Jesus Selected Twelve Men To Be His Disciples. What Was Their Main Role

Jesus selected twelve men to be his disciples. what was their main role

Jesus chose twelve men to be his disciples from among the crowd. what was their primary function


They were picked to promote Jesus’ teachings. To share jesus teachingsto propagate Jesus’s teachings. The twelve men who accompanied Jesus were the apostles. They were a major character of Christianity. The apostles were the principal disciples of Jesus, and also the persons responsible for teaching and spreading his teachings. Although Jesus is widely acknowledged that the apostles were twelve, different gospels gave them different names. Their major purpose was to promote Jesus’s teachings The twelve disciples of Jesus were all Jews, and they were all men of faith who had given up all in their life to follow him till the end of the world as his closest followers.

The twelve disciples were taught by Jesus for three years to be leaders, and they are as follows: Peter, Matthew, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Simon, Bartholomew, James (the younger), Judas, Jude, and Thomas.

Explanation:The twelve apostles are the closest disciples of Jesus Christ, who picked him to bless the approaching Kingdom of God and to spread the Church.

Many contemporary individuals may not aware that the term “apostle” means “sent.” At the time Jesus Christ passed on our sinful world, twelve regular individuals named His followers.

The primary function of Jesus’ Apostles (the chosen men) was to disseminate his teachings and proclaim Christianity to anybody who would listen.

Why did Jesus Choose 12 Disciples

Jesus climbed up a mountainside and called out to those that he desired, and they came running to meet him. He chose twelve people to be with him and to be sent out to preach so that he might be more effective. Mark 3:13-14 (KJV) There were a variety of religious, intellectual, and political leaders in the first-century Roman civilization, each of whom had a dedicated group of followers. In Judaism, devoted apprentices were required to follow a rabbi. A special teacher-student connection was developed between Jesus of Nazareth and twelve specific persons from among the multitudes who followed Him.

  • Instead of approaching a rabbi and asking to be instructed by him, Jesus chose the men He wanted and called them to follow Him.
  • And the group He picked was a broad mix of individuals who were not affiliated with the Jewish religious establishment.
  • Because they were fishermen, Jesus came across Peter and his brother Andrew, who were tossing nets into the water.
  • In response to Jesus’ summons, the four fishermen immediately abandoned their nets and joined the ranks of the Hismathetai, the Histalmidim.

Rather, under the guidance of Jesus, they would develop into men who would “fish for people” (Matthew 4:18–22), a phrase that means “fish for people.” 1 One of the most astonishing things we learn from the Gospel stories is that when Jesus called these men, they immediately abandoned whatever they were doing and followed Him.

The 12 Disciples

Jesus climbed up a hillside and called out to those that he desired, and they came running to him to be with him there. They were to be with him and to be sent out to preach, therefore he chose twelve people for this purpose: Mark 3:13-14 (New International Version) Religious, intellectual, and political leaders ruled the Roman world in the first century, each of them had a dedicated set of adherents in the first century. Jews were taught by rabbis during the course of their lives. A specific teacher-student connection was developed between Jesus of Nazareth and twelve selected persons from among the multitudes who followed Him.

  1. Instead of approaching a rabbi and asking to be instructed by him, Jesus chose the men He wanted and called them to follow Him.
  2. His choice of group consisted of a broad mix of individuals who were not affiliated with the Jewish religious establishment.
  3. Due to their occupation as fishermen, Jesus came across Peter and his brother Andrew, who were tossing nets into the water.
  4. In response to Jesus’ summons, the four fishermen immediately abandoned their nets and joined the ranks of the Hismathetai, or Histalmidim.’ Traditional fishermen, as they were formerly known, would no longer be available.
  5. 1 The astonishing thing that we read about in the Gospel texts is that when Jesus summoned these men, they immediately quit whatever they were doing and accompanied Him to the cross.

For Personal Reflection

What steps can you take to commit your entire life to serving the Lord more fully? The following article was adapted from study materials in the New International Version Storyline Bible. The New International Version (NIV) Storyline Bible From Genesis to Revelation, take a journey through the intricately intertwined tale of the gospel. The NIV Storyline Bible has over 200 articles that explain the linked nature of God’s Word as well as the whole story that spans both the Old and New Testaments.

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Who Were the 12 Disciples and What Should We Know about Them?

It was at this point that He walked up to the mountain to pray, where he remained for the rest of the night, praising the Almighty. And when the day arrived, He gathered His disciples around Him and picked twelve of them to be apostles, which they received from Him. (See also Luke 6:12-13.) Twelve men answered Jesus’ call to follow him and became followers of his teachings. They were Jews, ignorant commoners, and simple men of faith who were willing to give up everything in order to become disciples of Jesus.

Jesus’ intention was for the disciples to ultimately take over and complete the task that He had begun for them.

They were the most widespread of the widespread.

Rather of choosing guys from the upper classes, aristocratic families, and powerful men, Christ purposefully picked men from the lower classes and scum of society. That has always been the way things have worked in God’s economy. He exalts the humble and brings those who are haughty to their knees.

The Names of the 12 Disciples

The names of the disciples may be found in the Gospel books of Matthew 10:2-4, Mark 3:14-19, and Luke 6:13-16, among other places. You didn’t pick me, did you? You were the one I selected. (See also John 14:16.) As of now, the twelve apostles are known by the following names: James the son of Zebedee and John his brother; Philip and Bartholomew (Nathanael); Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James the son of Alphaeus (James the Less), and Thaddaeus (Judas, son of James); Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot, the one who betrayed Him.

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Despite the fact that the disciples were all unique individuals, when the Early Church was established, they were recognized for their steadfast faith.

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Commissioning of the Twelve Apostles – Wikipedia

The commissioning of the Twelve Apostlesis a historical event in Jesus’ career that is recorded in all three Synoptic Gospels: Matthew 10:1–4, Mark 3:13–19, and Luke 6:12–16 (Matthew 10:1–4, Mark 3:13–19). It tells the story of Jesus’ original choosing of the Twelve Apostles from among his disciples.

Biblical accounts

According to Luke, on one of those days, Jesus walked out to a mountaintop to pray, where he stayed all night in prayer to the Almighty God. At sunrise, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them to be apostles: Simon (who he named Peter), his brother Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Simon who was known as the Zealot, Judas son of James, and Judas Iscariot, who later turned traitor to the Roman government. According to Matthew, Jesus summoned his twelve disciples to him and granted them the ability to drive out unclean demons as well as to heal every illness and ailment that they encountered.

He chose twelve people so that they could be with him and so that he could send them out to preach and have authority to drive devils out of people.

It appears immediately after the miracle in both the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Luke. Unlike the Great Commission in Matthew 28:16–20, which takes place after Jesus’ resurrection, this commissioning of the apostles takes place before to Jesus’ crucifixion and execution.

See also

  • The Calling of Matthew
  • The Dispersion of the Apostles
  • The First Disciples of Jesus
  • The Harmony of the Gospel
  • The Great Commission The life of Jesus as depicted in the New Testament
  • Matthew 10, Mark 3, and Luke 6 are examples of such passages.


Individuals have their own peculiarities. Perhaps your parents or grandparents mentioned certain phrases or words that have stayed with you throughout the years. Perhaps you made a promise to yourself as a teenager that you would never use that particular term that you found so irritating. But then, years later, you discover yourself saying those exact words out loud, as if they were the most normal thing in the world. It’s like a flashback. Spending extended periods of time with someone causes you to become more and more like them in appearance and voice.

Jesus’ Call

This information is included in Mark’s account of Jesus’ ascent of the mountain. Despite the fact that it aids in setting the mood, Mark has a deeper motivation. According to John’s gospel, being on top of a mountain signifies being close to God (see 6:46, 9:2–8, and 13:3-5). By going up the mountain, Jesus is also reenacting an event from his previous life. As recorded in Exodus 19:20, God descends from Mount Sinai and summons Moses, after which He gives Moses the Ten Commandments, which he is responsible for passing on to the twelve tribes of Israel.

He had selected individuals to symbolize the twelve sons of Jacob, who were the fathers of the twelve tribes of Israel, as represented by the twelve tribes of Israel (see Genesis 49).

The people he sought came to him when he “called to them” and “came to him” (v.

Their response is to follow Jesus’ instructions.

The Purpose

His followers were to serve a tripartite role, according to Jesus. The first and most important goal was to spend time with God. These guys would accompany Him on all of his journeys, dine with Him, stroll with Him, and converse with Him. They’d be as near to Him as they possibly could be. And He would prepare them to be leaders, so that they would be a reflection of Himself. He intended to “send them out to preach” rather than “send them out to preach” (v. 14). Those who spent the most of their time with Jesus would be the ones who would comprehend His teaching the best.

They would go on to become some of the church’s founding members.


While Jesus would finally destroy Satan, the disciples would carry on this portion of Jesus’ mission by casting out devils as part of their own personal discipleship.

The Twelve

For His disciples, Jesus had a triple goal in mind: His presence was the most important goal, and it was the most important reason. During His travels, these men would accompany Him to meals, walks, and conversations. They would also be His traveling companions. As near as possible to Him, they would be. Moreover, He would teach them to be leaders in order for them to represent Him. The phrase “send them out to preach” was intended to be a misinterpretation (v. 14). Those who spent the most of their time with Jesus would be the ones who would comprehend His message.

Eventually, several of them would become members of the church’s founding group.

15). In addition to His own supporters, Jesus engaged in a struggle with Satan. While Jesus would finally destroy Satan, the disciples would carry on this portion of Jesus’ mission by casting out devils as part of their own personal purpose.

Why Did Jesus Choose 12 MALE Apostles? – Deidre Havrelock

After Jesus was baptized, he began his quest for 12 disciples who would be particularly precious to him. Jesus individually chose 12 disciples — all of them were males — to be his closest associates during his earthly ministry. These are the names of the 12 people that are mentioned in Matthew 10:2-4, Mark 3:14-19, and Luke 6:13-16, respectively. Here’s the name of the twelve people he sent: Simon (they called him Peter, or “Rock”), Andrew, his brother, James, Zebedee’s son, John, his brother, Philip, Bartholomew,Thomas, Matthew, the tax collector, James, son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Canaanite, Judas Iscariot (who later turned on him).

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The men were assigned the responsibility of furthering God’s kingdom and spreading the gospel word.

The Bible, however, contradicts this line of reasoning, stating that God is not selective in his collaboration with men: Afterwards, Peter began speaking to them in the following words: “I firmly realize that God shows no favoritism, but in any nation, anyone who fears him and performs what is just will be accepted by him.” In Acts 10:34-35, the Bible says (NRSV) If you truly follow the royal commandment as stated in the text, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you will have done well in life.

  1. However, if you display partiality, you are guilty of sin and are sentenced to prison by the law as transgressors.
  2. 2:8-9; 3:8-9 (NRSV) God, on the other hand, is a completely unbiased judge.
  3. When Jesus was initially on the scene, why didn’t he chose a few daughters of Israel to help him expand God’s kingdom?
  4. Is it possible that something else is going on?
  5. You should be aware that later in the book of Romans, Junia (a historically female name) is most likely referred to as an apostle(Rom.
  6. By the 3rd century, however, the issue of women’s leadership was being passionately debated, with more and more males questioning the legitimacy of women leading and working alongside them.
  7. However, it was around the third century that Christianity began to take on the characteristics of a public religion, which it would eventually become.
  8. By the fourth century, Christians had built their own public temples, which were known as basilicas, to worship in.

– In When Women Were Priests: Women’s Leadership in the Early Church and the Scandal of their Subordination in the Rise of Christianity, by Karen Jo Torjesen, page 37 is titled “When Women Were Priests: Women’s Leadership in the Early Church and the Scandal of their Subordination in the Rise of Christianity.” In the end, however, Christians came to believe that “men working alongside men” was the sole God-ordained method to labor and that it was more than adequate to spread the gospel message — women’s place was somewhere else that was better suited to their feminine characteristics.

The message became that males are capable of doing the job on their own.

Francis and the faithful woman named Clare who wished to join him in his labors: Clare turned her back on the conventional religious life of women, hoping that she, too, would be able to go where men and women were starved both in soul and in body and bring light and peace to those in need: Surely, a means could be found for even a woman to participate in this monumental undertaking.

It would be impossible to accuse Francis of lacking inventiveness or daring, but the prospect of accepting a woman into a community of men or of establishing an order of women preachers was too much for him.

St. Francis of Assisi by John R.H. Moorman, page 58. And it was there that she remained until her death in 1253, having by then spent more than forty years without leaving the monastery enclosure.

The Sin of Noah

In the account of Noah, and more especially in the story of Noah’s sin, we can find the reason to why Jesus first picked 12 men as his disciples. Noa’s transgression derives from the fact that God instructed him to enter and depart the ark in an extremely precise sequence. First and foremost, Noah was instructed to join the ark in the “fallen” order, which meant he was to enter with his sons at his side, followed by his wife and his son’s wives, and finally himself. However, as Noah and his family were about to leave the ark, God changed the rules: “Then God said to Noah, ‘Go out of the ark, you and your wife, and your sons and their spouses with you.'” (Genesis 8:16) As a result, Noah went out with his sons, his wife, and the spouses of his sons.

  1. Noah, on the other hand, stepped out with his sons.
  2. Bears come in both male and female forms, while monkeys come in both male and female forms.
  3. They don’t come out in pairs, male and female, as God had instructed them to.
  4. Noah and his family emerged from the waters of baptism completely unscathed.

Baptism = Restoration

The carefully organized escape of Noah and his family across water serves as a model for our rehabilitation efforts. Why? The epic trip of Noah and his family is described by Peter as a type of Christ’s approaching baptism, and therefore Peter uses the following words to describe it:

  • God waited patiently in the days of Noah, throughout the construction of the ark, in which just a few people, namely, eight people, were rescued by the might of the river. Via the resurrection of Jesus Christ, you are saved through baptism, which this foreshadowed—not as a clearance of filth from the body, but as an appeal to God for a clear conscience.—1 Peter 3:20-21 (NRSV, bold added)

During the time of Noah, God devised a massive plan to bring about a complete and total restoration of the world. God would rescue mankind and restore the earth with righteousness through the waters of “baptism,” restoring everything that had been lost as a result of the assault of sin — and this included repairing the connection between men and women. However, unfortunately, things went wrong (as they often do) as a result of sin. If you truly follow the royal commandment as stated in the text, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you will have done well in life.

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Noah made the decision to escape the waters of baptism in a two-by-two formation, with two men on each side.

Domination: Instead of receiving something that would contain “fear and dread,” the father and sons received something else.

God thanked Noah and his sons and commanded them to “be prolific and multiply, and fill the land with your descendants.” Every animal on the earth, every bird in the sky, everything that moves on the ground, and every fish in the water will be terrified and frightened by you, and they will be handed into your hands,” says the LORD. —Genesis 9:1–2, italics added (NRSV) In response, God responded, “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the land with your descendants, and dominate it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon the face of the ground.” —Genesis 1:28 (NRSV)

The Flood of Noah Reveals the Heart of Humankind — Partiality — But Jesus Revealsthe Heart of God — Release the Workers Male and Female!

If Noah and the deluge represent an earthly picture of real baptism, we should question ourselves: See we witness the same example of males working together throughout the New Testament as we do in the Old? After all, it is in the New Testament that the spiritual truth of baptism is revealed for the first and ultimate time. Imagine Jesus, who is the image of the unseen Father (Col. 1:15), the one who declared, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.” He is the one who said, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father” (Jn.

  1. Now envision Jesus emerging from the waters of baptism and proceeding to pick his close twelve disciples — the sons of Israel — from among the crowd.
  2. Take note of how Jesus dispatches them: He summoned the twelve and ordered them to be dispatched two by two, giving them control over the unclean spirits.
  3. There were seventy apostles in total.
  4. “Truly, the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few; therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into His harvest,” He replied to them.
  5. (It is probable that women were among those who participated in the 70.) However, the majority of ancient lists are dominated by men.)

Only Half the Work Force Was Initially Released Due to Noah’s Sin

Given the fact that only a small proportion of the Christian population was employed in the fields, it was undeniably true that there were few laborers! (There were also no ladies to be found.) The original commandment given to man and woman in the garden to “be fruitful and multiply and have dominion” (fruitful meaning: growing in the fruit of the Holy Spirit; multiply meaning: multiplying new disciples; dominion meaning: having complete authority over sin) could not be completely fulfilled without the participation of women.

Noah and his sons were responsible for bringing the lower blessing of dominion into the earth, and Jesus has no intention of leaving men imprisoned with this poorer benefit in the future.

For dominion, however, it is necessary to first address the sin of partiality, which must be addressed before anything else.

The expectation that Noah’s father Lamech had when his wife gave birth to their first son: “This one will provide us with comfort from our laborious lives!” (Genesis 5:29; 6:1) Lamech’s desire was that, via his son Noah (whose name literally translates as “rest”), all men would be able to find relieve from the arduous labor of the fields — and, due to Noah, this did indeed happen (in the natural).

As a matter of fact, shortly after God endowed Noah and his sons with dominion, God then granted the people the ability to hunt and fish, saying, “Every moving creature that lives shall be food for you; and just as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything” (Gen 9:3).

It was possible to provide some assistance to the people by providing them with an extra food supply (fishwould have been particularly abundant at this time due to the flood waters).

Take notice, however, that when Jesus approached the men who had been chosen to follow him, the words they heard were, “Come, I will make you fishers of men!” Unexpectedly, a new harvest field was established; operating in this new setting, as you could expect, required a great deal of effort.

Noah emerged from the waters of baptism without a woman at his side, and the task is too large to be completed without the “assistance” of a woman.

The term “ezer,” which meaning “rescuer,” literally translates as “one who comes to the rescue.” In other words, when things become overwhelming, when things go wrong, and when you eventually call out for help, a lady will come to your rescue and assist you.

She will be your companion in completing the task at hand – woman is the spiritual insight that has been lacking from the worldwide restoration that must take place before Jesus returns: It’s past time for you to alter your ways!

While on earth, Jesus must remain out of sight in heaven until everything is brought back into proper working order in the manner prophesied by God via the teaching of his holy prophets of old. — Acts 3:19–21 (bold type added): The Message CHECK OUT: The Sin of Noah

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