Why Is Jesus Called The Morning Star

Why is Jesus Called the “Morning Star”?

All of the things Jesus said and did are only a small sample of what he was like. You may read about the remainder of his incredible words and acts in the Bible. As a result, we are faced with a key question: who do you believe Jesus to be and why? There’s no avoiding Jesus. You have two options: either you reject him outright and have nothing to do with him, or you believe in him, obey him, and obtain eternal life as a result of your obedience. This is the good news, as well. The forgiveness of sins is available to anybody who believes in Jesus.

In order to gain forgiveness, you are under no obligation.

However, it is available to you as a free gift from Jesus Christ.

This question must be answered immediately.

Why Are Both Jesus and Satan Referred to as the Morning Star?

This is only a tiny selection of the things that Jesus said and performed throughout his lifetime. The Bible has the remainder of his magnificent words and deeds. However, this leads us to a crucially essential question: who do you believe Jesus to be? Jesus is unavoidable. You have two options: either you reject him outright and have nothing to do with him, or you believe in him, obey him, and obtain eternal life as a result of your actions. And now, for the good news. Everyone who has faith in Jesus has the opportunity to have their sins forgiven.

You are not need to do anything in order to obtain forgiveness.

However, you may accept it as a free gift from Jesus.

You are required to respond to the question today.

What Is the Imagery of Morning Star?

Numerous descriptions used to paint an image of Christ reflect our limited imaginations and are provided to us because we comprehend what they are saying about him. They have a connection to the world as we know it because we are unable to fathom God completely. “Are you capable of discovering the depths of God?” “Are you able to find the limitations of the Almighty?” Job inquires (Job 11:7). The use of imagery aids us in visualizing the intangible spiritual conflict. A single image can have various meanings depending on how it is interpreted.

I will accompany you when you walk through the floods, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not wash you away” (Isaiah 43:2).

Nevertheless, Isaiah 12:3 states, “With pleasure you will take water from the wells of salvation,” which alludes to theLiving WaterJesus will provide to a Samaritan woman in the coming days.

In any case, it is unnatural to claim they are comparable in any manner, yet Alcorn is referencing Scripture, which is God’s authorized word on the subject.

Nothing in the Lord’s word is extraneous; it is constantly alive with meaning and purpose because it is inspired by the Holy Spirit. Despite the fact that Satan and Jesus are both referred to as “Stars of Morning or Day Stars,” the difference between the two could not be more stark.

How the Name Morning Star Shows Contrast

Contrast is a technique used frequently in Scripture to reinforce a message. Satan attempted to persuade Jesus to eat, to test the Lord, and to rebel against the Lord in the same way that he had done previously with Satan. Despite the fact that Satan indicated a falsehood when he said that he could offer Jesus authority, Jesus utilized God’s truth to defend himself from temptation. The Bible says, “Man shall not live by food alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).

  1. When Christ gazed up from this lofty vantage point, he saw someone much greater: the Father.
  2. The use of celestial imagery in the Bible is yet another example of juxtaposition.
  3. He may have served as a reflector of God’s light to Adam and Eve, as well as to their descendants.
  4. The real and enduring light of morning, Christ is not only the first light, but he was the first light, with God from the beginning.

What Is the Irony of the Name Morning Star?

When we express the opposite of what we intend, or when what we perceive contradicts reality, we are referring to irony. As we wait for Christ’s return, it might appear as though Satan has triumphed, that his strength has surpassed Christ’s in certain ways. Satan’s obviously brilliant star, on the other hand, shall be extinguished for all time in the abyss of Hell. Jesus is the everlasting Morning Star, and he will come to take him to the place where he belongs. It would be foolish to underestimate Satan’s power over those who have not yet accepted Christ as their Savior, or even to underestimate his ability to disturb the peace of a Christian.

Morning Star and the Astronomy of the Bible

When Christ died and was buried, it was as if Satan’s light had completely overshadowed Christ’s light in the sky. Remember the star that appeared in the east at the time of Christ’s birth? A scientific comparison may be seen between the Star of Bethlehem and its astronomical interpretation. “When a planet reappears for the first time in a year and rises in the morning sky only minutes before the sun, this is referred to as a heliacal rising by astrologers.” To put it another way, Christ’s star was always visible, but it was dimmed until the appropriate moment arrived.

  • The sky is filled with stars.
  • When a massive star dies, there is a “supernova explosion of unprecedented intensity.” After then, “the center of the star is either left as a neutron star or implodes as a black hole,” according to the NASA description.
  • Satan was defeated.
  • Everyone who worships him will be dragged into a dark hole of endless sorrow, which will swallow them whole.

Christ will provide all of the light and warmth we will ever need. “After tonight, there will be no more darkness.” As a result, they will not require the light of a lamp or the sunlight, since the Lord God will provide them with light” (Revelation 22:5).

Morning Star and the Bible’s Use of Light

In the darkness, a star may be seen shining brightly; but, the Star in the core of the Christian galaxy is able to remove darkness and offer light all day long. We are to be that type of light, one that works 24 hours a day, seven days a week to bring hope to others in our immediate vicinity by reflecting Christ’s light. This is what 2 Peter 2:19 says: We are to serve as a beacon to the community until the true light returns. As we can see from Revelation 22:5, true light will be more powerful than the sun’s finite rays in the future.

  • We serve as spiritual torches in a dark world, illuminating the path for anyone in need of encouragement, whether they are unbelievers or fellow believers in Jesus Christ.
  • The invitation from Jesus to “let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and praise your Father in heaven” comes as a result of our complete inheritance into the Kingdom of Heaven as sons and daughters with Christ (Matthew 5:16).
  • Once a star has died, it becomes cold and dark, draining the life and light out of people who yearn for hope in the midst of desperation and despair.
  • However, they must first experience the warmth and hope that light provides in order to be drawn to it.
  • His star will be the unmovable and unchangeable focal point of our life.
  • Candice Lucey is a freelance writer based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, where she lives with her husband and two children.
  • This page is a part of ourPeople of Christianitycatalog, which tells the tales, explains the meaning, and highlights the significance of well-known figures from the Bible and throughout history.

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Why are both Jesus and Satan referred to as the morning star?

QuestionAnswer The first time the morning star is mentioned as a distinct entity is in Isaiah 14:12: “How you have plummeted from the sky, O morning star, son of the dawn!” says the poet. “You have been flung to the ground, you who once brought the nations to their knees!” (NIV). The King James Version and the New King James Version both interpret “morning star” as “Lucifer, son of the dawn.” Isaiah is clearly referring to Satan’s expulsion from heaven, as evidenced by the remainder of the chapter (Luke 10:18).

  1. In Revelation 22:16, Jesus definitely identifies Himself as the morning star, which is a reference to the rising sun.
  2. Note that the notion of a “morning star” is not the only one that has been connected to Jesus and Satan, which is a fascinating observation.
  3. The argument is that both Jesus and Satan, to a certain extent, are comparable to lions in appearance and behavior.
  4. Satan is analogous to a lion in that he tries to consume the flesh of other living things.
  5. In many respects, Jesus and Satan are similar to lions, but in very different ways.
  6. Jesus, in his role as God incarnate and as the Lord of the cosmos, is the BRIGHT and MORNING STAR of the universe.
  7. As a result, while both Jesus and Satan can be regarded as “morning lights,” this does not imply that Jesus and Satan are equivalent in any way.
  8. His light only exists to the extent that God made it possible for it to exist.
  9. Only Jesus’ light is “bright” and self-existent, and he is the only one who can do this.

Questions regarding Jesus Christ (return to top of page) What is the significance of the phrase “morning star” in reference to both Jesus and Satan?

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QuestionAnswer This verse in Isaiah 14:12 is the first time the morning star is mentioned as a person. “Wait till you see how you have fallen from heaven, O rising star, son of the dawn! You, who once brought the nations to their knees, have been flung to the dirt!” (NIV). ‘Dawn star’ is translated as “Lucifer, son of the morning” in both the King James Version and the New King James Version. Isaiah is clearly referring to Satan’s expulsion from heaven, as evidenced by the rest of the chapter (Luke 10:18).

  1. It is unmistakable that Jesus is the morning star, as revealed in Revelation 22:16, where He is identified as such.
  2. Note that the notion of a “morning star” is not the only one that has been ascribed to Jesus and Satan, which is intriguing to consider.
  3. As seen in 1 Peter 5:8, Satan is described as a lion on the prowl for prey.
  4. Because He is the King, He is regal and magnificent, Jesus can be compared to a lion.
  5. The parallels between Jesus, Satan, and lions, on the other hand, come to an end there.
  6. It is said that Jesus is the “bright morning star,” which refers to a star that shines brighter than all the other stars in the sky.
  7. HE IS THE BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR because HE IS GOD MADE FLESH, the Lord of the cosmos.
  8. A created entity, Satan is a demon.
  9. Emmanuel (God with us) is the source of all illumination (John 9:5).
  10. The devil may appear to be a morning star, but he is in reality simply a mediocre replica of the one truly brilliant morning star, whom we know as Jesus Christ, the light of the world.
  11. As the morning star, why is it that both Jesus and Satan are alluded to?

Aren’t Jesus and Satan both referred to as the morning star?

Isn’t it true that both Jesus and Satan are referred to as the morning star? Among the many questions that people who are unfamiliar with the Bible have is the nature of the relationship between Jesus and his adversary, Satan. The majority of people are aware that Jesus is the Son of God and that Satan is a fallen angel. What, on the other hand, was Satan like before he fell? Are Jesus and Satan on an equal footing? It is possible that they are equals due to the fact that both Jesus and Satan are referred to as the morning star in the Bible, which some believe is a coincidence.

  1. Now, let’s take a closer look at this question and see what the Bible has to say about it.
  2. The book of Isaiah contains the verse about Satan.
  3. How you have been reduced to ashes, you who have brought the nations to their knees!
  4. 14:12) Revelation contains the verse that refers to Jesus.
  5. I am David, the bright morning star, and I am the ancestor and descendant of David.
  6. In the book of Isaiah, there is a poetic allusion to Satan and his downfall.
  7. Some, however, disagree, claiming that this Isaiah passage is not about Satan, but rather about the king of Babylon, as some have claimed.
See also:  How To Pronounce Jesus In Spanish

If this passage is not referring to Satan, then the question of why Satan and Jesus are both referred to as “morning star” is rendered inconsequential.

We do believe that Isaiah is referring to Satan, and so we will proceed with our conversation.

He aspires to be known as the “bright morning star” for himself.

The Hebrew and Greek words that were used to translate “morning star” are not the same as the English words.

It should be noted that the Old Testament was written in Hebrew and the New Testament was written in Greek.

The Greek word for star isaster is used in Revelation 22.

There is a Hebrew word that has a meaning that is more similar to “morning star” than the one used in Isaiah, but it is not used here.

The word “the” does not appear in Isaiah.

Even if Isaiah refers to Satan as “morning star,” he is referred to as “a” morning star rather than “the” morning star!

This is extremely important.

As things stand, it’s possible that the two passages are saying the same thing about Satan and Jesus, but this isn’t a forgone conclusion.

Logicians believe that when two things have a strong correlation, it is a good indication that they are related.

Just because two things appear to be connected (correlation), does not necessarily imply that they are.

In recent years, there has been some evidence to suggest that the correlation between Jesus and Satan both being described as the morning star is not correct.

That Jesus and Satan are both referred to as the morning star, even if there is a correlation between the two, does not prove anything.

In Revelation 5:5, Jesus is referred to as the Lion of Judah.

Lions are a creature that both Jesus and Satan are similar to.

Satan’s characteristic is that he devours the flesh of other creatures.

Despite the fact that there is a correlation, this does not imply anything.

When God created the heavens and the earth, the angels sang for joy, which is recorded in Job 38:6-7 as the singing of morning stars.

Ezekiel 28:12-15 is a passage from the Bible.

Because Satan was the most beautiful and powerful of all the angels before he fell into sin, it is fitting that he is referred to as the “morning star.” During the time of the Old Testament, a false prophet by the name of Balaam prophesied about a star coming out of Jacob (Numbers 24:17).

In addition to Revelation 2:28 and 2 Peter 1:19, Jesus is referred to as the “morning star” in two other passages.

As the highest or greatest of all the angels, it is only fitting that he be referred to as the brightest, morning star, in honor of his position.

Isaiah 14 and Revelation 22 contain the only information we have about Jesus and Satan, and it is reasonable to wonder if they are similar beings based on what we know about them.

It is possible to write volumes about Jesus and what the Bible says about him.

According to Colossians 1:16-17, Jesus is the creator, whereas Satan is a creature of the Lord God.

“All things were created through him and for him,” says the author.

Satan, as well as every other spirit being, was created by Jesus.

He previously held a high position, but he no longer does so.

Satan was like a morning star that went out of sight.

SUGGESTED RESOURCESThose who are interested in learning more about this subject are encouraged to read the following: If you have any questions, you can ask them here: Why are Jesus and Satan both known as the Morning Star?

Truth – Was it Jesus or Satan who awoke the world in the morning? REFERENCES – Chuck Swindoll, Jesus: The Greatest Life of All, PRINT RESOURCES

Why does the Bible use ‘morning star’ to refer to both Jesus and Satan?

“How you have fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn!” reads Isaiah 14:12, “How you have fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn!” For example, the King James and New King James Versions both use the phrase “Lucifer, son of the morning” in their verses rather than “Day Star, son of Dawn.” According to orthodox interpretation, the greater context of this scripture refers specifically to Satan and his fall from grace.

  • It is said in Revelation 22:16 that “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to you in order to testify to these things for the benefit of the churches.
  • Morning stars were thought to be particularly brilliant stars that stood out from the rest of the sky in ancient times.
  • When it comes to Jesus, the notion of the morning star is employed to emphasize His majesty as well.
  • His excellence surpasses all others by a wide margin.
  • Satan will be conquered by Jesus and hurled into the lake of fire at the conclusion of the story (Revelation 20:7-10).
  • An individual may, for example, praise Hitler for his energetic leadership of Nazi Germany while simultaneously dismissing this attribute as a positive one.
  • This similar concept of comparison is also employed in the Bible, with Jesus and Satan being compared to a lion, which is another thought.
  • However, in Revelation 5:5, Jesus is also referred to as a lion, namely as the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
  • According to Colossians 1:16-17, “For it was by him and for him that all things were made, both visible and unseen, in heaven and on earth, whether thrones or dominions, rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.
  • There was life in him, and the life was the light that illuminated the world.
  • What does it mean to be King of kings and Lord of lords in Jesus’ eyes?

Do you know what Jesus Christ’s given names are? What are some of the titles that Jesus is given in the Bible? When did Satan succumb to his fate, and how did it happen? What is Satan’s identity? Return to the page: The Truth About Jesus Christ.

What Is the Morning Star of Revelation 2:28?

I’m having trouble understanding this line in the passage: ‘I shall give him the dawn star’ (Rev. 2:28). “Can you tell me what the’morning star’ is?” This text contains one of the seven promises made by Christ to people who “overcome” the challenges and temptations of life and, as a result, stay loyal to him until the very end of their lives (see: Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 21). As a result, in his message to the church at Thyatira, the Lord Jesus states (in reference to the one who overcomes): “I will give him the morning star.” There have been two broad hypotheses put up to explain the significance of this strange promise.

Christ Himself

Some academics believe that the connection refers to Jesus Christ personally. “Jesus Christ is identified as the’dawn star’ in 2 Peter 1:19 (phosphoros) and Revelation 2:28 (aster proinos), and He identifies Himself as ‘the brilliant morning star’ (ho aster ho lampros ho proninos) in Revelation 22:16,” according to Professor Andrew Hill (413). He goes on to say that this star symbolism represents the Old Testament and inter-testament focus on the “celestial” or heavenly aspect of the coming Messiah, which he believes is reflected in the star symbolism (cf.

  • 24:17; Mal.
  • Several suggestions were made by William Barclay.
  • The Lord’s people will emerge from the blackness of the grave in the same way as the “morning star” emerges from the obscurity of the night (1957, 67).
  • He was very confident that this was the proper meaning.
  • The Christian, if he is sincere, will possess Christ at the conclusion of his life, never to be apart from him again” (1959, 140).

Objections to the Morning Star Being Identified as Christ

For a variety of reasons, some have taken issue with this point of view. It is asserted that because the evil “king of Babylon” is referred to as “day-star, son of the dawn” in Isaiah 14:12, the same emblem would not be acceptable for the Lord Jesus Christ to represent him. It is important to note that the term “day-star” (i.e., Lucifer in the King James Version) does not refer to Satan as is widely assumed, but rather to the king of Babylon in context (cf. Isa. 13:1). This criticism, on the other hand, is rendered moot by the fact that Christ is unambiguously referred to as “the brilliant and rising star” in Revelation 22:16.

  • According to another criticism, since the Christian now “possesses Christ,” it would be pointless to claim that we shall be given Christ in some way once we have triumphed.
  • Despite the fact that we are already in the kingdom (Col.
  • 1:11).
  • 16:16), but there is a larger dimension — a heavenly salvation — that will be acquired at the time of death (2 Tim.

4:18). In a sense, we are with Christ right now (Mt 18:20; 26:29; 28:20), yet there is a more elevated condition in which we shall be with him in the end (Mt 18:20; 26:29; 28:20). (Phil. 1:23; 2 Cor. 5:8).

Another View: Splendor and Victory

Lenski believed that the imagery had something to do with the regal beauty of Jesus’ appearance. “The term ‘of the dawn’ conjures up images of unfading, brilliant brilliance, both for Jesus in Rev. 22:16 and for us in this passage. “The Victorious King Jesus is the bright Morning Star in royal splendor, and he grants to every loyal believer the gift of becoming like him in royal splendor.” “The Victorious King Jesus is the brilliant Morning Star in royal splendor,” says the Bible (pp. 124-125).

In the words of Professor Robert Wall, another researcher, “it is probable that the morning star is a metaphor of those Christians who prevail,” referring to their “future involvement in God’s triumph over all those secular and materialistic pretenders to the Lord’s kingdom” (79).


When looking at the text of Revelation 2:28, it is clear that there are multiple legitimate interpretations that may be given to the phrase “morning star,” each of which is perfectly compatible with material found elsewhere in the biblical record. As long as a particular point of view does not clash with other clearly stated teachings of scripture, there is no need to feel forced to hold to it rigidly. When there is opportunity for legitimate difference, the cautious and respectful option for the faithful Christian is to refrain from dogmatism.

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Why Are Jesus and Satan Referred To As The Morning Star In The Bible?

What is the significance of the Bible referring to both Jesus and Satan as the “morning star?”

Lucifer, the Morning Star?

One of the most prominent lines and portions of Scripture in which Lucifer or Satan (also known as the Devil) is referred to as the “morning star” is Isaiah 14:12-15, which reads, “How you have fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you have been reduced to ashes, you who have brought the nations to their knees! “I will go to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mound of assembly, on the highest summit of the sacred mountain,” you said in your heart.

Nevertheless, you are dragged down into the grave, into the depths of the pit.” One thing to keep in mind is that Satan, also known as Lucifer, has dragged the nations to their knees.

As previously stated, Satan was referred to as the “Day Star” and “star of the dawn,” rather than the “morning star” as other translations indicate (NASB).

Any light that Satan or Lucifer may have once possessed was extinguished after the fall when he attempted to usurp or take over the throne of God, as stated in Isaiah 14:14, “I will make myself like the Most High,” which translates as “I will become God” in English.

In response to Satan’s defiance, God delivered a sobering reality: “However, you will be thrown down to Sheol, into the depths of the pit” (Isaiah 14:15). However, Satan was originally dubbed the “Day Star” and the “Morning Star” rather than the “Morning Star” as other translations indicate.

Jesus, the Morning Star Scriptures

In 2nd Peter 1:19, the apostle Peter refers to Jesus as the Morning Star. It would behoove you to pay attention to the prophetic message as if it were a light burning in a dark location until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, since it is a perfectly credible source of information.” According to Revelation 22:16,”I, Jesus, have dispatched my angel to deliver you this witness for the churches,” the Book of Revelation refers to Jesus as the Morning Star.

“I am David’s Root and Offspring, as well as the dazzling Morning Star,” says David.

A Lion

Even though both Jesus and Satan are referred to be “lions,” their motivations for being referred to as such are markedly different. “Be sober-minded; keep your eyes peeled,” Peter advised the congregation. Satan is described as a ravenous lion seeking out someone to destroy or devour in 1 Peter 5:8. Just as a lion in the wild seeks out and devours those who are injured or separated from the flock, those who are injured and separated from the sheepfold are the most vulnerable to Satan’s attacks and predation in this passage.

(Rev 5:5).

Satan, on the other hand, is the prince of darkness, and Paul urges us not to participate in the “unfruitful deeds of darkness” (Eph 5:11).

The Fallen and the Risen

“Lord, even the devils are subject to us in Your name,” the seventy returned with delight, proclaiming to Jesus, “even the demons are subject to us in Your name.” And He replied to them, “I was witnessing Satan fall from heaven like lightning” (Luke 10:17-18), implying that Satan had fallen, but was this from heaven or from the earth? As a result of being an eye witness to Satan being driven out of heaven and down to the ground, it’s possible that this is what Jesus was referring to when He stated, “I was witnessing Satan descend from heaven like lightning.” Because of this, Paul warns Christians not to “be yoked together with unbelievers.” What is it that virtue and evil have in common, after all?

As detailed in Revelation 20:10, “the devil who tricked them was hurled into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” Satan and all of his demons will be cast down into the lake of fire.

The Lord God will enlighten them and they will rule forever and ever, and there will be no more night; and they will no longer require the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will illumine them (Rev 22:5).

“I didn’t see a temple in it, since the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of the Lord God the Almighty.” And the city has no need for the sun or the moon to light on it because it has been illuminated by the glory of God, and the Lamb is the lamp that illuminates it.

Because there will be no darkness there, its gates will never be closed during the day, and it will be filled with people who carry the pride and honor of their countries into it” (Rev 21:22-26).


In the event that you have never experienced a period of repentance and faith in Christ, your name will not be recorded in the book of life. “And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was cast into the lake of fire,” (Revelation 20:15) but this is not necessary. No one will ever be condemned if they believe in Christ (John 3:36a), but anybody who rejects believing in the one name by which they may be saved (Acts 4:12) will have the wrath of God poured out on them for the rest of their lives (John 3:36b).

a source of information Scripture quotes are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version ® (ESV ®), which was published by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, in 2001 and is protected by copyright.

All intellectual property rights are retained.

Who is the Morning Star in the Bible? Mary, Jesus or Lucifer?

The morning star is the perfect representation of Mary, who initiated redemption for the entire world with her fiat, Jesus, who came from the East in the Second Coming, and the former brilliant messenger of God. Recently, I was surprised when someone posed a very straightforward question in one of the social media forums that I manage, and I felt confident in my ability to provide a response. After then, it went into an unanticipated succession of revelations concerning the Bible and Christian terms, titles, and phrases.

She is described as “appearing on the horizon like the morning sun, reflecting the light of her son who was to come and fill the world with light.” This refers to her role in salvation as appearing on the horizon, like the morning sun, reflecting the light of her son who would come and fill the world with light.” “All right, it makes sense.

  1. “Wow, that’s intriguing.” In the words of yet another commenter: “I’ve seen both of those things, as well, however the Old Testament really refers to Lucifer as the Morning Star.” We moved from being Mary to becoming Satan in the blink of an eye.
  2. Is Jesus considered to be the morning star?
  3. Is it the great accuser, the Devil, on the prowl?
  4. It should also be a well-known phraseology among Roman Catholics.
  5. John Paul II in his encyclical Redemptoris Mater, she is referred to as the morning star in the Catholic tradition.
  6. As a tradition, the name “Morning Star” seems appropriate.
  7. However, regardless of whether the picture is strong or not, the term has its origins in a prominent place: sacred Scriptures.

As the first and final person in a sequence, I am the beginning and the conclusion of everything.

“I am David’s root and offspring, the brilliant morning star,” declares the Lord (22:12-13, 16).

But there’s a good explanation for the title’s strong reliance on metaphor.

The imagery is drawn from the eschatological tradition.

Specifically alluding to his return, Jesus informed the Apostles, “For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man” be likened to the arrival of lightning (Matthew 24:27).

‘The Devil, Morning Star,’ they say.

This one is, perhaps, a little more difficult, but it does have some biblical support.

The King James Version (KJV) is one of the few English translations of the Luciferian morning star, which may be found in the Old Testament.

The passage in question is Isaiah 14:12.

Lucifer, son of the dawn, how hast thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer!

O Day Star, son of Dawn, how you have fallen from heaven, according to the King James Version!

(RSVCE) Because they were translating from Latin, the writers of the KJV made sense:lux/luce/lucimeans light.

The Devil is described as a light bearer, or a being of light.

As a result, “Day Star” is an accurate translation of what the original Hebrew was attempting to convey.

Because angels are spiritual entities of light, the title “light carrier” is appropriate.

Newer Catholic versions, on the other hand, do not use the term “Lucifer.” The Douay-Rheims translation does, however other translations, such as the NAB — which has been authorized and is used by the USCCB — use the term “Morning Star.” Moreover, I am not saying this to be smart, but rather to emphasize a crucial point: the Devil is not given a name in the Bible.

  • His wickedness and enmity may be personified through the titles that are recognized in translations of his works of art.
  • 2 Corinthians 4:4 even refers to the Devil as “the god of this world,” according to Paul.
  • The biblical authors aren’t very concerned with the Devil’s name; rather, they want the reader to be aware of and take to heart the evils and deceptions of the Devil so that we might be on our alert against them.
  • And it isn’t required to do so.
  • At twilight, when the earth is coldest and darkest, a dazzling star heralds the arrival of a light that grows ever more beautiful and life-giving with each passing minute.

The morning star, which is very lovely, is the ideal representation of Mary, who initiated redemption for the world with herfiat, Jesus, who came from the East in the Second Coming, and the former illuminating messenger of God.

Jesus, Venus, and the Morning Star – Resources

Yes. The planet Venus was widely referred to as the morning star in ancient literature, and it is still referred to as such today. As far as I am aware, this is a commonly acknowledged fact. While Jupiter, Mars, and other planets may be seen in the morning or evening sky, Venus is the only one that appears consistently and is far brighter than the others. Jupiter, Mars, and other planets can be seen in the morning or evening sky. In fact, Venus is so brilliant that on some moonless evenings, it has been observed to produce shadows on the ground.

While it’s true that Venus is a planet (since it’s inside our solar system and reflects our sun’s light), rather than a star (because it creates its own light), this isn’t a big deal because “star” to ancient peoples simply meant a point of light in the night sky.

(The word planet comes from the Greek word planao, which means to wander, and the planets were referred to as the wanderers because their relative locations in the night sky were always shifting.)

Do you know how often Venus appears in the morning sky?

If I understand properly, Venus appears as a “morning star” for a total of nine months out of every twenty-nine months, according to the calendar. She is also visible in the evening sky for around 9 months out of the year, with the exception of one month when she is not seen at all. 9 in the morning, 9 in the evening, and 1 unseen. As seen from earth, Venus always seems to either precede or follow the sun as it appears in the sky, due to the fact that she is an inner (also referred to as inferior) planet, meaning she is closer to the sun than the earth is.

  1. However, it is tiny and so near to the sun that it cannot be seen clearly.
  2. Here are three paragraphs of further scientific information I found on the internet: Her cycle, from our perspective, is a succession of morning and evening phases that lasts 584 days in total (the synodic period).
  3. It is calculated from the inferior conjunction, which occurs when Venus passes between the Sun and the Earth while in retrograde motion from our geocentric point of view, to produce a cycle of one year and seven months.
  4. Then, for the next 263 days, she may be seen rising before the Sun in the early morning hours, when she is the first to rise.
  5. This occurs when Venus travels behind the Sun and is out of sight for around 50 days, resulting in the superior conjunction.

She then reappears in the evening sky for 263 days, appearing at first as a little crescent and gradually rising in brightness until she is about to turn retrograde, at which point she becomes invisible (approximately 40 days before the inferior conjunction).

Do you have opinions as to why Jesus is referred to as the“ Morning Star ”?

I believe it has something to do with HOPE and His impending second coming. When Venus rises, it indicates that the sun will rise shortly after (in a morning, usually within an hour or two, sometimes just a matter of minutes). When Christ returns, and in a broad sense this could apply to both His first and second comings, it means/will mean that God’s light is about to shine forever on the universe, making all wrongs right, wiping away all tears, and fulfilling Rev. 21-22, with the creation of new heavens and a new earth, among other implications.

  1. When Jesus is regarded as the morning star throughout the long, dark night of suffering on earth, it signifies that the everlasting morning is about to dawn.
  2. In one of my works, I refer to Jesus as the Morning Star, and numerous readers have expressed displeasure, questioning why I would use a word that is associated with Satan to refer to Jesus.
  3. “You have been flung to the ground, you who once brought the nations to their knees!” The idea is that Morning Star was a name given to Lucifer before he fell, therefore there is no conflict in having two completely distinct entities given the same name in two separate places.
  4. Christ is God, the Creator, who is magnificent and strong beyond measure; he is the one against whom Lucifer revolted.
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If this is the case, then Christ would not be referred to as “the brilliant morning star” in Revelation 22:16, which says, “I am the root and descendant of David, the morning star of great brightness.” In no way would it be utilized in a good manner, as it is in 2 Peter 1:19 and Revelation 2:28, for example.

Why Jesus Is the Bright Morning Star

Beginning with the first chapter of Revelation, the triumphant Christian is assured of receiving the’morning star.’ It is not disclosed, so to speak, until the very end of the book to someone who is reading the book without the assistance of a concordance and commentary what this gift means and who it belongs to. Revelation 22:16 has the following astounding declaration: “I, Jesus, sent my angel to deliver you this witness for the churches,” says Jesus. I am the root and offspring of David, the brilliant morning star, and I am a descendant of David.

  1. But why does Jesus choose to associate himself with the morning star in this instance?
  2. But why has this specific heavenly entity been singled out for special attention?
  3. Before the sun comes up: Due to the fact that it emerges before sunrise, the morning star, which is actually the planet Venus, has earned the term “morning star.” Consequently, while it is still dark, its emergence marks the arrival of a new day in the sky.
  4. When he shines, he announces the arrival of God’s kingdom, while the rest of the world continues to moan under the weight of the Fall’s curse.
  5. In the words of one astronomyWeb site, “If you go outdoors on any clear February morning, your eyes will be pulled to a blazing light hanging in the southeastern sky,” your eyes will be drawn to the blazing light hanging in the southeastern sky.
  6. But this isn’t some little object passing through our atmosphere; it’s the planet Jupiter, which is the brightest object in the entire solar system.
  7. Why could Jesus, the king of kings—the ‘first in everything,’ as Colossians 1:18 says—be associated with the celestial body that is the brightest and most visible in the night sky?

The light of Christ never dims, and it never goes out.

In fact, that well-known line is in the exact same chapter of Revelation where He refers to the morning star as “the morning star”!

Because He includes all of creation—all things were created through Him and will be recreated through Him—He is the source of all creation.

He will be recognized as the same one that presided over and controlled everything during the beginning, the middle, and the end of the universe.

Remember that this is the terminology that was used to describe the days of creation in the book of Genesis.

The Shepherd’s Star is a constellation that appears in the sky above a shepherd’s hut.

Venus, which is far more brilliant than any of the actual stars in the sky, does not appear to sparkle, but instead emits a continuous, silvery light that is far more luminous than any of the actual stars.

Nicolas Camille Flammarion, a well-known French astronomer who lived in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, referred to Venus as ‘The Shepherd’s Star’ because of its association with shepherds.

Despite the fact that this nickname was coined many centuries after the book of Revelation was written, one cannot help but notice the extraordinary coincidence—if such a thing can be called a coincidence—that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, is also identified with what would later become known as the ‘Shepherd’s Star.’ A shepherd keeping watch over his flocks by night may have been among the few people in ancient Israel—apart from insomniacs and military guards—who were able to see Venus in both its evening and morning appearances.

While Venus may not have had that name in the first century, a shepherd keeping watch over his flocks by night may have been among the few people in ancient Israel—apart from insomniacs and military guards—who were able to always see this star in both its evening and morning appearances.

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“The Bright Morning Star” is one of the many names given to the Christ Child. Matthew 2:1-122 (Matthew 2:1-122 et seq.) The book of 1 Peter 1:18-21 Revelation 22:12-16 (McMinnville First United Methodist Church, 1/4/09) The Bible provides us with a plethora of names to help us better comprehend who Jesus is. During the Advent-Christmas season, we looked at a handful of these names in further detail. According to Isaiah 9, he would be referred to as “Wonderful Counselor,” “Mighty God,” “Everlasting Father,” and “Prince of Peace,” among other titles.

The term “Epiphany” is one that many of us are acquainted with.

It used to be that old cartoons would show characters having those “Ah ha,” “Epiphany” moments by having a light bulb go out over their heads.

When they said the infant Jesus, they experienced a “ah ha” moment of clarity.

It was a shining light.

“The bright rising star,” as Jesus refers to himself.

“I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near,” he stated (Numbers 24:17).

He preferred to refer to himself as “the brilliant morning star.” What is the “Morning Star” and how does it work?

In today’s world, we know that this “bright morning star” is actually a constellation of stars.

Many people, though, continue to refer to it as “the morning star.” What is the significance of Jesus referring to himself as “The Bright Morning Star?” Perhaps we might attempt to address this question on this first Sunday of the new year, on Epiphany Sunday.

They were looking for a certain location as well as a specific individual.

Jesus wanted us to realize that he is our compass and that we should look to him for guidance.

What is the best course of action?

In the same way that the wise men followed a star, and in the same manner that the dazzling morning star guided travelers in the direction of the west, Jesus is our point of reference.

He serves as a point of reference for the group.

He is not simply a star amid many stars; he is a one-of-a-kind phenomenon.

In our last discussion, we mentioned that the morning star is peculiar in that it is not a star at all.

Some believe that Venus is the only planet in our solar system that is unlike any other.

The fact that we live on this planet is, nevertheless, considerably more remarkable.

That is, with the exception of Venus, which rotates in the opposite direction as the other planets.

There isn’t anybody else quite like him.

However, there must be more to the reason why our Savoir chose to refer to Himself as the brilliant morning star than meets the eye.

We know that as soon as Venus appears in the western sky at 4:00 a.m., the birds will begin to sing, and we can count on it.

Seeing the dazzling morning star denotes the promise of a new day, as well as an indication that something greater is on the way.

The majority of individuals believe they are participating in a rat race, in which the rats are winning!

What are we doing here?

What exactly is the point of life?

That something greater is on the way; that our Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ will return is what it is telling us.

Watley, pastor of Saint James African-American Methodist Episcopal Church in Newark, New Jersey.

I used to have poor self-esteem and was always in a state of self-destructive behavior, but after meeting Jesus, it’s a whole new day.

It’s a fresh day now, after all.

It’s a fresh day now, after all.

It’s a fresh day now, after all.

(Exalting the Names of Jesus (Valley Forge, PA: Judson, 2002), p.

Every day has the potential to be a fresh start.

This is wonderful but still there is more to the story.

But in days gone by, the new day came to an end.

Who knows how many marineers and children dreaded the unknown that often accompanied the darkness.

Guess what?

This is our Jesus!

When we come to the end of our journey and our day here on earth is done, he continues to be our reference point, leading us into a new day with him.

He all my grief has taken, and all my sorrows borne; In temptation He’s my strong and mighty tower; I have all for Him forsaken, and all my idols torn From my heart and now He keeps me by His power.

Refrain He will never, never leave me, nor yet forsake me here, While I live by faith and do His blessèd will; A wall of fire about me, I’ve nothing now to fear, From His manna He my hungry soul shall fill.

Then sweeping up to glory to see His blessèd face, Where the rivers of delight shall ever roll. Refrain

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