How Long Were The Thorns On Jesus Crown

Crown of thorns – Wikipedia

El Greco’s painting of Christ bearing the cross with the crown of thorns is a good example of this. According to the New Testament, during the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion, a wovencrown of thorns was placed on his head. It was one of the tools of the Passion, used by Jesus’ captors to inflict suffering on him while also mocking his claim of dominion over the earth. It is mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew (“And when they had plaited a crown of thorns, they put it on his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee and mocked him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!”) and the Book of Revelation (“And when they had plaited a crown of thorns, they put it on his head, and a reed in his right hand It is mentioned in the Bible in several places, including Matthew(27:29), Mark(15:17), and John(19:2,5), and it is often referenced to by the early Church Fathers, including Clement of Alexandria, Origen, and others.

Many think that an artifact known as the crown of thorns has been worshiped from at least the year 400, although others disagree.

After being saved from a fire in the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris on April 15, 2019, it was transported to the Louvre Museum in Paris.

As a relic

When it comes to the crown of thorns, the three biblical gospels that describe it don’t explain what happened to it after the crucifixion. Paulinus of Nola, writing after 409, is the earliest documented reference to the crown being revered as a relic. He refers to the crown as a relic that has been treasured by the faithful since its discovery (Epistle MacariusinMigne,Patrologia Latina,LXI, 407). Cassiodorus (c. 570) mentions the crown of thorns as one of the relics that were “the glory” of the city of Jerusalem, along with other relics.

While it is true that the thorns in the crown of thorns were still green, with a freshness that was miraculously renewed each day, Gregory of Tours’s statement in De Gloria martyria does little to support the historical authenticity of a relic he had not seen, theBreviary or Short Description of Jerusalem: 16) (a short text dated to about 530 AD: iv), and theitineraryofAntoninus of Piacen A putative crown of thorns was revered in Jerusalem in the early decades of the common era, according to these scraps of evidence and others of later date (the “Pilgrimage” of the monk Bernard, for example, indicates that the relic was still at Mount Zion in 870).


The crown was purportedly moved to Constantinople, which was then the capital of the empire, at some point after that. Francois de Mély, a historian, believes that the entire crown was transferred from Jerusalem to Constantinople not long before the year 1063. The EmperorJustinianis said to have given a thorn to Germain, Bishop of Paris, which was long preserved at Saint-Germain-des-Prés, while theEmpress Irene, in 798 or 802, sentCharlemagnesa number of thorns, which were deposited by him at Aachen, according to legend.


When Baldwin II, the Latin Emperor of Constantinople, was desperate for support for his shaky kingdom in 1238, he presented the crown of thorns to Louis IX of France, who accepted the offer. Despite the fact that it had been in the possession of the Venetians as security for a large debt of 13,134 gold pieces, it was redeemed and transported to Paris, where Louis IX built theSainte-Chapelle, which was finished in 1248, to welcome it. Following the French Revolution, after finding a temporary home at the Bibliothèque Nationale, theConcordat of 1801 returned it to the Catholic Church, where it is now housed in theCathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris, where it has remained since.

  • When the remaining jewels from the Sainte-Chapelle were on display at the Louvre in 2001, the chaplet was ceremoniously presented every Friday at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris.
  • The relic can only be viewed on the first Friday of the month, when it is displayed for a special veneration Mass, and on each Friday of Lent, when it is displayed for a special veneration Mass.
  • During the Notre-Dame de Paris fire on April 15, 2019, members of the Paris Fire Brigade were on hand to salvage the relic.
  • According to M.
  • Louis and his successors, had already been taken from the ring of rushes and were being maintained in a separate reliquary at the time the circlet was transported to Paris.
  • At Arras and Lyons, there are also some small shards of rush that have survived.
  • This plant grows to a height of fifteen to twenty feet and may be found growing in abundance along the side of the road in and around the city of Jerusalem.

The relic kept in the Capella della Spina in Pisa, as well as the relic conserved in the Trier Cathedral, both of which, despite their disputed and mysterious early histories, are among the greatest in size, provide an excellent instance of this uniqueness.

Third-class relics

Valentin Maler’s silver medal depicts Jesus Christ with a crown of thorns, made in Nuremberg in the 16th century. Interestingly, not all of the so-called holy thorns have been proven to be first-class replicas of the genuine crown of thorns. M. de Mély was able to compile a list of more than 700 names. De Mély (p. 362) writes that Peter de Averiogave to thecathedral of Angers, “unam de spinis quae fuit apposita coronae spinae nostri Redemptoris” (meaning, “one of the spines that were attached to the thorny crown of our Redeemer”), indicating that many of the thorns wererelicsof the third class—objects that had been touched by a re The term “sacramental” refers to a devotional object that has been touched to a first-class relic and, in this case, any of the objects used in the Crucifixion that carried the blood of Christ.

In Roman Catholic tradition, a relic of the first class is a part of the body of a saint or, in this case, any of the objects used in the Crucifixion that carried the blood of Christ; in this case, any of the objects used in the It is therefore difficult to trace the history of these objects of devotion, even in relatively current times, because first-class relics were frequently separated and any number of real third-class relics may exist.

Purported remnants

Christ on the Cross is a well-known image. The crown of thorns is depicted in a painting by Andrea Solario from 1513. During a journey to the Holy Land, French King Louis IXpurchased what is now known as the Crown of Thorns, which was worn by Jesus. It is still on display in Paris, at the Louvre Museum, until this day. Several thorns were given to other European royals by the French monarch: theHoly Thorn Reliquaryin theBritish Museum, for example, which contains a single thorn, was made in the 1390s for the French princeJean, duc de Berry, who is documented as having received more than one thorn from Charles V and VI, his brother and nephew.

Michael’s church in Ghent and the other atStonyhurst College, both of which claimed to be thorns handed to them by Mary, Queen of Scots.

Following Cruz 1984, the following items are listed in the “Gazetteer of Relics and Miraculous Images”:

  • A part of the crown of thorns (since 1561) has been displayed in the Wevelgem Parochial Church in Belgium. Belgium’s St. Michael’s Church, in Ghent, is a thorn in the crown of thorns. Czech Republic: Prague, St. Vitus Cathedral: A thorn of the crown of thorns, in the cross at the top of theCrown of Saint Wenceslas, which is a part of theBohemian Crown Jewels
  • A thorn of the crown of thorns, in the cross at the top of theCrown of Saint Wenceslas, which is a part of theBohemian Crown Jewels
  • This is the crown of thorns, which was brought from the Holy Land by Louis IX in the 12th century and from which individual thorns have been given by the French monarchs to other European royals
  • It is displayed on the first Friday of each month and on all Fridays during Lent (including Good Friday)
  • The crown of thorns, which was brought to Sainte-Chapelle by Louis IX, is also on display at the Cathedral of Trier in Germany
  • Germany:Cologne,Kolumba: A thorn from the crown of thorns, which was given to the Dominicans of Liège by Louis IX, as well as a second thorn from the treasure of St. Kolumba in Cologne
  • Germany:Elchingen: Church of the former Benedictine Abbey
  • Germany: Kloster Elchingen: a thorn from the crown of thorns that was donated to the church in 1650/51
  • Italy:Rome,Santa Croce in Gerusalemme: two thorns from the crown of thorns
  • Italy:Rome,Santa Prassede: a small portion of the crown of thorns
  • Italy:Pisa,Chiesa di Santa Chiara: a branch with thorns from the crown of t Italy: Ariano Irpino Cathedral: Two thorns from the crown of thorns
  • Portugal: Museum of St. Roque, SCML, Reliquary of the Holy Thorn
  • Spain: Museu de S. Roque, SCML, Reliquary of the Holy Thorn
  • Spain: The Cathedral of Oviedo has five thorns (formerly eight) from the crown of thorns. a thorn from Christ’s crown of thorns at Barcelona, Spain’s cathedral Seville’s Iglesia de la Anunciación (Hermandad del Valle) is regarded as “a thorn in the crown of thorns” by the locals. United Kingdom: British Museum, which has the Holy Thorn Reliquary (see above) and the Salting Reliquary, both of which include a thorn
  • Stanbrook Abbey, Worcester, United Kingdom: A thorn in the side of the crown of thorns
  • Stonyhurst College, Lancashire, United Kingdom: A thorn in the flesh of the crown of thorns A thorn from the crown of thorns at St. Anthony’s Chapel in Pittsburgh, United States Ukraine: Odessa, St. Prophet Elijah Monastery: a piece of a thorn from the crown of thorns
  • A fragment of a thorn from the crown of thorns


During the reign of St. Louis and following the construction of the Sainte-Chapelle, the presence of the crown of thorns in art, most notably on the head of Christ in depictions of the Crucifixion or on the topic of Ecce Homo, becomes more common. Several archaeologists claimed to have discovered a figure of the crown of thorns in the circle that sometimes surrounds a chi-rhoemblem on early Christiansarcophagi, according to the Catholic Encyclopedia, but the compilers concluded that it appeared to be just as likely that the circle was only intended to hold an alaurel wreath.

For example, in William Marshall’s printEikon Basilike, the executed English King Charles I is represented placing his earthly crown aside to accept the crown of thorns, symbolizing the martyrdom of King Charles the Martyr in the Christian tradition.

Another example of this contrast may be seen in the picture The Two Crowns by Frank Dicksee, which depicts two crowns. Carnations are a sign of passion, since they symbolise the crown of thorns on the head of the victim.

Photo gallery

  • Brescia’s Monumental cemetery contains a bronze bust of Jesus, which may be seen in this detail from the 1862 reliquary.

Criticism of the adoration of the crown of thorns

An attack on the veneration of the crown of thorns was made in 1543 by John Calvin in his workTreatise on Relics, which is still in print today. He mentioned several pieces of the crown of thorns that he was familiar with, which were placed in various towns. Calvin stated the following about the crown of thorns, based on a huge number of different sections of the plant: “With regard to the Crown of thorns, it would appear that its twigs have been placed in order for them to sprout again.” Otherwise, I’m baffled as to how it could have grown to such proportions.

  • Eustathius.
  • John, and the same number at Koningsberg.
  • Salvator in Spain, but I’m not sure how many; at Compostella, in the church of St.
  • Martin at Noyon, each location having a single However, if a thorough search is conducted, the number might be raised by a factor of four.
  • What method will be used to determine the truth?
  • As a result, it is simple to assume that the first twig of the tree presently on display sprouted several years after the death of our Lord.
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See also

  • Various names for the Arma Christi: Holy Sponge
  • Lance of Longinus
  • Titulus Crucis
  • Or the True Cross.
  • King of the Jews
  • Jesus, King of the Jews
  • Jesus’ life as recorded in the New Testament
  • Man of Sorrows
  • Paliurus spina-christi
  • Paliurus spina-christi The Radiant Crown
  • The Solar Symbol
  • The Sorrowful Mysteries
  • The Ziziphus spina-christi
  • And other symbols


  1. Davisson, Darrell D., et al (2004). Kleinhenz, Christopher (author) (ed.). The first volume of Medieval Italy: An Encyclopedia is available online. ISBN 9780415939294
  2. Abingdon, England: Routledge, p. 955.ISBN9780415939294
  3. Athénas Clicquot, Athénas Clicquot (9 September 2019). “Notre-Dame: la couronne d’épines est présentée à nouveau a la vénération des fidèles” (Notre-Dame: the Crown of Thorns is presented to the next generation of faithful) (in French). Retrieved2020-09-15
  4. s^ J. Charles Wall is a writer who lives in the United States (2016). When and How the Relics of the Crucifixion Arrived at Their Destination Publisher: Sophia Institute Press. Page number: 95. ISBN: 9781622823277. retrieved on April 19, 2019
  5. Published in “Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Scriptores Merovingenses”, I, 492
  6. Ab”The Epitome of S. Eucherius About Certain Holy Places: And the Breviary or Short Description of Jerusalem,” I, 492
  7. Ab”The Epitome of S. Eucherius About In 1896, the Palestine Pilgrims’ Text Society published an edition edited by Aubrey Stewart and C.W. Wilson (1896). Of the holy places that Antoninus Martyr (about 560–570 AD) visited, this is one of the most significant. The Palestine Pilgrims’ Text Society is based in London. “France: Kissing the authentic Crown of Thorns worn by Jesus | Minor Sights,” which was retrieved on April 16, 2019, may be seen here. Retrieved on 2016-08-05
  8. AbcCherry, 22
  9. “Den virtuella floran:Juncus arcticusWilld” (Den virtuella floran:Juncus arcticusWilld). The Naturhistoriska riksmuseet is located in Sweden. 20 July 2018
  10. “France: Kissing the original Crown of Thorns| Minor Sights”. Retrieved 20 July 2018. On the 5th of August, 2016, the rector of Notre Dame Cathedral stated that a “computer fault” may have been the cause of the fire. CBS News, April 19, 2019
  11. Herbert Thurston is a famous American author (1908). This is referred to as the “Crown of Thorns.” The Catholic Encyclopedia, Fourth Edition. Appletons of New York, 22–23
  12. Cherry, 22–23
  13. ABC Father Gerard’s Life, by John Morris, published in London in 1881, pages 126-131
  14. Vandaele, Luc (20 March 2006). “Under the protection of the Heilige Doorn (Wevelgem)”. The Dutch newspaper Het Nieuwsblad (in Dutch). 4 February 2014
  15. Retrieved 4 February 2014
  16. Manfred Deger is a German writer (24 August 2011). “Believe: The Dorn and the Bruderschaft,” says the narrator. The Augsburg Allgemeine is a daily newspaper published in Augsburg, Germany (in German). 4 February 2014
  17. Mullett, Michael (Mullett, Michael) (19 May 2011). The Works of John Calvin. Abingdon, England: Routledge, p. 105.ISBN9780415476980
  18. An Admonition showing, the Advantages which Christendom might derive from an Inventory of Relics(1844) by John Calvin, translated by Henry Beveridge


  • John Cherry is a writer who lives in the United States (2010). The Holy Thorn Reliquary, published by The British Museum Press, ISBN 978-0714128207
  • Westerson, Jeri, published by The British Museum Press, ISBN 978-0714128207
  • (2009). The Serpent in the Thorns is a Gothic novel set in the Middle Ages. Minotaur Books, ISBN 978-0312649449. New York: Minotaur Books. In reference to the crown of thorns, this is fiction.

It is included into this article via reference to a work that is now in the public domain: Herbermann, Charles (ed (1913). “The Crown of Thorns” is a fantasy novel. The Catholic Encyclopedia is a resource for learning about the Catholic faith. The Robert Appleton Company is based in New York.

External links

The crown of thorns worn by Jesus Christ was among the priceless relics spared from the fire that engulfed Notre Dame church in Paris, but how did it get there? The crown of thorns worn by Jesus Christ was among the priceless relics spared from the fire that engulfed Notre Dame church in Paris, but how did it get there? Could the thing that Christians consider to be among the most precious of all religious artifacts have actually perched atop Jesus Christ’s head during his crucifixion more than 2000 years ago be the same one that Christians believe to be the same object?

  1. Simply said, the crucifixion and the crown of thorns are symbols of Christ’s suffering for the sake of mankind and his willingness to lay down his life for the sake of the entire universe.
  2. RELATED: The Crown of Thorns, which belonged to Jesus Christ, was salvaged from the Notre Dame fire.
  3. Given that the anno Domini years or AD historical timeline began with Jesus’ birth, it is believed that the crucifixion occurred around the year 33AD.
  4. The Romans scourged Jesus and then killed him after he claimed to be the son of God.
  5. Scourging is the act of flogging someone with a lash with numerous thongs, often with metal connected to increase the severity of the harm.
  6. For the purpose of increasing his humiliation and making fun of his claim to be “king of the Jews,” he was presented with a crown constructed from local thorn bushes that had been twisted into a circlet to wear on his head.
  7. His hands and feet were driven through nails in a wooden cross, which held him in position between two criminals who were being crucified for their crimes.

The agony of Jesus, his death by crucifixion while wearing the crown of thorns, and the events leading up to his resurrection are collectively referred to as “the Passion.” After his death and the emergence of Christianity as a religious movement, it was said that a relic of Jesus’s crown of thorns was still in existence, and that it was being treasured and revered by the devout.

  • During the year 409AD, a Roman poet named Paulinus of Nola wrote about “the thorns with which Our Saviour was adorned,” which were being held beside a cross and the pillar on which he was scourged, all of which were being kept together.
  • A putative crown of thorns was said to have been worshipped in Jerusalem starting in the fifth century and continuing for hundreds of years after that.
  • Constantine was the one who, in 330AD, accepted Christianity and worked to guarantee that it spread across his realm.
  • The fact that there are over 500 of these purported holy relics in existence in reliquaries today indicates that many of them are not real.
  • It was a present Baldwin gave to a prominent prospective ally in order to gain support for his disintegrating empire.
  • Sainte-Chapelle, located on the Ile de la Cite in the River Seine, was created by King Louis XIV to receive and retain the relic, as well as other sacred relics.
  • Two Dominican friars escorted the crown of thorns and other relics from Venice to the city of Paris, where they were venerated.

The king then dressed in a barefoot penitent’s robe and entered the chapel with the crown of thorns and relics in his possession.

Louis’s collection now includes fragments of Christ’s Cross that were purchased.

This precious relic remained at Sainte-Chapelle until the French Revolution, when it was relocated to the Abbey of Saint-Denis, where it stayed until its discovery by a group of pilgrims in 1790.

Every Good Friday, at a special liturgy at Notre Dame, the crown of thorns, which is currently kept in a gilded and crystalline reliquary, is brought out for the devout to venerate.

The Ziziphus spina-christi plant provides the thorns that may be found in numerous reliquaries, including the rooster that stood guard at the base of Notre Dame’s tower until the first fire broke out.

According to legend, the oldest known Ziziphus tree is 2000 years old and may be found south of Jerusalem in the Israeli town of Ein Hatzeva. It is believed by locals that this was the tree from which Christ’s crown of thorns was fashioned. [email protected]

What was the actual thorn plant that was used in Christ’s crown of thorns? John 19:2

Euphorbia milii, the thorn plant thought to have been used to fashion the “crown of thorns” that was placed upon Jesus’s head, is the species of thorn plant that was utilized. I actually have a cutting of this plant in a container that I’m using as an example (and growing). It is around 50mm in height, has yellow blooms, and the thorns, which measure approximately 5mm in length, have already begun to sprout up the entire stem. They are also quite pointed and sharp in their appearance. Plants of this kind are climbers, and they may reach as high as 1 meters in height.

  1. In warmer areas, it is grown as a garden plant; but, in our location, it is purely a houseplant.
  2. The majority of these succulents have red bracts, but there are several variants available in a range of warm hues, including pink, coral, yellow, and orange.
  3. The use of disposable gloves when handling the plant is recommended since some persons are sensitive to the latex and may get an itchy rash that looks similar to poison ivy.
  4. An allusion to the narrative that a wreath or crown constructed from the leaves of this plant was put on the head of Christ during His crucifixion may be found in the plant’s name.
  5. The plant Euphorbia milii (previously known as Euphorbia splendens) is native to Madagascar, and it was introduced to the Middle East before the time of Christ, therefore it is plausible that the tradition is correct.

Why Was Jesus Given a Crown of Thorns?

It is a little-known fact of Jesus’ horrific journey to the crucifixion that the soldiers who beat him clothed him in a purple robe and set a crown of thorns on his head. A crown of thorns was placed on Jesus’ head in order to insult him for declaring to Pilate in front of the entire world that while he is a king, his kingdom is not of this world (seeJohn 18:36). The soldiers intended to insult Jesus by putting a crown of thorns on his head, but there may be more to the symbolism of the crown of thorns than meets the eye first.

It was anything but that.

However, Jesus was put to die since that was the reason he came to earth in the first place: to save the world and make salvation available for all peoples and countries, which was the purpose of his coming.

Symbolism and Meaning of Jesus’ Crown of Thorns

During this historical period, placing a crown of thorns on Jesus’ head would not have been considered a customary component of the crucifixion process. The Romans utilized crucifixion as a means of punishing criminals. The soldiers put a crown of thorns on Jesus’ head, according to the record of his crucifixion that may be found in the Gospels. Pilate had been informed by Jesus that his kingdom was not of this world. The soldiers wrapped a purple robe around Jesus’ waist and placed a crown of thorns on his head, yelling, “Hail, King of the Jews” in response (seeJohn 19:2-3).

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Symbolizing the dignity and majesty of the monarchy, they attempted in vain to humiliate him with a thorn-encrusted crown, which they eventually abandoned.

Scriptures Mentioning the Crown of Thorns

Pilate had Jesus flogged and whipped before he was sentenced to death on the cross by the Romans. Three of the four Gospels expressly indicate that Jesus was beaten by Roman troops and then had a crown of thorns placed on his head by the soldiers after he was beaten. In the four Gospels, it is usual for details to differ from one another. The four Gospels, taken together, provide a comprehensive account of Jesus’ ministry and life on earth. It says in Matthew 27:29: “And after wrapping the wreath around His head, they placed it on His head and a reed in His right hand; and they knelt before Him and insulted Him, saying, ‘Hail, King of the Jews!'” “They dressed Him up in purple, and after winding a crown of thorns around His head, they placed it on Him.” Mark 15:17 “And the soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and placed it on His head, and they clothed Him in a purple robe,” says John 19:2.

There is a lot of emotion in the narratives of this event in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John.

The crown of thorns, which was originally intended to inflict pain and insult Jesus and his claims to be a king, has instead been transformed into a powerful reminder of precisely who Jesus is and what he went through in order to redeem the world.

Why Was Jesus Humiliated before His Death?

As part of the crucifixion process, the soldiers insulted and humiliated Jesus, and he suffered as a result. They took advantage of Jesus’ declaration that he was a king and used it against him to insult and humiliate him. The troops slapped him and made light of his aspirations to kingship. He was humiliated. The soldiers were unable to recognize Jesus for who he truly was because of their pride, animosity, or whatever else they were feeling at the time. For Jesus died even to atone for the sins of the soldiers.

Where Else Do We See Thorns in the Bible?

The Bible has several references to thorns, which may be found in both the Old and New Testaments. These alludes to the negative meaning of the term, as well as the desolation associated with thorns, which is reinforced by these allusions. “However, if you do not drive away the occupants of the land from before you, it will come about that those who remain of them will become as pricks in your eyes and as thorns in your sides, and they will cause you difficulty in the place in which you reside,” says Numbers 33:55.

Plants will take over their silver valuables, and thorns will be found in their tents,” says the prophet.

“Grapes aren’t picked from thorn bushes, and figs aren’t picked from thistles, are they?” “For ground that drinks the rain that frequently falls on it and produces vegetation helpful to people for whose reason it is also tilled obtains a blessing from God; nevertheless, if it yields thorns and thistles, it is useless and on the verge of being cursed, and it ultimately ends up being burnt.” These are only a few of the texts in the Bible that make mention of thorns, but arguably the most notable is the usage of the term thorns in Genesis when God talked of the curse that followed the transgression of Adam and Eve.

According to Genesis 3:17-18, “Cursed is the ground because of you; you will eat sustenance from it all the days of your life, through terrible toil,” says the Lord.

It was the Roman soldiers who used a crown of thorns, which was a remnant of the original curse, to lay it on the head of Jesus, who would go on to bring atonement, salvation, and hope to the entire world.

True to its symbolism, this was a striking representation of the sin and death from which Jesus was going to liberate the world via his death and resurrection.

What Does the Crown of Thorns Teach Us about Who Jesus Is?

Thorns are linked with curses, death and dying, agony and grief, and the sin of doing an act of injustice. In order to free the world from death, the Roman soldiers crowned Jesus with thorns, symbolizing his willingness to take on all of humanity’s sins and suffering. What the soldiers intended to be a parody of Jesus’ claims to be a king turned out to be a demonstration of exactly who Jesus is. Jesus is referred to as “the King of kings.” He is the only one who can save the world. He took on the humiliation, grief, and sins of the entire world in order to save and redeem us from our sins.

What we learn from Jesus’ suffering with the crown of thorns is that his love for mankind knows no limitations, and that he is even prepared to suffer devastation because he loves us and has created a path for us to be saved.

A Love Unlike Any Other

Jesus’ crucifixion was horrible. He experienced unspeakable suffering, was beaten severely, and died on our behalf. When we contemplate all that Jesus went through, it becomes evident that the depth and breadth of his love is astonishing. Truly, Jesus’ love is unlike any other love we shall encounter. The crown of thorns laid on Jesus’ head should have been what we suffered, but Jesus took our place. Only he was worthy, and only he could serve as the pristine lamb sent to suffer a death that would redeem the world.

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Crown of Thorns (Bible History Online)

Soldiers from the Roman army insulted Jesus by placing a crown of thorns on his head, similar to the one seen in this painted image. According to Mark’s gospel, Jesus was insulted three times for acting like a king. The title of King was considered ludicrous by the Roman troops. Pontius Pilate delivered the death sentence against Jesus of Nazareth somewhere between six and nine o’clock in the morning. He delivered the instructions to the Roman troops that Jesus would be crucified, and they followed them.

  • The soldiers then dragged Jesus into the open court of the governor’s Palace, where he was scourged mercilessly.
  • The scourging is carried out using a whip known as a “flagrum,” which has shards of sharp objects imbedded into the cord, which was meant to remove flesh swiftly and efficiently.
  • As Jesus was bent over with a lacerated body, the soldiers acclaimed him as King of the Jews.
  • The book of Matthew 27:27–31 27 – Then the governor’s troops led Jesus into the common hall, where they assembled the entire band around him to worship him.
  • Then they put a crown of thorns on his head and a reed in the right hand of Jesus, and they bowed the knee in front of him and ridiculed him with the words “Hail, King of the Jews!” 30 – Afterward, they spat on him and got a reed and whacked him on the head with it.
  • In Smith’s Bible Dictionary, the term “Crown of Thorns” is defined as Mt 27:29 (Matthew 27:29) The Roman soldiers mocked our Lord by adorning him with thorns on his crown.

“Hasselquist, a Swedish naturalist, supposes a very common plant naba or nubka of the Arabs, with many small and sharp sines; soft, round, and pliant branches; leaves much resembling ivy, of a very deep green, as if in deliberate mockery of a victor’s wreath,” Read the Entire Article Easton’s Bible Dictionary includes the term “Crown of Thorns.” The Romans mocked our Lord by crowning him with a Crown of Thorns, which we call the Crown of Thorns (Matt.

  1. 27:29).
  2. There is no evidence to suggest that the shrub employed in this manner was the spina Christi, which could have been readily braided into a wreath, as has been suggested previously.
  3. Read the Entire Article The Bible Encyclopedia has a page dedicated to the Crown of Thorns (ISBE) thornz (akadnthinos stephanos) is a rapper from Athens, Greece.
  4. There is widespread agreement on the existence of the akanthine (Acanthus) crown, but there is no consensus on the nature of the strange plant from whose branches this horrible joke was plaited.
  5. And this term or an adjective derived from it appears in the three Gospels mentioned above.
  6. In the same way as Hasselquist did, Tobler (Denkbl., 113, 179) leans toward the Spina Christi.
  7. Its spines are short and sharp, its branches are soft, spherical, and malleable, and its leaves are shaped like ivy and have a dark, lustrous green hue, making it extremely adaptable to the needs of the soldiers who would use it for cover.

The Nubk is mentioned by both Geikie (Life of Christ, 549) and Farrar (Life of Christ, note 625) in their respective works (Zizyphus lotus).

However, despite the fact that the Nubk is quite prevalent along the coasts of the Sea of Galilee, I noticed none of it in the vicinity of Jerusalem.” The question cannot be resolved since it is clearly impossible.

The soldiers’ goal was to humiliate Him rather than to cause Him harm, and they grabbed whatever was closest to them at the time.

Read the Entire Article Message from the Heart The Crown of Thorns is a powerful weapon.

Salute to you, O King of the Jews!

They stripped him down to his underwear and draped him in a red robe before twisting a crown of thorns together and placing it on his head.

“Hail, king of the Jews!” they cried out in celebration.


The troops had a little sadistic fun with the wounded rescuer after scourging him, ridiculing his claims to Kingship by clothing him in a red gown, placing a staff in his hand, as if it were a king’s scepter, and brutally fashioning a crown out of thorns and pushing it into his scalp.

In wearing his crown of thorns, the crown that fallen mankind had put on His head, man demonstrated his full contempt for all God loves and values in the most heinous way possible.

He carried the thorns that were caused by man’s initial sin and disobedience in the garden, maybe as a vicarious witness, so that we could one day wear the crown of life and glory that he wore in the garden.

2:10, 2 Timothy 3:16) I saw heaven open out in front of me, with a white horse whose rider is known as Faithful and True standing in front of me.

His eyes are like flaming fire, and he wears a slew of crowns on his head.

His name is the Word of God, and he is clad in a robe that has been stained with blood.

A sharp blade emerges from his lips, and he intends to use it to bring the nations to their knees.

He is treading the winepress of the wrath of God Almighty, and it is a dangerous task.

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Paul writes in Philippians 4:1 that “my dearly beloved and longed-for brethren, my joy and crown, thus stand firm in the Lord, dearly beloved” (my joy and crown).

Exodus 37:26 To the uttermost bounds of the everlasting hills, the benefits of thy father have triumphed over the blessings of my progenitors: they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him who was separated from his siblings.

When thou hast profaned his crown to the ground, thou hast nullified the covenant of thy servant, according to Psalms 89:39.

2 In the meantime, the king’s crown, which was a talent of gold set with precious stones and had been on David’s head, was taken off his head by the king’s guard.

1 Chapter 20:2 – And David took the crown of their king off his head, and found it to weigh a talent of gold, with precious stones in it; and he put it on his head; and he brought out of the city an exceedingly large amount of loot as well.

“And Mordecai walked out from the presence of the king in royal attire of blue and white, with a huge crown of gold on his head and a robe of fine linen and purple on his body,” says Esther 8:15, “and the city of Shushan celebrated and was pleased.” Because the LORD has placed the crown of anointing oil of his God upon him, he shall not leave the sanctuary nor pollute the sanctuary of his God, according to Leviticus 21:12.

Children’s children are the crown of old men, and the splendor of children is the glory of their dad, according to Proverbs 17:6.

Then he brought forward the king’s son, and placed the crown on him as well as the testimony; and they anointed him as king, and they clapped their hands together and cried, “God preserve the king.” 2 Kings 11:12 – Afterward, they brought out the king’s son, and placed the crown on his head as well as the testament, and proclaimed him king.

According to the LORD’s command, he put the mitre on his head and the golden plate, the holy crown, on his forearm, as well as the mitre and the holy crown on his forearm, upon his forefront.

Then I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the clouds sat a figure like unto the Son of Man, who had a golden crown on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand (Revelation 14:14).

A crown of glory and a royal diadem shall be in the hand of the LORD, and thou shalt be in the hand of thy God, according to the word of the LORD. ‘And I set a gem on thy forehead, and earrings in thy ears, and a gorgeous crown upon thine head,’ says the Lord Ezekiel in chapter 16.

What Is the Meaning Behind Jesus’ Crown of Thorns?

In most cases, when we hear the term “crown,” we immediately conjure up images of opulence and aristocracy. Gold, silver, and precious stones are among the beautiful accessories that come to mind when we think of elegance. Many people have fantasized about what it would be like to wear one or to have a job that would allow them to earn one. The tale of Jesus’ crown of thorns, on the other hand, was rather different. All that was needed was the most basic of materials wrapped around in the shape of a circle and pushed into His immaculate head.

Aims were to humiliate and degrade Jesus, as well as to bring Him anguish and make Him bleed to death.

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What Was Jesus’ Crown of Thorns?

According to John Riha of Popular Mechanics, In order to create the famed “crown of thorns,” it is said that a circle of Euphorbia was put on Jesus’ head. And this plant is bad from the beginning to the end, as its sap is irritating to the skin and can be poisonous if consumed.” While Jesus was forced to wear this obnoxious headdress, I can’t imagine the discomfort, shame, and suffering he must have been feeling. If you have ever been poked or wounded by a thorn bush, you are well aware of the discomfort that may result from this.

  • In the whole Bible, the term “crown of thorns” is stated four different times.
  • “And then he twisted a crown of thorns together and placed it on his head,” Matthew 27:29 says.
  • Afterwards, they knelt in front of him and made fun of him.
  • In Mark 15:17, the Bible says, “They put a purple robe on him, then twisted a crown of thorns together and placed it on him.” “The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and placed it on his head,” according to John 19:2.
  • The Bible says in John 19:5 that “When Jesus came out, he was wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, and Pilate exclaimed, ‘Here is the guy!'” One thing I find fascinating about thorns is that they are generally found on lovely plants.
  • It’s comforting to realize that Jesus’ suffering and thorns were there to bring forth beauty.
  • To hold tight to this reality, we must remember Jesus suffered for us, and He is still with us, working through our trials to accomplish something magnificent for our benefit and the glory of the Father in heaven.

Almost certainly, it was made of thorny nabk, which grew abundantly around Jerusalem and whose flexible, pliant, and round branches could readily be platted into the shape of a crown.” “Another unique component of Christ’s experience – being insulted as King of the Jews — significantly increased to the suffering and blood loss He experienced,” Candace Lucey of Crosswalk explains in more detail.

When Christ was struck in the skull multiple times, it drove the thorns even farther into this location, enhancing the amount of bloodshed and suffering he experienced.

As a result, even little lacerations can result in significant bleeding, which can lead to hypovolemia, hypotension, and even death.'”

What Do Thorns Symbolize in the Bible?

Look at some of the references to thorns throughout the Bible to learn what they are used for, and how they are represented and shown.


Thorns were referenced during the curse of sin, which was delivered to Adam in Genesis 3:18. “It will generate thorns and thistles for you, and you will consume the vegetation of the field,” the curse stated. Thorns signified difficulties in the planting and harvesting process. Thorns were utilized to depict the consequences of disobedience, and they were arranged in a circle (Judges 8:16). God urged the Israelites to maintain boundaries with those who were not followers of God, lest they become a source of contention for the Israelites.

The people who dwell in the country where you will live will cause you problems.”


In addition, let us not forget about the “thorn in the flesh” that Paul refers to in 2 Corinthians 12:7 b. “As a result, in order to prevent me from being arrogant, a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, was placed in my body to torture me.”

Difficult Path

A passage from Proverbs 15:9 states that “the route of the sluggard is choked with thorns, but the way of the upright is a highway.” A person who lacks faith in the face of adversity really makes things more difficult for himself. Our lives become more difficult when we choose to rebel against the Lord’s designs, as opposed to when we choose to follow His way, which would have been less difficult.


Thorns are considered as obstacles that we must overcome. In Isaiah 27:4, Isaiah used thorns as a metaphor to express his displeasure. .if only there were briers and thorns in the way. “I would march against them in war and put them all on fire,” says the author. See also Isaiah 32:13, Isaiah 34:14, and Ezekiel 2:6 for further information.

Parable of the Sower

When Christ delivered the parable of the sower, he made a distinction between four different kinds of soil. One of the soils is particularly thorny. The seeds that fell on thorny soil were suffocated by the vegetation (Matthew 13:7). Afterward, each soil is discussed, and inMatthew 13:22Jesus explains, “The seed dropping amid thorns alludes to someone who hears the word, but the cares of this life and the deceitfulness of money choke the message, making it unfruitful.” Thorns are regarded as being concerned about the state of the world and deceiving wealth.

What Does Jesus’ Crown of Thorns Mean?

Jesus’ crown of thorns served as a vehicle for the Romans to make a mockery of Jesus’ authority as King. There was a lot of humiliation and resentment associated with this type of punishment. Take note of how Jesus accepted the pain and the disgrace on our behalf. The fact that He could have halted it and put them to shame is a testament to His willingness to suffer for the sake of the world’s salvation. As we approach Easter, this crown is particularly significant since Jesus is our King of Kings.

During Christ’s time as the wearer of the crown of thorns, He was on His way to become our Savior.

It was the punishment we earned for our misdeeds, the anguish we deserved for our actions, and the task that we should have each taken on individually.

As the Bible states in Romans 8:17, “Now, if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and coheirs with Christ, if, indeed, we participate in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.” If we are children, then we are heirs, according to the Bible.

Photograph courtesy of Getty Images/Javier Art Photography Emma Danzey’s life’s mission is inspired by Ephesians 3:20-21, and it is to encourage young women to embrace the remarkable in their lives.

She is the wife of Drew, with whom she has been married for more than a year.

Emma is a frequent contributor to Salem Web Network, where she writes articles on topics such as the Bible, life concerns, and the Christian lifestyle.

All honor and glory are due to the Lord!

Emma likes singing and songwriting, as well as exercise courses, testing new recipes, watching home improvement shows, and sipping tea.

She is now working on the last phases of editing her first published book on the subject of singleness.

Mukti has been striving to rebuild lives in India for more than 120 years, and they have helped thousands of people.

Also, follow the Her Many Hats podcast on Instagram (@her many hats) for more information.

It is our goal that these articles will assist you in understanding the significance and historical background of major Christian festivals and events, and that they will also encourage you as you take time to think on all that God has done for us through his son Jesus Christ!

What exactly is Holy Week?

What is the significance of Maundy Thursday?

What Is the Meaning of Easter?

Then, how come the most magnificent period in human history is surrounded by scared fisherman, loathed tax collectors, marginalized women, wimpy politicians, and disloyal friends?

As a devotional or study for both individuals and groups, this FREE audio offers a fresh perspective on the Lenten season. It is available for download now.

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