Who Appeared With Jesus On The Mount Of Transfiguration

Who appeared to Peter, James, and John on the Mount of Transfiguration?

The question is, “Who appeared to Peter, James, and John on the Mountain of Transfiguration?” The Ensign, April 1983, pages 21–23 Professor Larry E. Dahl of Church history and doctrine at Brigham Young University is the author of this article. When Moses, Elijah, and John the Baptist (among others) appeared to Peter, James, and John on the Mount of Transfiguration, the apostles were given the “keys of the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 16:19), which they used to enter the kingdom of heaven. In addition, there is evidence to support the claim that they were endowed with authority from on high and instructed in the affairs of God’s kingdom.

We may learn the following from their stories in the King James Version of the Bible: First, Jesus separated Peter, James, and John and took them “up into a high mountain apart” about a week after Peter was told that he would be given the keys to the kingdom of heaven (Matt.

(See Mark 9:2 for further information.) 2.

(See Matthew 17:2.) 3.

  1. 17) were seen by Peter, James, and John talking with Christ.
  2. A bright cloud “overshadowed them,” and “as they entered the cloud, they were filled with terror.” 5.
  3. As they descended from the mountain, the Savior commanded them not to tell anyone about their encounter until after his resurrection had occurred.
  4. It was also confirmed by him that John the Baptist had already arrived in his role as an Elias, and that he had been killed by the same people who would later kill the Son of Man.
  5. 17:14.
  6. We learn that John the Baptist was also present on the Mount of Transfiguration, according to the Prophet’s inspired translation of Mark’s account.
  7. In his comments on this verse, Robert J.
  8. As a result, many people have questioned whether or not this passage has been printed incorrectly in some way.
  9. Similarly, the Bernhisel copy, on page 74, contains exactly the same wording as the present text of the printed Inspired Version, thereby correlating the two versions of the text.
  10. … “There can be no doubt that theElias who appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration was none other than Elijah the prophet.

180, 367; see also Joseph Smith’s Translation of the Bible.) “It is not to be understood that John the Baptist was the Elias who appeared with Moses to confer keys and authority upon those who then held the Melchizedek Priesthood, which higher priesthood already embraced and included all of the authority and power John had held and exercised during his ministry,” explains Elder Bruce R.

Possibly, he was present as the last legal administrator under the Old Covenant in order to symbolize that the law had been fulfilled and that all old things had been done away, thus drawing a contrast between his position and the position of the apostles Peter, James, and John, who were then about to become the first legal administrators of the New Kingdom.” (Bruce R.

Elijah was the last prophet to “hold the key of … the fulness of the Melchizedek Priesthood.” He restored this authority so that the ordinances of the Melchizedek Priesthood could be administered properly.

He said, “The Savior, Moses, and Elias, gave the keys to Peter, James, and John, on the mount, when they were transfigured.” (History of the Church,3:387.) The Prophet’s statement that the disciples were also transfigured is, perhaps, an explanation of Luke’s saying, “theyenteredinto the cloud.” (Luke 9:34.) The Father speaking from the cloud, and Peter’s statement that Jesus “received from God the Father honour and glory when there came such a voice” (2 Pet.

  1. 1:17), evidences that the Father may also have been present.
  2. (SeeMoses 1:11.) Many of our questions about the Mount of Transfiguration might be answered if we had a complete record.
  3. Bruce R.
  4. McConkie has suggested that “while on the Mount.

This, in fact, is affirmed by the Lord in Doctrine and Covenants 63:21: “When the earth shall be transfigured, even according to the pattern which was shown unto mine apostles upon the mount; of which account the fulness ye have not yet received.” This verse not only affirms but demonstrates that our New Testament record of the experiences on the Mount of Transfiguration is incomplete—by revealing that the Apostles there saw the future transfiguration of the earth.

When we are privileged to receive the full account, we may find that several other personages, in addition to those thus far mentioned, were present, and that much more was said and done than we currently know about.

In the meantime, we can be anxiously engaged in stretching our minds toward understanding and our souls in worthy application of that which we have already received.

The transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-9) – The identity of Jesus – CCEA – GCSE Religious Studies Revision – CCEA

Jesus summoned Peter, James, and John to the top of a mountain. He had been transformed; his face gleamed like the sun, and his clothing had turned a brilliant white. Moses and Elijah made an appearance with Jesus. Peter promised to build three makeshift shelters. It was then that a dazzling mist engulfed them and a voice said, “This is my Son, whom I adore; he brings me great pleasure. ” “Pay attention to what he has to say.” The disciples were scared and dropped to the ground. “Get up,” Jesus said, adding, “don’t be scared.” When they glanced up, they couldn’t see anyone else than Jesus.


Moses and Elijah are two of the most important figures in the Old Testament. Moses led God’s chosen people, the Israelites, out of slavery in Egypt, and into the Promised Land. He then traveled to Mount Sinai, where he met with God and delivered to the people God’s commandments, known as the Ten Commandments. Moses’ face was glowing as a result of his near encounter with God. Elijah was a prophet and one of God’s messengers, and he was killed by a lion. In addition, he traveled to Mount Sinai, where God revealed himself to him in a soft whisper.

Mountaintops were frequently chosen as the place for God’s manifestations.

Understanding the text

The term “transfiguration” refers to a change in the appearance or shape of something. Throughout this section, Jesus’ physical appearance changes, allowing us to catch a glimpse of his entire heavenly glory: “His face shined like the sun, and his garments became white as the light.” InMatthew 16:13-20, Peter demonstrates comprehension of Jesus’ identity, recognizing that he is the Messiah (Christ) (Messiah). This encounter is intended to aid in the development of this knowledge. It is so extraordinary that only three of Jesus’ closest companions – Peter, James, and John – are picked to witness the event.

  • Jesus has come from Heaven, and after he has accomplished his mission on Earth, he will return to that same place.
  • It takes occurred six days after Peter’s proclamation of faith, and this may be a reference to Moses, who spent six days in preparation before being summoned before God in a cloud on Mount Sinai, according to some scholars.
  • Moses and Elijah come and take up their positions alongside Jesus.
  • In this moment, he is presenting a newcovenant from God to all of humanity.

Jesus tells the disciples once more that they are not to tell anybody about their encounter. This will take place after his death and resurrection, at a later point in time.

Proceed to the next step, Testing.

Who Was With Jesus On The Mount Of Transfiguration?

On the Mount of Transfiguration, who was with Jesus at the time? 15th of December, 2015 Jack Wellman is a writer who lives in New York City. That were the people who were there on the Mount of Transfiguration?

What was the Transfiguration?

In Matthew 27, as well as Mark 9 and Luke 9, Jesus’ humanity is peeled back and His Shekinah splendor, or the glory of God, is seen, and the Transfiguration is a pivotal event in the Christian faith. Jesus, who is both Man and God, revealed His divinity to three of His closest followers, who were among those who witnessed it. In order to see such an incredible occurrence, He only brought three people with Him to a secluded mountain. Peter, James, and John were the only ones who witnessed it. During the Transfiguration, Jesus exhibited His Shekinah splendor to the world for the first time, which was witnessed by human eyes.

However, this splendour was not disclosed to the other disciples or to the Jewish religious authorities; rather, it was revealed only to the three disciples who had been invited by Jesus, and even here, Jesus ” charged them not to tell anyone what they had seen, until the Son of Man had risen from the grave ” (Mark 9:9).

Who was There?

Who were the people there on the Mount of Transfiguration when Jesus displayed His majesty? “Jesus took with him Peter, James, and John, and led them up a high mountain by themselves, according to the Scriptures.” Moreover, he was transfigured in front of them” (Mark 9:2a). Without a doubt, Jesus was present, but when “he was transfigured before them, and his clothing became brilliant, extremely white, as if no one on earth could bleach them,” he was transformed. And there appeared to them Elijah and Moses, and they were conversing with Jesus” (Mark 9:2b-4), which means that not only were Jesus, Peter, James, and John there, but also Elijah and Moses.

Aside from these three individuals, there were no other human witnesses to these occurrences.

As soon as the Transfiguration was completed, God the Father said, “This is my Son, my Chosen One; pay attention to him!” And when the speaker had finished speaking, Jesus was discovered by himself.

They “kept mute,” which is more accurately translated as “they were speechless!” This miracle of the Transfiguration was to be kept a secret and not told to anybody until after Jesus was risen from the dead, as Jesus had instructed (Mark 9:9).

Why the Transfiguration?

What was the purpose of Jesus revealing His glory to Peter, James, and John? What exactly was the point of this? The context may help us understand what happened. For example, in Mark 9:1, Jesus declares that there are three men who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God arrive in strength. These three men were Peter, James, and John, who were there at the time of the Transfiguration event. Just a few verses before Mark 9:1, Jesus had been telling His disciples that “the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes and be killed, and after three days rise again,” implying that He would be speaking to them about His impending death and resurrection (Mark 8:31).

See also:  Who Was On The Mount Of Transfiguration With Jesus

The kingdom of God will not come to us until Jesus has suffered and died in our place.

Those who were “standing here” were able to see “the kingdom of God” very quickly, and it was unmistakably “coming with force.” The Shekinah brightness of Jesus was all about God’s might, and the fact that Elijah and Moses were present suggests that they would be a part of the coming kingdom of heaven.

Peter’s Reaction

After the Transfiguration, of course, Peter was the first to express himself, and so after the event, Peter remarked to Jesus, “Master, it is wonderful that we are here. “Let us build three tents: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah,” I responded, completely oblivious to what he had said. During this time, a cloud appeared and enveloped them, and they became fearful as soon as they entered the cloud” (Luke 9:33-34). In fact, I believe our reaction would have been the same as Peter’s and the others’: we would have been terrified as the Shekinah glory covered them and even more terrified “when they entered the cloud.” The fact that Peter mentioned building three tents for Moses, Elijah, and Jesus may have been a way of asking, “Jesus, please stay here.

“You, Moses, and Elijah are the ones who will usher in the kingdom right now.” The mention of tents may have referred to the Feast of Booths, during which the Israelites camped out in tents or booths fashioned of tree limbs and branches for the duration of the festival.

When the Feast of Booths or the Feast of Tabernacles begins, it symbolizes the beginning of the kingdom of heaven, with the Last Great day symbolizing the Great Day of the Feast, also known as the Last Great day, which foretold Jesus’ return to judge the world.

The Feast of Booths or the Feast of Tabernacles is celebrated annually on the first day of the month of Elul.


Jesus is returning again, and this time in all of His majesty, and He will judge the world in accordance with the law of God (Rev 20:12-15). “Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who wounded him, and all tribes of the earth will cry because of him,” the Apostle John wrote of this time period. Nevertheless, Amen” (Rev 1:7). Many will rejoice when Christ returns, but those who have never done so will “wail on account of him.” Those who have never repented and trusted in Christ will be filled with joy when Christ returns.

Article by Jack Wellman

Jack Wellman is the pastor of the Mulvane Brethren Church in Mulvane, Kansas. He has been in the ministry for over 30 years. What Christians Want To Know is a Christian website whose aim is to equip, encourage, and excite Christians while also answering questions regarding the believer’s daily walk with God and the Bible. Jack is also the Senior Writer at What Christians Want To Know. You may follow Jack on Google Plus, and you can also read his book Teaching Children the Gospel, which is available on Amazon.

What is the Mount of Transfiguration?

QuestionAnswer The Mount of Transfiguration is the peak on where Jesus was transfigured and shown to the apostles (Matthew 17, Mark 9, Luke 9). It is not known where the mountain is located in reality. In Matthew 16, Jesus informs His followers that He would be crucified and restored to life after three days (verse 21). His response is a scolding from Peter: “Never, Lord!” he replies. “This will never happen to you!” says the author. (See verse 22.) Jesus had to scold Peter and then goes on to explain that anybody who wants to be His disciple must be willing to “take up his cross,” which means that he or she must be willing to die as well.

When Jesus takes Peter, James, and John with Him to a “high mountain,” as reported in Matthew and Luke, they are called “disciples of Christ.” We now refer to this unidentified peak as the Mount of Transfiguration, in recognition of what occurs afterward: “There, in front of them, he was transfigured.

  • At that point, Moses and Elijah came before them, and they began to speak with Jesus” (Matthew 17:2–3).
  • There is a possibility that this was also the fulfillment of Jesus’ prophesy that some of the disciples would see His entry into the kingdom before they died (Matthew 16:28).
  • Moses ascended a mountain to commune with the Lord, and he returned with a radiant smile on his face (Exodus 34).
  • Jesus, on the other hand, came and touched them.
  • ‘Don’t be scared.’ says the author.
  • Similarly, as the meeting on Mount Sinai between Moses and the Lord signaled the beginning of a new period in God’s dealings with His people, so this encounter between the Lord and Moses heralds the beginning of a new era in the narrative of salvation.
  • Mount Tabor and Mount Hermon have both been designated as the Mount of Transfiguration by various traditions, with Mount Tabor being the more famous.

Mount Tabor is known as the Mount of Transfiguration in early Christian history, and it is the site of the Church of the Transfiguration, which was erected on the ruins of a fourth-century church.

As a result, some experts believe that Mount Hermon is a more plausible candidate to be the Mount of Transfiguration than other possible candidates.

It might be Tabor or Hermon, or it could be another peak that no one has mentioned.

The significance of the transfiguration, on the other hand, is not limited to the mountain on which it happened.

This word from heaven was heard by us as well, while we were with Him on the holy mountain” (2 Peter 1:16–18).

” Questions about Biblical Locations (Questions about Biblical Places) What is the Mount of Transfiguration, and why is it important?

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Why Were Moses and Elijah Present at the Transfiguration?

The transfiguration of Jesus was one of the most spectacular and remarkable events that occurred throughout his career. The following is the account of the incident as recorded in Matthew’s Gospel: Jesus then grabbed Peter and James, as well as John his brother, and brought them up a high mountain by themselves, after six days of fasting and prayer. After then, he was transformed in front of them, and his face gleamed brightly like the sun, and his garments were as white as the dawn. And lo, there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, who were engaged in conversation with him.

  1. From the cloud came a voice that said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well delighted; listen to him.” When the disciples realized what had happened, they fell on their knees and were scared.
  2. Matthew 17:1-8 is a Bible verse that describes the life of Jesus.
  3. It was as if a curtain had been drawn aside, allowing them to catch a glimpse of Jesus’ celestial splendor and majesty.
  4. One thing, though, has always seemed a bit odd to me: why were Moses and Elijah present in the first place?
  5. I don’t remember where I read this, but it was a long time ago.
  6. There is one remarkable feature that both Elijah and Moses have in common: they both had extremely close interactions with God during which he showed his magnificence to them, yet none of them was able to see his face.
  7. Afterwards, he said, “I will make all of my kindness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name, ‘The LORD.'” He went on to say, In the same way, I will be gracious to those whom I will be kind to, and will show mercy to those whom I shall offer mercy.

As a result, the word of the L ORD came to him, and he inquired of him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” He replied, “I have no idea.” The LORD, the God of hosts, he confessed, “I have been quite envious of him.” Because the people of Israel have abandoned your covenant, desecrated your altars, and murdered your prophets with the sword, and I, alone among them, am left, and they are pursuing my life in order to take it away.

  1. “Go out to the mount and prostrate yourselves before the LORD,” he instructed.
  2. “And behold, the L ORD went by,” I said.
  3. And then there was a fire following the earthquake, but the L ORD was not in the fire.
  4. And when Elijah heard it, he walked outside and stood at the entrance to the cave, his face buried in his cloak.
  5. 1 Kings 19:9-13 (King James Version) (emphasis mine) As a result, we have two situations in which these guys had life-changing encounters with God.
  6. However, neither of them were able to see God’s face.
  7. As incredible as it may sound, one conceivable (and, in my opinion, quite plausible) reason that these two men were there for the transfiguration was so that they may finally glimpse the face of the One who created the universe.
  8. If you like, here’s another scripture that could be more appropriate: “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give us light to see God’s glory shining in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:6, emphasis mine).

Moses and Elijah have had direct encounters with God. Consider the implications of it. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to quit thinking about it.

What Was the Transfiguration of Jesus?

“After six days, Jesus took Peter, James, and John with him and brought them to the top of a mountain, where they were all by themselves. He appeared to them as though he had been transformed. His clothing become a brilliant white, whiter than any other person on the planet could bleach them. And there came in front of them Elijah and Moses, who were conversing with Jesus at the time. “Jesus,” Peter replied to him “It is beneficial for us to be here, Rabbi. Let us construct three shelters: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah, if you don’t mind.” (He was at a loss for what to say since they were so terrified.) They were shrouded by a cloud when a voice came from the cloud: “The cloud has spoken.” “I’m introducing you to my Son, whom I adore.

See also:  Why Did Jesus Teach In Parables According To Mark 4 10 12

Just as they were about to begin their descent from the mountain, Jesus instructed them not to tell anyone about what they had witnessed until the Son of Man had risen from the dead.” Mark 9:2-9 (KJV)

The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ

This biblical incident appears in each of the Gospel books as a pivotal occasion in Jesus’ life and as evidence of his divinity. It is described as follows: Then, after performing a series of miracles and foretelling His own death, Jesus takes just three of his followers with him to a “high mountain.” They are Peter, James, and John. This is the location where the Transfiguration occurs, during which his physical appearance is radiantly altered. Transfiguration of Jesus Christ was a tremendous proof of His divine essence and manifestation of His glory, which Jesus possessed before to entering the human form and entering the kingdom of God.

“Allow this thought to dwell within you, just as it did in Christ Jesus: Who, while He was in the form of God, did not consider it theft to be on an equal footing with God: but He made Himself of no renown, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was fashioned in the image of men: And when He was discovered in human form, He humbled Himself and became submissive unto death, even death on the cross.

As a result, God has also exalted Him and given Him a name that is above every name, in order that at the mention of Jesus’ name everything in heaven, everything on earth, and everything beneath the earth will bow, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father ” (Philippians 2:5-11KJV).

What was the Importance of the Transfiguration?

The following is a transcription of the video above in which the question “What was the significance of the Transfiguration?” is answered. It’s hard to comprehend what’s going on during the Transfiguration unless you take into consideration the fact that this miraculous event occurs only a few days after Jesus revealed to his followers for the first time that He was going to be crucified. Moreover, when Jesus announced to his followers in Matthew 16:21 that He was about to die, they were outraged and scandalized.

  1. This is after those disciples had followed Jesus for months and years, had witnessed his miracles, and had performed marvels in His name.
  2. As a result, Jesus separated three apostles, Peter, James, and John, and led them up a high mountain away from the rest of the group as a result.
  3. He then instructs the disciples to pray, and they promptly fall asleep.
  4. He had renounced his exterior brilliance, and for a little moment, while they looked on, they saw him transform into something greater (metamorphized is the Greek word).
  5. The entire objective of that encounter was to strengthen the incredible faith in which those apostles were already standing.
  6. When Jesus appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration, it was to strengthen the apostles’ already-shaking faith.
  7. When they inquire as to why the exorcism has failed, Jesus responds that it is due to their incredible faith.
  8. That Jesus was about to die was conveyed through the Transfiguration, and that is precisely what the event was all about.
  9. He had been attempting to convey His approaching death to the disciples, and he now realizes how severely handicapped they have become as a result of the news.

So He is sensitive enough, a few days later, to provide that type of condescending object lesson, in which God condescends to give him that bodily splendour just for the sake of reinforcing their religious beliefs. Larry Koester provided the image for this article.

Why Moses and Elijah at the Transfiguration? – Drive Thru History®

About eight days after Jesus said this, he gathered his disciples, Peter, John, and James, and went up to a mountain to pray with them. At the time of his prayer, the look of his face altered, and the color of his attire changed to the brightness of a flash of lightning. Two figures, Moses and Elijah, arrived in spectacular magnificence before Jesus and began speaking with him. They talked about his impending departure, which he was going to put to fruition at the Holy City of Jerusalem. Peter and his friends were quite tired at the time, but as they regained consciousness, they were able to see the splendor of God and the two men standing by him.

  • Let us construct three shelters: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah,” says the leader.
  • Suddenly, a voice from the cloud spoke, saying, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; pay attention to him.” When the speaker had finished speaking, they discovered that Jesus was by himself.
  • As the baptism of Jesus marked the beginning of Jesus’ public life, the event known as the Transfiguration marks the culmination of Jesus’ public ministry.
  • Here’s a question for you: What was it about Moses and Elijah in particular that drew Jesus and his disciples to this location, out of all the prominent personalities in the Hebrew Scriptures?
  • When God’s voice from heaven stated regarding Jesus, “Listen to Him!” it meant that the Law and the Prophets must now make way for Jesus, who will usher in a new era marked by the substitution of the old path for the new.
  • It’s also worth noting the amount of symbolism that exists in this particular incident.
  • Over 15 centuries before, Moses had led his own exodus from Egypt, which is known as the Exodus from Egypt.
  • In the tale of the loaves and fishes, Jesus had miraculously provided nourishment for the masses, just as Moses had miraculously provided bread – or “manna” – to the Israelites when they were wandering in the desert.
  • These analogies would have been quite significant to an observant Jew if they had been drawn.
  • “We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only,” said the apostle John in his Gospel (John 1:14).

Because He gained praise and glory from God the Father when a voice from the Majestic Glory spoke to Him, saying, ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am pleased.’ (John 3:16) When we were with Him on the sacred mountain, we ourselves heard this voice that came from above.” (See 2 Peter 1:16-18 for further information).

How did Peter, John, and James recognize Moses and Elijah during the transfiguration of Jesus?

It is based on one of the most spectacular occurrences in Jesus’ career, which took place on the mountain when He was transfigured before three of His disciples, that we have today’s question. At the time of Jesus’ transfiguration, how did the apostles Peter, John, and James distinguish between Moses and Elijah? It is necessary to understand what happened before this experience in order to be able to address the issue of how Peter knew it was Moses and Elijah with Jesus during that beautiful occurrence.

  • Oftentimes in the gospels, we find Jesus spending time in prayer with His followers after having spent such a focused length of time in ministry.
  • “As He prayed, the look of His face changed, and His garment became white and gleaming,” the verse said.
  • The word “glistening” literally translates as “producing light,” which conjures up images of a dazzling flashing light.
  • This extraordinary event didn’t come to a stop there; the three disciples were witness to two men conversing with Jesus, who turned out to be Moses and Elijah!
  • Some have speculated that it had something to do with their physical appearance, with Moses resembling Charleston Heston (with his long white beard) and Elijah like an older and hairier John the Baptist.
  • In the first place, all three gospels describe Jesus’ revelation to be “the Christ, the Son of God” as occurring eight days before the transfiguration.
  • At the transfiguration of Jesus, it is possible that the identities of Moses and Elijah were revealed in the same way that the identity of Jesus was revealed—through a revelation from God the Father.
  • The gospel of Luke is the sole source that provides evidence of what the two men were discussing with Jesus—namely, Jesus’ departure.
  • Thus, the dialogue between Moses (who led the Israelites in an exodus from Egypt) and Elijah (who departed in his exodus from life in a flaming chariot) was carried over to Jesus’ discourse with them about His upcoming “exodus” in His death on the cross and resurrection from the dead.

What a wonderful experience it was to behold the grandeur of God, with Christ at the center and devoted saints accompanying Him! The following questions were posted in Questions and tagged withJesus,Moses,Elijah,Disicples. Transfiguration. Mountain. John. Peter. James. Matthew 17. Mark 9.Luke 9.

10 Things You Need to Know About Jesus’ Transfiguration

What exactly transpired at the enigmatic event known as the “Transfiguration”? What did it have to do with anything? The Transfiguration of Our Lord is a difficult event to comprehend. What caused that to happen? What did it have to do with anything? Here are some things you should be aware of.

1. What does the word “transfiguration” mean?

The word “transfiguration” is derived from the Latin words trans – (“across”) and figura (meaning “form, form”). As a result, it denotes a transformation in shape or appearance. In the event known as the Transfiguration, Jesus’ appearance transformed and became lovely, and this is what occurred to him. It’s critical to understand what happened immediately before the Transfiguration in Luke’s Gospel before we can understand the Transfiguration itself.

2. What happened right before the Transfiguration?

Towards the close of a discourse to the twelve apostles, Jesus makes an ambiguous statement: “There are those standing here who will not experience death until they see the kingdom of God,” he says. When this was initially published, it was widely believed to be a prophecy that the world would end before the first generation of Christians passed away. However, the phrase “kingdom of God” may apply to a variety of different things, including the Church, which serves as the outward embodiment of God’s unseen kingdom on earth.

3. Did such a manifestation occur?

Exactly, and it’s right afterward that Luke tells us about the Transfiguration of Christ. “It has been.convincingly maintained,” Pope Benedict says, “that the placement of this phrase right before the Transfiguration ties it inextricably to that event.” One group of people—namely, the three disciples who accompany Jesus up the mountain—are guaranteed that they would directly experience God’s Kingdom being established ‘with authority,’ according to the Scriptures. The splendor of God’s Kingdom shines out of Jesus as the three of them stand on the summit of the mountain.

  • They recognize that the genuine Feast of Tabernacles has arrived while they are on the mountain, listening in on the dialogue of the transfigured Jesus with the Law and the Prophets.
  • When they look up to the mountain, they can see the ‘power’ (dynamism) of the Kingdom that is about to come in Christ (Jesus of Nazareth, vol.
  • 317).
  • He wasn’t referring to the end of the world as such.
  • In fact, Luke states that the Transfiguration occurred “about eight days after these sayings,” emphasizing the event’s proximity to them and implying that it was the fulfillment of this saying, which stated that some of them would be able to view the kingdom of God.

Mark cites a different number of days, stating that it happened “after six days” (Mark 9:2), yet each of these estimates are within a week of one another.

4. Who witnessed the Transfiguration?

The three main disciples, Peter, James, and John, are among those who are given the honor of seeing the event for the first time. (Andrew was either not present or was not included.) Although just three of Jesus’ followers were permitted to see the event, it is possible that this prompted the debate that occurred regarding which of the disciples was the greatest (Luke 9:46). To see a video of Jesus’ response to this question, please visit this link.

See also:  Song What A Friend We Have In Jesus

5. Where did the Transfiguration take place?

According to Luke, Jesus brought the three of them “up to the mountain to pray.” This peak is frequently mistaken for Mt. Tabor in Israel, however none of the gospels makes a specific identification of it. More information on Mt. Tabor may be found by clicking here (though be aware that the gospels do not actually say which mountain it was).

6. Why did the Transfiguration take place?

To put it another way, according to the Catechism, Christ’s Transfiguration is intended to strengthen the apostles’ faith in preparation of his Passion: the trek onto the ‘high mountain’ serves to prepare them for the ascent to Calvary. When Christ, as the Supreme Head of the Church, displays what his Body contains and radiates in the sacraments, we have what the Bible calls “the hope of glory.”

7. What does Luke (in particular) tell us about this event?

Several facts regarding the incident are mentioned by Luke that are not mentioned by the other evangelists:

  • This occurred while Jesus was praying, according to the author
  • Peter and his friends “were heavy with sleep when they awoke to see his splendor and the two men who stood with him,” according to the author
  • During Moses and Elijah’s departure, Peter makes the notion to build up booths, which he relates in the passage.

8. Why do Moses and Elijah appear on the mountain?

Moses and Elijah represent the two most important elements of the Old Testament: the Law and the Prophets, which are intertwined. Moses was regarded as the giver of the Law, while Elijah was regarded as the greatest of the prophets, according to tradition. The fact that these two figures “spoke of his departure, which he was to fulfill in Jerusalem” demonstrates that both the Law and the Prophets look forward to the Messiah and his sufferings in their respective books. This foreshadows Jesus’ own exposition of the Scriptures on the road to Emmaus, when he explains how they point to himself (cf.

  • 9.
  • When Moses and Elijah are about to leave, Peter makes the idea, implying that the apostle wants to extend their experience of glory as much as possible.
  • The experience of the Transfiguration is intended to serve as a prelude to the hardships that Jesus would soon undergo.
  • Moses and Elijah had been talking about “his departure, which he was supposed to complete at Jerusalem” because of this.

Apparently in response to this, theophany occurs: “A cloud came over them and shrouded them; and they were scared as they entered the cloud.” ‘This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!’ a voice came out of the cloud, proclaiming.”

10. What can we learn from this event?

The Transfiguration was a one-of-a-kind event in which God granted specific apostles the opportunity to have a privileged spiritual experience that was intended to strengthen their faith in preparation for the trials they would face in the future. However, it was merely a one-time occurrence. It was never intended to be a long-term solution. In the same manner, God may grant exceptional experiences of his grace to certain members of the faithful (not all of the faithful, all of the time) at specific points in their lives that help them to grow in their faith.

Instead, we should appreciate them for what they are.

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The original version of this item published in the Register on February 21, 2013.

How many were there, on the mountain of Transfiguration?

The number of people who were on the mountain at the time of the Transfiguration is unknown. Did you choose option number four? Who are Jesus, Peter, James, and John, and what do they look like? Six? What about Moses and Elijah? How about a total of eight? When we hear the account of Jesus’ Transfiguration, as we will on the second Sunday of Lent, most of us are not accustomed to thinking about the Trinity in the way that we do. According to Pope John Paul II, who spoke to an Easter season audience in 2000, the Eastern churches (both Orthodox and Catholic) are unequivocal in their belief that the Transfiguration is a manifestation of the Holy Triune God.

  • It was stated by John Paul that the prayer “inserts a strong emphasis on the Trinitarian component of Christ’s Transfiguration on the mountain.” Even the Father’s presence with his illuminating voice is made clear throughout the book.
  • Thomas Aquinas, that “the complete Trinity appeared”: “The full Trinity appeared”: “The Father appeared in the voice; the Son in the man; and the Spirit in the dazzling cloud (n.
  • In addition to the presence of two additional threesomes, this is further highlighted as a Trinity moment: Everyone who has been baptized into Christ, including Peter, James, and John, is represented by these three men.
  • It’s possible that there will be another trio as well.

a member of the Orthodox Church who writes anonymously on the site iconreader.wordpress.com points out that the Eastern Orthodox tradition holds that the three apostles Peter, James, and John on the mountaintop represent the three cardinal virtues: faith, hope, and love:

  • Because “he was the first to confess his faith in Christ as the Son of God
  • ” James represents hope because “he was the first to lay down his life for the Lord, having been slain by the Jews
  • ” and John represents love because “he reclined on the bosom of the Lord and remained beneath the Cross of the Lord until the end.

For Western Catholics, the presence of God the Father in the voice that says, “This is my beloved Son,” is not difficult to discern. “Pay attention to what he has to say.” Moreover, because we heard the same voice during Jesus’ baptism on January 11, we might be reminded that the Holy Spirit was also there at the baptism with a little thought and contemplation. Jesus’ presence is, of course, palpable at both occasions. It seems sense, then, that the Holy Spirit was present at the Transfiguration.

So, where has the Spirit vanished to?

Gregory Palamas elaborated on what he meant by “the Father and Holy Spirit were invisibly with the Lord: the Father, with his voice testifying that this was his beloved son, and the Holy Spirit shining forth with him in the radiant cloud.” The luminous cloud that overshadows Jesus – and from which the Father’s voice may be heard – is Matthew’s evocation of theshekinah, the dazzling cloud that brought the Chosen People out of Egypt and filled the meeting tent whenever God was present in that location.

  1. Shekina is a Hebrew term that literally translates as “God’s resting place.” Theshekinah, according to Jewish tradition, does not symbolize God, but rather indicates God’s existence and might.
  2. The cloud of brilliance, which at first glance appears to be a magnificent sight, was actually a midnight pillar of fire.
  3. As a result of God’s “glance” passing through it (Ex.
  4. When the goddess Shekinah descended into Jerusalem, the priests were expelled from the Temple (1Kgs 8:11).
  5. Peter, James, and John, on the other hand, were delighted to witness the brilliant cloud that signaled God’s presence.
  6. Regardless of whether or not they understood why God was present, the disciples were aware of the divine presence regardless.
  7. It is shown as light lines spreading out from a black circle, which represents the Father’s voice.

(The color red is traditionally associated with divinity in religious icons.) The Transfiguration, then, not only reveals the splendor that belongs entirely to Jesus in preparation of the agony he is about to undergo, but it also serves as a reminder of the Trinity, who is the God who is both living and dead (since Moses died but is now seen alive, and Elijah, who did not ever die).

“The divine alteration that occurred to the three disciples on Tabor.

will occur to us as well, and we will be worthy to become We, too, are promised a journey up the holy mountain to be reunited with the greatest threesome of all time: the Holy Trinity.

Kasten is the author of “Linking Your Beads, The Rosary’s History, Mysteries, and Prayers,” as well as “Making Sense of Saints,” both of which were published by Our Sunday Visitor Press. Kasten is a member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

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