What Did Jesus Say About Justice

Bible Verses About Justice – Justice in the Bible- Shared Hope International

They were a group of authors who attempted to defend the Christian religion against Jewish and Greco-Roman criticism during the second century AD. They dispelled a slew of salacious stories, including claims of cannibalism and promiscuity, among other charges. Overall, they attempted to make Christianity understandable to members of Greco-Roman culture while also defining Christian concepts such as the existence of God, the divinity of Christ, and the resurrection of the human body. As a result, the Apologists absorbed the philosophical and literary terminology of the greater culture in order to construct a more polished statement of their religion that might appeal to the sophisticated sensibilities of their pagan contemporaries.

Aristotle and Philo of Alexandria both described the Logos as serving as a mediator between the transcendentGod and the created order.

Biblical Justice

As followers of Christ, the answer is straightforward. Our feeling of justice is a gift from our heavenly Father, who is also our Creator. As well as being loving and caring, He is also righteous, holy, and just in His deeds and words. “The Rock, His labor is flawless, for all of his methods are just. “He is a God of fidelity and without wickedness, just and honest in his actions.” (See Deuteronomy 32:4 for further information.) Your reign is built on righteousness and justice; unwavering love and fidelity are the ones who before you.” (Psalm 89:14; 89:15).

  1. It is a component of His character, which implies that He is always just in all circumstances.
  2. We hear more often that God is love and that God is holy than that God is just, which is a good thing.
  3. Pursuing biblical justice implies that we seek to remedy wrongs by following God’s path, and we look to Scripture for guidance on what is “just.” Jesus serves as our standard of righteousness, and we don’t have to search far to find evidence of this.
  4. It is only through Jesus and His finished work on the Cross that we may be justified and restored to good standing with God.
  5. Jesus was on a mission to bring about justice.
  6. The healing of the leper in Matthew 8 and the care of the woman caught in adultery in John 8 are only a few of illustrations of God’s compassion.
  7. We are called to take action and fight evil, to care for the weak, and to rectify wrongs that have been done to ourselves and others.
  8. It is not a cultural fad or something that is just a trend in today’s culture; rather, it is a long-standing tradition.

It is imperative that “justice be done to the weak and fatherless, and that rights of the afflicted and the poor be upheld.” (Psalm 82:3, NIV) Learning to do good, seeking justice and correcting tyranny, bringing justice to the fatherless, and pleasing the widow’s cause, are some of the lessons to be learned.

What does the Lord need of you other than to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

Due to your greed, you tithe mint and rue, as well as every herb, while neglecting justice and the love of God. “These are the things you should have done, without ignoring the others” (Luke 11:42).

Social Justice

Social justice is a word that is frequently heard nowadays. A quick search on the internet will turn up a variety of different definitions of what it implies. According to one definition, social justice is “the promotion of a just society via the challenge of injustice and the appreciation of variety.” This appears to be reasonable on the surface, but when examined in further depth, it is ambiguous and can lead to a variety of alternative interpretations of what justice actually looks like. In contrast to social justice, which is concerned with resolving inequities in society from a temporal perspective, biblical justice begins with the eternal in mind.

And it is the responsibility of Christ-followers to work for the physical and spiritual liberation of the oppressed in order for others to become what God made them to be as well.

We, as the Church, may collaborate with people who are working for social justice in our communities, but we must never lose sight of our ultimate objective.

Our purpose is to devote ourselves completely to the cause of Christ.

What can we do?

One day, perfect justice will be served by a fully holy and righteous God, and the world will be a better place. Between now and then, evil is ubiquitous across our whole universe. Children are sold into sex slavery as a form of punishment. The impoverished are assaulted and forced to labor for little or no compensation. Human trafficking, often known as modern-day slavery, continues to exist in every country, city, and community throughout the world. Currently, there are more than 35 million slaves in the globe, which is a higher number than at any previous point in history.

Shouldn’t we be the ones who lead the charge if we know the One who is entirely just?

We participate in issues of injustice, fueled by the compassion of Christ, by safeguarding the defenseless, battling for those who are oppressed, walking alongside the injured, and leading them to the One who heals, restores, and redeems the world.

It entails effort and sacrifice on your part.

It entails proceeding with caution rather than rushing in carelessly or stupidly. Because of the power of the Holy Spirit, we follow our righteous God as He directs and enables us. So let’s get started. Let us join forces in the struggle for biblical justice.

6. Jesus and Justice

Ted Grimsrud contributed to this article. In the Christian tradition, the concept of “justice” has frequently been seen as being incompatible with Jesus’ life and teaching. Reinhold Niebuhr, a well-known theologian, notably wrote about Jesus offering our aspirations, the “impossible potential” of loving our neighbors and forgiving seventy times seven, as well as the “impossible possibility” of forgiving seventy times seven. In contrast, when we reach the “real world” of politics, and the inevitable balancing of egos that occurs during the political process, the most we can hope for is a form of “rough justice.” This type of justice does not derive from the teachings of Jesus, but rather from the common sense of power conflicts, compulsion, and the use of appropriate violence and punishment when necessary.

In contrast, by asserting that Jesus’ message and justice are diametrically opposed, he has undercut both our capacity to see justice in more redemptive and restorative terms, as well as our ability to discern in Jesus a political strategy that, in fact, directly addressed the “actual world.” If we read the gospels through the lenses of restorative justice rather than retributive justice, we will realize that Jesus’ message is in fact closely connected to justice, rather than being in a state of conflict with it.

The Healing Strategy of Jesus and God In chapter four, we looked at the Bible’s tale of God’s healing strategy—mission God’s to bring healing to all of creation, which is built on communities of people who feel God’s love and share that love with other human beings—and how that approach is reflected in the story of the Bible.

  • These phrases frequently occur in a grouping that is mutually reinforcing in nature.
  • Psalm 89:14 (“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your kingdom; steadfast love and fidelity go before you.”), and Psalm 89:14 (“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you.”).
  • He is the key figure.
  • As a primary call, he emphasizes the need of loving one’s neighbor, bringing healing to damaged situations, and offering forgiveness and repair in the face of wrongdoing.
  • As Jesus himself remarked, he did not come to minister to those who were already healthy, but rather to those who were in need of restoration (Mark 2:17).
  • The gospels contribute to the Old Testament tale in a variety of ways; they convey a message of fulfillment and continuity, rather than a message of discontinuity and rupture.
  • In order to provide tangible proof of his presence, Jesus provided immediate pardon in lieu of Temple offerings.

Exorcisms were also performed by Jesus to release individuals from their shackles to the forces of evil.

Nevertheless, in a resemblance to what had happened with agents of healing earlier in Israel’s history, Jesus was faced with fierce resistance.

The prophet of healing justice found himself unfairly accused of blaspheming the God of Israel, which he vigorously denied.

The message of Jesus can be summed as follows: God has created what is based on love.

God demonstrates the necessity of turning away from estrangement and toward God’s kindness in a direct and active manner.

God’s justice is seen in this expensive witness, in which God’s people offer healing to a shattered world by their witness.

With his refusal to succumb to these temptations, Jesus makes it plain that genuine justice has nothing to do with punishing wrongdoers, and that true purity is impossible to achieve in the face of sin and wickedness.

Jesus’ acts of justice include not just healing the afflicted, but also addressing those who have been causing the pain in the first instance.

The religious and political leaders do have a certain amount of justice on their side—justice in the sense of the self-interests of those in power and the rules and regulations that are in place to ensure that they maintain their power.

God, via the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, conclusively destroys the claims of the powers-that-be that they are acting on God’s behalf in their punishing policies.

After all, Jesus makes it apparent that the leaders of the rebellious human organizations do not serve God’s justice, and that they are, in fact, working against it.

As they say, both the empires (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon) and the Israelite nation-state are serving unjust powers, not the just power of God, in their respective territories.

Jesus’ disciples are aware of God’s justice, and they spread it broadly in order to bless all of the families on the planet.

and make disciples of all countries, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that has been commanded” by Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20).

It was Israel’s inability to represent Torah’s concerns for the well-being of all people in Israel that was expressed in Amos’ statements concerning justice.

This reversal entailed the restoration of actual justice, as the community stands for the preservation of life for everyone.

The premise behind Jesus’ declaration was the same as before.

Exists the kingdom of God (the reign of God as described in the Torah of old) and its manifestations As well as those who are weak, marginalized, and mistreated, God has a specific care for their well-being in this kingdom (see also Luke’s interpretation of Jesus’ opening comments in Luke 4).


It is the same “justice” that the Old Testament associates with peace and steadfast love that Jesus calls his followers to thirst for in the beatitudes (Matthew 5:6).

Take note, however, that Luke’s account contrasts those who hear and respond to Jesus’ message with those who do not—and woe to the unrepentant affluent, echoing the sentiments of Amos’ day—and those who do not (Luke 6:24-26).

Throughout history, prophets have taught a narrative of justice in which God enters the brokenness of fallen humanity and provides the opportunity of healing—blessing all of humanity’s families on the planet.

God’s compassion is motivated by the sanctity of God.

In the Old Testament, we can see that God’s holiness may be understood in a variety of ways, and we have proof of this.

Hosea’s prophecy is followed exactly by Jesus, who has now been declared to be God manifested in the flesh.

“Holy” does not refer to God in the sense of being unable to be in the face of sin and evil, but rather to God stepping directly into the reality of sin and evil with a compassionate message.

Jesus cures all kinds of unclean and ostracized individuals, touching their uncleanness with transformational love and transforming their lives.

They come face to face with Jesus’ disciples.

The justice of God (God’s response to wrongdoing) has everything to do with the logic of mercy, not the logic of vengeance, which necessitates the use of violence in order to bring the moral scales back into balance.

This promise is embodied by Jesus.

To be inclusive of everyone, sinner and just person alike, in a reconciled society that heals the wounds that have resulted in oppression and injustice, this will be necessary.

Jesus’ Own Use of the Word “Justice” in His Teachings Because New Testament translators chose to translate the Greek worddikaiosuneand its derivatives as “righteousness” (and “righteousness,” “unrighteous,” “wicked,” and “wickedness”) instead of “justice” (and “justice,” and “unjust,” and “injustice”), these points about Jesus and justice have been obscured in the history of English-speaking Christianity.

I’m not going to get into a philology dispute right now.

Rather than being concerned with the tendency for such concepts to be understood in terms of current-day connotations for words such as “righteous” and “wicked” (and, of course, “justice” and “injustice”), we should be concerned with preventing those meanings from being read back into the biblical text.

  1. The Septuagint makes extensive use of dik-words to translate Old Testament justice terminology, and as a result, we may legitimately read these terms as “righteousness,” “injustice,” “just,” and so on.
  2. Joseph, the spouse of Jesus’ mother Mary, is described as a “just” man by Matthew (1:19).
  3. The Sermon on the Mount, as recorded in Matthew, is a long sermon given by Jesus.
  4. He begins with a description of the types of people who will feel most at home in the kingdom he is bringing closer—people like those who hunger and thirst for justice, to name a few examples (5:6).
  5. However, for the time being, the pursuit of justice will result in retaliatory measures (5:11).
  6. Jesus connects his followers and their work for justice and the consequences of that work with the prophets of old (5:12), and he promises God’s vindication in the process.
  7. This comes after a resounding confirmation of the Torah.

Jesus considers himself to be in a line of succession with Moses.

The ministry of justice is based on the principle of neighborly love.

Jesus challenges his listeners to avoid becoming preoccupied with material possessions, which can all too easily become a source of confusion in one’s loyalties.

We can put our faith in God to provide for our needs.

As long as we put our trust in God and work together to achieve God’s priorities (such as God’s healing strategy of restorative justice), God will provide for all of our other needs as well.

What is more important, mercy or sacrifice, according to the Torah (12:7, quoting Hosea 6:6)?

In his parable of the laborers in the vineyard, which is found in Matthew 20, Jesus provides yet another lesson on the nature of justice.

At the end of the day, he pays them what he promised them.

As Jesus explains in this passage, justice is not just concerned with precise fairness, but also involves a type of generosity that goes above and beyond what is expected—while being true to the initial agreements.


“The tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom before you,” Jesus declared emphatically in the Gospel of Matthew.

It is the “way of justice” in this context that refers to restorative rather than retributive justice, a type of justice that is inclusive and results in healing rather than a type of justice that is exclusive and results in estrangement between those who have and those who do not.

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!” says the Lord Jesus.

The phrase “the end of the age” is used by Jesus in Matthew as a concluding illustration.

In this life-or-death representation of justice, actions of generosity and compassion prove to be the most important factors to consider: The following statements are true: “I was hungry and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger and you welcomed me; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me; I was in prison and you visited me” (25:35-36).

True justice is embodied in such deeds, which reflect the words of Jesus regarding his own calling in Luke 4, which are “liberation for the oppressed, sight for the blind, and good news for the poor.” The final item on Jesus’ account in Matthew 25 of living a just life is ironically in opposition to what we saw above in chapter two about the practice of retributive justice in our society, which we discussed earlier.

In our culture, such “justice” entails putting individuals up in abhorrent circumstances and ultimately committing them to a life of humiliation and estrangement for the rest of their lives.

Genuine justice, on the other hand, according to Jesus, consists in visiting inmates and extending welcome, hospitality, and healing.

60 Awesome Bible Verses About Justice (2022 God’s Justice)

Ted Grimsrud contributed to this report. When it comes to the Christian tradition, the concept of “justice” is frequently regarded as something that is divorced from the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. According to influential theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, Jesus gives us the “impossible possibility” of loving our neighbors and forgiving seventy times seven because he provides us with our ideals. We can only hope for a kind of ‘rough justice’ when we get into the “real world” of politics and the inevitable balancing of egos that comes with the territory of the political process.

  1. Even when he was challenging socio-political absolutisms that bred holy wars and caused people to lose sight of their own selfishness and pride, Niebuhr’s reflections were often filled with wisdom.
  2. We see that Jesus’ message is in fact closely linked to justice, and not at odds with it.
  3. Shalom (peace), hesed (loving kindness), mispatandtsedeqah(righteousness/justice) are just a few of the terms used to describe this healing strategy in the Old Testament.
  4. The following are just a few examples: Micah 6:8 (“What does the Lord require of you except to do justice and love kindness?”), Psalm 85:10-11 (“Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet; justice and peace will kiss each other.
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Psalm 89:14 (“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you.”) and Psalm 89:15 (“Faithfulness will spring up from the earth, and justice will look down from the sky.”) In the biblical story of God’s healing strategy, Jesus is the central character.

  • As a central call, he emphasizes the importance of loving one’s neighbors, bringing healing to broken situations, and offering forgiveness and restoration in the face of wrongdoing.
  • He did not come to minister to those who were already well, but to those who were in need of healing, as Jesus stated (Mark 2:17).
  • A number of ways are provided by the gospels to enhance the Old Testament story—a message of fulfillment and continuity, not a message of discontinuity, is conveyed through them.
  • Aside from offering direct forgiveness in lieu of Temple sacrifices, Jesus did so in order to demonstrate his physical presence.
  • Through exorcisms, Jesus was able to free people from their enslavement to the forces of evil.
  • When it came to healing agents earlier in Israel’s history, Jesus encountered fierce opposition, which was reminiscent of the experience of earlier healing agents.
  • He was wrongfully accused of blaspheming the God of Israel, and he found himself in court.

The message of Jesus can be summarized as follows: God has created everything that is loving.

God demonstrates the necessity of turning away from alienation and toward God’s mercy in a direct and active way.

It is through this costly witness that God’s justice is made manifest, as God’s people bring healing to those who are broken.

Clearly, by refusing the temptations of the devil, Jesus demonstrates that genuine justice has nothing to do with punishing wrongdoers, and that true holiness is impossible to achieve in the presence of sin and evil.

It is not only healing the hurting that Jesus’ acts of justice entail; it is also confronting those who have been hurting others.

In a sense, religious and political leaders have justice on their side—justice in the sense of the self-interests of those in power, as well as the laws and policies that serve to keep them in power.

As a result of God raising Jesus from the dead, the claims of those in power to act on God’s behalf in their punitive practices are definitively undermined.

The Old Testament is referenced at this point in the gospels.

The final element of God’s healing strategy, as expressed in the story of Jesus, is a continuation of the centrality of the community of God as the center of the universe.

A community was formed, and followers were instructed to “go.

When it comes to the justice of the Old Testament, Jesus comes to mind.

Israel’s failure to embody Torah’s concerns for the well-being of all people in Israel was expressed in Amos’ words about justice.

Due to the fact that the community stands for life for all and represents genuine justice, this turning back was necessary.

It was the same logic that guided Jesus’ proclamation.

The kingdom of God (God’s rule as presented in the Torah of old) is in full force.

When Jesus says “repent,” he is implying that he wants to see a positive outcome, similar to Amos.

Those who do not change their ways are likely to experience even more alienation and segregation.

It is the restoration of relationships with God and with one another that Jesus speaks of in the beatitudes (Matthew 5:6).

Jesus is the personification of justice from the Bible’s book of Judges.

When Hosea speaks on God’s behalf, he captures the essence of God’s justice: “My heart recoils within me; my compassion grows warm and tender.” “For I am God and not a mortal, the Holy One in your midst, and I will not come in wrath.” “I will not execute my fierce anger; I will not again destroy Ephraim” (Hosea 11:8-9).

  1. The presence of God in the midst of God’s people does not imply the practice of justice or punishment.
  2. Hosea’s proclamation, on the other hand, conveys the most fundamental meaning of God’s holiness for Christians who believe that Jesus fulfills the core message of Torah.
  3. Instead of preaching condemnation and punishment, Jesus brings a message of compassion and healing to the world as the Holy One who is in the midst of it all.
  4. This type of holiness is illustrated in a series of healing stories found in Matthew 8–9.
  5. As these healings are taking place, the Pharisees confront Jesus directly about our point of contention.
  6. What is the reason for your teacher’s association with tax collectors and sinners?
  7. In God’s justice (God’s response to wrongdoing), the logic of mercy prevails over the logic of retribution, which requires violence to bring the moral scales back into balance.
  8. This promise is represented by Jesus.
  9. As a result, everyone, sinner and just person alike, will be included in a reconciled community that is healing the wounds that have resulted in oppression and injustice.
  10. Even Jesus himself used the term “justice” in his own words.
  11. No, I’m not going to get involved in a philology debate.

Rather than being concerned with the tendency for such terms to be understood in terms of current-day meanings for words such as “righteous” and “wicked” (and, of course, “justice” and “injustice”), we should be concerned with preventing such meanings from being read back into the biblical text.

  1. In light of the use of dik-words in the Septuagint to translate Old Testament justice language, we can reasonably read these words as “justice,” “injustice,” “just,” et cetera, among other things.
  2. Joseph, the husband of Jesus’ mother Mary, is described as a “just” man in Matthew’s account of their lives together (1:19).
  3. The Sermon on the Mount, as recorded by Matthew, is a lengthy discourse by Jesus.
  4. He continues with a description of the types of individuals who will feel most at home in the kingdom he is bringing closer—those like those who hunger and thirst for justice, to name a few of examples (5:6).
  5. However, for the time being, the pursuit of justice will result in retaliatory action (5:11).
  6. Jesus connects his disciples and their struggle for justice and the repercussions of that labor with the prophets of old (5:12), and he promises God’s vindication in that work.
  7. A robust endorsement of Torah is immediately followed by this statement.

Jesus considers himself to be a continuation of Moses’ teachings and actions.

On the basis of his belief that the Pharisees’ implementation of Torah does not prioritize love and real justice, Jesus will launch a scathing attack on them (two closely linked motifs for Jesus and the prophets).

God knows we’re hungry and in need of a place to rest our heads at night.

“The kingdom of God and its justice,” on the other hand, should be our primary focus (6:33).

Matthew describes Jesus’ disagreement with the Pharisees about hungry people gleaning food on the Sabbath, as well as Jesus’ healing of a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath—a debate over the meaning of the Torah—in the gospel of Matthew.

Ultimately, the servant’s ministry of non-coercive love will “lead justice to victory.in his name, the Gentiles will hope,” says the Bible (12:18-21).

His story revolves around a landowner who employs several laborers and pledges to give them a “fair” payment for their efforts (20:4).

Unfortunately for the original workers, who had toiled all day for their wages, the owner decided to pay the same amount to some new employees hired later in the day, much to their dissatisfaction and frustration.

“Are you envious of me because I am generous?” he asks people who might doubt the fairness of his generosity.

During a conflict between Jesus and the top priests, Matthew emphasizes the need of fairness and kindness toward those who are most in need yet again.

It is the “way of justice” in this context that refers to restorative rather than retributive justice, a type of justice that is inclusive and results in healing rather than a type of justice that is exclusive and results in estrangement between those who have and those who do not have.

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!” Jesus said.

The phrase “the end of the age” is used by Jesus in Matthew as a last illustration.

Acts of charity and compassion prove to be the deciding element in this life-or-death manifestation of justice: ” The following statements are true: “I was hungry and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger and you greeted me; I was naked and you clothed me; I was ill and you took care of me; I was in jail and you visited me” (25:35-36).

” When it comes to living a just life, the final thing in Jesus’ description of his life is paradoxically in opposition to what we learned above in chapter two about the practice of retributive justice in our society.

Authentic justice, on the other hand, according to Jesus, consists in paying visits to inmates and extending them hospitality, welcome, and healing.

Christian quotes about justice

In that lone man on the cross, who claimed that he had the power to summon down angels at any time on a rescue mission, but decided not to do so — because of us – love was compressed for all of history. Christ’s death on the cross signified God’s acceptance of his own unbreakable standards of justice.” Philip Yancey is a novelist who lives in New York City. “God, in his boundless mercy, has fashioned a means by which justice can be satisfied and kindness can triumph at the same time,” says the author.

“Delayed justice was just as horrible as injustice,” says the author.

“The Christian message is a call to peace, calling for justice that goes beyond wrath, kindness that goes beyond justice, forgiveness that goes beyond mercy, and love that goes beyond forgiveness,” says the author.

“God is not unfair in any way.

“Those who have never heard the gospel will be judged by their failure to acknowledge the presence of God’s grace and power in nature and in their own conscience.” “Those who have never heard the gospel will be judged by their failure to acknowledge the presence of God’s grace and power in nature and in their own conscience.” John Piper is a writer who lives in the United Kingdom.

  • “I am grateful that God is in control of the administration of justice.” A.W.
  • ‘It is at the crucifixion that both God’s Law and God’s grace are most gloriously exhibited, and it is at the cross that both God’s justice and His mercy are praised.’ At the cross, though, we are also brought to our knees in humility.
  • Jerry Bridges is a well-known author.
  • They never get the impression that it is an injustice to equals, but rather that it is treason against friends.” G.K.

“I believe that if God should smite me now, without hope or offer of mercy, to the lowest hell, I should only receive what I justly deserve; and I believe that if I am not punished for my sins, or if there is not some plan found by which my sin can be punished in another, I cannot understand how God can be just at all: how can he be the Judge of all the earth, if he allows offenses to go unpunished?” “I believe that if — The Reverend Charles Spurgeon It is only through the death of Christ that God is able to be “just, and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus,” as the Bible states.

  • If God were to be gracious without also satisfying the demands of justice, He would cease to be a God of justice and, as a result, He would lose His claim to the throne of righteousness.
  • Dixon is a fictional character created by author A.C.
  • ‘Sin is the daring of God’s justice, the rape of God’s kindness, the jeer of God’s patience, the diminution of God’s might, and the scorn of God’s love,’ says the Bible.
  • “The penalty must be proportionate to the offence.
  • Those who object to the biblical notion of hell as being excessive demonstrate a lack of understanding of the nature of sin and the consequences of sin.

It would be a miscarriage of justice if offenders were subjected to anything less than the horrors of eternal torment.” Tom Ascol is a writer and a musician who lives in New York City.

What is justice in the Bible?

In that lone man on the cross, who claimed that he had the power to summon down angels at any time on a rescue mission, but decided not to do so – because of us — love was compressed for all of history.” God accepted his own unbreakable standards of justice at the cross.” Yancey, Philip “God, in his boundless mercy, has fashioned a means by which justice can be satisfied and mercy can prevail at the same time,” the author writes.

  1. In order to satisfy Divine Justice, Jesus Christ, the only born of the Father, assumed the shape of a man and provided that which was accepted as an equal to the penalty owed to all of his people.” Charles Spurgeon was a preacher who lived in the 18th century in the English countryside.
  2. He has a blog called The Brent Weeks Blog.
  3. Wendell Berry was a writer and poet who lived in the United States during the early twentieth century.
  4. No one will be held accountable for not believing in a message they have never heard or read before.

“The crucifixion of Jesus is the only place where we can begin a dialogue about justice.” Since justice is established, all of our existing rules will unavoidably be accepted as just without further review, just because they have been established.” Blaise Pascal was a French philosopher who lived in the early nineteenth century.

  • A.W.
  • God’s Law and God’s grace are both most gloriously exhibited at the crucifixion, and it is at the cross that both His justice and His mercy are exalted.” Our most humiliating experience comes at the cross, though.
  • Jerrold Bridges is a well-known author and illustrator.
  • There is seldom a sense that they are doing anything unfair to equals; rather, they are doing something treacherous to comrades.” GW Chesterton was an English author who lived during the nineteenth century.
  • As a God of justice, if God were to be gracious without also satisfying the demands of justice, He would cease to be such and would lose His rightful place on the throne of righteousness.
  • Dixon, A.C.
  • Mr.
  • “The penalty must be proportionate to the offence.” Death and torture in hell serve as a reminder of the evil and gravity of sin.

It would be a miscarriage of justice if sinners were subjected to anything else than the horrors of eternal punishment. Tom Ascol is a writer and a musician who lives in the United Kingdom.

Bible verses about justice and fairness

In that lone man on the cross, who claimed that he had the power to summon down angels at any time on a rescue mission, but chose not to — because of us – love was compressed for all of history. God accepted his own unbreakable standards of justice on the cross.” Philip Yancey is a novelist who lives in the United States. “God, in his boundless mercy, has fashioned a means by which justice can be satisfied and mercy can triumph at the same time,” writes the author. In order to satisfy Divine Justice, Jesus Christ, the only born of the Father, assumed the shape of a man and provided that which was accepted as an equal for the penalty owed to all his people.” Charles Spurgeon was a preacher who lived in the 18th century.

Brent Weeks is a writer who lives in New York City.

“God is not an unfair judge.

“Those who have never heard the gospel will be judged by their refusal to acknowledge the presence of God’s grace and power in nature and in their own conscience.” “Those who have never heard the gospel will be judged by their failure to acknowledge the presence of God’s grace and power in nature and in their own conscience.” John Piper is a writer who lives in New York City.

  • Blaise Pascal was a French philosopher who lived in the early twentieth century.
  • Tozer was a religious leader in the United States.
  • However, it is at the cross that we are most humbled.
  • Jerry Bridges is a well-known actor.
  • They never get the impression that it is an injustice to equals, but rather that it is treason to comrades.” G.K.

“I believe that if God should smite me now, without hope or offer of mercy, to the lowest hell, I should only receive what I justly deserve; and I believe that if I am not punished for my sins, or if there is not some plan found by which my sin can be punished in another, I cannot understand how God can be just at all: how can he be the Judge of all the earth, if he allows offenses to go unpunished?” — The Rev.

  1. Charles Spurgeon As a result of Christ’s death, God is able to be “just, and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus,” as the Bible says.
  2. In a nutshell, He would no longer be God.” A.C.
  3. Dixon.
  4. John Bunyan is a well-known author.
  5. Those who argue that the biblical notion of hell is excessive demonstrate a lack of understanding of the nature of sin.

It would be a miscarriage of justice if offenders were sentenced to anything less than the horrors of eternal torment.” Tom Ascol is a writer and a musician who lives in the United States.

God is just verses

God is a lover of justice. He treats everyone with the respect they deserve. 15. Deuteronomy 32:3–4 (Deuteronomy 32:3–4) When I speak, I shall extol the greatness of our God, who is worthy of praise. He is the Rock, and his acts are without flaw. All of the things he does are right and fair. His character is that of a dependable God who does no wrong; how just and upright is he! 16. 2 Thessalonians 1:6-8 (New International Version) God is just: He will repay those who have caused you grief and provide relief to those who have caused you trouble, as well as to all of us.

  • Whoever does not know God and does not obey the message of our Lord Jesus Christ will be punished by him.
  • 2 Chronicles 19:7 (the Bible) It is important to have reverence for the LORD and to conduct oneself with honesty, for the LORD our God does not tolerate twisted justice, favoritism, or acceptance of bribes.” 18.
  • Psalm 89:13-14 (the 19th Psalm) Your arm is quite powerful!
  • Your right hand is raised to the sky in a display of beautiful strength.
  • As your attendants, unfailing love and truth will go before you.
  • “Because the LORD is righteous, and He delights in justice.
  • Psalm 33:5 says, “The LORD is a lover of righteousness and justice; the earth is full of His devoted affection.” 23, based on the Psalm 17:2 verse: “Let my speech come forth from thy presence; let thine eyes observe what is equal.” John 5:30 p.m.
  • I make decisions based on what God has told me.
  • Romans 3:26 says, “He did it to display his righteousness at the present time, in order to be just and the one who justifies people who have faith in Jesus.” He did it to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.
  • The LORD frees the captives, 8 the LORD restores sight to the blind, the LORD raises those who are bent down, and the LORD is compassionate toward the righteous.
  • ” In the end, he will judge the earth with fairness and the nations with justice.” p.
See also:  Why Did Jesus Wept In John 11:35

They will be kept in perpetuity, while the descendants of the wicked will be exterminated.” The Bible says in Psalm 89:14, “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your kingdom; love and fidelity are the ones who precede you.” 15 “Blessed are those who have learned to praise you, LORD, and who walk in the brightness of your presence,” the Bible says.

In Isaiah 32:16, it says, “The LORD’s justice will dwell in the wilderness, and his righteousness will dwell in the fruitful land.” “a spirit of justice to him who sits in judgment, and a spirit of power to those who withstand the attack at the gate,” says Isaiah 28:6.

Job 37:23 The Bible says in Psalm 97:2 that “clouds and heavy darkness surround him; righteousness and justice serve as the foundation of his kingdom.” 37.1 “He is the Rock, his works are flawless, and all his ways are just,” says Deuteronomy 32:4 (NIV).

“He is a trustworthy God who does no wrong, who is straight and just.”

God justly judges the righteous and the wicked.

Anyone who continues to live a wicked lifestyle is not a Christian, and our righteous God will condemn that person to an eternity of fire, misery, and torture in the Lake of Fire. Keep your distance from sins. Repent and place your faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. Exodus 23:7 (Exodus 23:8) Maintain your distance from any false accusations and refrain from putting an innocent or honest person to death because I will not acquit the guilty. Ecclesiastes 3:17 is the 39th verse. “God will condemn virtuous people as well as evil people,” I reasoned to myself, “since there is a certain time for every action and every job that is performed.” 40.

Psalm 5:5 (Psalm 41:5) The ignorant shall not stand in thy presence, for thou despises all those who work wickedness.

Judge fairly

Proverbs 31:9 is the 42nd verse. Yes, speak out for the poor and the defenseless, and ensure that they receive proper compensation for their suffering. 43. Exodus 23:3 and do not show preference to a poor person who is involved in a legal proceeding. 46 – Exodus 23:6 “Do not withhold justice from your poor people in their legal proceedings.” Reminders Amos 5:7 (Amos 5:7) There are individuals who convert justice into bitterness and despise righteousness to the point of destroying it. Proverbs 17:23 is the 46th verse.


Proverbs 29:7 (verse 48) The virtuous are concerned about the poor’s right to justice, whereas the wicked are unconcerned about such matters.

“If you witness in a province the persecution of the poor and the violation of justice and righteousness, do not be surprised by the situation, because the high official is being watched by a higher official, and there are even higher officials over them,” the Prophet says.

Examples of justice in the Bible

1:4 (Habakkuk 1:4) 52. “The rule of law has been rendered ineffective, and there is no justice in the courts.” Due to a large disparity between the number of evil and the number of virtuous, justice has become twisted.” The book of Isaiah 59:8-9 says, “They do not know the way of peace; there is no justice in their footsteps.” Their transformation into twisted paths ensures that no one who goes along them will be able to find serenity.

  • 9 As a result, justice is far away from us, and righteousness is remote from us.
  • 1 Chronicles 18:14 (the Bible) In this way, David ruled over all of Israel, administering justice and equality to all of his people.
  • 16 “God is guiding you away from danger, Job, and towards a location where you will not be distressed.
  • 17 You, on the other hand, are consumed with whether or not the godless will be judged.

2 Chronicles 9:8 “Praise be to the LORD your God, who has taken pleasure in you and appointed you as king to govern for the LORD your God.” Because of your God’s love for Israel and his desire to preserve them forever, he has appointed you as king over them, with the responsibility of maintaining justice and righteousness.” 57.

We have sinned terribly, and you have punished us only to the extent that we deserve.” Genesis 18:19 (verse 58) “Because I know him, he will order his children and his family after him, and they will maintain the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; and the Lord will bring upon Abraham that which he has prophesied of him,” says the prophet.

The first half was for himself, since he was sat in a portion of the lawgiver there; and he came with the chiefs of the people, and he carried out the justice of the Lord and his judgements in Israel.” 2 Samuel 15:4 (verse 61) Absolom would continue, “If only I had been selected as a judge in this nation!” All complainants and cases may then come to me for resolution, and I would see to it that they were properly compensated.” Jeremiah 31:23 is the 62nd verse.

“Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: “When I bring them back from captivity, they will use this speech throughout the land of Judah and in its towns once more: ‘The Lord bless you, O home of justice, and mountain of holiness!'” Psalm 7:11 (as a bonus) God is a just and fair judge.

Every day, he is filled with rage towards the wicked.

What Does the Bible Say about Justice?

1:4 (Habakkuk 1:2) 52. “The rule of law has been paralyzed, and there is no justice in the courts anymore.” Due to a vast disparity between the number of evil and the number of virtuous, justice has been twisted.” “They do not know the way of peace; there is no justice in their ways,” says Isaiah 59:8-9. 53. No one who travels along them will find tranquility since they have been twisted and twisted. 9 Just as justice is far away from us, righteousness is far away from us. It is as if we are searching for light in a world that is completely dark; for brightness in a world that is completely dark.” Number 54:1 Chronicles 18:14 Consequently, David ruled over all of Israel, administering justice and equality to all of his subjects.

  • In exchange for their pain, Jesus saves others who are in need.
  • 16 The Lord is guiding you away from danger and into a location where you will not be in difficulty.” He’s preparing the nicest cuisine for you to eat at your table.
  • Not to fear, the rule of law and justice will prevail.” 56.
  • “When you chastised us, you were doing us a favor by being fair.
  • Genesis 18:19 is the 58th scripture.
  • 1 Kings 10:9 (verse 59).
  • Number sixty-one (Deut.
  • 61).
  • All complainants and cases may then come to me for resolution, and I would see to it that they were properly compensated.

As the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, declares, “When I bring back their captivity, they will use this speech throughout the land of Judah and in its towns once more: ‘The Lord bless you, O home of justice, and mountain of holiness!’ ” 7:11 (additional verse) Thankfully, God is a kind and fair arbitrator.

Every day, He is filled with rage towards the wicked.

Seek Justice by Seeking the Lord

1:4 (Habakkuk 1:24) 52. “The rule of law has been paralyzed, and there is no justice in the courts.” “Because the evil outweigh the upright, justice has been distorted.” 53. Isaiah 59:8-9 “They do not know the way of peace; there is no justice in their ways.” Their transformation into twisted paths ensures that no one who goes along them will be able to experience tranquility. 9 As a result, justice and righteousness are far away from us. “We search for light, but all we see is darkness; we look for brightness, but all we see is deep shadows,” says the author.

  1. Consequently, David reigned over all of Israel, administering justice and equality to all of his people.
  2. 16 In the words of Job, “God is taking you away from danger and into a land free of sorrow.” He is preparing the nicest cuisine for you to enjoy.
  3. Don’t be concerned; the rule of law and justice will be protected.” 56.
  4. We have sinned terribly, and you have punished us only to the extent that we merited.” Genesis 18:19 is the 58th verse.

1 Kings 10:9 (NIV) “Blessed be the Lord your God, who took pleasure in you and elevated you to the throne of Israel; since the Lord loves Israel forever, He elevated you to the throne of Israel, to rule with fairness and righteousness.” Deuteronomy 33:21 (Deuteronomy) “And he furnished the first half for himself, for there, in a portion of the lawgiver, he was sat; and he came with the chiefs of the people, he executed the justice of the Lord, and his judgements with Israel.” 61.

2 Samuel 15:4 (NASB) Absolom would continue, “If only I had been appointed as a judge in the land!” All complainants and cases may then come to me for resolution, and I would see to it that they received justice.” Jeremiah 31:23 is number 62.

Every day, he is enraged with the wicked.

What the Bible says about justice

52. Habakkuk 1:4 – “The rule of law has been paralyzed, and there is no justice in the courts.” “Because the evil outweigh the upright, justice has been distorted.” 53. Isaiah 59:8-9 “They do not know the way of peace; there is no justice in their footsteps.” They have converted them into twisting pathways, and no one who goes down them will be able to find serenity. 9 As a result, justice is far away from us, and righteousness does not reach us. We search for light, but all we see is darkness; we yearn for brightness, but all we see is deep shadows.” 54.

  • Job 36:15-17 (verses 55-57).
  • Because he attracts their attention by putting them in a difficult situation.
  • He’s preparing the nicest cuisine for you to enjoy.
  • “Don’t be concerned; the rule of law and justice will be protected.” 56.
  • Nehemiah 9:33 “Every time you chastised us, you were doing us a favor.
  • “For I know him, that he will lead his children and his family after him, and they will maintain the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment, that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he has foretold of him.” 59.
  • Deuteronomy 33:21 “And he provided the first half for himself, since there, in a portion of the lawgiver, he was seated; and he came with the chiefs of the people, and he executed the justice of the Lord, and his judgements with Israel.” 61.

Jeremiah 31:23 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: “When I bring back their captivity, they will use this speech throughout the land of Judah and in its towns once more: ‘The Lord bless you, O home of justice, and mountain of holiness!'” Psalm 7:11 as a bonus God is a fair and just judge.

What the Bible Says About Justice

“When justice is done, it brings gladness to the virtuous, but horror to the evildoers,” says the poet (Proverbs 21:15).

2. God loves justice and hates injustice.

The Lord declares: “For I am a righteous judge; I despise thievery and evil.” “I will reward my people for their fidelity, and I will establish an eternal covenant with them” (Isaiah 61:8).

3. Justice comes with God’s blessing.

Blessed are those who behave justly and always do what is right, as the saying goes. Scripture Reference: Psalm 106:3

4. Justice is part of who God is.

Blessed are those who behave justly and always do what is right, as the Bible says. Scripture reference: Psalm 106:3.

5. God wants more justice in the world.

Allow justice to flow like a river and righteousness to gush out like a never-failing stream. (See Amos 5:24.)

6. God wants us to practice justice.

“He has demonstrated to you, O mortal, what is right.” And what is it that the Lord expects of you? In order to walk humbly with your God, you must do what is right, love mercy, and act justly. (Micah 6:8; Isaiah 6:8)

7. God wants our just actions more than our sacrifices to Him.

“He has demonstrated to you, O mortal, what is right. ” And what is it that the Lord expects you to do in return? “To do what is just, to show compassion, and to walk humbly with your God” is a commandment. The book of Micah 6:8 explains that

8. Justice is demonstrated through mercy and compassion.

What the Almighty stated was as follows: ‘Administer real justice; exhibit kindness and compassion to one another.’ (7:9) (Zechariah 7:9)

9. God wants us to work for justice—especially for the vulnerable.

According to the Lord Almighty, ‘Administer real justice; offer love and compassion to one another.'” The book of Zechariah 7:9 describes the situation.

10. Stand up for what’s right, even when others don’t.

“Do not fall into the trap of doing what everyone else is doing. When giving evidence in a case, do not pervert the course of justice by side with the majority of witnesses” (Exodus 23:2).

11. Upholding justice is an essential part of being a good steward of what God has given us.

The Lord your God has told you to “follow justice and justice alone” so that you may live and possess the land that the Lord your God has given you (Deuteronomy 16:20).

12. God commands His people to uphold justice.

As the Lord has said, “Keep justice and practice righteousness, because my redemption will come quickly, and my righteousness will be revealed.” (See Isaiah 56:1.)

13. Jesus hears our cries for justice and promises to bring it.

“And will God not bring about justice for his chosen ones, who call out to him day and night?” says the author. Is he going to keep putting them off? I promise you that he will see to it that they receive justice as soon as possible. “Will the Son of Man, on the other hand, find trust on the earth when he comes?” (See also Luke 18:7-8)

14. Jesus will establish justice for everyone on earth.

He is my servant, whom I protect; he is my chosen one, in whom I take pleasure; I will place my Spirit on him, and he will deliver justice to all the nations.” He will bring forth justice in all of his faithfulness; he will not fail or be disheartened until he has established justice on the world. “It is in his instruction that the islanders will place their trust” (Isaiah 42:1-4). Walking humbly with God and doing justly, loving kindness, and being merciful is not a simple undertaking, but it is a noble vocation.

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24 Informative Bible Verses about Justice

“Behold, my servant, whom I maintain, my chosen one, in whom I take pleasure; I will place my Spirit on him, and he will deliver justice to all the nations. ” Until justice is established on earth, he will proceed in fidelity, and he will not fail or be disheartened in his pursuit of it. “The islands will place their faith in his teachings” (Isaiah 42:1-4). Walking humbly with God and doing justly, loving kindness, and being merciful is a difficult undertaking, but it is a worthwhile one.

In applying God’s heart of justice, we will witness ourselves and others transformed as the kingdom of heaven descends onto the planet. Join our mailing list to receive more practical applications of the Bible to your life. Subscribehere.

1. Do not pervert justice (Leviticus 19:15)

“Behold, my servant, whom I protect, my chosen one, in whom I take pleasure; I will place my Spirit on him, and he will deliver justice to the nations.” He will bring out justice in his faithfulness; he will not fail or be disheartened until he has established justice on earth. “It is in his instruction that the islanders will place their faith” (Isaiah 42:1-4). It is not an easy undertaking to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God, but it is a noble vocation. As we apply God’s heart of justice, we will witness ourselves and others transformed as the kingdom of heaven comes to earth.

See also:  What Did Jesus Say About Traditions

2. God shows no partiality (Deuteronomy 10:17–18)

Due to the fact that the Lord your God is the most high God and the most lowly lord, the big God who is strong and majestic, who does not show prejudice and does not take bribes, He fights for the rights of the fatherless and the widow, and he cares for the foreigners who live among you by providing them with food and clothes. The Bible contains several references to the care of vulnerable people, such as orphans, widows, and outsiders. In the ancient Near East, families served as the primary unit of stability.

This explains why widows, orphans, and outsiders were so vulnerable and exposed—and why God continues to fight on their behalf on a daily basis.

3. Cursed is anyone who withholds justice (Deuteronomy 27:19)

Due to the fact that the Lord your God is the most high God and the most lowly lord, the big God who is strong and majestic, who is without prejudice and who does not take bribes, As a fatherless and widow advocate, he also cares for the foreigners who have come to live among you, providing them with food and clothes. Orphans, widows, and immigrants are among the disadvantaged categories mentioned frequently in the Bible. In the ancient Near East, families served as the primary unit of social organization.

So God fights on their behalf on a daily basis for the widows, orphans, and foreigners who are left unprotected and exposed.

4. Defend the fatherless and oppressed (Psalm 10:17–18)

You, Lord, hear the cries of the oppressed; you encourage them and listen to their cries, protecting the fatherless and the persecuted, so that ordinary mortals will never again strike dread into their hearts. This song of praise informs the worshiper that God hears and responds to the cries of the afflicted, even when it may not appear to be the case at the time. In the next verse, the psalmist claims that God saves the oppressed from the horror of mankind who would otherwise overlook or exploit them.

5. The Lord loves justice (Psalm 33:5)

The Lord is a lover of righteousness and justice, and the land is abounding with evidence of his steadfast affection. We have a tendency to think of “justice” as a form of retribution for transgression. The Bible, on the other hand, teaches that justice is about more than simply punishment. It is about ensuring that individuals receive what is owed to them. The Hebrew term for justice is mishpat, which means “righteousness.” The rule specifies that the tabernacle priests were to be maintained by a portion of Israel’s riches, which was to be divided among them.

As a result, we might think of justice as the act of obtaining what is owed to one—both good and terrible. God, according to the psalmist, delights in righteousness, but He also delights in seeing that people receive what they are due.

6. Uphold the cause of the oppressed (Psalm 82:3–4)

Make a stand for the vulnerable and the fatherless; fight for justice for those who are destitute and mistreated. Please save the poor and the needy, and free them from the clutches of the evil one. Psalm 82 paints a vision of God taking judgment on the gods of many countries. As a beginning, Jesus reproaches them for upholding the wrong and displaying bias to the evil (vs. 2). Then He demonstrates to them what distinguishes Him:

  • Make a stand for the weak and the fatherless, and fight to advance the cause of the poor and oppressed. Please save the poor and the needy, and deliver them from the clutches of the evil one. We see God casting judgment on the gods of many countries in Psalm 82. As he begins, he reproaches them for upholding the wrong and displaying bias to the evil (vs. 2). Then He demonstrates what distinguishes Him from the rest of the crowd.

Clearly, the “gods” of the countries are being assessed based on the behavior of their followers, just as God demonstrates His concern for the poor by the obedience of His people.

7. The Lord secures justices for the poor (Psalm 140:12)

I am confident that the Lord achieves justice for the impoverished and defends the rights of the oppressed. Every time we pray, God assures us that He will maintain justice and will fight for the rights of the oppressed. It is necessary for God’s people to ponder the issue, “How does He accomplish such great things?” Through the sympathetic obedience of His people, He accomplishes this. That is why it was so critical for Israel to act in a just and unbiased manner. God would take care of the poor and the needy because of their work on his behalf.

8. Blessed are those who act justly (Psalm 106:2–3)

Who has the authority to announce the wonderful deeds of the Lord or to completely exalt him? Those who act justly, who always do what is right, are those who are blessed. The psalmist informs us that those who practice righteousness and justice are the ones who will be able to best reveal God’s tremendous actions and shout His praise in the future. Why? As a result of their actions, they demonstrate that God is deserving of our appreciation.

9. It’s not good to be partial to the wicked (Proverbs 18:5)

It is wrong to show favoritism to the wicked and so deny justice to those who are innocent. Throughout the Bible, it is often stated that it is immoral to show preference toward the wicked. The difficulty is that no one believes they are doing anything like that. There are a plethora of reasons why individuals explain their prejudices. Possibly, they convince themselves that the “innocent” wouldn’t be in trouble if they weren’t the ones who committed the crime. It’s possible that they live in a society where cruelty is normalized.

That’s where we find out whether or not we’re being completely honest.

10. Obedience is better than sacrifice (Proverbs 21:3)

It is wrong to show favoritism to the evil and so deny justice to the innocent. The Bible warns us on several occasions that showing preference to the wicked is unacceptable. One of the problems is that no one believes they are doing anything like that. It is possible to defend one’s prejudice in a variety of ways. Possibly, they convince themselves that the “innocent” wouldn’t be in problems if they weren’t the ones who committed the crimes.

It’s possible that they live in a society where evil is accepted as natural. If we wish to be fair and unbiased judges, we must examine our own inherent tendencies and prejudices. The test will reveal whether or not we are actually fair in our dealings with others.

11. Justice brings joy to the righteous (Proverbs 21:15)

When justice is served, it provides delight to the upright while causing horror in the hearts of the wicked. It is consistent with the Hebrew term mishpat to use this proverb. When the oppressed or the destitute receive their just compensation, it seems like they have been liberated. When the wicked receive their just compensation, it appears to be fair.

12. It goes well with those who convict the guilty (Proverbs 24:24–25)

Individuals and countries will curse and scorn anyone who tells a guilty person, “You are innocent.” However, things will go well for those who convict the guilty, and they will get a tremendous blessing as a result. The Bible presents God as a fair and impartial judge on a number of occasions:

  • “As stated in Deuteronomy 10:17, “For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and majestic, who shows no favoritism and accepts no bribes”
  • “Now, let the fear of the Lord be upon you.” “Be very careful in making your decisions, for with the Lord our God there is no injustice, partiality, or bribery” (2 Chronicles 19:7)
  • “For God does not show favoritism” (Romans 2:11)
  • “Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for their wrongs, and there is no favoritism” (Proverbs 31:6)
  • “Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for their wrongs, and there is no favoritism” (Pro “(See Colossians 3:25 for more information.)

God does not tolerate partiality in His dealings with individuals, and He does not want to see it in His followers.

13. Learn to do right (Isaiah 1:17)

Learn to do what is right and to seek justice. Defend those who are oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless, and argue the widow’s case, if necessary. Isaiah pleads with God on Israel’s behalf, urging them to fulfill their divinely mandated obligations. While it is important for individual Israelites to take these words to heart, they are also addressed to God’s entire people as a whole. For a community to mirror God’s nature, it would have to be a society that was just and caring toward its members.

14. In faithfulness He will bring forth justice (Isaiah 42:1–4)

“Here is my servant, whom I maintain; here is my chosen one, in whom I take pleasure; I will place my Spirit on him, and he will deliver justice to all the nations of the world. He will not scream or cry out, nor will he raise his voice in protest on the streets. An injured reed will not be broken, and a blazing candle will not be extinguished by him. He will bring forth justice in all of his faithfulness; he will not fail or be disheartened until he has established justice on earth. He will be the one in whom the islanders will place their trust.” God’s coming Messiah would be unlike any of the previous rulers to whom the Israelites had become accustomed.

He would not snuff out blazing wicks or circumvent the system of justice.

15. Loose the chains of injustice (Isaiah 58:6–10)

“Aren’t these the kinds of fasting I’ve chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of oppression, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?” says the prophet. Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide shelter for the poor wanderer—when you see the naked, to clothe them—and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide shelter for the poor wanderer? Then your light will break forth like the morning, and your healing will manifest itself immediately; after that, your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will serve as your rearguard.

” The burden of tyranny, the pointing finger, and malicious discourse must be removed, and if you expend yourselves on behalf of the hungry and supply the needs of those who are oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.” The prophet Isaiah discusses the subject of false piety, which is a topic that Jesus tackles in the Sermon on the Mount.

People who participate in religious ceremonies but do not sincerely care about the issues that are important to God’s heart are not tricked by God’s grace. When God’s people exhibit His love for others by caring for their well-being, they become a light in the world.

16. I am the Lord who exercises kindness (Jeremiah 9:23–24)

As the Lord declares: “Let not the wise boast of their wisdom, nor the strong boast of their strength, nor the wealthy boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me; that I am the Lord; that I am the one who exercises kindness, justice, and righteousness on earth; for in these I delight,” declares the Lord. What are the things that God’s people should be proud of? What is their strength, wealth, or wisdom? No. In their comprehension of the Lord, they should take great pride.

That He takes pleasure in acts of love, fairness, and righteousness.

17. Do what is just and right (Jeremiah 22:3)

This is what the Lord says: Do what is just and right in the eyes of the world. Rescue the one who has been stolen from the clutches of the oppressor. It is forbidden to do harm or violence to foreigners, fatherless children, or widows, and it is also forbidden to shed innocent blood in this location. The words of Jeremiah parallel the lesson that Jesus taught in the Parable of the Good Samaritan. We display our affection for others by the actions we take on their behalf. Israel is commanded by the prophet to save others from tyranny.

18. Maintain love and justice (Hosea 12:6)

It is necessary, however, that you return to your God, that you retain love and justice, and that you always wait for your God. The prophet Hosea appealed for Israel to return to their original love, which was the land of Canaan. Their restoration was possible through the mercy of God, and all they had to do was preserve love and justice while waiting on the Lord.

19. Maintain justice in the courts (Amos 5:15)

Hate evil, love good, and uphold the rule of law in the courts. Perhaps the Lord God Almighty will have pity on Joseph’s family and the rest of his descendants. Amos is another of the minor prophets who is concerned with bringing Israel back into a right connection with the Almighty. As was the case with the majority of prophets, their demands for justice were concentrated on justice. In this particular instance, Israel’s judicial system had become corrupt and prejudiced as a result of political pressure.

20. Let justice roll on like a river (Amos 5:21–24)

I dislike and despise even more your religious festivities; your religious meetings are a smell to me. Even if you bring me burned sacrifices and grain offerings, I will not accept them because they are unclean. Despite the fact that you will be bringing excellent fellowship offerings, I shall have no regard for them. Leave the clamor of your tunes behind you! Your harps’ sound will not be heard by this listener. But justice should flow like a river, and righteousness should flow like a never-failing stream.

Religious spectacle, on the other hand, is separated from the things that God is genuinely concerned about, and God refers to it as “a smell in His nostrils.”

21. To act justly and to love mercy (Micah 6:6–8)

What am I supposed to bring before the Lord, and how am I supposed to bend down before the exalted God? Is it appropriate for me to appear before him with burned sacrifices and calves that are a year old? Will the Lord be delighted with ten thousand rivers of olive oil, or with thousands of rams slaughtered? Is it appropriate for me to offer my firstborn as a sacrifice for my sin, or the fruit of my body as a sacrifice for the sin of my soul? He has demonstrated to you, mortal, what is good. And what is it that the Lord expects of you?

Many of us are aware with the verse Micah 6:8, which states, “He has revealed you.” The setup for this verse, on the other hand, is something we are less familiar with.

It is in this context that Micah states the following: “He’s already demonstrated what He expects of you.

22. Administer true justice (Zechariah 7:8–10)

And the word of the Lord came to Zechariah once again, saying: “What the Lord Almighty said was as follows: ‘Administer real justice; offer love and compassion to one another.’ Do not mistreat the widow or the fatherless, the stranger or the needy, and do not oppress the foreigner or the poor. ‘Do not conspire to do ill against one another.'” Beginning with the Jews fasting (perhaps in response to Nebuchadnezzar’s destruction of God’s temple), the seventh chapter of Zechariah sets the tone for the rest of the book.

23. Do what you would have them do to you (Matthew 7:12)

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you in all circumstances, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets in their entirety. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” says Jesus, summarizing the entire rule in a single sentence. This is significantly different from the principle of “don’t do to others what you wouldn’t want done to you,” which is more general. The one helps the disadvantaged, whilst the latter merely does not kick them while they are already on their backs.

A good example of this is seen in Jesus’ Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus.

Unlike the affluent man, the beggar is welcomed into heaven, whilst the rich man suffers in Hell.

Every day, he just enjoyed his luxury while disregarding the plight of the poor guy who stood at his gate.

24. You neglect justice and the love of God (Luke 11:42)

You Pharisees are cursed because you give God ten percent of your mint, rue, and all other sorts of garden herbs while neglecting justice and God’s love. Ideally, you would have practiced the latter while leaving the former uncompleted.

Despite the fact that the Pharisees went above and beyond in their tithe, they were lacking in compassion and justice. They were obsessed with all of the specifics of the law, but they failed to recognize its overall essence.

Sharing the gospel of justice

A restored connection with God is one of the most valuable possessions we may ever own. As a result, spreading the gospel to every people group on the planet, without discrimination, is an essential component of what it is to be just. More than 490 million individuals throughout the world have made the decision to follow Jesus as a result of the Jesus Film Project®. If you’re interested in learning more about the work of the Jesus Film Project, please visit our about page. You may also find techniques and materials to help you in evangelism and discipleship on this site.

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