Why Did Jesus Fast 40 Days And 40 Nights

Why did Jesus fast?

QuestionAnswer Fasting is a practice that may be seen throughout the Bible. In the Bible, a fast is often defined as a voluntary, total abstention from eating for a certain period of time with the goal of devoting one’s time to pursuing God. Fasting allows us to deprive our flesh of what it craves, allowing us to concentrate more clearly on developing our souls. It doesn’t appear that Jesus fasted on a regular basis. He was really criticized for “eating and drinking” by his detractors (Matthew 11:19).

This fast occurred soon after His baptism (Matthew 3:13), which marked the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry.

During his period of fasting, Jesus was subjected to several temptations by the devil.

While Jesus’ flesh was at its most vulnerable during those forty days, He was subjected to unrelenting temptation from Satan.

  • Satan also gave Him a way out of the situation (Matthew 4:3).
  • In his example, Jesus proved to us that fasting can be beneficial to our spiritual well-being when we use it to come closer to God.
  • “Jesus returned to Galilee in the strength of the Spirit,” says Luke 4:14 at the conclusion of the tale of this trying time.
  • The miracles, deliverance of the afflicted, and conquest of death would not be based on His humanity, but on His divinity.
  • He served as a model for those of us who “do not live in the realm of the body, but live in the realm of the Spirit,” as Paul put it (Romans 8:9).
  • Questions regarding Jesus Christ (return to top of page) What was the reason for Jesus’ fasting?

Why Did Jesus Fast?

Fasting is a popular practice that may be traced back to the biblical text. Eating fasting is the voluntary and entire abstention from food for a specified period of time or days, with the goal of devoting oneself to God via prayer and seeking His will.

In Matthew 4:1–11, we may read about Jesus’ fasting on a significant occasion. According to this verse, Jesus fasted for a number of different reasons. This essay will go into great depth about each of these four primary causes in further detail.

1. Jesus’ Flesh Was at its Weakest

One of the primary reasons for this is that Jesus’ flesh was at its most vulnerable during the period of fasting. This implies that Jesus was definitely one of us throughout this time period – a human being. Through the act of fasting, he was able to sense the frailty of flesh for the first time. What does it mean to be made of the weakest of flesh? It implies that it is sensitive to temptations, which explains why Satan was able to entice him at this period. We, as humans, are constantly confronted with the fragility of the body, just because we are human.

Jesus was both entirely God and totally man at the same time.

However, it was during this period of fasting that He was able to feel the frailty of the body and therefore become one of us, as well.

This is emphasized in Romans 8:9, when we read, Although you may be living in the body right now, you are in fact living in the realm of the Spirit, assuming that the Holy Ghost is present in your life.

2. He Had Conquered Temptation

Jesus’ fasting also serves as an illustration of how He overcame temptation throughout His life. According to the Bible, Satan tried to seduce Him several times. First, Satan tempted Jesus by offering him the opportunity to change stones into loaves of food to satisfy His hunger. Second, Satan enticed Jesus to hurl Himself on the ground in order for the angels to come to His aid, therefore demonstrating that He was actually the Son of God. Finally, Satan tempted Jesus by saying that if He worshipped Satan, all of the world’s splendor would be handed to Him.

  1. First and foremost, He stated that man cannot exist just on bread.
  2. At the end, He told Satan, “Worship the Lord your God, and serve him exclusively” (Matthew 4:10).
  3. This offers us reason to be optimistic about our own temptations.
  4. “I will overcome temptation in the name of Jesus Christ.”

3. True Nourishment Comes from God

Moreover, Jesus’ fasting serves as a testimony of His love and devotion to His Father. This is seen by the fact that He continuously refers to God when rebuking Satan’s seduction. During one of His rebuttals, He refers to Deuteronomy 8:3, which states: “He humbled you by making you hungry and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, in order to teach you that man does not live solely on bread but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” From Jesus’ response to the circumstance, we may learn a great deal.

According to Scripture, “a lot of time had passed, and sailing had already become perilous due to the fact that it was after the Day of Atonement at this point.” As a result, Paul cautioned them” (Acts 27:9), and “the tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement.” “Convene a sacred assembly, abstain from food, and bring a food sacrifice to the Lord” (Leviticus 23:27).

4. Fasting Is a Spiritual Tool

Finally, Jesus fasted in order to prepare Himself for the ultimate spiritual fight against Satan, which Satan unquestionably lost. This is due to the fact that fasting is a spiritual instrument that prepares us spiritually and pulls us closer to God’s might. It is a means of acknowledging that our talents are not our own, but rather the result of God. As a result, this is exactly what Jesus did while fasting. It consists in His acknowledging His Father’s orders and getting strength from His Father in return (Isaiah 58:6-14).

Why Does This Matter?

We have explored four key causes for Jesus’ fasting, which are as follows: Even though Jesus’ flesh was at its weakest, He overcame temptation, displayed his faith, and, eventually, used fasting as a spiritual weapon to draw strength from His heavenly Father in order to save mankind. Fasting was undoubtedly a part of our Almighty’s overall plan to rescue us via Jesus Christ, His only born Son, and it was part of that plan. It was a part of His preparation, both spiritually and physically, for this moment.

Photograph courtesy of iStock/Getty Images Plus/1971yes.com Glory Dy has been working as a content developer for more than ten years now.

Answering Critical Questions: Why Did Jesus Fast for 40 Days by Micah Lovell

It is this last occurrence of the number 40 that we should pay particular attention to, since it is apparent that Jesus is immediately reacting to it when, following His baptism, He travels to the Judean desert to fast for 40 days in the wilderness. When it comes to preparation, purifying, concentration, and penitential prayer, fasting was exceedingly widespread in the ancient world and it continues to be common in modern times as a method of preparation. The act, on the other hand, is performed by Christians who are conscious of their own sinful nature and their need for compassion and grace.

  1. So, why does He observe a fast?
  2. Many parallels may be seen between the 40 days that Jesus spends in the desert and the Israelites’ wanderings in the wilderness, which occurred around 1500 years previous to Jesus’ birth.
  3. However, the people continued to grumble, including those who blatantly defied God’s instructions and exhibited their lack of confidence that God would continue to provide for them as He has in the past.
  4. Jesus refuses.
  5. Jesus need more than bodily sustenance in the midst of his temptation; He required the Living Bread of God to sustain him.
  6. The work of Jesus lays to rest the notion that any of us can entirely fight the forces of darkness on our own merits.
  7. However, they were a disappointing son, a son who continually rebelled; a prodigal son, who was only kept alive by the terrible kindness of the Father in heaven.

He is the Son of God with a capital “S,” the one who will emerge through His trial triumphant, when the other son of God has fallen short of the mark.

More importantly, the point being made is that Jesus, being filled with the Spirit and acting in obedience to the Father, defeats the power of sin by either conquering the curse or, in the instance of His dying on the cross, by becoming the curse for us.

His victory against Satan in the desert demonstrated the strength of God’s Word as a sustaining presence in the face of temptation and perplexity.

The Person of Jesus and His Identity When Jesus went on a physical fast, His humanity would have been in the most vulnerable imaginable situation.

However, in that time, instead of physical sustenance, Jesus feeds on God’s Word, which is the only thing that can keep Him going in the face of the evil prince.

When we pray in the name of Jesus, especially in times of personal weakness and despair, we have an intercessor who understands the sort of bodily weakness we are experiencing at the time.

Should we choose to fast today, this month, this year, or at any time in the future, we can rest assured that we have an advocate with the Father in the person of Jesus Christ the Righteous, who Himself fasted for 40 days and nights, who knows us completely and truly, and who promises to never leave us or forsake us, even in the moments when we feel weak.

As a result, let us observe the fast, and may we learn to rely not on our own strength, but rather on the strength of God’s Word, which we may obtain through prayer and petition.

Mr. Micah Lovell is the General Editor of Worthy of the Gospel, a Songtime Publication, and also contributes on a regular basis to Songtime’s website. Aside from that, he serves as the headmaster of Abington Christian Academy, a Classical Christian school in Pennsylvania.

How Long Did Jesus’ Fast in the Wilderness Last?

During his earthly ministry, Jesus fasted just once, according to the Bible, and that was on the day of Pentecost. According to the Gospel of Luke, shortly following his baptism, Jesus was taken by the Spirit into the desert, where he fasted for forty days (Luke 4:2). “Forty days and forty nights,” according to the Gospel of Matthew, was the length of the fast (Matthew 4:2). When Jesus fasted, what exactly did he mean, and why did he choose to do so? In addition, what can we learn about spiritual disciplines and their function in our lives from Jesus’ fasting for 40 days and 40 nights?

When and How Long Did Jesus Fast?

Just after Jesus is baptized by John in the Jordan river, we are informed that heaven opens and the Spirit of God descends upon him, and the voice of God can be heard proclaiming, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” This is recorded in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 3:16-17). Afterwards, Jesus promptly departs for the desert, where he will be tempted by the devil (Matthew 4:1). According to the Gospel of Luke, Jesus was “full of the Holy Spirit” when he was tested for forty days by the devil.

Many believe that the temptation helped Jesus prepare for his ministry.

Where Did Jesus Fast?

It is believed by scholars that Jesus fasted in the Judean wilderness, which is located close to the Jordan River. Temptation Mountain is an isolated and secluded location that overlooks the city but is steep and difficult to climb, according to legend, where the devil took him at one time. It is said to be the location where the devil kidnapped him at one point.

What Happens in This Story?

When Jesus fasts in each of the gospel stories, it signifies that he has chosen to limit or eliminate his food consumption. According to Luke’s story, “he didn’t eat anything for those days, and towards the end of them he was starving” (Luke 4:2). Jesus is tested at this period, as the devil tempts him in an attempt to take advantage of Jesus’s vulnerable position. To gain the grandeur of all the kingdoms of the earth, the devil tells Jesus to transform a stone into bread, to hurl himself from a cliff (to illustrate how the angels would save him), and to worship him (the devil).

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The reality that “man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” is how Jesus responds to the devil’s challenge to change the stone into bread (Matt.

To the challenge of jumping from the cliff, Jesus responds with the words, “Do not put the Lord your God to the test” (Matt.

And in response to the temptation to prostrate oneself and worship the devil, Jesus says, “Away from me, Satan!

Because it says in the Bible, “Worship the Lord your God, and serve him alone.” (Matthew 4:10; Luke 4:10). After that, the devil went; Jesus had passed the test and had refused to give in to temptation. Image courtesy of Unsplash/Kyle Cottrell.

Why Did Jesus Fast?

Jesus most likely fasted in order to prepare himself for service by becoming more intimate with God. One of the reasons people fast is to put their bodies into a condition of weakness, which allows them to concentrate on the essentials of life and hear God’s message more clearly without the distractions of so-called creature comforts, which may both soothe and divert us from our spiritual quest. Jesus was well aware that he had a difficult task ahead of him and that he needed to clear his brain before beginning to perform miracles.

He also saw that he needed to comprehend the far inferior intellect of humans, a sinful and occasionally rebellious people that sorely needed their savior, Messiah, the Christ, to be understood.

Did Jesus Drink Water or Eat Anything WhileFasting?

Fasting entails drastically decreasing one’s caloric intake, and in certain cases, completely eliminating it. We aren’t given any information on what is happening. Some academics believe Jesus ate nothing at all, which is consistent with the passage in Luke 4:2. Others believe he scavenged the bleak countryside for pieces of food that he had consumed very little of—virtually nothing. Because the fast simply mentions that he “ate nothing,” rather than that he “drank nothing,” the majority of scholars conclude that water was most likely consumed during this period.

How Did Jesus Fast for Forty Days?

Water and food are only needed for a few days, and individuals can do without water for a few weeks at the most, according to scientists. Forty days is a much longer period of time. According to the standard male lifespan, Jesus would not have survived forty days if he had only taken water and not eaten anything. He was not, however, a regular man; he was the Son of God who was empowered by the Holy Spirit and bestowed with miraculous powers, which enabled him to fast for as long was required.

Even if he had consumed some food throughout the fast, he would have been in a physically and psychologically debilitated position as a result of it.

It’s likely that he prayed and meditated in the presence of the Lord throughout this period.

What Is the Point of Fasting?

Some people fast in order to lose weight, however the majority of people fast for spiritual reasons instead. The majority of the time, individuals engage in a spiritual fast as a means of depriving themselves of physical pleasures, or even basic nutrition, in order to achieve a higher level of consciousness and knowledge of the Lord. Jesus would have fasted in order to come closer to God and to concentrate on his spiritual self, putting aside as many of his physical demands and desires as he could.

When we fast, we do it in order to deny ourselves and achieve more spiritual understanding. It is through fasting that we are able to lower our own strength and be strengthened by relying on the Lord. We also fast in order to show our support for those who are suffering.

How Can We Do a Fast Today?

If you are interested in attempting a spiritual fast, keep in mind that you are not Jesus, and that going into the wilderness alone for forty days is not a suggested choice for you. There are, however, several safe methods of fasting that you can use. In the Bible, fasting is mentioned dozens of times as a method of prayer, of grieving, or of drawing closer to God. First and foremost, contact with a medical professional before fasting to ensure that you do it in a healthy manner. Following that, experts recommend that you begin with short durations of time at a time and work your way up to larger periods.

  • It is more important to realize that the goal is to reach a state of bodily denial in order to better focus on your spiritual heart.
  • Allow yourself to be honest and vulnerable with your Creator throughout this period of time.
  • What we don’t know is whether Jesus fasted only once or whether this was a regular occurrence for him.
  • In contrast, when Jesus emerged triumphant from the desert and into the presence of his heavenly Father, he was ready and eager to accomplish anything God asked of him—including dying on the Cross for the sins of all mankind.
  • We can also learn about the necessity of spending time alone with God and about what we can learn when we walk away from bodily comfort and embrace difficulties for a period of time.
  • What Is the Purpose of Fasting, Exactly?
  • Her novel, The Memory Garden, was nominated for the 2018 American Christian Fiction Writers Genesis Award, which she received for her work as a Christian novelist.
  • Jessica Brodie’s fiction may be found at jessicabrodie.com, as well as her religious blog.
  • You may also find her on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and others.

Why Did Jesus Fast for Forty Days and Forty Nights? And Should We?

This is the second in a series of articles about fasting and abstinence. Part 1 may be found here. The fast of Jesus, which lasted forty days and forty nights, is the most dramatic in the Bible. The event is reported by Matthew, Mark, and Luke. “Jesus was brought up by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil,” according to the Gospel of Matthew.

(See Matthew 4:1) Huh? What would be the purpose of the Holy Spirit wanting Jesus to be tempted? The gospel authors are cautious with the specifics of their stories. They do, however, give pointers.

Preparing for Battle

This isn’t a one-time event, either. It occurs immediately following Jesus’ baptism by John and immediately before His public career, which would culminate in His horrific death. His stay in the desert, it appears, served as a kind of physical and spiritual boot camp, preparing Him for the onslaught that lay ahead of Him. The Greek word for “tempt” in the text refers to anything like “test” or “attempt,” depending on the context. He was going to have to deal with Satan and his numerous minions in this battle.

  • And what did Jesus do in response?
  • Do you want to lift weights?
  • Do you want to do high-intensity interval training?
  • No, not at all.
  • After all, why not three hundred and ninety or forty-one?
  • When Noah lived on the ark, it poured for forty days and forty nights straight.
  • And the Hebrews, who were God’s chosen people, were forced to live in the desert for forty years after they were expelled from Egypt.
  • Before beginning a new covenant with Noah, God cleared the earth of sin and prepared the way for him.
  • Because they were in the desert, they had to rely on the water that came from rocks and God’s supernatural food from heaven, which was known as manna, as well as the odd quail to survive.
  • The birth of a new Israel, according to Marcellino D’Ambrosio, was a prologue to “the birth of a new Israel emancipated from sin, reconciled to God, and controlled by the Law of the Spirit rather than a law etched in stone.” The first Adam did not pass the exam.

Don’t Explain It Away

It would be tempting to find an explanation for the entire incident. “Yeah,” one would think. “Well, sure.” “Jesus is the Son of God,” says the author. He has the ability to multiply fish and loaves of bread. Even though I’m a mere mortal, I’m not sure I could fast for forty days any longer than I could resurrect a man who had been dead in the tomb for four days. “Can you tell me what this has to do with me?” At least, that’s what I had a faint notion of for quite some time. It hadn’t occurred to me that what Jesus accomplished may serve as a paradigm for us as well in certain respects.

  1. Please Contribute to the Stream: Providing Christians with the tools they need to think clearly about the political, economic, and moral issues that face them today.
  2. (See also Luke 4:2) The basic significance of a fast can be summarized as follows: Fasting is defined as not eating for a period of time.
  3. It is important to note that Satan appealed to Jesus’ hunger rather than His thirst.
  4. However, believe it or not, a healthy individual may fast without food for up to forty days without ill effects.
  5. A pound of fat has around 3,500 calories.

(This is the real kicker.) I’ll explain how to accomplish this without resorting to torture in subsequent episodes.) The angels do arrive to minister to Jesus, but only after he has endured a long fast and been put through three tests by Satan.

What’s This Got to Do With Me?

This does not imply that you should embark on a forty-day fast consisting just of water, although you might if you put in the necessary preparation and planning. If fasting is not a key part of our lives, we will lose out on some of what God has in mind for us. Then why did Jesus not instruct us to fast if this is the case? Because He assumed that His disciples would do as He instructed them to do. In His Sermon on the Mount, which is included in the very next chapter of Matthew, Jesus addresses a large throng of people.

You should aim to be as unobtrusive as possible while giving charity, for example, rather than attempting to get recognition for it.

(Matthew 5:16; Mark 10:16) You see what I mean?

He concentrated on teaching how to perform all three in the most effective way.

One of the Best Reasons to Fast

The example of Jesus helps to put shorter fasts into perspective. It also provides us with one of the most compelling reasons for fasting: to prepare for spiritual combat. If it was good enough for Jesus, then it should be good enough for us as well. To emphasize this point, Lent is a forty-day period of preparation, fasting, and prayer for Christians worldwide, observed by hundreds of millions of people each year. According to Pope Benedict XVI, the situation is as follows: For many, Lent is a protracted “retreat” in which they may re-enter themselves and hear the voice of God, allowing them to overcome the temptations of the Evil One and discover the reality of their own being.

  • We will be able to celebrate Easter in its true spirit in this manner, and we will be prepared to reaffirm our baptismal commitments.
  • Christians, on the other hand, used to do a great deal more than that.
  • * When Moses was with God on Mount Sinai, he did not consume any food or drink.
  • Jay Richards is the Executive Editor of The Stream and an Assistant Research Professor at theBusch School of Business and Economics at the Catholic University of America.

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What is the significance of Jesus fasting 40 days?

Alternatively, it has been suggested that Jesus’ 40-day fast reflects his victory over the powers of evil, although this view places it in a similar light to the numerous exorcisms that Jesus is depicted as executing.

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Why did Jesus fast for 40 days?

Immediately following his baptism by John the Baptist, Jesus was subjected to 40 days and nights of temptation by the devil in the Judaean Desert. … After Jesus rejected each temptation, Satan withdrew from the scene, and Jesus went to Galilee to begin his public ministry. Jesus fasted throughout the whole of this period of spiritual conflict.

Why is it significant that Jesus didn’t eat for 40 days?

Today, Lent is associated with Jesus’ 40-day fast (Mark 1:13; Matthew 4:1–11; Luke 4:1–13), which was instituted by the apostles. Although Mark informs us that Jesus was tempted by Satan, it is in Matthew and Luke that the specifics of the temptation are laid out in greater detail. In all three of the narratives, Jesus is said to have gone without food for 40 days.

What does the Bible say about 40 days fasting?

After that, he stood up, ate, and drank, and in the strength of that flesh journeyed forty days and forty nights towards Horeb, which is the mountain of God.” 1 Kings 19:7, 8 (NIV) Jesus was the third person in the Bible to fast for forty days and forty nights, and he was the first to do so. “After that, Jesus was brought up into the desert by the Spirit to be tempted by the devil.

What is the significance of 40 days in the Bible?

From the resurrection of Jesus to the ascension of Jesus, there was a forty-day interval between the two events (Acts 1:3). In the opinion of Stephen, Moses’ life is split into three 40-year periods, which are separated by his maturing into an adult, his exodus from Egypt, and his subsequent return to lead his people out of Egypt (Acts 7:23,30,36).

What does God say about fasting?

The hypocrites disfigure their features to demonstrate that they are fasting, therefore when you fast, don’t look melancholy as they do.” They have, I swear to you, got their full and complete recompense.

How many times did Moses fast for 40 days?

There are 6 votes for this answer. According to the Book of Deuteronomy, this happened two times.

How did Jesus Eat?

Because of what is written in the Bible and historical documents, Jesus most likely followed a diet that was similar to the Mediterranean diet. This diet includes items such as kale and pine nuts, as well as dates, olive oil, lentils, and soups. They also roasted fish in their ovens.

What is the first thing Jesus did?

The marriage at Cana, described in the Gospel of John as the first miracle of Jesus, occurred during his early ministry, upon his return to Galilee, and was the first miracle of Jesus. Cana is thought to have been located in one of a few Galilean villages (e.g., Kafr Kanna), but no definitive site has been established. Following the imprisonment of John the Baptist, Jesus returns to Galilee for a second time.

How long should you fast for Bible?

The length of the fast is also determined by the type of food you are fasting from. Fasting for more than two or three days should be avoided if you are restricting both food and drink intake.

Furthermore, if you are only refraining from eating, you will be able to fast for a longer period of time. Some individuals will fast without food and water, but they will consume juice to keep their energy levels up during the fast.

Can you not eat for 40 days?

According to a research published in the British Medical Journal, numerous hunger strikes ended after 21 to 40 days of fasting. The participants’ hunger strikes came to an end as a result of the severe, perhaps life-threatening symptoms they were suffering. It appears that there is a “minimum” figure on the body mass index (BMI) scale that is required for survival.

Why is Lent so important?

Lent is a significant religious observance in the Christian world because it is the season during which we celebrate and remember the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God, our Savior, and Redeemer. Our potential and capability to be holy as sinners is only realized when we let Christ to enter our lives and work in us.

Did David pray for his enemies?

David was a guy who devoted his life to prayer. The Psalms contain several prayers for help from David in times of trouble. With faith in God’s protection, David prays for rescue from his foes, the destruction of his enemies, and the destruction of his adversaries. The context of Psalm 55 may be traced back to 2 Samuel chapters 13-15.

What does the Bible say about avoiding temptation?

1 Corinthians 10:13 is a verse from the New Testament. God is trustworthy, and He will always offer a way out of a situation when you are tempted. This scripture has come to life for me on more occasions than I can count. Whenever I find myself in a situation of temptation, God always gives a way out. It is entirely up to me whether or not I take advantage of this opportunity.

What did Jesus do during the 40 days after the resurrection?

According to Christian belief, Christ physically left from Earth by ascending into Heaven, in the presence of eleven of his disciples, which is referred to as the ‘ascent of Jesus.’ According to the New Testament story, the Ascension took place forty days after the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

How did Moses get lost for 40 years?

Moses said that he lacked the ability to communicate effectively, therefore God appointed Aaron, Moses’ elder brother, to serve as his spokesperson. … At the foot of Mount Nebo, at the edge of the Promised Land, Moses died after 40 years of traveling across the wilderness.

Why Did Jesus Fast?

Throughout the gospels, Jesus is described as fasting for 40 days before engaging in a fierce encounter with Satan (Matthew 4:1-11;Luke 4:1-13). The objective of Jesus’ fasting, according to His own words, was to come near to God in order to receive assistance. Satan’s suggestion of turning stones into bread prompted Jesus to reference Deuteronomy 8:3, which states, “Man shall not live by food alone, but by every word that emanates from God’s mouth.” With His fasting and abstinence from physical food and drink, Jesus expressed His belief in the reality that genuine nutrition can only be obtained from the Creator.

  1. According to Acts 27:9, the disciples continued to acknowledge and observe the Day of Atonement, which was an annual holy day that was also a fast day, for the rest of their lives (Leviticus 23:27).
  2. We, at the United Church of God, adhere to the biblical practice of fasting on the Day of Atonement each year, as God has directed (for more information, see our free resourceGod’s Holy Day Plan).
  3. While Jesus affirmed that His followers were not fasting while He was among them, he also stated that they would fast following His death, according to the Bible (Luke 5:33-35).
  4. In light of the concept that fasting brings a person closer to God in need of assistance, as well as the significant physical stressors that Jesus endured on a daily basis, it would not be unexpected if Jesus fasted on a frequent basis, despite the fact that this is not documented.
  5. In the same way that Jesus fasted in order to prepare for and ultimately win His spiritual war with Satan, we may likewise get closer to God, realize that victory comes through His strength rather than our own, and learn how to more effectively combat sin in our lives.

Please seeFasting: A Spiritual Power Tool for a more in-depth explanation of this concept.

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As for those of us who work in the liturgical churches, we have once again entered the lengthy and, for some, depressing season of Lent. For 40 days, the devout customarily abstain from something they like, usually a pleasure of some sort, or practice an unique spiritual discipline such as prayer. Interestingly, this period of self-discipline is fashioned after Christ’s renowned 40-day fast in the desert, which is mentioned in both Luke and Matthew’s Gospels, Chapter 4. Mark’s Gospel makes just a fleeting reference to it, and John’s Gospel does not appear to make any mention of it, but there are a few sentences that show he was aware of it.

Observe how Satan tempts Jesus to perform miracles in order to demonstrate his divine nature.

In all of these acts, the New Testament writers thought that Jesus did indeed have the capacity and authority to perform, but in this particular instance, he rejected the devil’s temptations to do them for reasons other than God’s desire by refusing to do them.

Eliot, who best describes this point of view when he says, “The last and ultimate treason is to do the right thing for the wrong cause.” However, claiming that Christ was victorious when he resisted temptation in the desert does not provide an explanation for why it was necessary for him to do so in the first place.

  1. It must, without a doubt, symbolize more than a simple teaching story to illustrate to Christians how to prepare for Easter by making themselves a little miserable.
  2. This is a literary method used in biblical literature in which the reader is led to picture Jesus performing things well that the people of ancient Israel, according to Christian belief, did incorrectly.
  3. If we use this style of interpretation, the Sermon on the Mount would be compared to Moses giving the Law on the mountain, or Jesus feeding the crowds in the wilderness and satisfying them would be compared to the less favorable answers Moses received after feeding his throng.
  4. The gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke all make it clear that this special fast was an event that marked the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry.

To the first two ideas, this author can only respond with a resounding “fair enough.” If people believe that Jesus was involved in spiritual battle, however, it follows that he must have been tempted by Satan at various points throughout his career, even if such temptations were not always explicitly addressed.

  1. Even in his own words, Jesus was “one who in every regard has been tempted as we are, yet without sin,” according to the Epistle to the Hebrews.
  2. Perhaps noting how Jesus dealt with temptation, rather than asking why he was tempted, can provide us with more understanding.
  3. The wicked one is initially ignored by him, who tells him to “go away,” meaning leave.
  4. More than anything else, Christ overcomes evil through fasting, that terrible discipline that lends tremendous strength to all of our prayers.
  5. Christ may have conquered the devil’s temptations exactly because he fasted in the desert and on other occasions, which may or may not have been ongoing at the time of Christ’s death and resurrection.
  6. “Fasting without prayer is nothing more than a weight-loss scheme,” as one of my youth ministry colleagues likes to remark.
  7. Gregory Elder, a native of Redlands, is a professor of history and humanities at Moreno Valley College as well as a practicing Roman Catholic priest.

Postal letters should be addressed to: Professing Faith, PO Box 8102, Redlands, CA 92375-1302; email should be addressed to: [email protected]; and Twitter should be addressed to: @Fatherelder

Why did Jesus fast?

Fasting is the practice of depriving one’s body of its earthly wants in order to devote one’s life to the pursuit of the Lord. There are several references to it throughout Scripture, and it is often observed by full abstention from eating for a specified duration of time. It is hoped that fasting would result in a stronger spirit and a more intense concentration on God rather than on material problems. Because of the often repeated tale of Jesus’ forty-day fast in the desert, many people assume that Jesus fasted more frequently than He actually did.

  • When Jesus was baptized (Matthew 3:13—4:2), he immediately began his forty-day fast, which would last until the end of His three-year mission, which would alter the world.
  • According to Matthew 4:1–2, the Holy Spirit compelled Jesus to fast and then took Him into the desert for forty days and forty nights.
  • Due to the lack of food, Jesus’ physical body was at its most vulnerable, and it was at this moment that Satan continuously tempted Him.
  • Satan also attacks Jesus’ identity as the Son of God in Matthew 4:1–10.
  • In this extraordinary instance, Jesus overcame sin by relying on the power of God’s Word, rather than His own strength, to accomplish His goal.
  • According to Luke 4:14, Jesus was strengthened by God and returned in the power of the Spirit, confirming what had been said previously.
  • It was critical that He lived every moment under the guidance of the Holy Spirit (Luke 10:21–22), since it demonstrated that He had gained control over His human nature.
  • No one can claim to be a member of Christ unless they have the Spirit of Christ in their lives.
  • If Jesus is God, how could He pray to Him if He is not God?

Was Jesus addressing himself in prayer? What was the reason for Jesus’ frequent use of parables? What were the most significant events in Jesus’ life? What was it like to be Jesus in historical times? Who was Jesus as a human being? Return to the page: The Truth About Jesus Christ.

First Lent: These Forty Days

The First Sunday of Lent: These Forty Days of Fasting As you are probably aware, Lent began on Ash Wednesday, which was last Wednesday. The forty days of Lent stem from Jesus’ 40-day and 40-night fast in order to wage war against the tempter, known as the devil. The number 40 appears several times in the Bible, however it is not the sole instance. While Noah and his family were in the ark, it poured continuously for 40 days and 40 nights. When the Covenant of the Ten Commandments was formed on MtSinai, Moses spent 40 days and 40 nights with God in the presence of the Almighty.

  • When they returned, they brought with them magnificent stories about the land’s riches, as well as terrifying ones about its inhabitants.
  • They were sceptical about His promise to give them this territory.
  • They were chastised by being forced to walk the desert for 40 years as a punishment for their lack of faith.
  • He fell asleep in the desert but was roused twice by an angel, who brought him food and water to drink and brought him back to life.
  • God spoke to him in a low, calm voice, giving him the instructions he needed for the development of the trust in Yahweh.
  • Numerical references in the Bible are not intended to be taken literally.
See also:  How To Draw Mary And Jesus

For Christians, the number 40 represents a period of need, struggle, and testing in preparation for a new relationship with God, whether it be after the flood with Noah, as the children of Israel with Moses, in the promised landwith Joshua, with the belief in Yahweh restored with Elijah, with the New Kingdom of God to be preached by Jesus, or withthe Life of the Spirit given after Jesus’ Ascension.

  1. For Christians, Lent is a period of preparation for our position in the Kingdom of Heaven.
  2. Lent is a time when we prepare for Easter and also prepare to commit ourselves to the work of the Kingdom for the rest of our lives.
  3. Consider the possibility that a prayer time or a discipline we create during Lent will become a permanent part of our life.
  4. He had the physical strength to bear them.
  5. It is the powers of evil that seek to destroy God’s Presence in us and prevent us from bringing this Presence to others that we are under siege.
  6. “Take these stones and turn them into bread,” we say when we make it our life’s mission to keep our bellies full, or, in other words, when we are selfish.
  7. When we are only concerned with ourselves, our lives are undoubtedly empty.

We require his Word in order to have a sense of purpose.

We shall all be gone and most likely forgotten when we are no longer on this planet.

There is a portion of everyone of us that will endure.

When you live for the Lord, there is nothing self-centered about it.

That we have some sort of authority over God is the temptation, just as the devil enticed Adam and Eve to defy God and become equal to Him in the Garden of Eden.

Nonetheless, I believe that we are being enticed to adopt the world’s relativism and consider ourselves to be at the center of the cosmos.

Pope Benedict has written on the plague of relativism, which he describes as modern man’s willingness to forsake principles in order to satisfy his own selfish interests.

In our opinion, God is not required to recognize or approve our decisions even if they are in violation of objective morality.

The final temptation that was placed before Jesus was the temptation to give up our faith in order to gain power and authority.

People working in the corporate sector are sometimes tempted to make sacrifices in their Christian beliefs in order to enhance their professional careers.

“Lord Jesus, have pity on me, a sinner,” I used to recite as part of the Pilgrim’s Prayer.

During the 40 days of Lent, we fight against all of the temptations that we face that lead us to drive God out of our life.

We are looking for methods to enhance our relationship with God, and we are praying more.

This is something that families should definitely do in the evening.

Fasting does not only imply giving up anything; it also entails gaining control over one’s own actions.

Almsgiving is defined as charitable contributions to those who are less fortunate in health, mind, and spirit.

“Our God Saves” is the meaning of Jesus’ given name.

He fought against the devil and the world in order to save us. We spend the 40 days of Lent committing ourselves to helping Hin save others, since the One whose life is inside each of us has personally involved us in the transformation of the world into the Kingdom of God (Matthew 25:31-46).

Jesus Fasts 40 Days and 40 Nights

Important Discoveries from the Ancient Empires in the field of Biblical Archaeology. History of Ancient Jerusalem – An interactive study of Jerusalem with a map. StudyBible with Pictures and Maps – StudyBible with pictures and maps First Century Israel Map- A large map of Israel in the first century AD, including cities that may be moved about. The BKA Series begins with The Incredible Bible, which is the first book in the series.


Roman Empire Map – A large map of the Roman Empire in the early first century AD – Navigate through the different locations by clicking on them. The History of Rome- A brief overview of Roman history from the beginning of the Republic to the beginning of the Punic War Introduction to the Tabernacle of Ancient Israel, which includes a brief overview of Moses’ Tabernacle in the Wilderness and the Ark of the Covenant. The Babylonians- Discover the history of ancient Babylon and the people who lived there.


Old Testament Overview- A general overview of the books of the Hebrew Bible. Overview of the New Testament- A general overview of the New Testament. a symphony of Jesus’ life—four gospel stories that are in perfect accord Lost Laughs – Aesthetics from the past. Download high-resolution maps and images from the Map Store.

The First Sunday of Lent: Jesus is tempted in the desert // Faith at Marquette // Marquette University

As one Bible scholar pointed out, if Jesus had not revealed this event to some of his disciples, it would not have been included in the stories of his life and work. He is depicted as being susceptible to the deceptions of Satan. In the aftermath of his baptism, why would Jesus go into the desert for a forty-day retreat? For the same reason, individuals go on retreat: to reflect on who they are, where they are heading, and how they will get there in the best possible way. The blurring of one’s perspective on life occurs as a result of all the noise and bustle of everyday existence.

Matthew 4:1-11

At that point, Jesus was brought into the desert by the Holy Spirit, where he was tempted by the devil. He had fasted for forty days and forty nights and had become hungry as a result. “If you are the Son of God, order that these stones be transformed into loaves of bread,” the tempter said as he approached him and added. “It is written: ‘One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God,'” he remarked in response. He was then taken to the sacred city, where the devil forced him to stand on the parapet of the temple and demanded that he throw himself down since he was the Son of God.

“Again, it is stated, you shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test,” Jesus said.

It is written: “You shall worship the Lord, your God, and you shall serve him alone,” says the Bible. The devil then left him, and behold, angels appeared and began to tend to him.

Reflection from the Preface of the Mass:

Because of his forty-day fast, this is considered a holy season of self-denial. Choosing to reject Satan’s temptations has taught us to cleanse ourselves of the hidden corruption of evil, and in doing so to eat his paschal feast with purity of heart until we reach the fulfillment of the meal’s completion in the promised land of heaven.

Suggestions for Reflection

  1. Jesus was tested in the same way that we are. Temptations are not inherently harmful
  2. Rather, it is how we respond to them that determines whether we turn to God or away from God. Were we tempted by temptations as a means of turning to God rather than relying on our own resources? Is there a difference between the ways Jesus was tempted and the ways we are tempted, or is there a similarity? Satan is inviting Jesus to deny his status as the Son of God, which is hidden under the surface of the various temptations he faces. Temptations, aren’t they, an encouragement to abandon the sort of person we want to be and instead turn to harmful means of satisfying ourselves? By refusing to give in to the temptations, Jesus opted to rely on his Father to fulfill his deepest hunger, to relate to people in a normal way, and to not place his trust in his reputation, power, or wealth to provide for him. How can we sate our most insatiable cravings? Do we rely on our position of prominence and power to make ourselves acceptable to others
  3. And Are we going to utilize the forty days of Lent as a time of retreat, setting aside time for extra introspection and prayer

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