The Great Courses How Jesus Became God

How Jesus Became God: Professor Bart D. Ehrman, The Great Courses: 9781598034042: Books

verified purchaseReviewed in the United States on March 25, 2019Verified Purchase We only received one book before realizing what had happened, and it was too late to return it. So far, the first half has been fun and instructive, despite the fact that the presenter occasionally allows some bias to show through. verified purchaseReviewed in the United States on June 27, 2019Verified Purchase A lengthy set of lectures that I hope every fundamentalist would take the time to listen to. Their unsophisticated theologies would be much enhanced if they were to learn more about the history of their own Christian faith.

Even though Bart Ehrman is not widely respected among conservative Christians, I’ve listened to numerous of his Great Courses lectures and found him to be incredibly fair.

Because I’d already listened to so many of Ehrman’s lectures, I was a little skeptical that this one would actually provide anything new.

In his very first lecture, he points out that if Christianity had not developed into the religion that it is today, with Jesus as God, civilization as we know it would not have existed, and that we might have remained pagan, with Jesus remaining a minor figure in Judaism, which would have remained a very small minority religion in the world.

  1. If you are interested in the history of Christianity, I would strongly advise you to take this course.
  2. From beginning to conclusion, this lecture series is a never-ending burst of new information.
  3. I walked away from this course with a far greater grasp of early Christianity, Jesus of Nazareth, and the Gospels than I had before I started.
  4. The following course is not for those who believe that Jesus is the son of God and that he was killed to pay for the sins of humanity.
  5. Bart is a prominent academic and expert in the New Testament’s history and development.
  6. Some sections are a little tedious since he goes into great depth on the historical context, society, and culture in which Jesus was born.
  7. On September 16, 2014, a review was conducted in the United States.

Professor Ehrman is widely considered to be the finest living Bible historian.

On August 23, 2014, a review was published in the United States.

Ehrmann, do an excellent job of demonstrating the evolution of early Gnostic Christianity.

He demonstrates the growth of the early canon, as well as the works that went into the creation of the Bible, and he depicts the real Jesus, the one who did not get apotheosis, as well.

Alas, skeptical Christians (as they are referred to) would rather put their faith in the oligarch who created their doctrine than actually look within themselves and discover the truth.

Paul had a gnostic experience; St.

In order to suit their power battles, the early Church did a number on Christianity in its purest form, changing it to suit their needs.

On December 8, 2014, a review was conducted in the United States. This is just incredible. Reading it in June and listening to it again in November was a great experience for me. Definitely a purchase that is worthwhile. How Jesus Became God : Bart D. Ehrman, The Great Courses, The Great Courses: Movies & TV

5.0 stars out of 5 for this product It’s an interesting and well-produced piece. On July 9, 2016, a review was published in the United States. Being a college lecturer, my student years are still vivid in my mind, allowing me to recall them from a different point of view as well. This is a fantastic piece of work. The lecturer is interesting, and the book is a good match to the videos in terms of content and organization. You will receive four CDs containing 24 30-minute lessons. A college course will often include the same amount of reading material, if not more, as the quantity of reading material provided here.

  • The lecturer does not provide an opportunity to ask follow-up questions, therefore this clearly falls short of that standard.
  • I’m still a long way from being finished with it.
  • One of the best things about it is that you can go through it at your own pace.
  • It addresses the historical Jesus in addition to other theological perspectives on Jesus in order to investigate the notion of how he came to be seen as a heavenly person.

Reviews with images

The product was reviewed in the United States on August 12, 2017 and it was verified as a purchase. As much as I enjoy listening to the educator’s narration, I wish there were captions since it forces me to pay attention to what is being said all the time. When you have bad hearing, listening to a lecture becomes a work rather than a pleasure in which to take in the information. verified purchaseReviewed in the United States on March 20, 2017Verified Purchase To date, I have found all of the Great Courses that I have seen to be quite instructive and well worth the money that I have spent on them.

  • Additionally, I am a member to their video streaming service, which I use in conjunction with the DVDs that I have purchased.
  • The lectures are being enjoyed by my Sunday School class.
  • verified purchaseReviewed in the United States on November 9, 2017Verified Purchase The first CD is not functional.
  • I’ll get it back to you as soon as I can.
  • Jesus has always been and will continue to be God.
  • Although John is not the first person to understand this, I appreciate the way he says it.
  • All things were created by him and without him, and nothing that was made was made without him, and in him was life, and that life was the light of men, and the word became flesh Look for an English translation of the King James Version (KJV 1611).

Make an effort not to rely on your own understanding.

In the Koran, Jesus is also addressed, and it tells the story of how, as a tiny kid, He fashioned a bird out of dirt and breathed life into it, according to the author.

Despite this, they do not acknowledge Jesus as God.

There is a brief mention of Jesus, but the difference between Christians and everyone else is their belief that Jesus is only a Prophet, or merely a Priest, or simply the King of the Jews; some even believe He is an angel, and they place Him on an equal footing with the fallen angel, Satan.

On March 17, 2019, a review was conducted in the United States.

The content he presents may be argued over by a youngster who has read the Gospels of Matthew through John.

In Mark 8:29, Jesus inquires of His followers as to when He will return, and Peter answers by proclaiming that Jesus is the Messiah.

I truly feel he preaches his own ideas as if they were the gospel.

The Great Courses are offering another another fascinating topic.

It undoubtedly explains the origins of Christianity and brings together the knowledge that we already know about his life and times to create a really engaging, instructive, and non-judgmental presentation that is well worth seeing.

Because the material is being delivered by a professor at one of the nation’s best universities (UNC-Chapel Hill), it would be difficult for the majority of us to physically attend.

This bundle comes highly recommended by me!

Please note that this approach is designed to assist YOU – I test it and report back to you with the truth – good or terrible.

Reviewed on May 25, 2016, in the United States of America The presenter is an exceptionally well-respected researcher and author, and you do not need to subscribe to any one faith in order to learn a great deal about this issue; rather, you should have an open mind about it.

His presentation is serious and well-researched, but he does not appear to be out there to make a tirade about the subject (he is an agnostic who was once a Christian, but still researches extensively on the subject), so if you are looking to avoid a preacher-esque presenter (not necessarily a religious one, but any person who is out there making any kind of preaching), I do not believe you will have any problems with him.

By the way, this course is based on the book, so if you’re looking for a less expensive option, you may choose that one (may be its just me since I am very cheap but the price tag is high for me.) I was given a discount on this product in exchange for providing an honest review.

How Jesus Became God

In the early Christian tradition, the assertion that Jesus of Nazareth was God had a profound impact on the development of Western civilisation. Why did Jesus come to be regarded as God, and what specifically transpired to bring about this? It is only by asking this question that one can begin to unravel an enthralling, multidimensional historical puzzle, one that provides an extraordinarily revealing glimpse into the roots of Western worldview as well as into the theological underpinnings of our civilisation.

  • Professor Ehrman, a Great Courses favorite, returns with the groundbreaking historical investigation of How Jesus Became God, which addresses all of these issues and more.
  • Distinguished Christian scholar and New York Times best-selling book, Professor Ehrman advances the investigation by painstaking study and in-depth analysis of textual sources, among other methods.
  • Prof.
  • Join a respected biblical scholar as he wrestles with this pivotal moment in history.

How Jesus Became God (Great Courses)

Favorite Courses at the Great Courses In How Jesus Became God, Professor Bart D. Ehrman conducts an extraordinary historical investigation into how Jesus came to be God. Over the course of 24 provocative lectures, Professor Ehrman delves deeply into the process by which the divinity of Jesus was first conceived by his followers, demonstrating how this conception evolved over time to become the core of Christianity, which has had such a significant impact on our civilization. In the early Christian tradition, the assertion that Jesus of Nazareth was God had a profound impact on the development of Western civilisation.

If Jesus’ disciples had not been called God, they would have remained a sect within Judaism, and the vast conversion of Gentiles, the Roman embrace of Christianity, and the following unfolding of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Reformation, and modernity would not have occurred.

Professor Ehrman, a distinguished scholar of Christianity and New York Times best-selling author, reveals that the theological understanding of Jesus as God emerged as a result of a complex series of factors and events, each of which must be understood in order to comprehend this most extraordinary and historically pivotal story.

See also:  What Did Jesus Say About Eating Meat

Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing persons with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a wide range of sources.

Sacred Space Online Learning is also not responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the manner in which they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering.

SSOL, the OFLD, or the MCC do not necessarily endorse the ideas and opinions expressed in these materials. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the creator(s) of the online course or online service that you are interested in taking.

How Jesus Became God Course Guidebook and DVD by Bart D. Ehrman on Underground Books

The Great Courses, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 2014. Paperback. 7 1/2″ X 5 1/4″ in size. In publisher’s shrink wrap, this book is brand new. ABOUT: In the early Christian tradition, the assertion that Jesus of Nazareth was God had a profound impact on the development of Western civilisation. Why did Jesus come to be regarded as God, and what specifically transpired to bring about this? It is only by asking this question that one can begin to unravel an enthralling, multidimensional historical puzzle, one that provides an extraordinarily revealing glimpse into the roots of Western worldview as well as into the theological underpinnings of our civilisation.

  • Professor Ehrman, a Great Courses favorite, returns with the groundbreaking historical investigation of How Jesus Became God, which addresses all of these issues and more.
  • Professor Ehrman, a famous scholar of Christianity and New York Times best-selling book, advances the inquiry via painstaking investigation and in-depth analysis of textual evidence.
  • As part of his riveting investigation into How Jesus Became God, professor Ehrman reveals the many factors that came together to generate both an astounding true-life narrative and a development that was one of history’s most momentous events.
  • As though it were brand new.

24 Video lectures: The Great Courses: How Jesus Became God?

Luca Rossetti da Orta’s fresco of the Holy Trinity, completed in 1738–9. (St. Gaudenzio Church at Ivrea). ” data-medium-file=” data-large-file=” src=” alt=”Image (2) Trinity-e1414216330179.jpg for post 164914″ srcset=” 476w,150w,300w” sizes=”(max-width: 476px) 100vw, 476px” data-large-file=” src=” alt=”Image (2) Trinity-e1414216330179.jpg for post 164914″ srcset Luca Rossetti da Orta’s fresco of the Holy Trinity, completed in 1738–9. (St. Gaudenzio Church at Ivrea). The Muslim Times provides the greatest collection of articles about Christianity that are reasonable in nature.

Source:The Teaching Company

In the early Christian tradition, the assertion that Jesus of Nazareth was God had a profound impact on the development of Western civilisation. Western history as we know it now would not have occurred if the Christian claim of Jesus as God had not taken place. Dr. Bart D. Ehrman, the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, has written this article for The Conversation. At Wheaton College, he finished his undergraduate studies before going on to Princeton Theological Seminary to get his M.Div.

  • in religion.
  • This is why the topic of how Jesus became God is considered to be one of the most important historical questions in the history of Western culture.
  • From the standpoint of Judaism, there could be no doubt that Jesus was not the Messiah, who was traditionally envisioned as a great warrior-king.
  • His crucifixion, which was shameful and demeaning, brought his life to a close in a manner usually reserved for the most heinous crimes.
  • How could something so unexpected, so implausible, have happened at all, much alone with such a ferocious velocity that it would go on to define Western history?
  • It is only by asking this question that one can begin to unravel an engrossing, multidimensional historical puzzle—one that provides a deeply revealing window into both our civilization’s spiritual roots and the foundations of the Western worldview.
  • Great Courses favorite Professor Bart D.

Over the course of 24 provocative lectures, Professor Ehrman delves deeply into the process by which the divinity of Jesus was first conceived by his followers, demonstrating how this conception evolved over time to become the core of Christianity, which has had such a significant impact on our civilization.

According to Ehrman’s findings in these lectures, the theological understanding of Jesus as God was achieved through a complicated succession of circumstances and events, each of which must be understood in order to comprehend this most exceptional and historically crucial tale.

Along with piecing together the incredible story that is the course, you’ll learn about ancient understandings of God and the historical context of those understandings.

You’ll delve into the intersections of human and divine in Greco-Roman faiths, as well as ancient Judaism, and discover that there is a connection between them.

  • Aesthetic stories of divine mortals abound in antiquity, including both gods who took on human form and people who were elevated to divine status. In ancient Greco-Roman societies, certain real-life historical figures were believed to have been born of the sexual union of gods and mortals, and earthly pagan kings were occasionally revered as gods. God and the Holy Spirit both manifest on earth in human form in the Hebrew scriptures, and the human Enoch, among others, is exalted to the status of a divine creature.

The Historical Jesus and the Concept of Divinity A second important component of the tale is your investigation into what the historical Jesus said or implied about himself, specifically delving into the following questions:

  • When it came to his own place in the world, what were the components of Jesus’ teaching that stood out? Did Jesus regard himself as a divine being?

Your investigation will be thorough, and you will examine significant passages from the four canonical Gospels to decide whether Jesus’ public message declared him to be divine at the time it was delivered historically. As part of this assessment, you will consider whether Jesus’ earthly acts, including tales of miracles he performed, would have qualified him as divine in the view of his contemporaries. During this course, you will investigate the events surrounding Jesus’ death and burial, as well as how early Christians came to believe he had been risen from the dead.

Christ the Eternal Son of God After you’ve proven that Jesus is divine, you’ll be able to navigate the minefield of conflicting viewpoints that arose as early Christians attempted to comprehend how Jesus could be the Son of God.

As part of your study of the growing faith, you’ll look at the variety of beliefs on Jesus’ divinity that were prevalent during the 2nd and 3rd centuries.

  • There were the “docetists,” who believed that Jesus was entirely divine and merely appeared to be human
  • There was the Gnostic position, which thought that the divine Christ was a divinity who briefly “inhabited” the human Jesus
  • And there were others. the “modalist” belief that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are three different manifestations of a same being
  • Etc.

The Holy Trinity, as well as the Divine Christ At the conclusion of the course, you will be able to trace the historical evolution of the doctrine of the Trinity, which lies at the heart of Christian orthodoxy. You will learn how the concept of the Holy Spirit developed through close reading of biblical texts, and you will discover how third-century theologians such as Hippolytus and Tertullian arrived at the singular paradox of the Trinity: that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are each individually God—yet there is only one God.

Following the conclusion of this argument, you will learn about the historical events surrounding the renowned Council of Nicea, which was convened in 325 CE by the Roman Emperor Constantine to settle the question of Christ’s divine character.

Professor Ehrman delves into the fascinating question of How Jesus Became God, revealing the many factors that came together to generate both an extraordinary true-life account and one of history’s most momentous events.

Join a famous biblical scholar as he grapples with this watershed moment in Western civilisation that has permanently influenced our culture, our philosophy, and the society we live in today.

24 lectures: Year Released: 2014

  • 1Jesus – The Man Who Became God is the subject of this article. Think about the enormous historical significance of Christian belief in Jesus’ divinity, both in terms of its consequences on Western civilisation and the modern world, to begin with. Learn about the many academic perspectives on the historical Jesus, as well as the extraordinary diversity of early Christian thinking on issues such as Christian identity, scripture, and theological understandings of the historical Jesus. The Greek and Roman Gods Who Became Human (x
  • 2) There are several instances of “divine” individuals from the ancient world to draw inspiration from. Keep track of this phenomena throughout the Greco-Roman polytheistic faiths, observing how the human and divine realms merge. Take a look at three ancient types of divine men, seen in both mythology and Christian scripture, as gods assume human form and people ascend to the high realms. x
  • 3In the Greco-Roman world, humans were revered as gods. Continue your exploration of the relationship between the human and the divine in paganism’s cosmologies. Examine tales that describe persons who were born as a result of the sexual union of gods and mortals, highlighting figures such as Alexander the Great as examples. Investigate the cases of individuals who were elevated to the position of gods in the ancient worlds of Rome and Egypt. in Ancient Judaism, there were gods who were human. Discover descriptions of divine persons and other godlike entities that existed in ancient Judaism in this section. Investigate notions of divine creatures who appear in human form in the books of Genesis and Exodus. Look for accounts of people who transform into angelic creatures in other Jewish literature, as well as tales of the progeny of angels and humans. x
  • 5Ancient Jews Who Were Considered to Be Gods Other than the one real God, creatures other than the one true God were regarded to be or even named God in ancient Judaism. You will learn about the supernatural figure known as the Son of Man, as well as about the Jewish belief of a “second God.” Examine how God’s divine traits were personified, as well as how individuals, such as the rulers of Israel, were elevated to deified status. x
  • s6 a biography of Jesus and his teachings When approaching the historical Jesus, think about why the New Testament Gospels are the only reliable early sources on his life, and consider the criteria that scholars use to determine whether the Gospels are historically accurate. Then look into Jesus’ apocalyptic worldview, which predicted the imminent end of history as well as the coming of God’s kingdom. x
  • s7 Did Jesus believe that He was God? It is the purpose of this lecture to examine what Jesus said about himself as well as what he particularly preached. Gain an understanding of the nature and purpose of Jesus’ ethical teachings, as well as his self-perception as a prophet of the future Kingdom. Discover how Jews saw the Messiah as a warrior-king who would defeat Israel’s foes. x
  • 8The Death of Jesus – Historical Consistent with the Gospels Review the events that occurred during Jesus’ last days that we know about with a high degree of confidence. Learn about his motivations for being in Jerusalem, as well as the political difficulties that surrounded the observance of Passover there. Consider the circumstances surrounding his arrest, the nature of the allegations leveled against him, and what we might conclude about the outcome of his trial. Ninety-nine percent of what historians do not know about Jesus’ death comes from the gospels. Take, for example, the events surrounding Jesus’ death, which we will never be able to know with confidence. Analyze the historical credibility of the Gospels’ narrative of Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem, the date of his crucifixion, and the circumstances surrounding his burial. Understand how Christian writers rewrote the narratives of his death in order to further their theological goals. Historians are baffled as to what happened during the Resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus serves as the foundation for all of Christian belief and practice. But what do we know about the resurrection from a historical perspective? Examine in depth the subject of what historians can and cannot prove about the past, as well as parts of the accounts of Jesus’ resurrection that are historically questionable or unknowable, in this section of the course. x
  • s11 What History Has to Say About the Resurrection of Christ The question is, what was it that led Jesus’ disciples to believe that he had been risen from the dead? Examine the disciples’ visions of Jesus, who appeared to them as though he were alive again after his death, as recorded in Paul and the Gospels. Learn more about the tradition of skepticism concerning the resurrection, as well as the significance of being revived for early Christians. x
  • s12 The Visions of Jesus that the Disciples had This lecture, which examines the first claims regarding Jesus’ resurrection, also covers the concept of visionary experience as it is currently recognized by modern scholars. In this lesson, you will learn about the different types of religious and grief visions that individuals have, as well as how the disciples’ visions and beliefs about Jesus interacted to influence their view of him as divine. x
  • The Exaltation of Jesus – The Earliest Christian Perspectives Was Jesus’ divinity recognized by the first Christians, and what were their beliefs? Examine the books of Romans and Acts to see what they can teach us about early Christian thought, paying particular attention to the “pre-literary” creeds that they quote from. Take note of the fact that these creeds express a belief that Jesus was adopted as the Son of God precisely at the time of his resurrection. x
  • s14 Christian Theology Is Moving In The Wrong Direction After a long period of time, Christian theology began to move the origin of Jesus’ divinity further and further back in antiquity. Examine the New Testament Gospels for their portrayals of Jesus to follow the progression of this development. Concentrate on the Gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke, noticing the differences in their accounts of Jesus’ ascension into the Son of God. x
  • s15 From the Apostle Paul’s Point of View – Christ’s Elevated Divinity As a transitional period between early conceptions of Christ as exalted by God upon his death and later conceptions of Christ as innate or eternal divinity, Paul’s theology represents a significant step forward. Trace Paul’s key position in the early church, as well as his perspective of Jesus as a divine entity whose activities elevated him to a greater degree of divinity, in this course. x
  • s16 John’s Point of View – The Humanization of the Word Because of this, the Gospel of John differs greatly from the other three canonical Gospels in its portrayal of the historical Jesus. Examine John’s claim that Jesus has always been the Son of God and the equal of God the Father from the beginning of time. Consider the apostle John’s description of Christ as the physical manifestation of the word of God, or “logos.” x
  • s17 Was Christ a real person? The Docetic Point of View The Christian communities of the second and third centuries adhered to fundamentally divergent religious doctrines and theologies from one another. In this lesson, you will learn about the “docetists,” who believed that Jesus was not human but merely pretended to be such. You will also meet Marcion, a docetist who believed that there were two unique gods: one for the Jews and one for Jesus. x
  • s18 The Separationists’ Christ is a Christ who is divided. The Gnostics are one of the first Christian organizations to establish yet another interpretation of Jesus’ divinity. Find out more about the essential principles of Gnosticism, including the belief that secret knowledge is the source of salvation. Learn about the Gnostic “separationist” perspective of Christ, which holds that the divine Christ briefly inhabited the human Jesus for a period of time. x
  • s19 Orthodoxy and Proto-Orthodoxy in Christ’s Dual Nature By the fourth century, the theological concept known as “orthodoxy” had risen to the top of the religious hierarchy. Check out how orthodoxy differs from heresy, or competing ideas of the religion, and whether there is evidence that orthodoxy was not the first version of Christianity. Learn about the early “proto-orthodox” writers and their assertion that Jesus was both completely God and fully human at the same time. x
  • s20 The Inception of the Holy Trinity Those who believe in the idea of the Trinity believe that God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit are each and every one of them God. Investigate the roots of this puzzling assertion, keeping in mind that the concept of the Trinity does not occur elsewhere in the Bible. Learn about the notion of “modalism,” which argued that the three entities are expressions of a single being, as well as the opponents of this concept. The Arian Controversy is an x
  • 21-page document. As early as the third century, there were serious differences among Christians over how best to describe the relationship between God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit of God. Take a look at Novatian’s proto-orthodox theology and learn about the “Arian debate,” which arose from the profoundly controversial idea of Christ as a subordinate god created by God. x
  • s22 Constantine’s Conversion to Christianity The conversion of the Roman emperor Constantine to Christianity was a watershed moment in the history of the faith. Learn about the link between the Roman Empire and early Christianity, as well as the precise reasons for which Christians were persecuted by the Roman Empire in the course of history. Acknowledge the reasons for Constantine’s conversion to Christianity and his subsequent direct involvement in religious conflicts. x
  • s23 The Nicea Council was held in the year 325 A.D. In 325 CE, Emperor Constantine convened the historic Council of Nicea, which sought to clarify the competing opinions on Christ’s divinity at the time. Examine the theological arguments at stake, which put Arius’ Christological ideas against those of Alexander of Alexandria, and determine which is correct. Consider the political ramifications of the decision, as well as the orthodox faith that would arise, which would establish Jesus as God in his entirety. x
  • s24 Once Jesus attained the status of God,
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The Great Courses: How Did Jesus Become God?— The Muslim Times (@The MuslimTimes)June 8, 2016 —

How Jesus Became God (Current Topic)

For a more in-depth explanation, please see here. In the first century AD, the early Christian assertion that Jesus of Nazareth was God significantly altered the direction of Western civilisation. Western history as we know it now would not have occurred if the Christian claim of Jesus as God had not taken place. If Jesus’ disciples had not been called God, they would have remained a sect within Judaism, and the vast conversion of Gentiles, the Roman embrace of Christianity, and the following unfolding of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Reformation, and modernity would not have occurred.

  1. When seen through the lens of history, this world-altering event seemed monumentally implausible.
  2. During Jesus’ lifetime, his own disciples did not believe that he was divine in any way.
  3. In spite of this, this crucified “enemy of Rome” was proclaimed the Son of God and the Savior of Humanity within a short period of time after his death, and within four centuries, he was considered to be coequal and coeternal with God the Father by millions of people worldwide.
  4. Why did Jesus come to be regarded as God, and what specifically transpired to bring about this?

This fundamental historical question and its complex answer speak eloquently to the spiritual impulses, concerns, and beliefs that have played a seminal role in our world, even as they reveal the origins of history’s most global religious movement and new insights into the single most influential human being in the Western world, as well as the foundations of history’s most global religious movement.

Great Courses favorite Professor Bart D.

Over the course of 24 provocative lectures, Professor Ehrman delves deeply into the process by which the divinity of Jesus was first conceived by his followers, demonstrating how this conception evolved over time to become the core of Christianity, which has had such a significant impact on our civilization.

According to Ehrman’s findings in these lectures, the theological understanding of Jesus as God was achieved through a complicated succession of circumstances and events, each of which must be understood in order to comprehend this most exceptional and historically crucial tale.

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In this chapter, you will learn that ancient beliefs in the interpenetration of the human and divine realms served as the foundation for Jesus’ ascension as a religious object of belief.

You’ll delve into the intersections of human and divine in Greco-Roman faiths, as well as ancient Judaism, and discover that there is a connection between them.

  • Aesthetic stories of divine mortals abound in antiquity, including both gods who took on human form and people who were elevated to divine status. In ancient Greco-Roman societies, certain real-life historical figures were believed to have been born of the sexual union of gods and mortals, and earthly pagan kings were occasionally revered as gods. God and the Holy Spirit both manifest on earth in human form in the Hebrew scriptures, and the human Enoch, among others, is exalted to the status of a divine creature.

The Historical Jesus and the Concept of Divinity A second important component of the tale is your investigation into what the historical Jesus said or implied about himself, specifically delving into the following questions:

  • When it came to his own place in the world, what were the components of Jesus’ teaching that stood out? Did Jesus regard himself as a divine being?

Your investigation will be thorough, and you will examine significant passages from the four canonical Gospels to decide whether Jesus’ public message declared him to be divine at the time it was delivered historically. As part of this assessment, you will consider whether Jesus’ earthly acts, including tales of miracles he performed, would have qualified him as divine in the view of his contemporaries. During this course, you will investigate the events surrounding Jesus’ death and burial, as well as how early Christians came to believe he had been risen from the dead.

Christ the Eternal Son of God After you’ve proven that Jesus is divine, you’ll be able to navigate the minefield of conflicting viewpoints that arose as early Christians attempted to comprehend how Jesus could be the Son of God.

As part of your study of the growing faith, you’ll look at the variety of beliefs on Jesus’ divinity that were prevalent during the 2nd and 3rd centuries.

  • There were the “docetists,” who believed that Jesus was entirely divine and merely appeared to be human
  • There was the Gnostic position, which thought that the divine Christ was a divinity who briefly “inhabited” the human Jesus
  • And there were others. the “modalist” belief that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are three different manifestations of a same being
  • Etc.

The Holy Trinity, as well as the Divine Christ At the conclusion of the course, you will be able to trace the historical evolution of the doctrine of the Trinity, which lies at the heart of Christian orthodoxy. You will learn how the concept of the Holy Spirit developed through close reading of biblical texts, and you will discover how third-century theologians such as Hippolytus and Tertullian arrived at the singular paradox of the Trinity: that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are each individually God—yet there is only one God.

Following the conclusion of this argument, you will learn about the historical events surrounding the renowned Council of Nicea, which was convened in 325 CE by the Roman Emperor Constantine to settle the question of Christ’s divine character.

Professor Ehrman delves into the fascinating question of How Jesus Became God, revealing the many factors that came together to generate both an extraordinary true-life account and one of history’s most momentous events.

Bring your questions about this pivotal milestone of Western civilisation that has permanently affected our culture, our philosophy, and the society we live in to a famous biblical scholar.

Bart D. Ehrman

He has been a professor of religious studies at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill since 1988, when he was named the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies. Professor Ehrman has published much in the subjects of New Testament and Early Christianity, having authored or edited thirty-one volumes, six of which were New York Times bestsellers, including: A Misquoting of Jesus; God’s Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question – Why We Suffer; Jesus Interrupted; Forged: Why the Bible’s Authors are Not Who We Think They Are; How Jesus Became God; and The Triumph of Christianity are some of the topics covered in this book.

In fact, for more than two decades, his Introduction to the New Testament has been the most commonly used textbook in colleges and institutions throughout the world.

More than two million copies of his books and courses have been sold, and his publications have been translated into twenty-seven other languages, according to his website.

A number of prominent media outlets have broadcast his interviews and appearances, including NBC’s Dateline and CNN’s The History Channel, National Geographic, the Discovery Channel, the BBC, Fresh Air, and other major NPR shows, as well as The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, the Colbert Report and other shows.


Bart D. Ehrman’s Great Courses

The author, a New York Times bestselling historian of early Christianity, tackles two of the most compelling problems of human existence: where did the concepts of heaven and hell come from, and why have they persisted throughout history. What happens to us once we die? According to a recent study conducted by Pew Research, 72 percent of Americans believe in a genuine heaven and 58 percent believe in a literal hell. The majority of those who hold these views are Christian, and they believe they represent the teachings of the Bible that have been passed down through the ages.

So, where did the inspiration for these ideas originate from?

Bart Ehrman’s book is available on Amazon.

Furthermore, these points of view did not sprout out of nowhere; rather, they were intricately intertwined with the social, cultural, and historical realms from which they sprung.

The conceptions of eternal pleasure and damnation that are popularly accepted today were developed much later, during the early Christian ages.

9781629970844 – The Great Courses: How Jesus Became God by.

ConditionNewISBN 139781629970844ISBN 101629970840ISBN 9781629970844ISBN 9781629970844ISBN 9781629970844ISBN 9781629970844ISBN 9781629970844ISBN 9781629970844ISBN 9781629970844ISBN 9781629970844ISBN 9781629970844ISBN 9781629970844ISBN 97816 Quantity-available SellerYardley is a town in Pennsylvania. Customers have given this merchant a 4-star rating out of 5-stars on the Biblio platform. Price of the item

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A new DVD with course manual, The Great Courses, 1884-01-01. Description: A new DVD with course guidebook.

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The Great Courses (Chapel Hill, North Carolina) published this book in 2014. Paperback. As though it were brand new. Paperback. 7 1/2″ X 5 1/4″ in size. In publisher’s shrink wrap, this book is brand new. ABOUT: In the early Christian tradition, the assertion that Jesus of Nazareth was God had a profound impact on the development of Western civilisation. Why did Jesus come to be regarded as God, and what specifically transpired to bring about this? It is only by asking this question that one can begin to unravel an enthralling, multidimensional historical puzzle, one that provides an extraordinarily revealing glimpse into the roots of Western worldview as well as into the theological underpinnings of our civilisation.

With the extraordinary historical investigation of How Jesus Came to Be Who He Was, Professor Ehrman, a Great Courses favorite, tackles all of these issues and more.

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A description of the DVD “The Great Courses” from The Teaching Company (2014-01-01). As though it were brand new. Remove the shrink wrap from the new Please send images to [email protected].

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How Jesus Became God Great Courses Prof Bart D Ehrman Religion Theology Christ

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