How Many Times Did Jesus Appear To Paul

Paul’s Three Encounters with Christ Jesus in Acts

The Acts of the Apostles state that Paul had three visions of the Lord Jesus Christ: the first, the second, and the third. 1) The Vision of Paul on the Road to Damascus (described in Acts 9, 22, and 26). While traveling to Damascus, Paul stops to arrest Christians who had crossed the border into the city. To read my idea that Saul/Paul had Herodian contacts in order to complete this political duty, please visit this page. In the midst of the dazzling light that surrounds Saul, he hears a voice proclaiming, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.” Trying to kick against the goads is difficult for you.” Saul loses his sight but regains it after Ananias, who then baptizes Saul/Paul, places his hands on him and rubs them together.

Paul travels to Jerusalem after his conversion, and while worshiping in the Temple, he falls into a trance, which lasts for several hours.

Despite the fact that he did not catch Christians in Damascus, he had earlier and personally “imprisoned and beaten” Christians in Jerusalem – “in every synagogue,” according to the author.

Saul would have needed permission from the High Priest, and Herod Antipasto would have been the one to provide it.

As I discuss in my books on Saint Paul as a Roman and Rome as the Capital of Christianity, this is the major “Roman Catholic” text that I draw attention to in both of those books.

Roman Catholicism is a commandment given to Paul by the risen Jesus Christ: “The next night, the Lord stood by him and said: Take courage, for just as you have testified about me in Jerusalem, you must also offer witness about me at Rome.” (See Acts 23:11 for further information.) Christ depicts the Great Commission as a line traced from Jerusalem to Rome, connecting it all together.

Revelation, when properly read, is a vision of the unholy adultery that occurred between the Whore of Babylon (Jerusalem) and the Beast (the Antichrist) (Rome).

Does Paul’s claim that Jesus appeared to him establish that Jesus was resurrected?

Paul believes that he had a personal encounter with Jesus. Are there any credible witnesses to the Christian claim that Jesus was raised as a result of this? Let’s have a look and see.


In 1 Corinthians 15:8, Paul relates to his supposed meeting with a resurrected Jesus on the road to Damascus, which was recorded in the Bible. The narrative of this visitation recorded in Acts 9:1-6 is considerably different from the apparently tangible, visible manifestation reportedly experienced by what he refers to as “the twelve,” which is found in Acts 9:7. (that is, the eleven disciples). As a result, in 1 Corinthians 15:8, Paul recounts his supposed meeting with a phantom voice using the same word (ophthe kamoi, ” he appeared also to me “), which is also used to describe the supposed encounter with ” the twelve ” in 1 Corinthians 12.

  1. Nevertheless, Paul’s claimed encounter with this phantom voice, as recounted nearly fifty years later by the author of the Book of Acts, demonstrates that he did not see or hear anybody.
  2. There is no indication that Jesus appeared to him in his physical form.
  3. Men traveling with Paul are stated to have heard a voice but not seen anyone in Acts 9:7: “And the men who had gone with him remained dumb, hearing a voice but not seeing any man.” “They saw the light, but they did not hear the speech,” according to Acts 22:9.
  4. Paul is said to be blinded by the brightness, according to the story.
  5. Besides Peter and John, Paul is the only other New Testament author to mention what he believes to be his own personal meetings with the resurrected Christ (for example,1 Corinthians 9:1, 15:8).
  6. According to Paul, it was necessary for him to describe his meeting with the “Jesus apparition” using the same word as had been used to describe the purported previous meetings between the disciples and the apparently raised Jesus in order to promote his claims to apostolic authority.
  7. It’s possible that Paul chose the word ophthe (which means “appearing”) on purpose because it is used in the Septuagint to allude to divine manifestations.

When Paul says that Jesus ” appearing” to them, the word ophthe is just expressing his assertion.

There is no claim in Paul’s depiction that Jesus came in any type of corporeal form that the disciples could see or touch, nor is there any claim that Jesus spoke to the disciples.

Paul, in claiming the same ” appearance ” experience as the disciples, is not arguing that the disciples saw a risen Jesus in real bodily form, as some have suggested.

The word ophthe is used in the context of Paul’s speech, and it is crucial to note.

The fact that Paul claims to have had the identical experience as the disciples indicates that “what was seen” by the disciples was also a visionary experience that had no bodily component.

If Paul did not have the same experience, his claim to apostolic authority is undermined since it is based on an ephemeral vision rather than actual touch with a tangible Jesus.

While in a ” trance ” (ekstasei) in the Temple, it is said that Paul ” saw ” (idein) Jesus, according to Acts 22:17-18.

For the first time in this exposition, Paul used a different verb for seeing the apparition than he does when describing the experiences of the disciples themselves.

The word idein was employed by him, however, while recounting his vision while in a state of trance in the Temple (” saw “).

In 1 Corinthians 9:1, Paul raises a rhetorical question.

As a result, Paul’s purported meetings with the rising Jesus are never in the form of a physical contact with the risen Jesus.

For the intricate and fantastical apparition-narratives with their supposed appearances by Jesus in physical bodily form to the disciples, one would have to wait until the Gospels were written before learning about them. Gerald Sigal is a well-known author.

When did Jesus appear to Paul?

Asked in the following category: General The most recent update was made on the 19th of June, 2020. It is generally accepted that it was built between AD 33 and AD 36. Since his birth is thought to have occurred around 5 AD, he would have been between the ages of 28 and 31 when he made the decision to become a Christian. The name “BrotherSaul” was given him by Ananias, who arrived to restore his vision. Saulis addresses Paul as “Paul” for the first time on the island of Cyprus in Acts 13:9, which is considerably later than the moment of his conversion.

Two post-Resurrectionapparitions are recorded in Matthew, the first to Mary Magdalene and “the other Mary” at the tomb, and the second, based on Mark 16:7, to all of the disciples on a mountain in Galilee, where Jesus asserts authority over heaven and earth and commissions the disciples to preach the gospel throughout all of creation.

  • In Paul’s opinion, his vision demonstrated that Jesus was alive in heaven, that Jesus was the Messiah and God’s Son, and that he would return soon.
  • Was Paul the same age as Jesus when they met?
  • 4 bce) or a little later from this.
  • Paul learnt how to “work with his own hands” during his childhood and adolescence (1 Corinthians 4:12).

Did Paul ever meet Jesus in person?

QuestionAnswer The issue of Jesus Christ and His atoning act was at the heart of the apostle Paul’s missionary endeavors throughout his life. His words were “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” he said (1 Corinthians 9:16). This outstanding apostle concentrated his evangelistic efforts on persuading people that Jesus was the prophesied Messiah of Israel as well as the rising Lord and Savior of the Gentiles on a regular basis. Paul’s theology was centered on Jesus’ uniqueness as a person and as a Savior.

  • Had the future apostle ever had the opportunity to see or hear Jesus in person?
  • First and foremost, Paul had been a resident of Jerusalem as a boy (Acts 22:3) and had returned to the city years later to approve of Stephen’s stoning (Acts 22:4).
  • According to Acts 23:16, Paul’s nephew was present in Jerusalem following Paul’s conversion, indicating that Paul and his family had been residing in the city for some time.
  • On one of Jesus’ frequent travels to the area, it is extremely probable that Paul saw or heard Him speak, and it is possible that Paul did.
  • Third, as a Pharisee, Paul would have been very interested in the teachings of a well-known, though unusual, rabbi like Rabbi Yochanan.
  • For the fourth time, the apostle Paul suggests that he may have known Jesus prior to his conversion in one of his epistles, yet his statement is far from definitive (2 Corinthians 5:16).
  • We don’t know whether or not Paul had ever met Jesus, therefore we can’t be certain.
  • Paul’s traveling companions reported hearing Jesus’ voice (Acts 9:7) and seeing a bright light (Acts 22:9).
  • The Lord appointed Paul to declare His name to both Gentiles and children of Israel, and Paul did so with great success (Acts 9:15).

Part of the reason why the gospel of grace spread throughout the Mediterranean realm was due to his relentless efforts. Go back to the page with all of the Bible questions. Is it possible that Paul had a face-to-face encounter with Jesus?

To Whom Did Jesus Appear after His Death?

QuestionAnswer Jesus Christ and His atoning work were central themes in the apostle Paul’s career, and they dominated his writings. His words were “Woe to me if I don’t preach the gospel!” (1 Corinthians 9:16). A constant emphasis of this great apostle’s evangelistic endeavors was to persuade people that Jesus was both the prophesied Messiah of Israel as well the rising Lord and Savior of the Gentiles. His theology revolved around the one-of-a-kind identity that Jesus possessed. During Christ’s three-and-a-half year public career, had Paul ever had the opportunity to meet him?

  1. However, while we do not have any direct evidence to support this theory, there are a number of factors that point to Paul having seen Jesus prior to his execution.
  2. (Acts 8:1).
  3. A visit by Jesus to Jerusalem is well documented (Mark 11:11; John 2:13; 5:1).
  4. First and foremost, Paul’s dedication to the Law would have supplied him the reason to be present in Jerusalem for Passover, a time when both he and Jesus would have been in close proximity to one another.
  5. It was “not done in a corner,” as Paul explained to Herod Agrippa, for the things Jesus accomplished (Acts 26:26).
  6. The fact that Paul did not personally see or hear Jesus prior to His atoning death on the cross is not established by any of these reasons.
  7. It is true that Paul did have a chance meeting with the Lord Jesus on theDamascus Road following the death of Christ.
  8. While Jesus’ appearance to Paul may have been different in character from Christ’s appearances prior to his ascension, this encounter with Paul was not a purely subjective vision, as both his voice and bright light were perceived by them.
  9. Further suffering for the message of Christ followed for Paul (Acts 14:19; 2 Corinthians 11:25–26), and he died as a result of the persecution.

Part of the reason why the gospel of grace spread throughout the Mediterranean realm was because to his diligent efforts. Return to: Miscellaneous Bible Questions and Answers. Is it possible that Paul had a face-to-face encounter with Christ?

Can Paul Be Considered a Witness if He Never Actually Saw Jesus?

A lot of people ask me about the direct proof provided by the Apostles in the Book of Acts. These individuals certainly viewed themselves as eyewitnesses to Jesus’ death and resurrection, and they relied on their observations of Jesus when attempting to communicate the truth to others. First and foremost, the Disciples considered themselves to be eyewitnesses to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Paul, on the other hand, was a latecomer to the Apostles’ team and claimed to be qualified as an eyewitness as well.

  • One of my friends recently asked me about the eyewitness status of Paul, because a rigorous interpretation of two texts depicting Paul’s contact with Jesus on the road to Damascus may lead one to believe that Paul never truly saw Jesus at all: Acts 9:3-9 is a biblical passage.
  • He dropped to the ground and heard the voice of the Lord say to him: “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” while heading toward Damascus.
  • The soldiers lifted Saul from the ground, and though his eyes were open, he was unable to see anything.
  • And he was blind for three days, and he didn’t eat or drink throughout that time.
  • The Jew who was born in Tarsus of Cilicia but brought up in this city, educated by Gamaliel, rigorously according to the rule of our fathers, and as ardent for God as you all are today, I am writing to you.
  • I also got letters from them to the brethren, and I set out for Damascus with the intention of bringing even those who were already in the city to Jerusalem as captives to be punished.
  • And He introduced Himself as Jesus the Nazarene, whom I was persecuting at the time.
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Is it possible for Paul to be an eyewitness if he never really saw Jesus in the flesh?

I’ve spoken with a lot of witnesses over the years, and several of them claimed to have witnessed something that was significant to the case but did not.

An officer’s evidence that the hood of a suspect car was raised proved extremely significant to our case in an early 1980’s case, which took place in the early 1980’s.

Paul’s standing as a witness is not contingent on his ability to observe events visually.

Despite the fact that Paul explicitly reported what he heard on the route to Damascus, we shouldn’t be too hasty to dismiss the fair inference that may be drawn from his visual views of Jesus on the way.

However, based on Paul’s later statements in 1 Corinthians, there is ample reason to assume that he did truly see the form of Jesus: 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 (New International Version) In fact, what I also received was that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried according to the Scriptures, that He was raised from the dead on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve apostles as the first fruits of His resurrection.

As a result of this, He appeared to more than five hundred comrades at once (the overwhelming majority of them are still alive today, though a few have passed away); after that He appeared to James, then to all the apostles; and last, as a premature birth, He appeared to me as well.

(The emphasis is mine, of course.) As Paul said this again and over again, branding himself as a witness who, together with the other eyewitnesses, attested to the resurrection of Jesus, he said: 1 Corinthians 15:12-15 is a passage from the Bible that says, “It is written, “It is done, “It is done, “It is done, “It is done, “It is done, “It is done, “It is done, “It is done, “It is done, “It is done, “It is done, “It is done, “It is done, “It is done, “It is done, ” Now, if Christ is taught, and it is believed that He has been risen from the dead, how can some among you assert that there is no such thing as resurrected bodies?

  • Because without the resurrection of the dead, not even Christ has been risen; and if Christ has not yet been raised, then our teaching is in vain, just as your faith is in vain.
  • Once again, my emphasis is on the word “again.” The Apostles’ testimony of the Resurrection changed the course of history; they were live eyewitnesses who never bowed their heads when they were called on to repudiate their beliefs.
  • Due to his transforming encounter with the risen Jesus while traveling on the road to Damascus, Paul became one of these early eyewitnesses as well.
  • The Apostles’ testimony of the Resurrection changed the course of history; they were live eyewitnesses who never backed down when they were called on to repudiate their beliefs.
  • You may learn more about the credibility of the New Testament gospels and the argument for Christianity in the book Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels if you read Cold-Case Christianity.
  • The book is complemented by an eight-sessionCold-Case Christianity DVD Set (as well as a Participant’s Guide) that may be used to assist individuals or small groups analyze the evidence and make their case for Christianity.
  • Warner Wallace has been featured on Dateline NBC.

Originally from New York City, he now lives in Los Angeles. Sign up for J. Warner’s Daily Email Updates.

Verse by Verse Ministry International

What Luke wrote in his Gospel was based on information he got from Paul, and what Paul received was based on information he obtained through contacts he had with Jesus following His resurrection. Was Paul involved in any other interactions except those on the route to Damascus? Paul testifies that he received direct instruction from Christ, and we can see this in various places throughout the Bible. Paul claims in 2 Corinthians that he met with the Lord in the heavenly throne room, and he goes on to state the following:

2Cor. 12:2I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago — whether in the body I do not know, or out of the body I do not know, God knows — such a man was caught up to the third heaven.2Cor. 12:3And I know how such a man — whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, God knows —2Cor. 12:4was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which a man is not permitted to speak.2Cor. 12:5On behalf of such a man I will boast; but on my own behalf I will not boast, except in regard to my weaknesses.2Cor. 12:6For if I do wish to boast I will not be foolish, for I will be speaking the truth; but I refrain from this, so that no one will credit me with more than he sees in me or hears from me.2Cor. 12:7Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me — to keep me from exalting myself!

To avoid appearing arrogant, Paul narrates the moment he walked into Christ’s presence by speaking in the third person. Aside from this, in Galatians 1, Paul affirms that he was immediately informed of the truth of the Gospel by Christ:

Gal. 1:10For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ.Gal. 1:11For I would have you know, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man.Gal. 1:12For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.

In Acts 9, we also have a record of Paul’s first encounter with Jesus, which we can read about here. As a consequence, we might conclude that Paul’s understanding came as a result of Christ’s direct revelation to him.

Did the conversion of Paul occur before or after the Ascension?

Saul’s conversion from a disbeliever to a believer took place following Christ’s ascension to the right hand of the Father. According to the biblical story of Saul and Stephen in Acts, this is true. Christ ascended to the right hand of the Father 40 days after His resurrection. Amongst them he also shown himself alive after his passion by several indisputable proofs, being seen by them for forty days, and spoke of matters relating to the kingdom of God, including: Acts 1:3 (KJV) Stephen stood up to the Hellenistic throng, who were unbelievers, around three and a half years later.

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And they threw him out of the city and stoned him, and the witnesses threw their clothing at the feet of a young man named Saul, who was standing there.

First and foremost, it’s crucial to recognize that Christ appeared to Stephen at the same time he was stoned.

It was then that the Son of Man appeared to him and said, “Behold, the heavens have been opened, and the Son of Man is standing at the right side of God.” Acts 7:55-56 (KJV) Isn’t it ironic that Saul doesn’t see anything, but will eventually see, because of the amazing love that has been displayed?

It is an element of his authority as an apostle, to say the least.

In that case, Ananias returned to his home and placed his hands on Saul’s shoulders, saying, “Brother Saul, I am here to tell you that the Lord, even Jesus, who appeared unto thee on the route as thou camest,” and that he had been sent so that he may acquire sight and be filled with the Holy Ghost.

  1. Acts 22:14 is a biblical passage.
  2. In the meanwhile, Barnabas gathered his followers and brought them to the apostles, telling them how he had seen and talked with the Lord on the road, and how he had preached courageously in the name of Jesus in Damascus.
  3. But get up and stand on your feet, for I have come to thee for this reason, to appoint thee as a minister and a witness to both the things that thou hast seen, and the things that I shall appear to thee in; Acts 26:16.
  4. Is it true that I am not free?
  5. Are you not my hands and feet in the Lord’s service?
  6. 15:8 Assuming for the moment that at least two persons had witnessed the Lord after His ascension, what does this indicate for those living in the present day?
  7. To be clear, what occurred to Stephen and Saul and what will go place during the Second Coming are two very different events.
  8. Acts 1:11 is a biblical passage.
  9. Afterwards, we who are alive and remain will be snatched up with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will be with the Lord for the rest of our lives.

1 Thes 4:17 is a verse from the Bible. Paul did not mix Christ’s appearance to him with Christ’s Second Coming, as some have suggested. We shouldn’t be either.

Did Paul think he saw Jesus physically visit him?

The apostle Paul suggested that witnesses to a big group-appearance of Jesus were still alive and might be interrogated in 1 Corinthians 15:6 (“five hundred brethren. the majority of whom remain till now”) when he wrote the verse. At the very least, a complete page will cover the following two points:

  • Otherwise, the statement is just superfluous. It is consistent with comparable appeals to the general population

Because Paul’s encouragement for others to examine these “witnesses” about their essentially personal vision/epiphany would have been counter-productive, it would have communicated to doubters that the resurrection was psychological or non-physical after all.

  • As N. T. Wright points out, “Those who have wished to say that the risen Christ was not that kind of being, that the resurrection was not that kind of event, that it did not have that kind of evidence, and that any witnesses would simply be speaking of their own inner conviction and experience rather than the evidence of their eyes, have had to say that Paul has here undermined the point he really should have been making

Topical Bible: Jesus, the Christ: Appears to Paul

Nave’s Topical IndexActs 9:3-17And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:Nave’s Topical IndexActs 18:9Then spoke the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not your peace:Nave’s Topical IndexActs 22:14,18And he said, The God of our fathers has chosen you, that you should know his will, and see that Just One, and should hear the voice of his mouth.Nave’s Topical IndexActs 23:11And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul: for as you have testified of me in Jerusalem, so must you bear witness also at Rome.Nave’s Topical IndexActs 26:16But rise, and stand on your feet: for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of these things which you have seen, and of those things in the which I will appear to you;Nave’s Topical Index1 Corinthians 9:1Am I not an apostle? am I not free? have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord? are not you my work in the Lord?Nave’s Topical Index1 Corinthians 15:8And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time.Nave’s Topical IndexLibraryThe Theme of Acts.Name hath made this man whole.’ It is the Lord thatappearstoPauland theLord to whom Peter refers Aeneas when he says, ‘ Jesus Christmaketh thee././maclaren/expositions of holy scripture the acts/the theme of acts.htmThe Conversion ofPaul.account, and that which is given byPaulhimself in.Itappearsfrom the twenty-sixthchapter, that, but by the revelation ofJesus Christ.” Amidst such././dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture xii the conversion of.htmActs viii. 26, 27.obtained mercy, that in me firstJesus Christmight show.His.”Observe in what wayPaulis honored.There,Christ appears, probably because of his hardness, and././chrysostom/homilies on acts and romans/homily xix acts viii 26.htmSt.Paul’sWish to be Accursed fromChrist.the martyrdom of Stephen, where heappearsan accomplice.the Jews was more bitteragainstChrist “no other.many things contrary to the name ofJesus “”he did././lee/sermons on various important subjects/sermon ix st pauls wish.htmA Pure Church an Increasing Church.the second treatise, which tells all thatJesuscontinued to.So the Lord, the ascendedChrist, is the true theme.It is He whoappearsto the persecutor on the././maclaren/expositions of holy scripture the acts/a pure church an increasing.htmActs IX.resolution as obstacles multiplied before him; and thus heappearsin theChrist.” The one great gospel proposition, thatJesusis theChristand the././mcgarvey/a commentary on acts of the apostles/acts ix.htmThe Beginning of the New Testament.PAULTRAVELLED INTO ROME, AS ITAPPEARSTO-DAY].To Timothy, who was to him as ason,Paulthe prisoner.Perhaps the life ofJesus Christ, written by Mark, and a././duff/the bible in its making/chapter x the beginning of.htmPaul’sFirst Prayer.When we look at the change that has passed over us, itappearslike a dream.WhenChriststands waiting for thy prayer?.And pray with faith inJesus ‘ name.”././spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 1 1855/pauls first prayer.htmThe Epistles ofPaul.When the proper time had comeJesusmet him on.the unity of Jews and Gentiles inChrist, which are.home in discussing subjects the most varied,appearsin his././barrows/companion to the bible/chapter xxx the epistles of.htmA Sight of the CrownedChrist.Jesuswas God coming closer and in a way that part of the purpose in the heartofChristin letting.accompanies the presence of God as Heappearsto men././quiet talks on the crowned christ of revelation/iii a sight of the crowned.htmResourcesWhat is the Jesus Family Tomb? Has the lost tomb of Jesus Christ been discovered? | GotQuestions.orgIs Jesus the Messiah? | GotQuestions.orgWhy did God send Jesus? | GotQuestions.orgJesus: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Clyx.comBible ConcordanceBible DictionaryBible EncyclopediaTopical BibleBible ThesuarusSubtopicsIrony: Jesus to the PhariseesJesusJesus As a FriendJesus Being GodJesus Being HumbleJesus Being Our First LoveJesus BirthJesus BloodJesus ChristJesus Coming BackJesus did not Have a Sin NatureJesus FootwashingJesus is Our HusbandJesus JustusJesus LooksJesus MercyJesus MiraclesJesus of NazarethJesus Rejected at NazarethJesus ReturnJesus ReturningJesus Ruling in JerusalemJesus Second ComingJesus Teenage YearsJesus the Son of SirachJesus, the Christ by MatthewJesus, the Christ by NathanaelJesus, the Christ by Peter and Other DisciplesJesus, the Christ by PhilipJesus, the Christ by the Ethiopian EunuchJesus, the Christ by Three Thousand People on the Day of PentecostJesus, the Christ by ZacchaeusJesus, the Christ: “In his Name”Jesus, the Christ: “In his Name”: FaithJesus, the Christ: “In his Name”: Forgiveness of SinsJesus, the Christ: “In his Name”: ImmersionJesus, the Christ: “In his Name”: LifeJesus, the Christ: “In his Name”: Miracles PerformedJesus, the Christ: “In his Name”: PrayerJesus, the Christ: “In his Name”: PreachingJesus, the Christ: “In his Name”: SalvationJesus, the Christ: “In his Name”: To be ConfessedJesus, the Christ: Accuses Judas of his Betrayal (In Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: An Angel Appears to Joseph Concerning Mary (At Nazareth)Jesus, the Christ: Angels Appear to the Shepherds (In the Vicinity of Bethlehem)Jesus, the Christ: Anointed by a Sinful Woman (At Capernaum)Jesus, the Christ: Anointed With Precious Ointment (In Bethany)Jesus, the Christ: Answers a Biblical ExpertJesus, the Christ: Appears in the Midst of the Disciples, when Thomas Was Absent (In Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: Appears to his Disciples at Lake GalileeJesus, the Christ: Appears to his Disciples, when Thomas Was Present (In Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: Appears to James and Also to all the Apostles (In Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: Appears to Paul (On the Road to Damascus)Jesus, the Christ: Appears to the Apostle John (On Patmos Island)Jesus, the Christ: Appears to the Apostles and More than Five-Hundred Followers on a Mountain in GalileeJesus, the Christ: Appears to Two Disciples Who Journey to the Village of EmmausJesus, the Christ: Arises from the Dead (Just Outside Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: Arraigned Before Herod Antipas (In Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: Ascends to Heaven (Near Bethany)Jesus, the Christ: Ascension ofJesus, the Christ: Birth of (At Bethlehem)Jesus, the Christ: Blesses Little Children (In Peraea)Jesus, the Christ: Calls Matthew (Capernaum)Jesus, the Christ: Cautions his Disciples Against, the Leaven of HypocrisyJesus, the Christ: Chooses Peter, Andrew, James, and John As DisciplesJesus, the Christ: Circumcision of (At Bethlehem)Jesus, the Christ: Commissions the Seventy Disciples (In Samaria)Jesus, the Christ: Compassion ofJesus, the Christ: CreatorJesus, the Christ: Crosses Lake Galilee and Quiets the SquallJesus, the Christ: Crucified (Just Outside Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: Death ofJesus, the Christ: Death of, VoluntaryJesus, the Christ: Defines the Law of the Sabbath on the Occasion of his Disciples Plucking the Ears of GrainJesus, the Christ: Delivers the “Sermon on the Mount” (In Galilee)Jesus, the Christ: Denounces the Pharisees and Other Hypocrites (In Galilee)Jesus, the Christ: Design of his DeathJesus, the Christ: Dines With a Pharisee on the Sabbath (In Peraea)Jesus, the Christ: Disciples Adhere ToJesus, the Christ: Discourses to his Disciples (In Galilee)Jesus, the Christ: Discussions With the Religious Experts in the Temple Area (In Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: Divinity of Acknowledged by Old Testament SaintsJesus, the Christ: Divinity of As Creator of all ThingsJesus, the Christ: Divinity of As JehovahJesus, the Christ: Divinity of As Sending the Spirit Equally With the FatherJesus, the Christ: Divinity of As the Eternal God and CreatorJesus, the Christ: Divinity of As Unsearchable Equally With the FatherJesus, the Christ: Divinity of EmmanuelJesus, the Christ: Divinity of God Over AllJesus, the Christ: Divinity of God the JudgeJesus, the Christ: Divinity of His Blood is Called the Blood of GodJesus, the Christ: Divinity of Invoked As JehovahJesus, the Christ: Divinity of JehovahJesus, the Christ: Divinity of Jehovah Above AllJesus, the Christ: Divinity of Jehovah of GloryJesus, the Christ: Divinity of Jehovah of HostsJesus, the Christ: Divinity of Jehovah Our RighteousnessJesus, the Christ: Divinity of Jehovah the First and the LastJesus, the Christ: Divinity of Jehovah the Messenger of the CovenantJesus, the Christ: Divinity of Jehovah the ShepherdJesus, the Christ: Divinity of Jehovah, for Whose Glory all Things Were CreatedJesus, the Christ: Divinity of Jehovah’s Fellow and EqualJesus, the Christ: Divinity of King of Kings and Lord of LordsJesus, the Christ: Divinity of Lord of AllJesus, the Christ: Divinity of Lord of the SabbathJesus, the Christ: Divinity of One With the FatherJesus, the Christ: Divinity of Son of GodJesus, the Christ: Divinity of Supporter and Preserver of all ThingsJesus, the Christ: Divinity of The Great God and SaviourJesus, the Christ: Divinity of The Holy OneJesus, the Christ: Divinity of The Lord from HeavenJesus, the Christ: Divinity of The Mighty GodJesus, the Christ: Divinity of The One and Only Son of the FatherJesus, the Christ: Drives the Money Changers out of the Temple (In Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: Drives the Money-Changers from the Temple (In Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: Eats With Tax Collectors and Sinners, and Discourses on Fasting (Capernaum)Jesus, the Christ: Enters the Temple (In Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: Enunciates the Parable of the Pounds (In Jericho)Jesus, the Christ: Enunciates the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (In Peraea)Jesus, the Christ: Enunciates the Parable of the Vineyard (In Peraea)Jesus, the Christ: Enunciates the Parables of the Lost Sheep, of the Lost Piece of Silver, of the Prodigal SonJesus, the Christ: Enunciates the Parables of the Ten Virgins and of the TalentsJesus, the Christ: Enunciates the Parables of the Unjust JudgeJesus, the Christ: Escapes to the Town of Ephraim from the Conspiracy Led by Caiaphas, the High PriestJesus, the Christ: Eternity ofJesus, the Christ: Exaltation ofJesus, the Christ: Example, AnJesus, the Christ: Exposes the Hypocrisies of the Scribes and Pharisees (In Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: Feeds More than Four-Thousand PeopleJesus, the Christ: Flight Into and Return from EgyptJesus, the Christ: Foretells his Betrayal (In Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: Foretells his own Death and Resurrection (In Galilee)Jesus, the Christ: Foretells his own Death and Resurrection (In Peraea)Jesus, the Christ: Foretells his own Death and Resurrection (Near Caesarea Philippi)Jesus, the Christ: Foretells the Destruction of the Temple, and of Jerusalem (In Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: Foretells the Scenes of the Day of Judgment (On the Mount of Olives)Jesus, the Christ: Genealogy ofJesus, the Christ: Goes to Bethabara to Escape Violence from the Rulers (East of the Jordan River)Jesus, the Christ: Goes to Bethany Six Days Before the PassoverJesus, the Christ: Goes up Onto a Mountain, and Calls and Commissions Twelve Disciples (In Galilee)Jesus, the Christ: He Justifies his Disciples in Eating Without Washing Their Hands (At Capernaum)Jesus, the Christ: Heals a Blind Man (At Bethsaida)Jesus, the Christ: Heals a Blind Man, Who, Because of his Faith in Jesus, Was ExcommunicatedJesus, the Christ: Heals a Deaf Man (In the Decapolis Region)Jesus, the Christ: Heals a Demoniac (At Capernaum)Jesus, the Christ: Heals a Demoniac (Near Caesarea Philippi)Jesus, the Christ: Heals a Demoniac, and Denounces the Scribes and Pharisees (In Galilee)Jesus, the Christ: Heals a Leper (In Galilee)Jesus, the Christ: Heals a Man Having a Withered Hand (At Capernaum)Jesus, the Christ: Heals a Nobleman’s Son of Capernaum (At Cana of Galilee)Jesus, the Christ: Heals a Paralyzed Man (At Capernaum)Jesus, the Christ: Heals an Immobile Man at the Pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath DayJesus, the Christ: Heals Peter’s Mother-In-Law (At Capernaum)Jesus, the Christ: Heals Ten Lepers (Near the Border Between Samaria and Galilee)Jesus, the Christ: Heals the Daughter of the Syro-Phoenician Woman (Near Tyre and Sidon)Jesus, the Christ: Heals the Servant of the Centurion (Near Capernaum)Jesus, the Christ: Heals the Sick People in the Temple Courtyard (In Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: Heals Two Blind Men (At Jericho)Jesus, the Christ: Heals Two Blind Men and Casts out an Evil Spirit from a Mute Boy (At Capernaum)Jesus, the Christ: Hears the Report of the Seventy Disciples (In Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: Herod (Antipas) Falsely Supposes Him to be John, Whom he had BeheadedJesus, the Christ: His Disciples Immerse some of the People (At Aenon)Jesus, the Christ: His Last Passover Meal and his Establishment of the Lord’s Supper (In Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: History ofJesus, the Christ: Holiness ofJesus, the Christ: Humanity ofJesus, the Christ: Humility ofJesus, the Christ: Incarnation ofJesus, the Christ: Instructs his Disciples and Empowers Them to Heal Diseases and Cast out Unclean SpiritsJesus, the Christ: Interprets the Law Concerning Marriage and Divorce (In Peraea)Jesus, the Christ: Is Betrayed and Apprehended (In the Garden of Gethsemane)Jesus, the Christ: Is Immersed by John in the Jordan RiverJesus, the Christ: Is Led Away to be Crucified (From Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: Is Presented in the Temple (In Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: Is Rejected by the People of Nazareth; Lives at CapernaumJesus, the Christ: Is Seen by Peter (Near Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: Is TransfiguredJesus, the Christ: John’s Testimony Concerning HimJesus, the Christ: Journeys to Jerusalem to Attend the Feast of Tabernacles, Passing Through SamariaJesus, the Christ: Journeys Toward Jerusalem to Attend the PassoverJesus, the Christ: JudgeJesus, the Christ: Justice ofJesus, the Christ: KingJesus, the Christ: Kingdom of Its NatureJesus, the Christ: Laments Over Jerusalem (Just Outside Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: Led by the Council to Pilate (In Jerusalem)Jesus, the Christ: Listens to the Mother of James and John in Behalf of Her Sons (In Peraea)Jesus, the Christ: Love ofJesus, the Christ: Magi (The Wise Men from the East) Visit (At Bethlehem)Jesus, the Christ: Mary Visits Elisabeth (At Hebron?)Jesus, the Christ: Mary’s Magnificat (At Hebron?)Jesus, the Christ: Mediation of by AaronJesus, the Christ: Mediation of by MosesJesus, the Christ: Meekness ofJesus, the Christ: Messiah: Messianic PsalmsJesus, the Christ: Miracle at Cana of GalileeJesus, the Christ: Miracle of the Swine (In Gadara)Jesus, the Christ: Miracle of the Temple Tax Money in the Fish’s MouthJesus, the Christ: Miracles of a Demon Cast out and a Deaf Man CuredJesus, the Christ: Miracles of Cleanses the Leper
See also:  What Did Jesus Say To The Man On The Cross

How many times did Jesus appear after his resurrection?

Following his resurrection from the grave, Jesus appeared to his followers on a number of times. His ascension into Heaven took place over a period of several days, not merely on the first day of the week following his resurrection. To be more specific, how many times? The exact number of times that Jesus appeared to his disciples throughout these 40 days is unknown to us. “Jesus performed many additional signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not recorded in this book,” John himself remarked, pointing out that the Gospel stories were not a comprehensive historical record (John 20:30).

In total, Jesus is said to have appeared to his followers ten times in his resurrected form, according to the Bible.

Here’s why JPII stated “probably so” in the first place.

“Mary,” Jesus addressed her by name.

When she asked Jesus not to hold her, he said, “Do not hold me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brethren and tell them that I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” (See also John 20:16-17.) Women (perhaps Mary of Clopas, Mary the mother of James, and Joanna)So they hurriedly left the tomb, terrified and filled with great excitement, and hastened to inform his followers what had happened.

  • And lo and behold, Jesus appeared in front of them and said, “Hail!” And they came up to him, seized hold of his feet, and prostrated themselves before him in reverence.
  • Matthew 28:8-10 describes the journey of two disciples on the road to Emmaus.
  • They were chatting about all that had transpired as they strolled along the street.
  • (Matthew 24:13-43) “The Lord has risen truly, and he has appeared to Simon!” proclaims St.

(See also Luke 24:34) They were saying this when Jesus himself appeared among them and said, “Peace to you.” (See also Luke 24:36) The Disciples of Christ (With Thomas) Although the doors were closed, Jesus entered and stood among them, saying, “Peace be with you.” “Reach your finger here, and you will see my hands; and put out your hand, and you will lay it in my side; do not be faithless, but trusting,” Jesus instructed Thomas.

“My Lord and my God!” Thomas said in response.

“Blessed are those who believe despite the fact that they have not seen.” (See also John 20:26-29.) Seven Disciples are a group of people who follow Jesus Christ.

Together with him were Simon Peter, Thomas, known as the Twin, Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other members of his discipleship.

Then Jesus appeared to more than five hundred comrades at the same moment, the vast majority of them are still living, though some have passed into eternal rest.

James and the Apostles (St.

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:7 that Prior to the Ascension of Christ Then he escorted them all the way to Bethany, where he blessed them with his palms raised in the air.

And they worshipped him, returned to Jerusalem with great delight, and spent the rest of their time in the temple, thanking God for everything. (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53) (Luke 24:50-53)

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