What Did Jesus Look Like Heaven Is For Real

Heaven is for Real Artwork, Colton Burpo Jesus Picture, Artist Akiane

As a group, we read aloud from the New Testament, which contains a story that is very familiar to most people: that of the Good Samaritan. A lawyer approaches Jesus with the intent of testing him with a question. “What am I supposed to do in order to inherit eternal life?” says the author. Instead of being forced into anyone else’s box, Jesus turns the tables on him and accuses him of lying. “Can you tell me what the law says?” “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,” the attorney responds.

” “You have answered correctly: Do this, and you will live,” Jesus says to the disciples.

Inquiring about his next-door neighbor, he says, “And who exactly is my neighbor?” Instead of dragging him into an abstract debate or quoting him from another passage of Scripture, Jesus tells him a story that helps him understand the meaning of the word “neighbor” in the very concrete context of his own life and community.

and “And who happened to be the next-door neighbor?” “The one who showed mercy on him,” the lawyer responds with such grace: So Jesus tells them to “go and be like that.

The lawyer in this story is representative of many of us who have arrived at our new home with some (if not extensive) faith background.

We’re familiar with the customs.

To be more specific, the vast majority of those who have come to Westmont do so because we already believe that meaning and purpose for our lives can be found within the framework of the Christian faith, within the framework of Christian fellowship and worship, and within the framework of being a follower of Jesus Christ.

  • Despite the fact that, like the lawyer, some of us may be attempting to put Jesus to the test by asking our questions and then waiting to be impressed by his response.
  • The ability to think quickly and clearly is necessary.
  • If you read Luke 10, you get the impression that the lawyer was not a lightweight in terms of intelligence.
  • A real-life exchange between two Westmont students comes to mind when I’m thinking about this topic.
  • The truth is already in our possession.
  • What is the point of studying chemistry?
  • The study of sociology is necessary for several reasons.

I believe that if Jesus had been present, he would have encouraged the young men to attend class — and perhaps even invited himself to join them.

” That being said, you must ascertain its significance.

However, it is only a starting point and not an endpoint.

” You will live if you choose the correct response.

Christians must be people of action, and the New Testament is replete with reminders that this is what we must do.

This is perhaps best illustrated by Jesus’ own words: “How can you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things that I command?” (Matthew 23:37) We are well aware of the importance of doing something useful.

It is in the name of this second point that we have shied away from our academic duties.

The homeless on State Street will be fed; tracts will be distributed at the beach; and I’ll assist in getting ready for Potter’s Clay, to name a few activities.” Anything other than studying for the World Civ exam,” she says.

“It is in the doing that you will find the life,” Jesus says.

Our tendency is to jump into action before our thinking has reached the proper level of sophistication.

It is rather the sentiment that sincerity in a Christian can be substituted for competence that I am speaking about here.

In a third instance, the Good Samaritan story suggests that there is an extremely important stage of events that occurs between thinking and acting — between “having the right answer” and “doing the right answer.” What it means to do the right answer — and how to do the right answer — are two concepts you must master.

  • We need more than just the ability to reason and the desire to do the right thing to achieve success in this endeavor.
  • We’ve all witnessed situations in which people with high moral standards fail to put their principles into action on a daily basis.
  • It is likely that we have all heard of instances in which people have been carrying the truth of the gospel around — or the truth in any number of other areas — and, because of the way they have carried or spoken the truth, they have made it impossible for those who hear them to receive it.
  • Instead of just right thinking and a desire to do the right thing, we require a variety of skills and abilities.
  • Overall, the story of the Good Samaritan calls attention to the stage that occurs between knowing the right answer and actually doing it.
  • According to my argument, it is in this middle space that we can come to understand our current mission as a Christian liberal arts college.
  • We must get to know the God who has called us to be his agents in the world on a more personal level.

Before the lawyer could provide the appropriate response, he needed to understand what the words meant and how to use them.

First and foremost, he had reached a conclusion that both confirmed and challenged his previous understanding.

Even though he had learned that his neighbor might turn out to be someone he had never expected, he was still committed to loving God with all of his mind, heart, soul, and strength, as well as his neighbor’s neighbor.

Instead of the Samaritan, it should have been the priest and the Levite who showed mercy; however, this was a surprise to them.

Finally, he had reached a point of understanding that enabled him to envision a new application for the solution.

When we enroll in a Christian liberal arts college, we are filling the same space — or, if we allow it, can fill the same space — that the Good Samaritan story filled for the lawyer.

Along the way, we will notice that the words we used to identify ourselves as followers of Jesus will, for the most part, continue to be effective — but they will have greater meaning for us as our world expands.

We, as well as the lawyer, may require a fresh perspective on who our neighbors are.

Thousands of ways, we have allowed our culture to direct our interpretation of Scripture, rather than allowing Scripture and the Holy Spirit to shape our understanding of culture.

In a chapel, for example, Alternatively, it could take place on an athletic field or in the classroom.

Someday you may awaken to the realization that when Christ talks about loving your neighbor, he includes your new roommate, this person with whom you are sharing a space that is significantly smaller than either of your previous living spaces at your previous residence.

The final stage, Westmont, is a time of coming up with new and imaginative applications of what it means to say that “Jesus is the answer” or that we want Christ to be the preeminent figure in all aspects of life.

A gap through which Christ’s reign was not being completely recognized was identified by her; as a result, she has set out to close that gap.

When the narrative was presented, it was about the special sufferings of death row convicts in a culture where shame is such a powerful force that most families just dissociate themselves from a death-row criminal well before the actual execution date.

“Just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me,” Christ said, and Japanese Christians interpreted it as meaning “just as you did it to me.” They were on their toes and on the lookout for anything unusual or suspicious.

Within their own environment, they sought for instances in which they might be obedient to the words said.

They might have just kept their eyes closed and strolled past on the other side, completely unaware of what was going on around them.

Even for our own lives, many of us have agreed with that response.

We do want Christ to be the most important person in our lives and in the world at the times when we are most thoughtful and best.

It is our hope that we can work with him to bring clarity and healing to a world that is filled with confusion and suffering.

Please pay attention to our education — to the narrative of the Good Samaritan — while we go about our daily lives.

Hopefully, we will come to realize and comprehend what it means in our world for us to place Christ first in everything that we do.

Let us pray that we are deep enough in our seeing and understanding that Jesus can say to us, as he did to the lawyer so many years ago, “Now you are ready. ” Just “do” the correct response, and you’ll be OK.

Colton’s memories of Heaven are stirring, and when he saw the CNN video of featuring Prince of Peace by Akiane Kramarik he identified what he say is theReal Face of Jesus!

Today, we read aloud from the New Testament a tale that is quite known to us: the story of the Good Samaritan. A lawyer approaches Jesus with the intent of putting him to the test. “What do I need to do in order to inherit eternal life?” But Jesus, refusing to be boxed in by anyone else, turns the tables on the lawyer. “Can you tell me what’s written in the law?” “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,” the attorney responds.

  1. To put it another way, “You’ve got the right answer.” “Now, go ahead and complete the correct response.” The lawyer, on the other hand, is not yet ready to depart.
  2. Instead of dragging him into an abstract debate or quoting him from another passage of Scripture, Jesus tells him a story that helps him understand the meaning of the word “neighbor” in the very concrete context of his own life and culture.
  3. “And who happened to be the next-door neighbor?” “The one who showed mercy on him,” the lawyer responds with such grace.
  4. “You now understand how to provide the proper response.” As a student, faculty member, and staff member at a Christian liberal arts college, I want to bring this story to Westmont College today.
  5. We’ve become familiar with the language.
  6. We are familiar with the appropriate language — just like the lawyer in the story.
  7. In a nutshell, we’ve traveled to Westmont because we already know the answer.

If Jesus were here this morning, he might say to us something similar to what he said to the lawyer: “You have given the correct response.

The ability to think quickly is essential.

You get the impression that the lawyer in Luke 10 was not a light intellectual weight.

I’m reminded of a real-life exchange between two Westmont students that I overheard.

We already know what is true.

What is the point of studying chemistry?

What is the point of studying literature?

Jesus, I believe, would have encouraged the young men to go to class — and perhaps even invited himself along with them.

However, you must ascertain what it means.

It is merely a starting point, not an endpoint.

It is abundantly clear in the New Testament that Christians are called to be people of action.

This is perhaps best illustrated by Jesus’ own words: “How can you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things that I command?” We are well aware that action is critical.

This second point has resulted in a great deal of shirking of our academic responsibilities.

The homeless on State Street will be fed; tracts will be distributed at the beach; and I’ll assist in getting ready for Potter’s Clay, to name a few things.

It is so important that Jesus says, “It is in doing that you will find life.” In this case, my point is that, even if our calling is to think, doing can be very appealing and even tempting, or at the very least a diversion from our immediate call to think correctly.

By prioritizing thinking over doing, I do not mean to imply that doing cannot be a valuable method of learning new skills — after all, that is the whole point of experiential learning.

Or that if we love Jesus, we don’t need to know as much about a situation in order to be of assistance.

Herein lies the significance of the biblical concept of wisdom, which emphasizes the importance of being able to effectively mediate whatever truth we possess into the real world.

To be effective, we must be able to recognize when a situation requires specific knowledge and how to apply that knowledge effectively.

Take, for example, people who profess to know Jesus but who treat restaurant waiters with complete disregard for their dignity.

Consider instances in which you were unable to hear the truth of what your parents or friends were saying because of the tone of their voice or the timing of their words.

We must have eyes to see situations in the world where the correct thinking is applicable, as well as wisdom to understand how it is applied.

If we want to be truly effective agents of redemption in the world, if we want to take the command to love God and our neighbor with all of our hearts seriously, if we want Christ to be truly preeminent in our lives, we must take the time to learn what the call means in our current world circumstances.

  • This is the space and time in our lives for some focused attention on what it means to say that “Jesus is the answer” or how to effectively mediate that answer into the world, and even into the churches today, in a way that it can be received and be powerful for healing and transformation.
  • And if we are to be effective divine agents in this world, we must learn more about the world — its politics, its economics, its ecology, and its chemistry — in all of its rich diversity and complexity.
  • He needed to be able to recognize a “neighbor,” rather than simply believing in the principle of loving one’s neighbor in his head.
  • First and foremost, he had come to a realization that both confirmed and challenged his previous beliefs.
  • Even though he had learned that his neighbor might turn out to be someone he had never expected, he was still determined to love God with all his mind, heart, soul, and strength, as well as his neighbor.
  • However, it should have been the priest and Levite, not the Samaritan, who should have shown mercy — and that is the surprise.
  • Finally, he had reached a conclusion that allowed him to envision a new application for the solution.

When we enroll in a Christian liberal arts college, we are filling the same space — or, if we allow it, can fill the same space — that the Good Samaritan story did for the lawyer.

During our journey, we will notice that the words we used when we first became followers of Jesus will still be effective — and that they will come to mean more and more to us as our world grows larger.

We, as much as the lawyer, may require a fresh perspective on who our neighbors are today.

In a thousand different ways, we have allowed our culture to guide our interpretation of Scripture, rather than allowing Scripture and the Holy Spirit to shape our view of our culture.

It might be in the chapel.

It might also be in one of the residence halls.

As a result, this transitional stage between knowing the truth and implementing the truth is a period in which our categories are redefined and our prejudices are challenged.

I can think of one senior who has taken it upon herself to plan a week on campus this autumn focused on environmental responsibility.

The story “Japan remains firm on covert torture” that I read in the International Herald Tribune this summer comes to mind.

A two-sentence statement about a specific woman who had formally adopted one of the criminals was buried deep within the article, and the article explained that she had “joined a small but fervent community of Christians and other social activists who adopt prisoners in order to prevent them from facing total isolation while awaiting their execution.” Who would have imagined that death-row criminals might be legally adopted in the name of Jesus, ensuring that they would not have to face their deaths alone?

  1. Japanese Christians are interpreting Christ’s words, “Just as you did it to one of the least of them who is a member of my family, you did it to me,” as meaning “just as you did it to me.” They were vigilant and on the lookout.
  2. They sought for places in their reality where they might be obedient to those statements.
  3. They may have just strolled past on the opposite side of the street with their eyes closed.
  4. Many of us have even agreed with that response in terms of our own lives.
  5. We do want Christ to be prominent in our lives and in our world during our most thoughtful and finest times.
  6. It is our hope that we can work with him to bring clarity and healing to a world that is filled with confusion and grief.
  7. May we pay attention to our education — to the narrative of the Good Samaritan.
  8. May we realize and comprehend what it means in our world for us to place Christ first in everything we do.

May we be mature enough in our seeing and understanding so that Jesus might say to us, as he did to the lawyer so many years ago, “Now you are ready. “Go and ‘do’ the correct response, and you will live.”

What is heaven like?What does Jesus look like? Over the years, he showed Colton hundreds of pictures of Jesus. At last, Colton declares: “Dad, that one’s right.”

When Colton and his father, Todd Burpo (author of theHeaven Is for Realbook), were watching a CNN news program on Akiane Kramarik, the kid genius who painted visions of Heaven, including entrancing images of Jesus, they were moved to tears. Akiane’s “Prince of Peace” artwork, which she painted when she was just eight years old, was featured in the news report.

In that moment, Colton Burpo identified what he says is the Real Face of Jesus.

A lot of people have pondered, and millions of people have agreed: the “Prince of Peace” revealed in the Heaven is for RealBooks and Movie is the Real Face of Jesus! Akiane, a child genius, created this image of Jesus Christ when he was eight years old. The picture, which is titled “Prince of Peace,” is also known as the Jesus Resurrection Painting.

How is it that Colton saw this picture of Jesus? Was it meant to be?

Was it a happy accident or a divinely arranged event? Akiane’s visions are widely believed to have revealed the picture of His son to her, and many think that God bestowed upon her the creative ability to “record” her visions. “Visionary journalist” is how Akiane describes herself. Akiane was able to share the face of Jesus with the rest of the world because of these blessings. Colton Burpo, a four-year-old boy who traveled to heaven, spent time with Jesus. Later, Colton came to the conclusion that Akiane’s “Prince of Peace” was the Real Face of Christ.

See also:  Did Jesus Break The Law When He Touched The Leper

A personal note from the Founder of Art-SoulWorks.com

One of the most important missions of ArtSoulWorks is to provide everyone with the chance to learn about Christ and to view what many believe to be the Real Face of Jesus, as shown in the Prince of Peace painting by child prodigy Akiane Kramarik, which was brought down from heaven. If you’ve been moved by this vision of Jesus, please forward it along to your friends and family. Every everyone on the planet, according to ArtSoulWorks, should have access to Jesus the Prince of Peace and the artwork – the Real Face of Jesus, as discovered by Colton Burpo.

Give inspirational gifts they’ll cherish. Give a Gift of Grace.

A meaningful and heartfelt Gift of Grace is the perfect way to commemorate a loved one’s birthday or anniversary – or to offer Christmas gifts to your circle friends. Gifts of Grace are inspirational gifts that have a highly personal and long-lasting value.

“Prince of Peace” is a particularly inspiring gift

“Prince of Peace,” a painting by child prodigy Akiane Kramarik, is more than simply another representation of Jesus. It’s so much more than that! Our gift from God, given to us via Akiane in order for the world to know that Jesus is the Prince of Peace and that He is alive, has been named “Prince of Peace.” He cares for us. And He is patiently awaiting our arrival. The painting “Prince of Peace, the Resurrection Painting of Jesus” is widely considered as the authentic representation of Jesus’ face.

  • Inspire by God
  • Reflected on the Shroud of Turin
  • Affirmed by Colton Burpo in the book and movie ” Heaven is for Real”
  • Reflected on the Shroud of Turin Akiane Kramarik, who was just eight years old at the time of the painting, was the artist. In the case of Akiane Kramarik
  • Millions of people have come to think that the “Prince of Peace” is the real face of Jesus over the years.

High-quality giclee prints make “Prince of Peace” affordable for anyone

Open-edition giclee prints are available, as well as limited-edition giclee prints that have been signed and numbered by Akiane. And you may pick from a range of different sizes. We recommend the canvas giclee since it captures the “feel” of Akiane’s original work better than any other medium. Canvas Giclées are the highest quality art reproduction available, with archival quality that lasts for 100 years.

The majority of our clients tell us that they enjoy shopping at ArtSoulWorks for extra-special Christmas and birthday gifts, as well as anniversary and wedding gifts. Along with that, here are some gift-giving suggestions to commemorate the many significant people – and occasions – in your life:

  • Gifts of appreciation– Make a lasting impression on your circle of friends. Everyone enjoys being recognized and acknowledged! That are the folks who make your world a better place? Among those in your particular circle include family and friends
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  • And
  • Gifts for bookworms include: Akiane Kramarik’s autobiography, as well as Colton Burpo’s account of his heavenly experience in “Heaven is for Real,” will appeal to the bookworms on your gift list. Book-related goods such as our bookmarks, mugs, diaries, and other things make excellent gift sets and stocking stuffers.
  • Giving a “Prince of Peace” canvas painting replica as a housewarming present is one of our favorite things to do for people. This is a really amazing and caring present to give to someone to embellish their house. Our wall hangings, tapestries, and Christmas decorations are all excellent options for housewarming presents.

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  • Finding “give back” presents– Are you on the lookout for gifts that will benefit a charitable organization? ArtSoulWorks is the visual representation of our mission. We give back a large portion of our profits to help spread the word about our products and to support organizations and causes that aid the less fortunate. Our consumers have provided us with their testimonials.
  • Make charitable donations as gifts– Are you seeking for charitable donations to make as gifts? Our ministry is represented through ArtSoulWorks. We donate a large portion of our profits to charitable organizations and causes that assist the less fortunate. Testimonials from our customers –

Join the almost half-million followers of Jesus, Prince of Peace on social media! Thank you for your daily inspirations and encouragement!

Colton Burpo Picture of Jesus from Heaven is for Real

More information on the Colton Burpo Picture of Jesus can be found here, including some little-known details about this amazing narrative that you may not have heard about before. Four-year-old Colton Burpo informed his parents that he was “in paradise” after surviving an emergency appendectomy. The incredible account of this small boy’s voyage to heaven – and his meeting with Jesus – has captivated people all across the world. TheHeaven is for Realbook is a #1 New York Timesbest-seller in its first week of release.

And it served as the inspiration for the film, which was also named Heaven is for Real.

The following are the reasons why.

First, the bookHeaven is for Realalmost didn’t get written…

Todd Burpo never intended to write a book on Colton’s life, and he had no idea that it would one day be turned into a film as well. Colton’s heavenly encounter occurred seven years before to the publication of the book Heaven is for Real. “We never wanted to write it,” Todd Burpo was reported as saying. It was not something that we were interested in pursuing. According to Todd, “God sent people our way to constantly reminding us that we must be willing to do it.” “I never considered myself to be a writer.

“I’ve got a lot of things to get done.” Todd and Sonja Burpo, on the other hand, believe they have been called by God to tell Colton’s tale.

Second, Colton Burpo identified Akiane’s “Prince of Peace” picture of Jesus as the Real Face of Jesus.

Todd Burpo was fascinated by Colton’s encounter and depiction of Jesus, and he showed him hundreds of photographs of Jesus that he had collected over the years. Colton was a matter-of-fact kind of child, and his responses were brief: “No, the eyes are the wrong hue,” he said. There’s something wrong with her hair. So on and so on. Nonetheless, in December 2006, Colton and his father, Todd Burpo (author of theHeaven Is for Realbook), were watching a CNN news report about Akiane Kramarik, a kid prodigy who created visions of paradise, including entrancing images of Jesus, on her computer.

Upon witnessing “Prince of Peace,” Colton said, “Dad, you’re absolutely correct!”

In that moment, Colton Burpo recognized the Real Face of Jesus … as he saw him in heaven!

Following Colton’s account of his encounter and description of Jesus, Todd Burpo showed him hundreds of photographs taken throughout the years of Jesus. He was a straight-talking child who just had a few words to say: “No, the eyes are the wrong hue,” he said. Nothing looks good with her hair. After that, you get the picture. However, in December 2006, Colton and his father, Todd Burpo (author of theHeaven is for Realbook), were watching a CNN news report about Akiane Kramarik, a child prodigy who painted visions of paradise, including entrancing depictions of Jesus, on her canvasses.

Akiane’s “Prince of Peace” artwork, which she produced when she was just eight years old, was the subject of a news piece on her. When Colton saw “Prince of Peace,” he said, “Dad, that one is right.”

Here are a few of Colton Burpo’s quotes about his astounding trip to heaven and back:

  • Todd Burpo, who was intrigued by Colton’s encounter and depiction of Jesus, proceeded to show him hundreds of photographs of Jesus taken over the years. Colton was a matter-of-fact type of child, and his responses were brief: “No, the eyes are the wrong hue,” he said. The hair isn’t quite correct. And so forth. However, in December 2006, Colton and his father, Todd Burpo (author of theHeaven is for Realbook), were watching a CNN news program on Akiane Kramarik, a kid prodigy who painted visions of paradise, including entrancing images of Jesus. Akiane’s “Prince of Peace” artwork, which she painted when she was just 8 years old, was featured in the news report. In response to the film, Colton said, “Dad, that one’s correct.”

Todd Burpo was fascinated by Colton’s encounter and depiction of Jesus, and he showed him hundreds of photographs of Jesus taken over the years. Colton was a matter-of-fact type of youngster who answered with simple comments such as: “No, the eyes are the wrong hue.” There’s something wrong with your hair. And so forth. However, in December 2006, Colton and his father, Todd Burpo (author of theHeaven is for Realbook), were watching a CNN news report about Akiane Kramarik, the child prodigy who painted visions of paradise, including entrancing depictions of Jesus.

Upon watching “Prince of Peace,” Colton said, “Dad, that one is right.”

Sneak Peek at ‘Heaven is for Real’: 10 images of heaven according to Colton Burpo

According to Colton Burpo, in paradise, everyone has wings (except for Jesus) and the atmosphere is constantly bright. The story of 4-year-old Colton Burpo’s encounters in heaven began four months after he underwent emergency appendectomy surgery. He began telling his parents about his experiences in heaven while laying in a hospital bed recovering from the surgery. Colton Burpo’s parents, Todd Burpo (a Protestant pastor) and Sonja Burpo, realized he was speaking the truth when the little child from small-town Nebraska explained where his mother and father were during the procedure and what they were doing while he was “up and out of his body.” They chose to convey Colton’s message of faith through the publication of a book titled “Heaven is For Real,” which has now become a New York Times best-seller.

  • An adaptation of the novel “Heaven is for Real” will be released in theaters on April 16th.
  • Here are some of the things that little Colton claims to have witnessed: 1.
  • He requested that they perform “We Will, We Will Rock You,” but they refused to do so.
  • Heaven’s gates, according to Colton, are built of gold with pearls adorning their pillars.
  • In paradise, there are more hues, and the flowers and trees are much more lovely.
  • 3.
  • He claims that Jesus has brown hair and that he has hair on his face.


According to Colton Burpo, this picture of Jesus Christ by Akiane Kramarik represents what the Savior appears to look like.

Todd and Sonja Burpo presented Colton with a variety of paintings of Jesus in order to determine which one he believed was the most like Jesus.

She became a believer in God as Kramarik continued to share her visions of paradise and bring them to life through her paintings, despite the fact that her mother was an agnostic.

He claims that this sister resembled his living sister, Cassie, except that she was smaller and had dark hair instead of blonde.

In addition to seeing his grandpa, Colton claims to have met his father, who died 30 years before Colton was born.

Upon seeing a photograph of “Pop” when he was 29 years old, Colton immediately identified him as the guy he had spent time with in paradise the previous year.


Aside from that, according to Colton, everyone in paradise has a “light” shining over their heads.

The throne of God, which Colton believes he has seen, is “really, really enormous,” and that Jesus’ throne is “just next to his dad’s,” on the right, and that Gabriel’s throne is on the other side, according to the teen.

His statement was that “she still loves him like a mother.” 10. According to Colton, there is never a moment of darkness in paradise since God and Jesus illuminate the place. Colton’s whole life narrative, as given by his father, Todd Burpo, may be found by visiting the link provided above.

Kim Christenson

The Utah Valley may be Kim’s home base of operations, but she spent her high school years in Australia, where she learned to drive on the other side of the road and to accept Vegemite. Kimberly has worked for Covenant Communications, Utah Valley Magazine, the Daily Herald, and Eat My Words since getting her English degree at Brigham Young University. Traveling, teaching Pilates, and spending time with her husband and three children are some of Kim’s favorite pastimes when she’s not writing. More from Kim may be found at talkingwordy.com.

FAQ’s — Heaven is for Real Ministries

Inquiries regarding heaven include: How large is heaven? Even though a four-year-old does not have a strong grasp of measuring, Colton characterizes paradise as a metropolis that is always becoming larger and larger. What does the interior of heaven look like? Heaven is a breathtakingly gorgeous place, with a kaleidoscope of highly vibrant hues. In the children’s book “Heaven is For Real-for Kids,” there are further information. What kind of animals did you come across? Colton came across a variety of different creatures.

  1. Were the dogs in Heaven, in Colton’s opinion, originally belonging to someone (as in your Pop’s dog), or did they look to be a gift from someone else?
  2. What is the route that animals use to go to heaven?
  3. Despite the fact that he saw the same sorts of creatures that he had seen on earth, he didn’t learn anything about how they made the journey to heaven with them.
  4. It looked to Colton that everyone had a safe haven where they could retreat to.
  5. Colton speaks about going to Pop’s house and how there are many other mansions in paradise to choose from.
  6. Colton was aware of his grandfather’s and sister’s identities, and he clearly defines his relationship with them as distinct from his relationships with others in paradise.
  7. The Bible is ambiguous on this point.

Colton had never met any of them, but it was clear that they were both familiar with Colton.

What is Mary’s physical appearance?

She was dressed in a dark sky blue sash with a lamp hanging above her head.

Was it possible to see what the lights looked like that were above the heads of those in heaven?

Is it true that we will receive wings in heaven?

There is no passage that states whether or not our heavenly bodies will have wings.

What factors go into determining the wing sizes?

Is it possible to become lost on the route to heaven?

Jesus announced to His disciples that He would personally return to His hometown to pick up His followers and take them to His father’s home.

Questions regarding God include the following: Can you describe what God appears to look like?

He recalls that the angel Gabriel is the entity in heaven who most closely resembles God the Father in terms of appearance.

In addition, God the Father, like Gabriel, was endowed with wings.

Jesus, according to Colton, is a typical human being of average height.

Despite the fact that these angels are taller than Jesus, Colton believes that Jesus is far more powerful than them.

God the Father, according to Colton, has wings, but the Holy Spirit does not.

In addition, despite the fact that you cannot see a shape or figure since he is almost ghost-like, Colton is quick to point out that you are aware that he is present and that you can recognize him when you do.

Is God physically present on earth now, or is He just in heaven?

Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He promised His followers that He would send the Holy Spirit to aid them in their endeavors.

As a result of the Spirit, you never have to be concerned about being alone.

Questions regarding Satan and demons include the following: I’m curious as to what you think about demons.

Colton was shown a sight of Satan by Jesus.

Is it possible for you to explain Satan to me in some way?

In his father’s presence, Colton explained that Satan’s light had been quenched a long time ago.

After seeing Akiane and her father, Mark, on the Katie Couric Show, Todd, Sonja, and Colton were delighted to be able to meet them in person (October 8, 2012).

For additional information, you may visit the exclusive U.S.

Questions about or for Colton include the following: What is Colton’s personality like today?

He aspires to be a professional musician one day.

However, he is not overjoyed about the prospect of having to complete the homework that comes with attending school.

More information on paradise may be found in the children’s books “Heaven is For Real-for Kids” and “Heaven Changes Everything,” both of which are available on Amazon.


When Colton was four years old, how did he come to “had Jesus in his heart”?

In reality, he was five years old when he approached the church and wanted to be baptized.

We believe in the notion of the age of responsibility, which is taught by many churches as well, which implies that children are not held accountable for their sin until they have a complete understanding of sin, forgiveness, and judgment.

Is Colton aware of how old his sister was when he first encountered her in heaven?

He refers to her as “big sister” all of the time.

Despite the fact that our initial concern was for our babysitter, who was taken aback by the story, the entire episode served as a confirmation of what Colton had witnessed.

Colton may have gotten to the point where he didn’t want to talk about his experience or that he didn’t want you to tell the story as much anymore.

We never pushed or pressured each other, which is why the narrative took months and years to unravel.

When he would share things with us, we would talk about them with him to ensure that he retained his memories of them.

Another set of questions: Is there anything we can do for the children who die before they can grasp the notion of God and His Son?

(See also John 16:7-11) God, in the end, is the one who determines when that occurs.

In terms of forgiveness, abortion is not the unforgivable sin; rather, it is *blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which means that abortion may be forgiven.

And each sin that we consider to be overpowering presents a unique chance to be overwhelmed by God’s incredible grace.

See also:  Where Was Jesus Crucified On A Map

As we witness forgiveness extended and love restored, we can clearly see God’s heart at work.

In the midst of his stoning, he falls to his knees and begs the Lord, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” Another example is David and Bathsheba, who became pregnant with David’s child as a result of an immoral deed committed by Bathsheba.

It is defined in Matthew 12:31 (NIV), which states, “And so I tell you, every sort of sin and slander may be forgiven; nevertheless, blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.” What happens to the baby after an abortion?

Todd, when Colton portrays you as fighting, do you have wings on your back, which would imply that you are battling Satan in heaven, or are you fighting Satan on Earth?

When he saw me fighting, it was my heavenly body, not my earthly body, that he was looking at.

What exactly was the nature of the homework that your son completed while in heaven.

Colton stated that Jesus served as his instructor and that all of the children gained a great deal from him.

What did you give your daughter as a name?

Caitlin was the name Todd chose for her, while Sonja preferred Kelsey, so they continue to joke that they’ll see who gets into heaven first and so wins the right to name her.

We have further information on paradise that is featured in the children’s book “Heaven is For Real-for Kids” as well as the book “Heaven Changes Everything.” I was simply curious if Colton ever said to you that Jews are among the redeemed in Heaven.

Colton speaks about a number of biblical figures (David, Samson, Abraham, Mary).

He is adamant that you must follow Jesus if you want to go to paradise with him.

If this is the final battle, what was his perspective on it?

This is seen in the way Colton depicts the conflict that takes place at the end of his book: from the perspective of a bystander.

Does anybody come to Christ as a result of reading your book about your son’s incredible testimony?

Yes, we have received several testimonies from people in the form of letters, emails, Facebook posts, and personal appearances at events, all of which speak to the book’s effect on their choice to place their faith in Christ.

After reading your tale and being moved by it, I discussed the possibility of having our children baptized with my husband.

As an introduction to Jesus, it could be a good beginning point to read the book to your children and observe how they respond to it, as well as to use it to address questions they might ask you later in the day.

It would be necessary to complete this stage before proceeding to the second phase, which would be baptism.

Adults and children thrive in a supportive environment.

Despite the fact that the Bible is quiet on or does not mention some concerns (such as wings), there are more than 31 unique references in the book that explicitly corroborate the account.

When we examine Colton’s testimony in light of the truth revealed in the Bible, our hope is that his testimony will drive people directly to the Bible as their ultimate source of authority.

This is an issue about the translation of the word hands, which might also signify forearms in some cases.

Thomas inquired as to the location of the nail marks on his hands.

This was due to the fact that the weight of the body on the cross was supported by the legs rather than the arms.

So how is it possible given that the Bible never explicitly states or uses the term “trinity,” but rather that it is a created concept dating back to the 4th and 5th century that is still contested by various Christian sub-groups?

Despite the fact that the word “Trinity” is never used in the Bible, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all mentioned several times in the book of Genesis.

It is possible that the name Trinity was developed later to characterize their relationship, although Scripture is consistent in its support for the notion.

After reading “Heaven is for Real” the only question I have for you is, how do you answer appointed for man to die once?

It is the Hebrew writer who is drawing a comparison between the death of a man and the death of Christ.

This means that there are no successive trials or decisions.

It is not necessary to make the same offering over and over again.

In no way does this scripture rule out God’s ability or willingness to revive the dead in the future.

Some think that sin can be atoned for after death, rather than via Christ’s forgiveness before death, and that this is the case.

However, this passage should not be interpreted as excluding God’s ability or wisdom in the matter of raising the dead.

Is it possible that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead?

Is it true that Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter from the grave?

Did we forget about the lady who was raised by Nain’s son, and who was also named Nain?

Proof texting is the practice of taking a verse or two from the book of Hebrews and rejecting other reoccurring biblical truths.

As a result, refrain from doing so.


In Ezekiel Chapter 37, a whole army was revived from the dead, and this occurred at the Valley of Dry Bones.


Abraham is praised by the Hebrew writer for his faith in believing that God would raise his son and return him if that were necessary.

It is similar to this in that Colton came dangerously near to death but was able to avoid crossing the line altogether.

Despite the fact that Colton’s body was infected, he never stopped breathing. He was given the opportunity to witness what God decided to disclose to him without being put to death by medical means. And God, in His great mercy, restored him to us without causing him to lose his life in the process.

What These 2 Saw Is Nothing Short Of Amazing

What are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding heaven? Despite the fact that a four-year-old does not have a strong grasp of measurement, Colton describes heaven as a city that is constantly growing in size. What is the appearance of heaven? In Heaven, there are many intensely bright colors and a lot of beauty to behold. Heaven is For Real-for Kids” is a children’s book that contains additional details. Did you see any particular animals? Throughout his journey, Colton encountered many different animals.

  • Were the dogs in Heaven, in Colton’s opinion, once belonged to someone (as in your Pop’s dog), or did they appear to be a gift from someone else to him?
  • What is the route that animals take to reach heaven?
  • Despite the fact that he saw the same types of animals that he had seen on earth, he didn’t learn anything about how they made the journey to heaven with him.
  • To Colton’s eye, it appeared that everyone had a safe haven where they could retreat.
  • As Colton describes his visit to Pop’s house, he also mentions the many houses in heaven that exist.
  • When we meet again in heaven, how will we recognize each other?
  • In Colton’s memories, however, both his sister and his great-grandfather Pop came up to him and introduced themselves.

While visiting Jesus on earth, Elijah and Moses recognized each other as well as the others.

(Source) Mother Mary has dark hair and brown eyes, and according to Colton’s recollections, she is a little taller than his mother, Sonja, who has light brown hair and brown eyes.

Unlike the rest of the adults in heaven, she appeared to be in her late twenties or early thirties at the most.

It appeared to Colton that the lights above their heads had the appearance of a halo and were extremely bright.

“You get to decide whether you want to walk or fly,” Colton explains.

In no verse does it state that either or both of our heavenly bodies will have wings.

What factors go into determining the wing sizes.

On the way to heaven, can you get lost?

His disciples were informed by Jesus that He would personally return to their location in order to transport them to his father’s residence.

God-related questions: Describe God’s physical appearance if you can.

He recalls that the angel Gabriel is the celestial being who most closely resembles God the Father in terms of appearance and personality.

In addition, God the Father, like Gabriel, was endowed with a set of wings.

Jesus, according to Colton, is a normal-sized human being.

In spite of the fact that these angels are taller than Jesus, Colton asserts that Jesus is far more powerful than them.

Unlike God the Father, who Colton claims to have wings, the Holy Spirit does not.

As for Colton, even though it is difficult to distinguish a form or figure because he is almost ghost-like in appearance, he is quick to point out that you are aware of his presence and that you can identify him.

Are God’s presence and presence on earth today, or is God only in heaven?

Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He promised His disciples that He would send the Holy Spirit to aid them in their endeavors after death.

You never have to be concerned about being alone because of the Spirit.

Satan and demons-related questions include: Which demons do you believe in and why?

Christ revealed Satan to Colton through a dream.

Is it possible for you to explain Satan to me in any way?

Satan appears to Colton in two distinct forms.

Following are some questions about the Jesus portrait: Has Colton introduced you to the young lady who, according to him, correctly drew God?

Whether or not it is possible to purchase prints of Akiane’s portrait, When it comes to Akiane Kramarik’s painting, the Burpos are extremely grateful that her family agreed to allow them to include her work in the book.

Colton-related questions and answers: Do you know what Colton’s like right now?

Aspires to be a musician in the future.

The homework that comes with going to school, however, is not something he is particularly enthusiastic about doing.

The children’s books “Heaven is For Real-for Kids” and “Heaven Changes Everything” contain a great deal more information about heaven than we can fit into this article.


As a four-year-old, how did Colton come to “have Jesus in his heart?” Early on in his life, Colton professed his faith in Jesus Christ.

He was aware of the need to invite Jesus into his own heart and life earlier than most children, I believe, due to the fact that he grew up in a home where we pray and discuss Jesus frequently.

(16:7-11) (John 16:7) Ultimately, it is God who determines when this will occur, not man.

In contrast to Cassie, Colton has never mentioned his sister’s age, instead referring to her in terms of her being “almost as big.” He refers to her as “big sister” all the time.

Our first concern was for the safety of our babysitter, who was taken aback by the story, but the entire episode served as a confirmation of what Colton had seen.

What point did Colton reach where he no longer wanted to talk about his experience or where he no longer wanted you to tell the story as much?

This is why the story took months and years to develop because we never pushed or prodded.

In the event that he did share something with us, we would discuss it with him in order to assist him in retaining his memories.

Another set of questions are as follows: Then what happens to all the children who die before they are able to comprehend the concept of God and His Son?

(16:7-11) (John 16:7) Final say on when that will occur is reserved for God.

The unforgivable sin is not abortion; rather, it is *blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which means that abortion can be forgiven under certain circumstances.

And any sin that we consider to be overwhelming presents us with a unique opportunity to be overwhelmed by God’s incredible love.

For example, in Luke 7:40-48, Jesus tells a story about servants who owed debts that were far beyond their ability to pay.

Even while hanging on the cross, Jesus addressed God the Father on behalf of those who were responsible for his death, saying, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.

At one point during the execution, he falls on his knees and cries out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against us.” As another illustration, consider the story of David and Bathsheba, who became pregnant with David’s child as a result of a sinful act.

Defining blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is found in Matthew 12:31 (NIV), which states: “And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven; but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.” What Happens to the Baby After an Abortion Procedure?

In the scene where Colton describes you as fighting, do you have wings, which would indicate that you are in heaven, or are you fighting Satan on the ground in this world?

In fact, it wasn’t my earthly body that he saw fighting; it was my heavenly body.

In heaven, your son completed a piece of homework.

In the book, a great deal of what is revealed comes from “teaching times,” which were times when Jesus was with the children.

The question of how he remembers so much from his time there is frequently raised, and it is possible that part of the answer lies in his homework, which served as a practice or rehearsal of what he had learned.

To this day, Todd and Sonja remain amicably divided over the name they want to give their future daughter in heaven.

Is there anything else you’ve picked up from Colton’s story that wasn’t included in the book that you would like to share with us?

To be honest, I was just curious if Colton ever mentioned to you that Jews are allowed to enter Heaven.

Numerous biblical figures are discussed by Colton (David, Samson, Abraham, Mary).

You must follow Jesus, he says emphatically, in order to enter the kingdom of God.

What was his perspective on the final battle, if it was the final battle at all?

This is illustrated in the way Colton describes the battle that takes place near the end of his book: from the viewpoint of a bystander.

Does anyone come to Christ as a result of reading your book about your son’s amazing testimony, or do you know of anyone who has done so?

It’s been incredibly humbling and amazing, all at the same time, to think that the story of our struggles and God’s faithfulness would have such an impact on someone.

Do you have any suggestions for how I should introduce Jesus to my sons?

If they have accepted Christ as their Savior, the next step would be to confirm this.

Aside from that, finding a Bible-based church to be a part of is extremely important.

Comment on critics who claim that the book is not based on Scripture.

The fact that nothing said is in direct conflict with God’s Holy Word is extremely important to us.

Markers— Some believe that Jesus’ wrists, rather than his hands, were nailed to the cross, which they attribute to archaeological discoveries.

The following are two reasons why we believe Colton’s experience is consistent with scripture: In every instance where the crucifixion of Jesus is mentioned, the nails are always stated to have been driven into his hands.

To see the nail prints on his hands, Thomas inquired.

This was due to the fact that the body was supported on the cross by the legs rather than the arms.

So how is that possible given that the Bible never explicitly describes or uses the term “trinity,” but rather that it is a constructed doctrine dating back to the 4th and 5th centuries that is still contested among various Christian sub-groups?

The words God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are never used in scripture, but God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are frequently mentioned.

It is possible that the term Trinity was coined to describe their relationship at a later time, but Scripture supports the idea.

After reading “Heaven is for Real,” the only question I have for you is: how do you respond to the fact that man is only supposed to die once in his life?

It is the Hebrew author who is drawing a parallel between the death of a man and the death of Christ.

This means that there will be no consecutive trials or judgments.

No need to re-present the same offering time and time again.

That God has the option or the power to raise the dead is not ruled out by this passage.

A few people hold the belief that sin can be atoned for after death, rather than through Christ’s sacrifice before death.

It should not be construed as a rejection of God’s ability or wisdom in the matter of raising the dead.

Jesus, did you bring Lazarus back to life?

Jairus’ daughter was supposedly raised from the dead by Jesus.

What about the woman who was raised by Nain’s son, whom we may have forgotten about?

Proof texting is the practice of taking a verse or two from the book of Hebrews and dismissing other recurring biblical truths.

Decide not to take part in this activity!


The Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel Chapter 37, for example, saw the resurrection of a whole army from the dead.


When Abraham believed that God would resurrect him and return his son if necessary, the Hebrew writer praised him for his faith.

Colton’s experience was similar in that he came dangerously near to death but was able to avoid crossing the line.

The fact that Colton’s body was septic did not prevent him from breathing continuously. The ability to view what God decided to show him without being killed by medical intervention was granted. And God, in His great kindness, returned him to us without causing him to lose his life. He was grateful.

For another great story about God,click here!

Inquiries regarding heaven include: How large is heaven? Although a four-year-old does not have a strong grasp of measurement, Colton describes heaven as a city that is constantly growing in size. What does heaven appear to be like? Heaven is a breathtakingly beautiful place filled with a kaleidoscope of intensely vibrant colors. In the children’s book “Heaven is For Real-for Kids,” there are more details. What kinds of animals did you come across? Colton came across a wide variety of animals.

  1. Were the dogs in Heaven, in Colton’s opinion, once belonged to someone (as in, for example, the dog that once belonged to your Pop)?
  2. What route do animals take to get to heaven?
  3. The animals he saw were similar to those he had seen on earth, but he didn’t learn anything about how they got to heaven.
  4. It appeared to Colton that everyone had a meeting place where they could congregate.
  5. Is everyone a brother or sister to one another?
  6. What will be our means of recognizing one another in heaven?
  7. However, according to Colton’s recollections, both his sister and his great-grandfather Pop approached him and introduced themselves.
See also:  Who Made The Jesus Shoes

While visiting Jesus on earth, Elijah and Moses recognized each other as well as they did.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is described as having dark hair and brown eyes, and according to Colton’s memories, she is a little taller than his mother, Sonja.

Unlike the rest of the adults in heaven, she appeared to be in her late twenties or early thirties at the time.

Colton claims that the lights above their heads resembled a halo and were extremely bright.

“You get to choose whether you want to walk or fly,” Colton explains.

No verse specifically states whether or not our heavenly bodies will have wings.

What factors go into determining the size of the wings?

Is it possible to become disoriented on the way to heaven?

Jesus explained to His disciples that He would personally return to their location to pick them up and take them to His father’s home.

God-related questions include: Can you describe what God appears to be like?

He recalls that the angel Gabriel is the celestial being who most closely resembles God the Father in terms of appearance.

Furthermore, God the Father possessed wings, just as Gabriel did.

Jesus, according to Colton, is of average human height.

Despite the fact that these angels are taller than Jesus, Colton believes that Jesus is far more powerful.

Colton asserts that God the Father has wings, but that the Holy Spirit does not have wings.

In addition, despite the fact that you cannot see a form or figure because he is almost ghost-like, Colton is quick to point out that you are aware that he is present and that you recognize him.

Is God physically present on Earth today, or is He only in heaven?

Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He promised His disciples that He would send the Holy Spirit to aid them in their efforts.

Because of the Spirit, you never have to be concerned about being alone.

Questions regarding Satan and demons include the following: What are your feelings toward demons?

Colton got a glimpse of Satan thanks to Jesus.

Is there any way you could explain Satan to me in a simple manner?

Colton informed his father that Satan’s light had long since been extinguished.

After seeing Akiane and her father, Mark, on the Katie Couric Show, Todd, Sonja, and Colton were thrilled to be able to meet them in person (October 8, 2012).

Regarding the painting by Akiane Kramarik, the Burpos are extremely grateful to her family for granting them permission to include her work in the book.

sales site, or you can call (303) 670-0362 for more information.

Colton is 16 years old and still remembers the majority of his trip to heaven vividly, though some details have faded in his memory.

Colton enjoys TobyMac music, wrestling, football, and singing in the show choir.

Do you recall many of your experiences from your time there?


As a four-year-old, how did Colton come to “have Jesus in his heart”?

In fact, he was five years old when he approached the church and asked to be baptized.

We believe in the principle of the age of accountability, which is taught by many churches as well, which means that children are not held accountable for their sin until they understand what sin, forgiveness, and judgment are.

Is Colton aware of the age of his sister when he first encountered her in heaven?

Despite the fact that our initial concern was for our babysitter, who was taken aback by the story, the entire episode served as a confirmation of what Colton had observed.

Did Colton ever reach a point where he didn’t want to talk about his experience or where he didn’t want you to tell the story as much as you did?

We never pushed or prodded anyone, which is why the story took months and years to unfold.

When he did share things with us, we would talk about them with him to ensure that he retained his memory.

Another set of questions is as follows: Is there anything we can do for the children who die before they can comprehend the concept of God and His Son?

(See also John 16:7-11.) God, in the end, is the one who determines when this occurs.

In terms of forgiveness, abortion is not the unforgivable sin; rather, it is *blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which means that abortion is forgiven.

And any sin that we consider to be overwhelming presents us with a unique opportunity to be overwhelmed by God’s incredible grace.

As we witness forgiveness extended and love restored, we can clearly see God’s heart at work.

While he is being stoned, he falls to his knees and cries out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” Another example is David and Bathsheba, who became pregnant with David’s child as a result of a sinful act.

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is defined in Matthew 12:31 (NIV), “And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.” What happens to the baby if you have an abortion?

Todd, when Colton describes you as fighting, do you have wings on your back, which would indicate that you are fighting Satan in heaven, or are you fighting Satan on earth?

It was my heavenly body, not my earthly body, that he saw fighting when he looked at me.

In what subject did your son complete his homework while in heaven?

Colton claimed that Jesus served as his teacher and that all of the children gained a great deal from him.

Did you give your daughter a name?

Todd wanted to name her Kelsey, but Sonja preferred Caitlin, so they continue to joke that they’ll see who gets to heaven first in order to win the naming rights to their daughter.

More information about heaven can be found in the children’s book “Heaven is For Real-for Kids” as well as the book “Heaven Changes Everything.” I was just wondering if Colton ever mentioned to you that Jews are among the redeemed in Heaven.

Colton discusses a number of biblical figures (David, Samson, Abraham, Mary).

He is adamant that the only way to get to heaven is to follow Jesus.

What was his perspective on the final battle, if it was the final battle?

The battle that is depicted towards the end of the book is described by Colton from the viewpoint of a spectator.

Do you know of anyone who has come to faith in Christ as a result of reading your book about your son’s incredible testimony?

Thinking that our story of struggles and God’s faithfulness would have such an impact has been both humbling and exhilarating at the same time.

I’m not sure how I’m going to introduce Jesus to my sons.

The next step would be to confirm that they have accepted Christ as their personal Savior.

Additionally, finding a Bible-based church to be a part of is extremely important.

What do you say in response to those who claim the book is not biblical?

The fact that nothing said is in direct conflict with God’s Holy Word is extremely important to us.

Markers— Some believe that Jesus’ wrists, rather than his hands, were nailed to the cross in accordance with archaeological findings.

For two reasons, we believe Colton’s experience is consistent with Scripture: 1.

Thomas inquired as to the existence of nail prints on his hands.

When the Pharisees demanded that the thieves be killed because they desired them to be dead before the Sabbath, they broke their legs in response.

At the top of page 104, it is implied that Colton is aware of the trinity and that the bible specifically refers to the trinity in its description.

This, in my opinion, calls everything in the book into question.

For example, there are two references in the Gospels, Matthew 3 and Matthew 28, but there are many more.

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit were always mentioned by Jesus.

The book of Hebrews 9:26–28 The book of Hebrews nine is about Christ’s atonement for sin.

He claims that when a man dies, he is subjected to his own personal judgment for his own sin – only once.

Christ’s death resulted in the redemption of all mankind – for a time.

There are no consecutive offerings available at this time.

It is simply educating people about the ramifications of sin after they have died.

According to these verses in Hebrews, all of the evidence that will be used in a trial will have been gathered before we pass away.

For instance, is the eleventh chapter of the Gospel of John true or false?

I have no doubt that He did!

Yes, once again!

I sincerely hope not.

It is extremely dangerous!

Is the resurrection of the dead, on the other hand, only a New Testament phenomenon?

According to 2 Kings Chapter 4, Elisha assisted in the rearing of the Shunammite’s son.

He explains Abraham’s trust in God’s ability to revive the dead when he sacrificed Isaac as a sacrifice in Hebrews chapter eleven, written by the exact same author (Heb.

Despite the fact that he symbolically gained his son back, God’s capacity to revive the dead at his discretion was never questioned.

If the Hebrew author felt that one could not be resurrected from the grave, why would he praise Abraham for thinking otherwise?

According to our doctor, Colton never coded during surgery, but he clearly left his body after the procedure.

Even though Colton’s body was infected with bacteria, he never stopped breathing. He was given the opportunity to witness what God decided to disclose to him without being put to death by medical means. And God, in His great kindness, restored him to us without causing him to lose his life.

What Did Christ Look Like?

Prince of Peace by Akiane Kramarik” data-image-caption=”Prince of Peace by Akiane Kramarik” data-image-caption=”Prince of Peace by Akiane Kramarik” data-image-caption=”Prince of Peace by Akiane Kramarik” If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] or [phone number]. data-medium-file=”ssl=1″ data-large-file=”ssl=1″ src=”is-pending-load=1″ alt=”Prince of Peace, by Akiane Kramarik” title=”Prince of Peace, by Akiane Kramarik” description=”Prince of Peace, by Akiane Kramarik” width=”180″ height=”240″ width=”180″ height=”240″ data-recalc-dims=”1″ data-lazy-src=” is-pending-load=”1″ srcset=”″ data-recalc-dims=”1″ data-lazy-src=” is-pending-load=”1″ data-lazy-sr Akiane Kramarik’s Prince of Peace is a work of fiction.

  • No one has any idea.
  • And these depict Christ’s current appearance, rather than what he seemed to be like throughout his human existence.
  • A drawing of Christ, drawn some 100 years after his death, depicted him as a beardless, short-haired boy, and it remains the oldest representation of him that we have.
  • These are not definitive portrayals of his physical appearance, and none of them are.
  • The importance of propagating clichés about Christ’s image is well understood to me; today, Christ’s image is essentially a pale Swede with long, reddish hair and a beard.
  • Despite this, this picture has always struck me as sloppy and uncoordinated.
  • Based on the assumption that Christ did not stand out from the crowd, and given that practically all images of Palestine people during Christ’s era show males with consistently short hair, I believe that Christ did not stand out from the crowd.
  • Comforted” data-image-caption=”Comforted” data-image-caption=”Comforted ” In both cases, the data-medium-file attribute is set to 1 and the data-large-file attribute is set to 1.

What counts is your capacity to connect with him on a personal level. The character’s appearance is modern with the aim of making it simpler for you to identify with him and relate to him. I hope these photographs will assist you in bringing his truth closer to you.


Accounts from the historical period around the birth of Christ; form your own judgments about their veracity. Joseph Smith had visions of the Father and the Son; he subsequently has visions of the Son. Colton Burpo (co-host): ‘Heaven Is For Real,’ a book written by Todd Burpo, tells the story of his 4-year-old son Colton’s visit to Heaven. His parents were shocked to discover that he had been granted a genuinely unique gift – time with Jesus – and immediately began showing him a plethora of paintings by artists and illustrators in an attempt to choose the one that looked the most like Jesus.

  1. Todd came upon the story of Akiane Kramarik, a little girl who began receiving glimpses of Heaven at the age of four.
  2. “Colton?” He, on the other hand, merely stood there, observing.
  3. “Can you tell me what’s wrong with this one, Colton?” I repeated myself.
  4. I poked him in the arm with my index finger.
  5. Short hairstyles: In Against Apion I.22, para.173-4, Eusebius reproduces the text of the Jewish historian Josephus, which was written by him.
  6. Josephus demonstrates that the Jews were recognized for “their close-cropped hair,” as Eusebius puts it (Preparation for the Gospel, IX.9, sect 412b).Source: Associates for Scriptural Knowledge

“Heaven Is for Real” doesn’t seem all that convinced

The following is a major spoiler from “Heaven Is for Real”: Jesus has a similar appearance to Bradley Cooper in “American Hustle” or Rod Stewart with a beard. He may be Jewish, but we’re talking about Jewish in the sense of a prep-school drug dealer, rather than Jewish in the manner of the Palestinian fringe of the Roman Empire in the first century. To save you from continuing down the well-worn route to easy mockery, allow me to intervene right now and now. As weird, confused, inadvertently amusing, and deeply mediocre as it is – something akin to one of those demon possession yarns based on actual stories, but with the roles reversed — it is not dumb in the sense you are probably thinking.

In an attempt to accept different variations of religious experience, this is a big-tent Christian film that becomes fatally infected with the illness of postmodern relativism as it wriggles around in its attempts to accommodate multiple varieties of religious experience.

Yes, that’s correct.

In the words of an allegedly pious public personality a few years ago, it all depends on what you define by the word “is.” In the first scene of “Heaven Is for Real,” Greg Kinnear describes the dilemma in voice-over: “The problem is that heaven is for real.” Is heaven “simply a dream,” or is it a genuine place where we may carry out our pre-heavenly life in the same way as we do on earth?

  1. The Roman Catholic Church of my forebears does not use that words, but the attitude conveyed is essentially the same.) However, the meaning of those phrases to believers is far from plain, evident, or universal across the board.
  2. Even while Todd Burpo, the real-life Nebraska priest who published the popular religious book “Heaven Is for Real” and who is represented by Kinnear in the film, isn’t quite Thomas Aquinas, he clearly understands the centuries of theological conflict that have accompanied these concerns.
  3. Although not all contemporary atheists do so, some (though definitely not all) strive to reduce religious belief to an arbitrary story of salvation and damnation, according to which I shall dwell eternally at the right side of the Lord while you will burn in a lake of fire (or whatever).
  4. “Heaven Is for Real,” which despite its declarative title attempts to include every level of belief and agnosticism, has achieved widespread appeal, testifying to a need for conviction in an environment of uncertainty.
  5. I imagine that people who claim to believe in a literal heaven have vastly varied notions about what that actually entails, just as conservative Christians who claim to see the Bible as inerrant divine truth pick and choose which parts to emphasize and which ones to ignore do.
  6. ‘Heaven Is for Real’ is almost disconcertingly eager to provide probable rational-world explanations for Colton’s visions of Jesus riding on a white horse, a chorus of angels, and a stillborn sister that he never knew about throughout his childhood.
  7. Whenever Todd tells a story to a university psychologist, she kindly shoos him away with these words: Kids are far more perceptive than adults realize, and they make up stories to fit the requirements of their elders.
  8. “Heaven Is for Real” follows precisely the same formula as one of those family-friendly horror films about a strange youngster who becomes possessed by demonic powers and eventually discloses terrible depths of hidden knowledge.

(To be fair, when tragic events occur, the characters in the film appear to be depressed, if only for a little while.) Because he’s one of the few Hollywood insiders who also happens to be a Christian conservative, Wallace, who directed the crypto-right-wing film “Secretariat” and authored the Oscar-nominated screenplay for “Braveheart,” is a fascinating example to study.

In “Heaven Is for Real,” the cast members appear to have been told to shine their emotions at us and at each other in the form of halogen headlights, with no hint of ambiguity or internal turmoil.

Eventually, it became tiresome, and I became desperate to discover where the Coors-drinking degenerates and meth-cooking rednecks had hidden themselves in this pristine, softball-playing prairie desolation.

It feels more desperate than reassuring to see this portrayal of the mythological heartland, which is aimed at moviegoers in suburban multiplexes surrounded by snarling traffic and acres of parking lots: Not only is there life after death, but there is also an earthly paradise out in some pancake-flat red state you’ll never visit, where neighbors help neighbors, women sing hymns on Sunday, and nobody gets their house repossessed or sits around for 16 hours smoking weed and The speed of change in Imperial, Nebraska, appears to have been regulated by the very monotonous basic goodness of America, according to the locals.

  1. The Burpo youngsters are familiar with “We Will Rock You,” but they are not familiar with Snoop Dogg; older viewers will pick up on the weak indication that Todd and his wife Sonja (Kelly Reilly) may be a little more adventurous when they are not on the job.
  2. Throughout “Heaven Is for Real,” Todd Burpo’s spiritual battle is reminiscent of Job’s or Christ’s, as he struggles to make sense of his son’s incomprehensible contact with the blue-eyed Jesus from a personal and theological perspective.
  3. He is also a member of the Wesleyan Church.
  4. It was a Wesleyan chapel that housed the famed Seneca Falls Convention in 1848, which was dedicated to abolition and the advancement of women’s rights in nineteenth-century New York.

In theological terms, the Wesleyans are “post-millennial,” which means that the emphasis is on the idea that Christ has already come and offered us salvation, rather than on the “pre-millennial” obsessions of many other evangelicals, such as the Second Coming, the Rapture, the Number of the Beast, and so on.

Burpo strays a long way from Wesleyan doctrinal caution when he entertains the notion that his toddler son had a “real” vision of heaven, and then ponders the implications of such a revelation.

His right-wing opponents argue that sincere believers should be welcomed into the fold because a girl in Lithuania met the same blue-eyed Jesus, and the encounter was captured on video and posted on YouTube.

Across the bottom of the image, Colton beckons to befuddled Information Age agnostics: “Well, it was real to Colton, and who am I to say?” After all, how can we know what is “genuine” in the first place?

Burpo’s attempt to pull significant truths from a tiny kid’s dreams or hallucinations is sad and even sweet in Kinnear’s empathetic acting, but it completely destroys itself with all of its jittery twists, asterisks, and parenthesis.

Is heaven anything more than a communal hallucination that helps us survive with a messed-up reality, or is it anything more than that? Perhaps this isn’t the case. Is democracy still alive?

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