It Is Jesus That You Seek When You Dream Of Happiness

A quote by Pope John Paul II

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Pope John Paul IIQuotesQuotable Quote

Pope John Paul II is a Catholic leader who was born in Rome in 1958. Christology, Christianity, Jesus-Christ are some of the terms used to describe this religion. Continue reading for more comments from Pope John Paul II. Please spread the word about this quote: Quotes that you like

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World Youth Day: vigil (Tor Vergata, August 19, 2000)

On the 15th World Youth Day, the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, delivered his VIGIL OF PRAYER ADDRESS. Saturday, August 19, 2001, at Tor Vergata, Rome. “But who do you think I am?” says the narrator. (Mt16:15). Friends, it is with great pleasure that I once again see you at this Prayer Vigil, during which we desire to listen together to Christ, who we believe to be present among us. He’s the one who’s speaking to us now. “Can you tell me who you think I am?” This inquiry is posed by Jesus to his followers at the city of Caesarea Philippi.

  • As a result, the Master turns to face him and pronounces the unexpected words: “Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah!
  • What exactly is the point of this conversation?
  • What is it that he is interested in knowing about his disciples’ opinions of him?
  • The same time, he realizes that the judgment they will express is not their own, and that it will show what God has poured into their hearts through the grace of faith.
  • In the first place, there is the grace of revelation, which is an intimate and inexpressible gift made by God to man.
  • Last but not least, there is the human reaction; a response which, from that moment forward, must provide meaning and structure to one’s whole existence.
  • A rational and free human being’s reaction to the living God’s word is referred to as rational and free will.
  • 2.
  • We should also recollect another occasion, in which the Resurrected Christ tested the maturity of his Apostles’ faith.
  • Among those present when Christ entered the Upper Room for the first time following his resurrection, he was the only one who wasn’t there.
  • According to him, “I will not believe until I see the print of the nails on his hands and insert my finger in the mark of the nails, as well as place my hand in the side of his body” (Jn20:25).

Thomas was present when Jesus entered through the locked door and said, “Peace be with you” (Jn20:26), after which he turned to face the other Apostles and said, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and lay it in my side; do not be faithless, but believing” (Jn20:27) (Jn20:27).

  1. (Jn20:28).
  2. However, what happened to Thomas extends beyond the events that took place in Caesarea Philippi in a way.
  3. It was difficult to accept that the One who had been laid in the tomb three days before had risen from the dead again.
  4. The experience of his death, on the other hand, was so powerful that people need direct contact with him in order to believe in his resurrection: the Apostles in the Upper Room, his followers on the road to Emmaus, the holy women at the tomb.
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In the face of Christ’s presence, the Apostle’s disbelief was addressed, and he said the words that represent the deepest essence of faith: “If this is the fact, and if you are actually alive despite having been dead, this implies that you are “my Lord and my God.” Because of what occurred to Thomas, the “school of faith” has gained an important new component.

During this encounter, each of us comes to the vital realization that Christ is Lord and God; not only is he the Lord and God of the world and of humanity, but he is also the Lord and God of my own individual human life.

“The word is near you, on your lips, and in your heart,” Saint Paul would write one day, referring to the word of faith that we proclaim.

Three passages from today’s Liturgy outline the aspects of the “school of faith” from which the Apostles emerged as persons who were fully conscious of the truth that God had revealed in Jesus Christ, the truth that would influence their own lives as well as the life of the Church throughout time.

You may all feel the flow of questions and answers that we have just talked about in your own bodies and minds.

However, you might also feel a gradually increasing sense and conviction of your commitment to your religion at the same time as this.

Throughout our lives, the risen Christ continually enters the Upper Room of our hearts and permits each of us to be enveloped in his presence and to proclaim: “You, O Christ, are “my Lord and my God.” “Because you have seen me, you have believed; happy are those who have not seen and yet believe,” Christ replied to Thomas (Jn20:29).

  1. The temptation of unbelief tempts each of them, and each of them raises the same fundamental questions: Is it true that God exists?
  2. True or false: Is it accurate to say that the Son of God became a man, died, and then rose again?
  3. It is necessary for us to open our eyes and hearts to the light of the Holy Spirit.
  4. Dear young people, it is not by coincidence that I wanted the twenty-first-century witnesses to the faith to be honored at the Colosseum during this Holy Year; I wanted them to be remembered for a reason.
  5. A fidelity that must be lived in the midst of the difficulties of daily life: I’m thinking about how tough it is for engaged couples in today’s environment to be true to their virginity before getting married.
  6. I think about friendships and how readily the desire to be unfaithful may infiltrate them.
  7. The people who desire to live a life of solidarity and love in a society where the only things that appear to matter are the logic of profit and one’s own or a group’s own interests come to mind.

I think of people who fight to guarantee that human life is loved and respected, and who witness life being assaulted and the respect given to life being flouted on a regular basis.

Dear young people, do you find it difficult to believe in such a world?


There is no need to keep it a secret.

“Neither flesh nor blood has revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven” (Mt16:17).

It is a gift from the Pope to you during this remarkable vigil.

In quiet and prayer, seeking guidance from your priests and professors to comprehend what it means for your life, you will come face to face with Christ and follow him, giving your lives day by day to serve him!

In you, it is Jesus who arouses the desire to do something great with your lives, the determination to follow an ideal, the refusal to allow yourselves to be weighed down by mediocrity, and the courage to commit yourselves humbly and patiently to improving yourselves and society, thereby making the world a better place for all people.

  • There are so many of you who, in the depths of your souls, never tire of loving Christ and trusting in him, as are your families, your communities, your priests, and your instructors.
  • You are not alone in your war against sin: there are countless others who are going through the same thing and, by the grace of God, are conquering!
  • Dear Friends, when the Third Millennium dawns, I see in you the “morning watchmen” of the ages to come (cf.Is21:11-12).
  • The numerous godless messianic systems that attempted to take the place of Christian hope have shown to be absolutely awful in their deeds and actions.
  • You will not accept a society in which other human beings starve to death, remain uneducated, and are unable to find employment for themselves.
  • Dear young people of the century that is just getting started, when you say “yes” to Christ, you are saying “yes” to all of your finest ideas as well.
  • Be at ease when you decide to put your confidence in him!
  • Please ask Mary, the Most Holy Virgin, who answered “yes” to God during her entire life, as well as Saints Peter and Paul, as well as all of the Saints who have illuminated the Church’s journey throughout the centuries, to keep you always true to this holy commitment.

I extend my blessings to each and every one of you with sincere regard. Copyright 2000 – Libreria Editrice Vaticana (Vatican Publishing House)

‘It Is Jesus You Seek’

The Church will commemorate St. John Paul II’s canonization on October 22, which is tomorrow. It’s difficult to conceive of a modern saint who has inspired and continues to inspire both Catholics and non-Catholics in equal measure. (Upon John Paul’s death in 2005, Fidel Castro, who was clearly not a friend of the Church, stated, “Humanity will keep an emotional recollection of His Holiness John Paul II’s relentless labor in favor of peace, justice, and solidarity among all people.” In the memories of individuals who lived through the length of John Paul II’s pontificate, there are a few standout instances.

It was evident that one of this pope’s favorite “duties” was to travel throughout the world and meet with young people on World Youth Days.

However, St.

At World Youth Day 2005, Pope John Paul II addressed the young people of the world, saying: “It is Jesus you seek when you dream of happiness; he is waiting for you when nothing else you find satisfies you; he is the beauty to which you are drawn; it is he who provokes you with that thirst for fullness that will not allow you to settle for compromise; it is he who urges you to shed the masks of a false life; it is he who reads in In you, it is Jesus who arouses the desire to do something great with your lives, the determination to follow an ideal, the refusal to allow yourselves to be weighed down by mediocrity, and the courage to commit yourselves humbly and patiently to improving yourselves and society, thereby making the world a better place for all people.

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Remembering St.

Be strong!

The Noll Library Spiritual Classics: It Is Jesus You Seek

ACCESS TO FREE STUDY The Spiritual Classics of the Noll Library It Is Jesus Who You Are Seeking. In a society where people frequently seek pleasure and contentment in material possessions, it is critical to set aside time and meditate on the only thing that will really satisfy us: God. The majority of the saints were well aware of the significance of taking time away from the world in order to consider the will of God. It Is Jesus You Seek takes you on a journey with the saints as they contemplate devotion, isolation, repentance, and the love of God.

ThisFREEdownload will assist you in taking time out from your hectic schedule to ask the key questions about God and who he is to you and your loved ones. You’ll find the following information in this FREE DOWNLOAD:

  • Some excerpts from The Noll Library Spiritual Classics include the following: Paintings by St. Teresa of Avila of the Interior of the Castle
  • St. Francis de Sales’ Introduction to the Devout Life
  • And Thomas à Kempis’ The Imitation of Christ. St. Augustine’s Confessions
  • St. Thérèse of Lisieux’s Story of a Soul
  • Reflection questions based on each reading
  • Prayers to help you grow in your relationship with the Lord

You may get a free copy of The Noll Library Spiritual Classics: It Is Jesus You Seek by subscribing to our newsletter, which includes information on new publications, faith-related subjects, free downloads, and much more.

Jesus: The Joy That You Seek

The 16th of July, 2015 “When you dream of happiness, it is Jesus who you should pursue.” – The feast of St. John Paul III falls on the first day of Passover. Thousands upon thousands of pilgrims from all across Israel, and indeed from all around the globe, have flocked to Jerusalem to pay their respects. They have gathered to commemorate God’s deliverance of his people from injustice and slavery in Egypt at the time of the Exodus. It is a wonderful time of year, the culmination of the Jewish calendar year.

He is well aware that the Cross awaits him.

Then, pushing their way past the throngs of people encircling Jesus, a tiny group of strangers makes its way forward.

What was the reason for their visit?

The Desire of Our Hearts

“Sir, we’d want to visit Jesus,” the group says. There have never been more truthful words said, since, whether we realize it or not (and most of us do not), this is the scream of every human heart. Each of us is possessed with an unquenchable need for happiness. The difficulty is that the happiness we desire is limitless and eternal. Despite the numerous false promises of the world, the fleeting pleasures it provides will never be enough to satisfy us. Neither sex, money, power, or anything else can replace the need in our souls that only love can fill.

  • God is the only one who can satisfy the endless longings of our souls, since he is unlimited himself.
  • “‘What can offer us happiness?’ many people ask,” King David explains from personal experience.
  • You have instilled in my heart a deeper delight than an abundance of grain or a new vintage of wine could ever bring” (Psalm 4:7-8).
  • God.
  • He is the only one who can satisfy our needs.
  • What is the method by which he is revealed to us?
  • Christ represents the culmination of God’s revelation of who he is.
  • The good news is that Christ hasn’t abandoned us on our own.
  • All those who are restless and empty in heart should come to him, he adds, and he would give them peace.

He want to fill us with delight and to allow us to participate in his Divine existence in some way. For you to be fed with the Bread of Angels, the holy Food that is the only thing that can satisfy your hunger, he bears insults, derision, and hostility from all sides.

We wish to see Jesus…

There are millions upon millions of humans on this earth that have a sincere desire to come to know and follow Jesus. True, many of them are unaware that this is what they want in the first place. They, on the other hand, yearn for happiness. Happiness that is limitless and endless. This is the common human urge, and it is expressed in many ways. Their hearts are aching with a quiet agony that begs to be heard: “We long to see Jesus.” The issue is, are we like Philip, the disciple who lost his way?

  1. Will men seek us out when they want to learn more about Christ?
  2. Evangelists, do we really believe what we preach?
  3. However, the only way we can effectively bring others to Christ is if we first come to know and love him ourselves.
  4. Do you agree?
  5. We must leave everything behind, just like the Greeks did at the Passover, and go in search of him, no matter how difficult or lengthy the journey.

“It is Jesus You Seek When You Dream of Happiness”

Greetings, Pioneers! As I already stated, this is an exceptional month in terms of feast days. St. John Paul II is the patron saint of our parish, and his feast day was celebrated on October 22nd! As a result, I’ve included a link to some very fantastic quotations that can assist you on your spiritual path!

10 Empowering St. John Paul II Quotes to Strengthen Your Pursuit Towards Holiness

If you want to vote in this year’s midterm elections, this website contains some excellent resources for casting your ballot in accordance with our Catholic principles. Also, check out this fantastic video by Matt Fradd, who talks about his experience with giving up the internet for an entire month! WOW! Take a look at the video below: T-shirts commemorating the Pioneer Catholic movement are now available! They are available for purchase for $20. For additional information, please contact [email protected].

  • 5:00 p.m.
  • Confessions will be held on Wednesday, October 24.
  • The Chapel in the Woods is a little chapel tucked away in the woods.
  • Mass in the Little Chapel in the Woods 5:00 p.m.
  • After-Mass Supper Location to be determined viaFlocknote Remind everyone that night prayer is held after dinner in the same venue as dinner.
  • Nike Statue, courtesy of OMB Sunday, October 28th: Sunday Service 5:30 The Chapel in the Woods is a little chapel tucked away in the woods.
  • 12:30 p.m.
  • – Chaplet of Divine Mercy (SU 111).
  • The Chapel in the Woods is a little chapel tucked away in the woods.

Have a beautiful week ahead of you! Through Mary, we have faith in Christ. Jacqueline Burkepile is a writer and actress. TWU Catholic Campus Ministry is a student-run organization. [email protected] is a blog editor and social media specialist.

It Is Jesus That You Seek …

Today, I’d like to share with you a quotation from Blessed Pope John Paul II, which I hope you will find inspiring. It is his belief that Jesus is all that we will ever need to pursue in this life, and that in order to discover him, we must abandon the false, mediocre existence that we have been living in this world: “It is Jesus who you seek when you dream of happiness; He is waiting for you when nothing else you can find will satisfy you; He is the beauty to which you are drawn; it is He who has provoked you with a thirst for fullness that will not allow you to settle for compromise; it is He who exhorts you to shed the masks of a false life; it is He who reads in your heart your most genuine choices, the choices that others try to stifle.” “It is In you, it is Jesus who arouses the desire to do something great with your lives, the determination to follow an ideal, the refusal to allow yourselves to be ground down by mediocrity, and the courage to dedicate yourselves humbly and patiently to improving yourselves and society, thereby making the world more humane and more fraternal.” So many people, particularly young people, are looking for happiness in all the wrong places at the wrong times.

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People seek fame, acknowledgment, and recognition in this world without considering the life ofJesus, who is arguably the most famous and recognized man in history; however, He was not seeking worldly fame: above all else, Jesus was a humble and virtuous man who used his popularity to lead people to God, rather than to benefit himself or his followers in this world.

God’s Blessings!

6 Ministries that Exist in the Church Today Because of Pope St. John Paul II – EpicPew

Although Pope St. John Paul II died in 2005, the spiritual fruit of his parenthood continues to ripen and bear fruit years after his death. One manner in which we witness this harvest is in the profusion of ministries centered on his spirituality. These ministries cover the entire gamut of human emotion and experience. This is hardly unexpected given the fact that they are the offspring of a saint who was extremely concerned about the entire human being! Here are six ministries or apostolates that you should consider checking out!

” I believe that the desire to do something significant with your lives comes from Jesus, as does the desire to follow an ideal, the refusal to allow yourselves be ground down by mediocrity, and the courage to commit yourselves humbly and patiently to improving yourselves as well as society in order to make it more humane and fraternal.” If you’re a young adult Catholic, you should check out the JP2 Project, which is run by Pope St.

  1. John Paul III.
  2. Fun fact: the programs in Poland are specifically directed by young, married couples who are also the program leaders.
  3. The first will be in Brighton, Michigan-click here to check it out!
  4. John Paul II Pope St John Paul II accomplished so much to open up dialogue about women and their position and value in the church.
  5. This idea underlines the goal ofthe GIVEN Institute, which “explores the feminine response to God’s love, to expose the “the feminine genius” that women offer to families, society, the Church, and the world.
  6. ENDOWBegun in Denver, Colorado in 2003,Endowis a ministry focused on small group formation for women in the light of the “new feminism”- the feminine genius.
  7. It is also suited for the busy lifestyle of many American women- everyone learns alongside the other “in the moment,” without need for prep before each meeting.
  8. Click here for their online studies!
  9. Each episode features a different, female guest and topic, and speaks to the vastness and freedom of what it means to be an authentically Catholic woman, as well as speaking vulnerably into the challenges we face as modern Catholic women in our daily lives.
  10. John Paul II Theology of the Body Institute The Theology of the Body Instituteis perhaps the best known of all listed here.

Theology of the Body Institute seeks to penetrate and permeate the culture with the true vision of human identity that appeals to the deepest yearnings of the human heart for love and union.” Encompassing podcasts, courses, pilgrimages, written resources, conferences and more, there is something here for every learning style to grow deeper in the understanding and application of the Theology of the Body.

“We are not the sum of our weaknesses and failures, we are the sum of the Father’s love for us and our real capacity to become the image of His Son Jesus.” Pope St.

Their mission is to “provide teaching, healing, and equipping to bring about transformation in the heart of the Church.” The center emphasizes learning your personal story and bringing it to prayer and the sacraments.

The center offers a variety of resources in addition to their retreats and conferences, including books, audio conferences, a youtube channel, and a podcast.

This is just a small sampling of the resources available based on the teachings and spirituality of Pope St.

Let’s give thanks to God for these and all other resources that bring us closer to the heart of the Father!

He has called you and chosen you to live in the freedom of the children of God. Turn to him in prayer and in love. Ask him to grant you the courage and strength to live in this freedom always. Walk with him who is “the Way, the Truth and the Life”!” Pope St. John Paul IILove 0

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