What Was Jesus Favorite Animal

Jesus’ Favorite Food (And 6 Other Fun Facts You May Have Missed About Him) — ShegznStuff

It is recounted in innumerable manger scenes all around the world every Christmas season, as a reminder of His unexpected birth. On Good Fridays, we commemorate His self-sacrifice and death. Then, on Easter Sundays, the incredible event of His resurrection is commemorated. Without a doubt, Jesus Christ has had a significant influence on human history that no other individual has had. Nevertheless, between His birth and death, He lived a life filled with extraordinary and, at times, amusing activities and experiences.

I hope you enjoy it!

But, just so you’re aware, you won’t be prepared for 4.


In many manger scenes all across the world, the story of Jesus’ unique birth is repeated every Christmas. His sacrificial death is commemorated on Good Fridays. And on Easter Sundays, we remember and celebrate His miraculous resurrection. Without a doubt, Jesus Christ has had a significant influence on human history that no other person has ever had before him. Nevertheless, between His birth and death, He lived a life filled with unusual and, at times, amusing activities and experiences. I recently read through the four Gospels and discovered several unique and amusing facts about His life, which I then assembled into this random list of seven things you didn’t know about Jesus Christ.



Many of us read the Bible and like to think of the troublesome religious leaders as “The Others,” which refers to those who are not like us. We want to believe that if we had lived then, or if Jesus were still walking the planet now, we would have sided with Him rather than with them. The fact, on the other hand, is that the type of company Jesus kept would have made many of us feel very uncomfortable indeed. So much so that we are unlikely to invite Him to be a guest speaker at one of our churches in the near future.

With these words, Jesus rolled:

  • TAX COLLECTORS: Let’s call this organization what it truly is: the Mafia! Beyond the fact that these individuals were Jews who worked for a repressive and violent dictatorship to tax their own people, they were also known to utilize harsh and dictatorial methods to collect those payments from their victims. They frequently gathered more than was necessary and pocketed the excess for themselves, didn’t I mention that? Many of us were very impacted by the narrative of Michael Franzese’s conversion to Christianity, who was a former mafia leader for the Colombo criminal family in New York and later became a Christian. He was, however, not the type of man you’d want to have over for dinner with your family during his pre-Jesus years
  • Instead, he was more likely to be a jerk. PROSTITUTES: Despite the fact that this area of business is still in existence today, the closest comparable would be with porn stars. Have you ever hosted a Beth Moore small group Bible study and asked a porn star to attend? DO YOU KNOW THAT ONE OF JESUS’ TWELVE DISCIPLESHIPS WAS NAMED “SIMON THE ZEALOT? ” Do you have any idea what a modern-day label for a Zealot looks like? Terrorist! Zealots were members of a Jewish political organization that emerged in the first century CE that frequently employed violent and aggressive tactics to defeat their invading overlords. “The Sicarii” was their moniker, which literally translates as “dagger men.” No, this isn’t the kind of people you’d feel most comfortable asking along for an all-night prayer lock-in, let’s be honest about it.

I could go on and on about the many types of individuals that Jesus spent time with, but I think you got the picture by now. A profound observation is made by Neil Cole in his book, “Church Transfusion.” “He didn’t hang around in locations that were safe,” he claims. It’s possible that nowadays, you’d be more likely to discover Jesus in a homosexual nightclub than in a church session. Is there anyone who would want to say amen? No? Are you crazy, bro? I was under the impression you wanted to be like Jesus.

Do you see where I’m heading with all of this?

Jesus spent time with them because he was really interested in their tale, and more significantly, in their souls, and wanted to help them.

He spent time with them because He Himself was life, and He desired for people to turn away from sin and toward Him in order to experience the joy of being adopted into God’s family through trust in Him. It’s possible that you and I can learn a thing or two from our risen Savior.


I could go on and on about the many types of individuals with whom Jesus spent time, but I think you got the picture by now. Mr. Neil Cole makes a striking comment in his book, “Church Transfusion.” “He didn’t hang around in locations that were safe,” he adds. It’s possible that nowadays, you’d be more likely to discover Jesus in a homosexual nightclub than in a church session.” Let me ask for a unanimous yes. No? Why are you so agitated, brother? I was under the impression that you wished to be like Christ.

What I’m trying to say here is that Please understand that Jesus Christ did not associate with these individuals because He considered them “Church members.” Not only was He not hanging out with them because He admired their way of life, but He was also not hanging out with them because He desired to expose their transgressions.

He chose to spend time with them because He was life Himself, and He desired for people to turn away from sin and toward Him, in order to experience the joy of being adopted into God’s family through faith.

  • Matthew, Mark, and Luke’s Gospel all have accounts of Jesus falling asleep in a storm at sea and His terrified disciples having to rouse him up by rousing him from his slumber. They begged Jesus to help because they were terrified that the storm would sink the boat. It was at this point that Christ rose to his feet and exhibited His authority and control over nature by instructing the wind to “stop it off! and be quiet!”, which the wind duly obeyed. It is said in Matthew 8:23-27 that the sea became literally as calm and smooth as glass during this time. That is hardly typical human behavior, to say the least. That, of course, is followed by the entire battle with 5000 demons, dubbed the Legion. Just to give you an idea of how powerful the demon-possessed guy in question was, consider the following: The only way to tie him was with a chain, which no longer worked. Because he had been shackled hand and foot on several occasions, he tore the chains apart and snapped the irons that held his feet together. No one was able to overpower him because they lacked strength.” However, following an inquiry by Jesus during which the demons pleaded with Him to spare their deaths, HePERMITSthem to find a new home among pigs, which they do. Don’t overlook how significant this is and what it speaks about Jesus as a person! Demons must first seek His permission before they are allowed to wander. That’s a significant amount of money! Believe me when I say that I’ve met one. They aren’t taking it easy on those bad leeches
  • Though there are multiple tales in which Jesus resurrected the dead back to life, there is one incident in particular that stands out in my memory –the resuscitation of the widow’s deceased son. What a way to ruin someone’s funeral! The funeral home had cleaned up after this woman’s son and prepared him for burial before he was laid to rest in the grave. Have you ever attended a funeral service for a teenager? There must be a lot of people in tears, right? At such a gathering, imagine a middle-aged guy approaching the casket and chatting to the corpse, and the deceased youngster really standing up, searching about for his mother, and reaching out for her in a hug? Is it possible to say, “pandemonium?” Nonetheless, it is how Jesus operates and what an AWESOMELY-GOD HE is

Allow me to close off our discussion with a quotation from author C.S Lewis. As he says in the introduction to his book, “Mere Christianity,” “I’m trying to prevent anyone from saying the truly silly thing that people sometimes say about Him:”I’m willing to accept Jesus as a wonderful moral teacher, but I don’t accept his claim to be God.” That is the one thing we are not allowed to mention. It would be difficult to consider Jesus a great moral teacher if he were simply a man who spoke the kinds of things Jesus said.

You are required to make a decision.

The options are to shut him up as a naive fool, spit at him and kill him as a demon, or to prostrate yourself at his feet and address him as Lord and God.

That is not something he has left available to us.


Okay. This is a bit of a stretch. However, the narratives of His life in the New Testament appear to contain a large number of fish. For starters, He decided to refer to His disciples as “fishermen.” The butchers or the farmers might have been contacted, but noooooooo.why? Because He enjoys eating fish! Two, following His resurrection and prior to His ascension, He gathers His followers for a significant supper, probably the final meal they would ever have. What was on the menu?

Yup. FISH! Why do you believe He picked the seafood choice on two consecutive times (Mark 6:31-34 and Mark 8:1-9) while He was feeding crowds numbering in the thousands, aside from those two very strong arguments? “Because.Jesus.has.a.thing.for.FISH!” say it with me.


So, Jesus is attending a wedding reception, correct? The bottle of wine has been depleted. Hospitality is highly regarded in the cultures of the Middle East and North Africa. Running out of wine on a wedding day may be quite uncomfortable for the bride and groom, and it would almost certainly result in the celebration coming to an abrupt halt! Having a sufficient amount of alcohol to become inebriated on has absolutely nothing to do with this. When Jesus learns of this, even though He has made it plain that He is not yet ready to expose Himself to the world, He goes out of His way to ensure that the party continues by magically converting several jars of water into even more delicious wine!

Okay, so you’re still not convinced?

  • Luke 14 describes how Jesus accepts an invitation to an after-dinner party with a Pharisee
  • He relates a fable about another fantastic celebration while at the same gathering. As he narrates three episodes in Luke 15, they all conclude with a party or some other type of celebration
  • Every time someone repents and turns to God, the angels throw a celebration, according to Luke 15:10, which brings us behind the scenes of spiritual reality. Luke 5:29 describes Matthew the Tax Collector throwing a feast for Jesus and inviting all of his outcast acquaintances to attend. As recorded inLuke 19:1-10, Jesus invites Himself over to Zaccheus’ house for an unplanned gathering. Is it true that you’ve read the book of Revelation? On several times, we witness multiethnic throngs of people rejoicing in front of the throne of God. Moreover, I haven’t even mentioned the ultimate party that everyone believes is still yet to take place, The Marriage Feast of the Lamb

What is my point? Because Jesus enjoys a nice party, you should throw one this weekend and invite someone who doesn’t typically get asked to gatherings.


Despite the fact that many of us would never actually pray to “dear eight-pound, six-ounce newborn infant Jesus, who doesn’t even know a word yet, just a little infant and so cuddly, but still omnipotent.”, we all prefer to picture in our minds’ eyes a,”Happy Jesus Who is Warm and Inviting” when we call on Him in prayers. After all, no one wants to pray to Angry-Jesus in the first place! However, there are at least two instances in the Scriptures where we are confronted with a less-than-jovial version of Jesus.

  1. He asked them a question about healing someone who was in need on the Sabbath, and they refused to answer since their response would expose their hypocrisy to the rest of the congregation.
  2. I have another confession to make: it is hard for me to imagine an angry Jesus in my mind’s eye at this point.
  3. Oddly enough, I have a mental image of him as pensive or silent, rather than aggressive.
  4. The temple moneychangers and animal merchants, who had effectively pimped-out God’s home, are chased out by Jesus, who constructs a whip out of cords and flips over tables with all their products and wares in the process.
  5. Jesus is not just the lover of our souls, but He is also a judge, and we will all have to give an account before Him at some point in the future.
  6. It was His concern for the preservation of God’s purity and worship that prompted His displeasure in the latter case.

The fact remains that it was entirely within His control, that it had the appropriate concentration and motive, that it lasted for a reasonable amount of time, and that it ended up producing the desired result.


In college, I had a roommate who once asked me a sincere and honest inquiry regarding my religious beliefs. “Shegz, do you ever get scared that if Jesus returns, the uber-religious mega-Church leaders of today would persecute Him and possibly kill Him as they did back in the day?” the question went something like this. When He returns, not only will He be packing a lot of heat, but He’ll also be ready to kick some serious tail!” I don’t remember exactly what I said in response, but I do recall saying something along the lines of, “When He returns, not only will He be packing a lot of heat, but He’ll also be ready to kick some serious tail!” That is something that even the greatest man who ever lived would agree with because he once said that there was a time for every season and a time for every matter under the heavens.

See also:  What Does It Mean That Jesus Is Lord

There was a time when Jesus came to earth in the guise of a helpless newborn to serve as a lowly servant.

According to the Bible, a time is approaching when the dead in Christ will rise first, accompanied by the voice of the archangel and the sound of God’s trumpet.

Everyone on the planet will witness His burning eyes, his flowing white robe drenched in blood along the edges, an army behind Him and a sword of judgment issuing forth from Him, as well as a name tattooed on His thigh that reads, “King of Kinds and LORD of LORDS.” That second coming will be followed by a period when every knee will bend, in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father, at which point the world will be saved.

  • So, yes, that’s all.
  • Lift your sight to the horizon!
  • Are you hungry?
  • Are you fed up with religion?
  • If you come away with me, you’ll be able to reclaim your life.
  • Take a walk with me and work with me to see how I do things.
  • I’m not going to put anything heavy or ill-fitting on you, promise.

Segun Shegz Aiyegbusi is Shegz’s husband. Dad. Pastor. Nigerian-born and raised in the United States. Storyteller. Praying for the opportunity to be a prayer warrior. I’m a big fan of steak. This message is from a follower of Jesus Christ, telling you that God the Father continues to love you.

What Would Jesus’ Pets Have Done?

Did you ever wonder if Jesus had any pets, and if he did, whether he preferred dogs or cats? We know a lot about the baby Jesus and how his story relates to the Christmas holidays, and we also know a lot about the end of Jesus’ life and how it relates to the Easter holiday. But what about Jesus when he was a child? His preferences and relationships with the animals who shared the Earth with him some 2000 years ago are still up in the air today. Rabbi Moses Rosenberg reported in the Daily Squib with a wry grin on his face that Jesus not only walked among dinosaurs, but also kept one of them as a personal pet.

  • (and even documentation) in the Bible.” According to current research, it is highly unlikely that Jesus had any kind of animal as a pet.
  • Dogs, like swine, were regarded as unclean animals that were carriers of infectious diseases.
  • He is born in a stable and spends his first night sleeping in a feeding trough (Luke 2:7).
  • He draws parallels between the lives of animals and his own nomadic existence (Luke 9:58).
  • Among all of the references, the one that stands out the most is the fact that Jesus’ spirit was frequently described as being like that of a lamb.
  • ” (See also John 1:29).
  • Because of this prophecy, the inevitable crucifixion was combined with the imperative of never again sacrificing animals on the altar of sacrifice.
  • In her children’s book, which was published in 2004, she says, “I’m curious.
  • “She provides opportunities for today’s children to make connections with what it might have been like for Jesus to be a child during his formative years.
  • With accurate depictions of the Holy Land 2,000 years ago, illustrated by Corbert Gauthier, this captivating tale is set against a graphic backdrop of the Holy Land 2,000 years ago.

Alternatively, are you of the same mind as those who believe that Jesus’ favorite animal will be the one who accompanies him on his return to the planet during his visit? After all, according to Revelations 19:11, he will be gallantly riding a “white horse” in battle.

What Is Gods Favorite Animal

The dove represents the Holy Spirit, while the four animals that St. Francis depicted represent the four seasons.

What is Jesus’s animal?

His birth took place in the midst of a flock of sheep and an ox. During Jesus’ baptism, John the Baptist referred to Him as the “Lamb of God,” and the Spirit of God fell on Him like a “dove,” according to John 1: 29; (Matthew 3: 16). The book of Revelation refers to Christ as the “Lion of Judah,” which represents His kingdom and is a symbol of His majesty.

What animals does God compare himself to?

Biblical animals include lions, leopards, bears, and eagles (Hosea 13:7, 8) as well as the word “God” itself (Deuteronomy 32:11).

What is God’s favorite fruit?

It is also mentioned frequently in the Bible and the Koran, where it is referred to as “God’s gift to mankind.”

What animal is a symbol of love?

Doves are a sign of both love and peach. They are, in many ways, the worldwide emblem of peace and harmony. The dove was chosen as the symbol of passion because the small, white bird was associated with Aphrodite, the goddess of love, according to Greek mythology (known in Roman mythology as Venus).

What animals symbolizes hope?

Symbols of hope may be seen everywhere. Dove is the bird of hope. Dog is the animal of hope. There are four rays of hope. Sunflowers, daffodils, and cactus flowers are examples of flowers symbolizing hope. Yellow, orange, blue, green, and red are the colors of hope. Aromas associated with Hope include peppermint and lavender. Ocean waves, wind chimes, and waterfalls are examples of the sounds of hope.

Do animals go to heaven?

According to Schmeidler, a Capuchin Franciscan, “Thomas Aquinas spoke about animals having a soul, but it wasn’t identical to that of people, and St. Francis of Assisi considered animals as God’s creations who should be revered and appreciated.” According to him, the Catholic Church has historically taught that animals cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.

Does Jesus talk about animals?

According to the book of Psalm 104:31, God takes pleasure in all of his handiwork, in all he has made. According to Proverbs 12:10, a “good man is concerned about the health of his animal.” The book of Matthew 10:29 has a passage in which Jesus refers to sparrows as creatures that are not regarded by mankind, but whom God nonetheless recognizes and remembers.

What are the 7 creations of God?

1st Chapter of Genesis God began the process of creation at the beginning. Light was produced on the first day of creation. The second day saw the creation of the sky. During the third day, dry land, oceans, plants, and trees were all established. The Sun, the Moon, and the stars were formed on the fourth day. The fifth day saw the creation of creatures that live in the sea as well as species that can fly.

How did God created animals?

They didn’t arise by chance; God meticulously crafted each and every one of them. God created all of the creatures, from the beasts of the land to the crawling insects, according to Genesis 1:24-25. The Bible even informs us that they have the breath of life inside them (Gen. 7:15).

What did God say when he created animals?

As a result, God said, “Let the earth produce living creatures according to their kinds: cattle, creatures that move over the ground, and wild animals, each according to the sort of animal it is.” And that turned out to be true.

So God made man in his own image, in the image of God, and he formed him in two genders, male and female, according to his own will.

What’s God’s favorite drink?

Drinking Soma, according to legend, was the means by which the gods achieved immortality, and it was the drink of choice for the powerful deity Indra.

What was Jesus favorite food?

It is, according to Jesus, necessary to be clean on the inside before one may be clean on the outer. That is why it is vital to consume bread, but not just any bread you could have previously purchased from a bakery. “God’s favorite meal is bread because he saved the Israelites by providing them with manna (a type of bread),” explains Emily, who is 12 years old.

What was Jesus favorite flower?

In Christianity, the passion flower is connected with Christ because different portions of this flower symbolise different aspects of Christ’s crucifixion.

What is the luckiest animal?

12 Species of Animals That Bring Good Fortune RABBIT. However, there is more to this creature than just their renowned lucky feet. PIG. The pig is revered as a symbol of good fortune by both Chinese and Irish cultures. LIZARDS. Because of their cunning nature, lizards are considered good luck symbols. HORSES. GOLDFISH. ELEPHANTS AND FROGS. DEER.

What animal represents change?

Butterfly. Symbolic of metamorphosis and profound change, the butterfly is a beautiful and delicate creature. Death and rebirth are two more animal symbolisms that are in play when it comes to transformation. To be more specific, your old self is dying in order for a newer one to manifest itself.

What animal represents loyalty?

In What Ways Do the Different Animals Represent One Another? Dog A real and faithful buddy who demonstrates loyalty and good behavior. Dolphin Trust, loyalty, and the spirit of friendship are all important qualities in a relationship. Eagle Creator, teacher, loyalty, honesty, and spiritual connection to the great divine are all represented by duck spirits of people who have gone on.

What animals symbolize happiness?

There are various civilizations all over the globe who consider the bluebird to be a sign of happiness, including Russia, where it symbolizes hope, and China’s Shang Dynasty, where it is considered to be an ambassador of wisdom and enlightenment.

See also:  What Does Jesus Say About Hate

Why does a rainbow represent hope?

What is the significance of a rainbow to you? A rainbow is frequently interpreted as a sign of hope, the beauty that follows a storm, a pot of gold, and good fortune at the end of the rainbow. A rainbow has a personal symbolic value for many people, reflecting inclusion and variety, as well as being an all-encompassing image of love and friendship.

Which animal symbolizes death?

Crows, cats, owls, moths, vultures, and bats are some of the creatures that are connected with death; some because they feed on carrion, and others because they are nocturnal in their habits. Vultures can signify death, yet they can also represent transformation and regeneration.

Do dogs souls go to heaven?

Yes, animals such as dogs and cats get to Heaven in their whole. Animals are the only creatures on the planet that are completely free from sin.

Will we see pets in heaven?

It is true that animals can be found in Heaven, as confirmed by the Bible. If God created animals for the Garden of Eden in order to provide us with an image of His ideal environment, then He will undoubtedly include them in Heaven, God’s perfect new Eden as well!

If these creatures are in Heaven, there is a chance that our pets will be there as well, if that is the case. According to Dr.

What does God say about losing a pet?

Psalm 22:24 (KJV) This Bible passage about losing a pet speaks of God’s consoling presence and highlights that He is concerned about the well-being of all creation. Those who do not care for pets may be surprised by the strength of their feelings with the death of a furry member of the family.

My favorite animal is vegetables and Jesus : TastyFaith

verse 24 of Psalm 22 After losing a pet, this Bible passage speaks of God’s consoling presence while also emphasizing His concern for the entire universe. People who are not pet lovers may be taken aback by the strength of their feelings after the loss of a furry family member.

My Favorite Animal

Take a minute to pause what you’re doing, calm down, and center your attention on Jesus before you begin reading this devotional. Pray and ask God to open your eyes to see while you study the scriptures, and to open your ears to hear as you wait for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to reveal itself to you. Take a look at Psalm 42: In the same way that a deer yearns for running water, I yearn for you, God. 2I yearn for God, the real God, with all my heart. When will I be able to come before God and make my appearance?

  • 4As I pour out my heart, I recall how I walked with many others, leading the festive procession to the house of God, with joyous and appreciative shouts.
  • 5What is it about you, my spirit, that you are so dejected?
  • Put your trust in God, for I will never stop praising him as my Savior and God.
  • 7All of your breakers and billows have carried me away in the roar of your waterfalls; deep beckons to deep in the roar of your waterfalls 8By day, the Lord will send his steadfast love to me; by night, his song will be with me, a prayer to the God of my life, will be with me.
  • Why have you abandoned me?” Is it necessary for me to go about in misery because of the enemy’s oppression?” 10My foes tease me, as if they were squeezing my bones, and they constantly ask me, “Where is your God?” 11What is it about you, my spirit, that you are so dejected?
  • Put your trust in God, for I will never stop praising him as my Savior and God.
  • It was always a tiger, up until lately at least.

She’s majestic, ferocious, and powerful; she’s also autonomous, free, and a loner.

As an enneagram 8, I believe I was arrogantly thinking of myself in the same way.at least till 2018.

After things came to a climax in early September, I decided to go on a retreat to give myself the opportunity to digest what had happened alone with the Father in a quiet setting.

Now, granted, I was in a national park rather than Jerusalem, but the experience had the same effect.

It was a wonderful feeling.

A image was sent to me by the Great White Throne as I was sitting alone by the Virgin River in the gathering shadow of a massive rock known as the Great White Throne.

I’ve put it in the next section.

After a long, hot day, the animal was visibly thirsty, and it lowered its head to drink from the softly running stream nearby.

As I sat and watched, God came to mind Psalm 42, which starts, “As a deer yearns for flowing streams, so I yearn for you, O God.” I yearn for God, for the God who is alive and well.

What is it that has you in such a state of turmoil?

Despite the fact that I was staring at a deer on the other side of the river, it felt more like I was staring into a mirror at my own soul—dejected, exhausted, and completely depleted from the effort of navigating through these turbulent times on my own when what I needed to do was drop the façade, bow my head, and drink deeply from the flowing streams of God’s goodness and grace.

  • Thankfully, as a result of Jesus’ atonement on the cross, we may always come before God and make our case, and the Father will reply in a timely manner and faithfully provide for us.
  • A difficult year for many of us, but are we making it even more difficult on ourselves by attempting to white-knuckle our way through it on our own power rather than humbly going to our knees, returning to the cross, and completely relying on the Father’s grace and strength?
  • Even now, I find myself inclined to do so on a regular basis.
  • Although the conditions in my life did not instantly improve as a result of my retreat, I was given fresh strength as a result of God’s kindly bringing me to my knees and teaching me to rely on him.

The above narrative is the story of how, at the ripe old age of 29, I discovered a new favorite animal. Respond to God in prayer by telling Him about something that struck out to you from this morning’s reading of Scripture.


What does the Holy Spirit want to communicate to you this morning?


Was God speaking to you via the text and the Spirit, and what are you going to do in response to what He is saying?

Child Sponsorship

“Bear one another’s burdens, and in this manner, you will be in compliance with the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 (Galatians 6:2)

Why Should You Sponsor an Orphan?

  • To make a difference in people’s lives, to give them hope, and to show them love
  • To supply them with the needs of life (food, water, housing, education, and medical care)
  • In order to assist communities in need
  • To become an extension of a family
  • To provide them with a better opportunity to complete their education
  • To assist them in becoming a contributing member of their country
  • In order to give poverty a name and a face, In order to know where your money is going
  • To witness your child develop into a confident adult
  • To assist a youngster in their spiritual development with Jesus

There is no greater way to make a difference in someone’s life while also receiving gratification from knowing that you are assisting and loving another human being! In addition, you are carrying out God’s instruction in James 1:27 to care for orphans in need of assistance.

sponsorships are $25 per month

Date of birth: September 17th English is my favorite subject. Pink is my favorite color. Lizard is my favorite animal. Every Praise is my favorite song. To fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a medical missionary


Date of birth: October 25th French is my favorite subject. Blueyellow is my favorite color. Horsedogs are my favorite animal. All of your anguish is my favorite song. Aspiration: She would like to work as a hairdresser and start a family.


30th of September is my birthday. French is my favorite subject. Red and white are my favorite colors. Horse is my favorite animal. Every Praise is my favorite song. To fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a teacher


Birthday is on the 18th of July. Bible is my favorite topic. Green and yellow are my favorite colors. Zebra is my favorite animal. Nobody but Jesus is my favorite song. To fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a flight attendant


29th of April is my birthday. French is my favorite subject. Red is my favorite color. Turtles are my favorite animal. Every Praise is my favorite song. To pursue a career as a gospel singer


18th of July is my birthday. French is my favorite subject. Redpink is my favorite color. Dog is my favorite animal. Te Amo is my favorite song. To be a ballet dancer is a lifelong ambition.


Birthday is on the 7th of January. French is my favorite subject. Red and white are my favorite colors. Horse is my favorite animal. Every Praise is my favorite song. To fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a teacher


6th of July is my birthday. English is my favorite topic, and my favorite color is redpink. Rabbitelephant is my favorite animal. The song “Family of God” is a personal favorite of mine. To have a successful business is a lifelong ambition.


Date of birth: October 12th French is my favorite subject. Black and white are my favorite colors. Fish is my favorite animal. Every Praise is my favorite song. To be a designer is a lifelong ambition.


Date of birth: October 11th French is my favorite subject. Blue is my favorite color. Rabbit is my favorite animal. I suppose this is my favorite song: To pursue a career as a photographer is my ambition.


Date of birth: November 8th French is my favorite subject. Red and white are my favorite colors. Horse is my favorite animal. Every Praise is my favorite song. To fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a teacher


Birthday is on the 3rd of July.

French is my favorite subject. Red and white are my favorite colors. Horse is my favorite animal. Every Praise is my favorite song. To fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a teacher


5th of February is my birthday. Biology is my favorite subject. Red and black are my favorite colors. Horse is my favorite animal. Every Praise is my favorite song. My ambition is to work as a nurse.


Date of birth: July 4th


Date of birth: November 17th French is my favorite subject. White is my favorite color. Camel is my favorite animal. Even If is my favorite song. To fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a doctor


25th of June is my birthday. French is my favorite subject. Red and white are my favorite colors. Horse is my favorite animal. Every Praise is my favorite song. To fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a teacher


Birthday is on the 22nd of July. English is my favorite subject. Purple is my favorite color. Dog is my favorite animal. The song “Family of God” is a personal favorite of mine. My ambition is to work as a nurse.


Date of birth: November 28th Math is my favorite subject. Red is my favorite color. Dog is my favorite animal. Country music is my favorite type of music. Dream: I want to be a lawyer who fights crime.


Date of birth: December 8th Social Studies is my favorite topic. Orange is my favorite color. Cat is my favorite animal. Everything is going well is my favorite song. To fulfill a lifelong dream of being a presenter


Date of birth: September 11th Creole is my favorite topic. Bluepink is my favorite color. Dog is my favorite animal. Favorite song: Jeovah you, in whom I put my faith To have a family is a lifelong ambition.


Birthday is on the 2nd of January. Math is my favorite subject. Favorite color: I like all of them. Dog is my favorite animal. Family of God is my favorite song. My ambition is to work as a nurse.

See also:  How Was Jesus Buried


Birthday is on the 25th of December. Science is my favorite topic. Pink and blue are my favorite colors. Cat is my favorite animal. One of my favorite songs is “My God is wonderful.” Dream: To be of service to others.


30th of July is my birthday. Computers are my favorite topic. Pink is my favorite color. Horse is my favorite animal. Every Praise is my favorite song. To pursue a career as a painter is a childhood ambition.

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Date of birth: June 1st French is my favorite subject. Red and blue are my favorite colors. Dog is my favorite animal. Alleluah to the Mighty God is one of my favorite songs. To be a successful photographer is a lifelong ambition.


25th of June is my birthday. Physics is my favorite topic. Color of choice: crimson-orange Cat is my favorite animal. The song “Talking to Jesus” is my personal favorite. To fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a flight attendant


Date of birth: February 19th Biology is my favorite subject. Purple is my favorite color. Cat is my favorite animal. Every Praise is my favorite song. My ambition is to work as a pharmacist.


Date of birth: September 10th French is my favorite subject. Red and white are my favorite colors. Horse is my favorite animal. Every Praise is my favorite song. To fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a teacher


Date of birth: May 17th Math is my favorite subject.

Yellow is my favorite color. Dog is my favorite animal. Every Praise is my favorite song. Dream: To become a well-known dancer.


Birthday is on the 25th of December. Social Science is my favorite topic. Pink and black are my favorite colors. Among my favorite animals are: dogs and rabbits. Among my favorite songs is: We are family. Aspiration:I want to be a lawyer.

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Date of birth: September 27th Social Science is my favorite topic. Red and black are my favorite colors. Cat is my favorite animal. Family of God is my favorite song. To fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a doctor


Birthday is on the 16th of July. Math is my favorite subject. My favorite color is orange. Golden Doodle is my favorite animal. Every Praise is my favorite song. My ambition is to work as a forensic scientist.


18th of February is my birthday. Science is my favorite topic. Black is my favorite color. Monkey is my favorite animal. I am no longer a prisoner to fear, to quote one of my favorite songs. Dream: To construct a large stadium.


22nd of February is my birthday. Creole is my favorite topic. Pink is my favorite color. Dog is my favorite animal. Family of God is my favorite song. To be a fantastic teacher is my ambition.


Birthday is on the 26th of July. Science is my favorite topic. Red is my favorite color. Dog is my favorite animal. Even If is my favorite song. To fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a police officer


Birthday is on the 26th of July. Psychology is my favorite topic. Red and white are my favorite colors. Lion is my favorite animal. Every Praise is my favorite song. To pursue a career as a psychiatrist is my ambition.


Date of birth: December 9th History is my favorite topic. Blue is my favorite color. Horse is my favorite animal. Good, Good Father is my favorite song. To fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a teacher


Date of birth: December 17th History is my favorite topic. WhiteTeal is my favorite color. Camels are my favorite animal. Good Good Father is my favorite song. My ambition is to work as a jewelry designer.


Date of birth: September 1st Art is my favorite topic to study. Purple is my favorite color. Elephant is my favorite animal. Every Praise is my favorite song. To pursue a career as a veterinarian.


25th of June is my birthday. French is my favorite subject. Red and white are my favorite colors. Horse is my favorite animal. Every Praise is my favorite song. To fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a teacher


Birthday is on the 27th of December. Favorite subject: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Favorite color: Mint Green Golden Doodle is my favorite animal. Every Praise is my favorite song. Modeling is a lifelong ambition of mine.


14th of April is my birthday. Fashion is my favorite subject to write about. Purple is my favorite color. Dogs are my favorite animal. Every Praise is my favorite song. To pursue a career as a seamstress is my ambition.


3rd of March is my birthday.

Gym is my favorite topic. Green is my favorite color. Turtles are my favorite animal. Favorite song: Good, Good, Good, Good, Good Father My ambition is to work in the construction industry.


From May 9, 2008 through February 24, 2018, the date was a leap year. Sonsay always had the brightest smile on her face, no matter where she was in the room. Sonsay never allowed his circumstances deter him from sharing the love of Jesus with everyone he came into contact with, no matter how difficult the situation was. The experiences of those who had met him and had been affected by him were shared on our social media platforms when he was unwell and struggling for his life. Despite the fact that his tenure on this planet was just nine years, he was able to direct more people to Jesus than those who had spent many years on this earth.

You may help us keep Sonsay’s legacy alive by making a donation to our hospital building fund, or you can actively participate in the construction of the hospital by placing a brick at a time and including a personal inscription on each brick.

How Does Your Favorite Animal Remind You of God? , by Carey Kinsolving

Tori, age 6, explains that a giraffe can kiss the clouds because it is long, much like God is long. After all, the Psalmist declared that God’s kindness continues forever since he “reach[ed] out his hand to me.” I suppose “outstretched” counts as a great distance. In the words of Jacob, 7, “God made the horse so that humans may ride on it.” Like the saying goes, “The horse takes care of its babies just as God takes care of us.” Yes, God cares for us in the same way a mare cares for her newborn foal.

  1. You could think you’re fast and slick, but a cheetah can dash right past you at 70 miles per hour and appear to be standing still.
  2. “There is none righteous, nay, not one,” according to the Bible (Romans 3:10).
  3. We are all born with the venom of self-centeredness in our veins.
  4. To the contrary, we may easily get proud of our humanitarian achievements.
  5. Then and only then will we be able to demonstrate compassion and kindness to those in need without getting self-absorbed in our goodness.
  6. “God created the zebra because of their stripes,” explains Cade, who is eight years old.
  7. As a response to the prophet Isaiah’s prediction that the Messiah would be “wounded for our trespasses” and “bruised for our iniquities,” Isaiah wrote, “and by His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).

Regarding the hue of sin, Isaiah also said, “If your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow” (even though your sins are like scarlet) (Isaiah 1:18).

God pursues us down like a tiger on the prowl in search of its prey, and we are the prey.

I fled Him, down the nights and down the days;/ I fled Him, down the arches of the years;/ I fled Him, down the labyrinthine ways/ Of my own thoughts; and in the midst of tears/ I hid from Him, and under rushing laughter.

“But those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength; they will rise up on wings like eagles,” the Bible says (Isaiah 40:31a).

Watch Kid TV interviews, listen to a talking book, get a free “Kids Color Me Bible,” and tour the world by watching the “Mission Explorers Streaming Video” at www.kidscolormebible.com/kidscolormebible The New King James Version of the Bible is used for all Bible quotes.

Please visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com to learn more about Carey Kinsolving and to read features written by other Creators Syndicate authors and artists.

Jesus and Animals

Because it is long, as God is long,” Tori, age 6, explains, referring to the fact that a giraffe can kiss the skies. After all, the Psalmist declared that God’s kindness continues forever because he “reach[ed] out his hand.” In terms of length, I suppose “outstretched” is appropriate. Seven-year-old Jacob believes God made horses so people may ride them. “The horse cares for its young in the same way that God cares for us.” As a mare weans her newborn foal, God cares for us in the same manner.

  1. God’s presence may be felt everywhere, and he moves quickly.” Take a cue from God and see him as an elusive cheetah the next time you feel the urge to con someone.
  2. As Scotty put it, “God is everywhere,” so you will never be able to outrun him.
  3. According to the Bible, “There is none who is righteous, not one” (Romans 3:10).
  4. The poison of self-centeredness is embedded in all of us from birth.
  5. In truth, we should be able to be pleased with our humanitarian efforts.
  6. Then, and only then, will we be able to provide compassion and mercy to those in need without becoming self-centered in our generosity.
  7. Cade, age 8, believes that God created the zebra because of its stripes.
  8. He was beaten and ridiculed by his captors prior to being sentenced to death by crucifixion.
  9. (Isaiah 1:18).
  10. According to the Apostle Paul in his epistle to the Romans, not only are there no good people, but also “there are none who seek God.” When God is on the prowl for prey, it’s as if he’s stalking the prey.

The first line of this autobiographical poem written by Francis Thompson reads as follows: “I fled Him, down the nights and down the days;/ I fled Him, down the arches of the years;/ I fled Him, down the labyrinthine ways/ Of my own mind; and in the midst of tears/ I hid from Him, and under running laughter.” God wants you to fly like an eagle, to think about it for a moment.

Question: Are you soaring through life on the updrafts of God’s grace or are you stumbling?

You may also download for free the “Kids Color Me Bible,” see Kid TV interviews, and listen to a talking book at this site.

The New King James Version of the Bible is used for all of the Bible quotes. Visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com to learn more about Carey Kinsolving and to read features written by other Creators Syndicate authors.

Looking at the Text

Take a look at some of the writings that mention birds:

  • Scripture references include Genesis 8:6-12, Psalm 104:16-17, Ecclesiastes 9:12, Hosea 11:11, Mark 1:10-12, Matthew 6:25-26, Matthew 13:31-32, and Luke 12:6-7.

What role do birds play in these narratives? What is the significance of their employment as symbols? When you think about birds in your personal setting, how do these pictures connect with you and/or contrast with your impressions of them? Read Hebrews 10:1-26 and Romans 8:19-23 for more information. What, if anything, does Christ’s atonement signify for the creatures of the world?

Looking at Our World

What role do birds play in these texts? What are their characteristics? What is the significance of their employment as symbolic representations? Is there a connection between these photographs and the birds you perceive in your own environment, and if so, how? Read Hebrews 10:1-26 and Romans 8:19-23 to have a better understanding of the Bible. Which creatures of creation could be impacted by Christ’s atoning work?

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