Why Didn T God Save Jesus

Why Jesus Wasn’t Saved

The Holy Bible (English Standard Version) is a good resource. “Scripture quotes are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version ® (ESV ®), which was published by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, in 2001 under copyright. Permission was granted to use. “All intellectual property rights are protected.” Singing by Clay Aiken in the YouTube video “Mary Did You Know” Nativity,Christmas,Bible Verses concerning Jesus’ birth,Christmas,nativity scene

That’s ridiculous, right?

The individuals who are speaking in Matthew 27:42 are referring to Jesus’ death on the cross. They are alluding to the fact that Jesus saved and freed many people from disease and even death, and they find it ironic that, despite the fact that Jesus saved others, He was unable to save Himself from death on the cross. And, of course, we all know that Jesus had the ability to save Himself, but He chose not to do so. It is true that Jesus died on the cross. He was not saved in the end (from death on the cross).

Without a doubt, this is not the case!

Anyone with even a smidgeon of common sense recognizes that the term “save” in Matthew 27:42 does not refer to escape from hell and admittance into paradise, nor does it refer to having eternal life.

As a result, when people say, “He cannot save himself,” they are referring to the fact that he is unable to save himself from dying on the cross.

Why do I bring this up?

Recent conversations about various theological topics (baptism, unforgivable sin, women in ministry, etc.) have centered on the word “save,” which is frequently used in these verses to defend one’s point of view. I’ve been involved in a number of online (and offline) conversations about this word recently (cf., Matt 24:13; 1 Pet 3:21, 1 Cor 3:15; 5:5; 2 Thess 2:10; 1 Tim 2:15; James 2:14-26). They interpret these lines believing that the term “save” refers to “deliverance from hell, admittance into paradise, justification, or gaining eternal life,” whereas, in fact, the context reveals that this is not what the word “save” implies.

  1. In the past, when Dr.
  2. ” Amen” He claims that he always enjoyed praying this prayer with his eyes open so that he could observe the reactions of those in the seats around him.
  3. Is it possible that we’ve just brought in a guest speaker who isn’t saved?
  4. There’s a problem!
  5. Radmacher would go on to instruct them in a manner similar to that which I am presenting in this piece.
  6. Radmacher’s prayer did not imply that he did not believe his listeners and himself to be in possession of eternal life.

What you’re praying for is absolutely appropriate and biblically mandated! In his knowledge, Dr. Radmacher understood that the word “save” in the Bible frequently had nothing to do with being granted eternal life. It is recommended that you read his book Salvation (if you haven’t already).

The Word “Save” in Scripture

The term “save” in Scripture (and its cognates such as saved, salvation, Savior, and so on) does not relate to “deliverance from hell, admittance into paradise, justification, or gaining eternal life,” according to my estimation of 99-100 percent of its occurrences. An other form of delivery is in the offing, though (cf. Matt 8:25). See this blog article I created regarding the term “save” for further information. According to the findings of my own research, I believe there are only two plausible options for the passages in which the term “save” refers to attaining eternal life: Acts 16:30-31 and Ephesians 2:8-9, respectively.

As a result, the next time you are reading Scripture and come across the word “save,” take a moment to reflect on what you are reading and then look at the context to see what kind of deliverance is being talked about.

Isn’t this just semantics?

Yes. Yes, it is. Furthermore, when it comes to the Gospel, semantics are quite significant. How many of us have told others that “Jesus Saves” or inquired as to whether they were saved? Not only is such a remark or question not found anywhere in the Bible, but it is also completely incomprehensible to the majority of people. People who have not been exposed to Christian terminology instinctively think, “Jesus Saves? ” “What does it save me from?” Do you still not believe me? However, the following images poke fun at Christianity while also demonstrating that the slogan “Jesus saves” is ambiguous.

Anyone who places their faith in Jesus as their Savior will be granted eternal life.

Jesus was not saved from the crucifixion in order for us to enjoy eternal life by trust in Him, as some people believe.

Why didn’t God just take our sins away?

God brought Jesus to earth in order for Him to be slaughtered in our place, so redeeming us from our sins. God, on the other hand, sent Jesus knowing that he would die and that our sins would be forgiven. What’s the point? What was He thinking when He didn’t just take them away without sacrificing His son? He is the Almighty. Second, why did God suddenly change his mind about punishing mankind for the sins of Adam and Eve and decide to save everyone instead? To round up this list of promises, the covenant with Abraham indicates that through him, all peoples of the world shall be benefited.

There are so many holes.

Is there a certain point in the Bible where it begins to speak about true salvation?

Bible Answer:

Your questions indicate that God had the ability to choose and that God may alter his mind.

1st Question

For what reason did God send His son to die on the cross for the people of the world? What’s the point? What was He thinking when He didn’t just take them away without sacrificing His son? He is the Almighty. Because it is said, “YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY,” we must first grasp that God is a holy person before we can answer the question properly. (NASB) 1 Peter 1:16 (New International Version) We can read the words, but it is hard for us to fully comprehend the thoughts and feelings of a truly holy individual.

  • You were under the impression that I was the same as you.
  • He is the type of person who does not break any moral rules.
  • Since sin entered the world via one man, death spread to all men as a result of all men’s transgression.
  • 5:12 (New American Standard Bible) However, we are also taught that God loves us so much that he decided to save us by sending Jesus to earth to die for our sins.
  • Because, while we were still helpless, Christ died for the ungodly at the appropriate moment.
  • God, on the other hand, reveals His own love for us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died on the cross for us.
  • 5:6-7 (New American Standard Bible) The message of Hebrews 10 is that a completely holy person, Jesus Christ, had to die in order for our sins to be forgiven and removed from our lives.
  • There is no one else who is ethically flawless.
  • And you are aware that He arrived in order to cleanse the world of sin, and that there is no sin in Him.

2nd Question

The reason for this rapid 180-degree shift in God’s policy from punishing everyone for the sin of Adam and Eve to saving everyone is unclear. No, God did not suddenly change his mind and decide that he would no longer punish humans. First and foremost, God never changes. Take a look at the book of Hebrews. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, according to the Bible. Hebrews 13:8 (New American Standard Bible) God’s character never changes. Second, God had intended to accomplish this from the beginning of time — in other words, from the commencement of the creation of the universe.

And God resurrected Him from the dead, putting an end to the pain of death, for it was impossible for Him to be kept captive by it in the first instance.


God foresaw that Adam would make this decision, and as a result, He planned to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to die in our place.

He had intended to send Jesus to rescue us from our predicament from the beginning, because He desires a connection with men and women who are desirous of having a relationship with Him.

Third Question

During the conversation between God and Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3, God was referring to His plan to save us via Jesus Christ, which we may read about in the book of John. Further clarification occurs later in Genesis 22, when God reiterates and expands upon the promise. Take note of the phrase “in your seed” in verse 18, which means “in your lineage.” The term “seed” alludes to Abraham’s descendants or descendents in the verse that follows this one. He is referring to the person of Jesus Christ.

  1. And because you have listened to My words, all of the nations of the globe will be blessed via your descendants.
  2. He does not add, “And to seeds,” as if he is talking to a large number of them, but rather to a single one, “And to your seed,” which is Christ himself.
  3. 3:16 (New American Standard Bible) Hebrews 11:8-13 reminds us that Abraham recognized the promise that Jesus Christ would come to die for our sins and that he comprehended it.
  4. God made the following remark to Satan, which is as follows: Then I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; he will bruise you on the head, and you will bruise him on the heel.
  5. Gen.
  6. We now understand that this is not conceivable, with the exception of a virgin birth.
  7. When Mary gave birth to Jesus via the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit, this was what happened (Luke 2:6-38).


God want to have a personal connection with us. Some of us are unconcerned, while others are concerned. Our forefathers and foremothers chose to disobey and exercised their freedom of choice. God had forewarned them that if they decided to do so, they would deserve to die as a result of their actions. God was not taken by surprise. He was well aware that this was about to happen. As a result, God had already planned to send Jesus Christ to die for us in order to provide people who desired an intimate connection with God with the opportunity to do so.

See also:  What Killed Jesus?

You may or may not have a personal relationship with God.

Why Jesus Couldn’t Save Himself

One of the most spiritually uplifting novels I’ve read in a long time isScandalous: The Cross and Resurrection of Jesusby D.A. Carson, who has written several other works as well. You may view or listen to the original messages by visiting this page. During Jesus’ time on the crucifixion, the top priests, scribes, and elders insulted him and said, “He saved others, but he cannot rescue himself.” His title is “King of Israel,” and if he can come down from the cross today, we will accept him as our Messiah.

  • This would be a truly stunning and compelling demonstration of force, and the mockers would be backpedaling in a remarkably short period of time.
  • Without a doubt, this is not the case!
  • It is unlikely that those who mocked Jesus and other observers would have believed in him in that way since he would not have killed himself for us, and there would be nothing in which to place our faith other than our worthless and hollow self-righteousness if he had jumped from the cross.
  • The only way he could rescue others was precisely by refusing to save himself; the only way he could save others was precisely by refusing to save himself.
  • The guy who is unable to rescue himself is able to help others.
  • He couldn’t help himself, they added, since the nails kept him in place, the soldiers stopped him from being rescued, and his own powerlessness and frailty ensured his death, according to the statement.
  • Those who understand who Jesus is, on the other hand, are well aware that nails and soldiers will not be able to stand in the path of Emmanuel.
  • He had come to carry out his Father’s instructions, and he would not be deterred from doing so.

It was not the nails that nailed Jesus to that terrible crucifixion; rather, it was his unwavering determination, motivated by love for his Father, to carry out his Father’s will—and, within that framework, it was his love for sinners like myself. In the end, he couldn’t help but give up.

Did God Abandon Jesus on the Cross? Billy Graham Answers

When Jesus declared elsewhere that God had abandoned Him, what did He mean by that? This has always perplexed me, since if Jesus was indeed God’s Son, how could God forsake Him? This is something I’ve thought about a lot. Specifically, you’re talking to some of Jesus’ final recorded remarks, which were delivered while He was dying on the cross. According to the Bible, He “cried out in a loud voice. ‘My God, my God, why have you left me?'” (Matthew 15:34) What exactly did He intend by that? Do you think he was instantly overcome with self-doubt, wondering if he had misinterpreted what God had entrusted to him?

  1. It was after all (according to some) that the multitude had turned against Him, and it appeared as though His ministry had come to an abrupt end.
  2. In support of this position, they point out that when Jesus died on the cross, all of our sins were transferred to Him, without exception.
  3. However, when He died, all of our sins were heaped on Him, and He was so designated as the ultimate and last sacrifice for our sins.
  4. It was his weeping that brought this truth to light; he had to bear the separation from God that you and I deserved.
  5. We have no reason to be afraid of death, Hell, or judgment because Christ died for us!

God didn’t abandon Jesus, and He won’t abandon you. Make Him part of your life today.

In order to properly analyze your question, it is necessary to understand several aspects of Jesus’ divinity. These include: First and foremost, we must recognize that when we adhere to the notion of the Trinity, we are acknowledging that Jesus is a third person in the Godhead. These are the Father and the Holy Ghost, who are the other two components of God. Angels are not free-willed entities in the same way that humans are. Angels are only capable of carrying out God’s plan since they are incapable of considering the pros and cons of many possibilities.

  1. In order to carry out the Father’s desire, Jesus did not want anybody interfering with his efforts.
  2. I can do nothing of my own accord: as I hear, I judge; and my judgment is fair, because I seek not my own will, but the will of the Father who sent me, as I understand it.
  3. The fact that Jesus’ primary reason for coming to earth was to reconcile God’s creation to him means that anything less would have been a waste of his time and effort.
  4. In order that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have everlasting life, it is the desire of the Father that I bring him up at the last day, as he has said.

KJVA translation of Revelation 7:9 through 15 After that, I looked, and behold, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes and holding palms in their hands; and they cried out with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God who sitteth on the throne, and unto the Lamb.

  • Amen.
  • And I told him, “Sir, thou knowst what I’m talking about.” “These are the ones who have come out of tremendous tribulation, and they have washed their garments and made them white in the blood of the Lamb,” he explained.
  • This is the basis behind salvation, as well as who they are who Jesus referred to as “those whom the Father has given me” (those whom the Father has given me).
  • the book of John (verses 1 through 5) Beginning with the creation of the Word, and with God from the beginning of time, the Word became God.
  • All things were created by him, and there was no thing created that was created without his help.
  • And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness is unable to grasp what is happening.
  • This clarifies what Jesus was referring about when he said: 6:39 and 40 (John 6:39 and 40) And this is the Father’s will for me, as he has sent me: that I should lose nothing of what he has given me, but that I should bring it all up again at the end of time.

And those who have been handed to him by the other two members of the Trinity are as follows: KJV translation of John 3:16-18.

Because God did not send his Son into the world in order to condemn the world, but in order that the world could be saved through him.

So what we learn from this is that God, in his wrath, would destroy all of creation, but has agreed to give Jesus those for whom he absorbed their sins and bore the penalty that had been imposed on Adam as a punishment for disobedience to his commands.

Revelation 21:1 through 4 in the King James Version It was then that I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and old earth had gone away, and there was no more a sea.

And I heard a loud voice from heaven say, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with mankind, and he will live with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.

For the old things are no longer present, God will wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there will be no more death, neither mourning, nor weeping, nor will there be any more suffering, because the former things are no longer present.

Moreover, God placed the Angels on a temporary hold so that Jesus might recapture those who believed in not just Jesus’ divinity, but also in his desire to have people who were formed in God’s image. That resemblance is also a trinity, consisting of the body, the Spirit, and the Soul.

Why did Jesus have to die?

In order to properly address your question, it is necessary to understand several aspects of Jesus’ divinity first. First and foremost, we must recognize that when we adhere to the notion of the Trinity, we are acknowledging that Jesus is a third person in the Godhead. These are the Father and the Holy Spirit, who are the other two components of God. Unlike humans, angels are not free-willed creatures like ourselves. In the absence of the ability to assess alternatives, angels are only capable of carrying out God’s decision in all circumstances.

  • In order to carry out the will of the Father, Jesus did not want anyone interfering with his work.
  • KJVI on John 5 I can do nothing of my own accord: as I hear, I judge; and my judgment is fair, because I seek not my own will, but the will of the Father who sent me, which is the will of God.
  • The objective of Jesus’ coming to earth in the first place was to restore God’s creation to him, and anything less would have been a waste of his time and effort.
  • In order that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, it is the desire of the Father that I bring him up at the end of time, as he has promised.
  • KJVA translation of Revelation 7:9-15.
  • Amen.
  • said one of the elders, who then proceeded to ask me.

Afterward, I addressed him as Sir, indicating that I was aware of his presence.

And as a result, they are before the throne of God, serving him day and night in his temple, while He who sitteth on the Throne will reside among them.

At the beginning, God was like that as well.

He created everything.

Also, the light shines in the darkness, but the darkness is unable to see it.

What Jesus was referring to in his words is clarified as follows.

In order that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, it is the desire of the Father that I bring him up at the end of time, as he has promised.

Due to God’s great love for the world, he sacrificed his only born Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have everlasting life.

A believer is not condemned, but a nonbeliever is already condemned because he has not placed his faith in the name of the one and only begotten Son of God (Matthew 16:16).

See also:  How Do You See Jesus?

When we listen closely, we can practically hear God commanding Michael and the other Angels to destroy all of creation, and then, after Jesus’ intervention, permitting Jesus to rescue a portion of his creation and ordering the Angels to put off their devastation until the end of the world.

It was at that moment that I heard a loud voice from heaven say: Behold the tabernacle of God has come among mankind, and he will dwell among them, and they will be his people, and God himself will dwell among them and be their God.

As a result, we must presume that God, in his wrath, has determined that all of creation would be destroyed, but has kindly enabled Jesus to recover a little piece of his creation; to go to a new creation where God will establish a perfect atmosphere in which to enter Eternity with his Father.

It is likewise a trinity, consisting of the body, the Spirit, and the Soul, in this case.

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Why doesn’t God save everyone?

QuestionAnswer I’ve often wondered, “If God loves us and wants us to spend eternity with Him, why doesn’t He just save everyone right away?” This question, and others like it, frequently discourage individuals from continuing their search for God because they believe that this question is a mountain that they will never be able to climb. However, the question itself is predicated on several incorrect assumptions. The issue of why God does not save everyone no longer holds the same weight it had when those assumptions were rectified.

  1. At our most basic level, we are nothing more than particles of dust, peering up into the world and demanding that it make sense to our limited intellects.
  2. (Isaiah 55:8–9).
  3. When we embrace that truth and connect our thoughts with His point of view, we put ourselves in a better position to gain more insight.
  4. He is eternally creative, and at some time in the past, He created the cosmos we live in today (Genesis 1:1).
  5. When He created Adam, He sat down in the soil and molded the clay that would become his body.
  6. It was the image of God that distinguished humans from all other living things on this planet.
  7. A being so like God that the man could think, ponder, intuit, and pick his own pathways was God’s choice when creating the human being.

God has such a high regard for what He has made that He will not allow even His overwhelming love to infringe on our ability to freely choose.

Due to the fact that He will not interfere with the free will He has granted us.

He was under no obligation to do so.

The Bible says that untold millions of created beings adore and serve Him at all hours of the day and night (Daniel 7:10; Revelation 5:1–3; Isaiah 6:1–3).

We have the ability to display His splendor in ways that are unique to our design (Proverbs 16:7; Psalm 147:11; 149:4).

God’s act of creating humans may be compared to a couple who are perfectly happy and satisfied in their own company, but who decide to produce a child together anyhow.

They have decided to modify their life by exposing themselves to a level of vulnerability that they did not have to expose themselves to.

They will not, however, force the relationship since forced love is not love at all.

Because our love for Him must be a free choice on our part.

It takes thousands of years for Him to make Himself known (Psalm 19:1; Psalm 97:6; Romans 1:19–20), and He works tirelessly behind the scenes to put us in a position to reach out to Him (Isaiah 46:10–11; Proverbs 16:33).

However, He will not impose salvation on those who are reluctant to accept it.

Due to the fact that presents must be accepted voluntarily.

Having been turned down for that position, he does not take it lightly.

Why doesn’t God just save everyone at the same time?

“Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not believe in the Son of God has no eternal life” (1 John 5:12).

Sin is severe, and we owe a debt to our Creator that must be satisfied (Colossians 2:14).

CS Lewis famously observed, “There are only two sorts of people at the end of the day: those who say to God, “Thy will be done,” and those to whom God says, “Thy will be done,” at the end of the day.

Hell would not exist unless someone made the decision to go there.

No soul that is truly and continually desirous of happiness will ever be without it. Those who look for them will discover them. “Whoever knocks, the door is opened” (fromThe Great Divorce). Questions regarding Salvation (return to top of page) What is it about God that he doesn’t save everyone?

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Why Did Jesus Die?

According to EveryStudent.com The killing of Jesus Christ through crucifixion was reserved for the most heinous of offenders. In Jesus’ situation, it seems that almost everyone helped in some way. All of the Jewish religious authorities, the Gentile Roman authority, and an enraged crowd of people demanded his execution. Why? It all began in a little town in Israel, not far from the capital city of Jerusalem. Having reached the age of thirty, Jesus began to educate others about life and God. He drew a large number of people to him.

  1. He accepted not only the affluent and powerful, but also prostitutes, the impoverished, the sick, and others who were excluded in society.
  2. “He who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will be illuminated by the light of life,” Jesus says.
  3. As a result of what they witnessed.
  4. He started with a handful of fish and a few loaves of bread and worked his way up to feeding a 4,000-person hungry gathering.
  5. At sea, Jesus arose and ordered the wind and rain to cease, bringing about a brief respite from the storm.
  6. 3On several occasions, he was able to bring the dead back to life.

So Why Was Jesus Crucified?

As Jesus taught the masses, he was also critical of the religious authority in power at the time. They made a show of their authority, insisting on strict adherence to their stringent rituals, rules, and cultural customs. “They bind together huge loads that are difficult to carry and place them on people’s shoulders,” Jesus remarked of them. 4 “You hypocrites!” he said, in a direct challenge to their position. Isaiah accurately saw your future when he declared, “This nation respects me with their lips, but their hearts are distant from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching the laws of men as doctrines.” 5 In the case of the Sabbath, for example, they were very rigid.

  • It was more limiting than it was soothing in its effects.
  • In response, Jesus instructed the guy to take up his mat and walk.
  • “It is the Sabbath, and it is not permissible for you to be carrying your mat,” the Pharisees told him when they spotted him.
  • He did not take a break on the Sabbath.
  • 6

Jesus Was Clear about His Deity.

Knowing Jesus, according to him, was to know God. 7To behold him was to behold God. 8Believing in him was the same as believing in God. 9To accept him was to accept God as well. 10To despise him was to despise God. 11And to honor him was to worship God, for he was the embodiment of holiness. Following Jesus’ popularity, the Jewish Pharisees and Sadducees determined that they needed to get rid of him in order to restore control over the people’s hearts and minds. They captured Jesus and took him before the high priest, who questioned Jesus, “Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?” (Are you the Son of the Blessed?) I am,” Jesus said, and you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power, descending on the clouds of sky to meet you.

  • And they all agreed that he was a murderer who deserved to die.
  • This means that both Jewish and Gentile people took part in Jesus’ murder.
  • He thought that Jesus should be freed from his imprisonment.
  • “Crucify him!” they cried out in unison.
  • The judgment was death by crucifixion, the form of torture and execution used by the Roman authorities.

Jesus Knew This Would Happen

Jesus was completely unsurprised by all of this. Jesus informed his followers several times previous to his crucifixion that he was going to be arrested, beaten, and crucified, and he was right. His predictions included the possibility of a resurrection three days after his burial. By physically returning to life, Jesus would be able to demonstrate what he had declared about his deity. The soldiers grabbed Jesus and beat him after making a wreath of long thorns and pressing it into his head to serve as a false crown for him.

  • In many cases, forty lashes were enough to bring down a person.
  • He died of gradual asphyxia and heart failure while hanging there.
  • Death on the cross was not only a natural result of Jesus’ miracles and teachings; it was also a deliberate act.
  • Jesus had previously demonstrated that he has complete control over nature, illness, and even death.
  • Jesus might have walked away from the crucifixion at any point, given the circumstances.

Jesus made the decision to die. “No one can take my life away from me,” Jesus declared just before his arrest. “I choose to lay it down of my own own.” 14 The decision to do so was deliberate on his part. It had been arranged in advance. Intentional.

Why Did Jesus Allow His Crucifixion?

We operate in ways that are diametrically contrary to God’s methods to varied degrees. Take a short look at the news on any given day and you will see what I mean. Racism, murders, sexual abuse, falsehoods, greed, corruption, terrorism, and wars, to name a few examples of wrongdoing. As individuals, we have a proclivity for causing havoc in our own and other people’s lives. God views us as lost and blind, and he holds us accountable for our actions. Consider how appalled and heartbroken we are to learn that a 6-year-old child has been taken from her family and is being subjected to sexual exploitation.

  • All of human sin, on the other hand, is an insult to a holy God.
  • We don’t even live up to our own expectations, let alone those of another person.
  • So, what would a God who is absolutely holy see?
  • 15 God instructs the Israelites to sacrifice a lamb once a year for the remission of their sins in the Old Testament, which explains why they must do so once a year.
  • However, this was just a momentary reprieve.
  • When Jesus arrived, the prophet John the Baptist proclaimed about him, “Behold, the Lamb of God who wipes away the sins of the world.” (John 1:29) 16 Jesus came to earth to bear the penalty for humanity’s sin, namely for our sin, on the cross in our place.
  • To save us from God’s wrath, condemnation, and punishment for our sin, Jesus came to earth as our Savior in order to save us from ourselves.
  • It was Jesus who bore the penalty for our sins on our behalf.
See also:  Through Jesus Christ Who Strengthens Me?

DaVinci’s Last Supper

You’ve probably seen the iconic artwork by Leonardo da Vinci depicting the “Last Supper,” in which Jesus sits at a long table with the disciples seated next to him on each side of him on either side of the table. The supper that Jesus shared with his followers the night before he was captured and killed was shown by Da Vinci in this painting. As part of that “Last Supper,” Jesus promised his followers that his blood would be shed “for the remission of sins” for all people. 17 On the cross, Jesus, who had done no sin, paid the penalty for our sin.

We weren’t deserving of him taking our position in the world.

The Bible tells us that “God demonstrates his love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” 18

Our Response to the Crucifixion of Jesus

What is it that he expects of us? In order to make amends and gain our forgiveness? No. We will never be able to repay Jesus for all he has done for us. What he demands of us is straightforward. to put their faith in him He urges us to embrace his dying on our behalf, as well as his total and unconditional forgiveness, as a gift from him. Surprisingly, many people do not want to go through with it. They desire to put up an effort to win their salvation. They must earn their way into paradise.

  1. In response to their rejection of everything Jesus has done for them, Jesus stated they will die in their sin and face judgment.
  2. Moreover, everlasting life and an intimate, personal contact with God are also available now, while we are living on the earth.
  3. Jesus was not simply absorbing the consequences of our wrongdoing.
  4. He was extending far more than just forgiveness to those who needed it.
  5. This is analogous to a wealthy billionaire not only canceling a debt owed to him, but also transferring ownership of his whole estate to the individual who was unable to pay the amount back in full.

It is entirely up to us whether or not we accept the gift of a connection with him that he is presenting to us. It was described by Jesus in the following words: “I am the only way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me.” 21

His Offer to Us

Anyone who would invite Jesus into their lives and accept his free gift of forgiveness and eternal life will establish a relationship with him that will last for the rest of their lives. Following Jesus’ crucifixion, they buried him in a tomb and stationed a trained Roman guard of soldiers at the tomb to keep watch over him. Why? Jesus had stated on several occasions that he will rise from the dead three days after his his body. Everything he had declared about himself will be proven correct.

  1. After then, Jesus appeared physically to the disciples several times, first to a throng of 500 people, then to individuals.
  2. Each of them was murdered for it, in separate parts of the world from one another, because they were so sure of Jesus’ identity.
  3. “We have come to know and believe in the love that God has for us,” says the apostle John in his book of Revelation.
  4. Whoever lives in love is a part of God.
  5. Here’s how you can do it.
  6. Please accept my apologies.
  7. You have complete control over my life.
  8. Amen.” In the case of someone who has only recently asked Jesus into their lives, his crucifixion signifies that you have accepted his gift, that you have been forgiven, and that you have an eternal connection with him.

Footnotes: (1) John 8:12; (2) Matthew 9:35; (3) (3) 4:41 (Matthew 4:41) (4) Jesus said in Matthew 23:4 (5), Matt 15:9 (6), and John 5:18 (7) John 8:19 (eighth) John 12:45 (eighth) John 14:9 (ninth) (9) John 12:44 and 14:1 are two of the most important passages in the Bible (10) 9:37 (Matthew 9:37) (11) 15:23 (John 15:23) John 5:23 (12) (13) Mark 14:61,62 (KJV) (14) 10:18 (John 10:18) (15) Acts 10:43 (16) Romans 6:23 (17) John 1:29 (18) Matthew 26:28 (19) Romans 5:8 (20) Acts 10:43 (20) Paul writes in Romans 6:23 that (21) 14:6 (John 14:6) (22) (23), John 5:24 (24), John 17:25,26 (23) 1John 4:16,17 (24)

Why did Jesus die?

God must deal with the injustice that has resulted from sin. Consider the following scenario: a criminal appears before a judge, and the judge simply absolves the criminal of a crime such as murder, rape, or theft on the grounds that the judge adores the criminal. What would the general public think of such a judge? According to the Bible, “Shall not the Judge of all the world do what is right?” (Genesis 18:25). It is a natural consequence of selfishness that the innocent will die as a result of their actions (Romans 6:23).

Death was the result of this action.

How does Jesus’ death save us?

According to Martin Luther, because He could not die as God, He took on human form in order to die. When Christ died on the cross, he acknowledged man’s rebellion against himself. He accepted the unfairness of man against man despite the fact that he was completely innocent. The death of Christ brings about reconciliation, or the reconnection of all people with God and his creation. According to Romans 3:25, “.whom God put out as a propitiation” for our sins, Jesus Christ. “Propitiation” is defined as “anything that appeases a deity” in its literal sense.

The phrase may signify anything from “accepting harm” to “forgiving” to “showing mercy.” As sinners, we have transgressed God’s flawless law and are thus without legal standing.

If a husband says something harsh to his wife and she does not respond, but instead allows the word to fall on her heart and break her spirit; if she forgives and treats her husband as if he had simply spoken words of praise, she bears the burden of his sin against her and pays the price for it.

  1. The Bible does not claim that Jesus made a sacrifice for our sins, but rather that He “is” a sacrifice for our sins (Romans 3:25, 1 John 2:2; 4:10).
  2. There are several such examples in the Bible that demonstrate how God Himself endures our wickedness in order to restore us to fellowship with Him.
  3. In this narrative, the father, who represents our heavenly Father, welcomed his son back into his house and into his heart, despite the fact that the son had taken items that could not be replaced by the father.
  4. The cross is a timeless message to all of humanity.
  5. Christianity not only acknowledges God’s brutality on the cross, but it also focuses on the reconciliation that was achieved as a result of the crucifixion.
  6. Christianity is centered on the loving favor God has bestowed upon each and every person who accepts the redemption provided by the cross.

We may never fully comprehend the peace, love, and pleasure that flow from the cross, but we are blessed to be able to experience them.

Why did Jesus have to die in order to forgive us?

Another factor that is sometimes disregarded is the fact that Satan attempted to exploit God’s flawless justice as a justification for why God should not redeem sinners by claiming that God is unjust. Satan accused God of being a self-serving Judge who only saved man for the benefit of God alone. As a result, Jesus’ death was required in order to provide an answer to this issue before the entire cosmos (Rev. 12:10, 5:9, 12). As a result of His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus showed to the entire cosmos that He, as a part of the Godhead, was fully selfless even to the point of death.

He died as a result of our sins being imputed to him.

It was determined that this curse resulted in endless loss.

According to Matthew 26:38, “My soul is very miserable, even to death” (Matthew 26:38).

What better argument could be put up to demonstrate selflessness than this one?

It is possible for sinners to achieve this justification and therefore become safe to be saved (Romans 5:17).

When we confess our faults to God and ask Him to eradicate sin from our lives, He will give us the capacity to become safe to rescue ourselves and others (1 John 1:9, John 3, 1 John 3:9).

Further Reading

Because of its spiritual insight and practical application, the book, Desire of the Ages, has been hailed as one of the finest books ever written about the life of Christ by many readers. We have included links to a handful of the chapters from this book that chronicle the life, death, and resurrection of our Savior. Servant of Servant’s Servant “Do Not Let Your Heart Be Troubled” “Do Not Let Your Heart Be Troubled” Before Annas and the Court of Caiaphas, Jesus was at Gethsemane. In Pilate’s Courtroom, Judas is sentenced to death.

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