What Did Jesus Tell Judas

Why Jesus Was Betrayed by Judas Iscariot

Judas Iscariot sealed his own fate from the minute he planted a kiss on Jesus of Nazareth in the Garden of Gethsemane: he would go down in history as the world’s most renowned traitor. The identification of Jesus by the Jewish authorities, on the other hand, set in motion a series of events that would become the cornerstones of the Christian faith: Jesus’s arrest and trial, his crucifixion, and ultimately his resurrection, all of which are collectively known as the Passion of Christ. WATCH: JESUS: A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Vault In light of how little we truly know about Judas Iscariot from the Bible, he continues to be one of the most enigmatic–and important–figures in Jesus’s life narrative to this day.

Who Was Judas Iscariot? What We Know from the Bible

Despite the fact that the Bible provides little details concerning Judas’s upbringing, he is listed as one of Jesus’ closest disciples, or apostles, in all four of the New Testament’s canonical gospels. Intriguingly, Judas Iscariot is the only one of the apostles who is (possibly) identified by his hometown in the Bible, which is a unique distinction. Some academics believe that his surname “Iscariot” is derived from the town of Queriot (also known as Kerioth), which is located south of Jerusalem in the Judean Hills.

The northern section of Israel, or Roman Palestine, is where Jesus hails from.

However, there is nothing in the Bible that links Judas to the Sicarii, and the Sicarii were only discovered to be active after Judas’ death.

Because people are always attempting to justify why he would have done anything like this.

At the Last Supper, Jesus announced his betrayal to the assembled guests. Judas is seen sitting on the other side of the table from where the action is taking place. Images courtesy of David Lees/Corbis/VCG/Getty Images

Possible Motives for Judas Iscariot’s Betrayal

According to the Gospel of John, Jesus revealed to his followers over the Last Supper that one of them would betray him if they didn’t repent of their actions. In response to their question, Jesus responded, “It is the person to whom I offer this piece of bread after I have dipped it in the dish.” Later, Judas, who was recognized as the “son of Simon Iscariot,” was given a piece of bread that had been dipped in a dish by the apostle. “Satan came into Judas when he received the piece of bread,” the Bible says.

The Gospel of Luke, like the Gospel of John, attributed Judas’ treachery to Satan’s influence rather than simple avarice, as was the case in the Gospel of John.

In the words of Cargill, “there have always been some who have sought to attach Judas’s treachery to the fact that he had a love of money.” Others have speculated that his disloyal behavior was motivated by a greater political purpose.

Alternately, according to Cargill, Judas (along with Jewish authorities at the time) might have perceived a rebellion as potentially dangerous for the Jewish people in general, similar to what happened when Rome destroyed Sepphoris earlier in the first century: “Maybe he decided to hand Jesus over, in effect, to put a stop to a larger rebellion.” More information may be found at: Why Did Pontius Pilate Order Jesus’ Execution?

What Happened After That

No matter what his motivations were, Judas led troops to the Garden of Gethsemane, where he recognized Jesus as the Messiah by kissing him and addressing him as “Rabbi.” (Matthew 14:44–46) As recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, Judas instantly repented of his conduct and returned the 30 pieces of silver to the church’s treasurer, declaring, “I have sinned by betraying the blood of innocent men and women.” When the authorities dismissed Judas, he left the money on the floor and committed himself by hanging himself from the ceiling fan (Matthew 27:3-8).

  1. The Bible contains several different versions of Judas’s death.
  2. The Book of Acts, on the other hand, portrays his death as more akin to a spontaneous combustion than anything else.
  3. As a result, he proceeded into a field, where he “fell headlong into the center of it and burst asunder, with all his guts gushing out” as a result of “falling headlong into it” (Acts 1:18).
  4. Because of Judas’ treachery, Jesus was arrested, tried, and executed by crucifixion, following which he was raised from the dead.
  5. However, the name “Judas” came to be associated with betrayal in a variety of languages, and Judas Iscariot would come to be depicted as the prototypical traitor and false friend in Western art and literature as a result.

MOVE ON TO THE NEXT PAGE: Mary Magdalene: Prostitute, Wife, or None of the Above?

Was Judas Really That Bad?

According to Joan Acocellawrote in The New Yorker in 2006, “the most essential aspect about Judas, aside from his betrayal of Jesus, is his association with anti-Semitism.” Judas has been held up as a symbol of Jews by Christians almost since Christ’s crucifixion, representing what they believe to be the Jewish people’s deviousness and thirst for money, among other ethnic vices.” Due to the historical inclination to associate Judas with anti-Semitic stereotypes, following the horrors of the Holocaust, this significant Biblical figure has been given a second look, and his image has even been somewhat restored in some quarters of the world.

When writing about Judas in 1997, Canadian biblical historian Professor William Klassen asserted that many elements of his betrayal had been fabricated or embellished by early Christian church leaders, particularly as the Church began to drift away from Judaism.

What Is the Gospel of Judas?

It was revealed in 2006 by the National Geographic Society that a long-lost document known as the “Gospel of Judas” had been discovered and translated. The text is thought to have been composed about A.D. 150 and subsequently transcribed from Greek into Coptic in the third century, according to historians. The Gospel of Judas was first mentioned in writing by the second-century cleric Irenaeus, and it is one of a number of ancient texts that have been discovered in recent decades that have been linked to the Gnostics, a (mostly Christian) group who were denounced as heretics by early church leaders for their unorthodox spiritual beliefs.

According to this version of the story, Jesus begged Judas to betray him to the authorities so that he may be released from his physical body and fulfill his mission of redeeming people on earth.

Getty Images/Universal History Archive/Universal Image Group Despite the fact that it is a well-known piece of literature, the Gospel of Judas is surrounded by controversy, with some scholars claiming that the National Geographic Society’s version is a faulty translation of a Coptic text and that the public was misled into believing it depicted a “noble Judas.” According to whatever interpretation you choose, given that the Gospel of Judas was written at least a century after both Jesus and Judas died, it offers little in the way of historically reliable information about their lives, and certainly does not provide the missing link to understanding Judas Iscariot”s true motivations.

As Cargill points out, “the fact is that we don’t know why Judas did what he did.” “Of course, the great irony is that without it, Jesus would not have been delivered up to the Romans and executed.

The Crucifixion is the key component of Christianity, because without Judas, there is no Resurrection.”

Did Jesus Know That Judas Would Actually Betray Him? by Don Stewart

Is it true that God knows everything? – Question 34 The assertion of open theism is that God has no way of knowing what is going to happen in the next few seconds. To put it another way, the future is wide open. As a result, he, along with the rest of us, will have to wait and watch what happens next. It is difficult to accept this point of view since there are several prophesies in the Bible in which God makes definite predictions about what will happen in the future. One of the most well-known cases is Jesus’ prediction that He will be betrayed by Judas Iscariot, which was fulfilled on the cross.

Did Jesus Know He Would Be Betrayed and by Whom?

Some believe that Jesus was unaware that Judas would truly betray Him, or at the very least, that He was not convinced that this would occur. Indeed, when Judas arrived at Gethsemane, Jesus greeted him by calling him “Friend,” indicating that he was a close friend of Jesus. According to others, this implies that He did not anticipate Judas’s betrayal. In fact, when Jesus presented bread to Judas after dipping his finger into the same dish, it was seen as another another expression of camaraderie between the two.

Conclusions We Can Make from the New Testament

The New Testament brings out a number of details in the tale of Judas’ betrayal of Jesus. We can make the following observations about the situation.

1. Judas Had Met with the Chief Priests about Betraying Jesus

To begin, we learn from the Bible that Judas was the one who convened a conference with the chief priests in order to discuss betraying Jesus. The following is how Matthew describes what happened. “What will you offer me if I betray him to you?” said one of the twelve, who went to the top priests and asked. “What will you give me if I betray him to you?” They gave him thirty pieces of silver in exchange for his services. (Matthew 26:14-15, New Revised Standard Version) As a result, Judas was the one to make the initial move.

2. Satan Entered Judas When He Went to the Chief Priests

In addition, the New Testament claims that Satan entered Judas Iscariot at the time of his crime. The following passage is included in Luke’s gospel. The devil then entered Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve apostles, and possessed him. To discuss how he may betray Jesus with the chief priests and temple guards, Judas went to the chief priests and temple guards. (See Luke 22:3-4 for more information.) The Word of God) The assumption that Judas delivered Jesus up to the religious leaders had no ulterior motives is dispelled by this.

His motivation was plain and simple greed.

3. Jesus Predicted His Betrayal by One of His Own Disciples

We also learn that Jesus was forewarned that this would occur. The fact that He would be betrayed was made very obvious. Furthermore, not only did Jesus state that he would be betrayed, but he also stated that the betrayal would be carried out by one of His own followers. The betrayer was thus going to come from among His own circle of friends and associates. In his letter, John writes, Jesus was extremely concerned as a result of saying this. “I can assure you of this: one of you is going to betray me!” he exclaimed emphatically.

Jesus went one step farther.

This is what Jesus says, according to Mark.

(Mark 14:20 New International Version) The person chosen would not only be one of the Twelve, but he or she would also have shared in the meal with Him.

In no way does the fact that Jesus gladly ate from the same plate as Judas indicate a relationship between them. Instead, it demonstrates the heinousness of the treachery.

4. Judas Iscariot Was Specifically Mentioned as the Betraying Disciple

Jesus took things a step further. He made it clear that Judas Iscariot would be the disciple who would betray Him in this manner. As a matter of fact, during the Last Supper, Jesus informed His followers that one of them would betray Him that very evening. When Judas inquired as to whether or not he would be the betrayer, Jesus responded affirmatively, stating that he would definitely be the betrayer. Matthew takes notes on the most important points of the discourse. And Judas, His betrayer, responded by saying, “Surely not I, Rabbi?” “You’ve stated it yourself,” he informed him.

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5. Jesus Knew from the Beginning That This Would Happen

The Bible also emphasizes that Jesus was aware from the beginning of His mission that one of the disciples whom He had selected would betray Him and turn on Him. “Yet there are those of you who do not believe,” Jesus says, according to the gospel of John. Because Jesus knew from the beginning which of them did not believe and which of them would betray him. (John 6:64 New International Version) This demonstrates that He was aware of Judas’ betrayal for around three years prior to the event.

6. Jesus Was Betrayed by Judas

Judas did really betray Jesus, just as had been promised. The following is how Matthew describes what happened. While He was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, appeared out of nowhere and entered the room. A vast mob of top priests and elders of the community, armed with swords and clubs, had gathered to accompany him. A sign from his betrayer was sent to them: “The One I kiss, He’s the One; capture Him!” So he walked right up to Jesus and said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” before kissing Him on the lips.

  1. Then they rushed up to Jesus, snatched Him from beneath his feet, and arrested Him.
  2. That Jesus addressed him as buddy does not imply that Jesus was completely unconscious of what was going to take happening in front of his eyes.
  3. “Rise, let us get moving!
  4. Jesus was well aware of the reason for Judas’s visit.
  5. At the end of the day, Judas did not reap the benefits of his terrible conduct.
  6. Judas was given a suitable send-off by Jesus.

However, woe betide the one who betrays the Son of Man! “It would have been better for him if he had not been born,” says the author. In fact, it would have been preferable if Judas Iscariot had never been born, according to the New International Version of the Bible.

Conclusion: Jesus Knew What Would Occur in the Future

Given the foregoing facts, any objective examination of the evidence reveals that Jesus was aware of His impending betrayal, precisely predicted who the perpetrator would be, and pronounced judgment on His vile betrayer and betrayer’s accomplice. As a result, the different reasons offered by proponents of open theism for Jesus’ betrayal do not accord with the evidence. To assert that Jesus did not foresee His betrayal ahead of time is to deny what the New Testament plainly states about the subject of prediction.

Summary – Question 34Did Jesus Know That Judas Would Actually Betray Him?

According to the Bible, Jesus Christ clearly foretold that He would be betrayed by one of His disciples, Judas Iscariot, before to His death. Some open theists make an attempt to explain away the fact that Jesus foretold Judas’ betrayal of Him in the Gospel of Matthew. Because they believe that no one, including God, can anticipate what would happen in the future, they believe that Jesus could not have foretold His betrayal by Judas. Their counter-explanations, on the other hand, are completely incompatible with the information provided by the New Testament.

  • Beginning with one of Jesus’ disciples, Judas Iscariot, approaching the religious authorities with the notion of betraying Jesus Christ, the story unfolds.
  • According to the story, as Judas approached these leaders, Satan entered him and possessed him.
  • He did it for the money, and he was guided by the devil himself throughout the process.
  • Furthermore, Jesus predicted that one of His followers, Judas Iscariot, would be the one to betray Him.
  • In other words, this did not come as a surprise to Him since He had anticipated it would occur three years prior to it actually occurring.
  • As soon as Judas put the question to Jesus, he responded in the affirmative.
  • According to Jesus’ instructions, Judas went to the religious leaders and brought them to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
  • As a result, each of the precise things that Jesus said would happen in the context of His betrayal was practically realized.

This is just another sign that God is not blind to the events of the future. Jesus, God the Son, was aware of the circumstances surrounding His betrayal from the beginning. The argument offered by open theism does not accord with the scriptural evidence.

15 Important Bible Verses About Judas

Is there anyone better than Judas Iscariot to serve as a superb example of a phony Christian? In the end, he was the only disciple who went to Hell because he was never saved in the first place and because he betrayed Jesus and never repented of his actions. There is much discussion over whether Judas was saved or not, but Scripture plainly demonstrates that he was not. There are two things that we may take away from Judas’s life. One should never be in love with money because just look at what money caused Judas to do.

  1. Many people will appear before God and be refused entrance into Heaven.
  2. Acts 1:16-18 (see footnotes).
  3. “He was considered as one of us and got a portion in this ministry,” the apostle Paul writes.
  4. 2.
  5. 3.
  6. You have the words of eternal life in your possession.
  7. “However, one of you is the Devil!” Because Judas Iscariot was one of the Twelve, he was alluding to him because he was about to betray Him.

Then he said, “We’re on our way to Jerusalem, where the Son of Man will betrayed to the chief priests and professors of religious law.” He will be executed by lethal injection.

He will be risen from the dead on the third day, though.” The mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee, then came to Jesus with her boys, and Jesus received them.

He had been a thief.

John 12:2-6 (New International Version) Several dishes were cooked in Jesus’ honor.

In the next moments Mary anointed Jesus’ feet with a twelve-ounce container of costly perfume produced from the essence of nard, wiping his feet with her hair.

Nevertheless, Judas Iscariot, the disciple who would betray him shortly thereafter, stated, “That perfume was worth a year’s pay.” It should have been auctioned and the proceeds distributed to the less fortunate.” He didn’t care about the poor since he was a thief, and because he was in charge of the disciples’ money, he frequently took part of it for his own use.

  • 6.
  • “Look, it’s my betrayer who’s arrived!” Then Judas, one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, arrived, accompanied by a large group of men armed with swords and clubs, just as Jesus was finishing his speech.
  • A predetermined signal from the traitor Judas had been provided: “You will know which one to arrest when I welcome him with a kiss,” said the traitor.
  • “Rabbi!” he shouted, before kissing him on the cheek.
  • But Jesus asked him, “Judas, would you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?” (Luke 22:48-51) and he agreed.
  • Nevertheless, Jesus declared, “No more of this!” And he cured him with a gentle touch of his ear.
  • Judas began seeking for opportunities to betray Jesus as soon as he learned of the situation.


When Judas, his betrayer, saw that Jesus had been sentenced to death, he changed his mind and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders, declaring, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” “What does that mean to us?” they inquired.

In response to their refusal to accept the silver coins, the chief priests declared, “It is not permitted to place them in the treasury since it is blood money.” possessed by a demon 10.

He asked him to approach Jesus and ask Him which one He was referring to.

After putting the piece of bread in the dish, Jesus said, “It is the one to whom I give this piece of bread after I have put it in the dish.” Afterwards, He placed the loaf of bread on a platter and presented it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon.

“Whatever you’re going to do, do it as soon as possible,” Jesus said Judas.

He was not saved in any way!

“You will never, ever wash my feet!” Peter screamed angrily.

Simon “Then, Lord, please wash my hands and my head as well, not only my feet!” Peter cried out in exasperation.

“And you disciples are clean, but not all of you,” says the prophet.

The phrase “not all of you are clean” was intended to convey this meaning.


“It would have been far better for that individual if he had never been born.” “Rabbi, am I the one?” Judas had inquired of him as well.


I shall no longer be present in the world, but they will continue to be present in the world, and I will come to you.

I safeguarded them and kept them secure while I was with them, using the name you gave me as a guide.

They were the twelve disciples.

See Luke 6:12-16 for further information.

At first light, Jesus gathered all of his followers in one place and picked twelve of them to be his apostles.

Another follower goes by the name of Judas.

John 14:22-23 (New International Version) Afterwards he remarked, “But Lord, why do you want to show yourself to us and not to the rest of the world?” (Note: this is not Judas Iscariot).

When Jesus responded, he said, “Anyone who loves me will follow my teaching.” My Father will adore them, and we will travel to them and establish a permanent residence with them.

Did Jesus Ask Judas to Betray Him?

On April 6, 2006, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for the abolition of torture. 2,000 years in the making, buried in the desert and fuelled by centuries of discussion and doubt, thievery and treachery, this enigma has captivated the world. Was there ever a Gospel according to Judas? That is the question at hand. And, if there was, what did it say about the situation? According to a new National Geographic Channel series, the mystery began to be unraveled about 30 years ago.

  1. In Egypt, a farmer searching for gold in a cave instead discovered a codex, a leather-bound book that had fallen apart.
  2. The antiques trader did, but no one knew what the hidden text was – and no one would ever know what it was if the artifact continued to crumble before it could be translated.
  3. In an interview with “Primetime,” Emmel stated that she was instructed she was not permitted to photograph or write anything down throughout the investigation.
  4. “Judas,” Judas said.
  5. Scholars have long suspected that such a Gospel existed, but that it had been suppressed by the early church since it was deemed heretical and hence had to be burned.

A Great Betrayal

Mr. Marvin Meyer, co-chair of the religious studies department at Chapman University, described the person who turned up his friend as “the one who handed over his friend.” It was he who orchestrated the crucifixion, and he is the one who will be cursed for the rest of time. According to the Bible, Judas betrayed Jesus in exchange for 30 pieces of money. The Bible also describes how the other disciples failed to support Jesus: Peter rejected him three times, yet he was nonetheless recognized with the construction of the Basilica in Rome.

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According to Bart Ehrman, chair of the religious studies department at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, “often people think of him as somebody who was selfish, avaricious, who was more concerned in making money than in being true to his lord.” And, through the years, Judas became a symbol of anti-Semitism as well as anti-Semitism.

And, of course, this depiction of Judas has resulted in horrible crimes of anti-Semitism throughout the years, as we have seen.” But what if there’s more to the tale than that?

For 16 years, the Codex sat disintegrating in the most improbable of settings – a safe-deposit vault in a Citibank on Long Island, New York – until it was acquired by Frieda Nussberger-Tchacos, a former antiquities trader who had worked in the field for many years before.

“I believe that the conditions under which this text came to me were destiny,” she stated of the situation. “Judas had approached me and asked me to perform something for him.”

Searching for Answers

Finally, with the support of the National Geographic Society and two foundations, a dream team of scientists and scholars was assembled to determine whether the document was, in fact, an ancient text from the time of Christ. The verification process was extremely time-consuming. The 13 pages of papyrus, which had writing on both the back and front, were in a thousand pieces due to the damage they had sustained. The box containing what appears to be the missing Gospel was shipped to Swiss restorer Florence Darbre.

  1. Darbre and her partner worked tirelessly to put the tiny pieces back together.
  2. Emmel, the scholar, and Rodolphe Kasser, another expert, were brought in to help with the project.
  3. The number of people who are capable of writing such a text is extremely limited “He speculated that it could be as little as 25.
  4. “There are two of us,” Emmel explained.
  5. Someone who is more familiar with Coptic than we are would be required.
  6. Please accept my apologies.” However, in order to determine the document’s authenticity, a radical step was required: tiny pieces of the document were destroyed in order to carbon date it.
  7. The text in question was genuine.
  8. In a statement, Jull stated that “radio carbon dating of the papyrus from the Gospel of Judas confirms that it dates from the third to the fourth century A.D.,” and that “this supports the authenticity of the Gospel of Judas.”

Did Jesus Ask to Be Betrayed?

A codex like this, said Elaine Pagels, a professor at Princeton University and one of the world’s foremost experts on ancient religious texts, particularly the so-called Gnostic or secret Gospels, which include the Gospel of Judas and were written in the first and second centuries and were banned by the early church. “You can’t fake a codex like this,” Pagels said. Pages explained that the papyrus is disintegrating and that it is a specific type of writing. “It is crumbling; it is a particular sort of papyrus,” Pagels stated.

  • “This is a real antique manuscript,” says the author.
  • In this discourse, which claims to be a discussion between Jesus and Judas, Jesus instructs Judas to betray him and the rest of the disciples.
  • This is a portion of the responsibility that you carry.
  • It appears that Judas’ betrayal of Jesus was not a horrible conduct, nor was it the act of a traitor, nor was it the act of the world’s most evil criminal, but rather it was a private enigma between him and Jesus, according to the scholar.
  • “Judas is not the betrayer,” Krosney asserted emphatically.

“Judas, on the other hand, is Jesus’ most favorite disciple. He is the one whose light shines brightly in the sky and the skies, and as a result, Judas is distinguished from the rest of the world. “Rather than becoming Jesus’ betrayer, he is his dearest buddy.”

A New Perspective

It was announced today at a press conference that the Gospel of Judas will be on exhibit at the National Geographic Society in Washington, D.C., marking its first public appearance. It will ultimately be returned to Egypt, where it will be placed in the Coptic Museum in Cairo. Also available online in both Coptic and English, it is also the cover story of National Geographic magazine’s latest issue, which is out now. However, even if the document is genuine, is what it purports to be accurate as well?

  1. Is it possible that Jesus asked Judas to betray him?
  2. “We don’t have anything like it in the other Gospels.” She stated that it is possible that there would never be an explanation.
  3. At the end of the day, science may have the answers, but questions about the spirit and the soul cannot be answered by analyzing a piece of papyrus.
  4. According to evangelical scholar Ben Witherington, the revelation does not change his conviction that Judas did, in fact, betray Jesus.
  5. In addition, “it would raise some questions about his character,” Witherington said.

“He’s literally got his hands on the steering wheel, and he’s steering the wheel of history in a specific way.” “And that would be worrisome to some people.” The experts who were interviewed by “Primetime” agreed that the Gospel of Judas is significant because it gives a glimpse into the thoughts of certain early Christians.

  1. “They will not,” Pagels stated emphatically.
  2. “It is an entirely absurd notion that Judas could have been involved in a secret mystery with Jesus,” says the author.
  3. “The Christian message is a message of faith and hope, as well as a message about the connection between God and human people,” says the author.
  4. Pagels expressed her expectation that the discovery will have a significant impact.

But it’s a different type of religion; it’s one that is inspired by our understanding of our own history.”

Jesus predicts his betrayal – Wikipedia

It is recorded in the New Testament that Jesus foretells his betrayal three times, and the story is told in all four of the canonical Gospels. This prediction occurs during the Last Supper, as recorded inMatthew 26:24–25, Mark 14:18–21, Luke 22:21–23, and John 13:21–30, among other places. Jesus informs his followers in John 6:70 that one of them is “a demon,” implying that he is among them. It is confirmed in the following verse that Jesus is referring to Judas Iscariot by the author.

Biblical narrative

When Jesus predicts Judas Iscariot’s betrayal in the Gospel of John, he is preceded by the allegation in 13:17–18 that he foresaw that Judas would betray him: “If you are aware of these things, you will be blessed if you put them into practice. I’m not speaking of you all; I know who I’ve chosen; but I’m speaking of you all so that the scripture can be fulfilled: He who eats my bread raised his heel against me, so that the prophecy might be fulfilled.” As a result, the benediction in John 13:17 is not addressed towards Judas Iscariot.

It would have been preferable for that individual not to have been born.” It was Judas who responded, “It isn’t me, Rabbi,” indicating that he had deceived him.

The attribution of the title Rabbito Jesus by the Iscariot in this event is unique to him, as the other Apostles declare one after another, using the title “Surely it is not I, Lord,” referring to the Lord (Kyrios) title, “Surely it is not I, Lord.” In Matthew 26:49, Judas Iscariot refers to Jesus as “Rabbi” once more when he betrays him to the Sanhedrin during theKiss of Judasepisode.

In popular culture

It is the precise time following Jesus’ meal prediction that is shown in Italian Renaissance artistLeonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper. According to art historian Helen Gardner, this work of art is the most widely reproduced religious picture in the history of the world.

See also

  • The bargain of Judas
  • The harmony of the gospels Jesus foretells his own death. The life of Jesus as depicted in the New Testament
  • A total of thirty pieces of silver


He is considered to be one of the most despised persons in history. But, when Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss, was he simply carrying out his master’s instructions? That’s what an old Christian manuscript that has recently been discovered states. The Gospel of Judas, which had been lost for than 1,700 years, has finally been discovered, verified, and translated after a lengthy search. At the National Geographic Society’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. today, the Coptic manuscripts (also known as Egyptian Christian manuscripts) were presented.

What Does It Mean?

Biblical historians have dubbed Judas’ Gospel the most significant archaeological discovery in 60 years, according to some scholars. According to current knowledge, the sole known surviving copy of the gospel was discovered in a codex, which is an antique text that goes back to the third or fourth centuries A.D. A Greek manuscript produced by an early Christian group sometime around A.D. 180 is considered to be the source of the newly disclosed gospel record, which is written in Coptic script and believed to be a translation of the original.

According to biblical narratives, Judas betrays Jesus Christ to his adversaries, who subsequently crucify the founder of Christian belief system.

“This lost gospel, which contains information on Judas Iscariot, who has been regarded for 20 centuries and by hundreds of millions of believers as an antichrist of the worst kind,” said Rodolphe Kasser, a clergyman and former professor at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Geneva in Switzerland.

Kasser, who is widely recognized as one of the world’s foremost Coptic academics, was in charge of putting together and translating the Gospel of Judas, which took several years.

According to scholars, the book not only provides a different interpretation of the connection between Jesus and Judas, but it also demonstrates the range of viewpoints in the early Christian church.

“I expect this gospel to be significant primarily for the deeper insight it will provide scholars into the thoughts and beliefs” of certain Christians during that time period, he added.

In pre-Christian and early Christian times, Gnostics belonged to groups that held the belief that illusive spiritual knowledge may aid them in rising beyond what they perceived to be a corrupt physical world.

Rehabilitating Judas

According to biblical traditions, Jesus both predicted and permitted Judas’ betrayal of him. According to the New Testament Gospels, Judas betrayed Jesus for “30 pieces of silver,” identifying him with a kiss in front of Roman troops before confessing his betrayal to the authorities. According to the Bible, Judas later returns the bribe and commits suicide as a result of his remorse. The Gospel of Judas, on the other hand, presents a quite different picture. When the text first begins, it announces that it is a “secret account of the revelation that Jesus spoke in conversation with Judas Iscariot during a week, three days before he celebrated Passover,” and that it would be published in the New International Version.

As Jesus warns Judas in the central chapter of the Bible, “you shall surpass all of them.” Because you intend to sacrifice the guy who provides me with clothing.” An interpretation is provided by Kasser, the translation project’s coordinator: “Jesus states that it is required for someone to eventually liberate him from his human body, and he prefers that this emancipation be accomplished by a friend rather than an adversary.” Judas, a friend of his, agrees to sell him out and betray him in exchange for a reward.

See also:  Why We Baptize In Jesus Name

According to the broader public, this is treason, yet between Jesus and Judas, this is not treachery.” The newly discovered story calls into question one of the most deeply ingrained doctrines in Christian tradition.

In his words, “this narrative” has a “totally different view of God, the universe, Christ, redemption, human existence—not to mention the character of Judas himself—than the one that eventually came to be reflected in the Christian creeds and canon.”

Early Turmoil

The identity of the author of the 26-page Gospel of Judas remains a mystery. The book, on the other hand, has ideas that experts believe are compatible with Gnostic traditions. Christianity’s Gnostics held that the only route to salvation was through hidden knowledge that had been revealed by Jesus to his closest associates. They thought that this knowledge indicated how humans may break free from the confines of their physical bodies and return to the spiritual world from whence they had originally sprung.

These passages, which were found to be in direct conflict with the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, were eventually rejected by orthodox Christian authorities and denied inclusion in the Bible.

Scholars were aware of the existence of the Gospel of Judas since it was mentioned in other ancient manuscripts as early as A.D.

For modern biblical scholars, the Gospel of Judas serves as a vivid illustration of the diversity of viewpoints and beliefs that existed in the early Christian church.

There were several sacred writings produced by communities in various regions of the Mediterranean globe as they struggled to understand the significance of Jesus Christ in their lives throughout the early decades of the Christian period. Brian Handwerk provided assistance with this report.

Matthew 26:25 Then Judas, who would betray Him, said, “Surely not I, Rabbi?” Jesus answered, “You have said it yourself.”

New International Version (New International Version) When Judas, the man who would betray him, realized what he had done, he exclaimed, “Surely you don’t mean me, Rabbi?” “You have stated as much,” Jesus responded. New Living Translation (New Living Translation) “Rabbi, am I the one?” he inquired of Judas, the betrayer who would later confess. And Jesus responded by saying, “You have stated it.” Version standardized in English “Is it I, Rabbi?” said Judas, the man who would betray him later.

  1. Berean Study Bible (also known as the Berean Study Bible) And Judas, the man who would betray Him, said, “Surely not I, Rabbi?” It was Jesus who said, “You have stated it yourself.” The Literal Bible of the Bereans And Judas, who was betraying Him, said, “Is it I, Rabbi?” he asked.
  2. The King James Version of the Bible And it was then that Judas, who had betrayed him, responded with the words: “Master, is it I?” He addressed him by saying, “Thou hast stated.” New The King James Version (KJV) is a translation of the King James Bible.
  3. The New American Standard Bible is a translation of the New Testament into English.
  4. “You have saidityourself,” Jesus stated to him in response.
  5. “You have stated it yourself,” Jesus remarked to him in response.
  6. The Bible with an amplification system Upon hearing this, Judas said, “Surely it is not I, Rabbi?” “You have stated it yourself,” Jesus remarked to him in response.
  7. “Surely not I, Rabbi?” said Judas, his betrayer, in response.

Holman The Christian Standard Bible is a translation of the Bible in the Christian tradition.

The American Standard Version is the version used in the United States.

“You have said,” Yeshua responded to his question.

“That’s exactly what you said!” Jesus responded in the affirmative.

The Bible of Douay-Rheims And Judas, who had betrayed him, responded by saying: “Is it I, Rabbi?” He responds to him by saying, “You have stated it.” Translation of the Good News Judas, the traitor, was the one who spoke out.

In response, Jesus said, “So you say.” The International Standard Version (ISO) is a formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized When Judas, who was about to betray him, inquired, “Rabbi, I’m not the one, am I?” he meant that he wasn’t the one.

  1. When he asked, Jesus said, “You have stated so.” Standard Version in its literal sense And Judas, the one who had betrayed Him, responded by saying, “Is it I, Rabbi?” “You have said,” he responds to him in response.
  2. And Judas, his betrayer, responded with the words, “Surely it is not I, Rabbi?”.
  3. NET Bible is an abbreviation for Networked Information Technology.
  4. It was Jesus who said, “You have stated it yourself.” Revised Standard Version (New Revised Standard Version) “Surely not I, Rabbi?” answered Judas, the man who had betrayed him.
  5. The New Heart English Bible is a translation of the New Heart Bible.
  6. “Is it not me, Rabbi?” “You said it,” he said to him.
  7. “It is you,” he said in response.

“You said it,” he said to him.

Translations in addition to the above.

24 The Son of One will proceed just as it is written concerning Him, but woe betide the man who betrays Him and brings Him low.

25 When asked who would betray him, Judas replied, “Surely not I, Rabbi?” As Jesus said, “You have spoken it for yourself.” 26 “Take and eat; this is My body,” Jesus instructed the disciples as they ate the bread.

Matthew 23:7 Matthew 23:8 (KJV) However, you are not to be addressed as ‘Rabbi,’ because you have just one Teacher and are all brothers.

Matthew 26:49 (KJV) He approached Jesus and said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” before kissing Him on the lips.

The Son of Man will be seen sitting at the right hand of Power, and he will come on clouds of heaven, as I have spoken to you all.

Luke 22:70 (NIV) As a result, they all inquired, “Are You then God’s Son?” “You assert that I am,” he responded.

And it was then that Judas, who had betrayed him, responded with the words: “Master, is it I?” He addressed him by saying, “You have stated.” Judas.

And Elisha inquired of him, saying, “Whence comest thou, Gehazi?” And he said, “Thy servant did not go where he was supposed to.” Proverbs 30:20 is a verse that says Such is the behavior of an unfaithful woman; she eats, wipes her lips, and declares, “I have done nothing wrong.” Thou.

Matthew 27:11 (KJV) And Jesus appeared before the governor, who addressed him as “King of the Jews.” The governor inquired, “Are you the King of the Jews?” And Jesus responded to him by saying, “You say.” 18:37 (John 18:37) He was therefore confronted by Pilate with the question, “Are you a king?” To which Jesus said, “Thou sayst that I am a king.” As a result of my birth, and for this reason, I came into the world, so that I can bear testimony to the truth.

  1. My voice is heard by everyone who is sincere in their beliefs.
  2. – The statements appear to have been delivered in a spirit of reckless defiance, as indicated by St.
  3. Is it possible that his Master (whom he addresses with the honorific title of Rabbi) was aware of his guilt?
  4. John’s tale (John 13:29) suggests that everyone did not hear the dreadful response, “Thou hast said,” when it was delivered.
  5. To fulfill his obligation, he was either to purchase supplies for the feast (which was presumably the usual solemn supper, or Chagigah, of the day after the Paschal Supper) or to make charitable contributions to the destitute.
  6. Following this interpretation of the events, it is clear that, despite having shared a meal with his Master, he did not participate in the breaking of the bread and drinking of the cup that were to serve as symbols of the New Covenant.
  7. John inserts the words “that you should love one another,” which refers to the new commandment that was incorporated in the act of fellowship.

as in version 22 Judas was almost certainly not one of those who raised this issue previously, and now, taking advantage of his close proximity to Jesus (see verse 23), he has the unbelievable audacity to raise it privately, as if he wanted to ascertain if Christ was aware of his betrayal or not.

  1. 49) The kind Jeans does not reprimand him, but instead responds to him in hushed tones that are not heard by the others (John 13:28, 29).
  2. A frequent formula that is equivalent to the word “yes.” As a result, version 64.
  3. Greek Then there’s 1161: (de)ConjunctionStrong.
  4. Judas, (Ioudas)Noun – Nominative Masculine SingularStrong’s 2455: Judas, (Ioudas)Noun – Nominative Masculine Singular Of Hebrew origin, Judas was the name of 10 Israelites, as well as the descendant of one of them and the location in which he lived.

in all their inflections, as well as the feminine he and the neuter to; the definite article (the); the.would disclose παραδιδοὺς(paradidous) Strong’s 3860: Verb – Present Participle Active – Nominative Masculine Singular Verb – Present Participle Active – Nominative Masculine Singular From the Greek words para and didomi, which mean “to surrender,” “to intrust,” and “to convey.” Him, (auton)Personal / Possessive Pronoun – Accusative Masculine Him, (auton)Personal / Possessive Pronoun – Accusative Masculine Him, (auton)Personal / Possessive Pronoun – Accusative Masculine Him, (auton)Personal / Possessive Pronoun – Accusative Masculine Him, (auton 3rd Person SingularStrong’s 846: he, she, it, they, them, the same, and so on.

The reflexive pronoun self, which is used in the third person as well as the other persons, is derived from the particle au.

to answer; in Hebraism, to begin speaking.

Verb – Present Indicative Active – First Person SingularStrong’s 1510: I am, I exist.

not Μήτι(Mēti) IntPrtclStrong’s 3385: If not, then, unless, then, unless, then, unless It is up to me and the neuter of tis whether or not to respond.

a first-person main pronoun that indicates the first person I.Rabbi?” (rhabbi)Noun – Vocative Masculine Form of rhabbi SingularStrong’s 4461 is as follows: Being of Hebrew origin, I am addressed as my master, i.e.

answered, Λέγει(Legei) The verb is in the third person and is in the present indicative active.

“You (Sy)Personal / Possessive Pronoun – Nominative” is a personal / possessive pronoun that is used in the nominative case.

It is the person pronoun of the second person singular; “thou hast said thyself.” 2nd Person Aorist Indicative Active – (eipas)Verb – Aorist Indicative Active SingularStrong’s 2036:Answer, bid, bring word, and command are all possible.

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Matthew 26:25, according to the Catholic Bible Gospels of the New Testament: Matthew 26:25 (KJV) Judas, the man who betrayed him, said, “It isn’t” (Matt. Mat Mt)

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