How To Hear Jesus Voice?

Hearing from God

Hearing God speak to you personally is a wonderful experience that can help you grow in your faith and in your relationships.If you want to hear from God, I’ll tell you how to do it in three straightforward steps.It is not a mathematical formula.In the Bible, there are three principles that are on display.If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, then you are a member of God’s family.

  • You have been accepted as a member of His family.
  • He is the Father in the heavenly realms.
  • You have every right to expect a message from Him at any time.
Romans 10:9

… if you believe in your heart that God resurrected Jesus from the dead, and confess with your mouth, ″Jesus is Lord,″ you will be saved.

Ephesians 1:4-5

Because He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be pure and faultless in His eyes, we have no need to be ashamed.In line with His pleasure and will, He predestined us to be adopted as His sons via the person of Jesus Christ, out of love for us.× Jesus also said that people who follow Him will be able to discern His voice.As a result, you should anticipate hearing from Him.Many Christians, however, do not get communication from Him.

  • They adhere to the teachings of Jesus.
  • That they will be saved is without question.
  • Despite this, many continue to live without the privilege of hearing God’s voice.
  1. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not put your trust in your own understanding, says Proverbs 3:5-6.
  2. ″In everything that you do, acknowledge Him, and He will lead your steps,″ says the Bible.
John 10:4,27

When He has brought out all of His own, He goes ahead of them, and His sheep follow Him because they recognize His voice.He is the Shepherd.It is My voice that my sheep respond to; I recognize them and they follow Me.× That is a promise from the Almighty.If you satisfy the requirements – putting your faith in Him rather than in yourself, and acknowledging His presence in your life – you may be confident that He is leading your steps forward.

  • It’s also important to remember that God works all things together for the benefit of those who love Him.

Romans 8:28

Moreover, we see that God works all things for the good of those who love Him and who have been called according to His purposes.× Some Christians, on the other hand, go their entire lives without ever hearing God speak to them.They are familiar with Him, and they are aware that He is guiding their steps.They can endure difficult circumstances and emerge from them with their faith intact, but they never hear God’s audible voice or the inner voice of the Spirit speaking to them.However, you are not obligated to accept this.

  • Hearing God speak to you personally is a beautiful experience that may help you grow in your faith and strengthen your relationships.

Ask God, in a humble manner, whether there is anything that is preventing you from hearing Him.Certain actions and attitudes can get in the way of your prayers.God is well aware that you are not sinless perfection.He is well aware of your difficulties.When you accept your own shortcomings, God is pleased with you.

  • Dependence on God is implied by humility.
  • Humility is the polar opposite of confidence in one’s own abilities.
  • God appreciates a heart that is humble.
  1. This is particularly encouraging because, despite the fact that you almost likely have negative attitudes that might interfere with your prayers, the act of confessing your shortcomings and seeking God for assistance demonstrates the humility of heart that pleases God.
  2. God is not pleased by individuals who are dispassionate, but God is impressed by those who are humble.
  3. Step one is not out of reach for everyone.
1 Peter 3:7

Likewise, husbands, be sensitive in your marriages and treat your women with dignity as the weaker partner and as co-heirs with you of the generous gift of life, so that nothing will stand in the way of your prayers. ×

1 John 1:8-9

If we assert that we are sinless, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us at all. His faithfulness and justice will be shown toward us if we confess our sins to Him, and He will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. ×

Psalm 34:18

Brokenhearted people can find comfort in the presence of the LORD, and those who are crushed in spirit will be saved.

Psalm 138:6

Despite the fact that the LORD is on high, He looks down on the lowly, yet He recognizes the pompous from afar.

James 4:6

He, on the other hand, lavishes us with grace. As a result, the Bible states, ″God opposes the haughty, but provides grace to the lowly.″ ×

Revelation 3:15-16
  1. I am aware of your activities, and I am aware that you are neither chilly nor hot. I wish you were one or the other of these things! Consequently, because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am going to spit you out of my mouth because you are so unpleasant. ×
  2. You must first be heard in order to be heard.
  3. God is the only one who knows everything. He is aware of every idea you have ever had, as well as every one you will have in the future. God is attentive to silent prayer. God, on the other hand, checks the intensity of your desire. It is God who responds to the one who calls out to Him in prayer. In the Psalms, we read about King David calling out to God on a number of occasions. That was true of the Prophets, and even more surprisingly, that was true of the Lord Jesus Christ himself. With tears in His eyes and loud sobs in His throat, Jesus presented requests and petitions during His time on this earth.. ″He was heard because of his respectful obedience,″ says the author. (See also Hebrews 5:7) While there are times for group prayer, this is not one of them. Pray right now in private. And keep your words to a minimum. Raise your voice and exclaim your gratitude to God. This is also not out of reach for you, and it serves to demonstrate your sincerity and desire
1 Samuel 1:12-13

I am aware of your activities, and I am aware that you are neither chilly nor hot at all.Either one or the other would be great, in my opinion.And as a result, because you are neither hot nor cold, I am going to spit you out of my mouth because you are lukewarm.×;
You must first be heard in order to be listened to.God is the only one who is aware of all events.

  • Your thoughts are known to him, and he knows what you are thinking now and in the future.
  • Even in silence, God hears our requests.
  • Nevertheless, God puts your desire to a test.
  1. It is God who responds to the one who calls out to Him with faith.
  2. In the Psalms, we read about King David pleading with God on a number of different occasions.
  3. That was true of the Prophets, and even more surprisingly, that was true of the Lord Jesus Christ himself!
  1. Throughout Jesus’ earthly ministry, He wept and cried out in prayer, and He presented pleas to the Father…
  2. ″He was heard because of his respectful obedience,″ the author writes.
  3. The Bible says in Hebrews 5:7 that However, this is not the appropriate moment to engage in collective prayer.
  4. Make a private prayer right now.

Also, keep your sentences short.Raise your voice and exclaim your gratitude to the Creator of the universe.This is also not out of reach for you, and it serves to demonstrate your sincerity and motivation;

Matthew 6:5-8

When you pray, do not behave like hypocrites, who like praying while standing in synagogues and on street corners in order to be observed by other men.I’ll tell you the truth: they’ve already got their full compensation.When you pray, however, retire into your room, lock the door, and focus your thoughts on your heavenly Father, who is unseen.Then your Father, who sees everything that is done in secret, will reward you for your efforts.In addition, while you pray, refrain from talking incessantly like pagans, who believe that their numerous words will make them more noticeable.

  • Do not be like them, for your heavenly Father knows exactly what you require before you even ask Him.″
Ecclesiastes 5:1-2
  1. When you enter the house of God, be cautious of your steps. Go close to listen rather than offering the sacrifice of idiots who do not realize that they are making a mistake. Do not be hurried with your words, and do not be hasty with your emotions when you speak in front of God. God is in heaven, and you are on earth
  2. therefore, keep your remarks to a minimum. ×
  3. Wait
  4. God hears your prayers and your cries as soon as you say them, but you will almost likely have to wait before you hear back from Him. On one occasion, the prophet Jeremiah had to wait 10 days before receiving an answer to his petition from God, as an example. When you are waiting on God, it is more difficult than when you are working for God. When you are waiting on God, it is more difficult than when you are working for God. When you are waiting and waiting for God to respond, it is easy to fall into the trap of believing that He does not hear you or that He doesn’t care. The situation is a further test of your faith and confidence in Him. God will have something to say. Usually, it is ″the quiet tiny voice″ — a spiritual impression that is clear and succinct while being a spiritual perception. Take a look at this well-known scripture about Elijah receiving a message from God. Take note that God speaks in hushed tones. Also keep in mind that when Elijah recognized the whisper and subsequently introduced himself, he received unmistakable communication from God.
Jeremiah 42:1-4,7

Afterward, everyone, from the lowest to the highest ranking army officials, including Johanan son of Kareah and Jezaniah son of Hoshaiah, and everyone else approached Jeremiah the prophet and pleaded to him, ″Please hear our petition and pray to the LORD your God for this whole remnant.″ Because, as you can see, we were once a large group of people, but today we are only a handful.Praise the LORD your God for providing us with guidance on where we should go and what we should do.″ ″I understand what you’re saying,″ Jeremiah the prophet said.″I will, without a doubt, pray to the LORD your God as you have requested; I will tell you all the LORD says and will withhold nothing from you.″ ″I will, without a doubt, pray to the LORD your God as you have requested.″ Following this, Jeremiah received a message from the LORD ten days later.×

1 Kings 19:11-13

″Go out and stand on the mountain in the sight of the LORD, because the LORD is going to pass by,″ the LORD instructed.In front of the LORD, a large and powerful wind tore apart the mountains and broke the rocks, but the LORD was not in the wind.Although there was an earthquake after the wind blew through, the LORD was nowhere to be found in the earthquake.Following the earthquake, there was a fire, but the LORD was not present in the fire.And then there was a sweet murmur after the flames.

  • When Elijah heard it, he stepped outside and stood at the opening of the cave, pulling his cloak over his face.
  • When he turned around, a voice exclaimed, ″What are you doing here, Elijah?″ ×

Expect to get a message from God. It is a blessing in disguise. Because of your patience and responsiveness to Him, you will come to recognize His voice on a constant basis. Messages that are related:

How Do We Hear the Voice of Jesus?

Expect to get a message from the Almighty Creator. It is a blessing in disguise. ″ Because of your patience and responsiveness, you will become more familiar with His voice. Messages related to this topic include:

First, by Inference

‘All Scripture has been inspired by God,’ according to us (2 Timothy 3:16).Moreover, we are aware that ″whatever the Father does, the Son will do likewise″ (John 5:19).At the time the Father, via the Spirit (2 Peter 1:21), was leading the composition of Scripture, the Son’s will and heart were perfectly in sync with one another.It is not only the Father who created all things, with the Spirit (Genesis 1:2), and via the Son (John 1:3), but it is also the Son who is totally responsible for all things: ″there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things″ (Colossians 1:16).(1 Corinthians 8:6).

  • The Bible was inspired by the Son, who was the source of inspiration.
  • As a result, the Bible is considered to be the word of Jesus.
  • In guiding the New Testament writers, the Spirit is taking the heart and thoughts of Jesus and putting them into written form, as Jesus declared: ″All that the Father possesses is mine; therefore, I said that the Spirit will take what is mine and disclose it to you″ (John 16:13).
  1. (John 16:15).
  2. The words of Jesus are recorded in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, James, Peter, Jude, and the writer to the Hebrews.
  3. When the Gospel writers use the phrase ″Jesus said,″ they are referring to Jesus stating, ″I said.″ When people write ″Jesus did,″ they are essentially stating, ″I did.″ When people write about Jesus, Jesus is referring to himself as he speaks.
  1. It is Jesus who is quoting Jesus when they say he is quoting Jesus.
  2. In the Bible, we may hear the voice of Jesus speaking about himself or herself.

Second, by Experience

When we are reborn, we are given fresh ears to hear with.They are tuned to the frequency of the voice of Jesus, which is heard through them.″He is followed by the sheep because they recognize his voice.They will not follow a stranger since they are not familiar with the speech of strangers…″My sheep recognize my voice…

  • and they follow me,″ Jesus says in John 10:4–5, verse 27.
  • We know the Bible is the voice of Jesus because we can hear his voice when we read or listen to it.
  • Is Jesus still speaking today?
  1. You are welcome to listen to him whenever you like.
  2. On a plethora of subjects.
  3. We should get so familiar with his voice through a thousand pages of wonderful Scripture that we can sense his intent even when he is silent.
  1. This is the way he intends for us to live.

How can I really hear the voice of Jesus and talk with Him?

This is a really significant question.If God wants us to follow His guidance and we are willing to do so, the Bible says that God will communicate to us directly.His sheep recognize His voice, as recorded in John 10:3-5.When He calls His own sheep by name, they recognize His voice.And if he is a stranger, they will not follow him, but will flee from him, since they do not recognize the speech of strangers.″

Jesus expects us to hear His voice

Jesus compares us to His sheep in this parable. A sheep recognizes the voice of the shepherd and will trust and follow him, but they will not respond in the same way when they hear the voice of a stranger. And thus we know that Jesus fully anticipates our ability to hear His voice and obey His instructions.

You heard Jesus’ voice at least once

Jesus compares us to His sheep in the parable of the Good Shepherd. They recognize the voice of the shepherd, trust him, and follow him, but they will not respond in the same way when they hear the voice of a stranger or when they hear their own voice. And so we know that Jesus fully anticipates our ability to hear His voice and follow His instructions at all times.

See also:  What Does The Bible Say Jesus Looks Like

How can I hear God’s voice?

It was either someone who communicated the Christian message with you, you reading it in the Bible, or someone showing you different passages in the Bible.This is precisely how God can communicate with us.Perhaps via the intermediary of someone else or through the Bible.It is His Holy Spirit at work, attempting to get you to pay attention.In certain cases, God will use a very strong conviction/feeling in your heart to compel you to take action or to better comprehend what you have read in the Bible, or both.

  • Sometimes you may be able to hear His voice clearly (although this is unlikely to happen very frequently), or you may get a thought that takes you by surprise and leaves you wondering where it came from.

Learn to understand when He speaks

These are some of the different ways in which God can communicate with us.It is our privilege to learn to discern His voice, the words that are in our hearts, and the convictions and sentiments that He leads us to feel as His sheep.All of these will be in accordance with the teachings of the Bible.If you are unsure if anything is from God or not, ask Him to clarify it for you – you can be confident that if He is speaking, He will absolutely assist you in determining whether it is.

How can I talk to God or Jesus?

What method did you use to communicate to God that you desired or required His forgiveness?You said a prayer.This is how we communicate with Jesus.When people first become Christians, many of them express their inability to pray by saying, ″I don’t know how to pray.″ I’m concerned that I’ll use the wrong terms because I’m unfamiliar with the correct formula.God is more interested in what is in our hearts than in the words we speak, therefore we should speak from our hearts.

  • A youngster who adores his father will not be scared to speak to him, fearful that he will not utter the correct words; instead, he will speak his heart out, saying whatever is on his mind.
  • What he is feeling, what he is requesting, and what he intends to do or is now doing.
  • It is common for children to maintain a conversation even when others are not paying attention, and dads like talking to and listening to their children.

Be like a child and talk in prayer to your Father

The same may be said for God.Every moment we communicate with Him, we are praying.It may be a brief prayer such as ″Lord, what should I do?″ or it may be a more detailed prayer in which we tell Him what we’ve done and how things are going, and simply thank Him for His assistance, or we may tell Him about the troubles of our friends and family and beg God to assist them.Thanking God for our nourishment, His assistance, His love, and praising Him are all examples of worship.This is how we communicate with God; it is straightforward, so even a toddler can do it.


We can hear God’s voice via friends, reading the Bible, or having a concept in our heads that we believe is from Him, but all of these methods must be consistent with what the Bible says about Him and His character.He will never urge us to do or say anything unless it is in accordance with the teachings of the Bible.We may communicate with God and Jesus simply by expressing ourselves and letting Him know what we believe and want Him to know.This is referred to as prayer.We don’t require any specific training or language in order to be able to pray; all we require is a desire to communicate with God.

  • You may be confident that He is paying attention.

How to: Hear God’s Voice

One of the most significant advantages of our salvation has to be the opportunity to hear God speak to us directly.It is necessary for us to have an intimate relationship with our heavenly Father; otherwise, we cannot have one.However, even though it is simple for us to communicate with God, the ordinary Christian has a difficult time hearing His voice.This is not the way the Lord intended for things to turn out like this.It is quite beneficial to learn how to properly recognize God’s voice.

  • Instead of stumbling through life blindly, we might use the knowledge of God to guide and guard us.
  • Every single individual who receives this letter has the potential to have their life drastically altered just by learning to hear the voice of the Lord more clearly.
  • When it comes to marital problems, all it takes is one word from the Lord to turn everything around.
  1. If you are sick or suffering from an illness, a single living word from the Lord will heal you immediately.
  2. If you are facing a financial crisis, the Lord knows precisely what you need to do to get your situation back on track.
  3. It’s simply a matter of listening for His voice.
  1. The Lord communicates with us on a regular basis and provides us with His guidance.
  2. Whenever the Lord does not speak, it is always because we are not listening to what He is saying.
  3. When it came to hearing His voice, Jesus made some shocking remarks in John 10:3-5.
  4. He was referring to Himself as the Shepherd of the sheep, and the only route into the sheepfold was via Him alone.

″The porter opens the door for him, and the sheep recognize his voice; he then calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.″ And when he herds his own sheep, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they recognize his voice.And if he is a stranger, they will not follow him, but will flee from him, since they do not recognize the speech of strangers.″ Note in verse 3 that He stated that His sheep are able to hear His voice.He didn’t mention whether or not His sheep CAN hear His voice, or whether or not they SHOULD hear His voice.

  1. He made the forceful remark that His sheep DO hear His voice, and that this is true.
  2. The veracity of the statement would be questioned by the majority of Christians since their personal experiences do not match.
  3. However, it is not what Jesus stated that is incorrect; all real believers may and do hear the voice of God; they just do not identify what they are hearing as being God’s voice, which is a common misunderstanding.

Radio and television stations broadcast twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, but we can only hear them when we switch on the receiver and tune it in to the appropriate channel or station.The fact that you are not receiving the signal does not imply that the station is not broadcasting.In the same way, God is continuously communicating His voice to His sheep, but only a small number of them are tuned in and turned on.

  1. When the problem is with their receivers, the vast majority of Christians are preoccupied with appealing with God through prayer.
  2. The first step is to adjust our receivers – to trust that God is already communicating and to begin actively listening.
  3. That, on the other hand, requires time, effort, and concentration.
  4. Due to the hectic nature of the ordinary Christian’s life, hearing God’s voice is difficult to come by.
  5. For example, what is your normal response to the inquiry ″How are you?″ is important to know.
  6. Many of you will most likely respond with something like being really busy.

″I’m busier than a one-arm paper hanger,″ I say very frequently.The fact that we all appear to be busier than we have ever been is one of the primary reasons we are not hearing the voice of the Lord more clearly.We’re just too busy right now.″Be quiet, and know that I am God,″ the Bible states in Psalm 46:10.

We adjust our spiritual ears to hear the voice of God when we are in a state of silence rather than when we are busy.Despite the fact that the Lord constantly speaks to us in that ″STILL, little voice″ (1 Kings 19:12, emphasis mine), it is often overshadowed by the chaos of our everyday life.Second, and this is extremely significant, we frequently confuse the voice of the Lord with our own ideas when we hear it.

  • Yes, you are correct.
  • As I previously stated, the voice of the Lord comes to us through our own thoughts.
  • ″God is a Spirit, and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth,″ according to John 4:24.

This is claiming that communication with God takes place between Spirit and Spirit, rather than between brain and brain or mouth and ear, as we do in the physical sphere.The Lord communicates with us via our souls, not through words, but through ideas and sensations.Then our spirits communicate with us through phrases such as, ″I believe the Lord wants me to do this or that.″ In most cases, the Lord does not say, ″You do this or that,″ but He will imprint something upon your spirit, and then your spirit will respond, ″I think I should do…″ As a result, we frequently overlook the guidance of the Lord because we believe it to be our own ideas.Every one of us has made a mistake and afterwards admitted to ourselves, ″I should have known it was the wrong thing to do.″ We didn’t feel good about our decision, but we went through with it because reasoning or peer pressure compelled us to do so.We later discovered that our impression was actually the Lord speaking to us.While serving as a pastor in Pritchet, Colorado, I had to learn the hard way.

  1. All of the church’s elders were custom combiners in their spare time.
  2. Following the wheat harvest, they were no longer present for six months of the year.
  3. They urged that we ordain another elder who would be on call at all times, and we agreed.
  4. I had no objections to their pick for eldership, but as I prayed about this guy and his wife, I couldn’t shake the feeling that it wasn’t appropriate to ordain him as an elder.
  5. However, as a man, I chose to follow my reasoning rather than my emotions.
  6. When the others left for wheat harvest, this new elder transformed himself into the devil himself within two weeks of his arrival.

Among other things, he accused me of stealing money from the church, engaging in adultery, engaging in alcoholism and smoking, and engaging in just about anything else you can think of.It was a harrowing and terrifying event.As soon as this man revealed his true colors, I knew in my heart that the sensations and ideas I was experiencing were the Holy Spirit communicating to me, and that I had previously ignored them as my own thoughts and sentiments.It was then and there that I made the resolution that I would never, ever ignore my heart’s desires again.It reads in Psalm 37:4 that we should ″delight ourselves also in The LORD; and he will grant thee the desires of our hearts.″ This passage has been interpreted several times to suggest that the Lord will grant you anything you desire, and it has been used to excuse selfishness, greed, and even adultery in the eyes of the public.However, this does not imply that the Lord will grant you anything you desire; rather, it implies that when you seek the Lord, He will place His needs and desires in your heart.

  • He will cause His wants to become your desires via His power.
  • Your ″desire to″ is altered by the Lord.
  • I was once arranging a vacation to Costa Rica, a destination I had previously visited and was looking forward to returning to.
  • However, as I prayed about it, I found myself losing interest in going.

Instead, I was filled with fear as I prepared to leave.When that happened, the first thing I did was make sure that I was truly pursuing the Lord with all of my heart and not just my mind.While on a road trip, I spent seventeen hours praying in tongues, and the more I was able to keep my thoughts focused on the Lord, the less I desired to return to Costa Rica after my vacation.I decided to cancel the trip solely on the basis of this information.When the people of Costa Rica inquired as to my reasoning, all I could say was that I didn’t want to depart.That was difficult, and I’m not sure they understood what I was trying to say.

The plane on which I had scheduled my journey crashed shortly after takeoff from Mexico City, killing all 169 people on board, including myself.My life was rescued by the Lord, not by telling me, ″Don’t go to Costa Rica,″ but by interacting with my soul and taking away my desire to travel to Costa Rica.That is the primary manner in which the Lord communicates with us, and we often lose out on this type of contact.It was in 1968 that I made one of the most crucial decisions of my life.I was in college when the Lord had a profound impact on my life, and all of my ambitions were transformed.I realized I didn’t want to stay in college any longer, and I took the decision to drop out as a result of my newfound aspirations.

Then everything went to hell in a handbasket.My mother couldn’t comprehend what I was saying, and she eventually stopped speaking to me.Leaders in my church informed me that I was receiving messages from the devil.I stood to lose $350 a month in government assistance from my father’s social security, as well as my exemption from the draft since I was a full-time student.

I had a significant probability of ending up in Vietnam if the deferral had not been granted.Because of these negative reactions to my decision, I took a step back for a period of time and was completely unhappy in the process.Eventually, I couldn’t take it anymore, and the Lord spoke to me via Romans 14:23, which states, ″Whatever is not of faith is sin.″ This lasted for two months until I couldn’t handle it any more.

Because of my hesitation, I came to the realization that I was in sin.On that night, I made up my mind to make a faith-based decision and stay with it.During my time of prayer and study of the Bible for direction, I came across Colossians 3:15, which states, ″And let the peace of God rule in your hearts.″ I received a message from the Lord telling me that I should go in the way that brought me the most peace.To be quite honest, I didn’t feel completely at ease in any way, but just as an umpire must make a choice and stay with it, I had to make the call.

I took the decision to leave school because I felt the most at peace with it, and I moved out of indecision and into faith, according to my best understanding.My decision to follow the Lord was confirmed and rewarded within twenty-four hours, and since then, I have never questioned the soundness of my choice.I believe that one decision, maybe more than any other, helped to set my life on the path that has gotten me to where I am now.

I am persuaded that our loving heavenly Father communicates with each and every one of His children on a regular basis, providing us with all of the knowledge and advice we require to be complete overcomers.There is no difficulty with His transmitter; rather, it is our receiver that need assistance.More specifically, I have a three-part teaching record titled How to: Hear God’s Voice that goes into further depth on this topic.CBC second-year students receive this instruction every year, and the results are spectacular.The majority of people are pleading with God to speak, while in reality, it is our hearing that has to be changed.

  • Taking a faith-based position that God is speaking, and then learning to listen and follow, can completely alter your relationship with Him.
  • It has the potential to save your life, just as it saved mine.
See also:  Why Did Jesus Tell The Apostles To Wait For The Holy Spirit

3 Ways to Hear the Voice of Jesus

Of all the voices we hear during the day, none is more important than the voice of Jesus in determining how we conduct our lives!There have been many brilliant orators and innumerable inspirational speeches throughout history, but none can compare to the words of Jesus.No one had ever spoken quite as He did.His words are flawless, infallible, and unfailing, and they are always true and dependable.He never made a mistake with a phrase or hit an incorrect pitch.

  • Every sentence contains a concentrated dose of God’s knowledge.
  • His remarks are quite strong.
  • Demons were driven away by his speech, and storms were dissipated.
  1. His words are down-to-earth.
  2. He communicated in the vernacular of ordinary people and gave straightforward stories.
  3. We learn how to live rich, full, and fortunate lives by paying attention to Him and following His guidance.
  1. His statements are calm and collected.
  2. Those were the words he spoke: ″Peace I leave with you, My peace I offer to you.″ This is more than simply a cliche, either.
  3. It is a spiritual truth—a promise from our Lord and Savior—that we are talking about.
  4. Hearing the voice of Jesus is the most important listening we will ever do, yet we frequently have difficulty distinguishing His voice.

How can we improve our ability to detect Jesus’ voice?1


  • The Lord is near to those who call upon Him, especially to those who cry upon Him in sincere repentance. Psalm 145:18 (New King James Version) Having the ability to pray is a tremendous honor, blessing, and opportunity that God has offered for His children. During our time of communion with God, He provides serenity and comfort, as well as wisdom and insight. God shows Himself to us in fresh and unexpected ways while we pray. Many Christians find it difficult to pray. Prayer does not appear to be appropriate in a culture that educates us to be completely self-sufficient and independent. Prayer, on the other hand, is not simply about requesting things
  • it also helps us to learn from God. If you have battled with prayer in the past, don’t wallow in self-pity or regret. You are not alone in your feelings. Instead, be upbeat and optimistic! Allow yourself to set those notions of self-sufficiency aside and start to communicate with Jesus via prayer right now! What we might anticipate in return from praying is taught to us in Matthew 7:8 and 8. ″Ask. seek. knock,″ the sign states. According to verse 8, the Lord promises to answer our prayers when we call on him. However, even if He does not reply in the manner we choose, He will respond in the greatest way possible. Whenever you come ″boldly before the throne of grace,″ as the Bible says, remember that your petitions should be these: Personal. Set aside some time each day to pray quietly by yourself, if possible. Come to the Father in the name of Jesus, speaking and listening to His voice as it is revealed to you by the Holy Spirit. Specifically, express your admiration and appreciation for the Father, as well as your gratitude for His sustenance
  • After you’ve expressed gratitude to God for His daily provision, list any needs you may have. Don’t be scared to ask for what you need since the Lord knows what you need. Pray with expectancy, believing that God desires to respond to your prayers
  • be persistent in your prayers. Don’t give up on your dreams! God has a deep desire to hear from His children. He appreciates our perseverance.


Pay attention to instruction and use it wisely; do not disregard it.Proverbs 8:33 (New King James Version) The importance of biblical instruction cannot be overstated if we seek to hear the voice of the Lord and follow His leadership in our lives.First and foremost, locate a reputable, Bible-teaching church.Make it a point to attend church on a consistent basis and take notes on the sermons each week.Think over the message for the rest of the day or week after you get it.

  • If you have identified areas in your life that require improvement, make addressing those issues a top priority.
  • You can also obtain wonderful education through devotional materials, as well as from books and resources that are biblically grounded.
  • Take advantage of the chance to listen to sermons or books while driving, working, getting ready for the day, or doing anything else that requires your attention.
  1. The more we study to learn more about God and His Word, the more insight we get, as well as a greater awareness of His life-changing power.
  2. We are encouraged and motivated by biblical instruction, and we are assisted in maintaining a godly attitude in the face of difficult situations in our lives.
  3. 3


Toutes les scriptures are given by inspiration of God and are useful for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness, in order that the man of God may be full and completely equipped for every good job.2 Timothy 3:16-17 (New King James Version) Knowledge and comprehension of God’s Word may have a profound impact on our everyday lives, and nothing can do more to enhance and affect our lives than this.How can we claim to be Christ’s disciples if we are not familiar with and frequently read God’s Word?It is critical to consistently read the Bible in order to get to know God and hear His voice above the din of this world.As you go along, it will become ingrained in your thoughts and actions.

  • The Bible, which we keep hidden in our hearts, saves us from falling into sin, directs our actions, and pulls us closer to the One who inspired each and every word in the Book of Genesis.
  • As followers of Christ, James 1:19-21 teaches us three practical methods to demonstrate the ″firstfruits″ of our faith.
  • We will do the following:
  1. ″Be quick to hear, slow to talk,″ as the proverb says, when we concentrate our attention and restrain our tongues.
  2. We must keep our anger under control and be ″slow to rage,″ since ″the fury of man does not create the righteousness of God.″
  3. ″Lay away all filthiness and wickedness, and embrace with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.″
  • God’s Word has the ability to transform people’s lives. It is brimming with knowledge. It is through reading it, receiving it, and living it that we are able to discern God’s perfect will for our life. The Bible offers all we need to live triumphant Christian lives, including instructions on how to pray. Take out your Bible and start reading it right away!! The three methods of hearing the voice of Jesus are prayer, instruction, and the reading of Scripture. When we include these components into our lives, we will be able to: develop a deep relationship with Jesus, our Lord and Savior
  • learn to love others the way God loves us
  • and grow in our faith.
  • We should serve the Lord with all of our hearts.
  • Gain confidence in God’s promises
  • be encouraged to be steadfast
  • discover fresh and enduring hope in difficult times and tribulations. You will also be pushed to develop, convicted of sin, and ready for change. You will also hear the voice of Jesus.

Please allow the voice of Jesus to speak to you more clearly each day as you continue your study of His life and work, getting closer to Him through prayer, instruction, and reading from the Bible.

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6 Ways to Communicate With Jesus and Hear His Voice

All of us yearn to hear Jesus’ voice, yet finding a way to tune in may be challenging.There will be moments when we will throw ourselves completely out there in order to feel as though He isn’t listening to us.For those who are seeking answers from Jesus, being silent may be discouraging, distressing and irritating, to say the least.However, there will be moments when you will look to Jesus for answers or solace, and you will still be met with silence.The ability to recognize and hear Jesus’ voice is critical to developing a deep and intimate connection with Him.

  • It is also critical that you are able to differentiate Jesus’ voice from the background noise of life.
  • Despite the ease with which we can convey our issues to Jesus, many Christians find it difficult to hear what is being spoken.
  • God never intended for things to turn out this way.
  1. When we are unable to discern the voice of Jesus, we are more vulnerable to the designs of the adversary.
  2. Listed below are six methods of communicating with Jesus and hearing His voice.

Learn the art of listening.

All of us yearn to hear Jesus’ voice, yet finding a way to tune in may be challenging.Sometimes we will put ourselves completely out there in order to feel as though He isn’t listening to what we’re saying.For those who are seeking answers from Jesus, being silent may be discouraging, distressing and irritating, to put it mildly.Likewise, there will be moments when you will seek to Jesus for answers or solace, and you will be met with silence.To have the ability to recognize and hear Jesus’ voice is critical in developing a deep and personal connection with Him.

  • The ability to differentiate Jesus’ voice from the background noise is also essential.
  • Despite the ease with which we may express our problems to Jesus, many Christians have difficulty understanding what is being conveyed to them.
  • God never intended for things to turn out this way, and neither did we.
  1. It is possible that we may become more sensitive to the plans of the enemy if we are unable to hear Jesus’ voice.
  2. Listed below are six methods for communicating with Jesus and hearing His voice.

Let of go of what is blocking you.

Sometimes the busyness of life and our inability to concentrate might prevent us from hearing Jesus’ voice.The capacity to hear Jesus’ voice clearly improves when we are able to empty our minds of the clutter that is in our heads.Stop right now and begin evaluating the situation.Inquire explicitly as to what it is that is causing you to be distracted and distant from Jesus.Is there anything that indicates that you haven’t confessed your sins to God yet?

  • This might be interfering with your ability to hear the voice of Jesus.
  • ″If I had not acknowledged the sin in my heart, the Lord would not have heard,″ the Bible states (Psalm 66:18).
  • You must delve deep within yourself in order to do this.
  1. Consider this: Is there something or someone that you are placing above Jesus in your life?
  2. As you become more conscious of the things that are keeping you from Jesus, ask Him for forgiveness.
  3. Not only does repentance delight the Lord, but it also helps to restore fellowship with Him.

Practice patience.

Patience is essential in learning to listen to Jesus.It will be simpler to remain patient on certain days than it will be on others.When we bring our worries to Jesus on a regular basis, it might be tough to wait for answers.It’s possible that your prayers are falling on deaf ears as a result of your circumstances.The book of Galatians 5 tells us that patience is one of the fruits of the Spirit.

  • While we are waiting on the Lord, we should ask the Holy Spirit to fill us with His strength and guidance so that we might be enabled and guided.
  • When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we are able to receive this strength.
  • All we have to do is put our faith in the fact that the Holy Spirit is present.
  1. No matter what scenario we’re in, we should invoke the Spirit’s assistance.
  2. Fortunately, this is a clause that can be used solely on the basis of faith.
  3. In Romans 5:1-5, we are taught that we have peace with God because we have been justified through faith.
  1. ″Therefore, because we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand,″ the Bible says.
  2. And we exult in the expectation of God’s glorification.
  3. Not only that, but we also take pleasure in our sufferings because we know that pain breeds persistence, and perseverance creates character, which breeds hope in character.
  4. Hope does not place us in a bad light since God’s love has been poured into our hearts via the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.″ The greatest source of patience may be found inside each of us.

Have a humble heart.

One of the most difficult aspects of hearing Jesus is that it takes time to learn how to distinguish His voice from other voices.It also necessitates a modest attitude.Jeremiah 29:12-13 informs us that ″then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will hear you.″ In the same way, when you look for Me with all your heart, you will find Me.″ We will never be able to impose demands on the Lord since He is beyond our control.We can, on the other hand, inquire, seek, and knock.God’s Word says that those who approach to Him in humility will find the door opened and that He will show Himself to them.

Understand that Jesus wants to speak to you.

You must think that Jesus is attempting to communicate with you.God want to communicate with you on a daily basis, one-on-one, via the person of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.If you don’t believe that Jesus is attempting to communicate with you, there is no way that you will be able to hear what He is saying.However, once you have received the fullness of the Spirit that Jesus sent us, hearing Him becomes the most natural thing in the world to do.In Luke 11:13, we are told that the Father will give the Spirit to those who seek him out.

  • When we put our faith in Jesus and His promises, we can be guided by the Spirit.

Feel the love of Jesus.

In times when you are having difficulty hearing Jesus, it is important to remember that Jesus loves you and desires to be engaged in every element of your life, especially the minor ones.The Bible verse John 3:16 serves as an excellent reminder of the amazing love that the Lord has for us.″For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in him may not perish, but may have life forever.″ This is what the passage states.Even when it appears that Jesus is deafeningly quiet, His amazing love is not.It never comes to an end, even in the quiet, even when we are unable to see it.

  • It is quite easy to hear Jesus’ voice when you begin to sense God’s presence and all of the love that we have been given.
  • When we are able to better listen to Jesus and comprehend where He is directing us, we are drastically altered.
  • Even when we have difficulty distinguishing His voice, Jesus is providing us with guidance.
  1. You will never be disappointed if you put your faith in Jesus as you grow in your relationship with Him.
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How Do We Hear Jesus’ Voice? — Renewing Life Center

A Native American and his companion were walking through Times Square in New York City when the incident occurred.The streets were crowded, boisterous, and teeming with individuals.The sounds of the city were nearly overwhelming in their volume.″I hear a cricket,″ the Native American exclaimed out of nowhere.″What?″ his pal exclaimed.

  • You’ve got to be crazy.
  • With all of this background noise, you couldn’t possibly hear a cricket!″ ″No, I’m certain of it,″ the Native American said, pointing to a cricket in the distance.
  • ″That’s really insane,″ a friend observed.
  1. The Native American sat quietly for a time before walking across the street to a large cement planter where a few bushes were already flourishing.
  2. Upon closer inspection of the bushes, he saw a little cricket nestled between the branches of one of the trees.
  3. ″That’s great!″ said the friend, who was completely taken aback.
  1. ″You must have superhuman hearing,″ says the author.
  2. ″No,″ the Native American responded.
  3. ″I have no ears that are any different from yours.
  4. ″It all depends on what you’re listening for,″ says the author.

What can you do if you wish to hear Jesus’ voice above all of the background noise that appears to prevent any genuine relationship with him?Jesus is patiently waiting for you to turn to Him and accept yourself as one of His children.This is an extremely significant initial step.

  1. He has a strong desire to shepherd you.
  2. He wants you to be able to hear His voice above the din of daily life.
  3. You will be able to hear Jesus’ voice in the Scriptures more than you can anywhere else on the planet.

God created them in such a way that they could communicate with us.″For the word of God is alive and active in our lives.A double-edged sword, it penetrates even to the point of splitting soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of one’s heart″ (Hebrews 4:12).

  1. You don’t have to be afraid to approach the Bible since the Shepherd wants to assist you through your quest and reading.
  2. Consider your words carefully, knowing that Jesus is beside you, guiding you.
  3. Even when you study the Bible, you should be working on developing a closer connection with Jesus.
  4. He will communicate with you through the Scriptures, and you will also be able to hear His voice speaking directly to you when the Scriptures don’t provide explicit guidance for you to follow.
  5. What steps can you take to strengthen your connection with Jesus?
  6. Invoke Jesus’ insight, wisdom, and guidance in your life situation.

After that, just sit back and listen.He will make you aware of any requirements in your immediate vicinity.He will communicate with you through someone, a song, or an event.Wait and place your faith in the Shepherd’s presence with you.

Our instant-gratification culture expects immediate responses.Jesus does not always move at a breakneck pace.He is patiently awaiting the appropriate moment.

  • Enjoy your time with Him, confident in the knowledge that He will speak when you require His guidance.
  • Make Him a part of your everyday routine.
  • As the tale at the beginning of the article progresses, the Native American tosses a few pennies to the ground and walks away.

The sound caused everyone within twenty feet to halt walking as a result of the sound he made.What was it about the coins that they couldn’t hear the cricket?Desire.What they heard was a reflection of what they desired the most.If you want to hear the voice of Jesus, you must first learn to want Him.If you don’t have any desire, pray to God to instill it in you.

  1. That is something he is more than eager to accomplish.
  2. The Renewing Life Center is dedicated to assisting you in developing a closer connection with God.
  3. If you would want to learn more about hearing God’s voice, please get in touch with us.
  4. I also invite you to have a look at The Spiritual Formation and Direction Institute, which may be found on our website by clicking here.
  5. This program assists people in developing a more intimate relationship with God.

Listening Prayer Guide: Hear God’s Voice More Clearly

The founder of Youth With a Mission (YWAM), Loren Cunningham, writes in his book Daring to Live on the Edge that impressions on our spirit might originate from one of four sources: (1) your own mind; (2) the minds of others (e.g., the world); (3) the minds of Satan (e.g., demons); and (4) the minds of God.As a result of Jesus’ sacrifice, God has given us the authority to mute all other voices and clear the path for us to hear God’s voice and be convinced that it is God speaking.″All authority in heaven and on earth has been handed to me,″ the Resurrected Lord Jesus said just before ascending into the heavens.As a result, go and make disciples of all peoples…″ (18-19) Matthew 28:18-19 As previously stated, when Jesus commissioned his disciples, he granted them the authority and ability to drive out all demons as well as to cure illnesses, sending them forth to announce the kingdom of God and to treat those who were sick (Luke 9:1-2).Following this, Jesus dispatched 72 other disciples to do the same (Luke 10:1).

  • ″Lord, even the devils submit to us in your name,″ they said as they returned to Jesus’ presence with delight.
  • As a response, Jesus said, ″I saw Satan fall from the sky like lightning.″ Nobody or nothing will be capable of harming you because I have given you control over snakes and scorpions, as well as over all of the enemy’s strength.
  • However, instead of rejoicing that the spirits have submitted to you, rejoicing that your names have been inscribed in the book of life″ (Luke 10:17-20).
  1. We are aware that Jesus is the only one who has power in both heaven and on earth.
  2. And Jesus delegated to us the authority to quiet the adversary.

10 Ways to Hear God’s Voice Regularly

When we’re frightened, nervous, or overwhelmed, it’s common for us to call out to God, asking him to speak to us.When we are in need of direction, we listen for God’s voice to guide us.The good news is that God is always eager to hear from us and to speak with us via our prayers.God communicates with humans on a regular basis.The problem is that people don’t always pay attention to what God is saying to them since they only seek His advice when they’re in a difficult situation or faced with making a critical choice.

  • People then feel confused and irritated when they do not clearly hear what they should do from God, despite their desperate need to hear from Him.
  • They begin to question how they are supposed to hear from God and why they aren’t.
  • It is not necessary to proceed in this manner.
  1. God desires for everyone to be able to clearly hear His voice and His words for us, and it is feasible for them to do so.
  2. The goal is to put aside any notions of formulae or gimmicks for hearing from God and instead concentrate on creating the type of connection with God that will enable you to hear God speaking on a more consistent basis.
  3. God will use your continuing discussions with Him to change you into the person He desires for you to become the closer you get to Him.
  1. The better you grow to know Him, the more you will be able to enjoy continual conversations with Him, both listening and hearing from Him.
  2. Here are ten methods in which you might frequently hear from God and identify his voice: 1.
  3. Pray.

1. Recognize that God has created you for a close friendship with Himself. 

By design, the most effective method to hear from God is in the context of a personal relationship with Him.God wants you to be able to figure out His will in a free and knowledgeable manner when you converse with Him on a daily basis.Throughout your life, God’s will is to be personally present and to talk with you on a one-on-one basis at all times.Then you’ll develop in your understanding of Him and in your ability to become more like His Son, Jesus.Do you want to learn how to recognize God’s voice in your life?

  • Obtain our FREE Discerning the Voice of God in Your Life Guide, which is a 30-Day Prayer Guide designed to assist you in hearing from God on a regular basis.

2. Consider your motives for wanting to hear from God. 

Think about why you want to hear from God and be honest with yourself.What makes you different from the rest of the world?Is it because you’re sincerely interested in hearing what God has to say and devoted to putting His direction into action and achieving His goals, even when it’s difficult?Perhaps it is out of a want to feel virtuous or comfortable, or perhaps it is out of a desire to help others?Recognize and repent of whatever incorrect motivations you may have had.

  • Ask God to grant you the ability to be open to hearing and responding truthfully to what He has to say to you.

3. Make your goal more than just hearing God. 

Getting a message from God is really essential, but it should not be your ultimate objective. Instead, focus on being a spiritually developed person who has a deep relationship with God as your primary objective. That is the only way you will be able to clearly and accurately hear what God wants to communicate to you.

4. Know that you’re important to God, but be humble. 

Have faith that God is willing to speak to you just as forcefully as He did to the individuals in the Bible because He cherishes you just as much as they did. God will not disappoint you. However, resist the temptation to let pride seep into your heart, for you must remain humble in order to accept and respond honestly to the messages God has for you.

5. Don’t try to force God to tell you something. 

No matter how much you desire to hear from God about anything or how hard you may attempt to persuade Him to speak to you, the only time you will hear from God is when He decides to speak to you.Concentrate on creating a respectful relationship with God, and then wait for God to communicate with you at the appropriate time.You may also be certain that if God decides not to provide specific counsel on anything you’ve prayed about and what you’re contemplating does not violate the Bible’s moral principles, you can proceed with confidence and do what you believe is right in God’s eyes.

6. Recognize that God communicates in many forms, but most often through your mind. 

God may pick any one of a plethora of communication methods to reach out to you, depending on what is most appropriate at any given moment and under any given scenario.It is possible to receive God’s word in a spectacular manner, such as through angels, visions, or miraculous happenings, at times.But you’ll hear God speaking to you through your thoughts more often than not, and He will use ordinary practices such as reading the Bible and praying quietly, learning from circumstances, and seeking counsel from other Christians to reach out to you as your thoughts turn to these things and God speaks to them through them.In order to grab your attention, God will use dramatic tactics if necessary, but His ultimate objective is for you to be so tightly linked to Him that you will pay attentively anytime He speaks to you.Typically, God talks to individuals He loves by what has been described as a ″still, tiny voice″ in order to urge them to choose to continue walking closely with Him throughout their lives.

7. Renew your mind. 

Because God frequently communicates with you via your thoughts and desires for you to acquire what the Bible refers to as the ″mind of Christ″ (the capacity to make decisions in the same way that Jesus would), it is critical that you follow the Bible’s instruction in Romans 12:2: ″Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but allow yourself to be changed by the renewing of your mind.″ Then you will be able to test and approve God’s will – His good, acceptable, and perfect will – as it is shown to you.As you ask the Holy Spirit to refresh your mind on a daily basis, He will purify it of filth and clutter such as incorrect ideas and attitudes, unhealthy sentiments, and mistaken goals as you go about your day.The Holy Spirit will then replace all of that with correct ideas that are in accordance with God’s will.

8. Invite the living Word to help you when you read the written word. 

When you read God’s written word – the Bible – with prayer, you are engaging a living, creative force – Jesus Himself – who is actively at work in the lives of those who do.Request from Jesus that as you read the Bible, He will bring the words to life for you and transform them into conduits through which He will pour His thoughts, faith, and love into your spirit.Then keep your attention on what He provides you and direct your attention toward it so that it might begin to improve your life.

9. Recognize God’s voice above all others. 

You may learn to discern God’s voice when He speaks via trial and error, and to respond confidently to what He says as a result.When you have recurring thoughts, pray about them to see if they are coming from God or not.Keep in mind that God would never send you a message that is in direct opposition to the teachings of the Bible.In addition, God’s voice has the weight of power inside it, and it conveys a spirit of peace, confidence, joy, reasonableness, and benevolence to all who listen to it.Consider if God is speaking to you and asking Him for confirmation as you read and concentrate on the Bible, as you remain awake to the events that arise in your daily life, or as you get impressions from God in your mind through the Holy Spirit’s impressions.

10. Set aside time regularly to listen for God’s messages. 

  1. Make it a practice to consciously and eagerly listen for anything God may want to say to you at any moment.
  2. It is more vital to develop into a person who consistently listens to God than it is to continually beg God to provide advice in your life.
  3. Devote part of your time today to beginning to hear God’s voice, to hearing his promises and to hearing his plans for your life.
  4. Keep a notebook to help you recall the things that he brings to life in you and your life.

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: This piece was based from Dallas Willard’s book Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God, which was published in 2012.Formatio, a part of InterVarsity Press based in Downers Grove, Illinois, published the book.Willard is a philosopher who teaches at the University of Southern California’s School of Philosophy.He is the author of two books: The Divine Conspiracy and The Spirit of the Disciplines, both of which are available on Amazon.Visit his webpage at the following address: credit: GettyImages/lolostock

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