When Did The Wise Men See Jesus?

How Old was Jesus when the Wise Men Came?

  1. Every Christmas, it seems, someone, whether a priest, a friend, or a teacher, asserts that the Nativity scenes and the traditional Christmas tale are all incorrect because Jesus had to have been a toddler by the time the three kings arrived in Bethlehem, according to tradition.
  2. Is this something from the Bible?
  3. I’d want to provide a definitive solution to the issue, ″How old was Jesus when the Wise Men came?″ once and for all.
  4. There are two points of view on this issue.

Traditionally, it is believed that Jesus was born as a baby.This is referred to as the Wise Men/Baby Jesus point of view.The alternative school of thought holds that Jesus was one or two years old at the time of his death.This is referred to as the Wise Men/Toddler Jesus point of view.

The Wise Men/Toddler Jesus View

  1. The Three Wise Men/The Toddler The acts of King Herod at the time of Jesus’ birth appear to have influenced the way people regard Jesus.
  2. When the three wise men came to him in search of the Messiah, he inquired as to when the star had first shown (Matthew 2:7).
  3. The three wise men traveled to Jerusalem to pay their respects to Jesus before returning home.
  4. Herod was ″extremely enraged″ when the wise men failed to return to him as requested, and ″sent forth and killed all the children who were in Bethlehem, and on all of its coasts, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men,″ according to the Bible.

(Matthew 2:16 King James Version) Herod evidently concluded that Jesus had to have been born sometime around the time of the appearance of the star, or perhaps later.The Three Wise Men/The Toddler Herod’s view is supported by the majority of Jesus’ followers.They provide three arguments in support of their position: In the story of the wise men (Matthew 2:8,9,11,13,14,20,21), Jesus is referred to as a ″young kid″ (KJV) rather than a ″baby″; and 3) the wise men discovered Jesus in a house (Matthew 2:11) rather than a barn or an inn (Matthew 2:11).While these arguments appear to be solid, a deeper analysis of the Bible and its underlying Greek language reveals several significant flaws.

The Start of the Star

  1. The Bible does not state that Jesus was born at the time of the first appearance of the star.
  2. Those who claim He was are only speculating.
  3. Despite the fact that Herod was a powerful ruler, he was unaware of Jesus’ birth.
  4. Just because he ordered the execution of children under the age of two does not imply that Jesus was under the age of two at the time of the execution.

It appears that Herod also believed that Jesus may have been a newborn infant only a few days old, as he also ordered the execution of newborn newborns throughout his reign.

A Baby is Called a Young Child Too

  1. Paidion is the Greek word that is used to refer to a small kid.
  2. It is not limited to children under the age of three.
  3. It’s also possible that it’s a newborn infant.
  4. When John the Baptist was eight days old, the Greek word paidion was used to describe him (Luke 1:59,66,76,80).

It is used three times in the Gospel of Luke: when Jesus was born (Luke 2:17), when he was eight days old (Luke 2:21), and when he was forty days old (Luke 2:17).(Luke 2:27,40).In fact, the word paidion is used of Jesus when the shepherds were there on the night of Jesus’ birth (Luke 2:17), exactly one verse after the word infant (brephos) is used to refer to Jesus.As a result, simply though Jesus is referred to as a little kid (paidion) in the story of the wise men (Matthew) does not imply that he was younger than a newborn.

An Inn was a Room in a House

  1. When people traveled during the time of the Bible, they remained in people’s houses as unpaid guests because hotels were extremely scarce.
  2. There were no Holiday Inns or Motel 6s to be found here.
  3. The law of Moses ordered the Jews to treat outsiders as if they were their own and not to take advantage of them in any way (Leviticus 19:33).
  4. It was unethical of them to charge money to people who wanted to stay the night.

Given this, it is exceedingly doubtful that there was ever a guesthouse or a hotel in Bethlehem.In the Bible, the phrase ″inn″ can apply to a guest room in a house as well as a hotel.Luke 2:7 is the only place where the Greek word for inn (kataluma) is rendered as inn.Other than that, the KJV translates it as guest chamber (chamber is an archaic term for room) in the other two instances where it appears (Mark 14:14 and Luke 22:11).It is clear from those passages that it is a room in a house, not an inn, that is being referred to.

Many people, particularly in the Jerusalem area, erected guest rooms in their homes (often as a second storey above their original house with an exterior entrance and stairs) so that they could provide a place for visitors to sleep while visiting them.During Israel’s three national holidays, Jews from all across the country flocked to Jerusalem and slept in residences as non-paying guests, bringing a unique flavor to the city.It was necessary for the individuals who had homes in Jerusalem and the neighboring cities to be hospitable during two of the festivals, which lasted a week on each.

What is now referred to be an inn in Bethlehem was most likely a guest room in someone’s home prior to the time of Jesus.Because the guest room was completely booked, Mary and Joseph were forced to sleep in the barn.Someone in the guest room is likely to have offered to sleep in the barn so that Mary and Jesus may be able to sleep in the home when the other guests in the guest room learned that Mary had given birth to Jesus.As a result, the wise men may have arrived on the day of Jesus’ birth and discovered him in a dwelling.The inclusion of a dwelling does not necessarily imply or imply that Jesus was not a baby when he was born.

But, for the purpose of argument, let us assume that everything in this section is incorrect.A hotel was located in Bethlehem, but there was no place for Jesus to stay in the inn.What kind of structure might this inn have?A thirty-story structure with a large illuminated sign on top that reads ″Bethlehem Inn″ that can accommodate thousands of people?No.

  1. In the twenty-first century, it was not the case in New York City.
  2. It took place in Israel at the end of the first millennium BC.
  3. They didn’t have any skyscrapers back then.
  4. They had their own homes.
  5. If there had been an inn in Bethlehem, it would have been in a house, and it would have been the same house that the three wise men visited.
  6. Once again, the mention of a dwelling does not imply or imply that Jesus was not a baby when he was born.

The Wise Men Arrived in Jerusalem When Jesus Was Born

  1. Matthew 2:1 provides one another argument in favor of the Wise Men/Baby Jesus viewpoint.
  2. According to the Scriptures, ″When Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judaea during the reign of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem.″ (KJV) In this passage, it is said that the three wise men arrived in Jerusalem ″around the time of Jesus’ birth.″ They didn’t show up a year later, either.
  3. They arrived shortly after he was born.
  4. In Greek, the phrase ″when Jesus was born″ is an aorist participle.

When Jesus was born, it can be rendered as ″after Jesus was born,″ ″when Jesus was born,″ or ″when Jesus was born and.″ The use of aorist participles is common throughout the New Testament.An aorist participle is one in which the action of the participle (Jesus’ birth) is closely followed by the action of the main verb (Jesus was born) (wise men came to Jerusalem).When Jesus was born and the wise men arrived in Jerusalem, there was no gap of more than a year, two years, or even a week or two between them.Bethlehem was only a half-walk day’s away from the city of Jerusalem.When the wise men arrived in Jerusalem at the time of Jesus’ birth, it didn’t take them long to make their way to Bethlehem.

We Know When they Returned to Nazareth

  1. One other piece of evidence supporting the Wise Men/Baby Jesus viewpoint is Joseph, Mary, and Jesus’ return to Nazareth.
  2. It only happened once, and both the wise men’s (Matthew) and the shepherd’s (Luke) accounts of the event record it as having occurred.
  3. The shepherd’s account (Luke) makes it abundantly clear that they returned to Nazareth (Luke 2:39) very close to 40 days after Jesus’ birth, ″when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were completed,″ i.e., when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were completed (Luke 2:22).
  4. When the wise men came to Nazareth following their journey through Egypt, according to Matthew’s narrative, they were welcomed with open arms (Matthew 2:22,23).

As a result, the visit of the wise men, Joseph and Mary’s journey to Egypt, and their return journey all had to take place within 40 days of the birth of Jesus Christ.

The Christmas Timeline

  1. What was the relationship between these events?
  2. Here is a narrative that mixes the two stories in the order in which they were written.
  3. It was necessary for Mary and Joseph to travel to Bethlehem in order to be taxed.
  4. As soon as they arrived, they proceeded to the home of Joseph’s relative.

His relatives had a guest room, but the guest room was completely booked, so they had to stay in the barn instead.In the barn, Jesus was born in the middle of the night.Shepherds were visited by angels who informed them of the birth of Jesus.They discovered Jesus resting in the trough of the barn’s feed trough.When they returned, they informed everyone of what had occurred.

The word quickly circulated across the little community.That night or the next morning, a relative of Joseph’s took Mary and the infant into the house and threw away some other distant relatives who had been staying there.Around this time, the three wise men arrived in Jerusalem and inquired as to where the Messiah was.

Herod inquired of the persons tasked with the task of copying the Old Testament by hand, and they said that Bethlehem was the best location.Herod instructed the wise men to seek for the Messiah and then report back to him with the location of the Messiah.The three wise men set out on their several-hour journey to Bethlehem in the chill of the night to avoid being overheated.The star returned and brought them to the home where Jesus was being held captive by the authorities.They entered the house and presented him with presents.

As they slept that night, God spoke to them in a dream and cautioned them not to return to Herod, but rather to take an alternative route home.They got up and departed.The following night, Joseph had a dream in which an angel appeared to him and instructed him to flee to Egypt.He, Mary, and Jesus embarked on their journey to Egypt.Mary and Joseph arrived in Egypt after a short journey of a few days.

  1. Herod had seen that the three wise men had not come home.
  2. He became enraged and slaughtered all of the boys in the Bethlehem region who were two years old or younger as a result.
  3. Joseph, Mary, and Jesus were in Egypt for approximately a month when the story begins.
  4. Herod passed away.
  5. Joseph’s dream was interrupted once more by an angel, who assured him that it was fine to return to Israel.
  6. It was on their journey to Jerusalem that they visited the temple and offered the sacrifices required by the law.

Simeon and Anna identified the infant Jesus as the Messiah when he was a few days old.What they should have done next would have been to return to Bethlehem and tell their relatives and friends that they were safe and grateful for their hospitality, but after speaking with other worshippers at the temple, Joseph learned that Herod’s son Archelaus had taken over as ruler of the city and that he was afraid to travel to Bethlehem.Because he was concerned about the attention his Son was receiving in Jerusalem, he and his family traveled west out of Israel and then north to Nazareth.When the wise men visited, how old was Jesus at the time?Even though the Bible does not specify how old He was, we may safely assume that He was somewhere between 0 and several days old based on what we know about Him thus far.He was not a child of one or two years.

When Did the Wise Men Visit Jesus?

  1. The three wise men pay a visit to Jesus on the night of His birth, according to the majority of Christmas tales.
  2. Is this a correct statement?
  3. According to the Bible, the story of the wise men (also known as ″magi″) may be found in Matthew 2.
  4. According to the story, the three wise men travel to Jerusalem to inquire as to where the ″king of the Jews″ had been born.

It is apparent that Jesus had already been born at this point in the story.When the wise men were informed that the expected destination was Bethlehem (which was just a few miles away), they once again followed the star (Matthew 2:9) until it brought them to the spot where Jesus was hiding.When they came, Jesus and Mary were in a home (Matthew 2:11), which was a different place from the manger where Jesus had been born in Luke 2 (which they had previously seen).Despite the fact that Jesus was still in Bethlehem, he was no longer in the manger.This suggests that He was born in a time that was at least a day apart from the present.

When Herod realized that the wise men had not returned to him, he ordered the execution of all boys under the age of two in Bethlehem, according to Matthew 2:13-16.This might suggest that Jesus’ birth took place up to two years earlier to this time period, or perhaps more.Others believe Herod issued this decree to encompass any kid who was even remotely close to the age of Jesus’ birth, implying that Jesus was just a few weeks or months old at the time of his birth.

Luke 2:22-24 adds yet another piece of evidence to the growing body of evidence about the arrival of the wise men.Mary carried Jesus to the temple in order to be purified there.According to Leviticus 12:1-5, this would suggest a period of eight days following the birth of Jesus (during which time Jesus would have been circumcised) and then a period of 33 days following this period before Mary may attend to the temple.So it would have been more than 40 days after Jesus’ birth before Mary could have carried Him to the temple in Jerusalem, which would have been a significant delay.It is doubtful that the wise men appeared to Jesus before this period.

It’s possible that if they had, Mary would have brought Jesus to Jerusalem after the wise men came and then returned only in time to escape Herod’s order to murder all boys two years old and under.Instead, it is most probable that the wise men visited Mary and Jesus after they had finished their pilgrimage to the temple.In other words, the wise men most likely appeared to Mary and Jesus in a Bethlehem residence at least 40 days after Jesus’ birth, according to tradition.That the star was visible when He was born, and that they traveled after He was born, with several weeks or months elapsed between these occurrences, may also be consistent with this hypothesis.According to scriptural evidence, the wise men’s visit to Jesus took place sometime after six weeks of His birth but before His second birthday, which is the most plausible time frame for their presence.

  1. The arrival of the three wise men was commemorated on Epiphany, or January 6, according to the ancient church calendar.
  2. This is two weeks after the date of the birth of Jesus, which is commemorated on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
  3. This date, on the other hand, comes from a later time period and is thus unknown.
  4. Traditional nativity accounts of the three wise men arriving on the night of Christ’s birth are heartwarming, but they are not entirely true.
  5. It was after Jesus’ birth that the wise men came to see Him in Bethlehem, but before Joseph and Mary brought Jesus and his mother Mary to Egypt to escape Herod’s persecution.
  6. These events took place within a few weeks of Jesus’ birth and no later than two years after Jesus’ birth.
See also:  Why Did They Nail Jesus To The Cross?

Go Deeper

  • The Birth of Jesus: Myth or Miracle?
  • The Virgin Birth

When Did the Three Wise Men Visit Jesus?

  1. The sequence of events that occurred between the time of Christ’s birth and the time He went to live in Nazareth is hotly debated.
  2. The time of the Magi’s arrival is the most contentious issue, and this is where the debate begins.
  3. If this can be known, it may be possible to schedule the other events with relative ease.
  4. The arrival of the Magi was traditionally dated to the 6th of January, or the 13th day after the birth of Jesus, according to ancient and contemporary traditions.

In that case, assuming that the star heralded His birth and that they departed as soon as it appeared, they would have been on their trip for just around 10 days at that point.This day was initially observed as the feast of the Epiphany, or the appearance of Christ, and originally made reference to the visit of the Magi, as well as to His baptism and, subsequently, to His first miracle, among other things.It is currently commemorated in both the Greek and Roman Churches with reference to the two preceding events, with the adoration of the Magi being the most significant of these events in both churches.This is likewise true in the Episcopal Churches of the United Kingdom and the United States.The tradition, on the other hand, did not command widespread acceptance.

According to Eusebius and Epiphanius, who drew their conclusions from Matthew 2:16, the Magi arrived two years after Jesus’ birth.Others have speculated that the date of January 6th was chosen only for the sake of convenience, rather than having any actual chronological relation to the event.Those who are asking why, aside from this custom, the wise men’s visit is scheduled so soon after the birth and before the presentation in the Temple may find the following points to be very compelling: When it says ″now when Jesus was born,″ it suggests that one event occurred immediately after the other, as in Matthew 2:1.

Secondly, Jesus and His parents returned to Nazareth immediately after the presentation, indicating that the presentation must have taken place prior to their visit (Luke 2; see also Mark 2).Third, it was only when the Magi arrived that Herod learned of the birth of Jesus; but, if the presentation at the Temple had taken place earlier, he must have been aware of it, as it had been made public by Anna the mother of Jesus (Luke 2:38).However, none of these arguments is conclusive.There is no evidence to suggest that they arrived as soon as He was born, or that a period of two months could not have occurred between their arrival and His birth.Many of the fathers believe that they discovered Him still in the manger, or stall, which may be correct if the manger was in a cave at the back of the home.

Many people believe that the phrase in Luke’s gospel that ″after they had completed everything that was required of them according to the law of the Lord, they withdrew into Galilee, to their own city Nazareth″ means that they proceeded directly from the Temple to Nazareth without stopping at Bethlehem.However, this is a purely arbitrary interpretation.It is clear that Luke does not want to provide a comprehensive account of Christ’s early life and development.He doesn’t tell anything about the Magi, about the slaughter of the children, or about the journey into Egypt.Whatever the reason for this omission, which many critics attribute to ignorance, there can be no inference drawn from it about Luke’s truthfulness or lack thereof.

  1. The following is an adaptation of Samuel James Andrews’ The Life of Our Lord on the Earth.
  2. iStock/Getty Images Plus/Denis-Art are credited for the use of this image.

The wise men visit Jesus (Matthew 2:1-12) – The identity of Jesus – CCEA – GCSE Religious Studies Revision – CCEA

  • What does the Bible’s account of Jesus’ life teach us about his identity?
  • Examine the evidence
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  1. When Herod reigned as king of Judea, Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem.
  2. Men who studied the stars traveled from the east to Jerusalem and inquired, ″Where is the Baby born to be the ruler of the Jews?″ They were led to the Temple Mount.
  3. They had gone to worship him because they had seen his star in the east.
  4. He was furious and summoned the leading priests and professors of the law, inquiring ″Where will the Messiah be born?″ they replied, ″In Bethlehem.″ They informed him that Bethlehem had been prophesied in the Bible.

Herod requested that the visitors inform him of the whereabouts of the infant so that he, too, may offer adoration to him.They followed the star until it came to a halt above the location where the infant was lying down.They adored him and presented him with presents of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, which he accepted.They returned home by a different route because God had warned them in a dream not to return to Herod’s courtroom.


  1. Bethlehem was a little village about six miles from Jerusalem, and it was the birthplace of Jesus.
  2. It served as King David’s residence for a while.
  3. It is also crucial that Jesus was born there since the Jews were expecting the Messiah to arrive from David’s birthplace, as predicted in the Old Testament.
  4. When these prophesies are fulfilled, Matthew loves to remind his readers of it, and he does it frequently.

King Herod was descended from Jewish ancestors to a certain extent.The Romans permitted him to reign for them as Judea’s king rather than as a Roman governor, and he benefited from this arrangement.In the eyes of many, Herod was an unacceptably authoritarian dictator because he performed precisely what the Romans commanded him to do.In essence, Herod was a ″puppet king,″ with Rome pulling the strings.Thus, Herod was in a precarious situation and was anxious about having his authority taken away from him.

He assassinated everyone who he believed was scheming against him, including his favorite wife and three of his sons, among others.According to the Roman Emperor Augustus, it was safer to be Herod’s pig than it was to be his son.

Understanding the text

  • The visitors are referred to as ″Magi″ (wise men) by Matthew, and it is possible that they were astrologers who followed the sign of an unique star in the sky. They were most likely from the Persian Empire. The Magi may have paid Mary and Joseph a visit weeks or perhaps months after the shepherds paid them a visit, if they had found lodging in a home during that time (verse 11). The Magi are referred regarded be rulers in certain legends. Kings who offer their gifts to a great ruler (Psalm 72:10-11), and that kings will come to Jerusalem to give glory to God’s light (Psalm 96:10), are described in the Old Testament (Isaiah 60:3). These passages are most likely where the concept of kings originated. People sometimes believe there were three guests since there were three presents, however Matthew does not specify how many visitors there were or how many gifts there were. After arriving at Herod’s palace in Jerusalem, the Magi inquired as to the whereabouts of ″the one who has been born King of the Jews.″ Herod was instantly concerned about a potential challenge to his reign and was eager to track down the kid. He obtained this information by consulting with the leading priests and instructors of the law. They turned to the predictions of the Old Testament and informed Herod that the prophet Micah had prophesied concerning Bethlehem, ″Out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel,″ and that this was the king who would come. Accordingly, the conclusion was reached that the future monarch would be born at Bethlehem (or Israel). This is another another instance in which Matthew refers to the Old Testament and demonstrates how Jesus has fulfilled its expectations. As part of the birth tale, the Magi have a symbolic responsibility to fulfill. They are coming from the east, and they symbolize the Gentile (non-Jewish) world, which has come to adore this newly crowned king. They also depict those with a different social position in society than the lowly shepherds, who are worshipping Jesus in a same manner. The gifts of the Magi are also very symbolic of Jesus’ future life, since they represent the monarch, God, and man in the following ways: Gold is a valuable metal that denotes monarchy and is used in jewelry. There is a strong focus on Jesus’ status as the ruler of the kingdom of God. The color gold depicts Jesus’ monarchy
  • the color silver represents the kingship of Satan
  • and the color blue represents the kingship of God.
  • Frankincense is a resin derived from a tree that is utilized in temple worship for its fragrant scent (and still used in some churches today). Frankincense signifies Jesus being adored as though he were the Creator of the universe.
  • Myrrh was an oil that was used to anoint the deceased before they were buried. Myrrh reflects both Jesus’ humanity and his death on the cross.

The Magi are cautioned not to return to Herod because he wants to harm the infant, according to a dream. Dreams and angels play a significant role in the birth tales of children and adults. They are the means through which God interacts with mankind and directs events on the earth’s surface.

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  1. The Wise Men Were Misplaced at the Nativity ″data-medium-file=″ data-large-file=″ data-small-file=″ title=″wise-men-ellipse web″ src=″ alt=″Wise men are misplaced at the Nativity scene″ ″ width=″300″ height=″211″ width=″300″ height=″211″ srcset=″300 watts, 600 watts, 150 watts″ sizes=″(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px″> sizes=″(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px″> The Wise Men Were Misplaced at the Nativity The majority of us have received Christmas cards displaying a scenario such to the one shown on the left, or we’ve participated in a children’s program or seen a Christmas production representing the birth of Jesus, as depicted on the right.
  2. There is arguably no event in history that has garnered as much attention as the birth of Jesus.
  3. However, it has been the Christian community that has been distorting this extremely significant event for many years now.
  4. Another prominent scenario represented throughout the Christmas season is that of the three wise men and their visit to the Christ-child in order to bring particular stated presents: ″…they gave unto him gifts; gold, frankincense, and myrrh…″ (Matthew 2:11).

Matthew 2:11 (KJV) Artists, theologians, playwrights, and even Christians who appear to be firmly planted in their beliefs have erred in their depictions of how God records this event and when it occurred.They depict the wise men and shepherds at the nativity scene, as well as the shepherds.However, this is not something that the Bible teaches.The three wise men arrived some two years after Jesus’ birth, not at the manger, but at the home of Joseph and Mary, while Jesus was still ″a small kid,″ according to the Bible.That is why this instruction is being given.

The answer to the question ″When did the wise men come to see Jesus?″ has been purposefully delayed until after what we celebrate as Christmas.The timing is intended to draw attention to the biblical timing of the wise men’s arrival, rather than the extra-biblical teaching that places them at the time of the birth of Jesus.

 Is it important that Biblical facts be accurately taught?

  1. Is it really that important how Bible facts are presented, or whether they are correct or not, in the first place?
  2. It should, regardless of how significant or inconsequential the fact may appear to us to be.
  3. Despite the fact that every word of God is pure, Christians are burdened with the privilege and responsibility of accurately conveying God’s Word—even to the point of battling for particular words in the Bible when it becomes necessary.
  4. Dearly beloved, when I exerted every effort to write to you about the common salvation, it became necessary for me to write to you and encourage you to vigorously struggle for the faith which was once for all handed to the saints.

Jude 3 is a biblical reference to the third chapter of the book of Jude.No matter how minor or inconsequential a mistake in the presentation of biblical truth may appear, we Christians should not be encouraging it in any way.Yes, many Christians are well-intentioned; yet, if followers of the LORD are mistaken in this matter and do not consider it to be a problem, then where is the line drawn in terms of revising Biblical facts?The focus of the nativity scene has been questioned by some, who would rather have someone other than Jesus as the central figure.We’ve also seen that facts concerning the wise men have been incorrectly implanted in the minds of both Christians and non-Christians.

God has not given us authority to falsify any element of the Bible in any way, shape, or form.Instead, He instructs us to study as workers so that we might accurately communicate all of God’s Word to others by our teaching, deeds, and words—as well as through our way of life.″Make an effort to present yourself to God as a workman who does not need to be embarrassed, properly dividing the word of truth.″ 2 Timothy 2:15 (New International Version) So let’s go ahead and do it.

Let’s have a look at God’s Word.A close reading of Matthew 2 and Luke 2 will reveal that the wise men traveled to Bethlehem around two years after the birth of Jesus and that they did not stop at the manger scene.Read each chapter carefully and take notes as you go.Take a look at the graphic depiction provided below.It depicts the shepherds visiting a manger and the wise men entering a home where Jesus could have dwelt, as indicated by Luke 2:16 and Matthew 2:11, among other passages.

See also:  Who Is Jesus In Son Of God?

Study  the two accounts; that of the shepherds, and that of the wise men.

  1. Shepherds in the FieldAt the Nativity Scene ″data-medium-file=″ data-large-file=″ data-small-file=″ title=″Shepherds-Field&Nativity-WEb-use ″ src=″ alt=″″ width=″169″ height=″300″ src=″ alt=″″ width=″169″ height=″300″ srcset=″169w,338w,85w″ sizes=″(max-width: 169px) 100vw, 169px″>Shepherds in the Field & at the Nativity″ alt=″Shepherds in the Field & at the Nativity″ ″And she gave birth to her firstborn son, wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and placed him in a manger, because there was no space for them at the inn,″ the Bible says.
  2. Shepherds were also out in the field, keeping watch over their flocks during the night in the same region of the nation as well.
  3. And, lo, the angel of the Lord descended upon them, and the glory of the Lord shined around them, and they were terrified to their hearts’ content.
  4. They were comforted by the angel, who told them: ″Fear not; for, see, I bring you good news of great joy, which will be to all humanity.″ For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, who is the fulfillment of all Scripture.

As a sign to you, you will discover the child wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.″ Luke 2:7-12 (KJV) DO YOU GET WHAT I’M GETTING…DO YOU SEE THE SHEPHERDS AND THE BABE COVERED IN SWADDLING CLOTHES, LYING IN A MANGER??It happened that, as the angels were departing from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ″Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing that is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.″ And they went quickly, and found Mary and Joseph, as well as the newborn baby lying in a manger.Luke 2:15-16 (KJV) Wise Men Visit a Child at Home ″ data-medium-file=″ data-large-file=″ title=″Wise-men-at-House-Web-red-outline-use″ data-large-file=″ data-medium-file=″ data-large-file=″ ″ src=″ alt=″″ width=″191″ height=″300″ src=″ alt=″″ height=″300″″ srcset=″ 191w, 382w, 96w″ sizes=″(max-width: 191px) 100vw, 191px″> srcset=″ 191w, 382w, 96w″ Wise Men Pay a Visit to a Child at Home ″Then, when he had summoned the wise men in secret, Herod attentively enquired of them as to what time the star had shown.″ When they arrived in Bethlehem, he instructed them to go and seek hard for the tiny boy; and when they had located him, he instructed them to report back to him so that I may come and adore him as well.

When they had finished listening to the king, they left; and lo, the star that they had seen in the east had preceded them all the way to the place where the little infant was.″ Matthew 2:7-9 (KJV) See what I see…wise men and a young child in the house?Do you see what I see…

wise men and a young child in the house?Upon entering the home, they saw the little boy with Mary his mother and fell on their knees in reverence, after which they opened their riches and offered presents to him, including gold, frankincense, and myrrh,″ the Bible says.Matthew 2:11 (KJV) In the Service of Christ, Restoration of the Family, Inc.was founded by Judith Brumbaugh, who serves as its president and founder.In order to prepare Christians to live, teach, and contend for their faith on a daily basis, Restoration of The Family has made this teaching available.

We teach from the King James Version of the Bible.Please let us know if you would like to: (1) submit questions, (2) request prayer, or (3) request additional resources.If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] or at our website: PO Box 621342 Oviedo, FL 32762-1342.RFI is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.Donations are eligible for tax deductions under the terms of the Internal Revenue Code.

Who arrives on the 12th day of Christmas? Three Wise Men, of course

The museum’s curator of Latino history and culture in the Home and Community Life division, Dr.Margaret Salazar-Porzio, and intern Jonathan Borda discuss the highlights of the museum’s collection of Three Kings sculptures in honor of Three Kings Day on January 6.For many individuals in the United States, singing about the 12 days of Christmas is a childhood memory.It is a classic song of 12 cumulative verses that each time involve an increasing and increasing quantity of presents; remember the ringing chorus, ″five golden rings″?However, we may not have given much consideration to the importance of the 12 days, which begin on Christmas Day (or the day after Christmas in some traditions) and go until the Feast of the Epiphany on January 6th, when we were singing this song as youngsters.Even the animals bow down to the child Jesus in this representation of the Three Kings from Latin America.

  • The Epiphany Holiday, also known as Dia De Los Tres Reyes (Day of the Three Kings) in Spanish-speaking nations, is celebrated on January 6th each year and commemorates the adoration of infant Jesus by the three Kings, also known as Wise Men or Magi, who came to worship him.
  • As recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, the men discovered the heavenly infant at Bethlehem after traveling over the desert in search of it with the North Star.
  • Early records indicate that the Kings (Melchior from Europe, Caspar from Arabia, and Balthazar from Africa) came twelve days after the birth of Jesus, according to subsequent literature.
  • It took them three days to travel by horse, camel, and elephant (respectively) from Bethlehem to the city of Nazareth to give the newborn baby Jesus three symbolic gifts: gold, because Jesus was royalty as ″King of the Jews,″ frankincense, which represented the baby’s holy nature as the Son of God, and myrrh, which represented Jesus’ mortality.

Jesus’ impending crucifixion, as a method of cleansing mankind of its sins, was foretold by each gift.Because of the biblical Nativity narrative, January 6th is not only a holy day in many families, but it is also honored in a variety of ways all around the world on this day of celebration.It is just as popular as Christmas in many Latin American nations, and the holiday of Epiphany is no exception.

When it comes to public festivals and parades, for example, people in Argentina dress like the Three Kings and ride camel-drawn carriages.As a substitute for Santa Clause, some youngsters set out cookies for Los Reyes Magos (The Three Kings), while others lay out a shoe box filled with grass or hay and buckets of water for the kings’ camel.If the children have been nice during the year, they will get toys that have been left in the shoe boxes for them.In the United States, the holiday is observed throughout the whole country as well as internationally.The Great Fruit Cake Toss is a tradition in Colorado that involves individuals costumed as kings and fools competing to see who can toss their fruitcake the farthest.

In Louisiana, the Epiphany Holiday serves to signal the beginning of the Carnival season, which culminates in Mardi Gras, also known as Fat Tuesday, and the beginning of Lent.King Cakes are traditionally baked for the occasion, and, unlike the aforementioned fruitcakes, these are really eaten and appreciated by everybody.Beautiful details can be seen on this monarch, who is part of a particularly lavish collection of Three Kings.The Smithsonian Institution has a large collection of Tres Reyes figurines.Each set of Magi is unique, and the variances between them serve to reflect the many different ways that people all around the country and the globe commemorate this special day.

Dr.Margaret Salazar-Porzio works as a curator of Latino history and culture in the Home and Community Life section of the National Museum of American History.She has also written on her blog on how the Day of the Dead is not the same as Halloween.

  1. Jonathan Borda is a museum intern who works in the education department.

Where was Jesus when the wise men found Him and gave Him gifts?

Where was Jesus when the three wise men came upon Him and presented Him with gifts? I do not believe this occurred at the time of His birth since they had to move after they had stopped to meet Herod.

Bible Answer:

The traditional nativity scenes seen on Christmas cards, paintings, and church displays depict Jesus, Mary, Joseph, shepherds, and three wise men, among other characters.However, this is incorrect since the wise men did not pay a visit to the Christ on the day of His birth.The three kings of the East arrived many years after Jesus’ birth.Presented here is a section of the Christmas narrative from the gospel of Matthew.In the days of Herod the king, when Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, a group of magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, proclaiming…Matthew 2:1 (NASB) This text informs us that Jesus had already been born when the magi, often known as the wise men, came in Jerusalem.

Wise Men Arrive In Jerusalem

When the three wise men arrived in Jerusalem, they inquired as to the location of Jesus’ birth.The following is the response they received.It is at Bethlehem of Judea that the prophet prophesied: ″AND YOU, BETHLEHEM, LAND OF JUDAH, ARE BY NO MEANS LEAST AMONG THE LEADERS OF JUDAH; FOR OUT OF YOU SHALL COME FORTH A RULER, WHO WILL SHEPHERD MY PEOPLE ISRAEL.″ (Isaiah 9:6) Matthew 2:5-6 (KJV) (NASB) This upset King Herod, who secretly convened a meeting with the three wise men.The wise men were asked how long ago the star had shone, and Herod then informed them that Jesus might be located in Bethlehem, according to tradition.As a result, the wise men set out towards Bethlehem, and as they traveled, the star that they had been following emerged once more.Then Herod secretly summoned the magi, who were able to establish the precise moment the star shone for him.

  • In the meantime, he dispatched them to Bethlehem with the instructions, ″Go and seek carefully for the Child; and when you have discovered Him, report back to me so that I too may come and adore Him.″ And after they had listened to the king, they proceeded on their journey; and lo, the star that they had seen in the east continued ahead of them until it came to rest over the place where the Child was.
  • Matthew 2:9 (KJV) (NASB)

Where Was Jesus When the Wise Men Found Him?

The star was out of the ordinary since a typical star does not travel in front of a person and then come to a complete halt.A regular star does not appear to move since it is billions of miles away in the sky and so appears to be stationary.These three wise men were guided to Jesus’ home by a particular, divinely designed light that shone from the sky above them.And when they entered the home, they saw the Child with Mary His mother, and they dropped to their knees and worshiped Him, and they gave Him with presents of gold, frankincense, and myrrh from their treasuries, which He accepted.At Matthew 2:11 (NASB), we are informed that Jesus is currently in a home with his disciples.The Greek word oikia, which means ″house,″ is used to describe the structure.

  • It simply refers to a house or a residence.
  • However, Jesus was born in a tavern, in an area that had been designated for animals.
  • and not in a private residence In the meantime, she gave birth to her first-born son, whom she wrapped in cloths and placed at a manger since there was no room for them in the inn.
  • As a result, the wise men came sometime after Jesus’ birth, according to Luke 2:7 (NASB).

It indicates that the wise men arrived between one and two years after the king’s death.What is the significance of one to two years?The solution is found in Matthew 2:16, which is the Bible.

As soon as Herod realized that he had been duped by the magi, he became extremely enraged and dispatched a large number of soldiers to slaughter all of the male children who were in Bethlehem and its environs, from two years old and under, according to the time that he had determined through the magi.According to Matthew 2:16 (NASB), King Herod slaughtered all of the children who were two years old or younger on the day of their execution.Why?Because the wise men had informed him that they had been monitoring the star for almost two years, he decided to investigate.Because of this, it may be concluded that the wise men did not pay a visit to Jesus when He was resting in the manger at the inn.


As a result, the wise men came about one to two years after the birth of Jesus.It is likely that one year is a more accurate estimate because the wise men required time to journey from the east to find Jesus.Nevertheless, Matthew makes it plain that Jesus was already in a dwelling when the three wise men arrived.God had arranged for these wise men to pay a visit to Jesus.Although the Bible never explains why this occurred, it does serve as a demonstration of God’s faithfulness and grace!

Suggested Links:

I’m on the lookout for God.Is it true that Jesus was born on December 25th?Is there any proof that Herod killed kids under the age of two in the modern era?What was Jesus’ age when the three wise men discovered Him?Where was Jesus when the three wise men came upon Him and presented Him with gifts?The Arrival of the Three Wise Men The Magi of Christmas came to pay a visit to Christ and were on the lookout for him.

How old was Jesus when the wise men found Him?

What was Jesus’ age when the three wise men discovered Him?

Bible Answer:

The conception of Jesus Christ is recorded in Luke 1:26-56, and His birth is recorded in Luke 2:1-7 in the gospel of Luke.In accordance with Mosaic tradition, Jesus was taken to the temple eight days later to be circumcised and given the name of Jesus.Afterwards, in accordance with Leviticus 12:4-5, He was brought to the temple and consecrated to God 40 days after his conception.The wise men, sometimes known as the magi, paid a visit to Christ some time later (Matthew 2:1-11).The solution to this question may be found in Matthew 2:11, and Matthew 16:13–16.

Birth of Christ In A Manger

The gospel of Luke informs us that Jesus Christ was born in a manger because His parents were unable to find lodging in the local inn where they were staying.In the meantime, she gave birth to her firstborn son, whom she wrapped in cloths and lay at a manger since there was no room for them in the inn.2:7 (Luke 2:7) (NASB) Phatne is the Greek word for ″manger,″ which literally translates as ″a box or crib where animals are fed.″ Because it was customary in those days to put animals on the bottom level of a building during the night when the weather was chilly, we know that Jesus was born either in a cave or on the ground floor of a structure.It’s possible that the home was erected in front of a cave.In Bethlehem, this was a regular occurrence.The basement chamber served as a sleeping quarters for the family’s domestic animals at night.

  • It is suggested in the following slides that Mary and Joseph were denied admission to the pleasant guest room and that Mary gave birth in the area of the home that housed the animals.
  • According to Luke 2:8-21, an angel appeared to a group of shepherds, who then went to see Jesus after He was born later that evening.
See also:  Why We Baptize In Jesus Name

Magi Find Jesus In A House

A few months later, according to the Gospel of Matthew, some magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem and inquired as to where the Jewish king would be born.(Matthew 2:1-3; Mark 2:1-3) The Jewish chief priests and scribes were questioned by Herod the Great, the Roman governor, about the location of His birth.Following a search of the Scriptures by the Jewish top priests and scribes, they informed Herod and the magi that the Christ would be born at Bethlehem (Matthew 2:4-8).As a result, the magi traveled towards the direction of the light in the sky.It took them to the city of Bethlehem, where they found the home where Jesus was raised with His parents, Joseph and Mary.Following their entrance into the home, they were met by the Child and Mary His mother, and they immediately dropped to the ground and worshiped Him.

  • Then they presented Him with presents of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, which they had opened from their riches.
  • Matthew 2:11 (KJV) (NASB) In verse 11, it is stated that Jesus was residing in a residence.
  • Jesus’ parents had apparently purchased a home, as evidenced by this fact.
  • It is not true that Christ was now residing in a stable when the magi arrived, as shown in popular nativity scenes and paintings.

It was at this house that his parents had relocated from their previous residence near the manger.When the magi came to honor Him and give Him gifts, there were no shepherds or angels to accompany them.In verses 13-14, it is stated that the magi had departed and that Joseph had received a dream warning him to remove his family to Egypt.

Between the magi’s arrival in Jerusalem and their visit to the home, it is impossible to determine how much time had gone between them.However, it is exceedingly implausible that the events occurred in a short period of time.

All Males Under Two Are Murdered

When Herod learned that the magi had not returned to give him the specific location of where the Christ was residing, Matthew 2:16 tells us that he ordered the execution of every child under the age of two years.When Herod realized that he had been duped by the magi, he became extremely enraged, and he dispatched a squad to slaughter all of the male children who were in Bethlehem and its environs, from two years old and under, according to the time that he had determined from the magi, in order to punish them.Matthew 2:16 (KJV) (NASB) As we can see in verses 16 and 2, King Herod the Great came to the conclusion that the magi had seen the star two years ago.As a result, Herod slaughtered all children under the age of two years old.This would indicate that Jesus was around two years old when the magi came to visit Him.See the article ″Are there any secular allusions to Herod killing kids under the age of two?″ for further information.


Jesus was around two years old when the wise men, also known as magi, came to visit Him, according to the gospel of Matthew.Everything that the Bible has to say is fascinating to contemplate.In this particular instance, the age of Christ is significant because it allows us to better grasp the fulfillment of a prophesy in Jeremiah.Jeremiah 31:15 is quoted in Matthew 2:17.Then the prophecy of Jeremiah the prophet came to pass: ″A cry was heard in Ramah, wailing and profound sadness, Rachel sobbing for her children; and she refused to be consoled since they were no longer alive.The Bible says in Matthew 2:17, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It (NASB) It is possible to comprehend why young children were slaughtered in the prophecy of Jeremiah 31:15 if we look at Matthew 2:17.

  • We can express our gratitude to God for the numerous specifics He has provided us in Scripture.


The Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament: Based on Semantic Domains by Louw and Nida is a good place to start. united bible societies, p.69 (United Bible Societies, 1996). A church founder from the first century CE, Justin Martyr, claims that Jesus was born in a cave (Letter to Paulinius, 58.3). ″Luke 2, Photo Companion,″ the third installment. BiblePlaces.com.

Suggested Links:

Jesus is born in the town of Bethlehem.The Arrival of the Three Wise Men Is it possible that Jesus was born in September?— In accordance with the arrival of the Magi Is it true that Jesus was born on December 25th?— Historians’ Accounts of Events Where was Jesus when the three wise men came upon Him and presented Him with gifts?What did the presents of gold, frankincense, and myrrh have to do with Christ’s gifts?Is there any evidence that Herod killed children under the age of two in the secular world?

  • What was the purpose of the children who died around the time of Christ’s birth, and why did they die?
  • Is it more likely that Jesus was born in September or on December 25?
  • — Making use of the birth of John the Baptist During what period of time did King Herod the Great reign and pass away?

Can we determine the date of Christ’s birth from the visit of the magi?

When Jesus was two years old, the magi came to see him at the home where he and his parents were living at the time. Why couldn’t we just calculate back two years and discover the date of Christ’s birth, as suggested by the timeline?

Bible Answer:

To determine the date of Christ’s birth, several methods have been used throughout history. What we are interested in is whether or whether the date of Christ’s birth can be ascertained by counting backward from his visit by the magi, as reported in Matthew 2:9-12, to the home where he was born.

Herod The Great Is Alive

For the technique of calculating the date of Christ’s birth by examining Matthew 2:9-12, which relies on the wise men’s visit to Christ, we must first determine the precise date of Herod’s death and the exact time the star appeared to the wise men in order to be successful.This appears to be a reasonable approach, given that Matthew 2:1 informs us that Herod the Great was still alive at the time the magi arrived in the city of Jerusalem.″Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?″ inquired magi from the east when they came in Jerusalem following Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem of Judea during the reign of Herod the Great.Because we have seen His star in the east and have come to adore Him,″ says the author.Matthew 2:1-2 (KJV) (NASB) We may deduce that Herod the Great was still living when the wise men came in the city of Jerusalem since the Herod referenced in Matthew 2:1 is the Herod the Great.

The Star Had Appeared About Two Years Earlier

In light of Matthew 2:2’s statement that the wise men had seen ″His star in the east,″ and Matthew 2:7’s statement that Herod knew the precise day the star appeared, it would appear that we may also calculate the exact date the star appeared.Then Herod secretly summoned the magi, who were able to establish the precise moment the star shone for him.2:7 (Matthew 2:7) (NASB) In Matthew 2:8-15, we learn that the wise men then came to Christ while He was in a home to pay Him tribute (Matthew 2:11).After that, they did not return to Jerusalem because God had told them not to do so because Herod was still in power (Matthew 2:12).When Herod realized that his instructions had not been carried out, he ordered the execution of all male children under the age of two, including himself.According to Matthew 2:16, the age of the children who were to be slaughtered was decided ″according to the time which he had ascertained from the magi,″ which means they were under the age of twelve.

  • When Herod realized that he had been duped by the magi, he became extremely enraged, and he dispatched a squad to slaughter all of the male children who were in Bethlehem and its environs, from two years old and under, according to the time that he had determined from the magi, in order to punish them.
  • Matthew 2:16 (KJV) (NASB)

Time of Christ’s Birth

The date of Christ’s birth would appear to be determinable if we deduct the precise moment the star shone from the day on which the wise men arrived in Jerusalem, according to conventional wisdom.However, we are experiencing some difficulties.First and foremost, the actual date on which the three wise men paid a visit to Herod the Great is unknown.It has been established in the article titled, ″Fables of Christmas″ that Herod the Great did not die in 6 B.C.or 4 B.C.as is often assumed, but rather in 3-2 B.C., as has been suggested.

  • The second issue is when exactly did the magi pay a visit to Herod.
  • How long did it take Herod to die once he was captured?
  • Was it only a few months or was it one or two years?
  • Herod was believed to have died within a year after his coronation.

The third issue is that we do not know when the star first appeared, thus we cannot predict when it will emerge again.It’s vital to remember that Herod ordered the execution of every kid under the age of two years old.That implies that Herod was not entirely certain of the exact moment.

In reality, he may have exaggerated the figure in order to be certain that he had removed that particular youngster.Therefore, there is a great deal of uncertainty regarding the date of Herod’s visit from the wise men as well as the time of arrival of the star in the sky.As a result, this method is ineffective for ascertaining the exact date of Christ’s birth.


According to the best estimates, Christ was born on December 25, according to the page titled, ″Christmas Fables,″ and the article titled, ″Was Jesus Born on December 25?″ presents the best estimates for the month and date of Christ’s birth.


1. The Fables of Christmas (http://www.neverthirsty.org/bible-studies/christmas-accounts/fables-of-christmas/index.html).

Suggested Links:

Is it true that Jesus was born on December 25th? — Historical evidence Fables about the Holidays What was Jesus’ age when the three wise men discovered Him? During what period of time did King Herod the Great reign and pass away?

Here’s What History Can Tell Us About the Magi

  • Christmas Day may be on December 25, but it does not mark the conclusion of the Christmas tale. In many Western Christian traditions, Christmas is celebrated over 12 days, with the feast of the Epiphany falling on January 6, the culmination of the season. Many people think that’s when the ″Magi,″ or ″wise men,″ or ″three kings,″ came to view the newborn infant Jesus for the first time. But were any of these individuals influenced by real-life historical figures? It is difficult to connect their depictions in the Gospel of Matthew to specific individuals, but the brief descriptions of them in the Gospel of Matthew do correspond to understandings of world events at the time the Gospel was written, which is thought to have occurred sometime between 70 and 85 CE. The only time these guys are mentioned in the Bible is in Chapter 2 of the Gospel of Matthew, and they aren’t referred to as ″wise men″ or ″kings″ in any way. Also absent from the record is any indication of the number of males in attendance. Only ″certain men from the East″ and ″visitors from the East″ are mentioned in the passage. Immediately after Jesus’ birth at the town of Bethlehem in Judea, which was then under the reign of the Roman King Herod, according to Matthew’s Gospel, ″certain men who studied the stars came from the East to Jerusalem and inquired, ‘Where is the infant born to be the king of the Jews?’″ Our attention was drawn to his star as it rose in the East, and we have come to adore him.″ They arrived at Jesus and Mary’s home after following the light of a star, and they brought presents of gold, frankincense and myrrh to them, as described in the Gospel. Gold was then, as it is now, a symbol of riches and power. Frankincense was a sort of incense and perfume that was used in religious ceremonies. According to Kristin Swenson, an Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University and author of the upcoming book Myrrh, myrrh is a ″outlier″ in the religious studies field. The Bible Is a Strange Book: The Bible’s Inherent Strangeness is a Strange Book. It’s been used as a perfume and in embalming techniques since ancient Egypt, and Christians have regarded it as a foreshadowing of Jesus’s death, according to the Bible. Swenson explains that Jesus is served wine with myrrh before his crucifixion because it is a painkiller in Mark 15:23, and this is because myrrh is a natural analgesic. Myrrh was also used in the oil used for anointing monarchs, which is noteworthy given that the Magi had arrived in search of the Jewish king, who had not yet been found. It is clear from the lavish presents that these Eastern guests are ″people of immense money and power,″ as Swenson puts it, since they ″bring things that are kind of evident based on the things they bring.″ ″They are referred to as Magi in Greek, which was a title that referred to a category of Persian priests at the time of the Greek invasion. However, they have earned the title of wise men. ″Their orientation was considerably more in the direction of what we would today characterize as scientific.″ Looking to a star is ″very much in keeping with the religious tradition of this place at the time of looking to the heavens, the stars, and the planets for information about the gods’ wishes and doings, and some stars or planets were identified with God.″ Looking to a star is ″very much in keeping with the religious tradition of this place at the time of looking to the heavens, the stars, and the planets for information about the gods’ wishes and doings″ The author of the Gospel of Matthew also points out that the Gospel of Matthew portrays a prophecy from hundreds of years earlier, found in the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament, in which the nations of the world recognize Israel as the light of the world and celebrate this recognition with gifts of gold, frankincense, and other valuable gifts. When TIME magazine published the cover article ″Secrets of the Nativity″ on December 13, 2004, it recounted the centuries-long efforts to make meaning of the Magi, as well as the numerous fruitless attempts to find tangible proof of the nativity scene: Many modern Christmas customs depict these three wise men in a way that is influenced by medieval art. According to art historians at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Magi, a multiracial set of three figurines created sometime before 1489, reflects the increased t

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