What Does Jesus Say About Women

How Jesus Viewed and Valued Women

It has been well-documented and brought forth in various recent publications about the status of women in the first-century Roman culture as well as in Jewish tradition. 1 The most of the time, women were seen as second-class citizens in society. When compared to his contemporaries, Jesus had a considerably more positive attitude about women. Evans describes Jesus’ approach to women as “revolutionary” for the time period in which he lived. 2However, was his treatment of women inconsistent with Old Testament revelation or with subsequent New Testament practices?

Disciples Come in Two Sexes, Male and Female

Women have intrinsic worth that is equal to that of males, according to Christ. “. in the beginning, the Creator’made them male and female,'” Jesus explained. (Matthew 19:4; see also Genesis 1:27) Women were made in the image of God in the same way that males were. They share many characteristics with males, including self-awareness, personal independence, a level of self-determination, and the ability to accept personal responsibility for their acts. Women have intrinsic worth that is equal to that of males, according to Christ.

Disciples are available in both male and female forms.

4 “The foundation-stone of Jesus’ attitude toward women, according to Hurley, was his understanding of them as individuals to whom and for whom he had come.” He does not appear to have perceived them primarily in terms of their gender, age, or marital status; rather, he appears to have viewed them in terms of their relationship (or lack thereof) with God.” 5

Three Clear Examples

Examples of this even-handed treatment of women by Jesus are found in the four Gospels. First, Jesus regularly addressed women directly while in public. This was unusual for a man to do (John 4:27). (John 4:27). The disciples were amazed to see Jesus talking with the Samaritan woman at the well of Sychar (John 4:7-26). (John 4:7-26). He also spoke freely with the woman taken in adultery (John 8:10–11). 6 Luke, who gives ample attention to women in his Gospel, notes that Jesus spoke publicly with the widow of Nain (Luke 7:12–13), the woman with the bleeding disorder (Luke 8:48; cf.

  1. 9:22; Mark 5:34), and a woman who called to him from a crowd (Luke 11:27–28).
  2. (Luke 23:27-31).
  3. He spoke in a thoughtful, caring manner.
  4. (Luke 13:16).
  5. He held women personally responsible for their own sin as seen in his dealings with the woman at the well (John 4:16–18), the woman taken in adultery (John 8:10–11), and the sinful woman who anointed his feet (Luke 7:44–50).

Their sin was not condoned, but confronted. Each had the personal freedom and a measure of self-determination to deal with the issues of sin, repentance, and forgiveness.

Jesus’s Valuation of Women Today

Despite the fact that Christ’s selection of the apostles and the unique sort of work they were given to undertake demonstrate a clear distinction in their roles, there are no barriers that must remain between a believer and the Lord Jesus Christ, regardless of gender. In both his life and teaching, Jesus showed nothing but the utmost esteem for female companions. He acknowledged the inherent equality of men and women, and he demonstrated the value and dignity of women as individuals on a consistent basis.

  • He treated women with respect, educated them, and ministered to them in meaningful ways.
  • Is it possible that things have changed too profoundly for us to see the same Jesus today?
  • Women today can experience the same deep satisfaction in serving Christ that the Marys and Marthas of Judea, or the Joannas and Susannas of Galilee, found in their lives centuries ago.
  • Borland’s book, edited by John Piper and Wayne Grudem, is available now.
  • Hurley, Man and Woman in Biblical Perspective(Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1981), pp.

46-57, who discusses the position of women in rabbinic writings “It is safe to argue that a poor attitude of women was popular, maybe even dominating, before, during, and after Jesus’ day,” writes Ben Witherington III in Women in the Ministry of Jesus (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1984), p.

  1. Women in the Bible, p.
  2. All We’re Meant to Be: A Biblical Approach to Women’s Liberation (Waco, TX: Word Books, 1974), p.
  3. Letha Scanzoni and Nancy Hardesty, All We’re Meant to Be: A Biblical Approach to Women’s Liberation, Waco, TX: Word Books, 1974, p.
  4. Evans (1994), p.
  5. 5.
  6. 6.
  7. The Bible, according to Bloesch, is anti-feminist.
  8. Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, is home to Dr.

James served as president of the Evangelical Theological Society for a number of years. His other notable accomplishments include serving as a founding member of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, where he continues to serve to this day.

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What Jesus Says About Women: You Are Not “Less Than”

Jesus went to the temple to teach one morning at the crack of dawn. The crowd had gathered around, ready to be instructed — but the Pharisees came up to the front, bringing a lady with them to interrupt the lesson. “Teacher, this woman was apprehended while engaged in adultery,” they explained. —John 8:4 (New International Version) The notion of what this woman may have been going through makes my heart skip a beat. Can you image how terrified she was? And, maybe most importantly, her humiliation?

  1. Was she hiding her face, sobbing, imploring, or remaining silent?
  2. However, she had to be conscious that the harm to her reputation had already been done, and that she would from this day forward be the topic of murmurs and fodder for the local gossips for the rest of her life.
  3. She had broken the law in some way.
  4. Was she a recidivist in some sort?
  5. Is it possible that she succumbed, in a moment of weakness, to something she believed would provide her with some comfort from her loveless marriage?
  6. The essence of the parable is not what caused her to commit adultery, but rather Jesus’ answer to her when her horrible adultery was publicly exposed.
  7. Isn’t there someone who is notably absent from this scene?

For a woman, adultery was not only a source of severe embarrassment, but it was also possibly a criminal act punishable by death.

— John 8:5 (NIV) The Bible doesn’t allow any room for interpretation as to what these individuals were aiming to accomplish.

They were attempting to lure Him into a trap in order to provide them with a foundation for accusing Him (John 8:6).

Would Jesus give a nod to stoning her or would he choose to ignore the law entirely?

And take note of how He deftly diverted the focus of the audience away from the humiliated lady by kneeling on the ground and writing on the ground with His finger.

Perhaps the Pharisees exchanged a few perplexed glances before remaining silent for a few seconds to see if He would say anything.

Who knows what the message on the ground he was writing was.

What is the name of the man who has gone missing?

Instead, it is their simplicity.

When I put myself in the woman’s shoes, I image being taken from the warmth of a bed with possibly only enough time to steal a garment or a blanket before being carried through the streets to stand before Jesus and a hostile, staring, condemning throng, who are already heaving their stones at her.

  1. All eyes are on Jesus at this point.
  2. He has taken on Himself all of her shame and humiliation, just as He would do one day soon on the cross, and He has granted her a reprieve.
  3. The Bible informs us that the multitude began to disperse first, with “the elder ones leading the way” (John 8:9).
  4. “Lady, where are they?” He said as He turned to face the woman.
  5. — John 8:10 (NIV) Do you think it was with equal parts relief and wonder that she said, “No one, sir,” don’t you think?
  6. Then listen to these compassionate words of Jesus and allow them to reverberate in your heart: “Neither do I condemn you,” Jesus says.

This man, who truly defended her and showed sympathy in a way that no other men — not even the one who’d been sleeping with her — were doing must have made them feel incredibly thankful and appreciative.

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One may argue that the lady was brought before the court for judgment because of her transgression, but that would only be partially correct. When it came down to it, if justice had been the ultimate aim, the man would have also been prosecuted. No, this woman was found guilty of the crime of being a woman who had been discovered in adultery by her husband. If it seems like an exaggeration, it wasn’t by any means in first-century Israel, where it was true. Women were considered second-class citizens in that culture, at best, and were treated as if they were slaves.

  • The Mishnah, which is a portion of the Jewish Talmud, teaches that women are like Gentile slaves who can be purchased by sexual relations, payment, or a written contract.
  • They were not counted as members during a synagogue census, and they got little or no religious instruction, with the exception of that provided by their husband if he chose it.
  • Clearly, first-century Palestine — the environment into which Jesus was born — was a male-dominated society, but it was by no means unique in this regard throughout history.
  • I grew up believing that because I was neither the firstborn nor a boy in my Greek family, I was somehow “less than.” I was wrong.
  • Nowhere else in my life has the denigration of women been more evident than in our work with A21 to rescue sex-trafficking victims.
  • The man shrugged his shoulders.
  • “They will do what you want them to do since the penalty is not as severe, and you can kick them like animals and they will obey you.” Misogyny.
  • It comes to us through several channels, including governments, cultures, religions, and countries.

But there is no other term that characterizes the mindset of the trafficker on trial that day, or the attitude of the business he represents, quite like “bullsh*t.” As well as in many other ways, such as in jokes (have you ever heard of a blonde joke about a dumb blond man?) and pornography, as well as in the difficulties a woman has in getting paid equal wages for comparable labor, as well as in the ease with which crimes against women are disregarded or hushed up.

  1. As was the case in ancient societies, women are denigrated on a regular basis in current society.
  2. Every year, about two million youngsters are compelled to work in the international sex trade.
  3. 2 According to the United Nations, there are an estimated one hundred million missing women in the world.
  4. 4 Throughout history, women have been subjected to oppression, degradation, scorn, and antagonism.
  5. Consider the case of the Salem witch trials, for instance.
  6. Moreover, Christian ideology is utilized to justify the actions of the perpetrators of these heinous crimes.
  7. I see this exact type of wickedness play out all the time in A21 court cases, and it scares me.
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Because God created both men and women in His own image — both male and female — after all.

— Genesis 1:26–27 (emphasis in original).

When we insult a woman, we are really reducing a part of God’s image in the process.

When we cast women down, we are tarnishing God’s image in the process.

He regards both men and women as equally cherished and valuable.

— Galatians 3:28 (emphasis mine).

Nothing compares to the God of the Bible when it comes to elevating, affirming, and celebrating women.

As a result, it should be the church that leads the way and serves as an example of valuing femininity. and of bringing them to Jesus, who may remove their humiliation and set them free from their chains. Sources

“Lives Together, Worlds Apart: Men and Women in a Time of Change,” in State of World Population 2000 (United Nations Population Fund, 2000). Retrieved October 9, 2015, fromdefault/files/pub-pdf/swp2000_eng.pdf.

With permission from Unashamed: Drop the Baggage, Pick Up Your Freedom, Fulfill Your Destinyby Christine Caine, copyright Christine Caine, this excerpt has been published with permission. Zondervan has published this book. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Your Turn

With permission fromUnashamed: Drop the Baggage, Pick Up Your Freedom, Fulfill Your Destinyby Christine Caine, copyright Christine Caine, this excerpt has been published with permission. Zondervan Publishing Company is the publisher of this title. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

What Does the Bible Say about Women?

The term “man” appears several times in the Bible’s pages. There were twelve disciples total, all of them were men. Many of the stories we read are about men, such as those of Moses, Abraham, Paul, David, and Joshua, and many of them are about women. But, what does the Bible have to say about female sexuality? A great deal, and you could be surprised. The issue of women pastors and in leadership positions has sparked a heated discussion within the Christian community in recent years. Consider the biblical roles played by women, as well as the fact that God’s calling is equally vital for both men and women.

2 Important Things the Bible Says about Women

1. Women are admired and respected. God “so loved” the world, according to John 3:16, assuring us. This exquisite affection is also extended to females. Please consider this a reality to be treasured and hold it in high esteem. Even when we feel unloved, whether as a result of internal conflict or as a result of the acts or words of a sweetheart, kid, parent, friend, or others, Jesus is nevertheless committed to our well-being. His affection is unwaveringly loyal at all times. 2. Women have been pardoned.

His forgiveness extends to the sins that society perceives to be major and serious, as well as the ones that cause us to feel ashamed, as well as the seemingly little white lies.

Our Savior has no favorites, but He gives the freedom from sin and the promise of Heavent to everybody who comes to Him in repentance and faith.

What Does Jesus Say about Women in the New Testament?

We may discover story after story of Jesus engaging with women if we study the New Testament, particularly the Gospels. It all begins at the beginning of Jesus’ existence, when Elizabeth’s baby, John, sprang within her womb when Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus, came to visit her and her husband. Following His crucifixion, a large number of women bear testimony to His death, including Mary Magdalene (John 20), who was the first to discover an empty tomb and hear Jesus’ voice following His resurrection.

Even when others did not, he considered them to be worthy of attention and healing.

But the Lord welcomed her, as such deeds were preparatory to the Lord’s death.

Nobody, not even the doctors, could provide her with relief, but Jesus was the only one who could completely cure her.

Our Savior was not willing to abandon women to fend for themselves. He came to them when they were most in need, demonstrating His lavish love and mighty might in the process.

10 Bible Promises for Women

  • You are cherished. (Gal. 2:20
  • John 3:16)
  • You are not guilty of anything. (Romans 8:1)
  • You are a part of it. You have been accepted (Eph. 2:19). You are not alone, according to Romans 15:7. (John 16:32) You were created in a magnificent way. (Psalm 139:14) You have been set free. You are God’s possession (John 8:36). You have been selected (John 1:12)
  • You are no longer a slave to sin (Eph. 1:4, Col. 3:12)
  • You have risen above it. (See Romans 6:6)

What Is a Woman’s Role in the Bible?

A short look across the world today reveals that women are fulfilling a range of responsibilities, including those of mothers, daughters, wives, judges, teachers, missionaries, attorneys, business executives, and journalists, among others. Women play a range of roles in the Bible, which is also reflected in our culture today. We hear stories about women like Deborah, who rose to the highly regarded and highly revered post of judge in the State of Israel. As a result of her actions, the Israelites were able to enjoy 40 years of relative peace.

Hannah, a mother who sacrificed her son for the sake of the Almighty, Anna, a prophetess and one of the first to see the Messiah, Mary, the young mother who carried the hope of the world in her womb, Rhoda, the servant who was the first to see Peter after his miraculous release from prison, and Phoebe, a faithful servant in the church are also included in the Bible.

More information on these women may be found in the Bible at the following link:

  • In the Bible, Deborah is found in Judges 4
  • Rahab is found in Joshua 2
  • Hannah is found in 1 Samuel 12
  • Anna is found in Luke 2:36-38
  • Mary is found in Luke 1:26-38, John 19:25-27
  • Rhoda is found in Acts 12:13-15
  • Phoebe is found in Romans 16:1
  • And Rhoda is found in Acts 12:13-15.

Does the Bible Address Women’s Rights?

God builds women up in a beautiful way and provides them with a powerful set of “rights” to protect them. In Genesis 3, Eve made the decision to eat the apple. Hello, there is an option. She and Adam’s subsequent actions proved to be the breeding environment for sin, which was not a particularly pleasant ending in this case. Women’s right to choose, on the other hand, has always been a viable alternative. In accordance with Genesis 1:27, females, like males, are created in the likeness and image of God.

  1. Everyone is a part of the promise.
  2. It is they who lead in the manner of Deborah and minister in the manner of Priscilla.
  3. In the New Testament, the Lord weaves stories of women who sought and were granted an audience with Jesus into his narrative of salvation.
  4. These ladies were seen, healed, cared for, and given the opportunity to give birth.
  5. Most of the time, Jesus’ interactions with women went against the grain of social convention and understanding.

What Is the Woman’s Role in the Church?

Just as there are a variety of roles for women in the Bible, there are a variety of roles for women in the church today. We witness women prophesying throughout the New Testament, including Anna the prophetess, who was granted a chance to see the Messiah before most others, and the daughters of Philip, who predicted in the Book of Revelation.

The biblical character Priscilla stands out as a teacher in Acts 18, yet Paul praises a long number of female characters in Romans 16, many of whom are referred to as “coworkers” for the cause of Christ.

Should Women Preach?

Is it appropriate for women to preach? This is a subject that many people wonder. The response differs from person to person, as well as among different faiths and churches, rather often. There is even disagreement among academics as to the proper interpretation of many Bible scriptures referring to women and their responsibilities in the church. (See 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, as well as 1 Timothy 2:11-14.) For the greatest understanding of this subject, we’d be prudent to study the scriptures ourselves, utilizing prayer, commentaries, dictionaries, and study Bibles to aid us in our research.

At verses 1-3, Paul expresses his gratitude to Phoebe, a servant of the church in Cenchrea.

A church meeting held at her home is mentioned in Romans 16:5, and Acts 18:26 describes her engagement with and teaching in the life of Apollos.

In Romans 18:12, the Bible mentions three women named Tryphena, Tryphosa, and Persis, all of whom are described as “hard laborers for the Lord.” Examine the many texts to get your solution to the subject of whether or not women should preach.

Read about These 5 Women from the Bible

There are a number of other biblical women who deserve our consideration. Their stories burst to life with words of encouragement, hope, and wisdom, among other things. Some of them are heroines. Others have the gift of prophecy. All of the women are devout Christians who believe in God. Take a look at the experiences of these five women:

  • Jael (Judges 4), Abigail (1 Samuel 25), Esther (the book of Esther), Nympha (Col. 4:15), Apphia (Philemon 1), and many more are mentioned in the Bible.

In addition to Jael (Judges 4), Abigail (1 Samuel 25), Esther (the book of Esther), Nympha (Col. 4:15), and Apphia (Philemon 1), there are several other women in the Bible.

What Does the Bible Say About Women in Ministry?

One Sunday, a man walked out of my church without saying anything. Being unfamiliar with the church before to arriving, he was evidently shocked to learn that the pastor (who happened to be me) was a woman. Later, he wrote to me to clarify that if I would only read my Bible, I would understand that women are not permitted to instruct men in religious matters. There is just one text in the entire Bible that says that women shouldn’t teach men how to do things. After decades of Bible reading, eight years in college studying biblical translation and scholarship, and a two-year training program to become a female Baptist pastor in the Southern United States, I had heard 1 Timothy 2:12 more times than I could count.

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Earlier last year, I polled my Instagram audience to find out what they were told as children about why women couldn’t become pastors.

In light of these responses, it is clear that the vast majority of objections people have to female preachers and pastors are not actually based on biblical principles, but rather are based on their own preconceived notions about gender.

Female leadership is discussed more extensively in the Bible than we are generally led to think, and with the exception of that pesky little 1 Timothy chapter, the biblical story regarding female leadership is overwhelmingly good. Take a look at the following ten examples:

1. “Outstanding among the apostles” (Romans 16:7)

The following women are sometimes neglected, yet despite the fact that we do not have extensive information about them, their leadership is documented in the Bible. Among those who predicted were Anna, who was a prophet (Luke 2:36), as well as the four daughters of Philip, who were also prophets (Acts 21:9). A “prophet” in the biblical sense is a truth-teller who communicates God’s message to the rest of the world — in other words, a preacher who delivers God’s message to the rest of the world.

Aside from these women, there is Phoebe, who was a deacon according to Romans 16:1, and Junia, who the Bible defines not just as an apostle, but also as a “excellent” one (Romans 16:7).

Despite his tremendous skill, Priscilla is able to explain “the way of God more properly” to him, and he displays no displeasure at the fact that she is of a different gender.

So far, the women of scripture have rebuffed the “complementarian” establishment by a landslide, and I’m only getting started in this endeavor.

2. “They told all these things” (Luke 24:9)

Was it ever brought to your attention that the very earliest Christian preachers were all women? Women are the first to learn of Christ’s resurrection when he comes to them in all four gospels, and they are the very first ones to spread the news to others after they have learned of it. Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9-10 and John 20:17-18), Mary Magdalene and the other Mary (Matthew 28:8-10), or a group of women including Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Joanna (Matthew 28:8-10), is the first proclaimer in each gospel, depending on which gospel you read (Luke 24:9-10).

The existence of a church would have been impossible if women had “kept mute in the church.”

3. “Because of the woman’s testimony” (John 4:39)

While she is commonly referred to as the “Woman at the Well,” I like to refer to her as the “Woman Who Abandoned Her Water Jar” because, after speaking with Jesus, the Living Water, John 4:28 says that she left her water jar behind in order to go tell the people about Jesus and his message. She abandoned the task she had come to the well to complete because she had found more essential job. Immediately following her story, the text states that many Samaritans came to believe in Christ as a result of her witness (4:39), suggesting that she was a highly effective evangelist.

Is it really necessary for Jesus to spend all that time with a lady discussing theology if he didn’t want her to tell anybody about it?

He doesn’t chastise her for abandoning her jar, which he refers to as her “women’s labor.” Instead, he supports her spiritual explorations and inquiries, and then welcomes people who come to him as a result of her efforts.

4. “Until I, Deborah, arose” (Judges 5:7)

So far, I’ve only included women from the New Testament, but there are plenty of powerful women to be found in the Hebrew writings as well. Deborah, for example, is referred to as a prophetess as well as a judge in the Hebrew scriptures. The people flock to her seeking words from God; she leads, directs, and instructs them, and no one appears to protest to her because she is a woman. When Deborah leads the people in song following their victory in war, it is recorded in Judges 5. “They held back until I, Deborah, arose, until I, Deborah, arose, a mother in Israel,” she sings in the song (Judges 5:7).

Despite the fact that our English translations refer to her as Deborah, “wife of Lappidoth,” the term “woman of Lappidoth” might equally be interpreted as “woman of Lappidoth,” indicating her origin rather than her husband’s name.

5. “Go and inquire of the Lord for me” (2 Kings 22:11-20; 2 Chronicles 34:14-33)

Because of some inexplicable reason, Huldah (2 Kings 22:11-20; 2 Chronicles 34:14-33) is always disregarded by the males who believe that women cannot teach, despite the fact that she was everything from invisible in her own day. According to legend, while cleaning up the temple, King Josiah’s workers came across a scroll containing the Book of Law, which had been handed to Moses by God. Josiah dispatched a group of men, including the high priest, to go to the temple to enquire of the Lord about the scroll’s contents.

  • Huldah.
  • The fact that Huldah was married is important mentioning, yet they went to her with her other spouse (which, for the record, made perfect sense, seeing as how she was the prophet and he was the keeper of the royal wardrobe).
  • The king’s troops were presented with a plethora of excellent choices, and they ultimately settled on Huldah.
  • Why should we be hesitant to listen to a woman if the King of Judah wasn’t afraid to do so?

6. “All the women followed her, with timbrels and dancing” (Exodus 15:20)

Miriam was the very first person in Hebrew scripture to be referred to as a prophet, and she was also the first woman to do so (Exodus 15:20). I’m not referring to the fact that she was the first woman to be identified as a prophet. She was the world’s very first prophet. Period. More to the point, Moses would not have been able to lead the Israelites out of Egypt if it weren’t for his sister, Miriam, who kept watch over his basket in the river and made certain that her baby brother was well taken care of.

If it weren’t for the two Hebrew midwives, Shiprah and Puah, the baby would have died.

If it weren’t for Pharoah’s daughter, everything would be different. Later on, his wife Zipporah comes to his aid once more, saving his life (Exodus 4:24-26). The deliverer of the Hebrew people would not be alive today if it weren’t for the ladies who kept delivering him over and over again.

7. “And spare my people” (Esther 7:3)

Esther once saved the entire Jewish people from slaughter, which is hardly a minor accomplishment. Easily influenced by the petty and vindictive aspirations of one of his valued nobles named Haman, King Xerxes had approved a legislation ordering the extermination of the Jewish people. Had it not been for the heroic intervention of Queen Esther, many, many people would have perished for no rational cause at all. I would challenge anyone who says women are “too emotional” to be leaders to take a look at the two powerful men in the book of Esther — Haman and the King — then look at the two quasi-powerful women in the story — Queen Esther and Queen Vashti — and tell me which gender acts according to whim and emotional charge and which gender acts methodically and reasonably.

Which gender is driven by self-interest and which gender exhibits a concern for honesty and/or the safety of her people?

The ladies, in this situation, definitely win the show.)

8. “I wish that all the Lord’s people were prophets” (Numbers 11:29)

Technically, Numbers 11 is a story about two guys, but I couldn’t leave out this story since it is so important right now. According to the account, the Holy Spirit descends upon these 70 elders, who immediately begin prophesying within the tent of meeting. But what about Eldad and Medad? They begin prophesying in camp, outside the tent – that is, outside the bounds that have been established. In response to the unlawful preaching, Moses’ helper Joshua becomes extremely agitated, and he sets out to locate Moses.

Moses, on the other hand, reacts as follows: “Would that all of the Lord’s people were prophets, and that God would place his Spirit on all of them!” Wow, what a wonderful sentence, and it’s safe to assume that when Moses says he desires all people might be prophets, he’s referring to women as well, given that his own sister Miriam was God’s first prophet.

You remember the man I described earlier who walked out of church after I preached?

I was giving a sermon on Eldad and Medad.

9. “All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:4)

Pentecost Sunday is the day on which God’s Spirit is poured forth on all people. On the Feast of Pentecost, Peter cites the prophet Joel, who declares, “‘In the end days, God promises, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.'” The prophecies of your children and grandchildren will be fulfilled, your young men will see visions, and your elderly men will dream dreams. In those days, I will pour out my Spirit on everyone of my servants, both men and women, and they will prophesy” (Acts 2:17-18).

10. “My soul glorifies the Lord” (Luke 1:46)

And lastly, while the list may go on, I’ll leave it to the Holy Mother Mary to conclude my argument. The fact that Mary really bore the Word-Made-Flesh in her own body and gave birth to him is the best evidence for the role of women ministers in all of scripture, in my opinion. The is an appropriate portrayal of preaching, if I do say so myself. She carried God around in her uterus and then worked hard to bring that Good News out of her womb and into the world; if that isn’t an exact description of preaching, I don’t know what is.

During her time with Love, she nourished and fed him at her breast, reared him, and sent him out into the world.

In addition to the actual ways in which Mary brought the Good News into the world, she predicted in Luke 1, singing the now notorious song known as the Magnificat, which is included in the Gospel of Luke.

It’s as if the men refused to take the job when they were supposed to, and so the women stepped in.

When I asked my Instagram community why they were aware of women who may be preachers, numerous women answered, “Because I am one myself.” Alternatively: “Because I’ve witnessed one in action.” You only need one woman to demonstrate that God does not exclusively call males, and, my friends, we have many more than one, both now and in biblical eras, to make this point.

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How Did Jesus Treat Women in the Bible?

For ages, academics have been captivated by the behavior and words of Jesus as recorded in the Scriptures. Books have been published, sermons have been spoken, seminars have been taught, and even leadership models have been devised, all in the name of following in Jesus’ footsteps. The way Jesus interacted with women makes it clear that His vision of femininity was diametrically opposed to that of the religious and cultural authorities of His day. This is likely to be true even in the year 2020, if not before.

Among the many fascinating aspects of this study is a look at how Jesus handled women throughout the Bible.

The Genealogy of Jesus

For generations, academics have been captivated by the conduct and words of Jesus as recorded in the Bible. Books have been published, sermons have been given, seminars have been taught, and even leadership models have been devised, all in the name of following in the footsteps of Jesus and his disciples. From Jesus’ interactions with women, it is apparent He held a profoundly different vision of femininity than did the religious and cultural authorities of the day.

In fact, it’s possible that this will be true even in 2020. Indeed, Jesus was making a number of provocative claims. For the purposes of this study, we will look at how Jesus handled women in the Bible, which is very extraordinary!

  • Rahab worked as a prostitute in Jericho, and she sacrificed her own life to help the Israelite spies
  • Tamardidisguised herself as a prostitute in order to woo the father of her deceased husband
  • And many more characters. She also played a prank on him by preserving evidence that he was the one who had slept with her. Her son was born to him
  • Ruth was a Moabitess widow who sought a connection with Boaz, a Jewish kinsman of her husband’s
  • She was the mother of his son. She took the initiative by expressing her desire to be married to him. While she was still a little girl, Mary fearlessly defied cultural and even racial norms by pursuing her dreams. She was not married at the time of her pregnancy. Excommunication and perhaps desertion are possible penalties for such behavior, which is unheard of. The Son of God was born to her as a result of her pregnancy.

The Ministry of Jesus

Following this, Jesus journeyed from town to town and village to village, delivering the good news of God’s kingdom to everyone who would listen. Some women who had been healed of evil spirits and sicknesses were there, including Mary (called Magdalene), from whom seven devils had been expelled, Joanna the wife of Chuza, the manager of Herod’s household, Susanna, and a number of others. These ladies were contributing to their financial well-being by using their own resources (Luke 8:1-3). In ancient times, it was rare for a girl to be a wealthy individual on her own.

  • The ladies opted to use the distinguishing characteristic that distinguished them from their colleagues in order to make a difference — and, get this, Jesus permitted women to bankroll Him.
  • The names Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Susanna are the only ones we are given; but, this paragraph indicates that there were many more!
  • When they brought her before the gathering, they told Jesus, “Teacher, this lady was apprehended while she was engaged in adultery.” According to the Law of Moses, such women were to be stoned.
  • However, Jesus knelt on the ground and began writing with his finger on the dirt.
  • After hearing this, everyone who had heard it began to leave one by one, starting with the older ones, until just Jesus was left, with the woman still standing nearby.
  • “Doesn’t anyone think you’re guilty?” “There isn’t nobody, sir,” she responded.
  • “Go out of here, and get away from your sinful existence” (John 8:3-11).
  • He maintained his composure as He stooped down to write in the sand twice more — we all want to know what He wrote — but this led the guys to leave one by one.
  • Jesus and the lady were left to their own devices.

He then confronts her directly, noting that her accusers were no longer present, that she was free to go, and that she was no longer under any obligation to remain. The man stood up to the religious officials in the temple and spoke up for the woman in a very visible and courageous manner.

The Death of Jesus

After seeing his mother and the disciple whom he adored standing nearby, Jesus addressed her as “Woman, here is your son,” and the disciple as “Dear disciple, here is your mother.” As a result of that encounter, this disciple welcomed her into his house (John 19:26-27). Upon his deathbed, Jesus reached out to John (whom many believe to be the apostle John) to look for His mother. Although Jesus was undergoing excruciating anguish on the cross, he decided to cater for the needs of His mother Mary.

The Inclusive Nature of Jesus

There is no longer a distinction between Jew and Gentile, slave and free, nor between male and female, since you are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28). Throughout church history, there has also been a great deal of controversy about male domination and patriarchy. Women serving as clergy or in church leadership roles is a contentious issue across religious denominations. In addition, the responsibilities of women in business outside the house and within marriage might be called into question.

In reality, the fundamentalist movement began after World War I as a method of opposing women working outside the house and what was deemed contemporary philosophy at the time of its founding.

After being granted the legal right to own property in 1948, it was not until 1970 that women were permitted to apply for a credit card without the signature of their spouse.

Religions, theologies, societies, and even countries have been founded on this age-old belief.

Because so much of what Christian tradition tells us about female or wifely responsibilities is based on the Old Testament, it is important to evaluate the culture of the day as well as historical Jewish norms while attempting to determine how the Old Testament pertains to our contemporary perspective.

  • What the blood atonement necessary by ancient custom was pointing towards, He achieved via His sacrifice!
  • The penalty for sin has been paid.
  • He did not enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of goats and calves, but he did so once and for all through the blood of his own body, so earning everlasting salvation (Hebrews 9:12).
  • He demonstrated to his contemporaries that he considered women to be on an equal footing with males and deserving of dignity, respect, and freedom.
  • Photograph courtesy of iStock/Getty Images Plus/PATCHARIN SAENLAKON.
  • The production of educational and online material, event coordination, international contacts, and public speaking are just a few of the skills she has acquired over the years.
  • In addition to running her own blog, RebeccaDrumsta.com, which focuses on healing from religious trauma and spiritual abuse, she works as the Director of Public Relations for an international non-profit organization.

She has been on and provided consultation to a range of media outlets, including the BBC, NBC, ABC, The Daily Telegraph, and a number of other publications.

Ten Biblical Teachings Women Love to Hate

Is it appropriate to take the Bible’s teachings about women literally? Should they be viewed, and maybe rejected, as remnants of an ancient patriarchal civilization, or should they be treated as such? U.S. News & World Report asked a dozen biblical academics, all of whom were female, to select the chapters in the Bible that they believed were the most troublesome for modern-day American women. The following are the ten most often mentioned.

New Testament

The Feminist Hit List is a list of feminist targets. 3:16 (Genesis 3:16) is a verse from the Bible that states, “Therefore, I say unto you, ‘Be fruitful and multiply,’ and ‘Be fruitful and multiply,’ and “Be fruitful and multiply,’ and “Be fruitful and multiply,’ and “Be fruitful and multiply,’ and “Be fruitful and multiply,’ and “Be fruitful and multiply,’ and “Be fruitful and multiply,’ and “Be fruitful and multiply, Eve’s punishment for eating the forbidden fruit was as follows: “You will have children in anguish, but your desire will be for your husband, and he will be your ruler.” Exodus 20:17 is a biblical passage.

As outlined in the Ten Commandments, “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house; thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife; thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s manservant; nor his maidservant; nor his ox; nor his as; nor anything that is thy neighbor’s.” This includes coveting the wife of one’s neighbor.

  1. A test for women who are accused of having an affair: “Whenever a man’s wife departs from him and is disloyal to him.
  2. The man must then bring his wife to the priest, who will have her swear under penalty of death that she has not had a man lie with her and that she has not turned aside to uncleanness while under her husband’s rule, that she will be immune to this river of bitterness.
  3. However, if the woman has not soiled herself and is pure, she will be immune to the effects of the disease and will be able to conceive.” Deuteronomy 22:23-24 is a passage from the Old Testament.
  4. The young woman will be stoned since she did not call out for aid.
  5. Because the husband is the head of the woman, just as Christ is the head of the church, there is no separation between the two.” 34-35 in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35.

And if women want to find out anything, they should consult with their husbands at home.” 2:13-15; 1 Timothy 2:13-15 Women should remain silent in church, according to Paul: “Because Adam was created first, and then Eve; and although Adam was not misled, the woman was tricked and became a transgressor.

As far back as history can tell, the holy women who placed their faith in God used to decorate themselves by accepting the authority of their husbands in this manner.

The 144,000 who will be selected in the Second Coming are as follows: “It was then that I noticed the Lamb on Mount Zion, standing guard over the city!

And he was accompanied by 144,000 people, all of whom had his name and the name of his Father inscribed on their foreheads. As virgins, they are the only ones who have not polluted themselves with female sexuality.”

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