Who Did Jesus First Appear To

To Whom Did Jesus Appear after His Death?

They were the primary reason the disciples believed in the resurrection of Jesus because they witnessed Him alive after He had been declared dead. Jesus appeared to His disciples in a living state on a number of occasions throughout His ministry. It is as a result of this that we see them testifying time and time again to the fact that they were eyewitnesses to His resurrection. Because the disciples had direct knowledge of the resurrection, they provide a significant argument in favor of the resurrection of Christ.

The Testimony of Jesus Regarding His Resurrection Jesus’ own personal witness of His resurrection from the dead is the first piece of evidence.

And I am in possession of the keys of death and Hades (Revelation 1:18).

Take a look at my fingers and toes.

  1. You can feel my flesh and bones, and you will realize that a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you can see I do (Luke 24:39).
  2. The following were the people who made an appearance.
  3. Mary Magdalene was the first person to see Jesus after he ascended into heaven.
  4. ‘Woman, what is the cause of your tears?’ Jesus inquired.
  5. She turned to face him and said, ‘Rabboni!’ (which translates as ‘Teacher’) (John 20:14-16).
  6. Mary the Mother of James, Salome, and Joanna are three of the most important women in the Bible.
  7. This occurred following the apparition of Jesus to Mary Magdalene.

And lo and behold, Jesus came up to them and welcomed them.

Once again, we are treated to an unexpected appearance.

Peter When Paul mentions witnesses, Peter is the first to come to mind, and he is also the first of the apostles to view the resurrected Christ.

The gospels are utterly deafeningly quiet about the specifics of this gathering.

On the Road to Emmaus, There Were Two Disciples Later on Easter Sunday, Jesus appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus, according to the Gospel of Luke.

And they were having a conversation with one another about all that had happened.

However, they were unable to recognize him because of their eyesight (Luke 24:13-16).

It was in reality because they had lost faith in Him that they were departing from Jerusalem.

This is the final of Jesus’ five appearances on Easter Sunday, and it is the most dramatic.

It is reported in both Luke’s and John’s gospels, providing us with two completely separate versions of what occurred in that day.

Following his statement, he demonstrated his hands and his side to the group of onlookers.

However, Thomas, one of the twelve disciples, known as Didymus, was not there when Jesus appeared (John 20:19, 20, 24).

It was eight days later when He reappeared, this time with Thomas in attendance.

Jesus entered through the closed doors and stood in the center of the crowd, saying, “Peace to you!” “Reach your finger here and look at my hands,” he instructed Thomas.

‘Do not be unbelievers, but rather believers.” After that, Thomas responded by exclaiming to him, ‘My Lord and My God!

Another appearance took place on the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus appeared to seven disciples.

Simon Peter, Thomas named Didymus, Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, as well as two other disciples, were all present at the same time (John 21:1, 2).

Additionally, the story of Jesus coming before His eleven disciples in Galilee is told in the Bible.

And when they saw him, they worshipped him; nevertheless, some were hesitant to do so (Matthew 28:16, 17).

On another instance, Jesus appeared to over 500 individuals at the same time on a single date.

James In addition, the Bible claims that Jesus appeared to His half-brother James.

The specifics of this apparition have not been documented.

And as he went, he drew close to Damascus, at which point a halo of light flashed around him from above.

In response, the Lord responded, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting” (Acts 9:3-5).

They were successful in convincing His disciples that He had resurrected from the grave.

Furthermore, Jesus demonstrated to them that he was alive after his suffering via several persuasive demonstrations, coming to them over a period of forty days and spoke of matters pertaining to the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3) SummaryAccording to the Bible, Jesus made a number of public appearances following His death.

In the Bible, it is expressly stated that on Easter Sunday, Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene, the ladies who came to Jesus’ tomb (Mary the Mother of James, Salome, and Joanna), Peter, and two disciples who were traveling on the Emmaus road.

Later, he appeared in front of them with Thomas in attendance.

During another appearance, he was in front of more than five hundred individuals at the same time.

The character James makes an appearance as well. At long last, Jesus appeared to Saul of Tarsus, the man who would go on to become known as the Apostle Paul. Any of these appearances convinced His disciples that He had risen from the grave beyond all reasonable doubts.

Who saw the risen Jesus first? Mary Magdalene? Peter? Cleopas? Who?

Who was the first person to see Jesus? (MATT28:9) The Virgin Mary is the only one to whom Jesus makes his first appearance (MARK16:9). Jesus makes his first appearance solely to Mary Magdalene (LUKE24:15-18) To Cleopas and another person, Jesus makes his first public appearance (JOHN20:14) One and only Mary Magdalene is there when Jesus makes his first appearance (1Cor15:5). Jesus makes his first appearance to Cephas (PETER). Who was the first person to see Jesus? Mary Magdalene, I believe, was the first person to view the resurrected Jesus after he rose from the dead.

  • This viewpoint is supported by the Bible’s passage John 20:14.
  • On the basis of what I perceive to be a “compressed” or “telescoped” account presented in Matthew 28:9, I also assume that the other Mary was the second person to witness the rising Jesus.
  • Mark makes no mention of the other Mary or anybody else in the story.
  • There is nothing solid about Mark 16:9, save that it claims that Mary Magdalene was the first to be crucified.
  • After learning that Jesus was not in the tomb, the disciples were surprised when Jesus appeared to “them” in Matthew 28:9, according to the Bible.
  • Consequently, it is probable that Mary Magdalene was the first to see Jesus, and that the other Mary saw him shortly after her encounter.
  • Alternatively, it’s possible that Mark 16:9 intentionally chose to focus primarily on Mary Magdalene, and that the other Mary was also in attendance.

According to Luke 24:15-18, the “women” went to the tomb and discovered that Jesus had not been found there.

He does, however, claim that Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and a lady named Joanna went to the other disciples to inform them that Jesus had risen from the dead.

Or did Joanna come upon Mary Magdalene and the other Mary as they were making their way out from the tomb to inform the others that Jesus had risen from the dead?

Luke does not mention whether or not any of the ladies had seen Jesus on their way back to the tomb.

They were the first to view the rising Jesus, although Luke does not explicitly state that they were.

According to John 20:14, Mary Magdalene encountered the rising Jesus.

Regarding the story given in 1 Corinthians 15:4, there is no indication of who was the first person to see Jesus, as there was in the previous verse.

What it does state, though, is as follows: First, Jesus was crucified, then he was risen, then Jesus appeared to Peter, and then Jesus appeared to the other Apostles.

There is nothing more or less to say.

However, there is no demonstrable inconsistency in terms of who was the first to see the resurrected Jesus.

Next:Did Jesus give the incorrect name to the right man? Isn’t it possible that he was referring to Ahimelech when he stated Abiathar? Go to the following page:List of questions and answers

The Sequence of Christ’s Post-Resurrection Appearances

Some individuals believe that the Gospel descriptions of Jesus’ post-Resurrection appearances are inconsistent in terms of the places, witnesses, and time of his appearances. We are admonished by Scripture to constantly be prepared with responses (1 Peter 3:15) for the hope that we have in ourselves. Because these solutions, as well as our everlasting hope, are predicated on the reality of Christ’s Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:17), we must sort through some of the “many infallible proofs” (Acts 1:3) that the Bible provides.

Contradictory or Complementary Accounts?

So, where precisely did Jesus show up, and to whom did he appear? On the basis of the word “to the mountain,” some have questioned the internal coherence of the Bible’s text. Once they had reached Galilee, they went to the mountain that Jesus had designated as a meeting place. When they saw Him, they worshipped Him, but others were skeptics about His identity. Is it possible that Jesus appeared to the eleven disciples on a hillside in Galilee or in Jerusalem behind closed doors? (Matthew 28:16–17, emphasis added) Is this story in Matthew in conflict with those in Mark, Luke, and John, or is it in agreement with them?

(Matthew 16:14) As a result, they woke up at the crack of dawn and returned to Jerusalem, where they saw the eleven and others who were with them gathered together, proclaiming, “The Lord has certainly risen, and has appeared to Simon!” On the breaking of bread, they shared their stories of what had transpired on the trip, as well as how He had been known to them during the journey.

  1. “Peace be with you,” Jesus said to them that same evening, which was the first day of the week, when the doors to where the disciples were gathered were closed out of fear of the Jews.
  2. When the disciples finally saw the Lord, they were overjoyed.
  3. Beginning on Resurrection Sunday, He “showed himself alive.
  4. The apostles stood by and watched as he descended from Mount Olivet, which is near Jerusalem (Acts 1:9–12).
  5. In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul includes a summary statement that includes information on these appearances as well as others that were not reported in the Gospels or Acts.
  6. After then, He was seen by over five hundred brethren all at once, the vast majority of whom are still alive today, though some have passed away.

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:3–7, We know that those appearances included a meeting with Cephas (Peter), a later appearance to “the twelve,” and a subsequent appearance to almost five hundred individuals at once, the vast majority of whom were still living eyewitnesses at the time Paul composed his letter.

Eleven or Twelve?

Some may argue that Paul was incorrect in referring to “the twelve” since that Judas is no longer alive. Although Matthias had taken over as betrayer at the time Paul wrote this letter (Acts 1:20–26), Paul was still writing it. It is noteworthy that the eleven unanimously decided that the successor would have to be a man who had been with them from the time of the Lord’s baptism until the day He ascended. 1 In fact, one of the primary goals of this appointment was to ensure that the new apostle would serve as a testimony to the Resurrection of Christ.

See also:  How Jesus Actually Looked Like

This scenario serves as a reminder that Jesus had a large number of followers in addition to the twelve apostles.

The Women

Prior to attempting to reconcile the four different Gospel versions of the women’s acts, it is necessary to consider their early appearances on Resurrection Sunday. The gospels of Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, and John 20 all begin with the arrival of the ladies (including Mary Magdalene) at the tomb of Jesus. 2 They discover it to be empty, with the stone removed. After the initial visit to the tomb, we advise that Mary Magdalene be secluded from the other ladies for a while. The implication is that she raced out to locate Peter and the “other disciple” (John).

  1. 3 Mary Magdalene informed them that the body of the Lord had gone stolen, according to John 20:1–2.
  2. She witnessed the angels in the tomb, inquired about Jesus’s whereabouts, and then had her own discussion with Jesus.
  3. A new verse, found in Mark 16:9–11, states that Mary Magdalene was the first person to whom Jesus appeared, and that the disciples did not accept her tale.
  4. As Luke recounted, they were startled when they learned there were two angels present.
  5. The angel instructs the women to go inform the disciples and Peter that Jesus has risen from the dead and would meet them in Galilee, alluding to Peter’s isolation from the rest of the group following his denial and implying that he was not with the rest of the group.
  6. It’s possible that they narrowly missed Peter and John, who were on their way to the tomb at the time.
  7. Following His appearance to Mary Magdalene, Jesus went to the ladies who were on their way to the city, reinforcing the message that they should go tell His brethren that He would be in Galilee when they saw Him for themselves.

They were overjoyed to convey the message after meeting with Him. The fact that “the eleven and all the others” eventually learned of Christ’s Resurrection through all of the women, including Mary Magdalene, is summarized in Luke 24:9–11. No one, however, took them seriously.

The Empty Tomb and Beyond

Another significant incident occurred on that Sunday morning, according to Matthew 28:11–15. The leading priests were informed of what had occurred by the guards. The leading priests concocted and circulated the story that the disciples had taken the body while the guards were sleeping, with the assistance of bribes in the appropriate places. The fact that the tomb was indeed empty was verified for all time by this act of defiance. On that particular Sunday, none of the events mentioned in the subsequent verses of Matthew 28 took place.

  • As a result, this event occurred after some of the events reported in the other Gospels.
  • A brief account of the first is found inLuke 24:13–35 and a longer one in Mark 16:12–13.
  • In the course of their journey, they had a chance encounter with Jesus, who gave them an eye-opening Bible lecture in which He revealed how the Old Testament Scriptures had been fulfilled via His suffering, death, and resurrection.
  • When they arrived, they discovered that the Lord had also had a personal encounter with Simon Peter before to their arrival.
  • To long last, we get at the passages in question.
  • “The eleven gathered together” and “those who were with them,” according to Luke 24:33, were the recipients of the Emmaus road pair’s story.
  • Perhaps Thomas had gone out for some reason or was simply not there at the moment, and the name “the eleven” was used to refer to the group of disciples following Judas’ death as a generic description of the company of disciples.
  • Unlike Mark and Luke, Matthew did not record any of Christ’s visits to “the eleven” on that day while remaining in the city, although Mark and Luke did.
  • During these two visits in Jerusalem, He reassured His supporters that He was, in fact, still alive.


In Matthew 28:16–17 and John 21, however, the Galilean sightings are detailed, although they are not documented in Mark or Luke. According to Matthew 28:16, the eleven disciples traveled to Galilee, where they presumably waited for Jesus to arrive as He had promised in the word provided by the women. According to John 21, Peter and six other people made the decision to go fishing together. Jesus directed them to throw their nets on the other side of the boat from where they were now fishing. When the disciples arrived on the shore, they saw Jesus preparing breakfast for them.

  1. This was “the third time Jesus presented Himself to His disciples after He was risen from the grave,” according to John, indicating that it was the third time He appeared to them as a group after He was raised from the dead (John 21:14).
  2. Following Jesus’ seashore apparition, he appeared on the scheduled mountain in Galilee (Matthew 28:16–17), which took place a short time later.
  3. We are taken to Galilee, where we will see Jesus in his promised appearance, after the parenthetical remarks concerning the tale the Jewish officials created to explain away the missing corpse in the preceding verses.
  4. By this time, knowledge of Christ’s predicted arrival would have spread throughout His large number of disciples, giving them ample time to prepare for it.

When the disciples saw Jesus there, they worshipped Him, though some of them were still skeptical. The eleven had already met Jesus more than once, and some had even had a meal with Him, therefore the phrase “some doubted” is most likely referring to those who had not before seen Him.

Last Appearances

After appearing on the mountain, we learn from 1 Corinthians 15:7 that Jesus met with His half-brother James, who was present. While we cannot be certain of the location of this meeting, it seems likely that it took place in Galilee, given that this is where Jesus and James grew up and where James appears in the Gospel narratives (Matthew 12:46–50; cf. Matthew 13:55). Wherever this occurred, it appears to have served as a catalyst for James, who had previously identified himself as a skeptic (John 7:5), to come to believe that his half-brother was and continues to be the Son of God.

As recorded in Acts 1 (cf.

He gave them their final instructions before ascending to the throne of God in victory.


Jesus met with His half-brother James, according to 1 Corinthians 15:7, shortly after appearing on the mountain of Transfiguration. While we cannot be certain of the location of this encounter, it seems likely that it took place in Galilee, given that this is where Jesus and James grew up and where James appears in the Gospel accounts (Matthew 12:46–50; cf. Matthew 13:55–56). This appears to have served as a trigger for James, who had before identified himself as a skeptic (John 7:5), to realize that his half-brother was and continues to be the Son of God (John 14:26).

It is reported in Acts 1 that Jesus led the apostles as far as Bethany, which is located on the eastern slope of Mount Olivet, near Jerusalem (cf.

After that, He ascended into heaven and gave them their final instructions before departing.

In Acts 9:1–9, Paul (then known as Saul) appeared to a group of Christians while on his way to Damascus on a mission to persecute them (see also 1 Corinthians 15:8).

After His Resurrection, Jesus Appeared First to His Mother Mary, Say the Saints

“The fulfilment of Mary’s mission at the Annunciation in Nazareth,” declared Pope St. John Paul II, “was the culmination of her mission at the Annunciation in Nazareth.” After Jesus’ Resurrection, there is no record of his appearing to his mother Mary, according to the Gospels. Do we ever wonder if he did happen to see her or not?

After all, she was his mother, the first person to view him when he was born at the Nativity scene. As a result of the Annunciation and the Incarnation, she was the first Christian from the beginning of time. Wouldn’t he want to visit his mother first, before anything else?

Pope St. John Paul II

“There are several sightings of the rising Christ recorded in the Gospels; nevertheless, there is no reference of a meeting between Jesus and his Mother. As St. John Paul II, the great Marian saint, explained in a public audience on May 21, 1997, “this silence must not be taken as evidence that Christ did not come to Mary after the Resurrection, but rather it calls us to inquire into the reasons why the Evangelists made such a choice.” A year before, he reminded the audience that Mary observed the full paschal mystery and “remains alone to keep alive the flame of faith, prepared to receive the joyous and startling revelation of Christ’s Resurrection.” It is possible that the evangelists did not record Mary’s meeting with her raised Son Jesus because such a witness would have been judged too biased by those who opposed the Lord’s Resurrection, and hence not worthy of believed, according to Pope John Paul II in 1997.

  • Another argument was provided by the great saint as well.
  • Paul emphasizes that Jesus appeared “to more than 500 brethren all at the same time” in one appearance (1 Corinthians 15:6).
  • Obviously, the Evangelists did not record every appearance that Jesus made.
  • His rhetorical inquiry was if Mary’s decision not to accompany the ladies who were heading to the tomb at dawn may “suggest that she had already encountered Jesus” (John 20:21).

Of course, Our Lady has shown to be the most dependable of them all.” According to Pope John Paul II, there is yet another reason for believing that Jesus appeared to his mother first: “The singular and exceptional character of the Blessed Virgin’s presence at Calvary, as well as her perfect union with him in his suffering on the Cross, seem to postulate a very particular sharing on her part in the mystery of the Resurrection.” In this sense, her appearance would be part of “completing in this way her involvement in all the important moments of the paschal mystery,” which would be the goal.

The Church believes that Mary, as the image and model of the Church who waits for Christ’s return and meets him in the group of disciples during his Easter appearances, “had a personal contact with her risen Son” so that she, too, could “delight in the fullness of paschal joy,” according to the Vatican.

St. Vincent Ferrer

Many theologians have concluded that Jesus appeared first to Mary, his mother, following his Resurrection, according to Dominican St. Vincent Ferrer, who delivered a stirring Easter sermon this year. “The Blessed Virgin Mary was the subject of his first apparition, despite the fact that this is not mentioned in the gospel of Matthew.” He himself provided three compelling arguments for why we should think that Jesus appeared to his mother initially. “First and foremost, by divine command, because she suffered beyond all others during the Passion of her son,” stated St.

  • Christ was born to his mother in a particular way, so that she would not have to go through the anguish of childbirth.
  • In light of Scripture’s command to ‘Honor your father, and forget not the groaning (birth pains) of your mother,’ (Sirach 7:29), Christ exemplified the commandment of respecting parents in the most perfect way possible.
  • “If someone were actually overseas, and his mother had assumed that he had died, and he still healthily returned and would first see other acquaintances, and only then come to his mother, this would not be a decent son, nor would he appear to have honored his mother,” he explained.
  • St.
  • According to him, the scripture reveals that the Apostles abandoned faith at the Crucifixion: “On that Holy Saturday, only the Virgin Mary invariably believed.” As a result, every Saturday morning in the Church of God, the office of the day is dedicated to her memory and reverence.
  • Then he cited Jesus from John 14:21, who said, “And he who loves me will be loved by my Father; and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him” (and he was right).
See also:  How To Pronounce Jesus In Spanish

Vincent stated that “from these three grounds it is apparent that he appeared to the Virgin Mother first,” despite the fact that “the holy Evangelists are strictly mute about it.” As an example of God’s favor, he painted a picture of how this may have happened, so that “the devoted soul might piously reflect, in order to sense the beauty of this vision in their hearts.” It is possible that she did not know the hour of Christ’s Resurrection because it is not written that Christ revealed the hour of his Resurrection,” he speculated.

“The Virgin Mary was absolutely certain that her son would rise on the third day, as predicted by him, but it is possible that she was unaware of his Resurrection hour,” he added.

Vincent, Jesus “greeted his mother by saying, ‘Peace be with you.'” He also mentions another detail: It was at this point that the Virgin went on her knees and loved him while crying out in delight.

She kissed his hands and feet and exclaimed: ‘O precious wounds, which have caused me such sorrow on Good Friday.’ Jesus replied to his mother as he kissed her: “Rejoice in the fact that the future is filled with nothing but joy and celebration.”

St. Bridget of Sweden

St. Bridget of Sweden, who was well-known for her visions during her lifetime, wrote the following in her Revelations: “When the third day arrived, it caused consternation and fear among the Disciples. The ladies who were going to anoint Jesus’ body at the tomb looked for him but were unable to locate him. The Apostles were huddled together in their anxiety, protecting the entrances to the church. Even if we are not told in the Gospels, it is certain that Mary spoke of her Son’s resurrection, that he had been genuinely raised from the dead, that he was alive again in all of his humanity, no longer subject to death, and ascended to an everlasting glory.

However, we may think that Mary, Jesus’ mother, was the first to learn of his resurrection and that she was the first to witness him.

St. Ignatius of Loyola

It was the same belief held by St. Ignatius of Loyola. “First, he appeared to the Virgin Mary,” he wrote in his Spiritual Exercises, at the beginning of the meditations on the Resurrection of Christ our Lord. Even though it is not stated in Scripture, this fact is included in the statement that He appeared to a large number of other people since Scripture assumes that we have comprehension, as it is written: ‘Are you also without understanding?’

Servant of God John Hardon

In the twentieth century, Servant of God John Hardon, who, at the request of Pope St. Paul VI, published The Catholic Catechism (1975), had the same beliefs as he does now. “It is not only a religious belief that the Risen Savior appeared to His Mother Mary for the first time on Easter Sunday. More than six Doctors of the Church, including Sts. Ambrose, Anselm, and Albert the Great, have said that Our Lady was the first witness to the Resurrection. Father Hardon listed various reasons for this, the most important of which, according to the Church’s spiritual leaders, is that the Resurrection is the fulfillment of the Annunciation of the Good News.

She was rewarded for her faith at the Resurrection when she had the opportunity to see and talk with her glorified Son,” Father Hardon recounted.

She symbolized the human race that had already been redeemed at the Resurrection.” This link is still active.

She embraced Him in her arms at the Resurrection, after having received the Motherhood of the Church from Him on the Cross.” Moreover, Mary “accepted her vocation to suffer with her Son in His mission of saving the world from sin when she heard the Annunciation.” “On Easter Sunday, she participated in the pleasure of His magnificent Resurrection with Him,” says the author.

“At the Annunciation, Mary was transformed into the connection between Christ’s humanity and our own,” Father Hardon remarked.

By working with Him as the mediatrix of the gifts He started to distribute to a human family restored to gracious fellowship with God at the Resurrection, Mary completed this bond.

The Mother of Sorrows became the Cause of Our Joy twice: once because the joy she experienced upon being reunited with her Risen Son is a promise of the joy we should experience on earth in knowing that we have carried out God’s will, and again because the joy she experienced upon being reunited with her Risen Son is a promise of the joy we should experience on earth in knowing that we have carried out God’s will.” The joy she experienced on Easter Sunday serves as a prologue to the complete joy we will experience upon seeing Christ, in spirit when He welcomes us into eternity, and in body and soul following the final resurrection on The Last Day,” she explains.

Father Hardon reminded us that “our religion is the foundation of everything.” As long as we have faith in the Lord’s promise to fulfill it, we shall be blessed, just as Mary was.

The following is what Pope St.

Who was first to see Jesus after his supposed resurrection?

The entire world has heard that Jesus rose from the dead following his crucifixion. But, more importantly, did anyone actually see it? Is it possible to think that this really happened? Are there significant distinctions between Christianity and Judaism? Let’s find out in this post that has questions and answers.

Whom does the New Testament say was the first person to see Jesus after his supposed resurrection?

Readers of the New Testament have a lot of options to choose from. Paul makes the following statement: “In fact, what I also learned was that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised from the dead on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve disciples. In the following years, he appeared to more than five hundred comrades at a time, most of whom are still alive today, but some have passed away; then he appeared to James, and then to all of the apostles; and last, as though to one who had been born too soon, he appeared to me likewise ” (1 Corinthians 15:3-8).

  1. 55 C.E.).
  2. Beginning with Jesus’ supposed appearances to Cephas (1 Corinthians 15:5), who some believe to be Peter, Paul, writing many years before the Gospels or Book of Acts were written, establishes the historical context for the book.
  3. John 1:42, Matthew 16:18).
  4. Paul’s personal list of appearances is incompatible with the lists of appearances provided by the four canonical Gospels.
  5. It is not mentioned anywhere in the New Testament that Mary Magdalene was the first person to reportedly see Jesus upon his alleged resurrection.
  6. The evangelists, on the other hand, make no mention of an apparition before James, as described by Paul, or of an appearance in front of a multitude of five hundred individuals.
  7. Is Cephas a reference to Simon Peter, who was referred to as Cephas at various points in his life?

However, at no point in the New Testament is the apostle Simon Peter, or anyone else associated with him, reported as having seen Jesus prior to the purported appearance to the eleven apostles as a group.

Some speculate that Paul stated that this Simon was a reference to Simon Peter for an unknown purpose.

Possibly, Paul included the claim that Simon Peter saw Jesus as a means of enhancing the credibility of his own theological teachings on the significance of the resurrection.

The fact that Paul was completely unaware that his letters would be saved and later extensively shared must not be forgotten.

Those who disagreed with him were simply labeled as “fake instructors,” according to him.

The mention of James by Paul is characterized by the same ambiguity and lack of interest in the facts that were present in the case of Cephas.

A total of three distinct Jameses were involved in the life of Jesus, according to historical records. Which of these individuals is claimed to have witnessed the resurrected Jesus? When and where did Cephas and James first come face to face with Jesus?

Can one truly base one’s belief on such feeble evidence?

It is noteworthy that these visits to Peter and James are not recounted in any of the four Gospels or the Book of Acts. According to the Gospels, Jesus appeared first to either Mary Magdalene and the other Mary (Matthew 28:9) or to Mary Magdalene alone, as in Mark and John (Mark 16:9, John 20:18), or to two men, Cleopas (Luke 24:18) and Simon (Luke 24:19), before anybody else (Luke 24:34). According to the Gospels, the latter was not Peter, as he is said to have been there with “the eleven” who had convened in Jerusalem (Luke 24:33).

When those who documented the reported post-resurrection sightings cannot agree on who and when Jesus supposedly appeared, there is no reason for anybody to believe in the resurrection event.

NOTE FROM THE EDITORS: This is another another illustration of the fundamental differences between Christianity and Judaism.

How many times did Jesus appear after his resurrection?

Following his resurrection from the grave, Jesus appeared to his followers on a number of times. His ascension into Heaven took place over a period of several days, not merely on the first day of the week following his resurrection. To be more specific, how many times? The exact number of times that Jesus appeared to his disciples throughout these 40 days is unknown to us. “Jesus performed many additional signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not recorded in this book,” John himself remarked, pointing out that the Gospel stories were not a comprehensive historical record (John 20:30).

In total, Jesus is said to have appeared to his followers ten times in his resurrected form, according to the Bible.

Here’s why JPII stated “probably so” in the first place.

“Mary,” Jesus addressed her by name.

When she asked Jesus not to hold her, he said, “Do not hold me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brethren and tell them that I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” (See also John 20:16-17.) Women (perhaps Mary of Clopas, Mary the mother of James, and Joanna)So they hurriedly left the tomb, terrified and filled with great excitement, and hastened to inform his followers what had happened.

  1. And lo and behold, Jesus appeared in front of them and said, “Hail!” And they came up to him, seized hold of his feet, and prostrated themselves before him in reverence.
  2. Matthew 28:8-10 describes the journey of two disciples on the road to Emmaus.
  3. They were chatting about all that had transpired as they strolled along the street.
  4. (Matthew 24:13-43) “The Lord has risen truly, and he has appeared to Simon!” proclaims St.
See also:  When Did Jesus Live And Die

(See also Luke 24:34) They were saying this when Jesus himself appeared among them and said, “Peace to you.” (See also Luke 24:36) The Disciples of Christ (With Thomas) Although the doors were closed, Jesus entered and stood among them, saying, “Peace be with you.” “Reach your finger here, and you will see my hands; and put out your hand, and you will lay it in my side; do not be faithless, but trusting,” Jesus instructed Thomas.

  • “My Lord and my God!” Thomas said in response.
  • “Blessed are those who believe despite the fact that they have not seen.” (See also John 20:26-29.) Seven Disciples are a group of people who follow Jesus Christ.
  • Together with him were Simon Peter, Thomas, known as the Twin, Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other members of his discipleship.
  • Then Jesus appeared to more than five hundred comrades at the same moment, the vast majority of them are still living, though some have passed into eternal rest.
  • James and the Apostles (St.
  • The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:7 that Prior to the Ascension of Christ Then he escorted them all the way to Bethany, where he blessed them with his palms raised in the air.

And they worshipped him, returned to Jerusalem with great delight, and spent the rest of their time in the temple, thanking God for everything. (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53)

Why Did Jesus Appear to the Women Instead of the Disciples?

In the days following his resurrection from the grave, Jesus appeared to his disciples on a number of different occasions. His ascension into Heaven took place over a period of several days, not merely on the first day of the week after his resurrection. To be more specific, how many times did you say that phrase? Technically speaking, we don’t know every single time that Jesus appeared to his followers throughout these 40 days of fasting and praying. “Jesus performed many additional miracles in the presence of the disciples, which were not recorded in this book,” John himself remarked, indicating that the Gospel reports were not a comprehensive historical record (John 20:30).

  • The resurrected body of Jesus is said to have appeared to his apostles a total of ten times, according to the Scriptures.
  • What JPII meant by “probably so” is explained below.
  • “Mary,” Jesus addressed her.
  • “Do not hold me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; instead, go to my brethren and tell them that I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God,” Jesus instructed Mary to do.
  • When they arrived, Jesus welcomed them with a “Hail!” and a blessing.
  • They were terrified, but Jesus assured them that they would see him in Galilee.
  • Two of Jesus’ disciples were going to the hamlet of Emmaus, which was seven miles away from Jerusalem, on the same day.
  • In the midst of their conversation and deliberation, Jesus appeared out of nowhere and began walking with them.
  • Peter for the first time.

(Luke 24:36) The Bible states that Those Who Followed Christ (With Thomas) The doors were closed, but Jesus entered and stood among them, saying, “Peace be with you.” “Stretch your finger here, and you will see my hands; and put out your hand, and you will lay it in my side; do not be faithless, but believe,” Jesus instructed Thomas.

  • “Have you believed in me because you have seen me?” Jesus inquired of the man.
  • Jesus said this in John 20:26-29.
  • Following this, Jesus revealed himself to the disciples near the Sea of Tiberias, and he revealed himself in this manner.
  • The Bible says in John 21:1-2 that Disciples in the Number of 500 Then Jesus appeared to more than five hundred comrades at the same moment, the vast majority of them are still living, though some have passed into eternal rest with him.
  • James and the Apostles are two of the most important people in the world.
  • Corinthians 15:7 (New International Version) Prior to the Ascension of the Lord When he reached Bethany, he blessed them by raising his hands in the air above their heads.

And they worshipped him, returned to Jerusalem with great delight, and spent the rest of their time in the temple, thanking God for everything he had done. (Matthew 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53)

  • He cared for his mother, Mary, even as he was dying on the cross (John 19:26-27)
  • He showed kindness to the woman at the well when even she saw no value in herself (John 4:1-42)
  • He showed kindness to the tax collector when even he saw no value in himself (John 4:1-42)
  • He showed kindness to the woman at the well when even she saw no value in herself (John His followers were scolded, and he defended the woman who poured costly perfume on his head, praising her for her faith and humility (Mark 14:1–11
  • Luke 7:36–50)

From the Gospels, we also know that a large number of Jesus’ disciples were female. They accompanied the disciples on their journeys, provided financial support for their work, and assisted Jesus in whatever way they could. Soon after, Jesus continued his journey through towns and villages, proclaiming and sharing the good news of God’s kingdom to everyone who would listen. There were also some women present who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, including Mary Magdalene (from whom seven demons had been cast out), Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s household manager (who had also been healed), Susanna, and many others who had provided for them out of their own resources (Luke 8:1–3).

David Rhoads writes that the narrator informs us that ‘Mary the Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses, and Salome, along with many other women’ had been serving Jesus, that they had followed him in Galilee, and that they had traveled with him all the way to Jerusalem with him as well.

  • Apart from Jesus’ mother Mary and Herodias, these are the only other women to be mentioned in the Bible, and, like the twelve, they play an important, though brief, role in the story.
  • Even in the face of failure and the absence of the twelve, the women minor characters, in particular, represent the path of discipleship.
  • “> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Women were clearly an essential component of the developing discipleship group, but why did Jesus choose to appear to them rather than any of the other twelve disciples remains a mystery.
  • We can, however, deduce a cause.
  • It is also said in Matthew and John that Jesus comes to the ladies following these experiences.
  • All of the accounts are in sync.
  • Historically, it is commonly known that women’s testimonies were given little or no weight in the ancient world: Women were often barred from participating in legal proceedings.
  • Women from Babylonia, Egypt, and Canaan did not attend to court, and Greek women did not go to court either, even in later times.
  • A Feminist Commentary on the Torah (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1997).”> 2 In the Image of God: A Feminist Commentary on the Torah (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1997).
  • So why would the gospel writers include these specifics in their writings?

And why wouldn’t Jesus appear to the men first, in order to increase the likelihood that the witness of his resurrection will be accepted by a larger number of people? Most likely, it was done for one simple reason: to put an end to allegations that the tales were faked.

Unbelievably believable

If the apostles had manufactured the resurrection, they would have made no mention of the fact that women were among the first to observe it. “Notes on Matthew,” written by Tom Constable “> 4 adverbial pronouns Michael Licona goes into much detail: The primary argument advanced in support of the historicity of the appearance to the women, as well as the empty tomb in general, is that the early Christians would not have invented the story because the low regard held by first-century Mediterranean society for women would have created credibility issues.

  1. According to Bauckham, educated men in the Greco-Roman culture saw women as “gullible in religious affairs and especially prone to superstitious imagination and excess in religious acts,” according to Bauckham.
  2. We should also take heed of Luke 24:11.
  3. The Evangelists, particularly Mark, would be unlikely to manufacture or modify previous testimony in order to establish the women as the first witnesses to the resurrected Jesus if this is not what was recorded in the oldest traditions, as appears to be the case here.
  4. Since Matthew was the one who initially told the tale of Jesus’ appearance to the women disciples, it seems considerably more plausible that he would have represented males as the ones who saw the rising Jesus, especially if Mark did not include such an account in his Gospel.

This means that the same reason for the report’s lack of trust in the first century is also a cause for its credibility in the twenty-first century, according to Bauckham’s assessment: Due to the fact that they did not appear to be well-designed to convey conviction at the time, they are likely to be historical, which means they are likely to be credible by those who have a historically critical mind-set now.

As a result, one of the most logical theories for the inclusion of female witnesses in the resurrection accounts is that the tradition’s recollection was so powerful and ubiquitous that it had to be included.

Accuser: You’re completely inventing this entire narrative.

When starting a conspiracy, why would I recruit untrustworthy witnesses, you might wonder.

I’m seeking to be completely honest.

Everything about Jesus’ death and resurrection, in fact, was unlike anything else: A buddy has betrayed you.

He was deafeningly quiet in front of his accusers.

After that, how about rising from the dead?

Women were definitely the first witnesses, according to the apostles, since that is exactly how it happened in the actual world.

As the adage goes, “You can’t make this stuff up.” This is certainly true.

He went against the social standards of the day in order to demonstrate that he had come to seek and redeem everyone who were lost, even women. And, in Christ, men and women are on an equal playing field (Galatians 3:28).

  1. Tom Constable, “Notes on Matthew.”
  2. Michael Licona, “The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach” (IVP Academic, 2010), p. 349
  3. Judith S. Antonelli, “In the Image of God: A Feminist Commentary on the Torah” (RowmanLittlefield Publisher, 1997)
  4. Joel Green, “The Gospel of Luke” (New International Commentary on the New Testament series, Eerdmans, 1997)

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