When We Accept Jesus We Enter Into War?

How to Accept Jesus Into Your Life

Article to be downloaded article to be downloaded According to the Bible, there is only one way to go to Heaven.The words of Jesus were ″I am the way, the truth, and the life: no one comes to the Father except through me.″ (See also John 14:6) Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, as well as following God’s designs for our lives, as written forth in the Bible, is one method to achieve salvation.You will not be saved by your good actions.

  • You can only be saved by faith in Jesus.
  • ″For it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith, and this is not your own doing: it is God’s gift to you; it is not by works, lest any man should boast.″ The Bible says (Ephesians 2:8-9)


  1. 1Put your trust in Jesus Christ right now! Here’s what you’ll need to do:
  2. Recognize your sinfulness and the fact that you are in need of God’s assistance. ″For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,″ the Bible says. ″Therefore, just as sin entered the world via one man, and death through sin
  3. and just as death came onto all men since all have sinned,″ says the Bible (Romans 3:23). ″If we declare that we have not sinned, we call him a liar, and his word is not in us,″ says the Bible (Romans 5:12). The Bible says (1 John 1:10)
  • Promotional material
  • 3 Change your mentality and repent of your sin if you want to be successful (repent). ″But I tell you, except ye repent, ye shall all perish.″ Jesus continued, ″Unless ye repent, ye shall all perish.″ (See also Luke 13:5)
  • 4) Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins, was buried, and was raised from the grave. According to John 3:16, ″For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whomever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.″ (16:16
  • John 3:16)
  • ″God, on the other hand, demonstrates his love for us by doing so when we were still sinners. Christ gave his life for us.″ ″If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved,″ says the Bible (Romans 5:8). (See also Romans 10:9)
  • 5 Through prayer, ask Jesus to come into your heart and accept you as your personal Lord and Savior. 6 ″For man believes in righteousness with his heart (inner being), and with his tongue he confesses his faith in redemption.″ ″For whomever will call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved,″ says the Bible (Romans 10:10). (See Romans 10:13.)
  • 6 Pray: Dear God, I confess that I am a sinner in desperate need of your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ sacrificed His precious blood and died in my place as atonement for my transgressions. I’m ready to repent and turn away from my sinful ways. My heart and life are now open to Jesus Christ, who I now welcome to enter into my heart and to be my personal Savior
  • ″But as many as received him, to them He gave the authority to become sons of God, even to those who believe in His name:″ Consequently, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creation: old things have gone away
  • see, all things have become new.″ (John 1:12) The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that
  • 7If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, you should do the following as a Christian:
  • 8 Every day, read your Bible to obtain a deeper understanding of Christ. Take time to read the Holy Bible, which serves as a guide and instrument for compassion, as well as the correct road to everlasting life. If you have any questions, you may get them answered by asking someone from your church to assist you with them. ″Continue thy studies in order to present yourself before God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately dividing (aligning and applying) the word of truth.″ ″Thy word is a torch unto my feet, and a light unto my path,″ writes the apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 2:15. (1 Kings 19:105)
  • Psalm 119:105
  • 9 Talk to God in prayer on a daily basis. All things, whatsoever ye may ask for in prayer, believing that ye shall receive, shall be given to you.″ (2 Corinthians 5:22)
  • In everything, pray and petition with thankfulness, and make your wishes known to God. ″Be cautious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.″ ″ (Philippians 4:6) ″However, they did not all respond positively to the good news, as Isaiah laments, ‘LORD, WHO HAS BELIEVED OUR REPORT?’ 17 As a result, trust is derived from hearing, and hearing is derived from the word of Christ.″ (See Romans 10:17.)
  • 12 Baptize yourself, worship with other Christians and work with them in a church where Jesus Christ is proclaimed and the Bible is held as the final authority on all matters. The apostle Paul instructs his followers to ″go and teach all countries, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.″ In Matthew 28:19, Jesus says, ″We are not neglecting the assembling of ourselves together, as some would have us do
  • but exhorting one another, and all the more as the day approaches.″ ″All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is useful for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness,″ says the Bible (Hebrews 10:25). Paul writes in 2 Timothy 3:16 that
  • 11 Spread the word about Christ to people. ″And he commissioned them to go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to every creature,″ the Bible states. Despite the fact that I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast about: because necessity has been placed upon my shoulders
  • therefore, woe is unto me if I do not proclaim the gospel!″ (Mark 16:15). ″For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes
  • to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.″ (1 Corinthians 9:16) ″For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes
  • to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.″ (See also Romans 1:16)

Method 1 of 1:Two Simple Keys

  1. 1 Learn about Jesus and come to believe that He died for your sins and rose from the dead as your Savior, after which you should recite a prayer of repentance to the one and only true God. Say the following: ″My Father, God, I repent of my sin and reject all of my wrongdoing
  2. I seek your will, and I am grateful for all you have done, including the fact that I am now freely forgiven and can be freed from the punishment for my crimes – as a free gift from you. I am aware that you have given me a new lease on life. Thank you for your gift of receiving the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus, which you gave to me ″in addition to this, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected]
  3. 2 In love, tell others that ″There is one mediator for us, the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God,″ who is Lord and Savior for everyone who believes, repents, and obeys him – and so, (walk in the Spirit): ″There is one mediator for us, the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God,″ who is Lord and Savior for everyone who believes, repents, and obeys him. ″Follow Jesus Christ″ entails attending Christian gatherings with other persons of same beliefs and getting baptized, among other things. For the remission of sins, you must confess your sins and be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit, as a sign of your acceptance of Him. Then you will receive the promised gift of the Holy Spirit. God’s five-step process for growing your relationship with him is as follows: praying to him, reading the Bible, praising him, worshipping him, and fasting. We can also demonstrate God’s love through Jesus and the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit by being kind, forgiving others, making peace, and maintaining a faithful, loving relationship with other believers (don’t live by feelings
  4. don’t judge anyone harshly, including yourself
  5. live and walk in Christ’s Spirit, in the Spirit of God, in faith, hope, and charity). Live in the Spirit and ″And I grant to them eternal life
  6. and they shall never die, nor shall any man take them from of My hand,″ Jesus declared
  7. that means, your protection and security are guaranteed.) However, when you (in your mind) are convicted of sin, repent, asking God for, accepting forgiveness, expecting consequences for some wrongs – and continuing on as a Child of God, all in the name of Christ Jesus – with God as the one, true Judge of all things, both good and bad – are all appropriate responses. God’s love is without flaw and is capable of dispelling all fear. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question Add a new question Question What if God isn’t a real person after all? God exists, yet everyone will be skeptical of his or her presence. God appears to be absent when we most need Him, and this can be frustrating. He does see you, and He is aware of your difficulties and concerns. Take a look at the Bible and ponder Jesus, the Son of God, who is a member of the Trinity and has taken on human form to redeem us. There is historical evidence to support the claim that Jesus existed. Even non-believers at the time expressed their belief that Jesus was genuine and alive through their writing. If Jesus was not God, why would He suffer on the cross for a deception that He had concocted on his own accord? The crucifixion was a cruel, agonizing, and protracted death. No one would ever wish to die as a result of a lie. He, too, was raised from the dead. The act of rising from the dead is a divine act.
  • Concerning the Question What if people don’t want to listen to me while I preach about Jesus Christ? Remove yourself from the situation and go on to the next person. Not everyone will be responsive to the message of God, but there will be a large number of individuals who will.
  • Concerning the Question What is the best way for me to coexist with God? Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord. You should be aware that He died on the cross for your sins and that He arose from the tomb after that. Prepare yourself by praying and reading the Bible. When you sin, ask for forgiveness through prayer. Consider your actions before you take them, and if you aren’t sure what to do, ask Jesus to help you through the process. Talk to other Christians and join in their prayers.
  • Concerning the Question I made a mistake in the past that continues to play on my mind and prevents me from moving ahead. Is it possible for me to truly disregard it and to beg God to assist me in enjoying my life? Ignoring the past is not the best strategy for moving forward. Come to God in prayer and ask Him to relieve you of whatever burdens you may be carrying and to rejuvenate you. God will allow it as long as it is in the best interests of mankind. How can I tell whether I am living for Jesus and not for my own good intentions or desires? We accomplish this through following in his footsteps by reading, learning, and meditating, as well as by acting on His instructions.
  • Concerning the Question What is the best way for me to begin reading the Bible? Do you have any suggestions about where I should begin? The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) describe the story of Jesus’ life, but from the viewpoints of four of his disciples, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, who each tell a different part of the story. It is a beneficial method of learning more about Jesus. If, on the other hand, you want to read the entire tale from the beginning, begin with Genesis.
  • Concerning the Question What are the ramifications of having an unquenchable desire for women if I take Jesus into my life? Accepting Christ implies that you are impotent in the face of whatever is holding you captive. When we embrace Christ as our Savior, He takes charge of our lives. We relinquish control and allow him to remove whatever is holding us back. After that, we are set free. Because Christ lives inside us, we will discover that we no longer desire to sin. There will be moments when we are tempted to sin by our flesh, but we must never give in to it. Maintain your resolve in the face of opposition.
  • Concerning the Question I pray on a regular basis, yet I am unable to quit gambling. Are you able to assist me? Inquire of the Lord for assistance in filling your time and thoughts with his will. Spend some quality time reading the Bible. Spend some time with individuals who are searching for God, such as at Gamblers Anonymous or a similar organization. Help those who are in need. Make a sincere effort to seek forgiveness for your misdeeds. Make Jesus Christ the focal point of your life, and ask him to assist you in carrying out his will on a daily basis. You must believe in your heart that God has heard you when you pray. You must also pray that God’s will be done rather than your own. God does not want you to continue to be in this state of despair. It is his desire for you to live in the brightness of his love and goodness and to spread this to others. How do I keep my thoughts from racing when I’m praying? When we are praying, it is quite simple for our thoughts to drift elsewhere. You should just strive to refocus your thoughts on God when you find that you have ″wanded off″ during your prayers. What if I am unable to attend church? You may either view or listen to services on the internet or television, or you can listen to them on radio. Another option is to just devote a few hours to Bible study. Always remember that there is a way
  • with Jesus, anything is possible.

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  • When reading the Bible for the first time, or at any point in your journey with Christ, be certain that you read a translation of the Bible that makes the most sense to you so that the Holy Spirit can communicate to you as completely as he possibly can. However, while the King James Version (KJV) is widely used, it may be difficult to comprehend at times. The New International Version (NIV) is a translation of the Bible that is extremely popular. In the event that you are having difficulty deciding which translation to use, you can consult with other Christians, such as adults at your church or anybody else in your life who is familiar with the Bible. You may also look up Bible translations that are simple to understand on the internet.
  • Read a daily devotional that is based on the Bible.
  • Participate in discipleship classes at a church so that you may learn more about following Jesus.
  • Join an evangelical church (becoming a member).
  • Develop relationships with other believers.
See also:  Where Did Jesus Give The Beatitudes

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  • Although your ultimate goal, in Christ, is unchangeable, if you find yourself making mistakes and feeling terrible, confess, repent, and beg for pardon immediately. Make things right with a friend, neighbor, or member of your own family. Life is a journey, and no one is flawless, not even one person in the world. We all make errors, but never let negative experiences to overtake you.
  • It is not wise to choose the easy, wide way since at the end of it there will be evil, devastation, and sadness in this world, as well as death and agony in the world to come. But, instead, follow the road of God, the creator of all things, choosing the narrow path of truth that leads to immense reward and eternal life.


About This Article

Due to the fact that WikiHow is a ″wiki,″ similar to Wikipedia, many of our articles are co-written by numerous authors.24 individuals, some of whom want to remain anonymous, contributed to the creation of this article by editing and improving it over time.This article has been seen 538,452 times since it was published.

  • Co-authors:24 The most recent update was made on March 4, 2022.
  • Views: 538,452 The writers of this page have together authored a page that has been read 538,452 times.

What happens when you accept Christ and become born again?

  • And then you come to believe in Jesus as your Savior because you know that you will never be able to make it into paradise on your own merits. Listed below are five things that will not take place if you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Salvation can only be found in Jesus
  • I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life – Jesus in John 14:6
  • I am the Bread of Life – Jesus in John 6:35

The Bible says, ″because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all have been justified freely by his grace through the redemption that was brought about by Christ Jesus.″ (1 Corinthians 3:23-24) (Romans 3:23-24)

  1. The door swings open with a thud. Additionally, an angel symphony with drums and trumpets is marching through your living room
  2. and
  3. Amazing Grace is played by 4,530 harpists in the skies above you as the sun rises.
  4. A light, which you had never seen before, attracts your attention and, from that point on, brightens your entire apartment, saving you money on power.
  5. You can feel Jesus, and you can see God
  6. confetti is raining down from the sky.

Never tell me you had an orchestra of angels march through your living room and toss confetti all over the place….I’d be envious if I were you.″Like newborn newborns, you yearn for pure spiritual milk so that you may grow up in your salvation,″ says the Bible.

  • The Bible says in 1 Peter 2:2 that Where can we get our hands on some’spiritual milk’?
  • It’s written in the Bible.
  • God’s Word helps our minds to develop and flourish.
  • Of course, when we embrace Jesus as our Savior, the most amazing things may happen.

However, the majority of our neonatal development takes place in a quiet and unassuming manner.And this does not imply anything negative.

‘But I don’t feel Jesus …’

If you do not see a light…if you do not feel Jesus…then you are not in the right place.

  • If you do not see a significant change between your current life and your previous life before accepting Jesus, this does not imply that you are not saved.
  • It just indicates that you are not feeling it.
  • Consider this: our emotions are an integral component of our soul.
  • It is not our soul that is reborn, but rather ″just″ our actual self, our God-created spirit (Genesis 1:26, Genesis 2:7), which is reborn at the moment we embrace Jesus as our Savior.

It is only then that your entire rejuvenation may begin, provided you ″feed″ your mind (Bible, read God’s live word), appreciate and nourish it, and allow it to flourish.In Christ, we have been reconciled to God.

We are on a spiritual journey at the moment.We can be certain that we have been redeemed and will spend eternally in paradise, but this is only a trip.Expect excellent things to happen.

  • Because God is a good and just God.
  • A new-born Christian is also known as a daughter of God or as the Son of God, depending on your religious affiliation.
  • Forever.
  • Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior?

How?This is how it looks: Say (in your own words, if you prefer): ″Jesus, I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God.″ I believe that You died on the cross for me as well, taking all of my sins upon Your shoulders.And I believe that You have risen from the grave, so that if I accept You as my Savior, I shall be with God and You for all eternity.I sincerely apologize to you, Jesus, for what I’ve done.

I sincerely want to put an end to my bad habits.Thank You for bearing the punishment that I deserved for my transgressions and allowing me to live eternally in purity and whiteness like snow before the Almighty.Come into my life, Jesus, and guide me along the road that God has planned for me.I need your help.Thank you very much, Jesus.

What does it mean to receive Jesus Christ?

Answer to the question There are many Christian terminology that are unfamiliar or even incomprehensible to new Christians or people who are wanting to learn more about Jesus.″Receive Jesus Christ as your Savior,″ for example, is a statement that appears frequently.What does it mean to ″accept″ Jesus, and how does one go about doing so?Given that Jesus lived, died, and rose from the dead more than two thousand years ago, how can we ″accept″ Him at this time?

Receiving Jesus is discussed in John 1:11–12, where the concept is defined as follows: ″He came to that which was his own, but his own did not accept him.″ Those who did accept him, those who put their faith in his name, were given the privilege to become children of God.″ ″Receiving″ Jesus, according to John, is synonymous with ″believing″ in Him, which culminates in one’s becoming a child of God.As a result, trust is required in order to receive Jesus.We have faith in who Jesus is and what He has accomplished on our behalf.When we ″receive″ a box, we really take it home with us.When a running back ″receives″ the football, he draws it to himself and holds to it with both of his hands.When we ″accept″ Jesus, we are taking Him into our own hearts and clinging to the truth that we have learned about Him.

Choosing to accept Jesus as our Savior means that we place our trust in Him and Him alone as the One who forgives our sin, restores our relationship with God, and grants us access into paradise.The fact that we reject Him as our Savior indicates that we either do not feel we require salvation or that we are searching for another deliverer.It is unambiguous in the Scriptures, however, that ″salvation can be found in no one else, because there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved″ (Acts 4:12).In order to receive Jesus as our Lord, we must first let go of the lesser gods around whom we have constructed our entire lives.Even if we are aware of the facts about Jesus as detailed in the Bible—and even if we acknowledge the truth of those facts—we will not be considered members of God’s family.

  • We will not be able to welcome Jesus as Lord unless we first remove the idols from our lives—idols like as power, fame, prosperity, or comfort that we have placed our faith in to supply us with meaning and strength.
  • It was in Luke 9:23 that Jesus described the necessity of fully following Him: ″Whoever wishes to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.″ They did not think that Jesus was anything other than the son of Mary and Joseph when He returned to His hometown of Nazareth in Matthew 13:54–58, as well as in John 6:41–42.
  • They accepted Him as a local carpenter, but they did not recognize Him as the Messiah who had been promised.
  • Many people today behave in a similar manner.
  • They believe that Jesus is a good moral teacher, a role model, or even a prophet who has the ability to educate us about the nature of God.
  • They do not, however, accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior, as they should.

They have not pledged their allegiance to Him.Recognizing Jesus is a decision that will impact one’s eternal destiny: ″For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whomever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.″ In fact, God did not bring his Son into the world in order to condemn the world, but rather in order to rescue it through him.″Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is already condemned because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son″ (John 3:16–18).Whoever does not believe is condemned.The act of receiving Jesus entails acknowledging that He is who He claims to be (1 John 5:10; Matthew 27:43; John 20:31).The Son of God, who took on human form (Philippians 2:6–8), was born of a virgin (Luke 1:26–38), led a faultless life (Hebrews 4:15), and completed God’s purpose to save people from sin (Matthew 1:18; 1 Peter 1:20; John 19:30; 2 Corinthians 5:18–21) are all references to Jesus Christ.

  • In order to embrace Jesus, we must put our faith in the fact that His death on the cross entirely atoned for our sins and that God resurrected Him from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:3–5, 20; 2 Timothy 2:8).
  • The recognition that we are sinners, apart from a holy God (Romans 3:23; Ephesians 2:1–3), is required in order to accept Jesus as our Savior.
  • In order to embrace Jesus, we must call out to Him in faith, knowing that only His blood can wash us from sin and restore us to a right relationship with God (Ephesians 2:4–10; 1 John 1:7; Hebrews 10:19–22; Romans 10:9–11).
  • In John 1:12–13, it says that those who believe in Jesus have ″the right to become children of God,″ which means that they are ″born not of natural descent, nor of human decision, nor of a husband’s wish, but born of God.″ The gift of the Holy Spirit is given to us when we accept Jesus as our Savior.
  • The Holy Spirit enters our spirits and begins to transform us into individuals more like Christ (Romans 8:29; John 14:26; Luke 24:49; Ephesians 1:13–14; Philippians 2:12–13).
  1. In John 3:3–8, Jesus referred to this process as ″being born again.″ When a child is born, a new creature emerges into the world that did not exist before.
  2. Over time, that infant begins to appear and behave more and more like his or her parents.
  3. In the same way, when we receive Jesus as our Savior, we are born of the Spirit.
  4. We become God’s children and begin to appear and act more like our heavenly Father as a result of this transformation (Matthew 5:48; 2 Corinthians 5:17; 7:1; Ephesians 5:1).
  5. Receiving Jesus Christ into our life entails more than simply adding Him to a list of priorities that is already overflowing.

He does not provide us with the choice of merely being a part of our life.At the time of receiving Him, we vow to Him our loyalty and acknowledge Him as the unquestionable ruler of our life (Luke 6:46; John 15:14).We shall continue to violate His rules at various points throughout our lives (1 John 1:8–10).However, the presence of the Holy Spirit within us prompts us to repentance, resulting in the restoration of our close fellowship with God (Psalm 51:7).When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we begin a journey of discovery that will last a lifetime and culminate in an eternity of bliss in heaven with Him (John 3:36; Revelation 21—22).Return to: Salvation-Related Questions and Answers What does it mean to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior?

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Get our Question of the Week emailed to your inbox every weekday morning! Got Questions Ministries is a trademark of Got Questions Ministries, Inc., registered in the state of California in the year 2002. All intellectual property rights are retained. Policy Regarding Personal Information The information on this page was last updated on January 4, 2022.

What to do after accepting Jesus – Next Steps after becoming a Christian, Next steps after accepting Jesus Christ into your heart – Joyful Living Blog

After taking Jesus Christ into your heart, what should you do next?Next steps after becoming a Christian, i.e.What should you do after accepting Jesus Christ into your heart Greetings, Friends!We talked about how to become a Christian the day before yesterday.

Join us today as we discuss What to Do After Accepting Jesus Christ into Your Heart and Life, also known as Next Steps After Becoming a Christian, and how to take those steps.On Page 4 of the full presentation, the following seven phases are listed: Getting to Know God is a process.The following actions should be taken in response to your decision to follow Christ: 1.Make Jesus your first and foremost priority: Spend regular time communicating with God (prayer) and reading the Bible on a daily basis.As you read, pray for knowledge and insight, and ask God to show you how to please him and become more like him as you do so.Don’t forget that Jesus is your new best friend — please remain in contact!

You might be interested in receiving daily Bible verses delivered to your email or phone (Includes Free Inspirational Daily Devotions).Related: Bible Verses on Understanding the Bible OR/& => Related: Bible Verses on Understanding the Bible Another daily devotional that I would strongly suggest is Our Daily Bread.It may be obtained for free via mail, email, internet, or on your mobile device, depending on your location.2.Join a local church where you may associate with other Christians, worship God, and, through God’s grace, come to know God better.

  • Inform someone else of your decision to accept Jesus into your heart and life.
  • 3.
  • Look for a small group of fellow Christians with whom you can socialize on a regular basis.
  • Almost many churches have small groups, life groups, cell groups, or Bible Study groups; select one that you can participate in and get to know other people.
  • It might also take place outside of the church; for example, you might elect to meet with a group of Christian friends on a regular basis for fellowship.
  • These individuals will be there to assist you, encourage you, and provide answers to any questions you may have.

By God’s mercy, you will have a great time doing it as well as possible!4.It would be nice if I could find a partner in accountability.Pray that God will guide you to the proper person.An encouraging and caring Christian Friend or Mentor who you can open up to and who would push you kindly if you are moving in the wrong direction would be ideal.More information about Accountability may be found here.

  • 5.
  • Get Baptized – You can be baptized by any Christian or follower of Jesus.
  • Please keep in mind that you are not required to do this task straight away!
  • Do not worry yourself out because you have not had the opportunity to get baptized, since this will only make matters worse.
  • God will supply the opportunity at the most appropriate time for you.
  1. 6.
  2. Relying on God: Put your trust in God to show you how to live each and every day.
  3. After starting a relationship with God, you will serve as an ambassador for Christ in the world.
  4. Don’t forget to live your life in accordance with this.
  5. God will show you how to conduct your life in a way that brings him glory on a consistent basis.
See also:  How Did Jesus Know Mary, Martha, And Lazarus

The more you learn to know God, the more you will fall head over heels in love with him!More: We are God’s ambassadors; we are devoted to honoring and glorifying God.7.Do not forget to share your religion with others – with God’s assistance and through His grace, of course!Let us, as disciples of Jesus Christ, go forth and proclaim the good news, as we have been commissioned to do so!Ask God to assist you in becoming a representative of Jesus Christ everywhere you go – even in your ordinary life, in everything you say and do – and you will be.

  1. More: Sharing Jesus with others; Assurance of Salvation; Experiencing God’s Presence; Spiritual Development Please let me know if you have accepted Jesus into your life as of today.
  2. My joy and honor will be to hear from you, and I will have the privilege of encouraging you as we all progress in our relationship with God.
  3. Whenever you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
  4. I am here to help.
  5. Lastly, some last thoughts, verses, and prayers: Numbers 6:24-26 (New King James Version) The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the LORD raise up His countenance upon you, and give you peace; the LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you Jude 1:24, New Living Translation Everything now belongs to God, who is able to guard you from slipping away and will bring you into his magnificent presence without a single flaw or stumbling block.

Likewise, see: May God continue to bless and protect you.My prayer for you today is that you may be encouraged by the prayers of others.Thank you for taking the time to read, Dear Friends!Have a fantastic, blessed, stress-free, productive, and cheerful day ahead of you.Much Love and Blessings to you, JollyNotes.com is owned and operated by Bomi Jolly.How To Accept Jesus Into Your Heart Do you want to be of assistance?

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When do we receive the Holy Spirit?

Known as the Holy Spirit, he is the third member of the Trinity who resides within every believer.For a variety of reasons, the timing and manner in which He penetrates our hearts are up for dispute.The first is the ambiguity surrounding the words ″indwelled by the Holy Spirit,″ ″filled with the Holy Spirit,″ and ″baptized by the Holy Spirit,″ which are all used interchangeably.Secondly, there is a propensity among some to see the reception of the Holy Spirit in the early church, as described in the book of Acts, as a paradigm for us now.

The Bible makes it plain that Christians are indwelt by the Holy Spirit—that is, that the Holy Spirit moves into their hearts—at the time of their conversion.We were all baptized into one body, whether we were Jews or Greeks, whether we were enslaved or free, since we were all baptized into one Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13).All Christians are filled with the same spirit, which is the Holy Spirit.When it comes to the precise time we receive the Holy Spirit, Ephesians 1:13 provides more specific guidance: ″In him also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and trusted in him, you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.″ ″Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him,″ says the apostle Paul in Romans 8:9, to put it simply.What is the source of the debate if the Scriptures so clearly indicate that all Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit?Between the Holy Spirit indwelling us and the Holy Spirit filling us, there is a significant distinction.

Since the beginning of time, God has utilized the fullness of the Holy Spirit as an instrument to accomplish his purposes.According to Deuteronomy 34:9, Joshua is anointed with the Holy Spirit and is given the responsibility of Moses.In 1 Samuel 19:18-24, King Saul and his servants are filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesy to the people of the land.In addition, in Luke 1:15, the angel indicates to Zacharias that his son, John the Baptist, will be filled with the Holy Spirit when he is born.People continued to be filled with the Holy Spirit after Jesus’ death and resurrection, including Peter (Acts 4:8), Paul (Acts 13:9), and the other disciples (see Acts 4:18).

  • (Acts 13:52).
  • Unlike the basic indwelling of the Holy Spirit that all believers experience, this is a unique experience.
  • Some people are likewise perplexed about the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  • Several scholars feel that it is identical to the experience of the indwelling of the Spirit, while others say that it is more comparable to that of the filling of the Spirit.
  • Taking a look at the transition from the period of Judaism to that of the Church is an engrossing read in the book of Acts.
  • Jesus was born into a Jewish family.

The disciples belonged to the Jewish faith.The Church, on the other hand, is uniquely Christian.They did not become Christians until John 20:22, when Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit into them, confirming their faith in him.They were filled with the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 2:4.God, on the other hand, waited until Peter and John were able to see before sending the Samaritans the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 8:14-17.No reason is given, however it is possible that this was done in order for these devoted Jews to see the descent of the Holy Spirit onto a group of people who were despised by them.

  • Acts 10:45 appears to support this, since it states that ″″The circumcised believers″ (Jews) ″were taken aback by the fact that the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out on Gentiles as well.″ ″We get the Holy Spirit now and always, as soon as we acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior as our Lord and Savior.
  • John 3:5 states that a person cannot enter the kingdom of God unless he or she has been ″born of water and the Spirit.″ God instantaneously seals us with His Spirit as soon as we accept Christ as our Savior (2 Corinthians 1:22).
  • Truths that are related: What exactly is the Holy Spirit?
  • Is there a difference between the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the baptism of fire?
  • What is the process through which the Holy Spirit seals us?
  1. What is the Holy Spirit’s stamp of approval?
  2. What exactly is the Holy Spirit’s function?
  3. What ways does the Holy Spirit manifest himself in our life today?
  4. To be filled with the Holy Spirit means to experience a transforming experience.
  5. Return to: The Holy Spirit and the Truth About Him

What does it mean to ‘accept Jesus’?

″You moved away from idols in order to worship the one and only living and genuine God.″ 1 Thessalonians 1:9 (The Bible) You and I do not exist as complete, united, and full individuals.Our hearts are severely split, more so than we are aware of at the moment.Our internal reality resembles somewhat like a boardroom.A large table.

Chairs made of leather.Coffee.Water in a bottle.Whiteboard.A group of people gathers around a table.There are many different types of selves: the social self, the private self, the work self, the sexual self, the leisure self, the religious self, the childhood memories self, and so on.

There are also many different types of selves.The committee is discussing, disputing, and ultimately voting.Irritable all of the time.Disagreeable.Upset.

  • Rarely does a committee inside a committee reach a unanimous and unwavering conclusion.
  • The stress of our intricate personalities is felt by everyone of us on some way.
  • We’re under a lot of pressure.
  • We have a sense of being distracted, split, and being tugged from one instant to the next by forces within us that we do not comprehend.
  • We convince ourselves that it is because we are overburdened with so many tasks that we have no time.
  • However, the fact is that we are just unable to make a decision.

We are kept back and ripped apart by our insignificant views about Jesus.It is possible for a person in this state to ″accept Jesus″ in one of two ways.(By the way, I have no reservations about the legitimacy of ″accepting Jesus.″ As opposed to some, I do not sneer at the notion.Christian conversion is described in John 1:12 in the following way: ″But to everyone who did receive him…″ However, one manner in which we may deceitfully ″accept Jesus″ is simply by inviting him to serve on our committee.Allow Jesus to take a place at the table.Give him a chance to be heard as well.

  • Allow him to present his argument, and then the rest of ″us″ will decide whether to support or oppose him.
  • As long as we embrace Jesus on this basis, he will be only one among many influences, easily overshadowed by the other voices that cry, demand, and threaten.
  • When it comes to ″inviting Jesus into your life,″ this is a prevalent practice in the Bible Belt, where I now reside.
  • However, it is not Christianity in the sense that the New Testament defines it.
  • It’s infusing a little aspect of religion into my already-complicated personality, which is a good thing.
  1. The alternative method to ″accept Jesus″ is to be moved by his splendor in the gospel and turn away from idols to him, confessing to him, ″My life isn’t working.
  2. Please help me.″ Please come in and fire my whole committee, each and every one of them, and get them out of my house as soon as possible.
  3. I’d want to hand myself up to you at this point.
  4. I want you to be in charge of my entire existence.
  5. I aspire to be a servant of the living and genuine God.

″Please walk me through how that works.″ Accepting Jesus in this manner is not a difficulty; rather, it is a means of redemption.Accepting Jesus is not the same as just adding Jesus to one’s life.It is also removing the idols from the equation.In addition to being president of Renewal Ministries and a member of the Gospel Coalition’s Emeritus Council, Ray Ortlund (ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; MA, University of California, Berkeley; PhD, University of Aberdeen, Scotland) is also a professor at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.He started Immanuel Church in Nashville, Tennessee, and presently serves as Pastor to Pastors from Immanuel Church in Nashville.In addition to The Gospel: How the Church Portrays the Beauty of Christ and Marriage and the Mystery of the Gospel, Ray has written a number of articles and books on the subject.

  1. His wife, Jani, and he are the parents of four children.

Triumph in Warfare through Worship and Praise

″In light of the fact that we are about to embark on a struggle in new territory, worship and praise appear to be our best hope for success in the days ahead.We have now entered a period of intense conflict.When the millennium dawned, both change and war were accelerating at breakneck speed.We find ourselves fumbling around in search of stability, footing, and position.

The world is changing at such a rapid pace that many people wake up anxiously with each new day…″The Church is preparing to enter its most active season of struggle, worship, and harvest,″ says the Apostle Paul.Greetings, intercessors It is past time to seek God’s face in worship and praise, and it is now.The term ″seek″ is defined as ″to search for, look for, aim at, or conduct an investigation.″ For the simple reason that God wishes for us to become worship warriors for His Kingdom, our first step must be to seek and search for Him with all of our hearts and souls.When we have reached the end of ourselves and are in urgent need of God, there is nothing more vital than seeking the Lord’s face.Rather of allowing us to cling to material, transient goods, God is ushering us into a new spiritual level and relationship with Himself.

″This is the first time we’ve ever felt this way,″ the majority of us would remark.Thru the story of a man who possessed nothing, John Wesley, a prominent preacher and hymn composer, discovered the secret of adoration and praise for himself.John Wesley enrolled at Oxford University when he was twenty-one years old.He was nurtured in a Christian environment and was smart, educated, and well-presented in physical appearance.He was conceited, self-centered, and snarky at the time.

  • However, something occurred to him one night that dramatically altered his outlook on life.
  • He was speaking to a man who had just one coat and was living in squalid conditions without even a bed, according to him.
  • This impoverished man seemed particularly pleased and grateful, which was rare for him.
  • In response to the man’s woes, Wesley teased him, saying, sarcastically, ″And what else do you thank and honor God for?″ ″I thank and worship Him that He has given me my life and being, a heart to adore Him, and a persistent desire to serve Him!″ the man said, his face beaming with pride and humility.
  • As a result, Wesley was tremendously affected by the fact that this man understood the true meaning of genuine gratitude.
  • Years later, in 1791, at the age of 88, John Wesley lay dying on his deathbed in the hands of his family.

For he was a real worship warrior, everyone knew that he had mastered the lesson of thanking and worshiping God in any condition, and he was known as such by those around him.Wesley began to sing the song ″I’ll Praise My Maker While I’ve Breath″ despite the fact that he was in considerable physical pain.When we worship, we are able to establish a miraculous relationship with the Almighty.He developed a miraculous relationship with God via the impoverished guy who had such a profound influence on Wesley’s life.John Wesley did the same thing.The power contained inside that link opens doors for us on this planet.

  • Through this link, God’s intentions and purposes are revealed, and we are drawn into an entirely new level of triumph and victory.
  • We have arrived at a realm of miraculous metamorphosis and transformation.
  • We are being drawn away from the ways of this world and toward God’s ways and the pattern for which He formed us in the first place.
  • One outcome of this transformation is that we can be comforted in the midst of upheaval by the assistance of the Holy Spirit.
  • As we worship, we soar to a higher level of prayer and begin to perceive things from a more heavenly viewpoint.
  1. Through worship and praise, we open the way for God’s presence and power to be shown on the world.
  2. Because the intensity of spiritual battle is escalating, the manner in which we live and conduct war is altering fundamentally in response.
  3. God wants us to learn to climb in worship before learning to fall in conflict if we are to live lives of victory and triumph in our lives.
  4. Things like what we did yesterday and the way we used to live don’t cut it for the times we are entering.
  5. We must raise our spiritual consciousness to a higher degree.
See also:  What Jesus Really Looked Like Cracked

We must rise into the throne room of our heavenly Father in order to acquire His knowledge.We can no longer rely on our own understanding to get us through the day.Our weapons of battle are not carnal, but rather great in nature.In order to wage this spiritual war on earth, we must first receive revelation from on above.We shall win the victory if we approach it from a place of devotion and adoration.Look at how we might climb in worship and then sink in conflict to see how this works.

  1. Ascend in Worship and Acknowledgement We must expect the planet to respond when we emit a song of adoration.″ A powerful force may be unleashed as we raise our voices in acclamation of the genuine and living God.
  2. We have the ability to talk, sing, and scream.
  3. Then a sound is produced by the expressive capacity of the arms and hands.
  4. We have the ability to clap and play instruments.
  5. We can also express our gratitude by raising our hands…

″We can stand, we can bow, and we can dance,″ says the group.It is time for us to rise in worship and praise to the Father’s throne chamber, and we must do it with confidence.When we accomplish this, we enter a new domain of possibility.The promises of God become a reality in our life when our faith is raised to a higher degree of consciousness.God wants us to go higher and deeper in our worship, but how can we accomplish this when we have so many worries in this world?God calls us to go higher and deeper in our worship.

We are consumed by the challenges of life, which demand our attention on a daily basis.However, we may learn to direct our lives toward a more elevated domain of holiness.Here are some practical suggestions for how we can rise in our worship: Descend into battle ″In light of the fact that we live on earth yet have access to heavenly realms through prayer, why isn’t God’s will always carried out on earth as it is in heaven?″ In the second heaven, Satan, the ″prince of the power of the air″ (Ephesians 2:2), and his demons are engaged in a battle with the angelic hosts of God, who are under God’s authority.

Satan is referred to as the ″Prince of this World″ (see John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11).” The following points should be carefully considered in order to have a better understanding of the massive battle we are engaged in and the amazing power we have in prayer: Earth is considered the first heaven since it is where we dwell.When Jesus died on the cross, He effectively ended Satan’s authority in this world.We have the ability to pray into the third heaven, where God is sitting, because of His death and resurrection (Romans 5:1-2).

  1. Through our prayers, we have direct connection to the celestial realms.
  2. God of this age is Satan, who is the prince of the power of the air (the second heaven) and the prince of the power of the earth (2 Corinthians 4:4).
  3. He attempts to obstruct the will of God on earth by establishing a hierarchy of demons that are strategically placed between us on earth and God’s throne in the third heaven.
  4. Our battle is with the spiritual powers of evil in the second heaven, and we are victorious (Ephesians 6:12).
  5. Because of Satan’s personal and corporate disobedience against God, as well as via idolatry, sexual immorality, violence and all other forms of evil on the globe, he has gained the legal authority to obstruct the will of God on the earth.
  6. When we worship, we are enveloped in the presence of God.
  1. God provides us with the tools we need to fight when we are in His presence.
  2. Following our ascent in worship, our descent is marked by conflict.
  3. But how do we go about doing this?
  1. Here are some realistic methods for descending in a military situation.
  2. The church of God has the authority to overthrow Satan’s strongholds on this planet!
  3. We have the ability to break through the enemy’s realm in the second heaven, and we may demolish his strategic plans in the process.
  4. When it comes to worship warriors, this is a significant reality to know.
  5. We are currently being groomed for the most glorious moments of our lives on this planet.

We learn to contact heaven with our prayers and to walk in triumph here on earth as a result of our worship and adoration.″To break through to the third heaven and gain God’s heart, God is building a new authority in His church to bring that revelation down to Earth so that we might fulfill His plan.″ As we do so, we shall alter the very atmosphere in which we live, resulting in God’s will being accomplished on earth as it is in heaven.When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, this is what we hope to achieve!Chuck Pierce’s quotes and thoughts on many topics.

How Did Jesus Deal with Conflict?

In order to respond to conflict with emotional maturity, one must be deliberate and persistent in their efforts. Fortunately for us as Christians, we can look to Jesus for guidance. When Jesus was confronted with conflict in the Bible, he accomplished two important things: he remained defined and he remained linked.

Dreading disagreement

The other day, I was sitting with a friend who was preparing for the annual meeting of his religious organization.It was as if he was staring into his coffee as if it were a crystal ball that contained all of the answers to his problems.″I’d like to attend the meeting because my friends and I like to get together and have a good time every time we do.It is my belief in the job that our churches are doing that inspires me.

My dread is that it has become more conflicted as time has gone on.Some folks are truly depraved in their behavior.Others, such as myself, are content to simply sit there with a stomachache.″I’m really worried that things will deteriorate to the point where our group of friends will be forced to choose between our friendship and our religious beliefs.″

How Jesus approached conflict

″How do you want to present yourself this year?″ I inquired.″I’m not sure I’m going to want to turn there,″ he said with a giggle.Nonetheless, I believe that being emotionally mature is something that I aspire to.″I want to show up in the same way that Jesus would.″ His response did not take me by surprise.

As followers of Jesus, we find ourselves asking, ″What would Jesus do?″ on a regular basis.When we’re attempting to figure out what Jesus would do, it’s helpful to look at what Jesus has already done.I reminded my buddy of the work we had done together in studying the life of Jesus and the emotional maturity with which he led the people around him.When we were younger, we were taught that emotional maturity looked like being able to be both defined and linked in any setting we found ourselves.

What it means to be defined

There are two components to being defined.First and foremost, we define ourselves when we express ourselves clearly and fearlessly, both verbally and physically, about who we are, what we believe, what we desire, and what we will (or will not) do through our words and deeds.Second, we give people the freedom to identify themselves.It is acceptable—and even encouraged—for people to express who they are and what they think and believe, even if it is in opposition to our own.

It was when Jesus informed the wealthy young ruler what redemption needed and then compassionately let him go that this two-part self-definition was on display for all to see.Throughout the gospels, Jesus defined himself by stating who he was and what he was called to do on earth.Yet he never coerced or bullied anyone into agreeing with him.Instead, he asked questions and encouraged others into discourse to assist them understand where they were in regard to him.For our part, rather of defining ourselves and allowing others to do the same, we frequently turn to accusing, naming, and controlling others.Concentrating on how others are wrong and attempting to convince or compel them to change is simpler than stating clearly and courageously what is the case for ourselves.

Staying connected when we conflict

Along with self-definition, emotional maturity also necessitates that we maintain appropriate connections with others by acting in ways that respect our relationships with them, when we are able to maintain open and honest communication with them while without compromising our own perspectives.Whenever it comes to dealing to individuals with whom we disagree, we might become overly attached to them and find ourselves unable or unable to relate to them without attempting to dominate or allowing them to control us.It is common for us to fall into the opposite extreme and become insufficiently connected with others, hiding behind superficiality or completely shunning them when this occurs.I am frequently motivated by Jesus’ capacity to maintain connections with individuals who did not understand him or his message, as well as those who were actively hostile to him at every turn.

He had a soft spot for Peter, who had sabotaged Jesus’ message and then turned on him.While in the company of religious authorities who were attempting to trap him, Jesus regularly engaged in prophetic conversation with them before accepting invitations to eat in their houses.Even when hanging on the cross, Jesus maintained a connection with his adversaries by pleading with his Father to pardon them.The ability to accomplish all of these things at the same time, to be defined yet also linked, is challenging.It is common for us to cut off our ties with those with whom we disagree in order to maintain our beliefs.Alternatively, we may choose to abandon our convictions in order to remain connected.

An exercise to help you stay defined and connected

Try this quick and simple exercise: Consider the possibility of being in a relationship with someone you care about but with whom you disagree.Your left hand should be made into a fist.Think of that hand as the one in which you are hanging on to your most strongly held convictions.Hold them closely in your arms and feel the strength of your attachment to them.

Now, without letting go of your friend’s right hand, extend yours to him.You shouldn’t let go of the convictions in your left hand, or the handshake you made with your right hand.As Jesus clearly defined himself again and again while allowing people to reflect about their own reaction to him, all within the context of relationships of mercy and truth, this is the posture that embodies the sort of emotional maturity that he modeled for us.

What Happens When You Accept Christ?

What do you expect to happen once you accept Christ as your Savior?Do you believe that something positive will come of it, or do you believe that life will become monotonous as a result?There are two possible approaches to answering this question.Some people believe that when you accept Christ into your life, something positive will happen to you.

Others disagree.While everything is going on, some people are going to disagree with Christian claims.Many people will tell you that it doesn’t matter whether you embrace Christ or not since life will continue to be the same; yet, what happens when we do accept Jesus?

What Happens When We Accept Christ?

1. We are Forgiven

Allowing Jesus to enter our lives does not imply that we are doing nothing.Because we are sinful creatures, it is impossible to rid ourselves of this aspect of ourselves.Allowing Christ to come into our life, on the other hand, will wash away all of our sins.It does not imply that when we embrace Christ, we are completely cleansed; rather, it implies that we are aware of what is good and wrong.

As a result, we have the ability to make a deliberate decision to do what is right.Yes, we may have committed some little sins, but we shall learn from them because Christ will assist us.Furthermore, our earlier transgressions have been forgiven as well.

2. We See the World in a Different Way

As sinners, we perceive the world as a chaotic, terrible, and horrible place, and we fill our hearts with hatred for those who are different from us.However, when Jesus enters our lives, we begin to see the world in a completely different light.We learn to be more understanding as we go along.We love, forgive, and care for others, and we desire them to be rescued in the same way that we have been.

A sincere believer in Christ never passes judgment on another person simply because they are not a believer in Christ.As an alternative, they pray that God would use them as a tool to convert non-believers into followers of Christ.″As God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience,″ the Bible says.The Bible says in Colossians 3:12

3. We Worry Less

When we accept Christ into our life, it does not rule out the possibility of experiencing everyday difficulties and tribulations.We are not vulnerable to such things; in fact, the contrary is true.Evil powers will really put Christians through more tribulations than they already have.They want us to believe that God is unconcerned with us.

However, if we come to know the Savior, we will see that all of these trials are nothing in comparison to His majesty and grace.When we embrace Christ as our Savior, we know that nothing will ever be able to shake our faith.Instead, it becomes more powerful with each passing day.We shall see a reduction in our troubles as we no longer have to be concerned about anything, no matter how bad life is.When we be with Jesus, we learn to rely on Him in times of difficulty.All who toil and are burdened should come to me, and I will give them peace.

Assume my yoke upon you, and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls in my presence.As a result, my yoke is easy to bear and my burden is light.″ – Matthew 11:28-30 (New International Version) As a result, let us not be hesitant to welcome Jesus into our hearts today.Prepare to get your life saved!

What does Christianity teach about war and peace? – War and peace – GCSE Religious Studies Revision

  • However, while the Bible does not provide definitive answers to concerns of war and peace, it does provide Christians with guidance on how to strive for peace and justice.
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The Bible does not provide Christians with a definitive answer on whether war is permissible or not, but it does have a lot to say about justice, the sanctity of life, the significance of settling conflict, and the value of striving for peace.Most Christians think that war should be avoided wherever feasible, and that it should only be used as a last resort after all other attempts to address a problem via peaceful methods have failed.Many Christians believe that war is the result of humanity’s failure to live up to God’s expectations.Throughout the Old Testament, there are several promises that conflict would be brought to a stop in the perfect Kingdom of God.

They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks, says the prophet Isaiah; no country will pick up sword against nation, and no one will know how to wage war

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