Where Did Mary And Joseph Go After Jesus Was Born

Return of the family of Jesus to Nazareth – Wikipedia

The return of the family of Jesus to Nazareth, also known as the return from Egypt, is mentioned in the accounts of Jesus’ early life that are contained in the canonical gospels of the New Testament. Both of the gospels that record Jesus’ birth agree that he was born in Bethlehem and subsequently migrated with his family to live in Nazareth when his parents died. The Gospel of Matthewtells the story of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus fleeing to Egypt to avoid being killed by Herod the Great for the killing of the infant boys at Bethlehem.

The Gospel of Luke, on the other hand, does not mention anything about the departure to Egypt, but it does mention that Joseph had previously lived in Nazareth and had returned there following Jesus’ presentation at the Temple.

Return from Egypt

The holy family returns from Egypt following Herod’s death, at some point in the future. Herod’s death is generally accepted to have occurred about 4 BCE, according to most experts. They moved on to Galilee after discovering that Herod Archelaushad had replaced his father as governor of Judea. Archelaus was well-known for his harshness, and in reaction to widespread public outcry, he was ousted by Augustus and sent to Vienne in Gaul in 6 AD. Herod Antipas, Archelaus’ brother, reigned over Galilee at the time.


In 1917, there was an alleged “Mary’s well” in Nazareth. As recorded in Matthew 2:23, Jesus’ return to Nazareth is claimed to be a fulfillment of the prophesied phrase, “He shall be known as a Nazarene.” Many interpreters believe that Matthew was referring to Isaiah 11:1, which states, “A shoot will spring out from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit” (NIV): the Hebrew word for “branch” isnezer. It is unclear which Old Testament text Matthew was referring to.

In art

The return voyage of the family from Egypt has been a recurrent theme of artistic expression throughout history. Some Bible scholars had noticed discrepancies between the flight’s birth narrative and the story of the flight’s origin. As Raymond E. Brown put it, “the narratives are diametrically opposed to one another in a number of specific points.”

See also

  1. In the Gospel of Matthew, Matthew 2:22 is quoted
  2. Bart D. Ehrman,Jesus: apocalyptic prophet of the new millennium, Oxford University Press 1999, page 38
  3. Paula Fredriksen,From Jesus to Christ(Second edition, Yale University Press 2000, page 36)
  4. R. T. France,The Gospel of Matthew(Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2007) page 43
  5. Rudolf Schnackenburg, The Gospel “The Persecuted Child” is the title of this story. Bible Gateway is a website dedicated to providing access to the Bible. Obtainable on November 29, 2016
  6. Luke 2:4
  7. Luke 2:39
  8. Emil Schürer, “Luke 2:4” 5 volumes of A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ Published by Scribner’s in New York in 1896
  9. Barnes, Timothy David, and Timothy David Barnes “The Date of Herod’s Death,” Journal of Theological Studiesns 19 (1968), 204–219
  10. Bernegger, P. M. “Affirmation of Herod’s Death in 4 B.C.”, Journal of Theological Studiesns 34 (1983), 526–531
  11. Keener, Craig, “The Date of Herod’s Death,” Journal of Theological Studiesns 19 (1968), 204–219
  12. (2009). The Gospel of Matthew: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew Eerdmans Publishing Company, p. 114, ISBN 9780802864987. Retrieved on November 28, 2016
  13. IVP New Testament Commentaries, Growing Up in a Small Town, accessed on November 29, 2016
  14. Brown, Raymond E., The Birth of the Messiah, Yale University Press, 1999, p. 36ISBN9780300140088

Journeys of Mary and Joseph Map

Approximately how many voyages did Mary and Joseph make before to and following the birth of Jesus? Why were they unable to return to Bethlehem? Mary and Joseph were both born in Nazareth, which is their hometown. During the year 5 BCE, soon before the birth of Christ, the Romans summon them to Bethlehem, where they must return to their ancestral house (they were both descended from King David’s line). After traveling around 80 miles (129 kilometers) to the city, where Christ would be born in a stall and placed in a manger, the couple returns to the countryside (Luke 2:1 – 20).

  1. On the eighth day after Mary gives birth to the Lord, Joseph leads the family to Jerusalem so that the Lord might be circumcised in accordance with the law of the Lord (Luke 2:21).
  2. The distance between the two points is only 6 miles (9.6 kilometers).
  3. During their visit, a priest called Simeon made a prophecy concerning Jesus’ life goal and blessed his parents, which is recorded in the Bible (Luke 2:22 – 35).
  4. The family then returns to Bethlehem, which is only a short distance away.
  5. The wise men (Magi) from the East travel to Bethlehem, guided by a star (an angel), to pay homage to the King of Kings, with Mary in attendance (verse 11).
  6. He is made aware of this because Herod the Greatwill issue a directive shortly thereafter ordering the execution of all male youngsters two years old and younger in and around Bethlehem (Matthew 2:16).
  7. (Jeremiah 31:15).

After Herod dies in early 4 B.C.,Joseph has a dreamwhere an angel advises him it is safe to return to Israel.

(Hosea 11:1).

However, as Mary and Joseph enter Judea, it is revealed thatHerod Archelaus, the eldest surviving son of Herod the Great, is the new ruler of the province (Matthew 2:22).

Like his father, Archelaus rules with tyranny and cruelty.

Joseph’s fears about living within Judea are confirmed when God sends him a warning in a dream.

(Matthew 2:22 – 23).

This son had a slightly less violent disposition than Archelaus.

Jesus spends hischildhoodand young adult years living in Nazareth (which fulfills the prophecy stated in Matthew 2:23).

(which fulfills the prophecy stated in Matthew 2:23). After the death of his step-father sometime between his 12th and 30th birthday, Jesus continues to live inNazarethuntil he journeys toCapernaumto begin his public ministry.

When Did Jesus Go to Egypt?

A common knowledge among those who are familiar with the little facts provided in Scripture concerning Jesus’ early life is that following the visit from the wise men, Matthew reports that Joseph and Mary took Jesus and fled to Egypt at the order of God (Matthew 2:13-14). Later, upon Herod’s death, Jesus’ family relocated from Egypt to Nazareth, where they established a permanent residence (Matthew 2:19-23). Some believe, however, that Luke’s depiction of Jesus’ early life is in conflict with Matthew’s story, which they believe is correct (Wells, 2011; cf.

  1. 10).
  2. “So after they had completed all that was required of them according to the commandment of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their home city of Nazareth,” the inspired physician writes later (Luke 2:39, emp.
  3. In light of the fact that Luke makes no mention of Egypt and Matthew makes no mention of a travel to Nazareth shortly after Jesus’ birth, it is presumed that either Matthew or Luke is incorrect.
  4. The reality is, however, that such a hypothesis cannot be rationally supported unless both of the inspired authors claimed to have written full, chronological records of everything Jesus did during his lifetime.
  5. John 21:25).
  6. Certainly, the Holy Spirit might have inspired Matthew to write his accurate and genuine narrative of portions of Christ’s life without including any reference of his brief “return” to Galilee.
  7. A common occurrence among Bible authors is that they go from one subject to another without intending to record every activity that went place over a certain period of time or the precise order in which anything was done or taught (cf.

Later, in chapter 24, for example, Luke excluded Jesus’ post-resurrection appearances in Galilee, which were recounted by both Matthew and John.

The following four verses of Luke 24 (verses 50-53) took place more than five weeks later, in the book of Acts (see Acts 1:1-12).

The same is true with the Greek conjunctionkai, which was used by Luke in 2:39 to indicate a conjunction.

Consider the following: (in the book we call Acts).

However, according to Galatians 1:17-18, Paul really traveled to Arabia, then returned to Damascus, and then traveled up to Jerusalem after three years of travel.

1 Timothy 5:18), left off a significant portion of someone’s life story.

Maintaining perspective, keep in mind that the Bible is a literature that spans nearly 4,000 years—from the beginning of time to the end of the first century AAD.

In fact, even the one person who is the central focus of Scripture—Jesus—has extremely little information written about him when compared to every place he has ever visited and everything he has ever done or said throughout his lifetime.



Rather, much as we tell tales today and add some aspects that others may overlook, the inspired writers of Scripture did the same in their writings.

Because the Bible authors complemented rather than refuted each other’s descriptions of biblical events, honest truth-seekers will arrive to the logical conclusion that the Bible writers supplemented rather than opposed each other’s stories.


Bart Ehrman’s book, Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why, was published in 2005. (San Francisco, CA: Harper). Steve Wells’ Skeptic’s Annotated Bible was published in 2011. Published on the 23rd of October, 2011. REPRODUCTION DISCLAIMERS: The reproduction of this material in part or in its full is permissible as long as the terms and conditions set out by the author and the publisher are followed. Prerequisites for Reproduction

Where did Joseph and Mary live before the birth of Jesus?

As a result of this order, Caesar Augustus declared that all of the globe would be subject to taxation during those days. And they all went to be taxed, everyone to his or her own municipality. As well as this, Joseph traveled up from Galilee, leaving the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, where he settled in the city of David, which is known as Bethlehem (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) To be taxed together with Mary his betrothed bride, who is excellent with children. Because of this, the days leading up to her delivery were completed during their time in the country.

Luke 2:2-7 is a passage from the Gospel of Luke.

They lived in a house in Bethlehem, and moved to Nazareth after returning from Egypt.

The wise men from the east came to Bethlehem to pay a visit to Jesus when he was born in a home in Bethlehem. When Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judaea during the reign of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, asking, “Where is he who has been born King of the Jews?” And they replied to him, “In the city of Bethlehem of Judah.” And when they entered the home, they saw the little infant with Mary, his mother, and they went to their knees before him, prostrating themselves before him.

  1. Matthew 2:11 – 11 – Joseph had a dream in which an angel appeared to him and instructed him to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt.
  2. Joseph got up and took the young infant and his mother by night and fled to Egypt, where he remained until Herod’s death, which was about three months later.
  3. When Herod is no longer alive, behold, an angel of the Lord appears to Joseph in Egypt in a dream, telling him to arise and take the newborn infant and his mother and flee to the country of Israel.
  4. Matthew 2:13-15So they returned to Israel, where Joseph was instructed to travel to Nazareth by an angel in a dream.
  5. Matthew 2:22-23 (NASB)

The Christmas Story – Returning Home

Now that the situation has been cleared up, Mary, Joseph, and Jesus may return to Nazareth, where they originally came from.

See also:  River Where Jesus Was Baptized

The Story in the Bible

“Arise and take the young child and his mother, and flee to the land of Israel, for those who wanted the young child’s life have died,” an angel of the Lord came to Joseph in Egypt after Herod’s death, stating, “For those who desired the young kid’s life have died.” And he stood up, grabbed the little kid and his mother, and journeyed to the country of Israel, where they were welcomed. However, when he learned that Archelaus had taken over as ruler of Judea in the stead of his father, Herod, he became fearful of visiting the region.

Matthew 2:19-23 is a Bible verse that describes the life of Jesus.

The History behind Joseph, Mary and Jesus returning from Egypt in the Christmas Story

Herod was very old and very ill at the time of the order to murder all the infant boys, which resulted in the Holy Family being forced into exile in Egypt for a period of time. He was suffering from a severe form of delusional paranoia, and he killed everybody who even appeared to be a threat to him. He altered his will numerous times throughout the course of the last few months of his life, as a result of the deaths of several of his sons. He even ordered the execution of some of his sons if he believed they were getting too strong!

  1. Afterwards, he sent instructions to his sister to have all of the wealthy people executed once he died, in order to prevent them from becoming king in his place!
  2. As a result of Herod’s death, he was buried in the Garden of Herodium in Bethlehem, and Archelaus succeeded him as King of Israel.
  3. As a result, when the holy family returned to Judea, they chose to return to their hometown of Nazareth rather than to the city of Bethlehem, as was customary at the time.
  4. Archelaus persecuted more people than Herod and spent all of the tax money collected from the people on goods for himself rather than for the kingdom.
  5. Joseph, Mary, and Jesus resided in Nazareth until Jesus began his public preaching in Nazareth.

Where did Mary and Joseph live before Jesus was born? – Kitchen

Before the birth of Jesus Christ, Mary and Joseph journeyed from Nazareth to Bethlehem in 5 B.C., according to the Bible. The family relocated to Egypt when Joseph was instructed to do so by a dream to avoid Herod the Great’s order to massacre children in and around Bethlehem. Egypt is presently a North African country. The village of Bethlehem in Judea, which is located around six miles south of Jerusalem, has long been regarded as the birthplace of Jesus.

According to the New Testament, Joseph and Mary were residing in Bethlehem, Judea, at the time of Jesus’ birth, and they later relocated to Nazareth, which is located in the northern part of the country.

Where did Mary live before she married Joseph?

When the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary during her betrothal—the first stage of a Jewish marriage—he announced to her that she would be the mother of the promised Messiah by conceiving him through the Holy Spirit. Mary, who had expressed skepticism at the time, accepted the news with joy and obediently followed the instructions of the angel.

Why did Joseph and Mary live in Nazareth?

This notion is conveyed by the gospel of Matthew, who claims that Mary and Joseph had always resided in Bethlehem, and that this is why Jesus was born there. The fact why the family finds up in Nazareth, according to the author of Matthew, is because the southern Herods are extremely deadly.

How many children did Mary and Joseph have?

In his fortieth year, Joseph married a lady who was known by several names, some of which were Melcha or Escha, others which were Salome; they were married for forty-nine years and had six children, two girls and four boys, the youngest of them was James (known as “the Lord’s brother”).

How old was Joseph when he was with Mary?

Joseph the Carpenter is mentioned in another early text, The History of Joseph the Carpenter, which was composed in Egypt between the 6th and 7th centuries and in which Christ himself tells the story of his step-father, claiming that Joseph was 90 years old when he married Mary and died at the age of 111.

How old was Mary when Jesus was born?

Everything You Need to Know About Mary However, we now assume that Mary and Joseph were both in their twenties at the time of Jesus’ birth, about sixteen and eighteen years old, respectively. This was the standard practice for newlywed Jewish couples at the time.

Did Mary and Joseph stay in Bethlehem after Jesus was born?

In this way, Mary and Joseph, who were both descended from King David, found themselves in the little hamlet of Nazareth, despite the fact that their ancestral lines ran through Bethlehem of Judah. Despite having lived quietly in Nazareth, Mary and Joseph were compelled to return to Judah in order to participate in the Roman-mandated census.

What is the name of Jesus wife?

Mary Magdalene in the role of Jesus’ wife.

How old was Jesus when Joseph died?

As for Jesus, he was most likely between the ages of 12 and 19 when Joseph of Nazareth died, depending on the source.

Did Jesus have a child?

You should be aware that, hidden under millennia of disinformation and deceit, Jesus had a secret wife named Mary Magdalene with whom he fathered two children. They want you to be aware of this fact.

Was Mary married to Joseph before Jesus was born?

The Gospel of Luke claims that Mary is a virgin betrothed to Joseph, whereas the Gospel of Matthew claims that Jesus’ virginal conception occurs before Mary lives with Joseph in his home. This is because, in a Jewish wedding, a woman is already his wife by virtue of being betrothed to him; however, she does not begin living in his home until after the wedding ceremony.

How old was Joseph when he was sold?

Because of his interpretation of the dreams of the head butler and baker, Joseph was imprisoned for two years (see Genesis 41:1). He was around seventeen years old when he was sold into slavery (see Genesis 37:2), and he was thirty years old when he was appointed vice-regent to the pharaoh of Egypt (see Genesis 41:46).

How many wives did Joseph have in the Bible?

Joseph had just one wife, Asenath, the daughter of Potiphar the priest of On, whom he marries in Egypt.

Joseph has one son, Benjamin, whom he married in Egypt. She has two boys, Ephraim and Manasseh, whom she raises as her own.

Mary and Joseph Go to Bethlehem and Jesus Is Born

1, 2. Describe Mary’s journey and explain why she found it difficult at several points along the way. In an awkwardly twisted position, MARY sat atop the little beast of burden. She’d been biking for several hours. Just ahead, Joseph continued to walk steadily forward, pointing the way along the road toward the distant town of Bethlehem. Mary was awakened once more by the stirring of life inside her. 2 Mary was far into her pregnancy at this point, and the Bible depicts her as “heavy with child” at this point in the narrative.

  • Is it possible that anything had dragged Mary away from her hometown of Nazareth?
  • 3 This whole ordeal began months earlier when this young Jewish woman was given a task that was unlike any other in all of human history.
  • (See also Luke 1:35) As the moment for giving birth drew closer, the need of embarking on this trip became apparent.
  • Let’s have a look at what she did to maintain her spiritual strength.

The Trip to Bethlehem

four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten (a) What was the reason for Joseph and Mary’s journey to Bethlehem? (a) Which of the following prophecies was fulfilled as a result of Caesar’s decree? 4 Joseph and Mary were not the only ones who were on the move at that time. People were required to travel to their place of origin in order to comply with a recent decree issued by Caesar Augustus requiring that a register be carried out in the country. What was Joseph’s response? This is how the story goes: “Of course, Joseph also traveled up from Galilee and out of the city of Nazareth into Judea and to David’s city, which is known as Bethlehem, since he was a member of David’s house and family.” — Luke 2:14-23.

  • The Messiah would be born at Bethlehem, according to a prophesy that was written down some seven centuries ago.
  • The prophesy, on the other hand, said that it would be “Bethlehem Ephrathah” that would give birth to the Messiah.
  • In that Bethlehem, Joseph was summoned, since it was the ancestral house of King David’s family, which included both Joseph and his wife, and it was the Bethlehem to which Joseph had been summoned.
  • Mary’s actions were influenced in what way by the fact that she was Joseph’s wife?
  • After all, she would be under a lot of stress on the journey.
  • Furthermore, the term “went up from Galilee” is suitable since Bethlehem was positioned at a height altitude of over 2,500 feet (760 m), which required a strenuous ascent at the end of a journey that had lasted many days.
  • She may require many periods of rest.

Without a question, she needed to summon the necessary fortitude in order to go on this journey.

Despite this, Luke states that Joseph went “to become enrolled with Mary” (to register with Mary).

(Luke 2:4; Luke 2:5) The fact that Mary was Joseph’s wife made a significant impact in her judgments.

As a result, she responded to this possible test of her faith with straightforward obedience.

(b) How does Mary’s example serve as a light for those who are faithful?

Did she have any knowledge of the prophesy that Bethlehem would be the birthplace of the Savior?

We cannot discount out the possibility, because the truth was apparently well known among religious leaders and even the broader public at the time of the incident.

2:1-7; John 7:40-42) When it came to the Scriptures, Mary was far from being a naive young lady of her time.

Both men and women who have a modest and submissive heart are highly regarded by Jehovah. In our day and age, when submitting appears to be among the most neglected of virtues, Mary’s example serves as a light for those who are committed to God.

The Birth of Christ

nine, ten (a) What do you think Mary and Joseph were thinking about as they were making their way towards Bethlehem? (a) Why did Joseph and Mary choose to stay in the location that they did? 9 When Mary first saw the town of Bethlehem, she had to have breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. It’s possible that Mary and Joseph were thinking about the history of this small community as they ascended the slopes, passing past olive orchards, which were among the last crops to be gathered at the time of their journey.

  1. 10 Mary and Joseph discovered that the hamlet was quite crowded.
  2. They had no choice but to spend the night in a barn since they had no other option.
  3. Her contractions had started right here, of all places.
  4. (a) In what ways did Jesus fulfill the role of “firstborn”?
  5. A little more than 4,000 years previously, Jehovah had forewarned that it would be the common lot of women to experience anguish during childbirth as a result of hereditary sin.
  6. v.
  7. v.
See also:  What Does Jesus Do In Heaven



According to Luke’s narrative, the scene is obscured by a subtle curtain of seclusion, which states simply: “She gave birth to her son, the firstborn.” (Luke 2:7).

Yes, Mary’s “firstborn” had arrived – the first of at least seven children who would come to be known as her family.

But he was also Jehovah’s own “firstborn of all creation,” the only-begotten Son of God, who was not only the firstborn of all creation, but also the firstborn of all time!

12.How did Mary lay the infant, and how did the truth differ from the nativity plays, paintings, and scenarios that have been shown in the media?

(Luke 2:7).

Take into consideration, however, the facts of the situation.

Remember that the family was staying in a stable, which was not known for having clean air or cleanliness at the time, or even now.

The majority of parents want nothing but the best for their children.

What ways did Mary and Joseph make the most of what they had?

(b) How can wise parents nurture priorities that are comparable to those of Joseph and Mary in the modern world?

Take, for example, the fact that Mary herself looked after the child, wrapping him tightly in fabric bands and placing him gently in the manger to sleep, assuring that he would be warm and safe.

She and Joseph were also aware that the most essential thing they could do for this kid would be to provide him with spiritual guidance and support.

(See Deuteronomy 6:6-8 for further information.) As they raise their children in this spiritually impoverished environment, sensible parents create priorities that are comparable to those of their forefathers.

A Visit Brings Encouragement

14 and 15 are the digits of the number 14. (a) What was it about the infant that made the shepherds so excited? (a) What action did the shepherds take in response to what they had witnessed in the stable? 14 A disturbance erupted out of nowhere, disrupting the tranquil environment. Shepherds raced into the stable, anxious to see the family and, in especially, the youngster who had been left behind. These men were giddy with excitement, and their smiles were beaming from their faces. Their flocks had been herded into the valley from the mountains where they had been camped for the night.

  1. An angel had come to them on the mountainside during their night vigil while they were on the watch.
  2. They would discover the kid lying in a manger, swaddled in cotton bands, and they would take him home.
  3. — Luke 2:8–14, emphasis added.
  4. A newborn child, laying there exactly as the angel had described, must have filled them with delight.
  5. As the adage goes, “They made the saying known.
  6. Jehovah, on the other hand, evidently regarded these persons as valuable.
  7. Shepherds who were modest and obedient were plainly favored by Jehovah.

How did Mary demonstrate that she was genuinely attentive, while also expressing what was at the heart of her faith?

And she went even further: “Mary began to store all of these sayings, making inferences in her heart as she did so.” (See also Luke 2:19) This young lady exhibited genuine thoughtfulness.

Her God, Jehovah, want for her to be aware of and recognize the identity and significance of her son.

She tucked the words away in her heart, knowing that she would come back to them again and again in the months and years to come to consider them.

​— Take a look at Hebrews 11:1.

So, how can we follow in Mary’s footsteps when it comes to spiritual truths and principles?

Jehovah has crammed the pages of his Word with essential spiritual truths that can’t be found anywhere else.

As a means of accomplishing this, we should routinely read the Bible—not only as a piece of fiction, but as the divinely inspired Word of God.

If we ponder on what we read in the Bible, considering ways in which we may implement Jehovah’s wisdom more thoroughly, we will provide our faith with the nutrients it requires to flourish and expand.

More Sayings to Preserve

When it came to following the Mosaic Law in Jesus’ early years, what did Mary and Joseph do? The donation that Joseph and Mary made at the temple revealed a lot about their financial status, didn’t it? 18 On the eighth day of the baby’s life, Mary and Joseph had him circumcised, as required by the Mosaic Law, and named him Jesus, as ordered. (See also Luke 1:31) And on the 40th day, they transported him from Bethlehem to Jerusalem, a distance of six miles (approximately ten kilometers), where they delivered the purifying sacrifices that the Law permitted for poorer people — two turtledoves (turtlebird offerings) or two pigeon offerings (pigeon offerings).

  • However, they received a tremendous amount of support while they were there.
  • (a) What was Anna’s initial emotion when she first saw Jesus?
  • In the days leading up to his death, he had been promised that he would see the Messiah, and Jehovah’s holy spirit revealed to him that little Jesus was the long-awaited Savior.
  • He claimed that she would have the sensation of having a long sword run through her.
  • Following Simeon’s death, a prophetess by the name of Anna witnessed the birth of Jesus and began preaching about him to everyone who held out hope for the rescue of Jerusalem.
  • At the Temple of Jehovah in Jerusalem, Mary and Joseph received a great deal of encouragement.
  • What evidence did the disciples have that taking Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem was a wise decision?
  • As a result, they set their kid on a lifelong path of faithful attendance at the temple of Jehovah.
  • Mary undoubtedly left the temple that day more steadfast in her faith, her heart overflowing with spiritual sayings to ponder and share with others around her.
  • How can we ensure that our faith continues to develop in strength, just as Mary’s has?
  • Parents of Jehovah’s Witnesses are expected to bring their children to Christian meetings on a regular basis.

They return stronger, happier, and full of positive things to share with their friends and colleagues. What a delight it has been to finally meet them! As we do so, we will discover that our faith, like Mary’s, will continue to grow stronger and stronger.

Bible Contradiction? Did Jesus, Mary, and Joseph go to Egypt or Nazareth?

SLIMJIMI posted on December 7, 2016 Last week, in honor of the Christmas season, we discussed the question of “Where did Joseph and Mary reside before the birth of Jesus?” Another issue posed by the Skeptic Annotated Bible is addressed in today’s post: “Did Jesus, Mary, and Joseph go to Egypt or Nazareth?” Instead than focusing on the subject of where Joseph and Mary were before the birth of Jesus, we will be looking at where Joseph and Mary traveled after the birth of Jesus this Sunday.

The following are the two responses that the skeptic feels demonstrate a Bible contradiction:

They went to Egypt after Jesus’s birth.

As a result, Joseph arose early in the morning and brought the Child and His mother away to Egypt, despite the fact that it was still night. (Matthew 2:14; Mark 2:14)

They went to Nazareth after Jesus’s birth.

As soon as they had completed everything in accordance with the Law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, specifically to their home city of Nazareth. (See also Luke 2:39)

(Note: Scriptural quotation comes from the New American Standard Bible)

To determine whether or not there is a contradiction, consider the following examples:

  1. When dealing with skeptics’ claims of Bible inconsistencies, it seems as though one can never get enough reminders about what really constitutes a contradiction in the first place. It is possible that the skeptics’ premises “They travelled to Egypt after Jesus’ birth” and “They went to Nazareth after Jesus’ birth” are not necessarily contradictory in that they cannot both be true in the same sense and at the same time. Following the birth of Jesus, Joseph and Mary might have traveled to Egypt and Nazareth at different times of the year. For example, Joseph and Mary may have traveled to Egypt first and then returned to Nazareth, or they could have traveled back to Nazareth and then traveled to Egypt again. However, it is important to note that the topic of which place they visited first is no longer an issue of contradiction but rather one of chronological sequence
  2. We must avoid making the chapter in Matthew and Luke into a bigger dispute than it should be. When we look at Matthew 2 and Luke 2, we can see that they both agree that Joseph, Mary, and Jesus finally resided in Nazareth, which is where they were born. If Joseph and Mary travelled to Egypt first before coming to Nazareth, we still do not have a contradiction between Matthew 2:14 and Luke 2:39
  3. If Joseph and Mary went to Egypt first before travelling to Nazareth, we do not have a contradiction between Matthew 2:14 and Luke 2:39
  1. It is the verb v that is used in Luke 2:39 to mean “returned” in the phrase “they returned to Galilee.” When the aorist tense is used, it is usually to express the impression that the action has been taken in its entirety. In other words, Luke 2:39 might be seen as referring to Joseph and Mary’s return to Galilee in general, rather than the specific method and other characteristics of their homecoming. As a result, Luke 2:39 was never intended to speak beyond the action of their return to Galilee as a whole and cannot be used to dispute the specifics of Matthew 2:14
  2. Rather, it was intended to speak beyond the action of their return to Galilee as a whole. From the preceding point, we must also note that the absence of any mention of Joseph and Mary travelling to Egypt in Luke 2:39 should not be seen as a rejection of the fact that they did journey to Egypt as stated in Matthew 2:14. Another instance in which we do not detect a contradiction:
  • Alternatively, if Joseph and Mary traveled to Nazareth first before traveling to Egypt and then eventually returning to Nazareth, there is no conflict between Matthew 2:14 and Luke 2:39.
  1. It’s important to remember that the Jews of Galilee frequently journeyed into Judea. Luke 2:41 even mentions that Jesus’ parents traveled to Jerusalem on an annual basis, and it appears that others made similar journeys as implied by the word “caravans” in Luke 2:44. Given how frequently and routinely Galileans traveled to Judea and back, it is not unexpected that Joseph and Mary returned to Galilee after the census, following the arrival of the wise men in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:5-8). In the case of a newlywed couple, they might not have the resources to stay in Bethlehem for any longer than they absolutely needed to, and so they returned home
  2. Why would they flee from Herod if they were already in Nazareth, and Matthew 2 records that Herod murdered children in the region around Bethlehem and Judea? Never forget that they had recently completed a census, and Herod might have used that information to find Jesus down and bring him back to his hometown of Galilee. As with the rest of Israel, Galilee was under Herod’s administration
  3. In fact, it was the first region that Herod was in charge of after being granted authority. As a result, even if they were already in Nazareth, it makes sense for them to go to Egypt.
See also:  What Does Paul Say About Jesus

In this instance, there is no contradiction. This entry was posted inBible contradiction,Bible difficulties,Bible interpretation,christian apologetics,Christianity,Reformed,Theology| TaggedBible,Bible contradiction,Christmas|34 Comments.

Bible Contradiction? Where did Joseph and Mary live before the birth of Jesus?

SLIMJIMI posted on November 29, 2016 In honor of the forthcoming holiday season and as we near the celebration of Christ’s birth, today’s column will address another topic posed by the Skeptic Annotated Bible: “Where did Joseph and Mary dwell prior to the birth of Christ?” The following are the two responses that the skeptic feels demonstrate a Bible contradiction (the emphasis and what is passed over are done by the skeptic):

They lived in Nazareth, and traveled to Bethlehem because of a census.

In those days, Caesar Augustus issued a decree ordering a census of the entire world’s population, which was carried out over the entire globe. 2This was the first census done in Syria when Quirinius was serving as governor. Everyone was on their way to their respective cities to register for the census at that point. Four years after that, Joseph traveled to Judea, to the city of David (which is known as Bethlehem because he belonged to the house and family of David),5in order to register with Mary, who was betrothed to him at the time and was expecting a child at the time.

7And she gave birth to her firstborn son, whom she wrapped in cloths and lay in a corner, since there was no room for them at the inn where they were staying.

They lived in a house in Bethlehem, and moved to Nazareth after returning from Egypt.

Magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea during the reign of Herod the king, asking,2″Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?. 5 “In the city of Bethlehem in Judea.,” they informed him. Following their entrance into the home, they were met by the Child and Mary His mother, and they immediately dropped to the ground and worshipped Him. (Matthew 2:1-11)

An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, telling him to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt.

Following their departure, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him, “Get up! Get out of here!” Make haste to Egypt with the Child and His mother, and then. 14As a result, Joseph arose early in the morning and went with the Child and His mother for Egypt while it was still dark.

15 He remained there till Herod was assassinated. ” (Matthew 2:13-15; Mark 1:13-15) Slim The next verse is missing from the text: “stay there until I tell you; for Herod is going to hunt for the Child in order to destroy Him.” Jim’s note:

They stayed in Egypt until an angel told Joseph in a dream to return to Israel.

But when Herod died, behold, an angel of the Lord came to Joseph in Egypt in a dream and said,20″Get up, take the Child and His mother, and travel into the country of Israel. ” 21 Joseph rose from his bed, grabbed the Child and His mother, and journeyed to the country of Israel with them. In Matthew 2:13-15, the Skeptic Annotated Bible misquoted the passage, which should have been Matthew 2:19-21.) The following is omitted from verse 20: “because all who sought the Child’s life have perished.” SlimJim’s note:

So they returned to Israel, where Joseph was told by an angel in a dream to go to Nazareth.

After learning that Archelaus had taken over as ruler of Judea in the stead of his father Herod, he became fearful of visiting the region. Then, after being warned by God in a dream, he set off for the Galilee region, where he eventually settled in a town called Nazareth. This was done in order to fulfill the prophecy that “He shall be called a Nazarene,” as prophesied via the prophets. (Matthew 2:22-23; Mark 10:22-23; Luke 10:22-23;

(Note: Scriptural quotation comes from the New American Standard Bible)

To determine whether or not there is a contradiction, consider the following examples:

  1. When it comes to the Bible, attention to detail is critical, just as it is in many other aspects of life. While it is true that the skeptic did not check up the passages in question, one can see that they were negligent in their choice of words. As previously stated, the Skeptic Annotated Bible erred in citing Matthew 2:13-15 to support his claim that “They remained in Egypt until an angel told Joseph in a dream to return to Israel.” The scripture that should have been mentioned should have been Matthew 2:19-21. This does not disprove the notion of a Bible contradiction in this instance. It may be construed as a little lapse of judgment. When confronted with skeptics’ claims of Bible contradictions, it appears that one can never be sufficiently reminded of what exactly constitutes a contradiction. However, this should lead one to be cautious about the attention to detail of our skeptic, given that a simple mistake could have gone undetected and uncorrected for years on such a large website. The term “contradiction” refers to a situation in which two or more statements are in conflict with one another, so that they cannot both be true in the same meaning and at the same time. As part of his attempt to create a contradiction, the skeptic wishes to contrast the ideas that Mary and Joseph resided in Nazareth against the concept that Mary and Joseph lived in Bethlehem in the same sense and at the same time. The two assertions that our skeptic considers to be in conflict are “They resided in Nazareth and traveled to Bethlehem because of a census” and “They lived in a home in Bethlehem and moved to Nazareth after returning from Egypt.” We must determine whether or not this is the case. Even if one does not consider whether the verses support the assertions made by the skeptic, it is important to recognize that the claims are not mutually exclusive. Thus, according to logical reasoning, Joseph and Mary “lived in Nazareth and journeyed to Bethlehem because of a census,” and after they arrived in Bethlehem, “they resided in a home in Bethlehem and returned to Nazareth after returning from Egypt.” Take note that the quotations in the last phrase are taken directly from the skeptic’s statements. Despite the fact that these two claims appear to be in conflict with one another on the surface, there is no Biblical contradiction because it is logically possible that Jesus’ parents lived in Nazareth before the birth of Jesus while both Joseph and Mary were “living” in Bethlehem during and immediately after the birth of Jesus
  2. Recall our skeptic’s question: “Where did Joseph and Mary live before the birth of Jesus?” It is surprising that our skeptic would focus on Matthew 2 in order to try to demonstrate that Joseph and Mary resided in Bethlehem while attempting to determine where they lived before to the birth of our Lord. However, the opening line of Matthew 2 informs us that the events that follow took place “after Jesus was born.” In this case, there is a fundamental methodological problem
  3. Additionally, the second claim of the skeptic, that “They lived in a house in Bethlehem, and moved to Nazareth after returning from Egypt,” requires further clarification and, in the end, does not pose as significant a problem as the skeptic believes based on his use of the passage from Matthew 2, which is a problem in and of itself.
  1. In some cases, the word “lived” may not be appropriate to describe Joseph and Mary’s stay in Bethlehem. For example, when someone is temporarily visiting a location for a period of time that includes staying there overnight or even overnight for a few days, we do not normally use the word “lived” to describe that person’s stay. While on vacation in New York City, if someone casually inquired as to where you resided, you are unlikely to respond with “New York City,” despite the fact that you are alive and have found a place to stay for the length of your journey. Instead, you would most likely state where your house is or where you were spending the most of your time before your vacation began
  2. When it comes to the Bible, it is important to notice that the word “lived” is not used, nor are any other verbs or nouns that would communicate the same notion. Consequently, the skeptic’s argument that Mary and Joseph “lived” in Bethlehem is less persuasive than it would be if the verb is present
  3. Once again, the skeptic’s claim that Mary and Joseph “lived” in Bethlehem may not be as persuasive as it would initially appear. Please take note of verse 11, which states, “When they entered the home, they saw the Child with Mary His mother, and they fell to the ground and worshiped Him. ” Of course, whether Mary and Joseph were visiting Bethlehem for a short period of time or whether they “lived” in Bethlehem, they would be living in a home. However, in verse 11, the word “house” is used instead of the phrase “their house.” Obviously, if the sentence had said “their house,” the argument supporting our doubter’s perspective would be far more compelling
  4. But, this is not the case.

Instead, it appears that Luke 2 establishes Nazareth as Joseph’s place of residence.

  1. In contrast to Matthew 2, Luke 2:4 describes an event that occurred BEFORE Jesus was born
  2. Luke 2:4 records that Joseph traveled “from the city of Nazareth” before traveling to Bethlehem. In this passage, the preposition “from” suggests origin, which makes sense since Joseph resided in and owned a property in Nazareth
  3. The reason for Joseph and Mary’s journey to Bethlehem is due to a census mandated by the Roman government, which was to be based on ancestral or tribal origins. The fact that someone from Nazareth would be discovered at Bethlehem is explained by this.

Following in the footsteps of Luke 2, the remainder of Matthew appears to concur that Joseph’s lineage may be traced back to Nazareth.

  1. During Jesus’ mission in Galilee (the region in which Nazareth is located), we are told that he ministered to the people in the surrounding area. For example, Matthew 13:54 writes, “He arrived to His hometown and began teaching them in their synagogue, such that they were amazed and asked, “Where did this guy acquire this wisdom and these amazing powers?” When they asked, “Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?”
  1. It is clear that Jesus was in Nazareth because the people claimed to have known his family (vv.55-56)
  2. The Greek term for “hometown” is, which is derived from the Greek noun. “Fatherland” is translated literally as “fatherland” (notice the “pater-” root)
  3. So, Jesus literally traveled to the land of his father. What is the location of his father Joseph’s residence? It was Nazareth, not Bethlehem, that Jesus was born.

The usage of the Greek word in Matthew 13:57 might be used to support the same point. In conclusion, even a cursory examination of Matthew 2 and Luke 2 indicates that they are not incompatible with one another. Even while Matthew 2 does not explicitly state that Joseph and Mary “lived” in Bethlehem, a closer look reveals that the remainder of Matthew confirms what Luke taught about Joseph’s place of origin: Nazareth. There is no inconsistency in this statement. Merry Christmas to you. Postings inBible contradiction,Bible difficulties,Bible interpretation,Christian apologetics,Christianity,Jesus,Jesus Christ,Reformed,Theology|

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