A Schizophrenic Patient Who Falsely Believes That He Is Jesus Christ Is Experiencing

A schizophrenic patient who falsely believes that he is jesus christ is experiencing – Brainly.com

When it comes to growth and development, what are the three most important milestones that a child should reach in the first year of life? In epidemiology, when are observational studies preferred over experimental research and when are they not? when the task necessitates the testing of the circumstances on animals first, when s. In cases where the findings reached must be particularly dependable and when there are ethical and practical problems to address, scientists require numerical data for their statistical results to be accurate.

Muscle endurance refers to the capacity of muscles to exert themselves repeatedly.

an allergic response to lactose.

In this case, the pancreatic enzymes are produced in excess.

  1. do not have enough insulin in their system Health Skills: “Life Skills” specialized tools and techniques that assist you in maintaining, protecting, and improving all areas of your health true or false 5.
  2. What exactly is the Brandt Land Report?
  3. She was 43 years old at the time.
  4. Neurological testing indicated that neither cranial nerve reflexes nor feeling from the body nor head had been compromised.
  5. The following question was most likely the subject of the lesion: _How do you get over a cat’s death?

and cannot seem to find much pleasure in life In the context of disorders

It is usual for people suffering from schizophrenia to exhibit little or no emotion, which is referred to as . -a flat appearance Psychosis is distinguished by the distortion or excess of normal function, whereas the is distinguished by social retreat, behavioral deficiencies, and the loss or decline of normalfunctions, among other characteristics -symptoms that are favorable versus symptoms that are bad Sensory sensations that occur in the absence of actual stimuli are referred to as are incorrect, odd, and occasionally magical ideas that are not a part of a person’s culture and are not taught in school.

-hallucinations/delusion Catatonia is a prolonged condition of immobility and unresponsiveness that can linger for several hours or days at a time.

Because all of the following are positive symptoms of schizophrenia, the disturbed thoughts in schizophrenia are referred to as psychotic thoughts.

EXCEPT -a lack of impact One of the schizophrenia symptoms of is the belief that oneself is the reincarnation of a renowned preacher. Schizophrenia is defined as a psychiatric state in which one’s perceptions and ideas are distorted.

are sensory experiences in the absence of real stimuli are false unusual and

In the absence of genuine stimuli, sensory experiences can occur. False, strange, and occasionally magical beliefs that are not part of an individual’s society can occur. A. Delusions/Hallucinations are a type of delusion or hallucination. B.Hallucinations/Delusions C. Catatonic ideas/Referential thoughtsD. Catatonic thoughts/Referential thoughtsCatatonic thoughts/Referential thoughts The experience of32. is a typical negative symptom of schizophrenia that refers to the manifestation of little or no emotion on the part of the patient who wrongly believes that he is Jesus Christ.

  • 34.
  • A.
  • This pattern begins in early adulthood and manifests itself across a wide range of situations and situations.
  • The results were published in 1973.

Schizophrenia – General Psychology

  • Identify and categorize the primary signs and symptoms of schizophrenia
  • Provide an explanation of the interplay between genetic, biological, and environmental elements that are linked with the development of schizophrenia
  • And

Determine the major symptoms of schizophrenia and categorize and describe them; Provide an explanation of the interplay between genetic, biological, and environmental factors that are associated with the development of schizophrenia.

Symptoms of Schizophrenia

The most common symptoms of schizophrenia include hallucinations, delusions, disordered thinking, disorganized or aberrant motor activities, and negative symptoms (such as aggression) (APA, 2013). The absence of external stimulus results in a perceptual experience known as an absence of stimulation. Auditory hallucinations (hearing voices) are experienced by around two-thirds of people with schizophrenia, and they are by far the most prevalent type of hallucination experienced by patients (Andreasen, 1987).

Figure 1 shows an example of a formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formal Hallucinations that are tactile in nature, such as those of phantom spiders crawling across the skin, are another sort of hallucination.

  • Visual hallucinations (seeing things that are not there) and olfactory hallucinations (smelling things that are not there) are less prevalent (smelling odors that are not actually present).
  • Despite the fact that many of us possess ideas that others might deem bizarre, a delusion is easily distinguished since it is obviously ludicrous.
  • It is known as delusional thinking, and it is characterized by the (false) conviction that other individuals or organizations are conspiring to harm the individual.
  • Someone who claims to be Jesus Christ, or who claims to have knowledge dating back 5,000 years, or who claims to be a brilliant philosopher, is suffering from grandiose delusions, for example.
  • Delusions include the conviction that something extremely odd is occurring to one’s body (for example, that one’s kidneys are being devoured by cockroaches), as well as the notion that one’s mind is making up things.
  • Alternatively, the speaker may ramble, make haphazard connections between topics (jumping from one to another), or speak in a chaotic and incoherent manner that makes it appear as though the person is arbitrarily blending words.
  • I currently reside in Boston.
  • Consider the following scenario: When asked if she is interested in obtaining specific work training, a person diagnosed with schizophrenia may respond by stating that she previously traveled by train somewhere.

peculiar movements and behaviors, such as being extremely energetic, exhibiting stupid child-like behaviors (giggling and self-absorbed smiles), participating in repetitive and purposeless motions, or displaying strange facial expressions and gestures For example, the individual may display s, which demonstrate reduced responsiveness to the environment, such as posturing, in which the person maintains a stiff and odd posture for extended periods of time, or catatonic stupor, which is characterized by complete absence of movement and vocal behavior.

  • Schizophrenia manifests itself in both good and bad ways.
  • Some examples are the hallucinations and delusions, as well as the odd or disordered behavior described above.
  • The lack of emotion in a person’s facial expressions, voice, or gestures is a sign of reduced emotional expressiveness, even when such emotions are acceptable or expected (also known as flat affect).
  • Alogia is a term that relates to decreased speech production; in other words, patients do not talk much.

Finally, anhedonia refers to the incapacity to enjoy pleasure as a result of a medical condition. When a person suffers from anhedonia, he or she shows little interest in activities that most people perceive to be joyful. These activities include hobbies, recreation, and sexual engagement.

Causes of Schizophrenia

Numerous studies have shown strong evidence that schizophrenia is caused by a genetic mutation. If one has a parent who suffers from schizophrenia, the chance of having schizophrenia is roughly six times larger than if one does not have such a parent (Goldstein, Buka, Seidman,Tsuang, 2010). Furthermore, as one’s genetic relationship to family members who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia grows, so does one’s likelihood of getting schizophrenia (Gottesman, 2001).


As with any condition, results based on family and twin research are vulnerable to questioning when it comes to the influence of genetics in schizophrenia, just as they are in any other disorder. The reason for this is that family members who are closely connected (such as siblings) are more likely to share comparable settings than family members who are less closely related (such as cousins); additionally, identical twins may be more likely than fraternal twins to be regarded similarly by others.

  • The use of adoption studies, in which children are taken from their parents at a young age, can help to alleviate such issues in the future.
  • The study tracked 97 adoptees over a 36-year period, including 47 children born to mothers who had schizophrenia.
  • In addition, several adoption studies have consistently found that biological relatives of adoptees who are subsequently diagnosed with schizophrenia are at a greater risk of developing the disorder than are adoptive relatives (Shih, Belmonte,Zandi, 2004).
  • For example, researchers in one study looked into the incidence of schizophrenia among 303 adoptees who had been raised by their adoptive parents (Tienari et al., 2004).
  • The remaining 158 adoptees had moms who did not have a history of psychiatric illness; these adoptees formed the low genetic risk group.
  • For example, if the adoptees’ family was full of criticism, conflict, and a lack of problem-solving skills, they were thought to have been reared in a troubled home setting.
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Because adoptees who were at high genetic risk for schizophrenia were only likely to develop the disorder if they were raised in a chaotic home environment, this study lends support to the diathesis-stress interpretation of schizophrenia, which holds that both genetic vulnerability and environmental stress are required for schizophrenia to develop, and that genes alone do not provide a complete picture of the disease.


Accepting the possibility that schizophrenia is at least somewhat hereditary in origin, as many researchers believe it to be the case, it seems obvious that the next step should be to find biological anomalies that are frequent in those who suffer from the condition. A variety of neurobiological variables have been linked to schizophrenia, which is perhaps not unexpected given the nature of the condition. The neurotransmitter dopamine is one such element that has gotten a great deal of research over the course of many years.

An overload of dopamine or an excessive number of dopamine receptors, according to the theory of schizophrenia, are responsible for the onset and maintenance of schizophrenia (Snyder, 1976).

This research has generally suggested that an excess of dopamine in the limbic system may be responsible for some symptoms, such as hallucinations and delusions, whereas low levels of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex may be responsible primarily for the negative symptoms (such as avolition, alogia, and asociality), according to the authors (Davis, Kahn, Ko,Davidson, 1991).

Brain Anatomy

Figure 2 shows that schizophrenia is connected with enlargement of the ventricles in the cerebral cortex. According to brain imaging studies, persons suffering from schizophrenia have larger cavernous spaces in their brains that contain cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) (Green, 2001). This observation is significant because the presence of larger-than-normal ventricles shows that numerous brain areas have shrunk in size, showing that schizophrenia is connected with a loss of neural tissue. In addition, many patients with schizophrenia have a loss in gray matter (neuronal cell bodies) in the frontal lobes (LawrieAbukmeil, 1998), and many of them have reduced frontal lobe activity when completing cognitive activities (LawrieAbukmeil, 1998) (Buchsbaum et al., 1990).

As a result, anomalies in this region have relevance in explaining why persons suffering from schizophrenia show deficiencies in these regions.

Events During Pregnancy

What causes these anomalies in the brains of patients suffering from schizophrenia? The culprit might be any of a variety of environmental variables that could have an influence on proper brain development. A high prevalence of obstetric problems has been documented in the deliveries of infants who subsequently develop schizophrenia, according to the literature (Cannon, Jones,Murray, 2002). Furthermore, if a person’s mother was exposed to influenza during the first trimester of pregnancy, they are at an elevated risk of having schizophrenia (Brown et al., 2004).

The risk of schizophrenia is significantly increased in kids whose mothers experienced the loss of a relative during the first trimester of pregnancy, according to a study published in the journal Psychological Science (Khashan et al., 2008).


Marijuana usage is another another factor that has been connected to schizophrenia. Despite the fact that a number of studies have found that individuals with schizophrenia are more likely to use marijuana than those who do not have schizophrenia (Thornicroft, 1990), these studies have been unable to determine whether marijuana use is a cause of schizophrenia or a result of schizophrenia. A number of longitudinal studies, on the other hand, have shown that marijuana usage is, in fact, a risk factor for the development of schizophrenia.

More recently, a review of 35 longitudinal studies found that those who used marijuana had a significantly elevated chance of developing schizophrenia and other psychotic illnesses, with the risk being highest among the most regular users of marijuana (Moore et al., 2007).

Overall, the available evidence appears to indicate that marijuana use contributes to the development of schizophrenia, although it is important to note that marijuana use is not an essential or sufficient risk factor for the development of schizophrenia, as not all people who have schizophrenia have used marijuana, and the vast majority of marijuana users do not develop schizophrenia (Casadio, Fernandes, Murray,Di Forti, 2011).

One probable explanation of the results is that marijuana usage throughout adolescence may interfere with proper brain development during critical times of early growth (Trezza, Cuomo,Vanderschuren, 2008).

Schizophrenia: Early Warning Signs

Survival rates for persons suffering from heart disease and cancer have improved as a result of early identification and treatment. The quality of life for people suffering from these ailments has also improved. It is proposed that individuals who exhibit minor symptoms of psychosis, such as unusual thought content, paranoid delusions, strange communication, problems at school or work, and a decline in social functioning—all of which have been coined—should be tracked over time to determine whether any of them develop a psychotic disorder and which factors are most predictive of developing one.

The results of further study will allow for a more precise forecast of people who are most at risk of developing schizophrenia and, as a result, those who should be targeted for early intervention.

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Delusions in Schizophrenia – Fact Sheet

Delusions in Schizophrenia – Fact SheetDJ Jaffe2019-01-23T11:59:41-06:00Delusions in Schizophrenia – Fact Sheet

Excerpted from “Surviving Schizophrenia”

Extract from the book Surviving Schizophrenia, 5th Edition by E. Fuller Torrey (ISBN 0060842598; paperback, $14.95) All intellectual property rights are retained. The use or reproduction of any portion of this book is prohibited without the express written consent of HarperCollins Publishers, 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022. Psychosis is characterized by delusions and hallucinations, which are the most well-known signs and symptoms. They are dramatic, and as a result, they are the behaviors that are most often highlighted when schizophrenia is depicted in popular literature or film, as well as in popular culture in general.

  1. -ed) Furthermore, delusions and hallucinations are quite prevalent and significant symptoms of mental illness.
  2. In addition to having a mix of other symptoms, such as a mental disorder, disorders of mood, and abnormalities of behavior, many persons with schizophrenia may not have delusions or hallucinations.
  3. Keep in mind that delusions and hallucinations may occur in a variety of brain illnesses other than schizophrenia, therefore the existence of these symptoms does not always imply that the patient is suffering from schizophrenia.
  4. Delusions are merely incorrect thoughts held by the patient but not held by other individuals in his or her society, and which are incapable of being rectified by rational thought or analysis.
  5. This might be something as basic as a momentary burst of static on the radio or a flicker on the television screen that the individual perceives as an indication of an incoming communication.
  6. One basic type of delusion is the belief that random occurrences taking place in one’s environment all have a direct connection to the person experiencing them.
  7. You might not notice it at all, and you might not even be aware that the cough is occurring.

The person suffering from schizophrenia understands this to be true with a conviction that only a few individuals can comprehend.

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Even if you cross the street and, in the presence of the same individual, inquire about the man’s cough, the individual will very certainly conclude that you are a participant in the conspiracy.

Many times, the illusions become more intricate and interwoven as time progresses.

Such individuals are continuously on the lookout for proof to support their ideas; it goes without saying that they will always find it amid the plethora of visual and aural stimuli that we all encounter on a daily basis in our environment.

She was under the impression that she had been wired by some mystery foreign agents while sleeping, and that she might be controlled by the wires she was wearing.

When I arrived on the ward one morning, I was startled to see workmen installing a new fire alarm system; cables were dangling from the ceiling in every color and direction.

Delusions of being wired or radio-controlled are rather prevalent among those who suffer from paranoia.

Over the past few years, a rising number of illusions have been associated with the Internet.

Another guy, who was formerly a highly accomplished superintendent of schools, became persuaded that he had a radio implanted in his nose after hearing a strange noise.


This is a rare instance of success.

A person suffering from schizophrenia may have difficulty reason his or her way out of a delusion because the inputs he or she is receiving are warped, and his or her thought processes may be illogical and disconnected.

On rare occasions, paranoid delusions can be life-threatening.

Other than paranoid delusions, there are several forms of delusions that can occur; grandiose delusions are extremely common: The weather, which responded to my inner feelings, and even the movement of the sun in relation to other celestial bodies seemed to be within my control, and I believed I possessed this ability.

[Read More] A somewhat frequent illusion is the belief that one has the ability to influence the minds of others.

They have no choice but to turn and gaze since her thoughts has the effect of a magnet, according to her.

An additional variety is the mistaken notion that one’s own thoughts are radiating out of one’s brain and being broadcast over radio or television; this is referred to as “thought broadcasting,” and it is regarded to be an almost likely indicator of schizophrenia.

One lady characterized the experience as follows: “I had the impression that I was wearing a ticker tape that went in one ear and out the other, with all of my thoughts inscribed on it.” a link to the page’s load

Are Hallucinations Real or Fake? An Expert Teaches How to Tell the Difference

When psychiatrists become aware with the minor signals that a hallucination is fabricated, they can keep patients out of the hospital when they have no legitimate need to be there. A wide range of compelling motivations exist for individuals who appear to be hearing voices—and more specifically, to believe that voices are directing them what to do—ranging from the comfort of a warm bed and a nice supper to the avoidance of the death sentence for a heinous act. Psychiatrists, as well as emergency department nurses, must be able to discern between genuine hallucinations and those that are fabricated for financial or personal advantage.

Resnick, MD, professor of psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University, “but there are unmistakable indications, as well as updated thinking acquired from brand-new research.” Resnick’s presentation on Saturday, “The Detection of Malingered Mental Illness,” was one of the most engaging sessions of the 28th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric and Mental Health Association in San Diego, California.

While the concept of fake hallucinations is most commonly associated with criminals attempting to avoid prosecution, there are thousands of attempts each year by inmates and the homeless to obtain “three hots and a cot” in a state mental institution, because this represents an improvement over their current living conditions in prison or on the streets.

Because of the combination of federal parity laws and the increasing number of states transitioning to Medicaid managed care, it is critical that mental health professionals and emergency room staff are able to distinguish between those who are faking illness and those who are truly in need, given the limited resources available.

  1. In these situations, comparing the tale told in the hallucination with the medical record may be helpful in determining what is accurate.
  2. In the words of one expert, “Every malingerer is an actor presenting a condition,” and for healthcare workers, understanding the illness is essential.
  3. He believes that the most common mistake made by malingerers is overdoing it.
  4. According to Resnick, not every “vision” or “voice” is a symptom of psychosis.
  5. Understanding cultural context is important since patients from more religious countries may describe voices from God that are not indicative of psychosis, whereas auditory hallucinations from patients in the United States tend to be harsher and less religious in nature, respectively.
  6. Identifying the difference between the real and the fake.
  7. True hallucinations are more frequently coupled with delusions, according to the research.

The sensation is consistent; in comparison, a manufactured hallucination appears to be all over the place, as well as more painfully upsetting and cruel.

One emergency department nurse informed Resnick that she had a patient who has made this threat on several occasions, and she inquired as to how she should document the interaction for liability reasons.

However, certain “command” hallucinations are genuine, most notably those involving self-inflicted injury.

His research found that women who are advised to murder their spouses are unlikely to comply unless they have a belief that her husband is a “evil wizard,” according to him.

Psychiatrists must be on the lookout in these situations.

Women have reported being referred to as promiscuous, while males have reported hearing slurs relating to homosexuality (the language for each is typically vulgar).

Patients’ Reactions and Reactions.

Attempting to get rid of the voices on his own, whether through music or humming, or by seeking further medicine, is an indication that the voices are genuine and should be addressed.

Sometimes the voices are helpful, and telling patients who are lonely and have no one to talk to that the drug would “make the voices go away” may not be a wise tactic if they are experiencing benign voices.

“If you don’t inquire as to whether the voices are evil or helpful, it is possible that noncompliance (with medicine) will be the result.” “Prayer is the number one method for people who wish to get rid of their voices,” says the doctor.

Quiz 6 (6) Flashcards by Kelly Grant

Observer In attribution theory, the person who provides a causal explanation for an actor’s action is referred to as theconservation of blame. A woman serves her three-year-old and four-year-old children chocolate milk in similarly shaped glasses in order to minimize argument over who gets to drink more of the milk. The mother is demonstrating that she is aware of her children’s difficulties with Social exchange theory is a theory that describes how people interact with one another. Melissa and John have been happily married for 30 years because they have taken steps to guarantee that they do not have any occasions to disagree.

  1. A excellent explanation for Melissa and John’s successful marriage may be found in the concept of theegoism, which is defined as assisting another person for personal advantage, such as to feel good or avoid guilt.
  2. After finding several T-shirts at a rummage sale, Katie decided to make her own.
  3. When she returned home, she discovered that she had an additional t-shirt in her suitcase for which she had not paid the cashier.
  4. At level of moral development, according to Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, Katie is a member of.
  5. authoritarian Ian returned home after the curfew had ended.
  6. Ian’s parents exemplified which of the following forms of parental behavior?
  7. According to nativist perspectives on baby cognitive development, task-oriented collaboration is beneficial.

Having more volume in the posterior cingulate cortex is associated with being more creative.

distrust versus trust How many developmental tasks does Erikson’s theory of socioemotional development state that the first 18 months of life are committed to mastering during this period?

When it comes to Freud’s beliefs regarding sexuality, early experience, social circumstances, and the unconscious mind, which of the following comments was made by his detractors about him?

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In a cross-sectional study relating to developmental psychology, researchers discovered that The reality principle, according to Freud, governs the behavior of the ego.

viewpoints from a psychodynamic perspective Which of the following approaches highlights the importance of the unconscious in the development of personality?

In order to get admitted into the Hawk Club, a youngster chooses to steal a minor item from a local store, which he later regrets.

According to Kohlberg, this youngster is working at the level of intelligence.

The moral-dilemma narrative of Heinz is responded to with the statement, “Heinz shouldn’t steal the drug since he’ll end up in jail.” Heinz shouldn’t put himself in such a dangerous situation as to incur such severe punishment.” Which of the following phases of moral growth does Sam appear to be working at the moment?

  • When someone has an unjustifiable negative attitude toward another person because of the other’s membership in a group, this is referred to as prejudice.
  • Oscar, a four-month-old infant, is a participant in a preferential-looking experiment with his parents.
  • Oscar chooses which photo to look at first.
  • What conclusions will be drawn by researchers if Oscar consistently prefers the face of his mother over the face of a stranger’s face?

in situations where someone is watching an emergency and there are a number of additional persons there It is most probable that the bystander effect will occur, and self-fulfilling prophecyeffects demonstrate the possible influence of stereotypes and other sources of expectations on human behavior.

He travels many days per month and spends very little time with Cooper as a result of his busy schedule.

Despite the fact that Cooper’s father feels that his profession is more essential than rearing his kid, he does not believe this.

Observational learning is the term psychologists use to describe Cooper’s father’s approach to parenting.

On his younger brother last night, he employed many of his more violent wrestling techniques.

When it comes to men and women (including boys and girls), the gender similarities hypothesis is the belief that they are considerably more similar than they are different.

superego In the event that Marcy is feeling terrible about lying to her mother, proponents of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory would most likely conclude that her is the source of her feelings of guilt.

You need to align two rows of pennies such that they are both the same length.

You want the bottom row to be longer than the top row, so you spread out the pennies in the bottom row.

Which of Piaget’s phases is this youngster now in?

There are limits to the symbolic thinking of youngsters.

a prophesy that comes to fruition In 1968, Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobsen performed a research investigation.

In actuality, the researchers had chosen the pupils at random from a pool of applicants.

In what way do the findings of this study demonstrate one of the following concepts?

According to Eysenck, the Behavior of extraverts and introverts vary depending on the amount of arousal at the start of the experiment.

When a person is in catatonia, he or she is immobile and unresponsive for an extended length of time.

Anxiety-related disorders Benzodiazepines, such as Xanax, Valium, and Librium, are extensively used pharmacological therapy for treating diminished consciousness in people with schizophrenia.

With the exception of hallucinations/ delusions_, sensory experiences that occur in the absence of genuine stimuli are classified as such.

psychosurgery Treatment for individuals with highly disabling illnesses would only be undertaken as a last resort in the case of which of the following options is correct?

In Beck’s cognitive therapy, the emphasis is on re-framing.

Anorexia nervosa (also known as “thinness obsession”) is an eating disorder characterized by a continuous pursuit of thinness via deprivation.

The indications of self-fulfillment rather than disease are displayed by a lady who has been on a persistent quest for thinness for more than six months, to the point where she is starving herself in order to attain her objective.

Mary has been working with a therapist for the past few years because she has been feeling very confused and unsure about herself for a long time.

The therapist seldom provides direct guidance, preferring to focus on assisting Mary in clarifying her own thoughts and feelings rather than providing counsel.

The Americans with Disabilities Act makes it illegal to discriminate against a person who suffers from a psychiatric problem in the workplace if the individual’s condition does not hinder the person from performing the essential tasks of their position.

an amygdala and hippocampi that are less voluminous Individuals suffering from dissociative disorders are more likely to suffer from panic disorder.

Depression_ is characterized by a continuous loss of enjoyment in one’s life.

Individuals who suffer from chronic sore throat, renal difficulties, dehydration, gastrointestinal disorders, and dental problems are some of the complications that they may endure throughout their lives.

cigarette smoking, overeating, and alcohol consumption Aversive conditioning is a type of treatment that can be very effective.

The technique of _decatastrophize_ is used in cognitive therapy.

Maria has been identified as having dissociative identity disorder (DID) (DID).

Maria has suffered from emotional trauma and has taken on several identities in order to block off memories of the past and live with the trauma.

A person will go to any length in order to avoid being afraid.



Instead, she waits for him to vent his emotions and to make a decision about what he wants to do about his difficulties before intervening.

Patterson places such a strong focus on fostering self-reflection, it is clear that he is a psychologist.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition in which a person has difficulty paying attention.

Robert, according to Martha, has difficulty concentrating in class and is always distracted.

If Robert were to be taken to Dr.

The psychological symptoms that a person experiences are a product of their family’s relationship with that individual.

Susan is the therapist who will be working with your family.

Which of the following assertions is consistent with the underlying belief?

Her therapist points out that it is her thoughts, rather than the situation itself, that is causing her to be despondent.

Using the decatastrophize technique, a client can determine whether or not he is overestimating the nature of a given situation.

For his research, Rosenhan recruited eight healthy individuals and asked them to visit a psychiatrist at a number of different hospitals across the country in 1973.

b In the case of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which of the following statements is correct?



Individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) seek attention and are comfortable expressing their emotions.


In patients suffering from schizophrenia, neuroleptic medications have been shown to significantly lengthen the period of hospitalization.


ECT stands for electroconvulsive therapy.

He is not responding to the medications that are often used to treat depression.

a fear of social situations Eric is extremely self-conscious in public and has a strong fear of being embarrassed.

He becomes anxious at the prospect of speaking in front of a large group of people.

Anxiety disorder with generalized symptoms An individual who has been experiencing chronic anxiety for the previous 6 months and has been unable to pinpoint the source or reason of her tense sensations is likely to be suffering fromIdiopathic Panic Disorder (IPD).

Cookie Monster receives a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction from the consumption of cookies.

Which of the following statements is accurate about the three types of personality structures defined by Sigmund Freud?


c.The superego serves as a go-between for the id and the ego, who have opposing demands to meet.

According to Freud, the ego assists individuals in testing their perceptions of reality.

is referred to as a medical model Marilyn suffers from depression for a significant portion of the time and seeks medical attention.

Marilyn is most likely being treated by a professional who is familiar with the Entire spectrum of psychological conditions.

A schizophrenia patient has numerous voices speaking to him at the same time in his thoughts, and these voices are coercing him into doing things.

As a result, it may be concluded that the patient is suffering from the symptom of self-efficiency. In cognitive-behavioral therapy, which of the following is considered to be an essential aspect? anti-anxiety medication Tranquilizers are classified as drugs.

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