How Many Lepers Did Jesus Heal

The Mighty Miracles Of Jesus The Healing Of A Leper

The miracles Jesus accomplished during His career totaled more than 40, including curing the sick, transforming the natural components of nature, and even resurrecting people from the dead. Generally speaking, a miracle is defined as an occurrence that occurs outside of the realm of normalcy. Each month, we will take a deeper look at one of His miracles in order to gain a better understanding of the depth of His affection for us. Understanding Jesus’ miracles has the potential to transform your life, and it all begins with trusting in Him via confidence in Him.

Lepers were deemed dirty and were kept apart from the rest of the population.

As recorded in Mark 1:40-45, the leper who approached Jesus violated this taboo by touching him, and Jesus himself breaches it by touching the leper.

His response was, ‘I am willing.’ ‘Keep it tidy!’ His leprosy vanished immediately, and he was completely cleaned.” This leper had no doubts about the fact that Jesus’ authority was unquestionable.

  1. Being the first to appear before Jesus was his only chance, and so he did everything he could to overcome his obstacles.
  2. In his frantic endeavor to obtain assistance, the leper defied societal rules and breached the law.
  3. In Leviticus 5:3, there is a prohibition that prohibits anybody from coming into contact with a leper.
  4. What lessons can we take away from this miracle?
  5. In the face of the leper, he did not hesitate to hug him.
  6. Throughout his leprosy years, he had never received a kiss, a hug, a handshake, or any other physical contact from another person.
  7. The touch of Jesus was an outward expression of the Lord’s love for this man, as well as for all of us—children—in God’s his heart of compassion.

Bible Gateway passage: Luke 17:11-19 – New International Version

11Now, on his route to Jerusalem, A)”>(A)Jesus journeyed along the boundary between Samaria and Galilee, a journey that took him into the wilderness. B)”>(B)12As he was about to enter a settlement, 10 persons with leprosy approached him. C)”>(C)met him for the first time. “Jesus, Master, please have mercy on us!” they cried out in a loud voice as they stood at a distance D)”>(D)13. 14When he saw them, he told them, “Go, reveal yourselves to the priests.” F)”>(F)And while they were walking away, they were cleaned by the Holy Spirit.

16He flung himself at Jesus’ feet and expressed gratitude to him, despite the fact that he was a Samaritan.

H)”>(H) 17Jesus inquired, “Have not all ten been cleansed?” What happened to the other nine? 18Is there anyone else who has returned to offer God glory besides this foreigner?” 19Then he told him, “Rise and depart; your faith has restored you to health.” I)”>(I)Read the rest of the chapter


  1. Luke 17:12 (NIV) The Greek term leprosy, which is typically rendered as leprosy, was used to refer to a variety of skin illnesses.

New International Version (New International Version) (NIV) NIV® stands for New International Version® of the Holy Bible. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011, and 2012 byBiblica, Inc.®Used with permission from the owner. All rights are retained around the world. The New International Version (NIV) Reverse Interlinear Bible provides translations from English to Hebrew and from English to Greek. Zondervan has copyright protection till the year 2019.

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PPT CUE is an abbreviation for PowerPoint CUE. The main point is that we should all be deeply grateful for what Jesus has done for us individually. Verse of the Day: When one of them realized that he had been cured, he returned. He exclaimed his gratitude to God in a loud voice. He flung himself at Jesus’ feet and expressed gratitude to Him. – Luke 17:15 (NIV) Materials:Two identical white pieces of cloth, one of which is soiled, ragged, and ripped, and the other of which is spotless and shining.

  • What is the one thing your parents always teach you to say when you ask for something?
  • And what are you expected to say when you receive a gift or something else?
  • When your parents urge you to say “please” and “thank you,” they are assisting you in developing an appreciation for others.
  • You are most likely overjoyed at the prospect of receiving the present.
  • You consider all the giver went through to ensure that you received the gift.
  • They were the ones who paid for it.
  • And since you are so taken aback by the giver’s generosity and affection, you openly express your gratitude to them by giving them a large embrace, repeatedly repeating “thank you,” or writing them a thank-you card and mailing it to them.
  • In addition, while each and every one of them may have been pleased with their present, only one of them decided to express his or her appreciation to Jesus.

NOTE TO TEACHERS: The tale of Jesus curing the 10 lepers in Luke 17 comes immediately after a teaching dialogue Jesus had with His disciples after one of them asks Him to “raise our confidence.” In this dialogue, Jesus makes it clear that obedience to God is not something we must do in order to enjoy God’s gratitude and blessings.

Our pride can sometimes distort this reality, leading us to believe that we should expect God to express gratitude to us for all we do to serve Him.

With the help of this discourse, and in conjunction with the tale of the 10 lepers, appreciation is placed in its appropriate context. Gratefulness is due to God alone, who deserves it because of the kindness and mercy He freely extends to people who do not deserve to be blessed.

Jesus Heals 10 Lepers

Assume that Jesus was on his way to the city of Jerusalem. He walked along the boundary between Samaria and Galilee, a journey that took him through the wilderness. As he approached a settlement, he was welcomed by a group of 10 men. They were suffering from a skin condition. They were in close proximity to me. And they cried out in a loud voice, “Jesus! Jesus!” Master! Please take pity on us!” “Go,” Jesus said when he saw them. Bring yourself to the attention of the priests.” Their wounds were repaired while they were on the way.

  1. Unfortunately, horrible things do happen in all of our lives from time to time.
  2. According to the Bible, the individuals in this account were suffering from a skin ailment known as leprosy.
  3. It was an illness that they were suffering from as a result of their existence in a wicked and fallen planet.
  4. In this world, there was no disease and no death.
  5. However, when sin entered the earth, it completely ruined everything!
  6. Tornadoes, tsunamis, storms, earthquakes, criminality, and illness are all possibilities.
  7. As a result of living in a fallen and sinful world, we are plagued with dreadful ailments.

Say:I’m sure some of you are wondering what this condition is all about.

As a result of the disease, many lepers lose the use of all of their fingers and toes.

Someone who was suffering from the disease may be identified by the sores that covered their bodies.

When leprosy was widespread, it was considered a common skin condition, and there are still individuals living with leprosy in various regions of the world today.

Leprosy is a very contagious disease.

Simply coming into contact with a person who has leprosy or touching something that they have touched can cause you to get the disease.

Even one of the rules that God provided to Israel in the Old Testament states that “as long as the illness is there, he is unclean.” He’ll have to live on his own.

He couldn’t embrace his wife and children because he was worried they might contract the sickness.

You can see that leprosy was not only harmful to a person’s physical health, but it was also detrimental to their ability to enjoy the company of friends and family because they were forced to live alone.

That’s why the 10 guys in this narrative were gathered in a single place.

In certain parts of the globe today, communities of lepers that live in close proximity to one another are referred to as “leper colonies.” A person who had leprosy was considered “unclean.” In the past, persons who were going down the street or in the presence of those who did not have leprosy would scream “UNCLEAN!

  1. No one wanted to be near a person who had this awful sickness, therefore they would flee as soon as they heard the term “unclean” being spoken near them.
  2. The reason for this was not only that people were frightened of contracting leprosy, but also that the religious authorities believed lepers were “unclean” spiritually.
  3. Furthermore, they were erroneously accused of having impure hearts, despite the fact that they were suffering from a horrible ailment.
  4. Wouldn’t that be horrible?
  5. Assume that someone informed you that God didn’t care about your sneezing and coughing because you were sneezing and coughing.
  6. In our account, the men stood at a distance from Jesus and shouted out to Him for this reason.
  7. They, on the other hand, thought that they were horrible people who were unworthy of God’s approval.

Their response when they saw Jesus crossing the border between Galilee and Samaria was to scream out in unison: “Jesus, Master, have compassion on us.” As soon as the lepers saw Jesus, they screamed, “Jesus, Master, please have pity on us.” After that, Jesus instructed them to present themselves before the priest.

They had been restored to health! Say: Their skin transformed from being full of sores and sickness (show a dirty, ripped, torn piece of fabric) to being clean and healthy (display the cloth) (put that cloth downhold up an identical, brand new clean piece.)

Only One Leper Shows Gratitude

Declare: Let us now proceed to the next chapter to see what happens next. Look at Luke 17:15-19 to see what I mean. When one of them realized that he had been cured, he returned. He exclaimed his gratitude to God in a loud voice. He flung himself at Jesus’ feet and expressed gratitude to Him. The gentleman was a good Samaritan. When Jesus saw the Samaritan, he was immediately concerned about the other nine men who had been healed at the same time as him. “Hadn’t all ten of them been healed?” Jesus inquired.

No one else, except for this outsider, came back and expressed their gratitude to God.” Afterwards, Jesus told him to “get up and go.” “You have been healed because of your faith.” Say:hard It’s to believe that only one of the ten men who were healed by Jesus returned to express gratitude to Him.

  • Most likely, once the other nine saw that they had been healed, they immediately returned home to their families and friends.
  • How could you possibly imagine how thrilled they were?
  • Despite the fact that these nine other men were overjoyed to be healed, they did not return to Jesus to express their gratitude in public.
  • In exchange for your and my lives, Jesus gave His blood to heal us from a disease that was far more heinous than leprosy.
  • Sin, like everything else, spoils us!
  • Sin is a spiritual need that requires healing on a deep level.
  • When we are hungry, we consume food.

When we’re exhausted, we go to sleep.

Similarly to how leprosy is a physical disease, these sins are spiritual diseases that must be healed in the same way.

In the same way that the ten lepers called out to Him for help, He wants us to call out to Him for help as well.

We can do this on our own, but God also wants us to express our gratitude to Him in public and in the company of other believers.

The problem was that nine out of ten of them did not accept it with genuine gratitude.

When Jesus inquired, “Where are the other nine?” he was speaking of the disciples.

See also:  There Is No Condemnation For Those Who Are In Christ Jesus

The same question could be posed to us today: “Why aren’t these people expressing their appreciation for Me?” Jesus has given us the incredible gift of forgiveness, which is completely free of charge.

Despite the fact that our sin deserves to be punished, Jesus paid the price for our sin by dying on the cross for our sins.

But the problem is, many people accept the free gift of forgiveness and never do anything to show their THANKFULNESS to Jesus.

God has done so much for us!

Here is what Psalm 107:1-2 says about thankfulness: Give thanks to the Lord, because He is good.

That’s what those who have been set free by the Lord should say.

We should find the time to publicly thank Him for that amazing gift.

We should do what Colossians 2:7 tells us: “ Grow strong in what you believe, just as you were taught.

” Key Verse: When one of them saw that he was healed, he came back.

He flung himself at Jesus’ feet and expressed gratitude to Him.

PPT CUEPPT CUE© All rights are retained around the world.

Unless otherwise noted the Scriptures taken from: Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, (NIrV®) Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society / Used by permission of IBS-STL.

All rights are retained around the world. Special appreciation to John R. Cross, The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, GoodSeed International.

3 things we can learn from how Jesus healed the lepers

Pixabay While He was carrying out His earthly mission, Jesus accomplished incredible things. One of these things is the cure of many lepers, diseased people who have been shunned by society because of their condition. Healings may teach us many valuable lessons, and we should take advantage of them. In this essay, we’ll take a look at a few of the things that I feel are the most important to remember at all times. It is possible that God is not repulsed by a person’s illness or situation. The Bible specifically instructs that all lepers be isolated from the rest of society and should live alone in their own homes (see Leviticus 13:46).

In essence, they were untouchable not because of their wealth, but because of their character.

This order is likely to have made lepers feel like they are unclean.

When Jesus did something that others in society could not or would not do, he demonstrated that they were wrong: “Then Jesus reached out His hand and touched him.” (See Matthew 8:3 for further information.) Three different narratives in the Bible – Matthew 8:1-4, Mark 1:40-45, and Luke 5:12-16 – all recount this pivotal occasion in the life of a man “sick with leprosy” who came to Jesus and pleaded for his healing: Matthew 8:1-4, Mark 1:40-45, and Luke 5:12-16.

  1. In spite of the fact that he fully embodied and demonstrated God’s perfect love, Jesus did not turn away in disgust from the situation.
  2. God is not dissatisfied with our actions.
  3. God’s love for us is not diminished by our illnesses, and neither is it diminished by our failures and transgressions.
  4. He genuinely cares about us and expects us to reciprocate his affection.
  5. The brief interaction that took place between Christ and the leper once again demonstrated one fundamental, though sometimes overlooked, truth of God: that it is God’s wish that we be restored to health.
  6. “I am willing; be cleansed,” Jesus says to the leper in an astounding response.
  7. This second aspect provides us with a broader perspective on His love: He desires that everyone come to know Him and His affection.
  8. A second narrative of Jesus’ healing of lepers may be found in Luke 17:11-19.
  9. This group of ten lepers approached the Lord, pleading for his mercy.
  10. He instructed them to present themselves to the priests who would be conducting the examination (see Leviticus 14:3) Later on, we learn that all 10 were healed, but only one, a Samaritan, came back to express gratitude to Jesus for their recovery.

Except for this stranger, was there no one else who had returned to give God the praise he deserved?” And He told him, “I’m sorry, but I can’t help you.” “Get up and go your way. “Your faith has restored your health.”” (See Luke 17:17-19 for further information.)

Jesus healed 10 men from leprosy: Why only one came back to thank him

Pilgrims suffering from leprosy beg at a monument of Saint Lazarus in Rincon, Cuba, where the statue is located. Reuters The tale of Jesus curing ten lepers is found in Luke 17:11-19, and it is rather dramatic. In contrast to many such accounts, the emphasis of the story is not the healing itself, but rather what transpired in the aftermath of it. This multi-layered story of a meeting with God’s power and mercy has much to say to us now, and it is worth reading. Men who had leprosy were social outcasts in addition to being afflicted by the disease.

  1. Other types of skin disorders were also referred to by this title (the diagnosis is outlined in Leviticus 13).
  2. Stigma is still a major issue in today’s society, and Christian organizations such as The Leprosy Mission are working hard to eliminate it.
  3. Hansen’s disease (pure leprosy) did not improve over time, despite the fact that it is now curable with the use of potent medications.
  4. When a person believes they have been healed, they must go to a priest who will examine them and verify the healing as valid and effective.
  5. First and foremost, Jesus instructed the men to present themselves before a priest while they were still sick with leprosy.
  6. For them, this meant believing in spite of the facts and placing their faith in God even when they didn’t really have a good reason to do so.
  7. Indeed, that is practically a definition of faith: believing in something we cannot verify.

Faith is the ability to put our confidence in something we don’t comprehend or when the evidence is stacked against us.

In the account, only one of the ten characters returns to express gratitude to Jesus.

First and foremost, the one who returns is a good Samaritan.

So why did he return rather than the Jews, and what was the reason for this?

A Jewish miracle worker healing Jews would be amazing, but he should be commended for his efforts.

It was a gift of grace and favor that was completely undeserved.

Christians who have been attending church for a long period of time are likely to consider themselves to be decent people.

It’s possible that we would have given up activities that we would have appreciated.

However, this narrative serves as a reminder that those who are most mindful of what has been done for them are those who are nearest to the heart of the Almighty.

The healing of the men is not contingent on their returning to express their gratitude.

Nobody can deny that God performs a lot of nice things for them, whether they recognize it or not.

People who are not Christians, but who are blessed anyway, number in the thousands.

Whether we are Christians or not, we may appreciate beauty, family, creation and work, love, and friendship, regardless of our religious affiliation.

It is believed that one in every ten people in the United Kingdom attends church on a regular basis.

As Christians, we follow the commandments.

An ancient hymn says, “Count your blessings, list them one by one, and you’ll be surprised at what the Lord has done.” I believe this is true. More than anything else, this is a narrative that teaches us to be grateful. Mark Woods may be followed on Twitter at @RevMarkWoods.

Lessons from the 10 lepers

“Breathe deeply and continue on your path; your faith has restored you to health.” (Matthew 17:19) Today is a liturgical day. Sunday, October 9, 2016, is the twenty-eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time (C). Readings: 2 Kings 5:14-17; Ps 98:1-4; 2 Timothy 2:8-13; Luke 17:5-10; Prayer Take, for example, the ten lepers. All were physically healed, but only one returned to express gratitude to Jesus. Have you expressed gratitude to God for His kindness in your life? What actions have you taken to demonstrate your devotion to God?

  • Unlike the other gospels, Luke’s account of the healing of ten lepers is unique.
  • Despite its brief length, the tale is dense with salvific significance.
  • ” (Luke,Vol.
  • We are reminded once more by this remarkable tale that Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem to bring about redemption for all people, and that this salvation is intended for all of humanity.
  • He had the character of a good Samaritan.
  • But their cries for pity must be accompanied with an expressed wish to be healed of their ailments.
  • They also address him as “Master” (epistata), a title that appears solely in Luke’s Gospel and is used exclusively by Jesus’ followers, with the exception of this text.

When Jesus sees them, he sends them to the priests, who will judge whether or not they have been cleansed of leprosy in accordance with the law of Moses, especially Leviticus 14, by examining them.

We only learn that they have been “made clean” after they are already on their way.

Only the Samaritan, however, turns back to thank God and (literally translated) “dropped before his feet” in gratitude to Jesus and his disciples.

But what about the other nine?

Except for this foreigner, was there no one else who wanted to return and offer God praise?” Not for the benefit of the lost nine or the Samaritan, but rather for the consideration of Jesus’ disciples and inquisitive passersby, this query is intended.

“Get up and go on your way; your faith has made you well,” Jesus says to the cured Samaritan after he has been healed.

Jesus had cured him, as well as the other nine people who had leprosy, and they were all grateful.

But how is it proof of loyalty rather than gratitude, you could wonder?

In the first place, the Samaritan recognizes that Jesus has shown mercy, and returning to thank Jesus is a form of faithfulness to God’s mercy that has been made manifest; and in the second place, the Samaritan’s thankfulness for his physical healing demonstrates evidence of deeper, spiritual healing, which is the source of our true salvation.

The barriers between who may be rescued, whether they are lepers or clean, whether they are Samaritans or Jews, have been crossed.

Anyone can have an encounter with God’s salvation, be filled with pleasure as a result of it, glorify God as a result of it, and tread the same path that Jesus is on.

This piece was also published in print, under the heading “Along the Road,” in the October 3, 2016 edition of the magazine of the same title.

Jesus heals ten men with a skin disease (Luke 17:12-19) – The encounters of Jesus with others – CCEA – GCSE Religious Studies Revision – CCEA

Jesus proceeded to a town on the border of Galilee and Samaria, where he met with the people. He was greeted by a group of 10 guys who were all suffering from a dreadful skin ailment. They approached from behind and cried out, “Jesus!” Master! Please have pity on us!” “Go, and let the priests to examine you,” Jesus instructed them. They were cured while on the way. One guy came back to thank Jesus, and he happened to be a Samaritan. Asked where the other nine people who had been cured were, Jesus concluded that “your faith has made you well.'”


People who suffered from the skin illness leprosy were considered outcasts throughout the time of the Bible. There was no treatment for the sickness, which increasingly disfigured a person as a result of the loss of fingers, toes, and finally limbs as the condition progressed. In order to survive, leprosy patients were had to abandon their houses and families and live with other sufferers on the outskirts of the city. They’d have to scrounge for food on their own. When anybody approached them, they were required to ring a bell and yell “unclean” in response.

See also:  How Is Jesus The New Adam

They were not permitted to travel to the market and were not permitted to participate in religious services.

They needed to go to the priest and be tested before getting a certificate declaring that they were now “clean.” Galilee, Judea, and Samaria were the three areas that comprised Palestine at the time of its division.

In the past, their forefathers and foremothers had married foreign invaders with non-Jewish ancestry.

Understanding the text

The 10 guys who had leprosy stood at a safe distance since they were aware that the law forbade them from having contact with those who did not have the illness infected with them. However, Jesus does not heal the leprosy patients right once, but rather tests their faith by instructing them to go and see the priests. They are healed while traveling to the destination. The one who returns, on the other hand, is the one who has the most trust and gratitude towards Jesus. We do not know how many of the men were Samaritans, but the fact that the lone one who returned was a Samaritan is crucial in this context.

Performing this miracle demonstrates Jesus’ attitude toward persons who have been marginalized by other members of society.

Jesus has no bias towards leprosy patients and is willing to treat them if they come to him. Throughout the passage, Christ expresses his gratitude to the Samaritan for his faith.

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What is the story of the ten lepers in the Bible?

Answer Luke 17:11–19 tells the story of 10 men who were infected with contagious skin illnesses, which are often referred to as “leprosy.” When a person noticed a rash or skin problem in the Israelite society, he or she was required to take the matter to the priest for evaluation. The priest next evaluated whether or not this was an infectious ailment and whether or not the individual should be pronounced ceremonially unclean as a result of this determination (Leviticus 13:1). Anyone suffering from such a sickness was barred from mingling with the general public under Jewish law.

  1. As a result, it was vital to prevent the spread of infectious illnesses from becoming pandemic.
  2. (Luke 5:12–14; Mark 1:40–42; Matthew 8:2–3; Matthew 11:5).
  3. In Luke 17, 10 men who were members of a leper colony approached Jesus together, but they kept at a safe distance because it was against the law for them to do so.
  4. The guys were still suffering from leprosy at the time of Jesus’ teaching.
  5. The men, on the other hand, obeyed out of trust.
  6. For Jesus to heal someone, the individual who requested healing always had to have confidence in him or her.
  7. Even before He had cured them, He needed a display of faith on the part of the lepers by requesting them to leave the area.

Only one guy, however, came back to express his gratitude to Jesus for the cure.

In response, Jesus expressed regret that the other nine had failed to recognize and offer gratitude to God for their cure.

When the nine who did not thank Jesus were healed, Jesus made a point of underlining their lack of gratitude, even though He did not deny them cure (Luke 17:18).

In contrast, Jesus’ concluding comments to the appreciative Samaritan reveal that this man also got spiritual healing in addition to skin cleanliness.

It’s possible that the man’s return at Jesus’ feet, in addition to receiving bodily healing, resulted in him receiving spiritual healing as well.

When we take the time to express gratitude to the Giver rather than merely the gifts, we honor the Lord while also benefiting from the spiritual healing that comes from thankfulness.

The Miracles of Jesus Christ: Ten Lepers Healed

Beginning with His journey from Galilee to Samaria and then to Jerusalem, passing through Jericho on the route, Jesus performs the miracle of curing the 10 lepers (Luke 17:11-19). This circuitous path used by Christ on His last journey to Jerusalem before being crucified offered him with several possibilities for healing and teaching along the way. Christ healed numerous persons with leprosy during His earthly mission (Matthew 11:5; Luke 7:22), but only two incidents are recounted in detail, and they did not occur in such large numbers at the same time.

  1. Poor things, with shabby clothes and unkempt hair, bowed shoulders and drooping heads, they are an embarrassment to see.
  2. When it comes to Scripture, the number 10 symbolizes completion, just as the Ten Commandments include the entirety of God’s rule.
  3. 1.
  4. Luke 17:11-13 is a passage of scripture.
  5. Moses gave specific instructions on how to deal with it.
  6. It was commonly believed that only God had the ability to heal it.
  7. Upon seeing Jesus, it’s possible that the ten lepers were tempted to run approach Him in order to be healed, but they diligently observed the required distance of 100 paces and were healed (Leviticus 13:46;Numbers 5:2;II Kings 5:5).

Sin, like leprosy, is a disgusting, polluting, mortifying, dirty thing that must be avoided at all costs.

In addition to illustrating how all humans are same in their sin, it is also a symbol of the division caused by sin: “For there is no difference; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:22-23).

What was the condition that the lepers had to be in before they could be healed?

Comment: They receive a favorable response from Christ in the shape of an order: “Go, present yourselves to the priests” (Leviticus 13-14).

Blessings are based on one’s willingness to obey.

If we do all we can in obedience, God will do for us what we are unable to do for ourselves.

The first is that they have been cleansed of leprosy.

Because lepers were dirty, it was necessary to wash them.

The second gift is that the lepers’ social constraints were lifted as a result of their obedience to God’s instruction to see the priests.

Following God’s instructions does not bind us; on the contrary, it gives us freedom.

Sin is the one who confines, shackles, and enslaves us all.

Does thanking God for His benefits have a monetary cost as well as an observable result?

And one of them, upon seeing him healed, returned and exclaimed with a loud voice, “Glory to God!” Commentary: (Luke 17:15).

The cured leper was not ashamed or embarrassed to express his gratitude to God.

It also served to stress the completeness of the cure, as leprosy is known to damage the voice in some cases (Psalm 51:15-17).

He “dropped down on his face at His feet, expressing gratitude to Him” (Luke 17:16).

We must always express our gratitude to God for all He has provided (Psalm 107:8, 15, 21, 31).

How did the faith of the leper restore him to health?

Observation: Jesus reminds the cured leper that his faith had restored him to health, and that because he had returned to thank and honor God, another benefit will be brought about as a result: spiritual healing This additional benefit of salvation is particularly dependent on the man’s level of trust.

When we follow God’s will, we will find that our road will take many different twists and turns.

It is not the turns’ purpose or meaning that is meaningless; rather, they are for our benefit and education, as well as for our service to Him.

For the Christian, there are no challenges that are unrelated to God’s plan and approval. Throughout our lives, God’s providence is in complete command of the circumstances.

Jesus Heals Ten Lepers (Luke 17)

Jesus journeys to the city of Ephraim, which is located northeast of Jerusalem, in order to frustrate the Sanhedrin’s intentions to have him killed. He chooses to remain there with his disciples, far away from his adversaries. (See also John 11:54) However, the time for the Passover celebration in 33 C.E. is rapidly coming, and Jesus will be on the move once more. He proceeds northward through Samaria and up into Galilee, which will be his final journey to this region before he is assassinated.

  • This is early in the journey.
  • (See Numbers 12:10-12 for more.) In accordance with God’s Law, a leper is required to shout out “Unclean, unclean!” and to dwell in seclusion.
  • As a result, the 10 lepers keep a safe distance between themselves and Jesus.
  • Then they will be able to live amongst healthy people once more.
  • The 10 lepers have faith in Jesus’ ability to perform miraculously.
  • Meanwhile, their trust in Jesus is rewarded as they go to their destination.
  • Nine of the lepers who have been cleaned have continued on their journey.

This guy, a Samaritan, returns to the scene in search of Jesus.

The guy expresses his sincere gratitude to Jesus for what has transpired.

“Were all ten of them cleansed, didn’t they?” Jesus inquires of those in his immediate vicinity.

Is it true that no one else save this man from a different country turned back to give God glory?” Afterwards, Jesus tells the Samaritan, “Get up and go on your way; your faith has restored you to health.” — Luke 17:17-19 (NIV).

Now one of the 10 is not only cured via Jesus’ deed but is likely on the path to life.

We are not living at a time when God is using Jesus to conduct such healings. However, with trust in Jesus, we can be on the path to life​—everlasting life. Do we show that we are thankful, like that Samaritan guy did?

Sermon on a Lifestyle of Thanksgiving – Jesus Heals 10 Lepers

Luke 17:11-19 are the scriptures to consider.


Large dog enters butcher store with a pocketbook in its mouth as it approaches the counter. He places his purse on the counter and takes a seat in front of the butcher case. “What’s the matter, boy?” the butcher inquires, humorously. “Would you want to purchase some meat?” “Woof!” yells the dog excitedly. “Hmm,” the butcher observes. “What sort are we talking about? Liver, bacon, and steak are all good choices.” The dog interrupts with a “Woof!” “And how much steak do you want? Half a pound, a pound, two pounds.” “Woof!” He wraps up the meat and discovers the money in the dog’s pocketbook, which he is astonished to discover.

  1. In an apartment building, the dog enters and climbs to the third story, where it begins scratching at a door.
  2. “Stop!” the butcher cries angrily.
  3. “Are you intelligent?” asks the man.
  4. Consider the case of Pam, a woman who worked in downtown Chicago for a while.
  5. “Good morning,” she said as she welcomed everyone with a grin and a friendly “Good morning.” Pam nearly always had something to give her.
  6. Pam couldn’t figure out what had happened to her.
  7. Pam was about to go into her handbag for the regular donation when the woman intervened.
  8. The reason why you won’t see me again is because I’ve gotten a job.” With that, she went inside her purse and handed Pam an item that had been wrapped.
  9. She expressed gratitude.

1. Be thankful even if you are in difficult circumstances.

This type of thanks is characterized by faith. I believe that we read the story too rapidly. Slow it slowly, and try to envision it in your head with me. We begin with 10 individuals who are suffering from the deadliest sickness known to man at the time. Obviously, the bodily repercussions are horribly detrimental. In the case of leprosy, it affects the body and leaves sores, missing fingers or toes, and limbs that are injured. As the leprosy infection progresses, the first agony can give place to something even more terrifying than that – a loss of sensation in nerve endings, which can lead to further damage to additional body parts.

  • It is, without a doubt, a very heinous sickness.
  • Beth Moore, in her book Jesus The One and Only, describes a time when she was had to remain in close proximity to a modern-day leper colony.
  • She passed the front door three times before entering.
  • She pleaded with herself for the opportunity to go inside.
  • What is the explanation behind this?
  • She couldn’t bring herself to enter the colony since she couldn’t get the stomach to do so.
  • The journey was ended, and she was unable to enter the building.
See also:  What Does Scientology Say About Jesus

It wasn’t simply the gruesome destruction or the onslaught on our senses that made us feel threatened.

Furthermore, the scent of rotting and decaying flesh was overpowering, even to our own sense of smell.

He was taken away from his family and from his neighborhood.


His wife would not be permitted to kiss him farewell before he left the house.

Lepers tended to congregate in groups, searching for food and pleading for aid from a vast distance.

Can you imagine what it would have been like to be cut off from your friends and family for the rest of your life, and then being compelled to declare your separation on a regular basis?

Nonetheless, in this narrative, 10 men come face to face with Jesus and hear him say something very unexpected.

To which the great instructor says, “Go and present yourselves before the priest.” Other than leading worship on each Sabbath, the local priest had a variety of responsibilities.

The priest had the responsibility of inspecting the body to ensure that the sickness had been completely removed, and then announcing that the victim had been miraculously healed.

He would be cured if the priest gave him the green light!

They take a peek at their own body.

Another man examines his leg, which is punctuated by a dirty rag at the knee cap.

This means that all of these men were no better off than they had been 10 minutes earlier, when they first noticed the renowned professor of mathematics.

And while they were on their way, they were cured.

In the process of falling to the ground, a crutch stumbled on a dirty cloth.

The skin began to clear, and the microscopic hairs on a forearm began to change color from snow white to dark brown.

Cheering and a delicious craziness erupted from the crowd as the grins intensified.

However, in order for the miracle to take place, these guys needed to begin walking in faith even before their circumstances had altered even the slightest amount.

You cannot wait till the difficulties have been resolved before beginning to walk in confidence.

To say, “Lord, when there is enough money, I will obey your instructions,” would be impermissible.

God is not subject to your conditions!

A possible response from God might be, “Love me despite the sickness.” Obey me regardless of your lack of skill or your lack of financial means.

It’s important to resist temptation while it’s still tough to do so.

That, my friends, is the epitome of faith in its purest form.

That would be more akin to a business agreement – yet this is not a business deal!

This week, you will be confronted with a question that will be forced upon you.

Then you will have had a personal encounter with religion.

He said that there was still time for one more song and asked if anyone had a request.

According to Hinton, it was “the most horrible face I had ever saw.” “The woman’s nose and ears had completely disappeared.

“Can we sing Count Your Many Blessings?” she inquired, raising a fingerless palm in the air.” Hinton had to leave the ceremony because he was overcome with emotion.

“Jack, I assume you’ll never be able to sing that song again,” commented a team member after he finished singing. Asked if he would sing it again, Jack said, “Yes, I will, but never in the same way.”

2. Be thankful in the work of God’s goodness

This type of gratitude is a form of adoration. One of the men returned to Jesus and expressed his gratitude to God. He expressed his gratitude. He was out in the open about it. He was outgoing and didn’t hide his feelings. Why was he being so obnoxious? This individual had been compelled to scream during the entirety of his leprosy treatment. It had been years, had it not? Most likely, after all that screaming, he didn’t know how to pray softly, or even in a regular tone of voice, to the Lord.

  1. This is a very condensed section of the application.
  2. Make sure to express your gratitude in person.
  3. This week, don’t miss out on the opportunity to praise God.
  4. Is it possible to miss it?
  5. Due to the fact that it is a short week for most people, you may find yourself extremely busy for one, two, or three days.
  6. Traveling means that you have to get moving as soon as possible.
  7. You have to get to the food shop as soon as possible.
  8. A holiday week presents a unique opportunity to get through Thanksgiving without ever pausing to express gratitude for what you have!
  9. Make a commitment to it and follow through on it.

3. Make sure your thankfulness leads to action

One of the lepers who had been healed returned. One person realized he had lost himself in the middle of the festivities and returned to Jesus. He retraced his steps, put his family on hold, put the priest on hold, and then returned to the source of his joyous occasion. Despite the fact that his response and life situation were unique, in the most basic sense of what he accomplished, his gratitude spurred him on to action. The significance of this turned out to be enormous! “Can you tell me where the other nine are?” Jesus was the one who inquired.

  1. “Go, and present yourselves before the priests,” Jesus said.
  2. Nonetheless, this is exactly what Jesus anticipated.
  3. Have you felt the prompting of God’s Holy Spirit to take any sort of action?
  4. Is there someone in your family, a friend, or even a complete stranger that might use some assistance this Thanksgiving season?
  5. In light of what Jesus was searching for 2,000 years ago, my greatest recommendation is to take that first step of action.
  6. In any other case, a prayer over Thanksgiving dinner will endure around the same amount time as the sense of being stuffed after eating the meal.

I’m not sure about you, but no matter how stuffed I am on Thanksgiving Thursday, I always manage to eat healthily on Friday. I’m not sure how you do it. Isn’t it reasonable to expect our feelings of gratitude to continue a little longer? Complete the task!

4. A lifestyle of thankfulness is a lifestyle of wellness

Take another look at the Scripture and follow along with me as we go through this. Today, we’re going to take a look at three distinct terms that are all attempting to communicate the same idea. This leper-who-was-once is said to be in good health by everyone. Take a look at verse 15 to get started. “One of them, when he saw that he had been cured.” and then halt. This Greek word is pronounced “hi-a-tha,” and it is a medical term alone. It refers to the act of mending or repairing anything.

  • This guy had his wounds stitched up.
  • Jesus inquired, “Is it possible that not all ten were cleansed?
  • This is a separate term from the phrase hi-a-tha, for example.
  • In the event that a doctor inserts a cardiac catheter, angioplasty may be performed to clear a blockage in an artery.
  • It goes without saying that the Jewish implications of this term are very significant.
  • There were also religious elements to the story.
  • According to verse 19, Jesus tells this extremely grateful individual to “Rise and leave; your faith has healed you.” “Made you well.” is an alternative way of putting it.

This is the term “so-so,” which literally translates as “saved.” It was used by the Greeks to refer to those who were fleeing difficult conditions.

“So-dzo.” When Matthew began his gospel, he began with the tale of the birth of Jesus Christ.

In his description of what would occur in the case of someone who openly professed Jesus as Lord and Savior, the apostle Paul used the same phrase.

If you declare with your lips, “Jesus is Lord,’ you are a Christian “You will be saved if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead.

Because it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your lips that you confess and are saved (so-dzo!) that you get salvation.

This man, Jesus said, understands what he is talking about. Do you comprehend what I’m saying?


I desire to learn more and more about our lovely Savior as time goes on. Don’t forget that a priest was required to declare that a leper had been healed. There were a lot of small factors to take into consideration during this procedure. There were specifics about what a priest should look for, as well as how a person suffering from the sickness may be readmitted to the community, cured, and restored to health. Was it ever brought to your attention that every single healing of a leper that has been recorded in both Old Testament and New Testament has been accomplished by supernatural means?

It’s possible that persons who were suspected of having leprosy were declared clean after their skin rash cleaned up.

However, according to the Bible’s historical records, no actual leper has ever been cured via natural means.

Nevertheless, there were some healings.

Naaman, a man who had been ill, was suddenly cured.

In the New Testament, on the other hand, Jesus cures lepers as though they were suffering from minor colds, and he has the appropriate medication.

It was another another method for God to communicate to us that this was the Messiah.

This is Immanuel speaking.

God is the only one.

He went ahead and did it.

Is it possible to give you even another reason to adore this Jesus?

It’s a narrative that Matthew has written down.

He bowed his head before Jesus, pleading for assistance.

He had a foul odor to him that I couldn’t stand.

Somebody, somewhere, most likely ordered him to clear the roads so that no one would be put in danger.

In Matthew’s account, Jesus extended his hand to the guy and kissed him on the cheek.

go reveal yourself to the priest.” Were you able to witness both miracles?

That’s the miracle that’s simple to witness.

It was the caress of a kind hand that did it.

It has taken you less than an hour to reach more people than this man has in years before you.

Perhaps a youngster has been sitting on your lap.

Then then, it may have been a strong handshake from an even stronger buddy.

He wished for a loving touch more than he wished for food at that moment.

That touch came from Jesus even before he was cured, even though there was still a great deal of danger involved in doing so.

Jesus is willing to touch you, hold you, and repair you in a loving manner.

Jesus is prepared to refer to you as his buddy and to stand by your side.

You haven’t been disqualified because of your worry.

He has never let a setback diminish his feelings for you. The miracle of Thanksgiving is the love of Jesus for you, which is a gift from God. There are no exceptions, no qualifiers, and no questions. He is madly in love with you. And for that, we are extremely grateful to you, O God.

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