How Many Commandments Did Jesus Give In The New Testament?

How many commandments did God give Moses in total?

According to God’s declaration, the Israelites were his own people, and they were obligated to listen to God and observe His commandments. These commandments were the Ten Commandments, which were handed to Moses on two stone tablets, and they laid out the fundamental principles that would govern the lives of the Israelites for the rest of their days.

What are the 613 commandments in the Bible?

  • THE 613 MITZVOT (Mitzvah Vote) It is comforting to know that there is a God. (Exodus 20:2)
  • not to worship any other gods. Knowing that He is one (Exodus 20:3)
  • to understand that He is one. (Deuteronomy 6:4)
  • to have a heartfelt devotion to Him. (Deuteronomy 6:5)
  • to be terrified of Him. (Deuteronomy 10:20)
  • in order to make His Name holy. .
  • in order not to insult His Name. .
  • to worship Him as He has commanded and to refrain from defiling sacred artifacts

How many laws did God give?

However, there are others: According to medieval sages, there are a total of 613 commandments in the Bible, spanning from Genesis to Deuteronomy. A large number of the 613 are no longer in use.

What are the 7 Laws of Moses?

One of the Seven Laws of Noah is the ban against worshipping idols and cursing God. Other prohibitions include murder, adultery and sexual immorality, theft, eating meat ripped from a living animal, and the requirement to create courts of justice.

Are the 10 commandments the law of God?

The Ten Commandments are a series of rules or commandments that were given to Moses. According to the Bible, God gave them to the people of Israel as a gift. There are several distinct versions of the commandments.

How many commandments did Jesus give in the New Testament?

In the narrative, a guy inquires as to what steps must be taken in order to obtain eternal life. In response, Jesus recites six Commandments, which appear to be chosen from the customary Mosaic Ten, with the exception of five Commandments that are absent and one that prohibits fraud being added.

Can Christians have tattoos?

Tattooing is frowned upon by certain Christians, who believe it violates the Hebrew commandment (see below). The Hebrew restriction is based on an interpretation of Leviticus 19:28—″Ye must not make any incisions in your flesh for the dead, nor stamp any markings upon you″—in such a way that tattoos and maybe even cosmetics are prohibited.

What is God’s law?

This information comes from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In contrast to man-made law or secular law, divine law is any body of legislation that is viewed as emanating from a transcendent source, such as the will of God or gods. Divine law is distinguished from both man-made law and secular law.

What are the laws that God gave to Moses?

The Ten Commandments are a set of rules for living. Murder, theft, honesty, adultery, and other moral rules are all covered. Property, inheritance, marriage, and divorce are all governed by social rules. Food regulations govern what is considered clean and dirty, as well as how food is prepared and stored.

Do the 10 commandments apply to gentiles?

With the exception of the Seven Laws of Noah, which, according to Rabbinic teachings, apply to all people, Rabbinic Jews assert that Moses presented the Jewish religious laws to the Jewish people and that those laws do not apply to Gentiles (including Christians) and are therefore not applicable to them.

When was the law given to Moses?

Several academics offer a chronology between the 16th and 13th centuries bce, based on the fact that Exodus and Deuteronomy relate the Ten Commandments with Moses, as well as the Sinai Covenant between Yahweh and Israel, respectively.

Who gave the law to Moses?

According to Rabbinic Judaism, God transmitted the Torah to Moses in two parts: the written Torah, which is comprised of the Biblical books of Genesis through Deuteronomy, and the Oral Torah, which was relayed orally from Moses to his successors, to their successors, and finally to the rabbis. The written Torah is comprised of the Biblical books of Genesis through Deuteronomy.

What does Jesus say about the 10 Commandments?

He responds to him by saying, Which? Death, adultery, stealing, false testimony, and honoring one’s father and mother are all commands given by Jesus. He also declared that one should love one’s neighbor as one’s self…. 10 Love does no harm to his neighbor, and as a result, love is the fulfillment of the law in the world.

What is the new law of Jesus?

While the New Testament contains a number of distinct sayings of Jesus that may be defined as ″commandments,″ it only has one that Jesus specifically labeled as one. This is the New Commandment of John 13:34–35, which states that the disciples should love one another as much as he had loved them personally.

What are the two greatest commandments?

If you ask Jesus which is the greatest commandment, he will respond by quoting the Torah: ″Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind,″ before going on to quote another passage: ″Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,″ according to the Christian New Testament. The majority of Christians…

How many commandments did Jesus give in the Bible?

  • The Great Commandment (also known as the Greatest Commandment) is a term used in the New Testament to refer to the first of two commandments cited by Jesus in Matthew 22:35–40, Mark 12:28–34, and Luke 10:27a.
  • It is the first of two commandments cited by Jesus in Matthew 22:35–40, Mark 12:28–34, and Luke 10:27a.
  • More information may be found by clicking here.
  • In a similar vein, the question is posed as to how many commandments Jesus gave in the New Testament.
  • the second and third commandments In the same way, how many orders did Jesus give?
  • The following is a compilation of 49 of Jesus’ instructions, organized alphabetically.
  1. As you go through them, pray to God to assist you in observing these words, applying them, and faithfully following them throughout your life span.
  2. As a result, Jesus started to preach and to proclaim, ″Repent, because the kingdom of heaven is at hand,″ or ″Believe that the kingdom of heaven is at hand.″ Another question is how many commandments are contained inside the Bible.
  3. 613 commandments were given to Moses.
  4. What is the new commandment that Jesus delivered to his disciples?
  5. What does it say?
  1. The commandment was prefaced in John 13:34 by Jesus informing his surviving followers, who he described as ″little children,″ that he will only be with them for a brief period of time before departing from their midst.
  2. When Jesus gave the disciples the Great Commandment, he said, ″Love one another as I have loved you.″

7 Commandments Jesus Gave From the Gospels

It was not just the Ten Commandments that Jesus taught us, but also rules from the Old Testament that went beyond them. What seven commandments did Jesus offer us in the Gospels, and what are they?

Jesus Commandments

  • These rules that Jesus issued in the gospels were not ten recommendations, but ten urgent mandates that we have no place to explain away.
  • They were similar to the Ten Commandments in that they were not ten suggestions, but compelling demands that we have no room to rationalize away.
  • What if Jesus came down to earth, as He is destined to do again, and came to you and commanded you to do something, would you hesitate to follow His instructions?
  • You wouldn’t try to wriggle your way out of a sticky situation, now would you?
  • When Jesus delivers orders to Christians, he is not asking us to do them; rather, he is telling us to do them.
  • Our love for Christ is expressed in our obedience to Him, as Jesus stated, ″If you love me, you will obey my commands″ (John 14:15).
  1. If you don’t love Him, it goes without saying that you won’t obey Him.
  2. Because obedience reveals whether we genuinely love Jesus or not, we must demonstrate our love for Him by following these seven commandments and encouraging others to do the same.
  3. Truly, there are more than seven commandments that were provided by Jesus, as I counted over 30 of them, and there may be more than that.
  4. However, I aim to expose seven of the most important commandments that Jesus gave us in the gospels in this article.

Love One Another

  • John 13:34-35 (KJV) ″I’d like to offer you a new command: Love one another.
  • You must love one another in the same way that I have loved you.
  • By doing so, everyone will recognize you as my disciples, especially if you love one another.″ If we are rescued, then this signifies that we have received ″a new command″ from Jesus, which is addressed to His disciples.
  • Our love for one another is mandated by God, but what is the extent of this love?
  • In the same way that Jesus loved us, we are expected to love one another.
  • That is an extremely difficult task!
  1. If we love one another as Christ loves us, this implies that we will not gossip about others, that we will be servants of others, that we will put others’ interests ahead of our own, and that ″everyone will know that we are disciples″ if we do this.
  2. In this love, we see the evangelistic power of God at work, as men, women, and children are drawn to Christ by the reasoning, ″Look at how they love one another in such a sacrificial way…that is true godly love,″ and so even the unbelievers will see that we are the followers of Jesus Christ.
  3. It is not about religion, but rather about developing a personal relationship with the Son of God.

Pray for your Enemies

  • 5:44-45 (Matthew 5:44-45) ″Do kind to your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be adopted as sons of your heavenly Father.″ Because he causes his sun to rise on the bad and the good, and showers rain on the just and the unjust,″ says the Prophet.
  • For individuals who do not have the Holy Spirit, this mandate is completely out of the question.
  • This would have been completely incomprehensible to the Romans.
  • Really?
  • Do you pray for your adversaries?
  • As a result, this is diametrically opposed to the ways of the world, which is precisely why Jesus commands us to not only pray for our enemies, but also to love them!
  1. Is that even conceivable for human beings?
  2. No, it is not the case.
  3. When we love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us, we are showing love that is comparable to God’s love, which is impossible to achieve without the help of God’s Holy Spirit.
  4. It is he who instructs us to pray for and love them ″in order that″ or in order that we ″may be sons (and daughters) of Father.″ A godly love is one in which we pray for our enemies because Jesus prays for us and died for us while we were still His enemies and wicked sinners.
  5. We should pray for our enemies because Jesus prays for us and died for us while we were still His enemies and wicked sinners (Rom 5:8, 11).


  • Matthew 4:17 is a passage from the Bible that explains how to be a good person.
  • As a result, Jesus began preaching, telling people to repent because the kingdom of heaven was at nigh.
  • You might not conceive of this as a new command, however as we can see, it was implemented in ″ The following day, Jesus began his sermon by saying, ″Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.″ What period of time did Matthew intend to refer to in his gospel?
  • It began when ″Jesus began to preach,″ or when He began His earthly ministry, and continued until the end of time.
  • According to what I could locate, this is the only command that is intended at individuals who have not yet been rescued.
  • In an urgent remark or as a direct demand, Jesus tells his followers to ″repent.″ He never conveys the impression that this is a possibility.
  1. As a result, the kingdom’s being at hand signifies that it is within reach or within an arm’s length, and the appearance of the King of that kingdom, who is Jesus Christ, signifies that the kingdom’s being at hand has been made so by his appearance.

Believe that Jesus is in the Father

  • 14:11 (John 14:11) If you believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or if you trust me on the basis of my actions, I will grant you eternal life.″ At first glance, this does not appear to be a new command from Jesus, but He instructs the disciples, and by extension, instructs us, to ″believe″ in Him and that He is ″in the Father and the Father is in Him.″ He also instructs us to ″believe″ in the Father and that He is ″in the Father and the Father is in Him.″ The fact that Jesus employs the Old Testament word for God, ″I am,″ implies that He is compelling us to accept that He is the ″I AM″ of the Old Testament, even though the majority of people do not understand what He is saying.
  • The four gospels include a total of seven ″I AM″ statements from Jesus.
  • He also instructs us to believe that He and the Father are inseparable and that they are one.
  • Because He pretended to be God, which He obviously is, the Jews wanted to stone Him for saying such things.
  • Some cults do not accept this instruction, and as a result, they do not accept the actual Jesus Christ as their leader.
  • There are numerous other places in which Jesus orders His disciples to believe in Him, thus it is no coincidence that believing is a given instruction in this passage as well (John 14:11).

Take up your Cross and Follow Me

  • Matthew 16:24–25 (KJV) ″At that point, Jesus told his followers, ″If anybody would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.″ For whomever seeks to preserve his or her life will lose it, but whoever loses his or her life for the sake of mine or theirs will find it.″ Jesus instructs his followers, and He tells us, to follow Him; nevertheless, if someone want to follow after Jesus, they must first deny themselves and then ″take up His cross and follow″ Him, as the Bible says.
  • When Jesus declares that if we want to save our lives, we must lose them, and that if we lose our lives for His cause, we shall find them, He is using exaggeration to make his point.
  • I believe He is referring to the fact that we shall be granted eternal life.
  • He has given us the instruction to pick up our crosses and follow him.
  • This is not a suggestion in any way.
  • Choosing to follow Him is a conditional decision; we must accept His cross and deny ourselves in order to do so.
  1. This means that we must give up the things that we enjoy, as well as the things of this world, and take up the things that Jesus suffered.
See also:  What Are The Teachings Of Jesus

Go and Make Disciples

  • Matthew 28:18-20 (NASB) Go, therefore, and make disciples of all countries, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to do all that I have told you.″ And behold, I am with you always, throughout the days of your life, to the end of the age.″ In this case, the demand is straightforward and forceful, similar to the way a father might tell their children to get out of the center of the roadway.
  • There isn’t a backup plan.
  • ″You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and throughout all of Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the world,″ Jesus tells the disciples, and He tells us (Acts 1:8).
  • There are three occasions in the Great Commission that this commandment is presented.
  • This is mentioned three times in the gospels (Matthew and Mark), as well as once right before He ascended (Acts 1:8), indicating that it was of great significance to Christ.
  • The value of any instruction or remark given by Jesus more than once is universally acknowledged, and we are instructed to go and make disciples of all countries, to teach them what Jesus teaches us, and to go into all the world, even if it is only around the corner.

Pray Always

  • Luke 21:36 (NIV) Nonetheless, keep your eyes open at all times, hoping that you will have the strength to escape all of the events that are about to unfold, as well as to stand before the Son of Man. In the context of Luke 21, Jesus instructs us to remain on the lookout since His return might occur at any time (Luke 21:29-35). In addition to praying at all times (Luke 21:36), he instructs us to pray for those who despitefully use us (Luke 6:28), to pray to the Lord of the Harvest for more laborers (Luke 10:2), to pray so that we will not be tempted (Luke 22:40, 46), to pray to the Father in secret (Matt 6:6), to pray for God’s will and the coming of the kingdom (Luke 11:3

″Lord, teach us to preach; teach us to cure; teach us to minister….but teach us to pray″ (Luke 11:1) was not the question the disciples asked Jesus when they arrived because they recognized Jesus as a Man of prayer.


Jesus tells everyone who are not saved to repent (Matt 4:17), to preach the gospel to everyone in the world (Matt 28:18-20), and to pick up our cross and follow Him (Matt 16:24).(Matt 16:24-25).He also instructs us to believe that He is in the Father and that the Father is in Him (John 14:11), to be vigilant and continually pray (Luke 21:36), to love one another as Christ loves them (John 13:34-35), and to pray for our adversaries and those who persecute us (Matthew 6:33-34).(Matt 5:44-45).These are not recommendations, but rather orders from the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ our Savior, who is also our Lord and Savior.

The only question is, do you want me to obey you?Will you do it?Consider the following passages from the Bible about obedience: Bible Verses on the Subject of Obedience a source of information Scripture excerpts are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), which was published by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, in 2001 under copyright protection.Permission has been granted to use.All intellectual property rights are retained.

  1. Commandments, Gospels, Jesus, and Jesus’ statements have all been tagged as

What commandments did Jesus give us?

  • In the Scriptures, Jesus offered several instructions. Some of them were intended for Christians as a whole, while others were intended solely for the disciples, such as Matthew 10:5-15 and Matthew 26:36. Matthew 10:5-15: There are several orders from Jesus that were intended exclusively for the apostles, but which may also be applied to us today. ″And He came to the disciples and found them sleeping. He remarked to Peter, ″So you guys couldn’t keep watch with Me for an hour?″ 41 ″Continue to watch and pray that you will not fall prey to temptation
  • the spirit is willing, but the body is weak.″ ″And He called for the crowds, as well as His disciples, and said to them, ″If anyone desires to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.″ (Matthew 26:40-41) (Matthew 8:34)

We do not include all of Christ’s directives in this section because, as I mentioned before, certain commands were only applicable to the people who lived during the time he walked the planet. However, the following are the precepts of Christ that are applicable to us.

  1. Repent

″From that point on, Jesus started to preach and proclaim, ‘Repent, because the kingdom of heaven is near.’″ (See Matthew 4:17 for further information.)

  1. Follow Him

Afterwards, He instructed them, saying, ″Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.″ (Matthew 4:19; Luke 4:19).

  1. Let your light shine

The Bible says, ″Let your light shine before mankind in such a way that they may see your good deeds and praise your heavenly Father who is in heaven.″ (See Matthew 5:16.)

  1. Be reconciled

″If you are bringing your offering at the altar and you recall that your brother has something against you, 24 leave your offering there before the altar and depart; first make peace with your brother, and then come and present your offering,″ says the Bible. (Matthew 5:23–24; Mark 10:23–24).

  1. Don’t Lust

It has been declared, ‘YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY,’ but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already done adultery against her in his heart.″ It is preferable for you to lose one of your body parts than for your entire body to be sent into hell, if your right eye causes you to stumble.″ ″If your right eye causes you to stumble, tear it out and toss it away.″ 30 It is preferable for you to lose one of the parts of your body than for your entire body to perish in hell, therefore if your right hand causes you to stumble, chop it off and toss it away.(Matthew 5:27–30; Mark 10:27–30).

  1. Make no oaths

I say to you, make no oath at all, either by heaven, since it is the seat of God, or by any other means. 37 But keep your response to a simple ‘Yes, yes’ or a ‘No, no’; anything beyond that is wicked.″ The Bible says (Matthew 5:34, 37).

  1. Don’t resist evil with evil

″But I say to you, do not oppose an evil person; rather, whomever slaps you on the right cheek should turn the other cheek to him as well.401 ″If somebody wants to sue you and take your shirt, he should also be allowed to take your coat.″ 41 ″If someone compels you to go one mile, walk with him for two.42.1 ″Don’t refuse to give to anybody who asks you for something, and don’t turn away anyone who begs you for something.″ (Matthew 5:39-42; Luke 5:39-42)

  1. Love and pray for your enemies

‘However, I say to you, love your opponents and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your your Father who is in heaven; for He permits His sun to rise on the wicked and the good, and He sends rain on the just and the unjust.″ 46 ″How can you be rewarded for loving people who love you if you don’t love yourself?What makes you think that even the tax collectors don’t do the same?″ (5:44–46) (Matthew 5:44–46)

  1. Be perfect (in love)

Therefore, you must strive to be perfect in the same way that your heavenly Father is perfect. (See Matthew 5:48.)

  1. Seek God’s Kingdom first

And He will add all these things to you if you seek first His kingdom, His righteousness, and His salvation.″ (See Matthew 6:33.)

  1. Don’t Judge
  1. “Do not judge so that you will not be judged.” (Matthew 7:1).
  1. Don’t give what is holy to dogs

It is forbidden to offer what is sacred to dogs, and it is forbidden to cast pearls before swine; otherwise, they would crush them under their feet, and turn and rip you to pieces.″ The Bible says (Matthew 7:6).

  1. Treat people as you want to be treated

″Therefore, in everything, treat people the way you would like them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Teachings of the Prophets.″ (See Matthew 7:12 for more information.)

  1. Enter (heaven) through the narrow gate

″Enter through the small gate; for the gate is wide and the route is broad that leads to disaster, and there are many who enter through it.″ ″Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to ruin, and there are many who enter through it.″ 14 In other words, ″The door to life is small, and the road leading to it is narrow, and only a few people find it.″ (See Matthew 7:13-14.)

  1. Beware of false prophets

In this world, be on the lookout for false prophets, who come to you dressed as lambs on the outside, but who are on the inside hungry wolves. (Matthew 7:15–16; Luke 7:15–16).

  1. Follow Jesus

In other words, ″Follow Me, and let the dead bury their own dead.″ (See Matthew 8:22.)

  1. Ask God to send out workers

His followers then heard Him say, ″The harvest is bountiful, but the labourers are few. 38 Therefore, implore the Lord of harvest to send out labourers into His harvest,″ the Bible says. (Matthew 9:37–38; Mark 10:37–38).

  1. Don’t fear those who can kill the body

Do not be frightened by those who can murder the body but are unable to kill the soul; rather, be frightened of Him who is capable of destroying both the soul and the body in hell.″ (Matthew 10:28; Mark 10:28).

  1. Come to Jesus for rest

″Come to Me, all you who are tired and burdened, and I will give you rest,″ the Lord says. (Matthew 11:28; Luke 11:28).

  1. Confront brothers in private first

″If your brother sins, go to him in secret and show him his wrong; if he listens to you, you have won your brother over to your side.″ (16:15–17) (Matthew 18:15-17).

  1. Forgive Seven times Seventy

In response, Jesus stated, ‘I do not say to you up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.’″ (Matthew 18:21–22; Mark 10:21–22; Luke 10:21–22; Luke 10:21–22; Matthew 18:21–22; Mark 10:21–22; Matthew 18:21–22; Matthew 18:21–22; Matthew 18:21–22; Matthew 18:21–22; Matthew 18:21–22; Matthew 18:21–22; Matthew 18:21–22; Matthew 18:21–22; Matthew 18:21–22; Matthew 18:21

  1. Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s

″They called Him ″Caesar’s,″ He said. Following that, He instructed the crowds, ″Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.″ (Matthew 22:21; Mark 12:21).

  1. Love God

In response, He said: ″YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, WITH ALL YOUR MIND.″ (Matthew 22:37–38; Mark 12:37–38; Luke 12:37–38).

  1. Love your Neighbor

In the same vein, ″YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF″ is found in the second commandment. (Matthew 22:39; Mark 12:39).

  1. Partake of Communion

While they were eating, Jesus took some bread and, after blessing it, broke it and handed it to the disciples, telling them, ″Take, eat; this is My body. ″ 27 And when He had taken a cup and shown gratitude, He handed it to them, instructing them to ″drink from it, all of you.″ (Matthew 26:26–27; Mark 10:26–27).

  1. Keep guard against sin

″Continue to watch and pray that you will not fall prey to temptation; the spirit is willing, but the body is weak,″ says the apostle Paul. (Matthew 26:41; Mark 12:41).

  1. Make Disciples

20 Teach them to observe all that I commanded them; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age,″ Jesus said. ″Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.″ (See Matthew 28:19-20.)

  1. Preach the Gospel

″And He commanded them, saying, ″Go into all the world and preach the gospel to everyone who will listen.″ (Matthew 16:15)

  1. Be on guard against greed

When they asked for advice, He told them, ″Beware, and be on your alert against any sort of greed; for even when one has an abundance, his life does not consist only of his belongings.″ (See Luke 12:15.)

  1. Invite the poor

As He continued, He advised those who had invited Him, ″When you have a luncheon or supper, do not invite your friends or brothers or cousins or wealthy neighbors for fear that they would invite you in return and that will be your payback.″ But when you have a party, invite the poor and needy as well as the handicapped and disabled as well as those who are blind, and you will be blessed because they will not be able to repay you; for they will be repaid at the resurrection of those who have done good.(See also Luke 14:12–14.)

  1. Love one another
  1. ″I offer you a new commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you, that you love one another as I have loved you.″ ″A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another as I have loved you.″ According to Jesus’ words in John 13:34, ″This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.″ ″This I order you, that you love one another,″ says Jesus in John 15:12. (See also John 15:17.)

How Many Commandments Did Jesus Give In The New Testament? – Children Bible

In response, Jesus reads a list of the Ten Commandments in Hebrew, which he then answers. Five of them are gone, and one against fraud has been added, but one of them had previously been deleted, according to the author of the article.

How Many Commands Did Jesus Give In The New Testament?

According to the New Testament, Christians are required to follow 1,050 commandments. Because they recur so frequently, the vast majority of them are classed under about 800 categories. Each of these papers captures the core of how humans relate to God, his brethren, and the rest of creation, both now and in the future.

What Are The 49 Commandments Of Jesus?

  1. You have the ability to change your life
  2. Take my lead and do everything I say.
  3. There is nothing more satisfying than having your flaws pointed out by others.
  4. How’s the gleaming?
  5. Make every effort to reconcile with your adversaries.
  6. Lust for something or have no desire for anything
  7. Make certain that your remarks are not forgotten
  8. one cheek. After that, switch to the opposite side.

Where Are The Commandments In The New Testament?

Following the first and second commandments, the New Testament gives a series of six commandments known as ″The Six Commandments″ (Matthew 24:25-40), which are referred to as ″The Six Commandments.″ When another learned of this, he talked about everlasting life, saying, ″O Good Master, what good deed should I do so I may have eternal life?″

Is The 4Th Commandment In The New Testament?

″Remember the sabbath day, so that it may continue to exist,″ it was written. (See Exodus 20:8 for further information.) As part of this section of the Law, the task is to better comprehend what is being communicated. It is founded on a clear text from the New Testament.

What Are The Commands Of The New Covenant?

As long as they have one heart, they will follow My statutes and obey My ordinances, and they will do so in My life; as long as they shed their stony skin and replace its flesh with their flesh, they will live in My life.

What Was Jesus Only Commandment?

When the Lord Jesus came to him and pleaded for pardon, he said, ″Your heart must be pure before me.″ Furthermore, he bestowed upon thee the gift of love.It is considered to be one of the great commandments.There is another one like It, and thou shall love the one as thou lovest yourself, as well as the third.Those two commandments ban the hanging of the law; on the third and final hand, if the law is hung, it is followed by the hanging of the prophets.

What Are The God’S Commandments?

  1. Your God is Lord, and I am the Lord of your people.
  2. It is forbidden to leave any stone unturned in the name of the Lord your God.
  3. It is necessary to worship on the Sabbath day
  4. else, the day is wasted.
  5. You should respect and revere both of your parents.
  6. There will be no bloodshed
  7. this is a promise.
  8. This is a non-negotiable requirement. By violating it, you will not be committing adultery
  9. No one will take from you
  10. no one will harm you.
  11. The rule that your neighbor has established is that you will not furnish a false witness to them.

What Is The 4Th Commandment In Bible?

In accordance with the Fourth Commandment of the Ten Commandments, ″Remember the Sabbath Day to ensure that it remains holy, except when the Sabbath occurs,″ dividing the Babylonian empire into four groups: Hellenistic Jews, Greek Orthodox Christians, Protestant Protestants, and gentiles; or the Talmudic division into four groups: Hellenistic Jews, Greek Orthodox Christians, Protestant Protestants, and gentiles.

How many commandments did Jesus give in the New Testament?

The New Testament has 1,050 instructions that Christians are expected to follow.Because of the repetitions, we may classify them under about 800 different categories.Every element of man’s existence in his connection with God and his fellowmen, both now and in the afterlife, is covered in detail.More information may be found by clicking here.The question that follows is, what are the commands of Christ in the New Testament?

To this, Jesus said, ″Thou must love the Lord thy God with all of thy heart, and with all of thy soul, and with all of thy mind.″ The first and most important commandment is this.The second commandment is similar to the first: ″Thou shall love your neighbor as thyself.″ All of the law and all of the prophets are hung on these two commandments.Therefore, the issue is, what exactly is the new covenant in the New Testament?When one professes faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and God, according to the Christian perspective, a new connection between God and mankind is established, which must encompass all people, Jews and Gentiles alike, upon a true statement that one believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and God.What is the next commandment that Jesus offered to his followers, in the same way?

  1. It is commonly referred to as the ″New Commandment″ in Christianity, and it refers to Jesus’ commandment to ″love one another,″ which, according to the Bible, was given as part of his final instructions to his disciples after the Last Supper had concluded and after Judas Iscariot had left the scene in John 13:30.
  2. Is there a book that contains nothing except the words of Jesus?
  3. ONLY Jesus’ words, ONLY the Words of life, is exactly what it says on the tin; it is nothing else.

Whether you are reading Jesus’ teachings for the first time or for the hundredth time, this book will provide you with a fresh perspective and comprehension of them.

How Many Commands Did Jesus Give In The New Testament? – Children Bible

This list of one hundred fifty commands from the New Testament must be followed by every Christian. Our ability to categorise them according to about 800 categories is due to the fact that they have been repeated multiple times. It is through the study of these five volumes that a man can get a complete understanding of his connection with God and his fellow man, both now and in the future.

How Many Commandments Did Jesus Give In The New Testament?

It appears from Jesus’ response that he has given six Commandments, which appear to have been derived from an older Mosaic Ten with the exception of five Commandments being omitted and the addition of a fraud clause.

What Are The Commands Of Jesus?

Those who follow these initial commands are called to repent (Matt 4:17), approach Christ, love God only (and only him), receive the Holy Spirit, be conformed to the life of his Son (John 4:2), choose the righteous path and serve the Almighty (Luke 13:24), worship God according to truth and truth alone (Matt 4:17), and worship God according to truth and truth alone with grace.

Where Are The Commandments In The New Testament?

Matthew 19:16–19 has five examples of Jesus demonstrating the 10 Commandments of God on various occasions following his first and final great commandments (Matthew 22:34–40), including his first and last great commandments. As you can see, he said, ″What nice thing will I do to ensure that I live a long and healthy life, my beloved friend?″

What Was Jesus New Commandment?

On several occasions throughout his early life, Jesus instructed his followers to love one another and to dress in their best apparel, instructions which were inspired by his remarks from the Last Supper, among other sources. As soon as Judas Iscariot resigned in Revelation 15, there was no more purpose for it until His Second Coming.

What Are The Commands Of The New Covenant?

Its hard heart will be removed from their body, and I will provide them a heart as a result of my ordinances leading them into My laws, and I will grant them a heart.

How Many Commands Did Jesus Have?

What was Jesus’ perspective on the commandments as he followed them? Jesus recites six Commandments, which appear to be chosen from the Ten Commandments of Moses, with the exception of one, and which include five that cannot be circumvented. The narrative revolves around an earthly man who approaches Jesus and asks for assistance in obtaining eternal life.

What Are All God’S Commands?

  1. Please keep in mind that the Lord is one and the same as God. Hello, my name is Jesus.
  2. If you are the Lord, you will not desert your God
  3. You must do this in order to maintain the sanctity of the Sabbath day.
  4. You should show respect to your father and mother, who gave you life.
  5. There will be no bloodshed
  6. this is a promise.
  7. It is not appropriate to have an extramarital affair.
  8. You have absolutely no intention of stealing from us.
  9. You have no choice but to refrain from making false witness claims against your neighbor.

What Are The 49 Commandments Of Jesus?

  1. Improve your quality of life by making some adjustments.
  2. I’ve set a good example for you.
  3. Your pleasure is determined on the opinions of others.
  4. Shine!…
  5. Obey your enemy and follow their orders no matter what they say
  6. It is not acceptable to desire.
  7. Maintain your word.
  8. Take a deep breath in and out. Make a slap on the other cheek

What Is Jesus New And Greatest Commandment?

It says in the New Testament that he looked up the highest commandments in the law and asked me: ″Teacher, whose greatest commandment in the law concerning you is: ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, but also with all your mind,’″ he said.″It is the greatest and most basic commandment to lead by this.″ When I repeat it in another breath, I mean, ″You must love your neighbor who is on the other end of the phone line.″

What Are The Commandments Of Jesus?

  1. The tenth stated that he did not believe in any other gods.
  2. It is not even possible for a graven image to make thee a widow (Exodus 20:4).
  3. (Exodus 20:7
  4. 21:7) Never be conceited about the Lord your God
  5. As Abraham 20:8 instructs his followers, ″Observe the sabbath day, keep it holy
  6. you may never forget, or shall always remember, your sins″ (Exodus 3:21), so must we.

How Many Commandments In New Testament? – Children Bible

To the New Testament, Christians have to obey over 1,050 commands. Our classifications can exceed 800 headings because they are repeated frequently. Each part of mankind’s experience is outlined in terms of God, his fellowmen, and this and that through them.

How Many Commandments Did Jesus Give In The New Testament?

After that, Jesus recites six Commandments from the Mosaic Ten, with the exception of five that were missing and one that was added to protect against fraud.

Are There 10 Commandments In The New Testament?

(The Bible has two entire sets of the Ten Commandments) (Exodus 20:2-17 and Deut. 5:6-21). Additional elements of the Ten Commandments are included in Leviticus 19 (see verses 3-4; 11-13; 15-16; 30, 32); and the Last Days are alluded to specifically in Exodus 34:14-26, but they may also be referred to as Decalogues (see Exodus 34:14-26).

What Is God’S Commandment In The New Testament?

The greatest commandment, according to the Christian New Testament, is to love the Lord with all of one’s heart, soul, and mind. In a second chapter, which also addresses the first time you passed through the Torah, it is said that you should love your The Most Christian of all.

Is The 4Th Commandment In The New Testament?

(See Exodus 20:8 for further information.) Remembering the sabbath day is important in order to keep it holy. In this portion of the law, we are confronted with a clear text from the New Testament that speaks to the nature of the message.

What Are The 2 Commandments In The New Testament?

I believe that Matthew 22:37-39 captures the essence of the notion of love in relation to God fairly effectively.As you put it, ″all love with everything in you; with your whole heart; with your whole soul; with your entire thoughts; with your entire existence.″ It is those who adhere to this commandment that are considered the most holy of all.″On top of that, he is such a thing as unto it.″ He loves his neighbor as much as he loves himself.″

What Is The 4Th Commandment In Bible?

There may be a reference to ″Remembering the sabbath day, to keep it holy,″ or, according to the Philonic split of early Judaism, Orthodoxy, Protestants, and notably Jews in the third century may be divided inside the Torah in the fourth commandment of the Ten Commandments.

Where Are The Commandments In The New Testament?

Matthew 19–16, for example, has a summary of Jesus’ Ten Commandments that is utilized in Matthew 22:34–39, where Jesus repeats a number of the Ten Commandments before adding the second to a later commandment after the first and second, which is referred to as the great commandment.What good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life, asked the Good Master in a voice from above.What good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life, asked the Good Master.

The 10 Commandments in the New Testament

Many individuals, including many Christians, are perplexed as to whether or not Christians should adhere to the Ten Commandments in their daily lives.There should be no room for ambiguity.Exodus 20:1–4 states that the only individuals participating in God’s covenant with Israel were the Israelites and those who chose to dwell with them.This covenant, which included the Ten Commandments, was never extended to anybody else…at any time.

Christians were never subjected to the laws of the land.When I explain this to others, they express dissatisfaction because they do not understand what the Bible teaches about the Law.They argue that since we are not subject to the Law, we are free to steal, kill, and worship other gods as we like.They’re not asking it in a serious manner, as if they’re genuinely interested in the response.They are claiming that by pointing out that Christians are not subject to the Law, I am implying that God is unconcerned about people’s actions.

  1. Despite the fact that Christians do not have to follow the Mosaic Rule, this does not imply that we have no law at all.
  2. ″If you love me, obey my instructions,″ Jesus stated.
  3. Prior to his ascension into Heaven, Jesus instructed his followers to ″create disciples″ and ″teach them to obey all I have ordered you.″ That appears to be very self-explanatory.

We have commandments, but they are not derived from the Law, but rather from Jesus.The New Testament contains nine of the Ten Commandments, which are not included in the Old Testament.Christians are not permitted to steal, kill, or worship other gods, according to this doctrine.

It may seem ridiculous to have to mention it, but people are perplexed, and it is necessary to clarify.The following are only a handful of the numerous instances in which the Ten Commandments are repeated in the New Testament.We’ll get to the commandment that’s been left out at the conclusion of this piece.

1 You shall have no other gods before me. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.Matthew 22:37
2 Do not make for yourselves objects of worship. Dear children, keep yourself from idols.1 John 5:21
3 You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. Do not swear – not by heaven or by earth or by anything else.James 5:12
4 Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Not Commanded
5 Honor your father and your mother. Honor your father and mother.Matthew 19:16-21
6 You shall not murder. You shall not murder.Matthew 19:16-21
7 You shall not commit adultery. You shall not commit adultery.Matthew 19:16-21
8 You shall not steal. You shall not steal.Matthew 19:16-21
9 You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. You shall not give false testimonyMatthew 19:16-21
10 You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor. Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.Colossians 3:5

The fact that these instructions are found in the New Testament makes it apparent that Christians are required to follow them… Not because they are a part of the old covenant that God established with Moses, but rather because they are a part of the new covenant that Jesus established with the entire world.

The Missing Commandment

According to the New Testament, there is no commandment to keep any sabbath days.All of the other commandments are repeated, but just that one is left out of the mix.Why?Because, in contrast to the others, there is no longer any requirement for a sabbath to be observed.This day was established as a commemoration of God’s labor in Genesis, and it served as a point of reference for God’s act of dying on the cross for the sins of all mankind.

The sabbath was a harbinger of a future reality, and that future reality has arrived.Here’s how the apostle Paul put it in his own words: We were held in detention under the law prior to the establishment of this faith, and we were kept there until the faith that was to be established was revealed.As a result, the law served as our watchdog until Christ arrived, allowing us to be justified by faith.We are no longer under the protection of a guardian now that we have faith.3.23.25 Galatians 3:23.25 More information on why Christians do not observe the first sabbath may be found here.

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New Commandment – Wikipedia

It is commonly referred to as the ″New Commandment″ in Christianity, and it refers to Jesus’ commandment to ″love one another,″ which, according to the Bible, was given as part of his final instructions to his disciples after the Last Supper had concluded and after Judas Iscariot had left the scene in John 13:30.While I am with you, please allow me to spend some time with your tiny ones.Yahweh will seek me out; and just as I said to the Jews, ″Whither I go, you shall not come,″ so now I say to you.34 Another commandment I give you is to love one another as I have loved you; in the same way, I tell you to love one another as I love you.35 If you have love for one another, all men will know that you are my followers, according to John 13:33–35.

(King James Version; emphasis added) In the New Testament, this commandment comes thirteen times in twelve verses, making it the most frequent commandment in the Bible.On the theological level, this commandment is viewed as being in opposition to Christ’s love for his disciples.The commandment might alternatively be seen as the final request expressed to the disciples during the Farewell Discourse.

Gospel of John

  • John 13:34–35 records Jesus’ declaration of the new commandment, which took place after the Last Supper and after Judas had left the building. The commandment was prefaced in John 13:34 by Jesus informing his surviving followers, who he described as ″little children,″ that he will only be with them for a brief period of time before departing from their midst. When Jesus gave the disciples the Great Commandment, he said, ″Love one another as I have loved you.″ The earliest mention of Peter’s Denials occurred immediately after the commandment and before the Farewell Discourse, when Jesus foretold that Peter would deny him three times before the cock crow. In the Gospel of John, chapter 15, there are two statements that are comparable to this one: 15:12: This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you
  • 15:17: These things I command you, so you may love one another

Other New Testament references

Johannine writings

  • Other sections that are comparable to this one may be found in the Johannine texts. The gospel that you have received from the beginning has been summarized in 1 John 3:11: ″Love one another as we love ourselves.″
  • One of God’s commandments, according to 1 John 3:23, is that we believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as he has commanded us.
  • Let us love one another, because God is love
  • 1 John 4:7
  • Let us love one another because God is love
  • The Bible says in 1 John 4:12 that no one has ever seen God
  • but if we love one another, God abides in us, and his love is perfected in us.

According to the Second Epistle of John, it states: 2 In John 5, Jesus says, ″It is not as though I have given thee a new commandment, but it is the commandment that we have had from the beginning, that we love one another.″

Pauline letters

  • Similar allusions can also be found in the Pauline Epistles. We owe no one anything but to love one another, for he who loves his neighbor has completed the law
  • (Romans 13:8)
  • The apostle Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 4:9, ″For you yourselves have been instructed by God to love one another

1 Peter

A similar phrase may be found in the First Epistle of Peter: 1 Peter 1:22 states that we should love one another with a pure heart and earnestly, rather than pretending to love one another.


Similarly to the second half of the Great Commandment, which contains two commands: love for God and love for neighbor, the ″New Commandment″ is concerned with the love of neighbor and is referred to as the ″New Commandment.″ According to Jewish tradition, the first half of the Great Commandment references to Deuteronomy 6:4-5, a passage from the Torah that is read at the start of the Jewish prayer known as Shema Yisrael (Holy Name of Israel).It is based on Leviticus 19:18 that the second half of the Great Commandment, which is comparable to the ″New Commandment,″ requires love for one’s neighbor, which is the basis for the ″New Commandment.″ In contrast to the Torah, which mandated human love, Jesus teaches divine love for one another, which is fashioned after his own charitable deeds, according to Scott Hahn.According to the Wycliffe Bible Commentary, the ″New Commandment″ was ″new in that love was to be expressed toward others not because they belonged to the same nation, but because they belonged to Christ….the love of Christ which the disciples had witnessed would be a testament to the world.″ In this commandment, one of the innovations brought by Jesus – likely supporting its title as ″New″ – is that he ″introduces himself as a model of love.″ ″As much as you love yourself,″ had been the standard criteria.

The New Commandment, on the other hand, goes beyond the phrase ″as you love yourself,″ which is included in the ethic of reciprocity, and adds ″as I have loved you,″ which refers to Christ’s love for his disciples as the new paradigm.The notion of love as an imitation of Christ is reflected in the First Epistle of John, which states in 1 John 4:19: ″We love because he first loved us.″

See also

  • Similarly to the second portion of the Great Commandment, which contains two commands: love for God and love for neighbor, the ″New Commandment″ is concerned with the love of neighbor. Deuteronomy 6:4-5, which is a piece of the Torah that is recited at the beginning of the Jewish prayer known as Shema Yisrael, is referenced in the first part of the Great Commandment. It is based on Leviticus 19:18 that the second section of the Great Commandment, which is akin to the ″New Commandment,″ requires love for neighbor. In contrast to the Torah, which mandated human love, Jesus mandates divine love for one another, which is fashioned after his own charitable deeds, according to Scott Hahn In the words of the Wycliffe Bible Commentary, the ″New Commandment″ was ″new in that love was to be expressed toward others not because they belonged to the same nation, but because they belonged to Christ. . the love of Christ which the disciples had witnessed would be a message to the world.″ According to this commandment, one of the innovations presented by it – potentially supporting its title as ″New″ – is that Jesus ″invite[s] himself as a model of love.″ ″As much as you love yourself,″ had been the standard criterion for acceptance. The New Commandment, on the other hand, goes beyond the phrase ″as you love yourself,″ which is included in the ethic of reciprocity, and states ″as I have loved you,″ which refers to Christ’s love for his disciples as the model for the new commandment. As stated in 1 John 4:19, love is an imitation of Christ, which is a motif that is reflected throughout the First Epistle of John: ″We love because he first loved us.″


  1. ″And supper having come to an end,,″ John 13:2 says.
  2. a b c Francis J. Moloney and Daniel J. Harrington’s The Gospel of John (1998) was published in 1998. The ISBN for this book is 0-8146-5806-7. Page 425.
  3. a b c Yarbrough, Robert W. (2008). the numbers 1, 2, and 3 The book is published by Baker Academic on page 100 and has the ISBN 978-0801026874. This page was last modified on July 5, 2012. Warren W. Wiersbe is the author of this work (1992). The Bible Exposition Commentary, volume 4, page 487, ISBN 1564760316. It was retrieved on July 5, 2012.
  4. John.13:34
  5. 15:12
  6. 15:17 Romans 13:8
  7. 1Thessalonians 4:9
  8. 1Peter 1:22 1John.3:11
  9. 1Peter 1:22 1John.4 and 4:7
  10. 1John.4 and 4 and 11 and 12
  11. 2John 1 and 5
  1. Page 301 of Imitating Jesus by Richard A. Burridge, published in 2007 under the ISBN 0802844588
  2. a b c Encountering John: The Gospel in Historical, Literary, and Theological Perspective by Andreas J. Kostenberger, published in 2002 under the ISBN 0801026032, pages 149–151
  3. The Gospel of John (1994) by Frederick Bruce, published under the ISBN 0-8028-0883-2, page 294.
  4. Ignatius Catholic Study Bible New Testament
  5. Charles F. Pfeiffer and Everett F. Harrison are the editors of this volume (1971). The Wycliffe Bible Commentary is a commentary on the Bible. LCCN 72183345
  6. ″Homily of Cardinal Martins, Antequera, Spain.″ New York: Iversen-Norman Associates, p. 341. LCCN 72183345
  7. ″Homily of Cardinal Martins, Antequera, Spain.″ The Vatican, on the 6th of May, 2007.
  8. retrieved on August 26, 2008
  9. The People’s New Testament Commentary by M. Eugene Boring and Fred B. Craddock, published in 2010 under the ISBN 0664235921, page 335
  10. The People’s New Testament Commentary by M. Eugene Boring and Fred B. Craddock, published in 2010 under the ISBN 0664235921, page 335


The Ten Commandments are everlasting gospel truths that are required for our exaltation.They are not a list of rules.Exodus 20:1–17 describes how the Lord revealed them to Moses in ancient times, and other books of scripture (e.g., Matthew 19:18–19, Romans 13:9, Mosiah 12:33–36, 13:13–24, Doctrine and Covenants 42:18–29, 59:5–13, 63:61–62) also make reference to them in whole or in part.The Ten Commandments are an essential aspect of the Christian faith.Compliance with these commandments lays the stage for compliance with other gospel truths in subsequent years.

This study of the Ten Commandments contains concise explanations of how they continue to apply in our lives today.The Ten Commandments are as follows: The first commandment is, ″Thou must have no other gods before me″ (Exodus 20:3).″All things should be done with a single eye on the glory of God,″ as the Bible says (Doctrine and Covenants 82:19).All of our hearts, minds, and strength should be devoted to the Lord’s service and worship (see Deuteronomy 6:5; Doctrine and Covenants 59:5).The second commandment states, ″Thou shalt not create unto thee any graven image″ (Exodus 20:4).

  1. The Lord expresses his disapproval of the worship of idols in this commandment.
  2. Idolatry can manifest itself in a variety of ways.
  3. Instead of bowing before graven images or statues, some individuals worship other gods that are not related to the actual God.

Examples of such idolatry include money, material goods, ideas, and social status.In their life, ″their riches is their god″—a deity who, according to 2 Nephi 9:30, ″will perish together with them.″ The third commandment states, ″Thou shall not use the name of the Lord your God in vain.″ (See Exodus 20:7 for further information).″Remember the sabbath day, that it may be kept holy″ (Exodus 20:8).

Honor your father and mother, and you will be honored in return″ (Exodus 20:12).This commandment stays in effect throughout our lives and can be interpreted in a variety of ways, including: We should pay tribute to our forefathers and foremothers, who are our forefathers and foremothers; we should be grateful to our father and mother, who supplied our earthly bodies; and we should pay tribute to those who nurtured us in the knowledge of the truth, who are our ancestors.Above all, we should be respectful of our heavenly parents.We may show our appreciation for all of these dads and moms by following the commandments.6.

″Thou must not kill″ is a biblical commandment (Exodus 20:13).″Thou must not commit adultery,″ the Bible says (Exodus 20:14).In a later-day revelation, the Lord condemned not just adultery, but also ″everything that is akin unto it″ (which includes homosexuality) (Doctrine and Covenants 59:6).

  1. Fornication, homosexuality, and other forms of sexual immorality are all considered transgressions of the seventh commandment by the Bible.
  2. ″Thou must not steal″ is the eighth commandment (Exodus 20:15).
  3. Stealing is considered to be a sort of dishonesty.
  4. The ninth commandment is ″Thou shalt not bring false evidence against thy neighbor″ (Exodus 20:16).
  5. Another type of dishonesty is the act of bearing false witness.
  1. ″Thou must not covet″ is the tenth commandment (Exodus 20:17).
  2. Coveting or being envious of something that belongs to someone else is detrimental to one’s spiritual well-being.
  3. It has the potential to absorb our thoughts and leave us feeling perpetually unhappy and dissatisfied.
  4. It frequently leads to the commission of additional sins as well as financial indebtedness.
  5. Although the majority of the Ten Commandments provide a list of things we should not do, they also contain a list of things that we should do.
  6. ″Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind,″ the Savior said, summarizing the Ten Commandments into two principles: love for the Lord and love for our fellow men.
  1. According to Jesus, this is the first and greatest commandment.
  2. ″And the second is like unto it: Thou shall love your neighbor as oneself″ (Matthew 22:37–39) is the second great commandment.

Related Topics

  • Agential responsibility and accountability
  • chastity
  • integrity
  • obedience
  • profanity and reverence
  • the Sabbath day
  • worship


Scripture References

  • Exodus 20:1–17
  • Exodus 34:27–28
  • John 14:15, 21
  • 1 Nephi 22:31
  • Mosiah 2:41
  • Mosiah 12:33–36
  • Mosiah 13:11–24
  • 1 Nephi 22:31
  • Mosiah 2:41
  • Mosiah 13:11–24

Scripture Study Resources

  • Commandments of God″ is a topic covered in the Topical Guide
  • the Bible Dictionary covers ″Commandments, the Ten&Prim

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