What Jesus Did On The Cross?

What did Jesus say on the cross?

  • It is not necessary to be a ″card-carrying Christian″ in order to understand what the cross signifies.
  • After Jesus Christ was crucified, what was previously an instrument of Roman punishment has been transformed into a symbol of Christian belief and belief system.
  • That pivotal point in history, which is widely chronicled both in the Bible and in other historical books, altered the direction of human history for all eternity.

The deeds of Jesus demonstrated how much God cared for the entire world.In addition to this, His words provide us with a significant amount of understanding.What did Jesus say as he was hanging on the cross?The narratives of Jesus’ crucifixion may be found in the following chapters of the Bible: Matthew 27, Luke 23, John 19, and Mark 15.The seven final words said by Jesus on the cross reveal a great deal about God and ourselves.

Let’s have a look at this.

Sayings of Jesus on the cross1: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” Luke 23:34

  • In Luke 23:34, Jesus delivers a remark that should bring us all to our knees.
  • He had been betrayed.
  • He was assaulted and spit on by his attackers.

While He was suffering, the Roman Guards gambled for His possessions.When it appeared as though the world was against Him (and it was), His heart’s desire was to ask for just one thing.During His crucifixion, what did Jesus say concerning those who would persecute Him?Please accept my apologies.How many of us keep grudges against others for minor transgressions?

Because of past hurts, some of us have neglected to communicate with former friends and family members.However, the example of Jesus is one that we should all take into consideration.The Son of God chose forgiveness while being tortured, scourged, and humiliated by the authorities.″Forgive them,″ one of Jesus’ seven last words said on the cross, is extremely powerful.What if we, too, made the decision to forgive?We are frequently more punishing to ourselves than we are to the individuals against whom we are harboring a grudge when we refuse to forgive them.

It is like consuming poison oneself and then waiting for the other person to perish.″ Marianne Williamsen is a writer and actress who lives in Los Angeles.Forgiveness does not necessarily imply allowing another person to have an impact on your life.However, keep in mind that unforgiveness is a hindrance to your destiny.It is a hindrance to your progress.

  1. You may divide forgiveness into two categories: forgiving others and forgiving yourself.
  1. Giving God your anguish and asking Him to intercede on your behalf on behalf of the person who has injured you are both examples of prayer.
  2. Accepting God’s plan for your life and not allowing negative thoughts toward another individual or group of people to get in the way
  • It’s much simpler to say than to accomplish.
  • However, after you’ve completed your task, you’ll be liberated.
  • Will you have the courage to let go and even beg God to intervene on your behalf against those who have wronged you?

Consider what Jesus said when he was hanging on the cross.In His most difficult moments, He not only chose forgiveness, but he also asked that they be reconciled with God through an act of prayer, which was answered.

Sayings of Jesus on the cross2: “Today, you will be with me in Paradise” Luke 23:43

  • This is a story that many of us are familiar with.
  • On that terrible day, Jesus wasn’t the only man sentenced to death by the Romans.
  • His left and right sides were occupied by thieves who were also scheduled to be killed.

We come upon two very distinct experiences.One of the thieves makes fun of Jesus and dares Him to prove if He is the Messiah or not.Several of the prisoners who were hanging there threw obscenities at Jesus, including: ″Aren’t you the Messiah?″ ″Save yourself as well as us!″ Luke 23:39 (NIV) The other criminal, on the other hand, makes a sincere plea on Jesus’ behalf.The other criminal, on the other hand, scolded him.″Don’t you have any fear of God,″ he said, referring to the fact that they were both serving the same sentence.

We are being punished fairly, since we are receiving the consequences of our actions.″However, this individual has done nothing wrong.″ Luke 40:40-41 (KJV) Three critical actions are taken by the criminal in the life of any disciple of Jesus.First and foremost, he has a deep regard for God (healthy fear and respect).Following that, he confesses his own shortcomings and flawed nature.The offender then takes the ultimate step toward salvation, which is to confess Jesus as his Lord and Savior.″ ″Jesus, please keep me in mind when you come into your kingdom,″ he continued.According to Luke 40:42, the condemned man declared Jesus to be Lord and confessed that He was in reality, the King of the Jews.

His words include ″Jesus, You are Lord,″ as well as ″Please take me with You.″ What did Jesus say to the thief who repented as he hung on the cross?When he asked him whether he was going to heaven, he said, ″I promise you, today you will be with me in paradise.″ Luke 40:43 (NIV) Despite the fact that the criminal could do nothing to save himself, he was saved by calling on the name of Jesus.

Sayings of Jesus on the Cross3: “Woman, behold your son,” John 19:26 – 27

  • Jesus appears to be looking down at two persons that He had a special affection for throughout His time on earth in the Gospel of the Apostle John.
  • The Savior’s gaze is fixed on John and His mother, whom He loves.
  • He entrusts his learner with a very important and prestigious responsibility.

After seeing his mother and the disciple whom he adored standing nearby, Jesus addressed her as ″Woman, here is your son,″ and the disciple as ″Dear disciple, here is your mother.″ She was welcomed into the home of this disciple from that point forward.John 19:26 – John 19:27 This is significant for a few of reasons.First and foremost, we witness that, despite His tremendous suffering, Jesus never wavered in his affection for His mother.Second, the legislation stipulated that the first-born son was responsible for the care of his parents.Throughout His life, Jesus was obedient to the law.

Based on the words of Christ spoken from the crucifixion, we may conclude that He was fully committed to the Father right up to his death on the cross.Keeping in mind that Jesus was quite explicit about His regard for the law.This is due to the fact that He came to fulfill it.″Do not believe that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them.″ ″Do not imagine that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets.″ Matt.5:17 (KJV)

Sayings of Jesus on the Cross4: “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”  Matt 27:46

  • This is considered by many to be the most puzzling passage in the Bible.
  • Jesus is subjected to a variety of trials.
  • In addition to being beaten and tormented, he is insulted and spit on.

A whipping is applied to the Savior, and He is next wounded in the heart with a crown of thorns, and finally with nails in His wrists and feet.What did Jesus say on the cross, at the height of His pain, was recorded.At around the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, saying, ″Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?″ which translates as ″My God, My God, why have You abandoned Me?″.27:46 (Matthew 27:46) Is it possible that God forsook Jesus?Is it possible that He committed the sin of doubt in His dying moments on the cross?

This is the interpretation that many people have given to Jesus’ words.However, there is substantial evidence to suggest that this was not a scream of separation but rather a hymn of praise and adoration.Many think that Jesus was quoting directly from the holy songs of the psalms when He spoke this on the cross, and that this is the most correct interpretation.Consider the implications of it.In the midst of all of His difficulties, Jesus opted to give thanks.Consider what might happen if we followed His example in our own lives.

Check read this article to understand more about why Jesus cried out, ″My God, My God, Why have You deserted Me?″ in the first place.

Sayings of Jesus on the Cross5: “I thirst” John 19:28

  • What did Jesus say on the cross that not only captured the essence of both His humanity and His agony, but also captured the essence of His humanity and suffering?
  • ″I’m thirsty,″ Jesus declared.
  • These two simple, yet powerful, phrases serve as a sharp reminder that what our Lord went through was a very genuine experience in his life.

As His earthly flesh decayed, He experienced terrible anguish and discomfort as He carried the sins of the world, something that only God could accomplish.Later, knowing that all had now been completed and that Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus expressed his thirst by saying, ″I have a thirst.″ John 19:28 (NIV) In His journey to redeem the world and bring in eternal life, Jesus endured no little amount of suffering.This is simply another manifestation of the depths of God’s love for each and every person.

Sayings of Jesus on the Cross6: “It is finished” John 19:30

  • This is the sixth declaration that Jesus made on the cross, and it is one that every Christian may rely on for assurance in their relationship with God.
  • According to Mark 15:37, Jesus let forth a piercing yell.
  • That resounding ″it is completed,″ according to some researchers, might have been the strong words ″It is finished.″ These are some of the most profound phrases that have ever been said.

The fulfillment of all of God’s promises is symbolized by this single phrase.As far back as the Garden of Eden, the Father announced a plan for the redemption of mankind (Genesis 3:5).If you were a bystander that day, you may have concluded that Jesus’ mission had come to an end.But what did Jesus say while hanging on the cross?″It is completed″ is rendered in Koine Greek as ″Tetelestai,″ which means ″it has been completed.″ TELESTEAI was a Greek word that was used in ancient trade to indicate that a loan has been completely paid off.

On the Jewish Day of Atonement, the statement ″It is completed″ held special meaning since it signified the completion of the ritual.When the Priest said these words, it meant that the sins of the people had been forgiven for a certain time period.Jesus’ death, on the other hand, was the ultimate and last sacrifice that put a stop to all sacrifices.All of our sins were carried to the cross by Jesus.Every error and transgression was paid for in full, and there was no more money to be made.With his death, the law was finally completed, and the devil’s deeds were destroyed for all time.

Every Christian understands that ″It is done″ is more than a phrase; it is a war cry in their lives.Although death is the penalty for sin, we have life, and we have it in abundantly because of the sacrifice of Jesus.Death is no longer something to be feared.Due to the fact that the children had flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity in order that via his death, he may break the power of him who possesses the power of death—that is, the devil—and set free those who had been kept in servitude all of their lives by their fear of death.

  1. Hebrews 2:13-15 (New International Version)

Sayings of Jesus on the Cross7: “Father, into Your Hands I commit my Spirit.” Luke 23:46

  • On the crucifixion, what did Jesus have to say in His dying moments?
  • ″Father, I surrender My Spirit into Your Hands,″ he murmured.
  • ″I commit My Spirit into Your Hands.″ With the exception of one phrase, this last outburst may be summarized as follows: The term in question is ″willingness.″ Despite the fact that He had the option to choose a different path, Jesus was prepared to die and give Himself up.

Looking at Jesus’ comments, it is clear that there was no misunderstanding concerning His authority.Take, for example, what He said to the Apostle Peter and to Pontius Pilate.When Jesus was arrested, he said to Peter, ″Do you think I won’t be able to call on my Father, and he would immediately place at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?″ ″How, therefore, would the Scriptures be fulfilled, which state that it must take place in this manner?″ Matthew 26:53 (KJV) Jesus understood that the events that were about to unfold had a greater significance than the suffering he was experiencing.As a result, He decided to permit it.As Pontius Pilate deliberated about Jesus’ destiny, Jesus spoke the following to him: In response, Jesus said, ″You would have no authority over Me unless it had been granted to you from on high; for this reason, he who surrendered Me to you has committed the greater sin.″ John 19:11 (KJV) Pontius Pilate was one of the most prominent individuals in the region at the time of Christ’s death.

It’s difficult to imagine standing in the Governor’s office and telling him, ″You have no control over me.″ This is in recognition of the fact that the Governor has the last word in the majority of legislative affairs affecting the state.He or she has the authority to command the State Police as well as the National Guard.Although there is a bravery and a Jesus that comes from very important places, it is not universal.Those are the positions of power and the willingness to carry out orders.Jesus was in command, and once He realized that He had fulfilled the Old Testament predictions and was unmistakably the Messiah that all of Israel had yearned for, He yelled out these crucial words in a resounding voice.When Jesus cried out in a loud voice, he was saying, ″Father, I submit my spirit into your hands.″ When he had finished speaking, he took his last breath.

John 19:11 (KJV) When Jesus suffered and died on the cross, he did it voluntarily.The reason Jesus died on the cross was not only because it was God’s will at the time, but also because it had been God’s will from the beginning of time.

Here’s what other’s said at the cross

  • When Jesus took his last breath, a massive earthquake shook the world.
  • The curtain in the temple has been torn in half entirely.
  • They were astounded by what He had said and done, as well as by the indications that followed after He had spoken and done it.

3) The Gospels make a point of mentioning the Roman Guard, who stood nearby and made a forceful statement at the foot of the cross.When Jesus was arrested, the soldier said that He ″really was the son of God,″ according to Matthew 27:54 and Mark 15:39, respectively.In Luke 23:47, we learn that a guard declared that ″surely this guy was innocent.″ It is uncertain if these were descriptions of two comments from a single guard or assertions from numerous Centaurians who were there at the time of the incident.What we do know is that the death of Jesus had a profound impact on those who witnessed it.The same guards who had been insulting Him, assaulting Him, and gambling for His garments were suddenly praising Him and expressing their gratitude.

That even those who are hostile to us will be amazed by the God who lives inside us is an incredible illustration of what may happen when we choose to follow God’s Will during difficult circumstances.Never give up!Never give up!

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What did Jesus say on the cross? | A recap of the sayings of Jesus

  • Each and every one of our lives would be transformed if we just studied Jesus’ sayings and asked the question, ″What did Jesus say on the cross?″ Takeaways from Jesus’ words on the cross that, if applied to one’s own life, have the potential to transform one’s life forever are presented here: ″Father, pardon them since they are unaware of what they are doing.″ (Matthew 23:34) When it comes to forgiving and praying for your adversaries, Jesus sets the standard. Do you have the ability to forgive people who have wronged you? ″Today you will be with me in paradise,″ says the narrator (Luke 23:43) Every person who calls on His Name will be able to find their path. What if you were like the thief and made the decision today to say, ″I want to be with you, Jesus″? What if you said, ″Woman, behold your son″? (See also John 19:26-27.) Jesus was extremely concerned for His family and placed God’s will first in all He did. When things go bad, are you willing to put your attention on caring for others around you and obeying God’s will? ″My God, My God, why have You left Me,″ says the prophet. (Matthew 27:46
  • Mark 1:15) Jesus directed His gaze away from earth and toward the heavens at His most trying time. He did not scream out with complaints, but rather with a hymn of adoration. Can you give thanks to God and remember that He is loyal to His children, even in the midst of your most difficult circumstances?
  • ″I hunger″ (John 19:28) Jesus was willing to suffer for the greater good. Are you prepared to endure hardship in order to accomplish what God has planned for your life? ″It is completed,″ God says. John is a fictional character created by the author of the novel The Assassin’s Creed (19:30) When it came time to finish His mission, Jesus didn’t slack off. So many people gave up before we could complete our victory. Are you prepared to see through to the end of what you begin for Jesus? ″Father, into Your Hands I surrender my Spirit.″ When Jesus died for us, He did it voluntarily. Considering placing your entire life fully in the hands of the Almighty God
  • At the end of the day, what did Jesus say on the cross?
  • ″I adore you!″ he said.
  • You can make a decision to follow Him by saying ″Jesus, You are Lord,″ just like the thief on the cross, and He will accept your decision.

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“The Divine Exchange: 10 Things Jesus Accomplished on the Cross” by Derek Prince

  • Every since I began writing Escape to Reality, I’ve been seeking for an opportunity to include something by Derek Prince.
  • I just came upon a series of lectures by Prince titled The Divine Exchange, which I found to be quite interesting.
  • This series describes ten things that Jesus did for you on the cross, as described by Prince.

It is a powerful message that will leave you feeling grateful to Jesus for his love and sacrifice on your behalf.The Divine Exchange was first preached by Prince in 1987.This message has subsequently been transcribed word for word and made available as a free e-book for download.What follows is a more in-depth sampling.This young woman from Oklahoma shared her thoughts…

‘Take into consideration the work of Calvary.’A flawless piece of work, flawless in every sense, flawless in every element.’ … The Greek New Testament and one of Jesus’ last remarks on the cross came to mind right away, and I immediately thought of him saying, ‘It is completed.’ The Greek word for this is tetelestai, which is a single word.However, it is the perfect tense of a verb, which signifies that something has been done correctly.Occasionally, I’ve stated that the phrase may be translated as follows: It is entirely perfect or it is completely complete.At the conclusion of the last session, we had reached Isaiah 53:4–6….Knowing that the name of Isaiah is associated with the Hebrew word for salvation is second nature to you.

He is the prophet of the coming of salvation.In this place is the essence, the very center of redemption.We’ll take another look at verse 6 and analyze its significance a bit more thoroughly this time.All of us, like lost sheep, have gone astray…

  1. ″All of us″ excludes no one.
  2. Are we on the same page on this?
  3. Is this something that all of us have to deal with?
  4. You are under no obligation to inform me, but you must make a decision.
  5. we have all turned to our own ways, and the Lord has placed the guilt of all of us on him as a result.

That word ‘iniquity’ is a fascinating and crucial one to consider.The Hebrew term for this is avon…The most fundamental definition of the word is guilt.Perversity is another another way of putting it into words.What is the source of our guilt?…The word’rebellion’ comes to mind as the most modern translation.

Because of this, the whole human species bears a global sense of guilt.However, according to Isaiah, the Lord has placed the blame of all of us on his shoulders.The term avon not only denotes guilt, but it also denotes the penalty meted out for wrongdoing…As a result, God not only put on Jesus the guilt of all of us—pay attention, this is very important—but he also imposed on Jesus the penalty for the crime of all of us…What you just read is extremely essential because it is the key to comprehending what took place when Jesus died on the cross.

  1. God the Father brought all of our sins, all of our perversity, all of our rebellion, and all of the awful consequences that accompany rebellion together on him, and he made it so…
  2. If you can understand that concept once, you will have the key to the storeroom.
  3. That revelation has all of the information you require…
  4. Allow me to put it this way: That which transpired on the cross was a divinely intended swap of roles.

Consider the importance of the word ‘exchange.’ All of the evil that resulted from our rebellion converged on Jesus.That’s the left hand, by the way.The right hand is the polar opposite of the left.

  1. For us to be able to benefit from all of the benefits that have accrued as a result of Jesus’ spotless obedience…
  2. We wouldn’t come to such conclusion since it goes against our normal way of thinking.
  3. All of the evil that resulted from our rebellion was heaped upon Jesus on the cross in order that all of the good that resulted from his immaculate obedience may be made available to us.
  4. In other words, the evil was brought upon Jesus in order for us to benefit from what was made accessible to him…
  5. Now I’d want to make a little adjustment to one word.

Instead of using the pronoun ″we,″ use the pronoun ″me.″ It’s now a very personal matter; it’s just you and God.You know what they say when you’re at the cross, don’t you?Is it true that there is just one place to sit at the foot of the cross?You’re the one who’s in charge now.When you gaze up at the cross, you see his corpse bruised and bleeding, a horrible scene that you don’t really want to even look at or think about for a second.And then you say something like this.

  • It is said that Jesus suffered the punishment due to me so that I would benefit from the good that Jesus deserved.
  • Yes, you are correct.
  • It’s when you make it personal that it becomes effective.
  • Having comprehended that one essential point…

even if you may not have noticed any difference right now…you have unlocked the door to the treasure house…Let’s take a look at some of the specifics of the transaction.I’ve compiled a list of 10.

  1. I don’t want you to have the impression that it’s a finished product; it’s only a specimen, after all.
  2. Some of you may recall that the Lord talked to me via the young woman from Oklahoma and told me that the work of Calvary was a perfect work that was flawless in every way.
  3. He also told me that I should consider the work of Calvary because it was flawless in every way.
  4. As a result, there are considerations and considerations.
  5. We will be looking at 10 distinct facets of the work of Calvary in this article.

There are ten distinct perspectives on what God accomplished in Jerusalem via the death of Jesus.

  1. Jesus was punished in order for us to be forgiven
  2. Jesus was wounded in order for us to be healed
  3. Jesus was made sin with our sinfulness in order for us to be made righteous with His righteousness
  4. and Jesus was made sin with our sinfulness in order for us to be made righteous with His righteousness.
  5. In order for us to share His life, Jesus was cursed so that we may be blessed
  6. Jesus suffered our poverty so that we might share His abundance
  7. Jesus bore our disgrace so that we might share His glory
  8. Jesus endured our shame so that we might enjoy His glory
  9. In order for me to be accepted by the Father, Jesus had to bear my rejection
  10. He was separated from us in order for us to be united with the Lord.
  11. It was through Him that our Old Man was put to death, allowing the New Man to come to life in us.

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What did Jesus do on the cross?

  • What Jesus accomplished on the cross was to die in our place in order for us to be forgiven when we place our faith in what Christ has done there.
  • When we accept the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf by faith, we will be granted eternal life and will be spared from the just judgment of God the Father.
  • On the cross, Jesus willingly bore the burden of our sins.

He stood by and let people to spread lies against him and murder him.He was able to use the evil that had been done to him to accomplish good for others.He gave himself up for others, demonstrating the deepest love known to man.Our redemption and our sin debt to God take place on the cross, and it is there that we get forgiveness.A selection of Scriptures that describe what Jesus performed on the cross is provided here.

  1. Jesus Christ put down his life for us, as stated in John 10:11, ″I am the good shepherd
  2. the good shepherd lays down His life for the flock.″
  3. John 15:13 says, ″Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.″ This was demonstrated by the greatest act of love.
  4. The Bible says that we have been reconciled to God via the death of His Son (Rom. 5:10). ″For if, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we will be saved by His life,″ says the Bible.
  5. In the same way that one act of transgression resulted in the condemnation of all men, so one act of virtue resulted in the justification of all men, according to Rom. 5:18.
  6. In Romans 6:8, it says, ″For by His death, He put an end to sin once and for all
  7. but by His life, He puts an end to sin, once and for all.″
  8. Christ died for our sins, 1 Cor. 15:3, ″For I gave to you as of first importance what I also received, namely, that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures,″ says the apostle Paul.
  9. The atonement was completed when Jesus received the sour wine, according to 2 Cor. 5:21, ″He caused Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so we may become the righteousness of God in Him.″ The atonement was completed when Jesus declared, ″It is finished!″ And He lowered His head and surrendered His spirit to the Father.″ In Eph. 2:16, the apostle Paul writes, ″and may reconcile them both in one body to God by the cross, by which it had put to dead the enmity.″ In Phil. 2:8, ″And being discovered in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by being obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross,″ God demonstrates his humility.
  10. Bringing all things back into harmony, Col. 1:20, ″and by Him to bring all things back into harmony with Himself, having made peace through the blood of His death
  11. through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven.″
  12. As Paul writes in Col. 2:14, ″He has wiped out the certificate of obligation that consisted of decrees against us and that was antagonistic to us
  13. and He has removed it from the path, having nailed it to the cross,″ God has removed our sin debt from our lives.
  14. Made the Devil Helpless (Hebrews 2:14) says that as the children partake of flesh and blood, He Himself partakes of flesh and blood in order to render powerless him who held the power of death (that is, the devil), via death.
  15. ″And for this reason He is the mediator of a new covenant, in order that, since a death has occurred for the redemption of the transgressions that were committed under the first covenant, those who have been called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance,″ Heb. 9:15-16, ″For where a covenant is made, there must inevitably be the death of the one who made it.″
  16. We were redeemed by His blood, according to 1 Peter 1:18-19, ″knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things such as silver or gold, from your futile way of life that was passed down to you from your forefathers, 19 but with precious blood, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot, the blood of Christ.″
  17. He carried our sins in His body on the cross, 1 Peter 2:24, ″for He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so we may die to sin and live to righteousness
  18. because it was through His wounds that you were healed.″
  19. In 1 Peter 3:18, it says, ″For Christ likewise died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unjust, in order that He may bring us to God,″ meaning that Christ died in the flesh but was raised to life by God’s Spirit after having been put to death in the flesh.
  20. He atoned for our sins, 1 John 2:2, ″and He Himself is the atonement for our sins
  21. and not only for ours, but also for the sins of the whole world.″
  22. He fulfilled prophecy, Psalm 22:14-18, ″14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint
  23. 15 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint
  24. 16 I am poured out like water, and all my bones My heart is like wax, and it is melting inside of me. 15 My strength has dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue has become cleaved to my teeth. And then you bury me in the ash of eternity. 16 Dogs have encircled me, for this reason. A gang of evildoers has encircled me, piercing my hands and feet in the process. 17 I’m able to count every one of my bones. Isaiah 53:4-7 states that ″Surely our griefs He Himself bore, and our sorrows He Himself carried.″ He fulfilled this prophesy through fulfilling prophecy in Isaiah 53:4-7 which states that ″Surely our griefs He Himself endured, and our sorrows He Himself carried.″ Although we considered Him to be struck, afflicted, and smitten by God, He was pierced through for our sins, and He was buried with us. He was crushed as a result of our transgressions. We are cured as a result of His scourging, which was done for our good and the good of all mankind. 6 We have all gone astray like sheep, each of us turning to his or her own path
  25. but the Lord has allowed the sin of us all to fall on Him. 7 He was burdened and afflicted, yet He did not use His mouth to express himself. Thus, He did not open His mouth like a lamb being taken to the slaughterhouse or as a sheep being sheared in front of its shearers.″
  26. Zechariah 12:10 says, ″And I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and supplication, so that they will look on Me whom they have pierced, and they will mourn for Him, as one mourns for an only son
  27. and they will weep bitterly over Him, as one weeps bitterly over a first-born.″ He fulfilled this prophecy.
See also:  Why Do People Hate Jesus

The passage above, while not exhaustive, provides us with a good scriptural picture of what Jesus accomplished on the cross and why he did it.


Monday, September 14, 2020

Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Numbers 21:4-9 are a good example of this. Philippians 2:6-11 is a passage of scripture. Psalm 78:1-2, 34-38, and 79:1-2 John 3:13-17 (KJV)

what jesus did on the cross

Jesus “was known to be of human estate, and it was thus that He humbled Himself, obediently accepting even death, death on a cross!” —Philippians 2:7-8

  • The crucifixion, which had previously served as a means of execution and a symbol of brutality and disgrace, was transformed by Jesus into the most powerful emblem of God’s love and glory.
  • The work of Jesus on the cross was important in bringing about this transformation.
  • The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross:shed His blood to redeem us, wash away our sins (Eph 1:7), and deliver us from a futile way of life (1 Pt 1:18-19),made it possible for us to become children of God (Gal 6:15) and share in the divine nature (2 Pt 1:4),performed the most pure act of unconditional love and poured out infinite mercy,humbled Himself and obeyed His Father (Phil 2:8),forgave us (Jn 19:26-27).

During the brief hours that Jesus was crucified, He accomplished more for the human race than has been or will be accomplished in all of the hours of human history combined.Let us live to praise Jesus and to inform as many people as possible about the victory He has won on the cross through His sacrifice.Prayer: Jesus, I am amazed by Your boundless love and mercy.I completely surrender my life to You.Promise: ″As a result, Moses fashioned a bronze snake and put it on a pole, and everyone who had been bitten by a serpent just had to look at the bronze serpent to heal.″ —Nm 21:9 (New Testament) The genuine cross was discovered in Jerusalem in 326 AD, according to religious legend, and St.

Helena was the one who discovered it.″May I never make anything else my source of pride than the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ!″ (Galatians 6:14) Reference: Rescript: ″In accordance with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby award the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body for the period August 1, 2020, through September 30, 2020, for the duration of the project.Archbishop Joseph R.Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop and Vicar General Archdiocese of Cincinnati, is a priest in the Diocese of Cincinnati in Ohio.1st of October, 2019 ″ The Nihil Obstat (″Permission to Publish″) is a legal concept ″When a book or pamphlet is declared free of doctrinal or moral mistake, it is known as a proclamation of freedom from error.No inference should be drawn from this that individuals who have awarded the Nihil Obstat are in agreement with the contents, viewpoints, or remarks made.

8 Things Jesus Accomplished on the Cross

  • All that was left and remains is this: to believe or not to believe, that is all there is to it; Father knows who believes and who does not, regardless of whether one claims to believe.
  • Despite the fact that I do not see it, my goal is that everyone will believe.
  • Nevertheless, I trust Father no matter what.

Father and Son as Won (One) have taken care of the sin issue for us all, and this was accomplished via his one time voluntary dying, once and for all, testimony to it.John 1:29 (NIV) Jesus’ cry of ″it is finished″ in John 19:30 signified the completion of the sin issue that had brought about death.This is also what Jesus stated he had come to earth to achieve in Matthew 5:17, which was to fulfill the Law and Prophets of God.However, the Law has not been fulfilled, or has it?Only Father can disclose this in Spirit and Truth to those who have gone from unbelief to faith in the risen Jesus, and only Father can show this to those who have changed from unbelief to faith in the risen Jesus.

Everyone else, even those who are in unbelief, is under the Law; while it is not completed in these, it is in Father for them via Son for them.All that is left is for you to decide whether or not to believe.There will be no one who can claim ignorance at the time of Judgement Day, for any who claim they were unaware will be proved to be lying when the time comes.Once the decision has been taken knowingly, there will be no room for apologies.It may take a lifetime on earth to believe, see, and be set free, but I believe that it is worth it to stop worrying about who, where, or when, because Father knows everything, and I see that it is best to only trust Father, listen attentively to all, and simply bring everything to Father in trustworthy prayer.

6 Facts Surrounding the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

The crucifixion of Jesus Christ was the most horrible, agonizing, and shameful method of lethal punishment ever utilized in the ancient world, and it remains so to this day. Binding the victim’s hands and feet together with nails, and nailing the victim’s hands and feet together with nails, was this form of execution.

Crucifixion Definition and Facts

  • It is derived from the Latin crucifixio, or crucifixus, which literally translates as ″attached to a cross.″ The term ″crucifixion″ (pronounced krü-se-fik-shen) means ″fixing to a cross.″
  • Crucification was a cruel type of torture and death in the ancient world that entailed tying someone to a tree or a wooden post with ropes or nails, and then hanging them from the tree or post.
  • Preceding the actual crucifixion, convicts were subjected to torture including floggings, beatings, burning, racking, mutilation, and verbal abuse directed at the victim’s family.
  • The hands and feet of a victim were driven through with stakes and affixed to a wooden cross in Roman crucifixion
  • Crucifixion was employed in the execution of Jesus Christ.

History of Crucifixion

  • Although the crucifixion was considered to be one of the most shameful and painful ways of death in ancient times, it was also considered to be one of the most dreaded means of execution in ancient times.
  • Extant records of crucifixions date back to prehistoric times, with the Persians most likely being the first to record them, before spreading to the Assyrians, Scythian, Carthaginian, Germanic, Celtic, and British cultures.
  • Crucifixion, as a form of capital punishment, was reserved largely for traitors, captive armies, slaves, and the most heinous of offenders, among others.

Crucifying convicts became prevalent during the reign of Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), who, after seizing the city of Tyre, executed 2,000 Tyrians on the cross.

Forms of Crucifixion

  • It is possible that secular historians were unable to explain the tragic events of this heinous practice because they could not bear to do so because of their religious beliefs. A great deal has been learned about this early form of the death punishment, however, thanks to archaeological discoveries made in first-century Palestine. Crux Simplex (a single upright stake)
  • Crux Commissa (a capital T-shaped structure)
  • Crux Decussata (an X-shaped cross)
  • and Crux Immissa (the iconic lower case t-shaped structure of Jesus’ crucifixion) were the four primary constructions or types of crosses that were used for crucifixion.

Bible Story Summary of Christ’s Crucifixion

  • Several biblical passages, including Matthew 27:27-56, Mark 15:21-38, Luke 23:26-49, and John 19:16-37 (all from the New International Version), describe Jesus Christ’s death on the Roman crucifixion.
  • Christians believe that Christ’s death served as the ideal atoning sacrifice for the sins of all humanity, making the crucifix, also known as the cross, one of the most iconic symbols of their faith.
  • In the Bible’s account of Jesus’ execution, the Jewish high council, known as the Sanhedrin, convicted Jesus of blasphemy and determined that he should be put to death.

But first and foremost, they need the approval of Rome to carry out their death sentence.Jesus was brought before Pontius Pilate, the Roman ruler, who determined that he was innocent.Pilate flogged Jesus and then handed him up to Herod, who returned him to Pilate.Because the Sanhedrin demanded that Jesus be killed, Pilate, fearful of the Jews, handed Jesus over to one of his centurions, who carried out the death sentence on Jesus’ behalf.Jesus was beaten, ridiculed, and spit on in broad daylight.

On his head was a crown of thorns, which he refused to take off.He was stripped of his garments and carried to the place of execution known as Golgotha.A concoction of vinegar, gall, and myrrh was presented to him, but he turned it down politely.A cross was erected on which Jesus was crucified between two criminals, and stakes were hammered through his wrists and ankles to secure him to the structure.″The King of the Jews,″ according to the inscription on the wall over his head.

Timeline of Jesus’ Death by Crucifixion

  • From roughly 9 a.m.
  • until 3 p.m., Jesus hung on the cross for approximately six hours.
  • People were passing by yelling obscenities and scoffing as soldiers cast lots for Jesus’ garments during this time.

Jesus talked to his mother Mary and the disciple John from the crucifixion, according to the Gospel of Matthew.″My God, my God, why have You left Me?″ he screamed out to his father as well.At that point, the entire landscape was enveloped in darkness.Una few moments later, as Jesus was exhaling his final excruciating breath, an earthquake rocked the earth, tearing the temple curtain in half from top to bottom.According to Matthew’s Gospel, ″The earth trembled, and the rocks cracked apart.

The tombs were opened, and the bodies of many holy individuals who had died were brought back to life by the might of God.″ In order to demonstrate mercy, it was customary for Roman troops to break the criminal’s legs, so speeding up the process of execution.However, by the time the troops arrived, Jesus had already passed away.Rather than shattering his legs, they punctured his side with a knife.Before the sun fell, Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea brought Jesus down from the cross and placed him in Joseph’s tomb.

Good Friday – Remembering the Crucifixion

Christianity’s Holy Day of Obligation, also known as Good Friday, is held on the Friday before Easter. On this day, Christians commemorate Jesus Christ’s passion, or suffering, and death on the cross. The suffering of Christ on the cross is a source of great inspiration for many Christians, who spend this day in fasting, prayer, repentance, and meditation.


  • Crucifixion. The Crucifixion, according to the Lexham Bible Dictionary (p. 368).
  • The Crucifixion, according to the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary.

Five lessons from the cross

  • There are a variety of reasons why people stare at the cross.
  • For many, it is a religious symbol that serves as a constant reminder of the sacrifice that Jesus made.
  • Some people consider it to be a piece of jewelry.

Others consider it to be something that is utilized for interior design.I’d like to share with you five lessons that the cross can teach us.The crucifixion reminds us that sin will cause us to be separated from our Creator.According to Isaiah 59:1, 2 our sin separates us from God.According to Romans 5:8, God demonstrated his love for us when we were still sinners.

As you can see, Jesus was separated from God as a result of our sin and the consequences of that sin.In addition, the crucifixion teaches us about forgiveness.According to Hebrews 10:10-18, Jesus is the final sacrifice for sin that will be offered to all people throughout all of time.The cross reminds us that forgiveness takes sacrifice on our side as well as on the part of others.The cross educates us about the importance of success.In today’s world, Jesus’ death may be viewed as a failure.

In spite of everything, Jesus declared in John 19:30, as he was dying, ″It is completed.″ As you can see, he was successful in his endeavor to carry out God’s purpose.Doing God’s will is the only way for a Christian to achieve prosperity.The cross is a course in love that we may learn from.The Bible says in John 15:13 that there is no greater love than this: ″There is no greater love than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.″ Jesus demonstrated his love for us by willingly dying on the cross for our sins.

  1. ″If you love me, you will do what I order,″ Jesus says in John 14:15.
  2. ″If you love me, you will obey what I command.″ The crucifixion informs us about Jesus’ ability to bring people to him.
  3. ″And I, if I am raised up from the ground, will draw all mankind to myself,″ Jesus declares in John 12:32.
  4. In addition, Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 1:18, ″For the message of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but it is the power of God to us who are being saved.″ Jesus died on the cross in order to call us to him for redemption, as Paul explains.
  5. We must remember that the cross does not have power in and of itself, but rather serves as a reminder of what happened there and why it happened.
  6. The gospel, or the good news of Jesus, possesses tremendous power.

He was sent by God to teach us how to conduct our lives.He passed away.He was laid to rest.And he came back to life after being buried.Instead of the crucifixion, it is the Christ who died on the cross who pulls us closer to God and to one another.I’d appreciate it if you could respond.

Send me an email at [email protected].

See also:  Which Herod Was Alive When Jesus Was Born?

Simon of Cyrene – Wikipedia

SaintSimon of Cyrene
The fifth Station of the Cross, showing Simon of Cyrene helping Jesus carry his cross. St. Raphael’s Cathedral, Dubuque, Iowa.
Bishop, and Martyr
Died 100
Venerated in Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodox Church, and the Church of the East
Feast 1 December
Attributes Carrying Jesus’ Cross before His Crucifixion
  • The man compelled by the Romans to carry the cross of Jesus of Nazareth as Jesus was taken to his crucifixion, according to all three Synoptic Gospels: Simon of Cyrene (Hebrew:, Standard Hebrew imon, Tiberian Hebrew imôn; Greek: o, Simn Kyrnaios; died 100) was the man compelled by the Romans to carry the cross of Jesus of Nazareth And when they came out, they discovered a man from Cyrene, whose name was Simon, whom they made to wear the cross.
  • He was also the father of the disciples Rufus and Alexander, whom he raised as his own.


  • Cyrene was a city in northern Africa, on the border with eastern Libya.
  • Ptolemy Soter compelled 100,000 Judean Jews to live in this city during his reign (323–285 BC), and it became an early center of Christianity.
  • It was a Greek city in the province of Cyrenaica that had a Jewish colony where 100,000 Judean Jews were forced to dwell during his reign (323–285 BC).

In Jerusalem, the Cyrenian Jews established a synagogue, where many of them gathered for yearly feasts.

Biblical accounts

  • Carrying the cross, or patibulum (crossbeam in Latin), for Jesus is the fifth or seventh Station of the Cross, depending on whose version you read it.
  • Some have interpreted the verse as meaning that Simon was picked because he may have expressed sympathy for Jesus’ cause.
  • Others argue that the text itself says nothing, that he had no option, and that there is no foundation for considering the carrying of the cross to be an act of empathetic charity on the part of the victim.

The biblical author Mark 15:21 refers to Simon as ″the father of Alexander and Rufus.″ Because their names are included in the tradition, it is possible that they were well-known in the Early Christian community in Rome before going on to become missionaries.The Rufus (in Greek: v or Rhouphon) referenced by Paul in Romans 16:13 may possibly be the son of Simon of Cyrene, according to certain interpretations of the passage.Some believe that Simon himself was one of the ″men of Cyrene″ who proclaimed the Gospel to the Greeks in Acts 11:20, and that this is a connection that should be made.Simon’s surname, on the other hand, does not rule out the possibility that he was Jewish, and Alexander and Rufus were also popular names that may have referred to others.A burial cave in the Kidron Valley unearthed in 1941 by E.

L.Sukenik, which belonged to Cyrenian Jews and was believed to have been built before AD 70, was revealed to contain an ossuary with the Greek inscription ″Alexander son of Simon″ written twice on it.The fact that this is the same individual, however, cannot be determined with certainty.

Church tradition

His consecration as the first bishop of the modern Archdiocese of Avignon, according to one Catholic tradition, took place in 1204. Another theory states that he was crucified and martyred in the year 100. As far as the Catholic Church is concerned, Simon of Cyrene is not commemorated in the Old or Revised Roman Martyrology.

Gnostic views

  • According to certain Gnostic beliefs, Simon of Cyrene was subjected to the circumstances leading up to the crucifixion as a result of a mistaken identification.
  • This is the tale told in the Second Treatise of the Great Seth, albeit it is unknown if Simon or someone else died on the cross in actuality.
  • According to certain Gnostics, Jesus was not made of flesh, but rather just assumed the appearance of flesh in order to save the world (see also Basilides, and Swoon hypothesis).

Irenaeus claims that Basilides, in his gospel of Basilides, preached a docetic concept of Christ’s agony, which is supported by the evidence.Specifically, he asserts the idea that Christ in Jesus, as a totally divine entity, was incapable of experiencing bodily suffering and did not die on the cross, but that the person crucified was in reality Simon of Cyrene.Irenaeus recounts Basiledes, who says, ″He appeared on earth in the shape of a man and worked marvels.″ As a result, he did not suffer personally.A certain Simon of Cyrene, on the other hand, was obliged to bear the cross for him.It was he who was mistakenly and erroneously crucified, having been transfigured by him in order for him to be mistaken for Jesus in the first place.

Furthermore, Jesus took on the persona of Simon and laughed at them as they passed by.Irenaeus, Against Heresies (Against Heresies)

In popular culture

  • The visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich revealed that Simon was a satanic priestess.
  • He was chosen by the Romans to assist Jesus in carrying the cross because they identified him as not being a Jew based on his clothing.
  • Simon the Cyrenian is a drama written by poet Ridgely Torrence that is based on his life.

This drama was staged by the YWCA in 1920, under the direction of Dora Cole, the sister of composer Bob Cole, and starring Paul Robeson.The role of Simon of Cyrene was played by Sidney Poitier in the 1965 film The Greatest Story Ever Told, directed by George Stevens and starring Sidney Poitier.The contemporaneous King of Kings, on the other hand, depicts a black soldier there at the moment of Jesus’ flagellation, according to tradition.A vignette from Monty Python’s Life of Brian (1979), a comedy film about the life of Brian, has a reference to the Simon of Cyrene story.This time, a guy who appears to be religious and generous offers to one of the condemned who is bearing a cross, ″Brother, allow me to bear your weight.″ After doing so, the doomed guy flees, leaving the generous man to deal with the cross and the prospect of crucifixion himself.

Simon is portrayed as a Jew in the film The Passion of the Christ, who, after being forced to carry the cross by the Romans, is first resentful, but eventually grows to care for Jesus and assist him.


Among others who have taken their names from Simon of Cyrene are the Simon Community and the Cyrenian movement (which provides assistance to homeless and other underprivileged people in the United Kingdom).

See also

  • Chapel of Simon of Cyrene


  1. A b c T.A. Bryant, compiler
  2. Mark 15:21–22
  3. Matthew 27:32
  4. Luke 23:26
  5. Matthew 27:32: text from the King James Version
  6. Matthew 27:32: text from the King James Version
  7. The Bible as it appears in today’s edition. ″Matthew″, in The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Frank E. Gaebelein, ed. Vol. 8, Grand Rapids: Regency (Zondervan), 1984. Page 575
  8. a b c d e f g h I j j j j j j j j j j j j j (Wm B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2006). Gnostic Bible (Willis Barnstone and Marvin Meyer, eds.). New York: Columbia University Press, 1990. Frank Leslie Cross and Elizabeth A. Livingstone (1997) published ″Basilides″ in Shambhala (Boston) in 2002, pages 465–470. p. 168 of The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, published by Oxford University Press under the ISBN 019211655X
  9. Ehrman, Bart (2005). Kelhoffer, James A. (1998). Lost Christianities. Oxford University Press. p. 188. ISBN 0195182499
  10. Kelhoffer, James A. (1998). (2014). Pre-Christian Christians had different ideas about the ″Gospel″ and their legitimacy. The Mohr Siebeck Publishing Company, p. 80, ISBN 9783161526367 ″t gentibus ipsorum autem apparuisse eum in terra hominem, et virtutes perfecisse, t gentibus ipsorum autem apparuisse eum in terra hominem, t gentibus ipsorum autem apparuisse eum in terra hominem, t gentibus ipsorum autem apparuisse eum in When the time came, sed Simonem quendam Cyrenum angariatum portasse crucem ejus pro eo: and at the end of the second century, in the midst of ignorance and error on the cross, uti putaretur ipse esse Jesus: and at the end of the third century, in the midst of ignorance and error on the cross, transfiguratum ab eo, uti putaretur ipse esse Jesus″ On the first of May 2017, Boyle, Sheila Tully, and Andrew Bunie were able to recover Book 1, Chapter 19 from the XXXIII database (2001). The Years of Promise and Achievement in the Life of Paul Robeson p. 89. ISBN 1-55849-149-X.
  11. Goudsouzian, Aram. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. p. 89. ISBN 1-55849-149-X. (2004). Sidney Poitier was a man, an actor, and an icon. p. 232. ISBN 0-8078-2843-2.
  12. ″Cyrenians – About us″. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. p. 232. ISBN 0-8078-2843-2. Retrieved on April 3, 2021.

External links

  • Media related to Simon of Cyrene at Wikimedia Commons

Why Is Jesus Christ Important in My Life?

  • ″What is the significance of Jesus Christ in my life?″ 10–13 (New Era, January 2015).
  • It wasn’t long ago that I saw a blog article in which the author discussed how the Savior plays a crucial part in her everyday life.
  • I was relieved that she was ready to share her sentiments, but I was disturbed by one reader’s response: ″He has never been or will ever be of any significance in my life—never has been and will never be.″ That reader couldn’t be more incorrect in his or her assumptions.

We will all require the Savior at some point in our lives.We all make errors that we can’t undo, suffer losses that we can’t recoup, and endure pains, persecution, tragedies, burdens, and disappointments that we can’t bear on our own, but we can work together to overcome them.The good news is that we don’t have to deal with them on our own anymore.It is possible to say in a moment of weakness that no one understands what it is like.″ ‘No one seems to get it.’ Elder David A.Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles remarked, ″But the Son of God totally understands and knows what we are going through because He has suffered and borne our specific afflictions.″ As Alma 34:14 explains, ″And because of His unlimited and eternal sacrifice (see Alma 34:14), He has perfect empathy and is able to extend His arm of mercy to us.″ 1 Our trust in Jesus is crucial to us because, through His Atonement and teachings, as well as His hope, peace, and example, He aids us in making changes in our lives, overcoming hardships, and moving ahead with confidence on our path back to Him and His Father.

Jesus Makes Repentance Possible

  • Because we all fall short of God’s expectations and require the gift of repentance provided by the Atonement, Jesus is extremely vital to all who truly want to follow Him.
  • Whenever we make a mistake or fall, Satan wants us to believe that we are not capable of getting back up and continuing on our way.
  • Aside from that, he wants us to forget that the Gospel is also known as ″the gospel of repentance″ (D&C 13:1; emphasis added).

Despite this, we are confident that ″the mercy of Christ is genuine, and that it provides both forgiveness and purification to the penitent sinner.″ 2 The power of Jesus Christ’s Atonement is available to everyone of us; however, we must make the decision to let it to be put to use in our lives.Consider presenting a particular gift to a buddy—a gift that your acquaintance truly needs and that you prepared through personal sacrifice on his or her behalf.Now imagine your friend answering, ″Thank you, but I’m not particularly interested in your present,″ or anything along those lines.What would your reaction be?The fact that we don’t invite Jesus to assist us in being clean via repentance is the same as rejecting His gift of salvation.

Jesus Teaches Truth

  • Jesus asked the Twelve Apostles, ″Will ye also go away?″ on one occasion when a number of individuals declined to continue walking with Him for any extended period of time. ″Lord, where will we go from here?″ Peter inquired. It says in John 6:67–68, ″Thou hast the words of eternal life.″ The scriptures, the teachings of living prophets, and the whisperings of the Holy Ghost are all places where you might find the Savior’s ″words of eternal life.″ It is through them that we can achieve ″pleasure in this life and everlasting life in the world to come,″3 and it is through them that we can return safely to our Heavenly Father and Savior. What are some of the most important truths that the Savior imparted? The following are the four that President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, mentioned in a recent general conference speech: We will have gorgeous, perfect, and eternal bodies, unburdened by disease or incapacity.″
  • ″Our tears of anguish and loss will be replaced with an abundance of gladness and joy.″
  • ″Through the Atonement., we will be able to live forever with our loved ones.″
  • 4

Jesus Offers Hope

  • When we are confronted with significant difficulties, it might be difficult to place our confidence in the Lord.
  • However, placing our faith in Him provides us with the hope we require in order to tackle our obstacles.
  • The same thing happened to members of the Gatrell family, who reside in Sister Jean A.

Stevens’ ward and were targeted by the authorities.Brother Gatrell was diagnosed with cancer, according to Sister Stevens, the first counselor in the Primary general presidency.Sister Stevens said the family remained steadfast in the gospel and their temple commitments when Brother Gatrell was diagnosed.They gained confidence in God’s promises that they will be reunited after this life as a result of their actions.As she reflected on the tough days leading up to her husband’s death, Sister Gatrell shared her belief that ″the Lord was looking over us.″ ″If you put your confidence in the Lord, you will be able to conquer any of life’s difficulties.″ 5 The gift of the Atonement provides us with the promise of everlasting life, which we need need while we are going through difficult times or grieving the death of a loved one.

First Counselor in the First Presidency President Henry B.Eyring stated that ″our loving Heavenly Father gave us the gift of His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, as our Savior.″ All who are born are given a worldwide heritage through the tremendous gift and benefit of Jesus Christ’s Atonement.This inheritance includes the promise of Resurrection and the potential of eternal life.6

Jesus Offers Peace

  • Anyone who has dealt with a natural catastrophe, been the target of malicious gossip, faced a life-changing crisis, had a falling-out with a friend, or stood up for what’s right knows what it’s like to be in desperate need of the Lord’s comfort. As Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles put it, ″the peace of Christ subdues the spinning whirlwinds of this world.″ 7 During a recent general conference, Elder Andersen presented a story of a Laurel who was mocked and called names because she spoke up for conventional marriage and refused to be silenced. She discovered that being ″faithful to God and to the teachings of His living prophets″ might occasionally result in ridicule, which she accepted as a price. 8 However, standing up does not imply that one is alone. When we are feeling alone or overwhelmed, when we are sad or anxious, when we are terrified or when we feel useless, we may always turn to the Prince of Peace. We accomplish this by: praying to Heavenly Father for the presence of the Spirit
  • reading the Lord’s words in the scriptures and as revealed by living prophets
  • attending temple services
  • studying the Savior’s life at church and in seminary
  • applying His Atonement by repenting of our sins
  • sharing our testimonies of Him
  • and attending temple services.

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