How Is Melchizedek Related To Jesus

Melchizedek as a Type of Christ

Melchizedek, the king of Salem, is one of the few people in the Bible who is cloaked in greater mystery than anybody else. The story of Melchizedek begins after the fight against the five kings in Genesis 14:17, when he appears seemingly out of nowhere and then disappears again. We don’t know anything about his ancestors, his family, or his accomplishments. There is little information available about him other than the fact that he was the ruler of neighboring Salem—the city that would one day be known as “Jerusalem”—and that he was referred to as “priest of God Most High” (Genesis 14:18).

Many centuries later, after the death and resurrection of Christ, the author of Hebrews examined the story of Melchizedek and found a number of parallels between him and the final High Priest and King of Jerusalem, Jesus.

Rather, the author established analogies between the two characters, implying that what Melchizedek was actually, Jesus Christ is literally in the New Testament.

In Hebrews 7:1–3, we learn about our Great High Priest, Jesus Christ, via the use of analogies that educate us about ourselves.

LiterarilyMelchizedek was. LiterallyJesus Christ is.
A priest outside the Levitical priesthood, therefore not a minister of the Law of Moses, which came much later Theultimate priest outside the Levitical priesthood, therefore not a minister of the Law of Moses, which He fulfilled
A “king of righteousness” according to a translation of his name The“king of righteousness” because He purchased righteousness for us on the cross
A “king of peace,” asSalemmeans “peace” ThePrince of Peace, who will one day bring a kingdom of universal peace
Without a record of parents, having neither his beginning nor end recorded in Scripture Theeternal Son of God, having neither beginning nor end, eternally one with the Father and the Holy Spirit as God the Son

However, this secret priesthood of Melchizedek looked forward to the eternal priesthood of Jesus Christ, who dispenses grace and compassion to us on the basis of His own sacrifice for our sins (Hebrews 7:11–28), which was not immediately apparent to Abram at the time.

About the author

Dallas Theological Seminary awarded Michael J. Svigel his master of theology in New Testament and doctor of philosophy in Theological Studies degrees (DTS). He is presently employed as an assistant professor of Theological Studies at DTS, where he teaches courses in theology and church history to students. His previous career as a writer at Insight for Living Ministries’ Creative Ministries Department came to an end when he accepted his post as a professor at the seminary in 2007. They are the parents of three children, whom Mike and his wife, Stephanie, raised together.

Svigel may be found here.

Who Is Melchizedek?

Despite the fact that he is one of the least mentioned and most obscure figures in the Old Testament, Melchizedek, the king-priest of Salem, is essential for understanding how Jesus holds the offices of king and priest, a dual honor that has little to no precedent among the Israelite kings. Melchizedek, the king-priest of Salem, is a foundational figure for understanding how Jesus occupies the offices of king and priest, a dual honor that But who is this enigmatic character in the first place?

Is it possible to better grasp the nature of Christ’s kingly and priestly duties via the lens of this dynastic order?

King Who Prepares the Table

While Melchizedek does not receive much attention in Scripture, his significance in redemptive history much outweighs the amount of space allotted to him in the Bible. In Hebrew, his name literally translates as “king of justice,” and he reigns over the city of Salem (or, “shalom,” which denotes cosmic, harmonic peace in the Hebrew language). The figure of Melchizedek, the King-Priest of Salem, serves as a basis for understanding how Jesus holds the twin roles of king and priest in the New Testament.

14:18–20), which are also the first three verses of the book of Genesis.

He even provides Abram “food and drink” after he has triumphed in battle over his adversaries.

The allusion in the gospel to the sacrament of communion should not be overlooked.

Anticipating a Better King

Considering his significance in redemptive history in relation to the quantity of space allocated to him in Scripture, Melchizedek commands a disproportionate amount of attention and reverence. His given name literally translates as “king of justice,” and he reigns over the city of Salem (also known as “shalom,” which signifies cosmic, harmonic peace in Hebrew.) A crucial figure in understanding how Jesus serves as both a king and a priest is Melchizedek, King of Salem and King-Priest of Israel.


It is important to note that the gospel makes reference to the sacrament of communion.

Eternal Melchizedekian King-Priest

A pre-incarnate Christ-figure is elevated in the New Testament by the writer of Hebrews, who describes Melchizedek as a pre-incarnate Christ. In addition to being everlasting, Melchizedek has no “parent” or “mother,” and “resembling the Son of God, he continues to serve as a priest eternally” (Heb. 7:3). Melchizedek’s prominence is further confirmed by Abraham’s tithe to him (Heb. 7:4). Melchizedek is the genuine king of righteousness, and Jesus is the only one who has lived the flawless life that no human being has ever been able to achieve.

  • In addition, Jesus is “a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek” (Heb.
  • 7:14), making his priesthood superior to that of Aaron and Moses (Heb.
  • As a result, “Jesus becomes the guarantee of a better covenant as a result of this” (Heb.
  • For this reason, “since he remains eternally” (Heb.
  • 7:25).
  • 7:25).
  • The fact that Jesus is the ideal Priest who mediates with unlimited mercy and sympathizes with us in our inadequacies provides consolation to believers as well (Heb.

Following our union with Christ, believers are reminded of their Melchizedekian calling to expand God’s kingdom through truth and justice as members of God’s royal family, as well as to serve as a channel of mercy and healing to the covenant community as well as the rest of the world, as members of God’s royal family.

Abraham, Melchizedek, and Jesus

TeamBible8 months ago byShara DrimallaBibleProject Team In Genesis 14, Abraham comes face to face with a strange person by the name of Melchizedek. So, who is this enigmatic Melchizedek, and what is his significance? During his triumphant return from a dangerous fight, Abraham walks through the city of Salem, where the king appears to greet him. We’re told that this monarch is also a priest, and that he worships the same deity as Abraham and Isaac. Why he worships Abraham’s God is not revealed to us.

We don’t know anything about his family history.

When we first meet this individual, he is described as In the book of Genesis, we are merely given a brief summary of the events.

Who Is Melchizedek in the Bible?

Let’s take a deeper look at what’s going on. Throughout the whole Hebrew Bible, Melchizedek is only referenced twice (Genesis 14:17-20 and Psalm 110:4). He is the ruler of Salem (literally, in Hebrew, Shalem), which is eventually identified as Jerusalem in the Hebrew Bible (see Psalm 76:1-2, which states that “God’s tent is in Salem, and his home is in Zion. “). Melchizedek is the book of Genesis’ first explicit royal priest, and he is referred to as such. The roles of Adam and Eve as royal priests are suggested, while Melchizedek is explicitly referred to as a royal priest.

That Melchizedek is a Canaanite who somehow knows about Yahweh is what we already know.

He is considered to be a legitimate priest of the God of Israel, yet he lived long before Israel was ever established and long before Yahweh was recognized by his given name, Yahweh (Exodus 3:12-15).

Abraham and Melchizedek

Consequently, what transpires at the meeting between Abraham and Melchizedek in Genesis 14? When Abraham walks through the city of Salem, Melchizedek appears to meet him and greets him with a feast and a benediction, according to the Bible. A blessing on Abraham is given by Melchizedek in the name of El ‘elyon, the Creator and Possessor of the heavens and the earth. He gives Abraham his blessing as a sign of God’s acknowledgement of Abraham’s particular relationship with him, recalling God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3 that all of the families of the earth will be blessed through him.

After that, we are left with the hope that Melchizedek and the city he controls would be blessed by God at some point in the future, if not immediately.

And it is through this interaction that the category of a royal priesthood in Jerusalem is established, which would be further expanded throughout the course of the Bible tale.

Melchizedek and the Messiah

It is not until Psalm 110 that we read about Melchizedek for the second time in the Bible. When it comes to David’s Psalm 110, he speaks of someone else who accepts the Covenant Oath of Yahweh—someone whom David addresses as “lord,” which is a phrase commonly used when addressing an individual who is descended from royalty. On the basis of 2 Samuel 7, we might assume that David is referring of his future progeny, who will inherit the messianic heritage, in his speech. Throughout the passage, God assures David that this seed (see Genesis 3:15) will come from his line of royal descendants, that David’s royal descendant would construct a home for the Lord, and that God will appoint this descendant as ruler of his realm (2 Samuel 7:12-13; 1 Chronicles 17:14).

This seed is depicted by the psalmist as a victorious warrior who exercises power over his adversaries (Psalm 110:1).

Psalm 110 offers a vivid picture of this prophesied seed, the Messiah, who would be a royal priest with an endless kingdom as well as an eternal priesthood, as shown in the book of Revelation.

Melchizedek and Jesus

In the New Testament, the author of Hebrews states that Jesus is the ultimate king and high priest, and that he is the Son of God. Jesus is seated on the throne above and will reign as king forever (Hebrews 1:3, 1:13; 2 Samuel 7:16). And what about his priesthood? Jesus is likened to the priests of Israel who descended from Aaron’s line (Hebrews 5-7). These priests represented Israel before God, and they gave sacrifices to atone for the sins of the Israelites on the altar. Those same priests, on the other hand, were morally imperfect individuals who needed to give sacrifices both for their own faults and for the transgressions of others.

  1. Jesus was the much-needed priest—the one who replaced the transient Levitical priesthood with an eternal one, thereby fulfilling the will of God.
  2. Instead, he was a priest of the Order of Melchizedek, the enigmatic priest-king of ancient Jerusalem who was a mystery to the ancients.
  3. Please keep in mind that Melchizedek is presented without any reference to his lineage and without any mention of his birth or death (Hebrews 7:3).
  4. The legitimacy of a man’s priesthood in the ancient world was determined by his ancestors’ lineage.
  5. Rather, he was actually “formed to resemble (Greek:aphomoiomenos) the Son of God, in that he continues to serve as a priest forever,” according to the Bible.
  6. Furthermore, Jesus retains his priesthood in perpetuity since “he remains eternally” (Hebrews 7:11-28, Psalm 110:4).
  7. By virtue of his ascension and celestial enthronement, Jesus, as the promised royal priest-king, was elevated into the eternal priesthood (Psalm 110:4; Hebrews 8:1-2, 9:11-12).

And since he “always lives to make intercession” for those who come close to God through him, his everlasting priesthood provides “a better hope through which we approach God.” He is “a better hope through which we approach God” (Hebrews 7:19, 7:25).

Jesus, Our Royal Priest

Jesus, as the resurrected King, is presently reigning as the great high priest in the universe (Hebrews 8:1). Because Jesus will continue to serve as a priest in perpetuity, he will be able to deliver people who come close to God through him for all time (Hebrews 7:24-25). It is important to note the comprehensive and expansive character of the term “forever.” Jesus has the ability to completely rescue all individuals who come into contact with God via him. And in his capacity as an everlasting priest, Jesus is always present to intercede on behalf of his followers.

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Because of Jesus’ everlasting priesthood, those who follow him are free to approach the throne of grace with confidence and boldness.

It is always possible to turn to Jesus for compassion and find grace to aid us in our times of need, regardless of the season, the age, or the spectacular highs and excruciating lows of life.

This is the second installment of the “The Royal Priest” blog series, which is linked to the “The Royal Priest” video series.

How to Find Jesus in the Story of Melchizedek

Despite the fact that Melchizedek appears just briefly in Genesis 14, this priest is given a place in the hall of faith in the New Testament. As a matter of fact, Melchizedek, the king of Salem (in other translations, Sodom), and priest of God Most High, is frequently compared to Jesus in the New Testament. In the story of Abraham, Melchizedek arrives on the scene after Abraham has defeated five kings. His blessing is bestowed on Abraham, who subsequently grants him a tenth of everything he owns as a reward.

The priest-king whom Abraham (then known as Abram) encounters in Genesis 14 will be discussed in further detail in this article.

Let’s get started!

Who Was Melchizedek?

As previously stated, Melchizedek is the king of Salem as well as a priest of the Most High God. Let us first examine Melchizedek’s many functions before delving deeper into his personal identity. The fact that he was king of Salem, a town that would later be referred to as Jerusalem, indicated that he was from a region that would be significant in Israel’s subsequent history. Regarding his priestly responsibilities, we’ll go into greater detail about them in the part below. That he offers bread and wine should be noted down for future reference.

We also don’t know anything about Melchizedek’s ancestors (Hebrews 7).

Melchizedek, according to certain rabbinic beliefs, was Noah’s son Shem.

Although academics have vigorously discussed his genuine personhood, the majority of them, including Matthew Henry in his commentary, have determined that Jesus was, in fact, a man and not the Son of God, as others have suggested.

What Does the Name “Melchizedek” Mean?

Melchizedek, also known as Malki-Tzedek in certain languages, literally translates as “my king.” John J. Parsons explains that because the word tzedek denotes “justice” or “righteousness,” many academics have mistranslated his name to mean “just king” or “righteous king,” respectively. Similarly, the term Salem comes from the Hebrew word Shalom, which meaning “peace.” It’s possible that his given name also meant “King of Peace.” Both of these names are confirmed in Hebrews 7. So it’s no surprise that so many academics have argued over Melchizedek’s probable divine position as the Son of God – after all, it seems strange that a mere human could possibly have a name that literally translates as “king of righteousness,” as suggested in Hebrews 7.

What Did Melchizedek Do?

In terms of the specifics of what Melchizedek accomplishes in his function as a priestly monarch, we don’t receive many insights from the Bible. Abraham receives a blessing from God via the breaking of the bread and wine sacrament, which is performed by him. In order to address this issue, we must first consider the function of priests in the Old Testament, keeping in mind that the responsibilities may differ somewhat from one another. After all, it is not until the time of Aaron, Moses’ brother, in the book of Exodus that the priesthood is established.

  1. This group was responsible for administering sacrifices, particularly on key holidays throughout the year such as Passover, and they were separated into twenty-four distinct sub-types (1 Chronicles 24:7-18).
  2. They were also especially from the tribe of Levi, according to tradition.
  3. This passage makes it very evident that the order of the priesthood of Melchizedek has eternal significance.
  4. Photograph courtesy of Getty Images /mbolina

What Is a “High Priest”?

A distinction exists between priests and high priests according to the teachings of the Bible. Even while the priests’ responsibilities ranged from caring for the sacrificial lambs to keeping the temple in good repair, it was the high priest who had the huge responsibility of acting as a mediator between the people and God on one specific day of the calendar year. The high priest would visit the most sacred place in the Temple on the Day of Atonement (Exodus 28), which was the ark of the covenant (or Tabernacle, depending on the Old Testament timeline).

He would sprinkle the blood of the sacrifice for the people and himself on the sacred seat of the congregation (the ark of the covenant).

After all, the priesthood of Aaron continued to function well after his death.

In addition, even if Jesus is descended from the order of Melchizedek, we do know that a specific sacrifice Jesus made on earth (his crucifixion) tore the curtain to the holy of holies in half, making atonement for our sins possible.

Why Is Jesus “of the Order of Melchizedek”?

Hebrews 7 reveals that Jesus is descended from the priesthood of Melchizedek, which has also been stated earlier. In fact, a significant chunk of Hebrews 7 connects Jesus to Melchizedek’s priesthood. Certain prototypes of Jesus (Adam, David, and so on) may be found throughout the Old Testament; nevertheless, they are seldom given more than a half-chapter in the Bible to themselves. So what is the significance of this? First and foremost, this demonstrates that Jesus is a member of a higher priesthood than Aaron.

The priesthood of Melchizedek, on the other hand, has an everlasting worth, and it will continue to exist no matter what occurs.

We don’t talk about this job as much in churches because most of us aren’t familiar with priests, as opposed to kings or even shepherds, which are other names that Jesus has been bestowed upon himself.

Jesus acts as a mediator for us in the same way as priests do.

Pointing to a Greater Priesthood

Many years have passed since a small number of poems concerning a guy who lived thousands of years ago sparked a tremendous lot of controversy. The enigmatic figure of Melchizedek appears to have a longer lifespan than Aaron’s priesthood, which appears to have spanned whole books of Scripture. As Christians, we should be concerned about this because, as Melchizedek demonstrates, no detail is too tiny in the Bible’s narrative. The fact that he is an archetype of Jesus guides us toward a larger priesthood that will remain forever.

  1. He serves in a similar capacity to the Levitical priests and the High Priest, serving as a mediator between the people and God.
  2. Jesus, who comes from the order of Melchizedek, fulfills the ultimate high priestly duty and atones for our sins, allowing the people to come face to face with God, rather than via a single man once a year, as had previously been the case.
  3. More than 1,200 of her pieces have been published in a variety of journals, ranging from Writer’s Digest to Keys for Kids, among others.
  4. Jenkins and Michelle Medlock Adams.

She is also a co-author of the Dear Heroduology, which was published by INtense Publications and is available for purchase online. Her inspirational adult novel Picture Imperfect, which will be released in November of 2021, will also be released. You may learn more about her by visiting her website.

Who was Melchizedek?

QuestionAnswer Genesis 14:18–20; Psalm 110:4; Hebrews 5:6–11; Hebrews 6:20–7:28; Melchizedek’s name literally translates as “king of righteousness.” Melchizedek was a king of Salem (Jerusalem) and a priest of the Most High God (Genesis 14:18–20; Psalm 110:4). A mystery surrounds Melchizedek’s presence and absence in the book of Genesis, which occurs at the same time. In the aftermath of Abraham’s victory over Chedorlaomer and his three associates, Melchizedek and Abraham first met. Melchizedek brought bread and drink to Abraham and his exhausted soldiers as a gesture of friendship, exhibiting his compassion.

  1. Melchizedek was presented with a tithe (a tenth) of all the stuff that Abraham had gathered for him.
  2. Melchizedek is depicted as a pattern of Christ in Psalm 110, a messianic psalm authored by David (Matthew 22:43), and is referred to as such in the Bible.
  3. According to Hebrews 7:1–10, the writer demonstrates that Christ’s new priesthood is superior to the old levitical order and the priesthood of Aaron by mentioning Melchizedek and his one-of-a-kind priesthood as a pattern of the old.
  4. Given the fact that Abraham had previously experienced a visit of this nature, this is a plausible scenario.
  5. According to Hebrews 6:20, “has been elevated to the position of perpetual high priest in the order of Melchizedek.” Ordinarily, the termorder would be used to describe a succession of priests who held the position.

As a result, He is the only one who has the authority to establish “order.” Melchizedek, according to Hebrews 7:3, was “without father or mother, without ancestry, without beginning of days or end of life, resembling the Son of God, he remains a priest forever,” implying that he had no biological parents or ancestors.

  • If the description in Hebrews is taken literally, it is difficult to see how it could be applied to anybody else other than the Lord Jesus Christ in its entirety.
  • According to the interpretation of Genesis 14, God the Son appeared to Abraham to offer him His blessing (Genesis 14:17–19), appearing as the King of Righteousness (Revelation 19:11,16), the King of Peace (Isaiah 9:6), and the Mediator between God and Man (Isaiah 9:6).
  • If Melchizedek’s description is metaphorical, then the specifics about him having no ancestry, no origin or end, and a never-ending ministry are just words intended to emphasize the enigmatic character of the person who met Abraham, rather than a literal depiction.
  • Is Melchizedek and Jesus the same person or two different people?
  • The figure of Melchizedek is, at the absolute least, a pattern of Christ, prefiguring the Lord’s ministry.

However, it is probable that Abraham, after a long and exhausting war, came face to face with and honored the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Go back to the page with all of the Bible questions. Who was Melchizedek, and what was his significance?

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Who Was the Mysterious Melchizedek in the Bible?

For ages, religious philosophers and historians have been attracted (and perplexed) by the fascinating biblical character of Melchizedek, whose identity remains a mystery. He makes a brief but significant appearance in Genesis — the first book of the Hebrew Bible (known to Christians as the Old Testament) — when he blesses the patriarch Abram and is introduced as the “priest of the Most High God,” a title that he retains throughout the rest of the book. A variety of Jewish factions and early Christians derived their own divergent views of who Melchizedek was and what he signified from that one reference.

  1. Melchizedek, on the other hand, was considered a “type” or predecessor of Jesus Christ by early Christians since they both gained power from an everlasting and greater priesthood, which was shared by both.
  2. Who was the actual Melchizedek, and what was his story?
  3. He does not claim to be the “son of” anybody.
  4. However, studying the many interpretations and reinterpretations of the meaning of Melchizedek throughout history is both intriguing and educational.

Melchizedek Makes His Only Appearance

The book of Genesis 14 begins with a tale of conflict. King Kedorlaomer of Elam ruled over a swath of cities, including Sodom and Gomorrah, and was known as the “King of the Cities.” Eventually, after 12 years of service, there was an insurrection, which Kedorlaomer put down quickly and ruthlessly, capturing captives and loot from the rebellious cities in the process. Lot, the nephew of “Abram the Hebrew,” was one of those taken prisoner, according to the book of Genesis 14. Because he had not yet entered into a covenant with God, Abram was not yet known as Abraham at this time in the tale.

  1. After gathering 318 well-trained servants, Abram launched a nighttime attack on Kedorlaomer, following the enemy all the way to Damascus and reclaiming the stolen goods and people, including Lot.
  2. Lot and his family were residents of Sodom.
  3. A new character is introduced before the king of Sodom gets a chance to speak because Genesis adds a figure who has not before been named in the vast lists of fighting monarchs.
  4. As God’s High Priest, he blessed Abram with the words, “Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth.
  5. As we’ll see, a great deal has been made of those few pieces of poetry.
  6. This high priest, whose elevated status and power precedes all of the old prophets, was receiving a tribute from Abram, and he was grateful.

Melchizedek, on the other hand, vanishes immediately following this watershed point in the development of monotheism. After that, we’re back in the land of Sodom, where the ruler of Sodom gives Abram a portion of the spoils of war. But Abram, being a good man, declines the offer.

The King of Sodom Becomes the King of Salem

So, how can we account for Melchizedek, priest-king of Salem, being inserted into the battle story of Genesis 14 in such an odd manner? Some intriguing views have been advanced by Robert Cargill, a professor of classical studies and religious studies at the University of Iowa. Cargill’s most recent book, ” Melchizedek, King of Sodom: How Scribes Invented the Biblical Priest-King,” argues that Melchizedek was first presented as the king of Sodom, based on textual evidence from the oldest Hebrew and Greek translations of Genesis 14.

  1. That would explain why Melchizedek is introduced into the story so quickly after the king of Sodom welcomes Abram and his descendants.
  2. The scribes, according to Cargill, substituted the city of Sodom for Shalem, which is a well-known city in Samaria.
  3. Cargill explains that this is the product of yet another instance of textual “tampering” that occurred afterwards.
  4. They worshipped the same God as Jews, but they also had their own priests and a temple on Mount Gerizim in Samaria, which they built for themselves.
  5. By presenting Abram as paying tithes to the priest-king of Salem, it boosted the authority of the priests in Jerusalem who might now collect tithes from their flocks, too.

Early Christians Take the Ball and Run With It

Despite the fact that Melchizedek occurs just once in the Bible, his name is mentioned in two other places. The first is found in Psalm 110, which is typically credited to King David, according to tradition. Throughout Psalm 110, God expresses his love and commitment to “my lord,” a figure who may be King David himself or, in subsequent Christian interpretations, the personification of Jesus Christ. Among the many promises to demolish the Lord’s adversaries, Psalm 110 declares that “you are a priest for all time, according to the order of Melchizedek.” This single allusion to Melchizedek in Psalm 110, together with the substantially edited narrative in Genesis, served as a theoretical foundation for early Christian apologists such as Paul, who were entrusted with establishing the divinity and authority of Jesus following his death and resurrection.

As Paul (or someone else — the authorship of the book of Hebrews is unclear) argues in a letter to a young Christian community that is struggling to break away from its Jewish beliefs and traditions, the book of Hebrews asserts, among other things, that the power and authority granted to Jesus Christ outweigh those granted to all of Israel’s prophets and high priests.

  • Melchizedek, according to Paul, was “the king of Salem and the priest of the Most High God.” He was both a king and a high priest, which was thought to be impossible at the time by Jews at the time.
  • In response to King Uzziah’s attempt to fire an incense stick in the temple, God smote him down with leprosy.
  • The apostle Paul stated that Jesus’ priestly power was eternal and everlasting to Jews who didn’t think that Jesus, a non-Levite, could provide a sacrifice (in this case, of himself) for their sins.
  • Ironically, Paul mentions that Melchizedek, whose name means “king of justice,” was also known as the “king of Salem” or the “king of peace,” in an ironic twist.

By altering the name of the city from Shalem to Salem, the Levite priests unintentionally enhanced the connection between Melchizedek, the “king of peace,” and Jesus, the “Prince of Peace,” according to tradition.

The Apocryphal Adventures of Melchizedek

The image of Melchizedek evidently captivated many readers of the Hebrew Bible throughout his time on earth. It was during the Second Temple period that the production of pseudodepigraphical texts began to flourish. These were works in which the authorship claimed to be that of ancient prophets and biblical figures such as Moses and Adam as well as Enoch and others, but which actually belonged to a much more modern authorship group. We have a strange history for our pal Melchizedek, according to a document known as2 Enoch, which was most likely authored in Egypt around the first century CE.

  1. His younger brother Nir had an elderly wife who became pregnant with a miraculously implanted child.
  2. Nir accused her of having an affair with him, and she died as a result of her sadness.
  3. However, as they were excavating the grave, the child came from his deceased mother’s womb as a three-year-old who could walk and communicate!
  4. They also saw that he had the “badge of priesthood,” which they thought to be a sign that God had brought the priestly bloodline to Earth.
  5. Later, Michael said that Melchizedek would return to Salem as the priest-king of the city and would establish a priestly line that would eventually lead to the messiah.
  6. Despite the fact that it is merely a fragment, it appears to suggest that Melchizedek was to be reborn as Jesus Christ, which is a step farther than simply being a “type” for Jesus.

The Mystery of Melchizedek Solved!

There are few mysteries in the Bible that have piqued the public’s attention as much as the enigma surrounding the identity of Melchizedek. Who exactly is he? Following Jesus Christ’s resurrection, you will learn in Hebrews 6:19-20 that He has been appointed High Priest “according to the order of Melchizedek.” The plainer English of the Moffatt translation states it as follows: “. with the rank of,” which means that it is on an equal footing with “Melchizedek.” Melchizedek served as God’s high priest.

  1. Turn down to Genesis 14 and read the tale.
  2. His belongings, as well as those of his family, were taken away.
  3. Abraham rescued Lot and his family and brought them back to the Canaanite cities in a safe and secure manner.
  4. Melchizedek was the one who ministered to Abraham.

After blessing Abram, he exclaimed: ‘Blessed be Abram by God Most High, the creator of the heavens and the world; and blessed be God Most High, who has delivered your adversaries into your hands!’ Also, Abram gave him a tenth of all that Abram had “That is, a tithe of everything, since a tithe is a tenth (Genesis 14:18-20, RSV).

  • That is the location of the city of Jerusalem.
  • The name Melchizedek itself translates as “King of Righteousness” in the Hebrew language (Hebrews 7:2).
  • “The Eternal hath vowed, and will not repent, Thou are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek,” David said, referring to Christ in a prophetic manner.
  • Before we look to the book of Hebrews to find out who Melchizedek is, it’s important to understand that this mysterious character is merely a mystery to us.
  • They must have recognized him from somewhere.
  • Furthermore, Canaan was a descendant of Ham, but God primarily picked the descendants of Shem to carry out His purposes.
  • Before we go any farther, let me give you one more hint.
  • Why?
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The Mysteries Have Been Solved The prophet Melchizedek is mentioned in Hebrews 7, where he is described as follows: “For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him; to whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace” (Hebrews 7:1-2).

  1. Since God names persons according to their characteristics, that is exactly what this guy is.
  2. Consider the possibilities!
  3. Human self-righteousness is as worthless as dirty rags in the eyes of God.
  4. In fact, none other than One of the Godhead, the divineKingdom of God, would be crowned as the King of Righteousness.
  5. Why?
  6. God is the Supreme Ruler or King since He created all laws (James 4:12), and He is the source of all law.
  7. “All of thy commands are righteous,” says the Lord (Psalm 119:172).

He is the one who rules over the Sabbath (Mark 2:28).

Only God could be like that!

Continue with Hebrews 7 for the time being.

The word “Salem,” from which Jerusalem was derived, is Arabic for “peace.” And don’t forget that Jesus is referred to as “the Prince of Peace”!

Men are ignorant of the path to peace.

And they are completely unfamiliar with the path of peace.” Even more striking is the fact that Melchizedek was born “without a mother or a father and without descend,” or, as the Phillips translation puts it: “He was born without a mother or a father and without a family tree.” He was not born in the same way that humans are.

  • This does not rule out the possibility that Melchizedek’s birth documents were misplaced.
  • Melchizedek, on the other hand, lacked a lineage.
  • He was neither descended or descended from anybody else, but was a self-existent being.
  • As a result, He has existed since the beginning of time!
  • However, He has now become eternally self-existent.
  • Neither the Father nor the Holy Spirit are to be blamed.
  • He was the “priest of the Most High God,” according to the Bible.

God the Father is impossible for him to be; rather, he has been “formed like unto the Son of God; [and] [he] abideth a priest always” (Hebrews 7:3).

He was not the Son of God in the days of Abraham because He had not yet been born of the virgin Mary, but He was made like the Son of God in His manifestation to the ancients because He had been formed like the Son of God.

However, Christ the Son is the true Priest of God, and not God the Father!

Even as Jesus Christ is serving as High Priest, according to the Moffatt translation, he “continues to remain priest perpetually.” In addition, it is worth noting that the order of Christ’s Priesthood is named after the prophet Melchizedek.

Consequently, Melchizedek was then High Priest, and He continues to be so now, and He will govern for all of eternity!

Is it true that there are two High Priests?


The biblical figures Melchizedek and Christ are one and the same, contrary to many commonly held, man-made beliefs.

They argue that because Christ died, He has reached the conclusion of his life!

Christ, on the other hand, is not dead.

It was impossible for Christ to be restrained by the grave (Acts 2:24).

It is the responsibility of the High Priest to direct people on the path to salvation.

As a matter of fact, Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our redemption (Hebrews 5:9;12:2). He is “anointed by God as a high priest in the order of Melchizedek,” according to the Bible (Hebrews 5:10). And it’s not surprising. It is the same person who is known as Melchizedek and Christ.

Was Melchizedek the Preincarnate Christ?

“Did Melchizedek serve as a type of preincarnate Christ?” Despite common belief, Melchizedek and Jesus were not the same person, according to a prevalent misconception that derives from an incorrect interpretation of some verses in Hebrews 7. The name Melchizedek appears for the first time in Genesis 14. The biblical figure Abram (later known as Abraham) saw this ancient dignitary who was king of Salem while returning from the rescue of his nephew (Lot) (early Jerusalem; cf. Psa. 76:2). Additionally, he was referred to as “priest of God Most High” in addition to being king (Gen.

The fact that he “blessed” Abraham (the larger always benefits the smaller) and that the patriarch paid tithes to Melchizedek, i.e., donated to the king-priest a tenth of his treasures, reveals his greatness (the lesser tithes to the greater).


Although it is possible that they were both different people, this does not prove it.

Christ was said to be a priest “afterthe orderof” Melchizedek (Heb. 5:6,10; 6:20; 7:11).

Similarly, the Greek term taxis (order) denotes a “arrangement” of sorts. For example, just as Melchizedek served as both a king and a priest at the same time, so Christ serves in both capacities (cf. Zech. 6:12-13; Heb. 1:3). Using the preposition kata with the accusative case conveys the meaning of “in accordance with, in agreement with” (Daniel Wallace,Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996, p. 377). As a result, a comparison is being made.

Melchizedek was “without father, without mother” (Heb. 7:3a).

The implication is that his heavenly function was not taken from his family tree, nor was it passed down from his parents. As a result, unlike the Aaronic priests, Jesus’ priesthood was not decided by a bodily lineage, as was the case with them (Ex. 28:1; Num. 3:10). It was discovered in Egypt in 1887 that many letters written by one Ebed-tob, also known as “king of Uru-Salim,” were found among the Tel el Armarna tablets. These letters were addressed to a Pharaoh and were discovered among the Tel el Armarna tablets.

  • This is useful in illustrating the phraseology in the book of Hebrews (see A.H.
  • T.
  • 335; A.H.
  • T.
  • 335).

Melchizedek’s administration was without “beginning of days” and “end of life” (Heb. 7:3b).

Once again, the implication is that his priesthood was not for a defined period of time (as in the case of the Levitical priests). Priests began their duty at the age of 30 under the Old Testament system, and Levites served from the ages of 30 to 50 under the same government (cf. Num. 4:3ff; 8:24-25).

However, it appears that there was no chronological restriction applied to this “priest of the Most High God” who reigned in Salem during his lifetime. Another way to look at it is that he was a foreshadowing of Christ, who has continued to function as our priest throughout the whole Christian era.

That Melchizedek wasnot the same personas Jesus is evident in that he is said to be “like unto” the Son of God (Heb. 7:3c).

According to J.H. Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon, published in Edinburgh by T. T. Clark in 1958, the participle aphomoioo suggests a comparison (for example, a “copy” or “facsimile” – see below). If the identities of the two individuals were the same, the word becomes meaningless. In verse 15, the same concept is reiterated. Jesus is a priest in the “likeness” of Melchizedek, and he is the Son of God. The following is an observation by D.W. Burdick: “The verb aphomoioo always presupposes two unique and independent identities, one of which is a duplicate of the other.

Bromiley, Ed., Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1986, Vol.

313; “The Son of God,” The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia – Revised, G.W.

A distinction between Christ and Melchizedek is vividly seen in Psalm 110.

While Jehovah addresses David’s “Lord” (Jesus) in the second person, Melchizedek is addressed in the third person in this passage (v. 4). As a result, it is important not to make the mistake of mistaking the ancient king-priest of Salem for the historical Jesus Christ.

Who Was Melchizedek and Why Was He So Important?

The author of Hebrews compares and contrasts Old Testament heroes and customs several times before revealing how Jesus is the greater and more authentic fulfillment of the Hebrews’ revered traditions and patriarchs in a deep manner. In chapters 5 through the beginning of chapter 8, the author concentrates on Jesus’ superior priesthood above the Levitical Priesthood as the eternal, perfected priest of the order of Melchizedek, as the eternal, perfected priest of the order of Melchizedek. The Levitical priests would be the representatives of the people of Israel before the Almighty.

The Old Testament predicts that the Messiah will be a descendant of David from the line of Judah on a number of different occasions.

As a priest in an order that had no beginning, Melchizedek was a priest in an order that will never come to an end since Jesus is the greatest priest in the order.

While Jews and Gentiles were formerly separated by promise and law, through Christ, all of mankind was given the chance to be pulled closer together.

“Ephesians 2:14-15 explains that his goal was to make in himself one new humanity out of the two, therefore bringing about peace.” As with the first high priest Melchizedek, Jesus’ priesthood extends to every country, tribe, and tongue, and “Jesus has become the guarantor of a higher covenant,” making him superior to every Levite position, including the priesthood.

We have to keep our eyes on the prize.

Melchizedek is a significant figure. Any peek in scripture that provides a more full picture of Jesus is a thing of beauty and truth that we must not ignore or dismiss. He is the one and only, the Ancient of Days, and the priest for all time! Photo courtesy of Unsplash

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