Who Brought Nathanael To Jesus

Who was Nathanael in the Bible?

QuestionAnswer Nathanael, whose given name is sometimes written Nathaniel in modern use, was one of the disciples who were summoned by Jesus (John 1:43). Nathanael was from Cana in Galilee (John 21:2), and he was introduced to Jesus by his friend Philip, who later became one of Jesus’ disciples. Nathanael was a native of Cana and a follower of Jesus. Nathanael was one of the very first people to proclaim believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, as recorded in the Bible (John 1:49). In Hebrew, his given name means “God has bestowed.” It’s interesting to note that Nathanael is only referenced once in the Gospel of John; the other three gospels refer to him as ” Bartholomew.” It is reported in the first chapter of John, beginning with verse 43, that Philip and Nathanael are called to follow Jesus as followers.

According to Philip, he had discovered “the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets prophesied as well—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph” as he had previously said to Nathanael (John 1:45).

“Does anything positive come out of that?” (See verse 46.) This disbelief was natural at the time because Nazareth was a small hill town in a distant location with little significance at the time.

Nathanael accompanied Philip to the place where Jesus was to be found, despite his reservations.

  • Nathanael regarded this description as accurate and was perplexed as to how Jesus knew so much about his character despite never having met him before.
  • Nathanael then identified Jesus as the Messiah right away, referring to him as the “Son of God” and the “King of Israel” (verse 49).
  • Nathanael’s shock at Jesus’ declaration of “no dishonesty” is understandable; it indicates that Jesus was aware of Nathanael’s innermost thoughts and feelings.
  • “You will witness far more significant events than that” (John 1:50).
  • This is a reference to the narrative of Jacob’s ladder, which may be found in Genesis chapter 28.

Questions about Biblical Characters Return to: Questions about Biblical Characters In the Bible, who was Nathanael was he?

Bible Gateway passage: John 1:43-51 – New International Version

43The following day, Jesus made the decision to travel to Galilee. A)”>A)he approached Philip and told him “Follow me.” “B)”>”B”>”B”>”B”>”B”>”B”>”B”>”B”>”B”>”B”>”B”>”B”>”B”>”B”>”B”>”B”> (B) 43As like Andrew and Peter, Philipp was a native of the town of Bethsaida. C)”>(C)45 “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, E)”>(E)and about whom the prophets also wrote F)”>(F) —Jesus of Nazareth, G)”>(G)the son of Joseph,” Philip informed Nathanael. “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, E)”>(E)and about whom the prophets also wrote F)”>(F) —Jesus of Nazareth, G) ” H)”>” H)”>” H)”>” H)”>” H)”>” H)”>” H)”>” H)”>” H)”>” H)”>” H)”>” H)”>” H)”>” H)”>” H)”> (H) 46 “Nazareth!

” I)”> ” I)”> ” I)”> ” I)”> ” I)”> ” I)”> (I) Nathanael was the one who inquired.

Upon seeing Nathanael arriving, Jesus said, “Behold, here is an Israelite J)”>(J)in whom there is no deception.” ” K)”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”>”K”> (K) 48 “Can you tell me how you know who I am?” Nathanael was the one who inquired.

49Then Nathanael exclaimed, “Rabbi, L)”>(L)you are the Son of God; M)”>(M)you are the King of Israel.” N)”>Nathanael’s words were echoed by the people (N) Having stated this, Jesus continued, “You believe because I told you I saw you beneath the fig tree.

New International Version (NIV)Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®, New International Version®, New International Version®, New International Version®, New International Version®, New International Version®, New International Version®, New International Version®, New International Version®, New International Version®, New International Version®, New International Version®, New International Version®, New International Version®, New International Version®, New International Version®, New International Version®, New International Version®, New International Version®, New International Version Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011, and 2012 byBiblica, Inc.®Used with permission from the owner.

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Nathanael was one of the original twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, and he was born in Bethlehem. In the Gospels and the Book of Acts, there is very little information about him.

It is largely via an unique meeting with Jesus Christ that we discover what we do know about him. During this encounter, the Lord revealed that Nathanael was a model Jew and a man of integrity who was receptive to the mission of God.

Nathanael in the Bible

Bartholomew is another name for Bartholomew Affectionately known for: Nathanael is regarded as the first documented individual to proclaim believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior. When Nathanael responded positively to Jesus’ appeal, he was welcomed as a disciple. The resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ were witnessed by him, and he later went on to become a missionary, sharing the gospel. References in the Bible: Nathanael’s account may be found in Matthew 10:3, Mark 3:18, Luke 6:14, John 1:45-49, 21:2, and Acts 1:13, among other places.

Tolmai is the father.

Later, he became a follower of Jesus Christ, an evangelist, and a missionary in the Philippines.

Was Nathanael the Apostle Bartholomew?

The majority of Bible experts think that Nathanael and Bartholomew were the same person. The name Bartholomew is a familial designation that means “son of Tolmai,” which suggests that he had a different name before being given this one. Nathanael is a Hebrew name that means “gift of God” or “giver of God.” In the synoptic Gospels, the name Bartholomew is usually listed after the name Philip in the list of the Twelve Apostles. In the Gospel of John, Bartholomew is not named at all; Nathanael, who comes after Philip, is the only one who is mentioned.

The Calling of Nathanael

The summons of Nathanael by Philip is described in detail in the Gospel of John. Because Nathanael was led to Jesus by Philip, it’s possible that the two disciples were buddies. “We have discovered the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also prophesied—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph,” Philip told Nathanael when he found him. (See also John 1:45) Nathaneal was first sceptical of the notion of a Messiah coming from Nazareth, and he was right to be. He made a snort at Philip “Jesus of Nazareth!

When Jesus spoke to Nathanael as a “genuine Israelite,” the Lord was affirming Nathanael’s character as a virtuous man who was open to the work of the Lord.

It was Jesus’ welcome that not only captured Nathanael’s attention, but also caught him off guard because of its deep understanding.

Nathanael responded with an astonishing declaration of faith, proclaiming Jesus to be the divineSon of God and the King of Israel, as a result of Jesus’ intimate knowing of Nathanael and the recent experience beneath the fig tree, which was witnessed by Jesus.

According to legend, he was crucified upside down in Albania.

Strengths and Weaknesses

When Nathanael saw Jesus for the first time, he overcame his initial cynicism about the insignificance of Nazareth and made the decision to leave his past behind him. Nathanael, according to Jesus, was a man of integrity who was also open to the activity of the Holy Spirit. Nathanael was associated with Jacob, the progenitor of the Israelite people, by Jesus, who addressed him as a “real Israelite.” Another factor that contributed to the link with Jacob was the Lord’s allusion to “angels rising and descending” (John 1:51).

Nathanael, on the other hand, deserted Jesus during his trial and death, as did the majority of the other disciples.

Life Lessons from Nathanael

We may learn from Nathanael’s tale in the Bible about how our own prejudices can cloud our judgment. However, through being receptive to God’s word, we begin to understand the truth. Judaism uses the mention of the fig tree to represent the pursuit of knowledge in the field of law (Torah). Under a fig tree, according to rabbinic literature, is the perfect location for studying the Torah. Nathanael’s tale has endured as a model of how a sincere believer should respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Key Bible Verses

  • Nathanael approached Jesus, and Jesus exclaimed, “Here is a real Israelite, in whom there is nothing false,” when he saw him. (John 1:47, New International Version)
  • When Nathanael saw the rabbi, he exclaimed, “Rabbi, you are God’s Son
  • You are the King of Israel.” (See also John 1:49).


  • On page 60, you’ll find a study guide for The Message of John: here is your king! Vol. 3, p. 492 of the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised.

Who was Nathanael in the Bible?

Nathanael was one of the twelve disciples who followed Jesus. He is only referred to as Nathanael in the Gospel of John, and he is referred to as Bartholomew throughout the remainder of the Bible. Nathanael is a Hebrew name that meaning “God has provided”; Bartholomew refers to him as the “son of Tolmai,” which was most likely his given name. So he was known as Nathanael son of Tolmai, or Nathanael Bar-Tolmei, depending on who you ask. He came from the Galilean town of Cana and was a friend of Philip, another disciple.

  • The fact that this guy was from Nazareth, and that the people of Nazareth were not widely regarded in their society, prompted Nathanael to be dubious at first.
  • As he came, Jesus remarked, “I’ll tell you something.” “Indeed, a true Israelite has appeared in whom there is no deception!’ ‘How do you know who I am?’ Nathanael inquired of him.
  • ‘You are the King of Israel,’ they exclaim.” (See John 1:47–49.) The initial contact between Jesus and Nathanael suggests that he was an honest and upright individual.
  • Nathanael, on the other hand, was taken aback by the fact that Jesus was aware of what was going on in his thoughts and heart while he was sitting there.
  • In addition, this paragraph demonstrates that Nathanael was well-versed in Jewish Scripture and tradition.
  • In this way, Nathanael distinguished himself from many religious leaders of the day who, because of deception in their minds, refused to acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah.
  • Jesus refers to Genesis 28, in which Jacob had a dream in which angels climb and descend a staircase or ladder between heaven and earth, with the LORD standing above them.

When He speaks of connecting heaven and earth, he is alluding to the day when He will do it Himself—God reaching out to people and giving what is required for humans to live in a relationship with Him (as opposed to humans trying to reach God as in the building of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11).

(Hebrews 9:12; 10:10).

As an apostle, Nathanael would witness the life and ministry of Jesus, as well as Jesus’ death and resurrection, and ascension to the right hand of the Father.

Some believe he was crucified or tied to a ship and drowned in the sea, while others believe he committed suicide.

What was Philip’s role in biblical history? In the Bible, who was Andrew and what was his name? What can we glean from the accounts of James the apostle recorded in the Bible? What was Simon the Zealot’s role in the biblical story? Return to: The Bible’s Statements on Individuals

Come sit under the shade of the fig tree

Slip under the shade of a fig tree with me and listen to how Jesus warned one of his future followers that exciting times were ahead of them in an unusually straightforward manner. According to Jesus’ words to Nathanael in John 1:51, “you will see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending on” the Son of Man. “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus said. You may dismiss the passage as one of those things Jesus said from time to time that sounded. well. like Jesus was talking if you were not aware of the cultural context in which it was written.

  1. To our minds, it would have made more sense if Jesus had simply stated, “Hey Nathanael, you ain’t seen nothing yet!” Even still, the words make perfect sense if you can hear what Nathanael’s Jewish ears were hearing at the time.
  2. Do you remember Jacob, the guy who was renamed “Israel” after his father?
  3. He was running away from his angry twin brother when he had the dream.
  4. Jacob saw the dream as a hint that the earth on which he had been resting was a particularly noteworthy location.
  5. Jacob was deeply impressed by the experience and called the location “Bethel,” which means “House of God.” It all took place just a few kilometers north of where modern-day Jerusalem is located.
  6. It appears that God was assuring Jacob that he would one day return to his homeland and dwell there.
  7. Consider what Jesus said Nathanael in the following passage.
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This was said beneath a shady fig tree, which was a bit of a turnoff.

Then there was the promise of something truly monumental to come.

It was the identical wording that was used in the Bible to describe Jacob’s vision!

“I serve as a link between God and mankind.” It takes a lot of guts to pretend to be Jacob’s lifelong fantasy come true.

Nathanael the Jewish man heard the radical Jewish assertion from a very Jewish rabbi right from the start, and it would take him three years before he completely grasped the meaning of the message.

It has been a long time since I’ve challenged Christian audiences to ask themselves this one question during their Bible reading: “Does it really make a difference that Jesus was a Jew?” If you are willing to pose the question, you will spend the rest of your life attempting to find an answer.

You may take a vacation to the country of the Bible to discover what it has to offer.

You will undoubtedly uncover the incredible link that exists between Passover and the “Lord’s Supper.” And with each new page you flip, you’ll learn something new about your Bible and yourself. Even beneath the shade of Nathanael’s fig tree.

What is the significance of Jesus seeing Nathanael under the fig tree?

Perhaps Nathaniel had just gotten out from beneath the fig tree, in which case it is difficult to discern any relevance – after all, it is likely that many people in the region during those days got out from under a fig tree to get some shade from the heat of the day. Nathaniel was much than likely to have experienced a religious encounter under a fig tree, whether it had occurred lately in his life or had occurred earlier in life. He may have been praying, and he may have felt called to God and had such a powerful experience that he never forgot about his time under the tree, as has been suggested previously.

What was the catalyst for this religious experience?

It was this that prompted Nathaniel’s contemplation on the incident in Jacob’s life, as well as Nathaniel’s time of prayer.

Philip and Nathanael

We discussed how having a personal relationship with someone is typically the most effective means of bringing them to Christ. We have a number of friends and acquaintances with whom we may be honest about our religious beliefs and practices. That has already been demonstrated by Andrew and Peter. This is something we shall see again with Philip and Nathanael. We have also noted previously that as we proceed through the list of the apostles, we begin to find less and less information about them directly referenced in the Scriptures, and this is true.

Let us begin by taking a look at some of Philip’s biblical appearances.

The Biblical Accounts of Philip

On the lists of the apostles, Philip is the fifth name on the list. He is named in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Acts, but no further information is provided. Despite the fact that John does not name the apostles in the same way that the other gospels and Acts do, he does provide us with some information on Philip. Philip is first mentioned in the Bible in John 1:43, when Jesus addresses him by name. It is worth noting that Jesus “discovered Philip” in this chapter, which is a common term. Some have said that Jesus’ choice of words signals to him that he was on the lookout for him.

To Philip, Jesus communicates very simply and immediately, “Follow me.” In addition, John mentions that Philip came from Bethsaida (vs.


When Nathanael expresses skepticism about his faith, Philip answers by continuing to encourage him, saying, “Come see for yourself” (vs.

46). We do not have the interaction between Jesus and Philip that we do with Nathanael, but Philip was relentless in his excitement, which was a blessing in disguise. There are several more references to Philip in the Bible that demonstrate his contact with Jesus.

  • During the feeding of the 5,000, Philip is put to the test by Jesus in John 6:5-6. Philip brought two Greeks to Andrew, according to John 12:20-26. These guys wished to encounter Jesus face to face. Jesus was requested by Philip to show them the Father in John 14:8.

It is hardly a significant distinction, yet occasionally people confuse Philip the apostle with Philip the evangelist. The Philip of Acts 8 was not the same Philip as the Philip of Acts 9. Persecutory measures against the church were initiated, according to the narrative in Acts that recounts the story of the church’s founding and expansion. Acts 8 begins with the remark that, as the church started to undergo severe persecution, the Christians were scattered, with the exception of the apostles, who stayed in Jerusalem.

The other Philip, who we know from Acts 6, must have been one among those chosen to assist those who had been missed, based on the fact that the Scriptures mention that Philip the apostle was still in Jerusalem.

What We Learn from Philip

Unlike some of the others, Philip struggled at times to comprehend even the most basic principles, yet he was certain that Jesus was the answer to all of his concerns and questions. All too frequently, we behave in this manner as well. We learn that we must be willing to follow Jesus through all of life’s trials and difficulties. We may not comprehend everything, but we are convinced that Jesus is the source of our redemption, and so we refuse to give up. Sometimes we make the same mistake as Philip, but we also continue to learn from Jesus, just as Philip did at one point.

Like Andrew, Philip teaches us to bring others to Jesus.

After locating Jesus, Philip’s first step was to locate his buddy Nathanael, who had been missing. Philip was the one who arranged for two Greek men to meet with Andrew in order to meet Jesus. We can learn a valuable lesson from the fact that there are occasions when we do not feel comfortable introducing someone to Christ personally. Our lesson is to never give up or reject them the chance to come to know Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We can bring them to class or to a religious service. We can invite them to a Bible study if we so want.

The method used in presenting someone to Christ is not nearly as significant as the effort put forth in doing so.

For the time being, let us ignore Philip and focus on Nathanael as he encounters his Savior.


Nathanael is referred to as Bartholomew in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Acts, while he is referred to as Nathanael in the gospel of John. Despite the fact that some historians believe Nathanael and Bartholomew are two separate persons, most scholars believe they are the same guy based on the references and associations made in the gospels with Phillip and later with John. As a result, he is referred to as the sixth apostle in the gospels and the seventh apostle in the book of Acts.

  • He was most likely a fisherman, based on the fact that he joined the others in fishing once Jesus reappears after His resurrection.
  • As previously said, Philip brought Nathanael to Jesus, but Jesus was already familiar with Nathanael since he had previously observed Nathanael reclining under a fig tree.
  • It was common for Jews to place a fig tree in front of their home to serve as a welcome sign.
  • This emphasizes the significance of what Jesus said to Nathanael when he first met with him.
  • It might be translated as “Here is a man of God who is trustworthy.” The fig tree, which Nathanael was contemplating and praying under, was the source of Jesus’ knowing of Nathanael’s identity when Nathanael inquired about how Jesus knew him.
  • Nathanael must have believed so, based on his response, which read: “Rabbi, you are the Messiah, the Son of God!

Nathanael’s faith in Jesus was transformed once he met him, and he changed from being skeptical to totally and passionately embracing Jesus as the Messiah.

What We Learn from Nathanael

By reestablishing our relationship with God, Jesus came to redeem mankind from itself. Even more significantly, Jesus came to rescue each and every one of us individually. The importance of having a personal relationship with Jesus is consequently crucial for everyone of us. Indeed, that is just what Nathanael did “Rabbi, you are the Messiah, the Son of God! You have ascended to the throne of Israel.”

Like the others, Nathanael teaches us to be a seeker.

As Jesus saw, Nathanael was seated under a fig tree, which was a popular spot for study, prayer, and meditation. Seekers may be divided into two categories, and Nathanael exhibits characteristics of both. According to John’s account, Nathanael was the first sort of seeker: a person who is unsure about the path of his or her life and who goes to God in order to discover that direction. Later, after discovering Jesus, he transitioned into the second type of seeker, one who has found direction and meaning in Jesus and is seeking to follow His will as a devoted disciple of the Lord.


The fig tree, as Jesus saw, was a favorite spot for Nathanael for study, prayer, and contemplation. Seekers may be divided into two categories, and Nathanael exhibits both of them. According to John’s account, Nathanael was the first sort of seeker: a person who is unsure about the course of his or her life and who goes to God in order to find out what that direction should be. The second sort of seeker emerged as a result of his encounter with Jesus: a seeker who has found direction and meaning in Jesus and is seeking to follow His will as a committed follower.

Topical Bible: Nathanael

The Bible Names Dictionary, compiled by Alfred Hitchcock Nathanael is a gift from God. Smith’s Bible Dictionary is a resource for anyone who want to learn more about the Bible. A follower of Jesus Christ known only by his given name, Nathanael (gift of God), about whom we know nothing more than his birthplace, Cana of Galilee (John 21:2) and his straightforward, true nature from the Scriptures (at least under that name). (See also John 1:47) Although the name Nathanael does not appear in the first three Gospels, it is widely accepted that he and Bartholomew are the same person.

  • John, who mentions Nathanael twice, never mentions the name of Bartholomew at all in his writings.
  • When Nathanael first came to Jesus, it was Philip, just as Andrew had led his brother Simon to the Lord before him.
  • As a native of Cana in Galilee, he was one of the first to identify the Messiah, who, during their first meeting in John 1:45-51, demonstrated his intimate knowledge of the innermost thoughts and feelings of Nathanael’s heart and life, John 21:2.
  • Easton’s Bible Dictionary is a comprehensive resource for understanding the Bible.
  • He was “a true Israelite, without a shred of deception in his heart” (1:47,48).
  • He was one among the people to whom the Lord appeared alive following his resurrection at the Sea of Tiberias, and he was a disciple of Jesus Christ.
  • NATHANAEL (1)na-than’-a-el (Nathanael): pronounced na-than’-a-el (Nathanael).

(2) (Nathanaelos, Codices Vaticanus, and Alexandrinus omit): One of the priests who had married a “strange wife” (1 Esdras 9:22) corresponds to “Nethanel” of Ezra 10:22, who was one of the priests who married a “strange wife” (1 Esdras 9:22).

(4) One of the Twelve Apostles, according to tradition.

The family of Nathanael (2) (nethan’el, “God has provided”; Nathanael) was from Cana in Galilee, and he was a fisherman, according to the Bible (John 21:2).

In the midst of John the Baptist’s preaching at Bethany beyond Jordan, he was among those who came face to face with Jesus and engaged in conversation with him (compareJohn 1:28).

Un response to Philip’s question, “Nathanael’s question, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” (John 1:46), was inspired not by any negative connotation associated with the town, but by its tiny insignificance and familiarity in his view.

On hearing the summons, he answered honorably, and upon reaching the Lord, the words “Behold, an Israelite truly!

(See John 1:47.) It was a testament to his sincerity of purpose that he was able to overcome his initial prejudice.

That time he had spent under the fig tree, no probably kneeling in solitary prayer and connection with God, brought to memory all of the profound dreams and ambitions that he had held at that moment.

Despite the fact that Nathanael is only mentioned by name once more in the New Testament, when he is one of the seven who witnessed the appearance of the risen Jesus at the Sea of Tiberias (John 21:2), it is clear that Nathanael’s connection and companionship with Jesus must have been much closer than those two incidents would have us believe.

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There are three main reasons for believing this: (1) Nathanael is never mentioned by the synoptists, and Bartholomew is never mentioned by John, who further implies that Nathanael was one of the twelve disciples (compareJohn 20:24-26;John 21:2); (2) Philip is closely associated with Bartholomew in the Synoptists (compare lists of the apostles), and with Nathaniel in John (compareJohn 1:45); and (3) the fact that many There are further arguments advanced in support of his identification with Simon the Canaanite (compare SIMON).

  1. It has also been suggested that Nathanael is the same person as Matthew and Mattbias (based on the similarity of their names), as John the son of Zebedee, as Stephen, and as even as Paul, according to C.
  2. Kerr.
  3. Nathanael-Nathanael is a nickname for Nathanael (probably the same as Bartholomew).
  4. Nathanael is a young man who grew up in a little town in the United States (probably the same as Bartholomew).

Among those named Bartholomaios, sometimes known as “son of Tolmai,” Bartholomew, one of the Transliteration: Bartholomaios To Spell it in Phonetic Spelling: (bahrtholmah’-yos) ShortDefinition: Bartholomew 7kLibrary/strongsnumbers.com/greek2/918.htm- 7kDefinition: Bartholomew, a surname of Nathanael, one of the The Four Disciples (iv.

  2. The expositions of holy scripture by 47././maclaren i/the first disciples iv nathanael.htm i/the first disciples The Appointment of Nathanael.
  3. The Appointment of Nathanael.
  4. Nathanael was to see “greater things” than this one light of heavenly illumination././section 115 the calling of.htm Under the shade of the Fig Tree.
  5. He had some reservations./christianbookshelf.org/orr/how to live a holy life/under the fig-tree.htm Nathanael had some reservations.
  6. 49 and 50.
  7. I.49 and 50 of John’s Gospel “In response, Nathanael addresses him as Rabbi, proclaiming that he is really the Son of God, and that he is also the King of Israel.

John and the Book of Hebrews An Israelite is a person who comes from Israel.

How can one identify this Nathanael, about whom such a wonderful tale is presented in the latter section of the chapter before us?

././hogg/the diatessaron of tatian/section v jesus responded and.htm././hogg/the diatessaron of tatian The Jordan River was used to transport the First Disciples.

Jesus Acquires a Following of Devoted Friends.

Then there’s./sherman/the children’s bible/jesus gains dedicated friends.htm and Nathanael’s Thesaurus (6 Occurrences).


(4) One of the Twelve Apostles, according to tradition.

NATHANAEL(2)./n/nathanael.htm – 13 kilobytes Zealot is a person who believes in something strongly (4 Occurrences).

/z/zealot.htm – 12 kilobytes Canaanite is a language used in Canaanite culture (74 Occurrences).

(36k) Canaaean is a language spoken in Canada (2 Occurrences).

cananaean.htm – 10 kilobytes Nathan’a-el is a fictional character created by Nathan’a-el (6 Occurrences) NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL NATHANAEL Concordance between many versions Nathan’a-el is a fictional character created by Nathan’a-el (6 Occurrences).

  1. 1:45 John 1:45 Nathan’ael.htm – 7k Philip findeth./n/nathan’a-el.htm Bartholomew is a saint who was born in the year (4 Occurrences).
  2. Generally considered to be the same person as Nathanael, he was the son of Tolmai and one of the twelve apostles (Matthew 10:3; Acts 1:13).
  3. Because of Nathanaelin’s statements, it is presumed that According to John 1:46, the city of Nazareth was regarded in high regard, perhaps because, it is said, the people of./n/nazareth.htm – 24k Philip is a man of many talents (37 Occurrences).
  4. Israelite is a term used to describe a person who comes from Israel (83 Occurrences).
  5. (Romans9:4; Romans 11:1 2 Corinthians 11:22).
  6. Matthias (Matthias) (2 Occurrences).
  7. Matthias is identified by Hilgenfeld as Nathanael (compareNATHANAEL)./m/matthias.htm – 9k Hilgenfeld identifies Matthias as Nathanael.
  8. |
  9. – GotQuestions.org Which biblical character was Philip?
  10. (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NIV) (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV) John 1:46 (NIV) “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Nathanael asked him.

(WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV)John 1:47 (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV) The moment Jesus saw Nathanael approaching him, he exclaimed, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no deception!” (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV)John 1:48 (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV) “How do you know who I am?” Nathanaels inquired of him.

“I saw you before Philip called you.” (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV)John 1:49 (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV) Nathanael responded to him by saying, “Rabbi, you are the Messiah, the Son of God!

(WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV)Subtopics (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV) NathanaelNathanael: Acquires the status of a disciple of Jesus Associated Phrases Zealot is a person who believes in something strongly (4 Occurrences) Canaanite (74 occurrences)Canaean (74 occurrences) (2 Occurrences) Nathan’a-el is a fictional character created by Nathan’a-el (6 Occurrences) Bartholomew is a saint who was born in the year (4 Occurrences) Nazareth is a town in the Roman province of Galilee (29 Occurrences) Philip is a man of many talents (37 Occurrences) Israelite is a term used to describe a person who comes from Israel (83 Occurrences) Matthias (Matthias) (2 Occurrences) Cana (Spanish for “canadian”) (4 Occurrences) “James” is a euphemism for “James Bond” (40 Occurrences) Zabdi is an abbreviation for Zabdi (17 Occurrences) Zebedee is a biblical name for a person who is a descendant of Zebedee (11 Occurrences) Zeb’edee is a slang term for “Zeb’edee is a slang term for Zeb’edee is a slang term for Zeb’edee is a slang term for Zeb’edee is a slang term for Zeb’edee is a slang term for Zeb’edee is a slang term for Zeb’edee is a slang term (11 Occurrences) Nazarenes are those who follow Jesus Christ (19 Occurrences) Nethanel is a chemical compound (14 Occurrences) Discretion is advised (21 Occurrences) a waste of time (84 Occurrences) penned (74 Occurrences) Where did it come from?

(84 Occurrences) Israelis are a people who live in Israel (2 Occurrences) Israel is a country with a long history of conflict (72 Occurrences) Observes (71 Occurrences) Findeth a way (66 Occurrences) Twins are two people that are related to each other (9 Occurrences) Described in detail (16 Occurrences) Didymus is a Greek mythological figure (3 Occurrences) Lie, deception, and deception (160 Occurrences) This is a discovery (24 Occurrences) Deception is a form of deception (7 Occurrences) It has been declared (261 Occurrences) Master’s degree (52 Occurrences) Philip’s etymology (5 Occurrences) Approaching the Creeds (24 Occurrences) from one end to the other (172 Occurrences) It’s possible (133 Occurrences) That is correct (305 Occurrences) Simon is a young man who grew up in a small town in a small town in a small country (75 Occurrences) Having a conversation (208 Occurrences) Thomas is a fictional character created by the author of the novel The Secret Garden (12 Occurrences) The monarchy is the highest form of government in the world (25505 Occurrences) Nathan is a young man who grew up in a little town in the United States (42 Occurrences) Rabbinical Observances (51 Occurrences) I sobbed (255 Occurrences) The fig tree is a kind of tree that grows in the Mediterranean (33 Occurrences) Getting a Call (145 Occurrences) Yes, absolutely (628 Occurrences) Anything is possible (462 Occurrences) Jacob is a young man who grew up in a small town in the United States (361 Occurrences) Having been given a name (428 Occurrences) (See Fig) (45 Occurrences) Really, truly, truly, truly, truly, truly (468 Occurrences) Nothing is a creed (769 Occurrences) Sons of a Preacher (2429 Occurrences) Writing is a skill that can be learned (194 Occurrences) A tree is a plant that grows in a forest (245 Occurrences) Prophets are those who believe in something (270 Occurrences) Galilee is a town in Galilee, Israel (73 Occurrences) The name Joseph comes from the Greek word meaning “joyous,” which means “joyous” (248 Occurrences) “Peter” is a euphemism for “Peter and the Wolf” (181 Occurrences) Christ is the center of our universe (573 Occurrences)

the man who saw for himself – British Bible School

The importance of first impressions cannot be overstated. The initial impression we have of a person is frequently the impression that sticks with us the longest after our first meeting. The first chapter of John recalls a succession of initial impressions that certain people had of Jesus when they first encountered him. “The Lamb of God who wipes away the sin of the world!” said John the baptist about Jesus (John 1:29). This was the first impression of Jesus that two of John’s followers had, and it was this impression that led them to begin following Jesus.

After spending some time with Jesus, Andrew went to visit his brother, Simon, and informed him that he and his family had discovered the Messiah.

When Jesus encountered Philip the following day, he made the decision to journey to Galilee and invited him to accompany him.

All of these things were the first impressions that these guys had of Jesus before they spent the next three years with him.

“Come and see”

What was the identity of this Nathanael that Philip was on the lookout for? The name “Nathanael” has only been recorded once before, by John. “Gift of God” or “God has bestowed” is the meaning of this Hebrew given name. However, it is not a name that appears on any of the other Gospels’ listings of the twelve disciples, and it is not even mentioned in the New Testament. One name that is included in those lists, however, is the name “Bartholomew,” and many believe that Bartholomew is the same person who John refers to as “Nathanael” in the Gospel of John.

  • John 21:2 has another appearance of Nathanael, who is mentioned in a list of disciples who witnessed the risen Christ at the Sea of Tiberias.
  • He is referred to as “Nathanael of Cana in Galilee” in the Bible.
  • No details are provided about Jesus’ encounter with Philip, or if Jesus knew Philip before he summoned him to accompany him on his mission.
  • Philip was right.
  • Philip had come to think that Jesus was the fulfillment of those promises, and he was certain that Jesus was that Messiah.
  • When Philip met Nathanael, he told him, “We have found him of whom Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” “We have found him of whom Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph” (John 1:45).
  • “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” he wondered aloud.

Nothing good could ever come out of a town like Nazareth, according to Nathanael’s perspective.

A town like this could not possibly be the source of the Messiah, the one prophesized about by Moses and the prophets.

The purpose of Philip’s visit to Nazareth was not to engage Nathanael in debate, but rather to persuade him that he was mistaken and that something good might emerge from the city.

He would then be able to form his own opinion about Jesus.

To deal with such replies, we should follow Philip’s lead and encourage others to come and see or study the situation for themselves, just as he did.

Rather than using complex arguments, we should simply explain what Jesus means to us to others in order to persuade them. Prior to inviting others to come and witness for themselves, we must first demonstrate to them how Jesus has made a difference in our own lives.

“AnIsraeliteindeed, in whom is no deceit!”

Nazareth is approached from the south. Although Nathanael had his reservations about Nazareth, he was eager to accept Philip’s offer to come and see Jesus despite his reservations and preconceptions. When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching him, he exclaimed, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no deception!” In this speech, Jesus evaluates and commends Nathanael’s character on the basis of his actions. Nathanael was completely free of deception, fraud, or treachery. He is a real Israelite, a descendant of Jacob, who fears and obeys the commandments of the Almighty.

  1. Possibly, Jesus was attempting to draw a comparison between the character of Nathanael and the character of his forefather Jacob.
  2. In response to Jacob’s deception of his brother Esau in order to steal his blessing, Isaac told Esau: “Your brother came deceitfully, and he has taken away your blessing.” “Doesn’t he have a proper name, Jacob?” Esau inquired.
  3. He took away my birthright, and now, lo and see, he has taken away my blessing as well” (Genesis 27:35-36).
  4. Nathanael, on the other hand, was an Israelite, a descendant of Jacob, and there was no sign of dishonesty in his character.
  5. “Before Philip called you, I saw you beneath the fig tree,” Jesus responded.
  6. The concept of sitting under a fig tree was associated with serenity and security in Jewish philosophy.
  7. It would be possible for a guy to sit under his fig tree, unbothered and unconcerned, praying and meditating on God’s message.
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“Rabbi, you are theSon of God!” said Nathanael.

(See John 1:49.) Nathanael had a profound reaction to Jesus’ remarks because there was something in them that spoke to him.

Nathanael did so for a variety of reasons.

This emotion was triggered by Jesus’ intimate understanding of Nathanael’s thoughts and musings, which he shared with Nathanael before his death.

Nathanael’s confidence that Jesus is the Messiah was communicated through the use of these titles.

“You will see bigger wonders than these” says the prophet (John 1:50).

Nathanael must have observed many of the miracles that Jesus did during his time as a disciple of Jesus, and the crowning experience would have been witnessing the presence of the risen Christ.

When Jesus mentions Jacob’s dream, it appears that he is alluding to the occurrence from Jacob’s life that is described in Genesis 28:10-17, in which Jacob saw a stairway reaching from the earth to heaven, with angels of God ascending and descending on that stairway.

Because the angels are seen ascending and descending onto the Son of Man, it is implied that communication between heaven and earth has been created via Jesus Christ; he serves as a link or mediator between humans and God.

Following his encounter with Jesus, Nathanael’s first notion that nothing good could come from Nazareth is proven to be an incorrect first impression, as he proclaims Jesus to be the Son of God and the King of Israel.

In this, he serves as a role model for anybody who is ready to conduct their own independent investigations.

John Griffiths is a writer who lives in the United Kingdom. According to BiBloS, a teaching resource developed by the British Bible School, this article was first published in English. To read additional stories or to download the whole issue of Issue 3, please visit this page.

Who Was Bartholomew the Apostle? The Beginner’s Guide

Bartholomew was one of the twelve apostles who followed Jesus Christ till the end of the world. His name appears just four times in the New Testament, in the names of the twelve apostles (Matthew 10:2–4, Mark 3:16–19, Luke 6:14–16, and Acts 1:1–13), and it is the only time he is mentioned. Apart from his name, we know very nothing about him because he has never been granted any identifying characteristics or positions of authority. Bartholomew and the other disciples were present during Jesus’ career for around three years, and they were known as “the apostles” or “those who were sent.” Following Jesus’ death, they established the movement that would eventually become known as Christianity.

  • A man called Nathanael (who does not appear in the synoptic gospels) seems to be an apostle in the Gospel of John (John 21:1–2), and some traditions have believed that Bartholomew and Nathanael are the same person because Bartholomew and Nathanael do not appear to be related.
  • The oldest surviving texts concerning Bartholomew date from centuries after his death (some of which were mistakenly ascribed to him), and there are several legends regarding where he went, what he did, and how he died, all of which are subject to revision.
  • The purpose of this book is to provide an overview of what scholars and tradition have to say about St.
  • First and foremost, the facts.

Facts about Bartholomew the Apostle

While the Bible only mentions him by name, his appearance in the New Testament provides us with some further information, and early church literature may provide us with many more facts.

He was one of the Twelve

Four places in the Bible specifically mention all twelve apostles (Matthew 10:2–4, Mark 3:16–19, Luke 6:14–16, and Acts 1:1–13), and only one of those verses is included in the New Testament. Bartholomew may be found in each of them. Despite the fact that he is not mentioned by name in any other passages, his inclusion in this group indicates that he was present at the majority of the significant events recorded in the gospels. This is because the gospel writers frequently refer to the disciples as a group, and their presence is frequently implied from the moment Jesus called them to follow him.

He was with Jesus for around three years at the time of his death.

Following Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven, Bartholomew was anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit, along with the rest of the apostles (Acts 2:1).

His father’s name was probably Talmai

The name “Bartholomew” is most likely derived from the Aramaic (Bar-Talmai), which literally translates as “son of Talmai.” It was usual in ancient Israel for people to be given patronymic names—that is, names derived from the surname of their father, such as Johnson in English, which originally meant “son of John.” Bar-Jonah is a patronymic name given to Peter by Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 16:17), which literally translates as “son of Jonah” (or in some manuscripts, John).

  1. Using Bartholomew as a patronymic name, we may deduce that his father’s name was Talmai (or Tholami or Tholomaeus in English).
  2. However, since Bartholomew is a patronymic surname, it’s likely that he was also known by another name at the time.
  3. However, it is not necessarily what is taking place in this case.
  4. When a patronymic is listed, it is usually conveyed by the Greek genitive, not by the Aramaic bar.” I’ll get back to Nathanael in a minute.

He is traditionally associated with Philip

In three of the four lists of apostles, Bartholomew is included immediately after Philip, which appears to imply that the two men have some sort of relationship of some sort. Later traditions also refer to the two of them working together in a ministerial capacity. Acts of Philip recounts the story of Philip and Bartholomew, who were both crucified upside down until Philip’s preaching persuaded spectators to let them go free. (In a bizarre twist, Philip requests that their adversaries leave him on the cross, but that they go ahead and liberate Bartholomew).

However, because they are not named together in Acts, his location next to Philip in the lists may likewise be meaningless in this context.

This indicates that he included Bartholomew and Philip together in one of his publications, but not in the other, indicating that he was inconsistent.

but perhaps not.

Hemighthave been the same person as Nathanael

Nathanael is mentioned just once in the gospel of John, and he seems to be an apostle (John 1:43–51), making it the only gospel in which he is mentioned. In addition, John makes no mention of Bartholomew. Nowhere in the Bible does it mention that Nathanael and Bartholomew are the same guy. However, there are a variety of reasons why many Christians have held this belief for hundreds of years. In the first century, it was customary for persons to be recognized by two names at the same time. Sometimes it was due to the fact that they were given a new name, such as Simon, who was also known as Peter, and who was also known as Simon Peter.

  • The Bible technically refers to one of the apostles as “the Twin,” which is most likely not his true given name.
  • It’s possible that he was Nathanael Bartholomew.
  • Given that the synoptic gospels all name Philip and Bartholomew together, many scholars argue that this suggests a link between them, much as the pairings of the other apostles frequently do for the rest of them (like Peter andhis brother Andrew, andJamesand John, the sons of Zebedee).
  • Philip goes out of his way to find Nathanael, suggesting that they know one other (John 1:45–47), and takes him to Jesus.
  • Although Jesus does not openly invite him to “come, join me,” hedoestell Nathanael says, “Very truly I inform you, you will see ‘heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on’ the Son of Man” during their first meeting (John 1:51).
  • However, when all of this is combined with the fact that John does not mention anybody called Bartholomew and Matthew, Mark, and Luke do not mention anyone named Nathanael, it provides a compelling argument for the possibility that Nathanael and Bartholomew are the same individual.

Michael Wilkins, a New Testament scholar, writes that “since the identification of Bartholomew with Nathanael has not been proven conclusively, to adopt it without doubt is to go beyond the evidence.” With the current data, certainty is impossible to achieve, yet rejecting the identification outright is also unjustified.” This is according to the Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary.

As a result of Jesus’ origins in Nazareth, Nathanael was dubious of him, famously exclaiming, “Nazareth!

In the days following Jesus’ appearance to his disciples, seven of them go fishing, and Nathanael happens to be one of them (John 21:1–3).

Thomas, Nathanael, and the two unidentified disciples mentioned in the scripture were either fishermen themselves or were just accompanying Jesus on his fishing expedition and learning a new trade.

But even if they are, it doesn’t provide us with any further information. Nathanael is almost as mysterious as Bartholomew, owing to the fact that he only appears in the Gospel of St. John.

Bartholomew was probably a missionary

The Greek term for “apostle” isapostolos, which means “apostle of Christ.” It literally translates as “one who is dispatched.” The apostles were dispatched to certain locations in pairs throughout Jesus’ career (Mark 6:7–13), and before his ascension, he instructed them to “go and make disciples of all countries” (Matthew 28:19). Although the Bible does not specify which nation each apostle served in, early church records for several of them were quite constant. Traditions, on the other hand, differ as to where Bartholomew ended up.

Due to the fact that Bartholomew, one of the apostles, had spoken to them and left with them the writing of Matthew in the Hebrew language, which they had kept until that time.” — The History of the Church Eusebius had access to one of the biggest libraries the ancient world had ever seen, yet he was not without his errors from time to time (he confusedPhilip the Apostlewith Philip the Deacon, for example).

According to other accounts, some of which are less credible (such as the Acts of Philip), Bartholomew preached in areas like as Armenia, Ethiopia, Lycaonia, Mesopotamia, and Parthia, among other places.

How did the Apostle Bartholomew die?

Bartholomew, like the most of the apostles, was almost certainly martyred—although there are various competing accounts of how he died. Most people believe that he was flayed and subsequently decapitated, which is why most art depicting him depicts him clutching or wearing his skin in some form, or otherwise associates him with flaying knives, which is one of the most prominent and productive traditions. Yeesh. He was mercilessly tortured and finally crucified by the eager idolaters, according to Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, which describes his treatment in India.

Due to the fact that the blessed Dorotheus claims that he was crucified, as well as the fact that Bartholomew preached to persons from India, and conveyed to them the gospel after Matthew in their own native tongue.

Many texts claim that he was just decapitated, despite the fact that St.

And this inconsistency may be addressed in the following way: some claim that he was crucified and brought down before he died, and that he was flayed and finally decapitated in order to suffer even more agony.” In another version of events, he is said to have been beaten senseless and then drowned in the ocean.

I really hope it was that one for his sake. Whatever caused his death, it was almost certainly a calamity. However, while they may not all agree on the method of Bartholomew’s death, all of the numerous traditions link his death to his ministry, regardless of where that ministry took place.

An apostle is an apostle

If only someone had taken the time in the first century to sit down and record the lives of each of the apostles, we would be living in a much better world today. However, many of them were too busy rushing around, doing their best to love as Jesus loved (John 13:34–35), and dying as a result of their efforts. Many of the specifics of Bartholomew’s life—including, potentially, his real first name—have been lost or forgotten. The only tangible aspect of his life that has survived is his intimate affiliation with Jesus Christ.

And, at the end of the day, perhaps that is all that matters.

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