Where Was Jesus Born At

Birthplace of Jesus: Church of the Nativity and the Pilgrimage Route, Bethlehem

Located 10 kilometers south of Jerusalem, on the spot that has been designated by Christian tradition as the birthplace of Jesus since the second century, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is worth a visit. There was originally a church there, which was completed in 339, and the edifice that rebuilt it following a fire in the 6th century still has magnificent floor mosaics from the previous structure. The property also comprises churches and convents belonging to the Latin, Greek Orthodox, Franciscan, and Armenian faiths, as well as bell towers, terraced gardens, and a pilgrimage path.

Lieu de naissance de Jésus: l’église de la Nativité et la route de pèlerinage, Bethléem

The property is located about 10 kilometers south of Jérusalem on the grounds of the locations that Christians have revered as the site of Jesus’ birth from the second century AD, according to Christian tradition. It was here that a church was built in 339, and the building that replaced it after a fire that occurred in the sixth century still has remnants of the former structure’s floor, which were created from mosaics. The complex also includes a number of churches and monasteries, including Greek, Latin, Orthodox, Franciscan, and Armenian structures, as well as cloisters, terraced gardens, and a pilgrimage path across the area.

مهد ولادة يسوع المسيح: كنيسة المهد وطريق الحجاج، بيت لحم

A total of 20 years have passed since the beginning of the project. Three hundred and forty-nine dollars and thirty-nine cents A spokesman for the company said: “The company is committed to providing the best possible service to its customers.” . source: UNESCO/ERIDescription is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.


这一入选遗产位于耶路撒冷以南10公里,自从公元二世纪以来,就被基督教传统认定为耶稣的诞生地。 公元339年,在此建成第一座教堂,公元6世纪的火灾后,在此基础上重建的教堂保留了原有建筑精美的马赛克地板。 这一遗产地还包括拉丁、希腊东正教、方济会和亚美尼亚修道院和教堂,以及钟楼、露台花园和一条朝圣路线。 source: UNESCO/ERIDescription is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.

Базилика Рождества Христова и тропы паломников

The location is around 10 kilometers from the city of Seychelles. Beginning in the second century A.D., this location is revered by the Slovak people as the site of the birth of исуса ристa. When the city was first established in 339 A.D., it was known as the “Egyptian City of Peace.” Following oap in the 6th century n.y., she was renovated, and as a result, it was possible to collect a variety of unusual musaacs. The list includes католиеские and равославне, including ранисканские and армнские, монастри and еркви, as well as колоколни, террасне сад, and тро аломников.

El Lugar de Nacimiento de Jesús: Iglesia de la Natividad y ruta de peregrinación en Belén

Located about 10 kilometers south of Jerusalem, the registered site is believed to be the location where Jesus Christ was born, according to Christian tradition. A first church was built in 399 B.C., but it was demolished by fire and replaced by another in the sixth century, which was demolished by fire again in the seventh century. Suelos de mosaico extraordinariamente elaborados, originating from the original structure, have been preserved in the current church. The site also includes conventos and churches of several denominations, including latinas, Greeks, Orthodoxes, Franciscans, and Armenians, as well as campanarios, terraced gardens, and a pilgrimage route.

UNESCO/ERI is the source of this information. The following description is accessible under the CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0 license.


エルサレムの南方10kmに位置する生誕協会は、2世紀以降人々によってイエスの生誕地と考えられてきた場所に立つ。 339年に創始され、6世紀の火災後に再建されたもので、初期教会建築の顕著な例。 構成資産には、巡礼の最終目的地である生誕教会に向かう巡礼路や鐘楼、ひな壇式庭園のほか、ラテン・ギリシャ正教・フランシスコ会・アルメニア教会の修道院や教会なども含まれている。 生誕教会の建物の損傷が激しいことから、危機遺産にも同時に登録された。 source:NFUAJ

Geboorteplaats van Jezus: Geboortekerk en pelgrimsroute, Bethlehem

This location is located 10 kilometers to the south of Jeruzalem, on the site that has been recognized as the birthplace of Jesus by Christian tradition since the second century after Christ’s death and resurrection. In 339, a church was dedicated for the first time in history. In the sixth century, a brand was established. The current church, which retains the original vernacular, still has the whole set of vloermozaeken from the original church. There are also Latijnse, Greek-orthodox, Franciscaanse, and Armeense churches and chapels in the vicinity of the Geboorteplaats van Jezus’ burial site.


Outstanding Universal Value

a succinct summary Bethlehem is located 10 kilometers south of the city of Jerusalem in the lush limestone hill area of the Holy Land, 10 kilometers south of the city of Jerusalem. Historically, people have thought that Jesus was born at the location where the Church of the Nativity presently stands (Bethlehem) from at least the second century AD. In one specific cave, over which the first Church was erected, there is a long-held belief that the actual Birthplace of Christ took place. When it comes to pinpointing the Nativity, the location is significant since it both represents the beginnings of Christianity and is one of the holiest sites in all of Christendom.

  1. This church is covered by the current Church of the Nativity, which dates mostly from the mid-6th century AD (Justinian), but it has undergone some modifications since then.
  2. Since the early Middle Ages, the Church has gradually been assimilated into a larger complex of other religious structures, mostly monastic in nature.
  3. Bethlehem and the Church of the Nativity have been, and continue to be, a popular pilgrimage destination for more than 1700 years, at various times in history.
  4. Year after year, at Christmas festivities in Bethlehem, the Route is commemorated as the path taken by Joseph and Mary on their journey to Bethlehem, and it is ceremonially followed by the Patriarchs of the three churches at their various Christmas celebrations and formal trips to Bethlehem.
  5. As well as for the manner that over 1500 years, the fabric of the Church of the Nativity and its affiliations have come together to represent the immense spiritual and political effect that Christianity has had on human history.

Mary Major on the site believed to be associated with It is directly associated with the birth of Jesus, an event of outstanding universal significance, as evidenced by the fact that its buildings were constructed in the 4th century AD and re-constructed in the 6th century AD, and that it is located on the Pilgrimage Route leading to it.

  • Integrity The property encompasses the Church of the Nativity and its architectural ensemble, which is composed of the Armenian, Franciscan and Greek Orthodox Convents, as well as an area of terraced land to the east and a short stretch of the Pilgrimage Route.
  • It thus includes all the buildings that form the focus of pilgrimage and the cave that is believed to be the birthplace of Jesus.
  • The approach to the Church via Star Street and Paul VI Street retains the street width and line fossilized by urban development since c.
  • This ‘width and line’, as well as defining a working street in a busy town, now formalize a commemorative route for a religious ceremony.
  • These are not part of the property but need to be protected and conserved as part of the approach to the church.
  • The sharp increase in the number of vehicles, inadequate parking, and small industries within the historic town have produced a polluted environment that is negatively affecting the façades of both the Church of the Nativity and the buildings along the Pilgrimage Route.
  • New constructions, some large, are disturbing the traditional urban fabric near the Church of the Nativity and are having a negative impact on views to and from the property,and onits sense of place andspiritual associations.
  • The sanctity of the site is maintained by the three churches occupying it.
  • The association of the place that was believed to be the birthplace of Jesus is documented from the 4 thcentury AD and from then on the buildings added to it have been constructed to enhance this religious significance.
  • The 12 thcentury additions reflect the Crusades that led to one of the upsurges in pilgrimage activity.
  • The buildings of one of the monastic complexes date back to at least the 12 thcentury while there is evidence under the others for earlier monastic buildings dating to the 12 thcentury.

All elements of the church associated with the original church, its re-building in the 6 thcentury, and its alterations in the 12 thcentury need to be clearly identified and a conservation plan agreed to ensure repair and restoration respect as much as possible ofthe existing fabric that is crucial to understanding its significance.

The current lack of control of development, traffic and tourism in the immediate urban surroundings of the Church is threatening this relationshipand the ability of the property to convey fully its spiritual links.

Protection and management requirements The Church of the Nativity is managed under the terms and provisions of the ‘ Status Quo of the Holy Places ’, which is implemented by the three churches occupying the place; the Greek Orthodox Church, the Custody of the Holy Land and the Armenian Patriarchate.

Each of the three adjacent Convents is maintained under its own arrangement: the Armenian Convent is controlled by the Armenian Patriarchate in the Holy City of Jerusalem; the Greek Orthodox Convent by the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate in the Holy City of Jerusalem; and the Franciscan Convent and the Church of St Catherine by the Custody of the Holy Land, Holy City of Jerusalem.

Intervention to restore the roof of the church was indicated as a priority by the international team who worked on the plan, and the works are expected to start during the year.

Such a Strategy should synthesize the conclusions of the detailed investigative reports into a clear statement of the significances of the various elements within a comprehensive conservation philosophy for the proposed work.

The second main component, the Pilgrimage Route, principally Star Street, is part of the Municipality of Bethlehem and is therefore covered by the provisions of ‘Building and Planning Law 30, 1996’, of ‘the ‘Bethlehem Charter 2008’, of the ‘Guidelines for the Conservation and Rehabilitation of the Historic Towns of Bethlehem, Beit Jala and Beit Sahour, 2010, and of the ‘General Rules for the Protection of the Historic Area and Historic Individual Buildings, Bethlehem, 2006’.

  • Protection’, ‘Conservation’, and ‘Rehabilitation’ are the stated objectives of the last two enactments, and the ‘Charter’, which embodies a statement of principles as well as working practices to achieve those objectives.
  • This area is now an Area under Planning, and any interventions are forbidden until the adoption the conservation and management plan and the bylaws that are currently being prepared by CCHP in cooperation with Bethlehem Municipality and MoTA.
  • This Plan needs to address the urban pressure on the property, tourism and traffic management, protection of views, and the conservation of buildings along the pilgrimage route.
  • The municipality of Bethlehem and the Centre for Cultural Heritage Preservation in Bethlehem, in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and the Ministry of Local Government are working on preparing conservation and management plans for the historic town of Bethlehem.

In addition, the team of the municipality is involved in the planning process, and is expected to have the full capacity for the handling of the outputs of the project.

Where was Jesus born?

The events described in Matthew 2:1-2 and Luke 2:1-7 take place when Joseph and Mary leave Nazareth and go to Bethlehem in response to a census imposed by Caesar Augustus. The prophet Micah even foresaw the location of Jesus’ birth hundreds of years before the event really occurred (Micah 5:2).

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The significance of the birth of Jesus Information on the city of Bethlehem

Jesus was born in Bethlehem

‘Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?’ asked the wise men from the East when they arrived in Jerusalem following Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem during the reign of Herod the king, according to Matthew 2:1, 2. “Because we have seen His star in the East and have come to adore Him,” says the author. Secondly, in Luke 2:4-7, it reads, “Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is named Bethlehem, because he was of the family and lineage of David.

Links to Google Maps:

  • Map of Bethlehem (courtesy of Google Maps)
  • Map of Joseph and Mary’s journey (if they were to travel it today)
  • And a list of resources.

The importance of Jesus’ birth

However, the fact that Jesus was born is far more important than the location of His birth. It was Jesus’ intention to come to earth and live among us, to be one of us. The angel announced to Mary that she would become the mother of a boy, whose given name would be “Immanuel,” which means “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). Those who believe in Jesus Christ will not perish but will have eternal life, as the apostle John wrote: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only born Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

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What happened in Bethlehem was a miracle in and of itself.

Other Information About Bethlehem

Today, the little town of Bethlehem is located in the limestone hill area of the Holy Land, some six miles south of Jerusalem. It is a popular tourist destination. In the traditional location of Jesus’ birth, stands the Church of the Nativity, the oldest Christian church still in continuous use. It is regarded one of the holiest sites in all of Christendom and is the oldest church still in continuous use in the world. Every year, around 2 million people come to see the birthplace of Jesus. The number of tourists is particularly high during the holiday season.

Locals joke that if Joseph and Mary turned up in Bethlehem today, they would find that there would still be no space in the inn for them.

It is referred to as “the city of David” (Luke 2:4) because it was the birthplace of Israel’s renowned king, King David.

Ruth gathered weeds in the fields of Boaz, which is located in Bethlehem (Ruth 1:22; 2:4). When the prophet Samuel anointed David as king of Israel, it was at Bethlehem that the event took place (1 Samuel 16).

When and Where was Jesus Born?

Discover the date and location of Jesus’ birth as we examine significant biblical and historical evidence, as well as academic conjecture, about the miraculous birth of Christ. Explore if Jesus was indeed born on Christmas Day in the little village of Bethlehem by reading the Gospel of Luke.

When was Jesus Born?

This is an issue for which the Bible does not provide a clear solution. According to historical evidence, the earliest Christians did not make a big deal out of the birth of Jesus Christ. Even if they were aware of the particular day of his birth, they did not make a big deal about it. The customary date of December 25 may be traced back to the first decades of the Christian period, according to certain sources. No proof exists that Christians “took” the date from a pagan celebration celebrating the sun, contrary to what some have said.

Tighe, the opposite is more likely to be true: “Rather, the pagan festival of the “Birth of the Unconquered Son,” which was instituted by the Roman Emperor Aurelian on 25 December 274, was almost certainly an attempt to create a pagan alternative to a date that was already of some significance to Roman Christians.” Consequently, the “pagan roots of Christmas” are a fable without any historical foundation.” According to Luke 2:8-9, the Bible describes the precise time of year when Jesus was born: “Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their sheep by night.” When they looked up, they saw an angel of the Lord standing before them, and they were surrounded by the glory of the Lord, and they were terrified.” It was customary for the shepherds of that region, according to biblical historian Adam Clarke, to send their sheep out to pasture from the beginning of spring until the beginning of October.

As the darker winter months approached, the flocks would begin to return from their summer pastures in need of shelter and warmth.

John the Baptist and the Birth of Christ

Christian academics have utilized the birth of John the Baptist as a point of reference in order to determine a more accurate date for Jesus’s conception and birth. John the Baptist is mentioned in Luke 1 as being born to Zacharias and his wife, Elizabeth, after Zacharias’ term of service in the temple was completed. In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, the angel Gabriel came to her and informed her that she would be the mother of Jesus, the Messiah. As a result, the alleged month of Jesus’ birth may be calculated by calculating the time between the date of Zacharias’ clerical duties and the date of Jesus’ birth.

This date can be calculated by starting at John the Baptist’s conception in June, moving forward six months to reach Gabriel’s announcement of Jesus’ conception, in December, and then moving forward nine more months, the time it takes for a human pregnancy to develop, until you arrive at September, when Jesus was almost certainly born.

When the Roman Emperor Constantine decreed that Christmas should be celebrated on December 25th in 336, it became the first known instance of Christmas being celebrated on that day (the first Christian Roman Emperor). However, at the time, it was not a recognized Roman state holiday.

Why is Christmas on December 25th?

Scholars believe the Roman Catholic Church chose December 25 as the date for the decision for a variety of reasons, including the date’s association with the winter solstice and Saturnalia, a celebration dedicated to the Roman god Saturn. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, church authorities most likely chose the date “to correspond with the pagan Roman celebration commemorating the birthday of the unconquered sun,” which occurred around the time of the winter solstice in the year 2000.

Where was Jesus Born?

The answer to the question of where Jesus was born is frequently given as a city – Bethlehem. We know this because of prophecies and narrative records in the Bible, such as Luke 2:4 and Matthew 2:1. Bible experts, on the other hand, are less certain about more particular elements pertaining to the place. As previously said, we know from Luke’s narrative where Jesus was not born – an inn since there was not enough place for his parents (Luke 2:7). Isaiah 5:2 and Jewish tradition both predict that the Messiah (the Christ) will be born at Bethlehem, a tiny village near Jerusalem, on the 25th of December.

  • Although Bethlehem and Ephrathah are small towns among the thousands of Judah, out of them will come forth the One who will be ruler over Israel, whose goings forth are from the beginning, from the beginning of time.” Micah 5:2, “However, you, Bethlehem and Ephrathah, though you are small among the thousands of Judah,” says the prophet. The Bible says in Matthew 2:1-2, “Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem during the reign of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem and asked, ‘Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?'” (King James Version) We have come because we have seen His star in the east and have come to worship Him.”
  • Luke 2:4-7, “Joseph also traveled up from Galilee, leaving the city of Nazareth and entering Judea, to the city of David, which is named Bethlehem because he was of the family and lineage of David. As a result, she delivered her firstborn Son, wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and lay Him in a manger since there was no room for them at the inn.”

Find out more about the history and significance of Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, by reading the following articles.

True Significance of Jesus’ Birth

The fact that Jesus was born is far more important than knowing where and when He was born in the first place. Jesus came to earth in order to exist alongside us and to be one of us. The angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would become the mother of a boy, whose name would be “Immanuel,” which means “God with us” in Hebrew (Matthew 1:23). “For God so loved the world that He gave His only born Son, that whomever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life,” said the disciple John in his letter to the Romans (John 3:16).

This is the revelation of what took place in Bethlehem and the actual significance of Jesus’ birth on Christmas Day.

on the website Christianity.com Photograph courtesy of Thinkstock/Kevron2001.

Where Was Jesus Born?

The birthplace and hometown of Jesus Megan Sauter is a model and actress. The date is June 26, 2021. 108799 views, 46 comments, 108799 views What city was the site of Jesus’ birth? Bethlehem is the location where Jesus was born according to the Bible. The Italian artist Giotto painted this picture in the Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel in Padua, depicting Mary, Joseph, and Jesus in the Bethlehem stable. It is one of his best-known works. All of the wise men, as well as their caravan and angels, had gathered around the young child.

The comet known as Haley’s was discovered in 1301, three years before Giotto painted this image.

Passages from Matthew 1–2 and Luke 1–2, the Gospels’ infancy narratives, are recited and sung at Christmas pageants, and they are even played out in live performances.

Bethlehem appears to be the solution in the Bible, and it appears to be correct.

However, Biblical scholarship has recently called into question the identification of Bethlehem as Jesus’ birthplace, asking why he is referred to as a Nazorean and a Galilean throughout the New Testament, and why Bethlehem is not mentioned as Jesus’ birthplace outside of the infancy narratives in the Gospels.

In his Biblical Views column “Jesus’ Birthplace and Jesus’ Home,” published in the November/December 2014 edition of BAR, Philip J.

He examines in detail what the Bible says regarding the cities of Bethlehem, generally known as Jesus’ birthplace, and Nazareth, traditionally known as Jesus’ home.

In this free eBook, you will learn more about the history of Christmas as well as the date of Jesus’ birth.

While Bethlehem in Judea was well-known in the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament as the birthplace of King David and the birthplace of the future messiah, the small village of Nazareth in Galilee was far less well-known, and did not even receive a mention in the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud, or the writings of Josephus, despite its location in the heart of the Jewish nation.

  1. Despite this, both locations were essential in Jesus’ life.
  2. Read the complete piece “Jesus’ Birthplace and Jesus’ Home” in the November/December 2014 issue of BAR to find out what Philip J.
  3. – Subscribers: Take a look at the complete article by Philip J.
  4. Are you a new subscriber?

Become a member today. You might be interested in knowing more about Jesus’ birth. In this free eBook, you will learn more about the history of Christmas as well as the date of Jesus’ birth. Jesus’ Birth as Told Through History and Tradition: The Story of Jesus’ Birth in History and Tradition.

Related reading in Bible History Daily:

Was Jesus a real person? Looking for Evidence Outside the Bible: Lawrence Mykytiuk’s main piece from the January/February 2015 issue of BAR, which includes a large list of endnotes Andrew McGowan’s complete essay from the December 2002 edition of Bible Review on how December 25 became Christmas may be seen here. Chronological Christmas Stories from the Christian Apocryphaby Tony Burke is a former U.S. Representative from Massachusetts. The Death of Herod, the Birth of Jesus, and a Lunar Eclipse are all happening at the same time.

What Was the Purpose of the Magi Bringing Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh?

This piece of Bible History Daily was first published on November 17, 2014, and has been updated.

Was Jesus really born in Bethlehem? Why the Gospels disagree over the circumstances of Christ’s birth

Every Christmas, Bethlehem, a very modest village in the Palestinian West Bank, takes center stage: it is the birthplace of Jesus Christ. It is believed that Jesus was born in this village about two millennia ago, according to certain biblical texts. Although the New Testament Gospels all mention Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, they do not all agree on the specifics of his birth. Some passages make no mention of Bethlehem or the birth of Jesus at all. It may be difficult to reconcile the differing viewpoints expressed throughout the Gospels.

Today, genealogy can assist people become more aware of their family’s medical history, as well as find long-lost family relatives.

Gospel of Matthew

Accord to the Gospel of Matthew, which is the first Gospel to be included in the canon of the New Testament, Joseph and Mary were present in Bethlehem at the time of Jesus’ birth. The narrative opens with three wise men who travel to the city of Jerusalem after sighting a star that they interpret as heralding the birth of a new ruler. They are the protagonists of the story. This is followed by a description of their meeting with a local Jewish monarch called Herod, whom they approach for information regarding the place of Jesus’ birth.

See also:  Why Did Jesus Die On The Cross Bible Verse?


These were extremely precious presents, particularly the frankincense and myrrh, which were expensive scents with medical properties.

When the three wise men arrived at Herod’s palace with the news that a child had been born who would one day reign as king of the Jews, Herod devised a plot to assassinate all children under the age of five in order to eliminate the danger to his monarchy.

After Herod dies as a result of a sickness, Matthew claims that Joseph, Mary, and Jesus do not return to Bethlehem to bury him. Instead, they move north to Nazareth in Galilee, which is modern-day Nazareth in Israel, where they spend the rest of their time.

Gospel of Luke

The Gospel of Luke, a biography of Jesus’ life that was written at the same time as the Gospel of Matthew, contains a different story of Jesus’ birth than the Gospel of Matthew. The Gospel of Luke begins with Joseph and a pregnant Mary in the Galilee region of Palestine. They travel to Bethlehem in response to an acensus, which was issued by the Roman emperor Caesar Augustus and demanded of all Jewish people everywhere. Because Joseph was a descendant of King David, he was obligated to register in Bethlehem, which was his homeland at the time.

When Jesus is born, he is filled with rage because all of the tourists had crammed the guest rooms.

Angels, according to Luke, informed these shepherds of Jesus’ location in Bethlehem, and they responded accordingly.

Luke also adds that Joseph, Mary, and Jesus leave Bethlehem eight days after Jesus’ birth and go to Jerusalem, then to Nazareth, according to the Gospel of Luke.

According to John Meier, a historian who specializes in the historical Jesus, Jesus’ “birth at Bethlehem is to be considered not as a historical reality” but rather as a “theological affirmation disguised as an ostensibly factual tale.” In other words, the assumption that Jesus was a descendant of King David resulted in the formation of a myth about Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, which is now widely accepted.

According to Raymond Brown, another Gospel expert, “the two tales are not just different – they are diametrically opposed to one other in a number of points.”

Mark’s and John’s Gospels

The birth of Jesus in a manger is shown in this Nativity scene. Swen Pförtner/Getty Images, image courtesy of the picture alliance To make matters worse, neither Jesus’ birth nor his link to Bethlehem are mentioned in the other two Gospels, Mark and John, which makes it much more problematic. The Gospel of Mark, which was written about the year 60 A.D., is the oldest known narrative of Jesus’ life. In the first chapter of Mark, it is said that Jesus hails from the town of Nazareth in Galilee.

  • The Gospel of Mark presents Jesus as being both from Nazareth and the son of David, who reigned as the second king of Israel and Judah between 1010 and 970 B.C.
  • He was originally from Bethlehem.
  • It is also worth noting that the Gospel of John, which was written roughly 15 to 20 years after the Gospel of Mark, does not identify Jesus with Bethlehem.
  • When Jesus initially arrives in Galilee, he meets his first disciples, performs numerous miracles, and has brothers in the region.
  • John refers to an argument in which certain Jewish people alluded to a prophesy that said the messiah would be a descendant of David and would arrive from Bethlehem as justification for their position.
  • The Gospels of Mark and John suggest that the authors either had difficulty connecting Bethlehem with Jesus, were unaware of his birthplace, or were unconcerned about the location in question.
  • Despite the fact that the apostle Paul, who penned some of the first manuscripts of the New Testament, thought Jesus to be a descendant of David, he did not identify him with Bethlehem.

However, the Book of Revelation confirms that Jesus was a descendant of David, but it makes no reference of Bethlehem or his family.

An ethnic identity

During the time period of Jesus’ life, there were a variety of viewpoints on the Messiah to consider. In one school of Jewish belief, the Messiah was supposed to be an eternal ruler descended from the line of David, as was the case with King David. Further support for this concept may be found in other Jewish books like as the book of Ezra, which was written in the same century as the Gospels, and the Jewish sectarianQumran literature (which was published two centuries earlier). Although it is believed to have been written about B.C.

  1. In Matthew’s version, this sentence is repeated once more.
  2. Many ancient founders and political leaders were linked to certain individuals through genealogy.
  3. Hercules was said to have been a son of Alexander the Great, who reigned over an empire that stretched from Macedonia to India.
  4. As well as this, a Jewish writer named Philo who lived in the first century AD said that Abraham, along with all of the Jewish priests and prophets, were created by God.

As the Greek historian Polybius says, the great actions of forebears are “part of the inheritance of posterity” because they are “part of the heritage of posterity.” The presence of the city of Bethlehem in the gospels of Matthew and Luke added to the assertion that Jesus was the Messiah descended from the House of David.

The legends of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem helped to solidify the notion that he was a legitimate descendant of King David.

Christ’s Birthplace Bethlehem Has Surprising History

Even while Bethlehem has been the subject of innumerable hymns and Nativity plays, the true tale of the little town is significantly more complicated than that. Bethlehem has a long and illustrious history even before it became famous as the location of Jesus Christ’s conception.

It now occupies a central position in the dispute between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. The author of Bethlehem: Biography of a Town, Nicholas Blincoe, was contacted by National Geographic to discuss the legacy of the town where Jesus was born and nailed to the cross in Bethlehem.

The book opens with you arriving in Bethlehem carrying a Christmas pudding. Explain why it captures “something of the essence of Bethlehem”—and how an Englishman ended up on the West Bank.

I met my wife, Leila Sansour, while both of us were studying philosophy at the same institution in the United Kingdom. She is a Palestinian woman from the city of Bethlehem. Her mother is Russian, while her father is Palestinian. Her father was a member of the group of academics that built Bethlehem University, which she attended. I had no prior knowledge of Bethlehem, Palestine, or political affairs, but I was head over heels in love with Leila and we were planning a wedding, so I traveled to Bethlehem to meet her family.

As a result, I arrived with a Christmas pudding from Harrods.

Lemons were present in the form of fruit, as were oranges, figs, and almonds.

This cuisine that was thought to be uniquely British turns out to be very Middle Eastern!

Bethlehem is, of course, famous as the birthplace of Jesus. Does thehistorical and archaeological recordconfirm this?

It is difficult to assert that the archaeology demonstrates that Christ was born in that location. However, there is a great deal of evidence in its favor. A census was taking place in Bethlehem at the time of Mary and Joseph’s arrival, according to the Bible, or they already lived there. It’s impossible to tell which of them, or whether any of them, is correct. People who traveled to Bethlehem within roughly 100 years of Christ’s birth were already convinced that Christ was born in that location.

  1. When pilgrims came later, when Rome had become Christian, they did hear stories of a manger being present.
  2. This was on exhibit at one point, and it fits the concept of a community where the most essential thing is to have a reliable supply of water.
  3. Tell us about the Ain Sakhri devotees—as well as about the biblical scholar Karen Armstrong’s research.
  4. There’s a road up from the Dead Sea in a location called Ain Sakhri, and some Bedouin shepherd boys discovered a little stone sculpture in caves there in the 1930s, when they were out shepherding.
  5. Archaeologists believe it dates back to the Stone Age, some 11,000 years ago, and it is the first known image of individuals having sexual relations.
  6. The individuals who built this sculpture, known as theNatufiansas they are now known, are an example of how this may be accomplished.
  7. When the lambs are born in the spring, there is enough grass to feed the flock for around two weeks, allowing them to feed their sheep.

Almond trees, which were among the earliest plants to be cultivated, may be seen growing in the hills. Then there are the olive trees. This kind of living provided them with ample free time to sit down and start thinking about sex—as well as carve some sculptures in their spare time.

Though it is perched on a hilltop, water has played a key role in Bethlehem’s history, hasn’t it?

Bethlehem is a group of exceptionally fertile villages that produce almonds and, more crucially, olives for oil production, which are exported worldwide. As a result of its location on an immense aquifer, Bethlehem eventually became the water supply for Jerusalem approximately 200 BCE. There were so many Jewish pilgrims arriving in Jerusalem that the city was unable to keep up with the demand. The earlier water supply had been tainted as a result of the butchered animals in the temple. They were in desperate need of fresh water, which arrived from Bethlehem.

It is a fortified town surrounded by a number of villages, which is why the Bible consistently refers to Bethlehem as having the greatest tasting water.

They constructed a reservoir around 2,300 years ago.

They’re still there, you know.

I was fascinated to discover that Bethlehem was made famous as a site of Christian pilgrimage, not by churchmen, but by a succession of Roman women. Tell us aboutSt. Helena—and her architectural legacy.

The Emperor Constantine’s mother, St. Helena, was a saint. She worked as a barmaid somewhere in the vicinity of Isthmia or Smyrna when she was in her late teens. She married an extremely ambitious Roman officer who had already divorced his first wife, and the couple had a son, who would later rise to the position of emperor. His mother rose to become the most prominent lady in the empire and a very important Christian leader while he was a little boy. Christianity appeared to appeal to affluent Roman women since many of them had inherited vast estates, either via marriage or death, which made Christianity an attractive option for them.

  1. Christianity became a ruse through which they were able to exert some control over others.
  2. A massive journey was undertaken, and she constructed churches as she traveled across Europe, what is now Turkey and the Middle East, until she arrived in the holy cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem.
  3. She chose the location because the Roman bishop of Caesarea had taken her there, and the people pointed out the site where pilgrims had celebrated for the past 200 years, something she had not previously known.
  4. She wasn’t the one who came up with the legend.
  5. There is nothing else like the cathedral she created.
  6. It was St.
  7. She designated the location as a pilgrimage hotspot on the world map.
  8. Paula, who was the most renowned of the group.

Unfortunately, the church she helped to build is no longer in existence. In a mutiny, the Samaritans set fire to the building. Two churches that were built in the same style are likewise no longer standing. However, the cave still exists, albeit in a different form.

Bethlehem is today a hostage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. You had a frontline view when you worked with paramedics in Bethlehem during theintifada. Tell us about that experience—and how it shaped your view of the conflict.

The conflict between Israel and Palestine reached a boiling point in late 2001. During the course of the conflict, the Israelis fired a missile at a building directly across the street from my wife’s home. My mother-in-law, who had become a widow at that time, was residing there at the time. In addition, the building just across the street from hers was destroyed, and our house’s roof was ripped off. In 2002, we moved into Leila’s Bethlehem house because we were concerned about how she was functioning.

  1. The Israeli army, led by Ariel Sharon, invaded and occupied the West Bank on the Monday after Easter Sunday in 2002, capturing all of the cities there, including Bethlehem.
  2. The Israeli forces finally pushed inside the ancient souk region and encircled the Church of the Nativity, which was destroyed in the war.
  3. There was a suggestion that ambulances might be permitted to operate during the curfew provided they were accompanied by European citizens.
  4. There was an attempt by militants to respond to Israeli brutality with further violence, but Palestinian cities were battered as a result of the conflict.
  5. You have the impression that you are living as one of the vanquished if you have to go through it.
See also:  How Many Years Since Jesus Christ Died?

The reclusive street artist Banksy recently opened a venue in Bethlehem calledthe Walled Off Hotel.What’s that all about?

The same reason that everyone has always been interested in Bethlehem is the same reason that Israel has been interested in it: the aquifer is still one of Israel’s primary supplies of water. Israeli forces captured control of a pumping station at Kfar Etzion in the Bethlehem governorate in 1967. The station eventually became the site of a settlement and is now used to distribute water to Palestinians in the Hebron and Bethlehem areas. There are now 42 communities in the area surrounding the town.

  • It is a jail in the open air.
  • Banksy first appeared in the UK in 2006.
  • I’d heard of Banksy before, but had dismissed him.
  • The Walled Off Hotel (a play on the famous Waldorf Hotel) is located near the checkpoint into Bethlehem, in a house that is approximately 12 feet from the wall that circles Rachel’s Tomb.
  • There are conflicting emotions in Bethlehem regarding it.

People question if he’s getting money off of it or if he’s just promoting himself. Others believe that he is attempting to bring attention to the wall. In general, there’s a sense that Banksy has done something amusing with his work. Palestinians are known for having a fantastic sense of humour.

You suggest Bethlehem may need another “miracle” if it is to survive. Explain what you mean—and how you see the future for Bethlehem.

Surprising events have occurred throughout the country’s history. More than only the site of Christ’s birth, it’s also the site of the world’s oldest sculpture of people in love and the site of the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls, among other historical landmarks. As a result of the holocaust that occurred with the establishment of the Turkish state in the early twentieth century, it became a refuge for Armenians and Syriacs. When Israel was established in 1948, it became a haven for Palestinians escaping the establishment of the Jewish state.

  1. Each wave has radically altered the town, yet the town has managed to hold on to its identity.
  2. The length and clarity of this interview have been adjusted for readability.
  3. Book Talk is curated by Simon Worrall.
  4. Bethlehemby Constable is the publisher of Nicholas Blincoe’s work.

When & where was Jesus born? All important info

Millions of people continue to assemble on Christmas Eve, December 24, throughout the world to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ for the second time. But was Jesus actually born on that day and in that place? You can discover all of the answers to your questions concerning the birth of Jesus in this section.

When was Jesus born?

According to mythology, Jesus Christ was born on the night between December 24th and December 25th in the year 0 on the planet Earth. Christian communities all around the globe, including those in the United States, have historically marked this date as the birth of the Messiah and Son of God, known as Christmas. Is this, however, the correct date of Jesus’ birth? When it comes to the New Testament, there is no mention of Jesus’ birth date. In fact, the Encyclopaedia of Theology and the Church states that “the exact date of Jesus’ birth is a mystery.” This is hardly unexpected, given the fact that people at the time were utterly clueless of the year and day of the week.

But, for the time being, historians agree that Jesus was neither born on December 25th, nor in the year zero.

What we believe we know about Jesus is based on the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, which are included in the New Testament and each of them presents the story of Jesus’ life from a different point of view.

Although the well-known biblical Christmas story, which is based on these two scriptures, is still the foundation of many Christmas traditions: it is re-enacted in nativity scenes in church services and schools, read aloud at Christmas, and in many families, it is traditionally re-enacted by putting up Nativity sets.

What is known about the birth of Jesus according to the Bible?

The Bible tells the story of Jesus’ life, beginning with his conception. There is very little reliable material available concerning the precise date of Jesus’ birth. The following is what comes out of the two biblical traditions of Luke and Matthew:

  • Jesus was born at Bethlehem, Judea, during the reign of Herod the Great, who reigned as king of Israel during the time of Jesus’ birth. However, because he died in 4 BC, rather than the year zero, the period from 7 to 4 BC can be considered the time of Jesus’ birth
  • Jesus’ parents were named Mary and Joseph, and they were engaged at the time of his birth
  • Jesus’ parents were called Mary and Joseph, and they were engaged at the time of his birth
  • According to the Bible, Jesus’ birth was a virgin birth brought about by the work of the Holy Spirit
  • And

What is wrong with the date of Christmas?

Because there are numerous indications in the Bible that the date of December 25th cannot be correct, a birth date in December is unlikely, according to the Bible. Christmas tradition holds that Jesus was born in a barn outside of Bethlehem and placed in a manger. When the Emperor Augustus requests acensus in Luke’s Gospel, the story of Jesus’ birth is officially launched into the public domain. As a result, Joseph and Mary embarked on the 150-kilometer journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, where they would give birth to Jesus.

  • In Bethlehem, shortly after Mary and Joseph have arrived, she gives birth to their baby.
  • As a result, it is assumed that Jesus was born in an astable.
  • “And there were shepherds in the same region, standing in the open field and keeping watch over their flock by night,” the Gospel of Luke says (Lk 2:8).
  • As a result, there is no grass in the fields at this time of year, and the animals are confined to a stable.
  • This is a topic concerning which researchers are always developing fresh theories and theses.
  • When exactly Jesus of Nazareth was born will almost certainly remain a mystery for the rest of time.

Why do we celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas?

When placed beneath the Christmas tree, the Nativity scene represents the Christmas story: Mary and Joseph with the newborn Jesus in the stable, surrounded by shepherds, travelers, and farmyard creatures in the foreground. It is this image from roughly 2000 years ago that serves as the inspiration for the celebration of Christmas today. After all, if it isn’t actually Jesus’ birthday, why do we celebrate the feast every year in December? Scientists are still divided, but the majority believe that the feast was first celebrated in Rome on December 25th, in the fourth century, under the reign of Emperor Constantine.

According to a list of pagan feasts included in the Roman calendar, this day was considered to be particularly significant among the pagans of the period.

They celebrated the solstice by lighting bonfires and staging celebrations in the circus.

Researchers believe that this date was chosen as the feast of the birth of Christ as a result of this reasoning. In the 7th and 8th centuries, the practice is believed to have extended to what is now Western Europe.

Did Jesus Christ really live? The most important information at a glance

When placed beneath the Christmas tree, the Nativity scene represents the Christmas story: Mary and Joseph with the newborn Jesus in the stable, surrounded by shepherds, travelers, and farm animals. Scene from roughly 2000 years ago that serves as the inspiration for today’s Christmas festivities. After all, if it is not actually Jesus’ birthday, why do we celebrate the feast every year in December? However, although scientists continue to dispute, the majority of them believe that the festival began in Rome on December 25th, during the reign of Emperor Constantine in the fourth century A.D.

Pagan celebrations were included in the Roman calendar, and this day appears to have held special significance for the pagans of that time period.

They celebrated the solstice by lighting bonfires and staging celebrations in the circus arena.

Therefore, researchers believe that this date was chosen as the feast of Christ’s birth as a result of this reasoning.

The childhood and youth of Jesus

According to current scientific theory, the Messiah was not born in a barn in Bethlehem, but rather in Nazareth. His parents and he were both Jewish, although little is known about his upbringing and early years. However, given they occur in the Gospels, Acts, and the writings of Paul, it is reasonable to believe that Jesus had a number of younger brothers and sisters as well. It is also apparent that Jesus began his professional career by following in the footsteps of his father, who worked as a type of artisan.

At the time, this right was only available to a select few members of the general public.

Jesus was baptized by him, and he was the one who persuaded him to abandon his family and join the so-called ‘desert preacher,’ dedicating his life to religion.

As an itinerant preacher, he gained a devoted following that grew larger and larger with time and distance.

Jesus the preacher

The four gospels provide a detailed account of Jesus’ life as a prophet, his religious teaching, how he cured the sick, and his miracle-working abilities.

He declared that the reign of God had come to pass. He also spoke up for the underprivileged, the ill, and the marginalized. Because of his eloquent sermons, he gained increasing popularity among the populace, which did not sit well with the Roman authorities.

The Crucifixion

Finally, Pontius Pilate, the Roman emperor’s governor, had Jesus arrested and condemned to death by crucifixion after a long and drawn-out process. This most likely occurred in the year 30 or 31 AD. According to legend, Jesus arose from the dead on the third day following his death and resurrection (Easter). The Bible claims that God, his Father, escorted him back to heaven 39 days later (on the Feast of the Ascension).

The customs surrounding the birth of Jesus

Despite the fact that the gospels were written in a different chronological sequence and that the traditions were only partially equivalent, the four gospels nonetheless serve as the cornerstone of Christian religion. There are many wonderful Christmas traditions that trace back to the biblical account of Christmas around the birth of Jesus, even if the actual birthday of Jesus is not celebrated on December 25th. Nativity displays and performances, for example, are examples of such traditions.

This includes traditions such as cozy get-togethers, baking cookies, decorating the Christmas tree, and giving gifts to friends and family members.

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By the way, you can find a lot more interesting information about Christmas and nativity scenes on our site, such as how to appropriately position the crib figures or information on the three wise men.

Afterwards, please feel free to browse around our online store.

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