Why Did Jesus Wept In John 11:35

Jesus wept – why did Jesus weep?

According to lines 36 and 37, Gabriel provides Mary with proof that “with God, nothing is impossible.” The pregnancy of barren Elizabeth is used as evidence for this claim. He may be reserved, but he is also the most powerful being on the face of the earth. To have an omnipotent member of the Trinity to enhance the glory of Jesus Christ is an incredible honor to him. In such case, let us end as Mary does: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; grant to me everything you command” (v. 38). ‘Let the Holy Spirit do with me whatever he pleases,’ are you capable of saying?

Do you have enough faith in the Spirit to say, “I am your slave; take me; and use your omnipotent power to put me where you want me, when and how you want me to do”?

Do you know why?

The Spirit will strengthen and assist you to the fullest extent possible if the glory of Jesus Christ is at the center of your life.

Exactly like that, the Holy Spirit is consumed with zeal.

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Why Did Jesus Weep?

On a number of instances in the Bible, Jesus wept and cried out in sorrow. As a result, it seems reasonable to question ourselves, “Why did Jesus cry and lament?” According to the New Testament, there were times when Jesus swept and other times when He cried, among other things. It would seem reasonable to ask ourselves, therefore, why did Jesus cry and grieve on the cross. What was it that made the Savior so depressed? What lessons may we take away from Christ’s agony?

Jesus wept because of man’s sin and the death it brought.

In order to avoid bringing Lazarus to death, Jesus delayed his visit to him when he was unwell. Although Jesus had the ability to cure Lazarus (even from a distance), He informed His followers that He was relieved He was not there to assist them. Jesus foreshadowed the Resurrection that He would accomplish as a sign to His followers in order for them to believe (John 11:11–15), and He predicted that they would believe. Our Lord and Savior obviously displayed this sort of empathy in this instance, as we read that we are to grieve with those who mourn in the Bible.

  • Was it because he was sad?
  • Clearly, Jesus was moved by the sadness of his personal friend Mary, as well as the anguish of the rest of the Jews who were mourning alongside her and her sister Martha.
  • However, we learn further in John 11:35–38 that Jesus was still crying and moaning within Himself, this time in response to death itself and the people’s incredulity.
  • Jesus was well aware that some people would believe in Him from this point forward, but that many others would continue to doubt Him and even report His miracle to the Pharisees.
  • Although John 11:35 does not specify why Jesus wept, we may deduce one explanation from the context: Jesus was pained over the death that resulted as a result of humanity’s sin.

At the beginning of creation, “theLordGod commanded the man, saying, ‘Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the In response to Adam’s direct disobedience, God punished all mankind, beginning with Adam: “‘In the sweat of your brow you must eat bread until you return to the earth, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return’ ” (See Genesis 3:19.) As the Apostle Paul put it, ” Therefore, just as sin entered the world via one man, so death entered the world through sin, and so death spread to all men since all sinned,” sin and death are inextricably linked (Romans 5:12).

  • Moreover, in Romans 6:23, Paul said unequivocally that “the penalty of sin is death.” As Christians, we tend to lose sight of the fact that death is an adversary.
  • It is not something that God made, but rather something that occurred as a result of Adam’s sin and disobedience.
  • Ultimately, death will be the final adversary to be defeated.
  • The law is the sting of death.
  • Jesus possessed the ability to revive the dead, and shortly after, He went to the Cross in order to destroy death for all time.
  • Most likely, the tale of Jesus sobbing at the gravesite of Lazarus is just another proof of God’s anguish for our sinfulness.
  • He was well aware that the Pharisees would now intensify their efforts to assassinate Him.
  • Despite the fact that He was on His way to Calvary to be the sacrifice for our sin, He was well aware that the effects of our sin would remain until the time when He presents “a new heaven and a new earth” (Revelation 21:1).

(Genesis 6:5–6) (Genesis 6:5) As a result, the word of the LORD came to Samuel, saying, “I deeply regret having appointed Saul as king, for he has turned away from obeying Me and has failed to carry out My commands.” Samuel was distressed by this, and he cried out to the Lord throughout the night.

(See 1 Samuel 15:10–11 for further information.) Don’t offend the Holy Spirit of God, who sealed you for the day of redemption and will not allow you to grieve him. (See also Ephesians 4:30.)

Jesus wept over Jerusalem and grieved over mankind’s hard hearts.

Jesus was well aware that the majority of people would reject Him, precisely as had been predicted in Isaiah 53:3–4. Also, Jesus was well aware that the Romans would destroy the city of Jerusalem, demolish the Temple, and slaughter a large number of people (Matthew 24:2; Luke 21:20–24; John 18:36–38). As a result, Jesus mourned for their hardness of heart, knowing that He did not want them to perish but rather that He wanted them to turn to Him (Luke 15:7). However, God makes it plain that He desires individuals to turn away from their sin and live, rather than dying as a result of it (Ezekiel 33:11).

However, they are now concealed from your view.

“Justice, kindness, and faith,” as Jesus put it, had been disregarded in an endeavor to “establish their own righteousness,” as Paul put it in Romans 10:3, in order to “establish their own righteousness.” When they inquired, He said, “Is it permissible on the Sabbath to do good or evil, to preserve life or to kill?” They, on the other hand, remained mute.

  1. (Matthew 3:4–5) Jerusalem had repeatedly heard the Word of God spoken through the mouths of prophets, who had warned them to repent, turn from their sins, and follow the Lord on several occasions.
  2. The one who murders the prophets and stones those who are sent to her!
  3. Jesus foresaw that his disciples and followers would face persecution as a result of His teachings in the years to come (Matthew 23:34).
  4. Saul of Tarsus was approached by Jesus, who said, “Why are you persecuting Me, Saul?” (Why are you persecuting Me?) (See Acts 9:4–5)

We should weep over our sin.

Having an understanding of some of the things that pain our Lord should cause us to weep and be grieved about a number of different things as well. For example, we should beg forgiveness from a holy and righteous God and express regret for having offended him. In his letter to the Romans, Paul demonstrated this form of godly sadness when he wrote:I discover then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who desires to do good. Because the law of God, according to the interior man, is something I enjoy.

Oh, what a miserable human being I am!

(See also Romans 7:21–24.) As the psalmist put it: “For You do not want sacrifice, or else I would offer it; You do not delight in burnt offering.” When we do mourn over our sin in humility, the Lord will not reject us.

Isaiah 66:2 says that God will look upon “him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at My word,” and we read that God will look at “him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at My word.”

We should weep over the sin of fleshly living.

It is our responsibility as believers to guard against the temptation to sow into ourselves instead of the Spirit (Galatians 6:7–9), and we should be ready to heed the warning in James 4:8–10 to weep over our own transgressions: Bring yourself closer to God, and He will come closer to you. Remove the filth from your hands, you sinners, and cleanse the filth from your souls, you hypocrites. Weep, lament, and beg for mercy! Allow your pleasure to be converted into grief and your laughter to be turned into darkness.

As a result, it is necessary for us to grieve in order to warn people about false instructors and hedonistic imposters who pose as Christians but in reality are enemies of Jesus Christ.

Because our citizenship is in heaven, where we are also anxiously awaiting the return of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

We should weep over the sin of complacency and syncretism.

God does not want us to live a life of syncretism, which is the practice of combining God’s worship with fleshly behaviors and spiritual idolatry in one life. God desires for us to worship Him in spirit and in truth, as well as to live a holy life (2 Corinthians 6:16–18), according to the Bible. It is necessary for us to throw aside the weight of sin that so readily besets us (Hebrews 12:1), and it is necessary for us to purify and purge ourselves everyday by repenting of our sin (Hebrews 12:2).

We must continually monitor ourselves for signs of complacency.

And in accordance with this, there are moments when we must bear and demonstrate godly grief in order to bring about repentance: Because godly grief results in repentance that leads to salvation, and it is not to be regretted, but the sorrow of the world results in death.

In this situation, you have demonstrated your ability to think clearly under pressure.

May we have a heart like His!

It is common to be struck by the humanity of Jesus when we read John 11:35, the Bible’s shortest verse in the English translation. Perhaps we can now look at this verse in a different light and consider Jesus’ deity as a result of this revelation. God in the flesh, Jesus, was weeping over the hardness of people’s hearts and the sin that surrounded him. Jesus was weeping because mankind was still subject to the curse of death and because the last enemy of mankind had not yet been vanquished. The Lord, however, was not powerless; He possessed the ability to overcome death, and through His death, burial, and Resurrection, He has also transformed believers into more than conquerors over sin and death (Romans 6:9–1; 8:37–39).

See also:  Who Crucified Jesus Christ

We can look forward to an eternity where, through faith in Christ, He will wipe away all tears and there will be no more sorrow one day (Revelation 21:4).

Let us follow in our Lord’s footsteps and shed appropriate tears over the things that cause Him to weep.

In the face of our own sin (Psalm 51:17; Isaiah 66:2), may we resolve to have a contrite spirit, and may we resolve to bear a burden for the sake of those who are lost. May we have a heart like His!

Why Jesus Wept

It is common to be impressed by the humanity of Jesus when we read John 11:35, the Bible’s shortest verse in the English language. In light of the Godhead of Jesus, perhaps we can now see this passage in a different perspective and regard it to be true. Because of the hardness of people’s hearts and the wickedness that surrounded him, Jesus, in his role as Godincarnate, was in tears. Weeping at the fact that mankind was still subjected to the curse of death and that the last adversary of mankind had not yet been overcome.

In the blessed hope (Titus 2:13) that, when Christ returns, we will be raised to life with Him, we look forward to the future (1 Corinthians 15:22).

For the time being, however, while we are here on this planet, battling death and suffering, we must put aside every burden, as well as the sin that so quickly besets us (Hebrews 12:1).

In the face of our own sin (Psalm 51:17; Isaiah 66:2), may we vow to have a contrite heart, and may we bear a load for the sake of those who are lost.

1. Compassion for Suffering

One of the reasons is simply the overwhelming compassion that Jesus had for individuals who were in pain. It is accurate to say that Jesus allowed Lazarus to die. In contrast to the centurion’s servant, he did not postpone his arrival and instead spoke healing words from a distance to the centurion’s servant (Matthew 8:13). His justifications were excellent, compassionate, and wonderful. However, this did not imply that Jesus was unconcerned about the misery it caused. “For he does not torment or sorrow the children of mankind out of the goodness of his heart” (Lamentations 3:33).

Jesus, on the other hand, is sympathetic (Hebrews 4:15).

2. The Calamity of Sin

“Jesus’ tears give us a glimpse of the Father’s anguish for the loss of his children,” says the narrator. Jesus, too, was moved to tears by the tragedy of sin. The deathblow was about to be delivered by Jesus, who was about to fulfill God’s promise to come into the world to destroy the devil’s works (see 1 John 3:8). (1 Corinthians 15:26). However, God is terribly grieved by sin, and the punishment for sin is death (Romans 6:23). And, ever since the fall of Adam and Eve, he had been subjected to the horrors of sin’s annihilation.

Death had taken practically every human being he had ever produced in his time (all except Elijah and Enoch). It had already taken Lazarus, and it would take him again before it was all said and done. A mixture of angry and yearning tears were shed with Jesus’ grief-filled tears.

3. The Cost of Redemption

One of the other reasons he was crying was the amount of money he was about to spend to secure not just Lazarus’s short-term resurrection, but also his everlasting life. Everyone was aware of the impending crucifixion, but no one realized how much emotional turmoil Jesus was going through (Luke 12:50). Lazarus’s resurrection would seem and be perceived as a gift of grace by him and everyone else who witnessed and experienced it. But, well, it wasn’t completely free. In order to obtain it, Jesus was going to endure a horrible death on the cross.

He was dreaded the wrath of his Father on him.

He was looking forward to the happiness that had been prepared for him (Hebrews 12:2).

4. The Cause of His Own Death

Jesus’ tears may have been shed because he realized that resurrecting Lazarus would ultimately lead to the religious leaders taking action against him (John 11:45–53), which is a fourth possible explanation. Throughout this tale, most of us are likely to be amazed by Jesus’ tremendous faith that his Father will respond to him. We have such a low level of trust. If Jesus had any doubts that day, it would not have been about whether or not his Father would respond, but about what would happen if his Father did respond.

  1. Giving Lazarus life was a way for Jesus to seal his own death.
  2. Just these few explanations for Jesus’s tears at Lazarus’s grave provide us with a look into God’s perspective on human suffering and death.
  3. However, he is filled with sympathy toward them (Psalm 103:13).
  4. “It is possible to weep through the night, but joy comes with the morning” (Psalm 30:5).

Jesus Wept. But Do We Weep For The Same Things?

DISCLAIMER: This post may include affiliate links, which means that if you decide to make a purchase after clicking on one of my links, I will receive a tiny compensation. This service is provided at no charge to you and is essential in keeping Rethink up and running. It is John 11:35 that has the shortest verse in the Bible; it simply states, “Jesus cried.” This stanza is a brilliant piece of writing. When there isn’t much else to say, this phrase tells it all. And it should prompt us to pause and reflect on the reason for Jesus’ tears.

  • However, my hunch is that it has become so commonplace that you no longer give any thought to the significance of the Jesus cried symbol.
  • Consider the following.
  • He was overtaken with sadness to the point that he lost his mind.
  • He couldn’t stop himself from weeping.
  • That should be mind-boggling, or at the very least it should be.
  • However, this verse should transport us back in time.
  • This verse should inspire us to take a moment to reflect, consider, and inquire.

What caused Jesus to weep? And am I sobbing for the same reasons Jesus wept? These are the questions we’ll be delving into in a moment. But first, let us to look at this paragraph in greater depth and with greater reverence.

Jesus Wept Verse

For the sake of time, I’ll merely provide a high-level review of this paragraph. It is HIGHLY recommended that you read John For You (which is part of the God’s Word For You Series) if you want to go further. It is an in-depth, easy-to-read commentary on the book of John as a whole, and it may be utilized for devotions or for further study and research. It will delve considerably further into the subject of why Jesus wept than previous articles. Please keep in mind that the link above is only for John 1 – 12; there is a second book that covers the entirety of the book of John.

  1. He’s lecturing to large groups of people and causing irritation among religious leaders.
  2. I’m really ill.
  3. As a matter of fact, when the messenger informs Jesus that Lazarus is sick, the messenger does not even identify himself, instead just saying, “The one whom you love is unwell.” That’s a close call.
  4. As a result, Jesus did exactly what you would expect him to do.
  5. Instead, he makes some bizarre remarks and continues to remain in position for another two days (John 11:4-7).
  6. But that’s a topic for a different blog post another day.
  7. Again, further information may be found at John For You.

After a few lines, Jesus eventually finds his way to Lazarus, who has now been dead for four days, and revives him (John 11:17).

Despite her weeping, she has amazing faith, claiming that if only he had been present, Lazarus would not have perished in the tomb.

Would that it were so.

We don’t know what Jesus was thinking or feeling at the time, but it’s plausible to suppose that he was experiencing some sort of emotional outburst.

The intensity of the feeling is growing.

Martha, on the other hand, is baffled; and who can blame her?

(See also John 11:23-27.) Soon after, Mary appears with Jesus and Martha, and she makes a similar remark.

They almost seem to be speaking with a sense of optimism in their voices.

Martha is in a state of shock.

Several of their pals follow suit, tears running down their cheeks as they watch helplessly.

Jesus isn’t just a bit down in the dumps.



When confronted with the prospect of death, we all have a visceral reaction.

Finally, he can’t take it any longer and breaks down in tears (John 11:35).

Don’t overlook the relevance of this statement.

He is well aware that he is about to revive Lazarus.

He understands that, at the end of the day, he has the ability to control death.

Despite this, he continues to sob in this moment.

What would you be thinking if you were in my shoes?

In addition, he takes action.

But don’t just read it and see a serene Jesus in your mind.

Jesus returned to the tomb, having been greatly touched once more.

“I want you to take away the stone,” he says.

“But, Lord,” she said, “there is a foul stench by this time, because he has been there for four days.” They still don’t understand what Jesus is capable of.

“Did I not tell you that if you believe, you would see the glory of God?” he said, his voice filled with the same enthusiasm.

I was aware that you were constantly aware of my presence, but I stated this for the benefit of the individuals there, so that they would believe that you had sent me.” When he finished speaking, Jesus yelled out in a booming voice, “LAZARUS, COME OUT!” (See also John 11:38-44) And, much to everyone’s surprise, the guy who had perished had risen from the dead.

What a breathtaking experience. That’s the gist of it. However, we still have to deal with the first question: Why did Jesus weep? What prompted the creator of the universe to express such strong feelings?

Why Did Jesus Weep?

What caused Jesus to weep? It wasn’t only that he was mourning the loss of a close friend. He was well aware that he was due to meet him again. He was well aware that he would be sharing a lunch with Lazarus within a few hours. It didn’t take him long to realize that the tears of despair would turn into tears of joy in a matter of minutes. Nonetheless, he sobbed. Why? Jesus is expressing his displeasure at the state of his people. He is distressed by the fact that those he cares about are in discomfort.

  1. What caused Jesus to weep?
  2. That should force us to take a step back and think.
  3. No, he has a strong emotional attachment to you.
  4. He weeps alongside us.
  5. Despite the fact that he understands that the situation we are in is transitory.
  6. The shortest sentence in the entire Bible teaches us a great deal about the God who gave up heaven in order to seek and save his elect.
  7. What caused Jesus to weep?
  8. You can see he actually cares about you and is deeply impacted by what you are going through right now.
See also:  Why Does Jesus Matter To Me

Am I Weeping For What Jesus Wept For?

As disciples of Jesus, we are not to be inactive in our lives. We have been enjoined to take action. We are truly expected to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. The church is referred to in the Bible as “the body of Christ,” which means “the people of God.” To put it another way, everybody who follows Jesus is a member of his body. What we do and say reveals something about Jesus to people around us, and this is a duty we should not take lightly. In order to properly answer the question (why did Jesus weep?

  1. So, if you are a follower of Jesus, allow me to ask you.
  2. Are you moved by the same things that moved Jesus?
  3. Are you distressed by the suffering of others?
  4. To put it simply.
  5. It was Jesus who accomplished it.
  6. When it comes to Christianity, it is common for Christians to have a “we against them” stance.
  7. Furthermore, nothing will be accomplished as a result of this.

Listen, I get what you’re saying.

It’s a tricky situation.

Our feelings of helplessness and inability to know what to do or say are heightened.

We are just concerned with ourselves and our own troubles.

But, aren’t you relieved that Jesus did not behave in such a manner toward you?

He didn’t run away or wait for the situation to pass.

He sobbed beside you.

It is now our responsibility to do the same for others.

I understand that this may sound intimidating, but allow me to provide you with some information on what it means to be his hands and feet.

It’s a fantastic book that can be finished in a short amount of time.

He acknowledges in his book that most theological responses Christians give are hurtful rather than helpful, and he chooses to take a different approach to this problem.

He continues, Would my remarks be a source of comfort or a source of more distress?

Only a small number of religious interpretations satisfy such standards.

If I were to summarize, your presence frequently means more than your words ever would, in my opinion.

After all, it was Jesus who demonstrated this.

He did not inform them that Lazarus had been transferred to a better location.

He did not inform them that heaven had received another angel.

He didn’t give them a pep talk about how one day everything will make sense and everything will be OK.

He was completely absorbed by the passion of the occasion.

Similarly, we should take the same position.

So, are you sobbing for the same reasons Jesus wept?

You are the hands and feet of Jesus. You are imparting information about Jesus to others in your immediate vicinity. Let’s double-check that it’s correct. This is a very basic introduction; for additional information, please see: Following Jesus entails more than just saying the right things.

The Good News (Jesus Wept Meaning)

I understand why you think that’s a decent spot to conclude things. We’ve addressed the question (why did Jesus weep?) and tied it all together with a beautiful bow. But I’m just not able to. Not at this time. We still have one more thing to consider. The fact is that everything Jesus accomplished on that particular day was only temporary. Lazarus died a second time. His family will be overcome by the sadness of losing someone they cherished for the second time. However, this time there would be reason to be optimistic.

  • He was able to accomplish for us what we were unable to accomplish for ourselves.
  • We now have reason to be hopeful, even in death.
  • When Jesus grieved, the tale behind the Bible’s smallest sentence, “Jesus wept,” is told, the human and divine worlds come together.
  • He is well aware that Lazarus will be resurrected in a matter of seconds.
  • However, he is nonetheless caught up in the intensity of the moment because Jesus is really concerned about our wellbeing.
  • Even in the face of death, there is still hope.
  • Also, we serve a God who sits with us in our suffering, who weeps with us, and who permits us to cling to him in our weakness.

Let us know what you think!

What is the influence of the Jesus wept symbolism on you?



Every day, I’m attempting to be more like Jesus.

What does John 11:35 mean?

Husband. Father. Pastor. A church planter is someone who plants a church in their neighborhood. Writer. On a daily basis, I’m attempting to emulate Jesus. Facebook is a good way to stay in touch with me. Please contact me via email:Email Address Jeffery Curtis Poor’s most recent blog entries. (Please review the entire document.)

“Jesus Wept” – 3 Reasons the Savior Was Weeping

Jesus grieved because Lazarus’ death and resurrection were a mirror image of His own death and resurrection. Jesus was well aware that he would die and be buried within a short period of time. He was well aware that, like Lazarus, he would finally triumph over death and rise from the grave, but he also recognized that it would be an extraordinarily tough path to go. When Jesus was nearing the end of His life, he prayed: “And he exclaimed, ‘Abba, Father, anything is possible for you.'” Please take this cup away from me.

We may mourn from time to time in this sinful world, but we have a greater hope in Jesus Christ.

He had to weep so that one day we wouldn’t have to do the same thing.

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Related: It is Completed: The Message of Jesus’ Last Words is a Profound One Prayer for the Feast of the Resurrection The Resurrection Scriptures and the Easter Bible Verses Bible Verses for Good Friday A wife and stay-at-home mom, Christina Patterson has a heart for encouraging women in their love for Jesus Christ and the truth of God’s Word.

Beloved Women is a non-profit organization that provides tools and fellowship for women to fully know who they are in Christ: His Beloved.

She received her master’s degree in theology from Liberty University and is the creator of the organization. She has a blog at belovedwomen.org. Rodolfo Clix / Pexels is credited with the photo.

Jesus Wept When Lazarus Died. Why? (John 11:35)

When a loved one passes away, it is normal for us to cry since we will miss him. Because Lazarus died, Jesus did not shed tears, despite the fact that he had feelings for him. Because of his sympathy for the grieving, as evidenced by the context of John’s testimony, he wept tears for them. — John 11:36 is a passage from the Bible. When Jesus initially learned that Lazarus was ill, he did not hurry to Lazarus’ bedside to administer first aid to the sick man. According to the narrative, “after he learned that he was unwell, he actually stayed in the spot where he had been for two days.” (See also John 11:6) What was the reason for Jesus’ delay?

  • “This disease is not for the purpose of bringing about death, but rather for the glory of God, in order that the Son of God may be exalted through it,” he explained.
  • Lazarus’ death was to be used “for the glory of God,” according to Jesus.
  • By reviving his good friend Lazarus from the dead, Jesus was about to execute a tremendous miracle on the earth.
  • That is why he informed them that he was “journeying there in order to awaken from his sleep.” (See also John 11:11) Raising Lazarus from the dead would be comparable to a parent waking up his or her kid from a slumber in Jesus’ eyes.
  • What, then, prompted Jesus to shed tears on the cross?
  • After seeing Lazarus’ sister Mary and seeing her and others crying, Jesus “groaned in the spirit and felt distressed,” according to the Bible.
  • Jesus said this in John 11:33 and 35.
  • It also allows us to recognize that Jesus shares our sorrow for people who have suffered the loss of loved ones as a result of Adamic death.
  • Jesus was well aware that he would be raising Lazarus from the dead.
  • In a similar vein, our empathy may lead us to “cry with others who are crying.” (See Romans 12:15.) A person’s expression of mourning does not imply a lack of belief in the resurrection’s possibility.

How natural it was, therefore, for Jesus to provide an example of genuine sorrow for the bereaved by crying genuine tears even as he prepared to resurrect Lazarus from the dead.

What Is the Meaning and Significance of ‘Jesus Wept’?

Naturally, when a loved one passes away, we shed tears as a result of how much we will miss him. Because Lazarus died, Jesus did not shed tears, despite the fact that he felt sympathy for him. According to the context of John’s statement, he wept tears out of compassion for the grieving family. — 11:36 in the Gospel of John When Jesus initially learned that Lazarus was unwell, he did not hurry to Lazarus’ bedside to administer first aid to the man. Apparently, when he found out that his companion was unwell, “he decided to stay for two days at his destination.” (See John 11:6 for further information).

  • The reason for his actions was a deliberate choice on his part.
  • In the book of John, verse 4, Jesus says, Despite the fact that Lazarus’ illness was terminal, death was not the “object,” or final outcome, of his illness.
  • How?
  • On this particular occasion, Jesus spoke with his followers about death and compared it to a condition of slumber.
  • The Bible states in John 11:11 that A dad bringing up his kid after a slumber would be like Jesus reviving Lazarus from the dead, according to the Gospel of John.
  • Was it something in Jesus’s heart that caused him to shed tears?
  • After seeing Lazarus’ sister Mary and seeing her and others crying, Jesus “groaned in the spirit and grew distressed,” as the Bible describes it.
See also:  What Town Was Jesus Born In

To see his dear companions bereaved was a source of profound sadness for Jesus.

This tale reveals that Jesus has the power and capacity to restore our loved ones back to life and health in the coming new world order.

Another lesson we may take away from this story is that we should be compassionate towards individuals who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

His tears were still flowing, motivated by his great love and care for the people in his life.

The Bible says in Romans 12:15 that A person’s expression of mourning does not imply a lack of belief in the resurrection’s prospects.

How natural it was, therefore, for Jesus to set an example of genuine sorrow for the bereaved by crying genuine tears even as he prepared to resurrect Lazarus from the dead!

‘Jesus Wept’ Meaning and Origin

Jesus had a special affection for Martha, Mary, and Lazarus (John 11:5). In the days following Lazarus’ death, after he had been in his tomb for four days (John 11:17), Jesus visited his friends. Mary went out and saw Jesus, and as part of her grief process, she began negotiating with Him, claiming that if He had been present, her brother would still be alive. Jesus accepted her deal. According to the scriptures, Jesus was greatly touched when their companions came out and began to cry with Mary.

  1. In all cases, it refers to having a strong and intense emotional reaction to something.
  2. In addition, this sadness was tinged with rage at the inhumanity of death and its consequences.
  3. The word “in his spirit” here does not relate to the Holy Spirit, but rather to the human spirit of Jesus himself (ESV).
  4. Heartfelt grieving in the face of death does not indicate a lack of faith — or even doubt — but rather an honest anguish at the truth of death and suffering, as revealed by Jesus’ human spirit

The Reality of Death

Death is a horrible fact of life for all of humanity. It happens to us all – our own death — as well as to others in our immediate vicinity, but the fact that we all experience it at the same time does not make it any easier to bear. It’s especially difficult to stomach when death strikes abruptly and prematurely in one’s life. When a sad tragedy occurs, such as the death of a child from cancer, the kindness of God might be called into question. Questions such as “Why would God tolerate this?” and “Why would God allow this?” “How come He didn’t heal the child?” According to studies, telling someone who is grieving that “Everything happens for a reason” or that “It’s all a part of God’s plan” is one of the worst things you can say to them.

It might also cause individuals to drift farther away from God if they believe, in the middle of losing a loved one, that God was the one who brought about the most catastrophic and horrible event in their lives.

The Goodness of God

For anybody who has ever suffered a loss, reconciling the realities of death and suffering with the kindness of God may be a difficult task. I think that disasters in life are not the result of God’s creation, nor are they a part of His design or purpose. Due to the brokenness of our universe, sin entered the world with humanity’s fall (through Adam and Eve), bringing with it the reality of death. Unfortunately, we live in a damaged world. Neither tragic death, nor the end of life in general, is anything I consider to be a part of God’s plan for me.

However, as a result of the brokenness of this world, children are diagnosed with cancer and other illnesses, and people suffer and die as a result.

God is capable of dealing with it.

Despite the fact that this is another issue that I am unable to clearly answer, I accept that it is one of the enigmatic aspects of God that distinguishes Him as the Lord our God (Deuteronomy 29:29).

It is only through faith that one may find resolution to this dilemma. God’s goodness can only be believed via faith (Luke 18:19).

What Does Jesus Wept Mean for Us?

It is for this reason that “Jesus wept” is mentioned in the Gospel of John, indicating its significance. Jesus serves as a reminder to us that sadness is something that must be experienced. Grief is an unavoidable aspect of existence. In spite of the fact that He knew that Lazarus would be brought to life by Him in a matter of seconds and that He would eventually overcome Death (see 1 Corinthians 15:26; Revelation 21:4), Jesus wept at the death of His buddy. Whenever the thought arises, “Why would God allow such a thing to occur?” It is a comforting reminder that Jesus did not find this aspect of life to be satisfactory.

  1. In order for us to have eternal life with Him — never having to go through the anguish of death again — He himself died on the cross, a horrific, agonizing death on a crucifixion (1 Corinthians 15:55).
  2. Because Jesus grieved, he serves as a constant reminder of the truth of death.
  3. The tears of Jesus also serve to remind us of God’s kindness.
  4. We have reason to be optimistic.
  5. She holds a Master of Arts in Publishing Studies from the University of Stirling in the United Kingdom, where she spent a year studying and living in Scotland.
  6. Her editorial experience includes serving as Senior Editor of a bimonthly magazine for the American Correctional Association, working as an Editorial Assistant at Luath Press in Edinburgh, and working as a freelance journalist for the News Virginian newspaper.

November 7, 2021: All Saints Sunday

In the event of brain fog on a quiz show, I believe that the majority of Christians would be able to recall “Jesus wept” (John 11:35, King James Version) as evidence of his humanity. It’s reassuring to know that the gentleman wept. He’s one of us, after all. I remember using this verse in a seminary paper to describe Jesus’ improbably balanced dual natures: fully divine and fully human, which I thought was pretty cool. When dealing with personal disappointment, grief, or setback, it’s comforting to know that the Son of God experiences the same feelings as we do.

  1. They must have grown tired of hearing from their pastor/father about how even Jesus wept when he was depressed.
  2. “Look at how much he cared for him!” some neighbors exclaim.
  3. I have no doubt that Jesus cared for and admired his friend.
  4. He is more familiar with Mary, Martha, and their brother than he is with many of the other characters described in the Gospels.
  5. For more than three decades, I served as a pastor and presided over hundreds of funerals.
  6. After my friend Bill passed away after a yearlong battle with brain cancer, I found myself sobbing at traffic lights and breaking down in tears at the most unexpected times.
  7. At his funeral, I couldn’t even muster the words “body of Christ” for the communicants as they made their way to the front of the church.

Some deaths have a greater impact on us than others.

Bethany is a biblical term that literally translates as “house of affliction.” Throughout his ministry, Jesus was constantly walking into different states of affliction.

This will be a sermon.

“Couldn’t the same person who opened the blind man’s eyes have prevented this man from dying?” they inquire.

I think it’s a reasonable question that has echoed throughout history, not to mention on the lips of my own agnostic friends.

Why does anyone anywhere go to bed hungry at night if he can feed 5,000 people with a little boy’s lunchbox full of food?

The neighborly chorus reflects questions of theodicy as old as Job.

(11:21, 32).

He lingers “two days longer in the place where he was” after hearing the news (11:6) and finally shows up four days after the funeral (11:17).

(Most pastors would, of course, be in trouble if they remained on vacation after receiving word of a parishioner’s dire illness and then returned home to discover a dead body—no matter how well the fish were biting.) Jesus says something odd to his disciples: “This illness does not lead to death” (11:4).

  1. Either this statement is a classic misdiagnosis—like the tears, a missed social cue perhaps strengthens Jesus’ humanity—or something else is going on below the surface.
  2. We Lutherans like to talk about Jesus’ real presence in the Eucharist; we are less forthcoming in naming his seeming real absence in the agonies of life.
  3. He curtly questions Martha on the road, countering with a minilecture about the resurrection and questioning whether she really believes it (11:25–26, and again at the tomb in 11:40).
  4. These details—the tardiness, the terse response to a sister, and the cheeky prayer aimed at impertinent neighbors—all lead me to question whether Jesus’ famous tears are often misinterpreted.
  5. (11:33, 38).
  6. I’ve been angry at death before, tearfully angry at the injustice of it all.
  7. Jesus seems to be weeping on the way to Lazarus’s tomb not only from sorrow but also because he himself is largely misunderstood, and he is not all that happy about it.

And you probably have friends like one of my close pals who once said, “If your God has the power to change things and can’t or won’t, then I choose not to respect him.” The neighborly chorus from this old story still calls out on every street corner of every town and asks why he who once upon a time opened a man’s eyes could not be bothered to avert this particular tragedy.

The hopelessly tardy Jesus walks straight into the tomb of Lazarus.


Inevitable questions about Jesus and his purpose stir into the messy mix of conflicting emotions.

Jesus weeps, but he refuses to be jerked around by death’s timetable.

Bethany is just two miles from Jerusalem (11:18).

By cyclically observing the church year and following where Jesus leads the way, his disciples are slowly liberated from death’s great and paralyzing fear.

As we face the tombs of others, not to mention our own, this is exactly what Jesus is good for—eclipsing even the expectation of a possible miracle. Unbind us, Lord. Let us go. A version of this article appears in the print edition under the title “Jesus wept—but why?”

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