What Is The Kingdom Of Heaven According To Jesus

What Is the Kingdom of Heaven?

Some of the vocabulary used in the Bible might seem weird to our modern ears. Because we are so far away from the original time and location of its composition, it may take some effort to fully comprehend its meaning. When it comes to the phrase “the kingdom of heaven,” I believe this to be accurate. The subject of the kingdom of heaven is a recurring motif in Matthew’s Gospel that runs throughout the whole book. It is recorded in Matthew’s Gospel that the term “the kingdom of heaven” is used more than three dozen times.

It’s worth noting that Matthew is the only Gospel writer to use this jargon in his writing.

According to popular belief, Matthew employs the phrase “the kingdom of heaven” rather than “the kingdom of God” in order to avoid using the name “God.” It is undeniably true that there was a Jewish predisposition in the first century to avoid putting the holy name on any documents.

Furthermore, the phrase “the kingdom of God” appears four times in Matthew’s gospel (Matt.

  1. As a result, there must be something more going on than simply avoiding the term “God” by adopting the phrase “the kingdom of heaven.” There must be another purpose for using this term in this context.
  2. The Jews were looking forward to an actual monarchy, not an aspirational kingdom.
  3. If my kingdom had been of this earth, my servants would have been engaged in battle so that I would not be captured and sold into slavery by the Jews.
  4. In order to underline and reinforce the spiritual aspect of the kingdom, the usage of the word “heaven” would be beneficial.

Proclaiming the Kingdom of Heaven

As a prelude to both John the Baptist’s introduction and Jesus’ entry into ministry, the message to “repent, because the kingdom of heaven is at hand” is read aloud (Matt. 3:2; 4:17). “And he went throughout all of Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, curing every illness and every suffering among the people,” Matthew recounts only a few sentences later (Matt. 4:23 cf. Matt. 9:35). Matthew expressly ties the gospel of the kingdom with the kingdom of heaven by using the phrase “the gospel of the kingdom.” When Jesus sends forth His disciples, He also gives them the responsibility of proclaiming, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matt.

  • It is notable that John the Baptist, Jesus, and the disciples all preach the same message, and that each preacher concludes with the demand to repent and turn from their sins.
  • Everyone is obligated to repent since the kingdom of heaven is on its way.
  • 3:12).
  • Furthermore, spreading a message that is diametrically opposed to the kingdom of heaven is prohibited by the Bible.
  • Due to the fact that neither you nor those who would enter are allowing themselves to be admitted, Hypocrites, scribes and priests, you have no place in this world.
  • (Matt.

Jesus himself stated that “not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who accomplishes the will of my Father who is in heaven” will be admitted (Matt. 7:21).

Describing the Kingdom of Heaven

The rewards that Jesus extends to members of the kingdom are in contrast to the condemnation that Jesus extends to false teachers. When Jesus begins His Sermon on the Mount talk, he blesses those who are “poor in spirit,” since “theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 5:3). As he nears the conclusion of his Beatitudes, Jesus makes a reference to the kingdom of heaven. It’s the second time He says it: “Blessed are those who are persecuted because they are doing what is right, because theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt.

In any scenario, the kingdom is made available to people who put God’s kingdom ahead of their own personal interests and desires.

“Among people born of women, there has risen no one greater than John the Baptist,” Jesus informs His followers, referring to the prophet John the Baptist.

Here, Jesus is drawing a distinction between the natural birth into the world and the spiritual birth into the kingdom of God.

As Jesus adds, “I truly believe that until you change and become like children, you will never be let into the kingdom of heaven.” According to Matthew 18:3–4, “whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” He also added, “Let the young children come to me, and do not impede them, because to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matt.

  1. Citizens of the kingdom must rely on their Heavenly Father for everything, in the same manner that tiny children rely on their parents’ assistance and guidance.
  2. A few verses after emphasizing the significance of placing one’s faith and confidence in God, Jesus delivers His famous teaching on the difficulties of entering the kingdom of heaven for the wealthy.
  3. The reader of Matthew’s Gospel is expected to draw a comparison between the youngster from the preceding chapter and the wealthy individual.
  4. In the kingdom of heaven, there is only place for one King, and that position has already been claimed by another.
  5. More precisely, in Matthew 13, as well as in chapters 20 and 22, there is a sequence of references to the kingdom of heaven.
  6. When Jesus describes the kingdom of heaven, he draws parallels between it and ordinary life.
  7. In Matthew 13:24–30, the weeds are permitted to grow up with the wheat until it is harvested; nonetheless, they will eventually be bundled into bundles and burned.

They have all collected together for the time being, but will be divided later.

“There will be crying and gnashing of teeth in that area” (Matt.

Despite the fact that God enables believers and unbelievers to coexist in His planet, they will be separated at the end of time.

13:44), and as something that should be sought after like a merchant in quest of a rare pearl of high value (Matt.

The goal is for the listener to understand how something that looks minor and inconsequential is actually of the greatest importance.

Jesus, on the other hand, is concerned with the heart’s response to His grace.

This tale, on the other hand, demonstrates God’s generosity, as He lavishes more grace onto everyone than they deserve. As it turns out, the kingdom of heaven is reserved specifically for people who do not deserve it but choose to place their trust in God (Matt. 21:31–32).

Timing the Kingdom of Heaven

The kingdom of heaven is spoken of in both the present and the future tenses of the English language. The phrase “the kingdom of heaven is at hand” is repeated several times (Matt. 4:17). The inauguration of the kingdom takes place with Jesus’ first appearance. In other words, Jesus is the direct and present experience of the kingdom of heaven. Those who submit to Jesus will find that He has authority over their life. The kingdom of heaven is also mentioned in the future tense in the Bible. One of the most well-known instances of this occurs while Jesus is training his followers on how to pray in the Gospel of Matthew.

  • 6:10).
  • As a result, the kingdom of heaven exists both now and in the future.
  • After that, the second coming of Jesus Christ will bring it all to a close.
  • The King will then address those on his right, saying, “Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom that has been prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” (Matt.

Applying the Kingdom of Heaven

The kingdom of heaven has significant implications for us in the modern era. First and foremost, the gospel of the kingdom of heaven is a true invitation from God to rule in the hearts of all who profess faith in His name. True freedom can only be obtained by submission to the monarchy of God. Resistance and rejection of God’s kingdom place those who do so under a bond of servitude. It may seem contradictory, but people who are not in the kingdom of God are really in the kingdom of Satan (Eph.

Second, as residents of the kingdom of heaven, Christians should be inspired to contribute to the building of the kingdom by spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Third, Christians who are suffering can find solace and hope in the kingdom of heaven, according to the Bible.

Even if anything terrible happens in this world, everything will be made right when God’s kingdom is established.

What, When, and Where Is the Kingdom of God?

Over 80 times throughout the New Testament, the phrase ‘Kingdom of God’ (also known as ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ or ‘Kingdom of Light’) is used to refer to God’s kingdom. The majority of these allusions are found in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. While the specific word “God’s Kingdom” is not present in the Old Testament, the reality of God’s Kingdom is articulated in a manner that is comparable to that found in the New.

Key Takeaways

  • One way to describe the Kingdom of God is as the eternal state in which God is sovereign and Jesus Christ reigns forever
  • There are more than 80 references to the Kingdom of God in the New Testament alone. The teachings of Jesus Christ are centered on the Kingdom of God
  • Hence, The Bible refers to the Kingdom of God by several other titles, including the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of Light.

The fundamental focus of Jesus Christ’s message was the coming of the Kingdom of God on the earth. But what exactly does this statement mean? Is the kingdom of God a geographical location or is it a spiritual reality that exists right now?

Who are the subjects of this kingdom, and what is their history? In addition, does God’s kingdom exist now, or is it only to be found in the future? Let’s look for solutions to these issues in the pages of the Bible.

The Kingdom of God According to the Bible

When it comes to kingdoms, God reigns preeminent in the universe, with His Son, Jesus Christ, as its ruler. It is acknowledged and obeyed that God has authority in this kingdom, and that his will is followed. Unlike the notion of a national kingdom, the concept of a Kingdom of God is more concerned with kingly authority, reign, and sovereign control than it is with physical space, territory, or political issues. Ron Rhodes, Associate Professor of Theology at Dallas Theological Seminary, provides the following concise explanation of the Kingdom of God: According to Colossians 1:13, God’s present spiritual dominion over His people (Colossians 1:13) and Jesus’ future reign in the millennial kingdom (Revelation 20).

Jesus and the Kingdom

The ministry of John the Baptist started with the announcement that the kingdom of heaven was near (Matthew 3:2). When Jesus took over, it was as follows: “From that point on, Jesus started to preach, saying, ‘Repent, because the kingdom of heaven is at hand.'” (Matthew 4:17, English Standard Version) In the following passage, Jesus instructs his disciples on how to join the Kingdom of God: “Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven; only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven will enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • (Matthew 7:21, English Standard Version) The parables are a type of metaphor.
  • (Matthew 25:31-34; Mark 10:34) In John 18:36, Jesus declared, “My reign is not of this world.
  • As a result, Jesus disapproved of the use of worldly warfare to attain his objectives.
  • The Bible alludes to the Kingdom of God as a current reality at times, but it also refers to it as a future kingdom or territory at other times.
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(Romans 14:17, English Standard Version) Upon the same time, Paul preached that followers of Jesus Christ are welcomed into the Kingdom of God at redemption, saying, “He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son.” (Colossians 1:13, English Standard Version) The Kingdom of Heaven and Earth, however, was frequently mentioned by Jesus as a future inheritance: “Then the King will say to those on his right: “Come, you who have been blessed by my Father,” he will say, “inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world.” (Matthew 25:34, New Living Translation) In the kingdom of heaven, “I tell to you that many will come from the east and the west, and they will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” (Matthew 8:11, New International Version) And it is in this passage that the Apostle Peter describes the ultimate prize for those who remain faithful: “Then God will grant you a glorious entry into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 1:11, New Living Translation) According to George Eldon Ladd’s book, The Gospel of the Kingdom, this is an outstanding description of what the Kingdom of God is like.

“As we have seen, the Kingdom of God is fundamentally God’s sovereign dominion; nonetheless, God’s reign reveals itself in diverse ways at different periods throughout redemptive history.

God’s Kingdom is the domain of the Age to Come, which is commonly referred to as heaven; it is there that we will be able to experience the joys of His Kingdom (rule) in all of their perfection and completeness.

However, the Kingdom has arrived. The blessings of God’s Kingdom (rule) are available to us now through a spiritual world into which we can enter and partake in part, but in actuality, the blessings of God.

Summary of the Kingdom of God

For simplicity’s sake, the Kingdom of God can be defined as the realm in which Jesus Christ rules as King and God has absolute control over all things. This Kingdom exists (in part) in the lives and souls of the redeemed now, and it will exist in perfection and fullness in the future, as well as in the present.


  • The Gospel of the Kingdom, or the Gospel of the Kingdom, Ron Rhodes’ Bite-Size Bible Definitions are based on the work of George Eldon Ladd’s Theopedia.

Kingdom of heaven (Gospel of Matthew) – Wikipedia

Matthew’s Gospel contains the term “Kingdom of Heaven” (Greek: oia), which means “kingdom of heaven.” It is usually regarded as being comparable to the term ” kingdom of God ” (Greek: ) found in the Gospels of Mark and Luke, where it is translated as ” kingdom of God ” The “kingdom of heaven,” which is considered to be the central theme of Jesus’ sermon in the Gospel of Matthew, defined “a process, a series of events, by which God begins to control or act as king or Lord, an activity, therefore, by which God shows his being-God in the world of mankind.”

Compared with “kingdom of God”

Matthew’s Gospel contains the term “Kingdom of Heaven” (Greek: o), which means “kingdom of heaven.” Generally speaking, it is regarded as a synonym for the Greek term ” kingdom of God ” (Greek: ) that appears in the Gospels of Mark and Luke. A process, a series of events, by which God begins to govern or act as king or Lord was described in the Gospel of Matthew as “a course of events by which God manifests his being-God in the world of men.” The “kingdom of heaven” was thought to be the main content of Jesus’ preaching in the Gospel of Matthew.

End times

It was evident that the phrase’s original meaning was eschatological, with the kingdom of heaven alluding to the end times (source?) when it was first said. But since the last judgment did not come during the period of early Christian history, Christian scholars started to define the phrase in terms of a spiritual condition within the believer (as in Luke 17:21) or a significantly delayed end time (as in Matthew 24:36) (source? ). There is a problem for people who believe in a delayed end time since the phrase “the kingdom of God” is associated with other expressions such as “at hand” or “is close,” all of which indicate an impending occurrence.


The New Testament maintains the Jewish identification of heaven itself as the “throne of God,” but it also places the throne of God “in heaven” and with a second subservient seat at the Right Hand of God for theSession of Christ, rather than on the earthly plane.

See also

  1. Edward Schillebeeckx is credited with inventing the term “Schillebeeckx” (1983). Jesus as a Christological Experiment is a work in progress. (London, England: Fount Paperbacks, p. 140–141, ISBN 0-00-626586-3)
  2. A Historical Introduction to the First Gospel, by Howard W. Clarke. The Gospel of Matthew and its Readers: A Historical Introduction to the First Gospel. It was published in 2003 by Indiana University Press in Bloomington. Robert Foster is a writer who lives in the United States (October 2002). Matthew’s Terminology Revisited: Why on Earth Do We Use the Term “Kingdom of Heaven”? Albright, W.F., and C.S. Mann. New Testament Studies, 48(4), doi: 10.1017/S0028688502000292.ISSN0028-6885.S2CID162625208
  3. Albright, W.F., and C.S. Mann. “Matthew.” The Anchor Bible Series is a collection of books about the Bible. Originally published in New York by DoubledayCompany in 1971. France, R. T.The Gospel According to Matthew: an Introduction and Commentary. Kittel, Gerhard
  4. Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Press, 1985. (1966). Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Vol. 3: Theology of the New Testament. 164–66
  5. William Barclay, The Gospel of Matthew: Chapters 11–28, p340
  6. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, p164–66
  7. ISBN0-8028-2245-2
  8. Matthew 23:22 “And whoever swears by heaven swears by the throne of God and by him who sits upon it.”
  9. s^ Philip Edgecumbe Hughes A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrewsp4011988 “The theme ofChrist’s heavenly session, announced here by the statement he sat down at theright hand of God,. Hebrews 8:1 “we have such a high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven”)”

What Is the Kingdom of God? Understanding Its Meaning

The Bible’s Old and New Testaments both reference the Kingdom of God at various points in time. Throughout fact, the term “Kingdom of God” appears more than 70 times in the New Testament, with the Gospel of Matthew accounting for more than a third of all occurrences. As a Christian, it is critical to comprehend the meaning of this term, which can be perplexing to both Christians and non-Christians alike. Would you know what to say if someone asked you what the kingdom of God meant? Would you be able to explain it to them?

Romans 14:17 is a verse that says Let us examine the phrase’s original Greek and Hebrew meanings, as well as the other expressions that appear throughout the Bible, what it means to seek first the Kingdom of God, and how to live and pray with the Kingdom of God in mind.

OriginMeaning of The Kingdom of God

From the arrival of Jesus Christ to inaugurate the kingdom through the end of redemptive history and the establishment of the Church, we have a clear picture of the Gospel. Several separate passages in the Old and New Testaments relate to the “kingdom of God,” according to Easton’s Bible Dictionary: Matthew 6:33, Mark 1:14-15, and Luke 4:43 are all references to the “kingdom of Christ,” according to Easton’s Bible Dictionary.

  • “The kingdom of heaven,” according to Matthew 13:41 and 20:21
  • “the kingdom of Christ and God,” according to Ephesians 5:5
  • “the kingdom,” according to Mark 11:10
  • “the kingdom of heaven,” according to Matthew 3:12 and 4:17
  • And “the kingdom of God,” according to Matthew 13:29.

No matter how the words Christ, God, and heaven are phrased differently in different parts of the Bible, all of them express the same notion in different ways. Listed below are three aspects that the Kingdom of God entails. On earth and in heaven, the reign of Jesus Christ is established. 2. The benefits and advantages that accrue as a result of living under Christ’s authority 3. The people who are the subjects of this kingdom, or the Church To what extent was the concept of the Kingdom of God critical to the success of the mission?

Jesus Christ himself not only stated, “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” “The coming of the kingdom of God is imminent.

“I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it anew in the kingdom of God,” Jesus said at the Last Supper, referring to the resurrection (Mark 14:25).

Why Does Matthew Use “Kingdom of Heaven” Instead of “Kingdom of God”?

Throughout the Gospel of Matthew, we see Matthew use the phrase “kingdom of heaven” to allude to the declaration of Jesus Christ’s rule and the good news of His reign, as well as the announcement of His death and resurrection. He does this out of respect for the Jews, who are forbidden from speaking the hallowed name of God in public. No difference in theology or meaning exists between the kingdom of God and heaven; Matthew is just employing an indirect word to show respect for the reader’s intelligence because intelligence is a virtue.

He proclaims the advent of the kingdom at the outset of Jesus’ public ministry, and at the conclusion of the book, in the Olivet Discourse, he talks of the final completion of the kingdom’s arrival on earth.

Author for Christianity.com Contributing Editor Chris Swanson summarizes the situation as follows: “In reality, there is no actual separation between the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of the Almighty.

Jesus Christ was granted the power to reign by the Father, and he is now seated at the right side of the Father in the heavenly realms.

Christ will subsequently bring this law from Heaven to Earth at a predetermined future period, namely at the hour of Christ’s later return. So Christ will rule with the authority and power of God as well as the authority and power of the heavenly realms.”

What Does It Mean to “Seek First the Kingdom of God”?

Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” This is a passage that every Christian should memorize and recite often. Prayer is what Jesus instructed us to practice “Your kingdom has come to pass. Your task has been completed. As it is in heaven, so it is on earth” (Matthew 6:10). This is a prayer for the day when God will bring heaven to earth and establish His dominion over all of creation on the globe. God’s plan for the planet Earth is still in the works.

  • So it is something that will happen in the future.
  • This is the time when Jesus is in command.
  • In the kingdom of God, when you submit to His authority and allow Him to direct your life, you are in the presence of God.
  • The following is an excerpt from Harvest Ministries’ “First Things First” (used by permission).
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Praying “The Kingdom Come”

If you choose to pray in this way, here is how: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name; Your kingdom come; Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.'” Please provide us with our daily bread today. Let us ask you to forgive us our debts, just as we have forgiven our creditors. “And do not lead us into temptation, but preserve us from the wicked one,” the Bible says. Matthew 6:9-13 is a biblical passage. Our prayers are taught to us in what is generally known as the “Lord’s Prayer,” in which we are taught to pray not only for God’s will to be done in our lives, but also for God’s saving Gospel to be preached across the world.

Then we are asked to be witnesses of Jesus, to tell others about Him, and to remain completely submitted to His purpose for our life, which is the last call.

When he asked Jesus about it, he received the following response: “Truly, truly, I say to you, until one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” 3:3 (John 3:3)

What Does it Mean that the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand?

Repent, because the kingdom of heaven is near at hand,” the Bible says. Matthew 3:2 is an example of a parable. When God came to earth in the form of a man, the Kingdom of Heaven became more accessible to us. This is what the apostle John was referring to when he proclaimed, “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” He meant that the kingdom of heaven, manifested in the Person of the King, is now open to all people. The Jewish religious leaders were searching for a physical kingdom, not a spiritual one, as they went on their search.

Despite the fact that Jesus Christ lives and reigns in the hearts of all Christians today, the Kingdom of Heaven will not be fully recognized until all evil on the globe has been judged and eradicated totally.

He will return as ruler and judge, and he will rule over all of the world when the time comes.

They now have a position in the presence of Jesus.

Christians have a deeper relationship with Jesus than they would have if they were subjects of an earthly monarch. Chris Swanson, a contributing writer at Christianity.com, wrote the following excerpt: The Kingdom of Heaven is Near (What Does It Mean That the Kingdom of Heaven is Near?)

What is the kingdom of God?

QuestionAnswer It is mentioned frequently in the gospels (for example, Mark 1:15; 10:15; 15:43; Luke 17:20) and in other places in the New Testament (for example, Matthew 6:33). (e.g., Acts 28:31; Romans 14:17; 1 Corinthians 15:50). Kingdom of God is identical with the kingdom of heaven in many cultures. In different sections of Scripture, the notion of the kingdom of God is expressed in a variety of ways with distinct shades of meaning. The kingdom of God, in its broadest sense, is the rule of an eternal, sovereign God over the entirety of the cosmos.

  • As King Nebuchadnezzar put it, “His reign is an eternal kingdom,” as he asserted (Daniel 4:3).
  • As a result, the kingdom of God encompasses all that exists in one sense.
  • In comparison, people who recognize the lordship of Christ and willingly submit to God’s rule in their hearts are considered to be members of the kingdom of God; in contrast, those who oppose God’s authority and refuse to submit to Him are not considered to be members of the kingdom of God.
  • The fact that the kingdom of God may be associated with the realm of salvation is demonstrated in John 3:5–7, where Jesus declares that the only way to join the kingdom of God is via repentance and rebirth.
  • There is another sense in which the kingdom of God is mentioned in the Bible: the actual reign of Christ on the planet throughout the millennium, as described in the Bible.

“The kingdom of glory,” according to some theologians, is the future, open manifestation of God’s kingdom; “the kingdom of grace,” according to others, refers to the current, concealed manifestation, which is called “the kingdom of grace.” However, both manifestations are intertwined; Christ has established His spiritual rule in the church on earth, and He will establish His physical kingdom in Jerusalem at some point in the future.

There are various dimensions to the kingdom of God.

On one hand, God’s kingdom necessitates repentance and the birth of a new life, as God governs inside the hearts of His children in this world while they prepare for the next.

The task that has been began on earth will be completed in the hereafter (see Philippians 1:6). Questions about Theology (return to top of page) What is the nature of the kingdom of God?

What Is the Kingdom of God?

Consider the following scenario: someone approaches you and asks, “What is the kingdom of God?” What would you say in response? An simple way to answer this question would be to point out that a kingdom is defined as the region over which a monarch governs. Considering that we believe that God is the Creator of all things, we must conclude that His kingdom extends over the entire globe. As a result, the kingdom of God manifestly exists wherever God reigns, and because He reigns everywhere, the kingdom of God manifestly exists everywhere.

  1. The New Testament, on the other hand, is attempting to communicate something else.
  2. We witness it again as Jesus walks on the scene and makes the same proclamation as the first time.
  3. Obviously, John the Baptist and Jesus were referring to something more than just the notion of the kingdom of God when they spoke of it.
  4. God’s designated Messiah will govern over this kingdom, and he will be more than simply the Redeemer of His people; he will also be the ruler of their realm.
  5. Just before Jesus was going to depart from this world at the conclusion of His life, His followers had the opportunity to ask Him one more question.
  6. (See Acts 1:6b.) This is a question that I can easily understand Jesus being a little perplexed about.

“It is not your responsibility to know the times or seasons that the Father has established in His own power.” But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will gain power, and you will be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:7–8).

  • What exactly was He trying to say?
  • Was He referring to a spiritual reality that takes place in our souls, or was He referring to something else entirely.
  • Consequently, during His earthly mission, Jesus made statements such as “If I drive out demons with the finger of God, definitely the kingdom of God has arrived upon you.” “If I cast out demons with the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you” (Luke 11:20).
  • How could the kingdom be on the people’s doorstep or within striking distance of them?
  • When He arrived, Jesus marked the beginning of God’s reign on earth.
  • Then, as He ascended into heaven, He went there to be coronated, to be invested as the King of kings and the Lord of lords, among other things.
  • Christ reigns supreme at this very moment.

God’s anointed Son has been granted complete control over all things in heaven and on earth (Matt.

On an invitation from the Czechoslovak government, I traveled to Eastern Europe in 1990 to give a series of lectures in three countries: first in Czechoslovakia, then Hungary, and lastly Romania.

As it turned out, as our ramshackle train approached the Romanian border, two guards boarded the vehicle.

They demanded that we take our bags down from the luggage rack and open them, and they were really harsh and disrespectful in their demands.

When he looked over, he observed that one of the women in our group was holding a paper bag in her lap with something poking out of it.

“Can you tell me what’s in the bag?” Afterwards, he unzipped the bag and took out a Bible from it.

Then he came to a complete halt and gazed at me.

Then, with a smile, he revealed that he was not Romanian.


“Leave these people alone,” he said to his subordinates as he walked away.

“They’re Christians,” I say.

It was during my last year of seminary, while serving as a student pastor at a Hungarian refugee church in Western Pennsylvania, that I had a crisis on this topic.

I received a donation of an American flag for the church, which I placed in the chancel, directly across from the Christian flag.

“Well, the law of our nation mandates that any flag shown beside the American flag must be positioned in a subordinate position to the American flag,” he said further.

“This has to be rectified.” Anyone who has spent time living outside of this nation understands how amazing it is here.

I was thinking about this while I listened to this elder speak, and I couldn’t help but wonder how the Christian flag could be submissive to any national flag.

First and first, I am a Christian, and then I am an American.

As a result, I was in a pickle.

So I had a simple solution to the problem: I simply removed both flags from the church.

What is it that we are praying for when we make this request?

Each petition is linked to the petitions that came before it.

Clearly, God’s kingdom will not and cannot come to this globe unless and until the name of God is revered as a sacred name.

According to John Calvin, it is the church’s responsibility to make the unseen kingdom visible.

The only way the kingdom of God will be seen in this earth before Christ returns is if we demonstrate it by living our lives as citizens of heaven and subjects of the King. This passage is taken from R.C. Sproul’s book, The Prayer of the Lord.

The Kingdom of God

What is the nature of the kingdom of God? As stated in the New Testament, “seeking” the kingdom of God is something that should come before all other pursuits; it is something that may be “entered” or “gone into,” and, perhaps most frighteningly, it is something that can be “taken away.” A “secret” that must be revealed to us by God, the kingdom of God is something that Jesus portrays as “at hand” or “coming close.” It is something that Jesus claims is “at hand” or “has come near.” Although it is “within you,” it is also a kingdom in which Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, all of the prophets, and countless people from all over the world will live; it is something that can only be entered “through many tribulations,” and it is something that the unrighteous will not inherit; it is “good news,” which must be “proclaimed,” and it is something that no one can see unless they have been “born again.” It is something that no one can see unless they have been To be more specific, what exactly is the kingdom of God?

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When it comes to grandeur and strength, David states in 1 Chronicles chapter 29: “The greatest of these is yours, O LORD, along with glory, triumph, and majesty, for you have created everything in the heavens and on the earth.” “The kingdom belongs to you, O LORD, and you are elevated as the supreme ruler over everything.” Consequently, the kingdom of God is, in one sense, the truth that God is the supreme ruler over all things.

  • In this way, whether we like it or not, we are all citizens of God’s kingdom, regardless of our beliefs.
  • That’s why Jesus instructs His disciples to pray to God, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” in the same way that He does in heaven.
  • People continue to choose to disregard His Word, and sin and death continue to wreak havoc on our lives.
  • Jesus used a parable to help us grasp the nature of the kingdom of God better.
  • And with what do I want to compare it?
  • It all starts with something little, benign, and virtually invisible (such as a mustard seed), and it will one day develop into something enormous—and extremely visible—when the time comes.
  • Interestingly, Jesus compares “faith” to a mustard seed, which is a powerful metaphor.
  • As a result, it is the mechanism through which the kingdom of God “grows,” one individual at a time.
  • The kingdom of God is “inside you,” as Jesus states in Matthew 6:33.

Also true on a more general level is the fact that Though God’s people appear to be a relatively small presence in the world — like a mustard seed, to use an analogy — that presence is growing and growing, and one day, as the prophet Habakkuk predicts, “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea,” God’s people will be “filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” What will be the mechanism via which this will occur?

In Acts chapter 1, Jesus responds to the question.

In responding to the gospel in faith, individuals are admitting and submitting to the kingly reign of God one by one as they react to the gospel message.

His reign will have been established. In the same way that it is now in heaven, it will be the same on earth.

What Is the Kingdom of God? 10 Things Christians Need to Know

And God will add all of these things to you if you seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, not the other way around.” (Matthew 6:33; Luke 6:33) The kingdom of God was one of the most talked-about topics in Jesus’ day, yet it’s still a difficult notion for many believers today to understand. The definition would most likely vary depending on who you questioned and how many people were involved in the discussion. “My kingdom does not belong to this world,” Jesus said. If my kingdom had been of this earth, my servants would have been engaged in battle so that I would not be captured and sold into slavery by the Jews.

  1. How frequently, as Christians, do we take time to talk about God’s kingdom and keep it at the forefront of our thoughts?
  2. “The term “kingdom” is regarded to be dynamic in character in both the Old Testament and the New Testament, and it refers largely to the rule or reign of a king.
  3. It is therefore preferable to interpret the phrase “kingdom of God” as “rule of God” in the great majority of occasions.
  4. So, what exactly is it?
  5. The kingdom of God, on the other hand, does not exist as a physical location.
  6. God’s dominion is forever, as well, since God is eternal.
  7. Listed below are ten themes related to the kingdom that are critical for every believer to comprehend: Photo courtesy of Unsplash

What Is the Kingdom of God?

Transcript of the audio “The kingdom” is a major motif in Jesus’ teachings. The word “kingdom” appears 126 times in the Gospels, according to the ESV version. However, the term “kingdom” is only referenced 34 times throughout the rest of the New Testament, causing Christopher from the United Kingdom to write in to ask about it. “ Hello there, Pastor John! Thank you for your fantastic APJ podcast, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I’m astounded that you can devote so much time and effort to answering such intricate and tough inquiries for complete strangers like me!

In contrast, there appears to be virtually little reference of ‘the kingdom’ from Acts onwards and throughout the epistles.

Is it the church, or is it something more significant?” I’m hearing two critical inquiries: (1) What is the nature of the kingdom of God?

(2) Why is it given such a prominent and explicit focus in the teachings of Jesus, but such a minor and inconsequential prominence and plain focus in the New Testament letters? Allow me to offer a few words regarding each of those inquiries.

Rule and Reign

I think the most important thing I could say about the kingdom of God that would help people make sense out of all the uses is that the basic meaning of the wordkingdomin the Bible is God’sreign— R-E-I-G-N — notrealmorpeople. The kingdom creates a realm, the kingdom creates a people, but the kingdom of God is not synonymous with its realm or its people. “God decided the kingdom of God would be most gloriously revealed in a crucified and risen king.” For example, consider Psalms 103:19: “The Lord has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all.” You can hear the basic meaning of the wordkingdomasrule.

He sits as king on his throne of the universe, and his kingly rule — his kingdom and his reign — governs all things.

Saving Sinners

Since God’s aim for the world is to rescue a people for himself and to recreate the world for that people, his kingly reign entails a rescuing and a redeeming activity on the part of those who are under his dominion. It is for this reason that the arrival of the kingdom is referred to as “good news” in the New Testament. God, the king, is coming into the world in a new way — via Jesus — to establish his saving rule and to bring salvation to all people. First and foremost, he has triumphed over sin, Satan, and death in the hearts of his people and in their interpersonal relationships.

Then Christ returns a second time and brings the rule to a close by establishing a new heavens and a new earth on the earth.

Already, but Not Yet

As Jesus reveals the teachings of the kingdom in the Gospels, the image that emerges is one that is both now and still in the future. As a matter of fact, when he claims that the mystery of the kingdom has arrived, he means that it has arrived in the form of presence without completion. Take, for example, the Lord’s Prayer, where you may hear the future dimension of the kingdom expressed as “Your kingdom come” (Matthew 6:10). That is something we should pray for on a daily basis. Lord, bring the kingdom to me.

  • Bring your kingdom with you.
  • “The dominion of the crucified and rising Christ should be emphasized today,” says the author of the book.
  • But Jesus was well aware that it would not arrive quickly.
  • “Pray for it,” he advises.
  • It hasn’t arrived yet.

“It’s not going to happen right now, but it’s already here, upon you, and at your fingertips.” It is God’s rule — his sovereign activity in the world to redeem and deliver a people, and then at some point in the future to complete it and entirely regenerate his people and the cosmos — that is what the kingdom of God is all about.

Trading the Throne for a Cross

In response to the question of why the terms “kingdom of God” and “kingdom of heaven” are prominent and explicit in Jesus’ teachings, but far less so in the epistles (which is correct), what should we answer is as follows: As an example, consider this: over the course of his life, Jesus was treading a razor-thin line between proclaiming himself to be God’s Son and the real presence of King Himself on the one hand, and shielding himself from being captured and made to reign as an earthly king on the other (like they wanted to do in John 6).

  • They were prepared to march in and crown him king.
  • That’s because there would be such a widespread misconception about the nature of his kingship that a political insurrection may erupt as people attempted to usher him into the throne, as in the case of Jesus in the Gospel of John 6.
  • That is exactly why he came.
  • He would only be king once he had been crucified and risen from the dead.

The Risen One Is Lord

It was possible to perceive with crystal clarity after the resurrection what the disciples couldn’t see during his lifetime because of the resurrection. In other words, the most glorious manifestation of the kingdom of God would be a crucified and rising king. The significance of what was taught about the kingdom during Jesus’ lifetime is not diminished in any way as a result of the transformation that takes place in the world. However, it does shift. Indeed, it places the emphasis squarely on the monarch himself, who is now seen as the crucified and rising Lord of the world.

Throughout the epistles, there is a fresh focus on the fact that Jesus is Lord, which is more emphatic than before.

It’s not simply that he has arrived; he will continue to arrive.

Allow the taste of apostolic application of the kingdom of Jesus to permeate our teaching as we share it with the churches and the world.

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