Why Did Jesus Use Spit And Mud

Why did Jesus spit for some of His miracles?

QuestionAnswer A deaf guy who could hardly communicate was brought to Jesus by several people in the vicinity of Decapolis. Of course, Jesus cured the man, but he did it in an unusual way: “Jesus inserted his fingers into the guy’s ears.” Then he spit on the man’s tongue and touched it” (Mark 7:33). Later, in the town of Bethsaida, Jesus performed a miracle by healing a blind man. It was once again spitting that brought about the miracle: “He. spat in the man’s eyes and placed his hands on him” (Mark 8:23).

Without a doubt, Jesus, the holy Son of God, does not require physical props in order to perform miracles.

However, in three instances, Jesus utilized His spittle to aid in the healing process.

Saliva was regarded a suitable therapy for blindness by some Roman authors and Jewish rabbis in the first century AD.

  1. It would have been reasonable for those who were being healed to take Jesus’ spitting as a sign that they would soon be cured.
  2. Jesus sensed their spiritual need and responded by doing a physical activity in order to raise their expectations and direct their faith toward Him.
  3. If Jesus’ use of mud in John 9 was intended to mimic God’s original creation of man, it is probable that he was referring to “the LORD God fashioned man from the dust of the earth” (Genesis 2:7).
  4. When the man who was healed realized the magnitude of Jesus’ miracle, he expressed his gratitude by saying, “Since the beginning of time, no one has ever opened the eyes of someone who was born blind.” The fact is that if this man were not from God, he could do nothing (John 9:32-33, NKJV).
  5. The specifics of each miracle differ significantly, which is significant.
  6. The Lord employs a wide range of ways, which makes it impossible to have faith in any one technique or mode of operation.
  7. God’s healing power is manifested in various ways.

(See Mark 2:12 for further information.) Questions about Mark (return to top of page) When Jesus performed some of His miracles, why did He spit?

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Jesus Uses Spit To Heal

“As (Jesus) traveled, he came upon a man who had been blind since birth. A group of his followers approached him and questioned him, ‘Rabbi, who committed the sin, this guy or his parents, that he was born blind?’ According to Jesus, neither the guy nor his parents had done anything wrong, but this had to happen in order for the works of God to be manifested in him. We must do the tasks assigned to us by the one who sent me as long as it is daylight. The night is approaching, and no one will be able to work.

  1. ‘Go,’ he said, ‘wash in the Pool of Siloam’ (this term literally translates as “Sent”).
  2. When Jesus performed miracles, He often only touched the individual with His hands.
  3. That the man has lived in darkness since birth is rather intriguing to contemplate about.
  4. In response to the man’s despair, Jesus declared, “As long as it is day (light), we must carry out the works of Him who sent me.” The night (darkness) is approaching.
  5. Blood and saliva were considered “brothers” in the old Chinese belief system.
  6. The majority of people at the time thought that he was born blind as a result of “sin.” Intriguing thesis, but it’s only interesting because it’s interesting.
  7. In the New Testament, Jesus makes use of His saliva on two further occasions.

There, some people brought to Jesus a man who was deaf and could barely speak, and they pleaded with him to lay his hand on him.

Then he spit on the man’s tongue and pressed his tongue on his.

The man’s ears were opened, his tongue was loosed, and he was able to speak more clearly as a result of this.

As a result, the more he did it, the more others began to speak about it.

‘He has done a fantastic job,’ they remarked of him.

In order to communicate, one must first be able to hear.

Then He spit into His palm and spit on the man’s tongue, which he then wiped away with His spit.

In John 1:1, the Man who was called theLogos(the Word in Greek)) introduced words into the life of that man.

When Jesus used His spittle to heal a blind man, it was recorded in Mark 8:22-25: “They got to Bethsaida, and some people brought a blind man and asked Jesus to touch him.

“Do you see anything?” Jesus inquired after spitting in the man’s eyes and placing his hands on him.

When his eyes were opened, his vision was restored, and he was able to see perfectly again, he said, The companions of the blind man begged Jesus to “touch” the man who was blind.

When they were alone, He spat into the man’s eyes and rubbed his back with his fingers once again.

As a result, Jesus “touched” him once again, “putting his hands on the man’s eyes.” Then his eyes were opened, and his sight was restored, and he was able to see everything well once again.” ” Some believe that this miracle is divided into two halves.

He sees totally again as he touches the man’s eyes for the second time.

All of these miracles include saliva, which is a variant of the Greek verbptuó, which means “to spit.” (Perhaps this explains why we say “Ptoo” when someone spits?) The fact must be acknowledged that, in Jesus’ day, He was the only person in his limited environment who was aware of the healing potential of Saliva.

Job 17:6 (KJV) In the eyes of everyone, God has turned me into a byword, a man in whose face they spit.

Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD), a Roman naturalist and writer who lived at the same time as Jesus, devotes an entire chapter to the many, often ridiculous and fanciful, diseases and injuries that can be cured by “fasting saliva.” Pliny the Elder’s Natural History is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of medicine (meaning saliva in the morning before breakfast).

  • The half gallon of saliva produced by each of us each day has captivated the interest and experimentation of microbiologists for thousands of years and continues to do so today.
  • Antibacterial and antifungal properties of histatins, a protein, which are present solely in humans and primates.
  • They also discovered neutrophils, which are little white blood cells that defend our bodies from infectious illnesses and external intruders.
  • They also discovered laminim in our saliva!
  • Miriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary It is not difficult to accept that Jesus was the Son of God if one has faith in him.
  • “I will give thanks to Thee because I am fearfully and wonderfully formed; amazing are Thy works, and this is something that my soul is completely aware of.” David, the son of Jesse, was king of Israel.

Sandra Sweeny Silver wrote an article based on Psalm 139:14 KJV. GO TO THE HOME PAGE BY CLICKING HERE

Why Did Jesus Spit? — The Church of God International

Jesus was able to heal the ill. He would occasionally say a prayer for them. He was able to heal people with his words on occasion. He would occasionally put his hands on them. He has even cured people from a distance, at least once. And there were three instances in which he was able to heal with his saliva. (See Mark 7:31-33, Mark 8:22-23, and John 9:11 for examples.) What was the purpose of Jesus employing such an unusual medical procedure? What caused Jesus to spit? The context of the three instances of such healings that we find in the Gospels gives us a suggestion as to the solution to this question.

It is important to note that the conversation (argument?) between Jesus and the religious authorities in John 8 concerning who exactly Jesus was serves as the immediate setting for this healing.

Several times during this exchange, Jesus refers to himself using only two words (“I am”), but he is not so subtle about it (“I am the light of the world,” “I am from above,” “I am not of this world,” “I am he,” “Now I am here,” “You will realize that I am he,” “Before Abraham was, I am,” “Before Abraham was, I am,” “Before Abraham was, I am,” “Before Abraham was, I “I AM WHO I AM,” God says to Moses at the burning bush, and “I AM has sent me to you,” he says to his listeners, eliciting laughter from them.

  1. These words are an echo of God’s description of himself at the burning bush, where Moses was told his name: “I AM WHO I AM,” and that “I AM has sent me to you.” The book of Exodus 3:13-14 is a good example of this.
  2. As soon as he is free of their fury, Jesus goes to the blind man’s house and cures him with a paste made from dirt and his spit.
  3. Depending on the religious leaders’ own tradition, they may be able to explain their response.
  4. It is written in the Talmud, which embodies the religious traditions and beliefs of the rabbis of the time: “There is a tradition that the spittle of a father’s firstborn child is healing, while the spittle of a mother’s firstborn child is not healing,” according to the author.
  5. Jesus makes several allusions to his Father (verses 16, 17, 19, 29, 38, 42, 49).
  6. God is the only father we have.
  7. As I understand it, when Jesus cured the blind man with mud mortared with saliva, he was (forgive the expression) spitting in the face of his adversaries.
  8. I am the firstborn son of my Father, whom you pretend to know, but who is actually a devil’s son, as you have demonstrated.

In addition to illustrating the lesson Jesus was attempting to teach, this episode demonstrates how an awareness of the religious and cultural context in which Jesus lived may deepen one’s comprehension of the Bible. It also provides a response to the initial inquiry, “Why did Jesus spit?”

Why did Jesus use spit to heal people?

This post is also accessible in the following languages: हिन्दी(Hindi) It is recorded in theBiblethatJesusapplied spit for healing purposes on three distinct occasions:” Jesus inserted his fingers into the man’s ears. Then he spit on the man’s tongue and touched it” (Mark 7:33). “He. spat in the man’s eyes and laid his hands on him,” according to Bethsaida (Mark 8:23). And on another occasion, “He spat on the ground and created clay with the saliva; then He anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay,” according to the Bible text.

  1. So he left and cleaned his hands, and when he returned, he saw” (See also John 9:6, 7).
  2. He, on the other hand, employed spit for specific reasons and to suit unique demands that changed from one individual to the next.
  3. It was often believed that spit possessed healing properties, which was not the case.
  4. 526).
  5. The ill were under the impression that they were not in the good graces of God.
  6. As a result, Jesus used spit to demonstrate to them first His passion and intent to bless them in order for them to have hope.
  7. Because no one may obtain healing unless they have faith (Hebrews 11:6).
  8. As a result, the man’s faith was bolstered, and he was eventually granted sight.
  9. The fact is that if this man were not from God, he could do nothing (John 9:32-33).
  10. This post is also accessible in the following languages: (Hindi)

Why did Jesus spit on people?

FOR SOMEONE WHO HAS THE ABILITY TO STOP THE WIND With the term, it certainly seemed weird that Jesus needed to use a spit and mud poultice to treat those who were visually impaired. When Mother Nature plunged her mixer into the Sea of Galilee, stirring up quite a ruckus, Jesus yanked the plug with just a few words: “Silence! Stop! “Stay still!” (Matthew 4:39) In the end, when something happened to Lazarus, rendering him incapable of sucking in any more oxygen than my old Hoover (may he rest in peace), Jesus reignited him with just a few more words: “Lazarus, come out!” (Lazarus, come out!) (See also John 11:43.) So, when Jesus came upon a man who had been born blind, why did he resort to this strange treatment: “He spit on the ground.” He created some mud and rubbed it over the man’s eyes to make them seem better.

See also:  What Sandals Did Jesus Wear

“After that, he told me to go to Siloam Pool and wash off the muck.” (See also John 9:6-7.) Here’s a fun fact for you on Friday.

In a series of 37 science publications titled Natural History, produced by a Roman science writer named Pliny, the treatments are described in great detail; (A.D. 23-79). For anyone who are interested, here are two ancient Roman cures for eye problems:

  • “To treat inflammation of the eyes, wipe the eyes with spit from your overnight fast every morning.” “To keep your eyes healthy and prevent the development of eye illnesses. “Each time you wash the dust off your feet, use the dirty water to splash three times into your eyes. “

I’ve been told by my son-in-law, Dr. Jonathan Eck, who works as an optometrist at Vision Professionals of Leawood (yep, it’s a family promotion), that saliva has some antibacterial and antiviral qualities. However, he is quick to point out that it is probably not a good idea to lick our wounds or put saliva in our eyes after they have been licked. He claims that we have more effective and safer alternatives than the Romans did. When Bible scholars try to explain why Jesus bothered with this tactic, they typically believe it was because he was attempting to prepare the man’s faith for what was going to happen by employing medical treatments that were prevalent at the time.

The “why” questions are not frequently answered by Bible writers – maybe because they do not know the answers.

Alternatively, my book Understanding Jesus: A Guide to His Life and Times contains a wealth of information on how Jesus’ miracles occasionally corresponded with Roman medical procedures.

Miller’s profile on Pinterest for more inspiration.

Why Did Jesus Put Spit in his Eyes? There is beauty in the details.

The passage is well-known to you. Perhaps you’re too familiar with the situation. When they reached the edge of town, he grabbed the blind man’s hand in his own, leading him out of the hamlet. After spitting in his eyes and laying his hands on him, he questioned him, “Do you see anything?” (Apr. 23rd, 2008) One of the greatest tragedies of our Christian experience is that we have become too familiar with the person of Jesus. We read these miraculous narratives and immediately fill in the blanks before we even contemplate the gravity of the events that took place in the details.

  • He possesses divine authority because he is God.
  • And, more importantly, why are they blind in the first place?
  • As a result, Jesus is regarded as the great restorer of mankind.
  • In the words of a popular Christmas carol, Jesus is the one who intends to let his blessings flow “as far as the curse is discovered.” Take a moment to consider these well-known facts, though.
  • Isn’t this a little strange, don’t you think?
  • This would not be the last time that fluid from Jesus’ body would be used as a metaphor for the healing of people who had been plagued by the curse, either.
  • He would be subjected to the rage of mankind while also anticipating the vengeance of God.

In his death for sinners, Jesus would stain the wood with red in the process.

To bleed his own blood for us, Jesus was willing to go to any length.

He would wash us, heal us, restore us, and transform us into something completely different.

Because of Christ’s death and resurrection, we, like this blind man, may see once again in our lives.

And, praise God, we are able to see.

Yes, we all have some blurriness in our vision, just like this man from Bethsaida (Mk.

But don’t get disheartened if you see someone looking away.

See the Savior’s hand once more. Take a look at him dipping his finger into the vast ocean of his blood and reapplying. We are getting improved vision. We’re falling in love with each other more. This is possible because of the Savior’s mighty and compassionate mercy (Mk. 8.25).

What is the significance of Jesus’ spitting on the ground in the book of John?

Jesus is reported to have spat in the eyes of a blind man whom he had healed on two occasions in the gospels, according to Matthew and Luke. Mark 8:23–25: Mark 8:23–25: “When they got at Bethsaida, they presented him with a blind man and pleaded with him to touch him. He agreed. He grabbed the blind man’s hand in his and led him out of the hamlet. “Do you see anything?” he said after sprinkling spittle in his eyes and placing his hands on his shoulders. “I see people strolling about who seem like trees,” he said, raising his eyes to the sky.

In this particular incident, Jesus was only partially successful on his first effort, but he was successful on his subsequent attempt.

Thus, he left to wash and returned with the ability to see.” Saliva was generally believed to have curative virtues in the ancient world, and this was frequently documented.

According to Plinio Prioreschi’s A History of Medicine: Roman medicine (page 728), the deity instructed Vespasian to spit in the eyes of a blind man, who would therefore be healed.

Just a few paragraphs earlier in the context of John 9:6-7, at John 8:8, we read of Jesus announcing himself to be the son of God: “I testify on my side, and the Father who sent me does as well.”” As a result, they asked him, “Where has your father gone?” Jesus responded by saying, “You have no idea who I am or who my Father is.

I have a lot of things to say about you that are negative.

As a result, Jesus responded (to them), “When you hoist up the Son of Man, you will recognize that I AM, and that I do nothing on my own initiative, but merely speak what the Father has taught me through the generations.

Despite my best efforts, he has not abandoned me because I always do what he finds nice.” He had already shown to them that he was the genuine son of God, therefore the only thing remaining for him to do now was to demonstrate this to them in a way that first-century Jews would expect someone who was legitimately the son of God to do.

As a result, in verse 9:1, “As he walked by, he noticed a guy who had been blind from birth.” As a result, the meaning of Jesus spitting in the context of John chapters 8 and 9 is that he is affirming his status as the only begotten son of the Father.

081 – Why Did Jesus Spit on the Blind Man? ~ The Bible Speaks to You

I understand that that sounds a little disgusting. However, once, Jesus spit on a blind man who had come to him for healing because he was deaf. That guttural sound emanating from Jesus’ throat and then suddenly feeling the warm gooey stuff in your eyes must have been quite a shock, if you happened to be that man at the time. Spitting was considered a gesture of disrespect and reprimand. Was Jesus expressing disdain for this individual? In no way, shape, or form. By the way, the man had been cured and was able to see fully again.

In this week’s podcast, I provide an answer to this topic as well as an explanation of what Jesus was actually spitting on.

Why did Jesus spit?

Another instance in which Jesus used his spittle to heal a blind man is recorded. Really, doesn’t it sound strange when you say it like that? In contrast, Jesus never took a cookie-cutter approach to prayer, healing, or how to cope with a particular circumstance. In this particular instance, the man was born blind. The followers of Jesus speculated that the man’s parents had sinned and that their kid was being punished as a result. They even wondered if the guy himself had committed a sin before he was born, which had resulted in his being born blind.

And once more he spit, this time on the ground, before walking away.

The individual carried out the instructions given to him.

Why did Jesus spit on the ground?

What was he thinking when he smeared muck in the man’s eyes? And then inform him that he needs to go wash his hands? What was the connection between all of this strange behavior and the man getting healed? This is explored in further depth in this week’s episode. And, of course, the next question is whether or not we can imbibe the spirit of Jesus and pray with the same spiritual authority that he demonstrated. Can we expect the same outcomes this time? In his words and deeds, Jesus has set a standard for us, and he wants us to follow in his footsteps.

  • However, when you pray in the spirit of what Jesus was doing when he spat, the healing power of God will manifest itself in your life.
  • I’d be delighted to hear from you if you have any questions or comments on the site.
  • ANNOUNCEMENT: The following is the link to the Bible workshop: Praying with the Heart and Mind of Jesus Yes, it is still available for purchase.
  • Blessings, James Sign up for my email list and you’ll be the first to know when a new episode is available.

Bible references in this week’s episode

Mark 8:22-26ESV22 (Mark 8:22-26ESV22) And they made their way to Bethsaida. And other people brought him a blind guy who pleaded with him to touch him, and he agreed. He grabbed the blind man’s hand and brought him out of the hamlet, and after sprinkling spit in his eyes and laying his hands on him, he questioned him, “Do you see anything?” he asked him. 24And he raised his eyes to the sky and declared, “I see humans, yet they appear to be trees strolling.” 25Then Jesus placed his hands on his eyes once more, and he opened his eyes, his sight was restored, and he was able to see properly once more.

  1. The Bible says in Matthew 4:17ESV17: Starting at that point on, Jesus began his preaching with the words, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” John 9:1-7, 34ESV (New International Version) 1 As he went by, he noticed a man who had been blind since birth.
  2. 5I am the light of the world as long as I am on this planet,” says Jesus.
  3. Then he used the mud to anoint the man’s eyes with.
  4. So he went and cleaned his clothes and returned to see what he had done.

34 “You were born into a state of complete sin, and will you educate us?” they inquired. And they kicked him to the curb. Psalm 100:3 KJV3 (King James Version) Know that the LORD is God: it is he who created us, not we ourselves; we are his people, and we are the sheep of his pasture.

Why Did Jesus Make Mud to Heal the Blind Man?

You are currently browsing the archives for the media category. Many people have been baffled by the miracle of Jesus curing the blind man, which may be found in John 9. The reason why Jesus used mixed mud to heal this man’s blindness (see John 9:1-7) is unclear. Some have hypothesized that Jesus performed this miracle using an old cure, which would explain why it was successful. “Apparently spittle was historically believed to have medicinal capabilities, as Tacitus recounts that Vespasian’s ailing eyes were healed with it,” one critic said in response to this text.

As a result, the Lord employed what was most likely thought to be a “home treatment” for blindness at the time of his intervention (King 185).

See also:  What Did Jesus Say About The Heart Of Man

Was it really a miracle if Christ was unable to heal this guy without the use of an ancient remedy?

The following verses may give some insight on the reason why Christ used mixed mud to treat this man’s condition, and they are worth reading.

” data-medium-file=” data-large-file=” data-small-file=” src=” 181f46″ alt=”” width=”640″ height=”427″ src=” 181f46″ alt=”” width=”640″ height=”427″ srcset=”640w,300w,1024w,768w,1536w,2048w” sizes=”(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px”>srcset=”640w,300w,1024w,768w,1536w,2048w” Chris Yang captured this image.

  1. God instructed the Jews that they were not permitted to labor on the Sabbath (Ex.
  2. Moses described an event in which a man was gathering sticks (working) on a Sabbath and was stoned to death as a result of his actions (Num.
  3. God’s notion of working on a Sabbath included other activities such as treading a winepress, conducting business, transporting goods and traveling, as well as starting a fire (Neh.
  4. 17:21-22; Ex.
  5. 35:1-3).
  6. The best illustration of this may be seen when Jesus’ followers were plucking heads of grain, and the Pharisees assumed that by doing so, they had violated the Sabbath and were punished accordingly (Mk.
  7. Is it not plausible to assume that the Jewish authorities considered picking grain to be labor (Jn.

These religious authorities even considered curing someone to be a violation of the Sabbath (Mk.




Many Jews would prefer continue to follow the traditions of their predecessors and continue to attend their synagogues than to follow God’s Son, who they believe is the Son of God (Jn.

They were even aware that Jesus Christ was sent by God, but they could not comprehend abandoning the customs that they had grown up with.

It is because they choose the acclaim of others above the honor of God that so many people continue to be involved in denominations, erroneous beliefs, and open contempt for the Scriptures.

Is it possible that you have refused to obey the Gospel because you were told by a loved one or a family member how one should be saved in their tradition?

Traditions will not rescue you on the Day of Judgment; only the shed blood of Jesus Christ will do so on that occasion (Rev.

1:5). Baptism is the sole way in which one can come into touch with the blood of Jesus (Rom. 6:1-6). Will you be able to break free from human convention and accept the truth? -Brandon Foresha’s e-mail address

Interested in learning more? Please contact us to continue the conversation:

In the Gospel of John, Jesus cures a man who was born blind. There are other instances in the Bible when Jesus heals the blind, but there is one significant distinction between the healing in John and the healings in the other chapters: mud. John 9:1-7 (KJV): “As he passed by, he noticed a man who had been born blind. His followers then questioned him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this guy or his parents, that he was born blind?” They inquired, “This man or his parents?” The Lord said, “It was not because this guy or his parents had sinned, but so that the works of God would be exhibited in him.” It is necessary for us to complete the tasks of him who sent me while it is still daylight; the darkness will come when no one will be able to work.5As long as I am in this world, I am the light of this world.” 6After saying these words, he spit on the ground, causing the saliva to coagulate and become mud.

  • Later, after anointing the man’s eyes with dirt7and telling him to “go wash in the lake of Siloam,” he walked away (which means Sent).
  • I was able to get some information from a variety of sources.
  • In a figurative sense, the spittle represents the Word, which is both spirit and life.
  • As a result, mixing spittle with clay represents the merging of mankind with the live Word of the Lord.
  • (Was it possible for anybody to do anything legal on the Sabbath back then?) As a result, it has been asserted that Jesus was purposefully disobeying the Pharisees by doing this.
  • It is possible that Jesus used his spit to certify that He was really the first and only son of God, however I am not certain of the specifics of this claim.

“Why did Jesus need to spit on a man’s eyes to heal his blindness?” — Bible Inspectors

Mark 8:22–25 (KJV) And they made their way to Bethsaida. And some people brought a blind guy to them and pleaded with him to touch them. When they reached the edge of town, he grabbed the blind man’s hand in his own, leading him out of the hamlet. After spitting in his eyes and laying his hands on him, he questioned him, “Do you see anything?” And he raised his eyes to the sky and declared, “I see humans, yet they appear to be trees strolling.” His sight was restored and he was able to see everything well when Jesus placed His hands on him once again in the process of healing his eyes.

  • Throughout the New Testament, Jesus performs a number of healing miracles, but one specific one sticks out as unusually bizarre.
  • Can’t the healing process be done without resorting to such a clumsy symbolic act?
  • The guy was unable to see well until Jesus placed his hands on his eyes a second time, restoring his vision.
  • In the event that something was done on purpose, what exactly was the purpose or lesson that was intended to be taught?
  • If this is the case, why is the healing miracle reported in such a different way?

Who says that Jesus needed to employ two separate techniques to treat the same ailment, regardless of whether the two accounts reflect two different miracles? Another tale (Mark 10:46-52) describes how a blind man is instantly healed without the need for physical contact or spittle.

Christian Answers:

  • It is reasonable to believe that the two accounts of curing blind men in Mark and John are separate stories about different persons. (Christ Created: Where did Jesus perform the miracle of healing the blind man?) The two stories are supposed to be about two distinct persons, but the process of healing may be understood to be the same in both stories, but expressed in a different manner. (Christ Created: How did Jesus heal the blind man? )
  • (Christ Created:
  • In light of the assumption that Jesus cures blind persons in the same manner, why does Jesus heal a blind man instantly in Mark 10:46-52?
  • As a result of the high regard in which the people of that time held saliva’s curative capabilities, Jesus utilized spit to indicate His purpose to cure.” “It’s probable that Jesus’ use of mud in John 9 was supposed to be a reference to God’s original creation of man, according to certain interpretations. ” “The Lord employs a wide range of ways, which makes it impossible to have faith in any one technique or mode of operation. Healing does not occur as a result of the use of a talisman, amulet, spell, or other method. God’s healing power is manifested in various ways.” (Do you have any questions? For example, why did Jesus spit during some of His miracles?) “
  • “As a matter of fact, the Hebrew Bible not only states that the spit of someone suffering from genital excretions is filthy (see Lev. 15:8), but it also states that spitting on someone is regarded an insult (see Deut. 18:15). (Cf. Num. 12:14
  • Dt. 25:9) Several instances in the Bible depict Jesus performing acts that indicate his authority. So, you believe that spitting is an insult, and you believe that spitting is unclean?’ Jesus was essentially stating. As an example, let me to demonstrate what spit was capable of doing from the beginning of time — before sin entered the earth.” When did Jesus use spit to cure people? (David L Gray: Why did Jesus use spit to heal people?). The two-stage healing process is a metaphor for both visible clarity and spiritual clarity. “When he was half cured, he saw visions of men wandering through the forest. No one has a crystal-clear view of the world. We all suffer from spiritual nearsightedness to some degree or another in our lives.” The Walking Trees: Why Did Jesus Heal the Blind Man in Two Stages? (Jesus.org: Walking Trees: Why Did Jesus Heal the Blind Man in Two Stages?) Jesus is effectively enacting a parable for his disciples in this instance.” The question of why Jesus had to heal the blind man twice in Mark 8 has been raised by Ched Spellman.

Secular Answers:

  • Miracle claims are not exclusive to the Christian religion. Throughout history, nearly every religion has claimed to supernatural occurrences that can only be explained by their own distinctive theology. (See Miracle on Wikipedia.) Critics of Christian miracles point out that no mechanism for the claims of these miracles has been identified. Miracles appear to be in direct conflict with the functioning of recognized scientific rules. (See Wikipedia’s entry on Criticism of Christianity.) Critics further point out that the Gospels must have been written a considerable time after the death of Jesus, and that we have no way of knowing when or by whom they were written with any degree of confidence. (See Wikipedia’s entry on Criticism of Christianity.) (See Wikipedia’s entry on the historical veracity of the Gospels.)

The following are the verses that are referred to in this passage: Mark 8:22, Mark 8:23, Mark 8:24, Mark 8:25, John 8:59, John 9:1, John 9:2, John 9:3, John 9:4, John 9:5, John 9:6, Mark 10:46, Mark 10:47, Mark 10:48, Mark 10:49, Mark 10:50, Mark 10:51, Mark 10:52

Jesus was willing to get his hands dirty to heal

  • “After leaving the Tyrean region, Jesus traveled via Sidon on his way to the Galilee Sea, passing through the region of the Ten Cities along the way. One day, several people brought him a guy who was deaf and unable to communicate, and they urged him to lay his hand on the man in order for him to be healed. Jesus drew the guy away from the rest of the throng by himself and inserted his fingers into his ears. Then he spit on the man’s tongue and pressed his tongue on his. Taking a deep breath, Jesus looked into heaven and murmured, ‘Ephphatha,’ which is Hebrew for “Open up. ” His ears immediately opened, his knotted tongue was untangled, and he was able to talk effectively for the first time. The people were given severe orders not to tell anybody about what Jesus had said. However, the more he attempted to keep them quiet, the more enthusiastically they spread the word. Many people were taken aback by his abilities and exclaimed, “He does everything perfectly!” He even has the ability to make the deaf hear and to give words to those who are unable to speak.” —Matthew 7:31-37
  • (CEB) Just past Sunday, we provided a chance for our parishioners to come forward as a worship response and receive anointing of oil as well as healing prayer for their ailments. With oil on the forehead, the sign of the cross was made, and a prayer was said in response. Mind, body, and soul were all requested to be healed so that God might be served with a loving heart, according to the prayer. Then I went to J.D. Walt’s Seedbed blog, where I read a little reflection on the narrative of Jesus curing the deaf-mute in Mark 7. Doctor Timothy Tennent, president of Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky, provided the meditation’s ideas and words of encouragement. Dr. Tennent’s reflections on the healing in Mark 7 prompted me to consider the countless examples of Jesus restoring individuals to “wholeness,” both physically and spiritually, throughout the Bible. Examining those who were healed by Jesus, we see that he performed a variety of activities to bring about the healings: he talked, touched, and utilized props, including soil and even his own saliva to bring about the healings. Perhaps Jesus was seeking to draw the people’s attention away from the tactics and props and toward the transforming force of God that was pouring through him via the use of a variety of healing treatments. There are two further occasions in the New Testament where Jesus is reported as using spittle in the course of his healing ministry. Mark 8:22-26 describes how Jesus heals a blind man in Bethsaida by spitting on his eyes first, and then touching his eyes with his fingers. In John 9:6,7, Jesus alters his routine once more, spitting on the ground and creating mud, which he then uses to apply to the blind man’s eyes. After that, Jesus instructed him to go wash in the Pool of Siloam. These two healings were successful in restoring eyesight in the patients. In the text from Mark 7, I’ve attempted to imagine Jesus putting his fingers in the man’s ears and then taking spittle from his lips and putting it on the man’s tongue, as described in the chapter. Although we read that Jesus led this guy aside from the rest of the throng to spend time with him alone, what a magnificent sight it must have been for those who watched the healing. It’s possible that no one witnessed this miracle taking place. Dr. Tennent reminds us of the “why” questions that always seem to come to mind when we think about Jesus and his teachings. “What was Jesus thinking when he stuck his fingers in the man’s ears? What was the purpose of Jesus putting spit on his finger and touching the man’s tongue? After all, Jesus did not have to come into contact with this guy at all. He might have just whispered a word and the guy would have been cured on the spot. “What is the reason behind this?” There is a possibility that these queries will lead to more “theologically” oriented questions. Why did God manifest himself in the person of Jesus in the first place? Can’t he have “solved” the sin problem from a higher level of existence? Why couldn’t God just say the word and heal everyone at the same time? The basis of the biblical gospel tale, I believe, has the answers to these questions. God has always desired a personal relationship with us, his chosen people. As an example for us, he came down to where the sin issue exists in order to suffer alongside us, to be tempted alongside us, to live life as we do, to feel life the way we do, and to accomplish all of this without sinning as an example for us to follow. We have a God who is not abstract, who is prepared to get his hands filthy with our brokenness in order to save us from killing ourselves, and who does it through the person of Jesus. The following is written by Dr. Tennent: “Those who witnessed this miracle cried, ‘He does everything beautifully!'” What a sincere statement they made. Any God who is willing to come down from His seat in heaven, enter into the frailty of human flesh, walk on this earth, and shove his fingers into the ears of a blind-deaf man — any God who is willing to do that — is capable of accomplishing all things. ‘Thank you very much, God!” “Come let’s get our hands muddy, together!” I feel that Jesus is inviting us, tucked away somewhere in this narrative. “Come, let’s get our hands dirty, together!” he says. As an assistant pastor at Long’s Chapel United Methodist Church in Lake Junaluska, the Rev. Tim McConnell expresses his thoughts on the subject. You may reach him by phone at 456-3993 or on his blog, Pastor Timmc.
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Why Did Jesus Mix Spit And Mud To Heal The Blind Man?

It is one of the most puzzling episodes in the entire Gospel of John. In the ninth chapter of the Gospel of John, the disciples ask Our Lord about a poor beggar who had been blind from birth. They inquire as to why the guy is blind; is it as a result of his fault or as a result of his parents’ sin? As our Lord responds, “Neither he nor his parents committed any fault; it is for this reason that the wonders of God may be made manifest through him.” Then Jesus “spat on the ground and created clay with his saliva, and smeared the clay on his eyes,” according to the Bible.

  • The man is cured as a result of this action.
  • Why not just state, “You have been healed?” What is the significance of the symbolism and the lesson?
  • Thomas Aquinas, a medieval theologian, observed that this line gave an illustration of Jesus’ ability to heal sin.
  • Augustine as his source.
  • While healing the blind man and allowing him to see the light, Jesus is actually seeing.
  • Saint Irenaeus believes that Jesus Christ is bringing about a New Creation via his death and resurrection.
  • Jesus is creating a New Creation in which sins are cleansed and we are forgiven by mixing His own Holy Saliva with clay.

In addition, just as he does in the Sacraments, Jesus takes common worldly elements and transforms them into something holy and special in order to cure us.

The Amalarakkini School for the Blind is run by the Brothers of the Sacred Heart, who are based in southern India.

Training is provided to both boys and girls from rural regions in a variety of occupational skills that will help them sustain themselves as adults.

Communities frequently assume that blind children are incapable of learning, and as a result, they are denied the education they require.

The Pontifical Mission Societies have created MISSIO, a new and innovative Catholic crowd-funding platform that allows you to directly contribute to the education of blind children and other needy children like them.

It is possible to look through critical charity projects on MISSIO, including those that provide for basic needs, education, and safety, as well as those that spread the Good News of the Gospel to isolated locations.

Choose one of Pope Francis’ ministries and make a direct gift to them, knowing that every penny of your donation will be used to further that mission’s objectives.

MISSIOis powered by The Pontifical Mission Societies, the Catholic Church’s official support organization for foreign missions since 1822, and it connects individuals all over the world who are making a difference in the lives of those in need all over the world.

Check outMISSIOtoday and start donating right away! Do you have a soft spot for uCATHOLIC? Get our uplifting content emailed to your inbox every morning – absolutely free!


A remarkable comment from John Chrysostom about why it is possible that Jesus used His own spit to produce the mud for the blind man’s eyes in the Gospel of John. Despite the fact that Chrysostom doesn’t go into further detail, he’s on to something: the Word is what comes from the mouth of the Lord. Scripture employs this method of portraying God’s Word multiple times in order to convey to us the efficacy and power of God’s Word. A message that comes straight from God’s mouth, that is, one that is breathed out by God, cannot fail to be effective.

So, in the same way that the Word of the Lord is sent out from the mouth of the Lord to cure spiritual blindness, the Lord Jesus sends out His spit onto the ground to cure the man’s physical blindness.

In addition, the fact that Jesus used spit and dirt to heal those who were blind is a fantastic reminder that He was genuinely a man.

As a result, He is both perfectly ordinary and extraordinarily remarkable at the same time, and hence He is the God-man.

The man had been about to be delivered up to Siloam; therefore, in order that nothing should be attributed to the fountain, but that thou mightest learn that the power emanating from His mouth, the same which both formed and opened the man’s eyes, He “spittled on the ground,” as at least the Evangelist indicated when he said, “And made clay of the spittle.” Then, in order for the successful issue not to appear to be of the soil, He instructed him to wash.

John Chrysostom, Homily on the Gospel of St.

Healing with Spittle – Bible Study

The Gospel of Mark is divided into three categories: Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ the King (Healings) Question During numerous of Jesus’ healing miracles, why did he resort to the use of “spittle”? What, then, is a reasonable explanation for the miracle in Mark, in which a blind man approaches to Jesus seeking healing? Jesus cured him and then inquired as to whether or not it was effective. Instead of responding affirmatively, the guy stated that he could see “men like trees going about.” Answer Only in the books of Mark (7:33; 8:23) and John do we see the usage of spittle (9:6).

  1. A variety of explanations have been offered, ranging from employing spittle to attract the men’s entire attention (which was essential in order for them to interact with her) to believing that these behaviors related to traditional healing practices.
  2. However, because this was the prevalent pagan viewpoint at the time, it is doubtful that rabbis would have advocated its use in healing rituals.
  3. Under certain situations and when in the hands of a qualified individual, the same pollutants might be changed into instruments of blessing, but only in particular civilizations.
  4. If this is true for the ancient Hebrews (and it is evident that they considered those substances to be unclean), then by employing spittle, Jesus was claiming to be the religious authority in that community.

This was in violation of several Sabbath laws (making the clay was in violation of the law that prohibited “kneading” on the Sabbath; applying the mixture to the man’s eyes was in violation of the law against anointing), which led to the Pharisees accusing him of breaking the Sabbath and putting him in prison.

  • However, while the usage of spit may represent the same idea as in John, the order in which the stories are told is critical.
  • It occurs after a lengthy segment in which Jesus had been preaching and teaching, heralding the coming of the kingdom of God and declaring its presence.
  • Despite this, the ears of this man, who was a gentile, were perked.
  • The disciples and the religious authorities both see this individual as a foil, which is a symbolic representation of the man.
  • There was a time when one could have believed that no one could hear, that hearing was too difficult, or that it was impossible.
  • People have the ability to hear, as demonstrated by this narrative.
  • Contrary to what appears to be true, hearing is possible, and it may occur even in the case of a deaf person.

It, too, comes after a lengthy stretch in which the disciples and religious authorities have proved their inability to comprehend and grasp Jesus’ teachings and healings, as well as their unwillingness to believe in them.

However, after spitting in the man’s eyes and laying hands on him, Jesus inquired as to whether or not the guy could see anything.

In an unexpected turn of events, the guy responds, “I see humans; they appear to be trees strolling about.” The man’s answer is, without a doubt, less what we could have anticipated.

This man’s vision has been partially restored in the very best of times.

In addition, he has some sort of point of reference.

This corresponds to the level of visual acuity displayed by the disciples.

It is reminiscent of Jesus’ query to the blind man regarding whether or not he could see anything, which was followed by a question to the disciples, “Do you still not see?” (See Mark 8:17 for further information.) Because Jesus placed his hands on the man’s eyes a second time (and then they were opened), we have reason to believe that he will persevere with them as well.

Indeed, the very next tale in Mark is Peter’s confession, “You are the Christ,” which occurs immediately after the previous event.

Perhaps the disciples will be able to “see” something in the near future. This two-step healing procedure shows that both the disciples and the blind man are going through a process of revelation. If you have any queries about the Bible, please do not hesitate to contact us by email.

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