What Is Jesus Passion?

What is the passion of Christ?

Specifically, the Passion of Christ encompasses the time period beginning the night before Jesus’ crucifixion and concluding with His death on the cross.In the Roman Catholic tradition, significant stress has been put on this time period in order to emphasize the sufferings of Jesus leading up to His death as the final sacrifice for sin, which was the ultimate sacrifice for sin.According to tradition, this time period includes His prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane, Judas Iscariot’s betrayal, the desertion and denial of His followers, the arrest of Jesus and the subsequent trials and beatings, as well as the hours spent on the cross.

  • In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed the following: In John 18, Jesus is mentioned as praying in the garden; Matthew and Luke go into further detail about the circumstances surrounding his petitions.
  • Three times, Jesus prayed while His followers were supposed to maintain watch, but instead he fell asleep (Luke 22:39-46).
  • It was such an intensive period of prayer for Jesus that His perspiration ″became like large droplets of blood streaming down to the earth″ (Luke 22:44).
  • Depending on your perspective, this might refer to physical blood (as in the case of the disorder hematidrosis), or it could refer to He was pouring with perspiration.
  • It doesn’t matter whose interpretation you choose, His prayers were quite intense.
  • In the Garden of Gethsemane, Judas Iscariot appeared with a large group of people who were attempting to arrest Jesus.
  • Despite the fact that Judas had been one of Jesus’ closest disciples, he betrayed Him by kissing Him on the lips, as was usual for Jews at the time (Luke 22:48).
  • Disciples have abandoned/denied you: When Jesus was captured, according to the Gospels, all of Jesus’ disciples left the scene (Mark 14:50).
  • John and Peter remained at a safe distance as they followed Jesus to the high priest’s residence, where he was placed on trial.
  • Peter denied knowing Jesus three times while in the courtyard of the high priest, which confirmed Jesus’ prior prophecy that he would do so (Luke 22:54-62).

His Detention: As recorded in Matthew 26:50, ″Then they came up and placed their hands on Jesus, and grabbed him.″ His imprisonment was carried out at the behest of Jewish authorities who were hostile to Jesus’ assertions that he was the promised Messiah.His Obstacles: The Gospels mention seven distinct trials that took place at the hands of both Jewish religious leaders and Roman authorities who were in control of Israel at the time of the events recorded in the Gospels.Despite the fact that Jesus had done nothing to deserve death, He was sentenced to death via crucifixion.After washing his hands, Pilate attempted to establish his innocence in the case of Jesus’ blood, despite the fact that he had already agreed to their demands.Beatings and Sufferings: The gospel writer Luke characterized what happened to Jesus during this night by saying, ″While they were beating Jesus, the men who had taken him into custody began to make fun of his situation.

They also blindfolded him and started questioning him, ‘Prophesy!Who is it that hit you?’ they kept asking him.They also said many other derogatory things about him, like calling him a blasphemer ″ (Luke 22:63-65).As an added torture measure, Jesus was whipped repeatedly with braided pieces of bone or lead balls, resulting in several bleeding wounds that remained open when He was fastened on the cross to die.

  1. Three nails were used in the Roman crucifixion, one in each wrist (or hand) and one through both ankles to tie the victim’s feet.
  2. As reported in the Bible, Jesus was crucified with two criminals, one on either side of Him (Luke 23:32-33).
  3. Before His death on the cross, Jesus spoke seven particular recorded sayings, which were later confirmed by Roman soldiers who pierced His side.
  4. The passion of Christ has been so central to the Christian religion that it has inspired a plethora of traditions, books, and films.
  5. Perhaps the most notable example is Mel Gibson’s film, The Passion of the Christ, which attempted to depict the full violence of Christ’s suffering by showing a single example of how brutally he was handled.
  • The study of Christ’s passion frequently results in the development of a deeper affection for the One who offered His life as a sacrifice for everyone, in order to provide the possibility for those who believe in Him to have everlasting life (John 3:16).
  • Truths that are related: What transpired in the final hours before Jesus’ death is unknown.
  • What judicial proceedings against Jesus resulted in His crucifixion?
  • Who has responsibility for the killing of Jesus Christ?
  • What is Passion Week and how does it work?
  • What does Jesus’ role as the Lamb of God entail?
  • Return to the page: The Truth About Jesus Christ.

The Passion of Jesus Christ

The Passion of Christ, derived from the Latin patior, which means ″suffer,″ refers to the sufferings our Lord underwent for our redemption, beginning with His agony in the garden and concluding with His death on the cross at the foot of the cross.The Passion Narratives of the Gospels contain the specifics of our Lord’s suffering, and they are at least partially supported by contemporaneous Roman historians such as Tacitus, Seutonius, and Pliny the Younger, who lived at the time of our Lord’s suffering.Archaeological discoveries mixed with current medical evaluation present a realistic picture of what our Lord went through throughout his lifetime.

  • In an era in which the ″risen″ Jesus appears on the cross and the phrases ″suffering″ and ″sacrifice″ have become derogatory, we must not lose sight of the truth of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • After the Last Supper, Jesus traveled to the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives, where he spent the next three days praying.
  • ″Father, if it is your will, take this cup away from me; however, not my will, but yours be done,″ our Lord begged to the Father (Lk 22:42).
  • Jesus was well aware of the price He would have to pay.
  • During his prayer, ″his sweat became like drops of blood dripping to the ground,″ according to the author (Lk 22:44).
  • Medical research confirms that humans can sweat blood when they are in an extremely emotional state (a condition known as hematidrosis or hemohidrosis), which is the consequence of hemorrhage into the sweat glands (a disease known as hemohidrosis).
  • Not surprisingly, the Father sent an angel to encourage and support His Son (Lk 22:43).
  • Our Lord was then seized and brought before the Sanhedrin, which was presided over by the High Priest Caiphas, to stand trial for his crimes.
  • When they inquired, He responded, ″Soon you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power and coming on the clouds of heaven″ (Mt 26:64).
  • He was sentenced to death for blasphemy and then spit upon, slapped, and humiliated as a result of his comments.

While the Sandhedrin had the power to sentence our Lord to death, it lacked the authority to carry out the sentence; only Pontius Pilate, the Roman ruler, had the right to order an execution.As a result, the Jewish authorities arrested Jesus and brought him before Pilate.Take note of how the fee has changed: ″We discovered this guy corrupting our nation, opposing the payment of taxes to Caesar, and claiming to be the Messiah, a king,″ the Jewish leaders informed Pilate in their letter (Lk 23:2).I’m wondering what happened to the blasphemy allegation.Pilate was unconcerned about whether Jesus desired to be a messiah, a prophet, or a religious leader; nevertheless, if Jesus desired to be a king, he posed a danger to the power of the Roman government.

Any act of revolt, treason, or subversion must be dealt with as promptly and harshly as possible.As a result, Pilate inquired, ″Are you the ruler of the Jews?″ (Matthew 23:3).Pilate was unable to come up with convincing proof to convict Jesus.″I have investigated Him in your presence and have found no accusation against Him deriving from your charges,″ Pilate declared to the top priests, the ruling class, and the populace (Lk 23:14).

  1. When Pilate was considering releasing a prisoner, he inquired of the audience about Jesus: ″What crime does this guy have on his record?
  2. Has there been anything I’ve uncovered about Him that would justify the death penalty?″ (Matthew 23:22) Even Pilate’s wife pleaded with him not to intervene in the case of ″that holy man,″ and Pilate agreed (Mt 27:19).
  3. Pilate then ordered that Jesus be scourged (Jn 19:1).
  4. With a short whip (flagrum or flagellum) and multiple single or braided leather thongs, the Romans were able to fend off their enemies.
  5. On the thongs and at their ends, iron balls or bone or shell hooks were set at various intervals throughout the length and at the ends of the thongs.
  • It was necessary to strip the individual of his clothing before whipping him across the back, buttocks, and legs.
  • The scourging pulled the skin and tore into the underlying muscles, resulting in gory streamers of flesh hanging from the body.
  • The sufferer was on the point of going into circulatory shock, and the amount of blood lost would decide how long he would live on the crucifix.
  • Additionally, the soldiers used other methods to make our Lord’s scourging even more painful, including thorns being placed on His head and His clothes being changed into purple.
  • They also spat on Him and called Him ″king of the Jews,″ which was a mocking reference to our Lord’s status as the ultimate king of the Jews.
  • (Matthew 27:27-31) Immediately following the scourging, Pilate once again delivered Christ to the mob, who chanted, ″Crucify Him, crucify Him!″ after each presentation.
  • For fear of an insurrection, Pilate capitulated and turned Jesus over to the Romans for execution.

It was the Romans who developed the crucifixion, which was said to have originated in Persia, in order to achieve a lingering death with the greatest degree of anguish.The punishment of crucifixion was reserved for the most heinous crimes.It was such a horrible penalty that Cicero (d.43 BC) proposed legislation in the Roman Senate exempting Roman citizens from crucifixion; as a result, St.

Paul was beheaded rather than crucified for his faith as a result of his conversion to Christianity.The victim was forced to carry his own cross in order to weaken him even more.Because the full crucifixion weighed around 300 pounds, he often brought just the horizontal beam (patibulum), which weighed 75-125 pounds, to the location of execution, where the vertical beams (stipes) were already in place, as opposed to the complete cross.

The procession was conducted by a military guard, which was led by a centurion.The titulus, which bore the victim’s name and the nature of his crime, was carried by a soldier and afterwards mounted to the cross by another soldier (Mt 27:37).For our Lord, the distance between the praetorium and Golgotha was roughly a third of a mile, and He was in such poor health.Simon of Cyrene was compelled to lend a hand to Him (Mt 27:32).Upon arrival at the execution site, the law required that the victim be given a bitter drink of wine mixed with myrrh (gall) as an analgesic until the execution could take place (Mt 27:34).After then, the victim’s clothes were torn off him (unless this had already occurred).

On the patibulum, his hands were extended over the edge and either tied or nailed, or both.According to archeological data, the nails were tapering iron spikes of around seven inches in length with a square shaft measuring approximately 3/8 of an inch in diameter.It was necessary to drive nails through the wrist between the radius and ulna in order to sustain the weight of the individual.

The patibulum was attached to the stipes, and the feet were then tied or nailed to it, or to a little footrest, depending on the situation (suppedaneum).When the victim was nailed on the cross, the spectators would frequently jeer at him and taunt him (cf.Mt 27:39-44).The Romans frequently compelled the family to observe in order to increase psychological pain.

  1. As part of their prize, the soldiers split the man’s clothes among themselves (Mt 27:35).
  2. The victim would be nailed to the cross for anything from three hours to as long as three days, depending on the circumstances.
  3. As he hung there in misery, insects would eat on the open wounds or on the victim’s eyes, ears, and nose, and birds would prey on the victim as he hung there in pain.
  4. The victim dies from asphyxiation as a result of the combined effects of blood loss, scourging injuries, and dehydration, as well as the weight of the body being forced down on the outstretched arms and shoulders, which prevents breathing.
  1. Perhaps this explains why Jesus spoke so succinctly from his crucifixion.
  2. If the individual attempted to get himself up on his feet to take a breath, he or she would experience excruciating pain in the nail wounds and back wounds caused by the scouring.
  3. The troops would break the victim’s legs in order to speed his or her death (Jn 19:32-33).
  4. When he looked to be dead, the soldiers made certain of it by piercing his heart with a spear or a sword; when Jesus’ heart was punctured, blood and water (pericardial fluid) poured forth from the wound (Jn 19:34).
  5. Traditionally, the corpse was left on the cross until it decayed or was devoured by birds or other animals; however, Roman law permitted the family to remove the body for burial if the Roman governor granted permission to do so.
  6. In the instance of our Lord, Joseph of Arimathea petitioned Pilate for Christ’s corpse, which was then laid to rest (Jn 19:38).

As we approach Holy Week, we must keep in mind what our Lord went through in order to secure our redemption.On the cross, He sacrificed Himself as the only acceptable sacrifice for sin, and His blood wiped away our sins and cleansed us from our sins.The Catechism (589), quoting the old Roman Catechism, asserts that ″Sinners were the authors and the ministers of all the sufferings that the divine Redeemer endured,″ and ″Since our sins caused the Lord Christ to suffer the torment of the cross, those who plunge themselves into disorders and crimes crucify the Son of God anew in their hearts (for He is in them) and hold Him up to contempt.″ We must also recognize our responsibility The picture of our crucified Lord on the cross serves as a powerful reminder of His unfailing love for each of us.

We will be strengthened against temptation if we meditate on His passion.It will also motivate us to frequent confession and keep us on the path to salvation.Through our embrace of our crucified Lord and His cross, we shall be brought to the joy of the resurrection.

What is the passion of Christ?

Answer to the question pati, which is a Latin word that simply means ″to endure″ or ″to suffer,″ is the root of the term passion.Passion of Christ has taken on a technical or semi-technical meaning in theology, and refers to the period between Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane and His death on the cross—the period during which He experienced His most intense suffering.These events are shown in Mel Gibson’s film, The Passion of the Christ.

  • Around Easter, ″passion plays,″ which are re-enactments of the last few hours of Jesus’ life in which He suffered, are also popular entertainment options.
  • Christ’s sufferings are detailed in Matthew 26:36–27:56, Mark 14:32–15:41, Luke 22:39–23:49, and John 18:1–19:37, among other places.
  • The suffering of Christ is frequently mentioned in the Bible.
  • It is true that Christ’s crucifixion represents the pinnacle of human history and the central focus of the apostles’ teaching: ″I vowed to know nothing while I was with you but Jesus Christ and him crucified″ (Matthew 16:26).
  • (1 Corinthians 2:2).
  • We are reconciled to God only as a result of Christ’s suffering and death on the cross.
  • It is critical to remember that Christ’s suffering—His passion—was real and intense.
  • His suffering and death did not take place in a phantom manner; He genuinely suffered and died.
  • If it is possible, please take this cup away from me,″ Jesus cried in Gethsemane, expressing real pain at the prospect of what He was about to endure (Matthew 26:39).
  • (cf.
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Luke 22:44).During His beating and mocking, when the crown of thorns was pushed on His head, when He was nailed to the cross, and while He hung there struggling to breathe, He was going through true, excruciating pain in order to pay for our sins.He went through all of this in order to save those who put their confidence in Him.Isaiah 53:4–12 predicted the suffering of Christ and showed the significance of his death: He certainly took on our agony and suffered our suffering, yet we still thought him to be punished by God, tormented by God, or somehow afflicted.However, he was pierced for our trespasses, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was placed on him, and it is through his wounds that we have been restored to wholeness and healing.

In the same way that we all went astray like sheep, each of us turned to our own path, and the Lord has thrown the sins of the whole world on his shoulders.His life had been shattered and tormented, yet he refused to speak out; he had been carried to the slaughterhouse like a lamb, and just as a sheep before its shearers remains mute, so he refused to speak out.He was taken away as a result of injustice and judgment.Who, however, from his generation stood up and protested?

  1. Because he was expelled from the land of the living, and because my people had transgressed, he had been punished.
  2. He was placed to a burial alongside the evil and with the wealthy upon his death, despite the fact that he had committed no violence and had spoken without malice.
  3. Nevertheless, it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and even though the Lord makes his life a sacrifice for sin, he will see his children and live a long life, and the Lord’s will will be accomplished in his hand, and the will of the Lord will be accomplished.
  4. Following his suffering, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; through his knowledge, my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their sins; as a result, I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the powerful, because he gave his life unto death and was counted among the transgressors, I will reward him.
  5. Because he carried the sin of many and interceded on their behalf, he is known as the Lamb of God.
  • In current usage, the term passion can connote a powerful emotional response, and it is sometimes related with feelings of love.
  • The agony of Jesus, on the other hand, was not brought about by a tremendous emotion that erupted for a short period of time and then subsided.
  • Having ″fits of passion″ and doing hasty things that they later come to regret is something that anyone might experience today, but that is not the passion of Christ.
  • In Matthew 16:21–23 and Matthew 21:24, we learn that Jesus came to earth with the express intention of laying down His life for us.
  • He has never wavered from that objective.
  • As a matter of fact, Jesus is depicted as the Lamb slaughtered from the beginning of the creation of the world in the book of Revelation (Revelation 13:8).
  • Passion (intense feeling) was not the driving force behind Jesus’ suffering; rather, it was a determined purpose!

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What Is the Passion of Christ?

The Passion of Christ is a topic that is typically discussed in the spring, around the time of Easter celebrations.However, the Passion of Christ is not just for Easter; there is a valid explanation for this, which I will explain later.Christmas gives us with a broader perspective and, as a result, an additional opportunity to talk about this important issue.

  • We’ll take a look at three distinct perspectives on the Passion of Christ in order to better comprehend what it is.

1. There Is Easter

  • While the Passion of Christ is frequently addressed in the spring, especially during the Easter season, it is also discussed in other seasons. However, the Passion of Christ is not just for Easter
  • there is a solid explanation for this, which I will discuss more. As we approach Christmas, we have a more global perspective, which offers us with another another opportunity to talk about this important topic. We’ll take a look at three distinct perspectives on the Passion of Christ in order to better comprehend it.
  • Despite the fact that Jesus did suffer, and He suffered immensely, I feel that we do Him a disservice by concentrating solely on His suffering. This misplaced emphasis might lead us to: feel sad for Jesus because of His suffering
  • feel terrible for ourselves because of our own pain
  • feel sorry for ourselves because of our own suffering.
  • Because ″it’s our fault,″ or any version of that notion, we should feel guilty.
  • Don’t think about the resurrection
  • Are you missing the ″why″ behind everything?

However, the Passion of Christ encompasses much more than only the celebration of Easter Sunday.

2. There Is the Movie

  • Another item that comes to mind when we think about the Passion of Christ is the epic film The Passion of the Christ (2004), which was directed by Mel Gibson. This film shows the horrific agony and crucifixion of Jesus, and it was met with strong opposition from many people when it was released. Media attention was intense, and there was even a flurry of activity in several churches: Some people thought the movie was too gruesome, while others thought it wasn’t gory enough.
  • Others were displeased with the fact that the film was being created at all.

One aspect of the film that is noteworthy is the absence of screen time devoted to depicting the resurrection of Jesus Christ.Because it was so brief, some individuals didn’t even know it was there.A preacher informed me that the scene in question was not included in the film.

  • Despite the fact that he was incorrect, I understood how it may have gone unnoticed because the scenario was barely one and a half minutes in duration.
  • The resurrection is worthy of more than a minute and a half of attention.
  • There is more to the Passion of Christ than what is depicted in the film.

3. There Is the Larger View

  • Although the Easter view and the movie view aren’t inaccurate, they both require a more expansive perspective. To begin this bigger perspective, I’d like to examine what the terms ″passion″ and ″Christ″ truly imply in their literal sense. Passion entails more than simply pain and anguish. Over time, the word has grown to denote a powerful feeling, both positive and negative in nature. It is even referred to as ″uncontrollable″ at times. However, after doing some research, I discovered that passion originally meant ″a desire to sacrifice for what you believe in.″ Christ is not Jesus’ given name, and it is not just a reference to a specific individual. The term literally translates as ″anointed one,″ and it refers to Jesus as the Messiah predicted in the book of Genesis. These definitions address the question of ″why.″ What is the significance of the Passion of Christ? The Passion of Christ represents the unwavering, unending love of the Almighty Triune God, miraculously contained in a human form, and suffering for the sake of His loving creation on His own initiative. In a nutshell, the Passion of Christ is the manifestation of unconditional love in full color: ″God is love,″ says the Bible. The Bible says in 1 John 4:8, ″For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have everlasting life.″ No one exhibits greater love than the one who gives his or her life to save the life of a friend, according to John 3:16. According to John 15:13, ″However, God shows His own love for us in this: While we were yet sinners, Christ died on the cross for us.″ ″We love because He first loved us,″ says the Bible’s Romans 5:8. John 4:19 explains that the Holy Spirit will descend upon her and the power of the Most High will overshadow her, and as a result, ″the Holy One who is born will be called the Son of God,″ as well as ″the Son of Man.″ As recorded in Luke 1:35, ″All of this occurred to bring about the fulfillment of what the Lord had promised through the prophet: ‘The virgin will conceive and have a son, and they will name him Immanuel’ (which literally means ‘God with us’).″ Matthew 1:22-23
  • Luke 1:22-23

Jesus accomplished what we were unable to, and He did it out of love for us. God’s love for you and me is shown by the Passion of Christ. Merry Christmas to you. Picture credit: Simon Lehmann via iStock/Getty Images Plus

Jesus’ Passion

The Crucifixion of Jesus Good Friday is on Friday, April 19, 2019.Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan continue their reflections on the significance of Jesus’ death with the following words: Jesus was more than just a victim of the cruelty of a dominating system; he was the embodiment of that brutality.He was also a passionate protagonist who had a lot to say.

  • His message was about the kingdom of God, and that was his passion.
  • A religious protest against the dominant economic and political institutions in his day, he spoke to peasants as a voice of religious protest against the dominant economic and political institutions in his time.
  • Having established a following, he decided to take his campaign to Jerusalem for the Passover celebrations.
  • He confronted the government in the form of public activities and public discussions while there.
  • It was everything his passion, all he was enthusiastic about: God and his kingdom, God and his desire for justice, God and God’s passion for justice.
  • Jesus was assassinated as a result of his zeal….
  • Jesus’ desire for the kingdom of God resulted in what is commonly referred to as his passion, which was his suffering and death on the cross.
  • The other problem with limiting Jesus’ passion to his suffering and death is that it ignores the passion that led him to Jerusalem in the first place.
  • Consider Jesus’ passion as a single event on Good Friday, and you will be separating his death from the passion that drove him throughout his life.

According to the Gospel of Mark, Jesus did not die in order to atone for the sins of the world.The language of substitutionary sacrifice for sin is conspicuously lacking from his narrative.However, in a significant sense, he was slain as a result of the sin of the entire world.It was the unfairness of dominance structures that brought him to his death, an injustice that is so commonplace that it has become part of the normalcy of civilisation.Although sin encompasses much more than this, it does involve this.

As a result, Jesus was crucified as a result of the sin of the entire world….Was Jesus found to be guilty or not guilty?Because Christians are acquainted with vocabulary that describes Jesus as sinless, flawless, righteous, pure, and without blemish, some may find the question shocking.

  1. However, it is worthwhile to pause and consider.
  2. Jesus was not only crucified using the technique that was previously used to execute violent insurrectionists, but he was also physically executed between two insurrectionists, according to Mark’s telling of the tale.
  3. What evidence do you have that Jesus encouraged violent revolt against the empire and its local collaborators?
  4. No.
  5. Was Jesus wrong in claiming to be the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed, according to the way Mark relates the story?
  • Perhaps.
  • Why is it a possibility rather than a straightforward yes?
  • According to Mark, Jesus did not teach this, and his description of Jesus’s response to the high priest’s query concerning it is at the very least equivocal.
  • Do you believe Jesus was responsible for peaceful opposition to imperial Roman oppression and local Jewish participation, as Mark describes the story?
  • Oh, sure, I see what you mean.
  • The events of Jesus’ last week are described in Mark as a series of public rallies against and confrontations with the ruling establishment.
  • And, as we all know, it ended up killing him.

161-163; Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan, The Last Week: What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus’ Final Days in Jerusalem (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 2008).

Image credit: Lamentation of Christ (detail), Andrea Mantegna, 1470-1474, Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy.

The Passion of Jesus

QUESTION: What does the term ″passion″ signify in relation to Jesus’ death and resurrection?ANSWER:I’m sure many individuals have pondered this same subject in relation to Jesus’ death and resurrection.The movie ″The Passion of Christ,″ starring Mel Gibson, has sparked a great deal of debate.

  • Millions of people have been thinking about passion since then, and the phrase has become commonplace in most families.
  • What is the significance of Jesus’ passion?
  • Passion derives from the Latin word pati, which literally means ″to suffer.″ The stem pass is derived from the term passive, which means ″capable of experiencing sorrow.″ The term ″pass″ was first used in the early 16th century to refer to ″Christ’s suffering on the cross.″ It is derived from the Latin word ″passus.″ Another way in which the term came to be used in English was through the Old French word passion, which meant ″strong of feeling.″ In our present times, this has been used to signify sexual desire as well as indignation and rage.
  • According to Webster’s Dictionary, ″passion″ is ″a powerful feeling, especially of anger, love, or desire.″ According to the definition, passion ″is an emotion, a powerful, driving, or overpowering feeling or conviction.″ It further states that the ″sufferings of Christ between the night of the final supper and His death″ are referred to as the ″passion.″ Strangely enough, one variation of the definition adds that ″it is also the state or capacity of being acted on by external agents or forces.″ What could be a more powerful force than God?
  • Isn’t it true that God desired for ″The Passion of Jesus″ to become a reality?
  • The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John include a wealth of information regarding Jesus’ crucifixion.
  • These sources remind us that Jesus was aware of what was about to take place and that He was willing to suffer for the sake of mankind.
  • According to Luke 9:22, ″Because I, the Son of Man, must go through many awful things,’ he said.
  • The leaders, the senior priests, and the instructors of religious law will all reject me,’ says the author.
  • It seems likely that I will be slain, but three days later, I shall be risen from the dead.’″ (NLT).
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Christ not only suffered physically for us, but He also suffered in other, more serious ways.He was despised and despised by the same people He came to save.What a traumatic experience it must have been.The fact that His unconditional love has not only been denied, but has also been returned to Him with such contempt.It had to have been much more agonizing than the horrific bodily torture he had to undergo.

According to the Gospel of Luke, King Herod attempted to spare Jesus, but the people cried out for his execution.According to Luke 23:15, ″Herod came to the same decision that we did and returned him to us.Nothing this man has done warrants the imposition of the death sentence.″ ″Therefore, I will have him flogged, but then I will release him,″ says Jesus in Luke 23:16.Then comes the most heinous sin that man has ever committed.

  1. ″Then a tremendous scream erupted from the crowd, and with one voice they cried out, ″Kill him, and release Barabbas to us!″ according to Luke 23:18.
  2. We’ve all heard that Jesus cares for everyone of us.
  3. What is the connection between pain and love?
  4. God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him would not perish but but have eternal life, according to the Bible’s verse John 3:16.
  5. What kind of love could be better than this?
  • This poem holds a special place in my heart because it makes me feel more loved than I have ever felt before.
  • Fervor, ardor, excitement, and zeal are all words that may be used to describe a person’s feelings of passion.
  • When I think about what Jesus went through for me, these are the feelings that I experience.
  • Was it possible for Jesus to willingly go through this torment and pain for us?
  • Who among us has the ability to do what Jesus did?
  • Is it possible for us to have the same passion as Jesus?
  • Who would be able to look forward to having to deal with these kinds of feelings?

The Garden of Gethsemane was a source of great anguish for Jesus, as recorded in Luke 22:44.This is what the Bible says about Jesus in Luke 22:44: ″He prayed even more frantically, and he was in such anguish of soul that his perspiration dropped to the ground like big droplets of blood.″ Jesus (with God as His Father) was the only one who could go through with it knowing what He was about to go through in anguish and torture.However, the end result was the ultimate aim; our forgiveness of our sins was the final product.Jesus was well aware that His Father desired for Him to die on the cross, and He was well aware of the consequence.

That is the most amazing aspect of Jesus’ passion: that He died on the cross in order to atone for our sins.It just serves to increase the intensity of the term passion.It evokes in me a lovely sensation of love, accompanied by such a powerful emotion of passion that I want to scream from the mountaintops, ″GOD LOVES ME.″ After seeing the movie ″Passion of the Christ,″ I was intrigued and wanted to know if the Bible supported what the movie depicted.

I turned to the Internet for answers.I immediately returned home and reread the tale of His crucifixion in all four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) for the second time.The fervor that Jesus must have felt could only have come from His heavenly Father.He couldn’t have done such a lovely thing for all of us if He didn’t want to.If you haven’t already, I strongly encourage you to read the narrative in the gospels.It will elicit intense emotional responses from you, as well as strong sentiments of desire.

Understanding Jesus and genuinely feeling the significance of His sacrifice on the cross for our redemption is a passion-filled experience in and of itself.I hope today that I would be filled with passion, especially for Jesus.The word ″passion″ refers to the fact that I will be filled with ardor, enthusiasm, and fervor for living each day as Jesus would have done.

I shall be on the lookout for the voice of Jesus within me with great zeal.The fact that Jesus died on the cross for our sins is a tremendous blessing.However, God does not desire for us to suffer as Jesus suffered, but He does desire for us to live as Jesus would have, loving one another and sharing our love with others who do not understand the ″passion of Jesus.″

Passion 2023


Who can attend Passion 2023?

Anyone between the ages of 18 and 25 is welcome to participate in Passion 2023, which is a meeting for the college generation. Even if they are not yet 18 years old, high school seniors are welcome to attend. Attendance by adult ministry leaders is encouraged, as is attendance by the youth they supervise. Registration

What does the ticket cost cover?

It covers the cost of participation in all Main Sessions of Passion 2023, the cost of supplies required for the gathering, and a boxed lunch on Day 2 of the conference. Holder for the door

Who can apply to be a door holder at Passion 2023?

If you are over the age of 25, you may be eligible to apply to be a Door Holder. To make the gathering a success, we want Door Holders who are willing to serve in a variety of capacities during the duration of the gathering. In the following months, we will make the Door Holder application accessible on our website for download. Registration

How do I pay for my ticket?

An online ticket purchase and payment with a credit or debit card are both options available.Please keep in mind that you will be led to a TicketSpice event page where you may purchase your tickets.Payment by check is an option if you are purchasing ten or more tickets at the same time.

  • Make checks payable to Passion Conferences and mail them to 515 Garson Dr NE Atlanta, GA 30324 (attn: Passion Conferences).
  • Your confirmation number should be written in the notes line.
  • Thank you.
  • In order to avoid cancellation of your purchase, Passion Conferences must receive your check payment within 10 business days after the completion of your online registration form.
  • Please keep in mind that your tickets will not be sent until your money has been received.
  • Credit or debit card payments are required for any tickets booked after December 1, 2022.
  • Holder for the door

Can college students be door holders?

We want kids to be able to participate completely in the event. Door Holders work tirelessly behind the scenes throughout the whole gathering, providing service to the students who are in attendance; as a result, we encourage all students to attend Passion 2023. General

Can high school students attend Passion 2023?

Yes. Passion 2023 is open to all high school seniors, regardless of whether or not they have reached the age of majority. Passion 2023 will not be open to high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors until they are 18 years old or seniors in high school, according to the organization. General

Can people over 25 attend Passion 2023?

A ticket to Passion 2023 can be purchased if you are the leader of a group of students who will be attending the conference. If you do not want to be a leader, you are welcome to apply to be a Door Holder instead. More information on how to become a Door Holder will be made available in the near future. Registration

When will I receive my ticket?

After placing your order, you will instantly get an order confirmation email from TicketSpice, which will include your Passion 2023 ticket. Please keep in mind that you must show your printed ticket in order to gain admission to Passion 2023. Holder for the door

How can I apply to be a door holder at Passion 2023?

The application for being a Door Holder at Passion 2023 is the first step in becoming a Door Holder. The Passion 2023 Door Holder application will be released in the near future! General

Can children come to Passion 2023 with attendees and/or door holders?

While we value the importance of families to us, we are unable to accommodate children at Passion 2023 because to space limitations. If you plan to attend or serve at Passion 2023, please make plans for childcare outside of the conference. Registration

How do I get a ticketspice account?

TicketSpice accounts are immediately established for you when you purchase a Passion 2023 ticket via TicketSpice. To make a claim on your account, go to this page and select the ‘Claim Your Account’ button. Your your address will be requested, and you will receive an email including instructions on how to validate your account and establish a password. Holder for the door

Do door holders need to purchase a ticket?

In order to serve at Passion 2023, you will not need to purchase a ticket. Door holders, on the other hand, will be responsible for their own travel and meal expenditures, with the exception of lunch on Day 2, which will be supplied for attendance and Door Holders. General

Are meals provided during Passion 2023?

For lunch on Day 2 of a Passion event, it is customary to provide a boxed lunch to attendees.Due to a large number of food allergies and dietary restrictions, we are unable to accommodate specific lunch requests due to the nature of the meal.Although limited venue concessions will be available after lunch has been served to participants, specific dietary alternatives will be available for purchase from the venue’s concession stand.

  • Registration

Can tickets be cancelled or transferred?

Tickets for Passion 2023 are non-transferable and non-refundable. We appreciate you not asking for any exclusions in advance, and we look forward to working with you. It is possible to transfer tickets to another person at any point in time. Holder for the door

What is the schedule for serving as a door holder?

Your itinerary for Passion 2023 will be determined by your individual team assignment, which will be provided to you by your Team Lead prior to the conference. You should, on the other hand, be prepared to be accessible to serve throughout the duration of the meeting. General

Will Passion 2023 offer deaf interpretation?

On request, interpretation services are provided. For requests for interpretation, please fill out this form, and a member of our staff will contact you in December with more information. General

Will there be a livestream available for Passion 2023?

We will provide information on our website in the weeks preceding up to the meeting if we are able to provide a livestream/web broadcast option this year, if we do decide to provide one. Registration

How can I transfer my ticket to someone else?

While tickets to Passion 2023 are nonrefundable, they are transferable to another person who will attend Passion 2023 as well.If you wish to give your tickets as a gift to someone else, follow these steps: Go to your order confirmation and scroll down to the ticket you’d like to transfer to a different account.Click ″View Ticket″ in the top left corner, followed by ″Text My Ticket″ in the top right corner.

  • You will be able to SMS the link to the ticket to the receiver from that point on.
  • If you wish to sell your ticket to someone else, follow these steps: To gain access to your TicketSpice account, go here.
  • Select ″Tickets″ from the drop-down menu, then ″Transfer.″ Following that, you will go through the process of initiating a Transfer.
  • The person who will be receiving the transferred tickets will be notified by email that the transfer has been initiated, and they will complete the transfer by entering their payment information for the tickets in the appropriate fields.
  • Tickets will be returned to the original purchaser’s account after that transaction has been completed.
  • The receiver will have seven days to accept and pay for the ticket if you begin a transfer on their behalf.
  • This means that if the ticket receiver does not agree to the transfer and does not pay for the ticket, the ticket will be returned to the original owner’s account immediately.
  • Holder for the door

When will I need to arrive at Passion 2023?

In order to participate in the necessary Door Holder meeting, which will take place first thing in the morning on Day 1, you must come at least 15 minutes early. General

Can I set up or purchase an exhibitor space for Passion 2023?

We appreciate your interest; but, we do not provide exhibitor space at any of our meetings or events. Registration

Can I transfer my ticket to a different Passion conference event?

Passengers who purchase tickets for Passion 2023 will only be able to attend Passion 2023. They will not be able to be utilized for any future Passion Conferences events, unfortunately. Holder for the door

When will I be released after Passion ends?

After the last session on Day 3, door holders will be on hand to assist with loading and unloading. Once your load-out obligations have been fulfilled, you will be released by your Team Leads. General

Are cameras or videography allowed at Passion 2023?

We do not allow professional cameras (DSLR or with a detachable lens), flash photography, video or audio recording during Main Sessions because we want everyone to be able to experience Passion 2023 without being distracted by anything. Registration

Can additional tickets be added to an existing order?

Please note that all extra tickets for your group must be purchased in a separate order at the current ticket price. Holder for the door

What if I am accepted as a door holder, but then unable to serve?

We understand that situations might strike at any time and cause you to be unavailable to serve.Applicants who apply but subsequently discover they cannot serve should notify us as soon as possible so that we can fill the vacancy that has been created for them.Team members face major difficulties if they do not receive adequate warning, therefore the earlier you can notify us, the better.

  • General

What is your privacy policy?

Please see our privacy statement for more information. Registration

See also:  Why Do You Believe In Jesus

Can separate ticket orders be merged?

Additional ticket orders must be purchased at the current ticket price, and no exceptions will be made. Those with the same ticket price as well as orders with various ticket prices cannot be consolidated. Because all seating is general admission, your party will be able to locate seats together regardless of where they sit. Holder for the door

If I am a college pastor, can I attend with my students or should I apply to be a door holder?

Passion 2023 is a program aimed towards college students, high school seniors, and the adults that work with them. If you are a college pastor, you and your students will gain the most from your participation in the meeting with the rest of the congregation. General

What is the cost of Passion 2023?

Passion 2023 is now available for purchase for $129 USD. Please keep in mind that the pricing is the same for high school seniors, young adults between the ages of 18 and 25, and their leaders. Doors are not required to be purchased, however door holders are responsible for all additional travel fees and the majority of meals. Registration

Are scholarships available for students?

Detailed information about prospective scholarships will be made available later in the autumn, as we approach closer to assembling in person. Please return to our website later in the year to see what has changed. Holder for the door

How much of the gathering will I be able to attend?

Serving as a volunteer at Passion 2023 does not allow for much engagement in the actual gathering. We ask that you arrive prepared to serve and fully aware that you may not be able to attend the meeting in its entirety. Registration

Is there a group rate?

There are no group prices available for Passion 2023 because we are committed to providing the best possible value to all participants. Holder for the door

Where should I stay?

Due to the extensive program of Passion 2023, we recommend Door Holders to stay in close proximity to the venue.As a result, we negotiate special hotel rates for Passion Door Holders to make their stay more affordable.Once your Door Holder application has been approved, you will receive an email with a list of available hotel alternatives to choose from.

  • Please feel free to make a reservation at any of the hotels mentioned on our hotels page.
  • We highly suggest you to hold off on making any non-refundable travel arrangements until you have been assigned to a specific team.
  • Registration

Are partial tickets available at a discounted rate if I cannot attend all main sessions?

No, all tickets are general admission and include entry to all of the main sessions of Passion 2023, including the closing ceremony. Individual session tickets are not available at this time. Holder for the door

Is there daily transportation provided to and from the venue?

It is the responsibility of each Door Holder to arrange for their own transportation to and from the event. Registration

How do I request group seating for my group?

Individuals and groups that are qualified for group seating will be informed around one month prior to the event, and all other seats will be available on the day of the event. Groups who are given group seating may accept or refuse the offer, and available seating will be provided until all available seats have been filled. Holder for the door

Which meals are provided for door holders?

On Day 2, a boxed lunch will be served to those who work as Door Keepers. Due to a large number of food allergies and dietary restrictions, we are unable to accommodate specific lunch requests due to the nature of the meal. However, once lunch has been provided to participants, anybody who needs to purchase more food will be permitted to do so after the meal has been served. Registration

Are there any payment plan options?

Passion 2023 tickets are not available for purchase on a payment plan.A third-party app known as Klarna, on the other hand, that we discovered that may be of service to you is one that allows you to submit your credit card information up front and will bill you every two weeks until the sum is paid in full.For additional information about this service, please see the website.

  • We would like to point out that this is a third-party funding business that is in no way linked with or approved by the Passion Conferences organization.
  • Holder for the door

What is load-in?

We will be setting up the surroundings for students in the days leading up to Passion 2023, and it will take several days to complete the set-up for Passion 2023 completely. If you are interested in assisting with load-in, please note on your application the dates on which you are available prior to Passion 2023, or contact us directly here. Registration

How do I contact Passion if I have a question about my purchase?

Door Holder

What is load-out?

Our staff begin dismantling the various surroundings as soon as the gathering comes to a close. We ask that all Door Holders remain available until after the last session has concluded in order to assist with load-out. Registration

What is a door holder?

Instead of using the term ″volunteer,″ we refer to ourselves as ″Door Holders.″ The word is derived from Psalm 84:10, which speaks of being a doorkeeper in the home of God, and is used here.Individuals who have seen God’s splendor and now wish to serve others by holding the doors open for them are called door holders at Passion 2023.This is the attitude and heart we want our Door Holders to have — one of service in preparing the way for others to have a life-changing encounter with Jesus.

  • Everyone who serves during Passion events falls under the umbrella phrase ″door holder.″…
  • All volunteers, not only those on our Touch team who physically hold actual doors, are referred to as Door Holders.
  • Holder for the door

May I volunteer in photography or production?

The majority of these jobs are filled by Door Holders from our church, and we invite you to consider applying to serve on another Door Holder team. You may, however, include on your Door Holder application if you have special experience in these fields. Holder for the door

Are special hotel rates available?

Yes. Passion will have secured special pricing with a number of hotels in the vicinity of each venue. The hotel blocks will be accessible on our website in the near future. Everyone who plans to attend is responsible for making their own accommodations. Holder for the door

Can Passion help attendees find alternative lodging options?

If you prefer to stay somewhere other than one of the hotels that are being provided, you are responsible for arranging your own accommodations. Holder for the door

Can Passion help attendees find alternative travel options?

All participants are responsible for arranging their own travel arrangements. Passion is unable to assist with travel arrangements to and from the location on the day of the event. Holder for the door

Can Passion help attendees arrange transportation?

It is the responsibility of each attendee to arrange for their own daily transportation to and from the location. Passion will not be able to assist with transportation for attendees. Holder for the door

Other questions?

To get in touch with us, please click here. It appears that we were unable to locate an answer. You can get in touch with our staff if you require any further information.

The Real Meaning of Passion

The other day, my wife told me about a tragic incident of a woman who was murdered in a bizarre accident while strolling down the street in New York City.Events like these occur on a regular basis, and they serve to remind me of the delicate and transient nature of life, as well as the need of living life to its best potential right now.For those of you who are still putting up with an unfulfilling existence in the hopes of obtaining anything from it at the end, please think again.

  • One approach to live a full life is to do the following:

. follow your PASSION.

Passion is one of those words that people use all the time without truly comprehending what the term means in its original context.In general, when people talk about ″passion,″ they are referring to powerful feelings that are accompanied by tremendous desire or unbounded excitement (at least, that’s how I’ve usually heard it described).It wasn’t until I finished reading Aspire by Kevin Hall and looked it up in the dictionary that I realized what the word ″passion″ originally meant.

  • A willingness to suffer for the sake of what you believe in The most well-known example is that of Jesus Christ’s suffering and death on the cross.
  • This definition has shifted my view on what it means to be passionate.
  • If there is anything I am passionate about or is something that thrills me, I no longer use it to describe it.
  • It is a phrase I use to describe an activity, aim, or cause that I am so passionate about that I am ready to suffer to further it.
  • This new criteria makes it easy to tell the difference between something that is actually my passion and something that is merely a significant interest of mine.
  • The pursuit of one’s passion allows one to make a difference in one’s own life as well as the world around them.
  • This is making the deliberate decision to forego other pleasurable activities in order to devote your time and energy to the most important pursuits.
  • Great parents automatically do this when they have children, because doing what you love is incredibly difficult labor that is also extremely gratifying at the same time, much like raising children.
  • The good news is that when you follow your passion, you will not only appreciate the destination, but you will also enjoy the trip along the way.
  • Examine your life and draw attention to the things you cherish and are prepared to endure hardship for.

This process of self-reflection will provide you with insight into what it is that you are passionate about.Choose something you like and see whether you’re prepared to give up other things in order to spend more time on it if you’re not sure what you should do.Remember that you have the ability to select and modify your actions in life – just remember that you are also accountable for the repercussions of your choices.You shouldn’t settle for anything less than a perfect existence.Begin living your best life as soon as possible.

″There comes a point in one’s life when one should start doing what one wants.Take a career that you are passionate about.You’ll be the first one out of bed in the morning.If you keep taking jobs that you don’t enjoy only because you believe it will look good on your resume, I believe you are insane.

  1. ″Doesn’t that seem a little like putting away sex for your golden years?″ Buffett, Warren Buffett The following is a bonus word (also from Kevin Hall’s Aspire) for those of you who have read the full article or have just scrolled to the bottom: Compassion is defined as the willingness to suffer with another.
  2. If you wish to demonstrate genuine compassion, you should become involved in the other person’s pain.
  3. It’s interesting to note that as we all grow more compassionate, there will almost certainly be less suffering around the world.
  4. Andreas Schalk captured this image.

Disciple with Mary at the Cross: University of Dayton, Ohio

– Father Johann Roten, S.M., S.M., S.M., S.M., S.M., S.M., S.M., S.M., S.M., S.M., S.M., S.M., S.M., S.M., S.M., S.M., S.M., S.M., S.M., S.M., S.M., S During a time when Mary was near the cross and Jesus looked over and saw his mother and another disciple whom he admired standing next to her, he informed his mother that she had become his mother and he had become her son.Is it possible that we know who the disciple was?A: It is written in John 19, 25-27, that the beloved disciple is referred to, who has historically (Canon Muratori) been recognized as John the apostle, author of the fourth gospel, letters (1-3), and book of Revelation.

  • The Ephesus tradition holds that John the apostle, who wrote his gospel in Ephesus in the first century AD, took Mary, the mother of God, with him to that famous city in Asia Minor, where she is said to have died according to legend (Ad.
  • Haer.
  • III, 1, 1-2), and that she died there in the second century AD.
  • The question of whether or not John the apostle and the beloved disciple were the same person, however, is still up in the air.
  • Two reasons are in support of two separate identities: the beloved disciple retains his anonymity and the beloved disciple becomes public.
  • His personal identity is not well-defined at this point.
  • Others feel that he represents the usual or, if you prefer, perfect or ideal disciple of Jesus, and that this is supported by the scriptures.
  • The beloved disciple is constantly closely associated with Christ, standing by his side (13, 23), being faithful unto death (19, 26), bearing testimony to Christ’s resurrection (20.8), and serving as an interpreter of Christ’s post-paschal apparitions (21.1).
  • (21.7).
  • He is the one who most exemplifies the so-called Johannine menein, which is the state of continuing with, in, and through Christ.

According to some academics, the second argument is based on a plausible or conceivable disparity between the simplicity of the non-academic apostle John (Acts 4, 13) and the highly cultured author of the fourth gospel, which can be seen as a contradiction.However, it remains that the oldest and most powerful Church tradition on this subject holds that John the apostle and John the beloved disciple are one and the same person.In All About Mary, you’ll find a wide range of information and viewpoints; most of it is based on professional knowledge, interpretations, and opinions expressed by individual writers rather than the Marian Library or the University of Dayton.Please send any comments or recommendations to [email protected] you.

How to Show Employers Your Passion for the Job

If you want to take the next step in your profession, you must do all in your power to distinguish yourself from the competitors.The most effective approach to accomplish this is to make certain that you are exhibiting your enthusiasm—both for the position you are applying for and for the profession you are pursuing.As a result, here are six strategies for emphasizing your enthusiasm in your CV, cover letter, and job interview.1.Make use of strong verbs.

Making use of powerful verbs in your resume and cover letter is a simple method to demonstrate that you are enthusiastic about the job and your career choice (and any other written parts of your application).This not only displays your prior accomplishments and how you have provided actual value in the past, but it also demonstrates your desire and passion for the future.As a result, try utilizing phrases such as led, developed, produced, designed, managed, outperformed, introduced, motivated, improved, and impacted in your writing and speaking.

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