When Was The Name Jesus Created?

Origin of the name Jesus

  • The Meaning of the Name Jesus Did you realize that you might be in danger of missing out on your heavenly inheritance if you don’t act quickly?
  • Many people are mislead into believing that all they need to do is ″believe in Jesus,″ and that it doesn’t matter what you call Him since He is the same.
  • Not according to your Bible, of course!
  • If you aren’t concerned about where you will spend eternity, then you should stop reading right away!
  • If, on the other hand, you decide to go, prepare to be surprised!

Because you will personally account before The Judge on the basis of a comparison of His Word to your life, you are held accountable for what you believe.Clever analogies and stories meant to make you feel good and keep you firmly seated in your seat, as well as opening your bank account, will have a detrimental impact on your eternal destiny!Ignorance is not an option, and it will not be disregarded!

  1. That implies that you must do some effort to comprehend.
  2. Were you aware from the beginning that there was a phony messiah on the scene?
  3. Yes, this is correct!
  4. A phony messiah has existed since the very beginning of the Christian religion.

You should be prepared to bear with him even if he preaches another * gospel that we have not preached; or if you get another spirit that we have not received; or another evangel that we have not adopted; you should be prepared to suffer with him.Will the genuine Savior please take the stage?It is difficult to distinguish a counterfeit from an authentic because it is so similar to the original, often down to the smallest detail.

Isn’t it true that we’re being taught that it’s all a question of faith?But what is the point of placing one’s trust in something that isn’t correct?As your bible instructs you to verify everything, let’s have a look at the real Greek transcription of the Hebrew text and observe the clear discrepancy between them.Did you know that the letter ″J″ does not exist in Greek or Hebrew, and that the letter ″J″ did not exist in English for approximately 1700 years?

The name ″Jesus″ was not first used until after the advent of the printing press and the letter ″J″ in the mid-to-late 17th century, more than 300 years after the letter ″J″ was first used.In other words, the apostles had never even heard of the name ″Jesus″ before!Hence, what was the name of salvation before to the year 1700CE?For the time being, though, you must understand the roots of your beliefs and why they are so important to your own salvation.

This will be explored later.″Jesus,″ we are told, is the English version of the Latin form of the Greek form of the Hebrew name ″Joshua,″ which is pronounced ″Jesus.″ That, however, is not the case!Here’s what I mean: Before the arrival of the true Savior, there existed a half-deity by the name of ″Iesius″ [the son of Zeus1 (and Electra)] in the pagan world of the Greeks.Zeus, of course, was the supreme ″Father″ of the pantheon of Greek gods, the supreme ″Father″ of the entire variety of deities.

Iesius (also known as Iasius, Iasion, Iasus, Iesus, and Iason) was a Roman deity2 who was linked with the eagle and regarded as the lord of the skies.He was also a member of the Roman pantheon of deities.Before we go any farther, it is necessary to discuss Greek grammar and proper names.Name ends are affected by particle and tense, therefore names may be without an ending or may finish in ″s,″ ″u,″ or ″n″ depending on the situation.The original texts may thus include a variant of any kind as an identification.

A further consideration is that, while many dialects shared many characteristics, each had its own variant applications of vowels; thus, the vowels I e, and u could all have been determined by the writer’s dialect, which would have been based on their particular speech pattern and emphasizing different aspects of the vowel.This is not insignificant, as it has an influence on the vocalization when it is transferred to other languages.The Koine Greek name ″Iesius,″ which may also be transcribed ″iesu-,″ was transferred to the Old Latin as IESU″IESU″-, which means ″Iesius″ (Latin uncial script, i.e.small letters, did not exist until after the 2nd century CE).This eagle deity3, IESU (″IESU″), was the most important symbolic symbol of the Roman republic throughout its first century.It is critical that we grasp this since many of our early Bibles were written in Latin4, and the Roman emperors were heavily engaged in the creation of these books!

As deities, the Roman emperors were venerated as such, and their major emblem was an eagle, it is generally accepted that the Roman emperors were worshiped as the earthly manifestations of IESU, thus the name ″IESU.″ But I was under the impression it was in Hebrew!That seems to be the message we are given, doesn’t it?Misdirection away from Greek and Roman deities, combined with anti-Hebrew obfuscation that would lead us to believe that tens of thousands of 1st century Jews did not even know Hebrew, speaking only Aramaic, of which Hebrew is a dialect5, and Greek, can only be seen as self-serving in order to persuade the uninitiated to accept a disconnection from the Hebrew origin and nature of our Savior, cannot be seen as anything other than While it is true that the reliance on Hebrew meaning is maintained, as is the assertion of an implied linguistic connection, the circular reasoning used to void the actual truth of Messiah’s Hebrew name is evident in the dominance of the Greek/Latin explanation and vocalization of the other entity’s name.FACT: The biblical Messiah was known by the same name as the Israelite General and successor to Moses, Yah shua (pronounced ″Joshua″ with a ″Y″), the son of Nun, as evidenced by Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8 (in the KJV), and the name was used around 249 times in the Septuagintas.

  1. Please keep in mind that the whole lettered Hebrew alphabet consists of six letters: יהושוע While the shorter form has five letters AND a replacement markthree diagonal dots for the second ″waw,″ the first is not vocalized in the abbreviated form!
  2. Because of this, the Greek transcription of the Hebrew word is When it comes to the first ″waw,″ ″Yahshua″ does not use any kind of depiction.
  3. As a result, the Greek is.
  4. The Latin word ″IESU,″ on the other hand, is not derived from the biblical Yahshua!
  5. It is important to note that the first two letters of the Greek translation of the Hebrew ″Yah shua″ (from the Septuagint and Greek New Testament) are transliterated as ″IH″ rather than ″IE.″ The Greek manuscripts clearly demonstrate that there is a linguistic relationship between The Father’s Hebrew Name and the Greek name, which retains the ″YH″ of the Hebrew ″ ″, YaHWeH).
  • The Latin literature, on the other hand, are unable to express this critical relationship!
  • However, there is a surprise in Latin that will take your breath away!
  • There are other Hebrew names in the LXX that begin with the letter ″Ies,″ such as Ieska (Gen 11:29), Iesbok (Gen 25:2), Iesoua and Iesua (Gen 46:17), Iesui (1Sa 14:49), and so on, but never, and I repeat NEVER, do you see the name ″Yah’shua″ transcribed in the Greek alphabet as u or u!
  • That can only be found in the Latin language.
  • The retention of the IH is really important!
  • As an example, there are around six Hebrew names beginning with ″YH″ in the old testament that, when transcribed in Greek, i.e.

the ″New Testament,″ begin with ″Ie.″ There is, however, one glaringly visible exception: the name ″Yah shua,″ which is spelt ″Y″ in Greek and is the only Hebrew name starting with ″YH″ that is transcribed ″IH″ in the Greek New Testament!This cannot be overstated in terms of its significance.Only Messiah’s name, out of all the names that begin with the letter ″YH,″ has kept that distinction!

This is also quite crucial!

Note the iconography of ″IHS″ from the Old Latin script: ″IHS″. Some would have you believe that this is the ″Greek″ script, but the truth is, there is no ″S″ symbol in the later Greek, and the capital sigma ″Σ″ looks rather like a sideways ″M″. I found no evidence of the earliest ιεσ (ies) ever being used. This shows that the later Greek was rendered into the Old Latin script as

″IHS,″ demonstrating without any reasonable question that the Messiah’s name was written with a ″H″ and did not include a ″e″ in either the original Greek or the original pre-3rd century Latin. The existence of a ″H″ rather than a ″E″ is acknowledged in the New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia, rather than the absence of either.

″IHS: A monogram of the name of Jesus Christ. From the third century the names of our Saviour are sometimes shortened, particularly in Christian inscriptions (IH and XP, for Jesus and Christus)″�. These Greek monograms continued to be used in Latin during the Middle Ages. Eventually the right meaning was lost, and erroneous interpretation of IHS led to the faulty orthography ″Jhesus″.″ (New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia,Note that the IH(S) pertains to the proper name, not the title! As we have seen, IHS is a Latin monogram for the Hebrew YaHShua. What was ″faulty″ in ″Jhesus″ is the letter ″J″,
  • This era is marked by the absence of the letter ″e″ in the Greek letter ″o,″ the abandonment of the dipthong* ″ou″ in favor of a short ″uh″ sound, the incorporation of the Greek grammatical ending stigma into the proper name and its representation as IHS, despite the fact that the ″S″ character is entirely Latin and that there is no ″S″ character in the Greek script.
  • That is to say, the ″S″ letter is unique to Old Latin writing!
  • As incredible as it may seem, the Old Latin script, which preserves IHS as a monogram of Messiah’s Hebrew name, is evidence of the old prophetic name that has stood the test of time, despite the fact that the right name was never used in the Latin writings of the ″Iesu″ movement!
  • This is known as a dipthong, and it is made out of the Greek letters ″ou,″ which sound like a long u (as in shoe), and is a perfect phonetic reproduction of the second syllable of the Hebrew name.
  • Iesius is pronounced with a short ″u″ inflection, as is the case in the Roman language and later interpretations of English.

Make no mistake: the name ″Jesus″ is an Anglicized variant of the name IESU, which is the Roman equivalent of the name Iesius!The popular but not biblical name ″Jesus″ is linguistically tied to the Greek Pantheon (son of Zeus), rather than the Hebrew name ″YaH Shu″ (Jesus the Messiah).You may know him as Iesius, IESU, or ″Jesus,″ the son of Zeus, but do you place your faith in him for your salvation?

  1. Ibid., p.
  2. 4 (Jerome, Cyprion, Tertullian, and others), the first Latin writings date back to around 220CE.
  3. Following that, Prophecy Speaks: Why Yah shua Must Be His Name; and last, Proto-Hebrew Alphebet, Omniglot: A Guide to Writing Systems.

Why is Jesus called God’s Son?

  • God does not have a real bride with whom he has fathered children, as is commonly believed.
  • He is the originator of all life on the planet.
  • Humans were created with the ability to replicate the characteristics of God.
  • That is why Adam, the first human being created by God, is referred to be a ″son of God.″ Similar to this, Jesus is referred to be ″the Son of God″ since he was formed with characteristics that resemble those of his Father.
  • ​— Take a look at Luke 3:38 and John 1:14, 49.

When was Jesus created?

  • God created Jesus first, before He made Adam and Eve.
  • In reality, God created Jesus and then used him to create everything else, including the angels, on the planet.
  • That is why the Bible refers to Jesus as ″the firstborn of all creation″ by God, which means ″the firstborn of all creation.″ ​— Read Colossians 1:15-16 to have a better understanding.
  • Before he came to earth as a human being, Jesus existed as a spirit entity in the heavens.
  • When the moment was right, God transferred Jesus’ life from heaven to Mary’s womb, allowing him to be born as a human being for the first time.

​— Read Luke 1:29-32, 6:38, and 8:23 in the Bible.Why did God choose to have Jesus born as a human being on our planet?What was the unique function that Jesus performed?

  1. It is possible to find the answers to those questions in the Bible, and knowing the answers can substantially improve your comprehension and appreciation of what God and Jesus have done for you.

Meaning, origin and history of the name Jesus

  • Make an exception for the English version of the Greek name o (Iesous), which was the Greek form of the Aramaic name Y (Yeshu’a).
  • Yeshu’a is a contracted form of Yehoshua, which is itself a contracted version of Yehoshua (see Joshua).
  • Yeshua ben Yoseph, commonly known as Jesus Christ, was the major figure of the New Testament and the originator of the Christian faith.
  • He was born in Bethlehem and raised in Nazareth.
  • According to the four gospels, he was the son of God and the Virgin Mary, and that he was the fulfillment of the Old Testament predictions of the Messiah.

Before being crucified in Jerusalem, he preached for three years throughout the city.Other Languages and Cultural Traditions Isa(Albanian) Yeshua (Jesus) (Ancient Aramaic) Yasu, Yusha, Eesa, Essa, Isa, Issa, Yasu, Issa (Arabic) İsa(Azerbaijani) Josu(Basque) Iesous is a French word that means ″Iesous is a person who is a person who is a person who is a person who is a person who is a person who is a person who is a person who is a person who is a person who is a person who is a person who is a person who is a person who is a person who is a person who is a person who is a person who is a person who is (Biblical Greek) Yehoshua, Yeshua, Yehoshua (Biblical Hebrew) Iosue, Iesus, Iosue (Biblical Latin) Jesús(Catalan) Joshua(English) Josué(French) Xesús(Galician) Iokua(Hawaiian) Yehoshua(Hebrew) Giosuè(Italian) Isa(Persian) Jess, Josué, Chucho, Chus, and Chuy are all names for the same person (Spanish) İsa(Turkish) Descendants of a Surname Jesus(Portuguese) An illustration of Raphael’s The Transfiguration (1520)

People think this name is

Xeno characters, American Gods characters, American Horror Story characters (gods), Jesus Christ Superstar characters (martyrs), Oscar Wilde characters (philosophers, prophets), Rick and Morty characters, song titles (gods), supreme gods (Tori Amos songs), William Faulkner characters, William Faulkner songs, William Faulkner characters


  • Is it possible to find out where the name Jesus originated?
  • STRONG S EXHAUSTIVE CONCORDANCE OF THE BIBLE, page 37 of the Greek Dictionary of the New Testament, reference 2424 under the name Jesus, Iesous, of Hebrew origin (3091); Jesus (i.e.
  • Jehoshua), the name of the Lord Reference 3091 in the Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary under the name Jehoshua, Yehowshua; from 3068 and 3467; Jesus (i.e.
  • Jehoshua), the name of the The name of the LORD in the Old Testament, which we know to be YAHWEH, is referenced in the number 3068.
  • To achieve victory, you need to use the suffix yasha, which is pronounced yaw-shah and has the meanings of free; rescue; deliver; aid; defend; bring (with) salvation; savior; and get triumph.
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It is important to note that the name of Christ is formed from the name of God (YAHWEH) and the suffix yasha (salvation).The New Scofield Reference Edition of the Holy Bible (New Scofield Reference Edition, page 88) indicates that the term saved is a translation of the biblical Hebrew word yasha (salvation).For it is from this core word that the names Jehoshua and Jesus were derived, for he will save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).

  1. The entry for Jesus can be found on page 478 of the NEW WESTMINSTER DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE.
  2. (Latinized version of Greek Iesous, which is derived from Hebrew Jeshua, a late form of Jehoshua or Joshua – Yahweh is salvation – Yahweh is salvation.
  3. If you take a look at several other names, such as Elijah, Isaiah, Zechariah, and Ezekiel, you will discover that they are all Hebrew in origin.
  4. We know Jesus was a Hebrew, so how could His name have been derived from a Latin name derived from a Greek name?

In truth, the letter J does not appear in the Hebrew alphabet.A Y sound is made whenever the letter J appears on a piece of paper or in print.Consider the fact that the letters ph are used to generate the sound f, as in the word telephone, which is written in our alphabet.

In reality, the capital letter J did not appear until the sixteenth century.When a person relocates to a foreign nation, the language will change, but his or her given name will remain the same.Were it not a pain in the neck to have to change our names every time we traveled to a different country?So, what caused the name of the Lord to be changed?

It’s difficult to demonstrate that His name was not pronounced Jesus in the Bible.Refer to Acts 26:13-15, in which the Apostle Paul is speaking to King Agrippa, for more information.Towards the middle of the day, O King, I noticed a light from heaven, brighter than the brightness of the sun, shining all around me and the others who were traveling with me.We were all on the ground when I heard a voice speaking to me in the Hebrew language, saying, ″Why persecutest thou me?″ I looked about and saw no one else.

It’s difficult for thee to kick against the prickly things.As a result, I declared, ″I am Jesus, whom thou persecutest.″ Take note of the fact that the Lord spoke in the HEBREW TONE!Because Jesus is not a Hebrew name, the Lord could not have revealed His identity by saying His name was Jesus.The name Jesus would be unfamiliar to the Apostle Paul, who would never have heard of or recognized it.

WHAT IS THE ACTUAL NAME OF THE HOLY SPIRIT?At the end of the book of Revelation, it says, I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, and where Satan’s seat is: and thou hast kept my name, and hast not rejected my faith.Those who still adhered to the teachings of Christ might be found in the Church of Pergamos, which served as Satan’s throne.Revelation 3:8 expresses Christ’s appreciation for the Church of Philadelphia for refusing to renounce Him as Lord.It is clear that something happened over 1,900 years ago, and that something happened quickly.

Now we have the name Jesus, which is derived from the Greek name Iesous, which in turn is derived from the Hebrew names Jehoshua or Joshua, as well as other names.What was the name of the group that remained firm and refused to change?The Lord’s real name is YAHWEH-YASHA, which means ″Lord of hosts.″ The Old Testament’s YAHWEH (the Lord) is the New Testament’s YAHWEH-YASHA (the Lord), and vice versa.In Hebrews 1:4, we are told that the Messiah received His name from His Father.This is the first time we have heard this.In Jeremiah 23:5-6, YAHWEH declares that He will bring up a righteous branch and a ruler (Christ), and that the Messiah’s name will be YAHWEH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS (YAHWEH is our righteousness).

It is important to note that Christ, the Branch, will be known by the same name as God.A small number of individuals, usually Jews, refer to the Messiah by his Hebrew names: Yahushua, Y shua, or Yahshua.According to the Westminster Dictionary of the Bible, the word Yah is an abbreviated version of the Hebrew word YAHWEH.The suffix shua (7769)* can be translated as cry or wealth.

  1. The Lord’s everlasting name, YAHWEH, is eliminated when He is addressed as Y shua, Yahshua, or Jesus.
  2. Similar to how Abram’s name was changed to Abraham in Genesis 17:5, although he remains the same man, so too has YAHWEH’s name been changed to YAHWEH-YASHA, yet he remains the same Lord.
  3. By the name of YAHWEH-YASHA, YAHWEH was going to deliver His people from their sinful state.
  4. Because of His spilt blood on the cross, YAHWEH-YASHA has been elevated to the position of Lord of the New Covenant.
  5. It is said in John 1:10-12 that He was in the world, and the world was formed by him, and the world did not know him.
  • (John 1:10-12) He went to his own, but he was not greeted by his own people.
  • The power of becoming God’s sons was given to those who received him, however, and this was true of both Jews and Gentiles who believed in his name.
  • After witnessing the miracles that Jesus performed while in Jerusalem during the Passover and feast days, John 2:23 states, ″When he was in Jerusalem during the Passover and feast days, many believed in his name.″ The Bible also states in John 3:18 that ″he who believes in him is not condemned,″ but that ″he who believes not is condemned already,″ meaning that he has not placed his faith in the one and only born Son of God.
  • In Luke 24:47, it is said that repentance and remission of sins should be taught in his name to all peoples throughout the world.
  • After all these years, we finally comprehend what YAHWEH-YASHA meant when He stated, ″I have come in my Father’s name, and ye have not received me: if someone comes in his own name, him you will accept″ (John 5:43).
  • Many people think that the Lord’s name is Jesus, and this is a popular belief.

The moniker ″Jesus″ was one that I cherished and believed in.A man, woman, or kid who loves and fears God will have a strong sense of truth in their hearts, which is a vital trait in their makeup.The fact is that the name YAHWEH-YASHA was uttered to the Apostle Paul, not Jesus, as some have claimed.

It’s important to remember that the Lord talked to the Apostle Paul in Hebrew and gave him His own personal name in the process.He would never have used or talked under an other name.Paul was completely unfamiliar with the name Jesus.At first glance, it may appear difficult to believe, but the apostles and the early church were not even aware of or heard of the name Jesus.THERE IS ONLY ONE NAME IN THIS WORLD!Page 433 of PELOUBET’S BIBLE DICTIONARY, under the heading ″Names,″ Individuals among the Hebrews were given only one name, which allowed them to be distinguished from those with the same name as they.

It was common for a man to add the names of his father and ancestors to his own given name.As Christians, our primary goal in life is to get to know the Lord and to be familiar with His name.″For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulders, and his name shall be Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace,″ says Isaiah 9:6.

  • The Messiah’s given name was not simply any other name in the world.
  • In our English Bible, Acts 4: 10-12 teaches us that there is no other name under heaven that we may rely upon to be saved except from Jesus Christ.
  • Nonetheless, in Joel 2:32, it is said that anybody who calls on the name of YAHWEH will be rescued.
  • It is mentioned twice again in the New Testament, in Acts 2:21 and Romans 10:13, and it is a verse from Genesis.
  • Who knows what happened to the name YAHWEH.
  • Knowing that the name YAHWEH will exist eternally, we wonder what happened to it.
  • The fact is that the names of the Lord God and the Lord Christ must remain the same, regardless of the circumstances.
  • In the absence of it, we have two options to choose from.
  • According to Hebrews 6:10, the saints were commended for their efforts on behalf of God’s name.
  • According to Revelation 2:3, the Church of Ephesus was commended for its efforts in spreading the name of Christ.

Is it feasible that these two churches put forth differing amounts of effort to obtain two distinct names?Everyone will fall their knees and vow to YAHWEH, according to the Bible, which may be found in Isaiah 45:23 and Romans 14:11, respectively.According to Philippians 2:10, when the name of Jesus is invoked, every knee will bow.

This implies that either everyone will bow at two names, or that the true name of the Lord is YAHWEH-YASHA, which is the name of the Lord.In Acts 9:15, the Apostle Paul was given the authority to bear the name of Jesus Christ to both Jews and Gentiles across the world.However, in Acts 15:14-17, the Gentiles were exhorted to take up God’s name as their own.Is it possible that Christ goes by a different name than God?Men will be blessed in him, as stated in Psalm 72:17, and all countries will call him blessed.

Psalm 72:17 indicates that Christ’s name will remain forever: his name will survive as long as the sun and men shall be blessed in him, as stated in Psalm 72:17.However, according to Exodus 3:15 and Psalms 135:14, the name of YAHWEH will survive eternally throughout the scriptures.Is it possible that two names will stand the test of time?

According to Zechariah 14:9, which predicts the future, YAHWEH will reign as king over all the earth, and His name will be known as one.YAHWEH-YASHA is the sole possible name for Christ, and it is the only name that Christ can have.When it comes to the Messiah, Jeremiah 23:5-6 states unequivocally that the name of YAHWEH will be in the name of the Messiah.

The Bible makes it quite apparent that there is only one God, and that His name is One.It is the name YAHWEH-YASHA, which means ″Self-Existing One″ or ″Eternal One,″ that exalts YAHWEH while also acknowledging His divinity.Because of his name, Christianity might be considered a legitimate outgrowth of Judaism.It is possible that the beauty of the name YAHWEH-YASHA will be revealed not just through prayer and study of the Torah, but also through a deep longing for truth that transcends human ideas and traditions.

  • A tremendous outpouring of the Holy Spirit has occurred on a large number of people in recent days.
  • God is currently in the process of restoring His church to its former glory as shown in the book of Acts.
  • Acts 3: 20-21 reminds us that our Lord is returning, but that he will be kept in heaven until the restoration of all things has been completed.
  • It is possible that the real name of the Lord will be restored as the next thing to be restored.

As we begin to place our trust in His name, the Lord will confirm His genuine name in our hearts by pouring down an abundance of peace on our heads.Continue

When was the first occurrence of Jesus being used as a name?

  • When was the first time Jesus’ name was uttered?
  • The Hebrew Bible dates from 285-246 B.C.
  • The Septuagint was the Greek Old Testament’s official translation into English, and it was published in the first century AD.
  • The Old Testament was first translated into Greek in the second century B.C.
  • The Septuagint is the name given to this translation.

The Council of Nicaea was convened by Constantine in 325 A.D.In the year 360 A.D., It was written following the Council of Nicaea, which is known as the Codex Sinaiticus Greek New Testament.This was exclusively employed in the production of the Latin Vulgate version of the Bible.

  1. The Codex Sinaiticus was found in Egypt, at the Monastery of Saint Catherine, in 1859 by the Leipzig archaeologist Constantin von Tischendorf, who was working on a project for the University of Leipzig.
  2. A handwritten copy of the Greek Bible dating back to antiquity, the Codex Sinaiticus, along with the Codex Vaticanus, is considered to be the best Greek text of the New Testament.
  3. It is an incalculably important document in the history of Christianity since it includes a large portion of the Old Testament as well.
  4. The Codex was written sometime in the 4th century (between 325 and 360 A.D.), and it is a manuscript of the Alexandrian text type.

It was discovered in a cave in northern Italy.The translation, which began in 382 A.D.and was commissioned by Pope Damasus I, was mostly the work of St.

Jerome.St.Jerome was responsible for the translation of Greek into Latin.The initial period (285-246 B.C.) is so defined as In 382 A.D., the Septuagint was translated from Hebrew into Latin.

Following the year 382 A.D., the following bibles were translated from the Latin Vulgate Bible, rather than from the original Greek and Hebrew texts of the time.It was the Latin word Iesus that was used.The right term should be Iesous which is Greek.The proper word to use is Joshua, which is an English word.

Wycliffe Greek Bible, 1514 A.D., written in 1395 A.D.Erasmus’s Greek New Testament, published in 1525 A.D.Tyndale’s New Testament was published in 1534 A.D.Tyndale Bible, published in 1540 A.D.

The Great Bible, often known as the Cranmer Bible, was published in 1568 A.D.The Bishops’ Bible was published in 1587 A.D., while the Geneva Bible was published in 1611 A.D.The King James Version was translated from 80 percent of Tyndale’s Bible, which was translated from the Latin Vulgate Bible, which was first published in 382 A.D.The King James Version was translated from 80 percent of Tyndale’s Bible, which was first published in 1525 A.D.James II of England (1633-1701) was, in fact, the last Catholic king to reign in the United Kingdom.

Protestants were responsible for James’ removal from the throne.In England, a statute was established proclaiming that no Catholic may ever occupy public office again.The English bible edition was first published in 1638 A.D., thanks to the efforts of King James English, who combined Latin and English.This was a translation from the 1611 King James Bible, which was itself a translation from the Latin Vulgate Bible in the first place.It was the Latin word Iesus that was used.In this case, the right term should be Iesous, which is a Greek word.

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The proper word to use is Joshua, which is an English word.The name JESUS appears in these two locations in all of the King James English manuscripts from 1638 A.D., despite the fact that the contexts pertain to the person Joshua.″For if Jesus had given them rest, he would not have talked of another day later,″ says the author of Hebrews 4:8.Similarly, in Acts 7:45, we read, ″Which likewise our forefathers who came after Jesus brought into the possession of the Gentiles, whom God had driven out before the face of our forefathers, unto the days of David.″ Following the publication of the first English dictionary in 1604, the letter ″J″ was introduced to the alphabet, resulting in the present English alphabet that we know today.

  1. The King James Bible, which was first published in 1611 and was written in English, did not contain the letter ″J,″ but instead contained Latin terms.
  2. Given that Jesus’ name was in use before to 1611, why was the name Jesus not included in the 1611 King James Version of the Bible?
  3. This would only suggest that the English did not adopt the “J” until after 1611 and before 1638 A.D.
  4. or the name Jesus was not used until after 1611 A.D.
  5. It is likely that someone took the Latin word Iesus and added ″J″ to make the name Jesus, which is one plausible explanation for how ″J″ was used to form the name Jesus.
  • The difficulty is that the Latin term is being used rather than the Greek word.
  • The second obstacle was that it had to happen after the year 1604 A.D.
  • The third issue is that the Latin name Iesus was used instead of the English word Jesus in the 1611 A.D.
  • King James Bible.
  • The King James Bible, published in 1638 A.D., does, however, mention Jesus by name.
  • We know that the letter ″J″ was not used in Latin until the 18th Century, or 100 years after the year 1638 A.D.

The name of Jesus was used in the King James Bible.As a result of his decision to maintain anti-Catholic measures, King James I of England allowed a Protestant translation of the King James Version, which was published in 1611.In order to construct the Latin Vulgate Bible, the sole original Greek text was utilized, and after that, all other Bibles were translated from the Latin Vulgate Bible using both English and Latin vocabulary.

Because of this, the name Jesus cannot be used in the English Bibles unless it is preceded by an English letter ″J,″ which may be found in conjunction with the Latin term Iesus.It was the King James Bible, published in 1638, that translated the Latin term Iesus into the English name Jesus.It was difficult to translate the Latin word Iesus into English as Jesus before the year 1701 A.D.since the Latin script did not have the letter ″J.″ Following the year 1701 A.D., the Latin name Iesus was transformed into the English word Jesus.The only ″J″ that was used was by the English, which would indicate that the English came up with Jesus’ name about 100 years before the Spanish.When bibleinfo.com was contacted for response, they responded with the following: The attempt to enunciate the Hebrew and Greek equivalents of the names typically rendered as Jesus is not an issue for me.″ Iasous is the Greek name for Jesus, which is frequently transliterated as Jesus.

The fact that some people desire to attempt to speak the Greek equivalents of the names popularly rendered Jesus doesn’t bother me in the least.As a result of certain people’s insistence on creating an issue out of pronunciation rather than meaning, there have been disagreements, accusations, and friction.″ Unfortunately, neither the ancient nor new testaments contain any references to the term iasous.There are arguments, accusations, and turmoil that arise as a result of individuals who are adamant about creating an issue out of pronunciation rather than meaning.

  • ″ One method was through translation, which attempts to capture the meaning of a word but also losing the sound in the process.
  • The second method was to use transliteration, which attempts to capture the sound of the Hebrew word while losing the meaning in the process of doing so.
  • The meaning of the Latin word Iesus is lost when the letter ″J″ is substituted for the letter ″I″ in the English name Jesus.
  • When a Latin person by the name of Iesus meets an English person by the name of Iesus, the English person addresses Iesus as Jesus.
  • When a Greek man by the name of Iesous meets an Englishman by the name of Joshua, the two become friends.
  • The name and meaning remain unchanged regardless of how they are spoken or written.
  • However, when a Latin person with the name of Iesus encounters an English person, the English person addresses Iesus as Joshua.
  • When a Greek man by the name of Iesous meets an Englishman by the name of Jesus, the Englishman refers to Iesous as Jesus.
  • The way a name is spoken and understood changes the meaning of the word.
  • It was only until 282 A.D.

that the Latin term Iesus was employed instead of the Greek word Iesous, which should have been used.If being right entails being controversial, then I am contentious in my own right.It is only when I make an allegation that I know it is true that I know I have made a true accusation.

If I am being obstinate and insist on bringing up the correct name as a point of contention, the point is true and has merit.Except for the name, I have no objections to anything else about it, including its meaning in the bible, which remains unchanged.All of the scriptures were written with God’s inspiration in mind.If all writings are inspired by God, why was the Latin name Iesus used rather than the Greek word Iesous in the first place?Because there is nothing hidden, and there is nothing hidden that will remain hidden.

The secret is no longer hidden, and this was made possible by the inspiration of God.

Jesus’ real name, Yeshua, evolved over millennia in many cases of transliteration that took it from Yehōshu’a to Iēsous to Jesus.

  • Even among people of different religious beliefs, the name ″Jesus″ is almost universally recognized.
  • It may come as a surprise, however, that the name ″Jesus,″ which millions of Christians all over the world are urged not to use in vain, was not in fact the name of the historical figure.
  • Despite the fact that the assertion appears to be controversial, the truth is that it is more of a translation issue.

What Was Jesus’ Real Name?

  • Commons image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons ″Isous″ is the Greek transcription of Jesus’ given name, whereas ″Yeshua″ is the late Biblical Hebrew form of Jesus’ given name.
  • Of course, neither English nor Spanish existed in their present forms during the time when the genuine Jesus was living, nor was the New Testament written at the time that the original Jesus was alive.
  • Jesus and his followers were all Jewish, and as a result, they all received Hebrew given names – despite the fact that they would have spoken Aramaic.
  • As a result, the ″J″ sound used to pronounce Jesus’ name does not exist in either Hebrew or Aramaic, providing compelling proof that Jesus was known by a completely different name among his contemporaries.
  • As a result, the majority of academics think that the Christian Messiah’s given name was really ″Yeshua,″ which was a very popular Jewish given name during Jesus’ lifetime.

Archaeologists have discovered the name engraved onto 71 burial caverns in Israel that date back to the time when the historical Jesus would have been living, according to the latest findings.This raises the question of how the name ″Jesus″ got to be unique in the first place, given that there were apparently so many individuals called ″Yeshua″ moving around at the time.

How “Yeshua” Became Lost In Translation

Commons image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Because of this, the King James Bible was written in the ″I″ spelling rather than the ″J″ spelling.Given the fact that not every language has the same sounds, people have traditionally adopted their names in order to be able to pronounce them in a number of different languages.Even in modern languages, there are discrepancies in how Jesus is pronounced from one dialect to another.In English, the name is pronounced with a hard ″J,″ yet in Spanish, the name is pronounced with what would be a ″H″ in English, despite the fact that the spelling is the same.Exactingly this style of transcription is what has transformed ″Yeshua″ into the contemporary name ″Jesus,″ as previously stated.

  1. The New Testament was originally written in Greek, which not only has a completely different alphabet from Hebrew but also does not include the ″sh″ sound present in the Hebrew word ″Yeshua,″ which means ″Jesus.″ After deciding to use the Greek ″s″ sound instead of the ″sh″ sound in the name Yeshua, the New Testament authors added a final ″s″ to the end of the name to make it more masculine in the original language.
  2. When the Bible was translated into Latin from the original Greek, the term ″Iesus″ was used by the translators to refer to the person who had given the name.
  3. Commons image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons German crucifix bearing the ″King of the Jews″ sign in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, as well as the phrase ″King of the Jews.″ The disciple reports in John 19:20 that the Romans affixed on Jesus’ cross a sign that said ″The King of the Jews″ and that ″it was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin.″ The sign was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, according to the disciple.
  4. This inscription has been a typical feature of portrayals of the crucifixion in Western Christianity for centuries as ″INRI,″ an acronym for the Latin Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum, or ″Jesus the Nazarene King of the Jews,″ which translates as ″Jesus the Nazarene King of the Jews.″ Because Latin being the main language of the Catholic Church, the Latinized form of the name ″Yeshua″ was used to refer to Christ across the rest of Europe and beyond.
  5. Even the King James Bible, which was first published in 1611, utilized the ″Iesus″ spelling.

How “Yeshua” Eventually Became “Jesus”

It’s difficult to identify precisely where the ″Jesus″ spelling originated, while some historians believe that a variant of the name that originated in Switzerland is the most likely candidate.It is more common for the ″J″ in Swiss to be pronounced like an English ″Y″ or the Latin ″Ie″ as in ″Iesus.″ When the Catholic Queen, ″Bloody″ Mary I, ascended to the English throne in 1553, hundreds of thousands of English Protestant intellectuals fled, with many eventually settling in Switzerland.It was at Geneva that a group of some of the best English minds of the day collaborated to create the Geneva Bible, which was the first to utilize the Swiss spelling of the name ″Jesus.″ Commons image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons A significant contribution to the popularization of the ″Jesus″ spelling was made by the Geneva Bible.As a translation, the Geneva Bible had immense popularity, and it was the version of the Bible that Shakespeare and Milton referred to.Eventually, it was transported to the New World on the Mayflower, which arrived in 1620.

  1. As of 1769, the majority of English Bible translations were use the ″Jesus″ spelling that had been popularized by the Geneva Bible.
  2. As a result, the name used by English speakers today is an English adaption of a German translation of a Latin transliteration of a Greek transliteration of an initially Hebrew name, which was then adopted by the English language.
  3. Afterwards, take a look at the history of Yeshua and the true name of Jesus, and then find out why and how Jesus turned white in the first place.
  4. Then read about Jesus’ tomb being opened after it had been sealed.

Was Jesus a Common Name Back When He Was Alive?


Was Jesus a common name at the beginning of the first century?

The name was used by a large number of individuals.Throughout first-century Galilee, Christ’s given name, which is typically romanized as Yeshua, was widely used.(The name Jesus is derived from the transcription of the Hebrew name Yeshua into Greek and then English.) Archaeologists have discovered the tombs of 71 Yeshuas from the time of Jesus’ death, according to reports.Also in the Old Testament, the name appears 30 times, each time in reference to a different character—including a descendent of Aaron who assisted in the distribution of grain offerings (2 Chronicles 31:15) and an individual who accompanied former captives of Nebuchadnezzar back to Jerusalem (2 Chronicles 31:18).(Ezra 2:2).

  1. In addition, the full variant of the name, Yehoshua, appears a few hundred more times, with the majority of references to the mythical conqueror of Jericho (and the second most famous bearer of the name).
  2. Then, why do we refer to the Hebrew hero of Jericho as Joshua, but the Christian Messiah is known as Jesus?
  3. Because the New Testament was originally written in Greek, rather than Hebrew or Aramaic, it is known as the Greek New Testament.
  4. Because the Greeks did not pronounce the letter sh, the evangelists used the letter S instead.
  5. Later, in order to make it more manly, they added another S sound at the end of the name.
  1. In modern times, the name Jesus is romanized as Iesous, which is the first written rendition of the name.
  2. (Thus the crucifix inscription INRI: ″Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum,″ or ″Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews,″ which translates as ″Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.″ The letter J didn’t appear until far later in the process.
  3. That particular sound was alien to the languages of Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, and Latin.
  4. Even the English language did not distinguish between the letters J and I until the mid-17th century.
  5. As a result, the King James Bible of 1611 refers to Jesus as ″Iesus,″ and his father as ″Ioseph,″ respectively.
  • The present spelling is most likely derived from Switzerland, where the letter J sounds more like the letter Y in English.
  • It was under the reign of the Catholic Queen Mary I that a group of English Protestants escaped to Switzerland and created the Geneva Bible, which was spelled in the Swiss style.
  • By 1769, the Geneva spelling had been adopted by translators in England.
  • The Old Testament, on the other hand, was translated straight from the original Hebrew into English, rather than through the medium of Greek.
  • As a result, everybody who was named Yehoshua or Yeshua in the Old Testament became known as Joshua in the English language.
  • Meanwhile, the Syriac Bible, which is the sacred book of the Syrian Orthodox church, is written in the ancient language of Aramaic.
  • While the early scribes realized that Iesous was a distortion of the original Aramaic, they did not know that the Gospels were translated from the original Greek.
  • As a result, the Syriac text makes reference to Yeshua.
  • Bonus Explanatory Material: What was the final name of Jesus?
  • It wasn’t Christ, either.
  • His contemporaries would have referred to him as Yeshua Bar Yehosef or Yeshua Nasraya, depending on their dialect.
  • (This is referred to as ″Jesus, son of Joseph″ or ″Jesus of Nazareth.″ Galileans separated themselves from others who shared the same first name by adding either ″son of″ and their father’s name or their place of birth to the end of their names.
  • When Jesus was alive, no one who knew him would have addressed him as Christ, which is the translation of a Greek term that means ″anointed one.″ Do you have a question concerning the news of the day?

Inquire with the Explainer.The explainer expresses gratitude to Joseph P.Amar of the University of Notre Dame and Paul V.M.

  1. Flesher of the University of Wyoming for their contributions.
See also:  Why Was Jesus Baptised

The Grammarphobia Blog: How Jesus got his name

Q: As part of my preparation for a future lecture, I was wondering if you could tell me anything about how the name Jesus came to be used in English.A: I’d be interested in hearing if you have any information regarding how the name Jesus came to be used in English.In particular, how did it come to be spoken in such a different way from the original Greek/Latin language?A: When Jesus was first mentioned in Old English, he was referred to as hlend, which means ″savior″ (the word was not capitalized).Until the early Middle English era, the name ″Jesus″ did not appear in our language under its current spelling (1150-1250).

  1. However, even then, the name ″Jesus″ was not spelt correctly.
  2. As far back as recorded history goes, the name didn’t begin with ″j″ and didn’t conclude with the letter ″s″ (the letter ″s″ didn’t exist at the time).
  3. In those days, names were not capitalized, hence ″iesu″ was the spelling of the name.
  4. First, let’s take a brief detour into the etymology of the name ″Jesus″ before moving on to how the spelling formed in English.
  5. Originally, the name Iesus was derived from the Latin Iesus, which was a Roman transcription of the Greek Iesous.
  1. It had been borrowed into Greek from the late Hebrew or Aramaic name Yeshua, which was a popular Jewish boy’s name at the time of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem.
  2. (Though proper nouns were considered the same as common nouns in classical Latin and Greek, as well as in ancient Hebrew and Aramaic, we’ve capitalized the names here to emphasize their importance.) As stated by the Oxford English Dictionary, the name Yeshua is derived from the ancient Hebrew word y’hoshua, which may be rendered as either ″God (Yahweh) is salvation″ or ″God saves.″ Other spelling variations of this name include Yehoshua, Jehoshua, and Joshua.
  3. The name ″iesu″ was first documented in English as ″iesu cristes″ in a book of homilies in 1175, as part of the phrase ″iesu cristes.″ The name was originally written in lowercase characters, but we’ll now uppercase it in accordance with current etiquette to avoid confusion.
  4. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the omission of a final ″s″ was influenced by Old French.
  5. ″Iesu″ represented the Old French objective form of the Latin Iesus, and it was this form that made its way into Middle English and remained in use for about 400 years after that.
  • ″Iesus,″ which represents the Latin nominative form, was only infrequently used in Middle English, but it became the standard English spelling in the 16th century, according to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
  • As previously stated, the name ″Jesus″ was not initially spelt with a ″j″ since the letter ″j″ did not exist at the time of its creation.
  • According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the letter ″j″ first appeared in English as ″a fairly late mutation of the letter I.″ According to historical standards, the ″j″ sound we hear in words such as ″judge″ and ″jail″ is a very modern development.
  • Here’s how things progressed.
  • The letter I in the ancient Roman script had two distinct sounds: it was both a vowel and a consonant that sounded like the letter ″y.″ According to the Oxford English Dictionary, this ″y″ sound in Latin and other languages that use the Roman script began to change into a ″consonantal diphthong″ sometime around the sixth century.
  • The consonant sounds ″d″ and ″y″ (which are akin to the sounds heard in the English words ″odious″ and ″hideous″) were blended together and eventually became known as the ″j″ sound.
  • This, according to Oxford, led to the letter I having two drastically distinct sounds between the 11th and 17th centuries: it was both a vowel and a consonant that sounded like ″j″ throughout this time period.
  • While this was happening, the guttural letter ″g,″ according to the Oxford English Dictionary, was experiencing its own metamorphosis, and began to have a ″softer″ sound, akin to that of the contemporary ″j.″ Clearly, European printers need a new letter to express a sound that had previously been represented by both the letters I and ″g.″ It was thus that the letter ″j,″ which in lowercase form resembled a I with a tail, first arose in 15th-century Spanish and afterwards in other languages that used the Roman alphabet.
  • The new letter was created in English in the mid-1600s, which was too late for the King James Version of the Bible, which was published in 1611.
  • Interestingly, the earliest recorded instance of the ″Jesus″ spelling in the Oxford English Dictionary comes from a 1632 case heard by the Court of High Commission, which was then the highest ecclesiastical court in England at the time: ″That we are as carefull in printing the Bible as they are of their Jesus’ psalter.″ After searching Google Books, we were unable to locate any older examples, although we did come across numerous more from the 1600s.
  • ″The feeling that they were, notwithstanding their differences in form and value,″ according to the Oxford English Dictionary, ″remain[ed] for many generations notwithstanding the completion of the distinction of I and J, in form and value,″ by 1640.
  • It should be noted that ″Christ″ is not Jesus’ last name.
  • In his day, Jews were known by only one name: Yiddish.

In case you haven’t read it yet, ″Christ″ is a title that literally translates as ″anointed one,″ and it is an Anglicized form of the Greek Kristos and the Latin Christus.Originally, the first vowel was pronounced with a short I as in ″mist.″ The fact that the term ″Christmas″ has been in use for hundreds of years has been brought to our attention in another piece.Not a modern creation that represents the secularization and/or commodification of Christmas, to be sure.

  1. In fact, the use of the letter ″X″ to represent the word ″Christ″ dates back nearly a thousand years.
  2. However, secularists are not to be blamed.
  3. It is the fault of the monks in Great Britain who, when transcribing Old English texts, substituted the letter ″X″ for the word ″Christ.″ What is the significance of ″X″?
  1. This is due to the fact that the Greek word for Christ, o, begins with the letters ″chi″ (also known as ″X″) and ″rho″ (also known as ″P″).
  2. In addition, the monks employed the abbreviations ″X″ or ″XP″ to represent ″Christ″ in their writing.
  3. By making a gift, you can assist in the support of the Grammarphobia Blog.
  4. Also, be sure to check out our books on the English language.

If His name was Yeshua, why do we call Him Jesus?

Answer to the question Some believe that our Lord should not be referred to as ″Jesus″ because it is offensive.Instead, we should simply refer to Jesus as ″Yeshua.″ Some even go so far as to suggest that naming Him ″Jesus″ is blasphemous and should be avoided at all costs.Others go into great length about how the name ″Jesus″ is unbiblical since the letter ″J″ is a later innovation and there was no letter J in either Greek or Hebrew, and so the name ″Jesus″ is unbiblical.The Hebrew name Yeshua is spelled ″Joshua,″ while the English spelling is ″Joshua.″ When written in Greek, it becomes ″Iesous,″ which translates as ″Jesus.″ In English, it is written as ″Jesus.″ In this way, the names ″Joshua″ and ″Jesus″ are nearly identical; both are English pronunciations of the Hebrew and Greek names for our Savior.(See Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8 in the King James Version for instances of how the two titles are interchangeable.) The term ″Jesus″ alludes to the Old Testament figure Joshua in both instances.) The meaning of a term is not altered by changing the language in which it is expressed.

  1. A collection of pages that has been bound and covered is referred to as a ″book.″ In German, it is referred to as buch.
  2. It is referred to as a libro in Spanish and a livre in French.
  3. The language changes, but the item itself remains the same as before.
  4. ″That which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as delicious,″ as Shakespeare put it (Romeo and Juliet, II:i).
  5. It’s the same way that we may refer to Jesus as ″Jesus,″ ″Yeshua,″ or ″YehSou″ (Cantonese) without altering His essence or character.
  1. His name literally translates as ″The Lord Is Salvation″ in any language.
  2. When it comes to the debate over the letter J, it’s all just a lot of fuss over nothing.
  3. It is true that the letter J did not exist in the languages in which the Bible was written.
  4. However, this does not rule out the possibility of references to ″Jerusalem″ in the Bible.
  5. Furthermore, it does not preclude the usage of the spelling ″Jesus.″ The use of English spelling is acceptable if a person speaks and reads the language.
  • Even within a same language, spellings might differ: Americans write ″Savior,″ whilst the British write ″Savior,″ respectively.
  • The addition of an u (or the subtraction of an u, depending on your point of view) has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of our discussion.
  • Jesus is the Saviour and the Savior, and He is the Lord.
  • The names Jesus, Yeshuah, and Iesus are all referring to the same individual.
  • Not once in the Bible does it say that we must only pronounce or write His name in Hebrew or Greek.
  • It never even makes a passing reference to such a notion.
  • Instead, on the Day of Pentecost, the apostles delivered the gospel news in the languages of the ″Parthians, Medes, and Elamites; citizens of Mesopotamia, Judea, and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt, and the regions of Libya near Cyrene,″ according to Acts 2:9.
  • Every linguistic group was able to comprehend Jesus because of the power of the Holy Spirit, which enabled him to be made known to them all.
  • It didn’t matter if the words were spelled correctly.
  • As English-speaking people, we refer to Him by the name ″Jesus″ since we are familiar with Him due of English translations of the Greek New Testament.
  • Scripture does not place a higher priority on one language over another, and it makes no hint that Christians must use the Hebrew language when addressing the Almighty.
  • Calling on the name of the Lord is commanded, with the assurance that we will be saved as a result of doing so (Acts 2:21; Joel 2:32).
  • In the end, it doesn’t matter what language we use to call on Him: He is our salvation in English, Korean, Hindi, or Hebrew.

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Does the name “Jesus” actually mean “Hail, Zeus”?

Answer to the question There are various weird and misleading doctrines that circulate about the names of God and of Jesus Christ; one such incorrect theory is the notion that the name Jesus truly means ″Hail, Zeus,″ which is a reference to the Greek god Zeus.These odd believers argue that anyone who invokes the name of Jesus is expressing worship to a false deity and is therefore unworthy of eternal salvation.They even go so far as to claim that a person must only refer to Jesus by his Hebrew name since there is only one name by which we may be saved, which is the name of Jesus (Acts 4:12).First, we’ll do our best to explain the ″Jesus-means-hail-Zeus″ hypothesis as clearly as we possibly can.After that, we’ll take a look at the facts of the situation from a biblical standpoint.

  1. Many of those who claim that the name Jesus is an acronym for ″Hail, Zeus″ start by mentioning the name of God, YAH (see Isaiah 26:4, NET).
  2. They derive the Messiah’s name, YAHSHUA, from the name of God, which they claim means ″YAH Is Salvation″ in Hebrew.
  3. They claim that is the term that was used by the apostles and by the Messiah Himself; but, once the apostles were dead and gone, the Roman Church seized control of Christianity and established the Roman Catholic Church.
  4. In order to make their brand of religion more palatable to the pagans, the Roman leaders changed the name of the Messiah to Iésous, which (allegedly) translates as ″Hail, Zeus.″ This was done in order to make their brand of religion more acceptable to them.
  5. Due to the fact that Zeus (or Jupiter) was the most important deity in the Greco-Roman pantheon, the pagans had little difficulty adopting this new demigod.
  1. Christianity had been thoroughly robbed of its Hebrew origins as a result of altering the Savior’s name, and the fusion with paganism had been a successful endeavor.
  2. Zeus might still be the rescuer of the Greeks.
  3. With the passage of time, the term Iésous became even more distorted, eventually becoming Jesus in English.
  4. Proponents of the conspiracy theory that Jesus is a corruption of the Greek god Zeus point to the fact that the second syllable of his name (-sus) is pronounced similarly to the name of Greece’s most powerful god as ″evidence.″ People ″really″ say ″Hey, Zeus″ when they hear Jesus’ name uttered in Spanish, which becomes ″obvious″ when the name is pronounced in English.
  5. Added to these ″proofs″ is the fact that ancient sculptures of Zeus depict him with a beard, just as modern-day images of Jesus depict him without one!
  • What can we say in response to such ridiculous nonsense?
  • First and foremost, not everyone who wears a beard is attempting to assume the role of Jesus.
  • Second, just because a given word or word portion sounds similar to another word does not imply that the two words are related.
  • It is absurd to base hypotheses of word origin on differences in sound.
  • The word ″humorous″ sounds precisely like the word ″humerus,″ yet the bone that runs from the shoulder to the e

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