Why Did Jesus Pray For Peter And Not Judas

The Difference Between Judas and Peter

2 Minutes to Read When it comes to endurance, our belief in the intercession of our Great High Priest is the cornerstone of our faith in him. It also aids in making sense of the narratives of Peter and Judas, two of Jesus’ disciples who were involved in a terrible accident after following him. Because of his restoration, one disciple’s fall away from Christ is considered to be a final and complete deed of apostasy; yet, the fall of the other disciple is not considered to be final and complete because he is not restored.

Judas betrayed Jesus and was executed.

These two men, who had been disciples alongside Jesus during his earthly ministry, turned on him during his lowest hour and committed treason against Him.

But, as we know, when Jesus stated, “I am the bread of life,” “Someone among you will betray me,” the disciples agreed among themselves.

  1. Is it really me?” When Judas inquired, “Is it really me, Rabbi?” “You have stated so,” Jesus said to him (Matt.
  2. “Whatever you’re going to do, do it swiftly,” Jesus said in his final words to Judas (John 13:27).
  3. When Jesus predicted that Peter would betray him, Peter reacted angrily and vehemently.
  4. 26:33).
  5. 10:12), because Jesus then turned to Simon and said to him in loving terms, “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat” (Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded that you be sifted like wheat) (Luke 22:31).
  6. It may take some time and effort, and it may be tiresome, but it is not a time-consuming task.
  7. Satan is far more powerful than Peter, and he would have no trouble defeating whatever strength Peter believed he possessed.
  8. It was he who said, “I have prayed for you, hoping that your faith will not be shaken.
  9. Take note of what Jesus chooses not to say.
  10. He also hopes that he will be able to strengthen the brothers.
  11. Not only did Jesus have no doubt that Peter would fall, and that he would fall abysmally, but Jesus also had no doubt that Peter would be restored.

He repented, he was forgiven, he was restored, and he persevered to the very end of the story. Can I Lose My Salvation?, by R.C. Sproul, is the source of the following excerpt: More free ebooks from theCrucial Questionsseries are available for download here.

The Sifting of Judas and Peter

The scripture for today includes Luke 22:1-6, as well as verses 31-34: Passover, also known as the Feast of Unleavened Bread, was drawing nearer at this point. 2And the chief priests and scribes were scrambling to figure out how to put him to death because they were afraid of the people. Satan then entered Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve apostles, and took up residence in his body. 4He went out and discussed with the leading priests and officers about how he could betray him to the other priests and officials.

6As a result, he consented and looked for an opportunity to betray him to them when there was no throng around him.

And when you have turned around again, give your brothers strength.” 33 In response, Peter responded to him, “Lord, I am prepared to accompany you to jail as well as to death.” 34 When Jesus remarked, “I tell you, Peter, the rooster will not crow today until you deny three times that you know me,” he was referring to three times Peter denied knowing him.

  1. And both of them disputed Jesus’ divinity.
  2. One, on the other hand, was fortified in his faith as a result of the experience and went on to become the courageous leader of the early church.
  3. I needed to figure out what was going on.
  4. It is also the last dinner that Jesus shared with his followers before he marched to the cross in victory.
  5. Satan.
  6. Adversary.
  7. In addition, what a formidable opponent.

Satan rattles and smashes us apart till we slip through his sieve and are lost as a result of twisting and morphing our deepest impulses into something we ourselves do not recognize.

Satan is aware of Peter’s true identity, which is based on his being a devoted disciple who loves Jesus above all else and who is willing to die for Jesus.

Are you really who you say you are?

These two gentlemen were put to the test, and both failed.


Despite Satan’s request to sift through “all” of the disciples, the Bible tells that Jesus begged especially for Peter to be preserved.

What’s wrong with Judas?

The inequity has a personal ring to it.

My sails have been blown away by the wind.

Finally, I can feel the wind picking up speed.

It was true that Jesus had demonstrated the same leper healing, dead raising, and storm calming ministry to Judas and Peter.

During the final supper, Jesus called Judas to join him and the other disciples, where he said that the piece of bread he shared with Judas was his “body offered for you” (Luke 22:19) and that the cup Judas drunk from was his “blood, which is poured out for you” (Luke 22:20).

During the dinner, Jesus had dipped a bit in his own bowl and offered it to Judas (John 13:26), and he and the other disciples had washed Judas’s feet along with the rest of the disciples, desiring for the entire person to be clean (John 13:10-11).

He was well aware that Judas would turn his back on him and everything he stood for.

Although Passover is a celebration of freedom from slavery, it is also a time of sacrifice, for freedom is impossible without the willingness to die.

Its body is shattered, and its blood is spilled forth, which is smeared on the doorframes so that the people who live there would be identified as God’s and kept safe.

The ultimate Passover Lamb, Jesus, died on the cross for the sins of both Judas and Simon Peter. It is for the benefit of all of us. In addition to being a previous Design Editor of theIchthus, Ruirui Kuang ’12 is presently employed in the government sector in Washington, DC.

Why Jesus Prayed For Peter and Not Judas and Lessons For Every Christian

God, according to the Bible, shows no regard for the status of individual humans. In spite of this, there are several instances in the Bible where God appears to favor one individual while turning His back on the other person. We all know that God is impartial, so why did Jesus inform Peter that he was going to die? He’d prayed for him while He was away, but would Judas be destroyed? Both Peter and Judas were disciples of Jesus, and they accompanied Him on His three-and-a-half-year journey throughout the world delivering the Good News to people.

  1. On the eve of His death, Jesus informed His disciples in the Upper Room, according to the twenty-second chapter of the Gospel of Luke, that one of them would betray Him.
  2. Because such a comment perplexed the disciples, they began to question one another about whether or not he was the one who would betray Jesus.
  3. Judas had a strong need for money, and Satan took use of this weakness to mislead and ultimately ruin him.
  4. According to Proverbs 4:23, we should guard our hearts with all diligence since all of our decisions are dependent on the ideas that we have in our hearts.
  5. In spite of his defects, Judas made no attempt to overcome them, preferring to be seen as a disciple of Jesus rather than as one who genuinely loved Him.
  6. In contrast, Peter genuinely cared for Jesus, even if he had his own shortcomings.
  7. Despite the fact that Jesus glimpsed the deepest recesses of Peter’s heart, he saw an imperfect man who loved Him for who He was rather than what he could get out of Him.

While in the Upper Room, where Jesus instructed Judas to speed up with his treachery, he also informed Peter that Satan was attempting to have him destroyed.

When Peter first refused to believe in Jesus, he was quickly healed, and he went on to die for Jesus as he had promised.

Serving God externally may impress people, but it will not please God, who is concerned not only with the quality of our service, but also with the motivation behind it.

God deals with us on the basis of what He sees in us, not on the basis of how we present ourselves.

We must constantly analyze ourselves to see if we are on the correct road, and we must ask God to point out any weaknesses in our character.

Each and every bad seed that the devil puts in us must be rejected with vigilance by us.

We must constantly pray to God for the grace to live in such a way that He is pleased.

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Why did Jesus pray only that Peter’s faith wouldn’t fail?

In Luke’s account of the Last Supper, Jesus told Simon Peter, “Satan has requested to sift all of you as wheat.” “However, I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith will not be tested.” What exactly does the phrase “all of you” mean in this context? Is it possible that Satan want “all of Simon,” or that he desired to sift through all twelve apostles? Assuming that Satan desired to sift through all twelve apostles, then why did Jesus tell just Simon that he was praying that his faith would not be tested?

  • “All of you” refers to Satan’s desire to sift through the whole group of twelve apostles.
  • In some versions, “you apostles,” “you disciples,” or “you gentlemen” are used instead.
  • The disciples, rather than arguing about which of them was the greatest in response to Jesus’ warning that one of them would betray him, I believe Jesus understood the confidence that Peter, in particular, was likely expressing.
  • However, Jesus had Peter in mind for a leadership position in the community of his followers after his death, and the command to “strengthen your brethren” is a summons to enter into that role even after Peter’s denial of Jesus’ authority.
  • “The Refusal of St.
  • Peter repudiated Jesus on the same evening that he had boasted about him at the Last Supper, despite his confidence.
  • The Rev.
  • Christopher R.
  • For the past twenty-five years, he has been involved in parish and student ministry.
  • His Understanding the Books of the Bible study guide series is based on this structure, as is his Understanding the Books of the Bible blog.
  • Harvard University awarded him a Bachelor of Arts in English and American Literature and Language in addition to a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Gordon-Conwell.

He received his Ph.D. in the History of Christian Life and Thought, with a minor concentration in Biblical Studies, from Boston College, which is affiliated with Andover Newton Theological School. View all of Christopher R Smith’s blog entries.

Peter and Judas: A Tale of Two Betrayals

When Jesus came to the earth, He did so with a purpose and a mission: to serve, to redeem by offering Himself as a sacrifice for our sins, and to build the church via His apostles until the day of His resurrection. The church was then tasked with the task of spreading the Gospel. Each of Jesus’ twelve disciples, who were hand-picked by Him, followed Him throughout their lives. Most Christians would agree that Judas and Simon Peter, two of the most well-known of these twelve, are diametrically opposed to one another.

  1. However, a close examination of the Gospels reveals an intriguing pattern.
  2. Peter was the one who was always losing his cool.
  3. Peter had revelation from the Holy Spirit on the genuine character of Jesus.
  4. By contrasting and contrasting these two guys, a picture of two sorts of sinners is painted: those who come to Jesus and those who do not.
See also:  Jesus Will Return When All Have Heard

What Do the Gospels Say about Judas?

Judas Iscariot’s early life may only be inferred from what is known about him now. The Gospel of John claims that he was the son of a man named Simon Iscariot, according to the Gospel of John. The title “Iscariot” is also up for question among experts, with some believing it relates to a place, a Jewish group, or even a slang term meaning liar. The last two scenarios are regarded the least plausible, although they are still being discussed. Judas is listed by name as one of the twelve apostles who were hand-picked by Jesus in all four of the Gospels.

  • There is no indication that Judas failed in this endeavor.
  • In John 12:6, the apostle adds that Judas was in charge of the apostle’s moneybag, a position of trust that required honesty and integrity.
  • The avarice of Judas is a theme that appears repeatedly in the Bible, notably in the Gospel of John.
  • In his Gospel, John illustrates the extent to which Judas’ desire of money extends.
  • He asked this question not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief, and having charge of the moneybag he used to help himself to what was put into it (John 12:4-6).

Given how desirous the religious leaders were to have Jesus arrested, it’s likely that he might have negotiated a property deal or political advantages in exchange. He asked for what he actually desired – financial gain – and received it.

What Do the Gospels Say about Peter?

This apostle, who was born Simon son of Judah and renamed Peter by the Lord Jesus, began his life as a fisherman in the town of Capernaum. Peter did have a wife, albeit it is not known who she was at this time. It is mentioned in all three of the Synoptic Gospels that Jesus cured his mother-in-law. His brother Andrew was also an apostle, and the two of them collaborated with the Sons of Zebedee, who were also apostles at the time of Jesus’ death. Peter, like Judas, is mentioned in all four Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life, and he would go on to write two more writings that would be included in the New Testament.

  1. Peter and his brother were invited to be fishers of mankind.
  2. According to Matthew, Jesus affirms that the Holy Spirit is directing Peter by saying, “Simon Peter responded, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,'” confirming that the Holy Spirit is guiding Peter.
  3. As for you, I say, “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
  4. Peter was completely devoted to Jesus and His teachings, and he followed Him.
  5. While Judas wrestled with greed, Simon Peter is characterized by arrogance and a short fuse.
  6. Peter’s hubris was so powerful that, even after Jesus foretold his denial, he failed to repent of his sin.
  7. ‘Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times,’ Jesus declared to him.

“And all of the disciples agreed on this.” (Matthew 26:33-35; Mark 10:33-35).

His initial inclination was to attack the first person he came across.

He attempted to fight in the manner of a warrior, but this proved to be the incorrect strategy.

During the course of Jesus’ trial, he denied his Lord three times.

Peter betrayed his Savior in order to spare himself anguish and suffering.

He was still far from perfect; for example, he was reprimanded by Paul for refusing to associate with Christians who were not Jewish.

Peter’s conduct was changed once he was reminded to live like Christ.

Peter’s Christian journey was one of development, as he faced his sins, repented, and continued to progress. He placed his confidence in the proper place, in his savior Jesus Christ, and matured in character as a result of his faith in Christ.

How Did Judas and Peter Respond to Jesus Christ?

There has been a tremendous lot of discussion as to what Judas’ final motivation for betraying Christ was. Was it a case of sheer greed? Were his expectations dashed when Jesus did not lead a military uprising against Rome, as many had believed the foretold Messiah would? The question of whether or not Judas can be held accountable for his treachery is likewise a source of heated dispute. Was he complicit in this crime despite his displeasure with it? The verse “Then Satan entered Judas named Iscariot” in Luke 22:3 does not mention so.

  1. The manner in which Judas approached Jesus is perhaps the most obvious indicator that he felt differently about Jesus than the other disciples.
  2. It is recorded in Matthew’s narrative that when Jesus predicted that someone would betray Him, “and they were exceedingly unhappy, and one after another they started to cry to him, ‘Is it I, Lord?'” (Matthew 26:22; Mark 12:22).
  3. It is recorded in the Gospel of John that the disciple asked Jesus, “Lord, who is it?” as he leans back on Jesus’ feet.
  4. A significant discrepancy may be found in the Gospels’ account of Judas’ interrogation: “Judas, who would betray him, said, ‘Is it I, Rabbi?'” “He told him, ‘You have said so,'” he explained (Matthew 26:25).
  5. Judas addressed Him as “Rabbi.” This Hebrew term meaning teacher was an honorable and distinguished title that acknowledged Jesus’ understanding of the Old Testament, but it did not accept Jesus’ divinity, authority, or due status as the Son of God, as the New Testament does.
  6. Jesus was only a guy in Judas’ eyes.
  7. The fact that he had betrayed someone who had not committed a crime and who had been condemned rather than the murderer Barabas made him feel awful.
  8. Peter, on the other hand, was well aware of who Jesus Christ was.
  9. He was well aware that he was the Son of the Living God.
  10. When Jesus appeared to Judas, he performed the same miracles and taught him the same things as the other apostles and disciples.

He did not place his confidence in Jesus in the same way that Peter did. The essential distinction between Judas and Peter is their differing perspectives on who Jesus was and what he did.

What Can We Learn from These Two Men?

Both Peter and Judas fought with sin during their time with Jesus throughout His earthly ministry – one with pride, the other with greed – but they were able to overcome their difficulties. They both sat at His feet, watched His miracles, and learnt about the Kingdom of Heaven throughout their time with Him. Both Peter and Judas made the decision to betray Jesus on the night of Passover. Judas sold the Rabbi to the religious officials in order to achieve financial benefit, while Peter denied any relationship with the man whom He addressed as Lord.

  1. Both of them betrayed their Lord, but only one of them came to repent.
  2. Jesus made bold statements about Himself, and his claims were backed up by miracles like as healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and raising the dead prior to His crucifixion and death.
  3. In the end, Judas was unable to bring himself to place his faith in Jesus Christ, which finally led to his demise.
  4. The apostle Peter placed his trust in Jesus, despite the fact that he first looked to be struggling with external sins; in fact, Jesus said that Peter did not always grasp His teachings.
  5. Even after he had betrayed Jesus by denying Him and failing to defend Him at the trial, he returned.
  6. This is an example that Christians can follow in the modern era.
  7. Sin and mistakes will occur, but God is always willing to forgive and forget.


Calvin, Jean, David Torrance, and Thomas Torrane are all members of the Torrane family. A Musical Arrangement of the Gospels Volume 1 of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1994. Alfred Edersheim’s work is a good example of how to combine a formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formal The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah are detailed in this book.

  1. The William B.
  2. Feinberg, John S., and Basinger, David.
  3. Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2001.
  4. On the subject of illustrious men The CUA Press, in Washington, D.C., published this book in 1999.
  5. Dwight.
  6. Dwight.” Jesus Christ’s Words and Deeds are the foundation of the Christian faith.
  7. Source: Public Domain Image courtesy of Leonardo Da Vinci

Bethany Verretti is a writer and editor who works as a freelancer. She writes a religion and lifestyle blog, graceandgrowing.com, where she ponders the Lord, life, culture, and ministry, as well as other topics.

Bethany Verretti is a writer and editor who works as a freelancer. She writes a religion and lifestyle blog, graceandgrowing.com, where she ponders the Lord, life, culture, and ministry, as well as other topics.

See also:  Why Jesus Was Crucified On The Cross

When Jesus Prays for Your Faith

You will be given another opportunity by Jesus. This is made very plain by Luke in the introduction to the book of Acts. No matter how badly you’ve messed up in the past, or how oblivious you’ve been to God’s ways, or how obstinate you’ve been when wise people have told you the truth, Jesus can use you in some manner. Jesus is looking for you. The book of Acts contains an example of this in the interlude between Jesus informing his followers that the Spirit would come (Acts 1:8) and the Spirit actually appearing (Acts 2:1–4).

  1. So what exactly is the objective of all of this preliminary work?
  2. The Apostle Peter, as well as the way Luke sets the setting in Acts by taking up where he left off in his Gospel, are both important factors.
  3. There’s more to it than that.
  4. I mean, they are the same guys, as Luke is attempting to demonstrate to us in Acts 1:12–14, but they have changed, particularly Peter, in certain ways.

That Night by the Fire

If we go back to Luke’s Gospel and examine Peter’s character, we will be able to sense the impression that Luke is attempting to create in our minds. One of the final things we see Peter doing there is something I’m sure you recall. Do you recall the story in Luke 22 about the servant girl who came across Peter sitting by the fire? How well do you recall what he did when she raised her voice and stated, “This guy was also with him” (Luke 22:56)? Yes, we are aware of what occurred. In truth, Peter should have been aware of what was about to take place as well.

Jesus says to Peter earlier in Luke 22: “Look, Simon, Satan has claimed your possession so that he may sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you so that your faith will not fail.” And when you have turned around again, give your brothers strength.” (See also Luke 22:31–32) In other words, something horrible is about to happen, but it won’t necessarily be the end.

Even before the sun comes up, Peter, you’re going to refuse me three times before the day is done (Luke 22:34).

Judas and Peter, Side by Side

We are left at this point for a short while while Luke continues to develop the story, moving from Jesus encouraging his disciples to pray against temptation to Jesus himself praying for the cup of suffering to be removed — which concludes with Jesus’ faithful submission to his Father: “Nevertheless, not my will but yours, be done” (Luke 22:42). Then, in verses 47–53, we are told of Judas’ heinous betrayal of the entire world. One of Jesus’ closest followers, one of his Twelve, betrays him. What comes next?

  • In Luke 22:54, we return to Peter, and just as Jesus said would happen, it actually does take place.
  • “There was another man with him as well.” “You are also one of them,” says the narrator.
  • “Woman, I’m not familiar with him.” “I’m sorry, but I’m not.” “Dude, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” In addition, the rooster crows.
  • Peter had denied Jesus three times, and now he walks outside and weeps furiously in the street (Luke 22:62).
  • It is no coincidence that both Judas and Peter are referenced in the same sentence in this passage.
  • Moreover, at this point in the account, there is little reason to believe that either of them would recover — except for the fact that Jesus assured Peter that he has prayed for him, that his faith will not fail, and that when he turns again, he will empower his brothers (Luke 22:32).
  • Peter makes one final appearance in the Gospel of John.

With the exception of Peter, the disciples did not believe them. Peter, in contrast to the rest of the group, stands and sprints to the tomb. He stoops and peers inside the room, but no one was there. He returns home, stunned by what has transpired (Luke 24:12).

Peter Stands Again

Acts begins, and we’re right back where we started — in the stretch of chapter 1 between when the Spirit is promised and where he really arrives. What we discover, on the other hand, is not by chance. Following the listing of the disciples, we find Peter standingagain (Acts 2:14) — the same term for “stand” that is used in Luke 24:12 is used here. The apostle Peter is standing among his brethren, bolstering them, and in this instance, he is opening the Hebrew Scriptures to provide insight into how they find a substitute for Judas.

Yes, you are correct.

In a similar vein, the two figures are juxtaposed once more, as they were in the previous chapter.

What Cannot Fail

On the one hand, we as readers may be amazed at how Luke manages to do this. Nevertheless, we can’t help but notice what made the difference in Peter’s life — and what it means for us — even if we don’t get stuck on the pages. In his message to Peter, Jesus assured him that he was in his prayers and that his faith would not fail. In addition, his trust was not shaken. Peter stooped and peered as he stood and rushed around the room. His perception — or rather, his failure to perceive — of the situation altered everything (Luke 24:12).

  • When a death-defying Savior prays for your faith to remain strong, your faith remains strong.
  • It wouldn’t be without its share of bumps and bruises, but it was Jesus’ plan, and he would pray for it to be carried out.
  • You have the option to turn again.
  • I’m looking for you.

Forgiveness: If Jesus knew that Judas was going to betray him, why did he keep him in the circle of his close companions until the end?

When Jesus chose his twelve closest disciples from among the many who followed him, he intended for them to share and carry on his mission with him. He took the creation of this group of twelve apostles extremely seriously, praying for it for a full night before it took place. However, at a certain point, Jesus realized that one of the twelve disciples, Judas, had shifted his perspective. According to the gospels, Jesus recognized that Judas was growing increasingly distant from him, and even realized that he was about to “hand him over.” According to John’s gospel, Jesus was aware of what was going on in Galilee long before the events in Jerusalem that would lead to his death on the cross occurred (John 6:70-71).

  • What was he thinking by keeping him so close to him to the end?
  • “Did I not chose you, the Twelve?” says the Master.
  • God chose Abraham, and then he chose Israel to be the chosen people for the rest of time.
  • The fact that God has chosen to love Abraham and his descendants for all time is what makes the covenant unbreakable.
  • Jesus could not expel Judas because he had chosen the twelve in the same way that God had chosen his people, and he could not do so even when he realized that he was about to betray him.
  • A God wounded and humiliated by the betrayals of his people, but who never stopped loving them with an eternity-long love, was represented by the prophets, in particular Hosea and Jeremiah, who spoke in their names.
  • By prostrating himself in front of his disciples and washing their feet, he elevated himself to the status of servant to all, including Judas.
  • If Jesus wanted to be faithful to his Father – to the God who chose Abraham and Israel, to the God of the prophets – he had no choice but to keep Judas close to him until the end of the world.
  • “The light shines in the darkness” (John 1:5).

(John 1:5). The gospel says that Jesus “was glorified” at the moment he gave his love to Judas, when he loved him without gaining anything by it and beyond all measure (John 13:31). (John 13:31). In the darkest night of resentment and hatred, Jesus manifested the unbelievable radiance of God’s love.

Why are the gospels so discreet concerning Judas’ motives?

It is incredible that the first Christians did not remain silent about the fact that one of the twelve apostles had turned Jesus up to the hostile authorities during his ministry. Given this circumstance, it is reasonable to question the character of Jesus himself: did Jesus make an error in selecting one of his closest companions? However, it is as amazing that the gospels include absolutely no information concerning Judas’ motivations. Was he dissatisfied when he understood that Jesus was not a Messiah with a political liberation agenda in mind for the world?

  • Some believe he was motivated by the promise of a reward, while others believe he acted out of love, assisting Jesus in his decision to offer his life.
  • The mention of the devil is one of them.
  • However, this simply adds to the intrigue.
  • Jesus could sense the resentment that had been bred in Judas’ heart and that had been entrenched to the point of being unrecoverably entrenched.
  • It is also possible to determine this by referring to the Holy Scriptures.
  • When the gospels make this reference to the Scriptures, it is critical that we comprehend what they are saying accurately.
  • Those who have thoroughly studied the Bible are well aware of the extent to which it provides options and places everyone ahead of their societal obligations.
  • While there is a dramatic element to the betrayal, God is also at work in the story.
  • God is bringing about the fulfillment of his promises (Isaiah 55:10-11).
  • When it comes to Judas’ bitterness and animosity, there is nothing more unfathomable than Jesus’ love for him “until the very end.” They are so circumspect about Judas’ motivations because they do not wish to satisfy our curiosity, but rather to persuade us to trust in Jesus Christ.

The gulf of darkness of the drama of Judas’ betrayal is not illuminated; rather, the depths of God’s love are revealed in an unfathomable and inexplicable way.


Peter is a hero of mine. His faults appear to be more frequent than those of the other disciples, but he is my hero because of what he does in the aftermath of his missteps. Every time, he repents and returns to Jesus with humility and faith in his heart. It is not how frequently you fall down that matters; rather, it is what you do after you go down. Peter, on the other hand, always does the right thing once he has fallen. He serves as an excellent role model for us. To listen to the sermon, use the play button on your computer’s keyboard: The following link may be downloaded by selecting “Save target as” from the context menu of your browser (or whatever you do on a Mac): Matthew’s Part is available for download.

See also:  What Does Jesus Say About Humility

Matthew96. Matthew 26:69-27:10

There is a lot going on in this room right now. Because Matthew is telling the story in the order in which it occurred, we are going back and forth between distinct incidents. So far, I have not spoken about the physical pain that Jesus endured, which began with his arrest and continued throughout his life. Instead, we will concentrate on Peter and Judas for the remainder of this message, and I will continue to push it off until the next one. In the book of Acts, Luke recounts Judas’s downfall in the following terms: 18 With his ill-gotten gains, this man has now purchased a piece of land.

19 This became known to all of the citizens of Jerusalem, and the field has been given the name Hakeldama in their own tongue (that is, Field of Blood).

It is my intention to warn you that this paragraph contains some nasty notions.

Then, anytime it came crashing down, the “bursting open” would be a common occurrence.

When it came to dealing with both money (which they couldn’t use for themselves or the treasury) and pollution, the Jewish religious leaders decided that purchasing the field as a burial cemetery for non-Jews would be the best answer because the land wasn’t any good to Jews in the first place.

  • Following that, the same reasoning is applied for the duration of the game.
  • I believe Matthew added it here to bring the account of what happened to him to a close, but I have a strong suspicion that it did not all take place on the same day that Jesus was executed.
  • According to my estimation, Judas changed his mind and committed himself within a week or two after Jesus’ execution.
  • People have pointed out that Judas felt remorse since he confessed to betraying innocent blood, as he put it.
  • To put it another way, Judas truly believed in Jesus and just needed a little “push” to get him to go to battle with the Romans.
  • However, both John and Luke teach us that Satan was the one who compelled Judas to betray Jesus and his followers (John 13:27; Luke 22:3).
  • I believe it is no coincidence that Matthew places the narrative of Peter’s treachery immediately following the story of Judas’ death.

It is true that Judas’ treachery was planned in advance.

You might, on the other hand, say the same thing about Peter.

When Peter refused Jesus for the first time, you might argue he was acting in the heat of the moment, which was true.

Peter may have re-examined his options after each one.

So what was different this time?

I believe it all goes down to the heart of what the Bible teaches: repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

Judas felt guilt for what he had done, according to Matthew.

The English Standard Version (ESV) translates it as “changed his mind.” Despite the fact that they are similar, they are not the same term as “repentance.” At some level, Judas felt horrible about what he had done.

But, despite all of his negative emotions, he never turned back to Jesus.

Regret eats away at you from the inside out.

Nothing happens; you simply sit there wishing you had done something different.

That is why “regret” is one of the preferred phrases used by politicians in meaningless “apologies,” and why it is one of the most often used terms in political speeches.

This is not the same as saying, “I’m sorry,” or, “It is my fault; please forgive me,” or, “I’m going to change,” or any other similar expression.

It’s possible that there’s something else going on.

Alternatively, you may say it like this (please pay close attention to the italicized emphasis): “I’ve betrayed Jesus!” Peter thought to himself as he sat there.

What I’m trying to say is that it’s possible that Judas was more concerned by the fact that he made a mistake than he was about the fact that he committed a transgression against Jesus.

He felt remorse, but he did not feel repentance.

Despite the fact that herepented for the occurrence (in a profound way), there is no indication that herepented It was the fact that he had injured the guy he had grown to know and love that brought Peter to tears.

), but that he had done something that had caused Jesus to be hurt.

Repentance, on the other hand, is God-centered, whereas regret is self-centered.

Peter, on the other hand, is my idol.

Every time, he repents and returns to Jesus with humility and faith in his heart.

Peter, on the other hand, always does the right thing when he falls.

Repentance necessitates humility.

Putting yourself in a position of need with regard to the person you have injured is not a good thing.

In a way, you are giving them the ability to control your actions.

In his later writings, he demonstrates that he understands what he is talking about: “God resists the haughty, but provides favor to the humble.” 6 For God is concerned about you, humble yourselves beneath His powerful hand so that He may elevate you at the appropriate time.7 Cast all your anxieties on Him, because He is concerned about you.

  1. Despite the fact that Jesus had foretold everything, neither Judas nor Peter comprehended what was taking place when Jesus was crucified.
  2. In his heart, he thought that Jesus would have pity on him and forgive him for his mistakes.
  3. He may have been, in my opinion.
  4. Even after that, Judas was given the same chance that Peter was given to confess.
  5. So, how can we put these ideas into practice in our everyday lives?
  6. Here are my opinions on the subject: According to the Bible, we have all sinned: 9 So, what do you do?
  7. In no way, shape, or form!
  8. It seems as though there is no one who understands or who seeks God.
  9. There isn’t a single person who does what is right, not even one.

(Romans 3:9-12, Holy Cross and Society Bible) We are no better than Judas or Peter in this regard. We are all on the same level playing field. The question is whether we will follow in the footsteps of Judas or Peter. We all want to be like Peter, but how do we go about it?

  1. Be on the lookout for remorse, and be wary of regret. Regret does nothing to assist you in any manner. You’re left with nothing as a result. Repentance inspires you to do better and to return to the Lord. If you discover that you are sorry but not repentant, I advise you to instead pray to God to assist you in repenting. Changing your mind, turning away from your sin and toward God, even if it means sacrificing other things, is what repentance is all about. Make an effort to be humble. You cannot repent until you first demonstrate humility. In repentance, you acknowledge your mistakes, you acknowledge that your acts (or inactions) were wrong, and you express genuine regret for them. In addition, by acknowledging that you are powerless and in need of God’s (and potentially other people’s) forgiveness, you grant God (and possibly other people) control over your life and your destiny. You must have humility in order to do this
  2. You must believe that Jesus’ death was genuinely sufficient to atone for your sins. You can put your faith in what the Bible says:

Through trust in Jesus Christ, everyone who believes receives God’s blessing and acceptance. There is no distinction between individuals. Everyone has sinned and fallen short of God’s glory as a result of their transgressions. They receive God’s acceptance freely as a result of God’s grace, which is made possible by the price paid by Christ Jesus to set us free from sin. In the Greek text of Romans 3:22-24, the word “God” is translated “God’s Word.” When I observe individuals failing to understand that God truly forgives them, I ask them the following question: “Are you saying that the suffering Jesus endured wasn’t enough to atone for your sin?” Are you implying that he should have been subjected to further suffering?

If this is the case, then stop fooling about and trust that you have been forgiven.

More than that, he had faith in the character of Jesus, believing that somehow, he would be able to set everything right.

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