He hears all petitions. However, the response is not always affirmative. Sometimes you only have to take the first step, and He will guide you the rest of the way. Is it possible for me to pray for something specific, such as a lover, or to inquire as to what my genuine skill is or what my purpose in life is? Yes. You have the freedom to pray for whatever you choose
  • Is it possible to pray for specific things such as wings, horns, and so on? Yes, it is correct. In contrast, God behaves like a father, only giving things to you when he believes it is in your best interests
  • Is it possible for anything I pray for to happen quickly? No. It might take weeks, months, or even years for a prayer to be heard and answered. There are occasions when the response will arrive within five minutes of the question being asked. It is impossible to tell when a prayer will be answered
  • Question How can I be certain that I am one of the fortunate few who will be saved? What can I do to ensure that I will be accepted by Jesus on the day of judgment? All that is required is that you remain connected to and loyal to God. “All who believe in me will be saved,” Jesus declared, “because I am the way, the truth, and the light.”
  • sQuestion Was Paul the father of any children? Although the Bible does not mention whether or not he was married, it is likely that he did not have children. In 1 Corinthians 7:1-7, Paul said that he possessed the gift of celibacy
  • Question Is it possible for God to forgive me if I make a mistake while praying? Yes, without a doubt! God is kind and aware of what is going on in your heart. If you were flawless, you wouldn’t require the assistance of God
  • Do you believe that if I continue to pray and beg God to enable his will to be done in my life on Earth as it is in heaven, His will will be done in my life on Earth is a foregone conclusion? God’s will will always be carried out, but He will never be able to take away our ability to choose. “Because you have been rescued by grace through your faith, You have received this as a gift from God
  • It is not your own doing “Paul writes in Ephesians 2:8 that Question Is it possible to receive the Holy Spirit without being baptized? Unfortunately, you will not be able to benefit from God’s graces until you have been baptized. Your life will be better and more fulfilled if you are baptized, and your understanding of and believe in God will be enhanced as a result. In addition, you will have all of your sins, including original sin, forgiven, and you will be considered sinless in God’s sight
  • Question Is it possible for God to forgive me if I move away from the truth and then recognize my error? Yes, if you acknowledge what you’ve done, express remorse, and vow to never again violate God by sinning, God will forgive you. Your forgiveness is brought about by the truth in your deeds and your overall acceptance of God’s word in your efforts to be good and virtuous
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  • Make no apprehensions about bringing any and all difficulties to Jesus. Make a prayer to God asking for direction. And say a prayer for everyone else. Believe in the outcome of your prayers
  • Remember that you have the option to pray and express your regret for all of your sin
  • It may be difficult to comprehend at first, but Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are all one and the same, yet they are also distinct from one another. Read the Bible to feel closer to God, as if you were talking to a friend. Any translation of the Bible would be acceptable
  • Obtain further information about God and the plans that he has for us by consulting with your local preacher

It is not a sin to bring to Jesus any and all of your problems; God’s direction should be sought. In addition, we should pray for everyone else. Put your faith in what you are praying for. Keep in mind that you have the option to pray and express your regret for all of your sin. The fact that Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are the same person yet distinct from one another may be difficult to grasp at first. You can feel closer to God by reading the Bible as you are talking to an old friend.

  • Sin exists in this world, and Satan will entice you in the same way that everyone else will. Even Jesus was tempted by three temptations
  • There will be those, both known and unknown to you, who will ridicule you and attempt to make you question your beliefs about God and the Christian faith. But keep in mind that they made the decision to do so. God is not a liar. Keep in mind that humans are sinners as well. We have all been born into sin and are unable to save ourselves.


About This Article

Summary of the ArticleX Direct communication with God via prayer is an excellent approach to express your concerns while also finding hope and serenity. It is not necessary to hold a formal ceremony in order to communicate with God. Consider Him to be a trusted friend with whom you may be completely honest at all times. God is always with you, so you may communicate with Him from any location and at any time. However, in order to make the most of your prayer time, you should set out a period of time during the day to sit quietly and concentrate solely on God.

  • You can also inform Him about your flaws and confess for your transgressions, knowing that He will always accept your repentance and forgiveness.
  • Take a time to express your gratitude to Him for your faith and the benefits that have come your way.
  • Continue reading for additional advice, including how to open your heart to God.
  • Thank you to all contributors for contributing to this page, which has been read 66,428 times so far.

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Whatever stage of your spiritual journey you’re at, whether you’re a new believer or an established one, chances are you have concerns regarding prayer. What precisely is the proper way to pray for someone? And why should you go through with it? According to Billy Graham, the following are some criteria.

How do I talk to God?

The chances are strong that you have some doubts regarding prayer, whether you’re a new Christian or a seasoned one. What precisely is the proper way to pray in this situation. And why should you do that in the first instance? According to Billy Graham, the following are some guidelines:

Does God only hear us when we pray out loud, or does He hear silent prayers also?

Billy Graham: God hears our prayers on all occasions, whether we speak out or silently in our hearts and minds, and He answers them. After all, He knows everything about us and is aware of everything that is going on inside of us, both good and negative. “The thoughts and attitudes of the heart” are judged by God, according to the Bible (Hebrews 4:12). “The Lord despises the ideas of the wicked, but the thoughts of the righteous are agreeable to him,” the Bible states as well (Proverbs 15:26).

According to the Bible, “the Spirit assists us in our weakness.” Even when we are unsure of what we should pray for, the Spirit himself intercedes on our behalf with sighs that words cannot express” (Romans 8:26).

Prayer is one of God’s greatest gifts to us. Gratitude to God for the luxury of prayer and the daily practice of “casting all your anxieties on him because he cares about you” (1 Peter 5:7).

Does God really answer prayers?

‘Prayer is one of God’s most precious gifts to us as His children,’ says Billy Graham, and even if God does not appear to be answering our prayers at first, we should not give up praying. There are no prayers that go unanswered by God since he loves you. Jesus once recounted a tale about a poor widow who pleaded with a corrupt judge over and over again to do what was right for her. In Luke 18:1-8, you may find the full text. The judge turned her down time and time again, not because her request was incorrect, but because he just didn’t care.

  1. God (who is righteous and does care about us), Jesus added, hears the prayers of His people in a far bigger degree, and we must never give up in our efforts to please Him.
  2. First and foremost, recognize that God may be responding to our prayers even though we aren’t aware of it—and the reason for this is because His response may be “No” or “Wait,” respectively.
  3. Second, keep in mind that we only have the privilege of approaching God because Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins.
  4. If you haven’t already, make your first prayer one of confession and faith, in which you ask Him to come into your life as Lord and Savior.

See even more Bible-based answers about prayer.

‘Sam has gained valuable experience presenting the gospel in a multicultural, metropolitan, post-Christian environment in Australia. Throughout this practical and inspiring handbook, his contagious excitement for evangelism comes through. In a society that is hungry for purpose, this is an excellent resource for sharing the life-changing message of Jesus.’ This cultural moment podcast is hosted by Mark Sayers, author of Reappearing Church, cohost of This Cultural Moment podcast, and senior leader of Red Church A fun book that is ideal for anyone who believes evangelism is out of their league.’ — To reach the hard-to-reach in today’s challenging post-Christian culture, Sam Chan inspires and equips all believers-regardless of gifting or temperament-with practical tools and strategies.

  1. It is illuminating, thoughtful yet practical, culturally relevant, biblically faithful, and relationally effective to follow his eight recommendations.
  2. Fortunately, I came across folks who were well-versed in how not to be ‘that man.’ Sam Chan, to his credit, assists all of us in not being ‘that guy,’ so that we can point people to the person of Jesus Christ.
  3. RAVI ZACHARIAS INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES ABDU MURRAY, novelist and public speaker A breath of fresh air, Sam Chan is a pleasure to be around.
  4. It was both challenging and kind.
  5. Strategic and genuine in their approach.
  6. How to Talk About Jesus (Without Being That Guy) is an incredible gift from Sam, and I am grateful!’ -CRAIG SPRINGER, executive director of Alpha USA and author of How to Follow Jesus and How to Revive Evangelism.
  7. As a result of his work, Sam Chan has provided believers with a natural and approachable way to share their faith with others.
  8. “Read it, put it into action, and watch God use you to share his love and grace in fresh new ways.” I found reading Sam Chan’s How to Talk about Jesus (Without Being That Guy) to be similar to doing a jigsaw puzzle: you have all of the pieces, but you’re not sure how they fit together.

This excellent resource, which will help us model faithful, sustainable evangelism ourselves and also train our beloved church families to speak about Jesus, is greatly appreciated by the church.’ -RICO TICE, senior minister for evangelism at All Souls Church, Langham Place, and author of Honest Evangelism, says: Expert evangelist Sam Chan invites you into his home to see what personal evangelism looks like in his own life, complete with examples, stories, and other practical guidance.’ (from the book) It is an excellent resource for any Christian who wishes to assist others in coming to know Jesus.’ -CRAIG ELLIS, founder and CEO of The Elpis Network ‘ Sam Chan’s life as a witness is both inspirational and extremely practical, and he shows us what it looks like—and it’s absolutely radiant!

The book is brimming with gospel optimism as well as common sense.

), Sam demonstrates the importance of community, the posture of a witness for Jesus in our everyday lives, and the beating heart of a witness for Jesus.

With this book, we are reminded that we are all witnesses to something, and that each of us can play a role.’ -GLEN SCRIVENER, director of Speak Life and author of The Gift and 3 2 1: The Power of One.

What a master class in motivation from Sam ‘Mr.

I couldn’t put this book down once I started reading it.

The question that I am frequently asked when doing so is, “Why hasn’t anyone else demonstrated this to me? ” Chairman of 10ofthose Ltd. and co-founder of The Word One to One, RICHARD BORGONON

About the Author

The Rev. Sam Chan (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; MBBS, University of Sydney) works with City Bible Forum in Sydney, Australia, as a public evangelist, where he routinely communicates the gospel with high school students, city employees, physicians, and attorneys. As the author of the award-winning bookEvangelism in a Skeptical World, he travels the world, speaking at conferences on the practice of evangelization in a post-Christian culture. He is also a regular contributor to Christian publications.

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