The Woman Who Washed Jesus Feet

Bible Gateway passage: Luke 7:36-50 – New International Version

For many years, Shelby Faith worked as a dedicated deaconess in the St. Louis congregation of the Church of God Worldwide Association, where she died in 2021 after a long and illustrious career in the ministry. Read on for more.


  1. Shelby Faith worked as a loyal deaconess in the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, congregation in St. Louis, Missouri, for many years until her death in 2021. Continuation of Reading

Shelby Faith worked as a dedicated deaconess in the St. Louis, Missouri, congregation of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, for many years until her death in 2021. Continue reading this article

Bible Gateway Recommends

Up until her death in 2021, Shelby Faith served as a deaconess in the St. Louis, Missouri, congregation of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, where she was devoted to her responsibilities. Read on for more information.

A Scandalous Gospel: The Woman Who Washed Jesus’ Feet With Her Tears

For many years, Shelby Faith worked as a dedicated deaconess in the St. Louis congregation of the Church of God Worldwide Association, where she died in 2021 after a long and illustrious career in the ministry. Read on for more.

The Unnamed Woman With the Alabaster Jar

As far as our perceptions of Bible women go, how did we go from sinner to whore? This harsh phrase is used solely to draw attention to the false dichotomy that has been given to Bible women, and it is not intended to imply that any woman should be subjected to this name.) Luke 7:36-39 describes a lady who approaches a house where Jesus is eating with her damaged and crying body. Using her hair to wipe the oil and tears off his feet, she anoints them with a kiss. The males in attendance are talking about her as if she isn’t even present.

With reference to the mystery woman’s character in our contemporary environment, it is simple to interpret her as “promiscuous.” Christians have historically had a proclivity to read Bible women’s non-specific sin as sexual immorality, and female promiscuity is frequently inferred from the text without any support from the text itself.

  • Sometimes Bible professors go beyond suggestion and assert categorically that the anonymous lady was unquestionably a prostitute—again, despite the absence of any specific scriptural proof to support their claim.
  • A footnote in the NASB refers to her as “immoral,” and there is a great deal of discussion about her character.
  • Mary, whose brother Lazarus was ill, anointed the Lord with ointment and washed His feet with her hair, was the Mary who did all of this” (John 11:2).
  • Because Luke’s Gospel does not include a chronological account of Jesus’ life and career, it is plausible to assume that event occurred later in Jesus’ mission than previously believed.
  • According to some academics, the unidentified lady’s position as a sexually disgraced woman, a prostitute, is so unquestionable that the unnamed woman in Luke 7 must be a distinct woman from the Mary who appears in John’s comparable account.
  • On two different occasions, Jesus was invited to a Pharisee’s home for supper by his host.
  • On both instances, Jesus was invited by a Pharisee who went by the name of Simon.


It’s not unreasonable to speculate that two women anointed Jesus with oil at some point during his life.

In Luke’s tale, the nameless lady is thought to be a prostitute, however in John’s version, she is identified as Mary.

Examine Mary in further detail.

She then went back to her place of grieving.

Then he requested that he be transported to Lazarus, who he then revived from the grave.

But then she witnessed the miracle of Lazarus’ resurrection, something she will never forget.

She performed a great act of faith by breaking a pricey container of perfume and anointing Jesus with it.

She washed his feet with her own hair, which was a wonderful act of remorse on her part.

When Jesus allowed such a “sinful lady” to come close to him, Simon, the Pharisee, became embarrassingly ashamed.

Jesus, on the other hand, challenged Simon about his preconceived notions about Mary.

During the time when Jesus was carried off the crucifixion and put in a tomb, “Mary Magdalene and another Mary, who was sitting across the grave, were present” (Matthew 27:61).

She was poised and ready to anoint her savior once more.

Not only was the believer who anointed Jesus before his execution a nameless woman with no prior criminal record, but she also had a history of sexual transgression.

It is not honest to cast another woman in that part since we are having difficulty reconciling two different versions of the same woman.

No, she had a specific objective in mind: to anoint her savior.

In the same way as Mary did, women can gain knowledge at the foot of the Messiah.

And when we fall short and miss the actual nature of Jesus, we may come to him without feeling guilty.

This is the third installment of a series of articles examining what Christians have been taught about women in the Bible.

Read part 1 of Rahab’s story. Deborah the Judge and Jael the Just are featured in Part 2 of The Righteousand. Read Female and Male in Four Anointing Stories for additional information on this subject.

Matthew 26:6–13; Mark 14:3–9; Luke 7:36–50; John 12:1–8

Sixth, when Jesus was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, Leprosy was a word used to describe a variety of skin illnesses; see Leviticus 13 ” href=” f1-“>17. awomancameuptohimwithanalabasterflaskofveryexpensiveointment,andshepoureditonhisheadashereclinedattable. “Why this waste?” they demanded, when they realized what had happened to the disobedient. 9 For this, it might have been sold for a huge quantity of money and the x donated to the destitute.” “Why are you causing problems for her?” replied Jesus, who was well aware of what they were doing.

11 Forz you’ll always have the poor with you, buta you’ll never have me with you.

13 Truly, I say to you, whereverc thisgospelisproclaimedinthewholeworld, what she has done will also be remembered in her honor.”

Jesus Anointed at Bethany

The term “Leprosy” was used to refer to a variety of skin illnesses around the time of Jesus’ visit to Bethany. See Leviticus 13 ” href=” f1-“>17. awomancameuptohimwithanalabasterflaskofveryexpensiveointment,andshepoureditonhisheadashereclinedattable. “Why this waste?” they demanded of the disobedient, who responded angrily. Theforegoingcouldhavebeensoldforasubstantialamountandx giventothepoor,” says the author. “Why are you causing difficulty for the woman?” Jesus inquired of them. Forshehasdoneabeautifulthingtome.

12 She has completed her task of preparing me for burial by smearing this lotion all over my body.

A Sinful Woman Forgiven

36u One of the Pharisees approached him and invited him to join him for dinner; he agreed and went to the Pharisee’s house to accept the invitation. And behold, a woman of the city, who was a sinner, when she learned that he was reclining at table in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster flask of ointment,38 and standing behind himathisfeet with tears in her eyes began to wet thisfeet with her tears and wipe them with the hair of her head, kissing his feet and anointing them with the ointment.

  1. One owed five hundred and fifty denarii, while the other owed fifty.
  2. Nowwhichofthemwilllovehimmore?” 43 Simon responded, “I’m assuming it was for this person that he forgave the greater debt.” Andhesaidtohim,“Youhavejudgedrightly.” 44 ThenturningtowardthewomanhesaidtoSimon,“Doyouseethiswoman?
  3. .45f You offered me a kiss, but she hasn’t stopped kissing my feet from the moment I arrived.
  4. 47 As a result, I tell you that her crimes, which are numerous, are forgiven—because she was greatly loved.

49 Then those who were seated at the meal with him started to ask among” href=” f1-“>1themselves, “Who is he, who even forgives sins?” 50 “Your faith has rescued you,” Jesus told the woman, “and now depart in peace.”

Mary Anoints Jesus at Bethany

12 Because it was six days before Passover,j Jesus traveled to Bethany,k where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had resurrected from the grave. 2 As a result, they prepared a meal for him there. Martha served, and Lazarus was among those who sat at the table with him. Therefore, 3m Marytookapound Greeklitera; an alitra (or Roman pound) was about 11 1/2 ounces or 327 grams. A href=” f1-“>1ofexpensiveointmentmadefrompurenard was applied to the feet of Jesus, and she cleaned the soles of his feet with her hair.

See also:  How Did The Bible Describe Jesus Christ

4 Nevertheless, Judas Iscariot, one of his followers (and the man who was about to betrayhim), asked,5 “Why wasn’t this ointment sold for three hundred denarii?” “Adenarius was the equivalent of a day’s salary for a laborer.” Is 2andn given to the poor?

6 He stated this not because he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, and because he was in charge of the moneybag, he used it to help himself to whatever was placed in it.

Mary Magdalene Washes Jesus’ Feet with Her Tears, Wipes Them with Her Hair, and Anoints Them with Perfume

Jesus thus traveled to Bethany, where Lazarus lived, who had been resurrected from the dead by Jesus six days before the Passover celebration. Consequently, they prepared a meal for him there. Martha served, and Lazarus was among those who sat with him at the dinner table. Therefore, 3m Marytookapound Greeklitera; an alitra (or Roman pound) was equivalent to about 11 1/2 ounces or 327 grams. Anointed the feet of Jesus with costly ointment composed of pure nard, and wiped his feet with her hair.

4 Nevertheless, Judas Iscariot, one of his followers (and the man who was about to betrayhim), asked,5 “Why wasn’t this ointment sold for three hundred thousand denarii?” “Adenarius was the equivalent of a day’s wages for a worker.” Is 2andn given to the poor?

6 He stated this, not because he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, and since he was in charge of the moneybag, he used it to help himself to whatever was placed in it, rather than to help the others.

I’m counting down the days till my funeral.


Mary of Magdala was anointed by Simon and Mary of Magdala was anointed by the Magdalene who was a penitent and washed with water, perfume and oil.


Rev. Dr. Richard Gilmour, D.D., R.I.P. Bible History: Containing the Most Remarkable Events of the Old and New Testaments, with a Compendium of Church History (New York, NEW YORK (NY): Benziger Brothers, 1904) is a book on the history of the Bible. 156


Bishop Richard Gilmour is the righteous Reverend Richard Gilmour D.D.

New York, NEW YORK (NY): Benziger Brothers, 1904, with a Compendium of Church History (Bible History: Containing the Most Remarkable Events of the Old and New Testaments) 156

A Sinful Woman Washes the Feet of Jesus

Use this clip art in conjunction with the Bible lesson “Sinful lady” atClip Art modified byOriginal clip art from “The Complete Bible Story Clip Art Book” adapted byGospel Light “This was done with permission.” data-image-caption=”” data-medium-file=” ssl=1″ data-large-file=” ssl=1″ src=”is-pending-load=1 038;ssl=1″ data-large-file=” ssl=1″ data-image-caption=”” data-medium-file=” ssl=1″ data-large-file=” ssl=1″ alt=”5 Sinful Woman” title=”5 Sinful Woman” a width of 300 pixels and a height of 226 pixels ” data-recalc-dims=”1″ data-lazy-src=” is-pending-load=1 038; ssl=”” srcset=”” data-recalc-dims=”1″ data-lazy-src=” is-pending-load=” is-pending-load=1 038; ssl=”” data-recalc Luke 7:36-50 is the biblical reference.

The following is the suggested emphasis:Jesus has the ability to pardon our sins.

Story Overview:

Simon, a Pharisee, extended an invitation to Jesus to dine with him at his home. Simon did not extend to Jesus the ordinary acts of hospitality that were customary at the time, such as kissing him on the cheek and washing his feet, as was expected. During the supper, a sinful woman entered Simon’s home and bathed Jesus’ feet with her tears and dried them with her hair, according to the gospels. She repented of her misdeeds, and Jesus accepted her repentance and forgiveness.

Background Study:

The Pharisees were a legalistic sect that frequently felt that they belonged to an elite society. When it came to following the Old Testament Law and the various unwritten customs, they were quite rigid. Many of the Pharisees Jesus encountered were hypocrites in the manner they adhered to the religious regulations, as Jesus discovered (Luke 7:30). Simon was a Pharisee who invited Jesus to his home for a lunch, which he graciously accepted. In verse 49, we learn that there were additional visitors in addition to Jesus.

  • Simon should have offered Jesus water to wash his feet, as would have been expected according to common courtesy at the time.
  • Simon should have kissed his guest on the cheek and anointed his head with oil before welcoming him.
  • It seems unlikely that individuals would have sat at a table on chairs to consume a meal in the first century.
  • It would have been standard practice to recline on the cushions rather than sit on them.
  • The legs and feet would be oriented toward the exterior so that people could sit close together without their feet getting in the way or getting in the way of the meal being served.
  • The alabaster jar would have been circular with a long neck, as seen in the illustration.
  • It would have been unthinkable for a lady to come into contact with a Pharisee.

She was most likely a prostitute, according to the evidence.

If Jesus had been concerned about his reputation in the same way that the Pharisees were, he would have refused to allow this woman to get close to him.

It wasn’t enough to just follow the Old Testament Law to the letter.

In his treatment of this woman, he shown genuine concern and affection.

Her heart appeared to be soft, and she expressed a desire to escape the wicked life she had been leading.

He appeared to be just concerned with the controversy that was taking place.

Jesus was able to read his thoughts.

Because of her remorseful attitude, Jesus demonstrates to this lady in front of this significant guy and other important guests that she was valuable in his eyes. Only God has the ability to pardon sin. By forgiving the lady, Jesus demonstrated his divinity. top

Way to Introduce the Story:

Bring a thick towel and a basin of warm water to class with you. Wash the soles of the children’s feet. As you’re doing this, think about how people used to go about in sandals when they were outside. Talk about the dirty or muddy streets where animals used to stroll about on them. Before they ate, they always cleansed their hands and their feet with soap and water. After all, who wants to dine in the presence of someone’s smelly feet? People sat on cushions surrounding low tables, which meant that you were often sitting extremely near to other people’s feet.

You could then either wash your feet yourself or have a servant do it for you, or if you were a really important visitor, I would even wash your feet for you personally.

In today’s tale, Jesus was invited to a lunch at the home of a close friend.


The Story:

I’m not sure who the Pharisees were. Pharisees were devout folks who enjoyed following a large number of regulations. They complied with all of the requirements of the Old Testament Law. Not only that, but they also complied with all of the regulations that other religious people had imposed on them. The Pharisees were so preoccupied with following the laws that they forgot to think about God. They believed that all of the laws were more essential than God himself. They believed that rules were more essential than individuals, as did they.

  1. Simon, a Pharisee, was introduced to Jesus.
  2. When Jesus arrived at Simon’s house, he was not greeted with a kiss by Simon.
  3. When Jesus asked for fragrant oil to put on his head, Simon did not offer it.
  4. Simon was dining with a number of other extremely prominent visitors as well.
  5. Simon, on the other hand, had not invited her.
  6. This was a woman who had a history of terrible behavior.
  7. What made you believe she was there?
See also:  What Day Did Jesus Rise Again?

She was well aware that Simon would not assist her.

She was well aware that Jesus was able to forgive her of her sins.

She felt so guilty for her mistakes that she broke down and sobbed in front of the group.

She did not have a towel, so she dried the soles of Jesus’ feet with her long hair.

Simon couldn’t believe what he was witnessing at the time!

How could Jesus allow her to even get close to him, let alone wash his feet?

“Jesus can’t possibly be a genuine teacher.” Simon, on the other hand, did not speak a word aloud.

Jesus had the ability to read Simon’s thoughts.

“Once upon a time, Simon,” Jesus explained, “two men borrowed money.

After some time had passed, the lender informed the guys that they were not required to repay him.

Which of the gentlemen, do you believe, had the greatest affection for the money lender?

“He would be madly in love with the lender.” The woman’s situation was similar to that of the man who owed 500 denarii.

Therefore, she was really grateful to Jesus for forgiving her.

This woman has kissed and scrubbed the soles of my feet. “After that, she rubbed oil on them.” “I forgive you of all of the sins you have committed,” he said to the woman. “At this point, you can depart in peace.” Do you have any ideas about what happened after that? top

Ways to Tell the Story:

It is possible to tell this narrative in a number of different ways. Never stray from the facts provided in the Bible, but rather use drama, visual aids, voice inflection, student involvement and/or emotion to help youngsters connect to its significance. Visual aids and story-telling techniques may be found by clicking here. To download these graphics as well as the accompanying slideshow, please visit this page. Make your selections. Because every teacher is different, only the visuals that are most relevant to the way YOU are teaching the tale in THIS session should be used.

Review Questions:

  1. What was the name of the Pharisee who welcomed Jesus to his home to lunch with him and his family? I’m curious, Simon, who was it that washed Jesus’ feet at Simon the Pharisee’s house? A lady who has sinned
  2. What method did the lady use to wash Jesus’ feet? Why did the wicked woman wash Jesus’ feet with her tears and dry them with her hair? What was she thinking? Simon had neglected to wash them. In addition, she expresses gratitude to Jesus for forgiving her sins.

Song Suggestions:

  • I’ve Got Peace Like a River Song, and I’ve Got Peace Like a River Song
  • For further possibilities, please see the Song Page on this website.

Learning Activities and Crafts:

(How can I select the most appropriate learning activities for my particular teaching situation?) Activities: Craft:

  • In a washable paint container, combine perfume, spices, or vanilla essence (like tempera paint). Spread a small coating of paint on the soles of children’s feet and use the paintbrush to create footprint images.

Check out theTeaching Ideaspage on this website for ideas that may be used to any type of classroom setting. Please click here to download “Sinful Woman” in A4 format. Click here to download “Sinful Woman” in letter size paper (USA) at the top of the page.

Other Online Resources:

  • A coloring page with worksheets (from the California curriculum)
  • Coloring page from the book
  • There are a variety of activities for teaching children about forgiveness (with printables) available at
  • How to manufacture your own perfume at home (will keep up to a month). Instructions may be found at

Was it Martha’s sister Mary or Mary Magdalene who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears and dried them with her hair?

Coloring page and worksheets (based on the Calvary Curriculum) From the book; coloring page Many activities for teaching children about forgiveness (some with printables) may be found on the web site Make your own perfume at home (will keep up to a month). You may find more information here.

The Anointing Woman — Luke 7:36-8:3 — Kathleen Rushton’s Scripture Writings

Using biblical evidence, Kathleen Rushton demonstrates that the lady who anoints Jesus’ head in Simon the Pharisee’s home in Luke 7:36-8:3 is not the same woman as Mary Magdalene or Mary of Bethany, with whom she has been identified in the past. What do you think of the surprised expressions of the two disciples on the left and right of the lady at the top of the stunning 1260 image of the Anointing of the Saviour’s head? My pupils are doing it. Their conclusion, following an analysis of the anointing lady episodes in the four gospels, is: “Anointing Jesus’ head?

Mary of Bethany (Lk 12:1–8) and the woman considered a sinner who anoints Jesus’ feet (Lk 7:36–50) were the primary subjects of the study.

Sunday’s Roman Lectionary likewise takes precedence over the head-anointing custom, despite Jesus’ statements to the disciples that “everywhere the good news is spread throughout the entire globe, what she has done will be remembered in memory of her.” On Palm Sunday, the tale of Mark’s passion is told via his words (Year B).

  1. The passage from Luke 8:1–3 has been inserted, which has contributed to her being associated with Mary Magdalene.
  2. “[Jesus travelled] around towns and villages preaching and sharing the good news about the coming kingdom of God,” according to the Bible.
  3. According to what we read, they “had been healed of bad spirits and infirmities,” seven devils had been expelled from Mary named Magdalene, and “they had supplied for them out of their own resources.” Many ailments were attributed to demon possession by the ancients.
  4. “Seven” is a significant number and symbolizes frequency and strength (cf.
  5. A strong focus is placed on the magnificence of Jesus’ power throughout the text.
  6. The Greek word diakonein, which is translated as “given,” has a wide range of meanings.
  7. It is used of women in Luke 8:1–3, although not in the context of the home, but rather in the public realm of missionary journey.

Joanna, the wife of Chuza, King Herod’s steward, possessed considerable riches and social standing.

Jesus advises against accumulating riches, narrates the story of the devoted poor, and urges some to forsake their possessions and come after him.

Christians were well-known for their willingness to share everything (Acts 2:42–47; 4:32–37).

She is not the same as Mary Magdalene.

According to the 1962 Marian Missal, the feast day of St Mary Magdalen, Penitent, is celebrated on July 22nd, and a brief blurb describes her as “first a sinner, then converted by the Lord.” She was standing near the crucifix.

She is also identified as Lazarus’ sister in the Collect Prayer: “Jesus, in response to her prayers, raised her brother Lazarus to life, after he had been dead for four days.” The gospel reading for the day (Lk 7:36-50) further confounds her by comparing her to a different lady.

The 1969 Missal, which was produced as part of the Liturgical Reform of Vatican II, and the retranslated Missal have drastically different focuses on the same events (2010).

The gospel tells the tale of Jesus’ resurrection and commission (Jn 20:1–2; 11–18), and it is the message of salvation.

They formally restore Mary Magdalene to her pre-Christian status of Apostle of the Apostles, which she had previously held.

As far as we know, Luke is the only gospel writer to refer to the lady who anoints Jesus’ feet as “a woman from the city, who was a sinner” (Lk 7:37).

(Despite the fact that Luke emphasizes Peter’s sinfulness in his “call” tale, interpreters have never speculated about the nature of Peter’s sins.) During Jesus’ career, the tale of the anointing takes place in the midst of a supper in Galilee.

See also:  Why Did Jesus Died On The Cross?

During the initial appetisers, servants attended on the visitors, cleaning their hands and anointing them with fragrant oils as they arrived.

In those days, men and women ate at separate tables, and a widow was the only woman allowed to serve men at meals.

He had not shown the courtesy that was required of him.

In the tale, the word “anointing” is used five times in various forms or contexts (Lk 7:38, 46).

A magnificent alabaster jar filled with pricey fragrant vegetable oil and other components of the Earth are used to create a unique composition of ingredients (myron).

While the Bible indicates that the lady was a sinner in Luke 7:37, the Greek word used in the verse means “used to be.” Anointing feet with myron was also associated with strong sexual implications in certain ancient writings.

The acts and motivations of the lady are more essential than her immoral state of mind.

Forgiveness is the focal topic of the story.

Tithes, taxes, and tolls were levied against them, depleting their little resources.

The carpenters, for example, were common among people who were displaced from their country, and it is possible that Jesus’ forefathers suffered that fate.

This narrative is underpinned by the exploitation of indebtedness as well as negative sexual overtones.

It includes working in mines and quarries, which contribute to the damage of the environment through the mining of minerals such as tin and coltan, which are used to manufacture my cell phone.

It is possible to speculate about how Luke may deliver his narrative in this environment. In addition, how would Jesus explain his parable of the debtors? Published in the June 2016 issue of Tui Motu InterIslandsmagazine (number 205).

Unrestrained Love: The Story of the Sinful Woman Who Anointed Jesus

When Jesus enters the house of Simon the Pharisee, he is anointed with a wicked woman’s perfume. The narrative, which may be found in Luke 7:36-50, teaches Simon, as well as all future Bible readers, an essential lesson.

Question for Reflection

In order to redeem you from your sins, Christ gave his life on the cross. How about you? Is your answer to him filled with humility, thanks, and uninhibited love, just like this woman’s was? As a lavish show of love and worship, the wicked woman poured out her precious alabaster jar of costly perfume in front of everyone. She grasped the ultimate significance of the Lord’s sacrifice. What are some of the ways you show your love, dedication, and gratitude to Christ for his supreme sacrifice?

Story Summary

For the duration of his public career, Jesus Christ was met with animosity from members of the religious group known as the Pharisees. However, Jesus accepted Simon’s invitation to supper, presumably in the hope that this man, like Nicodemus, would be receptive to the good news. When an anonymous lady “who had led a wicked life in that town” discovered that Jesus was at Simon’s house, she went there and carried an alabaster jar of perfume with her. She walked up behind Jesus, tears streaming down her face, and wiped the soles of his feet with her tears.

  1. Simon was well-acquainted with the woman and her controversial past.
  2. He questioned Jesus’ credentials as a prophet because theNazareneshould have been well aware of her whereabouts and activities.
  3. One owing him five hundred denarii, the other fifty, and the other fifty owed him nothing.” (This is what Jesus said.) “Because neither of them had the financial means to pay him back, he forgiven both of their debts.
  4. Jesus agreed with me.
  5. The door opened and I walked into your home.
  6. You did not kiss me, but this woman has not stopped kissing my feet since the moment I walked in the door.
  7. He went on to say that those who are forgiven little love little.

Turning to face the lady once again, Jesus assured her that her sins had been forgiven. The other guests were perplexed as to who Jesus was and why he was able to pardon sins. “Your faith has saved you,” Jesus told the lady, and she was free to leave. (Luke 7:50, New International Version)

Life Lessons

It was expected that a guest would be greeted with a warm kiss, foot washing, and aromatic oil in ancient Middle Eastern hospitality. Simon didn’t bother with those marks of respect. Jesus pointed out that the lady was both aware of her transgressions and glad for forgiveness, which indicated that she was in the right mindset. The Pharisee, on the other hand, was spiritually haughty, feeling that he possessed no faults that needed to be atoned for. Throughout this parable, the sinful woman responds to the Lord’s appeal for faith, whilst the self-righteous Pharisee fails to recognize his own need for it.

Points of Interest

It was expected that a guest would be greeted with a warm kiss, foot washing, and aromatic oil in ancient Middle Eastern hospitality. The marks of respect weren’t important to Simon at all. During his conversation with Mary, Jesus pointed out that she was both aware of her transgressions and thankful for forgiveness. He was spiritually haughty, believing he had no crimes that needed to be forgiven, on the other hand. As told in this tale, a sinful woman responded to the Lord’s call for faith, but a self-righteous Pharisee refused to recognize his own need for faith.


  • What is an alabaster box, according to J.W. McGarvey and Philip Y. Pendleton
  • What is the Fourfold Gospel?

Meaning of Mary washing the feet of Jesus

In your opinion, what is the significance of Mary washing Jesus’ feet before his crucifixion? This foot washing is mentioned in the book of John, chapter 12, and the passages in question are located there. Examine the first few verses of this chapter to see if there is anything we can gather from them that may help us respond to your question. The opening verse of John 12 informs us that Jesus visits to the Bethany house of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus less than a week before his final Passover with his followers.

The real date was March 29th, 30 A.D.

He will be betrayed and arrested at the end of the day on Tuesday, April 4th, which is the following Tuesday.

Martha prepared Jesus’ dinner, according to the second verse of the chapter.

She would devote herself so completely to her service that she would occasionally lose sight of the fact that something far more vital demanded her attention (Luke 10:38 – 42).

(See also John 12:3).

1616, is a Dutch painter.

The plant is native to India.

In John 12, verses 4 to 6, we learn that Judas (who would later betray Christ) expressed his displeasure to Jesus by saying that instead of purchasing spikenard, Mary should have used the money to donate to the needy.

Due to his criminal background (verse 6), he wanted the oil transformed BACK into currency so that he could steal it from the group’s “money bag” (which was most likely designed to benefit the needy) so that he could steal it from the bag.

He also says that what she did was a really excellent thing, which is also true.

Her service was both admirable and deserving of praise.

In comparison to her sister, Martha, she was more ” spiritually aware.” Aside from that, she was more interested in what Jesus had to say, and she made it a point to sit at His feet so that she could hear every word He spoke while in her presence (Luke 10:39).

Her deeds are memorialized in the Bible on purpose to serve as a reminder to people of all ages about what she did.

Our heavenly Father sets a high value on humility and love, both of which are essential characteristics of a true Christian’s character and behavior.

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