What Does The Quran Say About Jesus Returning


“JESUS CHRIST IN THE LIGHT OF ISLAM,” according to ISLAM, is a quote from the book “ISLAM REVEALED.” ASCENSED AND WILL RETURN JESUS CHRIST In the third chapter of urat al-Imran (The Family of Imran), verse 55, it states,

  • (And keep in mind when Allah said: “O Jesus!” Lo! I am bringing thee together and leading thee to rise towards Me, and I am purifying thee of those who do not believe in Me, and I am elevating those who follow thee above those who do not believe in Me

When Allah said: “O Jesus!” keep it in mind. Lo! I am bringing thee together and causing thee to rise towards Me, and I am purifying thee of those who do not believe in Me, and I am elevating those who follow thee above those who do not believe in Me; and

  • The interpretation of Allah’s command to cause thee to rise unto me is that He was raising Him to a location where no one could judge Him, for on earth, men pass many sorts of judgment on one another, but in Heaven, there is only one genuine omniscient Judge, and that is Allah.

The words of Jesus stated in John 20:17, “. I am ascending to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God,” lead me to assume that this Quranic allusion is a paraphrase of those words. As far as Christians are concerned, one of the most renowned lines in the whole Quran comes from Surat Maryam (Mary), verses 33-34 of Surat Maryam (Mary).

  • Peace be upon me on the day I was born, on the day I die, and on the day I am resurrected from the dead! Such was Jesus, the son of Mary, and (this is) a declaration of the truth about which they are in disagreement

Almost all Muslim scholars believe that Jesus will return and fight the anti-Christ, after which he will die and be resurrected from the dead. Whatever the interpretation, it is important to remember that this text indicates that Jesus Christ will return. This remark is mentioned in Surat Zukhruf (Ornaments of God) 43:61, where it says, “And lo! truly there is knowledge of the Hour.”. When Jesus said in John 5:25, “Most surely, I say to you, the hour has come and is now,” he was referring to the arrival of the Son of God’s voice, which will be heard by the dead, causing those who hear it to come to life.

Also identified as the one who knows “the Hour,” Jesus will be present at the last judgment because he knows when it will occur.

Multiple scholars are referenced in Mishkat Al Masabih as indicating that Muhammad declared that there will be ten indications before the “final hour.” Interestingly enough, Muhammad revealed that the coming of the Anti-Christ, “Dajjal,” is one, and the return of Jesus the Christ is another, both of which will occur simultaneously.

  1. He is referred to as the Spirit of God seven times in the Bible.
  2. Noah, God’s Preacher, is a biblical figure.
  3. Islam identifies Muhammad as God’s Apostle.
  4. In fact, the Quranic portrayal of Jesus of Nazareth is only second to the Bible in terms of accuracy.
  5. As a result, it was derived from Jewish folklore, as well as from several local heretical Christian groups.

Nonetheless, one is struck by how similar the Quran’s depiction of the actual Christ of the Gospels, our Savior and Lord, is to the Christ of the Gospels. He is far more than a prophet in every sense of the word! Return to the TABLE OF CONTENTS

Muslims love Jesus, too: 6 things you didn’t know about Jesus in Islam

We all know that Christmas is a religious holiday that honors the birth of Jesus and is a significant religious event for Christians all over the world. However, many people are unaware that Jesus is also revered in Islam, despite the fact that the majority of Muslims do not observe Christmas as a religious festival. The holiday is celebrated by certain Muslims across the world (including some in the United States). For the occasion, here are six interesting facts about the position of Jesus — and his mother, Mary — in Islam that you might not have known before:

  1. Jesus, Mary, and the angel Gabriel are all prominent characters in the Qur’an (as are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and a slew of other Bible characters)
  2. Muslims believe that Jesus (referred to as “Isa” in Arabic) was a prophet of God who was born to a virgin
  3. And Muslims believe that Jesus (referred to as “Isa” in Arabic) was a prophet of God who was born to a virgin (Mary). He will also come to Earth before the Day of Judgment in order to restore justice and vanquish al-Masihad-Dajjal, or “the false messiah,” who is also known as the Antichrist, according to these believers. Many Christians will recognize a lot of this as being familiar territory. Warning: spoilers ahead: Muslims are well aware that “al-Masihad-Dajjal” is the Arabic name for the Antichrist, which has caused some, uh, unexpected problems for Netflix recently.
  4. Mary (known in Arabic as “Maryam”) has an entire chapter in the Qur’an dedicated to her — the only chapter in the Qur’an dedicated to a female figure. To be more specific, Mary is the sole woman to be named by name in the whole Qur’an. “Other female figures are recognized simply by their relationship to others, such as the wife of Adam and the mother of Moses, or by their title, such as the Queen of Sheba,” according to the Study Quran. More times in the Qur’an than in the whole New Testament of the Bible, Mary is named
  5. Just as they do with all previous prophets, including Mohammed, faithful Muslims say “peace be upon him” after every time they mention Jesus by name
  6. Muslims believe that Jesus performed miracles, including: There are numerous of Jesus’ miracles mentioned in the Qur’an. These include restoring sight to the blind, curing lepers, reviving the dead, and breathing life into clay birds
  7. Among others. It is also the tale of Jesus’ first miracle, when he spoke as a child in the crib and announced himself to be a prophet of God, according to the Qur’an, which is recounted in the book of Genesis. The plot is as follows:

And keep in mind Mary’s story in the Book, when she separated from her family and moved to an eastern location. And she kept her identity hidden from them. Then We sent Our Spirit to her, and it took on the appearance of a flawless man in order to serve her. “I seek shelter from thee in the Compassionate, if you are reverent!” she said in response. “I am only a messenger from thy Lord, sent to bestow upon thee a spotless boy,” he explained. “How am I going to have a son when no guy has ever touched me, and I have never been unchaste?” she wondered.

  1. ‘It is simple for Me,’ thy Lord declares.” We did this so that he may serve as a sign to the world and as a kindness from Us.
  2. As a result, she conceived him and retreated with him to a remote location.
  3. “Would that I had died before this and had been a thing of the past, completely forgotten!” she said.
  4. A rivulet hath been created beneath thy feet by thy Lord.
  5. So eat and drink, and keep thy eyes open and cool.
  6. Then they shouted, “Mary, Mary, Mary!
  7. O Aaron’s sister, how I adore you!
  8. “How are we to communicate with someone who is still an infant in the cradle?” they wondered.
  9. He has given me the Book and elevated me to the status of prophet.
  10. And He has not turned me into a bossy, horrible creature.
  11. Muslim believers venerate Jesus as a prophet despite the fact that they do not think Jesus is the son of God, which is a key gap between Muslim and Christian views on him.

Merry Christmas to you! Muslims in the Indonesian city of Manado participate in the Christmas Santa Parade by donning Santa hats and mingling with Christian participants. Photograph courtesy of Ronny Adolof Buol/Pacific Press/LightRocket/Getty Images

What do Muslims think of Jesus?

“Can you tell me who people think I am?” Jesus posed this question to his disciples. How his followers understood his life and mission is seen in their responses, which range from John the Baptist to Elijah or one of the prophets. Today, asking Muslim communities all across the world the same question—who do you believe Christ to be?—is just as illuminating as it was then. The Quran references Jesus, also known as Isa, 25 times, but each time in a distinct way. The Quran teaches that Jesus was born of the virgin Mary (19:20–21) and that he is “highly esteemed in this world and the next” (3:45–47) as a result of his birth.

  • Asruh min Allah(“God’s Spirit”),mushia bi’l baraka(“the Messiah—someone blessed by God”),kalimah min Allah(“God’s Word”), andrasul (God’s Prophet-Messenger) are all terms used in the Quran to refer to him.
  • The miracles done by Jesus, such as curing the sick and reviving the dead, are described in detail in the Quran, but these miracles are not attributed to his divinity.
  • Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet who was given a particular message—injil, also known as the gospel—that he was tasked with spreading to all of humanity.
  • As a result, Jesus plays an important and distinctive role in the Muslim religion.
  • According to the Quran, Jesus was taken up into heaven (3:169) before his death was officially announced.
  • According to Muslims, Jesus’ adversaries will never be victorious against him because he is God’s chosen servant.
  • According to Islamic traditions, Jesus will return on the Day of Judgment, when he will demolish thead-dajjal, also known as the anti-Christ or impostor.
  • Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, a Muslim philosopher who lived in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, urged Muslims to worship in the manner of Jesus.
  • In his Islamic Christology, Mahmoud Ayoub, a contemporary Islamic theologian, discusses how Jesus embodies the fullness of mankind by being completely lit by God’s light (tajalli).
  • Our unifying beliefs, however, include the virgin birth of Christ to Mary, profound reverence for the mystery of God’s existence, a deep affection for Jesus, and a readiness to learn from his life as we pursue happiness with God.

This article is also accessible in Spanish for those who prefer to read it that way. This story was also published in the September 2016 issue of United States Catholic (Vol. 81, No. 9, page 49). Photograph courtesy of Flickrcc viaFree Pictures 4K

Dead or Alive? on JSTOR

“Can you tell me who people think I am?” says the author. When Jesus asked his followers a question, they answered affirmatively. How his followers understood his life and mission is seen in their responses, which range from John the Baptist to Elijah or another of the prophets. The same question, posed now to Muslim communities throughout the world, is as illuminating: “Who do you believe Christ is?” Each time Jesus, or Isa, is mentioned by name in the Quran, it is spoken in a slightly different way.

  • Consequently, he is known as Jesus son of Mary or Isa ibn Maryam.
  • Muslims, on the other hand, acknowledge that Jesus was a servant, a teacher, and a lover of God’s Word, but they do not think that he was divine or that he was the son of God.
  • To the contrary, God’s unending kindness is symbolized by Jesus as a sign to all of people.
  • A confirmation and foretelling of Prophet Muhammad’s arrival were both contained within this revelation.
  • There is no such thing as “original sin” according to Muslims.
  • According to the Quran, Jesus was taken up into heaven (3:169) before his death was officially recorded.
  • As God’s chosen servant, Muslims believe that Jesus’ adversaries will never be victorious against him.
See also:  Where Was Joseph When Jesus Died

On the Day of Judgment, according to Islamic traditions, Jesus will return and eliminate thead-Dajjal, also known as the Antichrist or impostor.

Jesus has been cited as an important religious example by many Islamic philosophers throughout history and now.

As a result of his superior understanding of and familiarity with God, the thirteenth-century scholar Ibn ‘Arabi dubbed him Jesuswilaya (the “seal of the friend of God”).

There are obvious differences between Islamic and Christian perspectives on Jesus.

We could be on the verge of a fruitful dialogue between our religious traditions.

In addition to English, this article is accessible in Spanish. Originally published in the September 2016 edition of United States Catholic (USC) (Vol. 81, No. 9, page 49). Free Pictures in 4K resolution courtesy of Flickrcc


ISTANBUL, Turkey — The cover of the most recent edition of Dabiq, the glossy magazine that the Islamic State distributes online, has a photograph of a jihadist warrior with the group’s infamous black flag flying behind him, as seen in the video above. He looks to be on the roof of a church, attempting to knock over a cross with his fist. It is written underneath him in bold letters, “Break the Cross.” At first glance, it could appear like the Islamic State was just celebrating its terrible effort to evict Christians from their homes in Iraq and Syria.

  • It is a reference to a prophesy that would reportedly come to fruition in the final age before the apocalypse, according to tradition.
  • In accordance with various hadiths, the end of the world will occur in stages.
  • A second savior will emerge: “the expected one,” or Mahdi, a divinely directed caliph who would unify and empower Muslims, followed by a prophet who has passed away but has returned in favor of Mahdi and in victory over the forces of evil.
  • Many Christians are also looking forward to the Second Coming of Jesus, thus this may come as welcome news to them.
  • “The Son of Mary will soon descend among you as a righteous ruler,” according to a widely known hadith, to which the Dabiq title was referencing.
  • Traditionally, this prophecy has been interpreted as meaning that when Jesus returns, he would put a stop to his own worship, symbolized by the crucifixion, and re-establish the food regulations that Christianity abandoned but which Jews and Muslims still observe.
  • In addition, the vast majority of individuals who believe in them would have little sympathy for the violent and barbaric Islamic State.

Pew Research Center found that half or more of Muslims in nine Muslim-majority nations think that the advent of the Mahdi is “imminent” and might occur within their lifetimes, according to a 2012 poll.

Independent of jihadist violence, the belief in the impending end of the world has many detrimental repercussions.

To illustrate, consider the central conundrum that has bedeviled the Muslim world for the past two centuries: why have we regressed so much in comparison to Western civilization.

If the Dajjal is to blame for the grim state of affairs in the Muslim world, then only divinely inspired saviors will be able to discover a way out.

The fascination with prophesies that Muslims — and possibly other apocalyptic believers as well — have with the end of the world might cost them not just their reason, but also a key element of their own faith: humility.

It is important to remember that we are not just one of God’s innumerable generations.

Actually, it is vanity more than piety that is at the root of this conviction.

This has the potential to help us open our thoughts rather than close them.

Just as orthodox Jews were during Jesus’ time, according to Abduh, conservative Muslims today are frequently too concerned with the word of the law while losing sight of its spirit and the moral goals for which it was enacted.

Islamic State or Abduh’s approach of understanding Jesus’ Second Coming are two ways in which Muslims might comprehend Jesus’ Second Coming.

This is due to the fact that religious writings come to life via the hands of mankind. And it makes a significant difference whether the believers’ goal is to self-righteously sharpen their swords against others or to humbly educate and enlighten themselves.

The Return of Jesus (part 2 of 5)

Christians believe that Jesus is alive and well now, and many faiths think that he is actively involved in their lives. They also think that he has already been resurrected and that he will not die again in this lifetime. The Muslim perspective, on the other hand, holds that he never died and is therefore still alive. According to the Quran, the Jews allege that they killed Jesus Christ, the son of Mary, and Messenger of God, and that they did it on purpose. Despite this, God says in the next verse: “But they did not murder him, nor did they crucify him; it was just a resemblance revealed to them: Most surely, they did not kill him.” God, on the other hand, exalted him to Himself.” (Surah 4:157-58; Quran 4:157-8) This lifting motion is literally an upward movement, as if he were being physically lifted from the earth into the skies, just as he would be physically lifted back down to the earth on the wings of angels when he returns.

Christians believe he was between 31 and 33 years old at the time of his ascension, based on the fact that the synoptic Gospels are supposed to chronicle about one year of his life.

and (he) was taken by the spirit into the desert.” (See also Luke 3:23 and 4:1) Muslim scholars are in agreement.

And there is no one among the People of the Book who will not believe in him before his death, and he will testify against them on the Day of Judgment.” According to the Quran (4:159), God is referring to the ‘People of the Book’ who believe in Jesus before he dies, as well as those who believe in him after he has been raised up into the skies.

In reality, God has taken good care of him and will keep him till the end of his assigned period.

He retains those for whom He has decreed death and sends the remainder to be punished for a period of time.” (Surah 39:42) (Quran) And: “It is God Who takes away the souls at night, and He knows all that you have done throughout the day, and He raises you up again so that the time period set up for you is completed; only then will you be restored to Him.” And after that, He would notify you of all that you used to accomplish.” (Surah 60:60; Quran) ‘ The term appointed’refers to the numbered days of our existence that have already been determined and approved by the Almighty.

  1. In the Bible, the phrase “to take away” refers to a promise made to Jesus by God, which God will fulfill if His messenger is endangered by skepticism.
  2. This is a promise that was confirmed in the revelation given to Mary at the annunciation: “God gives you news of a word from Him, whose name will be Jesus Christ, son of Mary, who will be honored both on this earth and in the hereafter, and one of those who are nearest to (to God).
  3. Consequently, this second promise (that everyone would believe in him before he dies) is in reference to his second mission when he goes to earth once more.
  4. May the kindness and blessings of God be upon him, the Prophet declared: “There is no prophet between me and him (Jesus), and he will descend.” “He.
  5. In fact, his decline will be one of the most significant indicators that the final hour has arrived.
  6. According to the Quran, verse 43:61 His presence will be followed by just two or three additional unambiguous portents, which will be followed by nothing.

Onehadeeth summarizes the 10 key indications, one of which is the second coming of Jesus, in the following words: “Until you see ten signs, such as smoke, the False Messiah, the Beast, the sun rising from West, the descent of Jesus son of Mary, Gog and Magog, and three tremors – one in the East, one in the West, one in Arabia – the Hour will not come.” “At the end of the ten signs, fire will burst forth from the direction of Aden and drive people to the place of their final assembly.” (Ahmed) May God keep us from falling into a state of disbelief and prevent us from being among those who witness the last moments.

Footnotes: 541 Ibn Kathîr’s Stories of the Prophets includes the story of Jesus’ ascension to the right hand of the Father or his crucifixion.

Faslu’l-Maqaal fi Raf’i Isa Hayyan wa Nuzoolihi wa ‘Qatlihi’d-Dajjal, p.

Faslu’l-Maqaal fi Raf’i Isa Hayyan wa Nuzoolihi wa ‘Qatlihi’d-Dajjal, p.

Faslu’l- Specifically, according to the Quran, verse 27.82, “And when the Word has been fulfilled against them (the unjust), We will produce from the eartha Beast to (face) them: it will speak to them.” According to the Prophet, “At that time, God will send a pleasant wind, which will waft (people) underneath their armpits.” ‘He will take the lives of every Muslim, and only the wicked will survive, who will commit adultery like asses, and the Last Hour will come upon them,’ says the prophet.

(According to the Muslim Saheeh) ‘The first of the immediate signs (of the Hour) to appear will be the rising of the sun from the western horizon, followed by the appearance of the Beast before the people in the forenoon,’ the Prophet predicted.

In the event that one of these events occurs first, the other will occur immediately thereafter.’ (According to the Muslim Saheeh.) The signs in the narration are listed in a different order than the order in which they will appear in real life.

The Return of Jesus (part 5 of 5), The Return of Jesus (part 4 of 5), The Return of Jesus (part 3 of 5), The Return of Jesus (part 2 of 5), The Return of Jesus (part 1 of 5)

Aside from Jesus, two additional figures from the end times will be present: Mahdi and Maseeh ad-Dajjal, which is Arabic for “False Messiah,” and the difficulties and tribulations that will be experienced as a result of their presence. In order to free the world from the False Messiah and reunite it once again under the Rule of God, Jesus’ first mission upon his return will be to restore the world to its former unity under the Rule of God. The arrival of the False Messiah, on the other hand, will be preceded by the appearance of a figure who will unify all Muslims under his leadership.

  • He went on to say that he will have the backing of the Muslim country, which was described as follows: “A group of my people will not give up the struggle for the truth until the Day of Resurrection, and they will be victorious.
  • It is estimated that he will have been in charge of the Muslim nation for fewer than seven years, although it is not clear exactly how much less.
  • According to the Prophet: “When a caliph dies, there will be a rift among the people of Medina, and a man from the city will escape to Mecca in protest.
  • An expeditionary army will be dispatched against him from Syria, but it will be suffocated in the desert between Mecca and Medina as a result of the sandstorm.
See also:  Why Did Jesus

It is expected that an army of the greatest Muslim fighters in the world would be dispatched from Medina in order to resist the western invasion of Ash-Sham.” “They will tell them not to stand between them and those who have taken captives from among us when they form themselves in lines: ‘Do not stand between us and those who seized prisoners from among us.’ Let us engage in combat with them.’ The Muslims will respond by saying, ‘No, by God, we will never step aside for you or our brothers and sisters so that you can fight them.”” (Saheeh Muslim)The battle would endure three days, with heavy casualties on both sides, until the Muslim Army’s remnants were able to overcome the Western troops on the fourth day and take control of Istanbul.

  1. While the soldiers are plundering the city, they will hear a false report that the False Messiah has come, and they will flee to Syria once more.
  2. His time on this planet will be 40 days.
  3. The first day and night will last a whole year, the second will last a full month, and the third will last a full week, with the following 37 days lasting as normal.
  4. He will emerge from the east, somewhere between Syria and Iraq, and his arrival will usher in a period of severe turmoil and injustice over the whole world.
  5. After inviting people to follow him and rewarding those who respond by commanding the sky to rain, he will cause the land to develop and produce, as well as domestic animals, by commanding the rain.

His actions will summon all of the land’s wealth, which will congregate in front of him like hordes of bees; he will even murder an individual by cutting him in half and then resurrect him from the dead.

The Coming of Jesus and Death of theFalse Messiah

As can be seen, the False Messiah will have been granted miracles in order to persuade people to turn away from the path of righteousness, and many will do so. According to somehadeeth, many people, particularly Jews, would believe that he is the true Messiah because he will proclaim himself to be God’s representative. However, he will soon claim divine authority for himself, and will finally claim to be the Lord himself. He will conquer the majority of the world and wage war against the Mahdi in Damascus, and it will be at this time that the actual Messiah, Jesus, will come to earth to save mankind.

The scent of his breath will kill any nonbeliever who comes into contact with him, and his breath will extend beyond his ability to see.” (According to the Muslim Saheeh) ‘Certainly, the hour of prayer will arrive, and then Jesus, the son of Mary (the Messiah), will descend and lead them in prayer,’ says another hadeeth.

  1. (According to the Muslim Saheeh) In this slaying, Jesus will employ a spear led by God, and the powers of temptation will be defeated as a result.
  2. (According to the Muslim Saheeh) This information is not the judgment of Judgment Day, but rather knowledge that God has provided to Jesus.
  3. And this is only the first episode of the Messiah’s life after his return, which will be elaborated on in the following essay, if God so wills.
  4. The corner of theKabahn closest to the entrance.
  5. The rock upon which Abraham stood in order to construct the walls of the Kaaba is known as the station of Abraham.
  6. Syrian, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, and portions of Iraq are all included in the geographical area known as Ash-Sham.
  7. The exact location has been mentioned in Musnad Ahmadas as ‘Khorastan’ or ‘Yahwadiah in Asbahan,’ with the latter being related with Shahrstan, with the former being more specific.
  8. Saheeh Muslim is a Muslim who believes in the prophet Muhammad.
  9. The evidence in support of this is circumstantial.

In two more hadeeths from the same source, the Prophet, may God’s love and blessings be upon him, says: “Verily, God is not blind in one eye!” and “Verily, God is not blind in one eye!” The False Messiah, on the other hand, is blind in his right eye, which is shaped like a grape floating in the air.

Essentially, the suggestion is that we should never confuse the False Messiah with our Lord God, regardless of what he states. Saheeh Muslim is a Muslim who believes in the prophet Muhammad.

The Return of Jesus

The founding of God’s nation under the leadership of Jesus As a result of the execution of the False Messiah, the Christians and Jews who had followed him would be traumatized, as it will finally expose to them that he was not who he claimed to be. Those who follow the teachings of Islam, may the kindness and blessings of God be with them, quote the Prophet Muhammad as saying: “‘The son of Mary will shortly descend among you and will judge justly (according to the Law of God,” name=”26″>26]): he will break the cross and slaughter the pig.’ (Al-Bukhari) The Prophet (Saheeh) The breaking of the cross can take place in a figurative or literal sense, such as the destruction of erected idols in churches and the tearing down of crosses from their steeples, as well as the prohibition of the use of personal crosses as religious symbols; or the destruction of the myth that he was executed by the Romans on a cross at the instigation of the Jews, among other things.

Additionally, the slaughter of pigs may be both literal and figurative: literally conducting a campaign to kill all pigs so that the consumption of their meat becomes impossible, allowing them to be slaughtered, or simply re-imposing the ban God imposed from the beginning of time” name=”27 “>27]on eating their flesh, effectively forcing pig farmers to cull their herds in order to get rid of their stock.

  • In consequence, two of the most important pillars of common Christian practice will be eliminated, showing that the religion as taught by modern Christians is no longer valid and signaling a return to the religion as it was originally meant (Islam).
  • It is not known exactly who the Gog and Magog are, yet it is known through a hadeeth that can be found in the two most important books of authentic narration (Saheeh Al-Bukhari and Saheeh Muslim) that they are representatives of the nations of mankind.
  • They cried out, “O Dhul Qarnayn!” Gog and Magog, it is true, are causing a tremendous deal of havoc throughout the region.
  • And the Promise of my Lord never fails to come true.
  • As for the believers, it will be the Gog and Magog who will pose the ultimate threat to them before his reign of peace is established.
  • (Quran, verses 96-97) According to Abu Sa’id al-Khudri, the prophet stated that only those Muslims who flee to their towns and fortresses with their animals and sheep would be able to endure the onslaught of the Gog and Magog.
  • Please transport my devotees to Mount Tur in safety.” They will be so many that when the last of the horde goes through a lake bed whose water the first rank had drunk, they would weep, “There used to be water here, once,” according to the Saheeh Muslim.

‘Now there are just the people of heaven remaining.’ On that occasion, one will shoot an arrow into the sky, and the arrow will fall to the ground blood-splattered.” [number=”31″>number 31] Despite the fact that the Gog and Magog will believe they have achieved triumph, their very brag will be their demise, for the blood on their weapons will be nothing more than a test from God.

Following their successful campaign to drive the Muslims into their strongholds and hideouts, the Gog and Magog will examine the blood stains on their weapons, which will have returned to them from the heavens, and they will interpret them as signs of their impending victory over the Muslims.

(Saheeh Muslim) With the knowledge that he would very certainly perish, the volunteer will descend to discover them all dead, piled on top of one another.

‘God has provided us with sufficient strength to face our adversaries!'” [name=”32″>[name=”32″>32] Upon their descent from Mount Tur, Jesus and the people who sought safety on its slopes would find themselves in the same situation, with not a single area of the soil around them free from the putrid odor of rotting carcasses.

The Repercussions Following that, God will unleash a deluge of pouring, heavy rain that will soak everything and persist for forty days in all.

It is possible that for a period of time, riches would be so abundant that people will be unable to discover individuals to whom they may pay out the poor’s due because of the abundance of wealth.” [name=”37″>[name=”37″>37] The Prophet, may God’s compassion and blessings be upon him, was reported to have said by Abu Hurayrah as follows: “Furthermore, there would be no Jizya.

This is in line with the Covenant that God forged with all of his prophets and made with them.

According to God, who took up the prophets’ Covenant and said, “I have given you the Book and Wisdom; then there will come a messenger to you confirming what is with you, so trust in him and show him assistance.” “Do you agree, and do you accept the terms of this Covenant as binding on you?” God inquired.

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He stated, “I’m not going to lie, I’m not going to lie.” “Then come up and testify!

“What would you do if the son of Mary descends among you and leads as one of you?” the Messenger of God inquired of the people.

Similarly, Abu Hurayrah stated that “spite, mutual animosity, and jealousy towards one another would vanish,” and that “when he (Jesus) invites people to embrace money, none will do so.” The absence of hostility between people will be total, not relative, for at least seven years, during which time no two people will be moved to retaliation against one another,” name=”39″> “>39]and the term that would be used between them would be ‘peace.’ It is likely that religion and piety would predominate in today’s society, since according to each individual, “a single prostration to God (in prayer) will be better than the entire world and all in it.” (Al-Bukhari) The Prophet (Saheeh) Not only will Jesus personally reign and judge according to Muslim Shariah, but he will also fulfill all of the Islamic pillars.

According to the Prophet of Islam: “The son of Mary will undoubtedly call the name of God in the valley of Rauha (a valley near Medina) by the hand of the One in whose hand my life is held.” name=”40″>40]or both in the valley of Rauha (a valley near Medina).” According to the Saheeh Muslim, he will die forty years after his second coming, and the Muslims will offer a funeral prayer in his honor.” name=”41 “[Number 41] “And there is none of the People of the Book who must believe in him before his death,” God says in a Quranic passage, alluding to this exact instant in time.

  • According to the Quran (4:159), God willing, all of the people will be under the influence of the same Book at that time.
  • At a time when the world is in desperate need of divine assistance, Jesus will come to save us all.
  • At that point, only God will be able to save humanity from itself.
  • Footnotes: Jesus will govern with equality and justice in accordance with this Law, the Shariah, which is founded on the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad.
  • In Arabic, the names Gog and Magog are pronounced Yajuj wa Majuj.
  • Saheeh Muslim is a Muslim who believes in the Prophet Muhammad.
  • Musnad Ahmed’s full name is Musnad Ahmed.
  • Saheeh Muslim is a Muslim who believes in the Prophet Muhammad.
  • According to Abu Hurayrah, the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, said the following: “He (Jesus) will be on the earth for forty years, after which he will pass away.

His many books and publications in English on Islam and interfaith topics include The Return of Jesus (2013), The Dietary Laws of God (2010), The Beginning and the End (2012), My First Steps in Islam (2009), Women in Islam and Refutation of Some Common Misconceptions (2006), Muhammad The Messenger of God (2006), and The Message of Islam (2006), to name a few.

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Who is Jesus for Muslims?

The truth, in the eyes of the Muslims, is always spoken by Jesus. “The question is, how do we interpret it?” Zeki Saritoprak is a Turkish actor. The subject provided the photo. Islamic Jesus, a book written by Zeki Saritoprak, investigates the role of Jesus in the Qur’an as well as in Islamic theology. Numerous Islamic theologians, mystics, and intellectuals have been profiled in his writings, among them the 13th-century poet and Sufi mystic Rumi, and Bediüz­zaman Said Nursî, a Turkish Muslim scholar from the early twentieth century.

Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Islamic Society of North America, which he teaches at John Carroll University in University Heights, Ohio.

In Islam, who exactly is Jesus?

As well as being a historical figure, Jesus lived in Roman Judea throughout the first century of the Common Era.

Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary, just as he was in both Islam and Christianity, and he had no biological father.

In Islam, Jesus came to his people with a message, just as all other prophets of God do.

He is a miracle worker and a healer, much as he is in the Christian faith.

Additional miracles attributed to Jesus are mentioned in the Qur’an.

The meaning of these new miracles is yet unclear.

To illustrate, consider the case of Jesus, who spake from his crib.

“Mary, you have done something quite dreadful,” they remarked.

The people inquired as to how they could communicate with a baby; Jesus then began speaking.

He has given me the Book and elevated me to the status of prophet.

“He raised me to be respectful to my mother and never to be haughty or rebellious.” Muslim believers, in addition to thinking that Jesus is one of God’s five greatest messengers, believe that Jesus will return to deliver justice to the entire globe.

In the history of God’s prophets, only Jesus’ eschatological return has been predicted.

A number of scholars believe that the Lord Jesus will truly and physically descend from the heavens and conduct a tremendous war against the Antichrist, Ad-Dajjalor.

Some of the more fascinating and fruitful interpretations link Jesus’ descent to the earth to the development of spirituality.

However, there is a great deal of ambiguity in this branch of Islamic theology.

Mary is the only woman addressed by name in the Qur’an, and the chapter named for her is Chapter 19 of the Qur’an.

According to the Qur’an, her mother was a steadfast worshiper who prayed to God for a son so that she may dedicate him to the temple when she became pregnant.

Instead, he presented her with Mary, who would go on to become the mother of Jesus.

Some Qur’anic verses tell us that God revealed his message to Mary but told her that when her people asked her about her baby she would remain silent.

The Prophet of Islam describes her as the highest woman in paradise, literally the master of the women of paradise.

Interestingly, out of all prophets and messengers of God, Jesus is the only messenger who received the title ofal-Masih, or Messiah, in the Qur’an.

The root of the word has something to do with touching:mashmeans to touch.

Al-Masihalso refers to the eschatological purpose of Jesus, his coming at the end of time.

Why is it important for Christians to understand who Jesus is in Islam?

The similarities of Jesus in Islam and in Christianity—for instance, Jesus’ miracles and his birth to the Virgin Mary—may be of more importance than what divides Christians and Muslims.

Is there a place for the Holy Spirit in Islam?

“Muslims believe that Jesus will return to bring justice to the world.” The Holy Spirit is mentioned several times in the Qur’an.

Muslim commentators are split on the meaning of Holy Spirit.

A group of early Muslim scholars thought that when the Qur’an refers to the Holy Spirit, it means the gospel.

Thus the Qur’an and the gospel are “ ruh Allah ” or the spirit of God.

Other interpretations have said it is “the pure spirit of God,” while still others have said that it is a feeling of the presence of God.

How does interfaith dialogue continue after one party says, “Jesus was not divine” and the other says, “Jesus was divine”?

Differences should be occasions for, not obstacles to, dialogue.

Once after I gave a talk on the subject of Jesus in Islam a gentleman in the audience asked what Muslims’ response would be to Jesus saying that he is the Son of God.

The problem is not about what Jesus said, but about our understanding of what Jesus said.

Muslim theologians will first look for verification of the statement and then at the words Jesus used in their original form or language.

Even if we cannot solve all of our theological differences in this way, we can get to know each other better and find ways we can cooperate and areas where we do agree.

What was the Prophet Muhammad’s relationship to Chris­tianity before his visit from the angel?

Although Mecca was a trading center, we do not know if there was an established Christian community there at the time.

Some sources say that when he traveled to Syria as a child, he met a monk named Bahira.

Bahira wanted to offer the travelers a meal.

Bahira realized that the cloud stayed with the caravan.

He asked them to bring the boy, and he realized that the cloud was following Muhammad.

Has your experience in interfaith dialogue changed you?

In my college years, I majored in Islamic theology and law.

My understanding of this concept was mostly theoretical.

In school, we often talked about how Muslims should side with America instead of the USSR, because Americans are People of the Book.

In the United States I began to work with Jews and Christians who shared many of the same qualities of goodness that I understood from Islam.

There is a saying of the Prophet: God does not look at your appearance, but instead looks at your heart.

For me, the idea of the People of the Book is critical because I think that we all share many good qualities that can bring us closer together as individuals and as a community.

The Qur’an is the primary source of Islam.

Scholars of Islam, with various skills and purposes, have interpreted these sources, and Islamic law, theology, spirituality, and so on have developed as a result.

If I had to choose which of these scholars have been most influential to me, I would have to choose al-Ghazali from the classical era and Said Nursî from the modern era.

A version of this article appears in the June 7 print edition under the title “Who is Jesus for Muslims?” It was edited on May 30 to correct the identification of Waraqa ibn Nawfal, who was the cousin of the Prophet’s wife Khadija, not her nephew.

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