Express What Jesus Is Saying In John 14:6 In Your Own Words

Why Did Jesus Say ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life’ in John 14:6?

“ “Lord, we don’t know where you’re going, so how are we supposed to know the way?” Thomas questioned him. “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” Jesus declared in response. No one else can bring anybody else to the Father except through me. I believe that if you truly know me, you will also know my Father. From this point forward, you are aware of him and have seen him.” “Lord, just show us the Father, and that will be sufficient for us,” Philip prayed. In response, Jesus said, “Don’t you know who I am, Philip, even after all this time that I have been among you?” Anyone who has seen me has also seen the Father, and vice versa.

The words I say to you are not my mine, and I do not have the power to utter them.

Meaning of ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life’

John 14:6 narrates Jesus’ response to him: “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one else can give them these things. No one else can bring anybody else to the Father except through me.” I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Our Lord uses this speech on the area he was going and the road that would lead him there to provide more detailed instruction to his followers about himself, declaring, “I am the way.” In other words, Christ is not only the way, as he goes before his people as an example or as a prophet, pointing out to them the path of salvation by his message; rather, he is the way of salvation itself through his obedience and sacrifice; and there is no other way.

  • He is the path that his Father has chosen for him, a path that is completely consistent with God’s perfections and appropriate for the situation and condition of sinners.
  • The Unvarnished Truth.
  • In truth and reality, he is the true God and the source of eternal life; as both a prophet and priest, he taught the way of God in truth; as King, all of his ways and administrations are just and true; he is the sum and substance of all the truths of the gospel.
  • It is in him that they find their fulfillment, and he is the truth of all the kinds and shadows, promises and predictions of the Old Testament; it is in him that they find their fulfillment, and he is the genuine path, in opposition to all false ways devised by mankind.
  • They have a saying that “Moses and his law are the truth,” and it goes like this: Korah and his companions are made to speak this in hell as a result of this.
  • In response to the question “what is truth?” they speak with greater conviction when they declare that he is the living God and King of the world, characteristics that are consistent with Christ’s teachings.
  • Jesus Christ is the originator and provider of all kinds of life: natural, spiritual, and eternal.
  • He has always been and will continue to be the way; those who follow him live and never die; it is a path that leads to everlasting life; and, to summarize all of the epithets in a single line, Christ is the one real path that leads to eternity.

In order to better understand him, it is included as a means of explanation. This commentary is an extract from John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible, which you may read in full here.

Bible Commentary of ‘The Way, The Truth, The Life’

The following is a commentary by Matthew Henry on the Bible chapter of John 14: Thomas inquired about the route (v. 5) and made no apologies for his Master’s decision to oppose him. 1. He answered, “Lord, we have no idea where thou goest, what place or what state thou goest to, and how can we know the path we must take in order to follow thee?” Our guesses and inquiries have come up empty, and we are at a loss as to what it may be. The fact that Christ testified about their understanding made them more conscious of their ignorance, as well as more eager about additional illumination.

Peter was the one who was most interested in learning where Christ had gone.

That he admitted his ignorance was laudable in and of itself.

However, he was accountable for the circumstances that led to his ignorance.

Consequently, when Christ spoke of departing and they were following him, their imaginations immediately turned to his going to some remarkable city or other, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Capernaum, or even some of the cities of the Gentiles, as David went to Hebron, there to be anointed king and to restore the kingdom to Israel; and which way this place lay, where these castles in the air were to be built was unknown to them; and as a result, they had no As a result, we continue to believe that we are more in the dark than we should be about the future status of the church, since we expect it to succeed in the world, although the promise refers to spiritual development.

If Thomas had realized that Christ was departing for the unseen realm, the world of spirits, to which spiritual things are simply a reference, he would not have answered, Lord, we do not know the route, as he might have done.

Thomas had inquired as to both where he was going and what the way was, and Christ responds to both questions and makes good on his promise that they would have needed no answer if they had understood themselves correctly; for they knew him, and he was the way; they knew the Father, and he was the end; and therefore, you know where I am going, and you know the way I am going.

1), and you will do what you should.

I am the way, and I am the only way, for there is no other way to the Father but through me. Great things Christ says of himself in this passage, demonstrating to us the nature of his mediation: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”

The Way, The Truth, The Light – Related Bible Verses

“Then Jesus turned to the Twelve and said, “Do you want to travel away with me?” “Lord, to whom shall we go?” Simon Peter inquired of the Lord. We believe and have come to understand that you are the Holy One of God because you have the words of eternal life in your possession.” “Did I not pick you, the Twelve?” Jesus inquired. “Did I not choose you, the Twelve?” “Yet one of you is a demon,” says the other. Specifically, Jesus mentioned Judas the son of Simon Iscariot, because he was one of the Twelve who was about to betray him.” 6:67-71 (John 6:67-71) The Bible says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whomever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” In other words, God did not bring his Son into the world in order to condemn the world, but in order that the world may be rescued by him and his sacrifice.

Nobody is doomed if they believe in him; nevertheless, everyone who does not believe is already condemned, since he has not placed his faith in the name of the only Son of God (John 3:16).

The Bible cannot be broken if he calls them gods to whom the word of God has come, and Scripture cannot be broken.” 10:35 in the Gospel of John Once more, Jesus addressed them with the words, “I am the light of the world.” Nobody will walk in darkness if they follow me; instead, they will be illuminated by the light of life.” 8:12 (John 8:12)

The Word Became Flesh

God said in the beginning, “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.” He was there with God at the beginning of time. All things were created through him, and nothing that has been created would have been possible without him. There was life in him, and that life was the source of illumination for all of mankind. It is still possible to see the light even in the dark, and the darkness has not yet overtaken it. There was a guy named John who was sent by God to save the world.

  • He was not the light; rather, he came simply to bear witness to the brightness that was already there.
  • He was there in the world, and despite the fact that the world was created through him, the world did not acknowledge him.
  • Although he provided the right to become children of God to anyone who received him and trusted in his name, he also granted the right to become children born not of natural descent, not of human decision, nor of a husband’s wish, but children born of God.
  • It has been shown to us in its fullness, the glory of the one and only Son, who has come from the Father, full of grace and truth.
  • We have all received grace as a result of his fullness, in substitution for the grace that has previously been given.

No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is God in and of himself and who is in the closest relationship with the Father, has shown him to us.” 1 John 1:18-23 “Do not allow your hearts to be worried.” “Believe in God, and believe in me as well.” John 14:1 is a verse from the book of John.

What Did Jesus Mean by “The Way, the Truth, and the Life” inJohn 14?

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1, 14) His presence with God was there from the beginning. All things were created through him, and nothing that has ever been created would have been possible without his creation. All of mankind could see the light because he had life inside him. It is still possible to see the light even in the dark, and the darkness has not yet defeated it. In the beginning, there was a man named John, who was sent by God.

  1. He was not the light; rather, he came simply to bear testimony to the brightness that was already present in him.
  2. Even though he was in the world, and while the world was created as a result of his existence, the world did not acknowledge him.
  3. Although he provided the right to become children of God to anyone who received him and trusted in his name, he also granted the right to become children born not of natural descent, not of human decision, nor of the will of a spouse, but children born of God.
  4. It has been shown to us in its fullness, the glory of the one and only Son, who has come from the Father, full of grace and truth; He was the subject of John’s testimony.
  5. We have all received grace as a result of his fullness, in substitution for the grace that has already been given.
  6. The only way anybody has ever been able to view God is via the one and only Son, who is both God and in the closest connection with the Father.
  7. ” “Believe in God, and believe in me, as well.
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What did Jesus mean when He said, “I am the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6)?

QuestionAnswer “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” says Jesus in one of the seven “I Am” statements he makes in the Bible. On the night before His betrayal and death, Jesus spent time with His disciples, preparing them for the events that would follow. These guys had been following Jesus and learning from His teachings and example for more than three years at that point. Yet, even though they had placed their faith in Him as the anticipated Messiah and deliverer, they were still perplexed as to how He was going to bring about that rescue.

  1. “My children, I will only be with you for a short while longer,” Jesus remarked in John 13:33, according to the Bible.
  2. Peter and the others were perplexed when Jesus began to talk about His death and ascension to the right hand of the Father.
  3. Peter was still perplexed and said that he would follow Jesus wherever He went, even if it meant laying down his life if it was necessary.
  4. As Jesus patiently continues to teach His pupils, He begins to speak more explicitly about heaven, explaining the place that He is preparing for them.
  5. Thomas, speaking on behalf of the others, stated that they did not know where He was going and so could not figure out how to follow Him there.
  6. I am– In the Greek language, the phrase “I am” refers to one’s own identity in a very direct manner.
  7. In Matthew 22:32, Jesus references Exodus 3:6, in which God employs the same intense form to proclaim, “I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,” referring to the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

The Jews were certainly convinced that Jesus was referring to Himself as God because they immediately gathered stones to stone Him for blasphemy for comparing Himself with the deity.

These phrases are a reflection of God’s Hebrew name, Yahweh, which literally translates as “to be” or “the self-existing one.” It is a name that carries great power and authority, and Jesus appropriated it for Himself.

As a trail or route, the disciples had voiced their uncertainty about where He was going and how they could follow.

There is no other way to get to heaven, and there is no other way to get to the Father.

When Jesus says, “I am the way,” he is expressing the exclusive character of the one and only road to salvation.

In fact, Jesus stated that He had come to fulfill the Law and the Prophets of the Old Testament (Matthew 5:17).

The source of all life– Jesus had just informed His followers of His approaching death when He made the assertion that He was the source of all life.

He said that the Father had given Him control over life and death, and that this authority had been bestowed to Him.

A real liberation from the bonds of sin and death that He was about to bring was not a political or social deliverance (as was sought by the majority of the Jews), but rather an escape from a life of slavery to sin and death to an eternal life of freedom.

The Holy One, who lives eternally, was asserting His claim to being the very God of Creation, the Lord of Abraham’s blessing, and the God who created the world.

Of course, we know from Scripture that they were still perplexed, and it took repeated visits from their resurrected Lord to finally convince them that they were right.

So, what is the best way for us to follow Him today?

They had heard Jesus’ teachings and had accepted them as true.

They repented of their sins and confessed Jesus to be their Lord and God.

They followed His example and obeyed His order to inform others of the truth about sin, righteousness, and judgment, and they were successful.

When we follow Him in “the way,” we may be confident that we will be following Him all the way to the end of the earth. Return to the previous page: Do you have any questions about John? “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” Jesus declared in John 14:6, but what exactly did He mean by that?

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Jesus said, “I Am the Way.” But What Does that Really Mean?

‘Jesus’ said “”I am the way,” I say. No one else can bring you to God but through me ” (John 14:6). But what exactly does that imply in practice? For many years, I was taught that this meant that Jesus was the only way to get to God through the cross. As a result of this, if you do not “believe” in Jesus, you will not be able to know God. And, of course, this presents a whole new set of questions for consideration. “Can you explain what it means to “believe” in Jesus?” Is this a hint that there are specific terms you must use while talking about Jesus?

  • I was apprehensive.
  • being terrified of not being good enough in God’s eyes I’m terrified of spending all of eternity apart from God.
  • As a result, I uttered these words, as well as others, with fervor and regularity.
  • That is, I felt better after a while.
  • When those periods of anxiety returned, which they did on a regular basis, I would not go through the entire “getting saved” routine again (if you were raised in an evangelical manner as I was, you know exactly what I mean by this), but I would secretly pray the “Sinner’s Prayer” again.
  • and again.
  • and again.

To put it another way, no matter how many times I said, “I believed in Jesus,” the words themselves never seemed to be enough.

This is the religious reality that many people live with on a daily basis.

I eventually gave up one day and just walked away.

I gave up on attempting to “believe” enough to get by with God.

And it appeared to me that it was only when I finally gave up that the metamorphosis began.

I’m at a loss for words when it comes to describing it.

All of the terror I had previously experienced vanished.

And it’s not because I’ve finally discovered the right set of beliefs that this is the case.

In no way, shape, or form.

It wasn’t until I stopped believing that I began to live.

It wasn’t until I stopped looking for the “correct” religious views about God that I discovered the Source of Mystery inside myself.

“”Beliefs,” says one of my spiritual instructors, “are a means of concealing uneasiness.” You only believe in things that you don’t understand.” To put it another way, it’s not about the words.

Were your religious or political convictions not simply words, perhaps carefully picked words that your denomination or group has determined to be the “correct” ones, but still just that: words.

The WAY you live, not the WORDS you speak, is what matters most.

Nonetheless, I can guarantee you that no amount of debating and defending your position on this issue will make you feel one iota “safer,” more “Christian,” or any closer to God.

I’m aware of the situation.

Most likely, you will realize, as I did, that all of your defending and disputing will only serve to make you feel more fearful and insecure in the long run.

Make an even stronger case for and defense of your convictions.

Who truly knows what they think is impossible to determine.

They have confused the act of living with the act of believing.

Consequently, while they may refer to their arguments as “Christian apologetics,” what they are truly disputing and defending is an illusion of the mind.

But the fact remains that they are engaged in a delusional effort to overcome their inner fear of being separated from one another.

It has only now dawned on me that what Jesus truly was saying was this: “I am the way,” as in, “I am aware of the route.” By implication, “I’ve discovered it,” which implies that “you can, too,” as well.

That is precisely why he insisted on saying, “Follow me” over and over.

The Eternal will guide you through my path, as it will guide you through many other paths.

The only way to God is through God.” The following is my own suggestion: instead of believing in Jesus, why not live in a way that is similar to Jesus’s example?

Why not give up on the notion that there is anything you must believe, such as beliefs, dogmas, doctrines, or specific words you must pray in order to be saved?

refuse to participate in the religious performance Give away your religious and philosophical beliefs.

As in, you participate in religious activities and avoid particular habits because you are terrified – and this is all because you are afraid of something.

attempting to do all possible to satisfy God in order to be accepted by some dysfunctional religious organization and on and on it goes.


And, more importantly, where is it?

You have already been approved.

Living from this point of knowing will set you free from the religious dysfunction that plagues practically all religions, including Christianity, and will allow you to live a life without regret.

Your ideas are incorrect, or at the very least, not as correct as ours.” “We are the ones who have been selected.

Make the decision to be fearless in the face of God.

For me, the decision was straightforward.

Alternatively, I might accept the fact that I had already arrived.

It’s for this reason that Thomas Merton used to remark, “Whenever you are in the mood to spend time alone with God, you will.

wherever you are: at the monastery, in the city, in the woods, or on the streets; anywhere you are, wherever you are. At the precise moment it appears as though you are in the midst of your journey, you have in fact already arrived at your final destination.” What more could you possibly want?

Search: Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life

Submitted by PASTOR DAVEPARKER New Life Church is a congregation dedicated to bringing people to Christ. The world of today has crammed so much information into our minds, we have technology at our fingertips, and a wide range of viewpoints is dividing our society and nation. There is a sense that life is moving at such a breakneck pace that we are hardly able to catch our breath. We are concerned and have questions about what is happening to humanity and to us as people at this point in time.

  1. The Bible is telling us to write this down, to recognize it, to comprehend it, and to be assured that horrible, tough, harsh, and violent times will come in the final days.
  2. Today’s man is primarily looking for three things: a sense of direction (the path), something that is true (the truth), and something that will last forever (life).
  3. “No one else can bring you to the father but through me.” This passage provides comprehensive answers to all of man’s existential issues.
  4. First and foremost, some guidance, the route.
  5. The world teaches us that there are many different paths, or roads, to take to get to God.
  6. Heaven, according to legend, can be reached by a variety of routes.
  7. There is a road that appears to be right to a man, yet it ultimately leads to death, as stated in Proverbs 14:12.
  8. You have the option of deciding which road is the most direct to God.
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In other words, “Enter via the small gate; because wide is the gate and broad is the route that leads to disaster, and there are many who enter by it.” (Matthew 7:13; Luke 7:13) When asked about the path, Jesus did not teach his followers about it, nor did he show them the road, nor did he guide them along the way; instead, he responded, “I am the way.” How do we find the path that leads to God?

  1. Because Jesus is both God and man, he is the only path forward.
  2. However, while some people debate and claim that this path is too narrow, in truth, it is wide enough for the entire world to welcome him, if just one decides to accept him.
  3. In times of anger, confusion, fear, fleeing from him, and being too busy for him, he is always there for us.
  4. Today’s man is likewise on the lookout for something genuine and authentic.
  5. Today is a day when we need to hear the truth.
  6. People are looking for something genuine and authentic.
  7. Truth is a living individual, not an abstraction.

Do you remember the tale of the disciples who were caught in a storm?

They were experienced fisherman who were well-versed in the water and the conditions in which they were operating.

However, they were mistaken: “Truth” was dozing at the back of the boat.

Jesus possessed supernatural control over nature.

We want that life, especially utopian life, will never come to an end.

We wish we could win the lotto so that we could be financially secure for the rest of our lives.

This is the essence of the situation.

John 10:10 states that the thief’s sole purpose is to steal, murder, and demolish people’s lives.

Our money will run out, our vacations will come to an end, and our beauty will fade, but Jesus will never run out of love for us.

” It is in him that you will find all that you are seeking for.

Don’t go to the outside world for the solutions you’re looking for.

Whatever it takes, turn to God while the chance is still there.

There’s no way you want to miss out on the path, the truth, or the life.

More knowledge may be found in the Bible, which serves as life’s instruction handbook. (A weekly sermon delivered by clergy members of the Weirton Ministerial Association is referred to as “From the Pulpit.”) Delivered directly to your inbox: today’s breaking news and more.

What Does John 14:6 Mean?

PASTOR DAVEPARKER’s article Church of the New Life There is so much information in the world now, and we have technology at our fingertips, that it is dividing our country, and many different points of view are polarizing it. Things appear to be moving at such a breakneck pace that we are hardly able to catch our breath at the end of each day. What is happening to mankind, and to us as individuals, is causing us distress and questions. “But be aware that terrible times will come in the end days,” the Bible warns us in II Timothy 3:1-5.

  1. As the Bible warns, you should write it down, recognize it, and comprehend it, because awful, tough, harsh, and violent times will come in the last days.
  2. This is the end of the world, as we know it.
  3. “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” Jesus said in John 14:6, summarizing his message.
  4. This passage provides answers to all of man’s existential issues.
  5. Before anything else, we need some guidance, some direction.
  6. Highways, back roads, buses, trains, planes, and other modes of transportation are all available.
  7. Do whatever feels right to you at the time, and whatever you believe is correct.

When it comes to reaching God, you have the option of choosing the most appropriate way.

In other words, “Enter via the small gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the route that leads to disaster, and there are many who come in by it.

When asked about the path, Jesus did not teach his followers about it, nor did he show them the road, nor did he guide them along the way; instead, he stated, “I am the way.” What is the best approach to find God?

Because Jesus is both God and man, he is the only path.

However, while some people disagree and claim that this path is too limited, in truth, it is wide enough for the entire world to embrace him if they so want.

In times of anger, confusion, fear, and running away from him, he is always there for us.

Modern man, like earlier generations, is on the lookout for something that is authentic.

Today is a day when we must hear the facts.

They want something that is long-lasting and long-lasting.

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” Jesus declared this of himself.

This means that we will never be able to discover the truth about our situation unless we first get a message from God.

Do you remember it well?

They were experienced fisherman who were well acquainted with the sea and the situations in which they found themselves.

“Truth,” however, was dozing at the rear of the boat, proving them all incorrect.

When it came to nature, Jesus had authority.

The life we desire for, the ideal existence we wish for, would never come to a close.

In order for us to be financially secure for the rest of our lives, we wish we could win the lotto.

Everything revolves around this.

John 10:10 states that the thief’s only purpose is to steal, murder, and demolish people’s lives.

Even if our money will run out, our vacations will come to an end, and our beauty will fade, Jesus’ love will never run out.

It is in him that you will find all that you want.

Take your cues from within rather than from beyond.

Regardless of what it takes, turn to God while you still have the chance to.

Keeping your eyes peeled for the path, truth, and life is essential.

More knowledge may be found in the Bible, which serves as a life instruction handbook. (A weekly sermon delivered by members of the Weirton Ministerial Association is referred to as “From the Pulpit.”) Delivered directly to your inbox: today’s breaking news and more

Verse Thoughts

Written by PASTOR DAVEPARKER Christ’s Resurrection and Resurrection of Life Church The world of today has crammed so much information into our minds, we have technology at our fingertips, and a wide range of viewpoints is dividing our country. Things appear to be moving at such a breakneck pace that we are hardly able to catch our breath. We are concerned and have questions about what is happening to mankind and to us as people at this point in history. “But be aware that terrible times will come in the end days,” the Bible says in II Timothy 3:1-5.

  • The Bible is telling us to write this down, to recognize it, to comprehend it, and to be convinced that horrible, tough, harsh, and violent times will come in the final days.
  • Three things characterize today’s man: a sense of direction (the path), something that is true (the truth), and something that will stay forever (life).
  • “No one else can bring you to the Father but through me.” This poem provides answers to all of man’s queries about life.
  • First and foremost, some direction, the road.
  • It is said that there are several routes to heaven.
  • “There is a road that appears right to a man, but its end is the way of death,” reads Proverbs 14:12.
  • You have the option of choosing the most appropriate path to God.

“Enter through the small gate; because wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter by it.” (Matthew 7:13; Mark 10:14) When asked about the path, Jesus did not teach his followers about it, nor did he show them the route, nor did he guide them along the road; rather, he responded, “I am the way.” How do we find our path to God?

  • Because he is both God and man, he is the path.
  • Instead of stating that it seems too restrictive to have just one method to go to God, people should reply, “Thank God He created a path for us to get to Him!” God is constantly present, whispering into our spirits and communicating to our hearts.
  • If we choose to search for it, he leads us in the right direction.
  • Truth.
  • People do not want anything bogus, artificial, a trend, a movement, or a whim; they want something real.
  • “I am the way and the truth,” Jesus declared.
  • This means that we will never be able to discover the truth about our situation until we first get a message from Christ.
  • They were convinced that they were going to die.
  • They had allowed their circumstances to persuade them that the fact was that they were about to die.
  • When Jesus talked to the disciples, they realized the true nature of their predicament.
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When confronted with a terrifying scenario, we often panic and cry out, “Lord, help me!” “I’m on the verge of perishing!” God will remind us of his provision, saying, “I am capable of dealing with this circumstance as well, and you will get a better understanding of me as a result of it.” Finally, man is on the lookout for something that will stay forever: life.

  • When we’re on vacation, we want the days would go on forever.
  • This is how life is.
  • No, my friend, Jesus is the source of life.
  • “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” Jesus declared.
  • He has the ability to answer any and all of your queries.
  • Turn to him while you can still find him.
  • We are in the midst of the latter days.

For further information, consult the Bible, which serves as life’s instruction handbook. (A weekly sermon delivered by clergy members of the Weirton Ministerial Association is referred to as “From the Pulpit”). Get the latest breaking news and more sent directly to your email.

My Prayer

My familiarity with the Scriptures, Loving Father, has occasionally stopped me from perceiving the stunning truth that lies beneath so much of Your Word. Allow these basic yet deep truths to sink into my understanding so that I may grasp, believe, and act on them. AMEN, I pray, in the name of Jesus.

Choose a Verse from John 14

As a result of my acquaintance with Your Word, I have been unable to recognize the astounding truth that underlies so much of Your Word. Allow these basic yet deep truths to sink into my understanding so that I may accept, believe, and act upon them. AMEN, I pray in the name of Jesus.

Christ Is the Truth, the Way, and the Life

My familiarity with the Scriptures, Loving Father, has sometimes stopped me from perceiving the stunning truth that lies beneath so much of Your Word. Help me to grasp, believe, and act on these basic yet deep truths by opening my mind to them. In the name of Jesus, I pray, AMEN.

Christ of the Last Days Has Appeared and Brought the Truth, the Way, and the Life

Understanding the significance of the Lord Jesus’ words “I am the way, the truth, and the life” is essential for us to be able to welcome him into our lives. During the celebration of the Lord’s return, many people are fearful of being fooled by fake Christs and hence do not dare to search and examine the genuine route. We need not be concerned about being misled by a false Christ and being unable to welcome the Lord as long as we recognize that Christ is the truth, the way, and the life; that is to say, as long as we recognize that He who can express the truth, provide for people’s needs, and point out the path for people is Christ, and that all those who are unable to express the truth are without a doubt false Christs.

Because false Christs are not God incarnate and do not possess the essence of divinity, they are unable to convey the truth, much less save those who believe in them.

Currently, the great calamities have occurred, the predictions of the Lord’s return have been mostly fulfilled, and the Lord Jesus has already returned in the form of Almighty God, the Christ of the latter days.

In order to save and cleanse mankind, he has expressed all of the truth; he has not only revealed the mystery of God’s six-thousand-year management plan, the mystery of God’s incarnation, and the mystery of God’s name, but he has also revealed the root of people’s sin, the true fact of mankind’s corruption by Satan, people’s satanic nature and essence that rebel against and resist God, and much more.

As well as God’s disposition and attributes, he has articulated God’s possessions and attributes, such as God’s almightiness and wisdom, God’s righteousness and holiness, God’s authority and might, God’s uniqueness, and more.

Millions of words have been spoken by Almighty God, the most of which are included in the book The Word Appears in the Flesh, also known as the Age of Kingdom Bible.

I understand.

In addition, 1 Peter 4:17 states, “For the hour has arrived for judgment to begin in the home of God.” “Though Jesus performed a great deal of work among men, He simply finished the redemption of all people and served as man’s sin sacrifice; He did not completely cleanse man of his corrupt disposition,” declares Almighty God.

  1. Now that man has been pardoned of his sins, God has come to the earth in the form of a human being in order to guide him into the new era, and the work of chastisement and judgment has begun.
  2. All individuals who submit to His authority will benefit from higher truths and gain more rewards as a result of their submission.
  3. This process of judgment and punishment will enable mankind to comprehend the dirty and corrupt nature that exists inside himself, and this knowledge will enable mankind to transform entirely and become pure.
  4. We can see from God’s statements that this stage of Almighty God’s operation of judgment in the end days is based on the needs of the people living in the present time.

When faced with natural or man-made disasters, we can continue to tell lies and deceive others; we can continue to follow evil worldly fashions, covet vanity and pleasure, and as a result, our hearts are frequently drawn away from the Lord; we can continue to be arrogant and conceited, and arbitrarily judge others; and when faced with natural or man-made disasters, we can continue to complain about God and blame Him.

  • There are several examples of this.
  • We want to be free of the chains and fetters of sin, but we don’t know where to turn, and no one can guide us in the direction of freedom from the bindings and fetters of sin.
  • People have been guided onto the path of purification by Almighty God, Christ of the latter days.
  • Who else could be able to unveil secrets if it weren’t for God Himself?
  • Who has the authority to speak the truth in order to purify and rescue people, and who has the authority to teach us the road to be cleansed of our sins?
  • No one else, except from Christ, could do this.
  • “Christ of the latter days provides life, and he brings the enduring and eternal path of truth,” according to the words of Almighty God.
  • Because you are a puppet and a prisoner of history, if you do not pursue the path of life offered by Christ in these latter days, you will never receive Jesus’ approval and will never be qualified to enter the gate of the kingdom of heaven.
  • Only in this manner will we have the opportunity to welcome the Lord, be raptured before the throne of God, and receive the truth, the way, and the life that Christ has bestowed upon us in these latter days.

We encourage you to contact us via online chat if there is anything you are still unsure about. Recommended: What Is the Meaning of Incarnation? What Is the Best Way to Identify God’s Incarnate Flesh?

John 14:6-14

‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life,’ Jesus said to him in response. No one else can bring anybody else to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will be familiar with my Father as well. ‘From this point on, you are familiar with him and have seen him.’ He asked Philip to show him the Father, and Philip said, ‘Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied.’ ‘Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still don’t recognize me?’ Jesus inquired. Every person who has seen me has also seen the Father.

You don’t believe that I am in the Father and that the Father is in me, do you?

Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; but if you don’t believe me, believe me because of the works that I have performed.

I will accomplish anything you want in my name so that the Father’s glory may be revealed through the Son’s sacrifice.

John 14:6 – Meaning and Commentary on Bible Verse

14:6 (John 14:6) Jesus responds to him by saying, “I am the way.” “I am the way,” says our Lord, using this opportunity to further instruct his disciples about himself, saying, “I am the way.” Christ is not merely the way in the sense of going before his people as an example; or merely as a prophet, pointing out unto them the way of salvation; but he is the way of salvation itself by his obedience and sacrifice; and there is no other way; he is the way of his Father’s choosing, and there is no other way.

And this term appears to be in opposition to the Jews’ belief that the law was the only genuine way of life, and that truth could only be found within the law.

It is unquestionable that the law of Moses was truth; however, it is a strong expression to say of Moses himself that he was truth; however, this is in agreement with Christ, who came in opposition to Moses, by whom came the law: however, when they sayF19, (hrwt ala tma Nya), “there is no truth but the law,” they are not speaking the truth.

And the life:Christ is the author and giver of all life, natural, spiritual, and eternal; or he is the way of life, or “the living way”; in opposition to the law, which was so far from being the way of life that it was the ministration of condemnation and death: healways, and it will always be the way; all who live in this way will live, none will ever die; and it is a way that leads to eternal life: and to summarize all the epithets The phrase “no man comes unto the Father except through me” is added as an explanation of Christ’s role as the only means of access to the Father; there is no coming to God as an absolute God, not on the basis of the covenant of works, nor without a Mediator; and the only Mediator between God and man is Christ: he introduces and presents the people and services of his people to their Father, and grants them acceptance with him.

NOTES: 1. Bemidbar Rabba, fol. 223, 2.F19Hieros, Roshhashanah, fol. 59, 1. Praefat, Echa Rabbati, fol. 36, and 2.F20Ib. Sanhedrin, fol. 18. 1. Praefat, Echa Rabbati, fol. 36, 2.F20Ib. Sanhedrin, fol. 18.

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