What Did Jesus Do After He Rose From The Grave?

What happened to Jesus after He rose from the dead

Here’s everything you need to know: In the days before He died on the cross for our sins, Jesus told His disciples that, despite the fact that His body would be put to death, He would rise from the tomb three days later.Indeed, three days after Jesus’ death, a friend named Mary paid a visit to the gravesite where He had been laid to rest.Instead of discovering Jesus dead and buried in His tomb, she realized that the tomb was empty.

Later, she discovered that Jesus was out and about!He even made eye contact with her.Others began to arrive at the site where Jesus had been buried shortly after.

Peter and John, two of Jesus’ followers, entered the empty tomb and discovered that Jesus had not been there when they arrived.Death was powerless to hold Jesus hostage!Over the course of the following 40 days, Jesus paid visits to His companions.He had a conversation with them.He ate supper with them that night.According to the Apostle Paul, there were approximately five hundred persons who witnessed the risen Lord.

  • Amazing!
  • After the 40 days had passed, Jesus was in the midst of a conversation with His disciples when He abruptly ascended into heaven.
  • When the disciples were staring up into the sky, wondering where Jesus had gone, two angels appeared and informed them that Jesus had ascended into heaven and would return for His people one day.
  • The time has not yet arrived for Jesus to return, but in the meanwhile, Jesus is making preparations for all those who believe in Him to be received into paradise!
  • Have you placed your faith in Jesus?

More information about this may be found here.Truth According to the Bible ″It was a very early morning on the first day of the week, and I was alone.″ The spices that the ladies had prepared were taken by the males.They then proceeded to the tomb.They discovered that the stone had been rolled away from it.When they entered the tomb, they were disappointed to discover that the body of the Lord Jesus had not been found.

  1. They were perplexed as to why this happened.
  2. Suddenly, two guys dressed in garments that shone like lightning appeared near them.
  3. The women were frightened to death.

They bent their heads to the ground, their faces to the earth.The guys then questioned them, saying, ‘Why are you looking for the living amid the dead?Jesus does not appear to be present!He has resurrected from the dead!Remember how he assured you that he would rise?He did it while he was still with you in Galilee,’″ says Luke in verses 1–6.

″While the disciples were still debating this, Jesus appeared among them and spoke with them directly.″ ‘May peace be with you!’ he said.They were taken completely by surprise and horrified.In Luke 24:36–37, the disciples thought they were witnessing a ghost.Jesus was carried up to heaven shortly after he spoke these words.

  • They stood and watched till a cloud obscured his view of them.
  • They were staring up at the sky the entire time he was ascending.
  • Suddenly, two men clad in white walked up to them and stood next to them.

The men of Galilee questioned them, ‘Why are you standing here staring up at the sky?’ Jesus has been taken away from you and is now in the presence of the Father in heaven.″However, he will return in the same manner in which you witnessed him go.″ (See Acts 1:9–11 for further information.)

Where did Jesus go after he arose from the grave?

According to Matthew 28, Jesus appeared to the two Marys first, and then to the eleven disciples in Galilee.According to Mark 16, Christ first appeared to Mary Magdalene, then to two of the disciples, and then to all eleven.According to Luke 24, Christ appeared to two disciples on the way to Emmaus, and subsequently to the eleven.

According to John 20-21, Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene, then to an undetermined number of disciples (particularly not including Thomas, perhaps all ten of the others, perhaps not), then to the 11 disciples in an inside setting, and finally to six disciples on a beach.His descent into the lower portions of the Earth is described in Ephesians 4, which the Apostles Creed translates as ″descending into Hell.″ The apostle Peter was the first to see him, followed by ″the twelve,″ then ″about 500 of the brethren at the same time,″ then by James, and finally by ″all the apostles.″ According to Acts 1, it took 40 days from the resurrection of Jesus until his ascension.It’s possible that there are further allusions to post-resurrection appearances that I’ve overlooked.

There is no claim that any of these accounts provides a minute-by-minute account of Jesus’ actions following his resurrection, hence it is not unexpected that some accounts record things that others do not mention.While Mark’s mention of Jesus encountering two disciples on the way to Emmaus and Luke’s statement of him meeting two disciples on the road to Emmaus are most likely the same episode, proving it is difficult.It appears that Jesus met with multiple groups of disciples at various times, making it difficult to determine which sessions in different reports are actually portraying the same event in a straightforward manner.As to why, Jesus provides (at least) two explanations: ″I am going to prepare a place for you,″ says Jesus in John 14:1.Heaven and the New Jerusalem are commonly thought to be synonymous.And in John 16:5, Jesus says, ″It is to your benefit that I go; because if I do not depart, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.″ ″It is to your advantage that I depart,″ Jesus says.

  • Why couldn’t Jesus just stay here and bring the Holy Spirit, or just send the Holy Spirit and then return to the Father?
  • I have no clue what Jesus was talking about, but the simple interpretation appears to be that he declared it was not feasible.

What Did Jesus Do for 40 Days after the Resurrection?

The 40 days following Jesus’ resurrection from the grave are one of the most crucial times in the church’s calendar, despite the fact that it is one of the least celebrated and recorded.He walked and talked in locations where His ministry had previously taken place; he was seen by millions in His restored body; he healed many; he continued to preach; and he continued to love those around him.And then He ascended to Heaven, being lifted into the sky, something that was observed by others as well.

We should devote more time to contemplating these 40 days, as well as the importance of the Ascension.The birth of Jesus had taken place in accordance with the Scriptures.His miracles had demonstrated His might.

His preaching has imparted knowledge to the whole planet.His persecution and death had come to pass in accordance with prophesies.It was an incredible marvel that He was able to defeat death.However, more than any other element of these other manifestations, His ascension to Heaven – His physical ascension to be with the Father at the Throne, the mystery of his reunification with the Godhead – demonstrates Jesus Christ’s Divinity more than anything else.Jesus demonstrated to the world that He was alive and well for forty days.The Sanhedrin had denounced Jesus as a blasphemer, while others said that His miracles were the work of the devil…

  • His 40-day stay in Jerusalem and the surrounding environs, during which he was witnessed by large crowds, was, nevertheless, a matter of debate.
  • It was alluded to by the Jewish historian Josephus of the first century CE, as well as other historians.
  • Eusebius, a writer two centuries later, interviewed numerous persons who had met people who had seen Jesus during these days, heard stories of miracles, and even referred to sermons and letters written by the rising Jesus.
  • In other words, while some individuals may not have joined the Christ-followers – despite the fact that believers increased swiftly, even in the face of persecution shortly thereafter – very few people doubted that He had risen from the grave.
  • The number 40 appears 146 times in the Bible, and it is considered to be a number of divine significance.

Consider Noah, the years spent in the wilderness, Moses’ time on Mount Sinai, Jonah and Nineveh, and in the case of Jesus, the number of days He spent being tempted by the devil…and the number of days between the Resurrection and the Ascension.Typically, this number denotes testing, trials, probation, or the granting of material wealth and success.We must think that the last is the closest to the season in which the risen Lord was when He ascended.They were undoubtedly a flurry of activity.

  1. The final line of the final book of the last gospel (John 21:25) informs us that ″There were several additional acts that Jesus performed.
  2. If they were all documented, I believe the entire planet would be unable to accommodate the number of volumes that would be produced.″ Despite how busy He must have been, I have a mental image of Jesus alone, perhaps as the sun went down, along lonely routes, perhaps through storms and frigid silences, roaming the dark hills, not reacting to the interested crowds, but seeking out the disturbed and the wounded individuals in need.
  3. This is a credible representation because Jesus continues to do this now.

It was inherent in His character: Recall the ″ninety and nine″ and the one lost sheep the shepherd sought; recall His words, ″Behold, I stand at the door and knock″; recall His parable of the father rejoicing over his prodigal son who repents, returns, and is restored; recall His admonition to be ″fishers of men″; recall His weeping over Jerusalem; recall His promise that ″Whosoever″ believes will not perish but will have eternal life.Walking the dark slopes, he is on the lookout for us, and his happy hope, which may be ours, pierces through the gloom.And, as we continue to build a picture of what Jerusalem must have been like during those 40 days, when everyone was talking about the Miracle Man, let us remember that we are under no obligation to answer the door if we are not invited ″Come on in!It has been reported that Jesus is down by the river!Let’s have a look at Him!″ No… He will make his way to us.I feel this is especially true if you are one of those individuals who is suspicious, or has ″heard enough,″ or who is unable to penetrate the shell of hurt or pain, resentment or rebellion, fear, or any of the other hindrances that hinder us from experiencing the love of Christ.

No matter what you believe or what you like to believe, he is closer than a shadow, no matter what you think.You could have had a nightmare about something like a crib death; but, remember that Jesus brings comfort that surpasses all comprehension.You may be experiencing health concerns or feeling uneasy about your very existence and your role on this planet; yet, keep in mind that Jesus climbs the gloomy hills to lead you and me.You may have had issues with drugs, the law, and custody, and you may have even lost your house, leaving you with nowhere to turn; but, remember that Jesus provides you sanctuary.You could be a young lady who has attempted to break free from addictions time and time again; remember that the sensation around your shoulders is Jesus securely holding you.

  • You may have lost a preemie after praying and hoping for a healthy kid; nonetheless, remember that trust is more essential than knowledge at this difficult time in your life.″ God wanders across the gloomy hills, guiding our steps in the right direction.
  • He wanders everywhere, at all hours of the day and night.
  • As he wanders in the quiet, God moves across the gloomy hills, leading us in the direction of the light.″ The rising Savior, Lord of Creation, travels the dark hills in search of those who have rejected him…

me?what about you?Do you know where we are?in the midst of our pains and messes?

  • To this day, that is the marvel of the Miracle Man to me – that He still cares about you and me.
  • Rick Marschall is the owner of the copyright.
  • With permission, this image has been used.

What Jesus did during 40 days on earth after resurrection.

A: According to the Bible, Jesus appeared at least ten times during the course of 40 days (Acts 1:3) following His resurrection from the grave.During these interactions, we are able to witness what He accomplished.We also discover some new and intriguing information.

So, let’s start with who He appeared to, and then we’ll look at what He said and did after that.*** Please keep in mind that we have no idea where Jesus was during the periods He was not visible.That is something that is up for dispute.

Following His resurrection, Jesus appeared to the following people: Mary Magdalene (Mk 16:9-11) is the first person to mention (Jn 20:11-18) 2.Two individuals, one of whom is named Cleopas, who are on their way to Emmaus: (Mk 16:12-13) (Lk 24:13-35) In the Gospel of Luke, the third person is Peter (1 Cor 15:5) Fourth, the ten disciples in the upper chamber (except Thomas): (Lk 24:36-49) (Jn 20:19-23) Five of the twelve apostles were present in the upper room (together with Thomas): (Mk 16:14-18)(Jn 20:26-29) (1 Cor 15:5) 6.The seven disciples, who were fishing in the Lake of Tiberias (Galilee), were as follows: (Jn 21:1-23) (7) The eleven disciples on a mountaintop in Galilee: (Mt 28:16-20) On the Mount of Olives, just before His ascension, we find the following: (Mk 16:19-20)(Lk 24:50-52) 8.(Acts 1:3-11) 9.There are more than 500: (1 Corinthians 15:6) James (Jesus’ brother): (1 Cor 15:7) The book of Acts (2:1-23) recalls three major activities that Jesus performed during His 40 days on the earth: a.to provide ″commandments to the apostles (by the Holy Spirit),″ b.

  • to ″present Himself alive….
  • by numerous incontrovertible proofs,″ c.
  • to speak(ing) of matters pertaining to the kingdom of God The fact that Jesus appeared to each and every one of the persons described above would appear to fulfill2 this requirement.
  • When it comes to the ″commandments to the apostles,″ I’ve discovered three of them.
  • What we call ″The Great Commission″ is, I believe, the fundamental ″commandment″ He issued to the apostles, and I believe most people would agree with that.

This is contained in the book (Mt 28:18-20).Throughout these passages, Jesus instructs the disciples to perform three things: 1.To ″make disciples of all countries,″ as the Bible says.2.To ″baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,″ among other things.

  1. 3.
  2. To ″teach them to observe all things that I have instructed you,″ as the Bible says.
  3. In today’s world, these things are still relevant.

Second, we observe in (Acts 1:4-5,8) and (Lk 24:49) that Jesus instructed them to remain in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit had arrived (the ″Baptism of the Holy Spirit″).(This occurred on the Feast of Pentecost.) Third, we learn from Acts 10:42 that Jesus instructed his followers to ″preach…that He was ordained by God to be the Judge of the quick (living) and the dead.″ Now, let’s take a look at some of the other significant things Jesus said and did throughout His 40-day ministry.It is said that he ″expounded″ on how things in the Old Testament pointed to Him (Lk 24:27), and how His death and resurrection fulfilled prophecy from the Old Testament (Lk 24:44-48).*** Please take note of this line (Lk 24:32) that appears at the conclusion of ″The Road to Emmaus″: ″And they replied to one another, ″Did not our hearts burn within us while He chatted with us on the road and revealed the Scriptures to us?″ During the time period between His death and resurrection, we discover that Jesus had ″not yet ascended to (My) Father.″ (See also John 20:17.) (More information about this may be found at the link below.) In the parable of the sower, Jesus offered the disciples a foretaste of the Holy Spirit (Jn 20:22).In (Jn 21:6), Jesus demonstrated His omniscience by instructing the disciples on where to cast their nets in order to catch fish (they caught 153: Jn 21:11).

After Peter had been denied by Jesus, he was restored (Jn 21:15-17).Using Peter as an example, Jesus demonstrated His omniscience by telling him how he would be crucified (Jn 21:18-19) and implying that John would not be martyred (Jn 21:20-23).Finally, Jesus ascended into Heaven (″The Ascension″) (Mk 16:19-20; Lk 24:50-51), where he reigned for three years (Acts 1:2,9-11).As I will explore in more detail in the next question, Jesus was in a glorified body for the 40 days that He was on the Earth following His resurrection.This is the same physical body that we shall receive one day (Phil 3:21; 1 Cor 15:48-49).

  • (1 Jn 3:2).
  • As a result, it’s fascinating to see some of the things He was able to accomplish in His glorified body that we should be able to accomplish in ours.
  • He has the ability to appear (Lk 24:36) and disappear (Lk 24:31) from sight in a moment.
See also:  How Tall Was Jesus Cross?

He had the ability to pass through locked doors (Jn 20:19,26).In Luke 24:42-43, he ate something (Jn 21:12-15).Please keep in mind that His glorified body still had the wounds on His hands and side that He had when He died (Jn 20:20,27).(Lk 24:39-40).

  • The fact that Jesus spent 40 days in the desert at the beginning of His career (Mt 4:1-11)(Mk 1:12-13)(Lk 4:1-13) and at the end of His mission, at His resurrection, He was on Earth for 40 days is also noteworthy.
  • Related Questions: What is the significance of the resurrection?
  • Where did Jesus go during the three days that elapsed between His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead?

Additional Questions and Answers

After Jesus rose from the dead, He told Mary to stop clinging to Him, but then told Thomas to touch His hands. Why the difference?

Following Jesus’ crucifixion, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb to complete the preparations for His burial.When she came, the stone had been rolled away, and Jesus’ corpse had been removed from the tomb as well.Because her Savior had vanished, she sought confirmation from Simon Peter and the Apostle John, but as they rushed to notify the other apostles, she remained by the tomb, distressed.

By coming to her, Jesus was able to put her mind at ease.In comparison to the bruised and beaten shell that Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus had deposited in the tomb, his look was remarkably different.His body had been mended, with the exception of the holes in his hands, feet, and side; and, more significantly, he was still alive and well.

It’s understandable that Mary didn’t immediately identify Him.When Jesus said her name, she knew who He was for the first time.The intensity of her reaction was so overwhelming that Jesus told her, ″Do not cling to me…″ Jesus’ teachings are found in John 19:38—20:18.Jesus came to the disciples shortly after, but Thomas was conspicuously missing.Although the other disciples had provided firsthand reports of Jesus’ death, Thomas remained persuaded that Jesus was no longer alive and that they were all deceived.If I don’t see the mark of the nails on his hands, and I don’t put my finger into the mark of the nails on his hands, and I don’t put my hand into his side, I will never believe,″ he added (John 20:25).

  • In response to Thomas’s skepticism, Jesus appeared to him in front of the other disciples eight days later, easing his concerns.
  • To Thomas, he replied, ″Put your finger here, and you will see my hands.″ ″In addition, extend your hand to my side and set it there.
  • Do not be skeptical, but rather believe.″ (See John 20:27 for further information.) What is the reason for the difference?
  • Is there a reason why Jesus told Mary to cease touching Him before turning around and inviting Thomas to touch Him?
  • John 20:17 makes a passing reference to the solution.

According to the Bible, ″Jesus said to her, ‘Do not cling to me because I have not yet ascended to the Father; instead, go to my brothers and tell them, ″I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.″″ Evidently, Mary wasn’t merely holding on to Jesus as a friend or rubbing His body to persuade herself that He was genuine.She was clinging to Him with everything she had in order to prevent Him from ever abandoning her again.It was a desperate move, intended to keep Him under control and prevent herself from getting injured again.Jesus provides her with an explanation as to why she is unable to keep Him with her: He must ascend to the Father.He will not be able to continue living on earth in the same manner as He did previously.

  1. He has a job to complete, and as much as He clearly feels about her, he is unable to give in to her feelings of terror.
  2. His previous words to her, in John 14:16-17, addressed the problem of her dread by promising to send the Counselor to be with her and all of His disciples for all of eternity.
  3. Unlike most people, Thomas was in an entirely different scenario.

Rather than being a consolation, Jesus’ offer to touch Him was more of a warning.The hands, feet, and side of Jesus that were still bearing the scars from the cross would be offered to Thomas if he couldn’t believe the eye-witness evidence of his other disciples, testimony that would ultimately elucidate all of Jesus’ cryptic warnings concerning His crucifixion and resurrection.However, there is no sign that Thomas took Him up on His offer.Instead, he screamed, ″My Lord and my God!″ soon afterward.(See also John 20:28.) Mary and Thomas had to learn the same lesson that current Christians must master: how can we put our faith in a Jesus who we couldn’t physically see?How can we be confident that He is truly alive and will not abandon us?

We have confidence.We place our faith on the narratives of the disciples.And as a result, we have a new understanding of His power and presence that they did not have before.″Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed,″ Jesus answered to Thomas, ″because they are blessed″ (John 20:29).Truths that are related: Why does God demand faith?

  • Why should I believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
  • Why is the fact of the physical resurrection of Jesus so crucial to the Christian faith?
  • Why is the ascension of Jesus Christ important?

Did the crucifixion nails go through Jesus’ hands or wrists?Return to:Truth about Jesus Christ

Why Did Jesus Return to Earth After Resurrecting?

One of the reasons Jesus remained on earth for 40 days after His resurrection rather than immediately going into heaven was to show to His disciples that He was, in fact, still alive.After all, they were well aware that Jesus had been executed by the Roman authorities and that His body had been removed from the cross and placed in a burial tomb.And when that happened, they were overwhelmed with sorrow and anxiety, and many of them even went into hiding to avoid being discovered.

They had been under the impression that Jesus was the anticipated Messiah—and now their expectations had been dashed.His promise that He would return from the tomb had slipped their minds, leaving them feeling as though they had no hope for the future.However, when Jesus came among them following the resurrection, their lives were forever altered.

The greatest miracle in all of history had just occurred: Jesus Christ had risen from the dead!The Lord appeared to several groups of disciples over those 40 days, demonstrating to them beyond any reasonable question that he had been risen from the grave by the power of God.In a letter sent more than two decades later, the Apostle Paul stated that ″he appeared to more than five hundred of the brethren at the same moment, the vast majority of them are still alive″ (1 Corinthians 15:6).Another reason, however, for Jesus’s continued presence on earth was to instruct and equip His followers for the mission of teaching the rest of the world about Him and His message.Is your trust in the resurrected Christ strong, and are you actively working to spread His message of salvation to others in your community?

Lesson Two: Jesus Rose from the Dead

When Jesus arose from the dead, he demonstrated that he had defeated death.Jesus was crucified and laid in a tomb, but on the third day after his death, he rose from the grave!He appeared to Mary, his apostles, and other followers in order to demonstrate that he had resurrected from the dead.

Jesus’ death and resurrection defeated sin and death, allowing us to receive forgiveness of sins and the promise of eternal life with God as a result of his sacrifice.

Memory Verse

During their conversation, Jesus declared, ″I am the resurrection and the life.″ Even if a person dies because of his or her faith in me, that person will survive.″ 11:25 (John 11:25)

Studying God’s Word

Today is Easter Sunday, which means that What is the most significant event that we remember today?Easter is a particularly joyous and significant day because it commemorates Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.We have a Savior who has risen from the dead!

It is our goal in this lesson to examine the historical records recorded in the Bible that relate to this genuine historical occurrence.The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus are recorded in all four of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.Based on who they were writing for, each writer had a unique point of view, and some added various facts that they believed were significant depending on their audience.

We receive a complete picture of what happened because of their four different perspectives.But first, let’s take a look back at what we learnt in our previous session.When Jesus arrived in Jerusalem, he was greeted enthusiastically by the people as the anticipated Messiah.In preparation for Jesus’ arrival, the crowds threw their cloaks and tree branches on the path in front of him.That was the manner in which they met rulers.The people were ecstatic because they’d heard about the wonderful miracles Jesus had performed: curing people, driving out devils, feeding thousands of people with a single meal, and calming storms, among other things.

  • Many Jews believed that their Messiah would be a military commander who would lead them to victory over the Roman Empire.
  • That, however, is not what Jesus came to accomplish.
  • What was it that Jesus came to redeem the people of the world from?
  • Is it the Romans or their sins that need to be addressed?
  • Our faults are a far greater concern than who is in charge of a country or who is in charge of creating the rules on this planet.

This is due to the fact that our sins distance us from a holy and just God.God had intended for his Son, Jesus, to come to earth and offer himself as the ideal sacrifice.When Jesus died on the Cross for our sins, he did it voluntarily and gladly.When Jesus died, the penalty for sin was fully satisfied.When Jesus died, it appeared to be the end of the world, but it wasn’t!

The Tomb

The two convicts who were crucified with Jesus had their legs broken by the Roman guards in order for them to die more quickly.However, by the time they arrived at Jesus’ location, he had already died.To be certain, one of the guards stabbed his side with a spear.

Joseph of Arimathea, a rich Jewish man from the region of Galilee, was a hidden disciple of Jesus.He went to Pilate, the Roman governor, and requested that the corpse of Jesus be returned to him so that he may give him a dignified burial in the tomb.Pilate consented, and Joseph was given permission to remove Jesus’ corpse from the Cross.

Jesus was no longer alive.Joseph removed his body from the scene and covered it in sheets.Linens were strips of linen that were generally coated with spices to disguise the stench of a deceased person’s corpse after death.Then Joseph buried Jesus in his own tomb, which was located in a garden near the site of Jesus’ crucifixion.In comparison to the tombs we dig in the earth nowadays, this tomb was more like a cave carved out of stone than a tomb.It was customary for a wealthy man’s tomb, such as Joseph’s, to have an open entryway and a few stairs leading into one or more chambers where the remains were laid to rest.

  • That being said, this was a brand-new tomb, and no body had been deposited inside until Joseph laid Jesus in it.
  • After rolling a stone in front of the tomb’s entrance, Joseph returned home for the Sabbath.
  • When Jesus’ mother and many other women accompanied Joseph to the location of Jesus’ body, they hoped to be able to return after the Sabbath to care for the corpse.
  • However, the Jewish officials who despised Jesus were not happy with the fact that he had died.
  • Let’s see what they came up with.

Take a look at Matthew 27:62–66.In order to discuss Jesus’ corpse with Pilate, the chief priests and Pharisees went to him.All of these individuals were Jewish religious leaders who had conspired against Jesus and had arranged for his arrest, trial, and subsequent delivery to Pilate for execution.They were concerned that the disciples of Jesus would seize the body and use it to claim that Jesus had risen from the grave.These men were reminded that Jesus had stated that he would rise from the dead on the third day.

  1. The followers of Jesus were not allowed to take Jesus’ corpse and declare he had risen from the dead, but they did not want this to happen.
  2. Pilate advised that they place guards around Jesus’ tomb in order to prevent this from happening.
  3. In fact, it is precisely what they did.

They enlisted the help of Roman guards to seal the stone in front of the tomb and keep an eye on things.They believed there was no possibility Jesus would return to the earth.

The Resurrection

Meanwhile, the disciples had all fled from Jesus after he had been betrayed and arrested by Judas Iscariot.Peter and John were the ones who accompanied Jesus to the trial.When Peter was questioned if he knew Jesus, he responded three times with ″No!″ He was scared that he might be arrested as well!

John was there during the crucifixion, along with Jesus’ mother, his own mother, and a few other members of Jesus’ entourage.After Jesus’ death, the disciples took refuge in a home for several days.Check out what occurred when Mary Magdalene and the other Mary returned to their tombs next.

Read Matthew 28:1–10 in its entirety.On the first day of the week, the women returned to the tomb to bury Jesus.They arrived the day after the Sabbath, or on the first day of the week, which is Sunday, depending on your perspective.The Jewish people’s Sabbath began on Friday evening at sunset and finished on Saturday evening at sunset, according to their tradition.As a result, they arrived extremely early on Sunday morning, before the sun had even risen.In order to prepare the corpse of Jesus for burial, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb.

  • Mary Magdalene had been possessed by seven devils, and Jesus had thrown them out.
  • She was one of the women who accompanied Jesus to the cross and saw his death.
  • The women were on their approach to the tomb when they noticed the enormous stone blocking their path.
  • They wondered how they would get it out of the way.
  • What, on the other hand, did the women observe when they arrived to the tomb?
See also:  Does The Bible Say When Jesus Was Born

It was an angel who had rolled aside the stone, and the angel was now seated on top of the stone.What do you think the angel was thinking when he rolled back the stone?Some believe it was to assist Jesus in getting out of the tomb, although Jesus did not require assistance in getting out of the tomb.He had the ability to appear and disappear wherever he pleased in his resurrected form, which we’ll learn more about in a moment.The angel rolled aside the stone, allowing everyone to see that he was no longer present.

  1. What was the angel’s appearance like?
  2. His look was as flashy as lightning, and his attire was as white as the snow around him.
  3. What did the guards do when the earthquake struck and the angel descended from the heavens to greet them?

They shook in dread and went lifeless as if they were dead.They either went unconscious or were unable to move because they were paralyzed with dread, depending on the situation.The stone was likewise taken care of by the angel.The angel assured the women that they had nothing to be scared about.Jesus had risen from the dead!They could take a peek and observe that the tomb was empty.

Following that, they were instructed to spread the good news to the disciples.The women were both terrified and pleased.Jesus came in front of them and talked to them.The women bowed their heads and prostrated themselves before Jesus.Imagine the delight these ladies must have had when they first heard that Jesus was alive and then saw him for themselves.

  • According to the Gospel of Luke, the women hurried to tell the disciples and the rest of Jesus’ followers what had happened.
  • When the ladies informed them they had seen an angel and Jesus, the men were skeptical and refused to accept them.
  • However, the Gospel of John describes how John and Peter hurried to the grave.

They observed the linen cloths that Joseph had wrapped around the body of Jesus, as well as the cloth from Jesus’ head, which was folded up and laying in a separate location from the others.They were well aware that anything like this could not have happened by chance.Jesus must be alive and well!Jesus had risen from the dead!

The Witnesses

Do you remember the guards who were meant to keep watch over Jesus’ burial site?As time went by, they began to recover, and some of them went to the top priests to inform them of what had transpired.In order to prevent anybody from discovering that Jesus was alive, the Jewish authorities hired the guards to circulate the narrative that the disciples had come and stolen Jesus’ corpse while they were sleeping while they were awake.

Is that what you’re saying?Is it permissible for guards to sleep while on duty?And, if they were asleep, how did they know who was allegedly responsible for the body’s disappearance?

Jesus desired for his people to be aware of and realize that he was still alive.They didn’t have to be depressed or terrified any longer.Take a look at John 20:19–20.It was the first day of the week at the time.Keep in mind that Sunday is the first day of the week.As a result, this occurred in the late afternoon on the same day that Jesus resurrected from the grave.

  • The disciples were in a room with the doors sealed from the outside world.
  • Was it because they were behind closed doors?
  • They were concerned that the Jewish authorities would dispatch guards to capture them in the same manner as they had arrested Jesus a year before.
  • Suddenly, Jesus arrived in the room with them and stood beside them!
  • That must have frightened them because Jesus responded with, ″Peace be upon you.″ Jesus delivered words of consolation to them because he recognized that they were terrified.

Read John 20:24–29 in its entirety.When Jesus appeared to Thomas in verses 19–20, he was absent from the situation.When the other disciples claimed to have seen Jesus, what did Thomas have to say?He didn’t believe it for a second.He needed to see the nail scars and the wound in Jesus’ side before he could accept that it was actually him that they were seeing on the cross.

  1. Eight days later, the disciples were in a closed chamber when Jesus reappeared in his resurrected body, and they were terrified.
  2. This time, Thomas was in attendance.
  3. The nail scars and wound on Jesus’ side were shown to Thomas by Jesus.

Jesus did this for Thomas in order for Thomas to believe that it was actually him who had appeared.Thomas was one of those who believed.He addressed Jesus as both his Lord and his God.He realized that Jesus was the Son of God and that he was the Messiah.As a result, John recorded all he saw and heard about Jesus.Verse 31 of the New Testament states that John wrote these things so that we might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, and the Son of God, among other things.

We can have eternal life in Jesus’ name if we place our faith in him.Aside from the ladies and his disciples, Jesus appeared to a number of other followers as well.Jesus traveled with two other men on the way to Emmaus as they left Jerusalem.Jesus taught them about himself from the Old Testament Scriptures after they expressed their sorrow at Jesus’ death and the reports of angels and an empty tomb from some of the women who had reported seeing them.That evening, they were surprised to learn that Jesus was present at their table, breaking bread with them.

  • When they were finally able to identify him, he vanished from their view!
  • They returned to Jerusalem right away to inform the rest of the group of what they had saw and heard.
  • Jesus reappeared among his disciples and had a meal with them, demonstrating that he had a physical body and was neither a ghost or a vision of the future.

Let’s take a look at some of Jesus’ final statements to his disciples before he ascended into heaven.Take a look at Luke 24:44–48.Jesus said that he had fulfilled all that had been written about him in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms, among other places.Jesus was alluding to what we now refer to as the Old Testament.

  • The people of that time did not have access to the New Testament, but they did have access to the Old Testament Scriptures.
  • He wished for people to understand that he was the promised Messiah, as prophesied in the Scriptures.
  • Verse 46 was written in reference to Jesus Christ.

It states that he should suffer and then rise from the grave on the third day, and that is exactly what Jesus accomplished!He died on the cross and resurrected from the dead so that people of all countries may come to repent and be forgiven of their sins.Jesus’ death was not just for the benefit of the Jewish people.His death atoned for the sins of people from every country on the face of the earth.

  • According to verse 48, Jesus’ disciples were called on to bear testimony to these events.
  • His disciples and followers were there at both Jesus’ death and resurrection, and they testified to it.
  • They witnessed him die, and when he came back to life, they felt the nail imprints on his hands and feet to confirm it was him.
  1. They were certain it was Jesus.
  2. Then Jesus was lifted up into heaven after he had left the city of Jerusalem.
  3. His fans, on the other hand, were ecstatic, bursting with happiness.
  4. They began spreading the word as soon as they received it.
  • The disciples were transformed into new men!
  • It was a dramatic transformation from hiding behind closed doors to freely sharing the message of Jesus to all people.
  • No longer were they intimidated.
  • They were aware that Jesus had risen from the dead and that their sins had been forgiven.
  • No matter what happened to them on earth, they were certain of a place in heaven when they died because of Jesus’ guarantee.


Remember the guards who were supposed to be on duty at Jesus’ tomb?They were dressed in black.As time went by, they began to recover, and some of them went to the top priests to inform them of what had occurred.

To ensure that no one knew Jesus was still alive, the Jewish authorities hired the guards to disseminate the lie that Jesus’ followers had come and taken his corpse while they were sleeping.What do you think about that?During their shift, are security officers required to nap?

In addition, if they were sleeping, how could they know who was allegedly responsible for the body’s disappearance?His people needed to know and witness that he was still alive, so he sent his disciples to tell them.Their sadness and fear were no longer necessary.John 20:19–20 are the verses to consider.On this particular day, the week had just started.Always keep in mind that Sunday is the first day of the week.

  • As a result, this occurred in the late afternoon on the same day that Jesus was raised from the tomb.
  • Several of the disciples were trapped in a small chamber.
  • What were they doing behind closed doors?
  • What were they thinking?
  • They were concerned that the Jewish authorities would dispatch guards to capture them in the same manner as they had arrested Jesus in the previous year.

When they were about to leave, Jesus arrived and stood with them in the room!They must have been afraid because Jesus responded with, ″Peace be with you.″ Knowing that they were in great danger, Jesus offered them words of reassurance.John 20:24–29 is an important passage to consider.The appearance of Jesus in lines 19–20 took place without Thomas present.When the other disciples claimed to have seen Jesus, what did Thomas say was noteworthy.

  1. His reaction was that he didn’t believe it at all.
  2. In order for him to believe that it was actually Jesus who they were seeing, he needed to see the nail scars and wound in Jesus’ side.
  3. It was eight days later that Jesus came to the disciples again in his resurrected body while they were imprisoned in their chamber.

Thomas was present this time.The nail scars and wound on Jesus’ side were shown to Thomas by the Lord.Jesus did this for Thomas in order for Thomas to accept that it was indeed him who had appeared to them.In Thomas’s case, he was right about everything.God and Lord were two titles given to him by the apostle Peter.In his mind, he recognized Jesus as the Son of the Living God.

As a result, John documented all he saw and heard about Jesus.Verse 31 of the New Testament states that John wrote these things so that we could accept that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, and the Son of God.We can have eternal life in the name of Jesus if we believe in him.In addition to the ladies and his disciples, Jesus appeared to additional followers.From Jerusalem, Jesus traveled with two other men on the road to Emmaus.

  • Jesus responded by teaching them about himself from the Old Testament Scriptures after they expressed their sorrow that Jesus had been crucified and that some women had reported seeing angels and the empty tomb.
  • That evening, they were surprised when Jesus came to their table and shared a loaf of bread with them.
  • They were about to recognize him when he suddenly disappeared from their sight!

What they had saw and heard was promptly reported back to Jerusalem by other disciples.After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples and had a meal with them, demonstrating that he was not a ghost or vision but had a physical body.Consider some of Jesus’ final comments to his disciples before he ascension to the right hand of the Father.Reading from Luke 24:44–48 can help you to understand this.

  • Everything written about him in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and Psalms, according to Jesus, had been fulfilled in him.
  • What we know as the Old Testament was in mind when Jesus spoke.
  • The Old Testament Scriptures were available to the people of that time since they did not have access to the New Testament.

The Bible describes him as the prophesied Messiah, and he desired for people to understand that he was indeed the promised Messiah.It was written about the Christ in the Gospel of Matthew 46.Jesus’ resurrection from the grave was predicted in the Scriptures, and that is exactly what he performed.In order for individuals from all nations to be able to repent and be forgiven of their sins, Jesus died on the cross and rose again.

  • That Jesus died for the Jewish people was only a part of the story.
  • Every nation’s crimes were atoned for by his death, and no one could claim credit for them.
  • According to verse 48, Jesus’ followers were called on to testify about what had happened.
  1. Witnesses to Jesus’ death and resurrection were his disciples and supporters.
  2. They witnessed him die, and when he came back to life, they touched the nail imprints on his hands and feet.
  3. Their suspicions were confirmed.
  4. Jesus walked out of the city and was immediately carried back to heaven.
  • They were filled with delight instead of being unhappy like the rest of him.
  • They began spreading the word almost immediately.
  • What a difference it made in the disciples’ lives.
  • It was a dramatic transformation from hiding behind locked doors to freely declaring the message of Jesus to all people.
  • No longer were they intimidated.
  • They were free.
  • They were aware that Jesus had risen from the dead and that their sins had been washed away.
  • The promise of eternal life from Jesus meant that no matter what occurred on earth, they would go to paradise after death.

Prayer Time

  • Gratitude to God for Jesus’ Resurrection, as well as for his victory over sin and death.
  • Ask God to give you the strength and courage to put your confidence in Jesus and to share the gospel with others.

ABC 2018 Easter Lessons (Excerpt)

Using two lessons that chronicle Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, his crucifixion, and his Resurrection, you may help your pupils focus on the true significance of Easter. Look through the Children’s Book

Where did Christ go after he died and before He rose from the dead?

According to some, Ephesians 4:7-10 teaches that Jesus descended to hell or Hades in order to free the people who were imprisoned there and bring them to heaven or into God’s presence.The belief is that, prior to His death, all Old Testament Christians were in Abraham’s bosom, which is considered to be the paradise portion of the underworld.Hades, also known as Sheol, was traditionally thought to be a place of the dead divided into three areas or compartments: (1) the abyss or tartarus, which was thought to be the place of confinement for demons who sinned during the days of Noah; (2) torments, which was thought to be the place of suffering for all unbelievers until the time of the resurrection of the unjust and the Great White Throne Judgment when they will be cast eternal The fact that Christ had not yet died to atone for their sin meant that they were not yet able to enter God’s presence without passing through a mediator.

After His death, however, the barrier was broken through, and He was able to bring them out of jail and into God’s presence once more.In contrast, the passage in Ephesians refers only to Christ’s descent to earth and perhaps even to the grave: ″of the earth″ is better understood as an appositional phrase, implying that Christ descended (at His incarnation) into the lower parts (of the universe), namely, the earth at His incarnation, or perhaps even into the grave following His death on the cross, rather than ascending (at His resurrection).Instead of the Old Testament believers who were imprisoned in Paradise, Jesus’ captives were those whom He conquered via His death and resurrection.

See also:  Who Hung Jesus

Satan and his demon horde are mentioned, which corresponds to the parallel of the Roman triumph that Paul was thinking about (see Col.2:14-15).Another verse that is frequently cited in this context is 1 Peter 3:18-20, which appears to allude to Christ’s spirit announcing His victory over death to the demons who were imprisoned in the abyss, according to the context.There is some speculation that this text refers to a triumphant declaration that He made while His body was in the tomb, however Bible students and academics are divided on the subject.When it comes to paradise and Abraham’s bosom, the chasm that has been established between the two compartments in heaven is most likely the heavens themselves.Remember that Elijah was brought up into the presence of the Lord.

  • Because of the necessity for Christ’s sacrifice to remove the barrier, Old Testament saints may not have been admitted into God’s immediate presence, but Sheol or Hades (the realm of the dead) was a paradise for them, and they were somewhere in the third heaven, according to some scholars.
  • Please keep in mind that Sheol or Hades is a reference to a region of the dead, and the specific state and location (heaven or hell) depends on whether or not the passage is talking to believers or unbelievers.
  • In certain cases, depending on the context, it simply refers to the graveyard.
  • Resurrection, Hell, and Heaven are all topics that are related.

Everyday Religion: Following the path of Jesus after the Resurrection

Earl Crow is the author of this piece.This is a one-time publication for the Journal.Q: Why did Jesus choose to remain on Earth for 40 days rather than ascending to heaven after his death?Answer: The number 40 appears several times in the Scriptures.

The Bible reads, for example, in Genesis 7:12, ″And it rained on the earth for forty days and forty nights.″ Jesus spent 40 days in the desert, being tempted by Satan, according to Mark 1:13 (New International Version).Forty days might be connected with a period of testing or stress, or it could simply be a standard unit of time measurement.If you look at the biblical tales of his appearances after his resurrection, you’ll be able to figure out what he was up to during those 40 days.They provide us an understanding of this time period as well as explanations of some of the most significant parts of Christian beliefs.His outward looks supported the key argument that he had defeated death and offered the promise of everlasting life in exchange for his victory.

When Thomas expressed his skepticism regarding Jesus’ resurrection, Jesus instructed him to come close to him.″My Lord and my God,″ Thomas said, as he had been instructed.During a sermon in John 20:29, Jesus stated that ″Thomas, because you have seen me, you have believed; lucky are those who have not seen and yet have believed.″ As a result of this remark, it became clear how important it is to have trust.

Thomas realized at that point that Jesus had defeated death.In Luke 24:30-32, Jesus, in company with his followers, broke bread with them as they participated in the covenant of Holy Communion.In his message, Jesus urged the disciples to carry out their duty to preach the gospel and lay the groundwork for the establishment of the church.Matthew 28:19 states that the disciples were to ″go therefore and make disciples of all countries, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.″ He had given them the authority to disseminate the teachings of the faith so that others would accept them.″Peace be with you,″ Jesus says in John 20:21-23.The Father has sent me, and I am sending you,’ says the Son.’ Then, once he had spoken this, he breathed on them and said to them, ″Receive the Holy Spirit.″ The forgiveness of sins is reciprocated; if you refuse forgiveness from someone, forgiveness is withdrawn from them.″

Jesus ascended after 40 days, but didn’t leave us alone

Jesus appeared to many individuals during the 40 days following his resurrection, according to Acts 1:3.The Gospels and the book of Acts detail several of these appearances, and the apostle Paul also testifies to Jesus’ multiple resurrection appearances in 1 Corinthians.Then, 40 days after His resurrection, Jesus ascended into the heavens to complete His mission.It was the 40th day following Easter, and many churches celebrated His ascension on May 27; however, others will wait until this Sunday to do so.

In the end, Jesus, who declared Himself to be God and then demonstrated that claim by rising from the dead, completed His purpose on earth.All who believe in Him will have everlasting life since He died for the sins of the world and rose again to give them life in the hereafter.After completing His task, He ascended into the celestial realm.Jesus didn’t abandon us without a word.He promised to send a helper, who would be known as the Holy Spirit.

″He will take what is mine and disclose it to you,″ Jesus warned the apostles twice in John 16, according to the Bible.(This is the English Standard Version.) Because of the Word of God, the Holy Spirit directs people to Jesus so that they may hear and believe that Jesus is the Saviour of the entire world.As a result, the apostle Peter would later remark of the Word of God, ″Men spake from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit,″ referring to the men who spoke from God.

Jesus told His followers that He would never desert them.Indeed, towards the conclusion of Matthew’s Gospel, in verse 20, He adds, ″I will be with you always, until the end of the age.″ By His Word, Jesus continues to be with His people.In John 8:31-32, Jesus stated, ″If you abide in my word, you are really my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.″ If you dwell in Jesus’ word, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.A little later (in 14:6), Jesus would proclaim, ″I am the way and the truth, and the life.″ He who comes in the name of the truth will be found in His Word.These two are inextricably linked because His Word reveals to all people who He is and what He has done for all of humanity.Jesus also stated that He will return on the day of judgment.

A pair of angels appeared to the disciples as Jesus was rising into heaven and said, ″Why are you standing here staring into heaven?″ This Jesus, who was carried up from you into heaven, will return in the same manner in which you witnessed him go into heaven.″ (See Acts 1:11).In the same way that Jesus climbed into heaven in all of His glory, He will descend into hell in all of His glory on the final day of the week.It will be a wonderful day for everyone who believes in it.″The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God,″ writes the apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17: ″The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God.″ So, first, the dead in Christ will rise, followed by us who are alive, and so we shall always be with the Lord.″ A wonderful day of delight has arrived, and the Bible concludes with the most appropriate words in Revelation 22:20, which read: “Amen.″Come, Lord Jesus, come!″ Travis E.Lauterbach serves as the pastor of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, which is located at Falcon Mesa Business Park, 350 Falcon Ridge Parkway, Building 600, in Phoenix, Arizona.

Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m., there will be a worship service.

Why did Jesus Rise on the Third Day?

Derek Hiebert contributed to this article. 1 year ago today

Why did Jesus Rise on the Third Day?

For centuries, the Christian church has observed the resurrection of Jesus Christ on a Sunday, three days after commemorating his death on Good Friday.This practice has continued today.According to multiple passages in the New Testament, this timetable of three days is accurate.Many times, Jesus foretold it, and the apostles included it in their delivery of the gospel message as well (see footnote references).

However, why did Jesus’ resurrection take place three days after his death is a mystery.According to eyewitnesses, it appears that Jesus might have risen one day, two days, or even four days after his death and the resurrection would still be considered historically credible.Is the third day only a coincidental, insignificant element put on to the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection?Is this a coincidence, or does it have any significance?

The Third Day Matters

Timing is extremely important for Jesus and his apostles because it has significant theological ramifications.When it comes to biblical story, the three-day timeframe is important because it represents the one-of-a-kind day on which God creates new life and activates his covenant with mankind.How did the writers of the New Testament get at this conclusion?After all, the Hebrew Scriptures have a constant ″third day″ design pattern, which Jesus and the New Testament authors are using as a model.

Investigating this pattern for ourselves can help us gain a better understanding of the Easter celebration.

The Third Day Pattern in the Hebrew Bible

The passages Jonah 1:17 and Hosea 6:1-2 in the Hebrew Scriptures are among the clearest illustrations of third-day resurrection in the whole Bible.Jesus used Jonah’s three days in the belly of the huge fish as a metaphor for his own three days in the belly of the great fish.The prophet Hosea predicted that God’s reviving operation for Israel would take place on the third day.While these are important passages to study, the pattern of resurrection on the third day is established far earlier in the tale of Jesus.

There are three passages earlier in the Hebrew Bible’s narrative that begin to develop a pattern of new life emerging on the third day: the creation narrative in Genesis 1, Abraham’s test in Genesis 22, and the Israelites at Sinai in Exodus 19.The creation narrative in Genesis 1 and Abraham’s test in Genesis 22 both begin to develop a pattern of new life emerging on the third day.

The First “Resurrection”

What is the location of the initial glimpse into the three-day significance?The first page of the Bible.The creation story in Genesis 1 is written in the style of a poetry, with repeated declarations and parallelism between events.Within the rhythm of these repeats, two events in the creation tale stand out as particularly noteworthy, each occurring at a three-day interval and occurring at different points in the narrative.

During the first ″third day,″ God creates dry ground and enables flora to emerge from the soil, including plants that produce seeds as well as trees that give fruit for human use (1:11-13).The image depicted here is of fresh life sprouting or rising up from the earth, which represents a place of non-existence or death in this case.The second ″third day″ event occurs on the sixth day of creation, when God produces animals and human beings for the first time (1:24).It is similar to the previous ″third day,″ in that the earth will give birth to live creatures, according to the scripture (1:24-27).Humans were produced from the dust of the earth, according to what we learn later in the book (2:7).

This is another example of how new life may be sprung from the earth.Take note of the parallels between humans and trees: both are newly generated from the ground (2:7, 9), both carry seeds and produce fruit (1:11, 28; 3:15), and both are made in this manner on the third day of creation.One thing that distinguishes people from other animals, however, is that they are created in God’s image, and that God enters into a covenant with human beings, blessing and instructing them in their behavior.

A Pattern Emerges

There are three major characteristics of the ″third day″ events in Genesis 1 that serve as a template for subsequent events:

  1. God brings new life where there was once only death (1:11-13
  2. 26-27
  3. 2:7)
  4. God establishes his covenant with the creatures he has newly created, in this case humans (1:28-29)
  5. God creates new life where there was once only death (1:11-13
  6. 26-27
  7. 2:7)
  8. God creates new life where there was once only death (1:11-13
  9. 26-27
  10. 2:7)
  11. God creates new life where there was once only death (1:11-13
  12. 26
  13. In Eden, which we understand to be a lofty site from which a river runs out (2:10-14), the event takes place.

It is impossible to emphasize the significance of this picture and pattern, since it serves as a precedent for future resurrections to come.

Abraham’s Test on the Third Day

Is there any other place where this pattern can be found?Abraham is put to the test by God in yet another ″third day″ occurrence, which is one of the most interesting events in all of Scripture (Genesis 22:1-19).When God commands Abraham to present his only son Isaac as a burned offering on a mountain, the Bible states that Abraham spotted the location from a distance on the third day and proceeded to complete the test (22:4).God wants Abraham to learn to put his confidence in him when it comes to the covenant and the blessing of offspring in this scenario.

Ultimately, God is responsible for providing the sacrifice and bringing his covenant’s intentions to completion.The connection to the ″third day″ idea is established by a strikingly vivid act of atonement performed by God, in which he substitutes a ram for Isaac (22:13-14).We learn that this deed is part of a bigger covenant endeavor to increase Abraham’s descendants and, through them, bless the nations, which we will discuss later (22:17-18).On the third day, we notice the same trend as we did on the first:

  1. God working to bring fresh life, in this case to Isaac by his life being spared and to Abraham with the return of his son (22:11-14).
  2. (Genesis 22:17-18) God confirms his bond with Abraham, using language and ideas identical with Genesis 1:28
  3. (22:2, 14) This event takes place on the summit of a mountain.

Israel’s Third Day at Sinai

It is God’s action to bring fresh life, in this case to Isaac by his life being spared and to Abraham through the return of his son (22:11-14).
(22:17-18) God reinforces his promise with Abraham by employing language and concep

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