Who Did Jesus Show Himself To After The Resurrection

To Whom Did Jesus Appear after His Death?

They were the primary reason the disciples believed in the resurrection of Jesus because they witnessed Him alive after He had been declared dead. Jesus appeared to His disciples in a living state on a number of occasions throughout His ministry. It is as a result of this that we see them testifying time and time again to the fact that they were eyewitnesses to His resurrection. Because the disciples had direct knowledge of the resurrection, they provide a significant argument in favor of the resurrection of Christ.

The Testimony of Jesus Regarding His Resurrection Jesus’ own personal witness of His resurrection from the dead is the first piece of evidence.

And I am in possession of the keys of death and Hades (Revelation 1:18).

Take a look at my fingers and toes.

  • You can feel my flesh and bones, and you will realize that a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you can see I do (Luke 24:39).
  • The following were the people who made an appearance.
  • Mary Magdalene was the first person to see Jesus after he ascended into heaven.
  • ‘Woman, what is the cause of your tears?’ Jesus inquired.
  • She turned to face him and said, ‘Rabboni!’ (which translates as ‘Teacher’) (John 20:14-16).
  • Mary the Mother of James, Salome, and Joanna are three of the most important women in the Bible.
  • This occurred following the apparition of Jesus to Mary Magdalene.

And lo and behold, Jesus came up to them and welcomed them.

Once again, we are treated to an unexpected appearance.

Peter When Paul mentions witnesses, Peter is the first to come to mind, and he is also the first of the apostles to view the resurrected Christ.

The gospels are utterly deafeningly quiet about the specifics of this gathering.

On the Road to Emmaus, There Were Two Disciples Later on Easter Sunday, Jesus appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus, according to the Gospel of Luke.

And they were having a conversation with one another about all that had happened.

However, they were unable to recognize him because of their eyesight (Luke 24:13-16).

It was in reality because they had lost faith in Him that they were departing from Jerusalem.

This is the final of Jesus’ five appearances on Easter Sunday, and it is the most dramatic.

It is reported in both Luke’s and John’s gospels, providing us with two completely separate versions of what occurred in that day.

Following his statement, he demonstrated his hands and his side to the group of onlookers.

However, Thomas, one of the twelve disciples, known as Didymus, was not there when Jesus appeared (John 20:19, 20, 24).

It was eight days later when He reappeared, this time with Thomas in attendance.

Jesus entered through the closed doors and stood in the center of the crowd, saying, “Peace to you!” “Reach your finger here and look at my hands,” he instructed Thomas.

‘Do not be unbelievers, but rather believers.” After that, Thomas responded by exclaiming to him, ‘My Lord and My God!

Another appearance took place on the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus appeared to seven disciples.

Simon Peter, Thomas named Didymus, Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, as well as two other disciples, were all present at the same time (John 21:1, 2).

Additionally, the story of Jesus coming before His eleven disciples in Galilee is told in the Bible.

And when they saw him, they worshipped him; nevertheless, some were hesitant to do so (Matthew 28:16, 17).

On another instance, Jesus appeared to over 500 individuals at the same time on a single date.

James In addition, the Bible claims that Jesus appeared to His half-brother James.

The specifics of this apparition have not been documented.

And as he went, he drew close to Damascus, at which point a halo of light flashed around him from above.

In response, the Lord responded, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting” (Acts 9:3-5).

They were successful in convincing His disciples that He had resurrected from the grave.

Furthermore, Jesus demonstrated to them that he was alive after his suffering via several persuasive demonstrations, coming to them over a period of forty days and spoke of matters pertaining to the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3) SummaryAccording to the Bible, Jesus made a number of public appearances following His death.

In the Bible, it is expressly stated that on Easter Sunday, Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene, the ladies who came to Jesus’ tomb (Mary the Mother of James, Salome, and Joanna), Peter, and two disciples who were traveling on the Emmaus road.

Later, he appeared in front of them with Thomas in attendance.

During another appearance, he was in front of more than five hundred individuals at the same time.

The character James makes an appearance as well. At long last, Jesus appeared to Saul of Tarsus, the man who would go on to become known as the Apostle Paul. Any of these appearances convinced His disciples that He had risen from the grave beyond all reasonable doubts.

How many times did Jesus appear after his resurrection?

Following his resurrection from the grave, Jesus appeared to his followers on a number of times. His ascension into Heaven took place over a period of several days, not merely on the first day of the week following his resurrection. To be more specific, how many times? The exact number of times that Jesus appeared to his disciples throughout these 40 days is unknown to us. “Jesus performed many additional signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not recorded in this book,” John himself remarked, pointing out that the Gospel stories were not a comprehensive historical record (John 20:30).

In total, Jesus is said to have appeared to his followers ten times in his resurrected form, according to the Bible.

Here’s why JPII stated “probably so” in the first place.

“Mary,” Jesus addressed her by name.

When she asked Jesus not to hold her, he said, “Do not hold me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brethren and tell them that I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” (See also John 20:16-17.) Women (perhaps Mary of Clopas, Mary the mother of James, and Joanna)So they hurriedly left the tomb, terrified and filled with great excitement, and hastened to inform his followers what had happened.

  • And lo and behold, Jesus appeared in front of them and said, “Hail!” And they came up to him, seized hold of his feet, and prostrated themselves before him in reverence.
  • Matthew 28:8-10 describes the journey of two disciples on the road to Emmaus.
  • They were chatting about all that had transpired as they strolled along the street.
  • (Matthew 24:13-43) “The Lord has risen truly, and he has appeared to Simon!” proclaims St.

(See also Luke 24:34) They were saying this when Jesus himself appeared among them and said, “Peace to you.” (See also Luke 24:36) The Disciples of Christ (With Thomas) Although the doors were closed, Jesus entered and stood among them, saying, “Peace be with you.” “Put your finger here, and you will see my hands; and put out your hand, and you will place it in my side; do not be faithless, but believing,” he instructed Thomas.

  • “My Lord and my God!” Thomas exclaimed in response.
  • “Blessed are those who believe despite the fact that they have not seen.” (See also John 20:26-29.) Seven Disciples are a group of people who follow Jesus Christ.
  • Together with him were Simon Peter, Thomas, known as the Twin, Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other members of his discipleship.
  • Then he appeared to more than five hundred brethren at the same time, the vast majority of whom are still alive, though some have passed into eternal rest.
  • James and the Apostles (St.
  • The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:7 that Prior to the Ascension of Christ Then he led them all the way to Bethany, where he blessed them with his hands raised in the air.

And they worshipped him, returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and spent the rest of their time in the temple, thanking God for everything. (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53)

The Sequence of Christ’s Post-Resurrection Appearances

Some individuals believe that the Gospel descriptions of Jesus’ post-Resurrection appearances are inconsistent in terms of the places, witnesses, and time of his appearances. We are admonished by Scripture to constantly be prepared with responses (1 Peter 3:15) for the hope that we have in ourselves. Because these solutions, as well as our everlasting hope, are predicated on the reality of Christ’s Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:17), we must sort through some of the “many infallible proofs” (Acts 1:3) that the Bible provides.

Contradictory or Complementary Accounts?

So, where precisely did Jesus show up, and to whom did he appear? On the basis of the word “to the mountain,” some have questioned the internal coherence of the Bible’s text. Once they had reached Galilee, they went to the mountain that Jesus had designated as a meeting place. When they saw Him, they worshipped Him, but others were skeptics about His identity. Is it possible that Jesus appeared to the eleven disciples on a hillside in Galilee or in Jerusalem behind closed doors? (Matthew 28:16–17, emphasis added) Is this story in Matthew in conflict with those in Mark, Luke, and John, or is it in agreement with them?

(Matthew 16:14) As a result, they woke up at the crack of dawn and returned to Jerusalem, where they saw the eleven and others who were with them gathered together, proclaiming, “The Lord has certainly risen, and has appeared to Simon!” On the breaking of bread, they shared their stories of what had transpired on the trip, as well as how He had been known to them during the journey.

  • “Peace be with you,” Jesus said to them that same evening, which was the first day of the week, when the doors to where the disciples were gathered were closed out of fear of the Jews.
  • When the disciples finally saw the Lord, they were overjoyed.
  • Beginning on Resurrection Sunday, He “showed himself alive.
  • The apostles stood by and watched as he descended from Mount Olivet, which is near Jerusalem (Acts 1:9–12).
  • In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul includes a summary statement that includes information on these appearances as well as others that were not reported in the Gospels or Acts.
  • After then, He was seen by over five hundred brethren all at once, the vast majority of whom are still alive today, though some have passed away.

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:3–7, We know that those appearances included a meeting with Cephas (Peter), a later appearance to “the twelve,” and a subsequent appearance to almost five hundred individuals at once, the vast majority of whom were still living eyewitnesses at the time Paul composed his letter.

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Eleven or Twelve?

Some may argue that Paul was incorrect in referring to “the twelve” since that Judas is no longer alive. Although Matthias had taken over as betrayer at the time Paul wrote this letter (Acts 1:20–26), Paul was still writing it. It is noteworthy that the eleven unanimously decided that the successor would have to be a man who had been with them from the time of the Lord’s baptism until the day He ascended. 1 In fact, one of the primary goals of this appointment was to ensure that the new apostle would serve as a testimony to the Resurrection of Christ.

This scenario serves as a reminder that Jesus had a large number of followers in addition to the twelve apostles.

The Women

Prior to attempting to reconcile the four different Gospel versions of the women’s acts, it is necessary to consider their early appearances on Resurrection Sunday. The gospels of Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, and John 20 all begin with the arrival of the ladies (including Mary Magdalene) at the tomb of Jesus. 2 They discover it to be empty, with the stone removed. After the initial visit to the tomb, we advise that Mary Magdalene be secluded from the other ladies for a while. The implication is that she raced out to locate Peter and the “other disciple” (John).

  1. 3 Mary Magdalene informed them that the body of the Lord had gone stolen, according to John 20:1–2.
  2. She witnessed the angels in the tomb, inquired about Jesus’s whereabouts, and then had her own discussion with Jesus.
  3. A new verse, found in Mark 16:9–11, states that Mary Magdalene was the first person to whom Jesus appeared, and that the disciples did not accept her tale.
  4. As Luke recounted, they were startled when they learned there were two angels present.
  5. The angel instructs the women to go inform the disciples and Peter that Jesus has risen from the dead and would meet them in Galilee, alluding to Peter’s isolation from the rest of the group following his denial and implying that he was not with the rest of the group.
  6. It’s possible that they narrowly missed Peter and John, who were on their way to the tomb at the time.
  7. Following His appearance to Mary Magdalene, Jesus went to the ladies who were on their way to the city, reinforcing the message that they should go tell His brethren that He would be in Galilee when they saw Him for themselves.

They were overjoyed to convey the message after meeting with Him. The fact that “the eleven and all the others” eventually learned of Christ’s Resurrection through all of the women, including Mary Magdalene, is summarized in Luke 24:9–11. No one, however, took them seriously.

The Empty Tomb and Beyond

Another significant incident occurred on that Sunday morning, according to Matthew 28:11–15. The leading priests were informed of what had occurred by the guards. The leading priests concocted and circulated the story that the disciples had taken the body while the guards were sleeping, with the assistance of bribes in the appropriate places. The fact that the tomb was indeed empty was verified for all time by this act of defiance. On that particular Sunday, none of the events mentioned in the subsequent verses of Matthew 28 took place.

  • As a result, this event occurred after some of the events reported in the other Gospels.
  • A brief account of the first is found inLuke 24:13–35 and a longer one in Mark 16:12–13.
  • In the course of their journey, they had a chance encounter with Jesus, who gave them an eye-opening Bible lecture in which He revealed how the Old Testament Scriptures had been fulfilled via His suffering, death, and resurrection.
  • When they arrived, they discovered that the Lord had also had a personal encounter with Simon Peter before to their arrival.
  • To long last, we get at the passages in question.
  • “The eleven gathered together” and “those who were with them,” according to Luke 24:33, were the recipients of the Emmaus road pair’s story.
  • Perhaps Thomas had gone out for some reason or was simply not there at the moment, and the name “the eleven” was used to refer to the group of disciples following Judas’ death as a generic description of the company of disciples.
  • Unlike Mark and Luke, Matthew did not record any of Christ’s visits to “the eleven” on that day while remaining in the city, although Mark and Luke did.
  • During these two visits in Jerusalem, He reassured His supporters that He was, in fact, still alive.


In Matthew 28:16–17 and John 21, however, the Galilean sightings are detailed, although they are not documented in Mark or Luke. According to Matthew 28:16, the eleven disciples traveled to Galilee, where they presumably waited for Jesus to arrive as He had promised in the word provided by the women. According to John 21, Peter and six other people made the decision to go fishing together. Jesus directed them to throw their nets on the other side of the boat from where they were now fishing. When the disciples arrived on the shore, they saw Jesus preparing breakfast for them.

  • This was “the third time Jesus presented Himself to His disciples after He was risen from the grave,” according to John, indicating that it was the third time He appeared to them as a group after He was raised from the dead (John 21:14).
  • Following Jesus’ seashore apparition, he appeared on the scheduled mountain in Galilee (Matthew 28:16–17), which took place a short time later.
  • We are taken to Galilee, where we will see Jesus in his promised appearance, after the parenthetical remarks concerning the tale the Jewish officials created to explain away the missing corpse in the preceding verses.
  • By this time, knowledge of Christ’s predicted arrival would have spread throughout His large number of disciples, giving them ample time to prepare for it.

When the disciples saw Jesus there, they worshipped Him, though some of them were still skeptical. The eleven had already met Jesus more than once, and some had even had a meal with Him, therefore the phrase “some doubted” is most likely referring to those who had not before seen Him.

Last Appearances

After appearing on the mountain, we learn from 1 Corinthians 15:7 that Jesus met with His half-brother James, who was there. While we cannot be certain of the location of this encounter, it seems likely that it took place in Galilee, given that this is where Jesus and James grew up and where James appears in the Gospel accounts (Matthew 12:46–50; cf. Matthew 13:55). Wherever this occurred, it appears to have served as a trigger for James, who had before identified himself as a skeptic (John 7:5), to come to believe that his half-brother was and continues to be the Son of God.

As stated in Acts 1 (cf.

He delivered them their final instructions before ascending to the throne of God in victory.


Assuming the infallibility of Scripture and, as a result, the veracity of the eyewitness stories, here is one conceivable post-Resurrection/pre-Ascension chronology that may account for all that has been revealed to us in God’s Holy Scripture. 4 As the suggested timeline above demonstrates, there are no inconsistencies in the narratives of Jesus’ post-Resurrection appearances after his death and resurrection. A good reporter piecing together a story from reliable eyewitnesses is what we must do when studying God’s Word.

As a whole, these tales convey the most essential truth in all of human history: that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died for our sins and rose again, defeating sin and death for the sake of our redemption and the glory of the Father.

Jesus’ 10 Amazing Appearances After His Resurrection

“What is it about you that you are looking for the living amid the dead? He is not here, but has risen from the dead!” Luke 24:5-6 (KJV) How did your Easter celebration go? Due to the fact that all of our relatives live a long distance away, my family and I had a fantastic day with close friends. After church, we filled ourselves silly with food and spent the rest of the evening playing games. A wonderful celebration of Jesus’ resurrection took place that day. I have a strong impression that Jesus’ followers had a totally different Resurrection Sunday experience.

Jesus was the subject of several stories.

According to the truth, Jesus appeared to His disciples and followers a total of ten times before His ascension, with the first appearance occurring immediately after His tomb was discovered to be empty.

Mary Magdalene and the Women

You will no doubt recall how Mary Magdalene and two other women rushed to Jesus’ tomb early on Sunday morning only to discover that the stone had been moved away from the tomb. Luke 24:5-6 is one of my all-time favorite Bible scriptures because the angel replies to them, “Why are you looking for the living among the dead?” He is not here, but has risen from the dead!” The women have to have been taken aback. Is it true that He has risen from the dead? Can you image their shock and astonishment?

“They rushed out swiftly from the tomb, filled with terror and great gladness, and ran to announce the news to the disciples,” according to Matthew 28:8.

The disciples’ unbelief didn’t last long since they soon came face to face with the Messiah himself.

Interestingly, Matthew claims that the ladies touched Him, but John claims that they did not, and both Mark and Luke make no mention of it at all.

Jesus In Galilee

“However, he assured them, ‘Do not be worried.'” You are on the lookout for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has resurrected from the dead! He isn’t in the room. Take a look at the location where they buried Him. but instead of departing, tell His disciples—as well as Peter—that He is going ahead of you into Galilee, and there you will see Him, as He promised you.” Mark 16:6-7 is an example of a parable. In Mark 16, Mary Magdalene returns to the disciples to inform them that she has seen Jesus alive and well again and that they must travel to Galilee to meet him.

When this happened, according to Matthew 28:16, they immediately traveled to Galilee.

However, it appears that they did go, and that they discovered Jesus there, exactly as He had promised.

According to 1 Corinthians 15:6-7, where Paul recounts a huge assembly of disciples, “After that, He was seen by more than five hundred brethren at the same time,” this is consistent.

Later That Same Day

During the same day of Mary Magdalene’s vision of Jesus, as well as following the assembly in Galilee, Jesus appears two more times. For starters, in Luke 24:13-32, we learn about two disciples who are on their way to a place named Emmaus. It was a small village located approximately seven miles outside of Jerusalem. On their trip to this town, they came across someone who they mistook for a man, but who turned out to be Jesus, who they were completely unaware of. It was during this stroll and conversation that they learned the story of Christ’s death and resurrection.

  1. It was late in the afternoon by then, and the disciples invited Him to remain for dinner with them.
  2. It was at this point that the disciples’ eyes were enlightened, and they knew who the stranger really was.
  3. We may presume that Jesus appeared to the rest of the disciples, with the exception of Thomas, soon afterward.
  4. John 20:19 tells us that it was late at night at this point, and the disciples had gathered behind locked doors because they were fearful of Jewish persecution (recall how Peter was badgered around the fire the night he rejected Jesus three times?).
  5. It did not take place on Pentecost, as most people think, which was the day Jesus ascended to heaven.
  6. When Jesus finished speaking, He breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.'” In John 20:22, He adds, “And when He had finished speaking, He breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.” If you forgive the sins of another, that person will also be pardoned.

The faults of any person are kept if they are retained by you.'” He then asked them for something to eat in order to further demonstrate that He was really still alive.

Breakfast at the Beach

By this point, Jesus had paid four separate visits to His followers. The fifth occasion occurred on the eighth day following His resurrection. The Gospel of John records Jesus paying a visit to seven of His disciples in the Sea of Tiberias while they were out fishing one morning in the book of John. This is another well-known scene in which Jesus (in disguise once more) inquires of His disciples as to whether or not they had caught any fish. As you recall, they responded with a “No.” Consequently, Jesus instructs them to “cast your net on the right side of the boat, and you will catch some.” Despite the fact that many pastors and professors have thought they were, the Bible does not tell us how long the disciples had been fishing or if they were dissatisfied and fatigued from not having caught anything.

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Following that, Jesus pulls Peter away and commands him to tend to His sheep, which he promptly does.

At the end of the story, everyone discovers that Jesus has chosen Peter to be the pastor of the new church he founded.

The Evening of the Eighth Day

Thomas had not yet saw Jesus resurrected, despite the fact that he had no doubt heard all about it from the other disciples. That was all about to change, though. Jesus’ apparition to Thomas is described in detail in John 20:26-29, which is the only story we have. Later that evening, after eating breakfast with several of Jesus’ followers on the beach that morning, Jesus appears in the midst of the closed upper room for a second time and instructs Thomas to touch His scarred hands and side. During this time, Thomas comes to believe the fact that Jesus is indeed alive, and Jesus famously responds, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed.” It is blessed are those who do not see but nonetheless believe” (Matthew 7:14).

Jesus’ Appearance to James

Neither the Gospels nor the New Testament expressly describe Jesus appearing secretly to His half-brother, James. However, we do know that He met with him at some point before the disciples traveled to Galilee, as previously stated. According to 1 Corinthians 15:7, when Paul writes, “After that, He was seen by James and then by all the apostles,” it appears that Jesus made a pit stop at His hometown of Nazareth before continuing on His journey to Galilee. A significant meeting since it was at this time that James came to the conclusion that Jesus, his older brother, is the Son of God.

James entirely dedicates the remainder of his life to serving as the co-pastor of the early church with Peter.

In fact, James came to be recognized as the senior pastor of the Jerusalem church as a result of his leadership (Acts 15:13). It was because of this that he became extremely influential and powerful, to the point that he was slain.

Paul’s Turn

The road to Damascus is where we learn that Jesus met with Paul, and Paul was commissioned as an apostle shortly after that meeting took place. Due to the prerequisites for being an apostle, which include having been a disciple of Jesus as well as seeing His execution and resurrection, this is very notable. Because Jesus had already risen to the throne of glory, it was impossible for Paul to have become a disciple. In 1 Corinthians 15:7, Paul says, “Last of all, He was perceived by me as one who had been born out of season.” A reference to Jesus personally appointing Paul as an apostle is made in the phrase “born out of due time.” Paul was well aware of how important his appointment was.

“For I am the least of the apostles, and I am not fit to be called an apostle since I persecuted the church of God,” Paul says in humility in verses nine and ten, immediately following.

The Ascension

In Acts 1:3-11 we read about Jesus’ ascension to heaven, which is the only other time He appears apart from His encounter with Paul. He summoned His disciples together to inform them that they should not leave Jerusalem but should instead wait for the Holy Spirit to come. You should keep in mind that they had already been blessed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, and that they were now only waiting for the Spirit to baptize them. “For John genuinely baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now,” says the apostle Paul.

“He was carried up, and a cloud received Him, and they were no longer able to see Him.” “And while He was ascending, two men in white attire appeared beside them, and they said, “Men of Galilee, why are you standing here staring up into heaven?” they replied.

Love Beyond Measure

Jesus longs to be with us at all times. Him and us both seek an eternal bond of friendship and love. His constant reappearances following His resurrection are proof of this. His death and resurrection were not going to separate him from the people he cares about the most. It didn’t deter Him back then, and it doesn’t deter Him now, either. His loyalty knows no bounds, and His love knows no bounds, and one day He will return to take us home to heaven so that we can be with Him for the rest of our lives forever.

What are your thoughts? Have you seen Jesus in the last few days? Do you have a personal connection with Him or just a passing acquaintance? He’s looking forward to seeing you. He is at the door of your heart, knocking, and he is waiting for you to come in. Will you open the door for Him?

Further Reading

How great that James has finally realized the truth about who Jesus really is. He went on to accomplish great things in the early church, including bringing a large number of people to faith in Jesus’ redeeming grace. Unfortunately, the Pharisees did not consider it to be particularly beneficial. Read “The Unsettling Truth of James’ Martyred Death” to find out what happened to James at the end of his life and the legacy he left behind for us all. Please follow and like us on Facebook:

Post-Resurrection Appearances of Jesus: The Five Hundred Believers — Hope On Demand

Here we have the greatest number of persons who have seen Jesus at the same time since the Resurrection. When it comes to establishing anything, the Bible specifies in Deuteronomy 19:15 that it should be done “in the mouths of two or three witnesses.” In most cases, two eyewitnesses are sufficient to condemn a guilty party. “Whoever is deserving of death should be put to death on the evidence of two or three witnesses,” according to Deuteronomy 17:6. 500 persons is a large number of people! A large number of eyes are focused on the risen Savior, which should instill great faith in the veracity of His resurrection.

  1. Paul informs us that many individuals witnessed Jesus’ resurrection, including Peter, the 12 disciples, the more than 500 believers mentioned here, James, Jesus’ half-brother, all of the apostles, and Paul himself.
  2. “The Case for Christ” was written by Lee Strobel.
  3. The resurrection is a historical reality that cannot be denied.
  4. It is this that distinguishes Christianity from all other religions on the face of the earth.
  5. Every other religious leader, on the other hand, is long dead and buried elsewhere.
  6. He pays attention!
  7. Because He Is Still Alive!

Why did Jesus show Himself to only a few people after His death?

Why did Jesus only appear to a select group of individuals rather than to everyone, particularly Jews who did not think He was the Messiah, is a mystery. “Christ died for our sins. He was buried. He was raised from the dead.” says 1 Corinthians 15:3-6. He was risen on the third day. He appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. He appeared to more than 500 brethren at one time. ” He was raised on the third day. (NASB)

Bible Answer:

You are referring to the passage that states:For I delivered to you as of primary importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried according to the Scriptures, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. After then, He appeared to more than five hundred brethren at a time, the most of whom are still alive today, although some have passed away; then He appeared to James, then to all of the apostles; and last, as a child born too soon, He appeared to me as well as to everyone else.

  1. The twelve apostles were all of Jewish descent.
  2. Why did Jesus just appear to these specific individuals?
  3. We can only make educated guesses.
  4. During this time, He most likely utilized it to prepare his troops for the events and trials that would take place after He had left them.
  5. What caused Him to postpone His return to heaven?
  6. Additionally, the Bible says that far more people came to believe in Jesus during the ministry of the apostles than had ever believed throughout Jesus’ career.
  7. All people who will believe in Jesus had already been chosen by God.
  8. It is all those who have been chosen to believe in Him since the beginning of time who will believe (Eph.
  9. During those forty days, I think that Jesus’ primary goal was to train the disciples to serve as apostles or “sent ones,” who would flip the world upside down and make Jesus Christ known across the globe.
  10. Many people had already come to believe.

Do you think it would have been more helpful for Him to have proved to them that He had risen from the dead? Because the Jewish authorities had previously lied about Him and referred to Him as the Devil, it is conceivable that they would have made up further falsehoods about Him.


In Luke 16, Jesus narrates a story about a rich man and his brother Lazarus, both of whom had passed away. There was a huge abyss between the two of them. The affluent guy was in the depths of hell. At the conclusion of the tale, the rich man requests that Abraham raise Lazarus from the dead and deliver him to the wealthy man’s household. Here is Abraham’s response to the question. “They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear what they have to say,” Abraham said. “No, father Abraham, but if someone from the dead comes to them, they will repent!” he said.

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(NASB) Luke 16:29-31 (KJV) The parable is self-explanatory.

People will constantly find reasons to justify their rejection of Jesus.

Those who believe have received the message and responded appropriately.

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On the Lookout for God’s Predestination and Free Will

Why didn’t Jesus appear to more people after His resurrection?

QuestionAnswer Following Jesus’ resurrection from the grave, He appeared to Mary Magdalene, a number of other women, two nameless disciples, Peter, and the remainder of the surviving eleven apostles, among others. “After that, Jesus appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, the majority of them are still alive, though some have passed away,” according to Scripture. In the following days, Jesus appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and finally to me, “as if I were an unusually born child” (1 Corinthians 15:6–8; emphasis added).

Why did Jesus not appear to a greater number of people following His resurrection?

However, it was God’s intention to confine the post-resurrection appearances to specific groups of people.

Saving grace is taught in the Bible to be given through faith, rather than being earned through a large enough amount of historical knowledge: “For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not by works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8–9), rather than through learning a large enough amount of historical knowledge.

  1. There are several verses in the Bible that are adequate to persuade someone to place their faith in Christ.
  2. Whenever we hear Scripture, the Holy Spirit works in concert with the Word in our hearts to bring us to the point of believing it has been said.
  3. Although many individuals who were not eyewitnesses to the resurrection did not personally observe it, they were informed of it.
  4. It had been witnessed by the guards that an angel had descended and rolled aside the stone that blocked the tomb’s entrance.

As a result, when they informed the Jewish authorities of the incident, they responded by giving the guards money and instructing them to “tell people that his followers came by night and snatched him away while we were asleep.” And if this information reaches the governor’s ears, we will make him happy while keeping you out of danger.

  1. As a result, this narrative has continued to be passed down among the Jews until this day” (Matthew 28:13–15).
  2. The truth is that the Jewish authorities were aware of the resurrection and received several confirmations from eyewitnesses, but they chose to ignore the evidence.
  3. As Jesus taught in John 11:53 and John 12:9–10, a man’s heart might become so hardened toward God that even the resurrection will not be able to sway him.
  4. Logic seems to be behind the man’s reasoning: “If someone from the hereafter comes to them, they will repent!” (verse 30).
  5. “If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone comes from the dead” (verses 29, 31).
  6. Faith in Christ can be defined in a variety of ways.
  7. It is faith that believes in Christ’s death and resurrection, and it results in action, that is the faith that believes in salvation (James 2:22).

After His resurrection, Jesus did not appear to any more individuals because faith is not contingent on having all of the evidence available to oneself.

The rising Christ did not have to appear before the Sanhedrin, Herod, Pilate, or any other group of scoffers in order to prove Himself.

After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to exactly the proper number of individuals, according to Scripture.

In order for the promise to be by grace and guaranteed to all of Abraham’s descendants—not only to those who are of the law, but also to those who have the faith of Abraham—it must be received by faith.

Of course, knowledge of the Scriptures is essential, but the sort of “faith” that comes simply through academic labor, rather than via a life-changing conversion, may be nothing more than intellectual acquiescence, rather than the kind of faith that brings salvation.

“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed,” Jesus said, referring to people who have confidence in him (John 20:29, ESV). Questions regarding Jesus Christ (return to top of page) Why did Jesus not appear to a greater number of people following His resurrection?

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People Jesus Appeared to After His Resurrection

As Christians, we believe that Jesus died, was buried, and was resurrected from the dead. In reality, this is one of the bases of religious belief. We would be unable to join the kingdom until we had achieved triumph over death (John 11:25; 1 Thes 4:14; Romans 6:4; Romans 8:11; 1 Cor 15:12-32). Throughout the Bible, there are several witnesses who attest to Jesus’ resurrection from the grave. Please consider the following information I discovered in the Bible on who Jesus appeared to after His resurrection.

Jesus Appears Risen on the First Day (Easter)

Mark 16:9 (KJV) When Jesus rose from the dead early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from of whom he had banished seven demons earlier in the day. 28:1–4 (Matthew 28:1–4) At the conclusion of the sabbath, as the sun started to rise toward the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary arrived at the sepulchre to pay their respects. When the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, there was a huge earthquake, and the angel of the Lord came and rolled back the stone from the entrance, and sat upon it.

  • Luke 24:8–10 (KJV) And they were reminded of his words: And when he returned from the sepulchre, he told the eleven, as well as the rest of the company, all that had happened.
  • Luke 24:33–34 (KJV) After that, they returned to Jerusalem, where they found the eleven gathered together, as well as those who were with them, proclaiming that the Lord had certainly risen from the dead and had appeared to Simon the prophet.
  • And they shared their thoughts on everything that had transpired between them.
  • However, their gaze was fixed on the fact that they should not be familiar with him.
  • And when he had stated this, he demonstrated his hands and his side to them for their consideration.

Then Jesus addressed them once more, saying, “Peace be unto you; as my Father has sent me, so send I you.” Having spoken this, he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Ghost,” meaning, “Receive the Holy Ghost: Whomever sins you forgive, those sins are forgiven unto you; and whosoever sins you hold on to, those sins are held on to you.” However, Thomas, one of the twelve disciples known as Didymus, was not there when Jesus appeared.

Eight Days After The First Appearances

20:26–28 (John 20:26–28) And after eight days, his disciples were within, together with Thomas, when Jesus entered through the closed doors and stood in the middle of them, saying, Peace be unto you. And he says to Thomas, “Reach here your finger, and look at my hands; and reach here your hand, and press it into my side.” “Do not be faithless, but believing,” he says. And Thomas responded by saying, “My Lord and my God,” which means “My Lord and my God.”

After His Death, Time Unknown

John 21:1–2 (KJV) Following these events, Jesus appeared to the disciples once again near the Sea of Tiberias, and in this way, he revealed himself to be himself. There were Simon Peter, Thomas nicknamed Didymus, Nathanael of Canaan Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, as well as two other of his followers, all gathered in one place. 28:16–17 (Matthew 28:16–17) Afterwards, the eleven disciples walked out into Galilee, to a hilltop that Jesus had prepared for them to stay. And when they saw him, they adored him; yet, others were skeptical.

1 Corinthians 15:7 (New International Version) After then, he was seen with James, and subsequently with the rest of the apostles.

When He Ascended to Heaven

In Acts 1:2–3, the apostle Paul says, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, Until the day on which he was taken up, after which he had given commandments to the apostles whom he had chosen through the Holy Ghost: To whom he also shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them for forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God:

Final Thoughts

Oh, what an incredible experience it must have been to witness the rising Savior! I am really grateful that God prompted mankind to record this history for future generations. Reading the narratives is extremely uplifting as we anticipate the day when we will be able to encounter Jesus face to face. More information about the Resurrection may be found here: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is marked by eight significant facts. Scripture quotes are taken from the King James Version of the Holy Bible as a resource.

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