Where In The Bible Is The Crucifiction Of Jesus?


King James Version (KJV)

Matthew 27:32-66 KJV

Matthew Chapter 27

32 And when they got out, they discovered a man from Cyrene by the name of Simon, whom they compelled to wear his cross.After arriving to a spot known as Golgotha, which literally means ″the place of the skull,″34 they offered him vinegar to drink mixed with gall, which he refused to drink after tasting it for the first time.35 And they crucified him, and they divided his clothing by lot, in order that the prophecy of the prophet may be fulfilled.After that, they divided up my clothes among themselves and divided up my vesture according to who wanted it.36 And they sat down and watched him from a distance; 37 and they erected a banner over his head with the words THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS inscribed on it.

There were also two thieves crucified alongside Jesus, one on his right hand and the other on his left, as shown in the image below.They mocked him, waving their heads and screaming, ″Thou who destroyest the temple and rebuildest it in three days, save thyself.″ Bring the cross down from which you are hanging if you are indeed the Son of God.41 Likewise, the top priests, together with the scribes and elders, mocked him, saying, 42 He rescued others, but he cannot save himself.

  • If he truly is the King of Israel, let him now come down from the crucifixion, and we will accept him as our Messiah.
  • 43 He placed his confidence in God; now, if God so will, let him be delivered; because he has declared himself to be the Son of God.
  • 44 The robbers, who were crucified with him, likewise threw the same thing into his teeth.

45 Now, from the sixth hour to the ninth hour, there was complete darkness over the entire area.46 And at about the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?(Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?).In other words, ″My God, my God, why have you deserted me?″ 47 When some of those who were there heard this, they said, ″This man calls for Elias.″ 48 And immediately one of them dashed over to him, got a spunge, filled it with vinegar, and placed it on a reed, and gave him something to drink.

49 The rest responded, ″Let it be,″ and they waited to see if Elias would arrive to save him.50 When Jesus shouted out in a loud voice for the third time, he finally gave up the ghost.51 And behold, the veil of the temple was split in two from the top to the bottom; and the ground trembled, and the rocks were rent;52 And the graves were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had slept rose from their graves, proclaiming the resurrection of the dead.In the days following his resurrection, Jesus emerged from the graves and traveled into Jerusalem to appear to numerous people.

  1. 54 When the centurion and others who were with him were watching Jesus and saw the earthquake and the marvels that were done, they were terrified and said, ″Truly, this was the Son of God.″ 55 And there were several women present, watching from a distance, who had accompanied Jesus from Galilee and were ministering to him: 56 Among those who were present were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee’s children, among others.
  2. 57 When the time arrived, a rich man from Arimathaea by the name of Joseph, who was also a follower of Jesus, appeared: 58 He went to Pilate and pleaded with him to release Jesus’ corpse.
  3. Then Pilate ordered that the body be brought to the city.
  4. Following the burial of Jesus’ body, Joseph wrapped it in a clean linen cloth60 and put it in his own new tomb, which he had dug out of the rock: then he went out through the door of the sepulchre, rolling a large stone to the door of the sepulchre and leaving.
  1. In the distance, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary could be seen seated near the sepulchre, looking at the tombstone.
  2. After the preparations had been completed the day before, the chief priests and Pharisees met with Pilate on the next day to present their case.
  3. 63 They responded by saying, Sir, we recall that the deceiver claimed, while he was still alive, that he would rise again in three days.
  4. 64 So command that the sepulchre be kept secure until the third day, lest his followers come in the middle of the night and take him away, falsely declaring to the people that he has risen from the dead, so making the last error much more serious than the first.
  5. They were given a watch by Pilate, who instructed them to proceed in the most certain manner possible.
  • 66 So they went ahead and made the sepulchre secure by sealing it with stone and installing a timer on the wall.

Bible Story of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the four New Testament writings that contain the story of Jesus’ death on the cross; they are known as the Gospels.This Bible tale serves as a succinct summation of the salvation message of Jesus Christ.″From that time on, Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests, and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life,″ according to Matthew, who wrote, ″from that time on, Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests, and the teachers of the law, and As a result, Jesus saw that his death would be necessary as a sacrifice for the sins of mankind.During the height of Jesus’ career and miracles, a large number of Jews came to believe that he was the Messiah and the Son of God.Because of the rising number of followers of Jesus, Jewish officials feared him.

Roman soldiers apprehended Jesus with the assistance of Judas Iscariot, and he was placed on trial for claiming to be the Jewish king, which he denied.When a Roman citizen rebelled against the monarch, the punishment was execution by crucifixion, according to Roman law.When it came to the penalty for Jesus, the Roman ruler Pontius Pilate was apprehensive about the idea.

  • However, despite the fact that Pilate could find nothing wrong with Jesus, he desired to give the people what they desired, which was Jesus’ execution.
  • Jesus was turned over to be beaten and whipped after Pilate washed his hands in front of a mob to demonstrate that he was not accepting responsibility for the slaughter that had taken place.
  • In addition to being forced to carry his cross along the walk to the hill where he would be killed, Jesus was also beaten with whips and whipping cords.

The site of Jesus’ crucifixion is known as Calvary, which is derived from the Latin phrase meaning ″a place of skull.″

Jesus on the Cross

Crowds had assembled to grieve and witness the death of Jesus.In addition to being nailed on the cross between two criminals, Jesus’ sides were wounded by a sword.In the midst of the mockery, one of the criminals approached Jesus and asked if he would remember him.Jesus responded, ″Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.″ Jesus then raised his eyes to the heavens and pleaded with God to ″forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.″ As he took his final breath, Jesus said, ″Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.It is finished.″

The Last Words of Jesus Christ on the Cross

First, according to Matthew 27:46, Jesus was about to enter the ninth hour when he cried out: ″My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?″ 2.″Father, please forgive them since they are completely unaware of what they are doing″ (Luke 23:34).3.I swear to you that from this day forward, you’ll be with me in paradise (Luke 23:43).4.

″Dear Lady, please accept this as your son!″ ″Here is your mother!″ says the other.When Jesus saw His mother standing near the cross with the Apostle John, He committed the care of His mother to John’s care, saying, ″I trust you to look after her.″ (See also John 19:26–27.) 5.″I’m a little thirsty″ (John 19:28).

  • In this instance, Jesus was responding to the Messianic prophesy from Psalm 69:21, which stated, ″They put gall in my food and vinegar in my thirst.″ 6.
  • ″It has been completed!″ (See John 19:30.) The mission that His Father had given Him to carry out, which included teaching the Gospel, performing miracles, and bringing His people back together, was successfully completed.
  • The obligation owed to the devil was satisfied.

7.″Father, I surrender my spirit into your hands!″.(Matthew 23:46) Jesus freely laid down his life for us.Jesus was faced with the enormous duty of laying down his life as a ransom for the sins of the entire human race.

This was a terrible and difficult assignment, yet Jesus volunteered to take on the challenge.After three hours of dangling from the cross, Jesus eventually decided to give his life for the sake of others.In the hands of those who crucified him, Jesus was not helpless; he was the only one who had the authority to put an end to his life.″The Son of Man came…

  1. to sacrifice his life as a ransom for many,″ Jesus says in Matthew 20:28.
  2. ″The Son of Man came to give his life as a ransom for many.″ He planned the crucifixion from the beginning of time; he is known as ″the Lamb who was slaughtered from the foundation of the world″ (Matthew 26:28).
  3. (Revelation 13:8).
  4. However, Jesus’ death is still considered to be a death.
  1. It is still a heinous crime against humanity.
  2. Despite the fact that Jesus yielded, this does not imply that all was well.
  3. Death was visited upon the creator of life by nefarious men (Acts 2:23).
  4. Jesus, on the other hand, submitted to wickedness and injustice because he understood who was actually in power.
  5. The death of Jesus was distinguished by extraordinary occurrences.
  • Three hours passed without a single cloud in the sky while Jesus hung dying on the cross.
  • When Jesus took his last breath, the ground shook, the temple curtain broke in half from top to bottom, and the graves of saints were opened, their bodies being lifted from the grave.
  • The crucifixion of Jesus was a part of God’s plan from the very beginning of Jesus’ life, even before he was born.
  • The sin of mankind would necessitate the offering of a sacrifice.
  • The blameless life of Jesus was lived and sacrificed so that man may be saved and have eternal life in paradise with his Father.
  1. The complete Bible account of the crucifixion can be found in the Scriptures listed below.
  2. For additional information on the resurrection, please see our Bible narrative page on the Resurrection of Jesus, which includes a video.
  3. Read the entire narrative of Jesus’ crucifixion in the scriptural text below, as well as articles, videos, and audio sermons that are related to this moving story.

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Where Was Jesus Crucified? – Golgotha ″the Place of the Skull″

What was the location of Jesus’ crucifixion?The crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth is one of the most well-documented occurrences in ancient history.The truth has been confirmed by theologians as well as historians, among others.″Even those scholars and critics who have been moved to depart from almost everything else within the historical content of Christ’s presence on earth have found it impossible to think away the factuality of Christ’s death,″ it has been stated without hyperbole: ″Even those scholars and critics who have been moved to depart from almost everything else within the historical content of Christ’s presence on earth have found it impossible to think away the factuality of Christ’s death.″ -John McIntyre, ‘The Uses of History in Theology,’ in his book of the same name.Dr.

Bart Erhrman of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill provided an example of this type of affirmation in his affirmation letter.Even though he was critical of the New Testament in many cases and denied the supernatural nature of Christianity, the renowned secular scholar supported this in his work, ‘The Historical Jesus: Lecture Transcript and Course Guidebook, Vol.2: The Life and Times of Jesus Christ.’ Jesus was crucified on instructions from Pontus Pilate, Roman administrator of Judea, according to one of the most known truths of history.

  • The four Gospels all affirm that this is a watershed moment in redemptive history.
  • It was validated by the secular authorities of the day.
  • It was affirmed by the early church.

Millions upon millions of people believe it.But where exactly did the crucifixion take place?The answer to that question is strongly tied to God’s will as well as God’s methods of doing things.Simply said, the place of Jesus’ crucifixion is both known and mysterious at the same time.

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Where Was Jesus Crucified?

What was the location of Jesus’ crucifixion?The Gospels confirm that Christ was crucified outside the city walls of Jerusalem, according to their accounts.Interestingly, this is something that both John the Baptist and the writer to the Hebrews affirm: ″Then many of the Jews read this title, for the site where Jesus had been crucified was close to the city; and it was inscribed in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin″ (John 19:20, NKJV).For this reason, Jesus likewise suffered outside the gate in order to sanctify the people with His own blood (Hebrews 13:12, NKJV).It also reveals that the crucifixion was carried out by authorities of the Roman Empire in collaboration with Jewish religious leaders, known as the Sanhedrin, according to the Bible.

The presence of Roman military soldiers indicates the military nature of the mission as well as the significance of the execution to both people and the Roman provincial administration, which was forced to act as a result of local pressure (recommended book: Jesus: A New Vision).One can imagine how terrifying it must have been to see the Roman execution on the cross from a long distance.″There were other ladies watching from a distance,″ we are told, ″among them were Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses, and Salome.″ -Matthew 15:40 The fact that we know the location of Jesus’ crucifixion is the most significant discovery.

  • According to C.
  • W.
  • Wilson, ″It is apparent…

that Christ was crucified in a well-known location with a unique name……″ Because, after being ridiculed and tormented by furious bystanders as he carried his cross through the packed streets going to the execution site, Jesus of Nazareth was crucified at ″a spot named Golgotha, which is to say, the place of the skull,″ as the Bible describes it (Matthew 27:33 ESV).In the words of Wilson, Golgotha ″is the Greek transcription of the Aramaic Gulgulta, which corresponds to the Hebrew Gulgoleth.″ Kranion is the Greek word for kranion (from which the English word, cranial, is derived).Dr.Luke is the one who makes use of the Latin term calvaria.

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Calvary is a well-known term in English, and its transliteration is Calvary.Actually, the correct translation into English would be ″skull or cranium″ (Carl Hensley, Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible).The Jewish Wars of Rebellion (A.D.66-73), which resulted in the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem by Titus (A.D.

  1. 39-81) in A.D.
  2. 70-71, probably contributed to the deviation of local landscape (Lawrence Schiffman, From Text to Tradition).
  3. Finally, Eusibius, a well-known church historian from antiquity, traveled to Jerusalem in order to locate the location of the Lord’s crucifixion and death.
  4. It was there that the great church father and scholar traveled with Queen Helena (A.D.
  1. 246-330), the Roman Empress and mother of Emperor Constantine the Great (A.D.
  2. 272-337).
  3. According to Jerome Murphy-The O’Connor’s Holy Land, the local Christians of Jerusalem guided Eusibius and Helena to a spot beyond the gates of the ancient city (the walls were expanded in the fifteenth century), a site where liturgical festivities had been performed until ″A.D.
  4. 66.″ When Hadrian (A.D.
  5. 36-138), in 135, constructed temples to Roman deities in the Aelia Capitolina, including Aphrodite and Jupiter, the environment underwent tremendous transformation (the new Roman name that Hadrian gave for Jerusalem).
  • ″Despite the evidence of Jerome and some late Byzantine sources, the Holy Sepulcher remains the most probable site of the Capitoline temple,″ writes Jerome Murphy-O’Connor.
  • And it is a rather extraordinary claim to make.
  • The Church of the Holy Sepulcher was built to enclose both Golgotha (the site of the Crucifixion) and Joseph of Arimathea’s tomb (both the burial place and the site of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ) in A.D.
  • 326 by Helena’s son, Constantine.
  • It was completed in A.D.
  1. 326 and dedicated to the memory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  2. A summary of the history and archeology of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, as well as alternate theories, was provided by Murphy-O’Connor in the Oxford Archeological Guide from the Earliest Times to 1700.
  3. He concluded that ″Is this the spot where Christ died and was buried?″ ″Yes, very likely,″ says the author.

What We Don’t Know About the Location of the Crucifixion – Where Was Jesus Crucified

Accordingly, in response to the question above, and despite the categorical declarations of some, we must respond, ″a great deal.″ The things we don’t know are known to us, and we are confident that we do not know what we do not know.Take, for example, the unmistakable scriptural assertion that our Lord was crucified in Golgotha.Despite the fact that we know what the word Golgotha (or Calvary) means (it means ″skull″), we are unable to determine if it is referring to one of three possible origins for the name.

Golgotha Meaning: the Place of the Skull, Might Refer to the Legendary Place of Adam’s Skull

Yes, you are correct.Adam’s skull was thought to have been buried at Golgotha, according to the Church Father Origen (A.D.185-253), who was both a Hebrew scholar and a resident of Jerusalem at the time of Jesus’ death.For those who consider that Origen is a touch ″off,″ other early church leaders who held the belief that Jesus was crucified in the field of Adam’s burial may be able to refute your position.In this group would be the revered Athanasius (A.D.

296-373), Epiphanies (A.D.312-403), and Basil of Caesarea, to name a few figures (A.D.329-379).

  • The second interpretation of Golgotha is more rational, however it departs from the popular interpretation in the following ways:

What Do We Know about Where Jesus Was Crucified?

What was the location of Jesus’ crucifixion?According to this narrative, the site of our Lord’s crucifixion served as a common ″killing ground″ for rebels and criminals who were antagonistic to Roman control.The result was that the region was covered with the heads of ″convicted criminals″ (Wilson, Golgotha and the Holy Sepulchre).Once the flesh had been removed from the skull and bones, the remains would be buried by the family members.Even the renowned Christian scholar and Bible translator, Jerome (A.D.

347-420), as well as the English historian and monk, Venerable Bede (A.D.673-735), clung to this stance throughout their respective times.″Bunhill Fields″ is a well-known burial place in London that has been there for centuries (Alfred Light, Bunhill Fields).

  • The term ″Bunhill″ refers to a slang pronunciation of the phrase ″Bone Hill.″ Nonconformist clergy and others who did not fall under the Church of England’s sphere of influence were buried there.
  • Apparently, the hill where Christ was crucified was also known as ″Bunhill Fields,″ according to this second perspective of Calvary.
  • Now.

You have probably heard someone express the third point of view.

Golgotha, the Place of the Skull, Might Refer to a Geological Formation Resembling a Skull

Since at least the seventeenth century, this idea of the location of Golgotha has been the most widely accepted one in the world.As a result, some writers have described Golgotha as a bald hilltop with a rock feature that resembled a human skull.While we must realize that there are no allusions to this in the Bible, it is important to note that Yes, it was a prominent location that could be seen from a distance, but it was never referred to as Mount Calvary by any of the biblical writers, nor by any Greek, Jewish, or Roman witnesses.It appears to be a very recent Western concept (Wilson, Golgotha and the Holy Sepulchre).All of this, of course, may come as a shock to those who have held to one or another version of the events at Golgotha throughout their lives.

Furthermore, the dispute serves to highlight the truth that we can only be certain of what the Bible says about some things.And is that sufficient?

We Know All We Need to Know

According to the Bible, our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified on a cross between two thieves, one of whom was remorseful and the other who was not.The Bible also informs us who was responsible for Christ’s death: a plot orchestrated by Roman rulers and Jewish religious leaders.To put it another way, both Gentiles and Jews were implicated in the cosmic crime of deicide (also known as ″the murder of God by Man″).We are aware that the cross may be seen from a considerable distance.We know that there were women present, including Mary the mother of Jesus, and that they were powerful.

We are aware of the presence of the Apostle John.We are aware that many people turned their backs on our Lord Jesus Christ during his time of greatest need.However, there is a great deal more that we do not know.

  • It’s as if the Holy Spirit has slung a perpetual curtain over the entire area, obscuring everything.
  • It is important to recall that the murder was so heinous that the earth trembled in horror and darkness descended upon the horrific spectacle, as if Creation itself could not stand the sight.
  • However, we are unable to pinpoint the exact spot where Jesus Christ was crucified because of the nature of the evidence.

It is possible that the Church of the Holy Sepulcher encompasses the location of Calvary as well as the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, where our Lord was risen from the dead, according to tradition.As a result, there are some things that we may deduce from the Bible.Furthermore, there is sufficient archaeological evidence and ancient literature to substantiate Christ’s crucifixion and to indicate a site for its occurrence.And there is a great deal that we do not understand.

It’s important to remember the warning from Deuteronomy 29:29: ″The secret things belong unto the LORD our God; but those things which are disclosed belong unto us and to our offspring forever, that we may perform all the words of this law,″ the Bible says.But we do know this: on the cross, at a site named Calvary, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died for our sins.That is where the world’s creator, Jesus Christ, was crucified by people whom he had made.He died as a sacrifice for our sins and as a fulfillment of the Covenant of Works (which states that ″if you disobey, you shall die″).

  1. In his pure soul, Jesus bore the wrath of God, and he fulfilled all of the requirements of the Law for anyone who would accept him as their Savior (The Covenant of Grace).
  2. With nails made of iron that he produced, Jesus Christ was crucified on rough-hewn lumber from a forest he created, on a cross that he built himself.
  3. ″Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do,″ Jesus said as he gazed down on those who crucified him, spit on him, and attempted to humiliate him.
  4. ″Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do,″ he said (Luke 23:34 KJV).
  1. In the life of our Lord, there is a story that is crucial to us as we proceed through our studies.
  2. When Moses and Elijah appear to Peter, James, and John during the transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-8; Mark 9:2-8; Luke 9:28-36), it is an affirmation of Jesus’ divinity and his relationship with the Father.
  3. This is a significant theological turning point in the tale of redemption.
  4. The ″Law and the Prophets″ affirm the Person of Jesus as the One about whom they wrote; the Old Covenant yields to the New; ancient prophecies are fulfilled; Christ’s identity is fully revealed to the disciples and supernaturally confirmed; eternity touches time; heaven descends (once more) to the earth.
  5. It was, without a doubt, a magnificent spectacle.
  • Peter desired to create three tents to serve as a memorial to the occasion (perhaps, to return to the tent markers and build a greater temple).
  • Peter was warned by our Lord Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration that he should not erect any kind of religious structure to commemorate the actual location of that great assembly, as Peter had desired to do.
  • In John 4:21-23, the Lord also reminded the Samaritan woman at the well that from now on, Christians must worship God ″in spirit and in truth,″ not on this mountain nor on that mountain, as he had previously instructed them.
  • It has nothing to do with a specific location.
  • It’s all about a certain individual.
  1. It is no longer about the physical—land, temples, and altars—but rather about the spiritual.
  2. It is all about the ineffable.
  3. It’s not about the signs, after all.

It all comes down to the Savior.It is possible that this is why we know enough about the place of his crucifixion, but not enough about the rest of his life.We gaze at that ancient, weathered cross with trust in order to choose where it should be placed: This cross marks the site of the ″Great Exchange,″ which took place here.For it is at this place that Jesus took upon himself the penalty for the sins of those who would come to him in repentance and faith, and it is also the place where the holiness of Christ was made available to sinners like me.

Alternatively, as I used to teach our church’s youngsters in Confirmation Class, ″Jesus took your guilt upon himself upon the cross of Calvary.″ ″You’ve been given his ideal existence.″ This Easter and throughout our lives, the very location where Jesus was killed for you and me is the location where we come to Him in brokenness and love.″Truly, this was the Son of God,″ the Roman centurion admitted, and it is at that point that we come together in faith with Mary and John (Matthew 27:54).That soldier was well aware.And you can find out as well.

  1. What place did Christ die on the cross?
  2. Christ was crucified at the intersection of God’s love and your brokenness, and he was crucified in your place.
  3. You may rest assured that this is true.
  4. Related: What Does the Bible Have to Say About the Resurrection of Jesus Christ?

What Place Did Jesus Get Crucified?- Golgotha (also known as ″the Place of the Skull″).References Chris Armstrong is a writer who lives in the United Kingdom.This is the most sacred place on earth is being divided.ChristianityToday.Com.This page was last updated on April 8, 2019.

Jesus: A New Vision (Marcus J.Jesus: A New Vision).The year is 1991, and HarperSanFrancisco is publishing a book.B.D.Ehrman’s ″The Historical Jesus: Lecture Transcript and Course Guidebook, Vol.

2″ is available online.Chantilly’s Teaching Company is a non-profit organization (2000).Eusebius of Caesarea was a Roman historian.Onomasticon (1971) by C.Umhau Wolf, translated by C.Umhau Wolf.

The first version was created in 330AD.This page was last updated on April 8, 2019.of the city of Antioch Saint Ignatius of Antioch to the Smyrnaeans (Roberts-Donaldson Translation),″ says the author.The most recent modification was made in 110AD.This page was last updated on April 8, 2019.Alfred W.

  • Bunhill Fields: Written in Honour and to the Memory of the Many Saints of God Whose Bodies Rest in This Old London Cemetery.
  • Vol.
  • 1.
  • Alfred W.
  • Bunhill Fields: Written in Honour and to the Memory of the Many Saints of God Whose Bodies Rest in This Old London Cemetery.
  • CJ Farncombe & Sons, Limited was established in 1915.

John McIntyre is the author of this work.″The Uses of History in Theology (In Honour of A.C.Cheyne)″ is a paper written in honor of A.C.Cheyne.

Studies in World Christianity, volume 7, number 1, April 1, 2001, pages 1–20.This page was last updated on April 8, 2019.Jerome.The Holy Land: An Oxford Archaeological Guide from the Earliest Times to the Year 1700 is a book on archaeology in the Holy Land.Murphy-O’Connor, Jerome.

  1. ″The Location of the Capitol in Aelia Capitolina.″ Oxford University Press, 2008.Murphy-O’Connor, Jerome.
  2. ″The Location of the Capitol in Aelia Capitolina.″ Revista Biblica (1946–), vol.
  3. 101, no.
  4. 3 (1994), pp.
  5. 407–415.
  6. This page was last updated on April 8, 2019.
  1. Grant.
  2. ″Historicity of the Crucifixion.″ The Briefing, published on May 24, 2013.
  3. This page was last updated on April 8, 2019.
  4. From Text to Tradition: A History of the Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism, edited by Lawrence H.
  • KTAV Publishing House, Inc.
  • published this book in 1991.
  • Wilson, C.
  • W., ed., Golgotha and the Holy Sepulchre: Edited by Colonel Sir C.
  • M.
  • Watson.

New York: Harper & Row, 1911.In 1906, the Palestine Exploration Fund formed the Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund.″Eusebius of Caesarea and the Onomasticon,″ by Carl Umhau, is available online.

The Biblical Archaeologist, volume 27, number 3, 1964, pages 66–96.This page was last updated on April 8, 2019.image courtesy of Unsplash/Alicia Quan

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 27:32-56 – New International Version

New International Version(NIV) Version

The Crucifixion of JesusA)″>(A)

They encountered a man from Cyrene,C)″>(C), called Simon, as they were about to leave the city, and they forced him to carry the cross.D)″>(D) 33 They arrived at a location known as Golgotha (which literally translates as ″the site of the skull″).E)″>(E) 34 At that point, they offered Jesus wine laced with gall;F)″>(F), but after tasting it, he refused to take any more of it.35 After he had been nailed to the cross, they divided his clothing by drawing lots for them.G)″>(G) 36 Then they sat down and kept watchH)″>(H) over him in that location.

37 They nailed a written indictment against him to the wall above his head: ″this is jesus, the king of the jews.″ 38 38 He was nailed on the cross with two rebels, one on his right and one on his left, I)″>(I) one on either side of him.39 Those who passed by threw obscenities at him and shook their heads in disapproval.″You who are going to demolish the temple and rebuild it in three days,K)″>(K) save yourselves!″ says J)″>(J) 40 in response to his question.

  • L)″>(L) If you are the Son of God, please come down from the cross!
  • ”M)″>(M) 41 The chief priests, the teachers of the law, and the elders all made fun of him in the same manner.
  • 42 But they pointed out that he had saved others but was unable to save himself.
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He’s the king of Israel, after all!Please allow him to come down from the cross at this time, and we shall believeO)″>(O) in him.43 He places his faith in God.Allow God to rescue himP)″>(P) right now if he so desires, for he has stated, ″I am the Son of God.″ 44 A similar abuse was poured upon him by the rebels who were crucified alongside him.

The Death of JesusQ)″>(Q)

45 From noon until three in the afternoon darknessR)″>(R) came over all the land. 46 About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).S)″>(S) 47 When some of those standing there heard this, they said, “He’s calling Elijah.” 48 Immediately one of them ran and got a sponge. He filled it with wine vinegar,T)″>(T) put it on a staff, and offered it to Jesus to drink. 49 The rest said, “Now leave him alone. Let’s see if Elijah comes to save him.” 50 And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.U)″>(U) 51 At that moment the curtain of the templeV)″>(V) was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks splitW)″>(W) 52 and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. 53 They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy cityX)″>(X) and appeared to many people. 54 When the centurion and those with him who were guardingY)″>(Y) Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!”Z)″>(Z) 55 Many women were there, watching from a distance. They had followed Jesus from Galilee to care for his needs.AA)″>(AA) 56 Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of Zebedee’s sons.AB)″>(AB) Read full chapter dropdown New International Version (NIV)Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.NIV Reverse Interlinear Bible: English to Hebrew and English to Greek. Copyright © 2019 by Zondervan.

Where Is Golgotha, Where Jesus Was Crucified?

Is it possible that the Church of the Redeemer has the answer?Staff of the Biblical Archaeology Society, October 26, 2021 There are 20 comments and 151053 views.What evidence is there to suggest that the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is the real site of Golgotha, where Jesus was crucified, based on the Church of the Redeemer (as depicted here)?What is the current location of Golgotha in Jerusalem?It was Golgotha, according to the New Testament, that served as the place of Jesus’ crucifixion and execution.In which part of Jerusalem is Golgotha located?

According to Marcel Serr and Dieter Vieweger’s Archaeological Views column in the May/June 2016 edition of Biblical Archaeology Review, ″Golgotha: Is the Holy Sepulchre Church Authentic?″ they analyze historical and contemporary excavations into the spot where Jesus was crucified.What is the current location of Golgotha?The actual site of Jesus’ crucifixion is a matter of controversy.Helena, emperor Constantine’s mother, recognized the location of Golgotha in the fourth century C.E., and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was erected there in the fourth century C.E.Scholars, however, began to doubt this identification as early as the nineteenth century, pointing out that the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is located within the city walls of the present-day Old City of Jerusalem.

In line with Roman and Jewish traditions at the time, Golgotha would have had to be positioned outside of the city limits of Jerusalem.The Gospels, on the other hand, appear to imply that Jesus was crucified outside of the city (Mark 15:20; Matthew 27:31ff; John 19:17ff).So, where exactly is Golgotha situated?What is the location of Golgotha?

  • When the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the traditional location of Jesus’ crucifixion, was erected in the fourth century C.E., was it built within or outside the city walls of Jerusalem?
  • On the left is a representation of the present-day Old City of Jerusalem (which is tinted in gray), on the right is the suggested position of the so-called Second Wall, which would have existed during the time of Jesus.
  • Leen Ritmeyer created the illustration.
  • It is vital to remember that the existing Old City walls do not correspond to the walls that existed during Jesus’ time.
  • ″Efforts to find a so-called Second Wall south of the Holy Sepulchre Church that had served as the northern wall of Jerusalem in Jesus’ time (and would have moved the site of the church outside the city in Jesus’ time) proved elusive,″ write Serr and Vieweger in their Archaeological Views column.
  • ″Josephus, the knowledgeable first-century Jewish historian, does refer to such a wall (The Jewish War 5.146),″ they write.
  • Distinguished academics Conrad Schick and Louis-Hugues Vincent were certain they had discovered the Second Wall in 1893, when a wall was discovered during the construction of the Church of the Redeemer, which is located directly south of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
  • As a result, for about a century, it appeared as though the problem of legitimacy had been solved: the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was built on the site of Jesus’ execution, Golgotha.

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This costs substantial money and resources, but we don’t charge a cent to you to cover any of those expenses.

If you’d like to contribute to making Bible History Daily, BiblicalArchaeology.org, and our daily newsletter possible, please consider making a donation.Even a small donation of $5 is appreciated: According to Ute Wagner-Lux of the German Protestant Institute of Archaeology in Jerusalem, who dug under the Church of the Redeemer in 1970, this wall could not have been the Second Wall.She concluded that this wall could not have been the Second Wall.Why?In the words of Serr and Vieweger, ″this wall was just five feet thick—far too small to be used as a city wall.″ As a result, the search was restarted.However, everything was not lost in the end.

There are some hints from the Church of the Redeemer that the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is located outside the mysterious Second Wall, according to the findings of the excavations.You can read the full Archaeological Views column ″Golgotha: Is The Church Of The Most Holy Sepulchre Authentic?″ in the May/June 2016 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review to find out more about the evidence that leads Serr and Vieweger to believe that the Church of the Most Holy Sepulchre could be the authentic location of the Crucifixion.—————— Members of the BAS Library: Read the complete Archaeological Views column ″Golgotha: Is the Holy Sepulchre Church Authentic?″ by Marcel Serr and Dieter Vieweger in the May/June 2016 edition of Biblical Archaeology Review, titled ″Is the Holy Sepulchre Church Authentic?″ Not a member of the BAS Library yet?Become a member of the BAS Library now.

Related reading in Bible History Daily:

The tour takes visitors through the ruins of Herod’s Jerusalem Palace, which may have served as the site of Jesus’ trial.The Terra Sancta Museum is a new stop on the Via Dolorosa that is open to the public.And Why It Really Does Make a Difference The ″Strange″ Ending of the Gospel of Mark and Why It Really Does Make a Difference What Day Did Jesus Rise From the Dead?During their journey to Byzantine Jerusalem, the pilgrims stop at the National Geographic Museum, where they may virtually see Jesus’ tomb.This Bible History Daily piece was first published on May 23, 2016, and has since been updated.—Ed.

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Book reviews of the most recent publications in biblical archaeology The BAS Digital Library contains the following resources: Biblical Archaeology Review has been publishing for more than 45 years.Bible Review has been online for more than two decades, presenting critical readings of biblical texts.The Archaeology Odyssey online series has been running for eight years, investigating the ancient origins of the Western civilization in a rigorous and engaging manner.The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land is a comprehensive resource on archaeology in the Holy Land.Experts from across the world deliver video lectures.

Complete online access to more than 50 well chosen Special Collections, Four highly regarded volumes were released in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution: Aspects of Monotheism, Feminist Approaches to the Bible, The Rise of Ancient Israel, and The Search for Jesus.Aspects of Monotheism is a collection of essays on the history of monotheism.With the All-Access membership package, you can learn whatever you want about the Bible through biblical archaeology.

What the Bible Tells Us About the Crucifixion of Jesus

Several biblical passages, including Matthew 27:32-56, Mark 15:21-38, Luke 23:26-50, and John 19:16-37, depict Christ’s death on the Roman crucifixion as the major figure of Christianity.The crucifixion of Jesus, as depicted in the Bible, is one of the most significant events in human history.As taught by Christian theology, the death of Jesus Christ served as the ultimate atoning sacrifice for the sins of all humans.

Question for Reflection

In deciding to execute Jesus Christ, religious authorities would not even consider the possibility that he may be telling the truth, and that he might be, in fact, the Messiah they were seeking.When the chief priests sentenced Jesus to death because they refused to trust him, they sealed their own doom for the future generations.Have you, like many others, refused to trust what Jesus stated about his own nature?Your decision concerning Jesus may also have the potential to determine your own eternal destiny.

Jesus’ Crucifixion Story in the Bible

As a result of their accusations against Jesus, the Jewish high priests and elders of the Sanhedrin reached the conclusion that he should be put to death.But first, they wanted Rome to confirm their death sentence, so Jesus was transported to Pontius Pilate, the Roman ruler of Judea, where he met with the Roman leader.Despite the fact that Pilate believed Jesus to be innocent, and was unable to locate or even concoct a cause to condemn him, he dreaded the people and allowed them to choose Jesus’ destiny.The masses chanted, ″Crucify him!″ in response to the Jewish chief priests’ incitement.Before his crucifixion, Jesus was publicly scourged, or beaten, with a leather-thonged whip, as was customary at the time.Deep wounds and excruciating bruising were caused by the tiny shards of iron and bone chips that were fastened to the ends of each leather thong.

A staff was thrown at him, and he was spit on as a result of the abuse.In addition to being stripped of his clothes, a thorny crown of thorns was placed on top of his head.Simon of Cyrene was compelled to carry his cross for him since he was too weak to do it himself.He was taken to the place where he would be crucified, Golgotha.Before nailing him on the cross, a mixture of vinegar, gall, and myrrh was served, as was customary at the time of his death.

It was said that this drink would cure pain, but Jesus refused to consume it.To keep him fastened to the cross, stake-like nails were hammered through his wrists and ankles.He was crucified between two guilty criminals.The inscription over his head referred to him as ″The King of the Jews,″ which was meant to be insulting.

  • Jesus hung on the cross for around six hours, during which time he took his final excruciating breaths, according to the Bible.
  • While everything was going on, soldiers were casting lots for Jesus’ garments, and others were passing by yelling obscenities and laughing.
  • Jesus talked to his mother Mary and the disciple John from the crucifixion, according to the Gospel of Matthew.
  • ″My God, my God, why have You left Me?″ he screamed out to his father as well.
  • At that time, the entire landscape was enveloped in darkness.
  • Later, when Jesus was about to leave this world, an earthquake struck the land, tearing the curtain of the Temple in two from top to bottom.
  • According to Matthew’s Gospel, ″The earth trembled, and the rocks cracked apart.
  • The tombs were opened, and the bodies of many holy individuals who had died were brought back to life by the might of God.″ It was customary for Roman troops to demonstrate pity by breaking the criminal’s legs, so hastening his or her execution.
  • However, on this particular night, just the thieves’ legs were broken, since when the soldiers arrived at Jesus’ location, they discovered him already dead.
  • Instead, they penetrated his side with a needle.

According to Jewish legend, Jesus was carried down by Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea just before sunset and put in Joseph’s tomb before being crucified.

Points of Interest From the Story

Despite the fact that both Roman and Jewish officials may have played a role in Jesus Christ’s trial and execution, he himself stated of his life, ″I am the Son of God.″ ″No one can take it away from me, but I choose to put it down of my own free will.I have the authority to put it down and the authority to pick it back up again if necessary.This is a directive that I got from my Father.″ (John 10:18 New International Version) During the Temple’s construction, the curtain or veil that divided the Holy of Holies (which was occupied by God’s presence) from the remainder of the Temple.Only the high priest was permitted to enter the temple once a year, accompanied by the sacrificial sacrifice for the sins of the whole population.Christ’s death and the tearing of the curtain from top to bottom represented the dismantling of the barrier that separated God and man.Christ’s death on the cross paved the door for us to come to know God more fully.

See also:  What Does God And Jesus Look Like?

It was through his death that the sins of the world were completely atoned for, allowing all people to approach the throne of grace through him.

Relive the Bible Story of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

The resurrection narrative is the tale of Jesus Christ rising from the dead after he had been killed on the cross and buried in the tomb, according to the Bible.Christ’s sacrifice is the cornerstone of Christian belief, as well as the basis of Christian hope.When Jesus Christ rose from the dead, he fulfilled his own vow to do so and further cemented the promise he made to his followers that they, too, would be resurrected from the dead and enjoy eternal life when they died (John 14:19).

Question for Reflection

After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, but they were unable to recognize him because they were wearing disguises (Luke 24:13-33).It was as though they were talking about Jesus for hours on end without realizing they were in his immediate vicinity.Perhaps the resurrected Savior, Jesus Christ, has paid you a visit, and you just did not recognize him?

Scripture References

The resurrection account is told in Matthew 28:1-20, Mark 16:1-20, Luke 24:1-49, and John 20:1-21:25, with the exception of Matthew 28:1-20.

Resurrection Story Summary

Following the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Joseph of Arimathea had the corpse of Christ put in his personal tomb.Soldiers guarded the sealed tomb, which was secured by a massive stone at the entrance.Three days after Jesus’ death, on a Sunday, numerous women (including Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Joanna, and Salome, all of whom are named in the gospel narratives) went to his tomb at the crack of dawn to anoint his body with perfume and oil.As an angel from heaven rolled aside the stone, there was a strong earthquake that occurred.Guards on the stone trembled in horror as the angel, who was clad in brilliant white, took a seat on it.In an angelic message to the ladies, the angel proclaimed that the crucified Jesus was no longer in the tomb and that ″He has been raised, exactly as he has said.″ When they returned, he told them that they should examine the tomb and make their own conclusions.

After that, he instructed them to alert the disciples.They raced to execute the angel’s instruction, a mixture of terror and delight in their hearts, but Jesus unexpectedly met them on the roadside.They prostrated themselves at his feet and worshipped him.Then Jesus addressed them, saying, ″Do not be intimidated.Tell my brothers that they should travel to Galilee.

They’ll be able to see me there.″ When the guards informed the top priests of what had occurred, the priests paid the soldiers with a substantial quantity of money, instructing them to lie and claim that the disciples had taken the body during the nighttime hours.Immediately following his resurrection, Jesus appeared to the ladies who had gathered near the tomb, and subsequently, at least twice, to the disciples who had collected in a home for prayer.While on the road to Emmaus, Jesus stopped to see two of the disciples.Later, he made an appearance by the Sea of Galilee, where a group of disciples were out fishing.

Why the Resurrection Is Important

The fact of the resurrection lies at the heart of all Christian belief, and it serves as its basis.’Jesus stated,’ he continued ″I am the resurrected one and the living one, says Jesus.He who believes in Me will live, even if he dies as a result of his faith.And whomever lives and believes in Me will never perish from the earth.″ (John 11:25-26, New King James Version) Without the resurrection, Jesus may have been seen as nothing more than a wonderful teacher and a decent human being.Following his resurrection from the dead, his supporters were persuaded that he was who he had claimed to be: the resurrection and the life, as well as the Messiah, the Savior of mankind.The resurrection made it possible for Christians to acquire the power of Christ’s life dwelling inside of them (Romans 6:1–10; Philippians 1:21; Galatians 2:20), which they had not before experienced.

Furthermore, the resurrection confirmed God’s promise that those who believe in him will have resurrection life and will be able to partake in eternal life (John 3:15; 4:14; 17:3; 1 Corinthians 15:20).

Points of Interest from the Resurrection Story

  • From Mary through the apostle Paul, there are at least 12 separate sightings of Christ in the resurrection stories, all of which take place after his resurrection.
  • The apostles, who were eyewitnesses to the rising Christ, experienced tremendous changes in their lives as a result of their encounter with him, so ruling out the notion that the resurrection narrative was made up.
  • In contrast to his physical body, Jesus’ resurrected one was different. It was no longer subject to the same rules of nature that it had previously been. He was able to pass through closed doors while still being touched and eating
  • he was also a master at disguise.
  • Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he gave his followers the Great Commission, instructing them to go and make disciples of all countries
  • the stone was not moved away from the tomb, allowing Jesus to be released from the tomb. John 20:19 says that in his resurrected form, he had the ability to walk through barriers. The stone was moved aside, allowing everyone to see that he had risen from the dead.


  • Introducing the New Testament (Completely revised and updated., p. 108)
  • Dictionary of Theological Terms (p. 380-381)
  • Introducing the Old Testament (Completely revised and updated., p. 108)
  • Introducing the New Testament (Completely revised and updated., p. 108)

Easter Bible Verses To Celebrate Resurrection Day

There is no doubt that these Bible passages will fill your heart and uplift your soul.Easter Sunday is a greatly anticipated event for those living south of the Mason-Dixon line.We are looking forward to dyeing and decorating eggs, dressing in our best pastel ensembles, and indulging in some really amazing cuisine this Easter.But, of course, it is the commemoration of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, that makes this occasion so memorable!Easter Sunday symbolizes the freedom we have in living a triumphant life that is related to God and his will for us.Thankfully, because of His mercy, our sins have been forgiven, and we now have the luxury of having abundant joy for the rest of our lives.

What better way to commemorate the event than to recite some of the most well-known Easter Bible verses?No matter if you’re teaching Sunday school, looking for an inspirational Instagram post, creating cards, preparing for a party, or reading the Easter tale, these resurrection Bible verses are guaranteed to inspire you with hope and elevate your spirits.

Luke 24:2-3

Upon entering, they discovered that the stone had been removed from the tomb but that they had not discovered the body of Jesus Christ.

John 11:25-26

Jesus addressed her by saying, ″I am the resurrected one and the living one, says Jesus. Even though they die, the one who believes in me will continue to live; and the one who lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe what I’m saying?″

Acts 4:33

As the apostles proceeded to proclaim the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, they did so with tremendous authority. And God’s grace was evidently at work in each and every one of them.

1 Peter 1:3

All honor and glory to the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, God, in his tremendous generosity, has given us fresh life and the prospect of a future filled with hope.

Mark 15:46-47

So Joseph went out and got some linen fabric, took the body down from the casket, wrapped it in the linen, and buried it in a tomb he had dug out of the rock. Then he rolled a stone on the tomb’s entrance, sealing it shut. 47 The bodies of Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joseph were discovered where he had been lying.

Luke 24:6-7

He is not present; he has ascended into the heavens! When he was still with you in Galilee, he informed you, ″The Son of Man must be thrown into the hands of sinners, crucified, and on the third day be risen again.″

Acts 3:15

Though you assassinated the originator of life, God resurrected him from the grave.

1 Corinthians 15:3-8

What I was given, I handed on to you as the first and most important thing.To begin with, you must believe the following: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that Christ was buried, that Christ was resurrected on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas.That is, Peter first, followed by the Twelve.After then, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, the vast majority of them are still alive, but some have passed away, according to the records.First he came to James, followed by the other apostles, and last to me, who had been born strangely, as well as to the other apostles.

Mark 16:5-7

After entering the tomb and seeing a young guy clad in a white robe seated on the right side, they were scared and ran out of the building.″Don’t be afraid,″ he assured the audience.It is Jesus the Nazarene who you are seeking for, and he has been crucified.″ He has resurrected from the dead!He isn’t in the room.Look at the location where they buried him.″However, go and inform his followers and Peter that he is going ahead of you into Galilee.″ As he promised, you will find him in that location.″


Matthew 27:65-66

After entering the tomb and seeing a young guy clad in a white robe seated on the right side, they were scared and ran out of the building.″Don’t be afraid,″ he assured the audience.It is Jesus the Nazarene who you are seeking for, and he has been crucified.″ He has resurrected from the dead!He isn’t in the room.Look at the location where they buried him.″However, go and inform his followers and Peter that he is going ahead of you into Galilee.″ As he promised, you will find him in that location.″


Luke 23:46-47

When Jesus cried out in a loud voice, he was saying, ″Father, I submit my spirit into your hands.″ When he had finished speaking, he took his last breath. In observing what had transpired, the centurion thanked God and said, ″Surely this was a decent man.″


Romans 6:8-11

Having died with Christ, we trust that we shall likewise live with him in the future.Since we know that, because Christ has been risen from the grave, he will never die again; death will no longer have control over him.The death he died was a final death to sin; nevertheless, the life he now lives is a life dedicated to God.In the same way, consider yourself to be dead to sin but alive to God through Jesus Christ.


Mark 15:32

Bring down this Messiah, this king of Israel, from the cross immediately, so that we may see and believe. ″ Those who were crucified with him hurled obscenities at him as well.


Romans 8:34

So, who is it that is being condemned? There is no one. It is Christ Jesus, who died—and more than that, who was resurrected to life—who now sits at the right side of God, interceding for us and interceding on our behalf.


Colossians 1:13-14

Due to the fact that he has saved us from the domain of darkness and has welcomed us into His kingdom via the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption and are forgiven of our sins.


Ephesians 1:20

In the celestial regions, when he resurrected Christ from the dead and placed him at his right hand, he spent much effort.


2 Corinthians 5:17

As a result, if someone is in Christ, the new creation has arrived: the old has passed away, and the new has come!


Philippians 2:8

And, having been discovered in the guise of a man, he humbled himself by becoming submissive to death—even death on the cross!

Watch: The Crucifixion of Jesus, Luke 19-23 – Luke-Acts Series Video

button-pause triangle-right The Crucifixion of Jesus: Luke 19-23 The religious leaders are closing in on Jesus. But Jesus prepares for his coming crucifixion, knowing that his death will open up a new way of life. Continue the Series Episode 1 The Birth of Jesus: Luke 1-2 Episode 2 The Baptism of Jesus: Luke 3-9 Episode 3 The Prodigal Son: Luke 9-19 Episode 4 The Crucifixion of Jesus: Luke 19-23 Episode 5 The Resurrection of Jesus: Luke 24 Episode 6 Pentecost: Acts 1-7 Episode 7 The Apostle Paul: Acts 8-12 Episode 8 Paul’s Missionary Journeys: Acts 13-20 Episode 9 Bound for Rome: Acts 21-28 Episode 1 The Birth of Jesus: Luke 1-2 Episode 2 The Baptism of Jesus: Luke 3-9 Episode 3 The Prodigal Son: Luke 9-19 Episode 4 The Crucifixion of Jesus: Luke 19-23 Episode 5 The Resurrection of Jesus: Luke 24 Episode 6 Pentecost: Acts 1-7 Episode 7 The Apostle Paul: Acts 8-12 Episode 8 Paul’s Missionary Journeys: Acts 13-20 Episode 9 Bound for Rome: Acts 21-28 The Upside-Down Kingdom and the Early ChurchIn our Luke-Acts series, we explore the fascinating story of Jesus’ life, ministry, and announcement of God’s upside-down Kingdom. Luke emphasizes how Jesus was the fulfillment of the Hebrew Scriptures, setting the stage for the Jesus movement that would spread throughout the ancient world. One Cohesive Gospel AccountLuke-Acts is just one of four books that recount the Gospel message. No other part of the Bible uses four different books to tell the same story. While it is true that the Gospel accounts all repeat the same basic story, each telling of the story is different. They are different not in the facts presented but in the perspective from which they are told. Luke-Acts gives us one of the most unified stories of Jesus’ life, and it doesn’t end there. It continues into the movement of people devoted to Jesus’ way of love. An Epic ClimaxThe four Gospel accounts fulfill the prophecies and promises of the Old Testament and lay the foundation for everything that is to come. You will find that Luke, like all the Gospel accounts, details the truths that serve as the basis for all Christianity, providing us with a comprehensive account of the life and teachings of the most important figure to ever walk the earth, Jesus of Nazareth.

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