Why Do People Believe In Jesus

What Do Americans Believe About Jesus? 5 Popular Beliefs

Throughout the religious landscape of the United States, Jesus Christ continues to be a key figure and a perennial person of interest, particularly in the days leading up to Easter. And the year 2015 is no different. To a record-breaking audience of 3.7 million people on Sunday, March 29, the National Geographic Channel launched their version of Bill O’Reilly’s bookKilling Jesus. It was the channel’s most watched premiere in its history. The Finding Jesus miniseries on CNN has likewise maintained a high level of popularity.

What, on the other hand, do Americans believe about Jesus?

According to current Barna Group study, the following are five prevalent American conceptions of Jesus: 1.

A cameo appearance by Jesus Christ has appeared in hundreds of pop culture productions, ranging from The Da Vinci Code toSouth Park.

  1. More than nine out of ten Americans believe that Jesus Christ was a genuine person who lived on the earth (92 percent ).
  2. 2.
  3. While the historicity of Jesus is not in dispute for most Americans, people are becoming increasingly skeptical about Jesus’ divinity.
  4. One in every six people still does not believe that Jesus was divine, according to the poll (18 percent ).
  5. Approximately one-third of young individuals (35 percent) believe that Jesus was only a religious or spiritual leader, with the remaining 17 percent unsure of his identity.
  6. 3.
  7. Americans are divided on whether Jesus committed sins during his earthly existence, which may be a reflection of their skepticism regarding Jesus’ divinity.

Only slightly more than half of those polled reject, either strongly or moderately, that Jesus committed sins while on earth (46 percent), with the remaining 2 percent unsure.

Sixty-six percent of Millennials consider this to be true.


America, as a whole, continues to be devoted to Jesus Christ.

Despite the fact that the vast majority of Americans claim to have made such a commitment, some groups are much more likely than others to have done so.

White Americans are the ethnic group most likely to have made a personal commitment to Jesus: Only six out of ten white Americans (60 percent) report having done so, compared to eight out of ten black Americans (80 percent) and almost two-thirds of all non-white Americans (60 percent) (65 percent ).

  1. A last point to mention is that Millennials are far less likely than any other generation to have made a personal commitment to Jesus that is still relevant in their lives today.
  2. 5.
  3. Adults who have made a personal commitment to Jesus think that Jesus is the only way to get to heaven, according to the majority of those who have done so.
  4. Only 2 percent of those who have made a personal commitment to Jesus say they do not believe they will go to paradise when they die.
  5. In general, nearly two out of every five Americans have acknowledged their wickedness and declared trust in Christ (a group known as “born again Christians,” according to Barna Research).
  6. Only 56 percent of Millennials who have made a personal commitment to Jesus think they will go to paradise as a result of confessing their sins and accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior, according to a recent survey.
  7. Many adults, on the other hand, feel that they will be admitted to paradise as a consequence of their good deeds.
  8. Most of those who fall into this group think that they will get to paradise because they have attempted to observe the Ten Commandments (5 percent), because they are fundamentally decent people (8 percent), or because God loves all people and would not allow them to perish (7 percent ).
  9. For example, Jesus already has a captive audience.
  10. While this is an outstanding amount, it raises the question of how well this commitment is communicated.

“These tendons include institutional, cultural, and family tendons.” The question of whether Millennials will become more serious about church and faith as they grow older has been debated extensively, but the reality is that younger Americans are not as attached to Christ as older generations are.

  1. Comment on this research and keep up with our progress: Twitter:@davidkinnaman|@roxyleestone|@barnagroup The Barna Group is on Facebook.
  2. The first online study was conducted between September 2 and September 10, 2014, among a nationally representative sample of 1,036 adults in the United States.
  3. The first phone research was performed between August 25 and September 10, 2014, among a nationally representative sample of 1,001 persons in the United States.
  4. From February 3 to February 11, 2015, a second online research was performed among 1,000 persons in the United States who were selected from a nationally representative sample.
  5. During the period of January 8 to January 20, 2015, the second phone research was performed among a nationally representative sample of 1,010 persons in the United States.
  6. Millennials are defined as those born between 1984 and 2002; Gen-Xers as those born between 1965 and 1983; Boomers as those born between 1946 and 1964; and Elders as those born in 1945 or before.
  7. It is a non-volunteer access panel that operates on the basis of chance.
  8. When sampled non-Internet homes are recruited, they are given with a netbook computer as well as free Internet access in order to participate as online panel participants.
  9. Barna Group’s Background Barna Group (which includes its research division, Barna Research Group) is a private, non-partisan, for-profit organization that operates under the umbrella of the Issachar Companies.
  10. For more than three decades, Barna Group has conducted and analyzed primary research to better understand cultural trends related to values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors.

If you would like to receive free e-mail notifications of the release of each update on the most recent research findings from Barna Group, you can sign up for this free service on the Barna website by entering your e-mail address (). Barna Group published a report in 2015 titled

Why Do People Believe in God?

Why do people believe in God? For most people in the world, the answer seems obvious: Because it’s self-evident that God exists. From the point of view of the believer, the really puzzling question is how anyone could not believe. And yet, as University of California at Irvine psychologist Brett Mercier and his colleagues point out in a recent article, there was once a time in the prehistory of our species when nobody believed in a god of any sort. Our evolutionary ancestors were all atheists, but somewhere along the way they found religion.

  1. As is common practice in evolutionary science, Mercier and his colleagues distinguish between ultimate and proximate causes.
  2. Consider, for example, birds flying south for the winter.
  3. In contrast, the proximate cause is the decrease in daylight hours, serving as a trigger that it’s time to head south.
  4. At the same time, not all people are religious, and furthermore the forms of belief among the religious range widely, so we need to understand the proximate causes for this variation.
  5. Fully modern humans arrived on the scene about a quarter million years ago, and until quite recently they all lived hunter-gatherer lifestyles.
  6. They lived in small groups of around 100 to 150 people because this was the largest population that the surrounding terrain could support.
  7. Furthermore, humans are far more capable ofcooperationthan other primates, enabled by certain evolved cognitive mechanisms.

As tool users, humans quickly developed an understanding that they can intentionally cause things to happen.

The apple fell because I shook the tree.

That is to say, we not only believe we have agency, we also believe others have agency as well.

We can easilyforgivethe person who accidentally steps on our foot, but we really need an explanation and an apology if someone purposely treads on our toes.

For example, when someone cuts us off in traffic, we generally assume they did it on purpose—that is, knowing full well how dangerously they’re driving—rather than supposing they looked but just didn’t see us.

Because of hypersensitive agency detection, we also have a tendency to infer intentionality in natural processes or inanimate objects.

Because the natural world is complex and acts in mysterious ways, we detect agency all around us.

Or have you ever complained that your computer has a mind of its own because it doesn’t behave the way you want it to?

This kind ofanimistic thinking —that is, the belief thatsupernaturalagency inhabits the world and can influence events—is a universal human trait.

Animistic beliefs are also common in hunter-gatherer societies, but what they don’t have is organized religion.

At first, humans domesticated a few animals and tended gardens to supplement their hunting and gathering, but eventually, all but a few societies around the world shifted solely to farming and herding.

As long as our group sizes were small, we had the psychological mechanisms to deal effectively with the members of our community.

But if your numbers are in the thousands or tens of thousands, most of the people you interact with on a daily basis are strangers.

At this point, we see cultural evolution taking place.

When we live in small groups, cheaters are punished by other members, and they quickly learn that they have to get along.

The solution was to invent ever-watchful gods who’ll punish cheaters for us.

Fast forward a dozen millennia, and here we are living in a technologically advanced society driven by science that tells us the world moves according to the laws of physics and not the whims of spirits or deities.

At the same time, religious belief has dropped precipitously over the last century, and here we need to look at its proximate causes.

One cognitive factor is an analytical thinking style.

Perhaps relatedly, we also see a tendency for people who are higher inintelligenceto hold agnostic or atheistic beliefs.

See also:  Why Jesus Came To Earth Scripture?

Of course, it’s exactly this ability to read others’ minds that led to the rise of religious belief in the first place, hundreds of thousands of years ago on the African savanna.

People who are socially isolated tend to have more religious faith, perhaps allowing them to feel they’re not truly alone.

The old saying that there are no atheists on the battlefield is no doubt true to a large extent.

Believing that God has a plan helps people regain some sense of control, or at least of acceptance.

If you live in a society where religion is prized, it’s in your best interest to say you believe, whether you truly do or not.

(I was one of those for most of my teenage years.) And it’s not uncommon to hear stories of priests or pastors who’ve lost their faith but continue to preach because it’s the only way they can make a living.

As a general rule, religious belief is considerably lower in developed countries compared with the underdeveloped world.

Traditionally, Japan was a Buddhist country, and religion played an important role in the daily lives of the Japanese until after World War II.

However, as Mercier and his colleagues point out, Japan and Western European have universal health care and extensive social safety nets, as opposed to the U.S.

But the laissez-faire attitudes of American society make people’s futures less certain and the belief in a benevolent God more attractive.

As societies become affluent and egalitarian, perhaps people perceive less need for a benevolent God to keep watch over us.

Organized religion may no longer be needed in such societies, but it’s still human nature to perceive agency in the complexity and unpredictability of the world, even when there is none.

Why should we have faith in God or Jesus?

Would you like to have the opportunity to learn more about faith? Alpha is a course offered by a number of churches in the area that is aimed to provide a safe environment for people to learn about and debate various elements of their faith with others. At the bottom of this page, you may find a course in your area.

How did the Universe really begin?

It’s possible that how you respond to that question will vary on who you ask. An astro-physicist may respond that the cosmos originated as a massive nuclear explosion some thousand million years ago, and that the universe is still expanding. A theologian would respond that God created the world – but he or she might be more interested with explaining why God created the world than with explaining how God created the world. The ‘why’ question is possibly the most crucial since it prompts us to consider the purpose and significance of creation in our lives.

Not all Christians have the same beliefs about the genesis of life.

Genesis declares creation to be excellent, and God is said to be delighted and pleased with his handiwork, according to the book of Genesis.

What is meant by the Trinity?

The notion of the Trinity is at the very center of Christian belief and practice. To put it simply, it asserts that God’s entire nature is’relational’ – that is, God is a loving connection between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – and that this relationship is the essence of God. This is a concept that Christian theologians continue to battle with, but it is more than simply a philosophical debate. Christian understanding of the universe and human beings is fundamentally altered as a result of this development.

It is those connections that provide meaning to our lives, and when they fail, our own lives fail as a result of their failure.

Christians believe that God’s goal for the end of time is to combine all things in heaven and on earth in his Son, Jesus Christ, and that this will occur at the end of time (Ephesians 1:9-10).

Who was Jesus?

Christians have long held that Jesus was more than just a decent guy; he was the Son of God, according to their beliefs. We believe that Jesus was sent by God and that he returned to his Father’s presence afterward. Indeed, whether or not Jesus was who he claimed to be determines whether or not Christianity may be saved. In today’s world, no credible intellectual believes that Jesus did not exist. Historians all agree that Jesus was a wonderful teacher who, 2,000 years ago, surprised people with marvels that they couldn’t quite put their finger on.

Numerous of those disciples were themselves put to death because they refused to back down from their assertions.

Jesus himself asserted that he was the Son of God – God manifested in human form, sent to redeem mankind.

Lewis, our attitude to Jesus may be summarized as follows: “he was either furious, wicked, or God.” He was either under the influence of illusion or deception, or he truly believed he was God.

For the very reason that he claimed to be more than a good teacher, it is hard to characterize him as such. After all, if we don’t accept his own statements about himself, why should we believe anything he says about anybody else?

Why did Jesus have to die?

The most straightforward explanation is that Jesus died because he was a radical thinker who upset the religious and political elites of his day, exposed their dishonesty, and sparked their envy – and as a result, was sentenced to death on a cross. That, however, is not the entire tale. It fails to acknowledge the reality that Jesus freely laid down his own life, and that no one took it away from him at that time. He gave his life so that we may live. He took on the nature of sin in order for us to be set free from it.

  1. (1 Peter 3:18, Revised Standard Version).
  2. It cost God the life of his own Son.
  3. They obstruct us from developing a meaningful relationship with God.
  4. That friendship is made possible by Jesus’ death on the cross in our place.

Why should I go to church?

The Church, according to public opinion, is out of date, obsolete, and even reactive in certain instances. The dreary lecture, the never-ending fundraising campaign, and the unkempt churchyard are all typical imagery. Indeed, churches serve as gathering places where God’s love may be felt in the warmth of the companionship and the vivacity of the worship services. People who come to our church are concerned about the society in which they live and serious in their desire to learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in this day and age.

  1. Regular attendance at church allows us to learn more about the Christian religion while also strengthening our devotion to God.
  2. It is far more beneficial to have the support and encouragement of others.
  3. There is no pressure / there is no follow-up / there is no charge.
  4. Alpha is a program for anybody who wants to learn more about the Christian religion, regardless of their background or views, and it is presently being offered in tens of thousands of churches of all denominations across the world.
  5. The nights begin with supper and feature a brief lecture on the Christian faith as well as an opportunity to ask questions about the presentation.

Check out the Alpha classes that are now being offered in the diocese, or go to the Alpha website to discover one in your area.

Why would anyone believe in Jesus?

“They don’t say anything to him despite the fact that he’s freely speaking! Is it possible that the authorities are fully aware that this is the Christ’s appearance?” – John 7:26 (KJV) Why should anyone put their faith in Jesus? As Jesus’ public career came to a close, the religious leaders of Israel sowed the seeds of doubt in the minds of their followers. The authorities had classified Jesus as a demoniac and a false prophet, and they were right to do so. The famous preacher and author Warren Wiersbe once stated, “It is far easier labeling and libeling individuals than it is to listen to what they have to say.” Having this kind of understanding is beneficial when it comes to listening to the Lord, as well as other people.

  • While His disciples were discouraged from believing in Him as a result of His actions, the Son of God continued to speak and sow seeds of faith in their hearts and minds.
  • Believe in Jesus because He is the Messiah who has been predicted.
  • In accordance with Micah 5:2, he was to be born in Bethlehem, reared in Nazareth (in accordance with Matthew 2:23), minister principally in Galilee (in accordance with 9:1-2), and in Jerusalem, he was to be crucified, resurrected, and ascension into Heaven (ref.
  • We all make mistakes in judgment from time to time, and minor mistakes may be corrected.
  • The biggest error someone can do is to pass judgment on Jesus incorrectly, as the Jews of His day did.
  • Believe in Jesus because He is the God-man, who has taken on human form.
  • It was never in his sermons that he stated anything that was in conflict with the Bible, scientific data, or the just sensitivities of mankind.

The indications that pointed to His divinity were genuine, organic, and verifiable miracles that brought about strong and good transformations that could only be brought about by God.

He opened the eyes of the blind, gave hearing to the deaf, and enabled the lame to walk.

Except for God, no one else is capable of such feats.

See also:  What Does Jesus Do In Yba

However, I am unable to, and you should not as well.

I would believe in him and do anything he asked of me.

Because Jesus Christ, the Son of God, proclaimed the perfect and pure word of God and touched people with the power of God, you should place your faith in Him.

He came to the planet in order to bring God to people and to draw people to God.

His home was not Galilee; it was His true home, which was above the world of sight and accessible only to those who were devoted to follow Him.

Pharisees and Sadducees are not allowed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Alternative or counterfeit religions, as opposed to authentic Christianity, do not have adherents who will get to Heaven.

Good individuals who reject the virtuous news, or gospel, of Jesus Christ will not enter the kingdom of heaven, no matter how good they are.

This is why you should put your faith in Him!

Using Christ’s teachings as a guide, “I Am the way, the truth, and the life; no one else can provide these things.

The gospel, on the other hand, is true; redemption is obtained solely via grace through trust in Christ alone.

Lake Hamilton Baptist Church in Hot Springs is led by Chuck DeVane, who is also its pastor.

Serving congregations in Arkansas and Georgia, and preaching the gospel all throughout the United States and other nations, he has a diverse range of experience. Send him an email at

How Can Smart People Still Believe in God?

How Can Intelligent People Maintain Their Faith in God? The topic of today’s show will be the subject of whether it is still feasible for intelligent, introspective individuals who are fully informed of 21st century science and completely aware of the atrocities of modernity to believe in a higher power. Clearly, the response is a resounding yes – drum roll, please – Many intelligent, analytical, scientifically aware individuals, it is clear, continue to believe in god. The good news (or the bad news, depending on your point of view) is that religious belief is not solely the province of anti-scientific, anti-modern fundamentalists who believe that every word, period, and colon in some sacred text – such as the Bible or the Koran – represents the only and authoritative truth about just about everything.

  • We did something similar from the other side of the road a short distance back.
  • This one may be thought of as offering equal attention to both theists and non-theists.
  • It should be enjoyable – a pleasant way to spend a Sunday morning, maybe.
  • As a philosopher, I prefer to base my opinions on either firsthand experience or reasoned reasoning, rather than on speculation.
  • And I’d like to believe that if it were definitively established that a belief of mine could not be true, I would more or less spontaneously abandon that belief, more or less without feeling any regret, remorse, or wishful thinking of any type.
  • Only if one is sure that one’s belief in the existence of god can be substantiated by either reasoned argument or firsthand experience should one choose to believe in god.
  • There are several reasons for and against design: the ontological argument, arguments for and against fine-tuning, and so forth.

There isn’t a single one of them that I can see as being reasonably persuasive.

In my honest view, if you begin with a negative attitude toward god and attempt to argue your way to positive belief by appealing to any of the classic philosophical arguments, you will not be able to make it all the way to positive belief.

The very worst that can be stated about them is that they are all manifestly false and incapable of persuading sensible people to believe in the presence of a deity or higher power.

But here’s the thing: there’s a catch.

Because I don’t believe that I’ve ever encountered a single person who has been persuaded to change their mind about anything because a classic philosophical argument has failed, or who has been persuaded to change their mind about something because that argument has succeeded.

Some of them, at least, are.

Where does one get their faith in reasonable, educated, introspective, scientifically informed thinking individuals in the present period, then?

One of my dear friends occasionally expresses himself in this manner concerning God.

He had lately traveled to Guatamala, I believe, to assist his church in the construction of several houses for the desperately impoverished people who reside in a rural town in that country.

I believe that many Christians have ideas along these lines.

When I got the closest to having genuine faith in my own life, it was because my then fiancée, who was a devoted Christian, was a radiantly good person.

Indeed, her religious convictions played a role in inspiring her to do a great deal of good and compassion in the world.

I eventually realized that despite my admiration for her goodness and desire to emulate it to the small extent that I was able, I could not bring myself to believe as she did – no amount of argument or experience could persuade me to believe as she did – and that, while she may have sensed god’s presence in the world and perceived herself as responding to it with goodness and caring, she was unable to convince me that god was present as well.

Perhaps it is simply the way things are.

And there isn’t much that can be done to help another person cross the border.

Even if I had been a Jew in Hitler’s concentration camp, or if I had been an innocent, peaceful, and devout Shia Muslim in Saddam’s Iraq, or if I had been any other kind of peace-loving believer in today’s chaotic and deadly Iraq, I would have wished for more signs of god’s presence, as well as for more signs of his love and wisdom.

  1. Even believers, however, must acknowledge that, on occasion, in the darkest hour, in the hour of greatest need, the voice of God is silenced, his hand is stilled, and his face is obscured as though by a thick veil of darkness.
  2. Despite this, they continue to believe.
  3. Some people turn to pure faith, which is not based on reason or firsthand experience in any way.
  4. That, I believe, is a desperate act motivated solely by desperation.
  5. Some believers may decide to adopt a quasi-fictionalist perspective at this stage.
  6. God, according to Wettstein, is a form of “cosmic spouse.” He regards positing a deity as a method of infusing purpose into one’s existence.
  7. In Wettstein’s opinion, it is preferable to live under the false pretense of participating in a cosmic drama rather than under the false pretense of living a completely useless existence in a cosmos utterly devoid of significance.
  8. Nonetheless, I question if mere pretense is sufficient to infuse our lives with purpose if this is not already the case in our lives.
  9. I’m not going to pretend that I have the solutions to all of these questions.

In addition, it’s almost 7:30 p.m., and I have to be in the studio in an hour and a half. So I’d best call it a day at this point. I believe we will have a lot to talk about today. Phil is a person who is both vivacious and serious. So it should be a good time. We’ll see you shortly.

Why Do Christians Believe Jesus Was Raised From the Dead?

What leads people to think that Jesus was risen from the dead is a mystery. It is a question that is important in terms of history, politics, and social issues. Whether or whether you agree with those who believe He did, it may be one of the most significant issues you seek an answer to in your life. It’s a question that has the power to alter lives, societies, and even kingdoms. It’s commendable of you to inquire. Christians are preparing for Christian festivals such as Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter during the time this article is being published.

  • The tale of Easter, if you haven’t heard it, revolves on the belief that God brought His Son, Jesus, to Earth in order to eventually give up His flawless life in exchange for the flawed lives of those who would choose to follow Him.
  • There have been billions of mathematicians and presidents and artists and scientists and plumbers and evolutionists and creationists and cat owners and yoga teachers and country music enthusiasts and other individuals who have lived their whole lives with Jesus at the heart of their lives.
  • What kind of life should I lead?
  • What is it that causes so many people to believe in Jesus’ resurrection?
  • It’s been questioned and written about by people who have spent a significant amount of their life thinking about it.
  • Paul was a zealous opponent of the tale of Jesus, and he murdered anyone who held it in high regard.
  • However, it wasn’t simply biblical writers that were influenced.
  • The overwhelming majority of experts believe that Jesus did, in fact, live and was crucified on the cross.
  • Obviously, many Christians, including philosophers, scientists, and academics such as Robert Boyle, Blaise Pascal, C.S.
  • Wright, and a slew of others, believe that Jesus not only existed, but that He was crucified and risen from the dead.
  • The tale of Jesus’ resurrection began to be repeated in the city where he lived, died, and was buried almost soon after his death. There are several tales that Jesus was buried in a tomb that was discovered empty by women, which is perhaps the least logical spot to try to pull a fast one. An embellished myth would have been considerably more popular in a devalued society if it had named credible men as the first to uncover the empty tomb
  • Nevertheless, this would have been impossible. In fact, there is a little difference between the biblical versions of the finding of the empty tomb, showing that there was not a well-planned collaboration among Jesus’ supporters. The tomb was a short walk away, so anyone might have gone there and verified for themselves whether or not the tomb was empty before recording their findings for historical purposes. The first objections to Jesus’ resurrection are based on the hypothesis of a stolen body, which confirms the existence of an empty tomb. If Jesus’ body had been taken, both Jewish and Roman authorities would have had compelling reasons to locate it and/or bring those responsible to justice if it had been stolen. An insurrection of Jesus’ disciples would have been put down if such a finding had been made. Despite this, there are no reports of a corpse being discovered
  • Rather, the disciples and early Church leaders describe spending time with Jesus in corporeal form following his resurrection. Paul summarizes these reports in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, where he also mentions Jesus appearing to 500 people
  • After Jesus was arrested, many of His closest followers hid and even denied Him in order to save their lives
  • After Jesus was arrested, many of His closest followers hid and even denied Jesus in order to save their lives. Afterwards, after having witnessed firsthand Jesus’ resurrection, these same disciples totally altered their direction and ultimately dedicated their lives to help spread His message. It is only because of this abrupt, otherwise unexplained turn toward boldness that the Bible and the Christian Church of today have survived.
See also:  Where In The Bible Does It Talk About Jesus Birth

Okay, but what about the scientific community? These are sociological and historical arguments in support of the resurrection of Jesus from the grave. What about the scientific evidence of today? The absence of a body is the closest thing we have to conclusive proof. Some believe that the body of such a significant human being would have been preserved by history. However, that does not constitute scientific evidence supporting the transformation of human death into human life. Professor Ian Hutchinson of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) proposes that the resurrection is not a scientific assertion that can be confirmed or disproven, but rather a supernatural claim that may be believed or disbelieved.

  • This may be the place where many people have reservations.
  • When the sun rises in the morning like it should, my grass flourishes as a result.
  • The grass clippings then die and decompose, becoming part of the soil.
  • Scientific rules appear to follow themselves with the same consistency as our breathing.
  • The resurrection of Jesus, and what it means for humanity, is a powerful message against the natural progression of life toward death, and instead offers the possibility of living toward eternal life.
  • So, what gives us reason to believe that Jesus was risen from the dead?
  • Two well-known philosophers can provide light on the situation.
  • Einstein, who wonderfully assisted in the discovery of the physics that eventually led to the development of the nuclear weapon, stated that the actual difficulty lay not in the technology, but in the hearts and minds of men and women.

In recent years, there has been an overemphasis on legalistic and procedural concerns: “It is far simpler to denature plutonium than it is to denature the wicked spirit of man.” When British mathematician and atheist Bertrand Russell observed, “It is in our hearts that evil resides, and it is from our souls that it must be plucked out,” he was distilling the truth even more succinctly.

  • He has denatured our souls and expelled evil from the most insidious corners of our beings and lives.
  • People are likely to believe that Jesus was risen from the dead not just because the tomb was empty, but also because the closer we get to Him, the less empty the world feels.
  • We believe that Jesus rose from the dead because every step we take toward following Him is a step backwards in the natural progression of death.
  • So it’s possible that death can be transformed into life.
  • Many followers of Jesus may relate to this.
  • The fact that so many of us are walking about with profound joy, hope, love, peace, kindness for others, and liberation from addiction is living proof of Jesus’ life-giving death on the cross for us all.
  • He cares for us.
  • You will encounter things such as: healing; children; suffering; jobs; sunsets; mistakes; mountains; funerals; prayers; laughter; and a life spent experiencing the palpable, wonderful, death-reversing love of Jesus.

But, listen up: no one expects you to think Jesus was resurrected from the dead because of someone else’s experience any more than we want you to believe because Mary Magdalene encountered Him at an empty tomb, or just because our pastor, or anybody else, provided a compelling argument for you to do so.

  • The possibility that God is the one who created this planet and all of its scientific advancements.
  • Blaise Pascal was a French philosopher who lived in the 18th century.
  • He was a French mathematician who lived 400 years earlier than we did in relation to the life of Jesus.
  • If you win, you win everything; if you lose, you lose absolutely nothing.
  • Simply pray this prayer in your heart or out loud: “God, I know I’ve let a lot of death into my life.
  • I need Your grace.
  • Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for me.

Thank You for raising Him back to life. I’m ready to put an end to all the death in me and start living for You. In Jesus’ name, amen.” If you prayed this prayer or you just want to know more,let a real person know. We’d love to hear about your wager.

A Majority Of Americans Think Jesus Is A Great Teacher Yet Reject His Claims To Be God

/PRNewswire/ – ORLANDO, Fla., August 27, 2020 /PRNewswire/ – According to a recent poll, 52 percent of respondents in the United States believe that Jesus was nothing more than a wonderful teacher. However, if the claim that Jesus was God was untrue, then He was either insane or deceitful; in any case, He could not have been a wonderful teacher. Every two years, Ligonier Ministries conducts the State of Theology poll, which yields important insights into how Americans view God and truth as well as the Bible, worship, and ethical problems.

  1. After the 8th of September, the complete findings of the 2020 poll will be published online at TheStateofTheology.com.
  2. Over the course of history, detractors have disputed this assertion, arguing that Jesus was simply a brilliant teacher who accomplished little else.
  3. Evangelical Christians have always acknowledged the authority of the Bible as well as the redemption provided by Jesus Christ.
  4. 9:5; Heb.
  5. However, while it may not come as a surprise that the vast majority of the general public in the United States does not believe that Jesus is God, nearly a third of evangelicals (30 percent) now believe that Jesus was simply a brilliant teacher.
  6. Ligonier Ministries’ chief academic officer, Dr.
  7. At a time when the culture around us is gradually abandoning its moral compass, some evangelicals are unfortunately slipping away from God’s ultimate norm as set forth in Scripture.

This is a moment for Christians to be diligent in their study of Scripture, to connect with people in our culture with confidence, and to speak boldly to the identity and redeeming work of Jesus Christ as revealed in the gospel.” Ligonier Ministries has developed the Ligonier Statement on Christology in order to assist Christians in communicating the Bible’s teaching on the person and work of Jesus Christ in an accurate and straightforward manner.

This declaration is available for reading and downloading at ChristologyStatement.com, where it is available in twenty written languages.

The study was conducted between March 10 and March 18, 2020.

More material may be accessed on the website TheStateofTheology.comon a regular basis. The 8th of September. People who strongly agreed with the following four assertions were classified as evangelicals according to LifeWay Research, which conducted the study.

  • What I believe is based on the Bible, which I feel is the ultimate authority. As a believer, it is extremely vital for me to urge non-Christians to place their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior
  • Jesus Christ’s death on a cross is, without a doubt, the only sacrifice that can eliminate the punishment of my sin. Only those who place their faith in Jesus Christ alone as their Savior are eligible to accept God’s free gift of eternal salvation
  • Everyone else does not.

Ligonier Ministries is a Christian organization. Ligonier Ministries exists to proclaim, teach, and defend the holiness of God in all of its completeness to as many people as possible, and to do it in the most effective and efficient way. In order to do this, Ligonier’s reach today is extensive and global. Ligonier’s teaching fellowship, which was established in 1971 by Dr. R.C. Sproul, is comprised of theologians, pastors, and scholars. Ligonier produces hundreds of instructional programs, including theRenewing Your Mindbroadcasts, theReformation Study Bible, Tabletalkmagazine, and books published by the Reformation Trust.

Aside from these activities, Ligonier organizes national and regional conferences, offers an online learning community throughLigonier Connect, broadcasts 24-hour Christian Internet radio throughRefNet, provides biblical and theological answers throughAsk Ligonier, undertakes numerous translation projects in other countries, and makes thousands of unique educational resources available online atLigonier, among other things.


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