Does The Bible Say When Jesus Was Born

When Was Jesus Born?

According to the following reference books, the Bible does not specify a definite date for the birth of Jesus Christ:

  • “The true birth date of Christ is unknown.” — New Catholic Encyclopedia
  • “The exact date of Christ’s birth is not known.” — Encyclopedia of Early Christianity

While the Bible does not explicitly answer the question, “When was Jesus born?” it does relate two incidents that occurred around his birth that have led many to believe that he was not born on December 25, as is commonly believed.

Not in winter

  1. The registration process. Caesar Augustus issued an edict shortly before Jesus’ birth, mandating “the registration of all the inhabited world.” This occurred shortly before the birth of Jesus. To register, everyone had to go to “his own city,” which may take a week or more if they were not already there. (See Luke 2:1-3 for more information.) Even though that order, which was most likely issued to support taxation and military conscription, would have been unpopular at any time of year, it is unlikely that Augustus would have provoked his subjects even further by ordering many of them to travel long distances during the cold winter
  2. The sheep. Shepherds “were forced to live outside and maintain watch over their flocks at all hours of the day and night.” (See Luke 2:8 for further information.) According to the bookDaily Life in the Time of Jesus, flocks were forced to dwell in the open air from “the week before the Passover” to the middle of October. This is followed by the statement, “They spent the winter under cover
  3. Therefore from this alone it may be concluded that the conventional date for Christmas, which occurs in the winter, is unlikely to be correct, since the Gospel states that the shepherds were in the fields.”

In early fall

We can determine the date of Jesus’ birth by counting backward from his death on Nisan 14, which occurred in the spring of the year 33 C.E., which occurred on Passover (John 19:14-16) Luke 3:23 states that Jesus was around 30 years old when he began his three and a half-year mission, indicating that he was born in the early fall of 2 BCE.

Why is Christmas on December 25?

Why is Christmas celebrated on December 25 since there is no proof that Jesus Christ was born on that day? What is the significance of this day in the Christian calendar? According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, church officials most likely picked the date “to correspond with the pagan Roman celebration celebrating the ‘birthday of the unconquered sun,'” which took place around the time of the winter solstice in December. Many experts, according to The Encyclopedia Americana, feel that this was done “in order to make Christianity more significant to pagan converts.”

Which scriptures explain when Jesus Christ was born?

However, while the Bible never specifies a specific date (including day, month, and year), there are some broad clues of the year as well as the season of the year. Because the apostle Paul specifically told Timothy that he already had what he needed for salvation—the Scriptures he had learned since his youth (the Old Testament), along with the added understanding of faith in Jesus Christ as the Savior—it is clear that an exact date for Christ’s birth is not required for salvation (2 Timothy 3:15).

  • Let’s start with the time of year and the season of the year.
  • During that time period, according to verse 8, there were shepherds who were out in the fields with their sheep.
  • They’d bring the sheep inside throughout the winter months.
  • Because December is a chilly and wet month in Judea, it is likely that the shepherds sought refuge for their animals during the evening hours ” (p.
  • According to The Interpreter’s One-Volume Commentary, this text argues “against the birth taking place on December 25 since the weather would not have enabled” shepherds looking over their flocks in the fields at night to take place.
  • When it came to taking a census in the midst of winter, the Romans should have known better than to do so when temperatures frequently plummeted below freezing and roads were in terrible condition for travel.
  • In that portion of Scripture, we may at the very least determine that He was not born during one season: the winter.

In this case, a prophesy from the book of Daniel is useful.

Throughout the book of Hebrews, it is explained how Christ’s sacrifice rendered the Old Testament sacrificial system obsolete (chapters 8, 9 and 10).

As a result, we infer that His ministry lasted 3 1/2 years, with the remaining 3 1/2 years to be finished at a later date.

(Luke 3:23).

The birth of John the Baptist, who was born in the fall, lends more support to this theory, and in fact serves as a more conclusive proof of it.

Abijah was a priest of the order of Abijah, and John the Baptist’s father, Zacharias, was a priest of same order.

During the feast seasons, they would all serve together as a group.

After completing the arithmetic, it becomes clear that he was serving around the beginning of June, and that he returned home to his wife, Elizabeth, about the middle of June in order for her to conceive while he was still serving.

Then, according to Luke 1:26, an angel came to Mary, telling her that she would become pregnant with her Son during Elizabeth’s sixth month of pregnancy.

This might explain why Joseph and Mary were unable to find accommodation in the usual hotels or “inns” in the vicinity of Jerusalem (Luke 2:7).

This has been the topic of significant debate, but it appears that we have been able to uncover some hints once more.

In addition, Matthew 2 informs us that Herod (the Great) reigned as king shortly following the birth of Christ.

Although it is impossible to pinpoint the exact date when people began celebrating Christmas on December 25, historians generally believe that it wasn’t until sometime around the fourth century that the tradition began.

This is an incredibly late deadline. For around 300 years after Christ’s death, Christmas was not recognized in Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire, according to historical records. Its beginnings demonstrate that it cannot be traced back to the first Christian communities on the planet.

When was Jesus born?

When Hebrew shepherds customarily tended their flocks in open fields, as described in the biblical tale of Mary and Elizabeth’s pregnancies, they were considered to be pregnant.

What month was Jesus born in?

While reading the narrative of Jesus’ birth, we are frequently reminded of the shepherds who were out in the fields keeping an eye on their flocks. What information can we glean from this evidence concerning the date of Jesus’ birth? The flocks in the fields were most likely there around the time of our modern-day Christmas, on December 25th. Related articles can be found at: What were the identities of the three Magi? What city was the site of Jesus’ birth? What was Jesus’ physical appearance like?

“Now there were shepherds living out in the fields in the same country, keeping watch over their flocks at night,” says the author.

For refuge and warmth, the flocks would return from their wintering grounds as the colder winter months approached.

Clues to determine Jesus’ birthday

By looking at the birth of John the Baptist, we may glean some new information that will help us answer the issue of “when was Jesus truly born.” The story of Zacharias, a priest of the priestly order of Abijah, and his barren wife, Elizabeth, who became pregnant with John the Baptist after his days of duty in the temple is told in Luke 1. Zacharias was from the priestly order of Abijah, and Elizabeth was barren. In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, the angel Gabriel came to Mary and informed her that she would be the mother of Jesus, the Son of God.

  1. The Jewish priests were organized into 24 courses, each of which was responsible for ministering in the temple throughout the year.
  2. The beginning of the tenth week corresponded with the second Sabbath of the month of Sivan, which spans roughly from the middle of May to the beginning of June.
  3. “Now after those days, his wife Elizabeth became pregnant; and she withdrew herself for five months, saying, ‘Thus the Lord has dealt with me, in the days when He watched on me, to remove my reputation among the people,'” according to Luke 1:24-28, 31.
  4. This was in the sixth month.

Mary was the name of the virgin. As soon as the angel entered, she was greeted with the words “Rejoice, highly favored one; the Lord is with you; happy are you among women!” The Lord has revealed to me that you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a Son, whom you will name Jesus.”

The date of Jesus’ birth?

In light of the foregoing, we may estimate that Jesus was born somewhere around the month of Tishri, based on the scriptures mentioned above (mid to lateSeptember). To arrive at this date, begin with the conception of John the Baptist in the month of Sivan (June), count forward six months to arrive at Gabriel’s announcement of the conception of Jesus in the month of Kislev (December), then count forward nine more months, the length of time it takes for a human to gestate, to arrive at the month of Tishri (September), when Jesus was born.

Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection

Although we do not know the precise date of Jesus’ birth, we may be confident that He died for our sins (Galatians 3:13), rose again (I Corinthians 15:3-6), and will return to take us to paradise at some point in the future (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). Consider the cost of such a sacrifice. Imagine giving up the splendor of paradise in order to preserve humanity. Consider Jesus, His sacrifice, and His kindness as you go about your year. Consider the question, “How can I live like He lived?” What methods may I use to spread His word to individuals in my immediate vicinity?

When Jesus Was Really Born, According to the Bible

The birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is celebrated internationally on December 25, with Christians all around the world joining together to commemorate his birth. Many Christians and historical researchers feel that this is not the date of Jesus’ birth, based on their research into the dates, times, and historical sources. Another pagan holiday commemorating the winter solstice is being replaced or replaced with this one as a substitute or alternative. People celebrated the winter solstice with a feast known as Saturnalia, during which it was customary to present gifts and adorn their homes to commemorate the occasion.

  • There is a considerable deal of controversy over the exact date of Christ’s birth.
  • Some have relied on Scripture to guide them, while others have relied on historical documents paired with Biblical stories and cultural customs to restrict the search.
  • Because B.C.
  • (Anno Domini, created by a monk named Dionysius Exiguus in the 6th century) counts forward, the calendar may make computations more difficult.

What does the Bible say about Jesus’ birth?

There are various things spelled out in Scripture that must have occurred in order for the story to be true. Herodmust have reigned as monarch. An official census must have been conducted, as directed by Caesar Agustus, the nephew and adopted successor of Julius Caesar. Luke 2:8 indicates that shepherds would have been out with their flocks in the pastures at night, which is impossible in the winter because of the freezing temperatures. In order for Elizabeth to have been pregnant with John the Baptist, she must have been in her sixth month when Mary got pregnant.

  • It is known that Zechariah served his period as a priest and that he belonged to the priestly division of Abijah (Luke 1:5), and it is also known that this division served from (1 Chronicles 24:7–19) that Zechariah was a priest.
  • The Messiah’s conception and birth must have taken place in a virgin, according to the Messiah’s birth criterion (Isaiah 7:14).
  • When Herod ordered the execution of all male newborns under the age of two, Jesus was less than two years old (Matthew 2:16-18).
  • Josephus, Herod’s official record keeper, was notoriously inaccurate, often by several years (he was not good at his job).
  • According to the Magi and other biblical narratives, Jesus was less than two years old when His parents, Mary and Joseph, escaped from Bethlehem and traveled into Egypt (Matthew 2:13-23).
  • According to Luke 3:23, Jesus was roughly 30 years old when he began His mission in the wilderness.

Jesus’ probable crucifixion date is April 3, 33 A.D., which occurs during the Passover season, according to research We may pretty confidently state that Jesus was born in the middle of September in the year 3 B.C., based on all of the Scriptures and historical evidence available.

Why do we celebrate Christmas on December 25?

In part, it is thought that this is the day on which the Magi visited the newborn Jesus and presented him with the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and some support for this assumption may be found in Rick Larson’s Star of Bethlehem, which provides some evidence for this assumption. However, in the year 336, the Roman emperor Constantine designated December 25 as the day for commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, replacing the Indo-European deity of light, Mithra, as the day for honoring the birth of Jesus Christ.

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It is unclear whether or not Constantine was aware of the possible importance of the date between that of the Magi’s visit to the newborn Jesus and their presentation of good gifts, or whether we were merely competing with pagan holidays at the time.

The Roman Emperor Constantine is therefore formally accountable for the way and why we commemorate Christ’s birth on Christmas Day, as well as the reason why it is a Christian holiday.

Why is the date of Herod’s death necessary?

When attempting to determine the date of Jesus’ birth, knowing the date of King Herod’s death is critical because of all of the events that took place during that time period, including what Luke reported as the age at which Jesus began his ministry and the date at which Jesus died. According to this scenario, if Herod died in 4 BC, Jesus would have been born at the very least in 5 or 6 BC, possibly even 7 BC, in order to correspond with the information the Magi provided to Herod and his decree to kill all male babies under the age of two in order to ensure the Messiah was killed.

  1. It is thought that between 12 and 20 infant boys were slain on that particular day, but Josephus did not record it because, according to legend, “so few perished” that it was not worth mentioning.
  2. With a feast named Holy Innocents Day, some Orthodox Christians observe the day on December 28 for Western churches and December 29 for Eastern churches on December 28 and 29, respectively.
  3. Apparently, after Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph and his family once again, telling them that it was safe to return home since “those who were attempting to kill him are now dead.” This is according to the Gospel of Matthew.
  4. If we go up to the 2-year threshold, this would have placed Jesus between 3 and 5 years after the birth of Christ in 4 B.C.

As a result of this time, Jesus would have been about 40 years old when he was killed, which would throw Luke’s account of Christ Jesus’ age when he began his ministry completely out of whack.

Why is the age of Christ when he started his ministry important?

It’s significant because it corresponds to what was written down in the Bible. A priest must be 30 years old in order to assume the position of senior priest, according to Numbers 4:3 (NIV). In addition, it is frequently held in the Code of Jewish Law that leaders should be at least 30 years old before being appointed to their positions. Furthermore, according to Luke 3:23, Jesus was around 30 years old. Furthermore, when Jesus performed his first miracle at the wedding of Cana, where he changed water into wine at his mother’s request, he hesitated to inform her that “it was not yet time.” Traditionally, Jewish weddings are done in the spring and summer months because they do not interfere with any important festivals and because flowers are in blossom at this time of year.

The fact that he hesitated may have been related to the timing of the situation.

Despite the fact that there is no hard proof to support this assertion, it does make sense in light of the other information we have gathered.

Why doesn’t the Bible give the date of Jesus’ birth?

Aside from the Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies, which are held at the ages of 13 for boys and 12 for girls, birthdays are a major occasion in Jewish culture. Because Jesus’ birthday was not a conventional celebration, it’s likely that he didn’t share much information with his disciples about it or have birthday parties. As a result of Luke’s mother’s death at the time of his hiring, the only person who would have known the date of his birth was the guy who recruited him when Luke was charged with interviewing eyewitness stories of his life for the man who had hired him.

He had other firsthand experiences of other incidents in Christ’s life and teachings, which he shared with others.

Does the exact date of Christ’s birth matter?

No. What counts is that He was born of a virgin, lived a flawless and sinless life, and then gave Himself up for us, dying on the cross and rising from the dead three days later, ensuring that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life with Him in paradise. The fact that we may have debates and do research is excellent, but we must never lose sight of what is actually essential, which is the cause for Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection.

30 Important Bible Verses About Jesus’ Birth (Christmas Verses)

The holiday season is almost approaching. It is around this time of year that we commemorate the coming of Christ into the world. The day on which Christ, God the Son, the Second Person of the Trinity, descended to the world and was clothed in flesh was celebrated. It is arguable whether or not the exact date of Christ’s birth is the correct one, and it is ultimately a non-issue. On this day, which has been set aside to honor our Lord, we have chosen to rejoice – and that in itself is a reason to give thanks to Him.

Christian quotes about the birth of Christ

‘Jesus gave up His seat in a manger so that we would have a place to call home in heaven.’ The following quote comes from Greg Laurie: “It’s infinite, and it’s a baby. Yet, while being eternal, he was born of a woman. Yet, despite being all-powerful, he hangs on a woman’s breast. Being able to support a whole universe but still requiring to be held in a mother’s arms Despite the fact that he is the king of angels, he is also the purported son of Joseph. “I am the heir to everything, and yet I am the carpenter’s hated son.” Charles Spurgeon was a British clergyman who lived in the 18th century.

It has been said that the birth of Christ is the most important event in human history–the very thing that the entire tale has been about.


In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., “Christmas is not about the presents, nor the songs, nor the decorations, but about the humble heart that accepts Christ’s marvelous gift.” “Loving God, please enable us to remember the birth of Jesus so that we may join in the singing of the angels, the joy of the shepherds, and the adoration of the wise men,” says the prayer.

Billy Graham is a religious leader in the United States. “God took on the form of a real man, gave birth to a real child, and lived in a genuine, physical body.” As a Christian, this is a fundamental aspect of one’s beliefs.”

Mary and the birth of Jesus

Every time an angelic visitor appears in the Bible, the command “fear not!” or “do not be frightened” is given, indicating that they were terrifying beings to see. Mary was no exception to this rule. Her anxiety of the angel’s presence was compounded by her complete bewilderment at the words he uttered to her in the beginning of his conversation with her. He then went on to explain that she would miraculously get pregnant, despite the fact that she was a virgin, and that she would give birth to the Son of God, the Messiah, who had been prophesied by the prophets before her.

  • Mary had trust in God’s ability to keep his promises.
  • Because God is trustworthy, Mary was confident in placing her confidence in Him.
  • It is revealed in the very following line of Luke 1 that Mary had traveled to visit her cousin Elizabeth.
  • Elizabeth’s husband Zacharias was waiting for her at the door as soon as she arrived at her residence.
  • “Woman, you are blessed among women, and the product of your womb is blessed as well!
  • Because, as you can imagine, when the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my belly jumped with excitement.
  • Her hymn exalts Jesus to the highest degree.

It is replete with quotations from Hebrew scripture and is written in the style of parallelism that is popular in Hebrew poetry.

Her song shows that she was certain that the baby in her womb was the Messiah, whose arrival had been prophesied centuries before.


“Now, in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, who was descended from David; and the “Greetings, beloved one!” he said as he walked through the door.

Yet this phrase baffled her and she couldn’t stop herself from wondering what type of salutation she had just received.

In addition, the Lord God will grant Him the throne of His father David, where he will reign forever and His kingdom will have no end.” “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will place Him on the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.” “How is this possible, considering that I am a virgin?” Mary inquired of the angel.

“The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and it is for this reason that the holy Child will be named the Son of God,” the angel spoke to her.

After all, with God, nothing will be impossible.” Seeing that she was the bondslave of the Lord, Mary prayed, “Lord, may it be done to me according to your word.” “And then the angel withdrew from her.” 2.

Luke 2:4-5 (KJV) Because he belonged to David’s family and lineage, Joseph also traveled from the village of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the town of Bethlehem, where he was born.

He went to the registry office to register with Mary, who had agreed to marry him and was expecting a child with him.”

Why was Jesus born?

Man has been estranged from God as a result of his sin. God, who is totally holy and who is fully loving, is unable to abide sin. It is an act of hostility toward Him. Because God is the Creator of the Universe and an everlasting entity, every offense committed against Him is punished by a punishment of equal or greater worth. Whether it is endless agony in Hell or the death of Christ, who is equally holy and eternal, the choice is clear. As a result, Christ had to be born in order to be able to bear the cross.

  • 4.
  • It was only appropriate that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the pioneer of their salvation faultless by the suffering he endured in order to bring so many sons and daughters to glory.
  • As a result, Jesus is not embarrassed to refer to them as brothers and sisters.
  • “I will put my faith in him,” she says once again.
  • Because, without a doubt, it is Abraham’s descendants who he assists, not angels.
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Due to his own personal suffering when tempted, he is uniquely qualified to assist people who are being tempted.” John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only born Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” Whoever believes in him will not perish but will have everlasting life.

The book of Hebrews 8:6 “However, he has now attained a more splendid ministry, which is evidenced by the fact that he is now the mediator of a better covenant, which was built on more promising promises.” 7.

The suffering of Christ, who was the pioneer of their redemption, was appropriate in that God, who created everything and is responsible for everything, should make the pioneer of their salvation complete by his suffering.” Matthew 1:23 “The virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son, whom they will name Immanuel” (which means “God with us” in the Hebrew language).

John 1:19 “The following day, John looked up and saw Jesus coming toward him, and he exclaimed, “Look! The Lamb of God, who wipes away the sin of the world! “

Wise Men and Shepherds visit Jesus

The Wise Men, who were the Magi from the east, as well as the academics of Babylon, came to Jesus’ tomb to honor him. These were some of the most intelligent men on the face of the planet. They had books of Jewish prophecy from the time of the Babylonian captivity, which they were able to consult. They recognized that the Messiah had arrived and desired to offer their adoration to Him. Shepherds were the first people to come to Christ’s tomb to adore him. This group of individuals represented some of the most illiterate males in their culture.

  1. Christianity is not merely a religion for a certain set of people or a particular culture; rather, it is a religion for all of God’s people across the world.
  2. 11.
  3. And then, an angel of the Lord appeared in front of them, and the glory of the Lord shined around them, and they were terrified to their core.
  4. This will serve as a signal for you: you will come across a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.
  5. “Let’s just go straight to Bethlehem and see what has occurred,” they said.
  6. When they realized what had happened, they made the statement that had been sent to them concerning this Child public.
  7. Mary, on the other hand, treasured all of these things and pondered them in her heart.

Old Testament Bible verses that prophesy the birth of Jesus

What books did the Magi have? They had the Jewish Bible, books that make up our Old Testament. They were familiar with the Scriptures, which predicted the birth of Jesus. Each of these prophecies came true exactly as predicted. The fulfillment of these prophecies serves as a demonstration of God’s infinite understanding and power. These predictions inform us that God the Son would come to earth, to be born of a virgin in Bethlehem and from the line of Abraham. Prophesies also warned of Herod’s massacre of the children in his effort to assassinate Jesus and that Mary, Joseph and Jesus had to flee to Egypt.

Isaiah 7:14 “Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign:Behold the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.” 13.

Genesis 22:18 “And through your children all nations on earth will be blessed.” 15.

Hosea 11:1 “Out of Egypt I summoned My Son.” 18. Numbers 24:17 “ I see him, but not here and now. I perceive him, but far in the distant future. A star will rise from Jacob; a scepter will emerge from Israel. It will crush the heads of Moab’s people, cracking the skulls of the people of Sheth.”

What is the importance of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ?

As we just discussed, the virgin birth was a fulfillment of a prophecy that had been made about Jesus. It was nothing short of a miracle. Jesus also has two personalities: one that is heavenly and one that is human. He is one hundred percent God and one hundred percent man at the same time. If He had two biological parents, His divinity would be unable to provide him with any assistance. Jesus was completely innocent. A spotless nature can only be obtained by intimate contact with God. With two biological parents, it would be impossible to maintain a spotless nature.

  1. 19.
  2. John 1:14 (New International Version) “And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we saw His glory, glory as befitted the only born of the Father, full of grace and truth,” the Bible says.
  3. He is “because He possesses in Himself all the fullness of Deity manifested in corporeal form.” 22.
  4. The 23rd verse of 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “He caused Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, in order that we may become the righteousness of God in Christ.” 1 Peter 2:22 “Who did not offend, nor was there any deceit revealed in His mouth,” says the Bible.
  5. Luke 1:35 (KJV) In response, the angel said, “The Holy Spirit will descend upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.” As a result, the holy one who will be born will be addressed as “the Son of God.”

Where was Jesus born according to the Bible?

As predicted by the prophecy, Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem. The name Bethlehem Ephrathah is found only in the book of Micah, which makes it unique. During this historical period, there were two Bethlehems. Bethlehem Ephrathah was located in the kingdom of Judah. This was a teeny-tiny town in the province of Judah, and it was the only one in the area. Moreover, the phrase “from ancient days” is noteworthy since it is a Hebrew phrase that is frequently used as a synonym for the phrase “forever.” As a result, this has been the ruler of Israel since the beginning of time.

Although thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, art a little town compared to Judah’s thousands of inhabitants, yet out of thee shall the king of Israel come forth, whose goings forth have been from the beginning of time, from eternity.”

The significance of Jesus being born in a manger?

Jesus was put in a manger because there was no room for him at the inn where he had been staying. It was in a barn that Mary gave birth, and it was on a fresh bale of hay that the King of the Universe was laid to rest. For the shepherds, the manger served as a symbol of testimony. “There was no other king anywhere in the globe who was sleeping in a feeding trough,” John Piper observed. “If you can discover Him, you will have found the King of Kings.” 28. Luke 2:6-7 (KJV) When they arrived, the baby’s due date arrived, and she gave birth to her first child, a male.

She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger because they were unable to get a guest room for the night. 28. Luke 2:12 (KJV) As a sign, you will come across a baby wrapped in clothes and laying in a manger. “And this will serve as an indication for you.

Why do Christians celebrate Christmas?

It is not because we know for a fact that this is the precise day of His birth that Christians celebrate Christmas; rather, it is because we chose to commemorate Him on this particular day. We commemorate the day when God came to earth in the form of a human being because it was on this day that our Redeemer came to pay the price for our sins. The day has finally arrived on which God has come to save us from our sins. Let us give thanks to God for sending His son to take our punishment on our behalf!

Isaiah 9:6-7 (verses 29-30) In fact, a child has been born for us, a son who has been given to us; power has been placed on his shoulders, and he has been given the names Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.

And he will continue to create and defend it with justice and righteousness from this point on and in perpetuity.


When Was Jesus Born?

Traditionally, Christmas is celebrated on December 25, but “approximately 37 percent of Orthodox Christians, primarily in Egypt and Russia, celebrate Christmas on January 7,” as a result of the way their calendars were created. (Source: Egypt Today.) Both dates are unlikely to be valid in light of various historical indicators as well as facts included within the Bible itself. The biblical story does not specify the year in which Jesus was born (Luke 2). What factors went into determining the date of Christmas, and when was Jesus actually born?

What Year Was Jesus Born?

When determining the year of Christ’s birth, a number of elements must be considered. At the time of Julius Caesar, in 44 BC, there were two different dating methods in use. He used two calendars: one based on the Julian calendar he created, and the other based on the year Rome was founded, which was 753 BC. According to, Julius Caesar also decreed that a year would be counted from the day of “the acquisition of total authority by the then emperor.” This further complicated matters.

In order to determine when Easter should be celebrated, he needed to go backwards through a sophisticated procedure that he devised on his own.

Evidence in the Bible

Bible scholars base their conclusions on what the Bible says about the life and times of Jesus. The events took happened during the writers’ or their families’ lifetimes, such as the reign of Herod, during which Matthew tells us Christ was born, and were thus still fresh in their minds. We know there was a celestial occurrence that triggered the Magi’s attention, and we can also put a date on it.

It was during “the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius” that John the Baptist delivered his message (Luke 3:1). In addition, the book of Luke provides an estimate of Jesus’ age at the beginning of His career (30), allowing us to conclude that Christ was most likely born in the year 2 or 3 BC.

When Is Jesus’ Birthday?

It is much more difficult to determine the exact day and month of Christ’s conception. Theologians generally believe that the date of December 25 is extremely unlikely. According to thisChristianity.comarticle, some believe that establishing “the pagan celebration of the ‘Birth of the Unconquered Son'” was “an attempt to offer a pagan alternative to a date that was already of considerable significance to Roman Christians.” Another point of view is that the opposite is true. It was simpler for the newly created church to reuse the pagan celebration of the winter solstice, which took place between December 17th and December 25th, when the Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity since inhabitants were already prepared to commemorate the day.

These customs would be carried out during the Christmas season.

It is believed that he came up with this date after laborious computations, beginning with the “creation of the world, which he placed in 5499 BC,” according to

Evidence in the Bible

Shepherds, on the other hand, would not have been tending their flocks in December, when the weather was frigid; they would have stopped shepherding no later than October, if they had been shepherding at all. Bible scholars have also attempted to determine the date of Christ’s birth by comparing the birth of his cousin John to the limited information concerning Zechariah, Elizabeth, and Mary provided in the book of Luke. Elizabeth was six months pregnant when Mary came, and she gave birth to a child three months after Mary left.

See also:  How To Love Like Jesus

Begin with the conception of John the Baptist in Sivan (June), count forward six months to the announcement of Jesus’ conception by the archangel Gabriel in Kislev (December), then count forward nine more months, the length of a human pregnancy, to arrive at Tishri (September), the date of Jesus’ birth.

Other narratives use data regarding Zechariah’s temple responsibilities to arrive at the conclusion that Christ was born in the spring.

It is necessary to obtain the advice of the most respected academics on this subject.

Does the Date of Jesus’ Birth Matter?

It would be quite difficult for the entire Christian community to come to a unanimous decision that Christ was born on a different day, and altering the date of Christmas throughout the world would create several difficulties.

Selecting a new date for the celebration of Christ’s birth would need significant changes at the commercial and institutional levels, respectively.

  • In order to match with this period, school calendars and public holidays have been developed. The cash boost offered by the Christmas season is critical to the economy of industrialized countries. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, churches host unique festivities. This date is used by families as an excuse to come together

Even though the date for Christmas day appears to be arbitrary, there is an advantage to deciding on one. With “our fast-moving lifestyles having played havoc on our relationships,” as Rick Warren put it, and with us feeling detached from one another, commemorating the birth of Jesus draws the church body together, both locally and internationally. Furthermore, Christmas celebrations give a chance to involve individuals of the community who would not normally be able to attend church functions.

Even though associating Christmas with light-hearted festivities may appear to be disrespectful in light of the holiday’s true meaning, the joy of singing familiar carols and lighting candles; the sense of belonging and love associated with the holiday motivates many unbelievers to attend Christmas services where they may hear the gospel message.

Candice Lucey lives in Salmon Arm, British Columbia, Canada, with her husband and two kids in a (usually) quiet setting.

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17 Bible Verses About The Birth of Jesus

Everyone, but especially followers of Jesus, look forward to Christmas as a time of celebration every year. Christmas is celebrated in a number of ways all around the world in different cultures. Traditions are important to families, and they are frequently passed down from generation to generation. Traditions are often not even understood by younger family members, yet they are nevertheless practiced and honored regardless of their understanding. Traditions may be found in churches and faiths as well.

But what exactly does the term “Advent” mean?

In terms of historical significance, the first coming of Jesus Christ was the most momentous event that has ever taken place.

From the Old Testament predictions of Jesus Christ, we will explore some verses from the New Testament that will tell how the creator of heaven and earth humbled himself to be born in a feeding trough and finally die for the sins of the entire world in the following verses.

Old Testament Verses About Jesus

Psalm 72:11 is a verse from the Bible. May all monarchs bow their heads before him, and may all countries submit to him! Isaiah 9:6 (KJV) For to us a child is born, and to us a son is given; and the government will rest upon him shoulders, and his name will be Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, EverlastingFather, and Prince of Peace; and the government will rest upon his shoulders. Isaiah 53:3-7 is a passage from the Bible. As a man of sorrows who was well acquainted with suffering, and as one from whom folks hide their faces, he was hated and rejected by his fellowmen, and we did not see him as a person worthy of respect.

His hands were pierced for our trespasses, his feet were crushed for our iniquities, and it was upon him that the chastisement that brought us peace was laid, and it is through his wounds that we have been healed.

He was troubled and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was like a lamb being taken to the slaughter, and like a sheep being sheared before its shearers, in that he did not open his lips.

Zechariah 9:9 (Zechariah 9:9) O daughter of Zion, you should be overjoyed! O daughter of Jerusalem, let your voice be heard! As you can see, your king is on his way to you; he is righteous and has redemption in him; he is lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.

Born of a Virgin

Isaiah 7:14 (KJV) As a result, the Lord himself will provide you with a sign. As you can see, the virgin will get pregnant and give birth to a son, whom she will name Immanuel.

Born of the Family of Jesse

Isaiah 11:1 is a verse from the Bible that says A stem will emerge from Jesse’s stump, and a branch will yield fruit from his roots, as prophecy predicts.

Born of the House of David

Jeremiah 23:5 (Jeremiah 23:5) I announce that the days are coming when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and that he will reign as king and deal wisely, and that he will uphold the laws of God in all the earth.

Born in Bethlehem

Micah 5:2 (Micah 5:2 [Micah 5:2]) But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be included among the clans of Judah, will bring out for me one who will be king in Israel, and his coming forth will be from the beginning of time, from the beginning of history.

New Testament Verses About the Birth of Christ

Matthew 1:23 is a passage from the Bible that says, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is written, “It is “Behold, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will name him Immanuel,” the prophet says (which means, God with us).

2:7 (Luke 2:7) And she gave birth to her firstborn son, wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them at the inn where they were staying.

The Visit of the Shepherds

Luke 2:15-20 (KJV) The shepherds spoke among themselves after the angels had departed for heaven and informed them of what had occurred: “Let us journey over to Bethlehem and witness what has happened, which the Lord has informed us about.” And they hurriedly arrived, where they discovered Mary and Joseph, as well as the infant lying in a manger. And when they saw it, they immediately shared the statement that had been shared with them about this particular kid. And everyone who heard it was taken aback by what the shepherds had told them.

And the shepherds returned, celebrating and praising God for everything they had heard and seen, just as it had been told to them earlier.

The Visit of the Wise Men

Matthew 2:12 – 12:12 In the days of Herod the king, following Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem of Judea, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, 2 proclaiming that they had found the King of the Jews who had been born in Bethlehem of Judea. Because we saw his star as it rose in the sky and have come to pay homage to him.” Herod the king, as well as everyone of Jerusalem, were alarmed upon hearing this, and he summoned all of the top priests and scribes of the people to ask them where the Christ would be born.

“In Bethlehem of Judea, for it is stated in the prophet: ‘And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a king who will shepherd my people Israel,'” they informed him.

They were dispatched to Bethlehem with the instructions to “go and seek hard for the infant, and when you have found him, please send me news so that I can come and adore him as well.” After listening to the king’s speech, they continued their journey.

When they spotted the star, they were overjoyed and filled with a wonderful sense of accomplishment.

They then presented him with presents, including gold, frankincense, and myrrh, which they had opened from their riches. And after being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they decided to take a different route home.

Mary Visits Elizabeth

Luke 1:39-45 (KJV) After that, Mary woke early in the morning and made her way quickly towards the hill region, to a village in Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and welcomed Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s welcome, the baby in her womb jumped out of her mother’s womb. “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the product of your womb!” said Elizabeth, who had been filled with the Holy Spirit. And why has it been given to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me in this manner?

Moreover, lucky is she who believed that the Lord would bring about the fulfillment of what he had spoken to her about.”

Mary’s Song

Luke 1:46-55 (KJV) “My soul glorifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, because he has looked upon the lowly station of his servant,” Mary said in response. Because behold, from this day forward, all generations will refer to me as blessed; for he who is mighty has performed great deeds for me, and his name is sacred. And his kindness is reserved for those who have feared him from generation to generation, according to the Bible. He has demonstrated power with his arm; he has scattered the haughty in their hearts; he has pulled down the strong from their thrones and elevated those of lowly birth; he has supplied the hungry with good things, and he has sent the rich away empty-handed.

Verses About the Birth of Jesus

1 John 1:9-14 (NIV) The genuine light, which illuminates the entire globe, was about to enter the universe. He was present in the world, and the world was created as a result of his presence, yet the world was unaware of him. He returned to his homeland, but his own people did not welcome him. Those, however, who did receive him and believed in his name were given the right to become children of God, who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of the will of the Father in heaven.

John 3:16 is a biblical passage that teaches that God is love.

Galatians 4:4 (Galatians 4:4 (Galatians 4:4) However, when the fullness of time had come, God sent out his Son, who was born of a woman and raised under the law, to save the world.

Do you have room in your hectic schedule to welcome Jesus into your home?

Will you make a commitment to follow Jesus? If not, what is the reason behind this? Perhaps this is the day when God comes to your door and knocks on the door of your heart. Do you have any place in your heart for Jesus?

Looking for more articles about Christmas? Here are a few:

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version is a good resource. “Scripture excerpts are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version ®(ESV ®), which was published by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, in 2001 under copyright. Permission has been granted to use. “All intellectual property rights are reserved.” Clay Aiken performs the song “Mary Did You Know” on YouTube. Nativity,Christmas,Bible verses regarding Jesus’ birth,Christmas,nativity scene

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