How Did Jesus Come Back To Life

The Case for Christ: What’s the evidence for the resurrection?

Strobel, a writer for the Chicago Tribune and a Yale Law School graduate, wrote “The Case for Christ: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus” in 1998, which was released in English and Spanish. Strobel had previously been an atheist, but after his wife’s conversion to evangelical Christianity, he felt obligated to challenge some of the central Christian claims about Jesus. While the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection was the most important of these assertions, additional claims included the belief in Jesus as the actual Son of God and the veracity of the New Testament literature, among others.

It went on to become one of the most widely read and widely distributed works of Christian apologetic (that is, a defense of the rationality and correctness of Christianity) in history.

The film makes an attempt to present a persuasive argument for the historical accuracy of Jesus’ resurrection.

Are all of Strobel’s arguments relevant?

According to the film’s producers, the evidence supporting the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection is the film’s core subject. Several of its arguments, on the other hand, are not immediately applicable to this situation. According to Strobel, the fact that there are over 5,000 Greek copies of the New Testament in existence, which is significantly more than any other ancient literature, is a significant point in his argument. He does this in order to show that we may be reasonably certain that the original forms of the New Testament books have been faithfully conveyed.

There are fewer than ten papyrus texts from the second century that have survived, and many of them are extremely fragmented.

If these second-century copies are true, all we have left are first-century documents claiming that Jesus was risen from the grave, which isn’t very encouraging.

What do the New Testament writings prove?

One of the most important arguments in the film is drawn from the New Testament book known as First Corinthians, which was written by the Apostle Paul to a group of Christians in Corinth in order to resolve conflicts that had developed in their society. Paul is believed to have written this letter in the year 52, around 20 years after the death of Jesus. In 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, Paul provides a list of the persons who have seen the resurrected Jesus in their lives. The New Testament is a book of scripture that was written in the first century AD.

Many academics think that Paul is referring from a far older Christian faith, which may have formed only a few years after Jesus’ death and was adopted by the church.

Indeed, many New Testament scholars would agree that some of Jesus’ disciples believed they had seen him alive only a few weeks or months after his death, and that this belief was supported by other witnesses.

It is not uncommon for people to experience visions of their deceased relatives: Thirteen percent of those polled in a research of over 20,000 people claimed to have seen the dead.

To put it another way, sightings of the rising Jesus are not nearly as uncommon as Strobel would have us believe they are.

A miracle or not?

But what about the 500 persons who witnessed Jesus’ resurrection at the same time? First and foremost, biblical scholars are baffled as to what incident Paul is alluding to in this passage. The “day of Pentecost” (Acts 2:1) is said to be a reference to the Holy Spirit bestowing miraculous abilities on members of the Christian community in Jerusalem, allowing them to communicate in languages that were previously unknown to them. However, according to one major researcher, this incident was added to the list of resurrection appearances by Paul, and the origins of the event remain unclear.

  1. Second, even if Paul is reporting truthfully, his claims are no more credible than those of vast numbers of individuals who claim to have witnessed an apparition of the Virgin Mary or a UFO.
  2. The fact that Jesus’ tomb was empty on Easter morning, according to Strobel, is the greatest explanation for this event.
  3. There is substantial evidence to suggest that the Romans did not generally remove victims from crosses after they had died in battle.
  4. But even if we believe that the tomb was indeed empty that morning, what evidence do we have that it was a miracle rather than the corpse of Christ being moved for unknown reasons?

Who are the experts?

Aside from all of the obvious flaws in Strobel’s presentation, I feel that Strobel has made no genuine effort to include a diverse range of academic viewpoints in his presentation. As part of the film, Strobel travels around the country, interviewing professors and other professionals about the historical significance of Jesus’ resurrection. In his book, Strobel describes the experts he interviewed as “renowned scholars and authority who have impeccable academic credentials.” The movie does not explain how Strobel selected the experts he interviewed.

“We affirm that the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, though written by men, was supernaturally inspired by God so that all of its words are written true revelation of God; it is therefore inerrant in the originals and authoritative in all matters,” states the faculty application for Liberty University, for example.

Many of the other experts he interviews for his book have connections that are comparable to his own.

(I believe there are around 10,000 professional biblical scholars in the world at this time.) His arguments for the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection were compelling, according to an email response I received in response to my query regarding whether most professional biblical academics would find his arguments persuasive.

Furthermore, Dr.

At the end of the day, though, each individual must come to his or her own conclusion on the Christ case. The way someone interprets the evidence is influenced by a variety of factors, including, for example, whether or not the person has an anti-supernatural prejudice.”

No compelling evidence

The Easter Cross is a symbol of hope and resurrection. Artist Sharon’s Art4TheGlryOfGod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. According to Strobel, if he had polled experts at public institutions, private colleges and universities (many of which have religious affiliations), or denominational seminaries, the results of his poll would have been very different. Many Christian apologists, like Lee Strobel, assert that the primary reason secular scholars do not acknowledge the historicity of the resurrection is because they have a “anti-supernatural prejudice,” which is consistent with what Strobel says in the statement above.

Although some Christians believe in miracles, I believe that apologists such as Gary Habermas are equally as anti-supernaturalist when it comes to miraculous claims involving later Catholic saints or miracles from non-Christian religious traditions that occur after the beginning of Christian history.

While such astonishing claims abound in the world today, I believe that “The Case for Christ” has failed to give persuasive proof that Jesus’ resurrection was historically accurate.

Did Jesus really come back to life?

The Easter Cross is a symbol of hope and renewal. Image courtesy of Sharon, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. If Strobel had interviewed researchers teaching at public institutions, private colleges and universities (many of which have religious affiliations), or denominational seminaries, I believe he would have gotten a far different answer on the historicity of the resurrection than he did. In the same way as Strobel says in the statement above, Christian apologists commonly claim that the primary reason secular scholars refuse to recognize the historicity of the resurrection is because they have a “anti-supernatural prejudice.” Rather, secular experts simply refuse to think that miracles can occur, and this stance means that they will never accept the historicity of the resurrection, no matter how much evidence is presented to support this position.

Although some Christians believe in miracles, I believe that apologists such as Gary Habermas are equally as anti-supernaturalist when it comes to miraculous claims involving later Catholic saints or miracles from religious traditions other than Christianity.

However, the world is full of remarkable claims, and “The Case for Christ” has, in my opinion, failed to give any genuinely convincing evidence to support the historical validity of Jesus’ resurrection claim.

Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead? Evidence of The Resurrection

Brittany Yesudasan is a model and actress. Many people all across the world participate in some form in the Easter celebration. The majority of people in the United States celebrate Easter with colored-egg hunts and Easter bunnies. Christians mark the day with jubilant worship services and a reminder that “He has risen from the dead.” Have you ever heard someone say something like this? Christians gather on Easter Sunday to remind one another that Jesus resurrected from the grave for several reasons.

The idea that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the tomb three days later is a fundamental part of the Christian faith.

The miracle of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead has been examined and argued for hundreds of years and continues to this day.

Fortunately, if you are prepared to hunt for it, there is a wealth of material available to you that may assist you in learning more about the subject.

Why Is It Important That Jesus Rose From the Dead?

You might have a lot of beliefs about Jesus while being skeptical about His resurrection. The fact that Jesus was crucified and died is acknowledged by many religions, but they do not accept that He rose from the dead. Jesus did indeed rise from the grave, and the fact that he did so is essential to the Christian belief. According to one group of Christians, Paul, an early Christian leader and author of most of the New Testament, stated, “If Christ has not been risen, our message is futile, and your faith is worthless” (1 Corinthians 15:14, New International Version).

On the contrary, he is asserting that the resurrection of Jesus is at the heart of the Christian religion — and that it is so vital that there is no Christian faith at all if it is not observed.

To Fulfill the Old Testament Prophecy

Today, you have the advantage of being able to read the whole Bible, including both the portion written before the time of Jesus, known as the Old Testament, and the portion written after, known as the New Testament, in one sitting. The 66 books that make up the Old and New Testaments are all part of a single tale that is continuous throughout. It is impossible to separate the Old Testament from the New Testament. A Messiah (a Savior) was on the way, and God promised His people throughout the Old Testament that He would come to transform the way they lived.

  1. God revealed to the Israelites the particular signs and characteristics that would distinguish the one who would be sent by Himself.
  2. He desires for you to be able to identify what He is doing at all times.
  3. There were many, yet He saw to it that they were all met.
  4. Even though the Messiah would experience death, His body would not deteriorate because He would rise from the dead again.

As a reminder of His death, all he had were the markings on his hands and feet, as well as the wound in his side. Christians believe that Jesus’ resurrection from the dead is vital because He was required to rise from the grave in order to fulfill the predictions of the Old Testament.

To Confirm Jesus’ Own Words

Today, you have the privilege of being able to read the whole Bible, including both the portion written before the time of Jesus, known as the Old Testament, and the portion written after, known as the New Testament, in its entirety. A coherent tale is told across all 66 books that make up the Old and New Testaments. Old Testament and New Testament cannot be separated. A Messiah (a Savior) was on the way, and God promised His people throughout the Old Testament that He would come and transform the way they lived.

  1. God revealed to the Israelites the particular signs and characteristics that would distinguish the one who would be sent by Him.
  2. He want for you to be able to discern what He is doing at any given time.
  3. He fulfilled every one of them, and they were many.
  4. Even though the Messiah would be killed, His flesh would not rot because He would rise again from the dead.
  5. As a reminder of His death, all he had were the markings on his hands and feet, as well as the wound in His side.

By His Life, We Live

Many people do not believe that the fact that Jesus is still alive has any substantial influence on their religious beliefs. Perhaps you believe that Christianity is governed by a complex set of laws and that good actions win one’s ticket into Heaven. Some faiths, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, function on this or a similar principle. Nevertheless, according to the Bible, when you become a disciple of Jesus, you enter into a relationship with him. This relationship is not dependent on your actions, but rather on what Jesus accomplished.

  • All humans are deserving of God’s wrath as a result of this.
  • Despite the fact that He was sinless, He died on the cross in place of you and me.
  • Not only did He have to die for you, but He also had to vanquish death in order to save you from yourself.
  • Because He is alive, His disciples will continue to live even after they have died physically.
  • Furthermore, Christ is the Son of God who came to earth in the shape of a man.

Humans are unable to return to life once they have died. In the event that He had stayed dead, it would have called into question the claim that He was the Son of God. By appearing alive and healthy, He validates what He has revealed about Himself as the Son of God in the past.

Is There Evidence That Jesus Rose From the Dead?

You may read the Gospels for yourself if you so desire. The Gospels are more than just a collection of stories. They are true, verifiable tales of real-life events that have impacted history and the Christian religion as we know it. The way they conduct themselves has a direct influence on your life. Many arguments exist to think that the events described in the Gospels regarding Jesus rising from the grave are accurate.

See also:  Which Disciple Outran Peter To The Tomb Of Jesus

Jesus Really Died

The claims of Christians that Jesus died and resurrected from the grave have been explored by a number of people over the course of history. Various theories have been advanced regarding Jesus’ resurrection, but one thing that virtually everyone agrees on is that Jesus was a genuine person who lived and was executed by the Romans in the manner described in the New Testament. However, in order for Jesus to rise from the grave, he would have had to have died in the first place. There is significant suggestion that Jesus was never truly dead in the traditional sense.

  • But, without a doubt, Jesus died.
  • One of the Roman soldiers poked a spear into Jesus’ side as they prepared to lower him from the crucifixion, according to tradition.
  • When such a combination occurs, it implies cardiac failure, which should be sufficient evidence for anybody to conclude that Jesus was indeed dead – totally aside from the fact that He was impaled!
  • If they were found to have failed in their duty to execute someone, they would be held accountable – and they would very certainly lose their lives as a result.
  • Furthermore, all stories agree that Jesus was really buried in a tomb after his death.
  • He would not have been buried if his own disciples did not likewise accept without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus was, in fact, no longer alive.

It’s Not a Later Legend

Some have hypothesized that the tale of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead was a fiction that evolved later on — long after the real event of His death — and that it was fabricated to support a religious belief. If this were to be accurate, it would be a compelling cause to cast doubt on the narrative. No one would have been able to substantiate the events that took place decades ago. However, the tales of Jesus that were written down occurred within a few decades of his crucifixion, and the stories contained within those accounts had been passed about for years before they were recorded.

All of this occurred when those who were present at the time of the events were still alive and able to confirm or deny the narrative.

The Tomb Was Empty

The empty tomb is one of the most perplexing aspects of the tale for people who aren’t sure what to make of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. It is also one of the most difficult to comprehend. There are a lot of questions raised by this. Is it possible that they didn’t truly bury Jesus’ body at all? The grave where He is claimed to have been buried belonged to a famous Jewish leader, according to legend. His burial site would not have been hidden or difficult to find. Perhaps a more inconspicuous place would have been more appropriate if the disciples were attempting to concoct a narrative about an empty tomb.

  • The narrative of Jesus’ resurrection is said to have spread quickly among his disciples when it occurred, according to historical records.
  • In addition, Roman soldiers were stationed outside the tomb, and the entry was barred from the outside.
  • The fact that Romans and high-ranking Jewish authorities accused Jesus’ followers of taking the body was the most compelling evidence in support of the empty tomb.
  • They might have just stated that the corpse did not appear at the tomb, and if the body did not leave the tomb, they could have simply stated that the tomb they were guarding had been left undisturbed.
  • “Take a look around for yourself.” However, rather than contesting the fact that the tomb was empty, they accused others of stealing the deceased’s body.

People Saw Him Alive

Women were among the first to see Jesus’ resurrection, according to the Bible, who was raised from the dead. Interestingly, the fact that followers of Jesus assert that the earliest witnesses to the live Jesus were women provides evidence that the tale is correct. The testimony of a woman was not highly regarded in Jewish society at the time in question. For example, if the disciples had concocted the entire story in order to put out a realistic and persuasive case, they would very certainly have stated that someone, most likely a notable individual, was the first to see Jesus.

If not for the fact that they were the first witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection, people who say he rose from the dead would resort to witnesses who were unlikely to be believed.

According to the Bible, there were once more than 500 witnesses there at the same moment.

Hallucinations, on the other hand, occur on an individual basis.

There has never been a documented instance of a collective hallucination in history. It is reasonable to think that if so many individuals at the time were in agreement about what they observed, it is reasonable to infer that they were speaking the truth.

His Followers Stuck to Their Story

Because of Jesus’ arrest and subsequent death, his followers were caught completely off guard. They spent the day following His death alone, dispersed, befuddled, and in mourning. They had been vanquished. These guys would go on to be outspoken supporters of the Christian message in their respective communities. Jesus had 12 close followers, who are referred to as His “disciples” in popular culture. One of these individuals, Judas, had betrayed Jesus and then committed himself as a result of his actions.

  1. In the end, ten of them were executed for their testimony that Jesus was alive, while the eleventh was deported and imprisoned.
  2. However, they continued even when they were presented with the decision of either abandoning their message and confessing it was a fraud or losing their lives.
  3. According to the only explanation for such a shift in attitude, the disciples were convinced that they had saw Jesus alive and well following His crucifixion and that the fact that He had survived was worth dying for.
  4. Why would so many men give their lives for something they were well aware was false?

Have Faith and Seek Truth

The importance of asking the question “Did Jesus actually resurrect from the dead?” cannot be overstated. God does not require His children to believe blindly in order to please Him. Despite the fact that there are some things that we as humans can never fully comprehend, God provides us with answers when we seek them from Him. When you question anything, it is not improper to do so since the Truth will never fail you when you question it. You may have trust in what the Bible teaches because it is true.

Because the more we study about what God’s Word has to say and the more we strive to grasp it, the clearer the answers will become.

Continue to investigate on your spiritual path.

Learn more about what distinguishes faith in Christ from other faiths.

What Does Cru Believe?

Cru is a Christian group that strives to ensure that all people are allowed to have open and honest discussions about their faith and about Jesus Christ. Cru believes that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and that it is accurate and without mistake. In addition, Cru may be sure in the Bible’s historical accuracy because it contains information and events that have been historically proven. Despite the fact that it was authored by many different persons over a lengthy period of time, the Bible does not contain any contradictions.

He lived a flawless life and was sentenced to death on a cross as a punishment.

Not only does Cru believe this to be accurate because it is recorded in God’s Word, the Bible, but also because it is an event that has been corroborated by other historical records and has withstood the test of time.

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There are so many things that want to define you. As a disciple of Christ, on the other hand, your identity can and should be based on one thing: who He claims you to be.

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It is one of the most crucial elements of Jesus’ tale that He died on the cross for us. Find out why He did it and what it implies for you as a result. All Rights Reserved. 1994-2021 Cru. All Rights Reserved.

Did Jesus really come back from the dead?

In the Bible, we are told that Jesus Christ was unquestionably raised from the grave. The eyewitness testimonies of His resurrection may be found in Matthew 28:1-20, Mark 16:1-20, Luke 24:1-53, and John 20:1–21:25, among other places. The resurrected Christ appears before His disciples in Acts 1:11 and continues to teach them more about the kingdom of God while also announcing the entrance of the Holy Spirit. More than 500 persons, many of whom were still living while Paul was writing his first letter to Thessalonica, had seen the risen Lord, according to Paul’s first letter to Thessalonica’s congregation (1 Corinthians 15:6).

An Empty TombMany Witnesses

After the corpse of Jesus was brought down from the crucifixion, it was treated with aromatics and wrappings before being placed in a sealed tomb (John 19:38-42). This tomb was partially underground, and a massive stone had been rolled over the entrance to deter criminals from entering. Three days later, the tomb was discovered to be open and completely devoid of anything. It’s plausible that a group of people might have moved that massive stone, to be sure. After all, Mary Magdalene had a sneaking suspicion that someone had taken Jesus’ body and had rushed to find the apostles (John 20:1-2).

The grave would have been desecrated if there had been any thieves there to prove their argument.

Mary may have been overcome with grief and failed to recognize the angels who arrived, proclaiming that Jesus had risen from the grave, just as He had foretold (Matthew 28:5-7).

In John 20, the Bible says, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is Over the course of the following 40 days, Jesus appeared to a large number of individuals (Matthew 28:5, 9, 16-17; Mark 16:9; Luke 24:13-35; John 20:19, 24, 26-29, 21:1-14; Acts 1:6-8; 1 Corinthians 15:5-7).

“There were many more things that Jesus performed as well. In the event that each and every one of them were written down, I believe that even the entire planet would not have enough space for the books that would be produced.” —Matthew 21:25

The Disciples: a 180 Attitude Change

After the crucifixion of Jesus, his followers were dispersed and terrified, as one might expect. When the resurrected Christ first came to them, they were really hiding in plain sight (John 20:19-20). They immediately established themselves as powerful and daring witnesses, proclaiming the gospel wherever they went. The book of Acts describes much of what the disciples did in order to share the news of their resurrected Lord, and it is a compelling read. Was there anything else that could have given them such newfound courage and power other than witnessing Jesus appear alive and well in front of them, proving that He truly was the living God?

Paul: from Persecutor to Apostle

The apostle Paul is widely regarded as one of the most important Christian missionaries of all time. It is his inspired writings that are responsible for a significant percentage of the New Testament’s content. You may not be aware of the fact that he used to be one of THE most fanatical persecutors of Christians and members of the Christian church. The apostle Paul acknowledges in Galatians 1:13 that he “persecuted the church of God with a zealousness and attempted to destroy it.” Saul was his given name at the time of the event.

See also:  Why Did Judas Betray Jesus

He changed his name and transformed himself into a fervent supporter of the Christian faith (Acts 14:19; 16:22-24; 2 Corinthians 11:25-26).

Listen to Paul’s description of his voyage to Damascus to King Agrippa: “I journeyed to Damascus with authorization and commission from the chief priests.” A light from heaven, brighter than the sun, shined all around me and those who were traveling with me at noon, O king, while I was making my way.

” Afterward, the Lord revealed himself as Jesus, whom you were persecuting.

What Jesus’ Resurrection Means

With their emphasis on the risen Christ, the disciples became THE most important evidence that Jesus was precisely who He claimed to be.

A great explanation of why the Christian faith is fully dependent on believing in the resurrected Lord is found in 1 Corinthians 15, which may be found in the New International Version of the Bible. Here’s how it’s broken down:

  1. If Jesus did not rise from the grave, it is likely that Christians will not as well (1 Corinthians 15:12-15)
  2. The sacrifice of Jesus for sin, if he was not resurrected from the grave, would have been insufficient to cover the sins of the entire world (1 Corinthians 15:16-19)
  3. In the event that Jesus had died and remained dead, it would indicate that God had rejected Jesus’ sacrifice.

Jesus, on the other hand, DID return to life! That His death was accepted by God as an atonement for our sins was demonstrated by His resurrection. Now that Christians have been pardoned for their sins, they will not remain dead after their bodies have stopped functioning (1 Corinthians 15:16-19, 24-34). And it has been confirmed to us that there is such a thing as eternal life (John 3:16).

A Promise of Resurrection

“To be sure, sin has the sting of death, and sin’s authority has been enacted into law. Nevertheless, praise be to God! He grants us victory by the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.” In 1 Corinthians 15:56-57, the Bible says We are told in the Bible that, just as Jesus was raised from the grave, Christians will also be able to triumph over death because we will be resurrected with him (1 Corinthians 15:35-49). According to 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, “Now hear me out: We will not all sleep, but we will all be transformed—in a flash, in the blink of an eye, at the sound of the last trumpet.

Simply believing that Jesus died for your sins and was risen from the grave, as proof that God accepted His sacrifice on your behalf, is all that is required of you (Romans 10:9-10).

After your physical death, you will be resurrected in glory as an immortal son or daughter of the Creator of the Universe who will live forever in the presence of the Almighty (Galatians 4:4-7; Romans 6:4-5).


In the Bible, we are told that Jesus Christ was raised from the grave on the third day. Throughout the New Testament, we may read about Jesus’ resurrection from the perspective of eyewitnesses. The profoundly altered lives of Jesus’ followers, and subsequently of the apostle Paul, are proof that something big occurred that reinforced their confidence in Jesus to amazing depths, and that something significant occurred. The fact that Jesus was raised from the dead demonstrated that His death had been accepted by God as an atonement for our sins.

Writer/Editor: Catiana N.K.

Cat is the web producer and editor for She has a background in journalism. She enjoys listening to audiobooks, cooking for the people she cares about, and illuminating a place with Christmas lights. Catiana likes spending time with her two teenage children, five socially awkward cats, and her incredible friend-family when she is not writing, cooking, or sketching.

Why Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?

What was the reason for Jesus’ resurrection?

According to 1 Peter 1:3, his resurrection provides us with at least two life-changing benefits: a living hope and the opportunity to begin anew in Christ. Let’s take a look at these twin truths—these twin promises—in the context of the New Testament’s greater message.

Raised to Provide a Living Hope

Death is a dreadful thing to experience. The majority of individuals are understandably apprehensive about their own deaths. And, since human existence is about connections, the loss of loved ones robs us of the relationships that we cherish the most in this world. Because of Jesus’ resurrection, believers of Christ do not confront death in the same way as people who have lost hope do (1 Thess. 4:13). The lines “Death has been swallowed up in victory” mark the conclusion of Paul’s monumental exposition of the significance of Jesus’ resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15.

  • Where has your sting gone, O Death?
  • Death was eliminated and “life and immortality” were brought to light as a result of his resurrection (2 Tim.
  • But what exactly is the essence of this hope, and how does it function in practice?
  • 12:1–2 teaches that many Jews in Jesus’ day believed in a universal resurrection of all people that would usher in a new age at the end of time (Dan.
  • “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day,” Martha says to Jesus after he tells her that her dead brother, Lazarus, will live again (John 11:24).
  • Even while Lazarus’ resurrection was amazing, it pales in comparison to Jesus’ resurrection.
  • He got to his feet in order to return to life as it had been before he died.

Lazarus is threatened with death right after the next chapter is finished!

The resurrection of Jesus, on the other hand, is a completely different story.

The resurrection of his life brought him to a new life beyond death, to a new dimension of living.

His resurrection signaled the beginning of a new era in human history.

What took everyone by surprise was that God performed for Jesus in the midst of history what the majority of Jews believed he would perform at the end of history.

What took everyone by surprise was that God performed for Jesus in the midst of history what the majority of Jews believed he would perform at the end of history.

Jesus is the prototype of a new humanity, the first automobile of its kind to roll off the assembly line in the United States.

It is the Lord Jesus Christ who will “transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body” (Phil. 3:20–21) at the time of his second coming. We have a living hope as a result of his death and resurrection.

Raised to Walk in Newness of Life

Fortunately, we don’t have to wait until we die or until Jesus comes in order to enjoy resurrection life. We are now living as individuals who are a part of the new age. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is essential for understanding what it means to follow him and be a member of God’s people. “Christ was risen in so that we, too, could walk in newness of life,” says the Bible (Rom. 6:4). What does it mean to live in the present as those who have been resurrected with Christ? Colossians 3 provides some further information.

We must fight the temptations to immorality in sexual matters, greed, idolatry, rage, and unwholesome speech, among other things.

The resurrection of Jesus also inspires us to offer sacrifices in worship.


We’ll Suffer with Him

More somberly, because we have witnessed the power of Jesus’ resurrection in the here and now, we should anticipate to share in his sufferings in the future (Phil. 3:10). The life of a resurrected person is no stroll in the park. To be resurrected with Christ implies that we must die to the way we have been spending our lives out of selfish self-interest. When it comes to love, sacrifice is required, and the ultimate triumph against sin, death, and the Devil will not be achieved until our own resurrection bodies are ready to be assembled.

This triumph, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, should redeem all of our days; it should pardon our sins, erase our worries, embolden us to thank you and obey your will; and it should fortify us to wait for the culmination of your reign on the last great Day.

Opinion: Did Jesus really rise from the dead?

  • Easter, according to Jay Parini, is the most important day in the Christian calendar. People differ in their belief in the literality of the resurrection
  • The Gospel accounts of it are ambiguous as to what took place. He claims that they don’t bother with that aspect. Jesus appears in post-Resurrection narratives, but he is not recognized by the authors, according to him. Parini: Various versions claim that most of what happened was gossip. However, the message of Easter’s rebirth persists.

As Easter approaches, the minds of billions of Christians gravitate to Jerusalem, to a hallowed weekend that commemorates the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as the resurrected Christ. It goes without saying that individuals take these occurrences at varied levels of literalness. Easter, on the other hand, retains its force. It is, in fact, the most important Christian holiday, as the Gospels devote a great deal of attention to this aspect of Jesus’ life. When they describe Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and the final week leading up to his crucifixion on Good Friday, they are describing the uncertain stillness of Holy Saturday, when the world appears to have slipped into complete darkness, and then they are describing the joy of the Resurrection itself, with the sense that boundaries have been broken – most aggressively, the membrane that separates life from death.

  • Of course, there will be questions.
  • What would it look like in practice?
  • Indeed, if you pay great attention to the Gospel accounts, it is difficult to determine what truly occurred.
  • In other words, we never see Jesus come to life.
  • There are several different accounts of who showed up at the grave that morning: In this scene, Mary Magdalene, a close companion of Jesus, appears either alone or with Mary, his mother, and Salome (who is either Mary’s sister or the mother of the apostles James and John).
  • To her surprise, she discovers that the stone has been rolled away.
  • They appear to be under the impression that someone has stolen the body.

After some time has passed, she returns to the crypt, where she is greeted by two angels dressed in white.

She believes he is the gardener, and when he addresses her by her given name, she knows the voice if not the face.

The sightings of Jesus after his resurrection are quite variable.

As a result, they are unable to identify him, suggesting that he has not resurfaced in a previously recognized form.

When he prays over the bread before eating, they just realize who he is, and he vanishes very instantly – poof.

Even his closest disciples are surprised when Jesus appears to them.

The following passages from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians (15:5-8) serve as a form of overview of Jesus’ post-Resurrection appearances: “Cephas was the first to see him, and then the Twelve.

He then revealed himself to James, and subsequently to the rest of the apostles.

But the last apparition, which takes place on the Road to Damascus, is mostly insignificant, as Paul hears a voice from the Lord saying: “I am Jesus whom you persecute,” and then dies.

These descriptions of what transpired after Easter reveal that a variety of different rumors spread about the Resurrection, and the four Gospels reflect the variety of stories that were shared about Jesus’ death and resurrection.

During one instance, Jesus asks Thomas, the renowned doubter, to place his finger on the wound in his side to demonstrate that he is indeed present.

His followers are taken aback when they see him eating “a piece of broiled fish” and swallowing honey, according to Luke’s Gospel.

His resurrection did not consist in just getting up and walking away from the tomb and returning to his normal life on the street, as Lazarus did.

Christian thought, on the other hand, is Resurrection thinking. It is about rebirth or reawakening in a variety of ways, as well as about spiritual and moral reform and development. Easter brings with it the truly good news of the world. CNNOpinion may be found on Twitter @CNNOpinion.

‘Why did Jesus die and rise again?’

  • “Why did Jesus die and resurrect from the dead?” some people may wonder. “He died and rose again for the forgiveness of our sins,” is all we have to say about Jesus. And we would have a valid point in responding to it. According to the Bible, “there is no forgiveness of sins save from the shedding of blood.” While that is excellent, there is a far deeper purpose for it than that. Not only did Jesus suffer and rise again so that we may be forgiven, but he also died and rose again so that we could have life, according to the Bible. We are given life as a result of His death and resurrection on the cross. “In this was revealed the love of God toward us, since God sent His only born Son into the world, that we may live through Him,” reads I John 4:9, referring to the sending of Jesus Christ into the world. Jesus died and rose from the dead in order for us to live through Him. In 2 Corinthians 5:15, we are given another more reality about the life that Jesus has provided for us. and that they should not live for themselves but for Him who died and rose again, so they could no longer live for themselves but for Him. Jesus likewise died and rose from the dead in order for us to live for Him. We need Him to die and rise again for us so that we might live not for ourselves but for Him and for others, not just for a while. Another reality about why Jesus died and rose again is revealed in I Thessalonians 5:9-10, which is found in the Bible. In fact, God has not assigned us to wrath, but has chosen to save us by the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us in order that whether we wake or sleep, we may live together with Him.” He died and resurrected from the dead so that we would have eternal life with Him. To allow us to dwell with Him, Jesus went through the ordeal of a painful death and rose victorious from the dead. Christ died and rose from the dead so that we can live through Him – this is what salvation is all about. He died and rose again in order for us to live for Him – that is loving service on our behalf. And He died and rose again in so that we could live with Him eternally – that is life in its fullest sense. Do you understand what I’m saying? Jesus died and rose from the dead in order for you and I to live through Him, for Him, and together with Him. Do you place your faith in Him as your Savior and Lord?
See also:  How Jesus Actually Looked Like

Why did Jesus Rise on the Third Day?

“Why did Jesus die and resurrect from the dead?” some people wonder. He died and rose from the dead for the forgiveness of our sins, is all we have to say. And we’d be absolutely correct in our response. According to the Bible, “there is no forgiveness of sins save from the shedding of blood. While that is excellent, there is a far deeper purpose for it than this. The Bible tells us that Jesus died and rose again not just so that we may be forgiven, but much more importantly, He died and rose again so that we could have life.

  • “In this was revealed the love of God toward us, since God sent His only born Son into the world, that we may live through Him,” the Bible states in I John 4:9.
  • Another reality about the life that Jesus provides us is found in 2 Corinthians 5:15.
  • Jesus likewise died and rose from the dead in order for us to live for Him in this world.
  • Another truth about why Jesus died and resurrected from the dead is revealed in I Thessalonians 5:9-10.
  • As a result of Jesus’ suffering and glorious resurrection, we are now able to dwell with Him in eternity!
  • God’s loving service is demonstrated by His death and resurrection, which allows us to live for Him.
  • You understand what I’m trying to say?
  • Do you believe that He is your Savior and Lord?

Why did Jesus Rise on the Third Day?

As a matter of tradition, Christians have commemorated the resurrection of Jesus Christ on a Sunday, three days following the commemoration of his crucifixion on Good Friday. This three-day chronology is based on a number of allusions in the New Testament to the Old Testament. Many times, Jesus foretold it, and the apostles included it in their delivery of the gospel message as well (see footnote references). However, why did Jesus’ resurrection take place three days after his death is a mystery.

Is the third day only a coincidental, insignificant element put on to the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection? Is this a coincidence, or does it have any significance?

The Third Day Matters

Timing is extremely important for Jesus and his apostles because it has significant theological ramifications. When it comes to biblical story, the three-day timeframe is important because it represents the one-of-a-kind day on which God creates new life and activates his covenant with mankind. How did the writers of the New Testament get at this conclusion? After all, the Hebrew Scriptures have a constant “third day” design pattern, which Jesus and the New Testament authors are using as a model.

The Third Day Pattern in the Hebrew Bible

The passages Jonah 1:17 and Hosea 6:1-2 in the Hebrew Scriptures are among the clearest illustrations of third-day resurrection in the whole Bible. Jesus used Jonah’s three days in the belly of the huge fish as a metaphor for his own three days in the belly of the great fish. The prophet Hosea predicted that God’s reviving operation for Israel would take place on the third day. While these are important passages to study, the pattern of resurrection on the third day is established far earlier in the tale of Jesus.

The creation narrative in Genesis 1 and Abraham’s test in Genesis 22 both begin to develop a pattern of new life emerging on the third day.

The First “Resurrection”

What is the location of the initial glimpse into the three-day significance? The first page of the Bible. The creation story in Genesis 1 is written in the style of a poetry, with repeated declarations and parallelism between events. Within the rhythm of these repeats, two events in the creation tale stand out as particularly noteworthy, each occurring at a three-day interval and occurring at different points in the narrative. During the first “third day,” God creates dry ground and enables flora to emerge from the soil, including plants that produce seeds as well as trees that give fruit for human use (1:11-13).

The second “third day” event occurs on the sixth day of creation, when God produces animals and human beings for the first time (1:24).

Humans were produced from the dust of the earth, according to what we learn later in the book (2:7).

Take note of the parallels between humans and trees: both are newly generated from the ground (2:7, 9), both carry seeds and produce fruit (1:11, 28; 3:15), and both are made in this manner on the third day of creation.

One thing that distinguishes people from other animals, however, is that they are created in God’s image, and that God enters into a covenant with human beings, blessing and instructing them in their behavior.

A Pattern Emerges

There are three major characteristics of the “third day” events in Genesis 1 that serve as a template for subsequent events:

  1. God brings new life where there was once only death (1:11-13
  2. 26-27
  3. 2:7)
  4. God establishes his covenant with the creatures he has newly created, in this case humans (1:28-29)
  5. God creates new life where there was once only death (1:11-13
  6. 26 In Eden, which we understand to be a lofty site from which a river runs out (2:10-14), the event takes place.

It is impossible to emphasize the significance of this picture and pattern, since it serves as a precedent for future resurrections to come.

Abraham’s Test on the Third Day

Is there any other place where this pattern can be found? Abraham is put to the test by God in yet another “third day” occurrence, which is one of the most interesting events in all of Scripture (Genesis 22:1-19). When God commands Abraham to present his only son Isaac as a burned offering on a mountain, the Bible states that Abraham spotted the location from a distance on the third day and proceeded to complete the test (22:4). God wants Abraham to learn to put his confidence in him when it comes to the covenant and the blessing of offspring in this scenario.

The connection to the “third day” concept is established in this passage by a strikingly dramatic act of atonement on the part of God, in which he substitutes a ram for Isaac (22:13-14).

On the third day, we notice the same trend as we did on the first:

  1. God working to bring fresh life, in this case to Isaac by his life being spared and to Abraham with the return of his son (22:11-14). (Genesis 22:17-18) God confirms his bond with Abraham, using language and ideas identical with Genesis 1:28
  2. (22:2, 14) This event takes place on the summit of a mountain.

Israel’s Third Day at Sinai

At a critical moment in the Bible’s narrative, we discover still another occurrence taking place on the third day. With his people just delivered from decades of tyranny in Egypt, Yahweh is on the verge of entering into another covenant with Israel, this time on a mountaintop (Exodus 19:2-3). God makes it clear that he will descend to Mount Sinai in the presence of all of the people on the “third day” mentioned above. This time is a test for Israel, just as it was for Abraham. Their preparations for entering into covenant with God are to be completed by the “third day,” when they will be ready (Exodus 19:9-16).

As a result of what we’ve seen so far with “third day,” we should have come to assume a specific pattern, which we’ve now witnessed yet another time:

  1. It is God who brings about new life for his people — in this case, new identity for Israel — just as he did at the creation and with Abraham and Isaac (19:4-6)
  2. God enters into covenant with his people, specifically Israel (19:4-6)
  3. God accomplishes all of this on a mountain (19:2)
  4. And God accomplishes all of this on a mountain (19:2).

And that is exactly what we see in the tale! The rest of Israel’s experience in the Hebrew Scriptures, on the other hand, is defined by rebellion and disbelief, as well as a failure to fulfill their half of the agreement. This leads us back to the prophetic texts that refer to the third day, such as Hosea and Jonah, which we discussed before.

Hosea’s Hope, Jonah’s ‘Resurrection’

By returning to these prophets, we get a more complete picture of the “third day” and the tremendous imagery of resurrection that it evokes, as well as its relationship to God’s covenant with Abraham. A typical prophetic phrase for repentance toward covenant integrity is “return to Yahweh,” which Hosea uses to exhort Israel to do, and he also provides them hope in the form of resurrection language (Hosea 6:1-2). This restoration to the covenant will be marked by a renewal of life, as well as our resurrection as a people into the life of Yahweh, which will take place on the “third day,” in accordance with our pattern.

In many respects, the story of Jonah and his failure is a metaphor for the story of Israel. God, on the other hand, does not give up on him or his people. In the third day, he vomits Jonah out of the fish, bringing him back to life in one of the most bizarre “resurrections” recorded in the Bible.

Jesus Predicts a Third Day Resurrection

In the Gospels, we find Jesus speaking of a third-day resurrection while he is discussing his death with his followers, which leads us to believe that he would rise from the dead on the third day. In fact, he refers to “three days” a total of 21 times! By now, you’ve undoubtedly figured out that this was not a coincidental choice of words. It is on the third day that Jesus was adamant, since it signifies God’s initiative in the creation of new life and the establishment of a covenant with mankind.

  1. Specifically, God raises fresh life from the earth (tomb), in this case, Jesus. God acts to bring about the new covenant via Jesus’ atoning death and resurrection, which in this case is for the benefit of everyone who believe in him. The act of atonement performed by Jesus takes place on a hill.

With the imagery of new life coming up from the earth in Genesis 1-2 on the third day, combined with the connection to the divine covenant found throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, the imagery of Jesus’ resurrection paints a striking picture of the theological importance of his resurrection. The significance of Jesus’ resurrection is underscored even further on the third day. It is the culmination of God’s mission of new life and covenant, which has been brilliantly represented since the beginning of time, and which will culminate in the future resurrection of Jesus’ disciples and the restoration of the entire universe at the conclusion of time.

So what does this mean for us?

This year, as we commemorate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday, we are not just carrying on a centuries-old tradition. We are engaged in a profoundly important theology centered on the third day, with all of the implications of God’s redeeming work that it entails, at this time. The design pattern for the third day serves as a reminder that God has begun the process of reviving individuals to new life and bringing them into his covenant partnership with them. What role are we going to play in it today?

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