What Does Jesus Say About Humility

What did Jesus say about being humble?

Jesus instructed his disciples to have a modest demeanor. The ability to be humble comes from the recognition of one simple, fundamental reality about ourselves: we are no better than anybody else. Every human being makes mistakes and makes decisions that are incorrect at times. Given that we are all human beings, we will all make mistakes and get things wrong at various points during our lives, and we will continue to make mistakes and get things wrong for the rest of our lives. The virtue of humility consists in admitting and affirming this basic reality Being humble is acknowledging in our hearts and in front of God the reality that we are no better than anybody else.

“You have a single instructor, and you are all brothers,” says the teacher (Matthew 23:8).

The whole chapter of Matthew 23 is devoted to Jesus admonishing his disciples to be humble and harshly condemning religious leaders for their lack of humility and their valueless activities.

He said that his followers should be servants to one another – and that servants were of little or no significance.

He quoted them frequently: Matthew 18:1-5 (see also Mark 9:33-37; Luke 9:46-48), Matthew 19:13-14 (see also Mark 10:13-15; Luke 18:15-17), Matthew 20:25-28 (see also Mark 10:42-45), Matthew 23:11-12 (see also Mark 10:42-45), Matthew 23:11-12 (see also Mark 10:42-45), Matthew 23:11-12 (see also Mark 10:42-45), Matthew 23:11-12 (see also Luke 14:11; Luke 18:14).

  • He set himself up as the model of modest service that we should all strive to emulate (Matthew 11:29; Matthew 20:25-28; Matthew 21:5; Mark 10:45; John 13:3-15).
  • If we wish to be humble like Jesus, we must first learn to be humble.
  • So, what does it mean to be humble for us in the twenty-first century as followers of Jesus?
  • It entails abandoning the pretense that we are better than everyone else.
  • Essentially, it implies that we cease to assert that members of our group (for example, those who hold our religious or political beliefs) are correct and that everyone who disagrees with us is either mistaken, ignorant, or duped.
  • It entails stating “I might be completely incorrect” and really believing it.
  • This is not the manner in which we are encouraged to act in 21st Century Western society.

It appears that these things have nothing to do with being modest – and they don’t have anything to do with it.

We won’t be observed in any way.

How can we maintain our modesty while still succeeding in the world?

We should be on the lookout for opportunities to help in God’s Kingdom.

God is kind and forgiving, and he will provide for us.

According to my observations, someone who is truly modest – who does not claim to be better, wiser, or more skilled than others – is likely to get recognized in today’s culture.

Finally, one more thought. A person who is sincere in their humility would be an excellent team member. The best employers are constantly on the hunt for exceptional team players. Jesus is the Messiah. SummaryWe must make a commitment to being modest for the following reasons:

  • Jesus instructs us to be humble
  • Jesus himself was modest
  • And Jesus made it plain that he established the example of humility and that he wants us to follow in his footsteps.

Articles that are related Just keep saying, “I may be wrong,” and you will be following Jesus’ message on humility. When it comes to criticizing or condemning others, what did Jesus have to say? What did Jesus have to say about the importance of forgiving others? What did Jesus have to say about the leadership of the church?

What does the Bible say about humility?

QuestionAnswer Humility is defined in the Bible as meekness, lowliness, and the absence of one’s own interests. The Greek term translated “humility” in Colossians 3:12 and elsewhere literally means “lowliness of mind,” demonstrating that humility is a state of mind rather than an outward appearance. One might put on an outward display of humility while harboring feelings of pride and arrogance in one’s heart. The kingdom of heaven, according to Jesus, will be given to people who are “poor in heart” (Matthew 5:3).

  1. As a result, humility is an absolute requirement for the Christian.
  2. We confess that we are paupers and beggars who have nothing to give Him other than our sin and our desperate need for redemption, and that we come to Him as such.
  3. Then, when He extends God’s kindness and compassion to us, we accept it with sincere thankfulness and pledge our life to Him and to others around us.
  4. Our eternal gratitude for the fact that He has swapped our worthlessness for His infinite worth, and our sin for His righteousness, is something we will never forget.
  5. That exemplifies genuine humility.
  6. In this case, Jesus serves as our model.
  7. A self-deprecating attitude, vanity, and the turmoil that comes with self-justification and self-defense are all prohibited by this mentality.

(Philippians 2:8).

True humility brings about holiness, contentment, and stability in our lives.

As a result, we must confess and set aside our arrogance.

We will get more favor and will be exalted, however, if we humble ourselves before God (Luke 14:11).

The apostle Paul considered himself to be “the least of the apostles” and the “chief of sinners” despite the extraordinary talents and insight he had acquired (1 Timothy 1:15; 1 Corinthians 15:9).

The really humble, like Paul, would exult in the grace of God and the cross, rather than in their own self-righteousness (Philippians 3:3-9). Return to the page with the most recent Bible questions. What does the Bible have to say about being humble?

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27 Bible Verses About Humility

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What Does the Bible Say About Humility?

According to the Bible, humility is a characteristic of character characterized by appropriately valuing and rightly assessing oneself, particularly in light of one’s wrongdoing. In this definition, humility is a virtue that is characterized by a low opinion of oneself. It is the polar opposite of self-importance and arrogance. According to the Bible, humility is the right position for individuals to adopt while dealing with God. When we retain a modest attitude, we demonstrate our whole reliance on the Almighty.

As a result, humility is diametrically opposed to prominence and money.

There are several phrases in the Greek language that reflect the notion of humility, including submissiveness, meekness, abasement, modesty of character, lowliness of spirit, neediness, and smallness, to mention a few examples.

God Gives Grace to the Humble

In the perspective of God, humility is a character attribute that is of the highest significance. The Bible informs us that the Lord rewards, respects, and favors people who are sincerely humble, and that this is confirmed by experience. James 4:6-7 (KJV) And he does so in a generous manner. The Bible states that “God opposes the haughty but provides mercy to those who are lowly in spirit.” As a result, humble yourselves in the presence of God. If you resist the devil, he will depart from your presence.

  1. (NLT) 1 Peter 5:5 (New International Version) In the same way, those of you who are younger must recognize and respect the authority of those who are older.
  2. (NLT) verse 9 of Psalm 25 He directs the humble in the correct direction and instructs the humble in his ways.
  3. Proverbs 3:34 English Standard Version In his attitude toward the scorners, he is disdainful, but in his attitude toward the lowly, he is kind.
  4. Proverbs 15:33 (New International Version) Wisdom’s counsel is to fear the LORD, and humility comes before honor in the eyes of the world.
  5. Proverbs 22:4 (C.S.B.) The fear of the LORD is the source of humility, and its rewards are wealth, glory, and life.
  6. Those who are called by my name must humble themselves and pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, and I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sins, as well as restore and heal their land.

(NIV) Isaiah 66:2 (KJV) Heaven and earth were created by my hands; they, as well as everything inside them, are mine. The LORD has spoken! I, the LORD, have spoken! The meek and contrite in heart, who quiver at the sound of my voice, will be blessed by me. (NLT)

We Must Become Less

The finest of God’s servants are those who aim exclusively to magnify Jesus Christ above everything else. When Jesus arrived on the scene, John the Baptist receded into the background, allowing Christ to be the only one to get attention. John understood that being the least in God’s kingdom is what distinguishes one as great. 11:11 (Matthew 11:11) Truth be told, among those born of women, there has never risen anybody greater than John the Baptist; but, whomever is the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

  • “He must grow in importance, while I must shrink in importance.” Matthew 18:3–4 (New International Version) “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like small children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven,” Jesus said.
  • One of your finest servants will be the greatest among you.
  • Luke 14:11 in the English Standard Version Anyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted, as the saying goes.
  • Proverbs 16:19 (New International Version) It is preferable to live modestly with the poor than to enjoy the spoils of war with the proud.

Value Others Above Yourself

Selfish ambition and foolish conceit are incompatible with humility, and are instead the result of pride in one’s self. Christian love will lead us to act modestly toward others and to place others’ needs ahead of our own. Philippians 2:3 is a verse in the book of Philippians. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit in your own self-importance. Instead, practice humility by placing others’ needs ahead of your own. (NIV) Paul writes in Ephesians 4:2 that Always have a humble and compassionate demeanor.

(NLT) Paul writes in Romans 12:16 that Living in harmony with one another is essential.

Don’t put too much stock in your own judgment.

Clothe Yourself With Humility

The Christian life entails a process of inward development. We are transformed from our old sinful nature into the likeness of Christ via the power of the Holy Spirit. As the ultimate example, Jesus took on human flesh and exhibited the greatest act of humility by emptying himself of his grandeur in order to become a person. The essence of true humility is seeing ourselves as God sees us – with all of the value and worthiness that God has ascribed to us, and without any additional significance beyond that of others.

  1. Paul writes in Romans 12:3 that Because of the honor and power God has bestowed upon me, I would want to issue the following caution to everyone of you: Do not believe that you are better than you truly are.
  2. Colossians 3:12 (New Living Translation) You must thus dress yourselves in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and perseverance as God’s chosen people, holy and greatly loved by the Almighty.
  3. (New Living Translation) Zephaniah 2:3 All those who are modest should seek the LORD and obey his precepts.
  4. Perhaps the LORD will still protect you—shield you from his wrath on that day of annihilation—on that day of disaster.

Micah 6:8 (New Living Translation) His message to mankind is that he has revealed to everyone of you the qualities that are good and the characteristics that the LORD asks of you: to act justly, to love fidelity, and to walk humbly with your God. (CSB)

Humility: What the Bible really says about being humble

When it comes to humility, there may be a lot of misunderstanding. In many cultures, humility is connected with stillness, surrender, and feelings of inadequacy or inferiority. But, what exactly does the Bible have to say on the subject? Listed below are four biblical ideas on humility that every Christian should be aware of.

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1. Humility means submission, but not groveling

Submission and humility are inextricably linked. We are instructed by God’s Word to submit to one another in a spirit of lowliness, which is to be humble in our thinking. You younger people must do the same and submit yourself to your elders. To be sure, everyone of you should submit to one another and dress in humility, since “God opposes the arrogant, but offers favor to the humble.” 1 Peter 5:5-6 is a passage of scripture. By being obedient and “covering ourselves with humility,” we may bring about peace and togetherness among the people around us.

  • We should also not be of the attitude that our own ideas and thoughts are always superior to those of others.
  • Being submissive and humble, on the other hand, does not imply that we should prostrate ourselves before other people in any way, shape, or form.
  • For “you were purchased at a cost; do not allow yourselves to become slaves to mankind.” 1 Corinthians 7:23 is a biblical passage.
  • Or do I aspire to be liked by men?
  • While it is vital to be obedient, to accept correction, and to have a low self-esteem, we must strive to please God with our lives as Christians.
  • This should be our primary focus: to submit ourselves to God’s will and live and breathe in obedience to His instructions, rather than attempting to fulfill the needs and expectations of others.

2. Humility does not mean that we are silent, or passive people

If you want to be beautiful, don’t let your adornment be just outward.rather, let it be a hidden person with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and calm spirit, which is extremely valuable in God’s eyes.” 1 Peter 3:3-4 is a passage of scripture. God intends that Christians have a peaceful and calm heart, according to the Bible. In order to be able to hear God’s Spirit speaking to our hearts throughout the day, it is critical that we remain humble and still in our inner self. However, just because we have a kind and peaceful spirit does not imply that we should be passive individuals.

  • Jesus reminds us that the kingdom of heaven has been taken by force, and he explains why.
  • Disciples must not let sin to take root in their hearts.
  • We are not to be “.lagging in diligence,” but rather “fervent in heart, serving the Lord,” according to Paul’s instructions.
  • As is usually the case, we must lay aside our own honor, reputation, and natural expectations in order to follow the Lord with complete devotion.

Neither our own authority nor our capacity to speak or do anything that God desires to be done through us should be called into doubt. As a substitute, we should allow God to utilize us exactly as He sees fit in every circumstance.

3. Humility means we use our talents and capabilities

“For by the gift given to me, I urge everyone among you not to elevate himself above what he ought to elevate himself, but to ponder with sober discernment, everyone according to the measure of faith that God has allocated.” 3rd chapter of Romans To have a modest mentality means to have a realistic view of one’s own abilities. This implies that we don’t extol the virtues of our own achievements and capabilities. Rather, we accept that God is our ultimate source of sufficiency in all things. 2 Corinthians 3:5 (New International Version) Nonetheless, this does not imply that we should ignore the talents and lofty calling that God has bestowed upon us via His Son.

  • He has given each of us our unique set of talents and abilities, and He has purchased us with the priceless blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross.
  • We should use our talents and abilities under God’s guidance and leadership, giving Him all the acclaim and glory for what is done in and through our life.
  • “As each of you has received a talent, minister it to one another in the spirit of responsible stewardship of God’s countless blessings.” If someone want to speak, he or she should do it in the manner of the prophets of God.
  • Amen.” 1 Peter 4:10–11 is a biblical passage.

4. Humility is the key to progress

“God opposes the haughty, but he grants grace to the humble,” says the Bible. As a result, surrender to God’s will. If you resist the devil, he will depart from your presence. Make a closer connection with God, and He will make a closer connection with you. He will pull you up if you humble yourself in His sight.” James 4:6-8 and 10 are two of the most important verses in the Bible. God operates in accordance with the rules of nature. It is a natural law that if we humble ourselves beneath the strong hand of God, relinquishing our own will and honor, He will provide us with the grace that we require to live a Christian life in truth, as well as exalt us at the appropriate moment in His plan.

  1. Despite the fact that he was in the form of God, he did not believe equality with God to be something that could be grasped or held onto.
  2. He humbled Himself and became submissive to the point of death, even death on the cross, when He was discovered in human form.
  3. He did not place a high value on his own self-importance or honor, but voluntarily gave it up in every circumstance so that God’s purpose might be carried out and God could be glorified by the sacrifice of His life.
  4. God, on the other hand, pays close attention to our hearts and is ready and happy to empower those who wish to spend their lives for His honor and glory,” says the Bible.
  5. And what is the location of My resting place?
  6. I will look, however, on one who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at the sound of My word.'” Isaiah 66:1-2 is a passage of scripture.
  7. We are not to be wealthy and content with our own self.

God cannot undertake a transformational job in our lives because we are filled with self-centeredness. Instead, we are expected to be humble and lowly in spirit. God will then take notice of us and grant us the grace we require to achieve genuine growth in our Christian life.

10 Key Bible Verses on Humility

This article is a part of the collection of key Bible verses.

1. James 4:6–10

He, on the other hand, is more gracious. Accordingly, “God opposes the haughty, but grants grace to the humble,” as the Bible states. As a result, you must submit yourself to God. If you resist the devil, he will depart from your presence. Bring yourself closer to God, and he will come closer to you. Please, all of you sinners and double-minded individuals, please clean up your hands and cleanse your hearts. Be unhappy, sorrow, and weep over your loss. Allow your pleasure to be converted into grief and your laughter to be turned into darkness.

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According to Proverbs 3:34, individuals who are humble before God will be showered with blessings (cf. also James 4:10; 1 Pet. 5:5). As in “God opposes,” this signifies that he will resist and send punishment since the haughty have chosen the praise and ways of the world, and therefore are behaving as God’s adversaries (James 4:4). The only way to stand against the devil is to surrender to God and become close to him as well (cf. 1 Cor. 10:13). Satan will be defeated and forced to flee, just as he did from the cross of Christ, according to the Bible (Luke 4:13).

  • The laughter of James’s readers demonstrates how carelessly they were handling their wrongdoing.
  • 15:2; 22:4; Jer.
  • As a follow-up to the theme emphasized in James 4:6, it is the humble who will be exalted by God (cf.
  • 23:12 par.; Luke 1:52; 14:11; 18:14; 1 Pet.
  • However, as long as humans elevate themselves above God, God will not elevate them.

2. Philippians 2:3–8

Act without selfish ambition or conceit, but with humility recognize that others are more important than yourself. It is important for everyone of you to consider not just your own interests, but also the interests of others. Think about it and share it with one another because you have the same mentality as Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be grasped, but humbled himself by taking on the form of a servant and being born in the image of mankind.

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Read the Commentary

When it comes to advancing one’s own agenda, there is always the temptation to act in the manner of Paul’s opponents in Philippians 1:17 and work in a spirit of selfish ambition. Such conceit (literally, “vainglory”) is overcome by recognizing the importance of people who are more significant than yourself. Paul understands that everyone has a natural tendency to look out for their own interests. The idea is to take that same level of concern and apply it to the interests of others who are not directly involved.


Paul composed this beautiful doctrine in order to convince the Philippians to put the interests of others above their own.

Some scholars argue that Philippians 2:6–11 has obvious indicators of poetic structure, leading some to assume that this is a pre-Pauline hymn that Paul adopted.

Two things must be remembered in light of the plethora of theological questions raised by these verses: (1) these verses were not written to provoke Christians into theological debate but rather to encourage greater humility and love; and (2) the summary of Christ’s life and ministry found here is not unique: the same themes are evident throughout the rest of the New Testament.

  • According to some scholars, this most naturally relates to Christ’s “preexistence”—that is, his existence with the Father before he came to be born in Bethlehem (John 1:1; 17:5, 24).
  • In this way, having the “form of God” is approximately comparable to having equality with God (Gk.
  • 2:7).
  • “Form” might also be a reference to Christ being the ultimate image of God, “the precise imprint of his nature,” as well as a reference to Christ being “the exact imprint of his nature” (Heb.
  • Alternatively, it might relate to the notion that he is the tangible manifestation of God’s incomprehensible grandeur (Col.
  • It is noteworthy that Christ did not anticipate that having “equality with God” (which he already possessed) would compel him to try to cling on to his privileges at all costs, as some have suggested.

Instead, he had a service-oriented frame of mind. “Christ did not do what he wanted to do” (Rom. 15:3). Philippians 2:3–4 reveals how he regarded the interests of others as more important than his own (in humility).

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3. 2 Chronicles 7:13–15

My people who are called by my name must humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways in order for me to hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land when I close the heavens so that there is no rain or command the locust to devour the land or send pestilence among my people. If they do, I will hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land. My eyes will be open, and my ears will be listening, while I listen to the prayer that is being spoken in this area.

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One of the most important purposes of God is to forgive and heal his repentant people and their land. Throughout 2 Chronicles 10–36, the exact vocabulary of this passage (lower oneself, pray, seek, turn) will be used to describe different types of heartfelt repentance, and it will be used repeatedly. Healing their land involves relief from drought and plague, as well as the restoration of exiles to their proper places in society (2 Chron. 6:38). It also includes the restoration of the people to a true connection with God, according to the Chronicler.

The powerful assurance of God’s presence and attentiveness in the temple (2 Chron.


4. Matthew 23:2–12

“The scribes and Pharisees sit on Moses’ throne; therefore, obey and follow everything they tell you, but do not copy the actions that they perform.” Because they preach yet do not live what they teach. They bind huge weights that are difficult to carry and place them on people’s shoulders, yet they are not prepared to shift them with a single movement of their finger. They perform all of their actions in order to be seen by others. Due to the fact that they make their phylacteries large and their fringes long, and they like being given the place of honor at feasts and the nicest seats in synagogues, and they enjoy meeting people in the marketplaces and being addressed as rabbi by others, However, you are not to be addressed as rabbis because you have just one master and are all brothers.

You should not be referred to as teachers, since you have only one instructor, who is Christ.

It is those who elevate themselves who will be humiliated, and it is those who humble themselves who will be exalted.” More information can be found at

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Guests were allotted seats at banquets based on their social or professional background. The discovery of bench seats along the sides of early Galilean synagogues indicates that the synagogue was intended to accommodate the congregation. In every meeting space, certain seats are considered to be superior to others for a variety of reasons. In Hebrew, the word rabbi (Hb.rabbi) literally means “my lord,” although it was mainly reserved for exceptional instructors of the law, most often presidents of rabbinical institutions.

one instructor), Jesus’ followers should not attempt to assert power over one another as teachers or masters.

However, while Jesus does not prevent the use of the titles “teacher,” “doctor,” or “father” in all circumstances, he does forbid his students from using these names in the way that the Pharisees used them, i.e., in a way that incorrectly elevated leaders and bolstered individual ego.

5. 1 Peter 5:6

As a result, humble yourselves under the powerful hand of God so that he may exalt you at the appropriate moment. More information can be found at

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When they are in pain, God’s people are to surrender themselves completely to him, submitting to his wise direction for their life in the process. This puts to mind the story of the Exodus, when the Lord rescued Israel from Egypt “with a powerful hand,” as it says in the Bible (e.g., Ex. 3:19; 32:11; Deut. 4:34; 5:15; Dan. 9:15). In the same way, those who are humiliated may be assured that their day of humiliation will not endure forever. God will exalt his people at the appropriate moment, whether it is later in this earthly life or on the final day of the world.

6. 2 Corinthians 8:9

For you understand the kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ, that while he was wealthy, he humbled himself for your sake, in order that you could benefit from his poverty and become wealthy. More information can be found at

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Giving to the Lord’s work must be done on a voluntary basis, not as a result of coercion. And when it is done voluntarily, it provides a great deal of blessing (see 2 Corinthians 9:5–8). According to the New Testament, this is a reference to Christ’s preexisting status as the eternal Son of God in heaven (John 1:1–3, Gal. 4:4, Phil. 2:6) as well as the humility of his incarnation, including his death (Rom 15:3, Phil.

2:7–8), in so that the believer can become wealthy (salvation and all the benefits that flow from it). When the Corinthians think about what Christ has done for them, they should think about what they can do for others.

7. Deuteronomy 8:2–3

In order for the LORD your God to humble you throughout your forty years in the desert, he will need you to recall every step of the journey, testing you to see what was in your heart and whether you would follow his commands or not. And he humbled you by allowing you to be hungry and feeding you with manna, which you were unaware of and which neither you nor your fathers were aware of, in order to teach you that man does not live by bread alone, but that man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.

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Remember is a crucial word in this chapter (see Deut. 8:18), as is its antonym “forget,” which appears in Deut. 8:11, 14, and 19 (among other places). Honor and respect are exhibited via obedience. The purpose of the desert test was to disclose the state of Israel’s innermost thoughts and feelings. This does not indicate that God was unaware of what was going on, but rather that he intended for Israel’s heart to show signs of submission. Manna is a Greek word that literally translates as “What is it?” It did not go over well with them (Ex.

  1. 11:6; Num.
  2. Furthermore, the trial was intended to demonstrate to the Israelites that man does not live by food alone, but rather by every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.
  3. To succeed in the country, Israel needed to have this lesson ingrained in its heart (Deut.
  4. 8:17).
  5. 4:4; Luke 4:4; see also Deut.

8. Romans 3:23–24

Due to the fact that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and that all have been justified by God’s grace as a gift, via the redemption that is found in Christ, More information can be found at

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No one can lay claim to this righteousness on the basis of his or her own deeds, because everyone has sinned and fallen short of what God requires (see Rom. 1:21). As a result, it is only via God’s mercy that anybody may be justified (that is, judged not guilty but righteous by the heavenly Judge) (unmerited favor). The word redemption can be traced back to the Old Testament exodus and the blood of the Passover lamb (see Exodus 12–15), through which the Lord delivered Israel from Egypt; the exodus also points forward to the greater redemption Jesus obtained for his people through his blood by forgiving them their sins through his death on the cross (see Romans 5–6).



9. Colossians 3:12–13

The righteousness of God is not something that anybody can claim for themselves since everyone has sinned and fallen short of what God requires (see Rom. 1:21). As a result, only through God’s mercy are everyone justified (found not guilty but righteous by the heavenly Judge) (unmerited favor). While the word redemption can be traced back to the Old Testament exodus and the blood of the Passover lamb (see Exodus 12–15), through which the Lord liberated Israel from Egypt, the exodus also points forward to the greater redemption Jesus won for his people through his blood by forgiving them their sins through his death on the cross (see John 3:16–18).



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Put on the character traits of Christ. Paul exhorts the Colossians to live a holy lifestyle that is compatible with their newly discovered identities. Believers have been selected by God and now stand before him as his holy ones, who are his loving children. They are expected to live up to the person they have become in Christ. The virtue of tolerance exists within the Christian community, yet Paul makes it plain that he does not want the Colossians to accept the wrong doctrine. When Christians are wronged and deceived, they are called upon to forgive others, just as they have been forgiven for their own betrayal of the Lord Jesus Christ.

6:12, Matt.

18:21–22 for further information.

10. Jeremiah 9:23–24

“Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness on the face of the earth,” says the LORD. Because it is in these things that I take pleasure, declares the LORD.” More information can be found at

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In order to grasp what God teaches, one must first understand why Judah will fall. Once one understands this, one is pained and humbled by the knowledge; as a result, one should not brag in his understanding. In order to know God, one must first understand his unwavering love (covenant faithfulness), justice (just judgment), and righteousness (right behavior, esp. in keeping his promises). See, for example, Exodus 34:6–7; Psalm 103:8; Joel 2:12–14; and Jonah 3:9–4:2. Paul addressed the Christians at Corinth with the advice “let him who boasts boast in the Lord,” which was derived from this passage (1 Cor.


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Words of Jesus: Humility

God’s Sovereignty as Revealed in 10 Key Bible Verse November 4, 2020 is the day on which the event will occur. During times when life seems to be spinning out of control, it might be reassuring to realize that we are never out of our Creator’s sight—and that he is never out of control himself. Wisdom and discernment are highlighted in the following 10 Bible verses. The 19th of May, 2020, is a Saturday. Firstly and foremost, wisdom is a gift from God. Be encouraged to turn to God and his word in prayer when you are seeking knowledge.

As a matter of fact, when we confess it to God and place our faith in him, we are cleansed of our sins.

It is the only mission of Crossway to preach the gospel via the publication of gospel-centered and Bible-centered literature.

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What Is the Meaning of Humility? Why Should We Be Humble?

In the Bible, we come across the term humility rather frequently. But how can we define what it means to be humble? What exactly is the meaning of humility? And why is it so significant?

What Is Humility?

Humility is generally defined as sincere thankfulness and a lack of conceit, as well as a humble assessment of one’s own abilities and capabilities. The biblical meaning of humility, on the other hand, goes beyond this. As followers of Christ, we are asked to be humble and to put our faith in God’s wisdom and redemption, which is a fundamental and consistent theme of godliness throughout the Bible. Let us be grateful to our creator for the gift of life that he has given us by being humble before him.

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In order to assist the impoverished and downtrodden, the Father descends; the incarnate Son displays humility from His conception until His crucifixion.

“Put your trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not put your confidence in your own understanding;” Proverbs 3:5 (NIV) A great summary of the biblical concept of humility may be found in Proverbs 3:5, which is a deep verse from the Bible.

We are to place our whole reliance in the Lord and not fool ourselves with vanity or desire as we go about our daily lives.

In order to do this, we must first meet the prerequisite of humility, which allows us to open our hearts and retreat from the arrogance of our ego.” The fear of the Lord is the source of humility, and its rewards are wealth, dignity, and life.” Proverbs 22:4 (NIV) The book of Proverbs provides us with a more in-depth look into the biblical concept of humility by providing us with a straight explanation.

“Humility is the dread of the Lord,” as the proverb says, is a fairly specific description of humility.

The virtue of humility is the recognition of God’s majesty and the possible retribution He will bring upon us if we do not direct our efforts toward righteousness.

Define Humility

Honest thankfulness and a lack of conceit are two characteristics of humility that are typically associated with having a low opinion of oneself. The biblical notion of humility, on the other hand, goes far further than just that. As followers of Christ, we are asked to be humble and to put our faith in God’s wisdom and redemption, which is a constant and vital theme of holiness throughout the Bible. Let us be grateful to our creator for the gift of life that he has given us by remaining humble before him.

  • In order to assist the impoverished and downtrodden, the Father descends; the incarnate Son displays humility from His conception until His crucifixion.
  • As moral characteristics for fulfilling God’s will, humility and meekness are frequently associated with one another.
  • The confidence that God will guide us in the best way to live and what to avoid in times of temptation is essential for humility.
  • Through prayer, meditation, fasting, and other religious activities, we should rely on the knowledge, wisdom, and divinity of God to guide us down the holy path.
  • In the Bible, the phrase “Humility is the dread of the Lord” offers an extremely accurate description of humility.
  • Understanding God’s majesty and the possibility of punishment He will bring upon us if we do not direct our efforts toward righteousness is the essence of humility.

Importance of Humility

The necessity of humility is closely tied to the lethal repercussions of arrogance and self-importance. Due to our refusal to recognise and appreciate the ultimate sovereignty of our Lord, we are separated from God by our pride. As a result, the value of humility may be observed in the great thankfulness we feel when we acknowledge God’s divinity and love for us in the correct manner. The value of humility may also be found in acknowledging our imperfect nature as humans on this planet, as well as our vulnerability to sin if we are not attentive against temptation.

A roaring lion stalks the streets looking for someone to eat, and that is exactly what your opponent the devil is doing.” 1 Peter 5:8 (New International Version) When it comes to our salvation in Jesus Christ, the virtue of humility is repeatedly addressed in the Bible.

Christian author Christi Given provides a succinct assessment of the importance of humility in our relationship with God:

  1. We must approach God’s throne with humility if we want to enter his presence: According to 1 Peter 5:6, God declares that the humble will inherit the earth: 5:5 (Matthew 5:5) It is the haughty who will be brought down and humiliated: 4:10
  2. James 4:10
  3. When we are humbled, or even when we suffer, we must remember that we shall one day rule with Christ in the kingdom of heaven: 2:12
  4. 2 Timothy 2:13
  5. 2 Timothy 2:14
  6. 2 Timothy 2:15
  7. 2 Timothy 2:16
  8. 2 Timothy 2:17
  9. 2 Timothy 2:18
  10. 2 Timothy 2:12
  11. The fact that Jesus humbled Himself means that we should likewise have a modest mindset: Philippians 2:5-11
  12. Philippians 2:5-11

Humility in the Bible

– Do nothing out of self-centered ambition or conceited arrogance. Instead, act with humility and place others before yourself, not looking out for your own interests, but each of you looking out for the interests of the others. When it comes to your interactions with one another, have the same perspective as Jesus Christ: Who, despite the fact that he was created in the image of God, did not consider his equality with God something to be exploited for his personal gain; rather, he reduced himself to nothingness by adopting the very character of a servant and being formed in the image of man.

Consequently, to the glory of his Father, God exalted Jesus to the highest position possible and bestowed upon him the name that is above all other names, so that at the mention of his name every knee should bow, both in heaven and on earth as well as under the earth and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

  • As a result, the Bible states, “God opposes the haughty, but shows favor to those who humble themselves.” “For everyone who exalts themselves will be humbled, and everyone who humbles themselves will be exalted,” says James 4:6.
  • 1 1 Peter 5:6 – As God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, dress yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, as God has clothed you in these qualities.
  • Allow yourself to be forgiven as the Lord has forgiven you.
  • Colossians 3:12-14 – When pride enters, it is followed by dishonor, but when humility enters, it is followed by wisdom.
  • Proverbs 18:12 – If my people, who are called by my name, would humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land; otherwise, I will not hear from heaven.
  • The following are 15 Bible verses that every Christian should know by heart, which you may download and share with your friends and family.

Christian Quotes about Humility

It is said that “there is no greater symptom of established pride than when you believe you are modest enough.” – Attorney General William Law “I am certain that love and humility are the finest achievements in the school of Christ, and that they are the most compelling evidence that He is, in fact, our Master.” – John Newton et al. The spark of conflict and animosity must not be allowed to smolder. The longer you remain silent, the more the adversary will attempt to create uncertainty among you.

  • “His designs are shattered by his humility.” – St.
  • Even if heaven were to come crashing down and cleave to the ground, the humble man would not be deterred by the situation.
  • A modest man is never without self-control, but there are many who are self-constrained without being humble in their approach to their work.
  • Isaac the Syrian, the patron saint of sailors “Prayer, repentance, and humility are the only means of delivering oneself from the illusions and heresies, the inventions and traps of wicked people and the devil,” says St.
  • – Hesychast Elder Joseph the Elder Don Christneron’s Flickr account is credited with this image.
  • Some of our most popular articles on Christian terminology are included below to assist you on your path of study and faith: God’s complete and total armor The Meaning of the Arabic Word “Selah” What is a “Concubine” and how does she differ from a “Concubine”?

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Bible Gateway passage: Luke 14:7-35 – New International Version

7When he watched how the guests chose the places of honor at the meal, he did one of the following: A) “>(A)n example of a story he told them was: 8″When you are invited to a wedding feast, do not assume the position of honor because a person who is more prominent than you has been invited. 9If this is the case, the host who invited both of you would come over to you and tell you to “Give this individual your seat. ” Then, feeling embarrassed, you’ll be forced to take the least important position.

Because those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all who humble themselves will be exalted.” “> The following is an example of a formalized formalized formalized (B) When Jesus spoke to his host, he said, “When you throw a luncheon or supper, do not invite your friends, your brothers and sisters, your relatives, or your wealthy neighbors; if you do, they may welcome you again and you will be reimbursed.” 13However, when you have a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and the deaf, among others “>(C)14and you will be blessed as a result of it.

Despite the fact that they are unable to repay you, you will be reimbursed at the resurrection of the righteous.

The Parable of the Great Banquet E)”>(E)

Upon hearing this, one of those seated at the table with him remarked to Jesus, “Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast F)”>(F)in the kingdom of God.” G)”>”Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in God’s kingdom” (G) 16Jesus responded by saying, “A particular guy was preparing a grand supper and had invited a large number of people. In preparation for the meal, he dispatched his servant to inform those who had been invited, ‘Please come; everything has now been prepared.’ 18″However, they all started making excuses at the same time.

Please accept my apologies.’ “Another remarked, ‘I’ve just purchased five yoke of oxen, and I’m on my way to put them through their paces.’ Please accept my apologies.’ 20″Yet another stated, ‘I recently got married, therefore I won’t be able to go.’ 21″The servant returned and informed his master of what had happened.

H)”>(H) The servant said, ‘Sir, what you ordered has been completed, yet there is still room,’ and the servant left.

24I promise you that none of those who were invited will be able to partake in my supper.’ “I) The first step is to understand what you want to do with your life “> The following is an example of a formalized formalized formalized (I)

The Cost of Being a Disciple

“If anybody comes to me and does not hate his or her father or mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—that person cannot be my disciple,” Jesus said to the large crowds who had gathered around him. J)”>(J) 27 And anyone who does not take up their cross and follow me cannot call themselves my disciple. K)”>(K) Consider the following scenario: one of you wishes to construct a skyscraper. What about taking a few minutes to assess the cost to determine whether or not you have the funds to accomplish it?

He will not first sit down and evaluate if he is capable of opposing the one who comes against him with twenty thousand troops if he has ten thousand warriors at his disposal.

33 In the same way, those among you who are unwilling to give up everything you have will not be able to become my followers.

M) The letter M is an abbreviation for the letter M “Neither the soil nor the manure pile are suitable for it, thus it is disposed of in the trash.

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