How To Please Jesus

Seven Ways to Please God

Every wonderful thing we have is a gift from God, and He desires to continue to give us “pleasure indefinitely.” What can you and I do to express our thanks for everything He has done for us? What can you and I do to satisfy Him? To find something that will please God might be a difficult task! It’s a good thing that the Bible informs us not just what God despises (as in Proverbs 6:16-19), but also what He enjoys and finds pleasing. Because God loves us and wants the best for us, we will be most fulfilled when we accomplish God’s purpose for our life.

HOLD ON TO YOUR FAITH IN GOD: Hebrews 11:66 The only way to please God, however, is to believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him with diligence.

It also provides an illustration of this type of faith: Hebrews 11:5 (Hebrews 11:5) He was taken away by faith, so that he would not see death and would not be discovered, for God had taken him because he had this witness, that he pleased God, before he was taken.


  • 7 Because the carnal mind is at odds with God, because it is not subject to God’s law, and cannot be, and so cannot be saved.
  • The Bible compares two different mentalities: the normal, human mind (also known as the fleshly, carnal mind) and the mind directed by the Holy Spirit (the spiritual mind verse Romans 8: 9).
  • According to Acts 2:38, the apostle Peter outlined the procedure that God has established for us to follow in order to receive His Spirit.
  • FEELING TERRIFIED OF GOD: Psalm 147:11 (KJV) The Lord takes delight in those who fear him and those who hope in his kindness, and he is pleased with them.
  • God is defined as the One who “heals the brokenhearted and wraps up their wounds” in Psalm 147, according to the Bible (verse 3).
  • Because we should fear God, not because it is beneficial to Him, but because it is beneficial to us to rightly understand that He is far more powerful than anything else, the Bible instructs us to do so.

During a vision of the future Kingdom of God known as the transfiguration, God impressed on Peter, James and John the preeminence of Jesus Christ.

You and I should all hear Him and follow His example.

OBEY GOD: 1 Samuel 15:2222 And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord?

God doesn’t command us to obey just because it is good for Him, but because it is good for us (Deuteronomy 10:13) (Deuteronomy 10:13) His laws and commands are beneficial; and as a result of obeying Him, we grow in godly, righteous character.



It involves doing “every good work” working at maturing spiritually and becoming more like God (Matthew 5:48).


16 But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

If you are reading this and do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, I would like to extend this invitation to you to receive the gift of salvation today.

PRAYER:God,I confess that I have sinned against You, and I know that there is nothing I can do by my own efforts to change my condition.

I know You love me, God, and I love You.

Thank You, Lord, for saving me.

Regardless of your situation, I assure you that the Lord loves you more than you could ever comprehend, and He will be with you every step of the way.

Pray, study God’s Word and ask Him to give you revelation of what you are reading. I also hope that the Lord would guide you to a real Bible teaching, Jesus loving church, where you can have the support of other Christians.

How can I please God?

QuestionAnswer All believers—those who call on the name of Christ for salvation—should strive to please God, or at the very least, to do so. God’s criteria for everyone who wish to please Him are that they seek Him by faith, walk in the Spirit rather than the body, and walk worthy of our called in obedience and submitting to God’s will, among other things. Despite the fact that these things appear to be impossible, God desires for us to please Him, and He makes it possible for us to please Him.

  1. During his visit to Rome, Paul warns the Christians that “those who are in the body cannot satisfy God” (Romans 8:8).
  2. After that, and only then, are we “in the Spirit” rather than “in the body.” Our actions are based on faith because “it is impossible to satisfy God without faith, for anybody who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” (Hebrews 11:6).
  3. When a person is still living in his or her sin, their thoughts are focused on sinful wants, but those who have been regenerated by Christ have a completely new mind that is governed by the Spirit and wishes to live in accordance with Him.
  4. This creature does not, and is unable to, submit to God’s law (Romans 8:6-7).
  5. Furthermore, we must live our lives in accordance with our religion (Hebrews 10:38).
  6. Not only is it acceptable to expect trust and confidence in God of our children and spouses, but it is also a necessary condition of our being satisfied with them, as we have previously shown.
  7. As a result, living according to God’s prohibitions and commands while doing so in love is the only way to please Him.
  8. In a clear and unequivocal statement, Jesus said, “If you love me, you will do anything I order” (John 14:15).

(1Thessalonians 4:1). Questions concerning the Christian Life (return to top of page) What can I do to satisfy God?

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How to Please God – 13 Steps to Take

The burden of attempting to satisfy God via effort that isn’t actually essential results in an excessive number of individuals being irritated and fatigued. From serving in church to attempting to maintain their behavior in accordance with biblical values, a large number of well-intentioned Christians engage in good deeds but fail to reap the good result God intends for their efforts: increased joy in their relationship with Him, despite their best efforts. The moment has come for those who are striving to please God but feel that they are falling short, to learn how wonderfully simple it is to please God.

Here’s 13 ways to please God:

1. Consider your connection with God in the same light that He does. When viewed through God’s eyes, your connection with Him is built on love rather than on restrictions. You should keep in mind that God is your heavenly Father, and you may use your human connections in families (such as those you have with your parents or with your children, if you have any) to get an understanding of what is expected of you by a loving parent. While God does call you to continue to develop in holiness, He does not reject you if you do not follow all of the commandments perfectly every time.

  1. You may put your confidence in God because He loves you fully and unconditionally, and He will always look out for your best interests.
  2. Concentrate on the one and only task that God genuinely asks of you.
  3. Every every good deed that God wants you to perform will flow from the foundation of faith, and only faith is required for salvation, therefore put your trust in God now.
  4. 3.
  5. Take note of the fact that God has created each of His rules toward you specifically for your benefit: to keep you safe from danger and to assist you in developing contentment, no matter what conditions you meet in this imperfect world.
  6. 4.
  7. The Bible says that when God instructs you to do anything, He makes it realistic for you to carry out such demands by putting limitations on them so that they become quantifiable goals.

Inspire yourself to serve God out of love rather than duty by embracing your freedom to do so.

You are under no obligation to serve God, yet thinking about God’s enormous love for you naturally inspires you to desire to serve God.

Instead of putting your time and energy into your job for God, put them into your relationship with God first.

It is ultimately futile to engage in volunteer work for God if doing so leaves you with insufficient time or energy to continue to get closer to God on a daily basis.

Make your donation with a glad heart.

This can be accomplished by identifying specific needs that your financial support will assist in meeting, as well as by experiencing the satisfaction that comes from being an integral part of solving problems and developing into a more generous and loving person.

Dedicate one day every week to actual relaxation and rejuvenation.

As you go about your business, relish God’s presence with you and take pleasure in His company.

Discover new and innovative methods to love the tough people in your life.

No matter how difficult it may seem at times, it is not impossible to fulfill God’s instruction to love those who are difficult to love, whether they are siblings who compete with you or enemies who have wronged you.

God will assist you in treating others with dignity and love, as well as in forgiving them while maintaining appropriate boundaries.


Consider whether or not you should accept a new duty just because there is a need for someone to perform the task and someone has asked you to fill that need.

Make a critical consideration and prayer about each prospective new task, determining whether or not it is truly worth your time and effort at this point in your life.

Mercy should be preferred before sacrifice.

Then you may communicate your feelings of love in a natural way, rather than having to push them.

Strive for greatness rather than perfection.

However, if you shift your attention from perfection to excellence, you will be able to truly achieve wonderful work for God – all while experiencing the assurance that comes from knowing that God loves you without condition.

Take pleasure in being in the now.

Put these 13 steps into action and you will begin to experience the delight of pleasing God via a relationship, rather than through rules or effort!

IVP Books, a branch of InterVarsity Press based in Downers Grove, Illinois, published the book.

She is the author of two books, Confessions of an Amateur Believer and Starting from Scratch: A Wandering Cook in Search of Home, both of which have won awards.

is a writer-in-residence at John Brown University and an associate professor of English at the university. A freelance writer and editor with many years of experience, Whitney Hopler has been a contributing writer to for many years. Her webpage may be found at:

How to Please a Holy God

Do you strive to live a life that is agreeable to God at all times and in all circumstances? What are your aspirations and objectives for this year in terms of your spiritual walk with the Lord? If you are anything like me, you will strive to do everything you can to please God. No matter how much I want to please God with all of my acts, there are constant reminders of my own shortcomings and how difficult it is for me to please God. The writer of Hebrews gives encouragement, arguing that God is ultimately satisfied by his work in us, rather than by our contaminated “good” acts, which are essential to confirm our relationship with him, but which are not pleasing to God in themselves.

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(See also Hebrews 13:20–21.) First, the author prays that God would provide the believers with every good thing they need in order for them to carry out God’s purpose.

“Everything Good”

The word “good” appears twice more in the book of Hebrews, both times in the plural, and both times in reference to everything that God has achieved for those who believe in Jesus Christ. When contrasting the work of the Old Testament priest with that of Christ in Hebrews 9:11–12, the author writes: However, when Christ manifested himself as a high priest of the good things that have come, he entered once and for all into the holy places, not through the blood of goats and calves but through his own blood, thereby securing an eternal redemption for all who believe in him (Hebrews 9:11–12).

It is obvious that the “good things” mentioned in verse 11 relate to all of the promises of the new covenant that have been fulfilled in Christ’s death and resurrection.

On the basis of this understanding, the author of Hebrews prays that God would provide us with all good things, including the wonderful promises and blessings of Christ that are included in the gospel message.

The Work of God That Pleases God

God equips us by instilling in us the qualities that delight him. According to Hebrews 13:21, the participial phrase “working in us that which is pleasing in his sight” refers to the process by which God prepares the saints to carry out his will. In other words, God doesn’t equip us by providing us with tools to go to work for him; rather, he equips us by taking up residence in us and carrying out his purpose through us. Not only that, but he takes delight in what he does in our lives as well.

What is the one thing that God accomplishes in believers that he considers pleasing to himself?

“And without faith, it is impossible to satisfy him,” the passage reads, “because whomever desires get near to God must believe that he exists and that those who seek him will be rewarded.” In light of the fact that it is impossible to satisfy God without faith, as well as the fact that there is something God does in us that he enjoys, it follows that the faith without which we are unable to please God is what God does in us.

As a result, the author prays that God would instill confidence in the good things of the gospel in our hearts, enabling us to carry out his purpose.

The evidence of our faith, God’s work in us, will stand as our justification before God at the end of the age. As a result of God’s work in us, he takes joy in it and commends us as a result of that labor.

Why Did God Do It This Way?

It is reasonable for God to be pleased with us primarily because of his work in us and to praise us as a result of this. It’s because he’s doing it “through Jesus Christ,” after all (Hebrews 13:21). God has every right to laud us, not on the basis of our efforts, but on the basis of his performance in us. “For by a single offering, he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified,” says the apostle Paul (Hebrews 10:14). As a result of Christ’s fulfillment of the new covenant promises, we have access to all of the blessings revealed in the good news of salvation.

  • God instills confidence in us on a consistent basis.
  • God also recommends us to God based on the work that he has done in us.
  • There is no other god who operates in this way.
  • He is involved in the project from start to finish.
  • The final section of Hebrews 13:21 provides the answer: “Let him be exalted forever and ever,” says the Bible.

How To Please God And Receive Everything You Ask For — Forward Ministries

The key to pleasing God is to follow His rules and regulations. If you follow His instructions, your heart will be secure in His presence, and you will get anything you request. What a resounding commitment! It’s almost ridiculous, yet that’s precisely what John stated when he was interviewed. The issue then becomes, what are the commandments that you are expected to follow? In the following verse, Jesus provides us with the solution. And this is His commandment: that we believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as He has commanded us to do in the Scriptures.

Believe In The Power, Character, and Authority of Jesus Christ

That which you should believe in is not the letters J E S U S T, but rather His power, character, and authority as revealed in the Scriptures. Belief in such things is particularly important in light of His blameless life, atoning death, and resurrection, which suggests His authority over death and the tomb. In addition, He inherited the keys to God’s kingdom, which is a significant accomplishment. And he was given complete reign over everything. The “name” is certainly a strong one, in my opinion.

  1. He is deserving of all honor and glory, and He is deserving of all acclaim!
  2. When you have faith in God, your heart is in a position to receive all He has to offer.
  3. The issue is not God’s desire to grant you what you ask for or pray for; rather, it is the level of trust you have in your own heart that makes all the difference in the world.
  4. It is critical not to get overconfident and fall into a state of self-righteousness.

Receiving from God is a spiritual subject that concerns the heart. In Mark 4 and Matthew 13, Jesus teaches the same concept: the condition of your heart affects the degree to which you will receive from Him.

A Kingdom Key

This sophisticated concept of having a confident heart and receiving from God is fascinating and beneficial. If you view this topic from a different perspective, you may put it into practice in this manner. If you are having difficulty connecting with God and believe that He is not listening to your prayers, you may take a step toward confidence and “open your heart” a little more by deliberately following His commandments on a regular basis. This is what I mean. It is possible to consciously fulfill God’s commandments and realign your heart with God if you are suffering and finding it difficult to allow God to lead you, or if you are slipping back into a sinful pattern of behavior.

  • It is not possible to earn or qualify for God’s benefits by believing in the authority of Jesus and loving others; nevertheless, it is possible to restore your heart to a posture of trust and confidence toward Him.
  • Keeping in mind that Jesus is your advocate and your propitiation, as John mentioned earlier in his epistle, is the essence of repentance.
  • When you look at individuals through the prism of Jesus’ acts toward them, it becomes much easier to love them.
  • It should always be a source of confidence in who the Lord Jesus Christ is in your life and circumstances if you follow the commandment to believe in the Lord’s power, character, and authority (name).
  • While doing so, you are teaching your heart to be confident toward God, which is pleasing to God.
  • You lose your self-assurance because you place your faith in the name (the authority and power) of the difficulties in your life.
  • “Oh, yes, that’s exactly who Jesus is in this scenario.” That’s what He’s promised.
  • That’s what He assured me would happen.

A Second Kingdom Key

According to the scripture, the other “secret” revealed is that loving people also helps your heart remain assured in its relationship with God. People frequently tell me that I can do very little for them when I try to assist or love them, which is a good reminder for me. They must take the initiative to contact God on their own behalf and allow Him to lead them to a state of wholeness. Because Jesus is the only solution I have for others, loving them drives me to re-establish my faith in Him in certain ways.

  1. When you are aware of His love for you and let that love to pour over into the lives of others, your inner man reaps the benefits of conforming to the likeness of Christ on the outside.
  2. God is not angry with you, or even displeased with you, if you have periods of doubt about Jesus’ ability to save you.
  3. A heart that is confident toward God is not fearful of Him.
  4. It’s more willing to turn away from sin and accept His changing grace than ever before.
  5. Keeping God’s commands is not something God expects you to be able to achieve on your own.
  6. It is necessary for you to respond and enable that grace and love to flow through your heart and into your thoughts and deeds.

Believe in the power, character, and authority of Jesus, and show love for others in all situations. Your heart will be in such a position of confidence as a result of this that you will not be able to restrict what God can and will achieve through you.

Love On Purpose

What exactly is love? As a refresher, the characteristics of love are as follows: Make a mental note of them. Consider yourself to be this type of person. Invoke God to give you the ability to demonstrate these character characteristics in suitable times. Make a commitment to walking in love, and watch as your heart grows more confidence in its relationship with God. The passage is from 1 Corinthians 13:3-8.

Love Is

PatientKind Does not harbor enmity Is not conceitedIs not conceitedIs not conceitedIs not conceitedIs not conceitedIs not conceitedIs not conceited Does not behave in a dishonorable manner toward others Is not motivated by self-interest Isn’t easily irritated There is no record of wrongdoing. Does not take pleasure in wickedness The truth brings joy to him. Always has your back. Always has faith in There is always hope Perseverance is a virtue. REPLY

What must I do to please God?

As a result of the fact that God is all-knowing and all-perfect, the prospect of seeking to satisfy Him might be terrifying. In what way can a sinful, flawed human being possibly hope to earn the approval of a holy God? When one considers the extensive number of commandments contained in the Old Testament, as well as the standards for ethical behavior contained in the New Testament, one could be inclined to give up before ever attempting it. However, there is no basis for this concern. It is not difficult to satisfy God since He provides us with what we require in order to please Him.

  1. The first thing that must be done is to live “in the Spirit” rather than “in the flesh,” since individuals who are living in the flesh will never be able to please God (Romans 8:8).
  2. Whenever someone is in the flesh, they are attempting to please God alone via their own efforts.
  3. Help comes from God in the person of Jesus Christ, who was the only man who had ever been capable of leading a life completely and entirely agreeable to God—He was able to do so because He was God himself!
  4. The second thing that must be done in order to satisfy God is to have trust.
  5. Faith, in this context, refers to the belief that God exists and that people who seek Him will be rewarded for their efforts.
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Hebrews does not state that faith is to “believe that God rewards those who serve him” or “think that God rewards those who are perfect.” Instead, he says, “believe that God rewards those who are perfect.” According to the definition, faith is “believing that God exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” Seeking God’s approval is acceptable to Him.

  • He made a means for us to establish a connection with Him via Jesus Christ, which we are grateful for (Hebrews 10:19-22).
  • Despite this, we are nevertheless ordered to live lives that are acceptable to God; throughout Scripture, there are several scriptures that explain the type of life that Christians should lead.
  • “We obey God’s commandment because it demonstrates God’s love for us.
  • It is not difficult to follow His commands because He provides us with everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3), He has perfected us by Jesus’ death (Hebrews 10:14), and He has given us the Holy Spirit, who is like live water flowing out of us (John 7:38).
  • The good things that we will ultimately learn to accomplish are a gift from God since we are rescued by His grace, via faith, and it is all a gift (Ephesians 2:8-10).
  • As we seek Him and love Him, He will work in us to create fruit that is pleasing to God (John 15:4-5).
  • How can I put the kingdom of God first in my life?

What are some of the telltale indicators of genuine, life-saving faith? What is the best way for me to walk in the Spirit? What exactly does it mean to “abide in Christ”? To what extent does it mean to be a part of Christ? Return to the page Truth about the Christian Way of Life

7 ways to please God

Put your trust in God. It is impossible to satisfy God without faith, however, for he who comes to God must believe that He exists and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him with diligence (Hebrews 11:6). Specifically, this verse emphasizes faith—confidence in God and belief that He will carry out what He has promised—as a necessary condition for pleasing God. It also provides an excellent illustration of this type of faith: Enoch is a fictional character created by the author of the novel The Book of Enoch (verse 5).

  1. Instead, he “walked with God” and “appeared to God as a result” (Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5).
  2. Enoch understood that wicked activities bring about horrible consequences and that ungodly deeds must be replaced with godly deeds—walking in the footsteps of God—in order for this world to enjoy true peace and pleasure.
  3. Because being carnally oriented is death, but being spiritually minded is life and peace,” says the apostle Paul.
  4. In that case, people who are in the body are unable to satisfy God” (Romans 8:6-8).
  5. As a result, having the Holy Spirit reside inside us and guide us is another requirement for pleasing God.
  6. “He takes joy in those who fear Him and in those who hope in His kindness,” the Bible says (Psalm 147:11).
  7. God is defined as the One who “heals the brokenhearted and wraps up their wounds” in Psalm 147, according to the Bible (verse 3).

), and His ability to save the lowly are all extolled in this chapter of Scripture (verses 4-6).

This acknowledgement demonstrates our sincere regard for Him.

It serves as a reminder that God will hold us responsible for our deeds.

Investigate and imitate the teachings of Jesus Christ.

If Jesus is actually the Son of God, then there is no one else on the planet who has delighted God more!

Because Jesus stated that he always performed “those things that please Him” (John 8:29), we should study the four Gospels to understand how we, too, might please God in our daily lives.

Has the LORD taken as much pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices as he has taken in obedience to the word of the LORD?

In this text, the prophet Samuel expresses God’s dissatisfaction with Israel’s first king, Saul, via his actions.

In contrast, God does not desire our physical gifts if we intend to violate His commandments in order to provide them!

He has given us helpful rules and regulations, and as a result of obeying Him, we develop in godly, virtuous character—we become more like Him!

God expresses “delight in uprightness,” and those who “keep My Sabbaths, and chose what pleases Me,” and who “abstain from sexual immorality,” and who “avoid violating any of God’s prohibitions,” will be blessed by God (1 Chronicles 29:17; Isaiah 56:4; 1 Thessalonians 4:1-3).

God’s goals, His directives, and His plans are all expressed in the Bible in many ways.

Studying the Bible, reflecting on it and praying about it are important to achieving greater knowledge of His will.

It requires doing “every good work”—working at improving spiritually and becoming more like God (Matthew 5:48).

Jesus Christ offered the greatest example of doing God’s will when He endured the horrific scourging and death for our sins, yet asked, “Nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done” (Luke 22:42).

He was willing to sacrifice Himself entirely to express His love and to accomplish His Father’s desire.

“Therefore through Him let us continuously give the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, offering praises to His name.

(Hebrews 13:15-16).

But there are sacrifices that He is “well pleased” with, such expressing praise and gratitude to Him and sharing with others.

And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two precepts hang all the Law and Prophets” (Matthew 22:37-40). Culled from

7 Ways to please God

SermonSubmitted God is constantly on the lookout for new relationships. The Bible provides a handbook for building and maintaining relationships. The Bible is replete with examples of individuals who were unable to communicate effectively with God. If you read Isaiah 1:18 carefully, it says, “Come now, and let us reason together.though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” God want to be a part of the process of healing and restoration in our own lives. God already had a son, but he desired a family, so he sowed his son in order to establish his family.

  1. addition.
  2. “Come now, and let us reason together,” theLord invites everyone.
  3. God has all of the pieces of your life in his hands.
  4. In the Person of His Son, Jesus Christ, He formed a personal connection with you.
  5. The sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross represented dedication.
  6. Spending time in God’s Presence will be necessary for developing a good relationship with Him.
  7. Things that are truly important to God are as follows: 1) His word is law.

If you want to get along with God, you’ll need to be aware of what He has to say about everything.

Make a mental note of God’s Word.

BelieveGod’s Word in its whole.

In the same way that you have rejected knowledge, I will reject you from serving as a priest for Me; and in the same way that you have forgotten the law of your God, I will forget your offspring.

In the same way that you have rejected knowledge, I will reject you from serving as a priest for Me; and in the same way that you have forgotten the law of your God, I will forget your offspring.

Treat people around you in the same manner in which you would like to be treated or in the manner in which you would like to be treated.

Luke 10:25-28 (KJV) The Parable of the Good Samaritan is included in the New King James Version (NKJV).

When you have disobeyed God’s instructions, you should never expect Him to honor your prayers.

Jesus Inviting Us to Obedience 1.

As Christ’s disciples, we are guided by his example as much as by his instructions.

If we love one another, we will obey one another’s commands.

When it comes to obedience, the Bible places a heavy emphasis on it, but it’s important to remember that Christians are not justified (or made righteous) by their obedience.

As a result, dear brothers and sisters, I implore you to offer your bodies to God in appreciation for everything that he has done for you: “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I implore you to surrender your bodies to God in gratitude for all that he has done for you.” Allow them to be a live and holy sacrifice—the type of sacrifice that he will accept.

  • (Romans 12:1, New Living Translation) Throughout the Bible, we see God blessing and rewarding obedience: “And through your descendants all the nations of the earth will be blessed—all because you have obeyed me,” says the Bible.
  • (Genesis 22:18, New Living Translation)Now, if you will obey me and fulfill my promise, you will be my own special treasure from among all the peoples on earth.
  • Every environment necessitates the establishment of a code of conduct for those who enter or remain inside it.
  • The Law of the House is referred to as such in the Book of Ezekiel.
  • In the Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (Ezekiel 43:12), (AMPC) This is the commandment of the house: the entire region surrounding the top of the mountains will be most holy, separated, and set aside.
  • 5)Love.
  • (See 1 Corinthians 13:13 for further information.) Love is able to tear through barriers.

1 Corinthians 13:13 (New International Version) New International Version (New International Version) (NIV) 13 Faith, hope, and love are the only three things that remain.


(See Psalm 100:2 for further information.) Singing is a form of worship.

Sing God’s Word out loud to yourself.

Psalm 100:2 (King James Version) New International Version (New International Version) (NIV) Don’t be sad when you worship the Lord; instead, be cheerful and come before him with joyous songs.

Don’t you like it when others put their faith in you?

After that, you’ll know just how God feels about your trust in Him!

He is pleased with your faith.

See also:  Why Did God Forsaken Jesus

“Listen to me, Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem!” Jehoshaphat said as they marched out of the city gates.

22If you believe, you will receive anything you pray for.”

Moments For You: Fifty Ways to Please God

1It is hard to please someone if one does not have trust (Hebrews 11:6). You will be saved if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, according to the Bible (Acts 16:31). 3He who believes in the Son has eternal life; and he who does not believe in the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God will be upon him; and the wrath of God will be upon him (John 3:36). 4Believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may be assured that you have eternal life (John 3:16). (1 John 5:13). (5)Thou must worship and serve only the Lord your God, and no other god may thou serve (Matt.

  • 6Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and everything else will fall into place (Matthew 6:33).
  • in the Spirit and in the Truth (John 4:24).
  • 9Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing in the sight of the Lord (Romans 12:1).
  • 11Desire for spiritual abilities (1 Corinthians 14:1).
  • 16:13).
  • 14Receive the Holy Spirit as a gift (Ephesians 5:18).
  • correctly dividing the Word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).

17Look for the things that are above you.

18Always give thanks to the Lord (Phil.


20Continue to pray without ceasing (1 Thess.

21Do not quench the Spirit (1 Thess.

22Make all you do in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father through Him (Colossians 3:17).


25Keep pressing on toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14).

27Grow in grace and in knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, as he leads you (2 Peter 3:18).

29Test everything; cling to what is right in your heart (1 Thessalonians 5:21).

31Submit yourselves to the will of God (James 4:7).

34Admit to yourself that you are actually dead to sin, but that you are alive to God (Romans 6:11).

35Let everyone who calls on the name of Christ repent and turn away from their sin (2 Timothy 2:19).

37Create straight routes for your feet to follow (Hebrews 12:13).

39Glorify God in your body and in your soul, which are both God’s creations; and (1 Corinthians 6:20).

41Do not despise the Lord’s chastening; it is for thy good (Hebrews 12:5).

43 In our present world, it is important to be sober, righteous, and holy (Titus 2:12).

45Do not disregard the gift that has been placed inside thee (1 Timothy 4:14).

47 Remain in the love of God at all times (Jude 21).

48Do not be in love with the world, nor with the things that are in it (1 John 2:15). Searching for that happy hope, and the glorious advent of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ, we are 49 (Titus 2:13). The day of the Lord is approaching, and we are looking forward to it (2 Peter 3:12).

4 Ways to Come Closer to Jesus Christ

No one can gratify you if you don’t have trust (Hebrews 11:6). 2Put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31). 1Jesus said, “He who believes in him will have eternal life; and he who rejects him will not see life; but the wrath of God will remain on him” (John 3:36). Believe in the name of Jesus Christ, so that you may be assured that you have eternal life (1 John 5:13). The Lord your God is to be worshipped, and He is the only one to whom you are to give service (Matt.

  1. Search first for the kingdom of God and His righteousness, which are both found in Jesus Christ (Matthew 6:33).
  2. in the Spirit and in the Truth (John 4:24).
  3. Make your bodies a live sacrifice, acceptable to God, by presenting them as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1).
  4. Spiritual talents are something that many people want (1 Corinthians 14:1).
  5. 16:13).
  6. 14Receive the Holy Spirit as an infusion (Ephesians 5:18).
  7. correctly dividing the Word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).

17Look for the things that are above you.

orient your attention toward the things that are above, rather than toward the things that are below (Colossians 3:1,2).


Nourish your soul through prayer (1 Thess.

Don’t try to quench the Spirit (1 Thess.

Do everything in the name of Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father through Him.

23-23-23-23-23-23-23-23-23-23-23-23 Give thanks in everything (1 Thess.

Throughout the day, consistently offer God’s tribute of praise (Hebrews 13:15).

26Bear My burden upon your shoulders, and learn from Me” (Matthew 11:29).

28In your heart, consecrate the Lord God (1 Peter 3:15).

Do not allow yourself to be influenced by anything that appears wicked (1 Thessalonians 5:22).

Refuse to give in to the devil, and he will run away from you (James 4:7).

You must avoid being in a position of unequal yoke with unbelievers (Ephesians 6:14).

whomever invokes the name of Christ is commanded to abstain from sin (2 Timothy 2:19).

Create straight routes for your feet to follow.

Fornication should be avoided.

39Glorify God in your body and in your soul, which are both God’s creations” (1 Corinthians 6:20).

41Do not be offended by the Lord’s chastening (Hebrews 12:5).

43 In our modern reality, it is important to maintain a sense of sobriety, justice, and faith (Titus 2:12).

45Remember the gift that has been placed in your possession!

46Bear one another’s burdens lightly, be tenderhearted, and forgive one another (Ephesians 4:32).

Neither love the world, nor anything in it, nor anything in it’s surroundings (1 John 2:15). 49Awaiting the wonderful hope, as well as the glorious coming of the almighty God and our Saviour Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13). 50Preparing for and hastening the arrival of the day of the Lord (2 Peter 3:12).

What Pleases God

During a Sunday morning service in St. Joseph, Missouri, a few years ago, I asked the audience how many of them truly want to serve God above all else. The response was overwhelmingly positive. Every hand went up in unison. Then I asked them, “How many of you believe that God is truly pleased with your performance?” One 11-year-old boy and one 10-year-old girl raised their hands out of a total of around 400 persons. That was all there was to it. Only a small percentage of Christians truly feel that their actions are agreeable to God.

  • Even if a person chooses to love you because of his or her own goodness, he or she must be satisfied with your performance in order to be pleased with you in return.
  • No one could ever be agreeable to God on the basis of their performance in His presence.
  • We may try to please others with our behavior, but “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” as the Bible says (Rom.
  • That is only possible because of the precious blood of Jesus.
  • 10:9-17).
  • “But it is impossible to satisfy him unless one has faith,” according to Hebrews 11:6.
  • 16:7).
  • 23:7).

It is more appealing to God when a person’s activities are wrong but he or she puts their confidence in the Lord rather than when a person is doing the correct things but does not have faith in God Individuals who exhibit the finest behavior will be welcomed, while those who exhibit the worst behavior will be excluded.

The argument Paul is trying to make in Romans 11:6 is just this: “And if it is by grace, then it is no longer of works; otherwise, grace is no more grace.” “However, if it is through works, then grace is no longer grace; otherwise, labor is no longer work.” The expression “It’s either one way or the other, but not a mixture of the two” is an ancient English expression.

  • The obvious option should be selected.
  • He committed a number of critical errors.
  • 19).
  • The majority of people would believe that God couldn’t possibly be pleased with Elijah, yet Elijah was miraculously translated.
  • Elijah was the one who did it.
  • When the LORD, O Lord, marks transgressions, who will be able to defend themselves?
  • “What gives you the impression that God will use you?” Satan used to reproach me and say.

This is the reality of our lives.

Some individuals have a difficult time accepting this.

When God looks at you, he doesn’t see your goodness; instead, he sees the goodness of Christ.

God is delighted with you despite the fact that your deeds do not match your words.

That, according to our religion, is hypocrisy.

The tough part is that there are no role models for grace to go to for guidance.

Even though it shouldn’t be, the parent-child connection is focused on performance, which is unfortunate.

If you sin, you are in desperate need of a Savior.

When it comes to salvation, the vast majority of people are willing to accept this amount of grace.

This isn’t necessarily true.

The Bible says in Colossians 2:6 that “since you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, behave as ye have received him.” When we are reborn, we come to Jesus in our current state of being.

When it comes to getting cured, though, most Christians have a different take on the matter.

That’s an example of double standards.

Even though your activities today do not please God, you may still be healed or delivered as a result of them.

I’m not joking around – your actions are significant to you.

You will suffer as a result of unholiness.

It will harden your heart in the direction of God.

You must eat in order to survive, but eating is not the same as living.

If you continue to live in sin and do not nourish your spiritual life, you will perish.

You may never be able to complete every task flawlessly, but this should not prevent you from accepting God’s blessings.

Prior to his death, Jesus speaks to Peter in verses 31 and 32 of Matthew 26.

But the Lord has interceded for thee, that thy faith may not fail; and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

He denied the Lord on three separate occasions.

Jesus’ prayers were always answered in a positive way.

If Peter hadn’t repented, he would have died as a result of the situation.

This is fantastic — I can live my life like the devil and yet receive what I want from God.” Some of you may be thinking, “This is fantastic — I can live my life like the devil and still get what I want from God.” If you believe that, I would argue that you are not a Christian, because a Christian seeks to please God.

When that occurs, you go on and catch up, and you hold firm in your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior.

No one of us is rescued and immediately begins his or her journey to God.

“All to the glory of his grace, whereby he has made us accepted in the beloved,” says Paul (Eph. 1:6). With your trust in Jesus as your Savior, you are pleasing God, and you must be conscious of the fact that you are pleasing Him.

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